List of extracurricular topics for students. Educational and methodological complexes for sports teachers

High school is a time of growing up and defining yourself as a person. Children at this age tend to get out of the custody of not only parents, but also teachers. However, the ways of their self-expression and ostentatious growing up do not always lead to positive results. are designed to direct the energy of schoolchildren in the right direction, to help determine their desires and capabilities.

Classroom Topics for High School Students

Often, senior students claim that they no longer need a classroom hour as a form of extracurricular educational work. In most cases, this happens because the event is poorly prepared or is held in the form of a lecture, which does not add to its entertainment.

Getting ready class hour you should be creative and use extraordinary solutions ... First of all, you need to decide on a topic. What will it be interesting to talk about and think about for grown-up children?

The first thing that comes to mind is this. In order not to hit the sky with your finger, you can conduct a light survey and find out what profession students are thinking about. This is where the themes come from:

  • Dentist (lawyer, military, designer, accountant) is my future profession!
  • Journey to the land of professions.
  • Road to tomorrow.

In order not to be unfounded, you can go on an excursion to any enterprise or arrange it right in the school office. Use appropriate costumes and surroundings so that students are fully immersed in the working atmosphere.

The development of horizons and a variety of interests will help class hours timed to coincide with an event or holiday. There, students will be able to show themselves and their talents in various fields. The main thing is to be smart and involve as many students as possible in the preparation.

  • World of Museums (dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the opening of the Russian Museum in St. Petersburg).
  • (2015 is declared the year of literature in Russia).
  • International Day of Peace (Celebrated on September 21, starting in 2002. Can be timed to coincide with the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II).

Do not forget about the interests of high school students. In order for the class hour to pass harmoniously and please the children, a lot of preparation is needed. The choice of topics can be huge, it is necessary to proceed from the interests and hobbies of schoolchildren.

At such thematic class hours, students themselves can become guides and talk about what their hobby is, conduct master classes.

Social aspects are the most important link in the formation of personality. Therefore, emphasis on this side of life is also necessary in extracurricular activities.

  • October 1 is International Day of the Elderly.

Here the project activity of schoolchildren can come into force. They can present their research papers or presentations.

The main thing in human life is love. It has been sung by singers since ancient times. So, this topic cannot be ignored. Cool clock for high school students about love can take any form.

  • The first love.
  • To everyone who is in love - Valentine's Day.
  • Love at first sight.
  • Day of love, family and fidelity.

At such extracurricular activities, themes of the value of this eternal feeling, the importance and value of the family, should be raised. Class hour about love can take place in the form of a playful game, known in the 90s, when a couple of “lovers” were chosen according to their interests. Or it can become a real poetic evening, where poems and songs about love will sound. In addition, students will be able to act as creators and write themselves a letter to their first or yet failed love.

Classroom development is a time-consuming process that requires a lot of knowledge and time. To facilitate the task, look at the development of class hours on our website.

Class hour on the topic

"I choose health"

Class objectives:

    Cultivating an attentive attitude to one's health;

    Increasing motivation for a healthy lifestyle;

    Development of creative abilities, expansion of horizons.

Class plan:


    Health scheme.

    Our achievements. Guys performances.

    Discussion of the issue.



Pre-class preparation.

Issue of a newspaper about the sports achievements of the class children, about their hobbies, about families where a healthy lifestyle is cultivated. Prepare in advance on colored cards phrases (see paragraph 2 of the class hour - health diagram), print on colored paper sayings and sayings about health and a healthy lifestyle, such as: “Everything is great for healthy!”, “Health has no price”, “There is a healthy person the most precious work of nature”, “Wealth for a month, health for life”.

1. Introduction

Teacher introduction.

Hello guys! Today our class hour is dedicated to our health. Let's start with the game "Dream Island"

Imagine that you and I are on an island where dreams come true. Each of you can choose only one dream from the list: Love, Friendship, Health, Wealth, Fame, Family. The choice is yours! (Children take turns saying what they choose). It summarizes what and how much the guys chose.

Most of you have not chosen Health. And without health there can be neither glory, nor love, nor wealth.

The most valuable thing a person has is life, and the most valuable thing in life is health. The dictionary defines health as follows: Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease.

If we walk along the streets of our village: we can meet a lot of people who shuffle their soles on the asphalt, breathe with difficulty, obese, with dull eyes. They tremble in fear of disease and death. In most diseases, it is not nature, not society that is to blame, but only the person himself. Most often he suffers from laziness and greed, but sometimes from unreason.

Don't rely on medicine. It treats many diseases well, but cannot make a person healthy. So far, she cannot even teach a person how to become healthy.

To become healthy, you need your own efforts, constant and significant. A person is so perfect that he can restore health from almost any point of his decline.

Unfortunately, health, as an important goal, confronts a person when death becomes a close reality. However, even death cannot frighten a weak person for a long time.

Four conditions are equally necessary for health: physical activity, dietary restrictions, hardening, time and the ability to rest. And fifth - a happy life!

They say that health is happiness in itself. This is not true: it is so easy to get used to health and stop noticing it. However, it helps to achieve happiness in the family and work. Helps, but does not define. True, the disease, it is certainly a misfortune, especially if it is severe.

2. Terms of health

Prepare in advance multi-colored cards with the phrases: mobile lifestyle; binge eating; proper nutrition; nocturnal lifestyle; bad habits; rejection of bad habits; daily regime; leisure; full sleep; food for the night; snacks; hardening; personal hygiene; positive emotions; stressful situations; high moral attitude towards people around, society, nature,

Attach these cards to the board. The teacher offers to read and leave on the board only those cards on which we can associate statements with a healthy lifestyle. Children read and offer to leave some of them. The remaining cards are removed from the board (discussions are possible at this stage).

A healthy lifestyle plan is drawn up:

    mobile lifestyle

    proper nutrition

    rejection of bad habits

    daily regime

    active rest, good sleep


    personal hygiene

    positive emotions

    high moral attitude towards people around, society, nature.

3. Performances by the guys. Our achievements


Today we will talk mainly about a mobile lifestyle, and more precisely, about sports, physical activity, and the place of sports in our lives.

Movement is the most important need of our body. For thousands of years of human history, people have sought to develop such qualities as endurance, agility, strength, speed. This was dictated mainly by harsh living conditions: the daily struggle for existence and harsh natural conditions. And now? The question may arise, does a person need physical activity now? There are fewer professions where physical labor is used. (Discussion of the problem)

Now our children will tell us about their extracurricular activities. They will try to answer our question: what do hobby classes give them. (Children's performances, presentation viewing.).

From the stories of the guys, we saw that almost any activity is accompanied by some kind of physical exercise. You choose activities that help you both stay healthy and enjoy your activities, i.e. self-realization.

4. Discussion of the issue


I have a question. Is it possible to put an equal sign between the concepts of sport and health? (Discussion)

Teacher: When they talk about sports, health, hardening, a healthy lifestyle always revolve somewhere in our minds. Indeed, when we go in for sports for the soul, for health, for ourselves, not for the sake of victories and awards, then sport contributes to maintaining health. But in big sport there are ups and downs, injuries and awards.

The story of a couple in figure skating - Elena Berezhnaya and Anton Sikharulidze - is very unusual. Perhaps someday this story will serve as a plot for a Hollywood movie. Elena Berezhnaya competed with Oleg Shlyakhov for Latvia. At one of the training sessions, a terrible incident happened: during the execution of a synchronous pair rotation, the partner touched Elena's head with a tooth of the skate. The girl received a severe head injury. After the operation, the doctors forbade her to even think about sports. But Lena herself secretly dreamed and believed in her recovery and return to figure skating. Everyone helped her: the coach - Tamara Moskvina, parents, friends and loved one, figure skater Anton Sikharulidze. He brought books to the hospital for his beloved and read aloud a lot so that speech would be restored faster. Three months after the operation, he brought Lena to the rink, and a year later they returned to the national team and created their own couple: Berezhnaya and Sikharulidze. A year later, they took part in the World Championship and became winners of the European and World Championships.

The achievements of modern athletes are extremely high. And in order to succeed, you have to give the sport all your thoughts, strength and even health. In addition, for serious studies, remarkable physical data, abilities, and a certain warehouse of character are also necessary. At the same time, it is no secret that excessive physical activity in professional sports often leads to very undesirable consequences. Physical education brings excellent health, good mood, self-confidence, without which at the present time it is impossible to be a good professional, make a successful career. But I also ask you to pay your attention to the fact that, despite the traumatic nature of some sports, our athletes, after suffering injuries, dream of one thing: to return to sports. So, there is something bewitching, bewitching that does not let a person go when he has tasted the joy of victory. It is not for nothing that many champions say that they cannot even describe the feeling of pride, excitement, happiness that they experience when an athlete stands on a podium, and at that time the anthem of our country sounds.

Teacher. Scientists, considering all the factors affecting health, found that human health depends on the following factors:

    from the external environment - by 20-25%

    from genetic predisposition - by 15-20%

    from health care - by 8-10%

    from lifestyle - by 50-55%.

Harmful living conditions, the environment can be compensated or eliminated by the right way of life. People, for the most part, lead the wrong way of life. The most important thing for health is physical activity, mobility. According to scientists, even school-age children receive only 60% of the norm of movement in the presence of physical education lessons. And adults - and even less so. Many adults and children lead a sedentary lifestyle, do not exercise. Even when we are given the opportunity to show our motor activity, due to our habits, we do not use the opportunity.

For example, in the morning, when we are in a hurry to school, we try to jump into dad's car, instead of leaving the house 40 minutes early and spending this time on a fast walk to school, i.e. for recovery. We are accustomed to various imported products and semi-finished products, in which no biologically active substances remain after processing. Remember the recipes of your mothers and grandmothers, they are much tastier and healthier. Therefore, I believe that the most important thing for health is the right lifestyle.

5. Questionnaire

Teacher. Now let's conduct a survey of our class and get some recommendations on what needs to be done in order to get closer to the ideal of a healthy lifestyle.

Questionnaire "Are you physically healthy?"

You must select one answer for each question.

    How often do you exercise?
    a) four times a week
    b) two or three times a week
    c) once a week
    d) sometimes

    How far do you walk in one day?
    a) 4 km
    b) about 4 km
    c) less than 1.5 km
    d) 500 meters

    Going to school or to the section, you:
    a) walk
    b) part - go on foot, part - using transport
    c) always use transport

    If you have a choice: take the stairs or use the elevator, you
    a) always go up the stairs
    b) go up the stairs if there is no load
    c) sometimes use the stairs
    d) always use the elevator

    On weekends you
    a) Do some housework or gardening for a few hours
    b) the whole day in motion, but without physical labor
    c) take a few short walks
    d) read and watch TV

For the answer "a" - you get 4 points, "b" - 3 points, "c" - 2, "d" - 1


If you scored 8-13 points, then you are lazy and need to exercise;

If you scored 14-17 points, then your physical activity is at an average level;

If you scored 18 points or more, then your physical activity is normal.

At the end of the class hour, I would like to wish all participants good health. And remember that nature is very generous to us. After all, it is enough to spend only 20-30 minutes a day on physical exercises, but such that you sweat and your pulse doubles to reduce the risk of heart disease by 2-3 times. Move more.

And we will end our class hour with a poem by David Tukhmanov.

The student is reading.

We are born to live in the world for a long time:
Sad and sing, laugh and love,
But to make all dreams possible,
We must all keep healthy.
Ask yourself: are you ready to work -
Move actively and eat and drink in moderation?
Throw away the cigarette? Trample the drug?
And the only way - to maintain health?
Take a look around: beautiful Nature
We are called to live in peace with her.
Give me a hand, friend! Let's help you
Save the planet's health!

1. Team building training for 1st year students (1 semester).

2. Training of communication skills for 1st year students (2nd semester).

3. "I choose life!". Lesson on HIV prevention with training elements.

Lesson with elements of drug prevention training. Formation of responsibility in a teenager for his actions as a factor of psychological protection from involvement in drug addiction and antisocial activities

5. The game "Master of fate." R Consideration of various aspects of the problems of drug addiction, tobacco smoking, drunkenness.

6. Lesson with elements of the training “Preparation for the session. What to do, if…".

7. Lesson with elements of personal growth training (for 2-3 courses).

8. “The family alphabet begins with “We” ... (for students of 3-4 courses).

9. As part of the program "Adaptation to the labor market" for students of graduation groups.

- Lesson topics:

Topics for class hours for the 2011-2012 academic year

"The power of the word or the poison of foul language". – 1 course November

"Weak Link"(for the prevention of bad habits). - March 2 course

Adaptation to the labor market(for graduation groups). 3, 4 course April

Teacher-psychologist N.Yu. Grubnikova

Grouped by patriotic theme

For the 2011-2012 academic year.


1. "Great commanders:

2. “It is not easy in learning, it is easy in battle” (The capture of the Izmail fortress under the leadership of A. Suvorov on December 24, 1790) - December

3. “.A. Nevsky - the science of winning", dedicated to the Battle of the Ice on April 18, 1242 - April

6. "Hero City Leningrad", dedicated to the lifting of the blockade near Leningrad - January.

7.. "Invincible Stalingrad", dedicated to the victory of Soviet troops near Stalingrad - February

8. "Cities - heroes and cities of military glory" - March

9. “I am a citizen of Russia”, dedicated to the Constitution Day

10. "Youth chooses a family", dedicated to the Day of the Family

11"Space Conquerors", dedicated to Cosmonautics Day

12. "The warmth of mother's hearts", dedicated to Mother's Day


13. “You did everything, my Russia!”, dedicated to the Day of National Unity (November)

List of course thematic class hours

For the 2011-2012 academic year.

Course 1: 1. Cool clock at the base of the college museum

"College History" september- november(on schedule)

1. "Mikhailovka yesterday, today, tomorrow" (bus tour) - October, April

2. Cool clocks based on the Tsemzavod Museum

"Tsemzavod - town-planning enterprise of Mikhailovka"


4. Oral magazine "My city is my destiny" April

2 course:1. Cool clock based on the room of the Cossack life

college together with the local history museum of the city of Sera-

fimovich (November-March)

1. Class hours - excursions to study the Cossack culture

- art. Kumylzhenskaya - November

- st Alekseevskaya - April

-st. Veshinskaya - May

3. "Symbols of the Volgograd region" - March

3rd course:one. "Afghan trails" - February

Events of the TRM department

for 2011-2012 academic year year.


1.Casting "What are you capable of young?" - October

2. Festival of creativity "Touch your heart to the feat" May

Stages of the festival:

Competition of wall newspapers "These days glory will not cease" - April

Reading competition "Lines scorched by war" April

Research competition "The history of my family within the history of my country" - April


1.Competition program "Miss Spring" dedicated to International Women's Day . March

2. Folklore holiday "You are my Cossack land" March


1.Intellectual casino "Wheel of History" (to the 300th anniversary of M.V. Lomonosov) november

2. Competitive program "Come on guys" as part of the final stage of the Youth Army game "Rusichi" February


1. Competition of pedagogical skills "I give my heart to children"

december b

General events.

1. Patriotic song festival named after Alexey Chindrova

"To you, my Russia, I dedicate .." February

2. Folklore holiday "Maslenitsa" February


Director of GOU SPO

"Mikhailovsky professional

Pedagogical College»

_______________V.V. Arnautov

"_____" _____________ 2011


educational work

State educational institution

Secondary vocational education

"Mikhailovsky Vocational Pedagogical College"

For the 2011-2012 academic year.

Target: Creation of conditions for the comprehensive development and self-realization of the individual, the formation of a patriotic-oriented educational environment, professionally significant qualities of a future specialist.

Tasks and main directions:

Ø Civil-patriotic education;

Ø Formation of a healthy lifestyle and ecological culture;

Ø Development of cognitive and creative abilities of students;

Ø Development of cooperation relations between students and teachers;

Ø Creation of conditions for the formation of the worldview and system of value orientations of the student;

Ø Aesthetic education and organization of leisure activities;

Ø Formation of legal culture;

Ø Formation and strengthening of college traditions;

Ø Family education;

Ø Social problems and social adaptation;

Ø Formation of the professional orientation of educational activities;

Ø Education of a culture of interethnic communication;


The content of the work deadlines Responsible Expected Result
  1. Activities for the adaptation of students of a new set,
development of student self-government
1. Solemn line dedicated to the Day of Knowledge 09/01/2011 Department of TRM Shishkina Yu.V. Formation of OU traditions
2. Holiday for first-year students “Dedication to students. Welcome to our common home! 09/01/2011 Department of TRM Shishkina Yu.V. Formation of OU traditions
3. Director's hour for groups of the new set "Our College: Traditions and Norms". 02.09. 2011 Kosenkova O.I. Acquaintance with the "house rules of the college"
4. Group diagnostics of first-year students "Features of the adaptation period" October Maksimova G.V. analysis of the problems of the adaptation period
5. Team building training for first-year students September Grubnikova N.Yu. development of the level of team cohesion
6. Seminar-training “Preparation for the session. What to do if…” for 1st year students December Grubnikova N.Yu. psychological preparation for the session
7. Identification of socially unprotected categories of students. September Formation of a data bank
8. Providing advice in the collection of documents for social scholarships and targeted assistance. September Social educator Popova N.M. Appointment of a social scholarship.
9. Creation of a data bank (large, low-income, guardian, dysfunctional families). September Social educator Popova N.M. Formation of a college data bank
10. Questioning of first-year students: "Analysis of cultural and domestic relations in the families of orphans, children left without parental care." October Social educator Popova N.M. Student Questionnaires
11. Formation of a system of student self-government in groups, in college. Self-presentation of candidates for the college student council. Organization and holding of reporting and election meetings in groups. September October Stud. advice, Stud. club Nikhaeva N Donetskov A.P.
12. Organization and holding of student reporting and election conference. Formation of a new composition of the College Student Council for 2011-2012. year October Stud. Council of Nikhaev N Donetskov A.P. Formation of the student council
13. Study of the asset "Freshman School" During 1 semester Stud. club Donetskov A.P. Implementation of the "Freshman" program
Questioning of first-year students "Your requests, interests, needs" September Department of TRM Shishkina Yu.V. Identification of interests and creative abilities of students
14. Issue of the student newspaper "6 acres" October Student Council Nikhaeva N Informing students
15. Casting "What are you capable of, young?" among 1st year students October Department of TRM Zatsepina E.L. Disclosure of the creative abilities of student youth
16. The release of the newspaper-presentation of freshmen "Hello, this is us!" September Student Council Nikhaeva N.
17. Thematic class hours for groups of a new set: - "College History" (on the basis of the museum) - "Respecting the law - you respect yourself" - "My health is in my hands" - "The power of the word or the poison of foul language" September October November November Center "Rus" Stud. healthy lifestyle volunteers club teacher-psychologist Formation of a healthy lifestyle, OS traditions, skills of law-abiding and moral behavior
18. Presentation of creative teams for the first courses September Department of TRM Zatsepina E.L. Attracting students to participate in creative studios and circles
2. Organizational and methodological measures
1. Planning for 2011-2012 year. September deputy Director for VR Kosenkova O.I. Drawing up a plan of educational work for 2011-2012 academic year. year
2. Meeting MO class teachers. Recommendations for planning educational work in groups. Approval of the work plan for the 2011-2012 academic year. September Makarova L.M. Approval of the work plan of the MO class. leaders
3. Organizational meeting in the department of TRM. Approval of the work plan for the 2011-2012 academic year. September Zatsepina E.L. Approval of the work plan of the TPM Department
4. Elections of the Council of the Patriotic Center "Rus". Approval of the work plan for the 2011-2012 academic year. September Bumagina O.N. Approval of the work plan of the Center "Rus
5. College History Museum Work Plan Approval September Pavlova Yu.I. College History Museum Work Plan Approval
6. Meeting of the heads of the structural divisions of the college, head. departments, heads of the PCC. Approval of the long-term work plan for the 2011-2012 academic year. year for the implementation of the comprehensive target program "Patriotic education of students" within the framework of the College Development Program for 2011-2016. to create a patriotically oriented educational environment. September Kosenkova O.I. Approval of the work plan for the implementation of the Program of Patriotic Education of Students.
7. Organizational meeting with employees of the socio-psychological department. Approval of the work plan for 2011-2012 academic year. September Maksimova G.V. Grubnikova N.Yu. Popova N.M. Approval of the work plan of the socio-psychological department
8. Preparation and holding of organizational meetings for the implementation of social projects, competitions: - Patriotic education; - on student self-government September October O.N. Bumagina A.P. Donetskov Implementation of social projects and competitions
9. Conclusion of cooperation agreements - city center "Yunost" - MU "Social and leisure center for teenagers and youth of Mikhailovka" - MUH "Mikhailovskaya City Children's Hospital" - MUH "Mikhailovskaya Central District Hospital" - MU "Mikhailovsky Sports Complex" - Volgograd Regional Branch of the All-Russian Youth Public Movement "Russian Student Teams"; - with local history museums of Mikhailovka and Serafimovich; - with departments for Cossacks of the administrations of the urban district of Mikhailovka and Serafimovich; - with the Center of Cossack culture of the Mikhailovsky district September Organization of joint activities.
10. Participation in the organization and holding of traditional scientific and practical conferences:
  1. Regional scientific and practical conference "Military-patriotic education in the system of continuous pedagogical education";
  2. Regional scientific and practical conference "21st century - a healthy generation"
February May Kosenkova O.I.
3. Measures for the formation of moral and ethical qualities, communicative culture of students.
Communication skills training for first-year students May Grubnikova N.Yu.
Thematic classroom hour for 2nd year students: "The Great Gift of Communication" December Maksimova G.V. Instilling a communicative culture
Classes with elements of personal growth training (for 2-3 courses) March Grubnikova N.Yu. Formation of leadership qualities and an active life position
4. Holiday "Thank you, Teacher": - issue of newspapers - gala concert October Zatsepina E.L. Donetskov A.P. Forming a respectful attitude towards the teacher
5. Gala evening "Everything starts - Mom"; (3-4 courses) november Shishkina Yu.V., Donetskov A.P. formation of the right attitude towards family values:
6. Musical and entertaining game "Love is a beautiful country", dedicated to Valentine's Day February Student Council Stud. club Development of student government
7. Contest "Miss spring - 2011" March Department of TRM, Student Council Formation of aesthetic culture, development of creative abilities of students
8. "Build a temple in the soul" - a meeting of students with a representative of the Serafimovichi monastery By agreement Lecturer-guide of the Pavlova Museum Yu.I. Spiritual and moral education
  1. Activities for the formation of patriotism and citizenship
Thematic class hour for 3 courses "Afghan paths" november Pavlova Yu.I Get to know the sights of the Don region
2. Thematic class hour for 2 courses "Symbols of the Volgograd region" March Bumagina O.N. Formation of knowledge about the native land, about their small homeland.
3. Classroom hours - excursions to study the Cossack culture - st. Kumylzhenskaya - st Alekseevskaya -st. Veshinskaya November April May Center "Rus" Bumagina O.N. Study of Cossack culture
4. Folklore holiday "You are my Cossack land" March Department of TRM PCC Acquaintance with the traditions and customs of the Cossacks.
5. Design of the album dedicated to the veterans of the college "People and Fates" During a year Pavlova Yu.I Accumulating Material for the College History Museum
6. Start of the student youth game "Rusichi" (for 2-3 courses) - the competition "War pages of the history of the Fatherland"; - competition "Fundamentals of military service"; - competition "Strength training" October Center "Rus" Bumagina O.N.
7. 2nd stage of the student youth game "Rusichi": - shooting competition; - sanitary training competition; - competition of incomplete disassembly and assembly of MMG AK november Center "Rus" Bumagina O.N. Preparation for service in the ranks of the RF Armed Forces
8. The final stage of the student youth game "Rusichi": - Review of formation and song - competition of combat sheets - combined relay race February Center "Rus" Bumagina O.N. Preparation for service in the ranks of the RF Armed Forces
9. Thematic class hour for the 1st course "State symbols of Russia and the urban district of the city of Mikhailovka" December Center for heroic-patriotic education "Rus" Bumagina O.N. the formation of patriotism, a sense of pride in soybean large and small Motherland
10. Youth actions "Glory to the Fatherland!" - “We are citizens of Russia”, dedicated to the national holiday Day of Russia; - "Symbols of Russia", dedicated to the Day of the State Flag of Russia (based on the DOL region); "We are united - we are Russia!", dedicated to the Constitution Day - the action "Joy to Children" (to organize game programs for disabled children. Together with the city center "Family"); - an action for military personnel "Sending to a soldier", "Letter to a soldier"; - the action "Decorate a piece of the planet" (for the improvement of the territory of the college) June 12 August 22 December 12 December 3 Throughout the year Stud. advice the formation of patriotism. Development of student government
11. Intellectual casino "Wheel of History" for the 300th anniversary of M.V. Lomonosov (for 3 courses) the 3rd of November Department of TRM Shishkina Yu.V. To acquaint with the work of M.V. Lomonosov.
12. Pedagogical skill competition “I give my heart to children” (4-5 courses) December 22 Department of TRM departments, class teachers Readiness of graduates to work at school, to professional activity.
13. Festival of Patriotic Song named after Alexei Chindrov “To you, my Russia, I dedicate…” (1-4 courses). February 16 Shishkina Yu.V. Formation of patriotic consciousness
14. Competitive program "The best college student -2011", dedicated to the International Student's Day. November 17 Zatsepina E.L. Shishkina Yu.V. Formation of leadership qualities, identification of talented and gifted youth
15. Participation in the city competition "Young Family". Preparing business cards for contestants May Department of TRM Formation of family values, identification of creative student families
16. Participation in the Regional Festival of student teams "Student summer - 2011" October Department of TRM The development of the student brigade movement
17. Formation of student profile teams. December-June Together with the training and production department Donetskov A.P. Development of the student brigade movement, solving the problem of summer employment of students
18. Review - competition "Part of the Heart and Russia" for the design of the corners of civil-patriotic groups September Bumagina O.N. Citizenship and patriotism education
The work of the "School of the draftee" during a year Bumagina O.N. Preparation for service in the army
20. Organization and holding of the Day of the conscript "We can serve Russia" (for students of graduation groups) April Center "Rus" Preparation for service in the army
21. Organization of excursions to local history museums of the Volgograd region in order to study the Cossack culture October-May Center "Rus" Implementation of the program "Revival of the Cossack culture"
22. Participation in the annual regional competition "Museum of the 21st century" March Pavlova Yu.I.
23. Participation in the regional youth readings "The Battle of Stalingrad in the history of Russia" February Center "Rus" Education of patriotism, development of creative abilities.
24. Action "Army biography" February Center "Rus" Preparation for service in the army
5. Events dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War
Organization and holding of the Festival-competition "Touch the feat with your heart" Together with the City Council of Veterans May Shishkina Yu.V. Pavlova Yu.I
Reading competition "Lines scorched by war" (as part of the festival) May Department of TRM Formation of patriotism and respect for WWII veterans
Research competition "The history of my family within the history of my country" April May Pavlova Yu.I Research work on the formation of family values, patriotic feelings
4. Competition of wall newspapers "These days glory will not cease" May Student Council Education of patriotism, artistic taste
5. Participation in the month of "Good" together with the department of social protection of the population in the city of Mikhailovka May Pavlova Yu.I Assistance to Veterans
6. Meetings with veterans of the Great Patriotic War September February May Pavlova Yu.I Education of patriotism
7. Implementation of the project "Hurry to do good" Promotions: - "Veteran lives nearby"; - “Letter to a Veteran” (to veterans living in nursing homes); - "Flowers for a Veteran" (for veterans in hospitals and hospitals) - "No one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten" (for the care of the graves of former college employees, WWII veterans); April May Pavlova Yu.I Nikhaeva N. Veterans assistance
6. Measures to promote a healthy lifestyle
Questionnaire "My attitude to alcohol, smoking, drugs" (for groups of a new set) September October Social educator Popova N.M. Prevention of bad habits
Informational and preventive meetings with specialists from the State Drug Control Service, a skin care dispensary, a doctor in the narcological office of the city children's hospital. By agreement Social educator Popova N.M.
3. Formation of volunteer teams for healthy lifestyles in the framework of cooperation with the MU "Social and Leisure Center for Teenagers and Youth in Mikhailovka", the city PC "Rovesnik". September Donetskov A.P. Nikhaeva N. Prevention of bad habits
5. Participation in the activities of the regional information campaign for the prevention of the use of psychoactive substances by young people in the Volgograd region "Live healthy - it's healthy" All period Donetskov A.P. Nikhaeva N. Formation of a healthy lifestyle
Thematic class hours (1-2-3 courses): - "Say NO to drugs!" with the video film "Undeclared War" (1st course); - "The danger of beer alcoholism" (2nd year) - "Health is the path to a successful career" for 3rd year students November February March Social educator Popova N.M. Volunteers Stud. Advice Formation of a healthy lifestyle
Make Your Choice Poster Contest november Stud. council Assets Groups Development of student government
7. Organization and holding of events aimed at the formation of a healthy lifestyle, improving the legal culture, preventing deviant behavior During a year Popova N.M. Formation of a healthy lifestyle
8. Preventive conversations of the PDN inspector with students: - “What determines a person’s actions?” (department of teachers of primary grades) - "Law and responsibility" (department of teachers of physical culture and jurisprudence) - "My rights and obligations" department of technical disciplines) During a year Popova N.M. Formation of law-abiding behavior
9. Round table with specialists (narcologist, medical worker, leading specialist of the PDN) on the topic "Family well-being" (for 1-2 courses of all departments)
7. Measures for the formation of a competitive specialist
1. Club of interesting meetings "Technology of Success" In tech. years as agreed Department of TRM Zatsepina E.L. curators Forming the skills of a successful person
2. Review - competition of creative works "My idea of ​​the future profession" november Department of TRM Zatsepina E.L. curators of the PCC Cultivate love for the chosen profession
3. Conducting trainings on the formation of communication skills of a specialist. February March Educational psychologists
4. Thematic class hours "Peculiarities of professional image" (for all specialties, 3-4 courses) March-May Educational psychologists, Preparation for professional activity
5. Classes with elements of training under the program "Adaptation to the labor market" February Educational psychologists Formation of competitive qualities of a specialist
8. Development and implementation of college program documents that ensure the activities of the educational process.
1. Concepts of educational work for 2011-2016. 2. Programs of educational work for 2011-2016. 3. Programs of patriotic education of students for 2010-2016. 4. Program "Revival of the Cossack culture"; 5. "Formation of a socially active personality through the development of student self-government" 6. The program of educational work on the formation of a health-saving educational environment Development of Provisions:
  1. Group Rating Regulations
  2. Regulations on competitions:
"What are you capable of, young?"; "Best Student of the Year" "Miss Spring -2012"; "The history of my family in the history of my country"; Yunarmeysky student game "Rusichi"; “Schools for recruits” “I give my heart to children” Program work:
  • "Psychological and pedagogical support of the adaptation period of students of I - II courses"
  • "Psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process in the State Educational Institution SPO "MPPC"
  • "Organization of interpersonal interaction of college students".
  • Program of work with parents;
  • Program for the prevention of bad habits (tobacco smoking, alcohol consumption, AIDS, drug addiction);
  • Program "Prevention of offenses and crimes";
  • Law and Order Program.
September-October throughout the year Department of TRM Center "Rus" Stud. advice.

Deputy director for educational work O.I. Kosenkova

Topics for class hours for the first year

Approximate topics of class hours in the group:
- solving everyday problems and organizational issues that have appeared in the group;
- discussion of topical issues of modern life (knowledge and protection of one's own rights, the value of the family for modern youth, etc.);
- meetings with famous UTEK graduates, specialists, representatives of public organizations, etc.;
- conducting business games for collective interaction, for rallying and developing students' trust in each other;
- conversations with individual students about their progress, attendance, participation in the affairs of the group, department, college;
- meeting with a psychologist.

    Rules of conduct for college students; rights and obligations of students

    Vocational Education Day

    Liability for offenses

    Bad habits and how to deal with them

    Mothers Day

    World AIDS Day

    70 years of the battle near Moscow

    College history

    "We are different - this is our wealth, we are together - this is our strength"

    Defender of the Fatherland Day

    Day of the fight against drug addiction and drug business

    International Women's Day

    Safe traffic organization

    Cosmonautics Day

    world health day

    Victory Day

    Preparation for exams and rules of conduct during the holidays

    Russia Day

Topics for class hours for 2-4 year students

    Faithful sons of the Fatherland... A classroom hour dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day.

    “You may not be a poet, but you must be a citizen...” The class hour is aimed at developing knowledge of the legal culture among students, correcting moral behavior.

    Symbols of the Russian state.

    Let's save our common home! Class hour contributes to the formation of ecological culture of students.

    "Thank you to our mothers..." Mother's Day class hour.

    "We know, we remember, we believe..." Festive class hour dedicated to the Victory Day.

    “We magnify the bright holiday ...” A class hour that introduces students to the tradition of celebrating Easter in Russia.

    “My years are my wealth...” Festive class hour dedicated to the Day of the Elderly.

    "Fathers and Sons".

    New Year.

    The dangers that lie in wait for today's youth.

    "Computer games - escape from reality",

    "Abortion and contraception"

    "Terrorism in our lives".

    Education of interethnic tolerance

    Traditions of tolerance in the culture of the peoples of the North Caucasus

    What is tolerance?

    Problems of terrorist activity in the North Caucasus and ways to normalize the situation in the region

    "Towers of Peace" in the Caucasus

    Children of the North Caucasus are learning peace and tolerance

    Moral and aesthetic education

    How to resist aggression and resolve conflict?

    Forgiveness or revenge? A class hour devoted to the moral problems of human choice.

    Depression and how to deal with it. Learn to control yourself (about the need for self-education).

    Man and his manners (about the culture of behavior).

    About sex education (conversations, meeting with a gynecologist,


    The world of my hobbies (about the culture of leisure).

    Let's talk about tact.

    Mood and its power over a person (about self-education)

    Man is part of nature.

    Ecology and health of future Russia.

    For a cup of tea (student tell us about yourself).

    Fostering a Healthy Lifestyle

    Smoking shortens life.

    Drunkenness and alcoholism.

    The truth about drugs.

    Let's say no to smoking!

    Sport is the guarantee of health.

    Youth against drugs.

    Alcohol and offspring (about the prevention of alcoholism).

    AIDS is the terrible disease of the century.

    Say no to drugs!

    Health and longevity.

    Education of mercy and love for the future profession

    Oh medicine! I sing about you!

    Talent and work (meeting with college graduates, employees of healthcare facilities).

    Why I chose the medical profession.

    Souls beautiful impulses we will devote to medicine.

    Learning well means working hard.

    We are the future specialists, we are the future of Russia.

    Mercy is the main commandment of a health worker.

    A kaleidoscope of good deeds (assistance to veterans, healthcare facilities, participation in the campaigns "Generous Autumn", "Soldier's envelope", "Hurry to do good").

    Civic-patriotic education

    Rights and obligations of a student of the Pyatigorsk Medical School.

    Person and law.

    My college is my destiny.

    Responsibility and security. What is hidden behind these words?

    The country where I would like to live.

    "I have the right to ..." - a conversation on a given topic.

    And if it didn't work out?... What's next? - dispute.

    I am among people, people are around me.

    What upbringing will I leave about myself in an educational institution.

    My professional choice. Am I right or not?

    How to get along with people (love, build relationships, find understanding with adults, make friends with comrades).

    Self-education. Self-improvement goals.

    Cruelty, indifference and sympathy.

    The ability to communicate is the path to success.

    How to learn to manage yourself.

    Memory training is the key to future success.

    Man and creativity. Great creations of mankind.

    How to learn to control yourself?

    While I think, I live.

    Humor in human life.

    Why are we learning?

    Ecology. Environmental pollution and science.

    Difficulties of professional self-determination (classification of professions for orientation in the world of work, algorithm for choosing a profession.)

    Self-education as an "expansion" of consciousness.

    Ten commandments of the creative person.

    Professional self-determination, its connection with the choice of the path of continuing education (multi-stage education, preparatory courses.)

    And you have to be a citizen...

    Morality and law.

    Administrative and criminal responsibility.

    Army and military conscription.

    Family in a person's life.

    Offenses and crimes.

    Responsibility of minors.

    Constitutional rights and duties of citizens.

    Legal culture of a person.

    Citizenship. What is the meaning of this concept?

    Say NO to drugs.

    About the dangers of smoking.

    About the dangers of alcohol addiction.

    Stress is an inevitable part of life.

    AIDS and venereal diseases.

    Relationship with the police.

    Indirect signs of drug use and drug addiction.

    behavior in emergency situations.

All people have talent, but not always a person knows which one. A class hour for high school students helps to expand students' ideas about their abilities, talents based on personal experience, awareness of the prospects for their development.
Many years of experimental research in pedagogy have revealed that any healthy person has the inclinations of some kind of talent from birth. In the future, in the process of education and training, a person can develop his talents to various levels.
To find your formula for success, you need to study, look for yourself in different fields of activity.

Target audience: for grade 11

As part of the celebration of the 80th anniversary of the birth of the Russian writer V.G. Rasputin in March, the All-Russian lesson dedicated to the literary heritage of the Russian playwright, publicist and public figure Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin was held in the schools of the city of Irkutsk.

I prepared this presentation for a class event for 6th grade students, dedicated to the life and work of the writer.

Valentin Grigorievich is one of the few Russian writers for whom Russia is not just a geographical place, but the Motherland in the highest sense of the word. The works of Valentin Rasputin should be read and watched by the younger generation. they teach people to value their homeland, take care of their elders, preserve nature, family traditions and customs.

Target audience: for grade 6

Purpose: development and education of patriotic feelings on vivid examples of heroism and the life of peers during the war years.
. To instill in the younger generation a sense of patriotism and respect for the memory of the defenders of the Fatherland.
. To expand students' knowledge of the Great Patriotic War.
. To develop the best qualities of a person: patriotism, citizenship, pride in one's Motherland, striving for peace.

The class hour is intended for students in grades 3-4. The development contains a script and a presentation dedicated to getting to know the variety of professions.

The purpose of the class hour: to expand children's understanding of the diversity of the world of professions.

Target audience: for grade 4

The material tells about the history of Maslenitsa and versions of the origin of pancakes, about Maslenitsa fun and traditions.

On Shrove Week, they did not skimp on a generous feast and unrestrained fun. And they called Maslenitsa among the people “honest”, “wide”, “gluttonous” and “ruiner”.

On Shrove Week, according to the Orthodox custom, meat is no longer eaten, and dairy products are supposed to strengthen the people before a long fast - so butter pancakes are baked.

Target audience: for grade 5

The presentation is designed for extracurricular activities. It briefly presents the main milestones in the biography of G.K. Zhukov. The material is presented in an accessible form. This presentation can be used on hours of communication from 1st to 11th grade. Transition from slide to slide on click.

Purpose of the class.
To form ideas about the heroic pages of our Motherland.
To cultivate respect for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the people, Russia, the heroic past and present of our Fatherland; the desire to continue the heroic traditions of the multinational Russian people.
The presentation consists of 22 slides. Slides change over time. The presentation is accompanied by the march of the Preobrazhensky Life Guards Regiment.

Target audience: for grade 8

Dear colleagues! Your attention is invited to a class hour, which is aimed at familiarization with the basics of entrepreneurial activity.

The goal is to stimulate students' interest in the profession of an entrepreneur and business issues. This resource contains the presentations required for the class hour, script, handouts.

The class hour includes the game "Opening your own company", testing "Are you able to become an entrepreneur?", economic riddles-add-ons, which helps to increase interest in this profession.

This resource can be used as part of the Entrepreneurship Week, which the Ministry of Education and Science recommends holding in the 2016-2017 academic year. year

Target audience: for the class teacher

The quiz game "Legends of Flowers" is intended for teachers of a summer school camp, an extended day group and parents, and can also be used in extracurricular activities during thematic classes and events "Flowers - the living beauty of the earth."

The resource is a presentation created using the "Puzzles" technology in Microsoft Office 2007.

Goals and objectives: acquaintance with traditions and legends; the formation of interest in the traditions and customs, the historical past of the native land; development of observation, attention; fostering love for nature.

Target audience: for the class teacher