What is Lust? Lust in the classical sense is a special quality of personality and a tendency to constantly desire only gross sexual pleasure, lust, voluptuousness for the body and senses.

Any desire that's too strong

Lust binds you with promises of pleasure and pleasure. The truth is that you will not leave the feeling of shame, constant desire and fear of the consequences!



Every guy knows what lust is and how quickly he is sexually aroused when he lustfully looks at the body of another person. Every teenager notices that lust begins to manifest itself during puberty. They don't need to invite her into their lives - she just shows up!

How we control lust will determine whether our sex life will be successful or not in the future.


Lust Unbridled, uncontrolled or uncontrolled sexual desire. The use of pornography is a clear example of lust in action. Blind infatuation Foolish, gratuitous, or preposterous momentary infatuation or affection.

Lust, love and infatuation are difficult to define and distinguish. True love is "selfless". True love is first of all to think what is best for the other person.

Why is lust a problem

Lust says, "This is how you can satisfy yourself without doing what God commanded us to do." The truth is that lust will leave you unsatisfied and will increasingly push you to cross personal and social moral boundaries. Uncontrolled lust will lead you down the path of self-destruction. The more you feed lust, the more food it will demand!

Phrases such as "I just like God's creatures" or "I'm just looking" are often used to hide lustful desires.

Why does lust live inside of us?

Sexual attraction draws us to the female body. Sexual attraction will connect you with a partner in a "single whole" in marriage. Therefore, this powerful force lives within us - to give us great satisfaction for a lifetime in marriage with a partner.

Normal sexual thoughts of a teenager

It is hard to imagine how any boy going through the stage of growing up could get to the point that he was sexually attracted to a woman and did not imagine in his mind how he had sex with her. In fact, I think that the only boy who has not had such thoughts is the one who has been brought up from birth that sex is evil. When puberty begins, the boy's capacity for sexual feelings, conscious or not, increases, which increases sexual pleasure. God's intention for the energy that is growing in him is that one day he will get married, so it is to be hoped that he will direct his sexual thoughts in that direction. It is not right? Lust is for adults? I think no. Lust consists of 2 elements: a desire that has become very strong and the need to immediately satisfy this desire. It is not necessary that both of these elements be present in the child in order for him to think about sexual intercourse. It is the responsibility of his parents - and the church - to find a way to channel his sexual desires in the right direction.

Not all wishes for something good are necessarily lust. When I'm hungry, I'll probably want to eat a hamburger, but that doesn't mean I'm craving food. What distinguishes a Christian is his ability to find a happy medium in his life, the ability to put aside the satisfaction of his appetites, and focus on what really matters.

Growth into Manhood - Resuming the Journey - Alan Medinger

Collection of images

Have you ever noticed that sometimes one look at the body of another person is enough for this image to be immediately imprinted in your memory. This image and feelings can appear at any time, you yourself can resurrect these images in your memory. This image and feelings will remain the same alive and strong after many years!

Some people call this "phenomenon" the male (old-fashioned) "memory", it is similar to how people store numbers and addresses in the phone's memory for quick access. Women are wired differently and find it difficult to understand how the male brain works in these (and other) cases. That's why girls don't see anything wrong with dressing in a way that attracts attention, because for them that's often all they do - attract attention.

Guys, here's how you're doing! It is doubtful that this can be called lust, because it happens suddenly, the guy cannot control it, and you cannot simply erase the image or feelings from memory. As soon as the image is imprinted in your memory, it will remain there!

I'm talking about unintentional (accidental) image collecting. Special collectibles are a whole other story, and intemperance can lead to big problems, which is what I'm talking about in this section.

young guys

I have received a large number of letters from young guys who cannot control their sexual thoughts and the urge to masturbate, often masturbating several times a day.

Your young body contains a lot of testosterone, which causes these strong sexual urges - it's not your fault! You will have to live with this for a while until your body matures and gets used to the effect that testosterone has on your biological system. Add to this the fact that you are just discovering what a great gift was born in your body and like all other gifts, you want to use it and enjoy it - this is normal for every person!

As you grow older, you will be able to control your urges and understand more about how your body works. My advice is to masturbate when necessary, but don't use pornography to enjoy yourself. It will take time to learn all this, but you will learn to control your body.

What the Bible Says

"Lust" is difficult to define. The dictionary gives the following definition of "strong sexual desire", however, the Bible means something else, because these verses are addressed to all people - including married couples who are allowed and expected to experience sexual desires. Masturbation is not given as an example of lust in the Bible.

God made us sexy, it's God's gift, your blessing. Your sexual feelings are part of God's design - and God said, "That's good." This is part of the "program" that God has downloaded into you - and God has not made a mistake. But if we have sinful, perverted sex - that's an insult to God - and the Bible calls it "lust."

US Christian pastor asked to remain anonymous

How can I masturbate without lust?

I tried to give up lust completely, but I couldn't. I wanted to masturbate and I did, but then I got to the point where I couldn't come without imagining myself in a sexual situation with another person. How can I satisfy this sexual desire without the lust that makes me feel so bad?

15 years USA

This is one of the biggest problems that plagues young people who want to do "right things" according to biblical principles. Some guys say they can come without fantasizing, but many can't reach orgasm without at least some fantasy at the end of the session.

If we consider nocturnal ejaculation (the absolutely normal way that God has invented for us guys) always at the heart of this process is the sexual sleep that precedes ejaculation. Perhaps this is a natural acceptable "baseline" of fantasies/lusts, given the fact that nocturnal ejaculation is completely uncontrollable.

The Bible is silent about this kind of lust. We see a contradiction, because the Bible talks about lust, but the natural function of nocturnal ejaculation requires a sexual image in order to "end the session" with ejaculation! We must strive for something in between these two contradictions!

Way out

No guy will "subdue" lust. It is a daily discipline for all of us to remain free from its dominance, because we are all beings who are excited by what we see. If you have allowed lust to control your life, you should follow the guidelines below to get rid of it and return to a healthy balance:

  1. Stop using pornography (photos, music, reading material, games) to masturbate. Let masturbation cause hormonal pressure from within.
  2. Reduce lust even more by masturbating with good thoughts and then using those stored sexual images in your head to "cum".
  3. Wait until the hormonal pressure rises enough for you to be able to masturbate without any fantasies/lust. Don't worry if you can't get to that point - many young guys and men can't and probably never will!


Every person has a subconscious level of sexual thoughts, images and desires that very often appear in our thoughts. This is not lust. Only when these thoughts begin to dominate and control the thoughts and actions of the boy, then it is lust.

Remember that it is impossible to return to the original innocent level when you were little boys, don't even try. Once you have testosterone in your body, there is no turning back!

The level of "lust" in your life needs to be monitored on a daily basis, especially in the sexually addicted society we live in!

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Lust in the classical sense is a special quality of personality and a tendency to constantly desire only gross sexual pleasure, lust, voluptuousness for the body and senses.

The first knowledge of Lust that comes from consciousness is the Unbridled desire for sexual pleasures, and, as it were, very disgusting. The variety of forms of Lust fully coincides with the number of human feelings. Let's see, is that right? High sexual energy and hundreds of examples from the life of great people say that you can create brilliant creations and at the same time be the bearer of this very Lustfulness. It would seem that there is such a thing for Mortal Sin? If great people like A.S. Pushkin, Leo Tolstoy, Alexander Dumas, Solomon, Caesar, Napoleon had just hundreds of wonderful mistresses. Their purpose and purpose of life and the main work of their lives did not suffer from this. The energy industry was over the edge .. maybe they suffered from this?

Is lust good or bad?

In one of the ancient descriptions, there is an excerpt where a person asks God questions about lust: Is lust bad? What causes a living being to commit sin even against his own will? God answers: “Lust makes sinning.

Lust causes the desire to enjoy the senses. If this fails, she turns into Wrath. Lust is insatiable and destructive. In this world, there is nothing more dangerous than lust and that's why it is the Deadly sin of purification in Hell

Lust, insatiable! On the other hand, if you look and draw conclusions regarding the physics of Lust. Maybe it's a switch in the brain for reproduction? After years of perfecting survival mechanisms, does our recorded DNA cause a person to have sex in order to procreate? The offended subconscious to the imperfection of the personality in internal development, switches the brain and consciousness on the function of maximum reproduction and a large number of matings? This is just a theory, but there might be something in it!
Nature has endowed each person with a certain amount of sexual activity. Lust is drawn from this potential. Lust, as a program embedded in a person, provokes him to enjoy, it is present in the genes, determined by the general energy of the body, but the way this program is implemented depends entirely on the moral foundations of the individual, his principles and outlook on life.

Lust is not only sex Lust is a desire to consume, a burning desire to possess someone, to use for one's own interests, to satisfy one's own Feelings.

Variety of forms of Lust

Variety of forms Lust and inclinations of people are very diverse. The number of Senses to satisfy depends both on the objects of pleasure and on the organs that these Senses enjoy. Voluptuous receiving pleasure in a hypertrophied stable form to any of the organs of touch, sensations can be called Lust with confidence.

Let's look at two examples: Voyeurism - sexual pleasure and the urge to spy on people of the classic Lust.
Voyeurism is sexual pleasure received through the organs of perception of the eye, resulting in positive pleasure and orgasm in the lower body. This is a classic example of visual type Lust using the eyes.

Receiving verbal lust in the form of voluptuous words Flattery into the organs of perception of the ears is also Lust. If there is an irresistible desire to receive flattery, then this is called the Voluptuary. Flattery is a powerful tool for the Manipulator.
A compliment is also often Flattery with the aim of simply making you feel good. By ordinary flattery, a person wants to achieve something for himself.

Vicious Lust is when voluptuousness, drunkenness, sexual debauchery are born from pleasures and tastes. Lust can include vicious Love, dreamy voluptuousness and many other types of various deviations. The main signs of Lust are a pronounced desire for one or more forms of pleasure and a strong desire to periodically satisfy and enjoy them, and it does not matter if this is a frenzy of sex, fornication, laziness, money, fun or pleasure. It can be both a real form of Lust and through imagination and dreamy representation, which is also considered Lust and depravity of the Soul.

What is Lust Sublimation?

Lustfulness, as a quality of personality, is evidence of a high level of sexual energy in general. If you wish, if you redirect sexual energy in some other direction, engaging in scientific, artistic, military, economic activities, business, sexual energy or sublimation (not to be confused with masturbation) easily turns into a cash flow and a source of external Happiness.

Sexual sublimation is the redirection of the positive hormonal energy of Adrenaline into a mental or physical form of embodiment other than sex or sexual pleasure. Example: Went to fitness - sublimated!
Remember - moderate abstinence gives a powerful incentive to action, gives energy to your thoughts and actions. Gives a transition from thoughts about sex to real banknotes. This art of sublimation is impossible without a powerful feeling of Love for a Woman.

If a person does not want to block or sublimate, transform, his high sexual energy, he becomes the bearer of lust as a personality trait. Insatiable sensual gratification leads to various forms of Lust.

With a high energy potential, there is a high probability that a person will not cope with his sensual desires, and will remain with a vicious disease until the end of his life.

Who or what is opposed to Lust?

The culture of the state and the society of people is a system of restrictions. Society is interested in cultivating the orderliness of sexual relations. Therefore, it puts forward a system of restrictions and laws designed to prevent the excesses of lewdness.

A strong family is a strong society and a State based on true moral principles. Therefore, society seeks to the extent possible to manage the relationship between people in the sexual sphere of life. For society, the family is reliability and stability in the State itself. The uncontrolled lust of its members harms the social fabric.

Special properties of lust

Lust is so strong that it even deprives a person of a sense of self-preservation. Lust deprives a person of reasoning, thinking, blocking all basic thought processes and clouds the brain.
Lust is very deeply connected with Egoism. Lust and places of pleasure are below the belt in the groin.

Lust is an insatiable desire for pleasure, or an unceasing search for things that can please the inner and outer senses. Lust causes a person to make his own pleasure the only goal, or to live for his own pleasure.

A frequent delusion of people is to reduce all their sensual demands for pleasure only to this very area in the groin, and this is of course a great delusion of Ignorance.

1. How do you see yourself and how would you like to see yourself? describe yourself;

2. Are you willing to change? if yes, how much do you do for it?

3. Do you set a specific goal for yourself? your methods to achieve the goal?

4. Are you able to soberly assess the situation and objectively make a decision, discuss, regardless of the tense situation?

5. who are you? sanguine, choleric, melancholic, phlegmatic? if you are not sure about your temperament, I suggest taking a test;

6. Do you have a working day schedule, a weekly plan that you adhere to / try to adhere to? how long ago did you make it yourself?

7. Do you keep track of time? how often do you rush somewhere? if so, what brings you such haste and fuss?

8. What is freedom for you and do you need it?

9. Do you have your own ways to deal with stress?

10. Are you aware of your mistakes, would you like to return to certain periods of your life and prevent them?

11. Are you selective in communication? By what criteria do you judge a person when communicating?

12. What character traits turn you off?

13. What character traits attract you?

14. There are seven deadly sins: anger, greed, envy, pride, sadness, gluttony, lust. Do you see any of these sins in yourself? if so, which ones and why?

15. restrain, do you limit yourself? if so, why and for how long? how did it start and who influenced it?

16. tense environment: will you be the person who defuses it or the one who just leaves without feeling uncomfortable?

17. Do you like team work, are you able to quickly join the work team and feel comfortable? and maybe you could be a leader?

18. How often do you link things to memories? Do you create unconscious associations for yourself?

19. Do you have bad habits? if so, which ones?

20. Do you take care of your health? how often do you undergo examinations solely for yourself, and not because of the need to present documents or because of physical weakness?

21. What negative emotions do you experience most often?

22. What positive emotions do you experience most often?

23. Do you know what you desire? many people cannot say their desire with certainty at the moment;

24. How fatalistic are you?

25. Do you sleep well? Do you sleep soundly without waking up at night? what kind of dreams do you have and how often do you see them?

26. Do you remember your dreams after waking up? what are they for the most part? in a dream you are haunted by what you see in everyday life, or do you see something unusual?

27. Do you have a good memory?

28. Are you often haunted by apathy? if so, how do you deal with it?

29. your love relationship can achieve harmony only if..


30. Do you know / did you know a person with whom you would be ready to connect your life?

31. Are you mono or polygamous?

32. Could you forgive the betrayal of your loved one?

33. Are you capable of cheating? if so, under what circumstances?

34. How honest are you in relationships with anyone, be it family, acquaintances and friends, a loved one?

35. Do you think about the consequences of your actions?

36. Have you been given a difficult choice? By what method did you make decisions, on the occasion of feelings or with a cold mind?

37. Do you find it difficult to make decisions?

38. Waking up in the morning and realizing that a busy day awaits you, what do you think about?

39. Are you optimistic or pessimistic? maybe a realist? justify;

40. Do you have phobias? If so, which ones and do you know the reason for their occurrence?

41. How do you feel about philosophy?

42. How often do you accept various manipulations to get what you want?

43. Are you able to “go over your head” in order to satisfy your desires and achieve your goal?

44. Have you experienced humiliation in the family, society? how did it manifest itself?

45. Have you humiliated someone? was anyone bullied? talk about causes and consequences;

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  • The conflict between the demands of the spirit and the flesh - the holy fathers and teachers of the Church call lust. The lust of the flesh is such a state of internal disharmony of human nature, in which the satisfaction of physical needs causes irreparable damage to spiritual needs.

    “Everyone is tempted by being carried away and deceived by his own lust. Lust, having conceived, gives birth to sin "().

    Lust is a synonym for passion, that is, the desire for sin (). Lust lies in the pleasure of the sinful thoughts of the human soul. Lust is an unnatural movement that reveals her sinful disease.

    All human sinful addictions can be called lust: “Do not love the world, nor what is in the world: whoever loves the world does not have the love of the Father in him. For everything that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not from the Father, but from this world. And the world passes away, and its lust, but he who does the will of God abides forever () ”; “Everyone is tempted by being carried away and deceived by his own lust” (); "But those who are Christ's have crucified the flesh with its passions and lusts." ().

    In the narrow sense of the word, lust is commonly understood as prodigal passion. However, any passion can be called lust.

    The Christian ascetic will have to struggle with passions and lusts. Here is the opinion of Archpriest N. Ivanov on this issue: A person sees that the fruits from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil are good for food, that is, that it is good for his material existence, and everything else in the world is only “food” for “I ". The soul forgets about its connection with the Source and with all nature, it only wants to satisfy its desires. The normal self-affirmation of the flesh and the joy of sensation that arises during becoming turns into lust - the lust of the flesh.

    Takova the first stage of the fall. A person sees that the idea that has arisen of new possibilities, not only purely material, is good for food, but also pleasing to the eyes, and desirable - good for the eyes and desirable, for it gives satisfaction to the soul. A whole complex of spiritual forces finds its satisfaction on the path of tasting good and evil, that is, on the path where good and evil are only equally acceptable means for satisfying desires. In himself, a person can think: “Everything that appears to me, that relates to me, must relate to me in such a way as to give pleasure.”

    The second stage of the fall is the seeming possibility of living in a new way. The harmony of the beauty of the whole, when everything in the world is beautiful only because it reflects the glory of God and praises the Creator, this harmony and beauty become good only because they are good for me. My "I" becomes the center of harmony and the center of beauty and wants everything only for itself. This is the second stage of the fall - the lust of the eyes.

    And finally third stage of the fall. A person wants to have knowledge in the sense of owning what he sees ... But if a person takes an independent path, reveling in complete freedom of choice, forgetting about the commandment given to him by the Creator, then he can easily reach for "evil" knowledge, that is, knowledge only of what beneficial to him, but detrimental to his brethren. And he will persevere, seeking to master this knowledge.

    The path of knowledge (in fact, confusion) of good and evil in oneself is the path of individualistic self-affirmation. It gives the experience of struggle, self-exaltation, enjoyment in a sense of self-admiration, a sense of superiority over those who can be turned into an object of enjoyment and domination. The proposed path is the path of pride in oneself, one's knowledge and one's imaginary perfection. This path is the path of contemplating one's superiority. Such is the third stage of the fall - worldly pride.

    Ivanov N., archpriest. And God said… Biblical ontology and biblical anthropology. Experience in the interpretation of the Book of GENESIS (Ch. 1-5).