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Monstera is a beautiful plant with dark green leaves that look like palm branches. Monstera can often be found in administrative buildings, offices and schools, a tropical plant is not whimsical and does not require special attention.

All this makes the process of growing a flower simple and exciting, and, moreover, answers the frequent question “is it possible to grow monstera at home?”. How to grow a monster, you will learn from this article.

Growing a plant

To grow a plant, you must have a seedling pot, universal soil or special soil for monstera, a container of water, mineral fertilizers and flowerpots. When all the preparations are ready, you can proceed to the direct process.

The monstera stalk is rooted for further transplantation and placed in water. The plant takes root in a fairly short time, as a rule, within 25-30 days after rooting, it can already be transplanted into a seedling pot with soil.

Waiting for the roots to get stronger and ready for transplanting

The pot should not be small, as the monstera grows very quickly, but you should not immediately purchase a pot of the maximum size. In order for the monstera to feel comfortable, for the first 2-4 years it needs to be transplanted annually, each time using a larger pot.

Immediately after transplantation, the monstera is watered with warm water with mineral fertilizers.

Monster Care Rules

In order to know how to grow a large monstera, you need to learn the rules for caring for a tropical green beauty. First of all, when growing a plant, you need to monitor the temperature of the room in which the monstera grows.

Do not forget to clean the leaves from dust, dirt and microbes once a month, the plant noticeably comes to life after that

The air temperature should not be less than 16-18 degrees Celsius. Considering that the tropics are the birthplace of the plant, it will not be superfluous to provide it with comfortable air humidity. If the air in the house is often dry, you should spray monstera leaves with room temperature water and regularly take care of watering it.

The plant should be watered with warm water, previously settled for 2 days.

Monstera loves well-lit areas, but does not tolerate direct sunlight on leaves and stems, because diffused light prevails in the tropics. For the comfortable existence of the plant and its successful growth, it is necessary to simulate such lighting. The best option would be to place the monstera pot in partial shade.

Do not forget to tie up (these are the fruits of the plant)

In the process of monstera growth, its succulent leaves and stems can attract the attention of some pests. To ensure the safety of the plant, it should be sprayed with insecticides. Leaves can be cleaned with a soapy sponge.

The plant can be propagated from March to June. For reproduction, part of the stem and two leaves are separated from the monstera, their sections are lightly sprinkled with charcoal, and then transplanted into pots.


Monstera delicacy is rarely used as a fruit in our country. The fruits are very slow to ripen, and unripe fruits are poisonous, but when the fruit is ripe it has an edible whitish-yellow flesh.

Ripe fruits have a combination of banana and pineapple flavors. Monstera fruits are served as a dessert.

Summing up

Now you know how to grow a monstera at home and know the rules for caring for this tropical plant. Although such care may seem like a lot of work, when you do it, you will get a chic flower with luxurious leaves that will decorate your interior, as well as make the air in the apartment clean and fresh.

Europeans saw this beautiful liana with carved leaves in the tropical jungles of South America and immediately dubbed it a monster, a monster. So she entered our homes under this name, adding the letter “e” to it along the way.

How to ensure the care and reproduction of monstera at home, we will describe below.

Monstera in nature - plant description

Monstera is a large tropical plant, an evergreen liana, of the Aroid family. Its native habitat is the equatorial part of America, to be more precise - Brazil and Mexico. Later, she was brought to India and successfully settled down there.

Monstera can grow up to 20 meters in length, clinging to trees. Throughout the trunk of the vine, you can see descending aerial roots. The leaves of the monstera are large, up to 90 centimeters, often pinnately dissected and perforated. Monstera blooms on the cob, forming a completely edible berry.

It should be noted that some monster species have poisonous leaves, so a person who has eaten a piece of a plant can get a mucosal burn or poisoning.

The discovery of monstera by Europeans is closely connected with the legend of killer plants. In those distant times, people saw the skeletons of animals and people in the forests, pierced through and through by the aerial roots of this giant liana. And the imagination painted a picture of how the plant kills all life with its tentacles, although in fact, the roots sprouted through the skeletonized remains. Perhaps that is why she received the name monstera (monstrum), which in Latin means a monster.

In the XVIII century, the plant moved to Europe and began to win the hearts of people and a place in their homes. Then, together with the British colonies, it came to India and spread further to the east.

Now monstera is a favorite houseplant. The variety of species allows you to choose a tropical vine of almost any size: both for a small room or living room, and for a greenhouse.

To grow successfully in a room, it needs diffused light, high humidity and support for growth.

Very often in stores they sell us a monster like a philodendron and vice versa. Indeed, young plants are very difficult to distinguish from each other, and until 1763 it was one genus of Philodendron. Both species are aroid, both are vines with feathery leaves, they bloom the same, but there is still a difference. Philodendron on the cut secretes milky juice of red, orange, yellow color, sometimes the juice is colorless, but under the influence of air it becomes brown.

Species and varieties with names

Depending on the room where you want to grow a tropical vine, you can purchase different types. For tall and spacious greenhouses, the following varieties are well suited: Adanson, oblique, gourmet. For the home, choose more compact vines: delicacy, its variety of monstera Alba, Borziga, thin.

Monstera is delicious. The second name is attractive. The most popular type for indoor cultivation. At a young age, her leaves are whole, in the shape of a heart, and in an adult plant they grow up to 60 cm in diameter and are strongly dissected. In room conditions, monstera delicacy does not grow above three meters, and in greenhouses and in nature - 12 meters. With proper care, it blooms with a large cob, the length of which is 25 centimeters and a width of 20 centimeters. After pollination, a berry fruit appears, which ripens for several months and tastes like pineapple.

Monstera variegate, she is Monstera Alba. A variety of delicacy, but with variegated white leaves. It grows slowly, makes high demands on light and top dressing. Selling Dutch specimens often lose their variegation and become ordinary delicacy monsters.

Monster Borsig. Very common in Mexico, the leaves are medium-sized pinnate, up to 30 cm in diameter, good for the room. Compared to the delicacy monstera, it has thinner stems and grows well. Almost all Dutch plants are of the Borsiga variety.

Monstera Adanson (pierced, full of holes). An eight-meter liana with ovate leaves 25–55 centimeters long and 20 to 40 centimeters wide. The leaf plate is closed with oval and round holes, unequal, expanding towards the petiole. It rarely blooms in the room, with a narrow cob up to 12 centimeters in length.

Monstera oblique. It also has the names: monstera expilata and monstera crescent. An inhabitant of the humid forests of Brazil and Guiana. The leaves are oval, long and narrow, which, due to the dry air in the room, can become very small, which makes the plant look unkempt. The best place to grow is a humid greenhouse. It is there that the internodes become short, and the leaves grow up to 25 centimeters in length with a 15-centimeter width.

Monstera thin. A small vine with openwork leaves. It grows very slowly and even an adult does not exceed 150 centimeters. The leaf unfolds whole, heart-shaped, but eventually becomes openwork. On one plant, leaves can simultaneously be in different stages: both whole and dissected, different in length and width. It looks very impressive, unpretentious, but rarely found on sale.

Photo gallery - monster varieties

Monstera color - cob with a white spathe Variegated leaves have white parts on the leaf plate
Monstera needs support When purchasing a monstera, remember that it grows both up and in breadth. She needs a lot of free space. In warm countries, monstera can be grown on Monstera oblique street with its oval holes.
Monstera delicacy (tasty) is most common in indoor floriculture Very rare monstera variability - yellow leaves

Since the homeland of the creeper is the humid tropics, for successful cultivation and the greatest decorative effect, you need to create just such conditions: humidity, diffused light and heat, and then, with proper care, the monstera will live with you for several decades.

Planting and transplanting monstera

It is not always possible to take a monstera offshoot from friends, then you have to buy it in a store. Instances can be different: from small, recently rooted cuttings to adult plants of 2 meters. Therefore, after the purchase, the monstera transplant should be approached individually.

Young plants develop very quickly, deplete the entire volume of soil in just a year, so they have to be replanted every spring with replacing the pot with a larger one.

Adult plants are transplanted every 2-3 years, and every spring they must change the topsoil, which is easily removed by hand.

Huge vines under the ceiling are usually planted in large flower pots and tubs, so even once every 5 years it is not easy to transplant them. But often such old monsters become ugly due to the exposure of the stem, the presence of a large number of aerial roots and a few leaves at the top. In this case, the monster should be rejuvenated: cut off the entire aerial part, cut into cuttings so that each piece has an air root, and immediately plant it in separate containers.


The choice of pot size and its material depends on the plant. The larger the monster, the larger the capacity for planting, and preferably the heavier. Therefore, they often use not plastic, but clay or wood. For a small cutting with two or three leaves, a pot with a volume of at least five liters is used, and for adult gourmet monsters, about 15–20 liters. It is important not to plant a small cutting immediately in a large pot, as acidification of the soil is possible.


Use a slightly acidic nutrient soil, you can prepare it like this:

  • 2 parts of sod land, 1 part of peat, 1 part of biohumus or compost, 1 part of river pebbles or small expanded clay, 1 part of pine bark
  • 2 parts soddy soil, 1 part leaf humus, 1 part biohumus, 1 part vermiculite, 1 part coconut substrate
  • 2 parts ready-made commercial soil for palm trees or philodendrons, 1 part biohumus, 1 part vermiculite, 1 part coconut fiber or pine bark

If you decide to use sand, then be sure to take coarse.

The finished soil should be porous and nutritious.

How to transplant an adult plant

When transplanting a plant with soil replacement, proceed in the following sequence:

Transplantation of an adult plant with a large earthy clod is best done together.

Video - transplanting into a larger pot

Monstera in the interior

It is very important to understand that a huge heavy vine will grow from a small compact bush sold in a store, and it grows both up and in breadth. Often, to reduce the amount of space occupied, she is given supports.

In nature, the monstera climbs up the tree, it makes no sense to put tree branches in the rooms, it is better to use special tubes wrapped in coconut fiber.

But the best option is to make the support yourself from a plastic pipe with a cross section of 2–3 cm. A thick layer of sphagnum moss is wound around it, which perfectly retains moisture and will be an additional source of water for monstera aerial roots.

A layer of plastic coarse mesh 1 * 1 cm is wound on a stick with moss and fixed with wire or fishing line.

You can make a support from a large diameter plastic pipe, drill a lot of holes for the roots on the side, and put moss inside the stick. For good stability, this support should be installed on a cross and fixed in a pot even before planting.

Monstera is often installed on stands, placed on a table or cabinets.

Photo gallery - a plant in the interior

Large specimens are best placed on a stand with wheels. Monstera needs a strong support.

How to care for a monstera at home

Monstera is quite unpretentious in care, only variegated forms require improved conditions.

Watering and feeding

Despite the fact that the monstera loves high humidity, it should not be watered often. The soil in the pot should dry out on top. Due to a small wax coating, the leaves do not evaporate much moisture. When wintering monstera on an insulated balcony, it is watered after most of the earthy coma dries out.

It is desirable to use warm, settled or rain water.

With annual transplants of young plants into fertile soil, the monstera can not be fed, but adult plants in which the soil does not change really need mineral and organic substances. Use liquid organic and mineral top dressings 2 times a month in the warm season.

Very large old plants are additionally sprayed with fertilizer on the leaf, diluting them according to the directions on the label.

In winter, the monstera can continue to be fed only if it is kept in a warm room and there is enough light for it, the new leaves are as large as the summer ones. If the leaves become smaller and lighter, then the plant should be rearranged closer to the light source or illuminated with lamps.


Most often, delicacy monsters bloom in the rooms. But for this it is necessary to create optimal conditions for its growth.

Monstera flower - an ear with a white or cream pericarp.

After flowering, the veil of the flower falls off and the cob becomes green. It matures in 8 to 10 months. In exotic countries, monstera gourmet fruits are sold in local markets.

Eating an unripe fruit is very dangerous, as you can get poisoned, and a ripe berry of an exotic creeper tastes like pineapple. It is also desirable to eat it with a fork, piercing individual grains, like an ordinary corn on the cob.

The monstera fruit will tell about ripeness itself: green scales will fall off.

rest period

In the wild, monstera does not have a certain dormant period. However, in apartments, especially in the northern parts of the country, where daylight hours are sharply shortened in autumn and winter and the brightness of the sun decreases, the temperature of the monstera should be reduced. It is optimal to keep it at 18–20 degrees, while reducing the number of waterings. This is done so that new leaves do not appear too often and do not stretch out, because with a lack of lighting they become smaller, and the internodes increase. If you have a sunny winter or a monstera is in a greenhouse, where the same temperature and day length are maintained all year round, then care in winter is no different from summer.

crown formation

It will not work to get a lush monstera bush from one shoot. It stubbornly grows upwards and if there is no support, then it spreads along the surface. If the vine has grown and the lower part of the stem is bare, then you can cut off the crown with an aerial root and root it, and the remaining trunk can give new side shoots.

If several monstera cuttings are planted in one pot at once, a more lush vine will grow than usual. But she also needs support and a guide garter.

In nature, monstera clings to trees with aerial roots and leaf cuttings. In addition, aerial roots absorb moisture from the air and additionally feed the vine, and when they reach the ground, they grow into it.

In rooms, aerial roots are advised to be tied with wet moss or sent to a support with soil (if such was used) or to a bottle of water.

Never cut aerial roots.

Monster care mistakes - table

The most common care mistakes lead to the appearance of whole sheets, their grinding, yellowing.

Small leaves, no slitslack of lightFreshly opened leaves are always whole, but if cuts and holes do not appear on them over time, move the monstera to a brighter place.
Mass yellowing of leaves with simultaneous loss of turgor (elasticity)Overflow, possible root rotLoosen the plant, transfer to a warm room in winter. When the stems wither, the crown and branches should be re-rooted.
Gradually yellowing of the leaves from the tipLack of nutritionFeed with liquid fertilizer.
Yellowing of the leaves and the appearance of dry patches,Overdrying the earthy comaFeel the soil in the pot. If it is very dry, increase the frequency of watering.
Brown spots along the entire edge of the leaf in old plantsPotassium deficiencyTransplant the plant or feed with potash fertilizers.
Transparent leaves turning brown laterSunburnProtect from direct sunlight.
Monstera does not grow, the leaves falllack of lightOften found in winter at the northern windows. Move to another lighter window or illuminate with lamps.
The leaves turn brown, resemble paperLack of moisture in the airSpray the plants more often or install a humidifier.
"Weeping" leavesOverflow, excess moisture in the airDroplets of water accumulate on the tips of the leaves in cloudy weather before rain, and also after heavy watering.
The variegation disappearslack of lightIn a monster with a white-green color, due to a lack of light, pure green leaves may appear, so these varieties are placed only in a well-lit place.

Monstera diseases and pests - table

ShchitovkaSmall brown insects, rounded in the form of a shield, resemble a 1–2 mm growth on leaves and stems. A leaf affected by a scale insect turns pale and dries out.The leaves are wiped with a soapy sponge, pests are removed by picking up a needle. In case of severe damage, an actara solution is made (8 grams per 10 liters of water) and monstera is sprayed.
Small insect 1–2 mm long, thin, jumps very well and lives in small groups. A leaf affected by thrips is covered with silvery translucent spots, black excrement is visible on the reverse side.Use fitoverm, actara, decis. Dilute as directed and apply at least 2 sprays every 5-7 days.
spider miteA small spider that wraps its web around the internodes, sucking the juices out of the plant. The leaf is covered with small yellow spots.With a small lesion and a small size of the plant, it is better to take baths with soapy water (closing the soil from soap), a large plant is usually treated with anti-mite preparations: Appolo, Antiklesh, Vermitek.
Shaggy white bugs, massively accumulating on the petioles of the leaves, are very similar to cotton wool. The leaves are twisted, the plant withers.The worms are removed with a cotton swab or a disc dipped in alcohol, the plant is treated with Aktara.

Monstera is practically not affected by diseases. The main reasons for the deterioration of the condition of the plant are associated with violations of care: dry air and soil, lack of light or excess moisture. With good care, the monstera does not get sick, but pests do not bypass it.

Photo gallery - diseases and pests, care errors

Mealybug on the plant looks like white cotton wool Leaf damaged by spider mites Monstera leaf damaged by thrips

Today we will talk about how to grow such a spectacular plant as monstera at home. The reproduction of this tropical giant sometimes causes some difficulties, but in fact there is nothing complicated here. We will consider the features of care and some subtleties, thanks to which, in your home, a monstera, amazing in its size and beauty, will soon show off. There are a large number of myths that say that it is impossible to keep this plant at home. However, all this is nothing more than speculation and "horror stories" that should not be taken seriously.

Where did this name come from

For the first time, researchers met this amazing plant in the rainforests of South America. It is not difficult to imagine what the first thing that came to their mind was when they saw a 30-meter liana with huge carved leaves and thick creeping stems resembling snakes, up to 20 cm in diameter. . In the twilight of the jungle, its rugged leaves resemble amazing masks. As a result, the only possible name is born - a monster. Then dark energy, a mortal danger in the form of poisonous fumes, begin to be added to this name. In fact, this plant is not at all dangerous and at the same time very attractive, and therefore today we will take a closer look at what a monstera is. Reproduction of a stunning vine is a separate issue.

plant location

In room conditions, it does not grow as large as in the tropics, and aerial roots neatly tied and stuck into the moss do not cause unpleasant associations in anyone. But still, you need to think carefully about exactly where your monstera will grow. Reproduction occurs with the help of cuttings and aerial roots, so getting yourself a layering will not be difficult. For 3-4 years, a large liana can take up half the room, which means that a spacious veranda or a large hall is best suited for growing it. If you have a small apartment, then it is better to choose a smaller philodendron.


Since many people confuse these two related plants, monstera is often placed in deep shade. She needs minimal care, and based on this, the plant is left to itself. However, unlike the Philodendron, which tolerates shade easily but will grow in brighter light, Monstera loves the light. It is best to choose a place with diffused lighting or light partial shade. A good choice for placing a flower would be the space between windows, preferably east or west. If the lighting is chosen correctly, then soon you will have a large and bright monstera. Caring for it is simple, but it is not recommended to change the place of an adult plant. The lighting to which it is accustomed will be ideal for it. Therefore, it is better to decide on a place for a plant in advance.

Temperature and watering

Let's continue the conversation about what conditions the monstera plant likes. The optimum temperature for it is +25 degrees. It actively begins to grow at a temperature of +16. In winter, you need to withstand milder conditions so that the plant rests. Ideal would be +16 ... +18 degrees, although for some time you can keep the monster at 10-12 degrees.

Since the monstera plant is tropical, it needs good watering. It should be especially plentiful in spring and summer, it is advisable to use soft, settled water. Watering is necessary when the top layer of the substrate dries. With excessive watering, the plant begins to "cry", excess liquid appears as drops on the leaves. But the drying of an earthen coma is unacceptable.

Air humidity

Monstera at home most often suffers from excessive dryness of the air. The central heating system least of all resembles the climate of the tropical jungle, where the heat is somewhat muffled by the abundance of vegetation around, but damp evaporation constantly rises. To prevent aerial roots from suffering, you need to spray them regularly. The soil must be overlaid with a layer of sphagnum moss, which must be moistened periodically. In addition, a special hollow tube filled with peat is installed in a monstera pot. It serves to support a large creeper, as in the jungle it clings to trees. Peat also needs to be moistened periodically to mimic natural conditions.

Plant nutrition

Adult specimens require regular fertilization, as a large vine needs food. From March to August, it is necessary to fertilize with complex mineral and organic fertilizers approximately every two weeks. Without this, the growth of the plant slows down greatly, and the decorative effect is also lost. The leaves lose their delicacy, usually with a lack of nutrients, they are small and whole. Young, just planted plants do not need additional feeding, fresh soil is quite capable of providing a seedling. Starting from the end of August, fertilization should be stopped, as some rest period is necessary.

Reproduction and transplant

This stunningly beautiful vine cannot be planted immediately in a large pot, as such planting will slow down development. On the contrary, a pot that is only slightly larger than the root system activates its growth, development and even flowering. Therefore, depending on age, the plant is transplanted at different intervals. Up to three years, this is once a year, usually in the spring. The diameter of the pot each time should be slightly larger than the previous one. By the age of 3-4, the monstera reaches an impressive size, now a transplant is required only once every two years. And finally, by the age of five, the plant reaches full maturity, it can be transplanted once every 5-6 years. Do not forget that regardless of age, transshipment is carried out every year, that is, the top layer of soil in the pot is removed and a new one is filled up.

Reproduction of a giant liana

The most exotic way in our conditions can be considered seed propagation. It is not easy to find them, there is simply nowhere to collect them, since the liana does not bloom at home, and it is quite difficult to get greenhouses. Even if you find seeds on sale, you will have to wait a long time. Seedlings appear 2-4 weeks after sowing. Now the seedlings can be opened and provided with regular picking, watering and care. After 2 years, the plants already have a well-developed root system and 2-4 adult, juvenile leaves.

Using layering or cuttings

This is the most popular method, since planting material can be found quite easily, especially if your friends have an adult plant. By spring, the plant sometimes gives a layer from the root, then when transshipping (replacing the top layer of the earth), it is enough to separate it from the main root and plant it in a new pot. If there are no root layers, this is not a cause for concern, soon you will have a monstera. Propagation by cuttings occurs in May or June. At this time, lateral processes appear in the lower part of the trunk, which can be safely cut and rooted. Also, pieces of the stem, most often the top of the plant, can be used as material.

So, you have a lateral layer or a piece of stem with one or two leaves. Slices should be sprinkled with crushed charcoal and allowed to dry. Then they are planted in separate pots for rooting. The substrate consists of a drainage layer, peat soil and 2-3 cm of coarse sand. It is desirable that the temperature be maintained at 20-25 degrees. Watering is required in the morning and evening. It is best if rooted cuttings or cuttings have several air roots.

Aerial roots are another way to get a new plant.

Many aerial roots hanging from the plant serve as an additional source of moisture, and are also used by the plant for support. However, without support, a large vine will not be able to stand straight. In the jungle, it uses trees as a support, or it can simply grow in a creeping way along the ground. Propagating monstera with aerial roots takes a little longer, but you will end up with a new plant without having to cut off parts from the mother plant. To do this, you need to wrap several aerial roots (the uppermost, young and white ones) tightly with wet moss, tie them with twine and tie them to the trunk. Soon many roots will form and young leaves will appear. A new plant must be planted in a pot so that the roots and cut are covered with earth. This method has an extremely favorable effect on the mother plant, its old stems will soon form new side shoots.

The main problems in growing

This is a tropical plant that needs to create the appropriate conditions for life. Often flower growers face some difficulties. It happens that the growth of the plant stops and the trunk is exposed. Most often this is due to the fact that he does not have enough light. It happens that an adult monstera lives with a person, the small leaves of which are not at all like luxurious carved plates. The reason is most likely a lack of lighting or a lack of nutrients. With age, the bottom of the trunk is most often exposed, this is normal, but if the leaves become dry and brown before falling off, then the reason is too high air temperature.

Yellow and faded leaves indicate a lack of nutrition, purchase a complex fertilizer and, with the beginning of spring, apply it to the soil at intervals of 1-2 weeks. By autumn, your liana will turn bright green, and new leaves will please with their size. If the leaves begin to "cry", then this indicates excessive watering. This can lead to root rot, so you need to stop in time.

Monstera, or philodendron, is a beautiful ornamental plant that has a large number of aerial roots and beautiful shiny leaves. The unique properties of this plant are associated with the ability to predict rain. Before the appearance of precipitation, large drops can be seen on the leaves of this plant. However, the monstera is associated with a large number of myths and legends. For example, many people are convinced that this plant should not be grown at home.

Why can't you keep a monstera at home?

Many believe that the plant is able to absorb energy. This has certain advantages and disadvantages. If you place a pot in the bedroom, you may encounter a negative effect. At the same time, many people believe in signs that the monstera successfully heals - just lie down a little near the plant.

This flower should be grown in rooms where a negative atmosphere reigns. Thanks to the monster, it will be possible to improve the energy in the room. If everything is fine and calm in your house, it is better to refuse to grow a plant.

It is also not recommended to keep the flower in the bedroom due to the fact that it consumes oxygen and produces carbon dioxide at night. In fact, most signs and myths are related to the appearance of the flower. Thanks to its large leaves and curved roots, the monstera resembles a mystical plant.

Growing monstera at home

Watering and fertilizing

Since Monstera has rather large leaves, the area for evaporation of moisture is quite large. Because the flower needs regular moisture. To do this, it must be constantly sprayed with water at room temperature. Of no small importance is the control of the condition of the leaves. If dust accumulates on them, it must be removed with a soft cloth.

Monstera should be watered systematically, especially in spring and summer. In this case, watering should be plentiful enough and carried out after the top layer of the earth has dried. Monstera needs to be watered with settled water.

In autumn, the number of waterings must be reduced, and in winter this must be done a couple of days after the earth has dried. Although the plant is very fond of water, it should still be watered sparingly. An excess amount of moisture will also negatively affect the state of the monstera, as well as its deficiency.

Monstera fertilizer is of no small importance. You need to make special funds in spring and summer, and they do it a couple of times a month. In this case, it is worth feeding only an adult flower, while young plants do not require fertilizer. For monstera, it is worth choosing products from organics and minerals.

How to propagate by seeds and cuttings

Monstera breeding should be carried out at the beginning of scales or summer. This process requires several steps. To do this, you need to take the lateral processes, which are located at the bottom of the stems. Cuttings from the upper or middle part are also suitable. Slices are best sprinkled with a powder obtained from charcoal.

The stems should be planted in small pots, and expanded clay drainage should be performed at their bottom. The shoots should be placed in a pot and covered with a glass flask. The room temperature should be 25 degrees.

To propagate the monstera by cuttings, you need to cut off a small cutting that has two buds from the main stem. Then it is laid in the ground and systematically watered. It is not recommended to sprinkle the stalk with earth - it is better to cover it with plastic wrap. After the roots appear, the cutting can be transplanted into a separate pot.

Plant transplant - video

A young monstera should be transplanted in the spring. Large adult plants need to be transplanted only once every 3-4 years. However, the top of the substrate should be changed annually. For this purpose, you need to choose a breathable soil with a high content of humus. To properly transplant a plant, you can watch the video:

Features of flower care

In its natural environment, Monstera usually blooms every year. When grown at home, many people do not even suspect how monstera blooms. If everything is done correctly, then a biennial plant can release the first inflorescences.

Monstera flowers are white or cream. A year after the end of flowering, fruits appear on it. Caring for a monstera during the flowering period is no different from another period.

At the same time, it is important to prevent direct exposure to sunlight, since the tips of the leaves turn black from this. As the monstera grows, she needs to provide good support. It is strongly not recommended to remove aerial roots. They provide good nutrition and adequate moisture. They are recommended to be sent to a pot for rooting.

Monstera does not like prolonged exposure to the sun. If you keep the plant in conditions with bright diffused lighting, its leaves become larger and more carved. Monstera should be protected from direct sunlight, as this can lead to blanching and yellow spots. In case of insufficient lighting, the growth of the plant is disturbed. In this case, the leaves become smaller and change their shape.

Monster should be placed away from batteries and opening windows. In winter, the temperature should not be less than 12 degrees, while rapid growth begins at 16-18 degrees. It is also allowed to increase the temperature up to 30 degrees, especially in conditions of high humidity and normal ventilation of the room.

Possible problems and diseases

During the cultivation of monstera, you may encounter certain problems and difficulties.

Leaves turn yellow and dry

Monstera first of all reacts to all errors in the care in the form of a change in the shade of the leaves. They may turn yellow for the following reasons:

  • if this happens in winter, this indicates excessive watering;
  • if, in addition to yellow leaves, brown spots appear, this indicates insufficient watering;
  • if the leaves turn yellow and fall off strongly, this indicates a high temperature and dryness of the air in the room;
  • if the monstera becomes pale yellow, this indicates an excess of lighting.

Why is monstera crying

Sometimes drops appear on the leaves of the plant. This indicates excessive moisture in the coma of the earth. To cope with this problem, it is worth leaving the soil to dry out a little. It is also recommended to increase the intervals between watering.

The appearance of drops on monstera leaves is often observed before cloudy weather or the onset of precipitation.

Indoor flower does not grow

Some people are faced with the fact that the monstera stops growing. To stimulate these processes, it is necessary to provide the flower with sufficient lighting and optimal air temperature. It is also recommended to moisten its leaves - for this you can spray them regularly. The earth should be watered only after the top layer has completely dried, but it should be done very plentifully.

Types of monstera and their description with a photo

In the natural environment, there are quite a few types of monster. However, only two varieties are grown at home:

1. Delicious. In a greenhouse, the height of this plant can reach 12 m. At home, you can grow a flower about 3 m tall. With quality care, such a monstera can bloom annually, but you can get fruits only in a greenhouse.

There is also a variegated form of such a monstera. It is more demanding for care, but does not grow as fast as the main variety. Monstera Borsigiana is a very popular variety. It is also called borziga - this plant is not as big and strong as the original species.

2. Oblique. This plant is native to Brazilian forests and has beautiful lacy leaves. Their length is about 20 cm, and their width is 6 cm. The leaves have a solid structure, a short petiole and peduncle, as well as an unequal base. It should be borne in mind that in cultural conditions such a monstera does not bloom.

Monstera is a tropical vine native to South America. It has large heart-shaped leaves of rich green color with slits. An adult plant can reach a height of more than six meters. Flower

Monstera is a cream-colored cob. At the end of flowering forms a fruit, which is considered edible.

The name of the plant was formed from the Latin word "monstrosus", which means - amazing or bizarre.

Monstera leaves ionize and purify the air. For this reason, plant large cities. When grown at home, the plant requires special care.

The basic rules of content boil down to creation of natural conditions in which Monstera lives.


For healthy growth, Monstera needs bright diffused light. The plant does not tolerate shade in exactly the same way as direct sunlight.

In low light, flower leaves stop growing and do not form incisions. And with an excess of light, the plant.

In winter, when the day is short, it is necessary to provide an additional source of light.

The optimal location in the house is one to two meters from the window.

The correct location of the monstera is next to the window


Tropical liana loves warmth the higher the temperature, the faster the growth. Flower growers recommend maintaining the temperature within 17-22 degrees in winter and from 22 to 25 degrees in summer. Drafts are strictly prohibited for the plant.

Watering and humidity

Monstera needs to be watered often and a lot, especially in spring and summer, when the stage of active growth begins. Reduce watering in winter. The main thing is that the soil in the pot always remains moist.

For irrigation take settled water at room temperature. Once a week, spraying and wiping the leaves is mandatory. If the room has dry air, a container of water is placed next to the plant.

Soil and fertilizer

The correct soil composition for Monstera must necessarily include equal parts:

  1. Leaf land;
  2. sod land;
  3. humus;
  4. peat;
  5. sand.

A 5-7 cm drainage layer of expanded clay is laid at the bottom of the pot.

It is necessary to fertilize the soil with minerals and organic matter at least once a month.

This rule especially applies to the period from March to September. In winter, top dressing is done less frequently.


The container for Monstera needs to be wide so that the air roots growing from the stem can take root in the ground in the future.

The material of the pot doesn't matter.. The depth of the pot should correspond to the size of the root system. And another rule when choosing a container is stability. Otherwise, heavy leaves and stems can topple it.

How to cut monstera

It is not necessary to prune the plant. This procedure is carried out to achieve lush forms and branching Monsters. To form several stems, at the initial stage of development, the top of the flower is cut off.

To avoid infection, the procedure is carried out with a sterile blade, and the cut is sprinkled with charcoal. Over time, side shoots grow on the stem.

After all activities, you must thoroughly wash your hands, as Monstera juice has toxic properties and can lead to skin burns.

When pruning, the vine will become more magnificent, therefore, heavier. So that under its own weight it does not break, a support for the stems in the form of a pole is used.

How to transplant a flower

Aerial roots have grown strongly - monstera needs a transplant

Monstera because of its impressive size needs regular repotting. Such an event will help maintain health and accelerate the growth of the plant.

Young plants up to 3 years old should be replanted annually.

This is done in early spring, until the active stage of growth has begun. Monsters, whose age has crossed the three-year mark, are recommended to be transplanted once every 3 years. In this case, it is necessary to replace part of the old soil with a new one each time.

Before starting the transplant, you need to take care of the dishes, they should be at least 7-10 centimeters larger than the previous one. A drainage layer of small stones or expanded clay is necessarily laid out in the pot. Then, ready-made fertile soil is poured into half of the dishes. A lump with roots and the remnants of the old soil is placed in it and covered with the second part of the soil. After the done actions, Monstera is abundantly watered with water.


There are several ways to propagate vines:

  1. Propagation by air layering. To do this, there must be at least one air root and one leaf on the layer. The layer is cut off and placed in a bowl with nutritious and moist soil. During this period, it is important to maintain the temperature at 17-22 degrees. You can cover the future flower with a film to prevent drafts. After the layering has taken root, it is grown according to the general rules for care.
  2. Reproduction by cuttings. To achieve the result, the stem or lateral processes are cut off. First, the soil is prepared from equal parts of humus and sand. Then the stalk is immersed in it and it is plentifully watered with room water. After the done manipulations, the pot with cuttings is closed with glass and placed in a well-lit place. From now on, watering is carried out daily. As soon as Monstera gives roots, it is transplanted into a separate flowerpot.
  3. Reproduction by seeds. This method is recognized as the most successful, but lengthy. First of all, you need to purchase seeds that are not more than 1 year old. They are soaked in phyto-solution and sown in nutrient soil. From the moment of planting to the moment of the first shoots, it takes at least a month. All this time, the seed container must be kept in the shade, heat and humidity.

Air layers

When the first shoots appear, it is necessary to increase the lighting.

In order for young Monsters to reach at least 9-10 sheets, at least a couple of years must pass. Florists claim that a vine grown in this way will be strong and beautiful.

Problems and diseases

Like other indoor flowers, Monstera is prone to disease and pest attacks. In order to protect the plant from such problems, a number of rules must be observed:

Following the simple rules of care, you can grow a beautiful and lush Monstera, which will delight those around you with its beauty and will thank the house with clean and healthy air.