The development of children's speech plan of self-education senior group. Self-education plan

Self-education material on the topic "Development of coherent speech of preschool children" (senior group)





self-education material

for the 2013-2014 academic year.

Topic: "Development of coherent speech of preschool children" (senior group)

Theme "Development of coherent speech of preschool children"important to me, because the speech of the child is a key moment in his development.

The success of pupils in coherent speech provides in the future and to a greater extent determines success when entering school, contributes to the formation of a full-fledged reading skill and an increase in spelling literacy. As an educator, this really appeals to me. After all, work on the development of speech is the ability to choose the right words and use them correctly in speech, build sentences and coherent speech.

As practice has shown, children are very fond of creativity, as well as independence and the ability to compose and tell friends.

I strive for the children to show their attitude to what they saw, what they especially liked, what interested them and why, what conclusions they made. All this prompted me to pay much more attention to the development of coherent speech in children.

Target: Development of free communication skills with adults and children;

Tasks: - improve the dialogic form of speech;

Develop a monologue form of speech;

To teach coherently, consistently and expressively retell short tales, stories;

To teach (according to plan and model) to talk about the subject, the content of the plot picture; compose a story based on pictures with sequentially developing events;

Develop the ability to compose your stories from personal experience.

Since 2013, I have gone through the following stages of self-education:



practical way out

October 2013

Selection and study of literature on the topic; didactic games and exercises; story pictures.

Reminders for parents on teaching coherent speech.

November 2013

Work on retellings using reference schemes.

Retelling stories

"Fluff" G. Skrebitsky.

Teaching coherent sequential retelling with visual support in the form of graphic diagrams that display the sequence of events;

Teaching children how to plan their own retelling;

Activation and enrichment of children's vocabulary.

Advice for parents on:

"Age features of the perception of literary works by preschoolers."



Fairy tale therapy: “Bunny is a smartass”, “Magic words”, “Naughty Vanya”.

Help children imagine their own position in choosing the way to implement actions, the image of a literary character; encourage the ability of expressive transmission in facial expressions and movements of emotional states; develop the ability to compose verbal descriptions for the perception of pantomimic studies; activate phraseological units in speech.

Consultation for parents "Fairy tale therapy" in the classroom for the development of speech.



To teach children to consider the picture and highlight its main characteristics; to teach children exploratory actions when considering a picture; form analysis, synthesis; to teach children to compose a coherent story based on the picture, based on the model of the educator. Replenish and activate the vocabulary of children.

A visit by parents to the activities of educators and children to work on compiling stories from pictures.



Working with riddles

Show the role of riddles in the formation of expressiveness of speech.

Consultation for parents: "The role of the puzzle in the development of older preschoolers."



Work on the development of speech through theatrical activities. Staging of fairy tales: "Turnip", "Kolobok".

Development of creative independence, aesthetic taste in the transfer of the image; development of children's speech, emotional orientation. Disclosure of children's creative abilities.

Staging of fairy tales: "Turnip", "Kolobok".



Work on compiling stories based on plot pictures.

To teach children to consider the picture and highlight its main characteristics; to teach children exploratory actions when considering a picture; form analysis, synthesis; to teach children to compose a coherent story based on the picture, based on the model of the educator.

May 2014

Games and exercises for the development of speech of children of senior preschool age.

(O.S. Ushakova).

To improve speech hearing, to consolidate the skills of clear, correct, expressive speech. Differentiation of sounds, words, sentences.

Preparation of didactic material.

Abstract of a lesson on the development of coherent speech

Target: Teaching coherent sequential retelling with visual support in the form of graphic diagrams that display the sequence of events.

Main goals:

1. Formation of purposeful perception and analysis of the text.

2. Development of retelling planning skills (based on visualization).

Methodical methods:

Reading, conversation, looking at illustrations, pictures, graphic diagrams; building a graphic mimic track; didactic games "Name the chick", "Who, how does the voice give?"; empathic exercises to music.


A set of schemes for a graphic plan; subject pictures: cuckoo, owl, hawk, rooster, chicken, goose, duck, sparrow, crow; medallions with the image of birds; illustration for the story; ball, audio recording "Voices of Birds".

Preliminary work:

· Reading the story of G. Skrebitsky "Forest Voice".

Studying the lexical theme "Birds".

· Observations in nature.

Lesson progress

Children look at illustrations of an owl, a hawk, a cuckoo posted on the board.

2. Preparation for the perception of the text. Activation of the subject dictionary and the dictionary of signs on the topic "Birds", the development of logical thinking.

Teacher: Name the birds. Compare their appearance. What bird does the cuckoo look like? Why do you think so?

Listen to the story of a boy meeting a forest bird.

Reading the adapted story is accompanied by a demonstration of the plot picture for the story.

On a summer day I was walking in a birch forest. Suddenly I heard a forest voice: "Ku-ku, ku-ku." I have heard the cuckoo many times but never seen it. It seemed to me that she was plump, big-headed, like an owl. I look, a bird is flying, the tail is long, gray itself, only the breast is in dark mottled. Probably a hawk. He sat down on a branch, but how he screams: "Ku-ku, ku-ku." Cuckoo! So, she is not like an owl, but like a hawk.

What did I read? (Story.)

4. Conversation by content. The development of dialogic speech, auditory memory.

Children answer questions in full sentences.

5. Identification of the characters in the story. Activation of the subject dictionary, development of long-term auditory memory.

The teacher exposes subject pictures: cuckoo, owl, hawk, rooster, chicken, goose, duck, sparrow, crow.

Name the birds. Select the pictures that do not fit our story.

Children clean pictures of a rooster, chicken, goose, duck, sparrow, crow.

6. Didactic ball game "Name the chick." Development of word formation skills.

A duck has a duckling, and a cuckoo has ... (cuckoo), an owl has ...,., a hawk has ..., a sparrow has ..., a goose has ..., etc.

Let's talk in the language of birds.

Children receive medallions depicting birds: a cuckoo, a rooster, a chicken, a goose, a duck, a sparrow, a crow. To the music, children depict birds: “fly, sing” in different voices.

What did you do? (Cooked.) And you? (Crowed.) And so on (clucked, cackled, quacked, chirped, croaked.)

8. Re-reading the story. Drawing up a story plan. Development of auditory, visual attention and memory.

What did he hear? (He heard a forest voice: cuckoo, cuckoo.)

What did the cuckoo look like to him? (The cuckoo seemed to him plump, big-headed, like an owl.)

Describe the bird he saw. (The tail is long, gray itself, only the breast is darkly mottled.)

Who does the cuckoo look like? (The cuckoo looks like a hawk.)

9. Retelling according to plan with visual support in the form of graphic diagrams. The development of connected speech.

All children take part. The teacher reminds that you need to follow the story of a friend and be ready to continue.

10. Bottom line. Evaluation of children's activities.

What did you do in class? What did you learn to do in class?

· Repeat the story based on the graphic plan.

Offer to draw a cuckoo and arrange an exhibition of drawings.

Lesson summary

Topic: Retelling of the story "Autumn Under Water" (according to N. Sladkov)

Target: Formation of skills of coherent sequential retelling of the text based on graphic diagrams.

Main goals:

1. Formation of active auditory and visual control of the correctness of the retelling.

2. Teaching children how to plan their own retelling.

3. Activation and enrichment of vocabulary.

4. Consolidation of the skills of grammatically correct formulation of the statement.

Methodical methods:

Reading, conversation, making riddles, examining subject pictures, lexical and grammatical exercises on the text of the work (selection of signs, synonyms, formation of relative adjectives), modeling.


Multi-colored tree leaves cut out of cardboard, a magnetic board, an “Artist” doll, musical accompaniment, “multi-colored palettes”, “raindrops”, graphic schemes.

Preliminary work:

· Reading the story of N. Sladkov "Autumn under water".

· Lexico-grammatical exercises.

· Look at illustrations.

· Learning about the environment.

· Lexico-semantic work:

Game "Say Different"

Deserted - empty, deserted, there is nothing, lonely.

Deaf - deafness, quiet, silence, no noise is heard.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment. The development of auditory attention, thinking.

The teacher offers to guess the riddle: I bring the crops, I sow the fields again, I send the birds to the south, I undress the trees,

But I don’t touch Christmas trees and pines, because I ... (autumn)

2. Preparation for the perception of the text. Refinement and activation of the dictionary.

What is autumn now? (It's late autumn now)

What was autumn like? (It was a golden autumn.)

What do you think, is there a golden autumn under water? (There is no golden autumn under water.)

Why? (Because the sun's rays do not enter the underwater kingdom.)

3. Reading a passage. The development of auditory memory, attention.

Today I will read you an excerpt from the story "Autumn Under Water", written by N. Sladkov.

Above the lake is a high blue sky. On the banks there are birch trees that look like burning candles. Ate black and strict. Vibrant red aspens. Gold autumn.

a) Discussion on the content of the passage. The development of dialogic speech. Children give complete answers

What is reflected in the lake? (The high blue sky is reflected in the lake.)

What do birches look like? (Birches are like burning candles.)

What are spruce trees like in autumn? (Firs remain black and austere in autumn.)

Why are aspens called quivering? (Because with a light breeze, the aspens begin to seem to “tremble” with their leaves.)

b) The outdoor game "Let's collect the leaves in baskets." Consolidation of the skill of forming relative adjectives.

To the musical accompaniment, children collect leaves in baskets.

What leaves were collected in the basket?

(I collected (a) birch, maple, oak, rowan, aspen, willow leaves.)

What tree are we missing? (We forgot about the spruce.)

Does the spruce have leaves? (Yes, but they are in the form of needles.)

What are the needles on the tree? (Spruce, prickly, long, green, thin.)

Spruce, what tree? (Spruce is a coniferous tree.) Children put baskets with leaves behind the Christmas tree.

Children sit on chairs. The teacher offers to listen to another passage.

4. Reading another passage. And in the underwater forest there is no golden autumn. Autumn under water is always gloomy. The leaves do not rustle, the wind does not whistle. Deserted and deaf.

Questions for children.

Discourse on the content of the passage. The development of dialogic speech.

Is there a golden autumn in the underwater kingdom? (There is no golden autumn in the underwater kingdom.)

Why is autumn gloomy there? (Because the sun's rays do not reach the depths of the lake.)

What can't you hear underwater? (Under water, the rustle of leaves, the whistling of the wind are not heard.)

How about deep in the lake? (At the depths of the lake it is deserted and deaf.)

5. Lexico-grammatical exercises in the text.

a) Association game. Development of associative thinking.

I will say the word "Autumn", what do you think?

(Forest, leaves, autumn, rain, puddles, leaf fall, umbrella, vegetables.)

I will pronounce the word "Lake", what do you imagine? (Pebbles, water, fast fish, underwater plants, cancer, clear water.)

b) The game "Colors of Autumn" Expansion of the vocabulary of signs.

An artist came to visit you, he brought a variety of paints.

Gather the colors of golden autumn on the shore of the lake and name them. Children choose multi-colored "palettes", put on the board. (Yellow, burgundy, orange, cheerful, festive, bright, rainy, fruitful.)

Find "underwater colors".

(Gloomy, silent, quiet, mysterious, sad, gray, overcast.)

6. Re-reading passages from the story. Development of long-term memory.

I will read the text again, listen.

The teacher reads passages, the children build a graphic plan of the story from the diagrams.

7. Building a graphic plan of passages. Formation of the logical integrity of the story.

Autumn rain left multi-colored droplets. Take one drop at a time and stand as you will retell the story.

What will you talk about? (I will talk about autumn on the lake.)

What will you tell? (I will tell you about autumn under water.)

8. Retelling the story in pairs. The development of connected speech.

9. The result of the lesson. Evaluation of children's activities.

What did you do in class?

What was the name of the story?

Consolidation of the studied material outside the classroom.

· Exercise children in building a graphic plan for the story.

Invite children to draw an autumn landscape (as it appears to them) above and below water.

Organize an exhibition of children's work.

Abstract of a lesson on the development of coherent speech.

Topic: Retelling the story "Fluff" (according to G. Skrebitsky)

Target: Formation of retelling skills of a sufficiently large test with visual support in the form of graphic diagrams.

Main goals:

1. Formation of planning skills for a coherent extended statement.

2. Qualitative and quantitative enrichment of vocabulary.

3. Education of attention to the word, grammatical, syntactic design of speech.

4. Assimilation of some artistic techniques and means of the Russian literary language.

Methodical methods:

Reading, conversation, looking at children's illustrations for the story, graphic diagrams; drawing up a picture and graphic plan of the story; didactic game "Who lives where?"; text transformation (face change).


A series of children's drawings - illustrations for the story; a set of schemes for a graphic plan; didactic game "Who lives where?", pictures of animals: a hedgehog, a bear, a fox, a wolf, squirrels and their dwellings; tape recorder for recording children's stories.

Preliminary work:

· Reading G. Skrebitsky's story "Fluff".

Studying the lexical topic "Wild animals".

Examining pictures, illustrations on the topic under study.

Drawing plot fragments for the story (together with parents).

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment. Development of voluntary visual attention.

Consideration of children's plot drawings for the story "Fluff"

G. Skrebitsky.

Children in advance, on the instructions of the teacher, drew plot drawings for the story (at home with their parents). The number of drawings (7) corresponds to the number of semantic links in the story.

2. Preparation for the perception of the text. Development of long-term memory.

Teacher: What story is our exhibition of drawings dedicated to? ("Fluff") Who is its author? (G. Skrebitsky) Arrange the drawings in the correct sequence. What was first? What then?

Children arrange the plot drawings in the correct sequence.

3. Reading a story. Development of voluntary attention.

Listen to the story of G. Skrebitsky "Fluff". Reading the adapted story.

We had a hand hedgehog living in our house. When he was stroked, he pressed the thorns to the back and became soft. That's why we called him Fluff.

When Fluffy was hungry, he chased me, snorting and biting my legs, demanding food.

In winter, I was going to sled down the mountain. Decided to take Pushka with me. I planted it in a box of hay.

And then he put the sled in the barn. I remembered Pushka only the next day. I look - my Fluff does not move. During the night, he probably froze and died.

We buried Cannon in the garden, buried it in the snow in the very box in which he died.

In the spring I went to the garden. Suddenly, a familiar muzzle appeared from under the old leaves.

I took the gun in my arms. And he snorted and poked my palm with a cold nose, demanding food.

4. Conversation by content. The development of dialogic speech. Lexical analysis of the text is carried out using illustrations.

Who is the story about? (About the hedgehog and the boy.)

Where and with whom did the hedgehog live? (The hedgehog lived in the boy's house.)

Why is he called Fluffy? (When he was stroked, he pressed the thorns to his back and became soft. For this he was nicknamed Fluff.)

If Fluffy was hungry, how did he demand (request) food? (He chased the boy, snorted, bit his legs.)

Who did the boy take with him to the hill in winter? (A gun)

What did he put Fluff in? (I put him in a box of hay.)

Where did the boy put the sled after the walk? (He put the sled along with the hedgehog in a barn - a wooden house for storing various things.)

When did he remember Pushka? (He remembered Pushka only the next day.)

What happened to the hedgehog overnight? (During the night, he probably froze and died.)

What was Pushka buried in? (He was buried in the same box in which he died.)

When did the friends meet again? (They met in the spring.)

Tell us how this meeting happened.

How did Fluff demand food? (Snorted, poked his cold nose into his palm.)

Why did Pushok not freeze in winter and stay alive? (Because in winter hedgehogs do not die, but sleep.)

5. Didactic game "Who lives where?" Expansion of the dictionary on the topic "Wild Animals".

The game is played with illustrations.

Where do hedgehogs live in nature? (Hedgehogs live in the forest.)

What is the name of the hedgehog's house? (Nora, nest.) A bear? (Lair.) Foxes? (Nora.) A wolf? (Lair.) Squirrels? (Hollow.)

Help the animals find their home.

Children receive pictures of animals and find a drawing of an animal in the “house” group.

6. Re-reading the story. Drawing up a plan - a diagram of the content of the story. Development of attention and memory.

I will read the story again. Try to remember it. And these diagrams will help you.

In the process of reading, semantic accents are placed, semantic passages are highlighted, a graphic plan of the story is built from diagrams.

7. Collective compilation of the story algorithm. Development of memory, thinking, dialogical speech.

Where do we start our story? What happened next? Etc.

In their answers, children rely on diagrams. The main idea of ​​each part is framed by a phrase.

8. Retelling the story with a change of face. The development of coherent speech, creative imagination.

Tell the story of Pushka using your drawings. Only the author led the story on his own behalf (“I was going to ride, I went to the garden”), and you tell us about him (“He was going to ride, he went to the garden”).

All children take part.

9. Bottom line. Positive Differential Evaluation of Stories


What is the name of the story that we all retold together? (The story of G. Skrebitsky is called "Fluff".)

I liked your stories. But whose work would you like to highlight in particular? Why?

Children give reasoned answers.

Consolidation of the studied material outside the classroom:

· Exercise children in building a graphic mnemonic track - a story plan.

· Repeat the story based on the graphic plan (selectively).

· Play the game "Who lives where?".

Abstract of the rhetoric lesson "Magic words", senior group of kindergarten

Target: Teach children to use different verbal forms of request.

Lesson progress:

My phone rang.

Who is speaking?


Of course, you know this poem by K. Chukovsky very well. Remember who called the hero of the poem? (Children list: elephant, crocodile, hare, bear, seal, deer.) Everyone had different requests. Here, for example, how monkeys and a pig handled a request:

And then the monkeys called:

Please send books!

And then the pig called:

Send me a nightingale.

Whose request is more polite? Why? What other polite words to use when making a request do you know? (children's answers) Indeed, there are a lot of such words. I want to introduce you to one more - please!

How many words start with "please"!

"Tell me, what time is it?"

“Read, my eyes are old…”

“Come! We're in trouble!"

"Please! I beg you!”

Let's play the situation: ask a friend to give you a book or a toy.

The teacher calls willing children or appoints someone herself.

When you turned to a friend with a request, what did you call him? Listen to the children's answers and draw a conclusion:

A polite person never addresses another in the way the boy from the poem "What is his name" does.

"Thank you", "hello", "sorry" -

He's not used to pronouncing

A simple "sorry"

Did not overcome his tongue.

He won't tell his school friends

Alyosha, Petya, Vanya, Tolya.

He calls his friends only:

"Alyoshka, Petka, Vanka, Tolka."

Listen to another poem.

My birthday is next day

I have a suggestion -

I tell Uncle Kolya

I ask uncle Roma,

school friends,

Second class,

I ask Aunt Rita

Calling her to the corner:

Please don't give me dolls.

Give me a tiger cub

Surprised, smart, mustachioed.

He would walk us to school

And from work he would meet -

Met Uncle Kolya

Met Uncle Roma

school friends,

Second class.

I would have time to meet both mom and dad,

And he would give me a friendly paw.

They gave me a striped tiger cub ...

What joyful day in the life of each person did this poem remind you of? (children's answers and reasoning) Of course, about the birthday, when everyone receives gifts. And who doesn’t want to get something very, very interesting on their birthday. But think, please, is it convenient, using all polite words, to ask someone from the invitees to bring you a certain gift?

Listen to the children's answers.

That's what happened on one birthday. The birthday boy was given two identical cars as a gift. How to be? What do you advise the boy? How to proceed? (reasoning of children and educator) Now think and say:

How to address a passerby and ask him what time it is?

How to contact your mother with a request to buy your favorite toy?

How to ask one of the passengers on the bus to transfer money for a ticket?

How to ask the seller in the store if fresh white bread is on sale?

The teacher listens to the answers of the children, helps to draw conclusions and offers them another poem:

If you come to someone

Don't say hello to anyone.

The words "please", "thank you"

Do not tell anybody.

Turn around and ask questions

Don't answer anyone.

And then no one can

Offend you casually.

Does the author give you serious or playful advice in his poem? (children's answers)

Summing up the lesson.

Classes with children "Composing stories from a picture"

Theme "Compilation of stories based on the painting "Hedgehogs".

Target: To form the ability to carefully consider the picture (with the help of questions from the educator), to reason about its content. To form the ability to compose a collective story based on a picture, adhering to a certain point in the plan. Exercise in the selection of words that are close in meaning; in guessing descriptive riddles on a given topic. To cultivate the ability to listen carefully to a friend, not to interrupt or repeat him; evaluate the stories of comrades, arguing their choice. Develop attention, memory.

Material : picture, elements of the picture.

move : Today we will learn to compose a story based on a picture. But first, we will do a warm-up on the theme "Autumn". Each of you who gives the correct answer can go and take your place. (The chairs stand in a semicircle opposite the easel with the picture).

Strong, gusty, cold (wind);

Drizzling, cold, wet (rain);

Impenetrable, gray, thick (fog);

Liquid, black, sticky (dirt);

Gray, gloomy, cloudy (sky);

Rainy, cloudy, rainy (weather);

· Dry, yellow, rustling (leaves).

After completing the task, the teacher offers to guess the riddle:

What kind of tree is this?

This is a live Christmas tree -

in gray clothes,

Walks along the path. (Hedgehog).

How did you guess it was a hedgehog?

Look at the picture. Who is in the picture? (hedgehog and hedgehog). How can they be called? (hedgehog family). Where they are? What forest? What does a hedgehog do? What are these hedgehogs doing? (they drag the worm in different directions). Remember what else hedgehogs eat? (mice, berries, mushrooms, larvae, beetles). Why do you think mom brought the hedgehogs to the forest clearing? (teaches to get food, to hunt). If she teaches her hedgehogs to hunt, then how can you say about her? (smart, caring, attentive). How can you say about the hedgehogs, who will not divide the worm in any way? (hungry, greedy, gluttonous). What is this hedgehog doing? (curls up into a ball). Why do you think he did it? (frightened by the beetle, hid from him). How else can you say? What hedgehog? (cowardly, timid, timid, weak).

We have carefully examined the picture and now we will compose a story based on it. We will compose a story in a chain: one starts, another continues, the third and fourth children finish. To make it easier for you to tell, use a plan:

What season is shown in the picture?

Who is pictured? Where is the action taking place?

What happened to all the hedgehogs? Why?

How did it all end?

Each of you will tell only one point of the plan (the teacher asks the children which point of the plan each of them will answer).

When compiling the story, try to use the words that we used when looking at the picture and try to tell it in such a way that there is nothing to add.

(children tell, the teacher and other children evaluate which "chain" the story was more interesting, arguing their choice).

Now I suggest that you come to the tables, divide equally.

Take a close look at the picture again. Try to remember everything that is shown on it. (1-2 minutes).

On the tables in front of you are large sheets of yellow paper. Imagine that this is an autumn forest. On each table are separate elements of the picture that you have now examined and based on which you made up stories. I suggest that you compose a picture, accurately positioning all the elements of the picture.

Activities with children.

Theme "Compilation of stories based on the painting "Cat with Kittens".

Target : Exercise in guessing riddles. To form the ability to carefully consider the picture, to reason about its content (with the help of questions from the educator). To form the ability to compose a detailed story based on a picture, based on a plan. Exercise in the selection of words that are close in meaning; choose words that describe the actions of objects. Develop a sense of collectivism, healthy rivalry.

Material: sheets, pencils, a ball, two easels, two drawing paper, felt-tip pens.

move : Today we will learn to compose a story based on a picture of a pet. What kind of animal you will talk about, you will find out when each of you guesses his riddle and quickly sketches the answer. I will make riddles in my ear.

Sharp claws, soft pillows;

Fluffy fur, long mustache;

Purrs, laps milk;

Washes his tongue, hides his nose when it's cold;

Sees well in the dark, sings songs;

She has good hearing, walks inaudibly;

Knows how to arch the back, scratches.

What guess did you get? So, today we will make up a story about a cat, or rather about a cat with kittens.

Look at the cat. Describe her appearance. What is she? (large, fluffy). Look at the kittens. What can be said about them? What are they? (small, also fluffy). How are kittens different from each other? What do they have different? (one kitten is red, the second is black, the third is motley). That's right, they differ in coat color. How else are they different? See what each kitten is doing (one is playing with a ball, the second is sleeping, the third is drinking milk). How are all kittens alike? (all small). Kittens are very different. Let's give nicknames to the cat and kittens so that you can guess from them which kitten is in character.

Kitten: (gives her name) is playing. How else can you say about him? (frolics, jumps, rolls a ball). Kitten: (gives her name) is sleeping. How else can you say? (drowsing, closed eyes, resting). A kitten named: laps milk. How else can you say? (drinks, licks, eats).

I suggest you stand in a circle. I will take turns throwing the ball to you, and you will select answers to the question: "What can cats do?"

Let's get back to the picture. Listen to a plan to help you write a story.

Who is in the picture? Where is the action taking place?

Who could leave a basket of balls? And what happened here?

What will happen when the mistress returns?

Try to use in the story the words and expressions that you used when looking at the picture.

Children take turns making up 4-6 stories. Others choose whose story turned out better and justify their choice.

At the end of the lesson, I suggest splitting into two teams. Each team has its own easel. Each team will need to draw as many kittens or cats as possible in a certain time. At the signal, team members take turns running to the easels.

Activities with children.

Theme "Compilation of a story based on a series of plot pictures" How Misha lost his mitten.

Target : To form the ability to compose a story based on a series of plot pictures (according to a given beginning). Exercise in the selection of adjectives for a noun; in the choice of words denoting action. Exercise in highlighting winter-themed words from the text. Develop memory, attention.

Material : plot pictures, chips, basket, story about winter.

Action: Music is playing.

Q: Guys, today we will continue to learn how to compose stories based on plot pictures. But first, let's play a little word games, which will then help us come up with interesting stories.

The first game is called "Listen and remember". I will read a story about winter. Christmas tree chips are on the spacing. You must be very careful while listening to the story. At the end of it, you will need to remember all the words on the topic "Winter" and put a chip in the basket for each word, and then we will count how many words you remember.

The Snow Maiden woke up early in the morning, looked out the window, clapped her hands and shouted joyfully: “Winter! Winter has come! Hello, Zimushka - winter! "She saw a wonderful picture. Frost painted the glass with magical patterns. Light snowflakes slowly swirled in the air and quietly fell to the ground. The earth was covered with a white fluffy carpet. Snow on the roofs, on the porch, on the road. Snow flakes hung on the trees. The puddles are frozen. Frost is cracking in the yard." (The story is read twice).

Children count chips.

Q: The next game is called "Guess the word". For this game I need an assistant. In turn, each of you will be him. I will invite an assistant to me, I will call the word in his ear. The assistant selects three words for my word, and other children will use them to guess which word I thought of.

Winter (cold, frosty, snowy);

Snow (white, fluffy, soft);

Frost (strong, angry, crackling);

Ice (brittle, transparent, cold);

Snowball (round, small, cold);

Santa Claus (kind, bearded, cold);

Snow Maiden (beautiful, kind, snowy).

Snowflake (small, fragile, patterned).

Q: And now we will make up a story from the pictures. Consider them carefully. I came up with the beginning of the story. Listen to him. "The boy woke up early in the morning and saw how it was snowing, clapped his hands and shouted:" Hooray! Here it is, Zimushka-winter! Snow is falling in flakes! I'm going skiing!"

You think of a continuation of the story. In the story, try to use the words and expressions about winter that you heard and thought up in class today.

The boy looks out the window.

The boy is going for a walk.

Goes fast down the mountain.

Lost my mittens.

Puppy found mittens.

The boy thanks the puppy.

Children compose a story first in a chain, then the teacher offers to tell 3-4 children a story from beginning to end. At the end of this part of the lesson, the children discuss the resulting stories and reasonably choose the best one.

Q: Well done, now let's come up with a title for our story.

At the end of the lesson, a summary is given.

Summary of the lesson "in the world of riddles"


1. Development of logical thinking, ingenuity, positive emotions.

2. A differentiated approach to the upbringing of boys and girls, taking into account their interests.

Lesson progress

Two teams participate in the competition: boys and girls. They come up with names for themselves, arrange them in the form of riddles, choose captains.

A team of girls enter the waltz, a team of boys enter the march.

Leader (teacher).

Attention! Attention! Today we are holding a riddle contest. It starts with the introduction of commands.

1st competition "Find out the name of the teams"

1. Team of girls (they speak in unison)

Falling from the sky in winter

And circle over the earth

Light fluff.

White ... (snowflakes).

Boys give answers.

2. Team of boys (speak in unison)

Look at the good guys

Cheerful and lively

Drag from all sides

Construction material.

No job for the life of me

Cannot live ... (ant)

Girls give answers.

2nd competition “What are our boys made of?

What are our girls made of?

Girls make riddles to boys (about berries, sweets, flowers).

What a miracle - a blue house,

Light windows all around

Wears rubber shoes

And powered by gasoline (Bus)

Boldly floats in the sky,

Overtaking birds flight.

Man controls it

What is this? (Airplane)

Little houses run down the street

Boys and girls are being driven in houses (Train)

Two wheels in a row

They twist their legs

And on top of upright -

Crochet Owner (Bicycle)

Boys make riddles to girls (about cars, weapons, planes).

Rye is earing in the field,

There in the rye, you will find a flower,

Bright blue and fluffy

It’s just a pity that it’s not fragrant (Cornflower).

Sisters stand in the meadows -

Golden eye, white cilia (Chamomile).

Hanging red beads

They look at us from the bushes

Love these beads

Children, birds and bears (Malina).

head on leg,

Peas in the head.

The sun burns the crown,

Wants to make a rattle (Mac).

3rd competition "Know me"

Teams show pantomime. The opponent team must name both the riddle and the answer. The task is prepared at home.


I am small,

I'm looking for a way with my nose,

I drag my tail behind me. (Needle and thread.)

Growth different girlfriends

But they are similar to each other.

After all, they are sitting next to each other,

And just one friend. (Matryoshka.)


The fat one will beat the thin one -

Thin something will beat. (Hammer and nails.)

The brothers were equipped to visit,

They clung to each other.

And rushed off on a long journey,

They just left smoke. (Train.)

4th contest "Draw a guess"

Children are given paper and markers. The host reads riddles, you need to draw riddles. WINS THE TEAM WHICH DOES IT FASTER AND BETTER.

There is a curl in the garden -

White shirt,

Golden heart.

What it is? (Chamomile.)

Three eyes - three orders

Red is the most dangerous. (Traffic light.)

The red maiden sits in a dungeon,

And the spit is on the street. (Carrot.)

5th competition "What name is superfluous"

For boys - Ira, Olya, Natasha, Seryozha, Katya.

For girls - Vitya, Vitalik, Stasik, Oksana, Artem.

Didactic game "Defenders of girls"

Purpose: to form ideas about the similarities and differences between boys and girls. Raise the desire to treat girls with care.

The teacher examines pictures with situations of communication between boys and girls. He talks about how they are similar and different, why boys are stronger than girls. What does it mean to protect? Do not fight, but help if the girl has fallen, carry something heavy, let her in at the door, give way, etc. Strengthening exercise. Boys and girls come out and show the actions shown in the pictures.

Boys and girls are all equal.

Only boys should remember one thing:

Girls are weaker than them, they can squeak,

And the boys must bravely defend them.

Mobile game "Protect the girl"

Educator: Protecting does not mean fighting with someone, you just need to be more attentive to girls. How can boys protect girls?

Children: Pick it up if it has fallen. Skip forward. Help carry things.

Teacher: Let's show how to do it.

(Children act out scenes.)

Educator: And now we will check if you understand well how boys differ from girls. Task: "Guess the word at the end of the line."

In the spring, dandelion wreaths are weaved, of course, only ... (girls)

You can find bolts, screws, gears in your pocket ... (boys)

Chatted for an hour without a break in colorful dresses ... (girls)

In front of everyone, of course, they only like to measure strength ... (boys).

They are afraid of the dark, cowards, they are all the same ... (girls)

Mobile game "Don't be bored and dance"

During the game, girls invite only boys to dance, and boys invite only girls.

The jury sums up the results, rewards the participants with souvenirs made by these hands of children.

(goodbye little princesses, goodbye little knights)

The development of speech and personality of a preschooler in fairy tale therapy.

General characteristics of fairy tale therapy.

The peculiarity of the proposed cycle of fairy tale therapy is that the development of the personality of a preschooler occurs in harmony and consistency with the successful mastery of literate and coherent speech. Fairy tale therapy is an integrative activity in which the actions of an imaginary situation are connected with real communication aimed at activity, independence, creativity, regulation by the child of his own emotional states.

Any activity contributes to the emergence of personality neoplasms as a person becomes a member of it. In turn, mastering the position of "I" in fairy tale therapy allows the individual to respond to the proposed situation with their own negative experience and clarify the meaning of the means of linguistic expression in the language of gestures, facial expressions, postures, and movements.

In the fairy tale therapy program, the development of the personality and speech of preschoolers is carried out in the following areas.

Activity: from the need for emotional release - through self-expression in active action - to the activation of figurative vocabulary and positive emotional manifestations.

Independence: from orientation in the means of linguistic expressiveness, problem situations of a fairy tale, in the rhythm and dynamics of musical images - through substantiation of one's own point of view in speech-proof - to the search for the best ways of self-expression in speech and movement.

Creativity: from imitation of an adult in emotional action and expressive word - through the joint compilation of verbal descriptions of the perception of pantomime etudes, tempo-rhythm, musical composition - to verbal fantasizing of the software of musical composition.

Emotionality: from emotional infection with the images of a fairy tale - through adequate emotional reaction of one's own negative experience in action, rhythm and word - to decentration (understanding the emotions of others) and to the replacement of an "ineffective" style of behavior with a productive one.

Arbitrariness: from a full-fledged experience of the emotional states of fairy-tale characters in problem situations and understanding the meanings of figurative expressions - through the assessment of one's own and others' verbal messages and emotional actions - to the dynamic balance of performed movements and speech messages in a dramatization game.

^ Coherent speech: from: the continuation of the phrases of an adult - through verbal reasoning regarding the dynamics of musical compositions, the performance of pantomime etudes, the rhythmization of fairy-tale images - to creative improvisations according to the plot.

Directions of fairy tale therapy are logically connected and implemented in a complex.


In a modern kindergarten, riddles are used as a didactic, exciting tool in teaching children and organizing their leisure. Guessing riddles activates the vocabulary of children, consolidates the ability to highlight the essential features of objects. Riddles develop curiosity in children, interest in their native language. They make the child think carefully about every word, compare it with other words, find similarities and differences in them. The answers to many riddles seem funny and unexpected, which means they develop a child’s sense of humor, teach him to think creatively and outside the box. It is advisable to make riddles for children in the appropriate situation. The riddle can be used for a walk, in games, at home, at work. It makes the child think, develops observation, the desire for reflection and knowledge of the surrounding reality. The form itself, riddles, attracts the attention of children and makes the teaching interesting, unobtrusive.

Mystery:- this is not only a game, but also an exercise in reasoning, in the ability to prove. But in terms of content and structure, the riddles are such that they allow them to develop the logical thinking of children, to form their skills in the perception and use of speech - evidence, speech - description. Thus, the riddle is not only a game, but also a means of educating, teaching, developing children, an exercise in reasoning and the ability to prove.

Correction-developing possibilities of the riddle are diverse.

The most important of them are: - education of resourcefulness, ingenuity, speed of reaction; - stimulation of mental activity; - development of thinking, speech, memory, attention, imagination; - expanding the stock of knowledge and ideas about the world; - development of the sensory sphere.

Types of riddles with examples.

1. Direct riddlesin which, with the help of allegories, direct and indirect features, a hidden object or phenomenon is described. They can be both colloquial and poetic. Colloquial form: What is it: it doesn’t bark, doesn’t bite, but doesn’t let it into the house? Answer: castle. Poetic form: Gray neck, Yellow sock, Floats in the river Like a float. Answer: duck.

2. Riddles-rhymes. Guessing them is incomparably easier because the right word just asks for the tongue. But the benefits of such word games are enormous. They contribute to the development of the baby's intellect, awaken fantasy and imagination, but, most importantly, help to get the first ideas about rhyme. For the smallest "guessers" - simpler riddles. They love oranges and bananas very much ... (monkeys) I lost my sock, dragged it away ... (puppy) There is a big fight in the river: two quarreled ... (cancer) There are a lot of windows in it. We live in it. This is ... (house) I'm not afraid of the word "scat", - I'm a forest cat ... (lynx)

3. Riddles-tricksalso rhyme, but that's the whole trick. The answer must be chosen not in rhyme, but in meaning. If you say the last word in rhyme, you get ridiculous nonsense. Such riddles teach children to think and be attentive, not to succumb to deception. They also develop a sense of humor. An example of a children's trick riddle: Who gnaws a bump on a branch? Well, of course, this is ... (bear, squirrel) From the palm tree down, onto the palm tree again Deftly jumps ... (cow, monkey) Neighs in the field in the morning Long-maned ... (kangaroo, horse) Even a foreigner heard - Everyone in the forest smarter ... (hare, fox)

4. Riddles for imaginative thinkingare usually resolved if the issue is not taken literally, but figuratively or broadly. Include in the decision plane factors that may be implied by an ambiguous interpretation of the question or the words used in it. Thirty-two warriors have one commander. (Teeth and tongue) Twelve brothers Roam one after another, Do not bypass each other. (Months) He wanders importantly through the meadow, Comes out of the water dry, Wears red shoes, Gives soft featherbeds. (Goose) I have a hedgehog in my room for a year. If the floor is waxed, He will polish it to a shine. (Polisher) They knock, they knock - they don't tell you to be bored. They go, they go, and everything is right there. (Watch)

5. Mathematical riddlessolved with the help of calculations, but often involve the use of both figurative and logical thinking. And sometimes, this is pure mathematics, but framed in figurative folk speech. For example: Soon 10 years old Serezha - Dima is not yet six. Dima still cannot grow up to Serezha. And how many years younger is Boy Dima than Seryozha? (for 4 years) Near the forest at the edge of the forest, three of them live in a hut. There are three chairs and three mugs, three beds, three pillows. Guess without a clue who the heroes of this fairy tale are? (Mashenka and three bears). The five brothers are inseparable, they are never bored together. They work with a pen, a saw, a spoon, an ax (fingers). Cheren, but not a raven. Horned, but not a bull. Six legs without hooves. It flies, buzzes, falls - digs the ground (beetle).

Principles for the selection of riddles for children of senior preschool age.

When selecting riddles to work witholder preschool childrenit is necessary to take into account sufficient life experience, developed observation, the ability to reason, it is necessary to offer the child riddles that require a deep thought process and the application of their knowledge reflect the content of the cognitive-speech development program.

Riddles about natural phenomena, about extraordinary properties that we do not notice in everyday life, but for children this is a whole discovery. Winter glass Flowed in the spring. Answer: ice Fluffy carpet Not woven with hands, Not sewn with silk. In the sun, in the month Silver shines. Answer: snow They grow green They fall, they turn yellow They lie down, they turn black Answer: (leaves)

For older preschoolers, riddles withpossible multiple correct answerswhere evidence-based speech can develop in the discussion. Brother and brother sit side by side all their lives, they see the white light, but they don’t see each other. Answer: eyes There is a bathhouse in the belly, a sieve in the nose, a navel on the head, a hand on the back. Answer: kettle. The riddle for older children can be used both as part of a lesson and as a whole lesson. For example, riddles that give an idea of ​​the multi-valued meaning of a word carry so much information that playing it will take the whole lesson. Guess what word each tailor has? The hedgehog wears this word instead of a fur coat on his back. This word will come to me along with the New Year's tree. Answer: needle Such riddles will certainly find their continuation in the visual activity of children. In working with riddles, it is not so important how quickly the children will guess it, the main thing is to interest the children, involve them in the process of comparison, comparison, discussion and search for a clue. Questions, disputes, assumptions - this is the development of speech, creative imagination, figurative thinking.

Method of working with riddles

Teaching children to solve riddles requires a lot of patience and preparatory work. Learning to guess riddles does not begin with their guessing, but with the cultivation of the ability to observe life, perceive objects and phenomena from different angles, see the world in various connections and dependencies, in colors, sounds, movement and change. The development of all the mental processes of a preschooler is the basis for guessing a riddle, and the preliminary acquaintance of children with the objects and phenomena that will be discussed is the main condition for understanding and correctly guessing the riddle.

It is also necessary to know the main mistakes of children when guessing riddles.

Children rush to answer, do not listen to the end, do not remember all the details. In younger preschoolers, attention is often attracted to some bright object, already well known, and the thread of attention is torn. Children single out several secondary objects at once, but miss the main feature. Children consciously skip one of the signs named in the riddle, replacing it with their own, as it seems to them, true and, as it were, adjust to the answer, distorting it.

Consultation for parents "Fairy tale therapy" in the classroom for the development of speech"

fairy tale therapy - this is a young promising trend, actively used in the work of teachers to solve numerous problems in the life of a child.

Fairy tale therapy for preschoolers is a modern tool widely used by teachers to solve various problems. Playing out situations with your favorite fairy tale characters makes it easy to achieve remarkable results in the field of psychology, development and education of children.. A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows!This expression is familiar to every person since childhood. A fairy tale is one of the first types of artistic creativity that a child gets acquainted with. Probably, there is not a single kid who would be indifferent to a fairy tale. And adults are happy to plunge into its miraculous and bewitching world. Any fairy tale, even the simplest, carries a certain experience of generations, the wisdom of ancestors, deep meaning and developing potential. The fairy tale not only helps the child to look at the complex relationships, behavior, actions of fairy-tale characters from the outside, but also to draw correct assessments and conclusions based on this and, most importantly, to implement them in everyday life. At present, a fairy tale has become increasingly used as a therapeutic tool, which is designed to solve a number of versatile tasks: enriching the inner world of a child, determining a model of behavior and finding a way out of a problem situation (relationships between peers, parents and children, etc.), correction mental and emotional-volitional spheres, speech development, etc. In what cases is fairy tale therapy used for preschoolers? Fairy tale therapy can be used in relation to any normally developing child of preschool age. At the same time, this type of therapy also creates conditions for working with children with behavioral disorders, especially in psychophysical and emotional-volitional development. These are children with impaired hearing, vision, intellectual disability, speech, autism spectrum, etc.

What types of fairy tales are used as materials for therapy? Developing and educational fairy tales, allowing the child to gain experience about the surrounding objects and phenomena, the rules of behavior in various situations (public places and in relation to people of different ages), master writing and reading.

For example, this group includes fairy tales in which numbers and letters can be animated. Folk artistic tales that contribute to the education of moral and aesthetic feelings: mutual assistance, support, empathy, sympathy, duty, responsibility, etc. Thus, the fairy tale "Turnip" clearly reflects the fact that the help and support of other people make it possible to achieve a goal that is beyond one's strength to one person.

Diagnostic tales that allow you to determine the nature of the child and his attitude to what surrounds him. For example, if a girl prefers fairy tales where the main character is a cowardly bunny, then we can assume that she is quite shy, calm and, possibly, timid. Psychological fairy tales create specific conditions for the child, which contribute to overcoming common fears together with the hero, adequate experience of feelings of failure and victory, gaining self-confidence, etc. The absence of evil heroes, conflict situations, the struggle between good and evil allows one more group of fairy tales - meditative fairy tales , create an atmosphere of positive, calm, comfort, relaxation, stress relief and excitement.

Rules for organizing fairy tale therapy for preschoolers:

A simple reading of a fairy tale does not carry a therapeutic load. It is necessary to beat, stage, carefully analyze, make assessments and conclusions on its content; The content of the fairy tale should correspond to the age, needs and abilities of the child; The content of the tale and the methodological techniques used for its analysis should fully solve the problem; The transfer of knowledge, rules of conduct to the child, smoothing out the conflict in the process of getting acquainted with the content of the tale and its analysis should take place in an appropriate, unobtrusive, friendly and sincere atmosphere; Acquaintance of a child with a fairy tale should be dosed. At first, it may just be looking at illustrations for a fairy tale and getting to know its heroes. Then a description and analysis of the actions of the characters. After that, the expression of one's attitude to the heroes of the fairy tale and their actions, as well as the definition of the correct model of behavior.

The essence of the method- the use of fairy tales as a working tool.

During the game, the child takes on the role of a hero, interacts more easily with adults and children around him.

The fairy tale helps the child to understand more deeply the behavior and actions of people.

On their own experience, the child can feel what is “bad” and what is “good”.

Fairy tale therapy produces a strong healing effect on children with speech disabilities. Immersion in the fairy-tale world allows the child to use the speech apparatus much more actively.

In normal communication in the family, the child gets used to using only a small amount of words, intonations and expressions. In such a situation, the volume of words and expressions used quickly becomes poorer, making the child’s intellect and speech inexpressive and boring.

On the contrary, in the fairy tale therapy classes, the child, imitating the heroes, often uses bright, beautiful speech turns. This provides an excellent opportunity to master the native language.

The teacher takes a fairy tale as an assistant, because it is rich in lively beautiful turns, apt comparisons.

A fairy tale can be chosen for any most difficult situation, in a playful manner, we can unobtrusively teach a child the norms of behavior recognized in society, moral precepts.

Under the influence of fairy tale therapy, the child corrects his behavior gently and without shocks.

In children with severe speech disorders, there is a persistent defect in the pronunciation of sound. To obtain a positive result in classes with such children, it is necessary to repeatedly repeat speech formulas, words, and individual phrases.

In addition, children with speech development disorders often have personality deviations, which are expressed in increased aggressiveness, isolation, and negativism.

Often, an experienced teacher has to change the content of a fairy tale due to an inadequate reaction of one of the children to what was said or seen. Reacting to the mood of the kids, sometimes it is necessary to change the course of events in a fairy tale or add an additional unexpected hero.

All this can be done during the dramatization of a fairy tale or a simple storytelling.

During the game, children are happy to memorize small rhymes and rhyming phrases and subsequently, often repeat them, thereby training their speech apparatus.

A fairy tale, experienced from one's own experience, leaves an indelible impression in the child's memory, a feeling of a miracle and a holiday experienced.

A fairy tale in which good is stronger than evil, where the old becomes young, the sick becomes healthy, gives the child a sense of inner security.

To work with young children, they use simple fairy tales about human interactions with wildlife, animals, birds.

Living the plot of a fairy tale, the child learns to overcome the barriers of communication with other children, finds an adequate bodily expression of emotions and feelings.

During the game, the baby dumps the fears that lurk in his subconscious, self-doubt, aggression.

Reminder for parents:

"Dramatic games as a means of developing children's speech"

Theatrical activity is based on theatrical art, which is synthetic (combining all types of art: the artistic word, music, plastic arts, decorative and artistic design).

Dramatization games are one of the forms of theatrical activity. Dramatization games include staging of songs, staging of fairy tales, staging of literary texts, staging of nursery rhymes, children's play creativity.

Dramatization games are a form of a child's activity in preschool childhood. Therefore, theatrical art is close and understandable to children. A literary work or a fairy tale always has a moral orientation (friendship, kindness, honesty, courage, etc.)

Thanks to a fairy tale, a child learns the world not only with his mind, but also with his heart, expresses his own attitude towards good and evil. Favorite characters become role models and identifications. In the process of working on the expressiveness of the characters' replicas, the vocabulary is imperceptibly activated, the sound culture of speech and its intonational structure are being improved. The spoken remarks put him in front of the need to correctly express himself. Improved dialogical speech, its grammatical structure. Theatrical activity is aimed at developing children's sensations, feelings and emotions, thinking, imagination, fantasy, attention, memory, will, as well as many skills and abilities (speech, communication, organizational, design, motor).

Games for home:

A game-imitation of individual actions of a person, animals and birds (children woke up, stretched, sparrows flap their wings) and imitation of basic human emotions (the sun came out - the children were delighted: they smiled, clapped their hands, jumped in place).

A game-imitation of a chain of successive actions in combination with the transfer of the main emotions of the hero (merry nesting dolls clapped their hands and began to dance; the bunny saw a fox, got scared and jumped behind a tree).

A game-imitation of well-known fairy-tale characters (a clumsy bear goes to the house, a brave cockerel walks along the path).

An improvisation game to the music (“Merry rain”, “Leaves fly in the wind and fall on the path”, “Round dance around the Christmas tree”).

One-dark wordless game-improvisation with one character based on the texts of poems and jokes that the teacher reads (“Katya, Katya is little ...”, “Hare, dance ...”, V. Berestov “Sick doll”, A. Barto “Snow, snow”) .

An improvisation game based on the texts of short fairy tales, stories and poems that the teacher tells (3. Alexandrova "Herringbone"; K. Ushinsky "Cockerel with the family", "Vaska"; N. Pavlova "In the car", "Strawberry"; E. Charushin "Duck with ducklings").

Role dialogue of the heroes of fairy tales ("Mitten", "Zayushkina hut", "Three bears").

Staging fragments of fairy tales about animals ("Teremok", "Cat, Rooster and Fox").

A single-dark play-dramatization with several characters based on folk tales (“Gingerbread Man”, “Turnip”) and author's texts (V. Suteev “Under the Mushroom”, K. Chukovsky “Chicken”).

Learn by playing!!!

Reminder for parents

On the development of children's speech.

  1. As a general rule, the more you talk to your child, the more he will learn.
  2. Continue and complete what the child has said - make his sentences common.
  3. Never correct a child's speech. Just repeat the same phrase correctly.
  4. Make sure your child has new experiences to talk about.
  5. Encourage your child to ask questions and never leave them unanswered.
  6. Do not interrupt the child, do not turn away until the child has finished talking - in other words, do not let anyone suspect that you are not interested in what he is talking about.
  7. Let the child sort through cereals, play with buttons, small toys - this develops fingers, and therefore speech.
  8. Draw children's attention to sounds and noises from the street, from another room, from the kitchen. This develops phonemic (speech) hearing.
  9. Limit your TV viewing time. It is better to watch TV with your child and discuss with him his impressions of what he saw.

10. Read fiction with your child - this teaches the child to listen, be diligent, talk about what you read.

11. Do not criticize the child even in private, especially if you do not do it in the presence of strangers.

12. Do not compare your child with other children.

13. Play different games with your child.

14. Problems of fathers and children do not happen where parents and children are friends and do something together.


The main task of working with children of senior preschool age is to masterphonetic side of speechand the correct pronunciation of all the sounds of the native language is the further improvement of speech hearing, the consolidation of the skills of clear, correct, expressive speech.
Children can already clearly differentiate what a sound, word, sentence is. To work out diction, voice power, tempo of speech, tongue twisters, tongue twisters, riddles, nursery rhymes, poems are used.

  • "What is a sound, a word, a sentence?"

Target:clarify children's ideas about the sound and semantic side of the word.

The adult asks: “What sounds do you know? (Vowels - consonants, hard - soft, voiced - deaf.) What is the name of the part of the word? (Syllable.) What does the word ... table mean? (A piece of furniture.)".
Everything that surrounds us has its own name and means something. That's why we say: "What does (or means) the word mean?" The word sounds and names all objects around, names, animals, plants.
- What is the name? How do we distinguish each other? By names. Name your parents, relatives and friends. We have a cat and a dog in our house. What are their names? People have names, and animals have ... (nicknames).
Each thing has its own name, name. Let's look around and say: what can move? what can sound? what can you sit on? sleep? ride?
- Think about why they call it that: “vacuum cleaner”, “jump rope”, “airplane”, “scooter”, “meat grinder”? From these words it is clear what they are for.
- Each letter also has its own name. What letters do you know? How is a letter different from a sound? (The letter is written and read, the sound is pronounced.) From letters we add syllables and words.
- What are the names of children that begin with the vowel sound “a” (Anya, Andrey, Anton, Alyosha). And with what sound do the names Ira, Igor, Inna begin? Pick up the names that start with a hard consonant (Roma, Natasha, Raya, Stas, Volodya), with a soft consonant (Liza, Kirill, Lenya, Lena, Mitya, Lyuba).
- We will play with words and find out what they mean, how they sound, what sound they begin with.

  • "Find the Sound"

Target:find words with one and two syllables.

- Find words with one and two syllables. How many syllables are in the word chicken? (The word "beetle" consists of one syllable, "fur coat", "hat", "toad", "fence", "heron" - from two, "chicken" - from three.)
What words start with the same sound? Name these sounds.
(The words "hat" and "fur coat" begin with the sound "Sh", the words "beetle" and "toad" - with the sound "F", the words "fence", "castle" - with the sound "Z", the words "chicken" , "heron" - from the sound "C".)
- Name vegetables, fruits and berries with the sounds "P" (carrots, grapes, pear, peach, pomegranate, currant), "Pb" (pepper, turnip, radish, tangerine, cherry, apricot), "L" (eggplant, apple , dogwood), "L" (raspberry, lemon, orange, plum).

  • "Picture - basket"

Target:find words with three syllables, select words that sound similar.

Together with the child, an adult examines the drawing, which depicts: a picture, a rocket, a frog.
- How many syllables are in the words "picture", "frog", "rocket"? (Three.)
- Choose words similar in sound to these words: “picture” (basket, car), “frog” (pillow, tub), “rocket” (candy, cutlet), “helicopter” (airplane), “birch” (mimosa) ).
- What does a frog do (jumps, swims), a rocket (flies, rushes), a picture (hangs)?
The child pronounces all the words and says that each of these words has three syllables.

  • "Let's go, fly, swim"

Target:teach children to find a given sound at the beginning, middle and end of a word.

There are six pictures in the figure depicting transport: a helicopter, an airplane, a bus, a trolleybus, a motor ship, a tram (Fig. 4).
- Name all the objects in one word. (Transport.)
- How many syllables are in these words? (All words, except for the word "tram", have three syllables.) What sound is found in all these words (at the beginning, middle, end of the word)? (The sound "T" is found at the beginning of the words "trolleybus", "motor ship", "tram", in the middle of the words "helicopter", "bus", at the end of the words "helicopter", "airplane".)
- Make a sentence with any word ("The plane flies fast").
- Tell me, what flies? (Airplane, helicopter.) What is going? (Bus,
trolleybus,tram.) What floats? (Motor ship.)
- Guess by the first and last sound what type of transport I have in mind: T-C (trolleybus), A-C (bus), C-T (airplane), B-T (helicopter), M-O (metro), T -I (taxi).

Older preschoolers learn to select not only words that are similar in sound, but also whole phrases that rhythmically and intonationally continue the given sentence: “Bunny, bunny, where did you walk?” (He danced in the clearing.) “Where did you jump, squirrel?” (I was picking nuts.) “Hey, animals, where have you been?” (We carried mushrooms to hedgehogs.) They learn to change the volume of their voice, the pace of speech, depending on the conditions of communication, on the content of the statement. Children are offered to pronounce tongue twisters or couplets invented by themselves, not only clearly and distinctly, but also with varying degrees of volume (whisper, in an undertone, loudly) and speed (slowly, moderately, quickly). These tasks can be performed in parallel and vary (for example, say a phrase loudly and slowly, in a whisper and quickly). Special tasks encourage children to use interrogative, exclamatory and narrative intonation, and this skill is necessary for them when building a coherent statement.
Work continues with older preschoolers to enrich, clarify and activate the dictionary. Much attention is paid to the development of children's skills to generalize, compare, contrast. The dictionary introduces words denoting the material from which the object is made (“wood”, “metal”, “plastic”, “glass”), riddles and descriptions of objects, their properties, qualities and actions are widely used. Particular attention is paid to the work on the semantic side of the word, the expansion of the stock of synonyms and antonyms, polysemantic words, the ability to use words that are most appropriate to the situation is formed.

  • "What do you see around?"

Target:clarify children's ideas about the name of objects.

- Name the objects that you see around. How do we distinguish one item from another? (They sit at the table, study, eat, sit on a chair.)
- If two girls stand in front of you, both in red dresses, with white bows. How do we distinguish them? (By name.)
- What do the words ... "ball", "doll", "pen" mean?
- I have in my hand ... a pen. What are they doing to her? (They write.) The door also has a handle. Why are these objects called by the same word? (They are held by hands.) What does the word "pen" mean for this object? (They write with it.) And what does the word “handle” mean (we point to the doorknob)? (“They open and close the door.”)
- Can you name words that do not mean anything? Listen to Irina Tokmakova's poem "Plym":

A spoon is a spoon. And I came up with a word.
They eat soup with a spoon. Funny word - plim.
A cat is a cat. I repeat again -
The cat has seven kittens. Plym, plym, plym.
A rag is a rag. Here he jumps and jumps -
Wipe the table with a rag. Plym, plym, plym.
A hat is a hat. And don't mean a thing
I got dressed and went. Plym, plym, plym.

- Come up with such words that do not mean anything (tram-tatam, tuturu).

Working with synonymspromotes children's understanding of the ability to select different words with a similar meaning and the formation of skills to use them in their speech. Choosing words that are close in meaning to the phrase (cheerful boy - joyful; the train is coming - moving; Masha and Sasha are children, friends), to a certain situation (at a birthday party they are having fun, rejoice), to an isolated word (smart - sensible; old - dilapidated), children learn the accuracy of word usage, depending on the context. When composing sentences with words of a synonymous series, denoting an increase in actions (whispers, speaks, shouts), children are aware of the shades of the meanings of verbs.

  • "Tell me what"

Target:name the signs of the object and action; enrich speech with adjectives and verbs; choose words that are close in meaning.

- When we want to talk about an object, what is it, what words do we call it?
- Listen to M. Shchelovanova's poem "Morning":

What is this morning? Today there will be no sun
Today is a bad morning, today there will be no sun,
Today is a boring morning, today will be gloomy,
And it looks like it's going to rain. Grey, cloudy day.
- Why bad morning? Why won't there be sun?
Today is a good morning, there will probably be sunshine,
Today is a fun morning, there will definitely be sun
And the clouds go away. And a cool blue shadow.

- What is this poem about? (About a sunny and cloudy morning.) As it is said about the first day in the poem, what is it like? (Gloomy, gray.) How to say in other words about this day? Choose words that are close in meaning (rainy, sad, boring, unfriendly). And if the morning is sunny, how else can you say what it is? Choose words that are close in meaning (cheerful, joyful, blue,
cloudless). What else can be gloomy? (Mood, weather, sky, person.) What can be sunny?
- There are also words that call what a person does, what can be done with this or that object. If a person frowns, how to say it differently? (Sad, sad, upset, offended.)
- And there are such words and expressions that express the meaning not quite accurately. I heard other children say: “Dad, go in a whisper”, “I woke up my sister”, “I put on my shoes inside out”. Is it possible to say so? How to say it right?

  • "Find the exact word"

Target:teach children to accurately name the object, its qualities and actions.

- Find out what subject I'm talking about: "Round, sweet, ruddy - what is it?" Items can differ from each other not only in taste, but also in size, color, shape.
- Supplement in other words what I will start: the snow is white, cold ... (what else?). Sugar is sweet, and lemon ... (sour). In spring, the weather is warm, and in winter ... (cold).
- Name what things in the room are round, high, low.
- Remember which of the animals moves. Crow ... (flies), fish ... (swims), grasshopper ... (jumps), already ... (crawls). Which animal gives a voice? A rooster... (crowing), a tiger... (roaring), a mouse... (squeaking), a cow... (mooing).
- Help me find words that are opposite in meaning in D. Ciardi's poem "The Farewell Game":

I will say the word high, I will tell you the word coward,
And you will answer ... (low). You will answer ... (brave).
I will say a word far, Now I will say the beginning -
And you will answer ... (close). Well, answer ... (end).

Now you can think of words that are opposite in meaning.

Older preschoolers can distinguishwords that reflect the nature of the movement(run - rush; came - dragged along) or the meaning of adjectives of an evaluative nature (smart - reasonable; old - decrepit; timid - cowardly).
An important place in the development of the dictionary is occupied by work on antonyms, as a result of which children learn to compare objects and phenomena according to temporal and spatial relationships (in size, color, weight, quality). They select words that are opposite in meaning to phrases (old house - new, old man - young), to
isolated words (light - heavy), or finish the sentence started by the teacher: "One loses, the other ... (finds)".

  • "High Low"

Target:learn to compare objects and find words that are opposite in meaning.

For this game, you need to pick up pictures: a tall Christmas tree, a long pencil, a wide ribbon, a deep bowl of soup, a cheerful face of a girl (laughs or smiles), a boy in soiled clothes, as well as: a small Christmas tree, a short pencil, a narrow ribbon, a sad face of a girl , a boy in clean clothes, a small plate (Fig. 5).
- Look at the pictures. Name words that are opposite in meaning. Say the difference between similar faces and objects.
High - low (Christmas tree - Christmas tree), long - short (pencil), wide - narrow (ribbon), sad - cheerful (girl's face), deep - shallow (plate), clean - dirty (boy).
In the next picture: a big house and a small house, a river - a stream, strawberries - strawberries.
- What do you see in these pictures? Make sentences with words that are opposite in meaning. (“I drew a big house and a small house.” “The river is deep, but the stream is shallow.” “The berries of strawberries are large, and those of strawberries are small.”)
- Listen to an excerpt from Silva Kaputikyan's poem "Masha is having lunch":

... There is no refusal to anyone,
Dinner served to everyone:
Doggy - in a bowl,
In a saucer - pussy,
Laying hen -
Millet in a skull
And Masha - in a plate,
Deep, not shallow.

What is deep and shallow? How do you understand the expression: a deep river (has great depth); deep secret (hidden); deep feeling (strong); shallow river (has a shallow depth); light rain (mild); fine sand (medium-sized).

  • "Is this true or not?"

Target:find inaccuracies in the text.

- Listen to L. Stanchev's poem "Is it true or not?". You need to listen carefully, then you can notice what does not happen in the world.

Warm spring now
Our grapes are ripe.
Horned horse in the meadow
Jumping in the snow in summer.
Late autumn bear
Likes to sit in the river.
And in winter among the branches
"Ha-ha-ha!" - sang the nightingale.

- Quickly give me the answer: is it true or not?
- Listen to what other children said, think about whether it is possible to say so, and tell me how to say it correctly:
“Aunt, look: the horse has two tails - one on the head, the other on the back”; “Daddy, it’s the horse’s soles that are knocked out”; “Dad, they sawed firewood here recently: there are sawmills lying around in the snow”; “I opened my eyes a little and looked in a whisper”; "Mommy, I love you loudly, loudly."
- Can you come up with fables or confusions for other children or adults to unravel.

  • "Find another word"

Target:describe the situation accurately; choose synonyms and antonyms.

- Dad decided to make a swing for the children, Misha brought him a rope. "No, this rope is no good, it will break." Misha brought him another one. “But this one won’t break for anything.” What rope did Misha bring first? (Thin, dilapidated.) And then? (Strong, strong.)
- Dad did the swing in the summer. But then came ... winter. Misha grew up as a strong boy (healthy, strong). He went out to skate and felt hard ice under his feet. How to say differently? (Strong, not fragile.) The frost grew stronger (became stronger).
- How do you understand the expression "hard nut"? (It is difficult to break it, to break it.) They say this not only about nuts, but also about people who cannot be broken by any adversity. They say about them: “strong in spirit” (meaning a strong, persistent person).
- Explain what the words mean: “strong fabric” (strong), “strong sleep” (deep), “strong tea” (very strong, not diluted with boiling water). What expressions with the word "strong" did you meet in fairy tales and in which ones? (In the fairy tale “Kids and the Wolf”, the goat tightly (very strictly) ordered the children to firmly (very tightly) lock the door.)
- Think of sentences with the word "strong".
- I will call you words, and you will tell me words with the opposite meaning: long, deep, soft, light, thin, thick, strong; talk, laugh, fall, laugh, run.
Think of a story that contains words that are opposite in meaning. You can take the words that we just called.

  • "Say one word"

Target:find words that accurately assess the situation.

- The student solved the problem and could not solve it in any way. He thought for a long time, but still decided it! What task did he get? (Difficult, difficult, difficult.) Which of these words is the most accurate? (Difficult.) What are we talking about heavy, heavy, heavy? Replace the expressions: heavy load (having a lot of weight), heavy sleep (restless), heavy air (unpleasant), severe wound (dangerous, serious), heavy feeling (painful, sorrowful), heavy on the rise (hard to decide on something ), severe punishment (severe).
- How do you understand the expressions “hard work” (it requires a lot of work), “hard day” (not easy), “difficult child” (hard to educate). What other expressions with this word have you heard?
- Listen to E. Serova's poem "Tell me a word." You will tell me the right words.

The verse flowed smoothly, smoothly, I say to my brother: “Oh!
Suddenly he stumbled and fell silent. Peas are falling from the sky!”
He waits and sighs: “Here’s an eccentric,” the brother laughs,
Words are missing. Your peas - after all, this is ... (hail) ".
To go on a good journey again From whom, my friends,
The verse flowed like a river, Can't you run away?
Help him just a little, Persistent on a clear day
Suggest a word. Wandering next to us ... (shadow).

- Think up a story so that it contains such words: “big”, “huge”, “huge”; "small", "tiny", "tiny"; "runs", "rushes", "rushes"; "goes", "weaves", "drags".
Developing children's understanding of the meanings of polysemantic words of different parts of speech ("lightning", "faucet", "leaf"; "pour", "swim"; "full", "sharp", "heavy"), we teach them to combine words by meaning according to the context.

Older preschoolers continue to be taught those grammatical forms, the assimilation of which causes them difficulties: the agreement of adjectives and nouns (especially in the middle gender), the formation of difficult forms of the verb (in the imperative and subjunctive mood).
It is necessary to give the child a complete orientation in the typical ways of inflection and word formation, to cultivate a linguistic flair, an attentive attitude to the language, its grammatical structure, a critical attitude towards one's own and other people's speech, and the desire to speak correctly.
Children develop the ability to choose a word-formation pair from a number of words (those words that have a common part - “teaches”, “book”, “pen”, “teacher”; “story”, “interesting”, “tell”) or form word according to the model: cheerful - fun; fast... (quick), loud... (loud).
Children find related words in context. For example, with the word “yellow”: “There are (yellow) flowers growing in the garden. Grass begins in autumn ... (turn yellow). The leaves on the trees... (turn yellow)."
Children develop the ability to form nouns with magnifying, diminutive, affectionate suffixes and understand the difference in the semantic shades of the word: birch - birch - birch; book - booklet - booklet. Distinguishing the semantic shades of verbs (ran - ran - ran) and adjectives (smart - smartest, bad - inferior, full - plump) develops the ability to accurately and appropriately use these words in different types of statements.

  • "Who's Who"

Target:correlate the name of animals and their cubs, select actions for the name of animals.

The child examines the drawings (Fig. 6) - animals with cubs: a chicken and a chicken peck grains (or drink water), a cat and a kitten lap milk (option - play with a ball), a dog and a puppy gnaw a bone (option - bark), a cow and a calf they nibble grass (option - lowing), the horse and foal chew hay (option - jump), duck and duckling swim (quack).
- Name the animals and their babies.
- Pick up definitions for the names of baby animals: tell me which chicken (cat, dog, cow, duck, horse), which chicken (kitten, puppy, calf, foal, duckling)?

  • "One is Many"

Target:exercise in the formation of the plural and the correct use of words in the genitive case; select definitions and actions for words; find the first sound in words, determine the number of syllables, select words that are similar in sound.

- This is a ball, and this is ... (balls). There are many ... (balls). What balls? (Red, blue, green.) How can one say in one word that all the balls are of different colors? (Multicolored.)
- This is a poppy, and this is ... (poppies). There are a lot of ... (poppies) in the bouquet. What are they?
(Red.) What else is red? How do you understand the expression "red girl"? Where is this expression found? What fairy tales?
- Guess the riddle: “Grandfather is sitting, dressed in a hundred fur coats. Whoever undresses him sheds tears.” This is ... (bow). What is he? (Yellow, juicy, bitter, healthy.) Is there a lot in the basket? (Luke.)
- What is it? What is there a lot?
- And if all the objects disappear, how do we say what is gone? (Eagle, saws, bears, mice, cones, spoons, legs, cats.)

Particular attention is paid to the syntactic side of speech - the ability to build not only simple common, but also complex sentences of various types. For this, exercises are carried out to distribute and supplement the sentences started by the teacher (“The children went to the forest so that ... They ended up where ...”).
The formation of the syntactic side of children's speech, a variety of syntactic constructions, is necessary for the development of coherent speech.
In retelling literary works (a fairy tale or a story), children learn to coherently, consistently and expressively convey the finished text without the help of an adult, conveying intonation the dialogue of the characters and characterization of the characters.
In storytelling based on a picture, the ability to independently compose a descriptive or narrative story based on its content involves indicating the place and time of the action, inventing events that precede and follow the depicted one.
Storytelling through a series of plot pictures forms in children the ability to develop a storyline, come up with a name for a story in accordance with the content, combine individual sentences and parts of a statement into a narrative text. In talking about toys (or a set of toys), children are taught to compose stories and fairy tales, observing the composition and expressive presentation of the text. Choosing the appropriate characters for storytelling, children give their description and characteristics.
With children of older preschool age, learning to tell from personal experience continues, and these can be statements of various types - descriptions, narratives, reasoning.

  • "Make a Description"

Target:to teach children to describe an object, naming its signs, qualities, actions.

- Describe the berry or fruit that you love the most, and we will guess. ("It's round, red, juicy, delicious - it's my favorite ... tomato"; "It's maroon in color, and inside it has many, many different grains, sweet and ripe, this is my favorite fruit ... pomegranate" .)
Here is an example of classes where all speech tasks are closely intertwined:
education of the sound culture of speech, vocabulary work, the formation of the grammatical structure of speech and the development of coherent speech.

  • "Make up a story"

Target:to teach children to understand the figurative meaning of words and expressions, which, depending on the phrases, change their meaning, and to transfer them into a coherent statement.

- Finish the sentence:

1. The pillow is soft, and the bench ... (hard).
Plasticine is soft, and the stone ... (hard).

2. The stream is shallow, and the river ... (deep).
Currant berries are small, and strawberries ... (large).

3. Porridge is boiled thick, and soup ... (liquid).
The forest is dense, and sometimes ... (rare).

4. After the rain, the earth is damp, and in sunny weather ... (dry).
We buy raw potatoes, and eat ... (boiled).

5. We bought fresh bread, and the next day it became ... (stale).
In the summer we ate fresh cucumbers, and in the winter ... (salted).
Now the collar is fresh, and tomorrow it will be ... (dirty).

- Explain how you understand these expressions: the rain was mischievous; the forest is dormant; the house is growing; streams run; the song flows.
- How to say in another way: evil winter (very cold); prickly wind (harsh); light breeze (cool); golden hands (everyone knows how to do beautifully); golden hair (beautiful, shiny)?
- Where did you meet the expression "evil winter"? (In fairy tales.) To whom does the word "evil" refer? (Evil stepmother, evil witch, evil Baba Yaga.)
- Come up with a folding ending to the phrases: “Teddy bear, where did you walk? (I was looking for honey on a tree.) Bear cubs, where have you been? (We went to the forest for raspberries, we wandered in the clearing.) The teddy bear was looking for honey (and lost his brother).
- Come up with a story about two cubs, and I will write it down, then we will read it to dad (grandmother, sister).

  • "Tell me more"

Target:to develop the accuracy of word usage in coherent narrative stories.

- Listen to what I'll tell you. Where I stop, you will help me: choose words and make sentences.

Once upon a time there were three brothers: the wind, the breeze and the wind. The wind says: “I am the most important!” What could be the wind? (Strong, sharp, impetuous, cold ...) The windmill did not agree with his brother: “No, I am the most important, my name is the windfall!” What kind of wind? (Mighty, evil, harsh, icy.) The breeze listened to them and thought: “What am I?” (Light, gentle, pleasant, affectionate ...) The brothers argued for a long time, but they did not find out anything. They decided to measure their strength. Wind started to blow. What happened? (The trees swayed, the grass bent down to the ground.) What was the wind doing? (He blew, rushed, buzzed, grumbled.) The wind blew. What did he do? (He blew strongly, howled, howled, rushed swiftly.) What happened after that? (The branches near the trees broke, the grass died, the clouds came running, the birds and animals hid.) And then a breeze blew. What did he do (blew gently and gently, rustled leaves, played pranks, swayed twigs). What happened in nature? (The leaves rustled, the birds sang, it became cool and pleasant.)

- Come up with a fairy tale about the wind, breeze or wind. It is possible about all at once. Who can they be in a fairy tale? (Brothers, rivals, friends, comrades.) What can they do? (Be friends, measure strength, argue, talk.)

All these exercises, games, activities can be repeated so that children learn that words matter, can change. They sound different. If the child completes all the tasks correctly, it means that he has a high level of speech development and is well prepared for school.


Fig 1.

Fig 2

Rice. 3

Rice. four

Rice. 5

Rice. 6

Marina Vygetova
Self-education work plan Topic: "Development of coherent speech of preschool children"

Relevance of the topic:

Currently in connections with the introduction of federal state requirements, the problem of speech development of preschool children.

Development of coherent speech the child is the most important condition for his full-fledged speech and general mental development, since language and speech perform a mental function in development thinking and verbal communication planning and organization of the child's activities, self-organization of behavior, in the formation of social connections. Language and speech are the main means of manifestation of the most important mental processes of memory, perception, thinking, as well as development of other areas: communicative and emotional-volitional. The speech of the child is a key moment in his development. This is the reason for choosing my topic.

Student success in coherent speech provide for the future and to a greater extent determine success when entering school, contribute to the formation of a full reading skill and improve spelling literacy. As a teacher, this is very important to me. After all speech development work is the ability to choose the right words and use them correctly in speeches, build sentences and coherent speech.

As practice has shown, children are very fond of creativity, as well as independence and the ability to compose and tell friends.

I strive for the children to show their attitude to what they saw, what they especially liked, what interested them and why, what conclusions they made. All this prompted me to pay much more attention the development of coherent speech in children.

self-education teacher is included in the mandatory part of the additional teacher development. Without daily self-education there are no daily positive results, both on the part of the teacher and on the part of children.

Topic« The development of coherent speech of preschool age» chosen by me, allows me to explore the relevance of using various techniques, both in the classroom and in independent activities of children.

At the development of coherent speech in children, it is important to properly systematize educational work, reflecting the effectiveness of this activity, allowing work out the prospect of further communication, work with the children of my group.

Actively influence the comprehensive child development- has become an important task of my self-education on the above topic.

Working on a chosen topic, I enrich myself and enrich children new ideas and concepts, thereby activating the mental and conversational activity of pupils.

AT plan contained a program of my methodological activities for the past, present and future academic year. Based on this, your work I divided it into steps.

I decided to analyze the psychological and pedagogical literature on this topic. I worked on it every day, exploring the effectiveness of using various techniques in the process development of coherent speech in children, thus my self-education happened regularly.

Having justified my choice, I chose this topic for self-education and work with children.

I conducted a fruitful, thorough preliminary work to the beginning of self-education.

I reviewed several programs from experience work teachers and got acquainted with the methodology of their implementation. I have considered methodological recommendations for a number of programs in their direction and taken into account and taken into account.

I tried to put theory into practice working with children. Various forms of interaction with children were chosen me: in the classroom, outside the classroom, in joint activities with children. Own methodological developments made during work on the above topic, helped me to approach this topic in more depth. Drawing conclusions about the positive dynamics development in children, I continued to study in more depth the effect of different techniques on speech development in children. I thought about the prospects for further related work how can it be improved work? Carried out the results for myself self-education.

In preparation self-education plan I had a lot of questions. The first problem I faced was choosing a theme. The topic I chose on one's own. It was important for me to decide how I I will plan my development and self-education this year on this topic, taking into account the results last year's development. Analyzing your work with children, substantiating its relevance and practical significance for improving the educational process, I decided to choose this topic.

I scheduled work over the topic for several years. In the future, I intend to refine the old theme every subsequent year, introducing new ideas into it, work in accordance with the age of children. I am sure that my chosen topic raised topical issues preschool education.

During this time, I tried to increase my own level of knowledge by studying the necessary literature, sharing my experience work educators of other groups, listened to the reports and speeches of my colleagues at meetings and pedagogical councils held at MBDOU No. 19.

Having developed a long-term plan for working with children, prepared for myself diagnostics at the beginning and end of the school year.

By organizing work with children during joint activities, outlining for myself what I owe more work, day by day I drew the appropriate conclusions and tried self-educate.

During the last academic year, I prepared didactic material on various topics. Entertaining didactic tasks were made, educational cards, scheme. Cards with tasks for the formation of a recreative and creative imagination in speech activity were made. In this work partially connected children, the parents themselves, students - trainees.

Together with the parent committee, we designed flip-books, storage folders, demonstration material, supplementing our knowledge with new information.

I made a progress report work for the last academic year at the parent meeting and intends to continue this work, but with more significant additions.

Setting a goal - to increase my theoretical level, professional skills and competence on this topic, I studied methodological literature on this topic, studied articles and journals

"Educator of preschool educational institution", « preschool education» . The use of the methodology in the classroom, in free activities, in the game, in individual work, in joint activities with children allowed me to study the methodology and technologies of teachers from other regions in depth.

At a group meeting with parents, the issue was discussed on the topic "Your Child's Speech". Consultation with parents allowed me to continue work in this direction. I applied my acquired knowledge in this area to child development, and having made the appropriate conclusions for herself, she continued to equip the group in detail - development environment.

Efficiency work the teacher largely depends on his experience, the available material base, both in kindergarten and in the group. So I had to choose topics many didactic games, plot pictures, thematic and visually - demonstration cards.

I made handouts for classes, games.

Through the activities entertainment, production of visual - illustrative material, consultations for parents, messages at the parent meeting, I managed to understand the importance of this topic.

For this reason, it is important to remember that self-education educator is not a boring filling out of reports and papers, but one of the necessary steps for opening a new, priority direction in working with children.

Pedagogical Assessment Card and self-assessment of readiness for self-educational activity(developed by G. M. Kodzhaspirova).

After evaluating myself for each indicator, I determined the level of formation of my skills and abilities self-education. Based on this, I drew the appropriate conclusions for myself.

Motivational component

1. Awareness of the personal and social significance of continuous education in pedagogical activity.

2. The presence of persistent cognitive interests in the field of pedagogy and psychology.

3. Sense of duty and responsibility.

4. Curiosity.

5. The desire to get high marks for your self-educational activities.

6. Need for self-knowledge.

7. Self-confidence.

cognitive component

1. The level of general educational knowledge.

2. The level of general educational skills.

3. The level of pedagogical knowledge and skills.

4. The level of psychological knowledge and skills.

5. The level of methodological knowledge and skills.

6. Level of special knowledge.

Moral-volitional component

1. Positive attitude towards the learning process.

2. Criticality.

3. Independence.

4. Purposefulness.

6. Ability to work.

7. The ability to bring the work started to the end.

8. Courage.

9. Self-criticism.

V. Gnostic Component

1. The ability to set and solve cognitive problems.

2. Flexibility and efficiency of thinking.

3. Observation.

4. Ability for pedagogical analysis.

5. Ability to synthesize and generalize.

6. Creativity and its manifestation in pedagogical activity.

7. Memory and its efficiency.

8. Satisfaction from knowledge.

9. Ability to listen.

10. Ability to master different types of reading.

11. The ability to isolate and assimilate certain content.

12. Ability to prove, justify judgments.

13. systematize, classify.

14. Ability to see contradictions and problems.

15. Ability to transfer knowledge and skills to new situations.

17. Independence of judgments.

V. Organizational component

1. Skill plan time.

2. Skill plan your work.

3. The ability to rebuild the system of activity.

4. Skill work in libraries.

5. Ability to navigate the classification of sources.

6. Ability to use office equipment and a bank of computer information.

V. Ability to self-government in pedagogical activity

1. Self-Assessment of Independence own activities.

2. Ability to introspection.

3. Ability to self-organization.

4. self control.

5. Diligence and diligence.

V. Communication skills

1. Ability to use experience self-educational activities of colleagues.

2. The ability to cooperate and mutual assistance in professional pedagogical self-education.

3. The ability to defend one's point of view and convince others in the process of discussion.

4. The ability to avoid conflicts in the process of joint activities.

Target: Development skills of free communication with adults and children;

Tasks: - improve the dialogical form speeches;

- develop monologue form speeches;

Learn connected, consistently and expressively retell short tales, stories;

Learn to talk about the subject, the content of the plot picture; make up a story using pictures in sequence developing events;

- develop the ability to compose your stories from personal experience.

The form self-education: individual, group.

Actions and activities carried out in the process work on the topic:

study of literature on the topic;

visits to the GCD with educators of their preschool educational institution and the city;

visiting teachers' councils, seminars, conferences;

self-analysis and self-assessment of GCD in their group;

practical output: matinees in front of parents; report and presentation for interns of the Kanash Pedagogical College;

Since 2015, I have gone through the following stages self-education:

Term Topic Content of the work Practical output


2015 Selection and study of literature on the topic; didactic games and exercises; plot pictures; compiling a bibliography. Reminders for Parents on Education coherent speech.

2015 Work

Retelling of a literary tale "Fedorino grief" K. Chukovsky;

"Sparrow" M. Gorky; "Foundling" V. Bianchi;

"Fluff" G. Skrebitsky. Education liaison

Education children planning techniques own retelling;

Activation and enrichment of vocabulary children. Advice for parents on topic:

« Age features of perception of literary works preschoolers and familiarization tasks children with a book».

November December

2015 The development of speech and personality of a preschooler in

fairy tale therapy: "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka", "The Cockerel and the Beanstalk", "Red Riding Hood". Help children imagine their own position in choosing the way to implement actions, the image of a literary character; encourage the ability of expressive transmission in facial expressions and movements of emotional states; develop the ability to make verbal descriptions of the perception of pantomimic studies; step up in speech phraseological units. Consultation for preschool teachers "Fairytale Therapy" in class on speech development».

2015 Work children children research actions when considering a picture; learn children make up a connected a story based on a picture based on an example of a teacher. Replenish and activate vocabulary children. Parents visiting activities of educators and children at work on making up stories from pictures (in joint activity).

2015 Working with riddles. Show the role of the riddle on the formation of expressiveness speeches. Consultation for parents: "The use of riddles as a means of forming expressiveness speeches».

2015 Compilation of riddles. Learn children solve riddles with diagrams. Develop monologue speech children.

Thematic lesson"In the World of Mysteries".

2015 Work in compiling stories based on plot pictures. Learn children examine the picture and highlight its main characteristics; learn children research actions when considering a picture; generate analysis; learn children make up a connected a story based on a picture based on an example of a teacher. Open viewing for students - trainees of the Pedagogical College of Kanash.

2015 Work on the development of speech through theatrical activities. staging fairy tales: "Fox - sister and wolf", "Three pigs". Development of creative independence, aesthetic taste in the transfer of the image; children's speech development, emotional orientation. Disclosure of creative abilities children. Showing a fairy tale "Fox - sister and gray wolf" children on scheduled class.

September 2016 Work over retellings using reference schemes.

Education liaison sequential retelling with visual support in the form of graphic diagrams showing the sequence of events;

Holding thematic lesson.

October-November 2016 Games and exercises for.

(O. S. Ushakova) speeches. Differentiation of sounds, words, sentences. Open lesson for the attestation commission; Preparation of didactic material.

December - January

2016 Work on intonation, diction, expressiveness speeches children recite poems expressively in front of the audience. Get interested in poetry. Replenish and activate in children's speech vocabulary on the topic"Winter".

Matinee dedicated to the New Year.

2016 Work in compiling stories based on plot pictures. Learn children examine the picture and highlight its main characteristics; learn children research actions when considering a picture; develop children's storytelling skills: describe an object, a picture; exercise in compiling stories according to the picture; form analysis, synthesis; learn children make up a connected a story based on a picture based on an example of a teacher. Open viewing for students - trainees of the pedagogical college.

2016 Work on the development of speech through theatrical activities. Fairy tale dramatization "The Fox and the Jug" Disclosure of creative abilities and independence of children. Showing a fairy tale "The Fox and the Jug" parents at parent meeting.

April 2016 Learning to write stories Learn children compose a fairy tale according to the model - scheme; consistently and connected tell each other their stories; learn to come up with a name for a fairy tale; Work over the dictionary - to learn to select signs of objects (adjectives to nouns); educate interest in fairy tales and their writing. Thematic lesson"In the world of fairy tales"

2016 Open viewing of OOD for parents on the topic "Book of Fairy Tales". Learn children improve the dialogue speeches, when staging a fairy tale. Form skill connected retell stories in a consistent and expressive way. OOD for parents.


2017 Work in compiling stories based on plot pictures. keep learning children examine the picture and highlight its main characteristics. Thematic lesson"Hello, autumn!".

October December

development of speech of children of senior preschool age.

(O. S. Ushakova). Improve speech hearing, consolidate the skills of a clear, correct, expressive speeches. Differentiation of sounds, words, sentences. Practice tempo, voice power, diction. To acquaint parents with games (didactic and lexico-grammatical, influencing children's speech development.

January February

2017 Games and exercises for development of speech of children of senior preschool age.

(O. S. Ushakova). Improve speech hearing, consolidate the skills of a clear, correct, expressive speeches. Differentiation of sounds, words, sentences. Thematic lesson"Winter Fun".

2017 Work on intonation, diction, expressiveness speeches while memorizing poetry. Learn children recite poems expressively in front of the audience. Get interested in poetry. Thematic lesson"Soon to School".

List of used literature:

1. Bazik I. Ya. Development ability for visual spatial modeling upon familiarization children of senior preschool age since 1986.

2. Vachkov I. V. Fairy tale therapy: Development of self-awareness through a psychological story. M., 2001.

3. Lapteva G. V. Games for development emotions and creativity. Theater classes with children 5 - 9 years old. - St. Petersburg: speech; M.: Sfera, 2011.

4. Lebedeva L. V., Kozina I. V., Kulakova T. V. et al. children retelling using reference schemes. Senior group. Educational - methodical manual. - M., Center for Pedagogical Education. 2009.

5. Shorokhova O. A. Playing a fairy tale. Fairy tale therapy and classes in development of coherent speech of preschoolers. - M.: TC Sphere. 2007.

6. Ushakova O. S. Program speech development of preschool children in kindergarten. M., 1994.

7. Ushakova O. S. The development of speech and creativity of preschoolers:. Games, exercises, notes of occupations. - M .: TC Sphere, 2007.

8. Ushakova O. S., Gavrish N. V. Acquaintance preschoolers with artistic literature: Summaries of classes. M, 1998.

Self-education work plan on the topic:

« The development of coherent speech of children of senior preschool age».

The relevance of the problem of speech development

As part of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education, the requirements for the level of speech development of kindergarten pupils are being increased as one of the conditions for successful further education at school. The child should be able to use speech as a means of communication, build a coherent, grammatically correct monologue and conduct a dialogue.

It is also necessary that he has developed phonemic hearing and articulation skills, formed the foundations of the intonation culture of speech. The child must have a sufficient vocabulary, be able to perceive texts by ear and retell them.

The problem lies in the fact that today's children have a deterioration in cognitive and speech development. Therefore, we consider the development of coherent speech of children of senior preschool age to be an urgent topic for self-education.

Targets and goals

The aim of this topic is:

    increasing the theoretical and practical level, competence and professional skills;

    systematization of work on the development of speech in preschoolers in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

To achieve these goals, it is necessary to solve a number of tasks:

    to study modern scientific, methodological, reference literature, periodicals on the development of speech in preschool children;

    develop a long-term plan for the implementation of a problematic topic;

    choose the most effective methods and techniques, didactic games for the development of speech in children;

    identify ways to involve parents in work on the development of speech;

    conduct diagnostics among children to determine the effectiveness of the applied system of work;

Reporting Form

As a result of work on the problematic topic, the following forms of reporting are provided:

    a card file of didactic games, exercises and methodological techniques for the development of coherent speech in preschoolers;

    a memo for parents on working on the development of coherent speech in children;

    final lesson on the development of speech;

Implementation period

from September 1, 2018 to May 30, 2019



    Children of the senior group


Predicted results

Activities to implement the problematic topic of self-education are aimed at achieving the following results:

    improvement of the educational process;

    activation of speech activity of preschool children;

    improvement of the subject environment, which contributes to the development of coherent speech in children;

    achievement of the corresponding results of preschool education outlined in the Federal State Educational Standard;

    improving the professional level and competence of the teacher.

Plan for the implementation of the scientific and methodological topic on self-education

The implementation of the scientific and methodological topic on self-education takes place in several stages:

    Information and analytical.

    Implementation into practice.


Planning work on self-education.


The study of the program "From birth to school" edited by N.E. Veraksa and scientific and methodological literature on the topic (1. Vachkov I.V. Fairy tale therapy: The development of self-awareness through a psychological fairy tale. M., 2001.

2 . Lebedeva L.V. Kozina I.V.Summaries of classes on teaching children to retell using reference schemes. Senior group.Teaching aid. - M., Center , teacher education, 2008

3. Ushakova O.S. The program for the development of speech of preschool children in kindergarten. M., 1994.

4. Ushakova O.S. Development of speech and creativity of preschoolers:. Games, exercises, notes of occupations. - M .: TC Sphere, 2007.

5. Shorokhova O.A. We play a fairy tale. Fairy tale therapy and classes on the development of coherent speech for preschool children. - M .: TC Sphere. 2007).

Increasing the level of knowledge of the teacher.

Development of a plan for teacher self-education


Conducting an introductory diagnostic study of children.

To identify the level of formation of speech skills and abilities.

Filling out protocols based on the results of introductory diagnostics


Replenishment of the speech corner: didactic games, file cabinets, plot pictures; preparation of long-term planning.

Enriching the development environment .

Forward planning.


Consultation for parents on the topic: "How to develop the speech of a child of 5-6 years old."

Competence building


Development Notes for Parentschildren's speech.


October - May.

1.Creation card files of didactic games, exercises for the development of speech in preschoolers.

2. Work with children according to a long-term plan.

Improve speech

hearing, skills

clear, correct,

expressive speech.

Differentiation of sounds

words, sentences.

Card files of games and exercises.


Advice for parents on the topic"Speech games in the family circle".

Competence building


folder mover

"Speech games".


Production and implementation of didactic games for the development of speech

Development of speech, logical thinking and memory.

Game "Stories in pictures", "Short stories", "Verbs in pictures".


Consultation for teachers of preschool educational institutions on the topic "Fairytale therapy" in the classroom for the development of speech.

Competence building



"Storytelling Therapy".


Parent meeting

"The Magical World of the Book".

Leading parents to the conclusion that reading children's books plays a huge role in their overall development.

Competence building



Work on intonation, diction, expressiveness of speech while memorizing poems

Recitation competition

Topic: The development of coherent speech of preschool children with OHP.

Relevance of the topic:

The problem of the development of coherent speech has long attracted the attention of well-known researchers in various specialties, and the fact remains that our speech is very complex and diverse, and that it must be developed from the first years of life. Preschool age is a period of active assimilation of the spoken language by the child, the formation and development of all aspects of speech. Coherent speech, as it were, absorbs all the achievements of the child in mastering the native language. By the way children build a coherent statement, one can judge the level of their speech development.

The success of pupils in coherent speech provides in the future and to a greater extent determines success when entering school, contributes to the formation of a full-fledged reading skill and an increase in spelling literacy. As an educator, this really appeals to me. After all, work on the development of speech is the ability to choose the right words and use them correctly in speech, build sentences and coherent speech.

As practice has shown, children are very fond of creativity, as well as independence and the ability to compose and tell friends.

I strive for the children to show their attitude to what they saw, what they especially liked, what interested them and why, what conclusions they made. All this prompted me to pay much more attention to the development of coherent speech in children.

Purpose: P development of free communication skills of children with general underdevelopment of speech with adults and children;


Improve the dialogic form of speech;

Develop a monologue form of speech;

To teach coherently, consistently and expressively retell short tales, stories;

To teach (according to the plan and samples) to talk about the subject, the content of the plot picture; compose a story based on pictures with sequentially developing events;

Develop the ability to compose your stories from personal experience.

Period The content of the work



Selection and study of literature on the topic; didactic games and exercises; plot pictures; compiling a bibliography.

Reminders for parents on teaching coherent speech to children with OHP: "Development of the speech of preschoolers at home."

Selection of games and exercises for children 4-6 years old with OHP.

Compilation of a game library for the development of coherent speech for children with ONR.

To teach children to consider the picture and highlight its main characteristics; to teach children exploratory actions when considering a picture; form analysis, synthesis; to teach children to compose a coherent story based on the picture, based on the model of the educator.

Buy plot pictures on lexical topics.

The development of children's speech through fine motor skills of the hands.

Consultation for parents: "Means for the development of motor skills of hands"
The influence of folklore on the development of speech in children with ONR. Making a sliding folder: "Types of oral folk art that contribute to the development of the speech of children with ONR."
The development of speech and personality of a preschooler in fairy tale therapy Consultation for teachers of the preschool educational institution "Skazkoterapiya" in the classroom for the development of speech.

Work on the development of speech through theatrical activities. Staging of fairy tales: "Turnip", "Kolobok".

Showing the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man" to children of the younger group.

Work on intonation, diction, expressiveness of speech while memorizing poems.

Visiting parents to the activities of educators.
Making riddles. The development of monologue speech of children. Evening of rest: "In the world of riddles".


1. Alekseeva M.M., Ushakova O.S. The relationship of the tasks of speech development of children in the classroom // Education of mental activity in children of preschool age. - M, 2003. - p.27-43.

2. Anischenkova E.S. Finger gymnastics for the development of speech of preschoolers. - AST, 2011. - 64 p.

3. Anischenkova E.S. Speech gymnastics for the development of speech of preschoolers. – Profizdat, 2007. – 62p.

4. Boguslavskaya Z.M., Smirnova E.O. Educational games for preschool children. - M .: Education, 2004. - 213 p.

5. Bondarenko A.K. Didactic games in kindergarten: A guide for a kindergarten teacher. - M.: Enlightenment, 2005. - 160 s

It's no secret that today there are many problems in the speech of children. A speech therapy examination of the children in my group showed a number of difficulties in the development of coherent speech:

  • insufficient vocabulary
  • monosyllabic speech consisting of only simple sentences
  • inability to grammatically construct a common sentence
  • inability to build a monologue: for example, a plot or descriptive story on a proposed topic, retelling the text in their own words, they cannot independently compose a story based on a picture or a series of pictures, they do not remember poems well.

Working with children suffering from various speech pathologies, I noticed that they are joyfully involved in educational activities and, as a rule, such children have insufficiently developed memory, reduced attention, and mental processes are not so mobile. Therefore, children do not show interest in search activities and hardly plan any of its types, are not ready to complete tasks, and are not distinguished by high efficiency. For these and other reasons, children with speech pathology do not like to learn poetry, retell texts, compose stories, do not know the techniques and methods of memorization. All this causes them great difficulties, rapid fatigue, negative emotions.

Based on the peculiarity of the development of children's visual-effective thinking, I decided to use the modeling method in my work on teaching children coherent speech. This allows children to more effectively perceive and transform visual information, recode, store and reproduce it.

A feature of this technique is not the image of objects, but symbols, which facilitates the search and memorization of words.

Purpose: to reveal the effectiveness of the use of modeling techniques in the development of coherent speech in children.


  1. Increase your own level of knowledge by studying the necessary literature.
  2. Use the modeling method in the work as an effective means of developing coherent speech: dialogical and monologue speech; compiling stories based on subject, plot pictures, pictures with successively developing events, creative storytelling, from personal experience, retelling of fairy tales and stories, memorizing poems.
  3. Prepare:
  • presentation or master class for teachers on the topic: "Using the modeling method in the classroom for the development of coherent speech"

Card files: tables, mnemonic tracks, pictograms, subject pictures for compiling descriptive stories, plot pictures based on Russian folk tales, "Works for retelling" , "Subject, landscape paintings" .

Studied scientific and methodological literature:

  1. Ageeva E.L. "Formation in older preschoolers of ideas about logical relationships based on visual spatial modeling" , - Moscow, 1984
  2. Zhukova N.S. "Formation of Oral Speech" , - Moscow, 1994
  3. Wenger L.A. "Games and exercises for the development of mental abilities in preschool children" , - Moscow, "Education" , 1989
  4. Maletina N, Ponomareva L. "Modeling in the descriptive speech of children with ONR" , - magazine "Preschool Education" No. 6 2004
  5. Lebedeva L.V., Kozina I.V. and etc. "Teaching preschoolers to retell" , - Moscow, Center for Pedagogical Education, 2015
  6. Strogova S.Yu. "Development of coherent speech of children using the modeling method" , magazine "Speech therapist" No. 8, 2010