Textbook “Collection of tasks for practical exercises in the discipline “Russian language. Armenia in a series of portraits by Sergei Kozlov

Topic: Union as a part of speech. Spelling unions.


Repetition and generalization of students' knowledge about the service parts of speech, about unions,
- the formation of skills for the correct use of conjunctions in speech,

Education of love for the word, the desire to improve linguistic culture as an important quality of the future specialist.

Must know:
- the main characteristics of the service parts of speech (unions),
- basic rules for spelling unions.

Should be able to:

  1. Union as a part of speech.

  2. Union ranks.

  3. Spelling unions.

  1. Tasks:
Exercise 1. Make a table "The ranks of unions by structure, meanings and grammatical functions", using the materials of the textbook Antonov E.S., Voiteleva T.M. Russian language: a textbook for institutions of primary and secondary vocational education / E. S. Antonova, T. M. Voiteleva. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2012, pp. 239 - 241.

Task 2. Rewrite the sentences, determine the meaning and structure of conjunctions. What do unions connect (homogeneous members of a sentence or parts of a complex sentence)?

1. By morning the rain had passed, but the sky was in heavy gray clouds flying from south to north. Nikita looked up at the sky and gasped. (A. N. Tolstoy) 2. Only dry leaves rustled underfoot, and the trees beaten by artillery sighed heavily under the gusts of wind. (S. Baruzdin) 3. He has a lot of work to do, but in the winter he will rest. (M. E. Saltykov - Shchedrin) 4. Either rain, then hail, then snow, like white fluff, then the sun ... (I. A. Bunin) 5. And if it will be especially hard for me in life, then this simple-hearted heart will never will not refuse me help and comfort. (K. Paustovsky) 6. Before chopping and sawing a ripe pine forest, lumberjacks cut grooves on each tree at the height of their height. (M. Prishvin) 7. I wanted to believe, because books inspired me to believe in a person. (M. Gorky) 8. To see the sea, you need to go outside the gate and walk a little along the path trodden in the snow. (K. Paustovsky) 9. The summer morning is fresh, although the pouring heat is already beginning to be felt. (D. N. Mamin - Siberian) 10. It was quiet all around - quiet, so that the slightest rustle was heard. (K. Paustovsky) 11. Today I feel as if a mountain has fallen off my shoulders. (V. Garshin) 12. In the early morning, smoky morning, I saw in the distance how pieces of the winter road floated down the river. (A. Tvardovsky)

Task 3. Rewrite the sentences by opening brackets and inserting missing letters. Determine the meaning and structure of unions.

          1. Like the wind, his song is free, for (that), like the wind, and fruitless. (A. S. Pushkin) 2. He left the house so that (would) not return until late at night. (LN Tolstoy) 3. It was hard to imagine what (would) happen to me if (would) the ship was late. (A. Green) 4. She in turn condemned each of the bottom (for) the same thing (same) that they did not know how to rise above the little things of life (A. Ananiev) (for) eating a sheep. (Proverb) 6. So (same), like Arseny, Karnaukhov was thin. (A. Ananiev) 7. Take care of (what you are fit for, if you want, so that (b) there will be a successful outcome in business. (I. A. Krylov) 8. Only one month was still brilliantly floating in the vast deserts of the luxurious Ukrainian sky, and the earth was so (same) beautiful in a wondrous silver brilliance. (N.V. Gogol) 9. At the same time, an angry fox barked from the thicket. (V. Bianchi) 10. He also (same) now kept the Great Way and never stayed here. (V. Bianchi) 11. The water was warm, but not spoiled, and (moreover) there was a lot of it. (V. Garshin) 12. You lived, I could live the same way. (M. Yu. Lermontov) 13. Whatever Petya saw now, nothing would surprise him. (L. N. Tolstoy) 14. All right! We will insure (from) this and (from) this. (R. Rozhdestvensky 15. And (from) the fact that this is impossible, he became desperate. (A.P. Chekhov) 16. You cannot persecute a person only (because) because you suspect him of something. (A. P. Chekhov) 17. You should not judge me only (by) what I do.(I. S. Turgenev)
Task 4. Read, write down these sentences, opening brackets. Determine the part of speech of the highlighted words.

1. Every writer wants to) read his books. - To) what would happen to winter if spring had not come to replace it? 2. Everyone read the new novel with enthusiasm, I too) decided to read it. He was a stern man, and too) time in it some touching defenselessness was felt. 3. Horizon over the sea, (in spite of night, was bright. - (In spite of the fact that the wind rose, the clouds were motionless. - Friends quickly walked along the path, (despite on both sides.

Task 5. Rewrite by opening parentheses.

1. Sofya Nikolaevna has not yet had a single groom, (that is) has not received a single formal proposal. (Ax.) 2. Senya's death was not tragic, could not be so, because his life was tragic. (Zalyg.) 3. The advent was painted in one of the porches right on the wooden wall. And from (the fact) that it dripped from the damp tree, the Last Judgment seemed even more terrible: both the righteous and sinners cried on it. (Stelm.) 4. Selkin walked, (as if) there was no one in the corridor (Od.) 5. In the village, spring is not expected (because) only because it brings warmth and sun. (Prosk.) 6. It's better to wait until the navigation opens. And (how) only after the May, quiet this year's festivities, the Oka passed, Alexei went to Murzikha with the very first steamer. (Ilyin)

            1. Report requirements:

            2. Test questions:

  1. How are service parts of speech different from independent ones?

  2. What parts of speech do you know?

  3. What is a union?

  4. What is their role in the proposal?

Practice #15. The number of hours is 2 hours.

Topic: Particle as a part of speech. Spelling particles NOT and NI with different parts of speech.


Systematization of students' knowledge about the particle as a service part of speech,

Formation of skills for the correct use of particles in speech,

Development of skills of independent work with educational and reference literature,

Education of love for the word, the desire to improve linguistic culture as an important quality of a future specialist,

Requirements for the level of specialist training:

Must know:
- the main characteristics of the service parts of speech (particles),
- particle spelling rules.

Should be able to:
- use official parts of speech in writing in accordance with morphological and orthographic norms

Equipment: educational literature, texts, assignments.

              1. General theoretical information:

  1. Particle as a service part of speech.

  2. Discharges of particles: derivational, formative, semantic.

  3. Rules for delimitation of particles NE and NI.

  4. Merged and separate spelling of the particle NOT.

              1. Tasks:
Exercise 1. Read the material in the textbook by Antonova E.S., Voiteleva T.M. Russian language: a textbook for institutions of primary and secondary vocational education / E. S. Antonova, T. M. Voiteleva. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2012, pp. 245 - 247.
Make a table "Discharges of particles by structure and value."

Task 2. Write the sentences by opening brackets and filling in the missing letters. Explain the spelling of particles. What semantic shades are particles?

1. There was definitely dust (still). (N. S. Leskov) 2. “Tek (s),” the officer muttered with a sigh. (A.P. Chekhov 3. The old man (still) achieved his goal. (I.S. Turgenev) 4. How (same) I (did not) pay attention to such words - to the fact that she (still) some cases ( (I. A. Bunin) 5. And why (g) did your heart (then) deteriorate? (A. Platonov) 6. And if someone (someone) asks ... well, who (would) (n ..) asked, tell them that I was wounded through the chest by a bullet.(M. Yu. Lermontov) 7. The donkey saw the Nightingale and says to him: "Listen, my friend! You, they say, sing a great master!" (I. A. Krylov) 8. Let me take a nap in the guardhouse on the porch 9. What do you have to do with it?

Task 3. Explain the spelling NOT in phrases.

He (not) accidentally broke a vase, said (not) in a fit, (not) exterminable, (not) rarely cried, acted (not) well, (not) beautiful beret, evil (not) friend, (not) someone to meet, (not) ) what to do, (not) someone knocked, (not) brought what, (not) an open briefcase, (not) cooked borscht, (not) a talking parrot, (not) a landscape visible to the eye, (not) a good mushroom, far (not) ) a good mushroom, she cried at all (not) rarely, (not) someone to ask, (not) (to) someone to ask, (not) what to expect, (not) (from) what to refuse, (not) to whom to tell, (not) (to) whom to go, I found out (not) something good, (not) an open umbrella, an umbrella (not) open, I (not) opened an umbrella, (not) an umbrella opened by me, still (not) a talking parrot, (not) visible , (no) anyone (not) visible world.

Task 4. Explain the spelling NOT and NOR in the given words and phrases.

  1. (N ..) what to do, (n ..) what (n ..) does, n .. (to) what to strive for, n .. (to) what (n ..) strives for, (n ..) who came, (n ..) who (n ..) came. 2. Where has he only (n ..) been! 3. Wherever he only (n ..) went, good memories remained about him. 4. How (n ..) outwit, and life (n ..) outwit. 5. (N..) I can (n..) confess my mistakes. 6. What (n ..) you look for, that (n ..) you will find. 7. Whatever (n ..) becomes, everything (n ..) how much, stay n .. (with) than, (n ..) this (n ..) this, (n ..) fish (n..) meat.
Task 5. Write down the sentences by opening brackets. Remember the spelling rules NOT and Neither with different parts of speech.

  1. The guy (that) seems to be naked, take (not) anything from him. 2. It's boring in the village, mud, (not, not) frost, autumn wind, light snow. 3. Tomsky's words were (not, not) anything but chatter. 4. Suddenly, from where (no, no) come from, a winged serpent flies through the window. 5. Believe where (b) I (not, neither) was, my soul, what (not, nor) is, belongs to you and those whom I knew how to love.
    (A. S. Pushkin)
Task 6. Write, opening brackets, explaining the spelling NOT and NOR with different parts of speech.

(N ..) love, (n ..) help, (n ..) hello, (n ..) hello, (n ..) benefits, (n ..) touch, (n ..) respect , (n..) painted, (n..) painted, (n..) painted, (n..) painted this year, (n..) by whom (n..) recognized ?y, (n ..) recognized, (n ..) having learned, (n ..) bylitsa, (n ..) good luck, (n ..) mold, (n ..) better, (n ..) really, (n ..) when, (n ..) you find out, (n ..) how much (n ..) sorry, (n ..) a lot (n ..) few, (n ..) by whom (n ..) recognized? absolutely (n ..) why, (n ..) pleasant to the taste, (n ..) will reach? Xia to heaven, (n ..) for what in the world, (n ..) moving from a place, (n..) .) looking at a friend, (n ..) few roads traveled, (n ..) an open book, (n ..) a problem solved correctly.

Task 7. Write by inserting missing letters, opening brackets, placing missing punctuation marks. Explain the spelling.

When (would) you (n ..) enter (in) the forest, white trunks shine into your eyes. Amazing..e birch tree! There is no (n ..) one person with us (n ..) who knows .. about birches. A modest (n ..) catchy tree but (n ..) who (n ..) will pass by (n ..) noticing it. Who (n..) knows birch sap! In (n ..) a large incision on the k..re insert? wait for a straw for ten - n..tteen minutes and drink from the filled mugs. (N ..) you hurriedly take sips and (c) look up (n ..) tired rooks (n ..) who still manage to finish the nest. But (n ..) forget what (would) then (n ..) began to cover the wound with clay or resin. (Some) someone like n .. (in) what (n ..) used to cut the bark, take (n ..) a lot of juice and leave (n ..) smearing the incision. And the juice (n ..) flows to him (n ..) people completely (n ..) necessary ...

(According to F. Borisov)

              1. Report requirements: the work must be done in a notebook for practical work.

              2. Test questions:

  1. Give the definition of a particle as a service part of speech.

  2. Tell us how you know about particle discharges.

  3. What are the rules for distinguishing between NE and NI particles?

  4. What are the main patterns of continuous and separate spelling of the NOT particle?

              1. List of recommended literature:

  1. Antonova E.S., Voiteleva T.M. Russian language: a textbook for institutions of primary and secondary vocational education / E. S. Antonova, T. M. Voiteleva. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2012.

  2. Voiteleva T.M. Russian language: a collection of exercises: study guide for the beginning. and secondary vocational education / T. M. Voiteleva. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2012.

  3. Vlasenkov A.I., Rybchenkova L.M. Russian language: Grammar. Text. Speech styles: A textbook for grades 10-11 of educational institutions / A. I. Vlasenkov, L. M. Rybchenkova. – 14th ed. –M.: Enlightenment, 2011

  4. Grekov V. F. Russian language. Grades 10-11: textbook for general education. institutions /V. F. Grekov, S. E. Kryuchkov, L. A. Cheshko. - 4th ed. - M .: Education, 2011. - 368 p.

Practice #16. The number of hours is 2 hours.

Topic: Punctuation marks in a complex sentence.

- to update students' knowledge about a complex sentence, about the structural features of a complex sentence,
- consider the types of subordinate clauses,

To develop the speech-thinking activity of students,
- develop the skills of correct punctuation in complex sentences by performing training exercises,

To form a stable motivation to study the Russian language, to achieve punctuation literacy as an important quality of a future specialist,
- formation of communicative competence of students.

Requirements for the level of specialist training:

Must know:
- the subject of studying syntax and punctuation,
- structural features of complex sentences;
- types of subordinate clauses;

Features of punctuation marks in complex sentences.

Should be able to:
- identify complex sentences in the text;
- determine the type of subordinate clause;

Correct punctuation in complex sentences

Build your own statements, taking into account the norms of the modern Russian literary language and the requirements of style.

Equipment: educational literature, texts, assignments.

                1. General theoretical information:

  1. Characteristics of a complex sentence. Structural features of a complex sentence (CSP).

  2. Types of subordinate clauses.

  3. Putting punctuation marks in a complex sentence.

                1. Tasks:
Exercise 1. Read the material in the textbook by Antonova E.S., Voiteleva T.M. Russian language: a textbook for institutions of primary and secondary vocational education / E. S. Antonova, T. M. Voiteleva. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2012, pp. 331 - 335, 336 - 340, 341 - 343.

Task 2. Write down the sentence, put punctuation marks, draw up a sentence scheme.

From this it becomes so good so much fun that you want to run away somewhere far away to where the trunks of young birch trees sparkle with dazzling whiteness.

Task 3. Write off the sentences, placing the necessary punctuation marks, first NGN with attributive clauses, then with explanatory and adverbial clauses. Indicate the type of subordinate clauses with adverbial meaning.

              1. Grandma tell me a story that my mother loved. 2. He did not know that his brother would bring him a gift. 3. Try to love the one you didn't love who offended you. 4. And if you manage to do this, then right now your heart will feel good and joyful. 5. The small house where Lavretsky arrived and where Glafira Petrovna died two years ago was built in the last century from durable pine glass. 6. Although he could stay with friends, Peter returned home. 7. Here you will see as much gold as neither you nor I ever dreamed of. 8. I managed to talk to the person I was looking for. 9. In the morning he assisted Kharlamov and thought about how and when the damned time bomb would work. 10. No matter how hard he tried to convince us, no one believed him. 11. This is what one person can do when he has a technique in his hands. 12. It happens that one word sticks to you and does not give you rest. 13. This was the feeling that he so longed for in Moscow, only bright, almost completely cleansed of selfishness. 14. One of the novels has been conceived so long ago that some of the characters are already outdated before they can be written.
Task 4. Write the text with punctuation marks. Indicate the means of communication (types of unions by structure) and types of subordinate clauses.

We l .. tel in the high .. not and saw how others below us were stinging the lights of the city. And yet (still) it was (not) like flying by myself .. flying because we soared like birds with reliable .. and rare wings. I felt both my body and the air washing over me like water.

Mf l..tel to the stars that were getting bigger and brighter. The hurricane wind hit my face, my forehead froze, my nostrils dilated. Then the hurricane subsided, although the air became almost piercing cold. We again soared in the heights that seemed to be tested for strength.

I felt how her hand was gradually cooling down .. in mine, how her fingers were trembling. We did not land, but descended on it like birds. I could not see her face properly, but it seemed to me that she had become very pale.. day. When at last I felt her hand, cold as ice, grabbed Dorothea, we walked along the ground and I led her along.

(P. Vezhinov)

Task 5. Write down suggestions. Describe the subordinate part, determine the means of connection of the subordinate part with the main one. Fill in the missing punctuation marks. Make schemes 3, 8, 11 of the sentences.

  1. The brothers laid down their spoons, leaned on their elbows for a moment, and thought for a moment, as if sadness wafted over everyone from afar. (A. N. Tolstoy) 2. ... And I'm sorry if the birds shake off the beauty of the branches. (A. A. Fet) 3. The surface of the river is pitted and agitated, as if a giant plowman walked along it and touched it with his huge plow. (A.P. Chekhov) 4. We were looking forward to when old acquaintances, starlings, would fly to our garden again. (A. I. Kuprin) 5. I'll tell you what kind of bird I am. (A.P. Chekhov) 6. Prince Vasily always spoke lazily, like an actor speaking the role of an old play. (L. N. Tolstoy) 7. He looked preoccupied and concentrated, as if he was inventing a telephone. (A.P. Chekhov) 8. In the tent where we had already climbed for the night, the moonlight turned blue and yellow with tobacco smoke. (N. Gribachev) 9. I came to this world to see the Sun and the blue outlook. (K. Balmont) 10. When I entered the hall and looked into the hall, I saw a touching picture. (A.P. Chekhov) 11. While the visiting gentleman was inspecting his room, his belongings were brought in. (N.V. Gogol) 12. He entered the dark, wide entrance hall from which it blew cold as if from a cellar. (N.V. Gogol) 13. I have placed in this book only what related to Pechorin's stay in the Caucasus. (M. Yu. Lermontov) 14. A little morning the French guns lit up right there. (M. Yu. Lermontov) 15. No matter how sorry Levin was to crush the grass, he drove into the meadow. (L. N. Tolstoy)
Task 6. Write off the sentences, explaining the presence or absence of a comma when combining unions. Determine the types of subordinate parts in complex sentences, ways of their connection with the main part (consistent, homogeneous, heterogeneous subordination).

  1. Alexei knew that if his father took something into his head, then, in the words of Taras Skotinin, you couldn’t even knock it out with a nail. (A. S. Pushkin) 2. There are such deaf and secluded places on our river that when you make your way through the tangled forest thickets and sit down near the water itself, you will feel yourself in a separate, detached from the rest of the earthly space. (V. Soloukhin) 3. The bear fell in love with Nikolka so much that when he went somewhere, the beast sniffed the air anxiously. (M. Gorky) 4. It seems to me that if the closet was two miles away and the frame would weigh twice as much, I would be very pleased. (LN Tolstoy) 5. Do not break the thread of friendship, because if you have to tie it again, a knot will remain. (K. Ushinsky) 6. Khadzhi - Murat sat down and said that if only they sent him to the Lezgin line and gave an army, he would guarantee that he would raise the whole of Dagestan. (L. N. Tolstoy)
Task 7. Write the text with punctuation marks. Determine the type of each complex sentence. Show the means of communication denoting the relationship between the main and subordinate parts.

We lived in a village where in front of the window we had a meadow all golden with many blooming dandelions. Everyone says that it is beautiful that the meadow is golden. Once I got up early to fish and noticed that the meadow was not golden but green. When I returned home around noon, the meadow again became all golden. I began to observe and noticed that by evening the meadow had turned green again. Then I went and found a dandelion and it turned out that he squeezed his petals, as if our fingers were yellow from the side of the palm, and clenching them into a fist, we would close the yellow. In the morning, when the sun rose, I saw how dandelions open their palms and from this the meadow becomes golden again.

Since then, the dandelion has become one of the most interesting flowers for us, because dandelions went to bed with us and got up with us.

(According to M. Prishvin)

Do a full parse of the last sentence. Determine the style and type of speech of the text.

  1. Report requirements: the work must be done in a notebook for practical work.

  2. Test questions:

  1. Describe the complex sentence.

  2. What are the structural features of complex sentences?

  3. Describe the types of subordinate clauses known to you.

  4. Tell us about the rules for punctuation marks in complex sentences.

  1. List of recommended literature:

  1. Antonova E.S., Voiteleva T.M. Russian language: a textbook for institutions of primary and secondary vocational education / E. S. Antonova, T. M. Voiteleva. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2012.

  2. Voiteleva T.M. Russian language: a collection of exercises: study guide for the beginning. and secondary vocational education / T. M. Voiteleva. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2012.

  3. Grekov V. F. Russian language. Grades 10-11: textbook for general education. institutions /V. F. Grekov, S. E. Kryuchkov, L. A. Cheshko. - 4th ed. - M .: Education, 2011. - 368 p.

Practice #17. The number of hours is 2 hours.

A lot of interesting characters came to Russia for the World Cup. Even Harold, hiding the pain, has already managed to check in on the instagrams of our compatriots. Some of the fans arrived by plane, others arrived by train or car. And the Argentinean Juan Matias Amaya came to Moscow on a bicycle. The journey of 80 thousand kilometers took him five years. And it's not over yet.

Mathias, 33, has already traveled through 37 countries. If you meet him on the street, you will not confuse him with anyone: a bearded man on a bicycle loaded with all sorts of things and decorated with a huge number of flags from different countries. In 2013, Matias left the Argentine city of San Juan and still continues to travel the world on a bicycle.

Previously, Matthias worked for a pharmaceutical company. But at one fine moment he discovered that he had become too selfish and greedy for money.

“Not only was I dissatisfied with my work, I also felt empty inside. I was ready to exchange all material goods in order to live life to the fullest, ”he said in an interview with Romeing.

First, Matthias told relatives and friends that he was leaving for 15 days. But after this time, he realized that this was not enough.

“At first they thought I was crazy for leaving everything to go on a trip. And now my family and friends thank me because I share photos and videos so they can learn more about other cultures.”

Matthias says that his journey is not easy. In an interview with Sports.ru, he said that he left the house with $ 200 in his pocket, stayed for the night mainly in nature, and people around him often helped him.

“I am not in a position to choose, so I eat everything. I even had to eat ants, caterpillars and all sorts of other strange creatures.

During the trip, Matthias faced a lot of difficulties: once he ran out of water in the desert and did not drink anything for two days, he slept on the streets of Europe in winter, they tried to rob him several times and even wounded him with a knife. Many times Matthias thought about returning home, but kept going.

And now, after five years and 80 thousand kilometers, the cyclist came to Russia for the World Cup. Especially in Russia, Matthias was impressed by the girls.

“There are very beautiful women in Russia, they are very different from those who live in my city in Argentina. Our women have black hair and eyes. I like blue-eyed blondes. When I arrived in Russia, I almost fell off my bike! Blondes everywhere! This is heaven for me!” - said Mathias in an interview with 360 TV channel.

Russia is not the final destination of his journey. But where he will go next, Matthias has not yet decided.

“I didn’t have a specific plan, I just wanted to leave home. I was supposed to leave for 15 days, and five years have already passed. I rarely think about the future, I like to live in the present.

“Now I have three options. The first is to go to the south of Russia, then to Turkey, drive from Istanbul to the Arab countries, then to India, Laos, Indonesia. After that, I can board a ship and sail towards Australia, stopping at different islands along the way. Then you can take a plane and fly to South Africa, and from there go to Qatar, just in time to be there for the 2022 World Cup. The second option is to go towards the Russian North, then to Finland, then turn around and, just like in the first option, go towards Africa and Qatar. Well, the third option is to return to Europe and live with people I already know in order to get to know the local culture and habits better. In general, I will decide!”

Sergey Kozlov has already traveled four times in Armenia and nearby regions. Once he left home with a camera, a tent and a backpack, with only 5,000 rubles in his pocket, and returned with a series of amazing portraits of residents of quiet Caucasian villages. Sergey shared his travel hacks and talked about shooting portraits of the inhabitants of the Caucasus.

About the winning photo

As usual, let's start with the winning photo. Tell us about a man with an infernal look who won the competition.

I also found his eyes interesting. It was my first trip and, of course, one of the strongest impressions was a visit to the Khor Virap monastery, where I took this picture. In the photo - not a bearer of religious dignity, he is an employee of the monastery complex.

Armenia, Khor Virap Monastery 2013 Photo: Sergey Kozlov

- What a mustache he has! Is this generally typical for those regions or is it one such original?

I have never seen such a mustache! Their owner, probably, has already become a local legend, and this is understandable - he has a textured appearance, many tourists took pictures of him. Arriving in Armenia again a year or two later, I handed the man a print. You should have seen these emotions, he was very surprised. Probably not many bring him photographs.

- Did you specifically choose such a background, with mysterious numbers?

This is the entrance to the church, just a column nearby; it was a very hot September day, strong shadows, and, realizing that I didn’t have much time to shoot, I chose a place with suitable lighting so as not to spoil the shot. I just asked this person to give me some time for a photo. As soon as I did everything, he immediately went about his business. Unfortunately, it was not possible to communicate, because he was always engaged in some kind of economic issues. He was distracted for just a few minutes.

About regions and grandmothers

Armenia Noradus. 2013. Photo: Sergey Kozlov

- Most of the people in the photographs show that they are not used to the camera. How do you work with models?

No. When a person's face is interesting to me, I just go up and get to know each other; if they react to me in a friendly way and the acquaintance continues, then I take pictures during the conversation. But often the interlocutor, seeing a camera in front of him, makes a passport face and spreads his arms at the seams. Of course, nothing good comes of this, so whenever possible I try to get some kind of reaction from a person, and while they tell me something about themselves or ask questions, at this time I press the trigger. In moments of dialogue, when a person is distracted from the camera, bright pictures are obtained.

I see a superstitious-looking Caucasian grandmother in your photographs. I would never have thought that it could be photographed so easily.

I would not say that the picture was taken easily. When I arrived in Noradus, there was a terrible autumn weather. It was raining heavily, a chilly wind blew through the raincoat. For a walk around the necropolis, the weather is generally amazing, of course. And here I am, under a leaden sky and a piercing wind, I go to a medieval cemetery. The old chapel door creaks invitingly. I went inside, and there grandmothers knit mittens, hats for sale and hide from bad weather in this broken chapel. I decided to join them so as not to stand in the cold too. At the same time, I took pictures, as far as it turned out, with a dim light inside. Later, right in the chapel, I set up a tent so that there was some kind of shelter from the rain, and began to prepare for the night. At that moment, two boys came running. Seeing the tent, they were very surprised and rushed to ask their father if it was possible to invite a Russian tourist to spend the night. So they called me into the house. As a result, we got to know the family and the next morning we went for a walk together. When tourists began to arrive and the grandmothers showed up again, with the help of a local resident, I tried to start a dialogue with them.

I asked to be translated into Armenian, that I was just looking for a textured face and I could get a good portrait. I would take a competitive picture ... It seems that the grandmothers were not very convinced. There was a moment when I literally ran after one of them. If someone took a picture of me jumping through the churchyard after my running away grandmother, then another question would be who would have made a better shot (laughs). In 2016, I returned and, taking the opportunity, passed her photographs through the neighbors. The woman was ill at that moment and did not leave the house. But with another craftswoman, whom I photographed knitting in the chapel, I was lucky to meet again and hand over the photographs.

- And how did she react?

Good. She smiled and remembered.

- Delighted, took a photo?

Yes. And, seeing the camera again, she kindly called me cholera.

Noradus 2016. Photo: Sergey Kozlov

- That's how!

Yes, it was different. And not everywhere people took pictures willingly. For example, it seemed more difficult for me to shoot in Gyumri - the reaction to the camera was sometimes quite sharp. Some of them delicately said “no” to me or simply turned around and left.

- The grandmother in the photo from Gyumri looks very friendly.

Yes, this grandmother very politely let me know that I did not belong here. I saw her near those old doors. It seems that she was waiting for relatives from the store. She did not understand Russian very well. I tried to communicate with the help of her Russian-speaking relatives, who had already arrived at that time. And he even took five frames, after which they handed me a walnut that had come from nowhere, politely waved the handle and smoothly closed the door in front of my nose.

- Still, you managed to take shots.

Yes, but I've never been sent to hell so delicately.

Armenia. Yerevan. market September 2014. Photo: Sergey Kozlov

About Caucasian hospitality and stereotypes

- Did you go on some kind of photo tour? How much did you spend on the trip?

No, there was no photo tour. Most of the time I traveled alone, mostly by hitchhiking. I made a route in advance that would be interesting and would allow me to meet the allotted time. And already on the spot there was often a company. For the entire first trip, I spent five thousand round trip, while three of them went on the road. I spent the night in a tent or with local residents, who often invited me to their place - in this respect, Armenia is absolutely amazing. Once in Karabakh, I was walking through the evening village, and a local resident came out of the first door I came across and asked: “Tourist?” - Yes, tourist. From Russia". - And, having remembered the autumn rains with a strong word, the owner immediately invited: “Come on, don’t spend the night on the street ...”

Noradus. 2016. Photo: Sergey Kozlov

- Isn't it scary to hitchhike with equipment, with backpacks every time in isolation from civilization?

No, it's not scary at all. I also hitchhiked to Nagorno-Karabakh, and nothing bad happened. There was such an indicative situation: I arrived in Stepanakert (a city in the Nagorno-Karabakh region. - ed. note), it was not the first day of the road, and I got tired of the 100-liter backpack behind my shoulders. I got off the bus, went to explore the surroundings and came across a railway station market (the Caucasian market is generally a separate holiday). One of the local old-timers, looking at me, said: “Is it hard, I guess? Leave your backpack here, no one will take it." Imagine: leaving a backpack somewhere at the Kazan railway station, for example.

Armenia, Goris, May 2017. This is a tramp. I liked his look - close, thoughtful, looking into space. I approached, asked permission, in response they handed me a glass of coffee. We took a few steps to the nearest street, sat down on a bench, talked, filmed on the go. Photo: Sergey Kozlov

- And you left?

Of course, I took money, documents, a camera from him ... And I decided to trust random acquaintances. A few hours later I came back to this spot in the city center and found my backpack, which for all this time has not interested anyone. With an understanding of one's own and others, everything is fine there.

- That is, stereotypes about gloomy and vicious highlanders are pure fiction?

The Caucasus and Transcaucasia are not limited to the so-called "unfavorable" regions, which are often heard about. This world is more diverse and, I think, friendly. I communicated with both Dagestanis and Azerbaijanis, with many people during my solo trips. Impressions are the best. There has never been any open aggression. Minor troubles arose, but extremely rarely, and everything was solved quite easily. Many people living there rejoiced, meeting a keen interest in themselves.

Armenia, Areni, October 2014. The village of Arzni is famous for its winery and the annual international wine festival. Photo: Sergey Kozlov

Armenia, Goris, May 2017. Road worker. Their brigade stood on the roadside, people during the break rejoiced at the spring sun. I approached and asked permission to take a portrait. Somewhat reluctantly, he nevertheless agreed to take some pictures. Photo: Sergey Kozlov

Armenia, Goris, May 2017. Seeing a large company of players with sharp gestures and excitement in their eyes, I could not pass by. Such “lunch breaks” can last for hours, so I had time to shoot. Photo: Sergey Kozlov

Death in the form of a Scania truck overtook a 33-year-old Gazelle driver at the 699th kilometer of the federal highway M-5 Ural.

The first information about the accident appeared on Tuesday, May 15, on the website of the Main Directorate of the Russian Emergencies Ministry for the Penza Region. The report indicates that on the same day at 22:20, a message about a traffic accident was received on the control panel of the on-duty rescuer of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Gorodishchensky district.

To find out the details, on the same day I called Anna Shupilova, the head of the information support group for the activities of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Penza Region.

“There was a collision of two vehicles in the Gorodishchensky district,” she said. - As a result of the traffic accident, unfortunately, there are victims. Four people, one piece of equipment were involved from the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Penza Region to eliminate the consequences of an accident.

The next day, May 16, more detailed information was already indicated in the traffic police reports: “According to preliminary data, an accident occurred at the 699th kilometer of the Ural highway involving a GAZ-278858 car and a Scania heavy truck with a Bong semi-trailer. . To clarify this information, I contacted Yulia Kuligina, traffic police inspector for promoting road safety.

She said that, according to preliminary data, the GAZ driver, a man born in 1985, ran into a Scania. The truck was driven by an older man, born in 1961. The injuries sustained by the driver of the van were fatal. He died on the spot. Checking in progress.

This incident was actively discussed on the Internet. So, for example, on one of the public pages of the social network Vkontakte, an eyewitness to the accident published a photo from the scene. In the course of personal correspondence, he spoke about what he saw and provided a photo from the scene of the tragedy.

"Gazelle" crashed into a standing "Scania", - Igor Fedorov said on May 16 (at the request of the interlocutor, the name was changed. - Approx. Aut.). “I don’t know how it happened, but the driver of the Gazelle had no chance.”

In addition to eyewitnesses of the accident, there were also those who knew the deceased man personally. So, for example, on May 17, I contacted Lyudmila Lavrova, an acquaintance of the mother of the deceased.

“He was a great guy, a caring son and a loving husband,” a woman said about the Gazelle driver. We still can't believe what happened. Literally a day before the tragedy, I saw him, talked to him. And then such a misfortune. For his mother, this news was a real blow.

I also managed to talk with a friend of the deceased, also a driver.

“The name of the deceased was Yevgeny,” Vitaly Rybin told me (at the request of the interlocutor, the name was changed. - Approx. Aut.) During personal correspondence. - Quite young still, 33 years. A good sympathetic person, a great friend, a neat driver. Nobody expected this to happen to him. I've known him for four years, also a driver. Eugene himself from Penza, driving for more than 10 years, worked for himself. He left home on a flight and never returned alive. He was only 33 years old. He himself earned his Gazelle, with his own labor. He left behind a wife and a daughter. We don't know when the funeral will be. Everyone is still in shock from what happened.”

Varvara Ustinova

A lot of interesting characters have arrived. Even Harold, hiding the pain, has already managed to check in on the instagrams of our compatriots. Some of the fans arrived by plane, others arrived by train or car. And the Argentinean Juan Matias Amaya came to Moscow on a bicycle. The journey of 80 thousand kilometers took him five years. And it's not over yet.

27 May 2018 at 10:03 PDT Mathias, 33, has already traveled through 37 countries. If you meet him on the street, you will not confuse him with anyone: a bearded man on a bicycle loaded with all sorts of things and decorated with a huge number of flags from different countries. In 2013, Matias left the Argentine city of San Juan and still continues to travel the world on a bicycle.

Posted by Maty Amaya (@matyas.amaya)

May 22, 2018 at 9:43 pm PDT Matthias used to work for a pharmaceutical company. But at one fine moment he discovered that he had become too selfish and greedy for money.

Posted by Maty Amaya (@matyas.amaya)

May 17, 2018 at 5:39 pm PDT “Not only was I unhappy with my job, I also felt empty inside. I was ready to exchange all material goods in order to live life to the fullest, ”he said in an interview with Romeing.

Posted by Maty Amaya (@matyas.amaya)

May 15, 2018 at 2:11 pm PDT Matthias first told family and friends that he was leaving for 15 days. But after this time, he realized that this was not enough.

Posted by Maty Amaya (@matyas.amaya)

May 14, 2018 at 1:01 am PDT “At first they thought I was crazy for leaving everything behind to travel. And now my family and friends thank me because I share photos and videos so they can learn more about other cultures.”

Posted by Maty Amaya (@matyas.amaya)

May 3, 2018 at 9:37 pm PDT Matthias says his journey is not easy. In an interview with Sports.ru, he said that he left the house with $ 200 in his pocket, stayed for the night mainly in nature, and people around him often helped him.

Posted by Maty Amaya (@matyas.amaya)

6 Apr 2018 at 2:20 PDT “I'm not in a position to choose, so I eat everything. I even had to eat ants, caterpillars and all sorts of other strange creatures.

Posted by Maty Amaya (@matyas.amaya)

6 Apr 2018 at 7:24 PDT During the trip, Matthias faced a lot of difficulties: once he ran out of water in the desert and did not drink anything for two days, he slept on the streets of Europe in winter, they tried to rob him several times and even wounded him with a knife. Many times Matthias thought about returning home, but kept going.

Posted by Maty Amaya (@matyas.amaya)

8 Dec 2017 at 3:12 PST And now, after five years and 80 thousand kilometers, the cyclist arrived in Russia for the World Cup. Especially in Russia, Matthias was impressed by the girls.

“There are very beautiful women in Russia, they are very different from those who live in my city in Argentina. Our women have black hair and eyes. I like blue-eyed blondes. When I arrived in Russia, I almost fell off my bike! Blondes everywhere! This is heaven for me!” - said Mathias in an interview with 360 TV channel.

Russia is not the final destination of his journey. But where he will go next, Matthias has not yet decided.

Posted by Maty Amaya (@matyas.amaya)

Mar 15, 2017 at 12:23 pm PDT “I didn't have a specific plan, I just wanted to leave home. I was supposed to leave for 15 days, and five years have already passed. I rarely think about the future, I like to live in the present.