Great day in July to make proposals. Make sentences from words

Nike is a female given name of Greek origin.
Variant of spelling of the name in transliteration (Latin): Nika

Meaning of the name

Victory. "Victory" (Greek)
The name Nika came to us from ancient mythology and translated from ancient Greek (similar to Latin Victoria) means "victory". The patroness of this name is the Greek goddess Nika, personifying success. She gave good luck and a happy outcome in any business. In ancient mythology, victory in wars was mainly meant: warrior-heroes asked this goddess to accompany and help them throughout all military campaigns, during battles and battles, to protect them from injuries and death. Therefore, Nika is distinguished by masculinity, fortitude, kindness, but her main qualities are honesty and justice, because she should help only those who really need victory, who do not pursue selfish goals, profit and loud glory.
March 10(23), April 16(29)

Name Numerology

Soul number: 2.
The owners of the name number 2 are characterized by self-doubt, constant anxiety, belief in omens and even fatalism. "Twos", as a rule, have a very fine mental organization, it is better not to disturb them and not to disturb them over trifles. They avoid any quarrels and disputes, go away from problems. However, the "twos" are excellent team players. Any joint actions, in a work team or in a family, are easy for them and reveal all their strongest points. Twos are patient but need a secure environment. Holders of the number 2, as a rule, are excellent parents and educators.

Hidden Spirit Number: 2
Body number: 9


Planet: Moon.
Element: Water, cold, damp.
Zodiac: Cancer.
Color: white, silver, light brown, yellowish, greenish (sea).
Day: Monday.
Metal: silver.
Mineral: selenite, marcasite, beryl, white coral.
Plants: lily, water lily, cabbage, cornflower, melon, cucumber, calamus, pansies.
Animals: owl, goose, duck, crab, toad, doe.

Nouns are divided into three types according to the type of declension:

  1. Feminine nouns ending in -а, -я (earth);
  2. Masculine nouns with zero ending, neuter nouns with ending -о, -е (house, field);
  3. Null feminine nouns (mouse).

In Russian, a special group is made up of heterogeneous nouns: burden, crown, flame, udder, banner, tribe, stirrup, time, name, path.

A significant group of nouns does not change in gender and number, they are called indeclinable; depot, foyer, aloe, coffee, coat, attache and others.

Adjectives change by gender, number and case in the singular. In the plural, the case endings of adjectives of all three genders are the same: new tables, books, pens.

There are certain rules for declension and numerals. For example, the numeral one is declined as an adjective in the singular, and the numeral two, three, four have special case forms that are similar to the endings of adjectives in the plural.

Numerals from five to ten and numerals -twenty and -ten decline according to the third declension of nouns.

The numerals forty, ninety have two case forms: forty and ninety.

For numerals two hundred, three hundred, four hundred, and for all numerals, both parts are inclined to -hundred.


It is no secret that the grammar of the Russian language is a very difficult subject, not only for foreign students of educational institutions and self-learners of the language, but also for native speakers. One of the difficult topics that requires patience and perseverance in this regard is the declension of names in Russian, since there are many features and subtleties that are not so easy to guess and think out logically, as well as many exceptions that do not obey the general rule. I will try to cover all aspects of this issue in this article.

Declination. General concept and varieties

Even from the course of the school curriculum, many remember that declension is a change in cases. There are only six cases in Russian:

  • Nominative;
  • Genitive;
  • Dative;
  • Accusative;
  • Instrumental;
  • Prepositional.

For each case, you can ask a question:

  • for the nominative, it is “Who? What?";
  • inclining the name in the genitive case, they ask the question “Who? What?";
  • in the dative - “To whom? What?”;
  • for the accusative, the questions “Whom? What?";
  • in the instrumental, the noun changes in accordance with the questions “By whom? How?",
  • in the prepositional - “About whom? About what?".

When forming a question, to facilitate the task, you can substitute a verb with a similar control:

Doesn't have anyone, what? Who owes what? Who is thinking about what? Lives by whom, what?


Also noteworthy is the declension of masculine names, which are double. Moreover, in names of Russian origin, both parts change, and in nouns of foreign origin, only the last part.















The second variety is masculine and feminine names ending in -a. All changes occur according to the first declension:

Similarly to the given examples, foreign names ending in -a are declined:


The declension of masculine and feminine names with nominative endings in -iya, -ya, -ya, -ey also occurs according to the first declension, regardless of their origin:

Pay attention to one important feature!

  • Personal names that have -iya at the end receive the same endings "-ii" in three cases at once - this is the genitive, dative and prepositional case.
  • Names that end in -ya are given "-ye" in the prepositional and dative cases, and "-ye" in the genitive.

The declension of female names with a zero ending and a soft sign at the end is built according to the 3rd type.

Attention! Female names of foreign origin ending in a solid consonant and -i do not change by case, for example, Maryam, Elizabeth, Dolores, Carmen. There is a group of names that fit this rule, but fluctuate between indeclination and the 3rd declension, these are Gazelle, Guzel, Lucille, Nicole, Aigul, Asel, Mirel, Babigul, Cecile. In colloquial speech, they can change, but in official speech, as a rule, they remain unchanged.

Male and female names, at the end of which there is a vowel, moreover, -а and -я are excluded, belong to indeclinable names,

For example, Nelly, Sergo. Also, names of foreign origin with vowels at the end do not change - Babbu, Bakke, Chamza.

Sometimes the names of foreign writers and literary heroes are used in combination with a surname.

For example, Jules Verne, Conan Doyle, Oscar Wilde, Sherlock Holmes, Robin Hood. Often the speaker does this: he declines only the surname, leaving the name unchanged, but this is not entirely true, because. both must change: the legend of Robin Hood, the books of Oscar Wilde.

Please note that in colloquial speech, inflection is permissible in part of the surname, but in writing it is recommended to inflect both parts.

So, we have figured out how to correctly inflect names of Russian and foreign origin, what are the exceptions to the rules, what to do if the lexical unit is written with a hyphen, and whether there are indeclinable and controversial names.

In order to correctly change personal names by cases, you must first familiarize yourself with the declension tables of common nouns. So the structure and cause-and-effect relationships will be most understandable. So, the first type (feminine and masculine nouns ending in -а, -я):

The second declension, which includes neuter nouns with the ending -o, -e:

Third declension, which includes feminine nouns with a soft sign at the end:

  • Declension of surnames and personal names in the Russian literary language, L.P. Kalutskaya;
  • Difficulties in inflection of nouns. N. A. Eskova;
  • Dictionary of difficulties of the Russian language, edited by D.E. Rosenthal;
  • Etymological and morphological analysis of the declension of surnames of the pre-revolutionary era and the transformations of the communist-soviet power. A. N. Pogrebnoy-Aleksandrov;
  • Academic "Russian Grammar" 1980.



In Russian

for repetition

and consolidation

educational material

(for future second graders)

Dear friend!

In this manual, you are offered tasks for repetition and consolidation throughout the Russian language course for grade 2.

If you spend 1 hour a week on these tasks, then you will successfully repeat the material covered and improve your literacy.

Regularly referring to this manual, you will automatically bring the skills of competent writing and firmly remember the spelling rules.

Before proceeding with the practical tasks, refer to the theoretical page with the necessary rules.

Good luck to you!

repeat the rules

  • Speech is oral and written.

Oral speech is the speech that we speak and hear.

Written speech is the speech that we write and read.

Speech is made up of sentences.

  • Sentence is a word or several words that express a complete thought. The beginning of a sentence is written with a capital letter. Put a period at the end of a sentence.
  • F I - W I write with the vowel I (giraffe, cones)
  • Ch U - Shch U write with the vowel U (stuffed animal, pike)
  • C A - SCH A write with the vowel A (gull, grove)
  • CHK, CHN write without a soft sign (night, milky)
  • Words are carried by syllables(bel - ka, ma-lyshi, maly-shi)

When transferring, you cannot:

Transfer to another line a part of a word that does not make up a syllable;

Leave on the line and transfer one letter to another line.

Do not tolerate:

Words consisting of one syllable (crab, crab, plan);

A syllable consisting of one vowel (beehive, whirligig, anchor, pit).

Downpour, fire, arranged, Seryozha, Styopa, blue, knife, moose, deer, carrot, hatch, live.

  • Write down the words. Put accents.

Banana, bow, watch, persimmon, cabbage rolls, people, ice, milk jug, garlic, fluff, seal, chain, chips, birch, burdock.

  • Write down the words. Insert letter A or Z.

Grumbling ... ing, fashionable ... th ... siki, boss ... lnik, snarl ... whether, pumping ... yu, h ... kinship, rumbling ... nie.

  • Divide the text into sentences. Sleep.

The cat Vaska is running around the yard, the dog Sharik the watchman is chasing him, Uncle Vasya Shirov is taking Vaska in his arms, don't be afraid, Vaska.

  • Make suggestions. Sleep.

excellent, day, July.

and, above, circling, mottled, white, butterflies, moths, flowers.

on, eat, pollen, flowers.

butterfly, twigs, villages, tip, mottled, on.

and, among, flicker, bugs, spiders, stalks.

here, how many of them.

Task for the week _____________________

Lawn, cabin, chandelier.

Fallen ... th, sh ... puffy, sm ... sl, l ... s ... th, snow ... nka, sh ... rma, l ... zhnya, shower ... stuyu, s ... rock.

Pool ... ka, fil ... m, gal ... knock, sad ... ny, led ... we, saber ... ki, galloped ... ka, burned ... ki, shaft ... s.

(N, n) ash (G, d) orod, (U, y) chenitsa (O, o) la, (C, s) gentle (B, b) aba, (D, d) ed (I, and) van, (С,с)obaka (F,g)uchka, (А,а)kter (Е,е)gor.

Lucy Shirokova has a dog Ford and Lyalya Zhizhina was given a kitten Peach, Valya Chushina has a parrot Kesha and Dasha Mashinoy has a hamster Khomka and a rat Lark.

  • Make suggestions. sleep.

path, forest, through, led, straight, pine.

Vanya, looked, walked, her, and, on, on, sides.

here, with, hairy, resinous, trunks, bark.

among, flying, birds, branches.

Task for the week _____________________

Love, acorn, crackers, mountain ash, rodents, Lyudmila, harvest, Friday, pasties, swallow, love, red.

Jam, cheerful, cubs, queen, snowdrifts, chicken, singer, robin, black, inventor, helmet.

  • Write down the words. Insert the letters U or U.

H ... forehead, h ... desa, et ... d, gr ... zd, dodger ..., learn ... s, l ... kavy, gl ... hoy, h ... smeared, grumble ... n, sch ... chka.

Elephant, balls, chirps, large, mushroom, whining, sunny, escalator, baby elephants, dried, playing.

A rainy day is bad without an umbrella or a raincoat in the yard full of water, rooks and blackbirds quietly flew away from the gardens, and autumn has come.

  • Make suggestions. sleep.

plot, small, dacha, Tanechka, walks, along.

sees, fragrant, girl, lilies of the valley.

flowers, these are, like, tiny, beautiful.

butterfly, here.

she, on, a bench, sat down on a boardwalk.

on, well, cottage.

Task for the week _____________________

Ear, coat, janitor, swan, chairs, orange, trunk, sugar, cranberry, bandage, drink, take.

  • Write down the words. Insert where necessary, b.

First aid kit ... ki, overcoat ... ka, Zinoch ... ka, nanny ... ka, long ... gy, night ... ka, fishing rod ... ka, click ... ka.

  • Write by opening brackets.

(from) illness, (before) her, (o) (C, c) tepe, (o) ida, (behind) the closet, (ob) monkey, (behind) you, (at) armchairs.

  • Divide the text into sentences. Sleep.

It was the end of winter, the snows had melted, the earth again turned black in the evening at times Lyosha walked along the path through the dense forest, forest silence reigned around him, the boy approached the forest clearing.

  • Make suggestions. Sleep.

worth it, a great day.

woke, ray, duck, sunny.

into the river, she entered.

heat, now, some water.

like a boat, a duck.

she, bugs, beak, enough.

repeat the rules

  • Vowel sounds and letters.

(a) (o) (y) (s) (i) (e) - vowels

When pronouncing vowel sounds, the air stream does not encounter obstacles.

A O U Y E vowels

I am Yeo Yu and Ye

Vowel in a word:

Names the sound

Indicates that the preceding consonant is either hard or soft.

A O U Y E - vowels of the 1st row, they give the command to the consonant: "Read firmly!"

I Yo Yu and E are vowels of the 2nd row, they give the command to the consonant: “Read softly!”

The letters I, Yo, Yu, E are ioted.

If these letters are after consonants, then they give one sound:

I - (ya), Yo - (yo), Yu - (yu), E - (ye)

  • Words are divided into syllables.

How many vowels in a word, so many syllables (m a k, r o -z a, r o -m a sh-k a)

  • consonant sounds.

When pronouncing consonants, air meets an obstacle: tongue, teeth and lips.

Paired consonants:

B C D E F G - voiced

P F K T W S - deaf.

Unpaired consonants:

L M N R Y - the most sonorous (sonor);

H SH Y - always soft;

Zh Sh Z - always solid.

Task for the week __________________________

  • Write down the words. Divide them into syllables. Indicate in brackets how many letters and how many sounds are in them.

Dina, pipe, Christmas tree, puck, donkey, nightingale, tall, sweet, helicopter, blackberry, pit.

  • Write down the words. Insert the letters Y or I.

Spring ... on, m ... s ... net, sh ... peeing, m ... chickpeas, f ... tel, gob ... d, kl ... k, mash ... nist, sh ... on.

  • Write the words by opening the brackets.

(D, d) uncle (P, n) child, (L, l) petal (M, m) aka, (V, c) nuchok (P, n) baby, (D, d) mother (I, and) baths, (H, h) turtle (T, t) ortila.

  • Divide the text into sentences. Sleep.

In severe frost, the guys took their skates and run in a crowd to the skating rink, where the boys quickly glide on the ice in a big frost, they will not be scared near the skating rink by the alder and spruce bullfinch sitting on the alder.

  • Make suggestions. sleep.

here, rain, small, fell, droplets.

rings, along, waves, water, scatter.

soon, the downpour, gushed, strong.

on, he, field, stalks, nailed, linen.

Task for the week _____________________

  • Write down the words. Underline the vowels.

Blizzard, bow, ram, cobra, lakes, key, cloudberry, pea, edge, coo, forest, cornflower, greedy.

  • Write down the words. Divide them into syllables for transfer. Put an accent mark.

Kid, pigeons, mushroom picker, river, berry, ruffle, gnome, mystery, miracle, banner, electricity, bear.

Tr… pump, t… lazy, sharp…, snort…, l… clean, jump…, sad…, fistula…, off… read.

  • Write down the words. Insert the letter E or E.

... zhovy, ... zhonok, ... carriage, drake ... n, ... vdokiya, d ... December, ... fox, sm ... loss, ... fishing, stud ... nt.

  • Divide the text into sentences. sleep.

I have a fresh head of cabbage, I’m looking for sorrel, I want to treat my friends with cabbage soup from a cast-iron pot, there are a lot of cones around, rustling fragrant grass, but sorrel, what luck.

  • Make suggestions. sleep.

at home, about, garden, grandfathers, fruit.

trees, in, grow, what, garden.

plums, nearby, apple trees, and grow.

fragrant, and, raspberries, what, and, large.

Task for the week _____________________

Kids, Eliza, growls, vineyards, whatnot, shaggy, tiger, legs, thunderstorm, steps, cornflowers.

  • Make a sound - letter analysis of words.

Lilac, eclair, lighthouse.

  • Sleep. Underline with one line the words that answer the questions WHO? WHAT ?, two lines - to the question WHAT DOES ?, a wavy line - to the questions WHAT? WHICH? WHICH? WHICH?

Crows, blue, ticking, peonies, twists, big, boots, boat, juicy, cleans, mixer.

  • Divide the text into sentences. sleep.

Anechka goes to bed mom lit a night light she tells Anya a fairy tale about a little girl the girl had tiny shoes they turned into boats Anechka is sleeping mom puts out the night light.

  • Make suggestions. Sleep.

hedgehog, y, lives, Masha.

hedgehog, girl, in, porridge, put, ladle.

in a hurry, on, animal, dinner.

Task for the week _____________________

  • Write down the words. Underline the consonants.

Mountain, thunder, vase, animals, fairy tale, geese, harp, cheek, drying, gift, Motherland, gardener, kite, puppy.

  • Write the words by opening the brackets.

(with) cats, (with) me, (at) a friend, (among) foliage, (at) us, (for) Kira, (pro) proud, (at) the moon, (for) fish.

  • Write down the words. Insert the letters O or Y.

Watch ... r, hit ... r, B ... rya, dor ... ha, shof ... r, zab ... r, carrot ... vy, settlement ... lok, vzl ... t, nar ... d, color ... t.

  • Divide the text into sentences. Sleep.

The weather in the morning was cloudy, grandfather heated the stove, then the day became sunny, we had a great walk picking flowers, found blueberries around, butterflies flew, swallows circled in the sky, clouds appeared soon it will start to rain, we run home.

  • Make suggestions. Write down the learned parts of speech.

roof, by, rain, knock (a, i) t, board (a, i) toy, beginning (a, i) l.

kach (a, i) no, branches, wind.

galch (a, i) that, in food (a, i) t, nest.

repeat the rules

  • Alphabet.

Aa Bb Vv Gg Dd Her Yeo FJ

Zz Ii Yi Kk Ll Mm Nn ​​Oo

Pp Rr Ss Tt Uu Ff Xx Ts

Hh Shsh Shshch y y Ee Yuyu


  • Words denoting objects that answer questions WHO? WHAT?-nouns.
  • Own names.

The names of cities, villages, rivers, lakes, seas, the names of people, the names of animals are capitalized.

People's names are Luda, Kolya, Vasya, Olga, Daniil, etc.

Patronymic names of people - Ivanovna, Petrovich, Viktorovna, etc.

Surnames of people - Mishin, Kulikova, Mishlanov, etc.

Animal nicknames - Dawn, Sharik, Murka, Orlik, etc.

Geographic names:

Cities - Moscow, Tomsk, Nizhny Novgorod, etc.

Villages - Anino, Orlovka, Krasnovka, etc.

Rivers - Volga, Tom, Dnieper, Ob, Yenisei, etc.

Lakes - Onega, Ladoga, Baikal, etc.

Seas - Black, Okhotsk, Azov, etc.

  • Words denoting signs of objects, answering the questions WHAT? WHICH? WHICH? WHICH? -adjectives.
  • Words denoting the actions of objects, answering the questions WHAT TO DO? WHAT TO DO? - Verbs.
  • Prepositions (IN, FROM, FROM, O, C, FOR, K).

Prepositions link words in a sentence.

Prepositions with other words are written separately. Between the preposition and the word, you can put some other word.

  • When transferring words with a soft sign- an indicator of the softness of a consonant cannot be torn off the letter b from the previous consonant.

Task for the week _____________________

  • Write down the words. Divide them into syllables. In parentheses, indicate how many letters they contain and how many sounds.

Yula, gladioli, buttercup, crab, dark, airplane, doctor, airbus, long loaf, pancakes, ducklings, kittens.

  • Write down the words. Put an accent mark.

Blanket, apple tree, woodpecker, letter, crucian carp, grandfather, frost, basket, spectators, business, smoke, pike, trick.

  • Write down the words. Insert where necessary, b.

Warmed ... ka, gave ... her, tuff ... whether, sensible ... forged, hot ... cue, shooter ... ki, strong ... noe, Target ... ka, ball ... naya, spun ... ka.

  • Divide the text into sentences. Sleep.

To make tea from a tea bush, the leaves are collected carefully collected leaves are dried and processed before the tea was collected by women, they walked between the rows of bushes and carried large baskets on their backs; now special machines have been created; they collect much more tea leaves.

  • Make suggestions. sleep.

solves, Kolya, tasks (y, y), Shch (y, y) kin.

birds, for, chirping (u, u) t, window.

found, kolch (u, u) gu, in, prince, h (u, u) lane.

Task for the week _____________________

  • Write down the words. Underline the consonants.

Blueberries, currants, lingonberries, poem, emu, task, shepherd dog, student, Edik, waited, enamel, choir.

  • Write the words by opening the brackets.

(with) a pointer, (under) the carpet, (from) her, (to) roam, (for) her, (about) the star, (to) school, (on) the steps, (on) the chink, (for) the table.

  • Write down the words. Insert the letter O or Y.

Excellent ... t, input ... t, tel ... nok, cord ... k, Sem ... n, offer ... g, d ... g, bulld ... g, sv ... kla, lion ... nok, deputy ... k.

  • Divide the text into sentences. Sleep. Write the parts of speech you know above the words.

Grandfather Vitya guards melons he has big shepherd dogs they don’t let strangers into the plot a wooden kennel stands on the site in front of the house of the grandchildren often visit their grandfather today they promised to be for dinner grandfather cooks pike soup in a cast-iron.

  • Make sentences, write.

h (a, i) sch (a, i), in winter, och (a, i) rovanna.

looks like (and, s), push (and, s) are, like, swan (and, s), snow, fluff.

this, in, f (and, s) zn, time, in, h (u, u) day, forest.

Task for the week _____________________

  • Write the words, underline the vowels.
  • Write down the words. Insert where necessary, b.

Juicy ... ny, creamy ... ny, Ninotch ... ka, eternal ... ny, Pashen ... ka, den ... ki, bun ... ka, call ... give ..., fell ... ma.

  • Write down the words. Insert the letter U or U.

Unscrew ..., see ... gly, shch ... ply, kr ... chki, br ... ki, bl ... dtse, sch ... solder, h ... brow, n ... hali, ring ... ha.

  • Divide the text into sentences. Sleep. Write the parts of speech you know above the words.

We are in more often here and its inhabitants chirping thrushes crying orioles here live hedgehogs and red squirrels here a hedgehog runs along a wide path, he hurries to the shelter a hedgehog sits in a wild rose and hisses and there a fluffy squirrel jumps through fragrant lilies of the valley.

  • Make sentences from words. sleep.

dacha, kitty, porch, sitting, on.

wool, licks, tongue, she.

along, runs, plot.

wash, kitty, finishes, tongue, runs, in, and, wool, house.

Task for the week _____________________

  • Make a sound - letter analysis of words.

Katyusha, spruce forest, wash.

  • Write down the words. Divide them into syllables for transfer. Put an accent mark.

Back, ducklings, dried, forget-me-nots, rose, snakes, grain, kettle, neighs, cunning, hour, ball.

  • Sleep. Underline with one line the words that answer the questions WHO? WHAT ?, two lines - to the question WHAT DOES ?, a wavy line - to the questions WHAT? WHICH? WHICH? WHICH?

Jackdaw, barbecue, decide, tram, compote, needle, bought, different, got sick, unfamiliar, laid down.

  • Write the words by opening the brackets.

(Sch, sch) ennok (H, h) rump, (O, o) vcharka (A, a) lma, (L, l) ist (D, d) tree, (S, s) little sister (M, m) anya, (K, k) root (C, s) bases, (K, k) mouth (K, k) yesha.

  • Divide the text into sentences. Sleep.

Linden trees grow on the bank of a large river behind them stands a large mill a weeping willow looks sadly into the water in the water fry flashes small drops of rain have fallen on the water waves run in rings a heavy downpour has nailed grass stalks.