Training of the oral part in the Russian language. Demo version of the oral part of the oge in Russian

One of the two compulsory subjects in which ninth grade graduates take exams is the Russian language. It is considered rather complicated by foreigners. But for native speakers, it is not at all easy. All the years of schooling, inquisitive students try to master the intricacies of this science - to speak and write, read and think freely in their native language. Are there any changes in the OGE in the Russian language in 2018, what you should pay attention to, now we will try to figure it out.

Native does not mean simple

Not all schoolchildren understand the importance and complexity of learning the Russian language. And not only them. A lot of blunders, ridiculous typos are found in the media. Even TV and radio announcers, and other people for whom language skills are a professional duty, sometimes make gross mistakes.

The other day, a correspondent of one of the central channels, making a report from the State Duma on new laws in support of families with children, twice instead of "" said "material capital." With accents, there is generally darkness, they are put, "as it is convenient for anyone."

Modern young people are accustomed to communicating in social networks, or via SMS, where they are not particularly worried about the literacy of the presentation of thoughts. We began to read less - and in general, and in particular, interest in the Russian classics as a model of mastery of the word has fallen. Therefore, even visual memory does not help memorize the correct spellings.

The OGE in the Russian language of the 9th grade in 2018 makes it necessary to work out many different tasks in preparation for it. Here is a test of knowledge of literary language norms, and the ability to use the rules of vocabulary, grammar and punctuation.

Dates of the OGE in the Russian language in 2018

Dates of the state final certification after the end of grade 9:

  • April 25, 2018 tests can be passed ahead of time; or on a reserve day - May 7;
  • May 29 will be the date of the main exam (in reserve - June 20, 28 and 29);
  • 4 September the turn of an additional stage of testing will come; the date 17 September 2018 is also reserved.

In 2018, no changes were made to tickets in the Russian language. There are no surprises in the test regulations. The student has the right to prepare for the answer for 235 minutes. You can use a spelling dictionary, but only the one provided by the exam organizers. You can’t bring smartphones and any other gadgets, cameras, your reference books, cheat sheets and other “auxiliary” materials into the audience where the GIA takes place.

During the exam, you can neither go out (without the permission of the commission), nor move around the audience; all sorts of conversations and other exchange of information with neighbors are prohibited, and even more so, the removal of any materials from their premises where the exam takes place. Violators are waiting for expulsion from the exam and a well-deserved failure.

Innovations: teach to speak!

There is a joke that parents teach their child to speak for a whole year, and all their life they try to teach him to be silent. As with any joke, there is some truth to it. The child actively absorbs the features of speech behavior of adults, copies them. And the speech of others, to put it mildly, is usually far from ideal. If we somehow learn the rules of written presentation of thoughts at school, then everything is much worse with oral speech.

That's why in the GIA in the Russian language in 2018, the oral part will also be included, which is called: "Speaking". Here, 9th grade graduates must show their oral speech skills, the ability to clearly formulate thoughts and express them competently. The culture of speech should be improved, the authors of the innovation are sure. In modern society, communication skills are very important, they will help both to take place in the profession and not to get lost in society.

Oral part of the exam: speaking

How much in our life depends on mutual understanding! In turn, in order for us to be understood correctly, we must be able to express our thoughts clearly, competently, and moderately emotionally. The oral part of the OGE in the Russian language in 2018 will also help to learn communication skills. Here, students will be able to demonstrate their oratorical talents in a monologue, the ability to conduct an equal dialogue, as well as the ability to read text with adequate intonation and accurate emotional coloring. There will be assignments for retelling what has been read, and for the ability to justify one's opinion.

In 2018, ninth-graders will pass such tests for the first time. There are 4 tasks in the KIM structure:

  • reading a fragment of scientific and journalistic style, you can score 2 points for it;
  • retelling of what was read, supplemented by analysis, own comments, and attraction of additional information is welcome. The maximum for this task is also 2 points;
  • a monologue on the chosen topic will bring the examinee a maximum of 2 points;
  • a dialogue with the examiner that can add 3 more points to the student's piggy bank.

Additional bonuses are also provided. For compliance with literary language norms, examiners have the right to add 2 points for the first and second tasks. And impeccable speech during the performance of tasks number three and four will allow the student to earn another 3 points. As a result, the maximum points for speaking is 14.

Only 15 minutes are allocated to complete all four tasks of the oral block. Experts believe that the main topics of examination texts are likely to be biographies of famous scientists and other prominent personalities.

This part of the test will not be graded.. The examiners, based on preliminary scores, will make a verdict: either " offset", or " fail". To control and prevent possible disagreements in the room where the test will take place, an audio recording should be kept.

The written part of the OGE in the Russian language in 2018

Allotted for the written part of the exam 3 hours 55 minutes. During this time, a graduate of the 9th grade must have time to complete 15 tasks, divided into 3 sections.

The first part of the test consists in the written presentation of the listened text. The audio will play twice. Separately, the rules stipulate that during the initial listening, the student has the right to make some notes on the draft. Then 3 minutes are given, during which you need to understand what the examinee missed, what to look for during the second listening. Next, the text is repeated. Then the student retells it in writing. The maximum score for this stage of the exam is 7.

In the second part of KIM - tasks from numbers 2 to 14, only a short answer is required here based on the results of studying the proposed text. You can choose from the available answers or formulate your own. Each correct answer gives 1 point, for all correct answers you can get 13 points.

In the third part, 3 topics for composition will be indicated. The student chooses one and presents his version of the understanding of the topic. The maximum you can get for an essay is 9 points.

And for this block of tasks, the commission can add points if it considers that the student has shown special skills in accuracy, literacy in the presentation of thoughts, figurativeness of speech. The maximum bonus is 10 points, which can result in a total of 39 points for the entire written assignment.

What about on a five-point scale?

As we said above, there are no marks for the “Speaking” block, the result will be expressed only by the verdict “pass” or “fail”. To be in the role of a successful test-taker, the student needs to score at least 8 points for this part of the test.

As for the written version of the exam, here the points are affixed, their translation into the usual five-point grading system is as follows:

  • 0-14 points- “two”, unsatisfactory result;
  • 15-24 points correspond to the traditional "troika";
  • 25-33 points- the work is done well, for the "four";
  • 34-39 points they talk about the excellent preparation of a 9th grade graduate, this is a grade of “five”.

How to Prepare and Pass

There is such a thing as linguistic flair, innate literacy. But there are few people with such talent. Everyone else has to work hard to understand the structure of the language, its features, remember the rules and exceptions to them. And most importantly: learn to apply this knowledge in practice.

Preparing for the GIA, many ninth graders turn to the demo version of the OGE in the Russian language of the 9th grade in 2018 and other reference and training documentation and literature. Another option for productive preparation is to study options for exam tickets from past years.

Those who work hard for a year before the exam, or even longer, usually do not encounter any special difficulties in KIMs. But even if something went wrong, there is a fallback: retaking the GIA in the fall.

Demo version of the OGE in the Russian language 2018

Using the buttons below, you can download the official versions of the OGE in the Russian language in 2018.

The Russian language is a compulsory subject of the OGE, which is taken by graduates of the 9th grade in all regions of the Russian Federation. For all students of schools, gymnasiums and lyceums, who are faced with the difficult task of preparing for the final tests, we offer answers to topical questions regarding the upcoming Russian language exam.

There is very little left before the start of the exams and the preliminary exam calendar for ninth graders is already known. The draft schedule, which can be found on the FIPI website, says that the preliminary session of the OGE 2018 starts on April 20, and the following dates are reserved for the Russian language exams:

Day of the week

early period



Main Period


Additional period



Innovations in 2018 regarding the OGE in the Russian language

Good knowledge of oral and written speech is a prerequisite for entering any college or university in the country, and therefore FIPI insists on modifying the format of the final tests.

Introduction to the oral part

Minister of Education and Science Olga Vasilyeva said that in 2018 all ninth-graders will take the Russian language not only in the form of tests, but also orally, which will allow assessing the real level of language proficiency.

So, the oral part of the OGE in the Russian language will be! What should pupils of the 9th grade be guided by when preparing for the final certification? The FIPI official website has all the necessary information about the 2018 OGE, as well as demo versions of assignments that will help you prepare and pass the Russian language well.

For the "Speaking" section, the oral part of the exam will consist of 4 tasks, for the completion of which (including preparation) each examinee will be given 15 minutes.

  • Part 1 - expressive reading of the text aloud.
  • Part 2 - retelling of the read text with quotes.
  • Part 3 - a monologue on the chosen topic based on the plan.
  • Part 4 - dialogue with the examiner.

The exam will be audio-recorded.

The written part of the OGE in Russian

The introduction of the oral part will not entail a reduction in the written tasks. As in 2017, when passing the OGE, students are expected to complete three types of tasks:

  1. Brief summary of the text read.
  2. Short answer questions (number, letter, word).
  3. A detailed and reasoned answer to the question posed in the ticket.

Evaluation of the OGE in Russian and interpretation of the results

As such, there will be no assessment for speaking. Although an examinee can score a maximum of 14 primary points, the oral part will be assessed on a pass/fail basis. To successfully pass the test, it will be enough for ninth-graders to overcome the minimum threshold of 8 primary points.

The written part can be evaluated with a maximum of 39 points. In this case, the table for converting the primary score into an assessment has the following form:

Russian language

Please note that it is important not only the total number of points, but also what they were awarded for. Thus, a score of "4" is given if at least 4 points out of the total 25-33 points are awarded for literacy, and a mark of "5" is given if the commission gives at least 6 out of the points scored for literacy.

Retake the OGE in the Russian language

Since the Russian language is the main exam, without the successful passing of which a graduate of the 9th grade will not be able to receive a certificate, the possibility of retaking is provided.

The official FIPI portal says that a second attempt to pass Russian in 2018 will be given to those who “failed” no more than 2 mandatory OGE exams. To do this, you will need to apply for a re-examination and appear at the specified place for testing on one of the reserve dates of the main or additional (autumn) stage.

Preparation for the oral and written OGE in the Russian language

Teachers are unanimous in their opinion that students who have fully mastered the school curriculum will be able to cope with the 2018 OGE tickets without any problems. Psychologists also warn that one of the most important factors is self-confidence and the right attitude.

In order to get rid of the fear of the exam, it is enough to review the demo version of the tickets and analyze the tasks of 2017, which in their structure and subject matter will hardly differ from the questions that may be found in the tickets of this season of the OGE.

It will be somewhat more difficult for children in those regions where other languages ​​and dialects are widely used in parallel with Russian. If you feel that what you know may not be enough to get a diploma or get into your desired college, it's time to start actively preparing by self-education or by contacting an experienced tutor.

Erase also video press conference on the issues of the Unified State Examination and the OGE, which took place on September 5, 2017:

There is a saying: "Language will bring you to Kyiv." Modern language can take you away even

on the another continent, and instantly. And this was made possible thanks to a breakthrough in the field

high technologies: Internet and telephony.

The dominance of virtual communication, a kind of "withdrawal" of the language itself due to

increasing the attractiveness of Internet spaces, raises serious concerns for

consequences of refusal of speech communications.

On the one hand, this is great, because in ordinary life it is not so easy to collect even 3-5-7

Human. On the other hand, online communication so quickly causes a kind of addiction,

what becomes a part of life, even changing the train of thought from “tomorrow we will meet, chat”

on the “Tomorrow I’ll write to Katya about how everything went…”.

Task 4.

Topic 1. In library

Describe the photo.

1)What library did you go to, when and with whom? (On International Children's Book Day, I was

took a library class.

2)What books do you choose to read? (For reading I choose the books necessary for

doing homework. In my spare time I read classical literature.

3)How do you find out about new books? (I learn about new books from comrades and from advertising

online stores. On the book web page -store you can find a review on

published work.)

4)Which book do you remember the most? Why? (I like to reread the story of Antoine

de Saint-Exupery "The Little Prince". This is a sad story about adults and children. It's wise

and a human fairy tale, which is most likely addressed to adults. Exupery, pilot and

writer, reflects on the most important - about the eternal questions of our life: about good and evil, about

kr asote and indifference, oh friendship and love, about fidelity and responsibility of a person for his

deeds. It was very important for Exupery to write such a fairy tale as The Little Prince.

After all, he often repeated that a good tree would certainly grow from a good seed. Reading

a fairy tale, sometimes you smile, sometimes you are sad, but you always think. This fairy tale

wise and human.)

Topic 2 Hobbies (hobbies)

Tell us about your hobby (hobby).

1)Why did you get interested in this activity? (What can be said about my hobby? It is,

most likely, what I do with great pleasure in my free time and

housework time. It is different for everyone, for example, my mom loves to embroider, dad -

go fishing and hunting. This is their hobby. Today it has become very popular to play

in computer games. Some of my friends spend all their free time on this. And me

This version of tasks in the Russian language is compiled in the format of the OGE for the oral part of the exam. Detailed answers to questions are given, which will help students in preparing for the exam.

Task topics: Moscow, hobby, friend, nature conservation.

Part 1


Task 1. Reading the text.

The photo shows Moscow, the capital of Russia.

Read expressively text about Moscow aloud.

You have 1.5 minutes to prepare.

Moscow is capital of Russia. Its history goes back over 850 years. The first mention of Moscow dates back to the distant 1147, they are associated with the name of Yuri Dolgoruky. He is considered the founder of the city, so a monument was erected to the prince in the very center of the capital.

Today Moscow is one of the largest cities in the world, where history and modernity coexist. The walls of the Kremlin remember their defenders: the people's militia of Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky, and the Soviet soldiers who held the defense of Moscow during the Great Patriotic War. They also remember the parade on Red Square on November 7, 1941, after which the fighters went to the front to beat the Nazis and defend the country's freedom.

Moscow is a modern city. The originality is given to it by the metro with its numerous branches and stations, and the beautiful buildings of the Moscow City business center built in a modern style, shopping and entertainment centers. It is in Moscow that the federal authorities are located, the residence of the President - V.V. Putin.

The city has all the conditions for the recreation of Muscovites and guests of the capital. Moscow hospitably welcomes all guests of the city.

150 words.


Text retelling.

Georgy Alexandrov.

Think about where it would be best to use this quote in a paraphrase.

You have 1 minute to prepare.

Correct answer

Moscow is capital of Russia. Its history goes back over 850 years. The first mention of Moscow is associated with the name of Yuri Dolgoruky.

Moscow is an ancient and modern city at the same time. She remembers all her defenders. In Moscow there are federal authorities, the residence of V.V. Putin. It has many business, shopping and entertainment centers. The capital hospitably welcomes its guests.

Georgy Alexandrov said: “There is an amazing city - Moscow: the planets are amazement and pride.” He calls Moscow an amazing city for its history, beauty, past and present, for its unique originality. The whole planet looks with amazement at Moscow, at how it can withstand any years of trials, what great authority it has in the world as the capital of Russia. Progressive people of the world proudly look at Moscow as a symbol of the unity of Russia, which gave the world A.S. Pushkin and L.N. Tolstoy, P.I. Tchaikovsky and D.D. Shostakovich, I.I. Shishkin and I.K. Aivazovsky and many more great people who glorified the Motherland.


Task 3. Monologue statement.

Please select one of the following conversation options:

  1. Hobbies (based on photo description).
  2. Do you have a friend?
  3. Why is it necessary to protect nature?

You have 1 minute to prepare. Your statement should take no more than 3 minutes.

Exam card.

Correct answer

Topic 1. Hobbies (based on photo description).

This photo shows a guy enthusiastically photographing a magnificent landscape. It can be assumed that photography is his hobby, that is, his favorite thing that he does in his spare time.

The young man, apparently, was looking for a suitable angle for a long time. In order to take an interesting picture, he prepared: he climbed the mountains, but this is not easy.

The guy looks into the distance intently, trying to determine how best to capture this amazing corner of nature. Mountains, sunset, a little fog - all this cannot but bewitch.

It is safe to say that photography is a favorite thing for a young man, he does it with passion.

Theme 2. Do you have a friend?

It's great to have a real friend, with whom it is interesting, on whom you can always rely. I also have such a friend. We are classmates with him. We have been studying together since first grade.

I am attracted in a friend by his responsiveness, kindness, calmness, endurance. He can find the right way out in any situation, help me understand a lot. And he is also a very interesting person, who is fond of many things (technology, sports, computer science). It is always interesting with him.

We support each other in difficult times and rejoice in the success of both. I am proud to tell everyone that my friend is an excellent athlete, that he is already a candidate for master of sports in swimming.

Each person should strive to have a friend, then life will become rich, filled with interesting events. And most importantly, you can always be sure that a friend will support you in any situation. But it's so great!

Topic 3. Why is it necessary to protect nature?

Nature is our second home. It gives a person everything necessary for life. Man has always depended and will depend on nature. Therefore, he is simply obliged to preserve it, to live in cleanliness and comfort.

Unfortunately, people do not always realize how important it is to protect nature. Its pollution begins with ordinary garbage left in the forest, with an unextinguished fire that led to a fire, with a broken tree, and ends with an environmental disaster when production waste is dumped into rivers, forests are cut down, animals are destroyed.

This attitude leads to air and water pollution, to a sharp reduction in natural resources, which affects the economy, and hence the standard of living of people.

Russian authorities are doing everything necessary to protect nature. But each of us is also responsible for the state of nature and can also contribute to its protection: plant trees, participate in subbotniks, take care of the environment. You should always remember that nature protection is the duty of a Russian citizen.


Task 4. Dialogue.

Please, give full answers to the questions asked by the interlocutor.

Correct answer

Yes, I also have hobbies. I love pets very much, I devote a lot of time to my pets - a cat and a dog.

I like to walk with my faithful Doberman Trek, to see how happy he is when I come home, how he frolic in the street, how devotedly he looks at me. And in the evenings, I feel so calm when my dog ​​and cat Ksyusha are nearby, curled up on my lap.

We have had animals in our home since childhood. My mom loves them very much. Her passion was passed on to me. I remember how she taught me how to care for animals. She said that they understand everything, with devotion and love they respond to affection and attention.

My friend also loves animals. And he has a faithful shepherd Palma. We are often together as a family in nature. Here is where expanse for our pets! So, we can say that my friend and I have a common hobby, this brings us even more together.

I think those who don't have friends are just not ready for true friendships. After all, here one must be able to think about another, rejoice with him, help him. And if a person is selfish, then he simply does not want to share with someone, to take care of someone.

Man lives among people. We are constantly surrounded by people - classmates, acquaintances. Relationships with them are built for various reasons. With classmates, we were simply once enrolled in the same class. Some we like, some we don't, but we have to spend the whole day with them. In this case, we do not choose our classmates. It is the same with acquaintances, when we meet with whom we exchange general phrases. With friends, we have a lot in common, and here the choice of who to be friends with is made by everyone.

Of course, friendship must be earned. You need to strive to be an interesting person, work on yourself to form your character, get rid of bad traits. And then there will definitely be a person who wants to become your friend. I'm sure of it.

I always try to take care of nature. This is what my parents have taught me since childhood. They always set an example of how to relax in nature, how not to harm it. Unfortunately, there have been times in my life when I was ashamed of my classmates when, during a hike in the forest, they tried to leave garbage behind. Only after the teacher's remarks did they put things in order.

Even today, remembering our trip, I feel a sense of shame, regret that some of my classmates have not yet realized how to relate to nature. I think it's time to be more mature, more responsible. Fortunately, there are only a few of them in the class. Basically, everyone understands that in nature, too, you need to follow the rules of behavior.

Every spring, my classmates and I put things in order on our school plot: we plant trees, remove garbage, plant flower beds. Our school yard is very beautiful. And, of course, we try not to pollute nature, to protect it.

Oral part of the OGE in the Russian language 2019.

The structure of the interview.

Preparation time - 2 minutes. Time to complete - 2 minutes. At the link above you will find information about what expressive reading implies, what should be the pace.

Preparation time - 2 minutes. Time to complete - 3 minutes.

Preparation time - 1 minute. Run time - 3 minutes.

There is no preparation time. Time to complete - 3 minutes.

Evaluation system for the performance of individual tasks and work in general

Work is evaluated according to the system pass/fail.
The student receives "offset" in the event that he scored 10 or more points for the performance of the work.
Task 1 (reading the text). Maximum points: 2 points.
Task 2 (retelling of the text with additional information). Maximum points: 4 points.
Speech design (tasks 1 and 2). Maximum points: 4 points.

Task 3 (monologue). Maximum points: 3 points.
Task 4 (dialogue). Maximum points: 2 points.
Speech design (tasks 3 and 4). Maximum points: 4 points.

TOTAL: 19 points. The total response time (including preparation time) is 15 minutes.The recommended order of the exam, the time allotted for each task.

Examiner's actions
Student activities
15 minutes.
Student greeting. Acquaintance. Short story about the content of the exam
1 min.


Ask the student to read the text aloud
In a few seconds, remind you that you are ready to read
Preparing to read aloud. Reading the text to yourself
2 minutes.
Listening to the text Emotional reaction to the student's reading
Reading text aloud
2 minutes.
Switching a student to another type of work.
Preparation for retelling with the involvement of additional information
2 minutes
Listening to the text Emotional reaction to the student's retelling
Retelling the text with additional information
3 min.
Invite the student to choose a variant of the topic of the conversation and issue the appropriate card


Invite the student to familiarize themselves with the topic of the monologue.
Warn that 1 minute is allotted for preparation, and the statement should not take more than 3 minutes
Preparing for a response
1 min.
Listen to verbal response. Emotional reaction to the answer
Answer on the topic of the selected option
3 min.


Ask questions for dialogue
Enters into a dialogue
3 min.
Emotionally support the student

The oral answers of the participants in the final interview are checked by Russian language specialists who have undergone special training.

Evaluation criteria for each task.

Task 1. Reading the text aloud

Criteria for grading reading aloud


The intonation corresponds to the punctuation of the text.
The intonation does not match the punctuation of the text.
Reading pace

The pace of reading corresponds to the communicative task.
The pace of reading does not correspond to the communicative task.
The maximum number of points for the entire task

Task 2. Retelling the text with the inclusion of the above statement.

Criteria for evaluating the retelling of the text with the inclusion of the above statement


Preservation when retelling microthemes of the text
All the main micro-themes of the original text are preserved.
Missing or adding one or more microthemes.
Respect for factual accuracy when retelling
There are no actual errors related to the understanding of the text.
Factual errors made (1 or more)
Working with a statement
The given statement is included in the text during the retelling is appropriate, logical
The given statement is included in the text during the paraphrase inappropriately and/or illogical, or the given statement is not included in the text at the time of retelling
Citation Methods
No errors
Mistakes in quoting (1 or more)

Criteria for assessing the correctness of speech for completing tasks 1 and 2 (P1)



There are no grammatical errors


No spelling mistakes


no more than one spelling error

(excluding the word in the text with the accent)

Spelling errors (two or more)


Compliance with speech norms

No speech errors



Word distortion

No word distortion

Word distortions (one or more)

Maximum Points


The maximum number of points for working with text (tasks 1

and 2) - 10.

Task 3. Monologue statement

Criteria for evaluating a monologue statement (M)


Completion of a communicative task


At least 10 phrases on the topic of the statement are given. No actual errors

The subject made an attempt to cope with the communicative task,


made factual errors


cited less than 10 phrases on the topic of the statement



Speech design of a monologue statement (MR)

The statement is characterized by semantic integrity, speech? coherence and consistency of presentation: there are no logical errors, the sequence of presentation is not broken


The statement is illogical, the presentation is inconsistent. There are logical errors (one or more)


Maximum Points


Speech design is assessed as a whole for tasks 3 and 4.

Task 4. Dialogue.

Dialogue Evaluation Criteria (D)



The participant coped with the communicative task.

Answers to all questions in the dialogue

Questions not answered


monosyllabic answers given

D 2

Accounting for the conditions of the speech situation

The conditions of the speech situation are taken into account

The conditions of the speech situation are not taken into account

Maximum Points


Criteria for assessing the correctness of speech for completing tasks 3 and 4 (P2)



Compliance with grammar rules

There are no grammatical errors

There are grammatical errors (one or more)


Compliance with orthoepic norms

No spelling mistakes


no more than two spelling mistakes

Spelling errors (three or more)


Compliance with speech norms

No speech errors


no more than three speech errors were made

Speech errors were made (four or more)


Speech design

Speech as a whole is distinguished by the richness and accuracy of the dictionary, a variety of syntactic


Speech is characterized by poor and/or inaccurate vocabulary, and/or the same type of syntactic

10 or more points.

Since the correctness of speech is separately checked, please study the section