Serfs and servants. The Institute of Slavery in Ancient Rus'



2 UDC BBK K64 The publication is approved for use in the educational process on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated (as amended by). K64 Control and measuring materials. Russian history. A basic level of. Grade 10 / Comp. K.V. Volkov. M.: VAKO, p. (Control and measuring materials). ISBN Presented control and measuring materials (KIM) for grade 10 are thematically grouped and meet the requirements of the school history curriculum. The use of KIMs will allow not only to assess the students' assimilation of material on each topic, but also to prepare them for a modern test form of knowledge testing, which will be useful when completing the tasks of the Central Test and the Unified State Examination. At the end of the publication, keys to all tests are offered. The manual is addressed to teachers, schoolchildren and their parents. UDC BBK ISBN VAKO LLC, 2013

3 Comment for the teacher Your attention is offered “Control and measuring materials for the textbooks of N.S. Borisov "History of Russia. From ancient times to the end of the 17th century” and A.A. Levandovsky "History of Russia in the 18th and 19th centuries". A basic level of. Grade 10". The structure of the allowance fully complies with the federal component of the state standard of secondary education and the "Requirements for the level of training of students." Contrary to the well-established opinion, test tasks make it possible to objectively reveal not only the knowledge of history in schoolchildren, but also learning skills at different levels of assimilation of the material. The manual contains tasks of basic and advanced levels of complexity. They are arranged according to the principle from simple in part A to complicated in part B and complex, requiring a detailed answer and placed in the appendix (part C). 5-7 minutes are allotted to complete thematic tests, so the teacher can use them at each lesson, involving individual students or the entire class in testing knowledge. Min. Part A contains tasks of the basic level with a choice of answers. With their help, knowledge of dates, facts, concepts and terms, characteristic features of historical phenomena, causes and consequences of events is checked. Part B consists of tasks of an increased level of complexity with an open answer (word, date, combination of numbers). These tasks allow you to check, in addition to 3

4 to the above elements of preparing students, the ability to classify and systematize the facts. Part C contains tasks of a high level of complexity with an open detailed answer. They are aimed at a comprehensive assessment of the knowledge and skills of students. Such tasks can be recommended for testing knowledge and skills in small groups during the current and final control. They can be used when compiling tasks for olympiads and intellectual marathons. Depending on the form of the task, various methods of assessment are used. There is a dichotomous system in which a question is scored with one point if the answer is correct and zero points if the answer is incorrect. This grading system can be used when checking the assignments of Part A and those assignments from Part B in which you need to specify a date or a word. The maximum possible score for the test in this case will be equal to the number of correct answers available in it. Part B also contains tasks for establishing the correct sequence and establishing correspondence. These forms of tasks are evaluated both according to the dichotomous and polytomic systems. An example of a task from part B to establish the correct sequence B1. Arrange the events in chronological order. Specify the answer as a sequence of letter designations of the selected elements. A) the Battle of the Neva B) the battle on the Kalka River C) the raid of the "Nevryuev rati" D) the congress of princes in the city of Lyubech Answer: GBAV. With a polytomic system, the assessment of this task will look like this: Score Answer 3 GBVA 2 GBVA 1 Any combinations where the letter G is in the first place 0 Any other combinations, except those indicated in table 4

5 In part B of the manual, there are tasks with the choice of several correct answers. When evaluating this form of the task, along with the dichotomous system, you can use the polytomic system. In this case, points are awarded according to the following scheme: completely correctly indicated characteristics - 2 points; one correctly indicated characteristic 1 point; lack of correct characteristics 0 points. Thus, the maximum possible score for the task will be equal to the number of correct answers available in it. With a dichotomous system, the answer is rated 1 point if all signs are correctly indicated, and 0 points if at least one mistake is made. The evaluation of the performance of the tasks of part C is polytomic. For each part of the task, the student receives points, from which the total score is added. In general, it is advisable to use a dichotomous assessment system in the final control of knowledge, as well as in cases where you need to manually check a large number of answer forms. Polytomic tasks can be used in all types of pedagogical control, especially in tests for thematic control, when the test execution time is short. Thus, the choice of an assessment system is dictated by the purpose of testing and the type of pedagogical control. The author of the manual proposes a flexible system for summing up the test results, which allows the student the right to make a mistake: 80% of the maximum score score "5"; 60 80% score "4"; 40 60% score "3"; 0 40% rating "2". 5

6 6 Test 1. Eastern Slavs in the VI-IX centuries. Formation of the Old Russian State Option 1 A1. Geographical names: Constantinople, Dnieper, Lovat, Lake Ilmenskoye, the Baltic Sea are associated with: 1) the division of the Slavs into three branches 2) the trade route "from the Varangians to the Greeks" 3) archaeological sites 4) the formation of tribal unions of the Eastern Slavs A2. The consequence of the emergence of a neighborhood community among the Eastern Slavs was the appearance of: 1) Varangians 2) beekeeping 3) writing 4) social inequality A3. A detour by the prince and a squad of lands to collect tribute in the Old Russian state was called: 1) dragging 2) polyud 3) cutting 4) beekeeping A4. The reason for the formation of the Old Russian state: 1) the development of the economy 2) the emergence of written legislation 3) the transfer of the capital from Novgorod to Kyiv 4) the presence of large uninhabited territories A5. Previously, other princes from the Rurik dynasty ruled: 1) Kiy 3) Igor 2) Askold 4) Svyatoslav V1. When did the event referred to in the passage from the document occur? The brothers, named Rurik, Sineus and Truvor, famous either by birth or deeds, agreed to take power over people who, knowing how to fight for liberty, did not know how to use it. Answer:

7 Test 1. Eastern Slavs in the VI-IX centuries. Formation of the Old Russian State Option 2 A1. The main agricultural tool of labor among the Slavs in the VI-IX centuries. was: 1) board 2) plow 3) drag 4) digging stick A2. The reason for the emergence of a neighborhood community among the Eastern Slavs was: 1) the development of tools 2) the emergence of the state 3) the appearance of writing 4) the calling of the Varangians to Rus' A3. Ancient and Arab historians of the 1st c. n. e. Slavs were called: 1) Varangians 2) Wends 3) Great Russians 4) Indo-Europeans A4. The reason for the formation of the Old Russian state: 1) the adoption of Christianity 2) the existence of a tribal community 3) the emergence of social inequality 4) the cessation of the struggle against external enemies A5. The founder of the dynasty of Kyiv princes was: 1) Kiy 3) Oleg 2) Rurik 4) Svyatoslav V1. When did the event referred to in the passage from the document occur? Having killed Askold and Dir, Oleg established himself in Kyiv, made it his capital city; according to the chronicler, Oleg said that Kyiv should be "the mother of Russian cities." Answer: 7

8 Test 2. Kievan Rus Option 1 A1. The use of slave labor in the economy of boyars and princes testified that the Old Russian state was: 1) democratic 2) early feudal 3) slave-owning 4) centralized А2. The ladder system is the system of: 1) princely inheritance 2) non-economic coercion 3) ancient Russian legislation 4) defensive fortifications against the steppes A3. The adoption of Christianity by Russia led to: 1) the decline of culture 2) the uprising of the Drevlyans 3) the strengthening of princely power 4) the deterioration of relations with Byzantium A4. Rus''s rival in the south: 1) Poland 2) Byzantium 3) Hungary 4) Scandinavia В1. Establish a correspondence between the ruler and the direction of his activity. One element of the left column corresponds to one element of the right column. Kyiv prince / princess A) Vladimir B) Olga C) Yaroslav the Wise Direction of activity 1) defeat of the Pechenegs 2) baptism of Rus' 3) establishment of lessons and graveyards 4) limitation of usurious interest Answer: A B C 8

GENERAL HISTORY FROM ANCIENT TIMES TO THE END OF THE XIX CENTURY Grade 10 MOSCOW "VAKO" UDC 372.893 BBK 74.266.3 K64 The publication is approved for use in the educational process on the basis of the order of the Ministry

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HISTORY OF RUSSIA TO THE TEXTBOOK A.A. Danilova and L.G. Kosulina (M.: Enlightenment) Grade 8 MOSCOW "VAKO" UDC 372. 893 BBK 74.266.31 K64 K64 Control and measuring materials. History of Russia: Grade 8 / Comp. K.V.

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For the era preceding Russkaya Pravda, the neighboring community was a characteristic association of the rural population. She grew up in the process of disintegration of the former family community541. Private ownership of land is gradually disintegrating the previously homogeneous mass of community members: along with the wealthy, there are poor people who have lost their plots. Leaving the community, in search of work, they became dependent on wealthy landowners - princes and boyars. By the 11th century refers to the rapid growth of feudal relations in Kievan Rus. The princes populate the lands with their subject people, donate villages to monasteries and senior combatants, or arrange their household in them. Princely, monastic and boyar landownership arises and expands. In Pravda Yaroslavichi, as well as in its subsequent additions, there are many articles devoted to the princely economy. It differed little from the monastic or boyar economy and was typical in form for the feudal mode of production. The economy was natural, served by the labor of the dependent population. Slavery was widespread; its sources were “full”, sale or self-sale into serfs, marriage to a serf “without a row” or entry into the service of a tyun or a housekeeper in the same conditions, birth from not free, enslavement for a crime. But with the prevalence of slavery, there are no indications in the sources “but the use of slaves in agriculture on the model of ancient latifundia. Kholopov were planted on the land, giving them the opportunity to conduct their household on the site, which brought them closer to serfs (Western European columns). The main force in the economy of the prince, monasteries and boyars were the peasants who lived on their lands - smerds. Some of them were only tributaries of the prince, others were in varying degrees of dependence on the feudal owner of the land, having fallen into it with the partial destruction of communities. In V. I. Lenin, we find several statements relating to the social status of smerds, which he defines as feudal-dependent. The most characteristic of them says: “And the “free” Russian peasant in the 20th century is still forced to go into bondage to a neighboring landowner - just like in the 11th century “smerds” went into bondage (as the peasants are called “ Russkaya Pravda") and "recorded" for the landowners! Another group of people dependent on the feudal lords “included the“ ryadovichi ”, that is, the persons who entered into a“ row ”with them - a condition for service. In "Pravda" of the beginning of the XII century. for the first time, a special category of ryadoviches is mentioned - “role purchases”. These are people who did not have their own means of production, who received from the master a small plot of land, a small amount of money, a plow and a harrow, who were obliged to work on the land of the master, and also to return to him the amount received. The purchase had no right to leave the master without his permission, and in the event of an escape, he turned into a serf. The master had the right to subject the purchase to corporal punishment. "Pravda" of the Yaroslavichs notes the far-reaching enslavement of smerds. Together with the ryadovichi and serfs, they are named among those people for whose murder the perpetrator pays a fine of 5 hryvnias in favor of the feudal lord as compensation for the loss *. The increase in land ownership and power of princes and boyars occurred at the expense of the communities. Traces of the latter's resistance are also found in Russkaya Pravda in the form of articles about the murder of princely agents, the deliberate setting fire to the threshing floor, or the ruin of various economic lands. Chronicles also note popular uprisings directed against the upper strata of society (in 1024 - in the Suzdal land, in 1071 - in the Rostov land). Strongly grown by the end of the XI and the first half of the XII centuries. cities that were previously feudal fortresses that defended the boundaries of possessions or served as military and administrative centers turned into economic centers, and later into political centers of isolated feudal principalities. With the development of the feudal economy, the senior warriors of the prince turned into feudal landowners. Such boyars "landowners" took their armed servants with them to war, became, relying on their strength, more independent of the prince, entered into a "row" with him, sometimes "departed" from him. The feudal system of Kievan Rus described here is very clearly reflected in Russkaya Pravda, as a collection of princely laws aimed at strengthening and developing the feudal basis. The oldest part of it is a record of older norms made under Prince Yaroslavl Vladimirovich. It is sometimes called "Yaroslav's Truth". This part consists of the first 16 articles of the Brief Pravda. It is followed by "The Truth of the Yaroslavichs", that is, the sons of Yaroslav. The lengthy edition is more complex in composition and includes many princely laws issued between the middle of the 11th and the beginning of the 13th centuries, not systematized and chronologically mixed. The main content of Russian Truth reflects the interests of the princely economy and management. When comparing its individual parts, the growth of princely power and the expansion of the princely court are clearly visible. Like the ancient Roman laws of the XII tables, the German Salic Pravda, the Babylonian Sudebnik of King Hammurabi, the Celtic Great Book of Ancient Law, our Russian Pravda is, first of all, a code of laws. In it we meet the norms of law, which we now call criminal, and that which is now called civil. The oldest part of Pravda is called "The Court of Yaroslav Vladimirovich" K In some places of the monument it is directly indicated that this or that norm arose as a court decision of the prince in a specific case. Yes, Art. 23 of the Short List says: “And the old groom at the herd is 80 hryvnias, as if Izyaslav put in his stable, he was killed by Dorogobudtsi.”542. But being a judge, Russkaya Pravda does not give a complete picture of the organization and activities of the court, which could be dated to a specific moment. As mentioned earlier, in this monument, separate historical layers are mixed, and there is no systematic system of any kind. As in other feudal law books, the prince establishes in Russkaya Pravda special penalties for killing his people, according to the rank of each of them. Russkaya Pravda reflected the growth of princely power in general and jurisdiction in particular. The princely court becomes the center of administration and court. “If they kill the aunt in their yard, either at the cage or at the barn, then they are killed: if they keep it until the light, then lead it to the prince’s yard,” says Art. 38 of the Short List, if not completely prohibiting the reprisals against the caught thief, then in any case, limiting it and introducing the requirement to transfer the case with the accusation to the court of the prince543. With the transformation of the senior warriors of the prince into boyars-landowners in the princely court, the role of his palace servants, who perform administrative-financial and judicial functions in the new palace-patrimonial system, grows more and more. If the prince himself directly judges the entire population of the main city, then his judges are subordinate to the rest of the "population of the earth. Thousand princes in the XI-XII centuries concentrate in their hands all" administrative power - financial, judicial, police. Yabetniki, tiunas, children's - are gradually becoming judicial agents of the prince of various ranks. The creation of the post of virniki shows not only the financial interest of the prince in the development of the court, but also the relatively large volume of the princely court, which necessitated the allocation of a special person who was in charge of collecting vir. for the development of feudal relations in Kievan Rus - this is the emergence and strengthening of the patrimonial court of large landowners - boyars, as well as landowners - monasteries. 113.

More on the topic The feudal system of Kievan Rus in the 11th century. and Russian Truth as a princely judicial code:

  1. Feudal fragmentation and the formation of three political centers The establishment of the feudal fragmentation of Rus' Feudal fragmentation as a new form of state-political organization that replaced the early feudal Kievan monarchy, respectively

In Ancient Rus', next to the princely landownership, the boyars rose. The sources relating to his history are fragmentary and pale. But this did not discourage the researchers. “References to boyar villages,” A.E. Presnyakov wrote, “are random and few, but these are mentions in passing, as about a common phenomenon.” Nevertheless, about the boyar villages in Rus' in the 10th century. we don't know anything. It must be assumed that the development of boyar land ownership lagged somewhat behind that of the princes. Judging by the sources, only in the XI century. the boyars acquire villages. 1 From the Paterik we learn how they carried to the Pechersk Lavra “from their estates for the consolation of the brethren and for the establishment of the monastery. Friends of the village, far away, monasteries and brethren. 2 The presence of boyar villages in the XI - XII centuries. is not in doubt. To bring news of the boyar land ownership is superfluous

1 B.D. Grekov, a supporter of the early and deep feudalization of Kievan Rus, felt an acute lack of information about boyar land ownership in the 10th century. Therefore, he began his story with explanations and reservations. “If the warriors,” emphasized B.D. Grekov, “for some time could use the fiefs, which were made up “only from tribute,” then to say the same about the local nobility, who grew up in a landowning society in the process of stratification of the rural community and the emergence of private ownership of land, - absolutely impossible. The most correct solution to this problem will be to assume that the power of these boyars was based not on “treasures”, but on the ground” (Kievan Rus, p. 129). In the annals, the local nobility, the zemstvo boyars, are called, according to B.D. Grekov, “the elders of the city”, “the elders” (Ibid., p. 126). Dispute about boyar land tenure in the 10th century. - this is ultimately a dispute about the methodology of research. B.D. Grekov compensates for the missing sources with continuous assumptions arising from his ideas about the “general course of development” of the ancient Russian state (See: Ya.S. Lurie. Criticism of the source and the likelihood of news. Culture of Ancient Rus'. M., 1966, p. 122 - 123). A strange impression is produced by the opposition of the combatants of the Kyiv prince and the zemstvo boyars. As if the Kyiv princes and their boyars were not in an agricultural society and were not a product of the social changes that took place in it. Such a contrast is a legacy of the old historiography, which is not difficult to understand, given that its representatives proceeded from the Normanist ideas about the squad and the prince as aliens from Scandinavia, who formed a foreign layer on native Russia. It is possible that these considerations of B.D. Grekov are a relapse of his former views, which easily coexisted with the thesis of the conquest of Russia by the Varangians (See: B.D. Grekov. Feudal Relations in the Kiev State. M.-L.D936, p. .12 - 19). her occupation, it is practiced by researchers. 1 It is more expedient to look into the sources that nourished the income of the boyars. And here the attention stops on the extraterrestrial income of the boyars. They consisted of part of the prince's income as a reward for the execution of orders for court and administration. A vivid example of this is Russian Truth. In Art. 42 of the Brief Pravda is defined: “And behold, the virnik bow: take 7 buckets of malt for a week, it’s also a pleasure to weed a ram, or two legs; and on Wednesday I cut cheeses, on Friday the same; and they can eat cheba, and millet; and two chickens a day; horse 4 put and essence on their mouths, as much as they can goiter; and virnik 60 hryvnia and 10 rezan and 12 veveritsi, and in front of the hryvnia; or if you come to fasting with fish, then take 7 cuts for the fish; t all kunas 15 kunas for a week, and borosna as much as they can withdraw; until the week the virus is removed, then Yaroslavl is a lesson. According to A.A. Zimin, a virnik is “a princely combatant who was in charge of collecting vira and, obviously, a criminal court.” On a business "business trip" he went, accompanied by an assistant-lad. 4 The last observation of A.A. Zimin, which is very important for us, is confirmed by Art. 9 of the Long Truth, which, reproducing Yaroslav's lesson in virnik, emphasizes: "... then virnik with the lad." 5 Yes, and Art. 42 of the Brief Truth, although he does not name the youth, the companion of the virnik, but indirectly testifies to his presence, since the form of the predicate in the passage under consideration is in the plural (“I have bread for the ring can";“how much is the boroshna may remove"). A significant proportion of "fed" collections are, as we note, agricultural products. This tradition existed for a long time; 74 which is written: “And put it on. And these overheads: 12 hryvnias, 2 hryvnias and 20 kunas for the child, and go with the child yourself on two horses, in fact, oats for your mouth, and you can weed the meat with rams, and with frosty food, that Ima take a heart, scribe 10 kunas, cross 5 kuna, two legs for fur. Who is he, this “himself”, traveling around the “worlds”, “cities” and “villages” with a youth and a scribe in an escort? Of course, a high-ranking boyar, for the youths are the official entourage of princes and boyars.

The precious testimonies of Russkaya Pravda are successfully supplemented with written material. Chroniclers repeatedly talk about boyar feedings. So, in 1234, Daniel and Vasilka "hundred on the birches of the Dniester and took the land of Galich and distributed the cities to the boyars and governors, and they have a lot of food." 2 It is interesting that the boyars are fed not only villages, but also cities - a detail that reveals the most profitable item in the boyar budget. Prince Mstislav is acting in the same spirit, to whom Vladimir Vasilkovich, “hundred with the infirmity of his body”, decided “on his belly” to transfer “his whole land and cities” together with capital Vladimir. Vasilkovich did not have time to rest, as Mstislav began to dispose of the principality arbitrarily. The fading Vasilkovich was informed that he "to give the city of Vsevolozh to the boyars and the village to distribute." 3 It used to be that the boyars boldly encroached on princely rights, usurping them. Let us recall the classic lines: “The boyars of Galicia, Danila, call themselves a prince, and hold the whole land for themselves. Dobro-Slav, the grandson of Sudich priests reigned. And he plundered the whole land, and entered Bakota, all the Lowlands came without a command from the prince. Grigory Vasilyevich conquered the mountainous country of Pere-mylskaya, the thought ... ". 4 Daniel sent his steward Yakov “to Dobroslav, saying to them: “Your prince is seven, do not do my command, plunder the land. Don’t command the Chernigov boyars, Dobroslav, accept, but hair dates tiGalichkim (our italics. - I.F.), and excommunicate the Kolomyi sol on me. 1 Dobroslav arbitrarily gave Kolomyia to the boyars Lazor Domazhirich and Ivor Molibozhich, two lawless "from the stink tribe", according to the unflattering attestation of the chronicler. 2 Let part of the “fodder” be illegally appropriated by the Galician boyars. One thing is indisputable: Daniil considers the distribution of volosts to the local boyars quite natural, he only objects to feeding the alien Chernigov boyars, whose "life" ("bread", "fodder") in the Chernihiv region.

After the death of Yuri Dolgoruky, the inhabitants of the Kyiv Principality beat "the people who judged the city and the village, and their goods were robbed." 3 Apparently, Dolgoruky divorced his husbands "for food" in the cities and villages of the Kyiv region. The patericon of the Pechersky Monastery conveys about Shimon (Simon), a Varangian by origin, who came to Yaroslav to serve with all his huge court, “like up to 3000 souls and with his priests.” Yaroslav, “take him, in honor of his name, and give his sons to your Vsevolod, let him grow old. Priya is great power from Vsevolod. 5 Yaroslav's father, Prince Vladimir, also handed out volosts for feeding, and before him - Oleg. 6 It is clear that the political and economic interests of the boyars were closely intertwined with those of the princes, the fate of the prince is the fate of the boyars. The loss by the prince of the volost - the principality meant the loss of his boyars of income received from the population in the form of various fodder, natural and monetary. In this sense, obviously, it is necessary to understand the speech of Izyaslav Mstislavich, which scientists usually use to illustrate boyar land ownership. 1 Izyaslav said in front of the retinue: “You, after me, came out of the Ruska of the earth, having lost your villages and your life, and I can’t oversee my grandfather’s and father’s packs, but I’ll lay down my head if I pack my father’s land and your whole life” . 2

It was noted above that the term "life" meant "bread", "fodder", i.e. volost fees intended for the prince and his entourage, including the boyars who occupied "highly paid" positions on the career ladder 3 . To serve under the prince - to eat bread from his hands, to feed. In the “obituary” of Vasilko Konstantinovich, the prince of Rostov, who was killed in the Tatar hard times, we read: “Vasilko is red-faced, bright and formidable, good more than measure on fishing, light-hearted, but gentle boyars, no one from the boyars who served him and bread ate him, and drank the cup and received gifts, he could not be with another prince. 4 Before the start of the battle with the regiments of Izyaslav in 1153, the Galician boyars ask the young prince Yaroslav not to interfere in the battle and watch its outcome from the side: shame us. How will we be your fathers fed and loved(our italics. - I.F.), but we want to lay down our honor for your father and for your head. And he decided to his prince: “You are our only prince, if you do something to you, then what should we do. And go, prince, to the city, and we ourselves will sit down with Izyaslav.

So, there is no doubt that a large share of the boyar income in Ancient Rus' was collected in the form of feeding - the payment of the free population, which provided materially for representatives of the state apparatus. The boyars received not only money, but also agricultural products, which is recorded by various sources - Russian Truth, letters, annals. These incomes should not be identified with feudal rent. They are a primitive form of taxation, generated by internal political relations in ancient Russian society.

We must appreciate the fact that agricultural products occupy a significant place among the requisitions. The boyars organized their own economy, presumably, with this fact in mind. The boyars thus had the opportunity to develop non-agricultural branches of agriculture, especially cattle breeding. With all the lack of information, we still find confirmation of our assumption. According to the Laurentian Chronicle, in 1177 Vsevolod and his retinue plundered the villages of the Rostov boyars - adherents of Mstislav Rostislavich, his nephew: "... and the villages were taken by the boyars, and horses, and cattle." 3 In 1146, "Kiyane and Izyaslav robbed the squads of Igor and Vsevolozhe, and villages, and cattle." 4 Under the year 1159 in the Ipatiev Chronicle it says: “Mstislav Zaya was a lot of goods Izyaslavl squads: gold and silver, and servants, and horses, and cattle, and all rule Volodimer.” 1 In the north, in the Novgorod region, a similar picture. In the spiritual Clement, whom M.N. Tikhomirov rightly considers a major boyar, a rather diverse composition of the livestock in his villages is mentioned: horses, cattle, sheep, pigs. 3

The sources mentioned above are cited in order to draw attention, firstly, to the important role of extra-land income of the boyars in Rus' in the 10th-13th centuries. and, secondly, to emphasize the essential importance of cattle breeding in the private economy of the boyars. Agriculture, of course, was also represented here, but it is difficult to say whether it outweighed the private enterprises of the ancient Russian boyars in the economic balance.

In conclusion, let us touch upon the issue of local land ownership. There is no consensus in the literature on the issue of when it arose. N.A. Rozhkov, for example, noted: “... in the sphere of princely palace land tenure and economy, the idea of ​​​​an estate was born and embodied in reality, that is, temporary ownership of land under the condition of service and with the right of the one who granted the land to take it away from the temporary owner or landowner. Traces of the estate on princely land are observed for the first time, according to our sources, in the will of the Grand Duke Ivan Kalita, drawn up in 1328. four

In the academic publication “Essays on the history of the SSSL” we find: “Conditional land tenure in northeastern Russia developed a long time ago, back in Ancient Russia. For the Moscow principality, the first documentary indication of the existence of conditional possessions in the lands dependent on the Moscow principality is usually considered the spiritual letter of Ivan Kalita (circa 1339). M.N.Tikhomirov was specially engaged in conditional land tenure in Rus' in the 12th century. According to his ideas, “the history of the estate system and service land tenure should be searched for much earlier than in the XIV-XV centuries. The manor system was only part of the feudal system. It began to take shape in Rus' already in the 12th-13th centuries, when merciful ones appeared. 2 The author set himself the task of “showing that a conditional feudal holding already existed in the 12th century. under a different name - "mercy", "appendage", "bread", and the feudal holders themselves were called "merciful". 3

How does MN Tikhomirov show the existence of a conditional feudal holding in the 12th century? Since the focus of the researcher is the merciful, the terminological clarifications about the word "merciful" became the first necessity. M.N. Tikhomirov gave convincing arguments in favor of the fact that “mercifuls” should be understood not just as princely favorites, but as “a special category of princely servants directly employed in the palace economy” and not included in the corporation of the prince’s “bad husbands” - boyars. 4 “Apparently,” he continues, “the merciful of the 12th century. the same princely servants that are known to us according to Russkaya Pravda under the name of the firemen. But it is difficult to agree with the latter, if only because the merciful in the annals are called the duke of the prince. Wouldn't it be better to bring the lad of old Russian sources to the lad? After all, there is a direct semantic proximity between the words “serf” (“clap”, “lad”, “boy”), “lad”, “parobok”. The equality between "mercy" and "beneficium" oM "carried out by M.N. Tikhomirov is also questionable. The author did not name a single fact that would clearly and definitely confirm his point of view. What, for example, does the remark thrown by Daniil Zatochnik mean? : "every nobleman should have honor and mercy from the prince". Various good deeds and honors are its probable meaning. But M.N. Tikhomirov perceives the dreams of the Sharpener too tangibly when he declares: "Here the word" mercy "is combined with" honor ". "Honor and mercy, "on which every nobleman has the right to count, is his place of honor at the princely court and the award (beneficium, mercy) with certain monetary or land receipts." 3 Of course, it would be absurd to deny any award. The main thing is what it was expressed in "If the prince granted his servants money, weapons and horses, then they did not become feudal lords. Another thing is a land dacha. But the sources are stubbornly silent about the "gracious" lands. 4 In search of a way out of silence, the monument in M.N. Tikhomirov refers to article 111 of the Long Truth, which retained the term "mercy": but if the year does not reach, then return mercy to him; whether to depart, it is not guilty to eat. 1 In the dissonance of opinions on Art. 111 nevertheless, a common motive is heard: most researchers of Russian Pravda saw in it a case when some poor man, in a difficult moment, asked for the help of a wealthy owner and received it in the form of "mercy". Considering Article 111 Ave. Pr., M.N. Tikhomirov was convinced that “there is no reason to insist that the Russkaya Pravda necessarily speaks of bread as a loan that poor people received. On the contrary, bread, dacha, appendage can be understood as types of feudal conditional holding, united by the common name "mercy"". M.N.Tikhomirov substantiates his conclusion with examples that tell about the return of cities and volosts to feeding. 4 However, feeding is the right to collect income from the volost, and not feudal conditional holding, as the author sees it. "Bread" in the meaning of feeding for the XII century is not new. The distribution of cities has been noticeable almost since the 9th century: “And Rurik took power, and gave his husband cities: Polotesk to the one, Rostov to the other, Beloozero to another ...” and plant your husbands, go down from there and take Lyubets and plant your husbands...” 6 Vladimir Svyatoslavich, who “switched” the Varangians, “selected from them good and sensible men and distributing cities to them.” The distribution of cities and entire volosts for food was not associated with land grants, it did not violate the former economic structure of the population, did not put it in a relationship of dependence on the feeder. What kind of feudal possession is this without land and direct producers?! Appointment Art. 111 M.N.Tikhomirov defined it this way: “...the article on 'mercy' does not at all take care of poor people who are forced by hunger and need to take a loan from a rich man. This article sets itself the task of protecting petty feudal lords from enslavement, who occupied servile places at the boyar and princely courts, but sought to preserve their freedom. Such an article is typical of Russkaya Pravda as a code of feudal law. It's not at all clear what's going on here. Previously, the course of reasoning boiled down to the fact that “mercifuls” are people who, as a result of a feudal award (“mercy”), have turned into feudal holders. Now the feudal lords - "merciful" occupy "servile places at the boyar and princely court", tremble for their freedom and try to guarantee it with the help of legislation. There remains bewilderment: in the person of "merciful" princes and boyars sought to surround themselves with servants of the feudal image and likeness or serfs-slaves. It is difficult to imagine a person who became a feudal lord by "mercy" and bogged down in slavery by the same "mercy". You have to choose one.

Written evidence taken by M.N. Tikhomirov to clarify Article 111 does not at all fit with his view of the reasons for its appearance. He takes texts in which the names of princes Yuri and Yaroslav, the sons of Vsevolod Yuryevich the Big Nest, and a certain Fyodor Mikhailovich, who lived in Pskov, are named. 1 What does it have to do with the “petty feudal lords” who took up servile jobs in the boyar and princely courts? If Yuri and Yaroslav are “petty feudal lords”, and Radilov Gorodets and Pskov are “servile places”, then what were the big feudal lords and positions intended for free people then?!

M.N. Tikhomirov failed to prove the existence in Rus' of the XII century. the local system and service land tenure, to combine the ancient Russian gracious with the Moscow landowner. Service people like landlords came later. No wonder Borisko Vorkov is so alone in spiritual Kalita. Why did Prince Ivan not fail to commemorate Vorkov? Is it because he is a kind of social phenomenon, not familiar to the eyes of the Grand Duke? It seems that an affirmative answer will not seem stretched.

The bulk of the population of ancient Rus' was made up of rural people. Ancient Rus' knew slaves. The labor of serf slaves was widely used in the household of princes, boyars, warriors and other "best men".

In the most ancient sources that have come down to us, in the treaties of princes Oleg and Igor with Byzantium, which contain fragments of an even more ancient "Russian Law", Yaroslav's "Russian Truth" speaks of serfs (slaves) and servants.

Chelyad is an ancient term denoting all kinds of dependent people. "Chelyad" - primarily slaves, acquired mainly as a result of capture ("full"), in the process of wars. But the concept of "servants" is somewhat broader than the actual slave - "serf" or "robe". These latter appear in later sources under the name "complete servants." So, every servant is a servant, but not every servant is a servant. The servants are servants who work in the household of the master and are in charge of his household, and all kinds of dependent and exploited people. But it was not the servants who made up the bulk of the rural population. In ancient times, there was one term to designate it - "people". The term "people" in the designation of the rural population undoubtedly goes back to primitive antiquity and was widespread among the Slavs from the Ladoga and Onega lakes to the Balkans and the Aegean Sea, where the Bulgarian word "lyudne" denoted the rural population as a whole. The term “people” in the sense of “rural population”, “tributaries”, also existed in the north, in the Novgorod lands, where, borrowed from the Russian language, it became the self-name of the Veps (“Ludiki”), which became part of the Karelian people.

This social meaning of the term "people" was preserved much later; back in the 18th and 19th centuries. the peasants and courtyards belonging to some Sheremetevs or Yusupovs were spoken of as their "people". At the same time, in Rus', for some time now (it is still impossible to establish for sure), the rural population as a whole has been designated by the term "smerd". The term "smerd" goes back to the hoary distant past, to those times when people of different tribes most often called themselves simply "people".

Gradually, the term “smerd” begins to mean the same thing as “people”, “simple child” of villages and villages. Later it will be supplanted by the word "peasant". In the sources of the XII-XIII centuries. we already often come across the term “smerd”, denoting the rural population in general (smerds are tributaries, subjects; smerds are residents of villages; smerds are workers, tillers, sufferers, etc.). Like the later term "peasant", the word "smerd" in ancient Rus' had several meanings. Smerd was called a free community farmer, who was only obliged to pay tribute to the prince and perform certain duties. Smerd was generally called any subject, literally “under tribute”, subordinate, dependent. Smerd was called in the recent past still a free tributary, now a princely command, that is, by non-economic coercion, who became the labor force of a princely or boyar estate. Such a variety of meanings of the term "smerd" is due to the fact that as feudal relations developed, the position of those categories of the rural population that acted under this name became more complicated.

Later, the term "smerd" in the mouths of the feudal elite acquires a connotation of disdain. Still later, it will be replaced by the word "man". “The lawless from the smerdya tribe,” says the Ipatiev Chronicle about two Galician boyars objectionable to the prince. "Go, smerd, away! I don’t need you,” Vasily III shouted to the noble boyar. Thus, smerds are community members-tributaries, from whom during the "polyudya" all sorts of requisitions are collected by the prince's combatants. Later, with the settlement of the squads on the ground, the boyar warriors turned the smerds from tributaries into dependent people, that is, now they were interested not in tribute from the smerds, but in the smerds themselves, in their economy. Smerd is a person dependent on the prince. This is evidenced by the reward for the murder and for the "torment" of the smerd, which goes in favor of the prince, the transfer of the property of the deceased smerd to the prince, if the deceased had no sons, the fine for killing the smerd, equal to the price paid to the prince for the murder of his serf, grazing the cattle of the smerd together with the cattle of the prince, etc. (See Pravda Russkaya, vol. I, pp. 113-114). Smerd is attached to the earth, he is given along with it. He can change his condition only by leaving the community, running away and thus ceasing to be a stinker. Smerd is obliged to pay dues, i.e. tribute, which has turned into feudal rent. Leaving the community, the devastated smerd was forced to look for work on the side or become enslaved. In this case, he turned into a ryadovich, purchase, "hireman". Turned into a slave, he becomes a serf.

In what way did the transformation of community members into dependent people go? Ancient Rus' knew two aspects of this process: the seizure of communal lands by feudal lords and the enslavement of community members.

In the IX-XI centuries. in Rus', the community members in the majority were already “subjects” in the sense that they were “under tribute”, paid tribute. Moreover, the number of community members who only paid tribute was rapidly declining. At first, the princes distribute to their combatants not so much land as tribute from the lands, and then the land of the smerd itself is seized by the princes and combatants, given and distributed. Together with the land and lands, the community members living on this land are donated and distributed. Their property is expropriated, and they themselves, by the whole community, turn into the property of the prince, boyar, church, are inherited, sold.

But there was another side to the process of turning community members into dependents - their enslavement.

Crop failures, famine, natural disasters, attacks by enemies, robbery by combatants, excessive exactions ruined the community members. A ruined community member was forced to leave the community (if it did not break up for a number of reasons) and become enslaved. Turning into a purchase, a ryadovich, etc., he was no longer called a "rural man", "a simple child" or "smerd". A change in his position caused a change in his name. Torn out for one reason or another from the community, "rope", "peace", the community member became an easy prey for the feudal lord; he fell into the number of the “servants” dependent on him and acted under this or under a name that more accurately defined his position.

Thus, feudal landownership expanded in Rus', the forms of feudal dependence became more complex, the number and categories of the exploited population increased. Feudal relations spread throughout Eastern Europe.

The growth of feudal exploitation could not but give rise to anti-feudal popular movements, uprisings of the rural people and the urban poor.

Resistance in those days took many forms. It manifested itself in flight, when the peasants literally left feudalism for those places where it had not yet had time to penetrate. It takes the form of scattered, spontaneous, local uprisings. The class struggle is also expressed in the attempts of the rural dweller to restore communal property. The rural community member considered as his everything that was cultivated by his hands, watered by his sweat, what was mastered by him, his father and grandfather, everything that, as the peasants in Rus' later said, “from old times drew” to his yard, to his community, everything , “where the ax, plow, scythe went”, but what has now become the property of the prince, his “husbands”, vigilantes.

Smerd went to the forest to collect honey for the same side crops where he, his father and grandfather had been collecting honey from time immemorial, despite the fact that the side tree, on which every knot was known to him, was already marked with a sign of princely property freshly cut on the bark. Smerd plowed with his "maple bipod" that piece of land that he himself "teared" out from under the forest, burning the forest giants and uprooting the stumps, despite the fact that the boundary laid by some rural tiun-princely or boyar servant had already attached this watered then his field to the vast possessions of a prince or boyar. He drove his cattle to the field, where he pastured it from a young age, but this field was already princely, boyar.

The ruling feudal elite considered these attempts by the rural people to restore their ancient communal right to own lands and lands according to the labor expended a crime, a violation of their "legitimate" rights. Russkaya Pravda will subsequently take into account these crimes and establish penalties for them; but this was a crime only from the point of view of the ruling nobility.

For the rural "people" of Rus', who were in the IX-X and early XI centuries. most often still only tributaries of the prince and community members, co-owners of their lands and lands, it was a fair struggle for the restoration of their trampled rights, for the return of what had belonged to them from time immemorial, as it was mastered by their labor and provided a livelihood. It was not easy for the smerd to get used to the new order; he defended the old communal property, considering it just, and, on the contrary, fought against private feudal property, being sure of its illegality. Russkaya Pravda pays so much attention to crimes against private feudal property precisely because at that time the struggle against it by ordinary rural and urban people was something ordinary and everyday.

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The publication is approved for use

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Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

dated December 14, 2009 No. 729 (as amended on January 13, 2011).

Control and measuring materials. IsK64 thorium of Russia. A basic level of. Grade 10 / Comp.

K.V. Volkov. – M.: VAKO, 2013. – 112 p. – (Control and measuring materials).

ISBN 978-5-408-00994-7 The presented control and measuring materials (KMI) for grade 10 are thematically grouped and meet the requirements of the school history curriculum.

The use of KIMs will allow not only to assess the students' assimilation of material on each topic, but also to prepare them for a modern test form of knowledge testing, which will be useful when completing the tasks of the Central Test and the Unified State Examination. At the end of the publication, keys to all tests are offered.

The manual is addressed to teachers, schoolchildren and their parents.

UDC 372.893 LBC 74.266.3 ISBN 978-5-408-00994-7 © VAKO LLC, 2013 Comment for the teacher We offer you “Control and measurement materials for N.S. Borisov "History of Russia. From ancient times to the end of the 17th century

and A.A. Levandovsky "History of Russia in the XVIII-XIX centuries".

A basic level of. Grade 10".

The structure of the allowance fully complies with the federal component of the state standard of secondary education and the "Requirements for the level of training of students."

Contrary to the well-established opinion, test tasks make it possible to objectively reveal not only the knowledge of history in schoolchildren, but also learning skills at different levels of assimilation of the material.

The manual contains tasks of basic and advanced levels of complexity. They are arranged according to the principle from simple in part A to complicated in part B and complex, requiring a detailed answer and placed in the appendix (part C).

5–7 minutes are allotted to complete thematic tests, so the teacher can use them at each lesson, involving individual students or the whole class in testing knowledge. 35–40 minutes are given to complete the final tests.

Part A contains tasks of the basic level with a choice of answers. With their help, knowledge of dates, facts, concepts and terms, characteristic features of historical phenomena, causes and consequences of events is checked.

Part B consists of tasks of an increased level of complexity with an open answer (word, date, combination of numbers). These tasks allow you to test, in addition to the above elements of student preparation, the ability to classify and systematize facts.

Part C contains tasks of a high level of complexity with an open detailed answer. They are aimed at a comprehensive assessment of the knowledge and skills of students.

Depending on the form of the task, various methods of assessment are used. There is a dichotomous system in which a question is scored with one point if the answer is correct and zero points if the answer is incorrect. This grading system can be used when checking the assignments of Part A and those assignments from Part B in which you need to specify a date or a word. The maximum possible score for the test in this case will be equal to the number of correct answers available in it.

Part B also contains tasks for establishing the correct sequence and establishing correspondence. These forms of tasks are evaluated both according to the dichotomous and polytomic systems.

An example of a task from part B to establish the correct sequence B1. Arrange the events in chronological order. Specify the answer as a sequence of letter designations of the selected elements.

A) Neva battle

B) the battle on the Kalka River

C) raid "Nevryueva rati"

D) the congress of princes in the city of Lyubech Answer: GBAV.

With a polytomic system, the assessment of this task will look like this:

Score Answer 3 GBVA 2 GBVA 1 Any combinations where the letter G is in the first place 0 Any other combinations, except for those indicated in the table In part B of the manual, there are tasks with the choice of several correct answers. When evaluating this form of the task, along with the dichotomous system, you can use the polytomic system.

In this case, points are awarded according to the following scheme:

Completely correctly specified characteristics - 2 points;

One correctly indicated characteristic - 1 point;

Lack of correct characteristics - 0 points.

Thus, the maximum possible score for the task will be equal to the number of correct answers available in it.

With a dichotomous system, the answer is rated 1 point if all signs are correctly indicated, and 0 points if at least one mistake is made.

The evaluation of the performance of the tasks of part C is polytomic. For each part of the task, the student receives points, from which the total score is added.

In general, it is advisable to use a dichotomous assessment system in the final control of knowledge, as well as in cases where you need to manually check a large number of answer forms.

Polytomic tasks can be used in all types of pedagogical control, especially in tests for thematic control, when the test execution time is short.

Thus, the choice of an assessment system is dictated by the purpose of testing and the type of pedagogical control.

80% of the maximum score - score "5";

60-80% - score "4";

40-60% - grade "3";

0-40% - score "2".

Formation of the Old Russian State Option 1 A1. Geographical names: Constantinople, Dnieper,

Lovat, Lake Ilmenskoe, Baltic Sea – associated with:

1) the division of the Slavs into three branches

2) trade route "from the Varangians to the Greeks"

3) archaeological sites

4) the formation of tribal unions of the Eastern Slavs A2. The consequence of the emergence of a neighboring community among the Eastern Slavs was the appearance of:

1) Varangians

2) beekeeping

3) writing

4) social inequality A3. A detour by the prince and a squad of lands to collect tribute in the Old Russian state was called:

1) dragging

2) polyudem

3) undercut

4) beekeeping

1) development of the economy

2) the emergence of written legislation

3) transfer of the capital from Novgorod to Kyiv

4) the presence of large uninhabited territories

A5. Previously, other princes from the Rurik dynasty ruled:

1) Kiy 3) Igor

2) Askold 4) Svyatoslav V1. When did the event referred to in the passage from the document occur?

The brothers, named Rurik, Sineus and Truvor, famous either by birth or deeds, agreed to take power over people who, knowing how to fight for liberty, did not know how to use it.


Test 1. Eastern Slavs in the VI-IX centuries.

Formation of the Old Russian State Option 2 A1. The main agricultural tool of labor among the Slavs in the VI-IX centuries.


3) drag

4) digging stick A2. The reason for the emergence of a neighboring community among the Eastern Slavs was:

1) the development of tools

2) the emergence of the state

3) the emergence of writing

4) calling the Varangians to Rus' A3. Ancient and Arab historians of the 1st c. n. e. Slavs were called

1) Varangians

2) Wends

3) Great Russians

4) Indo-Europeans

A4. The reason for the formation of the Old Russian state:

1) adoption of Christianity

2) the existence of a tribal community

3) the emergence of social inequality

4) cessation of the fight against external enemies

A5. The founder of the dynasty of Kievan princes was:

1) cue 3) Oleg

2) Rurik 4) Svyatoslav V1. When did the event referred to in the passage from the document occur?

Having killed Askold and Dir, Oleg established himself in Kyiv, made it his capital city; according to the chronicler, Oleg said that Kyiv should be "the mother of Russian cities."


Test 2. Kievan Rus Option 1 A1.

The use of slave labor in the economy of boyars and princes testified that the Old Russian state was:

1) democratic

2) early feudal

3) slave

4) centralized

A2. A ladder system is a system:

1) princely inheritance

2) non-economic coercion

3) Old Russian legislation

4) defensive fortifications against the steppes

A3. The adoption of Christianity by Russia led to:

1) the decline of culture

2) the uprising of the Drevlyans

3) strengthening princely power

4) worsening relations with Byzantium

A4. Rus''s rival in the south:

2) Byzantium

3) Hungary

4) Scandinavia B1. Establish a correspondence between the ruler and the direction of his activity. One element of the left column corresponds to one element of the right column.

Kyiv prince/princess Line of activity

A) Vladimir 1) the defeat of the Pechenegs

B) Olga 2) the baptism of Rus'

C) Yaroslav the Wise 3) establishing lessons and churchyards

4) restriction of usurious interest

–  –  –

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