Books for applicants to universities. Section "" Topic "Recommended textbooks in Chemistry and Biology for preparation for university. Manuals on chemistry and biology

Name: A manual on chemistry for those entering universities. 2002.

The manual covers all the questions of the entrance exams in chemistry. For better understanding of the chemistry course, some additional information is provided. At the end of each chapter, typical problems with solutions and tasks for independent work are given.

The book is intended for those entering universities. It can also be recommended to chemistry teachers when preparing students to take final exams for a high school course.

§ 1. Subject of chemistry
§ 2. The role of chemistry in industry and agriculture.
§ 3. Chemistry and ecology
Chapter 1. Basic concepts and laws of chemistry
§ 1.1. Atomic-molecular science in chemistry
§ 1.2. Chemical elements
§ 1.3. Simple and complex substances. Allotropy
§ 1.4. Relative atomic mass
§ 1.5. Relative molecular weight
§ 1.6. Mol. Molar mass
§ 1.7. Chemical symbols, formulas and equations
§ 1.8. Chemical reactions. Classification of reactions
§ 1.9. Law of conservation of mass of substances
§ 1.10. Law of constancy of the composition of matter
§ 1.11. Gas laws. Avogadro's law. Molar volume of gas
§ 1.12. Solving typical problems
Chapter 2. Periodic law of D. I. Mendeleev and the structure of atoms
§ 2.1. Discovery of the periodic law by D. I. Mendeleev
§ 2.2. Periodic table of elements by D. I. Mendeleev
§ 2.3. Nuclear model of atomic structure
§ 2.4. Composition of atomic nuclei. Nuclear reactions
§ 2.5. Modern model of the state of an electron in an atom
§ 2.6. Structure of electronic shells of atoms
§ 2.7. Electronic formulas of D. I. Mendeleev
§ 2.9. The periodic law and the periodic system of elements in the light of the doctrine of the structure of atoms
§ 2.10. Periodic properties of atoms
§ 2.11. The importance of the periodic law and the theory of atomic structure
§ 2.12. Solving typical problems
Chapter 3. Chemical bond
§ 3.1. Covalent bond
§ 3.2. Properties of covalent bonds
§ 3.3. Ionic bond
§ 3.4. Polar and non-polar molecules
§ 3.6. Hydrogen bond
§ 3.7. Types of crystal lattices
§ 3.8. Structural formulas
§ 3.9. Oxidation state
§ 3.10. Chemical bond and valency
§ 3.11. Solving typical problems
Chapter 4. Rate of chemical reactions. Chemical equilibrium
§ 4.1. Rate of chemical reactions
§ 4.2. Factors affecting reaction speed
§ 4.3. Activation energy
§ 4.4. Concept of catalysis and catalysts
§ 4.5. Irreversible and reversible reactions
§ 4.6. Chemical equilibrium
§ 4.7. Le Chatelier's principle
§ 4.8. Solving typical problems
Chapter 5. Solutions. Electrolytic dissociation theory
§ 5.1. Numerical expression of the composition of solutions
§ 5.2. Solubility of substances in water
§ 5.3. Thermal phenomena during dissolution
§ 5.4. Electrolytes and non-electrolytes
§ 5.5. Electrolytic dissociation theory
§ 5.6. Dissociation mechanism
§ 5.7. Ion hydration
§ 5.8. Dissociations of acids, bases and salts in aqueous solutions
§ 5.9. Degree of dissociation
§5.10. Strong and weak electrolytes
§5.11. Ion exchange reactions
§ 5.12. Dissociation of water. pH
§ 5.13. Protolytic theory of acids and bases
§ 5.14. Solving typical problems
Chapter 6. The most important classes of inorganic compounds
§ 6.1. Oxides
§ 6.2. Acids
§ 6.3. Grounds
§ 6.4. Salts
§ 6.5. Hydrolysis of salts
§ 6.6. Relationship between classes of inorganic compounds
§ 6.7. Solving typical problems
Chapter 7. Redox reactions. Electrolysis
§ 7.1. Theory of redox reactions
§ 7.2. The most important reducing and oxidizing agents
§ 7.4. Influence of the environment on the nature of reactions
§ 7.5. Classification of redox reactions
§ 7.6. The essence of electrolysis
§ 7.7. Electrolysis of aqueous electrolyte solutions
§ 7.8. Applications of Electrolysis
§ 7.9. Solving typical problems
Chapter 8. Hydrogen. Halogens
§ 8.1. General properties of non-metals
§ 8.2. Hydrogen
§ 8.3. Water
§ 8.4. Heavy water
§ 8.5. General characteristics of the halogen subgroup
§ 8.6. Chlorine
§ 8.7. Hydrogen chloride and hydrochloric acid
§ 8.8. Salts of hydrochloric acid
§ 8.9. Brief information about fluorine, bromine and iodine
Chapter 9. Oxygen subgroup
§ 9.1. General characteristics of the oxygen subgroup
§ 9.2. Oxygen and its properties
§ 9.3. Sulfur and its properties
§ 9.4. Hydrogen sulfide and sulfides
§ 9.5. Sulfur(IV) oxide. Sulfurous acid
§ 9.6. Sulfur(VI) oxide. Sulfuric acid
§ 9.7. Properties of sulfuric acid and its practical significance
§ 9.8. Sulfuric acid salts
Chapter 10. Nitrogen subgroup
§ 10.1. General characteristics of the nitrogen subgroup
§ 10.2. Nitrogen. Sigma and pi bonds
§ 10.3. Ammonia
§ 10.4. Chemical basis of ammonia production
§ 10.5. Ammonium salts
§ 10.7. Nitrogen quelota
§ 10.9. Nitric acid salts
§ 10.10. Phosphorus
§ 10.11. Phosphorus oxides and phosphoric acids
§ 10.12. Mineral fertilizers
Chapter 11. Subgroup of carbon
§ 11.1. General characteristics of the carbon subgroup
§ 11.2. Carbon and its properties
§ 11.3. Carbon oxides. Carbonic acid
§ 11.4. Carbonic acid salts
§ 11.5. Silicon and its properties
§ 11.6. Silicon(IV) oxide and silicic acid
§ 11.7. The concept of colloidal solutions
§ 11.8. Silicic acid salts
§ 11.9. Production of glass and cement
§ 11.10. Solving typical problems
Chapter 12. General properties of metals
§ 12.1. The position of metals in the periodic table of elements by D. I. Mendeleev
§ 12.2. Physical properties of metals
§ 12.3. Chemical properties of metals
§ 12.4. Metals and alloys in technology
§ 12.5. A range of standard electrode potentials
§ 12.6. Main methods of obtaining metals
§ 12.7. Metal corrosion
§ 12.8. Corrosion protection
Chapter 13. Metals of the main subgroups
§ 13.1. General characteristics of the lithium subgroup
§ 13.2. Sodium and potassium
§ 13.3. Caustic alkalis
§ 13.4. Sodium and potassium salts
§ 13.5. General characteristics of the beryllium subgroup
§ 13.6. Calcium
§ 13.7. Calcium oxide and hydroxide
§ 13.8. Calcium salts
§ 13.9. Water hardness and ways to eliminate it
§ 13.10. General characteristics of the boron subgroup
§ 13.11. Aluminum
§ 13.12. Aluminum oxide and hydroxide
§ 13.13. Application of aluminum and its alloys
Chapter 14. Metals of side subgroups
§ 14.1. General characteristics of the chromium subgroup
§ 14.2. Chromium
§ 14.3. Chromium oxides and hydroxides
§ 14.4. Chromates and dichromates
§ 14.5. General characteristics of the iron family
§ 14.6. Iron
§ 14.7. Iron compounds
§ 14.8. Domain process
§ 14.9. Cast iron and steel
§ 14.10. Solving typical problems
Chapter 15. Basic principles of organic chemistry
§ 15.1. Organic Chemistry Subject
§ 15.2. Features of organic compounds
§ 15.3. Isomerism
§ 15.4. Theory of the chemical structure of organic compounds by A. M. Butlerov
§ 15.5. Homologous series of organic compounds
§ 15.6. Classification of organic compounds
§ 15.7. Types of organic reactions
Chapter 16. Hydrocarbons
§ 16.1. Saturated hydrocarbons (alkanes)
§ 16.2. Nomenclature of alkanes and their derivatives
§ 16.3. Chemical properties of methane and its homologues
§ 16.4. Cycloalkanes
§ 16.5. Unsaturated hydrocarbons
§ 16.6. Ethylene and its homologues
§ 16.7. Polymerization reactions. Polyethylene
§ 16.8. Acetylene and its homologues
§ 16.9. Diene hydrocarbons
§ 16.10. Natural and synthetic rubbers
§16.11. Aromatic hydrocarbons (arenes)
§ 16.12. Benzene and its homologues
§ 16.13. Oil and its processing
§ 16.14. Natural gases and their uses
§ 16.15. Solving typical problems
Chapter 17. Oxygen-containing organic compounds
§ 17.1. Saturated alcohols
§ 17.2. Methanol and ethanol
§ 17.3. Ethylene glycol and glycerin
§ 17.4. Phenols
§ 17.5. Aldehydes
§ 17.6. Formaldehyde
§ 17.7. Acetaldehyde
§ 17.8. Polycondensation reactions
§ 17.9. Ketones
§ 17.10. Carboxylic acids
§ 17.11. Formic acid
§ 17.12. Acetic acid
§ 17.13. Esters. Esterification and saponification reactions
§ 17.14. Fats
§ 17.15. Soaps and other cleaning products
§ 17.16. Carbohydrates
§ 17.17. Monosaccharides and disaccharides
§ 17.18. Polysaccharides
§ 17.19. Unsaturated, dibasic and heterofunctional acids
§ 17.20. Solving typical problems
Chapter 18. Nitrogen-containing organic compounds
§ 18.1. Nitro compounds
§ 18.2. Amines
§ 18.3. Aniline
§ 18.4. Amino acids
§ 18.5. Acid amides
§ 18.6. Squirrels
§ 18.7. Heterocyclic compounds
§ 18.8. Nucleic acids
§ 18.9. Solving typical problems
Subject index.

Discovery by D.I. Mendeleev periodic law.
The discovery of the periodic law by D.I. Mendeleev and the construction of the periodic system of elements were the result of his long and intense scientific work. The periodic law and the periodic system of elements are the greatest achievement of chemical science” and the basis of modern chemistry.

When constructing the periodic table, its atomic mass was taken as the main characteristic of an atom. In his book “Fundamentals of Chemistry” D.I. Mendeleev wrote: “The mass of a substance is precisely such a property of it, on which all other properties should depend... Therefore, it is closest or most natural to look for a relationship between the properties and similarities of elements, with one on the other hand, and their atomic weights (mass) on the other.”

At the chemistry exam, a university applicant must:

demonstrate knowledge of the basic theoretical principles of chemistry;

be able to apply the theoretical principles of chemistry when considering the main classes of inorganic and organic substances;

be able to reveal the dependence of the properties of substances on their composition and structure;

know the properties of the most important substances used in industry and in everyday life;

understand the basic scientific principles of the most important chemical industries (without delving into the details of the design of chemical equipment);

solve standard and combined problems in the main branches of chemistry.

During the exam you can use the following tables: “Periodic table of chemical elements by D.I. Mendeleev”, “Solubility of bases, acids and salts in water”, “Electrochemical series of standard electrode potentials”. When solving problems, you are allowed to use a calculator.

The exam papers for the oral exam include four questions: the first - on the theoretical foundations of chemistry, the second - on inorganic chemistry, the third - on organic chemistry, the fourth - the problem. It is possible to include three questions on tickets.

Written exam tickets can contain up to 10 tasks with differentiated assessment, covering all sections of the program for applicants.

Theoretical foundations of chemistry

1. Subject and tasks of chemistry. Physical and chemical phenomena. The place of chemistry among the natural sciences. Chemistry and ecology.

2. Fundamentals of atomic-molecular theory. The concept of atom, element, substance. Relative atomic and relative molecular mass. A mole is a unit of quantity of a substance. Molar mass. Laws of stoichiometry: law of conservation of mass of matter, law of constancy of composition. Relative gas density.

3. Chemical elements. Signs of chemical elements and chemical formulas. Simple substance, complex substance. Allotropy.

4. The structure of the atom. Atomic nucleus. Isotopes. Stable and unstable nuclei. Radioactive transformations, nuclear fission and nuclear fusion. Radioactive decay equation. Half life.

5. The dual nature of the electron. The structure of the electronic shells of atoms. Quantum numbers. Atomic orbitals. Electronic configurations of atoms in the ground and excited states.

6. D. I. Mendeleev’s discovery of the periodic law and the creation of the periodic system of chemical elements. Modern formulation of the periodic law. Structure of the periodic system: large and small periods, groups and subgroups. Dependence of the properties of elements and the compounds they form on the position of the element in the periodic table.

7. Types of chemical bonds: covalent (polar and non-polar), ionic, metallic, hydrogen. Mechanisms of covalent bond formation: exchange and donor-acceptor. Energy of communication. Electronegativity. Polarity of connection, inductive effect. Multiple connections. Orbital hybridization model. Relationship between the electronic structure of molecules and their geometric structure (using the example of compounds of elements of the 2nd period). Delocalization of electrons in conjugated systems, mesomeric effect.

8. Valency and oxidation state. Structural formulas. Isomerism. Types of isomerism, structural and spatial isomerism.

9. Aggregate states of substances and transitions between them depending on temperature and pressure. Gases. Gas laws. Mendeleev-Clapeyron equation.

Avogadro's law, molar volume. Liquids. Association of molecules in liquids. Solids. The main types of crystal lattices: cubic and hexagonal.

10. Classification of chemical reactions: reactions of connection, decomposition, substitution, exchange. Redox reactions. Determination of stoichiometric coefficients in the equations of redox reactions. A range of standard electrode potentials.

11. Thermal effects of chemical reactions. Thermochemical equations. Heat (enthalpy) of formation of chemical compounds. Hess's law and consequences from it.

12. Rate of chemical reactions. Dependence of the reaction rate on the nature and concentration of reactants, temperature. Rate constant of a chemical reaction. Activation energy. Catalysis and catalysts.

13. Reversibility of chemical reactions. Chemical equilibrium and conditions for its displacement, Le Chatelier's principle. Equilibrium constant, degree of conversion.

14. Solutions. The solubility of substances and its dependence on temperature, pressure, and the nature of the solvent. Ways to express the concentration of solutions: mass fraction, mole fraction, molar concentration. Solid solutions. Alloys.

15. Strong and weak electrolytes. Electrolytic dissociation. Dissociation constant. Degree of dissociation. Ionic reaction equations. Properties of acids, bases and salts in the light of Arrhenius' theory of electrolytic dissociation. Hydrolysis of salts. Electrolysis of aqueous solutions and molten salts. Processes occurring at the cathode and anode.

Inorganic chemistry

Based on the periodic law, applicants must be able to give a comparative description of elements in groups and periods.

Characteristics of an element include: the electronic configuration of the atom; possible valencies and oxidation states of the element in compounds; forms of simple substances and main types of compounds, their physical and chemical properties, laboratory and industrial methods of production; the prevalence of the element and its compounds in nature, the practical significance and areas of application of its compounds. When describing chemical properties, reactions involving inorganic and organic compounds (acid-base and redox transformations), as well as qualitative reactions, should be reflected.

1. The main classes of inorganic substances, their names (nomenclature), the relationship between them.

2. Oxides and peroxides. Types of oxides. Methods of preparation, properties of oxides and peroxides.

3. Bases, methods of preparation, properties.

4. Acids, their classification, general properties, methods of preparation.

5. Salts, their composition, chemical properties, methods of production.

6. Metals, their position in the periodic table. Physical and chemical properties. Main methods of obtaining. Metals and alloys in technology.

7. General characteristics of alkali metals. Oxides, peroxides, hydroxides and salts of alkali metals. Potash fertilizers.

8. General characteristics of the elements of the main subgroup of group II of the periodic system. Calcium and its compounds. Water hardness and ways to eliminate it.

9. General characteristics of the elements of the main subgroup of group III of the periodic system. Aluminum. Amphotericity of aluminum oxide and hydroxide.

10. Iron, its oxides and hydroxides, the dependence of their properties on the degree of oxidation of iron. Chemical reactions underlying the production of iron and steel. The role of iron and its alloys in technology.

11. Hydrogen, its interaction with metals, non-metals, oxides, organic compounds.

12. Oxygen, its allotropic forms. Properties of ozone. Oxides and peroxides.

13. Water, structure of water. Physical and chemical properties of water. Crystal hydrates. Hydrogen peroxide.

14. General characteristics of halogens. Hydrogen halides. Halides. Oxygen-containing chlorine compounds.

15. General characteristics of the elements of the main subgroup of group VI of the periodic system. Sulfur. Hydrogen sulfide, sulfides. Sulfur oxides (IV) and (VI), preparation, properties. Sulfurous and sulfuric acids, their properties. Salts of sulfurous and sulfuric acids. Production of sulfuric acid.

16. General characteristics of the elements of the main subgroup of group V of the periodic system. Nitrogen. Ammonia, its industrial synthesis. Ammonium salts. Nitrides. Nitrogen oxides. Nitrous and nitric acids and their salts. Nitrogen fertilizers.

17. Phosphorus, its allotropic forms. Phosphine, phosphides. Phosphorus (V) oxide. Ortho-, meta- and diphosphoric acids. Orthophosphates. Phosphorus fertilizers.

18. General characteristics of the elements of the main subgroup of group IV of the periodic system. Carbon, its allotropic forms. Oxides of carbon (II) and (IV). Carbonic acid and its salts. Calcium and aluminum carbides.

19. Silicon. Silan. Magnesium silicide. Silicon(IV) oxide. Silicic acid and its soybeans.

Organic chemistry

The characteristics of each class of organic compounds include: features of the electronic and spatial structure of compounds of this class, patterns of changes in physical and chemical properties in the homologous series, nomenclature, types of isomerism, main types of chemical reactions and their mechanisms.

Characteristics of specific compounds include physical and chemical properties, laboratory and industrial methods of preparation, and areas of application. When describing chemical properties, it is necessary to take into account reactions involving both a radical and a functional group.

1. The theory of the structure of organic compounds by A. M. Butlerov. Dependence of the properties of substances on their structure. Types of isomerism. The nature of chemical bonds in molecules of organic compounds, homo- and heterolytic methods of breaking bonds. The concept of free radicals.

2. Saturated hydrocarbons (alkanes and cycloalkanes), their electronic and spatial structure (hybridization). Nomenclature, isomerism.

3. Alkenes, their electronic and spatial structure (-hybridization, and -bonds). Nomenclature, isomerism. Markovnikov's rule. Cycloalkenes. Conjugated diene hydrocarbons, features of their chemical properties.

4. Acetylene hydrocarbons (alkynes), their electronic and spatial structure (-hybridization, and -bonds). Nomenclature. Acidic properties of alkynes. Kucherov's reaction.

5. Aromatic hydrocarbons (arenes). Benzene, electronic and spatial structure (-hybridization). Benzene homologues. The concept of the mutual influence of atoms using the example of toluene (reaction of an aromatic system and a hydrocarbon radical).

6. Natural sources of hydrocarbons: oil, natural and associated petroleum gases, coal. Oil distillation. Cracking. Products obtained from petroleum, their application.

7. Alcohols. Primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols. Nomenclature, structure, chemical properties of monohydric alcohols. Industrial synthesis of ethanol. Polyhydric alcohols (ethylene glycol, glycerin), features of chemical properties.

8. Phenol, its structure, mutual influence of atoms in the molecule. Chemical properties of phenol, comparison with the properties of aliphatic alcohols.

9. Aldehydes. Nomenclature, structure, physical and chemical properties. Features of the carbonyl group. Formic and acetaldehydes, preparation, application. The concept of ketones.

10. Carboxylic acids. Nomenclature, structure, physical and chemical properties.

Mutual influence of the carboxyl group and hydrocarbon radical. Saturated, unsaturated and aromatic acids. Examples of acids: formic acid (its features), acetic, benzoic, stearic, oleic acids.

11. Esters. Structure, chemical properties. Esterification reaction. Fats, their role in nature, chemical processing of fats (hydrolysis, hydrogenation).

12. Carbohydrates. Monosaccharides: ribose, deoxyribose, glucose, fructose, their structure, physical and chemical properties, role in nature. Cyclic forms of monosaccharides. Polysaccharides: starch and cellulose.

13. Amines. Aliphatic and aromatic amines. Mutual influence of atoms using the example of aniline. Primary, secondary and tertiary amines.

14. Amino acids and hydroxy acids. Structure, chemical properties, isomerism. Examples of hydroxy acids: lactic, tartaric and salicylic acids. Alpha amino acids are the structural units of proteins. Peptides. Structure and biological role of proteins.

15. Pyrrole. Pyridine. Pyrimidine and purine bases that are part of nucleic acids. Understanding the structure of nucleic acids.

16. Polymerization and polycondensation reactions. General concepts of the chemistry of high molecular weight compounds (HMCs): monomer, polymer, elementary unit, degree of polymerization (polycondensation). Examples of various types of IUDs: polyethylene, polypropylene, polystyrene, polyvinyl chloride, polytetrafluoroethylene, rubbers, phenol-formaldehyde resins, polypeptides, artificial and synthetic fibers.

All books can be downloaded for free and without registration.

NEW. V.N. Verkhovsky, Ya.L. Goldfarb, L.M. Smorgonsky. Organic chemistry. Textbook for 10th grade. 1946 156 pp. djvu. 19.2 MB.
This textbook is written by practitioners and is designed for children to understand chemistry, and not to memorize various tongue twister rules.
The volume of material presented significantly exceeds that of Tsvetkov’s textbook. I highly recommend the book, especially to teachers.
A comparison of this book with modern textbooks clearly shows the trends of modern textbooks: textbooks are written more and more abstract and stingy in material and more and more divorced from practice.


NEW. Nikolsky A.B., Suvorov A.V. Chemistry. year 2001. 512 pp. djvu. 4.1 MB.
The textbook of a new type, designed primarily for the formation of students' chemical thinking, systematically and accurately and at the same time clearly and accessiblely presents a huge amount of modern general chemical knowledge. At the modern level, the doctrine of the chemical process is considered with an emphasis on the reaction mechanism. The relationship between the electronic structure and chemical behavior of substances has been traced. The logical and popular presentation of the material, the originality of test questions, and the accessibility of illustrations contribute to the acquisition of chemical knowledge and the development of scientific thinking.
Intended for university students, students of secondary specialized educational institutions, and will be useful for university teachers and school teachers. It is also useful for schoolchildren, non-EGEoticians, to watch at least the first chapters.


Aleksinsky V.N. Entertaining experiments in chemistry. 2nd revision ed. 1995 95 pp. djvu. 1.9 MB.
A book for teachers. The book discusses experiments that can be used not only in extracurricular activities, but also in preparation for lessons. Experiments, having an element of entertainment, contribute to the development of students’ ability to observe and explain chemical phenomena. The manual will help teachers in cultivating students' interest in studying chemistry, in developing a deeper and more conscious assimilation of theoretical material.


T.M. Varlamova, A.I. Krakow. GENERAL AND INORGANIC CHEMISTRY: BASIC COURSE. 263 pp. djvu. 2.2 MB.
This manual outlines the main issues of general and inorganic chemistry, many of which cause difficulties for students and applicants. Typical problems for all sections of the school chemistry course are examined in detail and tasks for independent solution are proposed. The manual is intended for students of preparatory departments at higher educational institutions, as well as individuals preparing to enter universities on their own, students of senior secondary schools, lyceums, gymnasiums and colleges.


Gabrielyan O.S., Maskaev F.N., Terenin V.I. Chemistry 10th grade. Textbook. 2002. 304 pp. djvu. 3.9 MB.
A book for teachers. The textbook continues and develops the chemistry course set out in the textbooks "Chemistry-8" and "Chemistry-9" by the author O.S. Gabrielyan. The educational material on organic chemistry is presented taking into account the fact that students received initial information about organic substances in the 9th grade. The textbook meets the mandatory minimum educational content. The material in the textbook is distributed at two levels - basic and in-depth and is given in connection with ecology, medicine, and biology. The course provides information about vital substances: vitamins, enzymes, hormones, medications. Chemical experiments are widely presented, including new practical work, during which the properties of vitamins, enzymes, and medications are examined.


P.A. Gurevich, M.A. Kubeshov. Organic chemistry. Useful information for schoolchildren and teachers - history, theory, problems and solutions. 2004 350 pp. djvu. 4.6 MB.


Egorov A.S. ed. Chemistry tutor. 2003 770 pp. PDF. 16.3 MB.
The manual contains a detailed presentation of the basics of general, inorganic and organic chemistry, as well as typical problems with solutions and a large number of tasks of varying degrees of difficulty for independent work (including elective tests). Recommended for students of schools, gymnasiums and lyceums, applicants to chemical and biomedical universities.


Kuzmenko N.E., Eremin V.V., Popkov V.A. The beginning of chemistry. Modern course for applicants to universities. In 2 volumes. 7th ed. reworked add. 2002 384+384 pp. djvu. in one archive 16.9 MB.
The book is an attempt at a modern, comprehensive and systematic presentation of the fundamentals of chemistry, which are essential to know first of all for those entering universities. Its content is based on a thorough analysis of the chemistry entrance exam programs of most universities (chemical, medical, biological, etc.), as well as specific exam tasks.
The manual is intended for schoolchildren, applicants and teachers. The manual outlines the basics of modern chemistry, which every high school graduate must understand and is absolutely necessary for anyone who sees himself as a student - a chemist, physician or biologist of the 21st century. The new edition reflects the latest achievements in chemistry and presents new tasks for entrance exams.


NOT. Kuzmenko et al. Beginnings of chemistry. Modern course for applicants to universities. year 2001. 360 pp. djvu. 16.3 MB.


Kuzmenko et al. Chemistry. For high school students and those entering universities. The manual is a textbook and reference book on chemistry. 525 pages. Size 4.7 MB. djvu.


Kuzmenko, Eremin, Popkov. A short course in chemistry. For those entering universities. 2002 410 pp. PDF. Size 12.4 MB.
The manual is intended for schoolchildren, applicants and teachers. The manual outlines the modern fundamentals of chemistry in a brief but informative and clear manner. These are the basics that every high school graduate must understand and absolutely must know for anyone who sees himself as a chemistry, medical, or biologist student of the 21st century. In those parts: 1. Theoretical chemistry, 2. Inorganic chemistry. 3. Organic chemistry.


T.N. Litvinova, E.D. Melnikova, M.V. Solovyova, L.T. Azhipa, N.K. Vyskubova. Chemistry in tasks for applicants to universities. year 2009. 832 pp. PDF. 4.7 MB.
The collection contains more than 2,500 problems covering the main topics of the school chemistry course. Among them are high-quality and calculated standard problems with solutions and problems of varying levels of complexity for independent solution. Answers are given to all problems, and detailed solutions are given to the most difficult ones.
For each topic, theoretical material is presented, mainly in the form of tables - basic concepts, laws of chemistry, formulas, classifications, properties, methods of obtaining inorganic and organic substances.
The manual will help in preparing for final exams in high school, passing the Unified State Exam and entrance exams to a university. The book is addressed to high school students, applicants and teachers.


Nekrashevich I. Chemistry. 8 - 11 grades. 2008 304 pp. PDF. 1.7 MB.
Does chemistry seem like a difficult and incomprehensible subject to you? You don't know how to solve chemical problems, write reaction equations, build formulas?
The chemistry tutor you hold in your hands will help solve these problems.


G.K. Prokhorova. Qualitative chemical analysis. Workshop for schoolchildren. 2002 33 pp. PDF. in the general archive 424 KB.
The workshop is intended for 9th grade students of schools with in-depth study of chemistry and schools of young chemists to familiarize them with the basics of analytical chemistry.
Prepared at the Chemistry Department of Moscow State University.


Rudzitis G.E., Feldman F.G. Chemistry. 7-11 grade. In 2 books. 1985 djvu. two books in one archive. 12.3 MB.
Book 1. 204 pages. Textbook for grades 7-11 of evening (shift) secondary school. The textbook complies with current school curricula and the mandatory minimum chemical education. It has the classic structure of a school textbook on chemistry and includes all the necessary theoretical and practical material for studying a course in inorganic chemistry.
Book 1. 306 pages. Textbook for grades 7-11 of evening (shift) secondary school. The textbook complies with current school curricula and the mandatory minimum chemical education. It has the classic structure of a school textbook on chemistry and includes all the necessary theoretical and practical material for studying the course of inorganic organic chemistry. In the second book, organic chemistry takes up half of its volume. The material is differentiated by difficulty levels.
Numerous tables, diagrams and drawings facilitate the assimilation and repetition of theoretical and practical material. The accessibility and clarity of presentation of the basic concepts, definitions and laws of chemistry make it possible to recommend this textbook not only for school teaching, but also for self-education.
When studying chemistry from scratch, it is better to use this textbook rather than modern ones, as it is better and more understandable. This is not my opinion, but that of a professional chemist.


Semenov. Chemistry: a guide for applicants to universities. 1989 225 pp. djvu. 3.7 MB.
In contrast to existing ones, this manual places emphasis on an in-depth repetition of the basic concepts and laws of chemistry, “key” issues, on the understanding of which the understanding of the factual material studied at school depends. A small number of examples show the main patterns of behavior of chemical systems, general approaches to their consideration, and how the properties of a substance determine its use. The questions and exercises presented are selected from those that were offered at the entrance exams to chemical universities or were used by the author at the Preparatory Department of Leningrad State University. As a rule, the answer does not require cumbersome calculations and you just need to thoroughly understand the basic laws of chemistry.
It is intended primarily for applicants who are independently preparing for the university exam, but it will also be useful for students of preparatory departments and courses.


Stakheev. All chemistry in 50 tables. All the basic concepts of SCHOOL chemistry are given. It is a kind of cheat sheet - a reminder. 60 pages. Size 1.2 MB. djvu.


Khomchenko G.P. A manual on chemistry for applicants to universities. 2002 480 pp. PDF. Size 11.6 MB.
The manual covers all the questions of the entrance exams in chemistry. For better understanding of the chemistry course, some additional information is provided. At the end of each chapter, typical problems with solutions and tasks for independent work are given. The book is intended for those entering universities. It can also be recommended to chemistry teachers when preparing students to take final exams for a high school course. I liked the guide.


Chernikova L.P. Cheat sheets for chemistry. 2003 144 pp. PDF. 2.4 MB.
The material is divided into three topics: Basic concepts of chemistry, General chemistry, Organic chemistry. Normal benefit. I don't understand why it has this name.


Can you please tell me the recommended textbooks for admission to a medical university in biology and chemistry?
Before you start preparing for next year's exams, I would like to decide on textbooks. I finished school a long time ago, so I’ll have to prepare from scratch.
Based on what is written on the forums, the textbooks below are the most cited.

1). “The beginnings of chemistry. A modern course for applicants to universities." Kuzmenko N.E., Eremin V.V., Popkov V.A.
2). “A manual on chemistry for those entering universities.” Khomchenko G.P.
3). "Chemistry. 8-11 grades." Rudzitis G.E., Feldman F.G.
4). "Chemistry tutor" Alexander Egorov
5). "Collection of problems and exercises in chemistry." Kuzmenko N.E., Eremin V.V.
6). “A manual on chemistry for those entering universities. Questions, exercises, tasks. Sample exam papers." Puzakov S.A., Popkov V.A.
7). "Solving problems in chemistry." Belavin I.Yu.
8). “Problem book in chemistry. Grade 11." Levkin A.N., Kuznetsova N.E.

1). "General biology: grades 10-11: Textbook for general education institutions." Profile level: In 2 hours. Ed. Shumny V.K., Dymshitsa G.M.
2). “Biology complete course” In 3 volumes (Anatomy, Botany, Zoology). Bilich G.L., Kryzhanovsky V.A.
3). "Biology. For those entering universities" Vladimir Yarygin
4). "Biology. General biology" V. B. Zakharov, S. G. Mamontov, N. I. Sonin, E. T. Zakharova
5). "Biology. In 2 volumes" Edited by N. V. Chebyshev
6). “Human Anatomy: Textbook: in two books” Sapin M.R., Bilic G.L.
7). "Biology. Human anatomy and physiology. 8th grade. In-depth study." Sapin M.R., Sivoglazov V.I., Bryksina Z.G.
8). “Biology for those entering universities” R. G. Zayats, V. E. Butvilovsky, V. V. Davydov, I. V. Rachkovskaya
9). "Fundamentals of Biology. Full course of comprehensive secondary school" A. A. Kamensky, N. A. Sokolova, M. A. Valovaya
10). "Biology. A manual for preparatory departments of medical institutes" N. E. Kovalev, L. D. Shevchuk, O. I. Shchurenko
eleven). “Preparing for the biology exam” A. G. Lebedev
12). "Biology. Handbook for high school students and applicants to universities. A complete course of preparation for final exams" T. L. Bogdanova, E. A. Solodova

Tell me, if it’s not difficult, what textbooks are best to buy in order to enroll?!
I am very worried that I will waste time on unnecessary books and thereby simply not prepare properly. Help with advice. Please!

Best regards, Alexander Strokin.

I'll write about the chemistry.
1 and 5 almost completely repeat each other, but very good. Take 1 - the theory is described in more detail there, the tasks are the same as in 5.
As far as I know, level 2 tasks are not very difficult, easier than level 1.
3 - a regular school textbook. If you can handle theory level 1, then you can probably do without it.
4 - have not met. Books with that title are scary :)
6 - level is approximately the same as in 1. Good book.
7 - have not met.
8 - the tasks are simple, but there are a lot of the same type. Good for getting your teeth into the school curriculum.

I hope my answer will be useful. Good luck!

Alexander Sergeevich, thank you for your answer! Tell me, what are the best chemistry problem books to buy? Separate for high school or specifically for the Unified State Exam?
Please write YOUR RECOMMENDED LIST OF CHEMISTRY TEXTBOOKS AND CHEMISTRY PROBLEMS (EXERCISES). So that I can finally decide. I will be very grateful to you.
Unfortunately, I wrote this question on many forums, but so far there are no answers from anyone. I do not know what to do. Time goes by, I’m afraid I won’t make it in time and I’m marking time.

Level zero! I completely forgot everything. Today I looked at the test assignments for the Unified State Exam for 2012, 2011, 2010. in chemistry and biology, I don’t know anything at all. I really felt like a fool! I only remember 5% of the answers. Both in biology and chemistry - the same story - zero!
Graduated from school in 2002. And apparently, when entering a university, I will be able to take either the Unified State Exam at the university, or simply the Exams that the same university conducts independently. One of two, in short. I'm completely at a loss here. What's the best way to prepare? What is better to take when applying - the Unified State Exam or the University Exam? Is it better to “sharpen” your brains for the Unified State Exam or just solve problem books and that’s it? WHAT TO DO?!

The Unified State Exam is more understandable and clearly structured; the internal exam is a thing in itself.
But if you have forgotten everything, then preparing for these subjects on your own is problematic; you need someone to help you, guide you, check solutions, answer questions that arise, clarify inaccuracies, and explain approaches to problems. Solving chemical problems using a model is useless; they are very simple and logical, but you need to feel this logic.
And I wouldn’t leave less than a year for preparation.
Let's say my preparation course for the Unified State Exam is divided into 35 large, serious topics. So consider it))

Alexander, since the level is completely zero, in chemistry I would highly recommend E. E. Minchenkov’s textbook for grades 8 and 9.
It is very lucidly written. Remember the very basics over the summer, both theories and calculations.

Two years ago, when my adult student, after medical school, took the internal exam in the second medical school, it was practically the same Unified State Exam, only truncated. There were even tasks from the Unified State Exam task bank. I don’t know how it is now.

If you need a textbook, then, of course, Kuzmenko, Eremin.
Puzakov’s and especially Belavin’s problem books for the Unified State Exam are too high a level, you’ll be wasting your time.
Although Puzakov is good, he serves other purposes. If you take a specialized exam, then yes, take Puzakov, but even better - collections of MSU Competitive Problems.
For the Unified State Exam, the textbooks by Doronkin (for parts A and B, and separately part C) and Asanova are best suited. They, of course, have typos and inaccuracies, but they are optimal for the job. - part C in full - thematic tests, part A and B - organics on topics in the Unified State Exam structure, a very useful book - general chemistry, also tests and tasks, according to the structure of the Unified State Exam.

In biology
1) If we talk about textbooks, then you can take:
in botany - Gulenkova, Elenevsky "Biology: botany grade 6"
in zoology - Nikishov, Sharova "Biology: animals 7-8 (or 7th grade)"
in anatomy - Batuev "Biological: human 8th (or 9th grade)"
in general biology - "General Biology" in two volumes, ed. Borodin
2) Benefits - No. 12 from your list or D.A. Solovkov "Unified State Exam in Biology: Practical Preparation"

There is also a manual “Biology. School course in 100 hours” (E.A. Solodova, T.L. Bogdanova). It was made directly to prepare for the Unified State Exam. To get better at tests in all sections of the school course - collections of tests for grades 6.7.8 and 9 (E.A. Solodova. Test tasks.)

Dear Topicstarter, my advice to you is to take Egorov’s book “Chemistry Tutor” and read from the very beginning, this book completely covers the level of the Unified State Exam, it is written clearly, with examples and tests, to practice the material, use FIPI tests, of which a lot are sold, and These collections are available online.
With all due respect to the textbook by Kuzmenko and Eremin, it is redundant for the Unified State Exam, especially when you start reading it, you will see that the authors include topics that are unnecessary for the Unified State Exam. The textbook by Kuzmenko and Eremin is indispensable if you enroll in chemical universities, where you will have to take an internal exam in chemistry. If you are entering a medical university and, judging by the senior post, the top starter has very little time left and a very weak level, then Kuzmenko-Eremin will not save him, but will only sink him. You need to realistically assess your strengths.

A small addition about Egorov. Take exactly the book you wrote about in point 4. He has another one out, with the word “USE” in the title. They like to offer it in stores instead of the first one, but many of the necessary topics are missing there.

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Khomchenko G.P. A manual on chemistry for those entering universities. - 4th ed., revised. and additional, - M., 2002, - 480 pp.: ill.
The manual covers all the questions for the entrance exam in chemistry. For better understanding of the chemistry course, some additional information is provided. After each chapter, typical problems with solutions and tasks for independent work are given.
The book is intended for those entering universities. Oia can also be recommended to chemistry teachers when preparing students to take final exams for a high school course.
§ 1. Subject of chemistry
§ 2. The role of chemistry in industry and agriculture.
§ 3. Chemistry and ecology
Chapter 1. Basic concepts and laws of chemistry
§ 1.1. Atomic-molecular science in chemistry
§ 1.2. Chemical elements
§ 1.3. Simple and complex substances. Allotropy
§ 1.4. Relative atomic mass
§ 1.5. Relative molecular weight
§ 1.6. Mol. Molar mass
§ 1.7. Chemical symbols, formulas and equations
§ 1.8. Chemical reactions. Classification of reactions
§ 1.9. Law of conservation of mass of substances
§ 1.10. Law of constancy of the composition of matter
§1.11. Gas laws. Avogadro's law. Molar volume of gas
§ 1.12. Solving typical problems
Chapter 2. Periodic law of D. I. Mendeleev and the structure of atoms
§ 2.1. Discovery of the periodic law by D. I. Mendeleev
§ 2.2. Periodic table of elements by D. I. Mendeleev
§ 2.3. Nuclear model of atomic structure
§ 2.4. Composition of atomic nuclei. Nuclear reactions
§ 2.5. Modern model of the state of an electron in an atom
§ 2.6. Structure of electronic shells of atoms
§ 2.7. Electronic formulas of D. I. Mendeleev
§ 2.9. The periodic law and the periodic system of elements in the light of the doctrine of the structure of atoms
§2.10. Periodic properties of atoms
§ 2.11. The importance of the periodic law and the theory of atomic structure
§2.12. Solving typical problems
Chapter 3. Chemical bond
§ 3.1. Covalent bond
§ 3.2. Properties of covalent bonds
§ 3.3. Ionic bond
§ 3.4. Polar and non-polar molecules
§ 3.6. Hydrogen bond
§ 3.7. Types of crystal lattices
§ 3.8. Structural formulas
§ 3.9. Oxidation state
§3.10. Chemical bond and valency
§3.11. Solving typical problems
Chapter 4. Rate of chemical reactions. Chemical equilibrium
§4.1. Rate of chemical reactions
§4.2. Factors affecting reaction speed
§ 4.3. Activation energy
§ 4.4. Concept of catalysis and catalysts
§ 4.5. Irreversible and reversible reactions
§4.6. Chemical equilibrium
§ 4.7. Le Chatelier's principle
§ 4.8. Solving typical problems
Chapter 5. Solutions. Electrolytic dissociation theory
§ 5.1. Numerical expression of the composition of solutions
§ 5.2. Solubility of substances in water
§ 5.3. Thermal phenomena during dissolution
§ 5.4. Electrolytes and non-electrolytes
§ 5.5. Electrolytic dissociation theory
§ 5.6. Dissociation mechanism
§ 5.7. Ion hydration
§ 5.8. Dissociations of acids, bases and salts in aqueous solutions
§ 5.9. Degree of dissociation
§5.10. Strong and weak electrolytes
§5.11. Ion exchange reactions
§5.12. Dissociation of water. pH
§5.13. Protolytic theory of acids and bases
§5.14. Solving typical problems
Chapter 6. The most important classes of inorganic compounds
§6.1. Oxides
§6.2. Acids
§6.3. Grounds
§6.4. Salts
§ 6.5. Hydrolysis of salts
§ 6.6. Relationship between classes of inorganic compounds
§ 6.7. Solving typical problems
Chapter 7. Redox reactions. Electrolysis
§7.1. Theory of redox reactions
§ 7.2. The most important reducing and oxidizing agents
.§7.4. Influence of the environment on the nature of reactions
§ 7.5. Classification of redox reactions
§ 7.6. The essence of electrolysis
§ 7.7. Electrolysis of aqueous electrolyte solutions
§ 7.8. Applications of Electrolysis
§ 7.9. Solving typical problems
Chapter 8. Hydrogen. Halogens
§8.1. General properties of non-metals
§8.2. Hydrogen
§ 8.3. Water
§8.4, Heavy water
§ 8.5. General characteristics of the halogen subgroup
§8.6. Chlorine
§ 8.7. Hydrogen chloride and hydrochloric acid
§ 8.8. Salts of hydrochloric acid
§ 8.9. Brief information about fluorine, bromine and iodine
Chapter 9. Oxygen subgroup
§9.1. General characteristics of the oxygen subgroup
§ 9.2. Oxygen and its properties
§ 9.3. Sulfur and its properties
§ 9.4. Hydrogen sulfide and sulfides
§ 9.5. Sulfur(IV) oxide. Sulfurous acid
§9.6. Sulfur(VI) oxide. Sulfuric acid
§ 9.7. Properties of sulfuric acid and its practical significance
§ 9.8. Sulfuric acid salts
Chapter 10. Nitrogen subgroup
§ 10.1. General characteristics of the nitrogen subgroup
§ 10.2. Nitrogen. Sigma and pi bonds
§ 10.3. Ammonia

§ 10.4. Chemical basis of ammonia production
§ 10.5. Ammonium salts
§ 10.7. Nitrogen quelota
§ 10.9. Nitric acid salts
§ 10.10. Phosphorus
§ 10.11. Phosphorus oxides and phosphoric acids
§ 10.12. Mineral fertilizers
Chapter 11. Subgroup of carbon
§ 11.1. General characteristics of the carbon subgroup
§ 11.2. Carbon and its properties
§ 11.3. Carbon oxides. Carbonic acid
§ 11.4. Carbonic acid salts
§ 11.5. Silicon and its properties
§ 11.6. Silicon(IV) oxide and silicic acid
§ 11.7. The concept of colloidal solutions
§ 11.8. Silicic acid salts
§ 11.9. Production of glass and cement
§ 11.10. Solving typical problems
Chapter 12, General properties of metals
§ 12.1. The position of metals in the periodic table of elements by D. I. Mendeleev
§ 12.2. Physical properties of metals
§ 12.3. Chemical properties of metals
§ 12.4. Metals and alloys in technology
§ 12.5. A range of standard electrode potentials
§ 12.6. Main methods of obtaining metals
§ 12.7. Metal corrosion
§ 12.8. Corrosion protection
Chapter 13. Metals of the main subgroups
§ 13.1. General characteristics of the lithium subgroup
§ 13.2. Sodium and potassium
§ 13.3. Caustic alkalis
§ 13.4. Sodium and potassium salts
§ 13.5. General characteristics of the beryllium subgroup
§ 13.6. Calcium
§ 13.7. Calcium oxide and hydroxide
§ 13.8. Calcium salts
§ 13.9. Water hardness and ways to eliminate it
§ 13.10. General characteristics of the boron subgroup
§ 13.11. Aluminum
§ 13.12. Aluminum oxide and hydroxide
§ 13.13. Application of aluminum and its alloys
Chapter 14. Metals of side subgroups
§ 14.1. General characteristics of the chromium subgroup
§ 14.2. Chromium
§ 14.3. Chromium oxides and hydroxides
§ 14.4. Chromates and dichromates
§ 14.5. General characteristics of the iron family
§ 14.6. Iron
§ 14.7. Iron compounds
§ 14.8. Domain process
§ 14.9. Cast iron and steel
§ 14.10. Solving typical problems
Chapter 15. Basic principles of organic chemistry
§ 15.1. Organic Chemistry Subject
§ 15.2. Features of organic compounds
§ 15.3. Isomerism
§ 15.4. Theory of the chemical structure of organic compounds by A. M. Butlerov
§ 15.5. Homologous series of organic compounds
§ 15.6. Classification of organic compounds
§ 15.7. Types of organic reactions
Chapter 16. Hydrocarbons
§ 16.1. Saturated hydrocarbons (alkanes)
§ 16.2. Nomenclature of alkanes and their derivatives
§ 16.3. Chemical properties of methane and its homologues
§ 16.4. Cycloalkanes
§ 16.5. Unsaturated hydrocarbons
§ 16.6. Ethylene and its homologues
§ 16.7. Polymerization reactions. Polyethylene
§ 16.8. Acetylene and its homologues
§ 16.9. Diene hydrocarbons
§ 16.10. Natural and synthetic rubbers
§16.11. Aromatic hydrocarbons (arenes)
§ 16.12. Benzene and its homologues
§ 16.13. Oil and its processing
§ 16.14. Natural gases and their uses
§ 16.15. Solving typical problems
Chapter 17. Oxygen-containing organic compounds
§ 17.1. Saturated alcohols
§ 17.2. Methanol and ethanol
§ 17.3. Ethylene glycol and glycerin
§ 17.4. Phenols
§ 17.5. Aldehydes
§ 17.6. Formaldehyde
§ 17.7. Acetaldehyde
§ 17.8. Polycondensation reactions
§ 17.9. Ketones
§ 17.10. Carboxylic acids
§ 17.11. Formic acid
§ 17.12. Acetic acid
§ 17.13. Esters. Esterification and saponification reactions
§ 17.14. Fats
§ 17.15. Soaps and other cleaning products
§ 17.16. Carbohydrates
§ 17.17. Monosaccharides and disaccharides
§ 17.18. Polysaccharides
§ 17.19. Unsaturated, dibasic and heterofunctional acids
§ 17.20. Solving typical problems
Chapter 18. Nitrogen-containing organic compounds
§ 18.1. Nitro compounds
§ 18.2. Amines
§ 18.3. Aniline
§ 18.4. Amino acids
§ 18.5. Acid amides
§ 18.6. Squirrels
§ 18.7. Heterocyclic compounds
§ 18.8. Nucleic acids
§ 18.9. Solving typical problems
Subject index