Topic: Comparison of stems of cognate words and different forms of the same word. Video lesson "This word and another word

Russian language lesson

Topic: Comparison of stems of cognate words and different forms of the same word.

Goals:- independent formulation by students of the results of comparing the bases of different forms of the same word and cognate words;

Formation of practical experience in spelling words with an unstressed vowel at the root;

Development of independent thinking and cognitive activity of students.

Equipment: 1) presentation; 2) computer, projector.

During the classes.

1.Org. moment.

2. Calligraphy.

On the board: a..o..b..c..f..u..d..

Scuba, aquamarine, aquanaut, watercolor, aquarium.

What is common in writing the letters a, o, b, c, e, f, u?

Write letters, upper and lower connections.

Are there any words here? Name. (ah, oh, in, ate, mind)

What part of speech are they? (a-conjunction, o, v, prepositions, el-verb, mind-n.)

Read the words. Is there a similarity in words? (Yes) All these words have a common root AQUA-, which came to us from the Latin language.

It soon began to grow

And it brought us fruit

There are many new words.

Here are seedlings from the garden,

Here are more landings nearby,

Here comes the gardener.

It is very interesting to walk in the verbal garden.

Option 1 write out single-root words for the word garden (caused by the teacher at the blackboard)

Option 2 write down different forms of the word garden (caused by the teacher at the blackboard)


Garden, planted, seedling, planting, gardener.

Doc-those that these are single-root words.

Separate the basics from the ending.

Compare the basics.

What can be said about the basics of single-root words? (various)


Garden, from the garden, in the garden.

Separate the base from the end.

What can be said about the bases of different forms of the same word? (same)

5. Fixing.

A) Ex. 66 p.116 (oral);

B) The game "Third extra" (slide 3)

Bush, bush, bushes. Sea, sailors, sailor.

Winter, winter, winter. Frost, frost, frost.

Find the odd word in each group. Why is it redundant?

6. Work on the development of speech. Ex. 69 p. 116.

The Russian people in proverbs and fairy tales call Russia mother. Mother feeds and waters us, and the Motherland fed us with its bread, watered us with its waters, as a mother protects us and protects us from enemies.

Homeland - born, native, parents.

What do you think, is it possible to write the word parents in this group of words? Doc-te.

Re-reading. Write close to the text. Reading several stories uch-Xia.

Whoever finishes first, cards are dealt. Task: Make up and write down sentences so that the word Motherland is used in different forms.

Name the proverbs about the Motherland. (Motherland begins with a native home. A person has one mother, one for him and the Motherland.)

7. Summing up the lesson.

What did you learn today?

What tasks did you complete without difficulty? What tasks did you find difficult?

Words that are similar at first glance may raise doubts: are they the same root or are forms of the same word. Grammar gives a clear answer to this.


The language concept the form» means the word belongs to specific grammatical categories. For example, the word "writers" has the form of a noun used in the plural.

One-root are words with a common main morpheme - the root. Identical and homonymous roots should not be confused with each other. For example, the words "water" and "lead" are not the same root.


Thus, to put a word in a different form, you need to change it according to some grammatical feature. Variable signs in different parts of speech do not always coincide. So, words from the group of nouns change in cases (ball - ball - ball) and numbers (cat - cats), but their gender is constant ("table" will never be feminine). And adjectives by gender change freely (blue - blue - blue).

The difference between the form of a word and single-root words is that during the formation of the form, the part of speech remains the same. In this case, the meaning of the changed word is also preserved - it continues to point to the same object or some characteristic. Most often, only the ending becomes different. Some words form forms with different roots (go - went).

For words with the same root, in turn, the part of speech is not necessarily the same (mountain - mountainous). In addition, despite the common root, they can differ markedly in lexical meaning (forester - copse). Very often prefixes and suffixes are involved in the formation of single-root words.

The two categories of words discussed also differ in their functions. Single-root words make the language fuller, richer, while shaping is necessary for building coherent phrases and sentences, where all parts of the structure must be consistent with each other.

What is the difference between the form of a word and cognates yet? The fact that each word has a fixed set of forms and it is impossible to add something new to the existing one. At the same time, the formation of single-root words has practically no restrictions. For example, the word "pilot" appeared when the corresponding profession appeared. Meanwhile, the words "fly", "flight" existed by that time for a very long time.

The form of a word is a word with a modified ending. For example. There was a glass on the table. He drank two glasses of water. The glass of water given to me, dad was very happy. Petya asked for a glass of water. Annoyed, he threw an empty glass at me. The girl dreamed of a glass of water. After an afternoon snack, Kolya washed the glasses. There were not enough glasses in the dining room. Mom was happy with the new glasses. Kostya saw glasses in the shop window. Misha went to the store for glasses. The guests completely forgot about the glasses of tea.

One and the same word - a glass - changes its ending depending on the situation of its use: from the case (nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, instrumental and prepositional), in which it is used, and from the number (singular or plural), that is, it is inclined (which is typical for nominal parts of speech and participles) or changes its form.
Another example. I needed to run. I run very fast. You're running too slow. Katya runs to me from all legs. We run along the forest path. You run beautifully. They run away.

In this example, we have the verb to run, which changes its ending depending on the person (first, second and third) and the number (singular or plural) in which it is used, that is, it is conjugated or changes its form.

The concept of single-root words

One-word words are words with the same root but different meanings.

For example. They caused me unbearable pain. His illness progressed. The patient refused to take the medicine. The hospital ward was overcrowded. Fans of "Zenith" again distinguished themselves by bad behavior. The doctor gave me an anesthetic. Soap serves to protect against disease-causing bacteria.

Another example. The kids had fun playing in the yard with Bug, a homeless dog that came here last year. Dog-lover-lover Semenov again got a puppy for his menagerie. There was a dog collar lying around in the park.

Here are different words with the same root -pain- (in another example -dogs / dogs-), but with different lexical meanings. Through the use of various prefixes and postfixes, the same root can form entire branches of words. These words will be of the same root, that is, those that have one ancestor root.

What is the main common element of word forms and cognates?

A common element for the form of a word and cognates is their root. For example, a glass, glasses-ami, under-glass-nickname. In this case, the root -glass- is both in the word form with glasses and in the word coaster. This root combines the form of a word and a single-root word.

Here are some more similar examples:

  • A table, on a table, but a table-top.
  • Window-o, at the window-a, but under-windows-nickname.
  • Books, for books, but bookish, books-love, books-onosha.
  • Mirror-o, in the mirror-e, but mirror-ny, behind the looking-glass.
  • Fear, fear-and, but fear-ovation, re-fear-ovka.
  • Repair, in repair, but repair, repair, repaired.
  • Move, move, but move, move, move, move, move, move.
  • Build [th] -it, build [th] y, build [th] -ish, but building [th] ene, builder [th] -itel.

In the examples given, the union but separates word forms and cognate words. So, if the root of the word is common to word forms and cognate words, then how do they differ?

What is the main difference between the word form and single-root words?

When the form of a word is formed, its lexical meaning does not change. It remains the same. In the case of the formation of single-root words, their lexical meaning changes.

For example, the shape of a word is like me and my clothes. I can wear one outfit today and another tomorrow, but I don't change, I remain the same person. Α single-root words are like me and my relatives. I cannot be my mother today, my great-grandmother tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow my uncle. We are all different people. That is, the forms of a word are forms of the same word, and words with the same root are different words. The form of a word can change, while the meaning of the word remains, in the same root words, the meaning changes.

§ 1 Different forms of the same word

The purpose of our lesson is to learn to distinguish between related words and different forms of the same word. Recall that the modified part of the word, which serves to link words in a phrase and sentence, is called the ending. And the part of the word without an ending is the basis of the word. Consequently, different forms of one word have a common basis and may differ in endings and helper words. Related words are words with different stems that have a common root that stores their common meaning. Many words with different lexical meanings can be formed from one root.

Consider the phrases: hid behind the house, went up to the house.

Compare the words: behind the house and to the house.

Are the words behind the house and to the house different words or forms of the same word? In order to answer this question, you need to compare the bases of these words.

Behind the house is the basis of the house; to the house - the basis of the house. As you can see, the bases are the same and the words differ only in endings - om, -u and helper words - for, k.

If the stems of the words are the same and the words differ only in endings, then these are different forms of the same word.

Consequently, the words behind the house and to the house are different forms of the same word house, since the bases of the words are the same and the words differ only in endings and helper words.

§ 2 Miscellaneous related words

Consider other phrases: ran up to the house, ran up to the house.

Let's compare the basics of the words to the house and to the house. To the house - the basis of the house; to the house - the basis of the house.

As you can see, the fundamentals are different.

If words have different stems, they are different words.

Therefore, the words to the house and to the house are different related words, because These words have different stems.

Read the poem:

... And the sheet in the envelope is clean,

There are no letters or lines on it.

Smells like an autumn leaf -

A fallen leaf from a tree.

What leaf is the first line talking about? We are talking about a piece of wood, not a piece of paper. The line “... there are no letters or lines on it” first draws attention to the fact that the sheet is not filled out, and the last two lines complete the impression: it smells of autumn, it fell from a tree, so this is not a sheet of paper. With the meaning of the words leaflet, leaflet, leaf figured out. Now let's answer the question: are these different forms of the same word or different words? Let's write the words in a column and highlight the basics.

Leaf (base - leaf)

Leaflet (base - leaflet)

Sheet (base - sheet)

They are different words because they have different stems. Will they be related? Yes, these are related words, because they have a common part - a leaf, which stores their common meaning.

So, if words have different stems, these are different words (for example: house - house); if the words have the same stems - this is one word in different forms (for example: house, behind the house, to the house).

List of used literature:

  1. Russian language: 2nd grade: Textbook: at 3 hours / N.A. Churakova; ed. M.L. Kalenchuk. - M .: Akademkniga / Textbook, 2012. - Part 1.
  2. Russian language: 2nd grade: Methodological guide / M.L. Kalenchuk, O.V. Malakhovskaya, N.A. Churakova - M.: Akademkniga / Textbook, 2012.

Single-root words are words of the same or different parts of speech with the same (similar) root and similar lexical meaning, differing from each other in prefixes and suffixes.

The Russian language is so rich that many words can be matched with an infinite number of words with the same root only by changing the suffix or prefix, giving the same word different shades of meaning. A classic example: run - run away, run, run, run up, run out, run over, run away, run away, raid, escape, defection, defector, etc.

Root differences in cognate words

The roots of words in single-root words may differ:

  • spelling of vowels in the root. Often it depends on the presence or absence of stress in the word. For example: "burn" - in an unstressed position at the root - mountain - is written O. But "oArok", "tanAr" - we write A under stress. Similarly: "bow" - in an unstressed position we write O. "Bow" - we write in shock BUT;
  • consonant alternation. For example: "escape" and "jogging", here the consonants g/zh alternate in the root run/beige. Similarly, the roots of roads / roads, etc.;
  • the number of sounds and letters in the root. For example: "hotel", root -gost- and "treat", root -guest-.

It is also necessary to distinguish between words with the same root, but DIFFERENT lexical meaning. Such words will not be of the same root. For example: "expensive", here the root - expensive - in the meaning of price, value. Compare: "plantain", the root is -dear-, but in the meaning of the road, the way.

Forms of the same word

If in words the prefix, root, suffix remain the same, and only the ending changes, they are NOT single-rooted, these are different forms of the same word.

Endings in words can change depending on:

  • singular or plural. For example: locomotive (singular) - steam locomotives (plural). These are NOT single words. Compare: locomotive. We add the suffix -n- and get a new single-root word. Drawn - unit. number, drawI -pl. number;
  • case. For example: steam locomotive (nominative case), with a steam locomotive (active case), about a steam locomotive (propositional case);
  • masculine, feminine or neuter. For example: did (female), did (neuter).