The first lesson "school of the future first-grader". Development of classes for the development of speech with future first graders

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school No. 62"

"School of the future first grader"

"Fundamentals of Literacy"

Krepkikh Natalya Vitalievna

primary school teacher

MBOU "Secondary School No. 62"


Kemerovo region.

1 lesson
Topic of the lesson: Visiting Smeshariki! Hatching (vegetables).

Lesson objectives:

1) Acquaintance with the rules of hatching, introduce the concept of "word", vocabulary replenishment.

2) development of horizons, auditory and visual memory, preparation of fine motor skills of the hand for writing.

3) Cultivate love for nature.

^ Progress of the lesson: notes


Smeshariki lived in some round state. They lived, did not grieve, played, had fun, but now it's time for Krosh to go to school. Losyash, Kopatych and Karych gathered for advice: “We should prepare the hare for the first grade.” And they began to ask him riddles about school supplies:
Mystery writer - Natalia Ivanova

(Guesses are written from right to left)

you colored pencil

Color all drawings.

To correct them later

Very useful...


I'm ready to blind the whole world -

House, car, two cats.

I am the ruler today -

I have...


I'm big, I'm a student!

In my backpack...


I'm ready for training starts

I'll be sitting down soon...


I draw corners and squares

I'm in class...


And every student understands

What I really need...


Straight line, come on

You can draw yourself!

It's hard science!

Useful here...


I look like a box

You put your hands on me.

Student, do you recognize me?

Well, of course, I - ... (lanep)

Glue the ship, soldier,

Locomotive, car, sword.

Help you guys



Images of Krosh, Losyash, Karych, Kopatych.
At your discretion, you can selectively

^ Breathing exercises and articulatory gymnastics.

1) Deep breath - full exhalation.

2) Inflating the cheeks - pressing on the cheeks with your fingers - releasing air.

3) "Horses" - clicking with the tip of the tongue behind the upper lips.

4) "Hide and seek" - without closing the mouth, the tongue must be pushed back, the tip of the tongue is at the bottom.


Krosh puzzled for a long time, everything was interesting and mysterious to him, well, a real adventure. And friends decided to go swimming. “Where do you think they will go?

Game "find the extra": boat, oar, helm, sailor, flower

Conversation with children about the sea reproduction of the painting "9th wave" by Aivozovsky

You can offer pictures of objects (for visual perception) Answers can have 2 options: sailor (live), flower (not related to the sea)


Smeshariki sailed to the island, where they decided to rest and sent Krosh for firewood (brushwood)

But then a bad weather broke out and it started to rain. Let's shade the umbrella for our heroes: put the tip of the pencil on the top of the umbrella and lower it down, repeat our steps again until the entire umbrella is shaded. The lines should be straight and at the same distance from each other

Find out the meaning of the word "fat"

Picture "rain"



Smeshariki were so happy that they offered us to play with them.


Under cheerful tunes

Let's turn to the right, to the left.

Hands up, hands down!

Up! And bend over again!

Right, left head!

Hands up! Before you!

Stomp with your right foot!

Right step. Stay where you are!

Stomp with your left foot!

Turn right to your friend.

Give your right hand to a friend.

^ Exercises for the prevention of visual impairment.

The head is fixed. The eyes look straight ahead. It is necessary to practice eye movements in four main directions (up, down, right, left).


You need to fold the twigs so that you get a hut (house) We will help him with you! Take a pencil in hand and draw short lines on our lines

work in lines according to the model.


Night fell on the island, Smeshariki went to bed. Let's NOT interfere with them. We will return to them in the next lesson.

What did we do today? But most of all we talked. We have collected words. So, when we name something, we pronounce the words.

^ See you at the next lesson.

2 lesson

Lesson topic: Smeshariki in space. The letter is straight short lines with a rounding at the bottom.

^ Lesson objectives:

1) Determine the nature of the attitude to learning. Introduce children to school rules.

2) To form the motivational readiness of the child for school.

3) The development of proper breathing in colloquial speech, familiarity with the ruler
^ Lesson progress: notes


Today we will go with our Smeshariki into space. What is space? Before flying, you need to know the magic words, because in order for Krosh to go to school, you need to learn how to behave correctly not only at home or in space, but also with friends, and with strangers you need to be polite. What magic polite words of a word do you know? What should you be like to be a good student?

Please continue with suggestions:

1. He is not used to being lazy,
He is diligent: (student)

2. He will always help a friend
And lend a hand in trouble
Explains the problem in an instant,
He is a good student)

Do you guys want to go to school? And for what?

Introduction to the concept of "politeness"

Images of Smeshariki and rockets.

Children's responses are heard.


It can be gentle
Can be rough
It can be loud
Or maybe quiet.
It can offend
Can make you laugh
It can be said.
And you can take and write
But for this you need to know the letters.
What's this? (children's answers - word). Now let's check how many words you know? Let everything that surrounds you help you

Form the concept of "word"

Say the word game


We fly among the stars and planets, but the planets also have their own rules, each of them rotates in its own way. The school has its own rules:

When children come to school, what do they do when they meet adults and each other? (children's answers - hello).

Rule N 1.
At school they say "hello"
And with a smile they give a look!

What should a student do before the call to class?
-And when the bell rings, where should each student wait for the teacher to come?

^ Rule N2.
Before the call you come
And put things in order!
On call, all together in a row
The teachers are waiting.

What do students need to do to learn new things and learn a lot in the classroom? How to contact the teacher if you want to ask something?

Rule number 3.
Don't bother your friend
Keep him calm.
Silence in class
Raise your hand then
If you want to answer
Or something important.

If the student answers the teacher's question, can he be prompted? (children's answers).

Rule number 4.
At the lesson waiting for the answer -
Some people know, some don't
Only he answers.
Who will the teacher call?

Images of stars and planets

physical minute

stand up, tilt your head forward

steps in place, turning the body to the right and left, standing at attention

turns to the right and left of the body, putting a finger to the lips, raising a hand, imitating the situation in the lesson.

Raising and lowering the shoulders up and down, pointing with the index finger to the sides, turning around its axis.

P.S.: movements are arbitrary


Our rocket landed on a palm planet. What is a palm? What grows on palm trees? Shade only the coconuts in the picture, but what colors are found on the palm tree? Shade only green objects, shade or shade only brown objects.

Finger gymnastics:

This finger is a grandfather

This finger is a grandmother,

This finger is daddy

This finger is mommy

This finger is me

That's my whole family!

Alternately bending the fingers, starting with the thumb. Turn your fist when finished


The palm tree grows by the sea, who lives in the sea? Smeshariki need to refresh themselves, we need to catch fish, we need a hook for a fishing rod. We write short straight lines on the lines with a rounding at the bottom according to the sample.

Prescribing according to the show and the sample.


So the journey of Smeshariki has come to an end, but they are so lost that they cannot find their way home,

let's help them!

In the next lesson, Smeshariki and I will learn how to behave on the drogs.

Mobile game " ^ CATCH, FISH! Each participant ties a thin rope (about one and a half meters long) to the belt with a stick at the end -. fish.

It is required to "catch" the most fish, that is, to be able to break the ropes of rivals by stepping on their sticks and save your fish. Players who lose their wand are out of the game.

3 lesson
Topic: Smeshariki on the road. The letter is short lines with a rounded bottom. Sound Games

^ Goals: The development of phonemic hearing and vigilance. Update knowledge on traffic rules

progress notes


Today, together with Smeshariki, we will go on a journey along the road. What types of transport do you know? Guess riddles about transport: What a miracle - a long house!
There are many passengers in it.
Wears rubber shoes
And it feeds on gasoline.
^ Bus

Boldly floats in the sky,
Overtaking birds flight,
The man controls it.

Raises the giant
Piles of cargo to the clouds.
Wherever he stands, then
A new house is growing.
^ Crane
This horse does not eat oats
Instead of legs - two wheels.
Sit on horseback and ride it
Just better drive.

He starts digging, replacing a hundred shovels.

Listening to children's answers


Today, a traffic light came to visit us. Why is he on the road?

Green color -
Come on!
Yellow -
Wait a little.
Well, what if it's red?
The passage is dangerous! Why do we need traffic rules? What sounds do you hear on the road, on the street?

Well, what is it:

Here is the road puzzle:
What is the name of that horse
What lay on the transitions,
Where do pedestrians walk? (zebra) Why do we need a zebra on the road? Let's shade, like a zebra, our figure.

Listening to children's answers

Let's play a game: I show a red card - get up, green - go, yellow - jump in place.

Hatching on an oblique right-to-left.


But now our car drove up to the river bank, what kind of transport do we need? Let's remember what items are needed on the ship? Take a pencil of your favorite color and color the boat
We prescribe smooth lines according to the model.

Updating the knowledge of the first lesson. Reflection of mood in the graphic editor

Display with commentary on the board.


We all know that living things make different sounds. Let's play: I name the animal, and you depict what sound it makes: a snake, a cat, a dog, a goat, a cow, a goose, a chicken, a rooster, a donkey, a wolf, a mouse.

Formation of phonemic hearing.

The game "living-non-living"


So, we returned home with Smeshariki. What did you learn from today's lesson?

In the next lesson, we will learn how to behave at a party.

Children's answers

4 lesson

Topic: Smeshariki welcome guests. In the world of sounds and letters and words

^ Goals: Correlation of sounds and signs. The use of polite words in speech, familiarity with the rules of behavior at a party.

progress notes


The holiday of mothers is approaching and Smeshariki decided to invite friends to visit them. What does it mean to visit?

What are they doing at a party? We will drink tea, but to set the table, let's play: I name the word-object, and you say what this object does (the action of this object)

Kettle (boiling, hissing, bubbling), cup (calling, standing), water (running, pouring), tea leaves (rustling, falling, brewing), goose (hissing, walking, flapping its wings). What word is missing? Why?

Children's responses are heard.

Formation of the concept of different meanings of words

The development of logical thinking, the ability to justify.


We set the table, we sit down to drink tea, and what needs to be done before that? We took soap in our hands

Opening the water faucet

We rub our hands cheerfully without boredom.

Three hands, three fingers,

And then wash them off

We wipe with a towel, we don’t know more dirt.

We pour tea into cups: droplets lie in front of you, let's shade them according to the pattern.

Wash your hands: a physical minute to warm up your fingers (development of fine motor skills)

Hatching diagonally from right to left.


We drank tea, got bored and decided to let the Smeshariki boats through the streams. On the leaves you have different boats, let's try to draw exactly according to the pattern and line. Note that the mast of the small ship touches the middle of the wide line, while the mast of the large one goes through the narrow one to the middle of the next wide line. To make our boats festive, we will draw flags for them according to the model.

Formation of graphic skill, orientation in a line.


Krosh won in launching boats and decided to play with you ^ Physical education "Visiting the Bunny"

I will draw a Bunny.
This is the head. /circular hand movement
Ears on top
it will be two. /puts palms on head
Three - Bunny will have
fluffy gray ponytail / torso twists
And four - eyes
They look very fun. /puts hands with binoculars
To eat carrots deliciously -
Mouth, teeth five and six! /shows chewing carrots
Bunny's coat is seven / strokes the sides, arms, shoulders
Eight - he is very fast! /jumps in place
Nine - ran until sunset / reaches for the sun, and then shows how it sets,
Ten - Bunny needs to sleep / shows how Bunny puts his paws under his cheek.

teacher speaks and imitates movements as if he were painting:

Lesson number 5

Topic: Smeshariki in the forest. The letter is straight lines with rounding at the top and bottom.

^ Goals: to form the ability to listen, retell ; develop associative memory; to form fine motor skills, the ability to work frontally

No. Progress notes


Guess the riddle :

^ It is big, thick, green
Represents the whole house
Birds will find shelter in it
Bunnies, wolves, wild boars

Today Krosh and the Hedgehog went to the forest. Say the word "FOREST" How many sounds does it have? Let's clap each sound. What trees grow in the forest?

Pronounce sounds.

Formation of phonemic hearing


Hatching the Christmas tree according to the pattern.


Guess the riddles whom our Smeshariki met in the forest

In the summer, in the swamp, you will find it.

Green frog. Who is it?
-Angry touchy

Lives in the wilderness of the forest.

Too many needles

Not just one thread.
- Lives in a mink, gnaws crusts.

Short legs; afraid of cats.

Cunning cheat, red head,

Fluffy tail - beauty!

And her name is...
She walks in the rain
Loves to nibble grass
Quack screams, it's all a joke,
Well, of course it is ... a duck.

Describe the duck, what is it like?

^ Our duck quack-quack-quack,

Cleans the feathers in the sides,

flapping its wings,

He really wants to swim.

^ Pattern writing

Listening to children's answers

Finger gymnastics

Development of fine motor skills


We clap our hands, clap, clap
pops over head
We stomp our feet, top, top
raise your knees high
Shaking our heads
move your head back and forth
We raise our hands, we lower our hands
raise hands, lower
We squat low and we stand up straight
crouch and jump
Hands down on the side.
Unclench - into a fist
Hands up and in a cam
Squeeze on the barrel
Get up on your toes
Squat and straighten up
Legs together. legs apart

physical minute


Take a pencil of your favorite color and color the duck in the picture.

color reflection

Lesson #6

Topic: Smeshariki go to school. The game "Words are different"

Goals: Familiarity with the rules of conduct at school. The development in children of attention to the sound side of audible speech (one's own and someone else's) Continuation of shading

No. Course of the lesson: notes


Guess the riddles:

1-There is a house,
Who will enter it
That mind will gain.

Answer: School

2-Stands on one leg,
Turns his head.
Shows us countries
Rivers, mountains, oceans.

Answer: Globe

3- I'm in my school bag,
I'll tell you how you learn.

Answer: diary

4- In the black field, the hare is white
Jumped, ran, made loops.
The trail behind him was also white.
Who is this hare? ...

Answer: Mel

5- I carry a new house in my hand,
The door of the house is locked.
Here the tenants are paper,
All are terribly important.

Answer: portfolio

6- If you give her a job,
The pencil worked in vain.

7- If you sharpen it
You draw everything
What you want!
sun, sea,
Mountains, beach...
What is this?..

We will need all these items in the first grade.


But before we learn, we need to remember the rules of behavior at school:

There is a magical country "School", students live in it, but not everyone can become a student. Do you want to be students? To do this, you must follow the generally accepted rules. Let's remember them.

Answers of children with the correction of the teacher.


Guess the riddle:

^ Who does not spin, does not weave,
And he dresses people. (ram)

Barash also wants to be a student. Let's help him? He brought here such cards, where the letters were mixed up.

Hero picture.

The guys compose words according to the indicated digital scheme (tick: k-1, i-2, k-3, each word has its own scheme)


Find brother Barash on your papers
What do you know about this animal? Shade it with oblique lines from top to bottom, from right to left.

Speech development, hatching.


Let's write on the lines how the wool of boran curls. First small curls, and then more and more ...

Barash has prepared farewell surprises for you: Coloring pages for Winx girls, Spiderman for boys.

Line work

coloring pages

Summary of classes with preschoolers "School page"

Topic:"School Page"
Koval Anna Dmitrievna, primary school teacher, MBOU "Secondary School" p. Koygorodok Republic of Komi
Material Description:
The event is the final on the course "Development of speech and preparation for teaching literacy" in the "School of the Future First Grader". The material will be useful to primary school teachers and kindergarten preparatory group teachers.
Children's age: 6-7 years old
Target: Contribute to the formation of the position of a schoolchild among future first-graders.
1. Expand and clarify the vocabulary of children on a school topic.
2. Repeat and generalize knowledge about the syllabic and sound system of words.
3. Contribute to the formation of communicative and reflective skills in future first graders.
Equipment: pictures depicting school supplies, pictures depicting backpacks, sets of cards for reflection on the number of children, a bell, a ball.
Methodical methods: game situation, conversation.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment
- Hello guys! I'm glad to see you. Clap your hands for those who are in a good mood today. Let's smile at each other. Let the good mood not leave you all day long.

II. Introduction to the topic

Today I have prepared riddles for you. They will suggest the topic of our lesson.

The teacher makes riddles about school supplies. Children name clues. In the course of work, pictures depicting school subjects, the children take turns hanging on the board.

Look at me -
I have margins on the side
For tasks will be, children,
On my cage pages
And for different exercises,
I'm on the line, no doubt.
This is an easy riddle:
Everyone knows I am ... .

I carry it with me
Anything you need, I'll write.
Wonderful little thing
(a pen)

I look like a box
You put your hands on me.
Student, do you recognize me?
Well, of course I am...
(pencil case)

If you give him a job -
The pencil worked in vain.

You turned me over -
How did you visit the museum?
Space on one page
On the other page is a house,
On the last one is the tail of the firebird.
And all together I...

Your pigtail without fear
She dips herself in paint.
Then a dyed pigtail

In the album leads on the page.

Who am I if honesty
My main feature?

Draw them or draw.
The stylus dances on the sheet.
He is our great helper
And it's called...

I'm ready to blind the whole world
House, car, two cats.
I am the ruler today
I have…

I am an important subject for the school.
To make a paper cube
Airplane, cardboard house,
album application,
Don't pity me.
I am sticky, viscous ...

He lives in a big family
Wears a colored cap
In hands asks to play
And he can draw.
He is a master of his craft
It's called...
(felt pen)

We like to poke our nose everywhere:
And draw and draw.
We paint everything ourselves
Multicolored noses.
(colour pencils)
What are these items called? (School supplies)
Who needs school supplies? (student, student)
- What are they needed for? (To study, write, count...)
- Who teaches children at school? (Teacher)
- Who knows what the class is called at school? (Lesson)
- Tell me, how do the students know that the lesson begins? (bell rings)
What if the bell rings at the end of the lesson? (So ​​the lesson is over and the break begins)
- Do you want to become students? (Yes)
- I invite you to the lesson.

The bell rings.

So the lesson begins. Who guessed what we will talk about in class? (About school)
- The topic of our lesson is "School Page". Why do you think I chose this topic? (Soon we will go to school)

The name of the topic SCHOOL is posted on the board.

III. Main part

Exercise "Syllables"
- What do students wear school supplies (In a briefcase, in a knapsack)

The teacher hangs a picture of the backpacks on the board. On the first backpack there is a scheme of a one-syllable word, on the second - a two-syllable one, on the third one - a three-syllable one, on the fourth one - a four-syllable one. There are pockets on the backpacks.

- Let's prepare our satchels for school, put the school supplies in them. Only our backpacks are unusual. In each of them, you can put only that item, in the name of which the number of syllables corresponds to the diagram depicted on it.

Children determine the number of syllables in words, slap each syllable. Arrange pictures of school supplies in briefcases.

Exercise "Sounds"
Who knows how many syllables are in the word school? (Two)
- How many sounds? Name them in order. (5 sounds [w], [k], [o], [l], [a]).
What two groups can these sounds be divided into? (Vowels consonants)
How to distinguish vowels from consonants? (Vowels can be sung. When we pronounce them, the air passes easily, freely, there are no barriers. The consonants cannot be sung, the air meets an obstacle.)
- Name the consonants in the word school. ([w], [k], [l])
- Name the vowel sounds in this word. ([o], [a])

Mobile game "Vowels-consonants"
Can you distinguish consonants from vowels? (Yes)
Let's check. I ask everyone to stand up. I will name the sounds. If you hear a vowel sound, stand on your toes and raise your hands up, and if you hear a consonant sound, put your hands on your belt and stamp your feet twice. Be careful.

The teacher calls a chain of sounds. The children are doing the task.

Game "Name the word"
- I invite everyone to come to me. Let's form a circle. We will pass the ball in turn to each other and come up with words for each sound of the word school. The one who has the ball in his hands says the word. We start the game.
- We call words with the sound [w] (bump, scarf, hut, ...)
- We call words with the sound [k] (paints, cat, astronaut, ...) etc.

Children pass the ball in a circle and call words.

The game "School words"
- I will pronounce the words, if you hear a school word, clap your hands.
Carrot, desk, tit, plane, chamomile, pencil, notebook, comb, milk, pointer, rose, birch, textbook, turn, branch, gladiolus, ant, bookmark, spy, pirate, a piece of chalk, Class, a cup, pencil case, cornflower.

Working with a proverb
- People say "No one was born wise, but learned". What does the word wise mean? (Very smart, knows a lot...)
How do you understand the meaning of this proverb? (In order to know and be able to do a lot, you need to study a lot)
- Where can you get a lot of knowledge and learn a lot? (At school)

IV. Reflection
- Our lesson is coming to an end. Remember what we did and tell us which task seemed the most interesting to you?
What task seemed the most difficult?
- Those who are satisfied with their work, coped with the tasks easily, raise the card with the image of the sun.

- Those who are satisfied with their work, but had little difficulty in completing tasks, raise the card with the image of the sun and a cloud.

- A card with the image of a cloud will be raised by the one who experienced great difficulties in completing tasks.

Each child chooses one card from the set for reflection, which corresponds to his inner feelings.

Summer will fly by quickly, and you will go to school. I wish you to be diligent, attentive, diligent students. Our lesson is over. Thank you for your work!

The bell is ringing

Irina Skvortsova
Abstract of the lesson in the "School of the future first grader". Lesson 1

School of the future first grader


Subject: Acquaintance.

Target: Creating a positive emotional environment.

Hello guys! Today we have the first lesson where we will get to know each other and play! First of all, I want to introduce myself to you, my name is Irina Vladimirovna. And now I would like to know your name. To do this, I have prepared for you colored bracelets with your names. When I put Yaroslava's bracelet on my hand, all the other guys will say her name in unison! Etc.

1. Ritual of greeting. Let's meet game. 5 minutes.

Each participant calls himself by name and takes a colored strip of paper with his name from the psychologist. With the help of a stapler, the psychologist puts a name bracelet on his hand. The rest of the children in chorus pronounce the name of the participant who became the owner of the bracelet. After each of the children receives a name bracelet, the psychologist offers the children a ride on the train.

Well done boys! In order for us to get to know each other better, I want to invite you to ride on a magical train.

2. The game "Train". 5 minutes.

Now I will be a locomotive, and you will be my wagons. (Sounds "choo-choo", "tu-tu"). But the wagons will be attached to me in turn, each at his own station. Every last child on the train during a stop asks, addressing the child near whom they stopped: “What is the name of the station?”. He answers (says his name, and he is invited to board the train. Together they give a whistle for departure: “Tu-tu”.

What a fun little train we have! Guys, did you like our steam locomotive? Well done!

Now please rise from your chairs. I have prepared another interesting game for you!

I have three flags in my hands: red, yellow and blue. Each of the flags will correspond to a specific action: when I show a red flag, you will need to jump, yellow - clap your hands, blue - step in place. I repeat: red - jump up, yellow - clap your hands, blue - walk in place. So, remember? Let's check which of you is the most attentive. The one who does not make a single mistake will receive a token.

3. The game "Attention, flag." 4 min.

Children stand near a psychologist who shows them three flags of different colors, each of which corresponds to a specific action: red - you need to jump, yellow - clap your hands, blue - step in place. On a signal (raised flag), the children perform the appropriate action.

Raise your hand, please, those who have not made a single mistake. You guys are very attentive, for this I give you a token. Guys, in our lesson, each of you, if you try, will be able to earn a token. Anyone who receives as many as three tokens for the lesson receives a fourth one with a large picture as a gift. We will call the guys who get the small tokens the smart ones, and those who manage to get the big token we will call the smart ones. Deal? Try hard guys, you will all succeed in being smart, I'm sure of it.

Guys, do you want to earn tokens? Let's try! Now I will ask you questions, and the one who raises his hand first will answer. We will not shout anything from the place, the rule of a raised hand will apply in our lesson, okay? So, we started.

4. The game "Riddles and questions." 5 minutes

1) What season comes after summer? (autumn)

2) What happens to the leaves on the trees in autumn? (turn yellow, fall off)

3) Where do birds fly away with the onset of cold weather? (to the south, to warm countries)

4) What saves us from heavy rain? (umbrella)

5) In which boots is it not scary to walk through puddles? (in rubber)

6) What season will come after autumn? (winter)

Let's get to the riddles:

1) Befriend the owner

The house is guarded.

Lives under the porch

Ring tail. (Dog)

2) Does not bark, does not bite,

But he won't let me into the house. (Lock)

3) Red maiden

Sitting in the dark

And the spit is on the street. (Carrot)

4) This is how the house is:

One window,

Every day

At the cinema window. (Television)

5) One hundred clothes and all without fasteners (cabbage)

6) No windows, no doors, the upper room is full of people (cucumber).

Well done guys, got your first tokens, smarties!

Guys, now I want to check how well we remember each other. The game will be like this: I say my name, the next person repeats my name and adds his own, the third one repeats my name, the neighbor's name and adds his own, and so on in a circle. The last person will have the hardest time of all, he will need to repeat the names of everyone who is here. Well, shall we try?

5. The game "Snowball" 5 minutes

You guys did a great job! Now, I think we all remember each other, right?

I have another game for you. Be very careful! I will say "floor", "nose" or "ceiling" and point to them. And you - to point along with me. At first I will do it correctly: say, for example, "gender" and point to the floor, and then I will confuse you - say "gender", and point to something else. You must point to what I name, and not to what I show. Shall we try? Started!

6. The game "Half-nose-ceiling" 5 minutes

Well done guys, you can't be fooled! Very attentive! Today I will give you all a big token, today all the real smarties!

7. Reflection. 3 min

Guys, did you like today's lesson? What game do you remember the most? What rule have we introduced in our classes? (rule of the raised hand). Now everyone knows each other by name? We will have time to get to know you better! Thank you all!

Those who are interested in the primary sources from which the proposed games are taken, please contact me in private messages, I will definitely answer.

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Target settings:

  • Develop an interest in learning at school;
  • In a playful way, introduce children to the rules of work in the lesson, to give the opportunity to get new impressions.
  • Develop mental processes: attention, thinking, memory, imagination, speech, promote the development of fine motor skills of fingers, consolidate the ability to hatch, navigate on a sheet, print.
  • To identify the primary knowledge of future first graders, to determine the starting opportunities for children.
  • Cultivate respect for nature, friendly relations in the team.

Equipment: Computer, interactive whiteboard, presentation, sets of colored pencils for each child, individual manual "Chamomile".

For work in the lesson, an individual manual "Daisy" was developed - a flower with 5 petals, on which blanks for completing assignments are made and there are numbers. The name of the child is printed in the center. When working, turn the chamomile counterclockwise.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment.

(music sounds, children enter the classroom) slide 2

Hello future first graders! Today I invite you to a spring lesson, where we will have fun playing, doing interesting and important tasks, and you can feel like schoolchildren.

II. Motivation.

Chamomiles are attached on the board according to the number of children.

“Look what a wonderful flower meadow I have prepared for you. What are these flowers called? (chamomile)

Each of you will receive a chamomile as a gift, and it will help you in your work at the lesson. (the teacher distributes daisies to the children, one remains on the board)

- What unusual thing did you notice on the flower? (on task petals)

- So, for work in the lesson there is a camomile and colored pencils.

Be careful, be kind

take a good mood with you, and you will succeed.

III. Working with geometric shapes.

Talk about the coming of spring. slide 3

What happens in spring in nature?

(everything comes to life, snow melts, birds fly in, the first flowers appear, streams run, the sun laughs affectionately)

What geometric figure does the sun look like? slide 4

How many circles? What other geometric shapes do you see?

Hatching horizontal and vertical. Petal 1

- Put the chamomile in front of you and rotate it so that the petal with the number 1 looks at you. Shade the square vertically, the circle horizontally.

IV. The letter of numbers, orientation on the sheet.

- Numbers came to visit us, name them. slide 5

- We carry out the task on petal 2.

In the upper left corner write the numbers 1, 3, 5, in the upper right corner - the numbers 2, 4, 6. In the lower left - 7, 8. In the lower right - 9. Which number was not written?

V. Solving examples for addition and subtraction 1.

Slides 6-10

- A cheerful boat invites you on a journey, together with friends we solve examples in a chain.

VI. Fizkultminutka.

The game "Vesnyanka" (children go to the carpet, perform movements in a circle)

Sunshine, sunshine
golden sun,
Burn, burn, clear
To not go out.
A stream ran in the garden,
A hundred rooks have flown
And the snowdrifts are melting, melting
And the flowers are growing.

VII. Game "Name the missing word".

  1. The sun shines during the day and the moon (at night)
  2. You came to kindergarten in the morning and will return home (in the evening)
  3. The leaves on the trees fall in the fall, and bloom (in the spring)
  4. If yesterday was Monday, then today (Tuesday)
  5. In winter the sky is gray and in spring (blue)
  6. In spring the days are longer and the nights (shorter)
  7. After autumn comes winter, and after winter (spring)

VIII. Reading words.

Slides 11-13

What groups can they be divided into?

(wild and domestic) Slide 14

IX. Guessing riddles, typing words.

slide 15

- We complete the task on the petal 3 - we print riddles.

    Make a word from the first letters of the names of the pictures: mushrooms, fish, watermelon, clock. (rook)

    Who is above us upside down, walks - is not afraid,
    Not afraid to fall, flies all day,
    Does everyone get bored? (fly)

    You can't see yourself, but you can hear the song.
    Flies, squeaks, the case will not miss,
    Sit down and bite. (mosquito)

- Which of the words is superfluous, why?

- How to call other words in one word?

X. Physical education.

slide 16

- Guess the riddle.

Moved by the flower
All four petals.
I wanted to rip it off
And he fluttered and flew away. (butterfly)

- Perform exercises with a butterfly

XI. Connecting dots with numbers with lines, tracing, coloring.

- Guess the riddle.

Who from the tall dark pines
Threw a bump at the kids
And into the bushes through the stump
It flickered like a flame. (squirrel) Slide 17

- We complete the task on petal 4: connect the dots with numbers in sequence, circle around the contour and color.

XII. Reflection.

Slide 18

- What did you like about the lesson? Interested in being a student?

Petal 5.

Sun drawing. (music plays)

Children give daisies to their parents.

