Feng Shui element; Yin Water and Yang Water. Compatibility of different elements of personality

According to ancient Chinese traditions, feng shui literally means "wind and water". Thus, water is one of the two main elements of the Taoist practice of symbolic exploration of space. It stimulates the flow of vital energy Shi in a person and space. Under the influence of lunar attraction, it fills lakes, rivers and seas with energy. However, it is not safe to interfere with the direction of the elements.

feng shui practice

Yang water refers to large accumulations of liquid on Earth: oceans, seas, deep-sea rivers. It is worth recalling that those whose year of birth ends in 2 or 3 belong to the elements of water. Only "twos" are Yang, and "threes" are Yin.

A person born under the sign of Water is like a powerful stream, absolutely uncontrollable, capable of demolishing everything in its path. And what cannot be crushed, he bypasses. Such people are very lively and active, full of ideas and always on the move. And they like this state very much.

Independence and changeable temper

Their mood can change in the most unexpected way. Suddenly calm and quiet turns into an unpredictable and raging hurricane. It scares some people, it fascinates others. You will not get bored with representatives of this element. It is difficult to predict their reaction, thoughts. And what's on their mind, no one knows.

Freedom is highly valued. Like water in natural conditions, so people of this element do not tolerate the slightest stagnation. They begin to fade, hurt, mope. They need movement like air. They are unable to withstand the inert state. They love to travel and discover something new.

Ambitious. People of Yang Water strive to get all the best: clothes, food, household items, a car, an apartment, a salary. What matters to them is the impression they make. If good, then they are proud of themselves and feel great.

Purposefulness. "I see a purpose, but I do not see obstacles!" - the motto of the people of the water element. Indeed, they can move with the flow quietly and peacefully, avoiding obstacles along the way. But insurmountable obstacles that prevent you from achieving what you want are mercilessly demolished.

innate intuition

They have a sixth sense. But the problem is that water people do not always listen to the inner voice. Often they act with the mind and completely dismiss their forebodings. They are able to help a loved one with valuable advice. To achieve harmony and balance in life, they need to learn to trust their inner voice.

Impulsiveness. Absolutely do not tolerate restrictions and do everything in their own way. Forcing them to do something against their will is unrealistic. The greater the pressure, the greater the resistance. In dealing with people of Water, it is necessary to give them complete freedom of choice. Moreover, they can perfectly adapt to forced circumstances, but only by their own decision and will.

Mind and communication.

Water people are extremely intelligent. They easily and quickly learn new information in unlimited volumes. And with the same ease they process and systematize the acquired knowledge in their heads.

Along with movement, representatives of the water element need communication. For them it is necessary. However, they are born diplomats. They can find and develop any topic in a conversation, keep up the conversation, are socially active, try to be useful and irreplaceable. True, sometimes they can go too far and, not being able to stop, seem somewhat intrusive and even unceremonious to others.

People of Yang Water "reflect" everything that happens around, like the surface of a reservoir. Easily picking up the thoughts and ideas of others, they give them out to the world, adapting them to themselves.

Personality Types in Ba Zi Water Yang

  • Water Yang on the Dragon. "Waterfall". Under the pretty appearance hides an ambitious personality, striving for leadership. Smart. Able to manage several business projects at the same time.
  • Water Yang on the Rat. This is the real ocean. A tough man with a powerful core inside. Life takes a close-up, sometimes not noticing important details. Life and peace are not for him. He always has his own opinion on everything and will defend it to the end. However, if he realizes that he is wrong, he admits it. He prefers to deal with his own kind: smart and strong personalities.
  • Water Yang on Monkey. It is an image of a sunken ship. These people first do, and then they think what they have done. Do not waste time on empty thoughts. Quickly done - got the result. They are distinguished by mobility, sharpness, speed. In relationships with the opposite sex, they are waiting for approval and support.
  • Water Yang on Dog. Calm and reasonable, like a lake in the mountains. Society wants status and power. Masterfully able to control themselves and their emotions. By their behavior, they unconsciously provoke jealousy and control from the second half.
  • Yang Water on Horses. Feelings, ideas, emotions overwhelm and overflow, as in a "seething spring". They want to cover the whole world at once, they live by the principle: there is little time, but there is a lot to be done. Because of this, they go from one extreme to another. They strive to control everything and everyone. They love money.
  • Yang water on the Tigris. "River in the Forest" Creative, love comfort. Strong and brave. They believe that children are the main purpose of marriage. They strive to leave behind something important for many years.

Yang Water Woman

Nature is freedom-loving and independent. He will never tolerate a weak and stupid man around him. Very demanding. Can be easily offended, sometimes suspicious and impatient. However, deep down she is a passionate and romantic young lady who dreams of dates, flowers and beautiful courtship.

They do not seek marriage, fearing to lose their freedom. Yes, and often it is difficult for her to choose a single man from her many admirers: either give her a calm romantic, then an intellectual, or a passionate macho.

In marriage, she will not allow herself to be dominated. Her opinion must be taken into account. She must have her own space. Feeling the slightest pressure, she will irrevocably break off relations. Therefore, it is difficult for representatives of Yang Water to build long-term relationships.

Man: features of temperament

Strong, purposeful, businesslike. But romance, tenderness and care are also not alien to him. Family and career are equally important to him, but in due time. He does not confuse these concepts.

The whole life of the Yang Water man is painted literally by the minute. And the woman who is going to start a family with him will have to put up with it. He will not allow himself to be sawed or humiliated.

Depending on the indicators of the birth chart, it can be either excessively strong and assertive, or weak, going with the flow. A strong person strives for financial independence, never trifles in everyday life. Weak is the opposite.

Basically, they are pleasant people to whom others are drawn. They always strive forward, leaving the past behind.

Compatibility with representatives of other elements

The compatibility of Yang Water with Yin Fire is perhaps the most successful option. Both active and active, they perfectly complement each other.

Water Yang and Fire Yang. Also a good combination. However, in their union there is more friendship than passion. Similar goals and aspirations in life give rise to many points of contact. True, excessive fiery temper sometimes frightens Water.

Water Yang - Earth Yang. There is solidity and conservatism in the couple, which sometimes complicates the relationship. But better than the Yang Earth, no one can restrain the impulsiveness of a partner. But relations with the Earth of Yin will not go well because of Yin love to educate.

Water and Metal Yang do not understand each other. One is tough, straightforward, organized. The other is free-spirited and flexible. The same story with Yin Metal: they are not destined to live peacefully in a family nest, but it is possible to build a career.

Two Yang Waters can be great friends against the background of the same outlook on life. But personal life will not work out. Someone has to stand firmly on their feet.

Water Yin and Yang can create a strong union only if someone consciously submits to a partner. Otherwise, the two streams will interrupt and drown each other, which will certainly lead to a break.

With the Yang Tree, the well-being of the union is possible due to the flexibility of Water. A condescending and patient attitude towards slowness and stubbornness will save the tandem, thanks to the streamlining and loyalty of Water.

The Yin tree will make a perfect pair. Together they will create a lasting and strong alliance. The creativity of the Tree and the energy and efficiency of Water will perfectly complement each other and will link them together for a long time.

Of course, all divisions are conditional. But knowing the characteristics of each other, you can adapt to your partner and thereby smooth out the sharp corners of misunderstanding. After all, the main thing is love and the desire to be together!

Water YAN. Ocean. Ren 壬 .

Yang water in nature is represented by the ocean or a stormy mountain river. That's a lot of water. This is a fast flowing water.When we talk about Water, we are talking about speed, about continuous movement.The energy of Water is the energy flowing down from above.Water is closely associated with creativity and emotions.It may be calm in the pond, but in the ocean it can become destructive.

Soft rain nourishes the land, while hurricanes and tsunamis leave devastation in their wake.Water people have natural flexibility and innate intuition.They instantly notice the nuances that representatives of other elements miss.Usually these are creative people, but, having many talents, they hardly concentrate their efforts in any one area.

The main function of Yang Water is movement. Its movement can be arbitrary, or it can be directed. But she always has an inner law.No matter how we try to control the movement of water, it has its own internal direction, its own line of behavior.Water flows only forward, you can not turn the Water back. Therefore, such people always look to the future, forward.They easily adapt to external changing circumstances, are sociable, and know exactly what they want.

Metal creates Water. We know this from the circle of generation. But how can we see this process in nature?

In nature, there is no phenomenon in which Metal would produce Water.Cold Metal absorbs a certain amount of Water, but this requires a certain temperature and a certain season.When the temperature is warm, Metal will melt instead of producing Water.There is one type of Metal that can produce Water. Is this gold.But the words - generates and produces - are incorrect, they cannot correctly convey the logic of the ongoing process in nature.Here it is necessary to use the word - SUPPORT.Metal supports Water.Such water is called mineral.Water flows through minerals, and minerals are Gold.Metal purifies Water, and it becomes useful, pure, mineral Water.Iron cannot purify Water. Iron, on the contrary, traps Water. This causes the Metal to corrode and makes the Water dirty.Therefore, Yang Metal cannot support and cannot be beneficial to Water. Yang Metal - for a woman of Water - this is a mother. And for a man - this is home and well-being. Therefore, on where Metal Yang is located, in the birth chart of a person of Water, his relationship with his relatives and his well-being will depend.

People of Water are the most freedom-loving people. They need space and freedom.If some obstacles are placed in the way of Water, then it will not fight with them. She will calmly bypass obstacles, while maintaining the vector of her direction.Therefore, the people of Yang Water do not stop in the face of difficulties.These are brave and desperate people. Although it is difficult for them to change their settings, they are also the most flexible. They adapt well to various living conditions. Do not cut the truth in the forehead. These are tactful and diplomatic people, although they are very assertive.They are looking for ways to express themselves, and they get high from it.It is impossible not to curb this wave. She can only be admired and admired.These are people with a rich inner world, they are immersed in the essence of things.

The ocean is friends with the sun. The Sun warms the Water, and life can already develop in the warm Water of the ocean.
If a person has a lot of land in the map, which limits the Water, a dam is formed and the Water can no longer flow calmly.When such a picture occurs in a man, it is bad.Because Water is the sexual organs and the maturation of sperm. And also it is the ability to achieve the goal - the uterus.This suggests that such a man may have lazy sperm.

It is also bad when a person of Water Yang has a lot of Fire in the Bazi chart - he can dry up and evaporate Water. There must be balance everywhere.

The disadvantages of Yang Water are their boundless desire to embrace the immensity. They want to embrace everything.The biggest nightmare for the people of Yang Water is inaction. Then they begin to hiccup adventures on their ass, just to do something. Therefore, it is best for such people to find for themselves a very promising occupation with great goals and objectives. They must always be involved in something.

What is Water Money?

Money, in a circle of generation for Water, is Fire! And the easiest money for them is Yang Fire - the Sun. The Water Man becomes rich precisely because of the Sun. Since the energy of the Sun is amplified, reflected in the ocean. And this contributes to the rapid enrichment of the person of Water.

In personal relationships, men are more fortunate than women. A man is more likely to have a happy family than a woman with a Water Yang personality element. Such women often marry their husbands, in fact, they change roles. Because these are strong women and it is difficult for them to find a man stronger and more successful than them.

Personality Element Water Yang

Element of Personality water yang

In the practice of Ba Zi, the first thing we look at after calculating the chart is the Sky Trunk of the Day. It was right there that Element of Personality . He is also called Lord of the day, Day dominant.

Each element of Personality has its own characteristic. You can find out your element of Personality by calculating your Bazi map. In the top line in the Day column there will be a hieroglyph. This is the element of Personality. The Element of Personality is written there.

The description of the Personality element gives us the initial image of a person. Then other map parameters are added, but we start from the Personality element first of all.

Characteristics of Water yang.

People water yang mobile, energetic and emotional. They tend to make quick, rash decisions. Clearly demonstrate their intentions and desires.

A person of this element is like a wave - he goes forward, comes and never turns back. Energy overwhelms him, and therefore sometimes he can be careless. Very lively and moving.
He has great ambitions, if he has something in mind, he will not turn off the chosen path.

Impulsive and impatient, do not like routine. They value freedom and hate restrictions. Often these are very strong-willed people. They are endowed with courage and determination, do not stop in the face of difficulties.
They are full of life, cheerful in spirit and love social activity - and therefore, often become the center of attraction.

They easily adapt to any situation. They react quickly, grasp everything on the fly and do not miss a single good opportunity, if one arises. They adapt well to the circumstances. Smart and prudent.

Despite their energetic and sometimes tough nature, the Water Yang people are very suggestible and are influenced by other people and the environment. They are quite quickly and easily able to change their point of view, are not inclined to common faith and can give up their beliefs and principles.

The Water element in Bazi represents the human mind. Water yang people are very smart, usually have good learning abilities, thanks to a flexible mind they can achieve a lot.
Such people seek mental stimulation. They are inspired by everything that surrounds them.

Their forte is determination and purposefulness. Yang Water people often reach great heights in career and business. They are rarely tormented by doubts, they do not like to hover in the clouds, reason and make plans. These are practical people, they just take and do what they see fit. When making decisions, they are quick, but not impulsive. There is no doubt that they have studied all the details. They always make their choice based on logic, not on emotions. They are not afraid of difficulties, and their perseverance allows them to achieve their goals in almost all areas of human life.

Of course, the characteristic given by the Personality element is not unambiguous. It is hardly possible to divide all mankind into ten types.

However, the Ten Elements of Personality are the foundation of Ba Zi study. And despite the fact that the description of the Personality type contains only the first, most general, level of analysis, it can and should be taken into account as a basic characteristic.

What water yang(Ren) ? This is big water, that is, a river, a lake, a sea, an ocean.

People Yang Water(Ren) very similar to this element.

These are very independent people with a changeable disposition. Their mood can change unexpectedly for others, and sometimes for themselves. Big Water is an element. It can be quiet and calm: there is calm and grace on the surface of its waters, it can be raging and unpredictable, like a storm or even like a tsunami.

With Ren you never know what they have in mind, what they think or how they will react. Their changeable disposition frightens someone, but fascinates someone. After all, you will not get bored with them.

These are very purposeful people and if they want something, they will achieve it by any means. They can quietly and peacefully flow downstream, skirting rocks and reefs, but if an obstacle is formed in the course of their movement, do not expect mercy. Everyone will be swept away on their way, but they will definitely get to the end point.

Purposefulness, love of freedom, the ability not to stop in front of difficulties - these qualities of character are inherent in people water yang. They are like Water in nature, like to move, do not tolerate stagnation. After all, standing Water over time, it stagnates and becomes unhealthy, it just fades. So do people water yang tuned to the movement, it is not possible for them to stay in a stationary state for a long time. They begin to mope and overflow.

They have a very well developed intuition, but unfortunately, not being gray-haired themselves, they can act impulsively, sweeping aside those premonitions that visited them. people Ren you need to learn to listen to yourself, trust your sixth sense, then their life will be more balanced and harmonious.

They can give good and valuable advice, which can and should be heeded. But sometimes they don’t hear themselves. These are very impulsive people who do not like restrictions and the more they are limited, the more diligently they will rage and do their own thing. such people need to be given freedom of choice, to force them to do something against their will, you are unlikely to succeed. They can easily and painlessly adapt to circumstances, but this should be their decision and will.

These are smart people, they are able to quickly and easily assimilate information. They are sociable and communication is simply necessary for them.

People water yang they are diplomatic, they know how to keep up the conversation, find and continue any topic in the conversation. But sometimes they can’t stop and seem obtrusive and unceremonious to other people.

It is very important for them to impress and if they succeed, they feel great.

They have great ambitions and if they achieve something, then the best. We will buy the most beautiful clothes, the most comfortable car, if it’s an apartment, then what would it be with all the amenities and the most comfortable with all modern attributes, if we work, then for a big salary, small does not suit them.

People water yang very mobile and love to travel, they are socially active, they like communication with other people. They love freedom and appreciate adventure.

As the water surface of the reservoir, and people water yang as if they “reflect” what is happening around. They easily pick up the ideas, thoughts of other people and adapting them to themselves, give them out to the world.

Women of Water yang.

Women water yang very independent. Female Ren- this is a very freedom-loving nature and will never tolerate an unintelligent man next to her.

She is demanding and not easy to please. Easily offended, can be suspicious and impatient. But if you want to win such a woman, then keep in mind that despite her temper, she still remains a woman and expects courtship, flowers, attention from a man. Deep down, she is a romantic and passionate nature.

woman water yang it’s hard to decide what kind of man she needs. Oh, these throwing: between a strong, powerful and serious man and a weak-willed, but ardent, adoring her and ready to sacrifice everything for her beloved. And if a woman Ren there will be a choice of gentlemen, then she will hesitate for a long time which of them to give preference to. But if she really liked someone, she herself can be active, be the first to meet or be persistent in courting the object of her attention.

Usually women water yang they don’t get married early. It’s difficult for them to lose their independence.

In marriage, she will try to dominate and will not allow her to dictate conditions and make demands. Put pressure on a woman Ren it is forbidden. If you want to live with such a person for many years, and maybe all your life, you will have to reckon with her opinion, find an approach to her and learn to negotiate with her warmly and not persistently, give her freedom and space. For woman water yang the loss of freedom is comparable only to death. She will unconditionally end the relationship if she feels that she is losing her freedom.

For this reason, women water yang it is not easy to build strong and long-term relationships. And if the couple still have to leave, she will remember the offense for a long time and take revenge on the man who could not fit into the ideal and best picture of her marriage and family. Women Ren terrible in anger.

Yang Water Man.

These are businesslike, purposeful and strong people. But despite this, romance is inherent in them, they can be gentle and caring. These men have one feature: they build a career with diligence and inspiration, completely devote themselves to work, and family is very important, but only after work or business, which he is engaged in. If a woman is ready to accept this condition, then a wonderful family will turn out.

The male water yang lives mainly according to the plan and not only in work. A woman who wants to be with him will need to accept that he knows exactly when he will buy an apartment or when and where you will go on vacation. That is, if you give such a man the palm and do not compete with him, then the man water yang he will do everything so that his family does not need anything, but he will not forget to pamper and take care of you. If a man Ren nag or not reckon with his opinion, there is a high probability that he will simply “leak” from your life.

If a Ren too strong in the birth chart, then the person may be too assertive and uncontrollable, that is, he, as it were, loses direction. If it is too weak, then it can simply “go with the flow”, not much bothering.

If a person Ren balanced, then one of its main tasks is financial independence. If a Ren not balanced, then such a person can be petty and pessimistic about their financial success.

not balanced Ren- this is an intriguer and a participant in all conspiracies and gossip. Balanced Ren will never allow you to stoop to the level of petty showdowns.

They are mostly straightforward people and balanced Ren can speak out, but frankly and to the point. not balanced Ren can chat incessantly on the case and without it.

Basically people Water yang- it's like a sip of water in the desert. They easily start a relationship, but people reach out to them like travelers who are very thirsty.

They do not live in the past, but always move forward, they have a highly developed sense of duty and self-discipline.

These are of course general characteristics and a lot depends on the card itself, on its strength and weakness, the balance and usefulness of the elements.

Good luck and enjoy your study of Ba Zi and Feng Shui!

Indicators of a successful lawyer in the Ba Zi chart

I often advise parents on career choices for their children. And how often you see the same pattern. When choosing a future profession for a child, parents in most cases are guided by 2 things:

They choose a profession where they themselves would like to work, but they did not succeed for one reason or another. Often this choice is even unconscious.

They choose a profession that, in their opinion, is “prestigious”, profitable, a profession that will bring a lot of money. For example, in today's realities, parents are sure that if their child becomes a lawyer, dentist or economist, he will have a golden future.

Of course, there are other motivations for choosing a profession. For example, the choice may be based on the continuation of the ancestral line. Your grandfather was a doctor, your father is a doctor and you will be a doctor too. Or on some other considerations, like - get at least some crusts, and then it doesn’t matter anymore.

Unfortunately, this logic is 90% wrong. A diploma in economics does not mean at all that a person will become a chief accountant in a cool company. Moreover, you still need to finish your studies and get this very diploma.)

Parents must understand that every child has their own destiny. Your abilities, talents and professional tasks. And a person will be happy, harmonious, in demand only if he goes his own way. When it comes to fate, logic does not work. How many people with diplomas of lawyers, doctors and economists are sitting without work, living from penny to penny?!

If there is no indication of success in the chosen field in the birth horoscope, no matter how many “prestigious” diplomas you receive, you are unlikely to be able to achieve significant results and earn money.

Extensive experience in working with cards proves that successful professional implementation is subject to two basic conditions:

A) There are clear indications for the chosen profession in the chart + it is astrologically useful

B) A person goes through an astrological period of good luck

In this article we will talk about one of these popular and “prestigious” professions - legal profession. After analyzing the Ba Zi card of your child, you will understand whether it is worth sending him to the Faculty of Law, whether he can become a sought-after, successful lawyer, lawyer, or you should not torment the child and spend a lot of money on such an education.

So, what are the main indicators in the Ba Zi chart for success in the legal field?

1) The legal sphere is under control metal. Therefore, often the element of personality will Metal Yang or yin metal. In second place is the element Water. Water is associated with communication, mobility and the mind. Therefore, you will often see good lawyers water yang as an element of personality.

Yin Water is unlikely, so psychologically Yin Water is prone to fears, anxiety, and it can be difficult for her to actively speak in public.

2) Metal and Water often pronounced in the horoscope of the 4 pillars of fate. To achieve success, these elements must be useful to a person.

3) At the level of the main 5 directions of the map - the legal sphere is associated either with an element POWER. Either with an element - SELF-EXPRESSION.

POWER responsible for the work of an official, lawyer, judge. In a positive way, this element gives a sharp mind, the ability to fit into the hierarchy, to achieve fame. The right mindset for a lawyer.

SELF-EXPRESSION helps, first of all, lawyers to be confident in public, not to be afraid to speak, it enhances oratorical talent, gives the power of persuasion.

Therefore, Power and Self-expression in the cards of lawyers is dominant in the horoscope and useful.

4) A very important level is 10 deities. This must be in the horoscope of a successful lawyer. The two most important deities.



These deities must be in the open celestial stems, 90% in the stems of the month or year. They must be useful, strong. Then the effect will be maximum. Often these deities provide structure to the map.

If your child has such a formula in the map, that's half the battle!

5) For a successful career as a lawyer, a lawyer is good to have some symbolic stars in the birth chart.

General's Star- success in the military, legal sphere, shoulder straps.

sheep knife(in weak cards) - enhances leadership abilities, makes it possible to successfully work in the military sphere, legal, shoulder straps.

Kwei Gang in the pillar of the day or month - a military career, a strong core

Very often you will see a special star in the day, it is called "6 noble officials". This is a very useful star. She's on her own gives success, prosperity. A person with such a star in the day already has an increased chance of becoming famous and wealthy in life. But it also strengthens the mind, gives high career positions. Together with other legal indicators, this star helps to become not just an ordinary lawyer, but a very sought-after specialist who can work with wealthy clients, VIPs, etc.

This star is present if the birthday pillar:

Yang Tree - Rat

Yang Tree - Horse

Yin Tree - Snake

Yin Tree - Ox

Fire Yang - Tiger

Yang Fire - Dragon

Yang Earth - Rat

Yang Earth - Horse

Yin Earth - Ox

Yin Earth - Snake

Yang Metal - Rat

Yang Metal - Horse

Yin Metal - Pig

Yin Metal - Goat

Yang Water - Monkey

Yang Water - Dog

Naturally, what one sign does not yet speak of a successful career as a lawyer or lawyer. There should be several similar instructions. The bigger, the better.

Let's see in practice the maps of the most famous and sought-after lawyers in Russia. The information was taken from this source - "TOP-10 lawyers in Russia".

  • #1

    Simply beautifully described! Thank you.

  • #2

    wonderful, but explain about Knyazev's card .... why is it weak ???

  • #3

    Olechka, according to events, first of all. Secondly, by elements.

  • #4

    Thank you so much for the article Hope. I want to add my 5 cents and clarify a little. I have a rooted 7 killer in a year, a dog quaigang in a month, and I also sit on a 7 killer; and in the day and in the year - the star of the general. In my youth, I really wanted to become a lawyer, especially this desire escalated when the pillar of gen / tzu (power / resource) came, but it didn’t work out - I didn’t want to, but still metal appeared in the profession: I teach computer science .... that's just metal for me not useful. I have a question: if I still went to the lawyers with such a very unusable metal, could I achieve any results and what is the useless metal in this profession fraught with?

  • #5

    thank you very much for the article - I liked the systematic approach, the clarity of the explanation, the illustration with examples. Remaining questions:
    1. "Sheep Knife" only works in weak cards? and what does he bring to a strong type of card?
    2. If the elements of Metal - water are not useful, like Catherine's, should one make a choice in relation to this profession?
    It was interesting for me that "rebellious spirit" and "7th murderer" give a career to a person who respects the law. Indeed, many astrologers believe just the opposite. Hope, can you somehow comment on this point of view. I would be very grateful for an answer. Thanks again for the helpful content.

  • #6

    Ekaterina, it is very difficult for me to answer such questions within the framework of the blog without seeing the map and without analyzing the pillars of luck. If you give a general theoretical answer - it is desirable that metal or water be useful, otherwise it will be difficult. But there are no ideal cards, so we are talking about the nuances of influence, about gradation. Success in the profession - it is also different.

    Ilona, ​​Sheep Knife is not useful in strong cards. About the "usefulness - non-usefulness" of metal and water answered above.

    As for "Rebellious Spirit" and "7th Killer" - after all, lawyers often have to work in very stressful conditions - that's one thing. And the second - they often protect not only innocent people ;-)

  • #7

    Hope, thank you for your reply.

  • #8

    Good afternoon! Isn't Knyazev a card type of the Imperial Lamp or the Yansky Territory? If yes, then what structure will it have? Thank you!

  • #9

    Hope, thank you so much for this article. Very not only interesting, but also useful information. It's great that everything is so collected in the system, just take and eat. Thanks again. If possible, please answer, and the special star "6 noble officials" should only be considered in the map or it can influence the career by coming in a year or a pillar of luck. Thanks

  • #10

    Hello Nadezhda, one girl has a weak land in the map: 7 killer and self-expression in the monthly and annual NS. A lot of power, 3 pcs, 2 sheep knives, Team influence in the day pillar, self-expression in the National Assembly of the year and this metal. One problem, a weak card, everything is not useful, except for the sheep knife. What to advise such people? Self-expression manifests itself in brilliant oratory skills, generates interesting ideas, power manifests itself in the desire to beat the leader, although she is not mistaken for a leader. Does not blame self-control, very conflicting. What can I advise such people, what can she do?

  • #11

    If there is Yin water in the pillar of luck? What can be the forecasts?