Training texts for preparing for the OGE in the Russian language.


Pavlik Anna Vladimirovna
National Aerospace University "Kharkov Aviation Institute"

The problem of constructing minimal control and diagnostic tests is considered. A method for constructing minimal control and diagnostic tests is proposed, which makes it possible to determine the optimal composition of the test without complex transformations of logical functions. The method is based on the generation of promising options for constructing tests and evaluating their characteristics. On the basis of the described method, software has been developed that allows automating the process of developing diagnostic software.


Pavlik Anna Vladimirovna
National Aerospace University "Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

The problem of minimal check and diagnostic tests construction is considered. The method of minimal check and diagnostic tests construction is offered, allowing to define optimum structure of test without complex transformations of logic functions. The method is based on the generation of tests construction perspective variants and estimations of their characteristics. On the basis of the described method the software is developed, allowing to automate the process of diagnostic maintenance development.

Formulation of the problem

A significant complication of the hardware composition, an increase in the requirements for reliability and efficiency of functioning is a general trend in the development of modern technical systems. Reducing the duration of equipment downtime can be achieved by reducing the time for determining the technical condition of objects and searching for a place of failure in them. To solve this problem, it is necessary to develop and put into operation effective methods for the development of diagnostic software, which is a complex of interrelated rules, methods, algorithms and tools necessary for diagnosing at all stages of the object's life cycle.

Analysis of recent research and publications

At present, in our country and abroad, a lot of work is being done to improve both the means of control and the methods for monitoring and diagnosing various objects.

The works of P.P. Parkhomenko, E.S. Soghomonyan, V.A. Gulyaeva, Bennets R., and others. Among the latest studies and publications, the works of G.P. Aksenova, A.V. Drozd, R. Aizerman , in which new approaches to the development of diagnostic support are proposed. The papers consider the features of functional control when working with inaccurate data. It is shown how the hardware complexity of the built-in control circuits changes in this case. An object-oriented approach to the development of diagnostic systems was proposed by V.V. Voronin.

An analysis of the known methods for constructing control and diagnostic tests showed that they are based on the construction and transformation of a detection function or a distinguishing function and are effective for relatively simple devices, because with the growth of the number of checks and the number of states, the complexity of transformations increases sharply. Approximate methods allow you to get redundant tests. In this regard, there is a need to develop new methods for constructing control and diagnostic tests.

Goal of the work

Develop a method for constructing minimal control and diagnostic tests that allows you to determine the optimal composition of the test without complex transformations of logical functions.

Main research results

Let S=(S 0 , S 1 ,…, S v ) be the set of technical states of the diagnostic object, S 0 denotes a good state, and S i is its i-th faulty state, i = 1, …, v; v is the number of faulty states determined for recognition in the process of diagnosing.

The set of checks P = (P 1 ,…, P u ), where u is the number of checks.

The diagnostic model is a rectangular table, in the rows of which are checks, and in the columns are the technical conditions of the object (Table 1). In a table cell located at the intersection of the i-th row
and the j-th column, the results of checking P i of an object that is in state S j are given. If the check Р i determines the state S j , then р ij = 1, otherwise p ij = 0.

Table 1 - Diagnostic model

p 11

p 12

p 1v





p u1

p u2

p uv

Associate the set of checks P = (P 1 ,…, P u ) with the set T=(t 1 ,…, t u ), defined as follows: t i = 1 if the i-th check is part of the diagnostic test and t i = 0 otherwise.

The rank (r) is the number of checks included in the test, i.e.

To many states S we associate the set W=(W 0 , W 1 ,…, W v ), the elements of which, depending on the values ​​of the elements of the set T, are determined as follows:

The number of different elements of the set W will be denoted by r (W).

Denote the cost of checks C=(c 1 , c 2 ,…, c u ).

Then the problem of constructing a minimal diagnostic test is formulated as follows.

The method of constructing a minimal diagnostic test is based on sequential generation and analysis of options for constructing a diagnostic test. When analyzing options, the cost of implementing a diagnostic test is analyzed first, because this operation takes less time than determining the value r(Wi). When describing the method, the following notation is used:

i is the current number of the option for constructing the set T,

C(T i) is the cost of implementing a diagnostic test Т i ,

C dt - the current lowest value of the cost of a diagnostic test

T dt - set T corresponding to the current lowest value of the cost of the diagnostic test.

Method building minimal diagnostic tests consists of the following steps:

Stage 1. Determine the initial value of the rank

r = ]log 2 (v+1)[,

where ]a[ means the nearest integer not less than a.

Stage 2. Determine the initial cost of the diagnostic test

Stage 3. Determine the number of options for constructing a set T with rank r

Stage 4. i = 0.

Stage 5. i = i + 1.

Stage 6. We form the set Т i .

Stage 7. Determine the cost of the diagnostic test option

Stage 8. If С(T i) ³ C dt, then go to item 13.

Step 9. Determine the type of set W i .

Step 10. Determine the value of r (W i).

Step 11. If r (W i) = v+1, then go to step 9, otherwise go to step 13.

Step 12. C dt = C(T i), T dt = T i .

Step 13. If i< t (r), то переходим к п. 5.

Step 14. If r = u, then go to step 16.

Stage 15. r = r + 1, go to step 3.

Stage 16. End.

If the costs of the checks are equal, the process of determining the type of the minimum diagnostic test is greatly simplified, because the first solution found will be the minimum diagnostic test

Consider an example of constructing a minimal diagnostic test using the described method.

In table. 2 shows the diagnostic model.

Table 2 - Diagnostic model


In table. 3 are given with the cost of inspections (conventional units).

Table 3 - Cost of checks


In table. 4 - 8 shows promising options for constructing a diagnostic test.

Table 4 - Diagnostic test P1, P2, P3, P5


Table 5 - Diagnostic test P1, P3, P5, P7


Table 6 - Diagnostic test P1, P3, P5, P8


Table 7 - Diagnostic test P1, P3, P5, P9


In table. 9 shows the characteristics of options for constructing diagnostic tests.

Table 9 - Characteristics of options for constructing diagnostic tests

Type of diagnostic test

Cost (conventional unit)


P1, P2, P3, P5


P1, P3, P5, P7


P1, P3, P5, P8


P1, P3, P5, P9


P3, P4, P5, P6

The minimum diagnostic test consists of checks P3, P4, P5, P6, the cost of which is 8 conv. units

When constructing control tests that should determine the technical condition of an object, a set of faulty states is considered, i.e. S=(S 1 ,…, S v ) and the problem of constructing a minimal control test has the form.

Find the form of the set T for which

To solve the problem of constructing a minimum control test, the method described above for constructing minimal diagnostic tests is used, in which stage 11 has the form:

Step 11. If r (W i) > 0, then go to step 9, otherwise go to step 13.

On the basis of the described method, programs were developed to automate the development of test software. The source data file has the following structure:

Description of the number of checks,

Description of the number of states,

Description of the fault matrix,

Description of the cost of inspections.

As a result of the invoice, a result file is generated that contains information about the initial data, the type of minimum control or diagnostic test and its cost.

The program counting time depends on the number of checks, the number of states, and the type of fault matrix. The results obtained are shown in fig. 1.

Figure 1 - Program counting time

The use of the developed method and software will reduce the development time for control and diagnostic tests and improve their quality.


A method for constructing minimal control and diagnostic tests is proposed, which makes it possible to determine the optimal composition of the test without complex transformations of logical functions. The method is based on the generation of promising options for constructing tests and evaluating their characteristics. A further direction of research is the development of a method for estimating the length of the minimum control and diagnostic test, which will reduce the number of options considered.

Bibliographic list
  1. Parkhomenko P.P., Soghomonyan E.N. Fundamentals of technical diagnostics: Optimization of diagnostic algorithms, hardware.-M.: Energy, 1981.
  2. Gulyaev V.A. Technical diagnostics of control systems. Kyiv: Naukova Dumka, 1983.
  3. Bennets Robert J. Designing testable logic circuits. M .: Radio and communication. 1990.
  4. Aksenova, G.P. On the functional diagnostics of discrete devices in conditions of work with inaccurate data / G. P. Aksenova // Problems of control. - 2008. - V. 5. - S. 62–66.
  5. Drozd A. V. An unconventional view of the working diagnostics of computing devices / Control problems. - 2008. - No. 2. – P. 48–56.
  6. Isermann R. Model-based fault detection and diagnosis. Status and applications/ Annual Reviews in Control. – 2005. – V. 29.- P. 71-85.
  7. Voronin V.V. Diagnostic checks and their logical forms / Mechatronics, automation, control. - 2004. - No. 9. - P. 9-14.
  8. Pavlik A.V. Combinatorial approach to the construction of diagnostic tests / A.V. Pavlik // International scientific and technical conference “Integration of computer technologies in machine-building IKTM - 2006″: Theses of dopovidey. - Kharkiv: Nat. aerospace University “KhAI”, 2006. – P. 217.
  9. Computer program “Program for the synthesis of minimal control tests” / M.D. Koshovii, A.S. Saveliev, G.V. Dergachova // Statement about the registry. copyright for tvіr No. 9115.– Register. in the State department intellectual power Min. enlighten and science of Ukraine 29.12.2003
  10. Computer program “Program for the execution of the task of covering the exchanges” / I.V. Chumachenko, N.V. Dotsenko, G.V. Pavlik, O.I. Shipulin, Didik N.O. // Statement about the registry. copyright on tvіr No. 22413. – Register. in the State department intellectual power Min. enlighten and science of Ukraine 22.10.2007
  11. Computer program “Program to search for optimal coverage” / I.V. Chumachenko, N.V. Dotsenko, O.I. Shipulin, G.V. Dergachova // Statement about the registry. copyright on tvir No. 18152. - Register. in the State department intellectual power Min. enlightenment and science of Ukraine 03.10.2006

2016. Test in the OGE format from an open bank of tasks. FI_________________
№ 4.
(1) And so Pavlik appeared in my life. (2) The courtyards and school children forever stuck in the memory that in our pair I was the leader, and Pavlik was the follower. (3) This has remained since the time when I "introduced Pavlik into the world" -

first in the yard, then at school, where he found himself in the position of a stranger.

(4) In fact, spiritual superiority was on the side of Pavlik. (5) My long friendship with Mitya could not pass without a trace: I am used to a certain moral conciliation, and forgiveness of betrayal is not much different from betrayal itself. (6) Pavlik did not recognize deals with conscience, here he became merciless. (7) We were fourteen years old when I experienced in my own skin how irreconcilable a soft, complaisant Pavlik can be.

(8) I knew German well, I never prepared homework in this subject, but one day my turn came when Elena Frantsevna, for no reason at all, called me to the blackboard, like an ordinary student, and ordered me to read a poem.

- (9) What poem? (10) I was not at school, I was sick.

(11) She began to leaf through a cool magazine.

- (12) Quite right, you were absent, but you didn’t guess to ask your comrades what was asked?

(13) And I found a way out. (14) I asked Pavlik about homework, but he probably forgot. (15) I said so to Elena Frantsevna with a slight grin, urging her to treat the incident humorously.

- (16) Get up! - the German woman ordered Pavlik. -

(17) Is this true?

(18) He silently bowed his head, and I immediately realized that this was not true. (19) I didn’t ask him about German.

(20) Elena Frantsevna, forgetting about me, transferred her anger to Pavlik, and he listened to her, as usual, in silence, without making excuses or snapping back.

(21) When, satisfied and happy, I returned to my place, Pavlik was not around. (22) I looked around: he was sitting across the aisle behind me, and he had cold, empty eyes.

- (23) What are you doing? (24) You should not pout because of this, well, he will scream and forget.

(25) He was silent and looked past me. (26) What does he care about Elena Frantsevna, he forgot to think about her. (27) A friend betrayed him. (28) Calmly, routinely and publicly, in broad daylight, for the sake of a penny profit, a person betrayed, for whom he, without hesitation, would go into fire and into water.

(29) For almost a year he kept me aloof. (30) All my attempts to make peace like this, “by the way”, were unsuccessful. (31) Nothing worked -

Peacock didn't want this. (32) Not only because he despised all sorts of workarounds, petty tricks and tricks -

refuge for weak souls, but also because he did not need the person I suddenly revealed myself in a German lesson.

(According to Yu.M. Nagibin)*

* Nagibin Yury Markovich (1920–

1994) – prose writer, journalist and screenwriter. His works, devoted to the themes of war and labor, childhood memories, the fate of his contemporaries, have been translated into many languages ​​of the world.

1) justification answer to the question: “Why was “spiritual superiority on the side of Pavlik”?”

1. Pavlik was soft and docile.
2. Pavlik meekly accepted the anger of the teacher.
3. Pavlik was irreconcilable even to petty tricks and tricks, considering them cowardice.
4. Pavlik “kept… alienated” his friend for almost a year.

2) Specify in which meaning the word is used in the text "revealed"(proposition 32).

1. became famous 2. turned out to be undisguised 3. appeared 4. proved himself

3) Among sentences 21–28, find the sentence with separate agreed definitions. Write the number of this offer. ____________________

3. 15.2. Write an essay-reasoning. Explain how you understand the meaning of the text fragment: “He was betrayed by a friend. Calmly, routinely and publicly, in broad daylight, for the sake of a penny profit, he betrayed a man for whom he, without hesitation, would go through fire and into water.

15.3 How do you understand the meaning of the word FRIENDSHIP "What is friendship" Arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments confirming your reasoning: one example- the second is from your life experience.

№ 5
(1) No one, like a mother, knows how to hide her suffering and torment so deeply. (2) And no one, like children, knows how to so calmly ignore what is happening to the mother. (3) She does not complain, which means she is fine.

(4) I have never seen my mother's tears. (5) Not once in my presence did her eyes moisten, not once did she complain to me about life, about pain. (6) I did not know that this was the mercy that she showed me.

(7) In childhood, we easily accept sacrifices from our mother, we demand sacrifices all the time. (8) And the fact that this is cruel, we will find out later -

from their children.

(9) “Golden days” are not eternal, they are replaced by “harsh days”, when we begin to feel independent and gradually move away from our mother. (10) And now there is no longer a beautiful lady and a little knight, and if he is, then he has another beautiful lady -

with pigtails, with capriciously pouting lips, with a blot on her dress...

(11) On one of the "harsh days" I came from school hungry and tired. (12) Threw a briefcase. (13) Undressed. (14) And immediately at the table. (15) There was a pink circle of sausage on the plate. (16) I ate it instantly. (17) He melted in his mouth. (18) It was as if he did not exist. (19) I said:

- (20) Few. (21) I want more.

- (22) Mom was silent. (23) I repeated my request. (24) She went to the window and, without looking back, said quietly:

- (25) No more ... sausages.

(26) I got up from the table without saying "thank you". (27) Not enough! (28) I walked noisily around the room, rattled chairs, and my mother was still standing by the window.
(29) I thought that she was probably looking at something, and also went to the window. (30) But I didn’t see anything. (31) I slammed the door - not enough! - and left.

(32) There is nothing more cruel than asking a mother for bread when she does not have it. (33) And nowhere to take. (34) And she already gave you her piece ... (35) Then you can get angry and slam the door. (36) But years will pass, and shame will overtake you. (37) And you will be painfully hurt by your cruel injustice.

(38) You will think about the day of your shame even after the death of your mother, and this thought, like an unhealed wound, will either subside or wake up. (39) You will be under her heavy power and, looking around, you will say: “Forgive me!” (40) No answer.

(41) There is no one to whisper the merciful word "I forgive."

(42) When mom stood at the window, her shoulders trembled slightly from soundless tears. (43) But I did not notice this. (44) I did not notice my dirty April footprints on the floor, I did not hear the slamming door.

(45) Now I see and hear everything. (46) Time is pushing everything away, but it has brought this day and many other days closer to me. (47) A lot of words have accumulated in me. (48) They burst my chest, knock on my temple. (49) They rush out, into the light, onto paper.

(50) Forgive me, dear!

(According to Yu.Ya. Yakovlev)*

* Yakovlev Yury Yakovlevich (1923– 1996) – writer and screenwriter, author of books for children and youth.

1) Which answer option contains the information needed to justification the answer to the question: "Why did my mother cry silently, standing at the window?"
1. The hero-narrator did not thank his mother after the meal.
2. The hero-narrator left dirty shoes on a clean floor.
3. The hero-narrator behaved selfishly and cruelly towards her.
4. The hero-narrator, growing up, gradually moved away from his mother.

2) Among sentences 38–50, find the sentence with a separate circumstance expressed by a comparative turnover. Write the number of this offer. _____________________

3) Among sentences 1–6, find a complex sentence with consistent submission adnexal. Write the number of this offer. _____________________________

4) Among sentences 7–10, find complicated sentence with between parts. Write the number of this offer. ___________

"Forgive me, dear!»
MOTHER'S LOVE? Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic "What is motherly love" taking as a thesis the definition given by you.

6. date: _13.04.16______ FI _______________________
(1) When I was six years old, probably, or six and a half, I did not know at all who I would eventually be in this world. (2) Then my appetite flared up to learn how to become such an artist who draws white stripes for racing cars on street asphalt. (3) Otherwise, it seemed to me that it would be nice to become a brave traveler and cross all the oceans on a fragile shuttle, eating only raw fish. (4) And the next day I was already impatient to become a boxer, because I saw on TV the drawing of the European boxing championship. (5) How they thrashed each other - just some kind of horror! (6) And then they showed their training, and here they were already pounding a heavy leather "pear" - such an oblong heavy ball; you need to hit him with all your might, hit him with all your might, in order to develop the power of impact in yourself. (7) And I also decided to become the strongest person in the yard.

(8) I told dad:

- Dad, buy me a punching bag! (9) I will train and become a boxer.

- (10) There is nothing to spend money on nonsense, - dad answered. - (11) Train somehow without a pear.

(12) And he got dressed and went to work. (13) And my mother immediately noticed that I was offended, and tried to help me.

(14) She took out a large wicker basket from under the sofa, where old toys were stacked, and took out a healthy teddy bear from it.

- (15) Here. (16) A good bear, excellent. (17) Look how tight! (18) Why not a pear? (19) Let's train as much as you like!

(20) I was very happy that my mother came up with such a cool idea. (21) And I made the bear more comfortable on the couch, so that it would be more convenient for me to train and develop the power of impact.

(22) He sat in front of me so chocolate, and he had different eyes: one of his own -

yellow glass, and the other large white - from a sewn-on button from a pillowcase. (23) But it didn’t matter, because the bear looked at me with his different eyes and raised both paws up, as if he had already given up in advance ...

(24) And I suddenly remembered how a long time ago I didn’t part with this bear for a minute, dragged him everywhere with me, and put him at the table next to me to dine, and put him to sleep, and rocked him like a little brother , and whispered various tales to him right into his hard velvet ears, and I loved him then, loved him with all my heart, then I would give my life for him ...

(25) And now he is sitting on the couch, my former best friend, a true childhood friend, and I want to train the force of impact about him ...

- (26) What's wrong with you? Mom asked as she opened the door.

(27) But I didn’t know what was happening to me, I lifted my head to the ceiling so that tears were not visible, and said:

“I changed my mind about being a boxer. ( According to V.Yu. Dragoon)*

* Dragunsky Viktor Yuzefovich (1913– 1972) – Russian Soviet writer, author of stories for children.

1) Which answer option contains the information needed to justification the answer to the question: “Why did the boy change his mind about being a boxer?”
1. The boy wanted to become either an artist or a traveler.
2. The boy did not have the opportunity to train, because his father refused to buy him a punching bag.
3. The boy was struck by the cruelty with which the boxers in the competition "threshed each other."
4. The boy realized that he would never be able to hit his friend, even if he was a toy.

2) a) From sentences 24–27 write out the word in which the spelling prefixes determined by its value "incomplete action". _________________________

b) write out from sentences 1-3 a word in which the spelling of the prefix depends on the deafness-voicedness of the next consonant. ___________________________________________

3) Replace the spoken word "peel" in sentence 6 stylistically neutral synonymous.
Write this synonym. ______________________
Replace word "impatient" in sentence 4 as a neutral synonym. ________________

4) Among sentences 1–6, find a complex sentence with parallel (heterogeneous) subordination adnexal. Write the number of this offer. ________________

5) a) Indicate the sentence in which the means of expressiveness of speech is metaphor.
1. And I also decided to become the strongest man in the yard.
2. Then my appetite flared up to learn to be such an artist who draws white stripes for racing cars on street asphalt.
3. And my mother immediately noticed that I was offended, and tried to help me.
4. And I made Mishka more comfortable on the couch so that it would be more convenient for me to train and develop the power of impact.

b) Write out from sentence No. 24 _ means of expression and determine them

6) From sentences 12–19 write out the word in which the spelling suffix is determined by the rule: "In the short passive participle of the past tense, one letter H is written." ____________________________________________

7) Write out grammatical basis sentences 7 and 16. _________________________________

8) Specify quantity grammar basics in sentence 6. ____________

9) Among sentences 23–27, find the sentence with standalone consistent common applications. Write the number of this offer. __________________

10) Among sentences 22–27, find complicated offer with unionless and allied coordinating connection between parts. Write the number of this offer. ______________

“And now he is sitting on the couch, my former best friend, a true childhood friend, and I want to train the force of impact about him ...

What happened to you? - Mom asked as she opened the door.

And I did not know what was happening to me, I lifted my head to the ceiling so that tears could not be seen, and said:

I changed my mind about being a boxer.".

15.3. How do you understand the meaning of the expression HUMAN INNER WORLD? Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic "What is the inner world of man", taking as a thesis the definition given by you.

No. 1. Date: _____________________

(1) The girl's name was Alice. (2) She was six years old, she had a friend - a theater artist. (3) Alice could freely enter the theater courtyard, which was guarded by a strict watchman, and other children could not get into this interesting world. (4) But she was not just a girl, she was an assistant to the artist.

(5) Once in the theater courtyard, Alice saw a guy and immediately realized that he was not an artist.
- (6) Who are you? she asked the guy.
- (7) Driver, - the guy answered.
- (8) What are you doing here?
- (9) I'm waiting.
- (10) Whom?
- (11) Victoria Sergeev.
(12) Sergeeva is a theater artist, a young and beautiful woman. (13) And Alice asked the guy an “adult” question:
- (14) Do you love her?
- (15) No, - the guy smiled. - (16) I once saved her. (17) In our city, the theater was then on tour with us. (18) It was in the spring, at the end of March. (19) The guys were sledding along the river. (20) Sergeeva also wanted to ride. (21) The guys gave her a sled. (22) She sat down and drove off, the sleigh accidentally drove onto the ice, which was thin and fragile, and a minute later Sergeeva found herself in icy water. (23) The guys screamed, but I was not far away and heard.
- (24) And you jumped into the icy water?
- (25) Jumped, - the guy confirmed.
- (26) Not scared?
- (27) I didn’t have time to get scared.
- (28) And you didn’t get sick?
- (29) I got a little sick.
(30) Alice and a stranger were talking and did not notice how Sergeeva and a familiar artist entered the courtyard. (31) The guy saw her first and said:
- (32) Hello, Victoria! (33) You probably don't remember me? (34) I am Nazarov.
(35) Sergeeva looked at the guy carefully: she could not remember him.
- (36) Well, remember how you sledded, and I ... (37) You also invited me to Moscow.
- (38) Oh, yes, - Sergeeva remembered. - (39) Now I will arrange tickets for you.
- (40) Thank you, - said Nazarov, - but I didn’t come for this. (41) My father is sick. (42) We arrived in Moscow, but in Moscow I only know you, and I wanted to ask if we can stay with you for a week?
- (43) No, no, - Sergeeva said hastily. - (44) This is inconvenient, because I have a very small apartment.
- (45) What to do? the guy asked.
- (46) I don't know.
(47) And then Alice took the guy by the hand. (48) "Let's go," she said. - (49) "Where?" – the guy was surprised.
- (50) "To us," said Alice.
(51) She did not think what they would say at home. (52) She saved the guy, saved him from shame and
ingratitude. (53) And when they save, they don’t think for a long time, and once - in cold water!

- (54) Not good, - said the artist, when Alice and the driver left the yard together. - (55) After all, he saved your life.
- (56) Well, now I have to erect a monument to him? Sergeeva answered.
(57) And then the old watchman suddenly shouted: (58) “Out! (59) Get out of here! (60) He pretended to be shouting at the boys, who quietly made their way into the theater courtyard. (61) But he shouted at Sergeyeva.

(According to Yu.Ya. Yakovlev)*
* Yakovlev Yury Yakovlevich (1923-1996) - writer and screenwriter, author of books for children and youth.

2) Replace the spoken word "guy" from sentence 5 stylistically neutral synonymous or synonymous expression. Write this synonym or expression.___________________

3) Specify which meaning the word is used in the text "free"(sentence 3)
1) unceremoniously 2) without hindrance 3) at ease 4) without hiding __________

4) Specify the word with unstressed vowel in the root, not checked by stress.
1) touring 2) asked 3) skated 4) shouted ____________

5) Specify erroneous judgment. ______________

1. In the word GUY, the softness of the consonant [n '] in writing is indicated by the letter b (soft sign).
2. In the word GIRL, all consonants have a pair of hardness - softness.
3. There are 10 sounds in the word STOP.
4, In the word HAVE ARRIVED, the letter E stands for 2 sounds.

6) Specify quantity grammar basics in sentence 3. Write down the answer in a number. ______

7) Which answer option contains the information necessary for justification answer to the question: “Why did the watchman shout: “Get out of here!”?” ___________
1. The boys "quietly made their way into the theater courtyard."

2. A lot of people gathered in the yard, and this prevented him from cleaning the yard.

3. The watchman was an unkind person.

4. The watchman was angry with the callousness of Victoria Sergeeva.

8) From sentences 19–23 write out the word in which the spelling suffix is determined by the rule: "In adjectives formed from nouns with the suffix -YAN, one letter H is written." _________________________________

9). Indicate the sentence in which the means of expressiveness of speech is opposition. ________________

1. Alice could freely enter the theater courtyard, which was guarded by a strict watchman, and other children could not get into this interesting world.
2. Sergeeva is a theater artist, a young and beautiful woman.
3. – The guys screamed, and I was not far away and heard.
4. She saved the guy, saved him from shame and ingratitude. And when they save, they don’t think for a long time ...

10) From sentences 32–36 write out the word in which the spelling prefixes is determined by the rule: “In prefixes ending in -З and -С, Z is written before voiced consonants, and С before voiceless consonants”. ________________________________

11) Replace the phrase "theater yard"(sentence 3), built on the basis of agreement, by a synonymous phrase with a connection control. Write the resulting phrase. ___________________________________________

12) In the sentences below from the read text, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers for the commas introductory word _____________________

Hello, (1) Victoria! You, (2) Maybe, (3) don't remember me?
I am Nazarov.
Sergeeva carefully looked at the guy: she could not remember him.
Well remember (4) how did you go sledding (5) and I... You also invited me to Moscow.

13) Write out grammatical basis proposal 41. _______________________________________________

14) Among sentences 12–23, find complicated offer with unionless And allied coordinating and subordinating connection between parts. Write the number of this offer. _______

16) Among sentences 1-5 find the sentence with separate application. Write the number of this offer. ______________________________

17) In the sentences below from the read text, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers denoting commas between parts of a complex sentence related subordinating connection. _______________________________________

Thank you, (1) Nazarov said (2) But I didn't come for that. My father is sick. We arrived in Moscow (3) but in Moscow I only know you, (4) and I wanted to ask (5) can we stay with you for a week?

No, (6) No, (7) Sergeyeva hastily said. - It is not comfortable, (8) because I have a very small apartment.

15 . Write composition choice of 15.2 or 15.3

15.2. Write an essay-reasoning. Explain how you understand the meaning of the final text: .

In your essay, give 2 (two) arguments from the read text that confirm your reasoning.

15.3 How do you understand the meaning of the phrase MORAL CHOICE? Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic one example- give an argument from the read text, and second - from your life experience.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

to text no. 1.

1) Among sentences 54–61, find complicated offer with consistent submission adnexal. Write the number of this offer. _____________

15.1 Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the Russian writer I.A. Goncharova: “Language is not only dialect, speech; language is the image of the whole inner man, of all forces, mental and moral. Arguing your answer, give 2 (two) examples from the read text.

When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

You can write a work in a scientific or journalistic style, revealing the topic on linguistic material. You can start the essay with the words of I.A. Goncharova.
The essay must be at least 70 words.
A work written without relying on the text read (not on this text) is not evaluated. If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite of the source text without any comments, then such work is evaluated by zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

15.2. Write an essay-reasoning. Explain how you understand the meaning of the final text: “She saved the guy, saved him from shame and ingratitude”.

In your essay, give 2 (two) arguments from the read text that confirm your reasoning.

When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.
The essay must be at least 70 words.
If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite of the source text without any comments, then such work is evaluated by zero points.

15.3 How do you understand the meaning of the phrase MORAL CHOICE? Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic "What is Moral Choice", taking as a thesis the definition given by you. Arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments confirming your reasoning: one example- give an argument from the read text, and second - from your life experience.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

(1) Avalbek did not remember his father, who died at the front. (2) The first time he saw him in the cinema, when the boy was five years old.

(3) The film was about the war, Avalbek was sitting with his mother and felt how she shuddered when they shot on the screen. (4) He was not very scared, and sometimes even, on the contrary, it was fun when the Nazis fell. (5) And when ours fell, it seemed to him that they would then rise.

(6) Here the gunners appeared on the screen. (7) There were seven of them. (8) One of them was swarthy, black-haired, of small stature.

(9) And suddenly the mother said quietly:

Look, it's your father...

(10) Why did she say that? (11) Why? (12) Maybe by accident or because she remembered her husband. (13) And indeed, the soldier on the screen looked very much like his father in that old military photograph that hung in their house.

(14) And the boy believed. (15) He already thought of the soldier as his father, and in his childish soul a new feeling of filial love and tenderness was born for him. (16) How proud he was of his father! (17) And from that moment on, the war no longer seemed funny to the boy, there was nothing funny about how people fell. (18) The war became serious and terrible, and for the first time he experienced a feeling of fear for a loved one, for that person whom he had always missed.

(19) And there was a war on the screen. (20) German tanks appeared. (21) The boy was scared. (22) "Dad, the tanks are coming, the tanks!" he shouted to his father. (23) There were a lot of tanks, they moved forward and fired cannons. (24) Here one artilleryman fell, then another, a third ... (25) And now only the father remained, he slowly walked towards the tank with a grenade in his hands.

- (26) Stop, you won't get through! - shouted the father and threw a grenade.
(27) At that moment they started shooting at him, and his father fell.

- (28) This is my father! (29) Did you see? (30) It was my father who was killed ... - Avalbek shouted, wanting people to be proud of his father as much as he was.

(31) And then the neighbor boy, a schoolboy, was the first to decide to tell him the truth.

(36) But the projectionist was silent: the adults did not want to deprive the boy of his bitter and beautiful illusion.

(37) The mother leaned towards her son, mournful and strict, there were tears in her eyes.

- (38) Let's go, son, let's go. (39) It was your father, she said quietly and led him out of the hall.

(40) The boy's heart was filled with grief. (41) Only now did he understand what it means to lose his father. (42) He wanted to cry. (43) He looked at his mother, but she was silent. (44) He was also silent. (45) He was glad that his mother did not see his tears.

(46) He did not know that from that hour his father began to live in him, who had long died in the war.

(According to Ch.T. Aitmatov)*

* Aitmatov Chinguz Torek ý lowic (1928 2008) - Kyrgyz writer.

1) Among sentences 1–5 find complicated offer with unionless and allied subordination between parts. Write the number of this offer. ______________________

2) Specify quantity grammar basics in sentence 17. Write down the answer in numbers. ______

3) Write out grammatical basis proposal 42. ___________________________________

4) Specify erroneous judgment. 1. There are 9 sounds in the word SERIOUS 2. In the word LIKE, there is a deafening of the consonant sound at the end of the word. 3. In the word DECIDED, all consonants have a pair of hardness - softness. 4. In the word BOY, the softness of the consonant [l '] in writing is indicated by the letter b (soft sign).

5) In the sentences below from the read text, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers for the commas introductory word. ___________________
He wasn't very scared. (1) and sometimes even (2) vice versa, (3) funny, (4) when the Nazis fell. And when ours fell (5) it seemed to him, (6) that they will then rise.

6) Among sentences 31–38, find the sentence with separate application. Write the number of this offer. _______________________________

7) Among sentences 40–46, find complex sentence with consistent subordination of adjectives. Write the number of this offer. _____________________

8) In the sentences below from the read text, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers denoting commas between parts of a complex sentence related subordinating connection. _____________________________

And from that moment on, war no longer seemed funny to the boy, (1) there was nothing funny about (2) how people fell. The war became serious and terrible, (3) and for the first time he experienced a feeling of fear for a loved one, (4) for that person (5) which he always lacked.

9) Replace the phrase "German tanks"(sentence 21), built on the basis of agreement, by a synonymous phrase with a connection control. Write the resulting phrase. _________________________________

10) Indicate the sentence in which the means of expressiveness of speech is metaphor.
1. He already thought of the soldier as his father, and a new feeling of filial love and tenderness was born in his childish soul.
2. And indeed, the soldier on the screen looked very much like his father in that old military photograph that hung in their house.
3. It was my father who was killed…” Avalbek shouted, wanting people to be as proud of his father as he was.
4. He was glad that his mother did not see his tears.

11) From sentences 37–45 write out the word in which the spelling suffix is determined by the rule: "In the short passive participles of the past tense, one letter H is written."

12) Indicate in which meaning the word is used in the text "bitter"(Proposition 36).
1. sad 2. unpleasant 3. hurtful 4. unhappy

14) Point out the word with alternating root vowel.
1. born 2. shot 3. lose 4. bent over

16) Which answer option contains the information necessary for justification answer to the question: “Why did the war cease to seem “fun” to the boy?”
1. The gunners appeared on the screen. There were seven of them.
2. Avalbek sat with his mother and felt how she shuddered when they shot on the screen.
3. Avalbek first experienced a feeling of fear for a loved one.
4. There were many tanks, they moved forward and fired their cannons.

15.2 Write an essay-reasoning. Explain how you understand the meaning of the final text: “He did not know that from that hour a father began to live in him, who had long died in the war”.

15. Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous philologist L.V. Uspensky: “One vocabulary without grammar does not yet constitute a language. It is only when it comes to the disposal of grammar that it acquires the greatest significance. Arguing your answer, give 2 (two) examples from the read text.

In your essay, give 2 (two) arguments from the read text that confirm your reasoning.

STRENGTH OF MIND? Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic "What is the power of the spirit", taking as a thesis the definition given by you.

Themes of essays.

1) 15.2 Write an essay-reasoning. Explain how you understand the meaning of the text fragment: “We did not yet know that Pushkin’s poems have this magical ability, that images and visions composed of words excite us, and that we are experiencing one of the happiest moments that are bestowed on a person.”

15.3 How do you understand the meaning of the phrase PRECIOUS BOOKS? Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic "What are Precious Books",

2) 15.2 Write an essay-reasoning. Explain how you understand the meaning of the final text: "And the multiplication table turned into poetry". In your essay, give 2 (two) arguments from the read text that confirm your reasoning.

15.3. How do you understand the meaning of the word LOVE? Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic "What is love", taking as a thesis the definition given by you

3) 15.3 How do you understand the meaning of the word CHOICE? Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic "What is Choice", taking as a thesis the definition given by you.

4) 15.2 Write an essay-reasoning. Explain how you understand the meaning of the final text: “When, having paid the money, my mother came out and, without looking at anyone, hunched over, as if trying to become even smaller, quickly tapping her worn, completely crooked heels, walked along the asphalt path to the iron gate, I felt that I was in pain for her. heart.
This pain, which burned me so hotly in the first instant, did not last long, however.

15.3. How do you understand the meaning of the phrase MOTHER'S LOVE? Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic "What is motherly love", taking as a thesis the definition given by you.

About the boy Pavlik, who ...

A play for the little ones

Aunt Natasha

Children's. Tanya, Nina and Vitya.

Mom and Aunt Natasha brought Pavlik.

Mom - Children, this is Aunt Natasha. Of course, you remember Aunt Natasha? Say hello to Aunt Natasha.

Tanka, Nina and Vitya (gloomy, in chorus) - Hello, aunt Natasha ...

Aunt Natasha - Hello, kids! (children after these words look at her offendedly, they say who are these kids?) This is Pavlik. My son. You are my joy (kisses Pavlik on the cheeks, the children wince in disgust). Well, you're not cold, you're not hot, you're my chicken. (children giggle at Pavlik and his mother, Pavlik notices, shy). He'll be with you while your mommy and I go shopping, okay? Well, I hope that you will not indulge and quarrel here, you will make friends right away, you are our small things! Well, bye, bye!

Vitya - (to the side) Fu, little frills! It's disgusting!

Mom - And look to me, without hooliganism! And don't offend the little one (points to Pavlik)!

Mom and aunt Natasha leave.

Children surround Pavlik.

Vitya - (mimicking Aunt Natasha) You are our little bunny! Kitten! (laughs) Baby!

Nina - Yeah, they saw how his mom kissed him. Sonny!

Tanya - Mom told us not to touch him! What did you throw at him?

Pavlik (almost crying) - You can't offend me.

Vitya - Why all of a sudden?

Pavlik - Because I have a disease. Children's.

Vitya - Lie more! Never heard of such a thing.

Pavlik - And here it is. Simply, it is not visible to adults. Only for children.

Vitya - How is it?

Nina - Lying like a gray gelding!

Pavlik turns into a gray gelding. Jumping around the apartment, clattering its hooves!

Neighing. Destroys everything in its path! Takes out armchairs and sofas. In a word, he behaves like a real gelding in an apartment.

Children are lost in all this.

Children (in chorus) - Wow! How cool! He took it and turned, without question, for one or two. Now we are the coolest in the yard!

Tanya (first comes to her senses) - Pavlik! Yes, you calm down!

Vitya (mockingly) - Yes, he is calm as a herd of wild monkeys!

Nina - You shouldn't have said that!

The gelding turns into a herd of wild monkeys!

They hang on the curtains, break the ficus in the pot. Yell.

Nina - Oh, what if it's contagious! And so do I... and we all start to turn like Pavlik now... Oh, moms! Everything, as you wish, and I'm in the bathroom - wash my hands. Just in case.

(runs away, returns screaming, the monkeys grabbed her hair, and now they are sitting on her head, Tanya runs up to Nina and somehow helps her free herself from the monkeys. They rush to the curtains with screams, swing on them)

Tanya - Pavlik, my good, can't you sit quieter than water, lower than grass?

Pavlik - I can.

And the whole apartment is covered with grass, water is pouring from the walls.

Vitya takes out a scuba diver's mask and flippers.

Vitya - Well, now we just have to wait.

Tanya - What to expect?

Vitya - When we are flooded! Then I can finally swim. And then dad promises to take you to the sea for a hundred years and still nothing.

Nina - Why are we already drowning? And I can't swim. I'll drown! (crying) And you, Vitya, just to put on flippers!

Tanya runs after a rag and collects water in buckets.

Tanya - Why sit down! Help! We need to collect Pavlik! And then suddenly he will leak to the neighbors! And watch the grass do not trample! It's also a Pavlik!

Nina, not though, joins in.

Vitya - But collect, you won’t collect everything anyway! Did I put on flippers in vain? I still swim.

Tanya - Peacock!!! Sun!!! Be patient, we'll pick you up soon! You are our sunshine!

Pavlik - Am I the sun?

Tanya - You! Only very small.

Nina - No!!! (She sadly watches how the sun's rays appear one after another behind Pavlik's back, it becomes hot in the apartment). Late. So now what.

Vitya takes off his fins and mask, puts on sunglasses, lies down on the sofa.

Vitya - (to Pavlik) That's it! Shine your rays on me. Sure sure. So good. (to the girls) Join, don't waste the good. We have, one might say, a personal solarium.

Nina - Vit, move over, maybe I want to sunbathe too ... (lays down on the sofa) Wow, it's really good! It's like we're on the beach. And summer is around. (to Pavlik) Just move away from the window, otherwise the neighbors will see what they think of us? They will say about us that we are crazy fools, we got ourselves a home sun!? Normal people have domestic cats and dogs, and we are the sun on you! Mom always says that it's very, very important what your neighbors think of you... (to Pavlik) And don't go near the closet, there are books in the same place, you'll burn more.

Tanya - Pavlik! Why are you silent like an empty place!

Pavlik - Am I an empty place? What else is this?!

Tanya - A bucket, for example! They mock you, and you are silent! Be patient, you are an empty place. No to...

Pavlik - The sun turns into a bucket.

Vitya and Nina - Well, as soon as we warmed ourselves in the sun ...

They gather around the bucket.

Vitya, Nina - Pavlik, you are our sun. Come out, huh?

Tanya - Well, stop mocking a person! Pasha, sit where you are!

Vitya, Nina - Pavlik, why can't you hear well? You are sun!

Pavlik - But figs for you! You don't believe in your own words!

Vitya and Nina - And we will believe.

Nina - Vit, come on.

Vitya - What's up?

Nina - Trust me.

Vitya - What do you believe?

Nina - Well, our Pavlik is the sun.

Vitya pushes, pushes.

Nina - So what? No way?

Vitya - No. I can't believe he's the sun. (kicks the bucket) Oh, damn bucket! Just - just relaxed, started sunbathing, but on you ...

Pavlik - the bucket groaned. He hurts.

Tanya - Vitya! What are you? Absolutely, right? He's small! And you kick him. (hugs the bucket, strokes it like a baby) Don't cry, good one. I am now.

Vitya - (pushes Tanya away from the bucket, continues to kick him)

Nina - We need to do something ... (dials a number) Hello, is this an ambulance? We have here one boy turned into an empty place. No, we do not indulge, and we do not offend anyone ... Strange, they hung up. But if you are called an ambulance, then you must help.

At the same time, Vitya and Tanya are fighting over a bucket. They push each other, they kick.

Pavlik - What's going on there?

Vitya hit Tanya very hard. She fell.

Tanya - Oh, it hurts.

Pavlik - Don't touch Tanya! You are a bastard!

Vitya - And what are you going to do to me?

Pavlik - (suddenly turns from a bucket into an ordinary person) And that's what!

He pushes Vitya, pushes him away from Tanya.

Vitya - Pavlik, you green snot!

But Pavlik does not turn into green snot.

Nina - Doesn't turn!

Vitya - You're a bug! (Pavlik does not turn, Vitya starts to get scared, Vitya is already scared)

Peacock is coming.

He lifts the fallen Tanya. He approaches Vitya.

Vitya is horrified.

Pavlik - Vit, here you are now raking me to the fullest! Now I will answer you for Tanka! Why are you shaking like an aspen leaf?

Vitya turns into an aspen leaf.

Nina - Oh my God! Pavlik! What have you done! (turns around the leaf in fright) Vitya, how are you there? Are you alive?

Vitya (displeased) - Alive! Alive! And yet my disease is contagious!

Tanya - Oh no! It's just that Pavlik has ceased to be afraid! And his childhood illness quickly passed. Here.

Peacock - Wow! So healthy!

Tanya - Yeah, that means!

Ninka - And what will happen to Vitya?

Tanya - That's when he stops being cowardly and mean, that's when everything will pass for him.

Ninka - Well, this is a long time to wait.

Tanya - Not at all!

Peacock - I think so too.

Small dog, neighbor,
Licked Pavlik's hand.
Dad, hearing a child's cry,
The door was flung open.

The dog ran away in fear.
Papa Pavlik asked:
"Well well well! Do not Cry!
Did he…bit you?”

And Pavlik is Morozov, bitch,
what is called big
was known for deeds ... But, Science,
was whitewashed ... - In the Scoop, fate,
although he passed his own dad
(But here, again, they say...),
so, rightly so, carte blanche, on the paw,
handed in (In fact, for rent!),
messengers, as it were, of the "New Era",
in the famous gang ("For centuries"!),
entered, as a Hero, into the pioneers ... -
Taking off, like a myth, into the clouds! -
As far away from sin, to share ...,
to perish, in it (But for what?),
on the endless Russian field,
where is wrong...

On the road... Hope, lead!
Remaining, raise
Glasses for those who are on the way...
And wait. Pray and wait...

Jan Nalepka

Years are flying over the quiet Sadgora...
In the cemetery among the surrounding townspeople
Lies, mourned by the rain, Hero
Soviet Union - not from the local ...

Jan Nalepka - Slovak captain,
And earlier - a teacher in a rural school ...
Death in war walks on the heels ...
He, dead, is proud: he fell from a German bullet.

And this means that the enemy
I didn’t gear, I didn’t make a deal with him ....
Point blank...

It's about Jehovah again
About affairs of deep antiquity.
Tribal god settings
True for any religion.

In the settlements of pastoralists of the ancients,
As now almost without change,
People didn't have money
Natural exchange reigned.

With a difference from our horseless
Warm feces smoked in the yards,
And the laws were merciless
To those who laid eyes on that cattle.

“Who steals an ox, just in case
He will take you to the city, and then he will sell it -
Five oxen will give when pinched,
And he will answer for the ox at five ...

In a place forgotten by God, many years ago
in the absence of techno-everyday-civilization will accept,
she lived - she was a joyfully curious girl,
constantly asking stupid questions, by the way.
And every time I received answers to these questions,
however, her auricles enlarged at the same time ...
Confidently walked into the garden, suddenly, in the cabbage a little?
Lightning rods save from thunderstorms, good Pavliki pioneers,
happy childhood, the rich cry, eniki-beniki,
holiday pies, colored eggs, Caucasian captives...

Wrappers, candy wrappers fell into the water,
They swam on the asphalt in a moment in a babbling brook.
In fair-haired pigtails - bows, I sit, laughing, on my haunches.
The stream flows, probably, to a big, big river.

I'll rush along the summer street, following the wrappers-boats.
And on the run through the puddles I slap with a vengeance.
I’ll meet a good boy - Seryozha, or Pavlik,
It will be very fun to run along the pavement with him.

Around the house are high, in the windows the sun - glare.
And in the puddles after the rain, its rays burn.
Swim to...