All books about: “short tales of unknown people…. All books about: “short tales of unknown... Through the looking glass and what Alice saw there, or... Lewis Carroll

FOLK TALES Lead Bogatyr. (Translation by A. Sadetsky) Youth without old age and life without death. (Translation by N. Anisimova) The Tale of the Magic Wolf and Ilyan-Kosynzyan. (Translation by A. Sadetsky) Tsugulya, son of an old man and an old woman. (Translation by Z. Potapova) Conqueror of kites. (Translation by A. Sadetsky) Knight Ageran. (Translation by A. Sadetsky) The hero Pryslya and the golden apples. (Translation by M. Malobrodskaya) Bogatyr Shperle. (Translation by P. Anisimova) Petrified. (Translation by Z. Potapova) Fat-Frumos, Golden Curls. (Translation by S. Kulmanova) Ilyan-Kosynzyan. (Translation by S. Kulmanova) Bewitched...

Fairy tales for why girls Tamara Kryukova

Who hasn’t asked a hundred different “whys” a day? Sometimes there are so many questions that even adults cannot answer them. There are different sciences for this. But, as you know, any science begins with a fairy tale. Before there was a plane, there was a magic carpet, and instead of a TV there was a saucer with a pouring apple. You probably know the fairy tales of the English writer Kipling, where he explains how people learned to write and why a camel has a hump. I also tried to find fabulous answers to some “whys”, and this is what I came up with. the book is not complete

The Little Ghost (with illustrations) Otfried Preusler

Oh, what a little Ghost! Do you know why children who read the fairy tales of the German writer Otfried Preussler are never afraid of anything? Yes, this is because scary, scary old hedgehogs, mermen and ghosts live only in fairy tale books! And reading them is fun and interesting. “The Little Ghost” is one of the best fairy tales for children by the famous German writer Otfried Preussler. For preschool and primary school age. Illustrations by L.A. Tokmakova

Little Baba Yaga (with illustrations) Otfried Preusler

Oh, what a little Ghost! Oh, what a little Baba Yaga! Oh, what a little green Vodyanoy! Are you scared? Do you know why children who read the fairy tales of the German writer Otfried Preussler are never afraid of anything? Yes, this is because scary, scary old hedgehogs, mermen and ghosts live only in fairy tale books! And reading them is fun and interesting. For preschool and primary school age.

Untimely thoughts Maxim Gorky

This is a unique book in the entire history of Russian literature, which arose from the writer’s short newspaper responses to the topic of the day. Gorky's articles appeared almost daily in the Petrograd newspaper Novaya Zhizn. The newspaper was opened after the February Revolution and closed after the October Revolution. She lived from May 1, 1917 to June 16, 1918, that is, during the most transitional, turning point time. The path between two revolutions - bourgeois and socialist - is a difficult path. Published on the pages of Novaya Zhizn, Gorky tried to develop his position, his attitude to reality,...

Splashes of reality Felix Krivin

This book by Felix Krivin contains the shortest fairy tales, stories, thoughts and facts. A collection of aphorisms for all occasions))) “There weren’t enough thoughts, so all the people were like-minded.” “Cross out the minus and it becomes a plus.” “The idea arose to make fire. So, just in case of fire.” “Love is evil, but you can always choose the lesser of two evils.” “Some die of laughter, others die of curiosity, others die of love. And the fourth simply die, and this is the most unpleasant thing.” “You live this life like an epic, and at the end you look - it’s all...

Through the looking glass and what Alice saw there, or... Lewis Carroll

Two fairy tales by the English writer Lewis Carroll, “Alice in Wonderland” and “Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Saw There” (or “Alice Through the Looking Glass”) have long become the property of world culture. Their fate is unique: written for children, they not only became classics of literature for adults, but also today attract the closest attention of representatives of the humanities and natural sciences. This interest is not accidental, because the creator of these tales, Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, who appeared in literature under the name Lewis Carroll, was a professional mathematician,...

Little Ghost Otfried Preusler

Oh, what a little Ghost! Do you know why children who read the fairy tales of the German writer Otfried Preussler are never afraid of anything? Yes, this is because scary, scary old hedgehogs, mermen and ghosts live only in fairy tale books! And reading them is fun and interesting. “The Little Ghost” is one of the best fairy tales for children by the famous German writer Otfried Preussler.

An unknown fairy tale by Andersen Ekaterina Lesina

When Dasha went to get a job, she did not expect that her old friend Yefim would be the future boss. And she certainly didn’t intend to become a witness to a murder - during her lunch with Efim, another applicant for a secretary position died right in the reception area... One night Efim called Dasha with an offer to try to return their feelings, but he never made it to her house - he woke up on a city street landfill He didn’t remember anything, he only knew that it was all about a patent for an invention, which he did not have time to file. Scientist Elvira Steklova recorded data...

Tales of Wilhelm Hauff

This collection of the German romantic writer Wilhelm Hauff (1802–1827) consists of three cycles of his most popular fairy tales: “The Caravan”, “The Sheikh of Alexandria and His Slaves”, “The Tavern in Spessart”. They included fairy tales “The Tale of Little Flour”, “Dwarf Nose”, “The Story of Almansor”, etc. In addition, the book includes a philosophical short story-fairy tale “Phantasmagories in the Bremen wine cellar”. The book is intended for family reading.

Fairy tales just in case Evgeniy Klyuev

Evgeny Klyuev is one of the most extraordinary Russian-speaking writers of today, the author of sensational novels. But this book represents a special facet of his talent and is intended for both adults and children. Evgeny Klyuev, like Hans Christian Andersen, lives in Denmark and writes wonderful fairy tales. They are full of poetry and goodness. Their meaning is clear to a child, but the subtle allegory disturbs a mature mind. All tales collected in this book are published for the first time.

...With many unknowns Arkady Adamov

The name of the writer Arkady Adamov is widely known to readers thanks to such books as “...With Many Unknowns”, “Trace of the Fox”, “The Pack”, “A Manhunt is Underway”, “Inspector Losev”. The first book of selected works by A. Adamov, which is published by our publishing house under the general title “Crime Novel,” includes the novel “...With Many Unknowns” and the story “The Corner of the White Wall.”

Folk tales and legends Johannes Musaeus

Folk tales and legends recorded at the end of the 18th century. from the words of peasants and artisans in different parts of Germany. The essence of the fairy tales remained unchanged, but in the literary processing of the writer and storyteller they acquired even greater expressiveness. Johann Karl August Muzeus (1735-1787), a contemporary of Goethe, Schiller and Lessing, graduated from the University of Jena and taught at a gymnasium in Weimar. In 1762, his novel “Grandison the Second or the History of Mr. N. in Letters” was published - a parody of numerous works written in the spirit of a sentimental family novel...

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state there were impassable swamps, around them there was a roundabout road; It will take three years to travel that road soon, but to travel quietly – five is not enough! A poor old man lived near the road; he had three sons: the first was called Ivan, the second was Vasily, and the third was Semyon, a young boy.

The poor guy decided to clear out these swamps, build a straight-line road here and pave viburnum bridges so that a person on foot could cross in three weeks, and a horse on horseback could travel in three days. He set to work together with his children, and in no time at all everything was completed: the viburnum bridges were paved and the straight and straight road was cleared. The poor man returned to his hut and said to his eldest son, Ivan:

Come, dear son, sit under the bridge and listen to what kind people will say about us - good or bad?

Read the Russian folk tale "The Violinist in Hell"

Once upon a time there lived a man, he had three sons. He lived richly, collected two pots of money - one he buried in a barn, the other in the gate. This guy died and didn’t tell anyone about the money.

Once there was a holiday in the village; the violinist was going out for a party and suddenly fell through the ground; failed and ended up in hell, right in the place where the rich man was suffering.

Hello, friend! - says the violinist. The man answers him:

You got here wrong! This is hell, and I'm sitting in hell.

Why did you end up here, uncle?

Read the Russian folk tale "The Miser"

Once upon a time there lived a rich merchant Marco - he was never stingier! One day he went for a walk; Walking along the road, I saw a beggar: an old man was sitting and asking for alms:

Give it, Orthodox, for Christ's sake!

Marco Rich passed by. A poor man at that time followed him, took pity on the beggar and gave him a penny. The rich man seemed ashamed, he stopped and said to the man:

Listen, fellow countryman, lend me a pretty penny; I want to give something poor, but there are no small ones!

The man gave it to him and asked:

Read the Russian folk tale "The Blind"

In White Stone Moscow there lived one guy among the workers; I decided to go to the village for the summer and began to ask the owner for payment. But he didn’t have to get a lot of money, just one fifty dollars. He took this fifty dollars and went beyond the Kaluga outpost; looks - a blind beggar sits on a rampart and asks for alms in the name of Christ. The man thought and thought and took pity; handed him fifty dollars and said:

This, old man, is fifty dollars; Take from it for Christ's sake a seven-ruble note, and give me forty-eight kopecks in change.

The blind man put the fifty kopecks in his purse and pulled it again:

Orthodox Christians, give Christ for the sake of the blind man who cannot see!

Read the Russian folk tale "The Death of the Cockerel"

A hen and a rooster are walking on the priest's threshing floor. A cockerel choked on a bean seed.

The chicken took pity and went to the river to ask for water.

River says:

Go to the sticky, ask for a leaf, then I’ll give you water!

Sticky, sticky! Give it to the leaf: take the leaf to the river, the river will give water, carry the water to the cockerel, - the cockerel choked on a bean seed: he neither hears nor breathes, he lies exactly dead!

Read the Russian folk tale "A quiet man and a pugnacious wife"

A certain peasant lived with his wife in great poverty. He was as humble as a calf, and his wife was as angry as a fierce snake; She always scolded and beat her husband for the smallest trifle. At some time, an evil wife begged a neighbor for one loaf of rye and sent her husband to go to the miller to grind the rye. The miller, for the sake of poverty, let him into his mill and gave him rye to grind. Having finished speaking, the man went home. Suddenly there was such a strong wind that in one minute it blew away all the flour from the cup in which the man was carrying it. The man came home and told his wife about it; and the wife, hearing this, began to scold him and beat him mercilessly, and beat him until she was tired, and then began to send him to the Wind, which dispelled the flour from him, in order to take money from the Wind for the flour, or the same amount of flour as in there was a cup.

Read the Russian folk tale "The Tar Bull"

Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a grandmother. They had a granddaughter, Tanya. One day they were sitting outside their house, and a shepherd was driving a herd of cows past. All sorts of cows: red, and motley, and black, and white. And with one cow running next to him was a small black bull. Where it will jump, where it will jump. A very good bull.

If only we could have a calf like this,” says Tanyushka.

Grandfather thought and thought and came up with an idea: I’ll get a calf for Tanya. He didn’t say where he would get it.

Now the night has come. Grandma went to bed. Tanya went to bed, the cat went to bed, the dog went to bed, the chickens went to bed, but grandpa didn’t go to bed. I got ready slowly and went into the forest. He came to the forest, picked resin from the trees, filled a bucket full and returned home.

Read the Russian folk tale "The Snow Maiden"

Every thing happens in the world, everything is said about in a fairy tale. Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman. They had plenty of everything - a cow, a sheep, and a cat on the stove, but there were no children. They were very sad, they kept grieving. One day in winter there was knee-deep white snow. The neighborhood kids poured out into the street, sledding, throwing snowballs, and began making a snow woman. The grandfather looked at them from the window, looked and said to the woman:

Why, wife, you’re sitting thoughtfully, looking at other people’s guys, let’s go and have some fun in our old age, we’ll make a snow woman too.

Read the Russian folk tale "The Snow Maiden and the Fox"

Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman. They had a granddaughter, Snegurushka. The girlfriends gathered in the forest to pick berries and came to invite the Snow Maiden with them. The old man and the old woman disagreed for a long time, but finally let her go. “Just,” they say, “don’t lag behind your friends.”

The girls came to the forest and began to pick berries - tree by tree, bush by bush. The Snow Maiden fell behind. The girlfriends screamed and screamed, but the Snow Maiden didn’t hear. As it got dark, the girlfriends went home.

And the Snow Maiden walked and walked through the forest, completely lost. She realized that she was left alone in the forest, climbed a tall tree, sat down on a branch and began to cry bitterly and sing.

Read the Russian folk tale "Prophetic Dreams"

Once upon a time there lived a poor man with his wife and children; One night he had the following dream: as if a big bear was lying under the stove in their hut. In the morning he began to tell his dream to his wife; she says:

Ah, master, I had the same dream.

Children say:

Oh, father, we saw the same thing in our dreams.

The man thought:

No wonder everyone had one dream - a prophetic dream, but what does it prophesy: ​​misfortune or happiness?

Read the Russian folk tale "The Dog and the Woodpecker"

There lived a man and a woman and did not know what kind of work there was; and they had a dog, she fed and watered them. But the time has come, the dog has become old; where can I feed a man and woman? She almost disappears from hunger herself.

Listen, old man,” says the woman, “take this dog, take it outside the village and drive it away; let him go wherever he wants. We don't need it now! There was a time when she fed us, and they kept her.

The old man took the dog, took it out of the village and drove it away.

Here's a dog walking around in an open field, but he's afraid to go home: the old man and the old woman will start beating and beating him. She walked and walked, sat down on the ground and howled in a strong voice. A woodpecker flew past and asked:

Read the Russian folk tale "The Soldier and the Master"

The soldier went on leave, hired himself to serve a stingy master, for a year - for a hundred rubles; The landowner ordered him to clean the horses, and carry manure, and carry water, and chop wood, and the garden of vengeance, in a word, did not give him a moment's rest, completely exhausted him with work. The soldier served for a year and asks for payment. The landowner felt sorry for giving the money, he began to get it, and he roared:

What are you crying about, sir?

It's a waste of money!

What a gentleman you are! After all, I served you for a whole year; If you had served me for three days, I would have given you a hundred rubles and not said a word.

Read the Russian folk tale "The Soldier and the Robber"

Once upon a time there lived a man and a woman; The man lived in robbery, and his wife helped him. Once he went to get some living; There was only one woman left at home. At that time a soldier happened to pass through that village; knocked on her window and asked:

Let me spend the night, hostess!

The soldier entered the hut, took off his backpack and went to bed. A little later the owner arrives, sees the guest and says:

Well, thank God, even though I didn’t go out on the road, I found him in the hut!

An urgent time passed, the soldier served the king and began to ask to go home to see his relatives. At first the king did not let him in, but then he agreed, gave him gold and silver and released him on all four sides.

So the soldier received his resignation and went to say goodbye to his comrades, and his comrades said to him:

Can’t you offer it on the sheets, but before we lived well?

So the soldier began to bring it to his comrades; He brought it and brought it - lo and behold, he only had five nickels left.

Read the Russian folk tale "The Soldier and the Tsar in the Forest"

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a man; he had two sons. The soldiers came and took the eldest son as a recruit. He served the sovereign with faith and truth, and was so happy that in a few years he rose to the rank of general.

At this very time, a new recruitment was announced, and the lot fell on his younger brother; They shaved his forehead, and it so happened that he ended up in the very regiment in which his brother was a general. The soldier recognized the general, but where! He completely refuses it:

I don't know you, and you don't know me!

Read the Russian folk tale "The Soldier and the Devil"

The soldier was standing guard, and he wanted to visit his homeland.

If only,” he says, “the devil took me there!” And he’s right there.

“You,” he says, “called me?”

If you please, he says, give me your soul in exchange!

How can I quit my job, how can I get off the clock?

Read the Russian folk tale "The Soldier Delivers the Princess"

They drove the soldier to the distant borders; He served the required term, received a clean discharge and went home. He walked through many lands, through different states; comes to one capital and stays in the apartment of a poor old woman. I started questioning her;

How is it in your state, grandma - is everything great?

And-and, servant! Our king has a beautiful daughter, Martha the Princess; a foreign prince wooed her; the princess did not want to marry him, and he unleashed evil spirits on her. This is the third year he can’t! The evil spirits do not give her peace at night; the heart beats and screams without memory... Why doesn’t the king do: he brought sorcerers and healers - no one delivered!

Read the Russian folk tale "Soldier in Confession"

Once upon a time there was a priest who had a large parish, but he was so greedy that during Great Lent he did not charge anyone less than a ten-kopeck piece for confession; If someone does not bring a ten-kopeck piece, he will not be allowed to go to confession, but will begin to shame him:

What a horned beast you are! For a whole year I couldn’t get a dime to give to my spiritual father for confession, because he prays to God for you, the damned!

One time a soldier came to this priest for confession and put only a copper nickel on his table. Pop just went crazy.

Read the Russian folk tale "The Soldier, the Violinist and the Devil"

The soldier goes on leave, sits down near a stream to rest and plays the violin. The devil comes and invites him to visit him. The soldier spends three years as three days and is afraid to return to the regiment. The devil makes him a priest. The priest serves mass on the holiday. The devil comes and makes him play the violin. Pop is playing. They take him and put him in prison. The devil frees him from prison.

“What have you lost,” says the unclean one, “I will now make you a bishop.”

Brings a soldier to another state and passes him off as a bishop. The king took him in and gave him a place in his capital city. And this king had three beautiful daughters. Great Lent has come, and they decided to fast. The time has come - we must confess. So the eldest princess went to the bishop for confession and repented of her sins. And the bishop gives her the cross to kiss. Suddenly the unclean one appears to him and whispers in his ear:

Read the Russian folk tale "The Soldier's Riddle"

Once upon a time there lived a woman who had three sons. They got up early, went to the field, shot a crane, and brought it to their mother:

Brew it, mother, for dinner!

And we ourselves went to mow hay. At that time, soldiers came to the woman - traveling people; She poured them cabbage soup and said:

The master spoke to the soldier; the soldier began to praise his overcoat:

When I need to sleep, I will put my overcoat on my bed, and put my overcoat in my head, and cover myself with my overcoat.

The master began to ask the soldier to sell him his overcoat. So they bargained for twenty-five rubles. The master came home and said to his wife:

What a thing did I buy! Now I don’t need a feather bed, pillows, or blanket: I’ll put an overcoat on my bed, and I’ll put an overcoat in my head, and I’ll dress in an overcoat.

Read the Russian folk tale "Soldier's School"

A soldier was walking from the village to the city for service and stopped to spend the night with an old woman. He told her a lot of all sorts of nonsense, and she, as is well known, was born in the forest, prayed to a tree stump, has never been further than cattle and seen nothing, listens with open ears, believes everything and is amazed.

Where, servant, are they taught such wisdom? - the old woman finally asks the soldier.

In our regiment, grandma, we have a school where they teach not only humans, but also animals, so that you won’t even know how to make a person eat!

I wish I could, my dear, give my bull to your school!

And that's it! Get ready and take him to the city; Don’t be afraid - I’ll put him to work, you’ll thank me!

Read the Russian folk tale "The Sun, the Moon and the Raven Voronovich"

Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman, they had three daughters. The old man went to the barn to get some grains; I took the grains and took them home, but there was a hole in the bag; the cereal is pouring and pouring into it.

Came home. The old woman asks:

Where's the grain? - and all the grains fell out.

The old man went to collect and said:

If only the Sun would warm me, if only the Moon would illuminate, if only Voron Voronovich would help me collect grains: I would give my eldest daughter for the Sun, my middle daughter for the Month, and my youngest for Voron Voronovich!

Read the Russian folk tale "Salt"

In a certain city there lived a merchant, he had three sons: the first was Fedor, the second was Vasily, and the third was Ivan. That merchant lived richly, went to foreign lands on his ships and traded all sorts of goods.

At one time, he loaded two ships with expensive goods and sent them overseas with his two eldest sons. And he didn’t trust his youngest son with anything related to trade.

This is how the youngest son found out that his brothers had been sent overseas, he immediately came to his father and began to ask him to go to other lands - to show himself, to see people.

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a merchant, and he had three daughters. He built himself a new house and sent his eldest daughter to spend the night at the housewarming party, so that later she could tell him what and how she saw in her dreams. And she dreamed that she would marry a merchant’s son. The next night the merchant sends his middle daughter to a housewarming party, what does she dream of? And she dreamed that she would marry a nobleman. On the third night it was the turn of the youngest daughter, and he sent her too; and she dreamed, poor thing, that she would marry a goat.

Read the Russian folk tale "Married Children"

Once upon a time there lived two rich merchants: one in Moscow, the other in Kyiv; They often came together on trade matters, formed friendships together and shared bread and salt.

At some time a Kiev merchant came to Moscow, met his friend and said to him:

And God gave me joy - my wife gave birth to a son!

And my daughter was born! - answers the Moscow merchant.

Come on, let's shake hands! I have a son, you have a daughter, what’s better - a bride and groom! When they grow up, we will marry them and become related.

Read the Russian folk tale "The old bread and salt is forgotten"

The biryuk was caught in a trap, but somehow he escaped and began to make his way into a remote area. The hunters saw him and began to follow him. Biryuk had to run across the road, and at that time a man with a sack and a flail was walking along the road from the field. Biryuk to him:

Do me a favor, little man, bury me in a bag! Hunters are chasing me

The man agreed, hid it in a bag, tied it

Have you seen the biryukka, little man? - they ask.

Read the Russian folk tale "The Old Man and the Wolf"

An old man and an old woman lived on a hill in a clay hut. An old man, an old woman had a gray mare, a brown cow, a gray lamb, and three lambs.

The wolf found out that the old man had a lot of cattle, came at night under the window and sang:

Old man and old lady. We lived on a hill. In a clay hut. The old man, the old woman had a gray mare, There was a brown cow, There was a gray sheep, From three lambs. Old man, give me some lamb, otherwise I’ll eat the old woman.

The old man gave the lamb. And the next morning the wolf came and sang:

Read the Russian folk tale "Ancient Pop"

One day an old man and an old woman were sitting on the stove and talking:

It would be nice, old man, if you were a priest and I was a priest, life would be good.

That’s another thing I came up with, what kind of priest am I, when I don’t even know how to read and write, I don’t know how to serve?

You need a lot of literacy, but you’ll learn to serve,” says the old woman.

Stop inventing nonsense, old woman!

If I don’t make my old man a priest, I’ll go to the bishop tomorrow.

Many of the fairy tales that we know almost by heart have undergone many changes before they became world famous. Today we tell them to children, but they were not always intended for children's ears. Quite often, these centuries-old stories of different cultures were passed on by word of mouth in taverns or around the fire, where children were almost not present, distracting tired peasants from their hard work. Many of them were far from harmless stories with a happy ending, and were more like plots for horror films. Here are 5 versions of famous fairy tales that you didn't know about:

"Little Red Riding Hood"

In the story on which Perrault based his 1697 version of Little Red Riding Hood, the wolf disguised as the grandmother he had recently swallowed was a werewolf. He invites Little Red Riding Hood to undress and join him in bed, throwing her clothes into the fire. According to some versions, the wolf eats the girl when she ends up in his bed and the fairy tale ends. In another story, Little Red Riding Hood tells the wolf that she needs to go to the toilet and doesn’t want to do “that” in bed, after which the girl manages to escape. This is perhaps a more positive ending to the tale than Perrault's version, in which the girl is eaten by a wolf, or the Brothers Grimm's first version of 1812, in which the woodcutter frees her and her grandmother by cutting open the wolf's belly.

"Snow White"

In the story, told by the Brothers Grimm in 1812, Snow White's envious mother (not stepmother!) sends a huntsman to bring back the girl's lung and liver, which the mother intended to pickle, cook and eat. Also included in the Brothers Grimm fairy tale is the punishment of a cruel mother. In the story, she appears at Snow White's wedding wearing red-hot iron shoes and dances in them until she falls dead.


In the 7th printing of the Brothers Grimm collection from 1857, the plot was much darker than what we learned in Charles Perrault's retelling 200 years earlier. In this version, Cinderella's stepsisters are beautiful and evil, like their stepmother, in despair at not being able to fit into the golden slipper, they cut off their own toe (first sister) and heel (second sister). The pigeons notice that the shoes are filling with blood. The prince realizes that Cinderella is the one, while the pigeons peck out the eyes of the sisters and stepmother for their atrocities.


In the original story, written by Carlo Collodi and published in 1883, Pinocchio falls asleep in front of a fire and his legs are burned, after killing the Talking Cricket who is lecturing him with a wooden mallet. After this, Pinocchio is turned into a donkey, tied to a stone and thrown off a cliff. Before this, the buyer buys Pinocchio in the form of a donkey in order to make a drum from his skin. Throughout the story he is persecuted, bullied and imprisoned.

"Sleeping Beauty"

In a collection of fairy tales from 1634 by the Italian storyteller Giambattista Basile, who was one of the first to record fairy tales later retold by Charles Perrault and the Brothers Grimm, a girl gets a flax fiber under her fingernail, which pricks her, causing her to fall asleep. The prince who finds Sleeping Beauty finds her so irresistible that he rapes her despite her dead sleep. Nine months later, her twins are born, also in her sleep. The beauty awakens only after one of the children, in search of a breast, sucks on her finger and pulls out the fiber.

Coming up with a fairy tale is a creative task that develops children's speech, imagination, fantasy, and creative thinking. These tasks help the child create a fairy-tale world where he is the main character, developing in the child such qualities as kindness, courage, boldness, and patriotism.

By composing independently, the child develops these qualities. Our children really like to invent fairy tales themselves, it brings them joy and pleasure. Fairy tales invented by children are very interesting, they help to understand the inner world of your children, there are a lot of emotions, the invented characters seem to have come to us from another world, the world of childhood. The drawings for these essays look very funny. The page presents short fairy tales that schoolchildren came up with for a literary reading lesson in 3rd grade. If the children cannot write a fairy tale themselves, then invite them to come up with the beginning, end or continuation of the fairy tale on their own.

A fairy tale should have:

  • introduction (starter)
  • main action
  • denouement + epilogue (preferably)
  • a fairy tale should teach something good

The presence of these components will give your creative work the correct finished look. Please note that in the examples presented below, these components are not always present, and this serves as a basis for lowering the ratings.

Fight against an alien

In a certain city, in a certain country, there lived a president and a first lady. They had three sons - triplets: Vasya, Vanya and Roma. They were smart, brave and courageous, only Vasya and Vanya were irresponsible. One day, the city was attacked by an alien. And not a single army could cope. This alien destroyed houses at night. The brothers came up with an invisible drone. Vasya and Vanya were supposed to be on duty, but fell asleep. But Roma couldn’t sleep. And when the alien appeared, he began to fight it. It turned out to be not so simple. The plane was shot down. Roma woke up the brothers, and they helped him control the smoking drone. And together they defeated the alien. (Kamenkov Makar)

How the ladybug got dots.

Once upon a time there lived an artist. And one day he came up with the idea of ​​drawing a fairy-tale picture about the life of insects. He drew and drew, and suddenly he saw a ladybug. She didn't seem very beautiful to him. And he decided to change the color of the back, the ladybug looked strange. I changed the color of the head, it looked strange again. And when I painted spots on the back, it became beautiful. And he liked it so much that he drew 5-6 pieces at once. The artist’s painting was hung in the museum for everyone to admire. And ladybugs still have dots on their backs. When other insects ask: "Why do you have ladybugs dots on their backs?" They answer: “It was the artist who painted us” (Surzhikova Maria)

Fear has big eyes

There lived a grandmother and granddaughter. Every day they went for water. The grandmother had large bottles, the granddaughter had smaller ones. One day our water carriers went to fetch water. They got some water and are walking home through the area. They walk and see an apple tree, and under the apple tree there is a cat. The wind blew and the apple fell on the cat’s forehead. The cat got scared and ran right under our water carriers’ feet. They got scared, threw the bottles and ran home. The grandmother fell on the bench, the granddaughter hid behind her grandmother. The cat ran scared and barely ran away. It’s true what they say: “Fear has big eyes—what they don’t have, they see.”


Once upon a time there lived a king, and he had a daughter. She was called Snowflake because she was made of snow and melted in the sun. But despite this, her heart was not very kind. The king did not have a wife and he said to the snowflake: “Now you will grow up and who will take care of me?” The snowflake saw the suffering of the king-father and offered to find him a wife. The king agreed. After some time, the king found himself a wife, her name was Rosella. She was angry and jealous of her stepdaughter. Snowflake was friends with all the animals, since people were allowed to see her, because the king was afraid that people might harm his beloved daughter.

Every day Snowflake grew and blossomed, and the stepmother figured out how to get rid of her. Rosella learned Snowflake’s secret and decided to destroy her at all costs. She called Snowflake to her and said: “My daughter, I am very sick and only the decoction that my sister cooks will help me, but she lives very far away.” Snowflake agreed to help her stepmother.

The girl set off in the evening, found where Rosella’s sister lived, took the broth from her and hurried on the way back. But dawn began and she turned into a puddle. Where the Snowflake melted, a beautiful flower grew. Rosella told the king that she sent Snowflake away to look into the world, but she never returned. The king was upset and waited days and nights for his daughter.

A girl was walking in the forest where a fairy flower grew. She took the flower home, began to look after it and talk to it. One spring day, a flower blossomed and a girl grew out of it. This girl turned out to be Snowflake. She went with her savior to the palace of the unfortunate king and told everything to the priest. The king became angry with Rosella and kicked her out. And he recognized his daughter’s savior as his second daughter. And they have lived together very happily ever since. (Veronica)

Magical forest

Once upon a time there lived a boy named Vova. One day he went into the forest. The forest turned out to be magical, like in a fairy tale. Dinosaurs lived there. Vova was walking and saw frogs in the clearing. They danced and sang. Suddenly a dinosaur came. He was clumsy and big, and he also began to dance. Vova laughed and so did the trees. That was the adventure with Vova. (Boltnova Victoria)

The Tale of the Good Hare

Once upon a time there lived a hare and a hare. They huddled in a small dilapidated hut on the edge of the forest. One day the hare went to pick mushrooms and berries. I collected a whole bag of mushrooms and a basket of berries.

He is walking home and meets a hedgehog. “What are you talking about, hare?” - asks the hedgehog. “Mushrooms and berries,” answers the hare. And he treated the hedgehog to mushrooms. He went further. A squirrel jumps towards me. The squirrel saw berries and said: “Give me a bunny of berries, I’ll give them to my squirrels.” The hare treated the squirrel and moved on. A bear is coming towards you. He gave the bear some mushrooms to taste and continued on his way.

A fox is coming. “Give me your harvest!” The hare grabbed a bag of mushrooms and a basket of berries and ran away from the fox. The fox was offended by the hare and decided to take revenge on him. She ran ahead of the hare to his hut and destroyed it.

The hare comes home, but there is no hut. Only the hare sits and cries bitter tears. The local animals learned about the hare's misfortune and came to help him build a new home. And the house turned out a hundred times better than before. And then they got bunnies. And they began to live their lives and receive forest friends as guests.

Magic wand

Once upon a time there lived three brothers. Two strong and a weak one. The strong ones were lazy, and the third was hardworking. They went into the forest to pick mushrooms and got lost. The brothers saw the palace all made of gold, went inside, and there were untold riches. The first brother took a sword made of gold. The second brother took an iron club. The third took a magic wand. The Serpent Gorynych appeared out of nowhere. One with a sword, the other with a club, but Zmey Gorynych doesn’t take anything. Only the third brother waved his wand, and instead of the kite there was a boar, which ran away. The brothers returned home and have been helping their weak brother ever since.


Once upon a time there lived a little bunny. And one day a fox stole him and carried him far away, far away. She put him in prison and locked him. The poor bunny sits and thinks: “How to escape?” And suddenly he sees stars falling from the small window, and a little fairy squirrel appears. And she told him to wait until the fox fell asleep and get the key. The fairy gave him a package and told him to open it only at night.

Night has come. The bunny untied the package and saw a fishing rod. He took it, stuck it through the window, and swung it. The hook hit the key. The bunny pulled and took the key. He opened the door and ran home. And the fox looked for him and looked for him, but never found him.

Tale about the king

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a king and a queen. And they had three sons: Vanya, Vasya and Peter. One fine day the brothers were walking in the garden. In the evening they came home. The king and queen meet them at the gate and say: “Robbers have attacked our land. Take the troops and drive them out of our land.” And the brothers went and began to look for the robbers.

For three days and three nights they rode without rest. On the fourth day, a heated battle is seen near one village. The brothers galloped to the rescue. There was a battle from early morning until late evening. Many people died on the battlefield, but the brothers won.

They returned home. The king and queen rejoiced at the victory, the king was proud of his sons and threw a feast for the whole world. And I was there, and I drank honey. It flowed down my mustache, but didn’t get into my mouth.

Magic fish

Once upon a time there lived a boy, Petya. Once he went fishing. The first time he cast his fishing rod, he didn’t catch anything. The second time he cast his fishing rod and again did not catch anything. The third time he cast his fishing rod and caught a goldfish. Petya brought it home and put it in a jar. I began to make imaginary fairy-tale wishes:

Fish - fish I want to learn mathematics.

Okay, Petya, I'll do the math for you.

Rybka - Rybka I want to learn Russian.

Okay, Petya, I'll do Russian for you.

And the boy made a third wish:

I want to become a scientist

The fish said nothing, just splashed its tail in the water and disappeared into the waves forever.

If you don’t study and don’t work, you can’t become a scientist.

Magical girl

Once upon a time there lived a girl - the Sun. And she was called the Sun because she smiled. The sun began to travel across Africa. She felt thirsty. When she said these words, a large bucket of cool water suddenly appeared. The girl drank some water, and the water was golden. And the Sun became strong, healthy and happy. And when things were difficult for her in life, those difficulties went away. And the girl realized about her magic. She wished for toys, but it did not come true. The Sun began to act up and the magic disappeared. It is true what they say: “If you want a lot, you will get little.”

Tale about kittens

Once upon a time there lived a cat and a cat, and they had three kittens. The eldest was called Barsik, the middle one was Murzik, and the youngest was Ryzhik. One day they went for a walk and saw a frog. The kittens chased after her. The frog jumped into the bushes and disappeared. Ryzhik asked Barsik:

Who is it?

“I don’t know,” Barsik answered.

Let's catch him, Murzik suggested.

And the kittens climbed into the bushes, but the frog was no longer there. They went home to tell their mother about it. The mother cat listened to them and said that it was a frog. So the kittens found out what kind of animal it was.

1. Pinocchio.
In the original story, written by Carlo Collodi and published in 1883, Pinocchio falls asleep in front of a fire and his legs are burned before he kills the talking cricket that is lecturing him with a wooden mallet.

After this, Pinocchio is turned into a donkey, tied to a stone and thrown over a cliff. Before this, the buyer buys Pinocchio in the form of a donkey in order to make a drum out of its skin. Throughout the story he is persecuted, bullied and imprisoned.

2. Snow White.
In a story told by the Brothers Grimm in 1812, Snow White's envious mother (not stepmother) sends a huntsman to bring back the girl's lung and liver, which the mother intended to pickle, cook and eat.

Also included in the Brothers Grimm fairy tale is the punishment of a cruel mother. In the story, she appears at Snow White's wedding wearing red-hot iron shoes and dances in them until she falls dead.

3. little red riding hood.
In the story on which Perrault based his 1697 version of the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood," the wolf disguised as the grandmother he had recently swallowed was a werewolf. He invites Little Red Riding Hood to undress and join him in bed, throwing her clothes into the fire. According to some versions, the wolf eats the girl when she ends up in his bed and the fairy tale ends. In another story, Little Red Riding Hood tells the wolf that she needs to go to the toilet and doesn’t want to do “that” in bed, after which the girl manages to escape.

This is perhaps a more positive ending to the tale than the Perrault version, in which the girl is eaten by a wolf, or the Brothers Grimm's first version of 1812, in which the woodcutter frees her and her grandmother by cutting open the wolf's belly.

4. Cinderella.
In the 7th printing of the Brothers Grimm collection from 1857, the plot was much darker than what we learned in Charles Perrault's retelling 200 years earlier. In this version, Cinderella's stepsisters are beautiful and evil, like their stepmother, in despair at not being able to fit into the golden slipper, they cut off their own toe (first sister) and heel (second sister.

The pigeons notice that the shoes are filling with blood. The prince realizes that Cinderella is the one, while the doves peck out the eyes of his sisters and stepmother for their atrocities.

5. sleeping beauty.
In a 1634 collection of fairy tales by the Italian storyteller Giambattista Basile, who was one of the first to record fairy tales later retold by Charles Perrault and the Brothers Grimm, a girl gets a flax fiber under her fingernail, which pricks her, causing her to fall asleep.

The prince who finds the sleeping beauty finds her so irresistible that he rapes her, despite her dead sleep. Nine months later, her twins are born, also in her sleep. The beauty awakens only after one of the children, in search of a breast, sucks on her finger and pulls out the fiber.

6. rat catcher.
The most famous version of the tale of the Pied Piper today, in a nutshell, is this: the city of Hamelin was invaded by a horde of rats. And then a man with a pipe appeared and offered to rid the city of rodents. The inhabitants of Hamelin agreed to pay a generous reward, and the rat catcher fulfilled his part of the agreement. When it came to payment, the townspeople, as they say, “threw away” their savior. And then the rat catcher decided to rid the city of children too!

In more modern versions, the rat catcher lured the children to a cave away from the city and, as soon as the greedy townspeople paid, sent everyone home. In the original, the rat catcher led the children into the river, and they drowned (except for one lame man, who lagged behind everyone else.

7. little mermaid.
Disney's film about the little mermaid ends with a magnificent wedding of Ariel and Eric, where not only people, but also sea inhabitants have fun. But in the first version, written by Hans Christian Andersen, the prince marries a completely different princess, and the grief-stricken mermaid is offered a knife, which she must plunge into the prince’s heart to save herself. Instead, the poor child jumps into the sea and dies, turning into sea foam.

Then Andersen slightly softened the ending, and the little mermaid no longer became sea foam, but the “Daughter of the Air”, who is waiting her turn to go to heaven. But it was still a very sad ending.

8. Rumplestiltskin.
This tale differs from the others in that it was modified by the author himself, who decided to create even more horror. In the first version, the evil dwarf Rumplestiltskin weaves golden threads from straw for a young girl so that she can avoid execution. For his help, he demands that the future first-born be given to him. The girl agrees - but when the time of reckoning comes, she naturally cannot do it. And then the dwarf promises that he will release her from her obligation if she guesses his name. Having overheard a song in which the dwarf sang his name, the young mother is relieved of the need to pay a terrible debt. Rumpelstiltskin, embarrassed, runs away, and that's the end of it.
The second option is much bloodier. Rumplestiltskin stomps his foot so hard in anger that his right foot sinks deep into the ground. Trying to get out, the dwarf tears himself in half.

9. three bears.
This sweet tale features a little golden-haired girl who gets lost in the forest and ends up in the house of three bears. The child eats their food, sits on their chairs, and falls asleep on the bear's bed. When the bears return, the girl wakes up and runs out the window out of fear.

This tale (first published in 1837) has two originals. In the first, the bears find the girl, tear her apart and eat her. In the second, instead of Goldilocks, a little old woman appears, who, after the bears wake her up, jumps out the window and breaks either her leg or her neck.

10. Hansel and Gretel.
In the most popular version of this tale, two small children, lost in the forest, come across a gingerbread house inhabited by a terrible cannibal witch. The children are forced to do all the housework while the old woman fattens them so that they can eventually be eaten. But the children are smart, throw the witch into the fire, and escape.

An early version of the tale (called "The Lost Children") featured the devil himself instead of the witch. The children outwitted him (and tried to deal with him in much the same way as Hansel and Gretel with the witch), but he managed to escape, built a trestle for sawing wood, and then ordered the children to climb and lie on them instead of logs. The children pretended that they did not know how to lie down on the sawhorse, and then the devil told his wife to demonstrate how it was done. Seizing the moment, the children saw through her throat and run away.