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Charity telethon in favor of victims
Charity telethon in favor of victims
Two days after a magnitude 7.0 earthquake struck near Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Preliminary death toll estimates are around 50,000 deaths, and there are many corpses everywhere on the street. (Total 17 photos)Local...
A comma is placed before the conjunction as
A comma is placed before the conjunction as
One of the most common in secondary school is the comma before “what”, “how” and other words in constructions that are joined with them. This happens to some authors...
Fermat's Last Theorem: proof of Wiles and Perelman, formulas, calculation rules and complete proof of the theorem Who was the first to prove Fermat's theorem
Fermat's Last Theorem: proof of Wiles and Perelman, formulas, calculation rules and complete proof of the theorem Who was the first to prove Fermat's theorem
Lecture 6. Application of derivatives to the study of functions If the function f (x) has a derivative at each point of the segment [a, b], then its behavior can be studied using the derivative f" (x)...
Events in the Czech Republic 1968
Events in the Czech Republic 1968
In 1968, the Soviet Army carried out the most ambitious military action in the post-war years. More than 20 divisions of ground forces occupied...
Solving linear equations with examples Solving a system of 2 equations with 3 unknowns
Solving linear equations with examples Solving a system of 2 equations with 3 unknowns
Task 1 Solve a system of linear equations in two ways: using Cramer’s formulas and the Gauss method 1) solve a non-homogeneous system of linear algebraic equations Ax = B using Cramer’s method...
End of World War II
End of World War II
Commanders of the Forces of the Sides World War II (September 1, 1939 - September 2, 1945) - a war of two world military-political coalitions, which became the largest war in human history. In it...
If there were no moon, what would happen to the earth if there were no moon?
If there were no moon, what would happen to the earth if there were no moon?
The Moon is a satellite of the Earth and something like a bodyguard, protecting our planet from asteroids and meteors. Thanks to the Moon, there is a regular change of tides on Earth, and also preserves...
How to learn English on your own
How to learn English on your own
For some reason, I have been asked very often lately where and how I learned English and why I speak so well. Moreover, Americans are asking this question more and more often, which I consider a great achievement. I'm saying...
How and in what terms is density measured?
How and in what terms is density measured?
CRYSTAL PHYSICS PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF CRYSTALS Density Density is a physical quantity determined for a homogeneous substance by the mass of its unit volume. For a heterogeneous substance...
Summary of the literacy lesson “Syllable
Summary of the literacy lesson “Syllable
In this section we will practice dividing words into syllables. (Not to be confused with hyphenation, which is covered in another section. These are slightly different things, as there are...