What does a student need to do to pass the exam? Infographics. Which one is better to read the conspiracy for the successful passing of exams

Exams are a test that every person must pass in their life. Schoolchildren, students, workers - everyone is frantically preparing for the inevitable event. People who doubt their own abilities often turn to magic for help.

Exams are a test that every person must pass.

Using magic while studying

During the session, to a greater extent, the result depends not only on the material learned, but also on the mood of the teacher, on how you attended classes, and what kind of relationship you have with the teacher.

Everyone can enlist magical support during this period, there is nothing wrong with that. Our parents and grandmothers also used various rites and rituals for the successful passing of the exam, observed signs, and each of them who enjoyed the privileges of magical intervention can tell you that only thanks to this they were able to close the session or pass the exams.

You can also take with you for good luck talismans in the form of a snake or an owl, centuries-old symbols of wisdom. A good way to reinforce the magical properties of talismans is to use ceremonies and rituals to successfully pass exams and close the session.

It is important to remember that charms will only help you consolidate the material you have learned or soften the teacher, but they will not learn everything for you. The rite to pass the exam will attract luck to you, install a magnet on your energy field that will attract good grades and the predisposition of the teacher.

Do not use conspiracies to pass the exam if you do not believe in them, since disbelief can lead to the opposite outcome. Also, do not follow signs if you do not believe in them.

Signs for exam success

In addition to ceremonies and rituals, many students observe the signs established and time-tested.

  • One of the signs tells us that before the exam you can’t cut your hair, cut your nails or wash your hair, since all the knowledge gained can be “washed out” of your head.
  • Some people in the middle of the night take a record book and wave it in the window, shouting “freebie, come!”.
  • They say that you need to prepare for the exam in the clothes in which you will go to the exam in order to retain knowledge in yourself.
  • Also pay attention to the people who meet on the way to the exam. If you meet a pregnant woman, you can be sure that you will definitely pass the exam. If you met a policeman or a person without a fixed place of residence, then you may have problems with the teacher.
  • Also, some students put the left shoe on the right foot and the right shoe on the left. This is done in order to reduce the vigilance of the host committee.
  • A five-kopeck coin is placed under the heel of the left foot in the shoe. The coin, by pressing on certain points on your foot, stimulates brain activity, which helps you not to get lost at the most important moment and not forget everything that you learned in an instant.
  • They also put notes and textbooks under the pillow, thus reinforcing the learned material.
  • They also say that if you decide to go somewhere while preparing for the exam, then you can’t leave textbooks and notes in an open state.
  • To pull out the right ticket, students pronounce

    "Chur him that I know - to me!". After these words, a ticket is pulled out. Usually the one you are best prepared for comes across.

Enchantment will only help you consolidate the learned material.

Conducting rites for success during the session and exams

A simple rite, which is carried out with the help of a glass of water and a conspiracy memorized.

Ritual for melt water

The ritual is performed the night before the exam.

Carrying out the ritual:

  1. Take a glass filled with water, read a plot on it three times:

    “I call for good luck and luck, So that tomorrow brings me good news, I received the mark I needed and was satisfied!”.

  2. Let the glass remain in a prominent place throughout the night.
  3. Waking up at dawn, drink one-half of a glass, and go to the exam.

Arriving after passing the rest of the liquid, you can pour it out if you do not have another exam in the next two days. If you have to, you can leave the water, and drink it in the same way before the exam.

Ritual with a note

To conduct the ceremony, you must prepare the following set of magical instruments:

  • a pen that you will take with you to the exam;
  • a blank sheet of paper, it is possible in a cage;
  • clothing in which you are going to go to the exam.

A simple and effective ritual that is carried out in the morning on the day of the exam. A rite that attracts an excellent grade, a good mood of the teacher and just good luck.

Conducting a ritual

  1. Take a piece of paper and a pen, write the words of the conspiracy on it:

    “As the sky is clear and bright, so my thoughts are clear and bright. As my parents cherish and love me, so will my teachers pity me! Amen!".

  2. Read aloud three times the plot that was written on the piece of paper.
  3. Fold the piece of paper with the corners inward. As if forming an envelope. The text must be inside the envelope.
  4. Put the envelope in the pocket of the clothes you will wear to the exam.
  5. Do not take the plot sheet out of your pocket until you have passed the exam.

Make sure that the sheet does not peek out or fall out of your pocket so that the teacher does not think that this is your cheat sheet and does not take it away. You are guaranteed success in the exam.

Ritual for clothes

A rite that is suitable for any exam: at the university, at school, in the traffic police, at work.

  1. Get up early in the morning and take the clothes that you will wear to the exam today.
  2. Examine it from all sides, run your hands along each seam.
  3. Read the plot:

    “How did I follow the Lord where I needed to go, what I wanted to ask, but he sent me good luck in knowledge, and I began to answer any question so that they would not ask. Amen".

Then put on your clothes and go to the exam. You can be sure that you will pass the exam.

A clothing rite that fits any exam

Ritual using herbs to improve memory

To perform the ritual, you will need the following magical paraphernalia:

  • dried herbs of sage, rosemary and thyme;
  • fabric bag.

We carry out the ritual

It does not matter if you are preparing for a laptop, or for a textbook with notes.

  • Using dried herbs, lay out three circles around your notes or notebook: the first circle is thyme, the second is rosemary, and the third is sage.
  • Read the plot on the grass three times:

    “Sage, rosemary, thyme, let my knowledge improve, in three circles my memory will increase!”.

  • Prepare for the exam in the center of the three circles.

After you finish preparing, collect the herbs in a cloth bag and put it under your pillow so that the accumulated information in the herbs continues to be transmitted to you even in a dream. You can take a bag of herbs with you to the exam.

Rite for those who do not believe in omens

In this ritual, you will have to wash your hair before the exam, reading the plot. The rite is suitable for those who do not believe in omens and cannot walk with a dirty head, even despite omens.

Wash your hair, whether it's evening or morning. Say the words of the conspiracy three times:

How bright is the sky on a white day,

So my thoughts are bright and pure.

As father and mother love and pity me,

So have pity on me too (name of teacher).

The conspiracy will help keep your head clean and clear, help you keep in your head only the knowledge necessary to pass the exam, and nothing more. A conspiracy will not help you find out what you do not know, but it will help you think, do not forget anything important.

Conspiracy on cheat sheets

Ideal as a kind of additional rite for passing the exam.

What is needed for the ceremony

For the ceremony you will need:

  • double-sided adhesive stickers;
  • pencil.

Conducting the ceremony:

  1. On one side of the stickers write cheat sheets, on the other side the following words of the conspiracy:

    “Magic spur: I see this spur and only I! For other people's eyes, this spur is transparent! This spur helps me pass the exam successfully! It is so, and so it will be."

  2. Glue the stickers with conspiracies inside, put them under your pillow.
  3. Get up in the morning, read the words of the conspiracy that were written on the stickers.

You can take cheat sheets with you, but you may not even need them, since the conspiracy acts not only on spurs, but also on consolidating your knowledge gained during your studies and preparation for passing the standard.

A cheat sheet conspiracy is ideal as a kind of additional rite for passing an exam

Reading conspiracies

Conspiracies must be understood and accepted. If words are confused in your head, synonyms are selected on their own, then do not change them, leave them as they come from the heart, the main thing is not to change the semantic part of the conspiracy.

In reading conspiracies, the main thing is a clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bperformance, not exorbitant expectations. You can rely on magic, but you should not completely shift the responsibility to it. There must be at least some knowledge. There are times when no matter how you prepare, you still don’t remember anything. In such cases, conspiracies help. You need to perform one of the rituals and go to bed, and in the morning clarity of thought and concentration will come.

Conspiracy to pass the exam

  1. On the way to the exam, imagine how you will pass the exam with excellent marks, or any mark that you need.
  2. As you walk, read the conspiracy to yourself:

    “Who followed the Lord, they became his disciples. And I follow the Lord. Lord, give me good luck in my studies! May it be so".

  3. A very effective conspiracy to pass the exam, which can be written on a blank sheet of paper, preferably not lined, and put in a textbook or notes that you will take with you to the exam.

The conspiracy helps not to forget everything that you have learned. There will be no sudden memory lapses and thoughts “I taught (taught), how could I forget.” Success and luck will come to you, and you will definitely pass all the items.

To successfully pass the session at higher educational institutions or get an excellent mark during the state final certification (GIA) at school, you can use student signs for good luck. The most common beliefs are: you need to take a ticket for an exam with your left hand, you can’t wash and shave before passing, you need to put a book or notes under your pillow and sleep like that all night, in no case should you forget your grade book at home.

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    Student signs

    In order to successfully pass tests at the university, you need to lean out the window with a record book at night and shout with all your might: "Come freebie!" Then you should close the record book and do not touch it until the exam. If a student hears an answer from someone to his cry, then the freebie will not come.

      How to successfully pass exams at a university or school (USE or OGE):

      • If you put a five-ruble coin in a sock, you will get an excellent mark.
      • You need to enter the classroom fifth or tenth in a row in order to successfully pass the main state exam in grade 9.
      • If you stand between two girls with the same name and make a wish for a successful surrender, then it will certainly come true.
      • Before leaving the house, you need to turn all stools and chairs so that the legs look up.
      • You should cross your fingers on your right hand before pulling out the examination card with your left hand.
      • If the day before you ask a pregnant woman about the ticket number and give her any sweetness in gratitude, then you will get a ticket under the number that the girl named.
      • Dropping a record book before entering the office where the exam will be held is good luck.
      • Before surrendering, someone must tell the student: "No fluff, no feather!" The student must answer: "To hell!".

      During the exam, close relatives must mentally scold the child so that he gets a good mark. Keeping fists is a great way not to frighten away luck from a schoolboy or student.

      Tips for driving test:

      • If the weather is sunny outside, then a person will easily pass on the right and will be in a good mood.
      • Cloudy or rainy day - to tears and failure.

      What can not be done before the exam?

      According to popular belief, before the exam it is impossible:

      • Trim nails.
      • Cut and dye hair.
      • Shave your beard and wash your hair.
      • Wash things in which tests and exams were successfully passed before the end of the entire session.
      • Think long before the examiner's table. You need to immediately pull out the ticket that the person looked at first, he will be happy.
      • Entering the office after a student who failed the test. You need to go into the audience after an excellent student and take his hand so that he shares his luck.
      • Cross hatches on the way to the university.
      • Leave open books or notebooks before certification.
      • There is during the repetition of the material.
      • Return to the house immediately after leaving. If a student forgot something in the apartment and needs to return, then you need to look in the mirror and stick out your tongue.

      To successfully pass the session, you can not show the grade book to anyone before the end of the exam week.

Signs before the exam will help everyone who is worried and very worried, to determine in advance whether he is destined to pass on an excellent fateful test or not. Take advantage of popular beliefs in order to successfully pass the exam.

Notes for school exams

Nowadays, everyone, even the most responsible student, is afraid of the test, can lose confidence in himself and his own knowledge. To prevent this from happening, you can turn to popular superstitions. Such signs for good luck in the exam will help, especially if you are still in school.

Be sure, on the night before the decisive test, lay out the abstract or textbook under the pillow. Yes, you will have to sleep on such an uncomfortable design. But, if you believe, you will be able to remember everything that you learned earlier.

There is also a very strange superstition that has appeared relatively recently. Place a chocolate bar next to your bed before bed. It is believed that all the knowledge that will fly around you in the room will “flow” into this sweetness.

Before the exam, be sure to eat chocolate. The origin of such a sign is obvious, all chocolate is able to improve mental abilities for a short time. But if the chocolate is also magical, then the exam will definitely pass.

You do not know how to successfully pass the exam? Popular wisdom says that a day before the decisive test, it is necessary to do good to as many people as possible. Their energy of goodness will return to you and attract a positive result.

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A very effective way - get out of bed in the morning, leave the house, enter the classroom only with your left foot. The ticket is also pulled with the left hand. If you want to be sure to draw the ticket you know, cross your right index and middle fingers for good luck.

Do you want to know in advance which ticket to draw? In such cases, the night before the test, write the numbers of all tickets on small pieces of paper. In the morning, pull one leaf out from under the pillow. This will be the ticket number you will get.

Every person probably has a lucky little thing (someone has a scarf, socks, shirt), a piece of clothing, putting on which you immediately become lucky. Don't waste your chance. Use just such an element of clothing when going to the exam. There is an opinion that the color blue is very effective in attracting good luck.

Another common sign is to take any round jewelry that does not unfasten (a ring, a one-piece bracelet, a round scarf). Blow into this item and put it on yourself. It is believed that this is a protective circle from which you have expelled all bad luck.

Going to the exam, turn all the chairs and stools in your house upside down. This is a very strange sign, but they say that it works.

Going to school, pay attention to who you meet first on the street. If this is a man, you can be calm, Fortune is on your side today. If a woman comes towards you, then perhaps I will ask tricky questions, so it’s better to repeat everything before entering the office.

The sign has an exception - if a pregnant woman or one who had full bags comes towards you, good luck will also accompany you.

Find out your ticket number
you can still in this way - when you meet a pregnant woman, ask her to name any number. You can be sure she will guess the ticket.

Another unusual superstition - on the way to school, step on all the small pebbles on the road, but do not throw them away. Otherwise, you "kick off" luck.

Be sure to send an excellent student to answer in front of you, and when he passes the exam for 5, shake his hand.

Of course, each of us knows such a wish "No fluff or feather." In response, you need to answer "To hell." The sign says that such a dialogue before the exam enhances the chance to pass the exam without problems.

In order not to jinx the person who goes to the test, he should not be praised and reassured, but scolded. Both relatives and just acquaintances can participate in this “ritual”. However, the sign says that the result will be the opposite if a person is called a "fool" or in other words that indicate a person's low mental abilities.

What can not be done for a successful delivery?

There are certain superstitions, rules that will help you prevent a negative outcome. For example, every student knows for sure that on the eve of the test it is forbidden to cut their nails, hair, wash their hair. If there are several exams in a week or a session has begun, then you need to go to all tests in the same clothes.

Of course, this sign is very doubtful, because teachers may not like a smelly pupil or student. However, the sign says that with hair and nails you cut off knowledge, with shampoo you wash out the information you read, changing good clothes for clean and fresh ones can repel fortune.

On the eve of the test, it is forbidden to sew up things, as you can “sew up the memory” - forget everything that was previously known.

A very common sign - you can not return home if you have already left. It is better to check several times in advance whether you have taken everything with you. If there are no options and you had to return, look at yourself in the mirror and adjust any of your clothing items.

The acquired knowledge will also disappear if you wash the floor, sweep it or take out the trash the day before, leave textbooks and notebooks open.

Superstition says that it is a very bad sign to step on a manhole cover. This is a warning of failure. Be sure to touch some wooden surface to “give away” the negative program.

In no case do not quarrel with someone on the eve of an important event, as you will use up too much energy that you will need in the future.

All students must fill in the most important sign - at the session (if 1 exam was passed perfectly), the record book cannot be shown to anyone, as they will definitely jinx it.

Students' superstitions

Students are very superstitious people and they have especially rituals to bring good luck. A popular student sign says that if you shout “Come Freebie” out the window the night before the exam, then luck will surely be attracted to you.

There are several variants of this sign. Some say that when shouting this phrase, you need to point your finger at the place of assessment, others that after the exclamation you need to close the record book and not open it until the exam. Particularly cunning students lure a freebie by pouring bread crumbs into the record book.

It is a good omen to surround yourself with things that symbolize appreciation. For example, if the highest score is 5, then put a coin (penny) in shoes under the left heel, ride the bus with number 5, go to class fifth, fifteenth in a row.

Before the exam, you can not use something "free". For example, use a coupon for free food, ride a hare in transport, let someone pay for themselves. Save up luck for an important moment.

A good omen on this day is to get a lucky ticket in transport. This is when the digits of the ticket number are divided into two parts and summed up. If the 2 received numbers are the same, then the ticket is lucky.

Signs before the tests in the traffic police

Surprisingly, in our time there are even superstitions that relate to the exam in the traffic police.

  • It will be much easier to pass the driving test if you have been a loser all the previous day. It is believed that if on the day before the exam there is only a black line, then on the day of the test everything will work out.
  • A bad sign is to be in the company of irritated, worried people. Before the exam, talk to those who are absolutely calm and positive. Such energy will be transferred to you from these people.

weather notes

Before testing, be sure to what is the weather like that day.

  • Sunny clear day, according to signs, will bring good luck.
  • The student will be especially lucky if, during his testing, the teacher opens the window and let the warm rays of the sun into the classroom.
  • Be sure to be lucky for the student who managed to enter the classroom before it started to rain outside.
  • Dropping a bag with a record book in a puddle or mud is a bad omen, the test result will be unsatisfactory.

To date, the worst omen for anyone who takes tests is to forget their gradebook at home.

If you see someone with an empty bucket looming on the horizon, turn off, go down another street. Otherwise, according to the sign, the record will be empty. If you believe popular belief, you can also neutralize the effect of this sign by throwing a pebble into a bucket.

Of course, beware of black cats that can run across the road. A bad sign is a dog that suddenly starts barking at you. According to the sign, both one and the other events attract bad luck. From such phenomena, you will be protected by the ancient magic words "Stay away from me."

If you believe the signs, then what you hear along the way promises clearly failure. However, it can be neutralized by croaking back. Don't be afraid that someone will hear you.

If you have any personal signs, special talismans that help only you, never tell anyone about them, as these signs will stop working for you.

As you can see, there are a wide variety of superstitions that will help you avoid trouble on the exam and get the best possible mark for the test. But of course, do not forget that you need to rely only on magic, but also learn the subject.

During the session, many students try to be fully equipped: they prepare cheat sheets, cramming the material and, of course, follow signs and rituals for successfully passing the exam, stock up on a whole set of talismans. It is about signs, superstitions and lucky talismans for study that will be discussed.

Is there any benefit to all these magic tricks before passing the exam? Of course there is! Observing the customs and traditions that have developed over the centuries, students set themselves up for positive emotions. Enlisting the support of higher powers, they are more confident in themselves. In this case, the chances of success increase. Here are the most common signs for good luck during the session:

Before the exam, you can not wash your hair, cut your hair, cut your nails and shave. Everything learned can be forgotten.

Exams must be in the same clothes. For example, if the first exam is passed well, then the second one needs to wear the same clothes, since it is already charged with the energy of success.

Exactly at midnight before the exam, you need to go out onto the balcony or look out the window, wave your record book and shout three times: “freebie, get caught.” After that, the record book must be slammed shut, tied with a red ribbon and not opened until the exam itself. After performing this ritual, the easiest ticket comes across.

Attracting freebies is achieved in another no less interesting way. In order for the exam to pass easily, it is necessary to pour bread crumbs on the desired page of the record book, or smear it with alcohol. Thus, the freebie will smell the bait and she will look into your record book.

To assimilate the material, many students put their notes and textbooks under the pillow before going to bed so that all knowledge is transferred in a dream.

In the morning before the exam, you need to stand in your left foot. With the same foot you need to leave the house and enter the audience.

You also need to pull the ticket with your left hand. In order to draw an easy ticket, you can count a specific number of tickets. Numbers 3, 5, 7 and 9 are considered lucky. Many count 13 tickets.

There is a belief that if you rub your hands with something sticky before the exam, for example, honey or jam, then exactly the ticket that you know well will stick to you.

To successfully pass the exam, you need to hold on to an excellent student who has already passed the exam for a couple of seconds.

On the way to the exam, you need to pay attention to the people that come across. If a man is caught - good luck, if a woman - to failure. A pregnant woman goes forward - the exam will be passed successfully. If the first person you meet is a policeman or a homeless person, expect trouble from the teacher.

In order for the teacher to lose his vigilance in the exam, you need to put on the left shoe on the right foot, and the right one on the left.

There are many talismans that attract good luck in the exam. To attract Fortune, you can put a nickel in your left shoe. The essence of this talisman is probably that the metal affects certain points on the foot and, thereby, enhances intuition.

In order not to forget everything learned and to correctly use the knowledge in the exam, you need to take a talisman in the form of an owl or a snake with you. Since ancient times, these animals have been considered symbols of wisdom, intelligence and ingenuity.

A string or thread tied with nine knots on the left hand attracts good luck in the exam. Knots since ancient times were considered a powerful amulet and contributed to the concentration of positive energy.

There are many more different signs and rituals for passing exams. Using signs and talismans, do not forget that all this is just a means to increase self-confidence and get rid of fear. If there really is nothing in the head, then any magic will be powerless.

What tips have helped you pass your exams? We are waiting for your comments! And if you click on , the session will go perfectly!

29.10.2013 16:09

There is a belief that if you find a four-leaf clover, you will find happiness and good luck in everything. Just to find it...

Every schoolboy and student during serious training tests at least once used omens before the exam, but not all such attempts to enlist the support of windy luck were successful. Perhaps the reason for this is an incorrect interpretation of popular superstitions or non-compliance with the rules for pronouncing the call - check for yourself!

What superstitions on the eve of the exam is worth remembering

It is no secret that participation in the educational process gives different people different, sometimes opposite emotions. Some people find school subjects easy to learn and interesting; someone tries to memorize the material, while not understanding anything in it; for individuals, study is akin to Sisyphean labor - no matter how hard they try to delve into the subject and remember the basic rules of the topic - there is no result.

What can we say about tests, annual exams and state certification, which are stressful even for round honors students, and losers are generally plunged into a stupor and jitters. Among the various methods for obtaining a high score, student signs-prohibitions occupy a special position - even the most notorious lucky ones try to adhere to them.

Let's start with the well-known to everyone - before the GIA exam and any other important test, you can not wash your hair or cut your hair, otherwise you risk washing, destroying the accumulated knowledge.

From ancient times, hair was considered a store of information, and adherents of magic still claim that through the vegetation on the head one can contact higher powers or the spirits of the dead. Therefore, no trips to the hairdresser and long water procedures - comb your hair, tie your tail, and go!

The same applies to trimming nails: a couple of days after the appointed test with the examination committee, we stop doing our own manicure so as not to shorten our memory.

The main thing is not to overdo it - no one has canceled hygiene and neatness - otherwise the teacher may lower the mark just because of disgust for your appearance.

An important rule for each test subject: when preparing for the test, do not leave the read textbooks and notes open, otherwise the material covered will disappear from your head tired of cramming.

  • God forbid a negligent student to show his grade book to someone on the eve of the exam - he will not receive more "troyban" or will go for a retake.

There is also a rumor among young students that it is undesirable to be the first to take an exam in physical education (more about law school applicants and athletes), otherwise you will have to run around the classrooms later.

So, what can not be done, we found out, now take care of the call of Lady Fortune.

In addition to the traditional student sounding like "shara (freebie), come!" there are a number of good accompanying beliefs that provide the “martyrs of science” with an excellent mood and self-confidence on the day of the exam.

  1. There is a superstition that a textbook on a subject placed under the pillow helps to consolidate the learned topics. And if in the same way you hide your own written answer to the desired ticket, then you will pull out exactly this task during the exam.
  2. Everyone has heard about the beneficial properties of chocolate for brain function, but only a few students know that a chocolate bar, carefully placed at the feet of the examinee the night before, will be charged with good luck. All that remains is to eat it in the morning, and a high score is guaranteed for a diligent student.
  3. Informed representatives of the student fraternity know that a favorable outcome in passing a test or exam can be ensured by clothing in which they have already received a good mark. Therefore, the guys carefully store happy outfits and put them on when the session time comes.
  4. Having received the first excellent mark, tightly bandage the record book with a woolen thread, preferably red, so that luck does not evaporate.
  5. Over the past decades, schoolchildren have experienced a colossal load and anxiety during the last year of study and during the passing of state exams. The following sign will help calm the worried child - in order to pass the exam well, put five kopecks in the shoes you put on - a coin will bring the desired score.

The visualization of the picture also helps a lot: imagine how you are looking for your last name in the lists of applicants, and how opposite it you see the highest number that your knowledge was assessed. Do this exercise more often, not forgetting, of course, to repeat the material covered. What does he say before the exam?

There are many youth traditions regarding exam day. Although young individuals are skeptical of adult advice and all sorts of superstitions, on an important day for fate, they also seek to bring good luck to their side, following popular predictions:

  1. Tie a red thread bracelet around your wrist, and do not forget to first wind a few knots on the thread so that nothing gets mixed up in your head.
  2. Waking up in the morning, get up exclusively with your left foot, but raise it first when you cross the threshold of your own home and audience.
  3. The hand with which you pull the ticket should also be left, and in general, it is advisable to give more load to the left upper limb on this day. Scientifically, this tradition is easy to explain: by performing all the usual manipulations with the other hand, a person forces the brain to rebuild and the processes in the head - memory, attention, thinking are activated.
  4. A good sign if you manage to hold on to a person who has just passed the exam for the highest score. Congratulate the lucky person on their success with a firm handshake and cross your fingers, then luck will smile at you too.
  5. When crossing the threshold of the office, mentally say what grade you want to receive.
  6. It’s great if you manage to turn something sweet in your hands before choosing an exam task (it can be raisins or dried apricots), that is, to lure luck, and immediately pull the ticket!
  7. Many students sincerely believe in lucky numbers - when choosing a ticket, pull the third, fifth, seventh or ninth in a row.
  8. A place of honor among examination superstitions is occupied by the quarrelsome tradition, according to which the examinee should be scolded by friends or relatives directly during the answer. Moreover, it is important not to pronounce the words "fool", "stupid", "idiot", otherwise the omen will work the other way around.

True, it is rather difficult to guess the exact moment - therefore, the patient relatives have to “reproach” their offspring with curses for half a day. And the poor boy or girl remembers signs,