What is the best profession to study for? Who to go to study or how to make the right choice

It is difficult to figure it out on your own, even if there are many interests. After all, you need to know what professions are: what a person does, what object he works with, and what requirements this profession imposes on a person. This is what you need to know when choosing a profession.

To tell the truth, for each of us there are about ten suitable and pleasant professions. But you can’t go ten ways: you have to choose the most pleasant and most suitable profession.

What determines the choice of profession?

Here we will not open America for you. The choice of a profession depends on the interests, abilities, values ​​of the person who chooses, age, financial capabilities and family plans, and on the place of residence. But even if you know all this about yourself, what to do with this knowledge? And how to understand what profession they indicate? There are two ways: try to diagnose yourself or trust me.

How to choose a profession yourself

Try to pass the tests. There are career guidance tests and there are tests for professions. Try this and that. There is a 7-step methodology for choosing a profession. It is not a test, but it helps to understand your desires. You can finally listen to interviews with professionals, read books about professions, and even try to work during the holidays in some company and carefully look at what people are doing there. And all this can help a lot, but if it doesn’t help, then I will help.

The editors of the magazine "Foma" received a letter from a teenager who is puzzled by the choice of his professional future.
The letter is commented by Kirill Kuznetsov, head of the vocational counseling department of the Center for Humanitarian Technologies, and Konstantin Olkhovoi, a psychiatrist and psychotherapist.

Here is the full letter and comments of experts.

Hello, now I’m almost 17 years old, I’m in the 11th grade and I don’t know at all who I should be, where to go to study ... The fact is that from 9 to 16 years old I did nothing except play games on the PC.

But one fine day, I finally understood and realized that games do not develop me in any way and pull me to the bottom, due to the fact that I spent a lot of time at the computer, I rarely went out, as a result of which there are very few friends (on the fingers can be counted). From the age of 13-14, in parallel, playing computer games for days, I began to go in for sports, but because of my strong passion for games, I either gave up or practiced again.

Now I'm 16 and there are six months left until the end of grade 11, and I seriously rethought my life, most recently I started reading books several times a day, exercising and even eating right. But day by day I am disturbed by thoughts of who I should be in this life and who I should become. The main problem is that apart from going to study as a programmer and seriously studying programming, I no longer see prospects for the future (in material terms) and I’m already sick of a computer and a laptop just at one sight, because I’m immediately overwhelmed by memories and thoughts how much time I wasted sitting at the computer and playing games.

I live in a city where there are no prospects, all that is here is my peers, who only do what they smoke and drink, and roam the streets, trying to seem cool and important, from work in my city, only mines, shops and factory that has been closed for a long time.

I understand that it is necessary to choose a profession to your liking, which you will really like, and only then you can succeed in it. But I really don’t like anything, except for sports (horizontal bar, bars, dumbbells, etc.). What should I do now, I want to choose a profession, work and develop in the chosen direction, but I can’t do anything and, so to speak, there is no “thrust” for anything.


After passing the tests on the sites and having studied the list of professions, figure out what you need to achieve your goals. Make a plan for your actions. It is a really difficult stage in your life that requires full dedication, diligence and work. But this stage is inevitable - everyone goes through it. See how often your peers share their personal experience of experiencing this stage on the Web, and often prepare for the exam together - you can find many useful video tutorials on the Internet. Now it is important to pass the exams well, because where you will study depends on it.

You are in search of yourself, which means that you have already passed the main stage of an attempt at self-determination - and this is a positive result. Do not be afraid to make a mistake, do the wrong thing, or quit studying. It is always the most valuable experience.

Psychiatrist and psychotherapist.
Alexei, like many other teenagers, is in a strange and incomprehensible situation for him. He is confused, because at the age of 16 "society" demands to decide on the choice of a future profession for the rest of his life. But to make such a choice when it is not yet clear what you want and what you like, when there is no conscious motivation to study, is almost impossible. The myth of such responsibility weighs heavily on adolescents.

But I can reassure Alexei: not a single normal person at the age of 16 can know exactly what he will do for all his working 50 years of his life. Activities throughout life can change, and this is normal.

The problem is that often the desire to get rid of this responsibility finds a destructive way out: people hide behind circumstances - this is such a standard myth about a city in which there are no prospects, a country where there is no "growth", an environment that "did not finish", "lost years who can't be caught up." But such a view is not constructive. Blaming everything on external circumstances, we behave like a baby who closes his eyes and thinks that he has hidden. And instead of acting to change the status quo, we begin to wait for everything to miraculously change or ... Or we prepare to passively go with the flow.

Don't expect a miracle. Or rather, do not bet on a miracle. It is important to understand that a lot of things in life are determined not by circumstances, but by ourselves. Look at this "trouble" as a reason to improve your life, turn the problem into a task! Let's look at Alex. He is a young man in good physical shape, he is mobile and can work hard, he does not have the "burden" of a family of six children, which means that he has a huge number of options to change the situation that will not lead to serious consequences.

It makes no sense to say "I'm not doing well and I won't succeed." I understand that perhaps these stereotypes were imposed by the environment and there is no support. I understand that a person in such a situation is hard and anxious, but the main task today is to switch from thinking about hopelessness and think about what you can start doing here and now.
Fear of failure can be paralyzing, but it can be made mobilizing. You can tell yourself that I don't want to live like this, that I want to get out of the vicious circle! And on this, gather your will into a fist and begin to improve your life. Let it be small, even tiny steps in the beginning, but let them be. You can mourn 5 years of your life in the coming years and decades, or you can act and move forward. Of course, if you constantly think about the “lost years”, you can say to yourself: “We didn’t live well and it’s not worth starting.” Still worth it! For starters, you can try to do what you most want: for example, get out of this city. So set yourself a challenge! Since it seems to you that you are in a hole, remember that anyone can get out of it - a waiter, a doctor, and a sergeant in the Russian army. The main thing is to get out!

When I say this, I'm not fantasizing. I myself entered the medical institute not at the age of 17, but at 27. And before that I was a soldier and a mechanic, the director of a small store and a paramedic. I don’t have a complex that I went to study so late, and I don’t think that these ten years of my life were wasted years - on the contrary, they gave me a huge life experience.

So, from any work you can extract a lot of useful things. For example, many people say that the army is a waste of time. But for me, the army served as the most valuable psycho-training. There I learned to negotiate and get along with a huge number of different people. This gave me an understanding of my future profession - I realized that I can talk to people, not only when they feel good, but also when they feel bad. It may seem paradoxical, but the army, especially in small towns, is an effective social lift for a young person. This is another opportunity to get out of the hinterland through new acquaintances and connections.

So, clearly ask yourself the question: am I really a "loser" or just afraid of not living up to society's expectations? If "loser", then ... Then you might want to become a winner! But on the expectations of "society" you can generally spit and go your own way. But it is extremely important to remember: firstly, almost everything on this path depends on you; secondly, this path cannot be passed in one month, not even for one higher education - this is a long movement, where every step is significant; thirdly, this path will never consist of victories alone, there will inevitably be defeats, which means you will have to learn how to get up after "falls".

Now you are at the very beginning of this path - you are experiencing a personality crisis. But in fact, all crises in life are connected precisely with this definition of one's place in life. I really love this phrase: "the crises of life - the chances of life." Crises are given to us so that we can change something; without them, movement is impossible. After such crises, we can roll down, or we can take off ... and it depends on how much we work on ourselves physically and mentally.

And the fear… Well, that's normal. There is a good saying: "All people are divided into two categories: those who are afraid and those who are afraid and do it!" Do it!

Prepared material: Anastasia Bavinova

Some people know from childhood that they want to become a doctor or a miner. Others have no idea who to work with at all. For some, finances and school results allow them to enter any faculty, while others choose from what is available. What if you still do not know which university is better to enter? Depends on what's stopping you from making a choice.

You do not know which university is better

A good university is a vague concept. To understand which university will make a cool specialist out of a student, you need to dig through a bunch of data.

Please note that university rankings vary. Simple lists like "100 best universities in the world" are not suitable: what they evaluate is not always necessary for a future profession. Look for ratings that reflect the employment of graduates: how many specialists found a job after graduation, how quickly they got settled, and whether they work in their specialty at all.

Information for thought:

  1. Ratings of the Expert RA agency: starting from the abstract “best university” and ending with the list of the most demanded by employers.
  2. Monitoring of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on the employment of graduates.
  3. Rating of the quality of educational activities (also according to the Ministry of Education).
  4. An example of the salary rating of the SuperJob portal. Look for similar selections for other professions.

If you are going to enter, and your educational institution does not appear on any list, ask the representatives of the university if graduates find work easily. Perhaps the university does not track the fate of all graduates, but at least cooperates with employers and helps in finding employment. Ask about such programs: whether they operate and under what conditions.

Connect with alumni

  1. How do employers react to a university degree?
  2. Did the knowledge from lectures and seminars come in handy in your work?
  3. How do colleagues rate the university?
  4. Are graduates satisfied with the level of salary? How fast do they move up the career ladder?

Go to all open days

Universities hold meetings with applicants to praise themselves. Walk, listen. Ask how to find a job after graduation, whether it is possible to transfer to another faculty and how to do it.

Find out more about study opportunities, trips abroad. Ask questions about the equipment in the labs and even the quality of the food in the cafeteria.

You don't know who you want to be

Don't worry if you don't have what you want to do yet. You have time to choose the business of your dreams. But if you want to act now (not to waste time or for other reasons), try to find a suitable option.

Look for jobs you don't know about

Open the directory of professions (the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation has such and such) and see who you can work with. Just read the job descriptions in order. If you like something, go to any job search portal and view the vacancies. Analyze what requirements apply to applicants and what you will need to be able to do.

Sometimes such a free search gives more than all career guidance tests.

Choose a university with a large number of directions

If in a year or two you realize that you want to do something completely different, you can find a suitable specialty within your university. Then it will be easier to transfer to another faculty and take additional subjects.

Stop at the hardest

If you have no idea who you want to be, but you still need to study (your parents put pressure on you or you are more afraid of the army than sessions), then choose a difficult specialty.

First, there is less competition in difficult areas. Secondly, if you decide to change faculty or specialty, after a difficult study, everything else will seem like paradise. Thirdly, the skills of self-discipline and overcoming difficulties are the best that a modern university can give.

Choose a practical specialty

So that you can start right after your studies or even during it. Otherwise, after university, you may find yourself with a diploma that neither you nor the employer needs.

It is better to make money in an unloved position and save money for a new business than to spend several years on crusts that are not useful at all.

You don't have money

Training is expensive. Or not?

Don't get hung up on the big name

Roughly speaking, if you want to become a mathematician, you have to become a mathematician, not a student of the Best Mathematical University. Therefore, look for the desired specialty in other universities and in other cities. Maybe you will find an option for many thousands of kilometers, but with a scholarship.

Do not stop at Moscow and St. Petersburg: there are good universities not only in them. The HSE study on education accessibility in 2016 will help to take a fresh look at the geography of education.

Go to college

Colleges are cheaper. They run the program faster. And in a few years, you will have a ready-made specialty, work and the opportunity to study at the correspondence or evening department, without thinking about how parents will pay for their studies.

Choose a university that pays good scholarships

In many universities, active and talented students are encouraged by paying them additional scholarships. The region can also help with money.

Find out if the university you are going to has such scholarship holders. Ask how they got it. There will be a trifle - to become one of the best students of the university.

Try target set

The target set is when an enterprise pays for your training, and after graduation you must work at this very enterprise. Sometimes the contract is concluded not with the enterprise, but with municipal authorities. In fact, this is a kind of educational loan, only you have to repay the debt not with money, but with work.

Find out if the university you are interested in has a target set, ask what enterprises they work with. Take the contacts of the departments that conclude contracts - and go ahead, study the conditions and features of training.

Please note that orders for the enrollment of target recipients are signed earlier, and applications must be submitted in the spring. The best time to do it all is during spring break.

School graduate checklist

If you are confused about what to do right now, check yourself with a short instruction:

  1. Decide who you want to be.
  2. Make a list of universities that have the desired specialty.
  3. Cross out schools that you can't afford.
  4. In different ratings, check the position of the remaining ones.
  5. Choose several universities for which it is worth trying and passing exams.

After passing the exam, many schoolchildren face the question: “ Where to go to study?

I know from my own experience that most graduates by the time they graduate from school have no idea about their future profession. And the institute (and the specialty) is almost always chosen by mom and dad for prestige and financial reasons.

It's actually amazing. Think about it. Like adults, but they won’t get them how much their child will earn when he graduates from high school, A how “prestigious” the university and specialty are. That is what people will say.

My little pimply friend, if you are going to choose a higher education institution soon, I am turning to you!


The big secret, which adults have so far carefully hidden from you, is that work, like study, cannot be loved. You can only hate her. Career, interesting work, unique projects are all marketing ploys for schoolchildren, students and brainwashed people. The myth is supported in favor of big business. The system needs slaves.

If any activity can be interesting, it is your own business. Work is permanent slavery in any case, work for cattle.

Yes, your parents hate their jobs, like all normal people. What is it that keeps them there? There is only one answer, and there can be no other - SALARY. All jobs differ from each other only in salary. Well, some still have less bestial conditions - cleaning toilets at McDonald's is not for you to sort through papers in the office. Therefore, if you don’t want to hunchback for a penny salary after the institute, you need to choose a university based on salary perspective, and not by "prestige".

Why do your parents choose a more prestigious sharaga for you? All the same myth from the capitalists, artificially supported. They do not see much difference in salaries, so let the institute / specialty be at least more prestigious in order to brag to their friends. But there is a difference. Especially important starting salary after graduation. The higher it is, the better. receiving 30 thousand rubles a month, you will not leave your parents, but with 60 you can already try.

What else is important. In almost any profession that allows part-time work, you need to start working already during your studies. No one needs your diploma, only work experience is needed. After the diploma, you still have to learn, no employer is interested in this, other things being equal (the presence of a candidate with experience).

Anyway. So, what professions are in demand today - in other words, where will real money be paid after institute?

1. Programmer, developer. It is easy to get a salary of 100-150 thousand per month with little experience after graduation. Wide opportunity for side jobs.

2. Engineer(construction). Starting salary after graduation is about 60 (if you don't fool around in sharaga). You will have to go to the chief engineer for at least 5 years, but the main ones get healthy, from 200 thousand to infinity (on leftists and theft)! Today, the engineer chooses the place of work, not the engineer's employer. Engineers are different - for low voltage, metal structures, reinforced concrete, ventilation, etc.

3. Accountant. Also go 5 years to the chief, but the chief accountant receives from 150, has ample opportunities for part-time work and in many offices there is a 50/50 scheme - you get half of the hidden taxes in addition to your salary.

4. Analyst(anything, it is best to analyze cash flows). In principle, this is the sweetest profession, because. unlike the above vacancies, you don’t need to work here, you just write scribbles and justify them with a smart look. Tasty areas - consulting, investment. Starting salary 50, then up to half a million.

5. Brand Manager. This is marketing, there are few such positions and it is not easy to sleep on them. The advantage is that you don’t need to do anything either, you don’t even need to write scribbles in large volumes. Drink coffee and generate ideas! The basic salary in LLC “Roga and Hooves” is from 80 thousand per month. a real brand manager in a large company receives millions and millions of non-rubles.

like this top 5 jobs that pay well. But I left the most delicious for dessert. All these vacancies require a brain, diligence, luck, after all. And here where to go to study, so that later you are guaranteed to earn a lot? There is such a place!

It's called the Flight Institute.

Many are wondering where and with whom to study to become an entrepreneur? Well, in fact, an entrepreneur, of course, becomes a fact of entrepreneurial activity. But there are several ways to gain the knowledge that will help you become a successful entrepreneur.

You can get this knowledge from books, trainings, courses, free Youtube videos, and even formal educational programs. In this article, we will talk about all the possibilities, as well as tell you the knowledge from which areas an entrepreneur needs.

And I will immediately offer you a few videos to get you started.

Speech by a young millionaire from Izhevsk Ayaz Shabutdinov, his experience in business and much more.

Speech by a business coach from Ukraine, Yitzhak Pintosevich, on a topic that is relevant for all residents of Russia, how to become a billionaire.

Business Zen from entrepreneur and Internet marketer Ruslan Tatunashvili. In general, watch this video for yourself and recommend it to those people who are in a difficult life situation, who are now having a hard time.

Entrepreneur Artem Agabekov, what advice would he give to a 20-year-old himself (useful not only for 20-year-olds).


Some useful articles on our website:

Courses online

And if possible, go to his training.

Watch some videos of Yitzhak Pintosevich and subscribe to the channel of his training company.

As for the specialty "entrepreneur" itself, if you want to study it, perhaps it is better to take it as a master's degree after a bachelor's degree in marketing.

Who do you need to learn from in order to have the best chance of succeeding in any business?

Marketing is the profession that is the “key” to any business. If you don't want to specialize and be a programmer or engineer, but want to be able to work in any business, study marketing. Marketing and sales are 50% of success in absolutely any industry.

So study to be a marketer, work as a salesperson during your studies (you can sell ads in a magazine or on the radio or sell household appliances, it doesn’t matter), and you will have a great foundation for business success.

Where to study as an entrepreneur or marketer?

Is there an official profession "entrepreneur"?

Russia has an official classifier of professions and positions (OKPDTR), it contains all the positions and professions that officially exist in the country, including the profession of "president". The profession of "entrepreneur" is not yet in it. Officially, an entrepreneur is a status (“individual entrepreneur”), not a profession.

Unofficially, an entrepreneur is still a profession, in any documents, in particular, in the application form for a visa, you can indicate “entrepreneur” as a profession.


Where and with whom to study to become an entrepreneur

Entrepreneurship is taught in some Universities. You can also gain knowledge on your own from books and free videos. We will tell you about all these possibilities.