How to prepare for the exam on your own. Is it possible to prepare for the exam in a year? The list of topics that are included in the exam in the Russian language

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today I would like to talk about how to quickly prepare for the exam. You already need to understand that they are unlikely to be effective, since it takes a lot of time to use them. But also do not be afraid, not everyone and not always needs to change the methodology for preparing for the exam.

At your school, trial exams have already been conducted and, most likely, more than once. It’s their results that you should be guided by, and not how you studied at school. If you are such a good fellow and at school you always had 4 or 5, and here you got 20 points on the trial exam (this is conditional, at least 40, it’s no better), then you don’t have to say that you were worried, but everything will be fine on the exam . This is a lie, it is impossible to get so excited that you forget everything and write a paper for 2, and not for 4, as it was usually on school tests.

If you failed the trial exams, then this article is for you, but if you got 70 points, but you want, for example, 85, then just continue to study as you did before and may you get a good grade on the exam, just pay attention to those tasks where you make mistakes or cannot solve them at all. If you fail the trial exams, then you need to do something, otherwise the real exam will be the same.

How to quickly prepare for the exam

So, we seem to have sorted out who needs to strengthen their preparation for the exam, but let's start with the fact that you need to honestly assess the level of your readiness for the exam. Well, you need to pay a lot of attention to grades in a quarter, in a year, etc. You have the results of the trial exam, and look at them.

If at school you were always an excellent student, but here you got 2, then this is not because the assignments are so bad, this is an objective assessment of your knowledge. So get together and think about what you can really qualify for in 4 months on a real exam, in the end set yourself a goal and achieve it.

First, look at which tasks you could not do, and which ones you could. If you are sure that the tasks that you were able to do are understandable to you, and you can do them on the real exam, then you can spend less time on them, but you should not leave them at all. Count how many tasks you can't do, let's say you can't do 15 math tasks. Moreover, some of these tasks have subparagraphs - a), b), c), in general, you cannot do a bunch of tasks in only one USE, but there are other exams for which you also need to prepare and it’s good if you are ready , and do not think how to quickly prepare for the exam in several subjects.

In order to assess the reality of entering a university, read the news about. Thus, if there are 4 months left to prepare, and your USE results are slightly above 0, then try to follow the following methodology:

To begin with, honestly tell yourself which of the exam tasks you can learn on your own, and for which you need an assistant. A school teacher may or may not act as an assistant, this is his business. We will return to the assistants a little later, while we continue to analyze those tasks that you, in principle, can solve.

Open the demo version of the exam or last year's exam tasks and try to complete these tasks. Learned? Okay, do 5 similar tasks from other USE options again. Did it work again? And what was on the trial exam? But it's okay, it's actually good that you can complete the tasks. Now solve all the tasks that you can definitely do. It turns out? And how many such tasks? 8 simple tasks from the exam in mathematics? Congratulations, you urgently need to study in order to reach at least 60 points.

Brief digression. Why am I not saying that you need to buy a book with the USE, but you need to use trial or last year's USE. Books may contain errors, they may be old, and so on. But this does not mean that I am saying that textbooks are useless, you only need to solve the exam, not at all, the textbook is your main assistant.

Treat these books with care.

Okay, back to the question of how to quickly prepare for the exam, and who can help with this. If the teacher refused you, there are no relatives who want to help either, then there are those who will do it on a paid basis. Of course, I'm talking about tutors. If you have already been going to a tutor for a long time, then you should think about why you paid money if you got such results? It looks like it's time to urgently look for another tutor, you can, for example, ask your classmates where or with whom they study, of course, it's better to focus on those who wrote the trial exams well.

If classmates didn’t help in any way, then you can start looking for a tutor on your own, but you don’t have much time and the question is how to quickly prepare for the exam? Why not try online tutors? Look at the website at the link, the choice of tutors is quite good, there is a free test lesson, and simple classes are cheaper than a tutor in your city. You also save time, because you don’t need to go across the city to a tutor, but you can sit quietly at home and study.

Good USE results to everyone, if tenth graders read the article, then start preparing slowly so that there is no question of how to quickly prepare for the USE in a year. See you on the blog pages site

If the article seemed useful to you, please share it using the buttons below.

If you have any questions, write in the comments, I will try to answer as detailed and clear as possible.

And finally a bonus:

Learn the main thing about the English USE-2016 and start preparing today. Nuances, tips, useful links - start your journey to successfully passing the exam by reading our article. Do not be afraid of the exam - pass it for all 100!

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What is the exam: numbers, facts

The Unified State Examination (USE) is a general state certification of graduates of the eleventh grade, the results of which are counted upon admission to the secondary specialized educational institution (secondary specialized educational institution) or university (higher educational institution).

At the moment, the exam is conducted in 14 subjects, of which 4 are foreign languages ​​(English, German, French and Spanish). To get a certificate, a graduate needs to pass 2 mandatory exams: Russian language and mathematics. Additionally, each university independently determines which exams applicants are required to take for a particular specialty. From 2020, the USE in English is also planned to be made mandatory.

In 2016, a trial exam in English is planned to be held in early April: the oral part - on the 8th and the written part - on the 9th (these results do not count). The main exam will start on June 10.If, for a valid reason, a graduate cannot take part in the certification, he has the opportunity to take the exam later, in a reserve period.

If you disagree with the results of the exam, you can file an appeal - your answers will be rechecked.

After successfully passing the exam, the participant is issued a certificate valid for the current year and 4 subsequent years. It must also be presented at school to receive a certificate of secondary education.

Upon admission to the university, the applicant submits an application indicating the USE scores; the selection committee checks their authenticity. At the same time, you can apply to no more than 5 universities in 3 areas.

At the end of 2015, it was enough to score 22 points to pass the exam in English. However, in order to enter the language faculties of the country's prestigious universities, it was necessary to get 60-70 points for this type of exam (according to the admissions committees of Moscow State University, Moscow State Linguistic University, etc.); passing scores of universities are updated annually.

  • In Moscow Center for Independent Diagnostics opened, where you can take a trial USE and OGE at any time (and not only for schoolchildren, but also for parents), and you can take it as many times as you want.

What to take with you to the exam and how to behave on the exam

Be sure to take your passport and a black gel (capillary) pen with you.

The list of prohibited items is much more extensive: these are any media (phone, tablet, etc.), any video and audio equipment, books, notes and cheat sheets, as well as proofreaders and pencils.

During the exam, you can’t stand up, talk - of course, with the exception of the oral part of “Speaking”. If you need to leave the classroom for a while, you will be accompanied by one of the examiners. The participants are video-surveilled and any violations can be punished by removal from the exam (and the issue of retaking will be decided by the State Commission).

The structure of the exam in English

The test consists of four compulsory written parts, for which the test taker receives a maximum of 80 points: they are "Listening", "Reading", "Grammar and Vocabulary" and "Writing".

The fifth, optional oral part, was introduced more recently and is called "Speaking": it can earn you a maximum of 20 points. Passing Speaking is a must, even if you don't aim for a language school: it's a pretty easy way to score an extra 10-15 points (which isn't that low).


9 tasks, 30 minutes

Listening is the perception of speech by ear. After listening to several fragments in English, you should understand what they said and answer in writing a few questions about each fragment. Fragments sound 2 times, the response time is fixed. The topics of monologues and dialogues that will be offered for listening are weather forecasts, announcements, TV and radio programs, interviews, reports.

An error specific to this part of the exam: the examiners choose the answer option that contains the words most often heard in the audio fragment. But you can hardly answer the questions correctly without understanding the essence of what is happening. To better understand the meaning of the conversation, pay attention to the intonation of the speakers and the sounds that you hear in the audio clip (sea noise, car signals, music, etc.). It is very important to be able to recognize subtext, sarcasm in the speaker's speech, which can radically change the meaning of the statement.


Only regular listening to English speech with memorization of unfamiliar words will help.

At the first stage, it will be very useful to read and listen to books voiced by native English speakers. At the same time, be sure to choose books adapted to your real level: pre-intermediate, intermediate, etc.

It is very effective to watch English-language films “in three touches”: without subtitles, with English subtitles (with writing out new words) and with double subtitles (in Russian and English). It is advisable to limit viewing sessions to 5-15 minutes (the level of perception decreases further). So that your vocabulary does not develop one-sidedly, try to watch diverse films: on everyday topics, from the life of lawyers, doctors, scientists. And it is desirable that these be series: by watching several seasons one episode a day, you can perfect the appropriate vocabulary to perfection, after which you can proceed to a series on a different topic.

A little later, it makes sense to switch to listening to radio news: without visuals and subtitles, information is more difficult to perceive, especially given the fast pace of reporters' speech. We recommend listening to the broadcasts of the BBC radio channel, because the videos for listening to the exam will be read with British pronunciation.


9 tasks, 30 minutes

This task tests your ability to read and understand unfamiliar text without a dictionary: you should be familiar with about 97% of the words. And again, read the task carefully, a typical mistake in this part is a misunderstanding of the question asked.


To replenish vocabulary in all available ways, tirelessly repeat learned words and try to use them in context - this is how they are better remembered. According to the 2016 codifier, popular science publications and excerpts from works of fiction will be offered for reading. Read modern online newspapers and magazines: The Guardian, The New York Times, BBC, Listverse, etc. It will be very useful to study the USE solution for English reading, analyzing the mistakes you make.

Grammar and vocabulary

20 tasks, 40 minutes

In fact, this is almost the easiest section of the exam in terms of format. The first half of the section consists of reading small passages of text and filling in the missing words. For substitution, the proposed word must be grammatically changed (or left in its original form, if required by the rules) or a suitable single-root word must be selected, for example, absolute - absolutely, win - won, Russia - Russian.

The second half involves filling in the gaps in the text with the proposed words - you don’t need to modify the word, you just need to choose one of the four options. As with all multiple choice tests, if you don't know the answer, pick one at random - chances are it will be correct.


If you know English at a good level, this section will not be difficult for you. Special preparation for the format of this task is not required - it is enough to repeat the grammar of English (and not stop working on vocabulary).


2 tasks, 80 minutes

Since the reading of the answers from the examination forms is performed using computer scanning, write the answer neatly, clearly and legibly, with division into paragraphs and structuring.

Task number 1: "Letter to a friend"

Volume: 100-140 words

Imagine that you have received a letter from an English-speaking friend and are writing a reply. You must understand the questions asked in the text and answer them in your "letter".

Typical mistakes:

  • ignorance of the rules for writing personal letters (repeat them for sure!)
  • misunderstanding of the essence of the questions asked
  • lack of answer to one of their questions
  • inability to correctly formulate their own questions according to the specified plan
  • not using linking words

Task #2: Essay

Volume: 200-250 words

You are invited to express in writing an opinion on some approval for a specific plan. And again, you need to read the task very carefully and in no case deviate from the proposed plan.

The essay should be in a neutral style (avoid colloquial expressions), coherent, divided into paragraphs in accordance with the logic of the narrative.

If 30% or more of your answer matches the source (that is, you use the words from the “problem conditions” in your answer), the task does not count.

How to count the number of words in an essay

If the letter above is less than 90 words and the essay is less than 180, they will not be counted (you will get 0 points). If they are too long, the verifier will count only 154 words in the first case and 275 in the second, everything else will not be checked: you may lose the farewell phrase or signature (in a letter) or conclusion (in an essay).

What are the rules for counting words? All the words of the essay are taken into account, in the case of a letter, everything from the address to the signature. One word counts as:

  • all numbers in digital form (12, 2015, 10,000)
  • all short forms and abbreviations (I'm, don't, can't, USA)
  • compound words (well-known, good-looking, sixty-four)

In numerals expressed in several words, all words are considered (two thousand and fifteen - 4 words).


The advice is simple - write an essay. Lots of different topics. Count words, control the coherence of the text, do not forget to highlight paragraphs (one thought - one paragraph). Well, your work should be checked by an English teacher who is familiar with the requirements for the assignment.


4 tasks, 15 minutes

During this part of the exam, an audio recording of your answer is made, which is sent for processing (checking) at the end of the exam. In other words, the role of the examiner is performed by a computer (but one of the organizers of the exam is constantly present in the audience). You see all tasks on the monitor - the time counter is also displayed there.

Upon completion of the exam, all answers are submitted for verification: each examination record is checked by two trained specialists according to uniform evaluation criteria.

Task number 1

In the first task, you will be asked to read a popular science text in English in one and a half minutes - first “to yourself”, and then aloud. One and a half minutes are also given for preparation. You need to read the passage correctly, with natural intonation, without unnecessary pauses.

Task number 2

As a second task, you are invited to read the text of the advertisement and ask 5 questions to it - in accordance with the proposed plan. Preparation time - 1.5 minutes, each question should be no longer than 20 seconds (watch the timer).

Task number 3

The third task: choose and describe one of the three proposed photographs. Time to prepare - 1.5 minutes, to answer - 2 minutes. The story must be built on the points of the proposed plan. The narrative should be logically coherent and contain an introductory and concluding phrase.

  • Recall that the text is connected by expressions like firstly, secondly, thirdly (firstly, secondly, thirdly), consequently (therefore), finally (finally). The topic of introductory words and linking words needs to be worked out thoroughly.

Task number 4

In the fourth task, you are asked to compare two images. Here it is also extremely important to carefully read the text of the task and cover the proposed plan in the story: for example, find similarities between the pictures and point out the differences. A typical mistake is a description of each picture separately, while what is needed is a comparison, a comparison of two images.

You have 1.5 minutes to prepare - keep an eye on the timer to start on time and not exceed the story limit, which is 2 minutes. It also requires an introductory and concluding phrase and observance of the coherence of the presentation.

Typical "traps" of the 3rd and 4th parts of the exam are questions like "where and when" (where and when), "who / why" (who / why), etc.. Answering the first question of a pair, you can completely forget about the second - and lose points.

  • Tip: If you notice that you've made a mistake, don't panic. Some errors are acceptable and do not affect the score, the main thing is not to get confused and not to be completely silent.

The total time for this part of the exam is 15 minutes.


Speech is a skill, and the ability to speak English must be developed. Listen to English speech and repeat what you hear. Use every opportunity to communicate in English: visit conversation clubs, speak English with friends. It is extremely important that the interlocutor not only listens to you, but points out mistakes and corrects, therefore, in order to prepare for this type of exam, it is very desirable to find a qualified tutor.

10 typical misconceptions when preparing for the exam in English

  1. It makes no sense to study the format of the exam: a person who is fluent in English will easily pass the exam with the highest score
  2. If initially your knowledge is below the Upper-Intermediate level ("above average"), you have no chance to pass the exam
  3. If you don’t speak English, it’s impossible to pass the exam, because they introduced “Speaking”, and without it you won’t get the necessary points
  4. You can prepare for the exam in English in just six months (or even faster)
  5. After reading tips, secrets and “life hacks” for passing the exam, you will be ready for the exam
  6. For successful delivery, it is enough to listen to lectures and video lessons of teachers
  7. The best way to prepare is to run demo tests multiple times and check answers
  8. If the trial exam is passed perfectly, classes can be stopped.
  9. During the exam, you can make a “call to a friend” or use a cheat sheet
  10. Answers will be available for purchase before the exam.

And remember: it is impossible to prepare for the Unified State Examination “on the night before the exam”, start at least six months before the exam (or better, 1-2 years before the exam).
The English USE-2016 is scheduled for June, so you need to start preparing for it immediately. High scores for you!

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Many schoolchildren are in their last year of study, which can become decisive in choosing a future profession and lifestyle. To get high marks in the Unified State Examination (USE), you need to start preparing right now - and best sites for online preparation for the exam 2020 ready to help.

Benefits of preparing for the USE 2020 through the site

Online learning is now convenient, effective and familiar for schoolchildren, so this type of training should definitely be considered, including for the following reasons:

  • Firstly, you can study without leaving your home and without spending money on a trip to the tutor and back.
  • Secondly, a subscription to many paid sites is cheaper than classes with a tutor.
  • Thirdly, the creators of sites dedicated to the USE make sure that their materials are not only useful, but also interesting for schoolchildren.
  • Fourthly, the courses will come in handy when there is nothing left before the exam, and then the student feverishly remembers that it is time to learn a large amount of material. He does not have to adapt to someone else's lesson schedule, he will be able to determine the time and number of classes on the site.

The best sites and services for preparing for the exam

Our selection of the best USE resources is based on their popularity with the Russian audience and user reviews.


Opens the rating of sites for preparing for the exam in 2020 with a large, well-structured portal with easy navigation. It has existed on the territory of Runet for quite a long time - about 18 years. During this time, he managed to receive many awards that celebrate his merits in teaching schoolchildren.

  • On the site you can calculate an individual training program depending on the level of knowledge.
  • There are free tests (express), there are paid ones (more detailed).
  • There are free interactive textbooks, as well as useful information for students and their parents about passing the exam.
  • For a fee, abstracts, a USE simulator and other special modes are available to improve the level of student preparation.
  • The cost of services for preparing for the exam can be paid not for a month, but for the day ahead, it costs 20 rubles.


On the site with a beautiful and modern design, you can take tests, do assignments on certain topics of different levels of complexity, and also get acquainted with a thorough analysis of USE assignments in basic school subjects - from mathematics to the Russian language.

  • And there you can also go through webinars from experienced teachers who can make even the most incomprehensible subject clear and interesting.
  • The materials for the webinars can be downloaded in pdf format.
  • There is a convenient atlas of universities in the Russian Federation, which contains passing scores for the past and the year before last.
  • And best of all, it's all completely free.


The purpose of creating this resource is to help train students in basic subjects for a moderate fee (access to the site materials by subscription).

  • The structure of the course is as follows: video lesson; a summary in writing and a test for understanding the material covered.
  • If you have additional questions, you can ask the teacher supervising the course.
  • You can study both individually and in a group, in the second case the subscription cost will be lower.


On the site, you can not only prepare for the Unified State Examination online, but also fill in the gaps in school knowledge starting from the 6th grade, including the extended, “Olympiad” version.

  • Courses for preparing for the exam are distinguished by a well-thought-out structure and thoroughness, which will help to put all the knowledge into a coherent system and train well.
  • The first, trial courses are free, then by subscription. The price of one lesson is 90 rubles, subject to payment for 27 lessons at once. The fewer classes, the higher the price for each.
  • There are "invite a friend" discounts.


And if online lessons do not help, then it's time to contact the teacher. The website will help you choose a tutor (or coach, instructor or teacher, and even a psychologist) for individual lessons.

  • Only the teachers themselves pay for placing their profile on the site, for customers the search in the database is free.
  • Questionnaires of teachers are moderated and unscrupulous performers are removed from the database.
  • The catalog contains a very large number of specialists (more than 44 thousand) in various academic and extracurricular disciplines. If you wish, you can find a teacher in acting, photography, 3D modeling and graphics, etc.
  • You can not look for a teacher yourself, but leave a request indicating the desired cost per lesson, and the site moderators will select a person suitable for the requirements for free.


This useful project is dedicated to the selection of professionals in their field - whether it is preparation for the exam or plastering services. The site was born after the merger of several specialized sites into one, the oldest of which - "Your tutor" - has been operating for more than ten years. During its existence, the site has accumulated a large number of reviews that will help you choose the perfect teacher.

  • Each specialist is tested - an interview, reviews, necessary documents - before his data is entered into the database.
  • It is worth filling out an application for free and the site administration will select the right specialist.
  • The site has more than a million customer reviews that allow you to choose the most conscientious tutor.


If the previous sites for preparing for the exam "worked" in all subjects at once, then is dedicated to only one thing - the English language.

  • The training takes place via Skype, using the Vimbox platform, which was developed by hand.
  • There are courses for preparing for the exam, as well as for TOEFL and IELTS.
  • The introductory lesson is free, subsequent lessons are paid. You can purchase a course of 64 lessons at once or 16 lessons with subsequent monthly payments.
  • Every 8 lessons, the teacher sends information to the student's parents about the progress of the student. At the end of the course there will be a final exam.
  • Over 60% of each lesson the student will speak English.

3. Your tutor

One of the oldest recruitment sites in RuNet. On its basis, then developed, which took the fifth place in the rating.

  • More than 220,000 teachers participate in the project, each of whom passed an interview during registration and presented the necessary certificates and recommendations.
  • There is also an option to leave a review on the site.
  • All services for the client are completely free, and the tuition fee goes directly to the teacher, without commission.
  • The site has a library with problem books, methodological articles and teaching aids.

2 Foxford

More than a million schoolchildren have already used the services of the Foxford website. As stated on the website, these students have already passed the exam by 25 points higher than the average for the entire Russian Federation. Good recommendation!

  • Schoolchildren are invited to study under programs from grades 3 to 11, they can comprehensively prepare for the exam, OGE, GIA, and their parents can attend classes and learn about the development of children.
  • The company also holds its own Olympiad, organizes educational camps, where children can conveniently combine entertainment and education.
  • Foxford has a school at home with personal teachers. In contrast to the usual external studies in Foxford, teachers from well-known Russian universities, as well as members of the jury of competitions and experts from the Unified State Examination / OGE, will work with the child.
  • Teachers are constantly in touch with the student's parents, sending them weekly reports on attendance and progress.

The cost of studying at Foxford is from 6900 rubles per month.

The best site for preparing for the Unified State Examination 2020 is Examer, where you can study in detail only the latest and most useful materials on the Russian language, mathematics, social studies, physics, history, biology, chemistry, computer science, geography, and literature.

  • You can specify the desired number of points for the exam and, based on it, the site specialists will draw up their own individual training plan, taking into account both the strengths and weaknesses of the student, and fill in the gaps in knowledge.
  • And all this is presented in a playful form that makes learning easier - for completing tasks, the student increases his level, receives awards, bonuses and completes quests.
  • For better motivation, Examer introduced a competitive moment - this is the Unified State Examination Arena, where the student competes with other players in preparation for the exam. At the same time, no marks are given, only individual knowledge is important.
  • The materials of the site fully comply with the requirements for the exam in 2020.
  • There are Examer apps for IOS and Android.

You should not consider the sites listed in our top 10 as a 100% guarantee of passing the exam. They take on the most difficult task - finding a highly qualified curator who will help the student fill in the knowledge gaps and answer all the difficult questions for the student. However, without proper motivation on the part of the student, all the efforts of the curator to prepare for the exam will be meaningless.

  • Do not try to memorize the correct answers to the test questions. It is impossible to remember all of them.
  • It is worth analyzing your failures on any topic. For example, you can have a special notebook where you indicate which topic of the course the difficult-to-understand topic belongs to.
  • It is advisable to repeat the material in your own words, so it is easier and better to digest.
  • After every 40 minutes of classes, you need to take a break for 10-20 minutes. A tired brain assimilates knowledge worse.
  • Most schoolchildren are very responsible for the exam. But for some, the successful passing of the unified state exam becomes almost the main task in life. And the job of parents is to explain to the child that the exam is one, but not the main test of life.
  • Do not be afraid to make mistakes in tasks, it is common for any person to make mistakes. And do not be afraid to ask the curator to help analyze in detail the cause of the error, even if it seems to the student that this error is “stupid”.

We wish you good luck with the exam!

Are you looking for preparation for the Unified State Examination in Russian from scratch? Let's see what this might mean.

Most likely, you have some basic knowledge that you received in school. But they are in no way tied to the specific tasks of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language.

What is the USE in the Russian language?

The exam in the Russian language consists of two parts.
The first part - test - includes 25 tasks, for which you can get a maximum of 34 primary points. Yes, yes, compared to 2017, one task No. 20 “Lexical norms” has been added.
And the second part is an essay, for which we can get a maximum of 24 points.

Total 58 primary points. They are equal to 100 test scores.

So, in the test part of the exam there are tasks that are absolutely not tied to the school curriculum. There are tasks for understanding the text - these are the so-called "traps". For example, tasks No. 1 and No. 21 are practically impossible to complete without knowledge of specific algorithms. According to statistics, applicants make the maximum number of mistakes in them.

Note also task number 7
In the test part of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language, this is the most expensive task, and it is estimated at 5 primary points. Without preparation, it is simply impossible to do it. Even school teachers do not always cope with it. This is a very difficult and complex task, including topics such as syntax, morphology and spelling. The good news is that an impeccable knowledge of the theory for this task guarantees the correct writing of an essay in task No. 26 (that is, you can be calm for the criteria K7 and K 9, and this is a total of 5 points)

There are also tasks based on the analysis of the text. These are assignments Nos. 22-25, and textbooks are absolutely not enough to complete them. There is no single school textbook that you can open and prepare yourself for the Unified State Examination in the Russian language. There are books that a teacher will understand, but not an ordinary student.
This is what it means to prepare for the Unified State Examination in the Russian language from scratch.

How do we prepare for the Unified State Exam in Russian from scratch in our courses?

We take each task separately, starting with task number 1. We analyze all the methodological techniques and the order in which they are applied to this task. We are gaining speed, because the exam in Russian lasts only 3 hours and 30 minutes - and you need to have time to answer the test questions and write an essay. Therefore, our preparation involves the application of certain algorithms to each task.

For example, task number 8 - on the spelling of the roots. How does an ordinary student do it, based on school knowledge? He remembers the rules for the alternation of vowels in the roots, exception words, remembers the dictionary word or not. Then he substitutes all the missing letters and chooses the correct option. As a result, it spends about five minutes on this task. And we, according to our algorithm, do it in 30-40 seconds!

And now the secret topic is “gray cardinals” at the Unified State Examination in the Russian language

There is assignment No. 26 in the Unified State Examination in Russian. This is an essay, which accounts for approximately 40% of the test scores. The essay is checked according to 12 criteria, and this is where the most mysterious moments begin. And they are a mystery even for very strong students who suddenly lost the coveted 5-6 points on the exam.

In task number 26, you will have the source text, which belongs to one of the three book styles - artistic, journalistic or popular science. Each type of text needs to be analyzed in its own way!
According to the general scheme, the problem of the text and the position of the author on this problem are revealed. Only these points of the composition plan are taken from the original text. The rest are from the head.

The text is commented, and in two ways - either a textual commentary or a conceptual one is written. Even Methodists consider this part of the work to be the most difficult. Commenting on the not always simple thoughts and statements of the author (for example, an academician or a science fiction writer) is not at all easy! But the comment is evaluated in the same way as the arguments, at 3 points!

When we have analyzed the text, we need to formulate our position on the problem raised in it, and prove this position with two arguments. Strong arguments are examples from classical literature, historical facts, or biographies of writers or scientists. And so we wrote our essay - and it is written very energetically, briefly, concisely. This is an analytical work, there is a minimum and maximum of words (150-300). It is fundamentally different from the December essay on literature. But that's not all.

Then we check our text against 12 criteria. There are 3 style criteria. According to them, lexical, grammatical and speech norms, the accuracy of word usage, and the selection of synonyms are checked. And it is not for nothing that these criteria K6, K9 and K10 are called "gray cardinals".

Moreover, the K10 criterion is very insidious! If it goes down by 1 point, then K6 also goes down automatically. For one mistake, 2 primary points are deducted.

And the knowledge of how to cope with these criteria is not in school textbooks! This knowledge can be obtained at the university in journalism and editorial specialties.

The bad news is that by stylistic criteria it is almost impossible to win points on appeal. It will be extremely difficult to prove that this word and this synonym are appropriate in this context or in this sentence construction. Here they are, “gray cardinals” - seemingly inconspicuous, but cunning and treacherous.

When students write essays, they pay attention to spelling and punctuation. And the style is ignored. And the guys don’t even realize that you can’t use outdated vocabulary. For example, for the expression "to this day" you can get a score reduction of 2 points immediately. It is he, the "grey eminence", criterion K10 - "speech norms and the use of vocabulary that does not correspond to this historical era." And at the same time, the score according to the K6 criterion is reduced.

The essay is now very strictly checked for compliance with criterion K11 (“Ethical standards”). Previously, this criterion was formulated as "disparaging mention of the author." Now it is expanded. A new wording of this criterion: "humiliation of human dignity not only of the interlocutor, but also of the speaker himself." This means that if a student, giving an example from life, writes: “My classmates have been doing nothing for all 11 years, and they continue to do it,” then for the word “idle” they lower the grade according to criterion K11, since this is “a disdainful attitude towards others people." And also according to the criterion K10 (the use of colloquial vocabulary) and immediately automatically according to the criterion K6! The result - for one careless word in an essay, you can immediately lose 3 points out of 24.

Task No. 4, devoted to orthoepic norms, that is, stresses in words, causes enormous difficulties. Unfortunately, in modern life, the colloquial and literary norms of the language diverge very seriously. We often hear on the street or in our surroundings words that are not pronounced correctly, and involuntarily remember them.

Lots of problems with verbs. For example, in the infinitive “turn on” - stress “It”, and this stress goes to personal endings: you turn on the light, he turns on the light, and we turn on the light. And now let's remember - do we always say this? Are we not stressing the first syllable, which does not correspond to the norms of orthoepy?

A separate topic is the pronunciation of terms. In trade, as we know, there is the word "wholesale", there is also a "wholesale market". For professional vocabulary, this is a normal pronunciation, but not for the Unified State Examination in the Russian language! We should say wholesale.

The Russian state language is the Moscow dialect, it is a neutral vocabulary. Outside it remains professional, dialectal, obsolete and jargon vocabulary. Therefore, we must say compass, although all sailors say compas. They don't make mistakes and speak correctly. But this is professional vocabulary.

There is such task number 6 in the exam, which implies knowledge of the endings of words in the plural.

For example, the word "contract". What is the correct way to form plural from it?
We habitually say: "contracts". So say accountants, managers - a lot of people. But correctly, according to the norms of the Russian language, “contracts” (we have singled out the syllable that is stressed).

All insurers say: “policy”, “insurance policy”, for professional vocabulary this is normal, but we must say: “policy”. In stores, we often hear from sellers “jumpers” and “sweaters”, but in fact they are “jumpers” and “sweaters”.

And when the guys learn the norms of pronunciation, they often say: “We would never have thought that it was right like this.”

How possible is it to prepare for the Unified State Examination in Russian from scratch? And how long does it take to prepare?

The amount of knowledge that you need to have in order to pass the exam in the Russian language is really very large. Our course has enough classes for 9 months, starting from September, once a week for 2 hours. At the same time, there is much to be learned by heart. The exam in the Russian language is also cramming. The stress rules are not explained in any way. All word endings are the same. Just learn by heart.

In groups, this process goes faster. For example, we use "chants". We not only read with our eyes, but also pronounce difficult words as a group. It's a lot of fun and much more memorable. When we see a word in a book, one kind of memory is activated. When we pronounce it in chorus with the whole group three times - another.
Is it really possible to prepare from scratch? Absolutely real! It is necessary to enroll in a mini-group in September, have fun joining the educational process and reach the planned 90+ points - within easy reach!