What is personality destruction. Social degradation

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Degradation of the personality is the inability of a person to control his animal instincts and the needs of the physical body, these are unconscious and uncontrolled thoughts and actions to satisfy insatiable feelings

Manifestations of Degradation

Life is always movement. Movement up - development, or down - degradation. progresses or regresses. There are not many paths in life. The road is always the same: either up or down. A person begins to degrade when he falls under the influence of the energy of ignorance. Very close here is the concept of choosing the direction of the path and the meaning of life. This is the right choice of the direction of human movement and development.

A person may have many virtues, but if he goes in the wrong direction, if his goals are ignorant, he, having many positive qualities, will inevitably slide into the abyss of degradation. life is the main sign!

One of the serious signs of the beginning of Degradation is unbridled Lust.

Here are the main signs and typical behavior to identify a degrading personality:

A person's own perception of himself as a person on whom nothing depends either globally or in a personal sense.

When the basic human needs come to the fore.

The world is divided into "us" and "strangers"

Large material goals are completely absent. There is no desire to acquire any valuable things.

Constantly overcomes the feeling of guilt and shame. A person blames himself for all seven deadly sins, even those to which he has nothing to do.

Deep erroneous attitudes and cockroaches in the head when the ideology of the degrading is unshakable. Discussion, criticism and debate is not and is not subject to.

Simple language, elementary, easy to pronounce and remember phrases, identical phrases. With degradation, the brain does not want to spend energy on development.

Degradation on unbridled Feelings, etc.

Degradation also comes from an unbridled desire to satisfy them. When feelings are not controlled by the brain, only animal primitive desires and reactions work. Here feelings take over with their exorbitant desires, whims and whims. When it is impossible to satisfy these feelings. They are by nature insatiable.

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Degradation is the antonym of the word "progress". This term is used in various fields, and psychology is no exception. person, person? For what reasons does it happen?

Degradation is...

The term "degradation" is not recognized by all psychologists and psychiatrists. It is usually used to indicate noticeable deterioration in the quality of an object. Using this concept in relation to a person, one can single out intellectual, social, professional, spiritual degradation, as well as some other types of regression.

Degradation is a synonym for the word "deterioration". If a person began to cope worse with his work, he degrades. Degradation can also be called a loss of interest in life in general. In a normal mental state, each of us should be cheerful and active. With degradation, a person feels completely different. This condition can be a symptom or complication of a number of mental illnesses. How does degradation manifest itself?

Signs of degradation

To understand that a person is degrading is not difficult at all, just by talking with him. If the situation is not entirely critical, you can notice the symptoms of this process in yourself. One of the most alarming signals is a decrease in mental abilities. This is the very state when thinking is hard and even solving simple problems requires serious effort. Often there is also a slowdown in thought processes and a loss of the ability to think critically.

The most striking signs of degradation are a noticeable deterioration in appearance, the individual ceases to take care of himself. Untidiness, neglect of the elementary rules of personal hygiene, unwillingness to take care of oneself is a sign of a depressed moral state. Against the background of degradation, many people develop bad habits, craving for gambling and other psychological addictions. If you find at least 1-2 of the listed signs in the object under study, it's time to think about helping him.

Causes of personality degradation

One of the most common causes of degradation in the modern world is loneliness. Curiously, even a person surrounded by caring relatives and friends can be lonely. With a lack of productive communication and positive emotions, without like-minded people, each of us feels that no one needs us. Such a state is ideal soil for degradation.

Loss of interest in life is also the cause of degradation. Strong emotional upheavals, prolonged depression, or significant negative changes in life can be the starting point for the onset of a personality regression. No less common causes of degradation: alcoholism, drug addiction, craving for gambling and other types of addictions. Quite successful people sometimes begin to degrade, often it begins at the moment of achieving “absolute” success. It is difficult to continue development without having goals and the right motivations. Symptoms of degradation are observed during age-related crises, as well as when the rhythm of life changes, for example, in young mothers on maternity leave or older people upon retirement.

How to understand that a person is degrading?

Many of the above symptoms are noticeable even with superficial communication. If you want to be convinced of the degradation of a person, just talk to him. Remember that in such a state, people have a negative attitude towards outside interventions. The manifestation of participation and desire to help can be perceived extremely negatively. Having noticed the symptoms of degradation in yourself, you should try to rationally assess the extent of the problem. It is helpful to make your own list of symptoms. This list will help you identify the most problematic aspects and create a quality rehabilitation plan.

Self-treatment or professional help?

“Am I not degrading?” - if you think about it, the situation is not entirely hopeless. Carefully reread the list of symptoms suggested above and identify the most obvious ones for yourself. The best and only effective cure for degradation is self-development and self-education. If you want to become better and prevent your own personality from regressing, you should constantly work on yourself. The process of degradation usually proceeds with a decrease in interest in life, loss of activity and a complete breakdown. It is for this reason that defeating degradation alone is not always easy.

Try to communicate more often with successful and active people, you can sign up for some kind of self-development training. If you think that there is a spiritual degradation of a person, you can think about turning to the church for help. Philosophical practices can help unbelieving people to gain faith in their own strengths. When it seems that it is impossible to return to a full life on your own, you should think about contacting a psychologist.

What to do if one of your loved ones is degrading? A person in a similar condition may react negatively to open offers of help. Provided that the situation does not seem critical to you, you can try to help in unobtrusive ways. Try to interest the sick person in life: offer to read new books, invite them to various events and walks.

Your mind needs training!

The degradation of society is observed today in many countries. You can change the situation by starting with your own life. Try to think and move more - after all, this is the best prevention of degradation. Try to get rid of meaningless entertainment. Limit time for watching TV shows, reading yellow press and other dubious literature. Remember that your mind, like muscles, needs constant training. Try to solve logical problems, solve crosswords and puzzles regularly.

Why do people degrade, because education is available today like never before? With round-the-clock access to encyclopedic knowledge, many of us are really not interested in learning. But it is precisely the receipt of new information and the process of memorizing it that is an excellent exercise for the mind. Try to read more and consciously remember what you read. When reading fiction, it is helpful to think about the plot, assess the personalities of the characters, and try to predict events or come up with alternative endings. Such uncomplicated intellectual training brings incredible benefits!

Movement is life!

If you do not want to learn by personal example what degradation of a person is, try to always be active. Regular walks, sports - all this will make your life shine with new colors. Remember, maybe you have long wanted to try some unusual kind of fitness or dance? Do not deny yourself this pleasure! Particularly positive and cheerful are people who are easy-going. Train yourself to accept all interesting spontaneous invitations. Try to be in nature more often, in city parks, as well as visit cultural and entertainment places.

Degradation is synonymous with regression and deterioration. In order to prevent it, it is necessary to constantly develop. Go to the theater or cinema, to exhibitions and other events. Discover new genres and directions of art.

Caring for yourself and others

It is difficult to be happy and satisfied with your own life if you are not used to loving yourself. Regularly take care of yourself and please yourself with pleasant little things. The degradation of society in the modern world is clearly manifested in the untidiness of people, their disregard for themselves and others. If you don't like wasting time on complex cosmetic procedures, don't force yourself. But observance of elementary rules of personal hygiene should become your habit. Monitor your own mood and state. Try to optimally distribute mental and physical stress, avoiding overstrain. and a sense of self-worth comes from caring for others. You can do charity work, take care of an old neighbor or a friend who is in a difficult life situation.

The secret to a happy life is the right motivation

Why do we live? This question worries mankind from time immemorial. Do not seek to answer it for everyone, but try to find meaning in your own life. Set goals for yourself and make plans. It is desirable that your aspirations be varied and diverse. It is unreasonable to desire only material success, expressed in the acquisition of some valuable things. Strive to acquire new knowledge and skills, achieve professional heights.

It is also helpful to make plans for each day. This will help you organize yourself. You will never know what human degradation is if you look forward to a new interesting day.

The degradation of personality is the loss of human appearance, the ability to think logically and soberly.

There are changes in the character trait of the person himself: passivity, increased irritability, then it can turn into aggressiveness.

Personality degradation signs: the ability to concentrate on the main thing is lost, which fades over time, feelings are inhibited, a person lives apart, his own life. Dementia can be a severe consequence of personality degradation.

It is important to notice changes in actions in time and help your close relative, which can manifest themselves either in the external or in the internal state.

Conversational speech becomes primitive, unrelated, while entrepreneurial employment decreases. The social circle is shrinking. There comes apathy, about something to think and show care. Gradually there is a process of withering, and immersion in oneself.

Degradation is a person, in the words of Abraham Maslow

An American psychologist managed to note the qualities inherent in people with personality degradation:

  • Subject refers to himself as a "pawn". According to him, his actions depend on external forces. “Learned helplessness” is the name given to this phenomenon.
  • The priority in life for them is food, survival.
  • The society is divided into two categories: "alien" - bad; "their" are good. Sometimes he is ashamed of himself.
  • He reads that his opinion is not subject to discussion and criticism, they are unshakable.
  • The word saying is poor. The brain does not expend effort on the verbal function.

What is personality degradation

this is a loss of mental stability, balance, lack of efficiency and activity.

Personal degradation is characterized by increased nervousness, memory and attention disorders, a decrease in interests, lack of will and carelessness.
His inherent skills and qualities are accompanied by a narrowing of feelings and talents.

Marasmus senile refers to a particularly hopeless type of personality degradation. The evolution of the disease is gradual. At first, the patient becomes uncollected, inattentive, greedy, quarrelsome and selfish. Symptoms of the disease come on brighter. There are no previous events in the memory, fictional memories arise. Then he does not recognize his relatives well. Self-care skills are lost. Requires daily support and supervision.

Marasmus refers to a progressive disease, due to an irreversible psychological disorder, brain atrophy, changes in blood vessels.

Continuity plays a lot important role.

Personal degradation due to alcoholism. This disease is acquired, but heredity is not excluded.

Deep contempt for the environment and the loss of contact with it, maintains a carefree and indifferent life activity. The main need of a drunkard is alcoholic beverages.

Symptoms in a sick person appear immediately. The personality becomes emotionally unstable, touchy, tearful. The attitude clearly turns into excitability, rage and irritability. Unexpected and abnormal actions, feelings of understanding and guilt are absent. Life difficulties are not evaluated.

Signs of personality degradation

  • Loss of human form;
  • Lack of desire: to wash, change clothes, get a haircut;
  • Constant use of alcohol, drugs;
  • Loss of vital interest;
  • Disregard for the laws of morality;
  • Inability to give up base instincts;
  • Loss of a place in society, unwillingness to restore one's "I";
  • Lack of understanding of decent behavior.

In the process of personality degradation, a healthy young (age) personality can turn into a humanoid creepy animal.

Only strong personalities survive, do not undergo personality degradation, and weak ones vegetate or die out.

Undoubtedly, the environment, the environment, have a great impact on the human body. Rotation with descending personalities will pull you along, and the degradation of the personality will be ensured.

The parable of a fresh cucumber is appropriate.

The cucumber was placed in a jar where there were pickles. He really did not want to be like them, he wanted to look green, while maintaining his freshness. But the pickle played its role, the fresh green cucumber became similar to its counterparts. He loved the brine, pickles neighboring cucumbers. And I told myself how convenient it is not to be different from others.

The reasons for the degradation of the personality can be attributed: gambling, cocainism, drunkenness, ferocity, abulia, ruthlessness.

What is personality degradation? In what cases does it appear?

There is a process - the degradation of the personality, usually in a mature person.

As usual the person is approaching retirement age. He is escorted to rest, the so-called "deserved". But what is going on in the soul of a pensioner is not clear. Some believe that life is over and no one needs him. Personal relaxation occurs. Sometimes an amorphous position is equal to training for physical death (death). But this doesn't happen to everyone. Only the more active, purposeful older people are spared by degradation.

Lonely people or who have experienced the loss of a loved one are also subject to the problem of personality degradation. Subjects plunge into decline, lightning-fast individual weakening occurs, a slow, peculiar suicide occurs.

Feelings of guilt, laziness can lead to personality degradation. Superfluous in society, in the family, a person is characterized by the collapse of the personality. Defeat after defeat haunts a person for a long time. The possibility is immeasurable, degradation will overtake suddenly.

Is it possible to avoid the degradation of personality

Of course it's allowed. Your desire, efforts and work on yourself are needed:

1. Read More.

In books you will find smart advice, wisdom. The brain in the process of reading develops, not shrinks. If you feel that your memory is disappearing, learn poetry.

2. Love yourself, your appearance.

Do not succumb to provoking yourself with all sorts of troubles, failures, bad habits.
Watch the purity of the body, the figure. Wear trendy clothes.

3. The best is yet to come.

Everything in life is great. The first candidates in the line of personality degradation are pessimists, dull ones.
Remember, any mother gave birth to a child for joy, for the continuation of the human race. But in no way in order to be foolishly guided by one's own life, to expose oneself to the degradation of the personality.

4. Love comes first.

Love life, friends, loved ones, parents, spouse, animals. Only lovers are not subjected to signs of personality degradation.

5. Self-development.

Trainings, video courses, educational institutions will provide an opportunity to be aware of all events and increase self-development.

6. Don't backbite.

Uncensored words, mats ruin the soul. The worst thing is that they take money out of the wallet. Remember, mats, when used frequently, turn your personality into a humanoid ape.

7. propriety rule.

Loud yawning, genital scratching, champing, nose brushing are a sign of personality degradation.

8. Calm response.

Be calm about other people's tragedies. If you can, help. But do not perceive everything in dark colors, that everything in the world is bad, the high cost is stifling.

Stages of development of personality degradation

Degradation is caused by complete depression, constant worries. The subject loses ideals, forgets about goals in life. Morals and norms are lost. He is no longer able to overcome obstacles, difficulties. There is hostility, envy, indifference. He loses the ability to enterprisingly think and work, to listen carefully to others. The subject copies other people's actions and ideas. And finally, there is a loss of feelings of real life. Disputes to achieve their own goals, even the smallest is the main argument.

It is important to timely detect the prerequisites for the degradation of the individual, to find the causes of their occurrence. It may not be too late to fix everything and live a full healthy life.

Truth is that which stands the test of experience. Einstein.

Outstanding personalities are formed not through beautiful speeches, but by their own work and its results. Einstein.

training consultation

Destruction (d degradation) personalities

Destruction (degradation) Personality in people occurs quite often. For this process, the person himself and the environment, there are many reasons and opportunities.

Often they write or say that - alcohol, drugs, nicotine and other "pleasures" lead to destruction(degradation) personality. And as a result, spend(moderate) agitation and actions to combat the "pests" of humanity.

But human nature is so vulnerable and incomprehensible to people themselves that they see the cause of their imperfection in alcohol, drugs, nicotine and other temptations. At the same time, few people seriously realize or do anything in order for the human personality to become full-fledged, strong and harmonious.

One of the reasons for the “degradation of many personalities in our society” is that in the minds of people, the “human personality” is separated from the person himself as a whole. And sometimes, in the understanding of people, personality is the definition of a person. In order to understand the meaning of these phrases, it is necessary to know and understand “what a person is”, and how “it” differs from “personality”.

As long as a person does not realize himself as a "man", he will always be vulnerable as a "man". And, of course, if a person does not realize himself as a “personality”, then he will also be vulnerable, but already as a person.

When we talk about cruelty in people, what do we mean, "human cruelty" or "personal cruelty"? - if you look at this link, what do you say? Was it done by a cruel person or a cruel person?

Surely, most of us will say, "that this was done by a cruel person." And they will be right, because we assign “global” qualities to a person, and not to his personality. It is common for a "personality" to be selfish and cruel, cold-blooded, especially if this personality is strong, mature, well-formed.

In the modern world, which dictates and imposes its own rules on us, we all try to protect ourselves as a “person”. Because to protect ourselves as a "person" we often do not have enough strength or time. Information is also lacking. psychologist advertising, fitness centers promise us a wonderful modern life. The church is separated from society. And psychologists and fitness centers are completely far from God, since everyone has to pay for the rent of the hall and office. “Personalities” work everywhere and these personalities need to succeed in this life. And they, just like those who come to "non-believing" psychologists and fitness workers, were taught how to "live right." And the circle closes.

Our society is intensively producing "personalities" while completely forgetting about the "person".

A person can perfectly live and not think about God. For example, this is a lot of animals. Dogs, tigers, domestic cats, bears, monkeys, they all have personalities, each of them has its own characters, almost like people. And in some cases, the personalities of these animals are so greasy that they surprise us very much and make us think about them and remember them all our lives. But these animals don't think about God. Although we(even) we don't know this for sure.

And when we constantly encounter in our daily life with people who, just like others, are determined to "survive", we come across deceit, fraud, corruption, rudeness, cynicism. And we are forced among these personalities to “survive” as well, to become stronger personalities. And if this fails, then often, in some people, personality degradation begins. As a result, parasitism, laziness, drunkenness, brawls arise. And this is called “degradation of the youth”, “degradation of the individual”, “degradation of society”. This is how the world and all nature works, among all personalities, the strongest personalities survive, and the weak degrade and die out or vegetate. And if we had a sociological account of all degrading personalities in the past, present and future, we would probably be able to draw additional conclusions.

What is personality degradation?

The degradation of the personality is the loss of mental balance, stability, weakening of activity and efficiency. The loss of a person's inherent properties with impoverishment all her abilities feelings, judgments, talents, activity, etc. The degradation of the personality indicates increased irritability, attention and memory disorder, reduced adaptive capacity, and narrowing of interests. The degradation of personality can also be expressed in the development(note) complacency , carelessness, lack of will. The most severe type of personality degradation is insanity - a kind of carelessness, deep dementia with the loss of contact with the environment, complete (note) indifference to the environment . One of the causes of personality degradation is alcoholism, in which there are severe somatic and neurological disorders caused by alcohol abuse. Patients lose social ties and the ability to professional, and then in general to any kind of labor activity.

Most people have signs of personality degradation. Not only among brawlers, drunkards, in a word, among losers. And this is perhaps the saddest thing, which confirms that "a person is very vulnerable, and his personality is even more so." Depression, a common form of a person's mental state, which can easily indicate the degradation of the personality or can contribute to the degradation of the personality.

Any problems of a mental or psychological nature indicate a weak personality or a weakened personality that lives more in feelings than in the mental. And any weak personality is a victim of another stronger personality in society. And weakness, as you know, leads to the degradation of the individual, if no action is taken.

And so, we have identified some of the reasons leading to the degradation of personality. This is a progressive weakness, a lack of understanding of oneself as a “person”, and secondarily as a “person”. This is an endless struggle for survival with other personalities, which very often turns out to be a distracting hindrance in order to realize oneself as a “human”.

It would seem that in the struggle a person should “harden” and become stronger. But, if a person does not recognize himself as a person, then in this struggle of “personalities”, he, on the contrary, will exhaust his entire supply of strength, and his personality will begin to degrade. Since the energy of individuals who are not aware of themselves as a person ends very quickly. Only people who recognize themselves as “human” have additional forces that come from God. And this is very important to understand. A person who is aware of himself as a man is aware of himself with God and God. "Personality", on the contrary, never thinks about God, since she herself must be stronger than everyone else. The “personality”, which is still aware of itself as a person, will never have pride either before people or before God. And, conversely, a "person" who does not realize himself as a "person" will have constant pride or depression, which indicates the degradation of the personality.

You can endlessly enumerate the "reasons" for the degradation of the individual. Drug addiction, gambling, laziness, lack of will, alcoholism, cruelty, sadism, masochism.But the global and main reason for the degradation of the individual is the lack of spirituality, lack of soul, lack of mind, lack of compassion, lack of love. - everything that makes a person a person.

Of course, one should not be mistaken in the fact that even without a soul a person can flourish, can be smart, multifaceted and absolutely not even degrading. But in order to be such a strong personality, it is initially necessary, being a “human”, to form and grow into such a personality.

. Einstein.

Capitalism, market relations very well reveal the nature of man, his essence, his essence. In nature, equality exists only before God. We are all important and valuable to God equally. There are no living beings and creatures that would not be needed or important for God. But in the world of people, in human society, in our society, there can be no equality as long as people have a “personality”.

"Personality" (from the occult we know) exists thanks to just a few vehicles, which animals also have. This is physics, ether, astral, mental. They, in turn, form the karma of the "personality."

It is important to note that it is these vehicles that make us look like animals. Animals are made to look like humans. People, of course, in comparison with animals, have a huge advantage in the development of these vehicles. But it should be noted that these conductors are different for people. This difference defines CONSCIOUSNESS and the "choice" that everyone has. All this, in a word, is called "evolution" and "development". And also, this "gentleman's set" determines and forms the "karma" of the individual.

It is impossible to solve the problem at the same level at which it arose. You need to rise above this problem by rising to the next level.. Einstein.

If the first meditation on money was more about the mental and ether, then

The page about meditation is primarily written for those who live far from Moscow.

Lord! Do not copy my texts and do not post them without my permission and a backlink on your sites and blogs, because before posting them on the Internet, I take into account and protect my copyrights, I know how to do it. In addition, many texts are taken from my book. If you do not respect my copyright, I can sue you at any time. Maya (Petenkova O.V.)

A life in absolute happiness, in absolute freedom, in the absolute presence of God, or life as you know it?

How not to sit "in contact". Priest Maxim Kaskun “how to get rid of contact mania? which leads to the degradation of the individual

"If freedom did not work out," proclaims the progressivenayaEuropean thought - let's try freedom and equality, or, since they are rather difficult to combine, equality instead of freedom. Brotherhood is impossible to realize, so we will replace it with an industrial association. "But this time, I think, God will not be deceived" Sri Aurobindo.

The process of evolution is known to all: these are changes that occur in living organisms and lead them to more perfect forms of existence. degradation is reverse evolution process - regression, in which important properties and qualities of something or someone are lost. This can be attributed not only to biological processes, but also to the moral side of life.

The modern world has not bypassed the problem that is relevant at all times - the degradation of the human personality. It manifests itself in the loss of a person's ability to make decisions responsibly, build his thoughts logically, and determine cause-and-effect relationships. The ability to memorize new information is lost, the ability to concentrate if necessary. All this can lead to irreversible consequences in the human psyche.

A person undergoes destructive changes, and this manifests itself with certain symptoms.

Signs of degradation

Signs of a degrading person can be divided according to the form of manifestation into external and internal.

External manifestations of degradation serve as an alarming bell and are immediately noticeable, unlike internal ones.

External signs:

Internal signs:

  • decreased interest in knowledge in any form;
  • memory impairment;
  • short-sightedness of judgments and actions;
  • excessive good nature or anger, aggressiveness;
  • excessive and unjustified irritability;
  • rejection of the world, its perception exclusively from the negative side;
  • lack of motivation to change the current situation for the better;
  • lack of manifestation of will in disputable situations;
  • increased anxiety;
  • dullness of feelings;
  • misplaced cynicism;
  • lack of working capacity, interest in activities;
  • exaggerated selfishness.

Causes of personality destruction

It is important to understand what served as a catalyst for the disintegration of personality. If the root cause is eliminated, the provoking factors are understood, it will be easier to deal with the consequences of this process, and the chances of returning a person to a full life will increase.

The impetus for the social degradation of the individual can be weakening of public relations which occurs in cases such as:

Age degradation

In some cases, with age, the blood supply to the brain worsens, which leads to its partial dysfunction. This is due to the fact that the capillaries and blood vessels lose their elasticity.

The disease progresses gradually: short-term memory gradually deteriorates, a person ceases to navigate both in time and space, irritability and excessive anxiety appear. Age degradation occurs: dementia develops - senile dementia, in which a person is no longer able to monitor his speech, actions, emotions. He cannot take proper care of himself.

Alcohol as a trigger

The scourge of society is alcohol addiction, which provokes a rapid disintegration of the individual at working age, deprives society of its full-fledged member. Not given due attention to what scientists and doctors have been talking about for a long time: even a small amount of alcohol is deadly for brain cells.

The whole danger of degradation in alcoholism lies in the fact that a person cannot fully give himself a full account of what is happening to him, understand that he is losing his own "I".

With frequent or constant use of alcoholic beverages, after about 5-6 years, alcohol dependence or alcoholism occurs, which leads a person to mental and social degradation.

The degradation of personality in alcoholism takes place in three stages.

First stage

First formed dependence on a psychological level. A person is looking for ways to relieve stress, the opportunity to “relax”. But the insidiousness of alcohol is not taken into account: the volume of alcohol consumed is not controlled, and over time, a person is not so responsible for the quality of alcohol-containing drinks consumed.

Priorities change, a person loses interest in self-education and development. If in time to switch the attention of a person to factors stimulating a positive goal, then it is possible to stop alcohol degradation, prevent its further development and, after rehabilitation, return a person to a full life.

Alcohol addiction

Physically, a person becomes dependent on alcohol, which has become a "natural" need of the alcoholic's body, as full as the need for food and sleep.

Without the use of alcohol, a person becomes aggressive, uncontrollable. He loses professional skills, copes much worse with both the physical and mental tasks assigned to him, loses the ability to highlight key information, concentrate attention, and quickly respond to what is happening. As a result, the risk of industrial and domestic injuries increases.

The circle of human interests narrows to ways to get alcohol. The sense of shame is lost, the ability to feel guilty for committed unseemly acts, one's behavior, deceit and hypocrisy appear. Because of this, disharmony arises in family relationships.

An alcoholic is vulnerable, it seems to him that others are unfair to him. In some forms of alcohol addiction, a person suffers from low self-esteem.

Complete degradation

Alcoholic degradation reaches its highest point: there comes complete disability, social alienation, self-absorption. A person does not get out of a state of intoxication for a long period of time, called hard drinking. His brain loses many of its functions, which affects the ability to think rationally, remember information, and objectively perceive reality. Speech is reduced to formulaic phrases. A person suffers from mental and neurotic diseases, but at the same time is often unable to recognize his pathological dependence. Many internal organs undergo irreversible changes.

Without the help of doctors - a therapist, narcologist and psychotherapist - alcohol degradation treatment personality will be ineffective.

Prevention of social destruction of personality

How to help a loved one, and sometimes yourself, stop the degradation of personality:

Alcoholic degradation of personality requires a special approach. You should be patient, mentally prepared for the fact that a person will not be able to adequately respond to your measures for his social and physical rehabilitation.

Primarily an alcoholic should be completely enclosed from the slightest possibility of drinking alcohol, and this will be possible only if he is placed in a specialized institution. Do not forget that the degradation of an alcoholic is a disease that requires not folk remedies and practices, but serious treatment.

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