Mutual assistance in the work by Timur and his team. Essay on “Timur and his team” by A. Gaidar

Lesson on the topic: A. Gaidar’s story “Timur and his team”

It’s not my extraordinary biography, but my extraordinary time. An ordinary biography in an extraordinary time.

A. P. GaidarLesson objectives:

    formation of moral ideals;

    to develop in students the ability to analyze the actions of the characters, to comprehend the moral and aesthetic content of the story; education of reading culture;

    formation and development of responsibility, humane relations with comrades, a sense of patriotism.

1. Today we have a general lesson on the work of A. Gaidar, based on his work “Timur and his team.” This work was published in 1940, but even today in 2015, when 75 years have passed, we were interested in reading it .
Arkady Gaidar worked for the future and always addressed children in his books. For him, the guys were not only readers and heroes of his stories, but also faithful comrades with whom he joked, laughed and talked seriously. The guys loved Gaidar for his gentle voice, good-natured laugh, and because he knew how to talk to them as equals. If his little friends were in trouble, Arkady Gaidar always came to their aid.

2. Let's turn to the story.

    Who are the main characters of the story (Zhenya and Timur)

    Let's remember how they met?

    Who is opposed to Timur and his team in the story? (Mishka Kvakin and his gang)

    Why do we contrast these heroes? (they do different things)

    What problems worry Timur and his team? (Apples are stolen, the goat is missing, the girl is crying)

    What are they doing to solve these problems? (help)

    Who do Timur and his team help? (To everyone who needed)

    Let's remember one by one who they help? (Carry water, stack firewood)

    How do they determine who needs help? (whose relatives were at the front)

    How did they flag those who needed help? (A star was drawn on the gate or wicket)

    Let's determine what qualities the main characters had

Zhenya is stubborn




Timur - brave



We have noted with you the qualities that our heroes possess, but there is one more quality that can be attributed to both Zhenya and Timur. But in order to name this quality, you need to solve the crossword puzzle.

    What word did you come up with (NOBILITY)

    Let's check how you solved the crossword puzzle.

    Now let's turn to Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary, which explains this word as follows:

NOBILITY, -a, cf. 2. High morals, dedication and honesty.

Show nobility in something.
generosity, dignity, honesty; greatness of soul, morality, sublimity, selflessness, moral greatness, nobility

    Now let’s remember, which of the heroes of the story was a little lacking in nobility? (To Kolya Kolokolchikov: he ate 4 ice creams without sharing with his younger sister)

. At what age did A.P. Gaidar go to the front? (At 14 years old.)

2. At what age did A.P. Gaidar command the regiment? (In 17 years.)

3. In what year was the story “Timur and his team” written? (In 1940.)

4. What is the name of Timur, the main character of the story “Timur and his team.” (Garaev.)

5 What are the last names of Zhenya and Olga. (Alexandrovs.)

6. Name the military rank and military position of Olga and Zhenya’s father.

(Colonel, armored division commander.)

7. What is the name of Timur’s dog? (Rita.)

8. What musical instrument did Zhenya’s sister Olga play?

(On accordion.)

9. With whom was Timur going to repair the wires that Zhenya had cut?

(With Kolya Kolokolchikov.)

10. What did Timur’s team send to Kvakin’s gang? (Ultimatum.)

11. What toy did Zhenya amuse the little girl with? (Hare.)

12. What is the name of Kvakina Figure’s assistant? (Peter Pyatakov.)

13. Where did Kvakin’s gang lock up the guys who came for an answer to the ultimatum? (In the chapel.)

14. Where did the guys from Timur’s team lock up the captured guys from Kvakin’s gang?

(In a booth on the edge of the market square.)

15. On what and with whom does Zhenya come to Moscow to meet his father?

(On a motorcycle with Timur.)

16. What time was Zhenya and Olga’s father supposed to leave? (At three o'clock.)

17. Who organized the guys to see George off? (Zhenya.)

III. Conversation based on the story by A.P. Gaidar “Timur and his team.” “I’m writing something new. There’s one thing here. It’s funny what I’m doing there,” Gaidar said unexpectedly during a conversation that up to that moment had been conducted on a completely different topic. “There I have this... you know, the colonel, the father, is leaving. He’s going to the station. and his daughter asks him: “Are you traveling in a soft carriage?”? » He says:“In a soft one...” And he is, in fact, traveling with me in an armored train...” This is what L. Kassil said about the beginning of the creation of the story.1. The story begins with the fact that the daughters of Colonel Alexandrov

come on vacation to a holiday village near Moscow.

What happened to Zhenya before she got to her dacha?

2. Zhenya finds a “headquarters” in the attic of an old barn.

What was Zhenya doing in the attic and what happened then?

3. Zhenya meets Timur and his friends, learns about their good deeds. The team was not formed today or yesterday; the boys have everything worked out down to the smallest detail. We can only guess how many good deeds they did completely unselfishly, harmoniously, and amicably. In the story, Gaidar shows us one day of the team, which begins early in the morning.

Tell us about the tasks the guys perform.

a) helping an old woman with thrush;

b) stacking firewood;

c) catching a goat;

d) playing with a little girl.

4. Humor in the story.

Tell us about the episodes that made you smile (the return of a goat with a plywood poster attached to its horns; the old milkmaid decided to fill the barrel; the blanket was pulled off the sleepy gentleman Kolokolchikov).

Timur's people do good deeds not for themselves and not for their glory. Remember how they did their business? (so that no one would see. Secretly. They did not want to be known about them, they did not seek fame for themselves.)

Yes, the Timur movement will remain, because there are always people who need help, and there are people who help. And in our school there were children who helped the elders: they removed snow, chopped firewood, and stacked it.

In Russia, the memory of A. Gaidar is immortalized, there are Gaidar museums, city streets bear his name

VIII. Homework.

Write an essay on the topic: “Are Timur’s men needed now?”


I read Arkady Petrovich Gaidar’s book “Timur and His Team” with pleasure. This year is 2015, Arkady Petrovich is 111 years old. The date is not round, but, you see, it is unique. 2015 marks the 75th anniversary of Gaidar’s book “Timur and His Team.” My parents and grandparents also read it when they were of school age. I liked the story, and I wanted to know more about the writer himself and about the main character of the work. I decided to find out what the writer’s pseudonym means, compare the two main characters Timur Garayev and Mikhail Kvakin, and who I want to be like. The relevance of the chosen topic for children is very important, the need to be kind, wise, honest, generous, merciful, noble. During the Great Patriotic War, the Timur movement grew literally every day. The title “Timurovets” awakened the guys to noble deeds. Today the question has arisen about the revival of the Timur movement. It will help to instill in us feelings of mercy, compassion and mutual assistance. Therefore, I chose the book “Timur and His Team” by A.P. Gaidar as the subject of my research. The object of the study is the text of the story.

The purpose of this study:

To achieve the goal, the following tasks were set: 1. Analyze A.P. Gaidar’s story “Timur and His Team” 2. Compare the actions of the main characters of the work: Timur and Mikhail Kvakin. 3.Summarize the features. Explore what kind of hero can be a role model.

Main part

Biography of the writer and the significance of the pseudonym A.P. Gaidar.

If each of us gets acquainted with the life and work of A.P. Gaidar, then we will know and understand that we must live honestly and love our Motherland. Gaidar's biography is extraordinary. It's a pity he didn't live long. All his life he tried to be the first. He was the first to become a regiment commander, the first to take fire from the Nazis, saving his comrades. The heroes of his work also try to be the first in everything and everywhere. They do good deeds and attract others with them. Gaidar was born in 1904 on January 9 in the city of Lvov, Kursk province, in the family of teacher Pyotr Isidorovich Golikov and teacher Natalya Arkadyevna Salkova. When Arkady was eight years old, the Golikovs moved to the city of Arzamas. The writer spent his childhood and youth here. He studied at a regular school, but when his father was taken to the front, a month later he ran away from home to go to his father. In the family he was the eldest son and brother. Besides him, there were three more girls in the family. At the age of 14 he joined the Red Army, at 15 he commanded a platoon, and at 16 he became a regiment commander. He was the youngest colonel in the world. At the age of 20, he was seriously wounded, because of this he was transferred to the reserve. Since then, Arkady Petrovich began to write. A.P. Gaidar died on October 26, 1941, when he was only 37 years old. Having become acquainted with the writer’s biography, I learned that “Gaidar” is a pseudonym, and the writer’s real name is Golikov. I wondered where the writer got such a pseudonym? It turns out that there are several versions of the appearance of this pseudonym. According to one of these versions: during his school years, Arkady Golikov was a great inventor, a romantic, and loved war games. So I encrypted my name as follows. “G” is the first letter of the Golikov surname. “AY” is the first and last letter of the name Arkady. "D" is French for "from". “AR” are the first two letters of the name of the hometown. G-AY-D-AR: Golikov Arkady from Arzamas. According to another version of the writer Boris Emelyanov, “Gaidar” means “horseman galloping ahead” in Mongolian. Gaidar wanted children to have: honesty, kindness, mercy, and the ability to be responsible for their actions. I saw such qualities in Timur in the story “Timur and His Team.” Many generations were raised on this book and it raised many good, kind, selfless people.

The history of the creation and title of the story “Timur and his team”

The idea to write “Timur and his team” was suggested to him by the children themselves. He just noticed it and put it into artistic form. The story appeared a little later than the script of the same name. Filming continued, and the writer began working on the story. The story was completed on August 27, 1940 and was first published in Pionerskaya Pravda. In an early edition, the story was published under the title “Duncan and His Team” - in the center is the main character Vovka Duncan. Obviously, the influence of Jules Verne's novel manifested itself, in which the yacht Duncan, at the first alarm signal, went to the aid of Captain Grant. The heads of the film studio demanded that the hero be renamed, and then Gaidar gave the hero the name of his own son, whom he called “little commander” in life.

Image of Timur Garayev

The image of the main character of the story, Timur, embodies the best features of the pioneer “A simple and sweet boy”; the “proud and ardent commissar” brought together a friendly team. Zhenya, Geika, Nyurka, Kolya Kolokolchikov, Sima Simakov - they all strive to surround the families of the Red Army soldiers with care. The game played by Timur and his team is imbued with a high feeling of love for the Motherland. Timur and the boys have a complicated relationship with adults, who do not always understand them and do not believe in everything. Uncle Timur and sister Zhenya are confused by the mystery that surrounds this game. “Our games were simple and understandable to everyone,” says Georgy Timur. But the dreamer and visionary Timur is confident that he is right: after all, he wants everyone to feel good, to be calm. I asked myself the question, would I like to be like Timur? It seems to me that to many people who read this story, he will be an example of courage and bravery. Timur strives for noble deeds, unites a group of peers around himself in a dacha village and unselfishly helps old people and children. First of all, the Timurites take care of the families of the military defenders of the Motherland. I think that helping people for free is always the desire of good people. Human kindness, the ability to rejoice and worry about other people, all this is in Timur. The main thing is to do good to people, even if it’s small, but every hour. “A person who does good to others and knows how to empathize with them feels happy. On the contrary, a selfish person, an egoist, is unhappy,” wrote I. S. Turgenev. This means that if a person loves only himself, he has no friends, and when help is needed, he is left without support, worries and suffers. We must help children, the elderly, the most defenseless and those in need of help, Timur teaches all this. Of course, we are not always able to help, but we must strive for this. Thanks to A.P. Gaidar, the concept of “Timurovets” has firmly entered everyday life. Until the end of the 80s, Timurites were children who provided selfless help to those in need. Yes, indeed, we must try to do good deeds, as Timur does. Goodness is endless because it remains in the memory of many generations.

Image of Mikhail Kvakin

In the story, Timur is contrasted with the bully Kvakin. The author emphasizes in him the features of bitterness and cruelty. He is ready to beat a person, offend the weak, climb into someone else's orchard for apples. His bitterness is confirmed: “Look at how the dogs swear!”, “What a fool - he got it right!”, “Hit, don’t retreat!”, “Timka should be caught, he needs to be beaten,” “He’s... proud, and you ... You are a bastard!" All this suggests that Mikhail Kvakin is a person indifferent to the grief of others, he has no goal in life. A gang of hooligans like himself has rallied around Mikhail Kvakin, who are robbing gardens and vegetable gardens of summer residents. And it seems to me that A.P. Gaidar wants other hooligans like him to think about their behavior.

Comparison of Timur Garayev and Mikhail Kvakin.

I decided to compare Timur and Mikhail Kvakin and paid attention to the way they spoke. Mikhail Kvakin uses swear words the most. (for example, “fool”), which characterizes him as a rude person. I believe that Timur enjoys authority among his comrades. Kvakin, on the other hand, is a hooligan, he does not have such influence on his comrades (after all, he argues with them and even fights with his assistant Figure). Arkady Gaidar once said about the heroes of “Timur and His Team”: “Timur has one idea - the Red Army, and with this idea he leads others, and therefore he, and not Kvakin, wins, since stealing apples is not The idea cannot be attracted by this either.” They say about Timur: “A simple and sweet boy”, “a proud and ardent commissar” brought together a friendly team: Zhenya, Geika, Nyurka, Kolya Kolokolchikov, Sima Simakov and other guys. To some extent, the writer endows even Kvakin with the ability to joke, and in the end with the ability to be imbued with respect for Timur. How can you not respect a boy who selflessly does good, knows how to remain silent when someone else would shout, and because he is “proud. He wants to cry, but is silent.” I think today everyone wants to be courageous, to be honest even in small things, to always, like Timur, stand up for justice. Timur appears to us in the story as strict and decisive - he condemned Geika and Kolya Kolokolchikov for their inability to complete the task properly; sensitive - caring for a crying girl, a good comrade - understands the child’s desire to flee to the Red Army; determination and dignity - conversation with Kvakin. I have only admiration and pride for Timur for his actions! I would really like to be like him! I worked with an explanatory dictionary and wrote out definitions of words I did not understand (Appendix 1) If you ask the question, what is Timur’s happiness? You can quote the words from the story: - Be calm! – Olga said to Timur. – You always thought about people and they will repay you in kind. Ah, both here and here, this simple and sweet boy could not answer otherwise! - I’m standing... I’m looking. All is well! Everyone is calm. That means I’m calm too! Timur and his team did good deeds and this was happiness: they chopped wood, carried water, rolled logs, made swings, etc. And they did all this secretly. They didn't need fame or words of praise. We have a lot to learn from Timur in this story. I think that each of us wants to be decisive and honest, to help our loved ones and strangers no matter what. And each of you can become exactly like Timur: decisive, courageous, courageous, useful. You just have to want it. Timur serves as a true role model. Of course, Gaidar did not write in his work that you cannot steal apples, you cannot fight, you cannot be like Figure or Kvakin. Or that Timur is a good boy, you need to be like him. No. The author has endowed Timur with such a positive character that every student wants to be like him. Each of us wants to be useful like Timur, with good performance in class. Even his enemy Kvakin respected him. I analyzed the episode of Timur’s meeting with Kvakin and Figure. Why did Kvakin change so dramatically that he even hit his friend Figure? Firstly, he was probably hurt by Olga’s words. Although these words were addressed to Timur, Kvakin understood that this applied to him, because it was not Timur who climbed in the gardens, it was not he who broke off the gardens of “old women and orphaned girls.” Secondly, Kvakin respected him for the fact that “he kept silent” . And thirdly, because he is “proud. He wants to cry, but is silent” My opinion is that even a hooligan can become a good person, but there must be a brave, honest person nearby who would be an example to follow, like the literary hero Timur from Gaidar’s story. Is Timur a role model for you? Each of us still has at least a small particle of the image of the main character. Therefore, many of us can be proud that we are like Timur. The creator of favorite children's books and a faithful friend of the children, he lived like a fighter should live, and died like a soldier. Open the school story - Gaidar wrote it; The hero of that story is truthful and brave, even though he is small in stature. They are recognized by their actions, And it doesn’t matter that Heroes are not always called in Gaidar’s way.

Conclusion. Conclusions.

Thus, in the course of the research, I found out the significance of the writer’s pseudonym and studied the characters of the heroes of the story by Timur Garayev and Mikhail Kvakin. Analyzed the actions of the main characters of the work: Timur Garayev and Mikhail Kvakin. My research has shown that modern students define for themselves the same moral values ​​as their parents did in their time: honesty, devotion, responsiveness, justice, responsibility, and many others. etc. About Timur, without a doubt, you read with enthusiasm, and then gave yourself the word to imitate him in everything. All the boys and girls of that time wanted to be like this kind, brave, honest boy, Timur. Do we want to be like Timur? I think that everyone should strive to do bright and kind deeds in life. Timur has become an example of justice and courage for several generations of children in our country. This fictitious image seemed to have stepped from the pages of a favorite children's book into real life, laying the foundation and giving its name to a children's movement. A movement in which several generations of young citizens of the Land of Soviets participated. Timur's people knew how not only to do good, but also to resist evil; learned not only to help the younger, old, and weak, but also to protect them. For example, the main thing for our parents is to be kind, obedient, help them with household chores, study well, so that they are proud of us. For our friends we need: kind and attentive communication, not to be indifferent to their sorrows, help in their studies. Yes, indeed, we must try to do good deeds, as Timur does. Goodness is endless because it remains in the memory of many generations. And of course, I would like to see more films like this shown on TV, and there would be more books like “Timur and His Team” by A.P. Gaidar. In the year of the Victory anniversary, we must support the veterans of the Great Patriotic War. And what kind of Timurov’s work can we, the guys of the 21st century, do? I have a question: does this Timurov’s movement exist now, since there are no pioneer organizations left? My next goal will be to find out as much as possible about the Timur movement and whether there is now a continuation of it.


1. Gaidar A.P. Timur and his team. – M.: Samovar, 2011. 2. Lopatin V.V. Small explanatory dictionary. - M. 1993. 3. Literary encyclopedia. Dictionary. M. 2007. 4. School encyclopedia. History of Russia XX century. – M. 2003. 5. Encyclopedia of our childhood. – M. 2000

Appendix 1 Ataman - here: gang leader. Vzasheina - a blow to the neck. Infamous - famous for very bad deeds. To bend is to go against someone. To beat - to beat. Commissioner is a leader with special (important) powers. Red Army soldiers are soldiers of the Red Army (in Soviet Russia). To beat - to beat. Woodpile (firewood) - neatly stacked firewood. A gang is an organized group of bad people, thieves, robbers.

Quest - a game based on A. Gaidar's story "Timur and his team" for elementary school

Vera Valerievna Lyapina, primary school teacher, Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution School No. 47, Samara City District
Description:“Quest” is a search for adventure, a journey, characters to a specific goal through overcoming difficulties. A literary quest is a journey through a literary work. According to the scenario, the main goal of the quest game is to find the motto of the first meeting of Timurites of the Samara urban district “Hurry to do good - you are responsible for this world.” First, all teams, having received route sheets, had to go through 8 stations, pass all the tests, showing their knowledge of A. Gaidar’s story “Timur and His Team”. This material can be used by primary and secondary school teachers to organize extra-curricular activities in literary reading for students in grades 3-4.
Target:. Expanding the literary horizons of students.
-Arouse interest in the content of the work and the writer’s work, the desire to read other works of the author;
-Develop attention to the author's word;
-Promote a strong assimilation of the content of the story;
-Cultivate mercy in children as an important character trait;
-Promote the Timur movement;
-Cultivate a sense of friendship, the ability to come to the rescue, the desire to do good and resist evil;

Creator of your favorite children's books
And a faithful friend of the guys,
He lived like a fighter should live,
And he died like a soldier.
Open the school story -
Gaidar wrote it:
The hero of that story is true
And brave, even though he is small in stature.
Read Gaidar's story
And look around:
They live among us today
Timur, and Gek, and Chuk.
They are recognized by their actions.
And it doesn't matter
What is the Gaidar name?
Not always heroes.
Pages of honest, clean books
Left as a gift to the country
Fighter, Writer, Bolshevik
And Citizen - Gaidar...

Today we have an unusual journey-game. We will go to the world of good and evil, where we will meet the heroes of A.P. Gaidar’s work “Timur and His Team”.
-We often ask the question: “Why do I live, how to live, who to look up to, what is the meaning of life?”
These and many other questions concern every person. Some people look up to heroes, others dream of becoming brave, courageous, and loyal.
Life, books, TV shows present different destinies, different characters, just choose. Today we chose the heroes of Arkady Petrovich Gaidar’s book “Timur and His Team”.

This book shows the game of teenagers, which turns from entertainment into a real useful activity.
In December 1940, a film based on Arkady Gaidar’s story “Timur and His Team” was released on the screens of the Soviet Union. Then the mass Timur movement began. And exactly 75 years later, on December 15, 2015, the first rally of the revived Timur units took place in Samara. The guys gathered on the site of school No. 154, which is located on the site of the former dacha areas of Polyana named after. Frunze. It was there, in Polyana, that the shooting of this first film took place 75 years ago. It was in this school that the first museum dedicated to the Timur movement was opened. The participants of the rally had a motto. And today, when the game ends, you and I must recognize him as a result of your searches.
But for this you need to go through many difficult tests.
Guys, let's divide into teams, go through all the tests and find this motto.
The guys are divided into two teams, receive route sheets and go to different stations with the leaders.
1 Station "Brainstorm"

1. Last name of Olga and Zhenya.
2. How old is Olga?
3.Who gave Olga the accordion?
(Father, for his birthday)

4.Who helped Olga tidy up the dacha, wash the windows, floors and walls?
5.Who and where does Georgy Garayev work?
(Mechanical engineer at a car factory)

6.Who didn’t let Zhenya out of the unfamiliar house?

7.What is the name of this dog?
8.Who did the Timurites fill the tub with water for?
(To the milkmaid, her son was in the Army)

9.What did Timur’s team do?
(Helped people)

10. Who did Olga take Timur for when she forbade Zhenya to communicate with him?
(For the bully)
11.Who drew up the ultimatum and to whom?
(Timurites to Kvakins)
12.Name the Figure
(Peter Pyatakov)

13. Who helped Zhenya get to Moscow to meet her father?
(Timur took her on a motorcycle)

Having answered all the questions correctly, the team receives a fragment of the motto: “Hurry...
2 Station "Pick apples"

Collecting scattered balloons, the team must use the letters written on the balloons to form the word: Mercy

For a correctly composed word, the team receives the next part of the motto: ...create
Station 3 "Whose thing is this??"
It is necessary to determine who owns the item.

Answers: Accordion to Olga, double-barreled shotgun to grandfather Kolokolchikov, motorcycle to George, goat to Nyurka, star to Timur
For correctly guessed items, the team receives the next part of the motto: ...good
4 Station "Carry the water"

The team must temporarily transfer water in glasses from one container to another.

If the team manages to pour all the water within a certain time, they receive the next part of the
5 Station "Fill in the table"

Having filled out the table completely, the team receives the next part of the the answer
6 Station "Definitions"

Having correctly connected the definitions with their meaning, the team receives the next part of the motto:...for this
7 Station "Set the queue"

Teams need to establish the order of events

Answers: 2, 1, 4, 5, 3, 6.
Having correctly established the sequence of events, the team receives the last part of the motto: ...peace
After passing the stations, the teams return to the first leader and each team says the motto of the Timurov rally

The team that correctly pronounces the rally motto wins.
Presentation of certificates to the winners

A. Gaidar (1904-1941) has a wonderful story “Timur and his team.” It was written in 1940. It was a worrying time. The Second World War was already underway in European countries. The threat of an upcoming war hangs over our country.

The writer Gaidar wanted to create a children's book that would tell readers what to do to be useful to the Motherland in harsh wartime. It is not without reason that during the Great Patriotic War, many thousands of Soviet children organized “Timurov’s detachments” not only on the territory of our country, but even in occupied areas, helping the Red Army and the families of front-line soldiers.

The story takes place in a holiday village near Moscow. The main characters are teenagers. They are divided into two warring camps: one is headed by Timur, the other by Mishka Kvakin.

Timur united around himself those peers who really wanted to be useful, wanted to help the families of the military, defenders of the Motherland. This desire was manifested not in words, but in deeds. The guys did good deeds: chopped wood, carried water, rolled logs, made swings... Timur and his friends helped not only physically, but also provided moral support. This is how they consoled a little girl whose father had died. The pioneer team helped exactly those who needed help. They did all this completely disinterestedly, secretly. They didn't need praise. On the gates of the houses of the Red Army families, they painted five-pointed stars as signs of their secret patronage.

A. Gaidar especially singles out Timur, their leader. He shows him as everyone would like to see himself: decisive, courageous, brave, honest, fair, a wonderful comrade. Timur has high spiritual qualities and is ready to selflessly sacrifice his interests for the sake of others.

For this, he is respected not only by his friends, but also by his enemies - a gang of hooligans led by Ataman Mishka Kvakin. This gang spends time during the day playing cards “poke” and “click”, and at night it makes “raids on the gardens of civilians, not sparing those houses on which there is a sign - a red star”, and even those with a star with a black border."

The Timurites do not like the ugly deeds of the Kvakinites. They give them an ultimatum. Gaidar in his story shows the struggle of strong and fair guys against the cowardly, greedy and cowardly.

I think that the book “Timur and His Team” was written not only for children of the military generation. Good human qualities have been and will always be valued. The story teaches us to be friends and work as a team. However, this is not Gaidar’s only wonderful book about children, I read and wrote a review essay on Gaidar’s book “The Fate of the Drummer”, I also really liked it.

The work “Timur and His Team” does not lose interest and remains relevant to this day. After all, when a person does good deeds, without noticing it, he wins people over, and in this book a whole team is engaged in good deeds. In modern terms, they create a unique “Agency” of its kind, and the heroes themselves are its agents for carrying out good deeds. Of course, it cannot be done without hooligans, but negative characters must still exist, and in case of urgent need, they can be re-educated.

“Timur and his team” teaches us to cultivate kindness and mutual assistance from an early age. In addition, she teaches children to respect the work of other people. In the era of computer consoles and other modern gadgets, unfortunately, books are beginning to lose popularity among the current generation of children, but parents should still take this work into service, as it allows them to cultivate a love for society in their children. Perhaps, after reading it, several boys and girls will be inspired and become those very “Timurovites” that our society now lacks. We can also recommend the book to be read by the adult generation, because due to all the hustle and bustle of everyday work, you begin to forget about simple, kind, and most importantly, selfless deeds.

The book teaches children only good things. It is also worth noting the writing style of the book; it is very easy and accessible to read.

Option 2

Teenagers tend to get involved in some kind of activity that may have social benefits. It is not surprising that a group of young people, on their own initiative, decided to provide all possible assistance to the families of the fallen defenders of the Motherland.

The attempt to realize leadership qualities also deserves respect. However, the methods of young people may have mixed reactions from adults. After all, conflicts and fights are not typical for well-mannered people.

Bright youthful antics certainly cause a wide public response. The appearance, for example, of a cow with a plywood message on its horns brings surprise and a smile to the faces of those who were concerned about its disappearance.

The tendency of representatives of children's groups to divide into two camps is a natural selection of social needs. After all, even among mature representatives of the social environment there are lawbreakers and those who try in every possible way to maintain the existing order.

Timur and his comrades are trying to be useful to others, to their country. Such ways of expressing oneself, expressed in the form of play, are to some extent a means of drawing attention to oneself from adults. Every teenager wants respectable people to praise him for useful undertakings, even if the role of these actions in achieving the common good is not very great.

The movement aimed at helping those who need it is still relevant in the modern world. Informatization and the lack of live communication negatively affects people’s personal qualities, so the activities that Timur’s people were once engaged in could give young people a desire to empathize with other people’s problems, to consider themselves as a possible assistant in resolving problematic situations.

A willingness to lend a helping hand, as well as a willingness to fight evil, can produce results that will be welcomed by all age groups. The presence of such aspiration in the consciousness of the younger generation speaks of a high level of nobility. Relationships between children during adolescence can be quite cruel, but only through trial and error can one achieve an understanding of the fundamental principles on which interpersonal relationships are built. The ability to work in a team, realistically assessing the capabilities of each member, allows you to adequately fit into adult life, becoming a sought-after employee or a talented leader.

A summary of the book by Timur and his team can be read here

Essay on the story Timur and his team (based on the book) for 4th grade

Gaidar, creating the story of Timur, had the goal of making boys and girls want to help their neighbors, be kinder and be able to show empathy. Learn to be friends and love, be a patriot of your homeland and respect your elders. The work “Timur and His Team” introduces the reader to an ordinary boy Timur, who has assembled a team of his friends. The guys set themselves goals that involve helping people who need help. First of all, the team pays attention to the families of Red Army soldiers. The children even came up with an entire communication system through which all its participants could keep in touch with each other at any time of the day or night, if something emergency happened.

The Timurites do their good deeds without informing the adults, which is why the girl Zhenya, who came to the village from Moscow with her older sister Olga, having joined Timur’s team, does not tell her anything. The sister suspects that Timur is a hooligan and forbids Zhenya to communicate with the boy. But despite this, children do not give up their good deeds. They will either chop wood for the old women, or fetch water, or find a goat.

They also have one main goal: to expose the gang led by the famous hooligan Mishka Kvakin. The boys make a living by stealing apples and doing all sorts of small dirty tricks. Timur's men intend to destroy the gang at all costs in order to put an end to their atrocities. And they succeed. The guys trick the gang into the market square, where they lock them up and hang a sign outside announcing that apple thieves are there.

Eventually, adults become aware of the activities of the Timurites. This happened thanks to the incident with the motorcycle that Timur stole from his uncle in order to take Zhenya to the station, where her father, a military man, was waiting for her. They had only a few minutes, there was no time to think, so Timur decided to take such a step. When it was all over and the secret became clear, adults began to look at children with completely different eyes: with admiration and respect.

The problem of helping those in need is still relevant today. But, unfortunately, there are too few people in our time who are capable of helping others so selflessly and free of charge.

Friendship in the work. 5th grade, 3rd, 7th grade.

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