Miscellaneous amazing in the world. The most interesting facts about everything in the world

1. A mole can dig a tunnel 300 feet long always in one night.

2. A cockroach can live for weeks without a head and starve to death.

3. The electric chair was invented by a dentist.

4. Earth is the only planet not named after a god.

5. A hard working adult produces up to 4 gallons of sweat a day,
and does not notice how most of it evaporates!

6. The heart of a hedgehog beats almost 300 times a minute!

7. A hippopotamus can open its mouth as far as
that a child 4 feet tall will fit in there!

8. A hummingbird weighs less than one penny.

9. A moment is actually 1/100 of a second

10. A piece of pure gold the size of a matchbox can be rolled out to the size of a tennis court.


12. After eating, the housefly regurgitates its food and eats it again!

13. Apples are much more effective in getting people up in the morning than caffeine.

14. Bulls do not distinguish colors, and are angry at matadors only because of the movement of a rag,
which they wave in front of their muzzles - it doesn't matter if it's red or acid yellow!

15. Camels have three eyelids that protect them from sand flying into their eyes in the desert.

16. Cat urine glows in ultraviolet light.

17. Cats and dogs, as well as people, are left-handed or right-handed.

18. Every time you lick a stamp, you consume 1/10th of a calorie!

19. Human teeth are harder than stones.

20. Human thigh bones are harder than concrete!

22. Most lipsticks contain fish scale extract.

23. No part of a dry square piece of paper may be folded more than 7 times.

24. One abrasion plant can produce up to one billion pollen particles!

25. Over 10,000 birds a year die from crashing into windows!

26. More than 2,500 left-handed people a year die because
that use products for right-handed people!

27. Porcupines swim in the water!

28. Skepticisms is the longest word that changes hands so often when typing.

29. Sniffing bananas and/or green apples (namely, sniffing, not eating!)
can help you lose weight.

30. The average weight of an iceberg is 20,000,000 tons.

31. Due to gravitational effects, a person weighs slightly less when the moon is directly above them.

32. On average, a person has 1460 dreams a year.

33. The earth weighs more than 6,588,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 tons.

34. A crocodile always grows new teeth instead of old teeth.

35. The longest flight of a chicken so far is 13 seconds.

36. The most used letter in English is E , and the most unused Q.

37. Opposite sides of the dice always together make up the number 7!

38. Hummingbird weighs less than one penny and can't walk.

39. The location of the donkey's eyes on the head allows him to see all 4 sides at the same time!

40. The poison-arrow frog has so much poison that it can kill 2200 people.

41. The sentence "the quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog" uses all letters of the alphabet.

42. The US state of Florida is larger than England.

43. The Sun is 330.330 times larger than the Earth.

44. All the termites of the world outweigh all the people in the world by 10 times!

45. The Empire State Building has over 10 million bricks.

46. ​​Thomas Edison, inventor of the light bulb, was afraid of the dark.

47. Windmills always spin counterclockwise. Except Irish mills!

48. Your heart beats 100,000 times a day.

49. A person is born with 300 bones, but an adult has only 206 of them.

50. 101 Dalmatians and Peter Pan are the only Disney figures
who have both parents, and who also do not die during the course of the film.

51. Human birth control pills also affect gorillas.

52. The mollusk has the largest penis,
than any other animal in the world in relation to its body size.

53. The lifespan of a dragonfly is 24 hours.

54. The sounds that ducks make do not echo. Nobody knows why.

55. Human nails and hair do not stop growing after death.

56. The first toilet dates back to 2000 BC.

57. A fully loaded supertanker traveling at normal speed,
It will take at least 20 minutes to stop.

58. From the age of 30, the human body begins to "shrink".

59. A lion's roar can be heard from a distance of 5 miles.

60. A pregnant goldfish is called a "reproach".

63. A species of earthworm in Australia grows up to 10 feet in length.

64. A "ten-gallon" hat holds up to three-quarters of a gallon of water.

60. A pregnant "goldfish" is called a "reproach"

61. A rat can survive longer without water than a camel.

62. Rhinoceros horn is dense hair.

63. George Washington grew marijuana in his garden.

64. After the death of a person, rigor mortis begins from the head to the feet.
and leaves the body in the same direction: from the head to the toes.

65. Scissors were invented by Leonardo do Vinci.

66. "Bulk" is the name of a whale's penis.

67. According to the Bible Old Testament 1:20-1:22 the chicken was before the egg.

68. Actor Tommy-Lee Jones and Vice President Al Gore at Harvard shared the same room.

69. Months starting on Sundays will definitely have "Friday the 13th"

70. The real name of actor Albert Brooks is Albert Einstein.

71. Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone, never called his mother or wife.

72. Alexander the Great was an epileptic.

73. Alfred Hitchcock didn't have a navel. It was removed when it was sutured after one operation.

74. To all officers Confederate States of Americaduring the Civil War
Copies of Victor Hugo's Les Miserables were issued and ordered to carry it with you at all times.

75. The eye of an ostrich is larger than its brain.

76. Previously, drunkards, in order to protect themselves from the devil, clinked their goblets.

77. The ancient Egyptians shaved off their eyebrows in honor of mourning for their cats.

78. Anteaters prefer not ants, but termites.

79. Medieval knights raised their visor
and thus greeted the passing king.
This tradition has been adopted by the modern army when saluting.

80. Astronauts are not allowed to eat beans before the flight,
since bad air can ruin suits.

81. Babies are born without kneecaps. They appear only between 2-6 years.

82. The full name of the Barbie doll is Barbara Millicent Roberts.

83. The volume of the figure of Barbie, if she were alive - 39cm / 23cm / 33cm.

84. Bela Lugosi died while filming Plan 9 from Outer Space.
Director Edward D. Wood Junior hired his next of kin,
to take close-up shots. So he was able to finish the film.

85. Blondes' beards grow faster than brunettes.

87. Blueberry Jelly Bellies were made especially for Ronald Reagan.

88. Bob Dylan's real name is Robert Zimmermann.

89. Men leave their hotel rooms cleaner than women.

90. Most American car horns sound "fa".

91. Both Hitler and Napoleon were missing one testicle each.

92. Boys with unusual names have mental problems more often,
than boys with common names. Girls do not have this problem.

93. Brazil got its name from the nut and only from it.

94. Bruce Lee's movements were so fast that the filmmakers
I had to SLOW DOWN the movie so we could see his movements.

95. You won't get sucked into quicksand if you slowly move your body to a supine position.

96. Every Swiss citizen is required by law to have or have access to a bomb shelter.

97. Elvis had a twin brother who died at birth
which is the reason why Elvis' middle name Aaron is in memory of his brother.

98. The word Catgut comes from sheep, not cats :)

99. Cats can make over 100 different sounds, while dogs only make 10!

100. Factory " Chrysler built the B-29 that bombed Japan.
Mitsubishi built a Zeros that tried to shoot it down.
And now both companies work in the joint plant "Diamant Star", where they build cars together.

National Geographic's new children's book has a lot of fun facts that many of you probably didn't know. By the way, the book is called - "5000 amazing facts (about everything) 2". If you need to show off your mind in a company or start some dispute or conversation, these interesting facts can help you. We replenish our stock of erudite.

(Total 50 photos)

1. In 1889, Queen Margherita of Savoy of Italy ordered the first pizza delivery.

2. In Japan, you can buy eel flavored ice cream.

3. In Portugal, it is considered indecent to write in red ink.

4. Although the bobcat is rarely seen in the wild, it is the most common type of wild cat in North America.

5. The tail of a cat contains almost 10% of all the bones in her body.

6. On the paws of the gecko, there are millions of tiny hairs that stick to surfaces with the help of a special chemical bond, which allows these reptiles to climb walls and hang, holding on to only one finger.

7. The word "astronaut" comes from Greek words that mean "star" and "sailor."

8. Calcium in our bones and iron in our blood came from the ancient explosion of huge stars.

9. The Nile crocodile can hold its breath underwater for up to 2 hours while waiting for prey.

10. Jellyfish in English are called jellyfish - literally "jelly fish", but in fact they are not fish, because they have no brain, no heart and no bones.

11. The Chinese giant salamander can grow up to 1.8 m in length, making it the largest salamander in the world.

12. According to studies, people prefer blue toothbrushes more than red ones.

13. People used to think that if you kissed a donkey, a toothache would go away.

14. Scientists say the best time to take a nap is between 1:00 pm and 2:30 pm because that's when the drop in body temperature makes us sleepy.

15. Due to the change in the speed of rotation of the Earth over time in the era of dinosaurs, the day consisted of only 23 hours.

16. Hummingbird wings can beat 200 times per second.

17. There are more than 1,200 water parks in North America.

18. A seahorse can move its eyes in the opposite direction - to find food in the water and spot predators in time.

19. To cook scrambled eggs on the sidewalk, the sidewalk needs to be heated to 70°C.

20. A group of jellyfish is not called a flock, not a school or a herd. It's called relish.

21. The mass of the Sun is 99.8% of the entire mass of the solar system, and the diameter is 109 times the diameter of the Earth - the Sun can accommodate 1 million Earth planets.

22. There is no ice on only 1% of Antarctica.

23. The biggest wave ever ridden on a surfboard was the height of a 10-story building.

24. A team of beagle dogs, which are used at 21 airports in the United States, help customs officers find and prevent the entry into the country of about 75,000 illegal items a year.

25. Some apples can weigh almost the same as 2 liters of milk.

26. Corn is grown on every continent except Antarctica.

27. Unlike most fish, seahorses are covered in bony plates, not scales.

28. Every day you lose 50 to 100 hairs.

29. The second name of the armadillo - "armadillo" - means "armored baby" in Spanish.

30. The smallest fruit in the world - an achene - is the size of a tiny ant.

31. New Jersey has the most malls.

32. Komodo dragons can eat 2 kg of meat in less than a minute. The extra fat is stored in their tail.

33. Not all moons are dry and dusty like ours. For example, Jupiter's moon Europa has a liquid ocean under an ice crust.

34. Some Viking leaders were buried with their ships.

35. Clouds constantly cover about 60% of the Earth.

36. All monkeys laugh when tickled.

37. Spotted hyenas can digest skin and bones.

38. The length of the needle of African porcupines is 3 pencils.

In this collection of interesting and incredible facts, we have collected for you the most interesting, unexpected, informative and funny facts from around the world.

Morocco- the only country in the world where, due to lack of grass, goats climb trees and graze there in whole herds, feasting on the fruits of argan, a tree from whose nuts a fragrant place is made.

We may change jobs, spouses, or religions, but until we change inside, we will attract the same people and the same circumstances.

April 11, 1909. About a hundred people cast lots to equally share the 12 acres of purchased sand dunes. Then it becomes Tel Aviv.

In this photo, a rally of Hitler's supporters, which was in 1937.

Rally of Hitler's supporters - 1937

No rally in the history of mankind gathered such a number of people. After 8 years (in the 45th) they will say that they never supported the ideas of Hitler.

Saint Petersburg
The only European capital that has never, in any period of history, been captured by the enemy.

For the cartoon "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" Walt Disney was awarded a special award in 1937. "Oscar"- one large figurine and seven small ones.

In 1975, Academician Sakharov received the Nobel Peace Prize.
That is, the man who invented the hydrogen bomb received the Peace Prize named after the man who invented dynamite... Peace to the world.

The executioner bird impales mice on the thorns of the bush, thus making provisions for a rainy day.

The English Mastiff is the largest dog in existence today. ancient English Great Dane breed, the largest Great Dane in Europe and the largest of mastiffs.

The smallest private library in the world is owned by Hungarian Jozsef Tari and consists of more than 4,500 items.

If a person under the influence of hypnosis is informed that a cigarette is touched to his hand, the brain will send impulses and burn marks will appear on the hand on its own.

Helicopter flights are banned over Antarctica as short-necked penguins try to look at them and fall down like dominoes.

A box with the blood of poets, 1965-1968.
In 1965 Eleonora Antin (conceptual artist) started collecting blood samples and in 3 years she collected samples of 100 poets.
Jean Cocteau inspired her to do this with his film “The Blood of a Poet” in 1935.
Among the poets who donated their blood were such personalities as Allen Ginsberg, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Jerome Rothenberg and others. This box is now in the Tate Gallery (American Foundation). Hence the question. For what?

Monument to a woman's handbag, Italy
The sculpture was first presented in Italy at the exhibition “Thoughts. Space. Dialogue between nature and imagination”, Piedmont in the province of Cuneo, in 2013. Women's handbag is a very important piece of clothing. Psychologists say that a handbag can determine the character, hobbies and much more about its owner.

King's chair keeper
It was the most coveted and honorary position at the court of monarchs. The duties of this courtier included nothing more than wiping the royal buttocks after fulfilling natural needs. Oddly enough, but the keepers had great power at court, and the expression "licking the ass" began to mean: "moving up the career ladder."

Until the 20th century, the position of Groom of the King's Close Stool was highly valued at the British court. He was a courtier, responsible for assisting the monarch in the implementation of natural needs. Given the fact that the body of the king was considered almost sacred, only representatives of noble blood could touch it. It is worth noting that the lords and earls became the Keepers of the royal chair very willingly, despite the fact that they literally had to wipe the king's ass.

Under King George III, his courtier, John Stewart, Earl of Bute, performed his duties in the dressing room so well that he rose to the rank of Prime Minister of England.

Incredible Facts

No matter how much knowledge you have, there is always something interesting in the world that you could learn about today.

6. The biggest wave ever ridden was as high as 10 storey building.

7. Rumor - the fastest of feelings person.

8. Since the rotation of the Earth's axis has slowed down, daywhen dinosaurs livedlasted approximately 23 hours.

9. On Earth more plastic flamingos than real ones.

10. To cook scrambled eggs on the sidewalk, its temperature should reach 70 degrees Celsius.

11. 54 million people alive today will die within a year.

12. Charlie Chaplin once participated in a Charlie Chaplin look-alike competition and took 3rd place there.

13. Most entries off-screen laughter in comedy shows was recorded in the 1950s. So many of that audience are no longer alive.

14. Antarctica - the only continent where no corn is grown.

15. Lighters were invented before matches.

16. Napoleon was not short. His height is 170 cm, which was considered the average height for the French in those days.

17. Best time for daytime sleep between 13:00 and 14:30 because at this time the body temperature drops.

18. Children do not taste salty until 4 months.

19. Male pandas perform handstand, when they urinate to mark a tree.

20. If only The earth would be the size of a grain of sand, The sun would be the size of an orange.

21. The Dead Sea is not completely dead. Microbes halophiles live in its salty water.

22. The first horses were the size of Siamese cats. These were the smallest horses that ever lived.

23. Only about 100 people in the world can speak fluent Latin.

The world is beautiful and amazing, and it is also full of mysterious and interesting things that you may not have even guessed about. Users of the popular site Reddit have collected a whole collection of funny and true facts that can really blow your mind.

Perhaps these 27 facts will make you look at the world in a completely different way.

1. There are more trees on Earth than there are stars in the Milky Way galaxy - 3 trillion trees against "only" 100 billion stars.

2. The largest living organism on the planet is a giant mushroom, or rather its mycelium, which stretches underground for 4 km. It grows at the foot of the Blue Mountains in Oregon.

3. Miss Piggy from The Muppet Show and Master Yoda from Star Wars speak with the same voice - they were both voiced by actor and puppeteer Frank Oz.

4. During World War II, Wojtek, a Syrian brown bear, was drafted into the Polish army. He rose to the rank of corporal and often drank beer and smoked cigarettes.

5. In Japan, traditional manga comics use more pulp to print than toilet paper.

6. From the discovery of Pluto in 1930 to its removal from the list of planets in 2006, he did not even have time to complete a complete revolution around the Sun. The full daily cycle of Pluto lasts 248 Earth years.

7. Chinese broccoli, collard greens, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts and broccoli come from the same plant - cabbage (brassica oleracea), they are just different varieties of it.

8. The time when Cleopatra lived is closer to the time of the landing of the first man on the moon than to the time of the construction of the Great Pyramid of Giza.

9. The mantis shrimp can rotate its claws so quickly that the water around them boils, and flashes of light appear around them.

10. There are no words in the Spanish national anthem.

11. Honey never spoils. It is perfectly safe to eat even if it is 3,000 years old.

12. The dead can get goosebumps.

13. A small part of the interference that we see on the TV screen when it does not receive a signal is the residual radiation from the time of the Big Bang. This is how we observe the consequences of the creation of the universe.

14. The official sport of the US state of Maryland is jousting.

15. When breathing through the nose, we always inhale more air from one nostril than the other, and every 15 minutes they change.

16. If you remove all the empty space between the atoms of the bodies of all people on Earth, the population of the planet will fit in an apple.

17. When the pyramids were being built, mammoths were still alive.

18. There are more combinations in chess than there are atoms in the known part of the universe.

19. If you find a way to extract all the gold from the core of the Earth, it can cover the planet with a knee-high layer.

20. It would take 1.2 million mosquitoes to drink all the blood from an average person (assuming each one takes one bite).

21. Writing was invented by the Egyptians, Sumerians, Chinese and Mayans independently.

22. To determine the right mating time, the male giraffe butts the female in the bladder area until she empties it, and then tastes the urine.

23. The path from the solar core to the surface can take a photon up to 40 thousand years, while the rest of the distance to the Earth it takes only eight minutes.

24. Tardigrades, or "little water bears", as they are also called, are about 0.5 mm in size. At the same time, they can survive in almost any conditions - even in the vacuum of space.

25. Glass can be made from almost any fusible material. You just need to cool the molten mass before the molecules have time to rearrange back into the structure in which they were before melting.

26. The bird kakapo (owl parrot) emits a strong and pleasant musky scent, by which predators easily find it. That is why it is endangered.

27. In 1903, the Wright brothers made the first flight over the earth. 66 years later, in 1969, a man landed on the moon for the first time.