The story of the Russian Federation Khmao region. Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug

Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra - a subject of the Russian Federation, which is part of the Tyumen region. Located in the Ural Federal District. The Okrug is an economically self-sufficient donor region. The main oil and gas region of Russia and one of the largest oil producing regions in the world. The length of the borders of the district is 4750 km. The population of the region is 1,646.1 thousand people. The administrative center is the city of Khanty-Mansiysk. The largest cities are Surgut (348.6 thousand people), Nizhnevartovsk (270.8 thousand people), Nefteyugansk (125.4 thousand people). In 1930, the Ostyako-Vogulsky national district was formed, which was part of the Ural region, since 1934 it was part of the Ob-Irtysh region. In 1944, the region became part of the Tyumen region. In 1978, the region was renamed the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, and in 2003 the Okrug received its current name - the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra. Since 1993, the district has received autonomy and has become a full-fledged subject of the Russian Federation.


The Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra is one of the oil and gas bearing regions of the country and one of the largest oil-producing regions in the world.

In the sectoral structure of industry, respectively, the dominant position is occupied by the oil and gas industry, whose share is 81.7%, electric power - 6.1%, manufacturing - 12.2%.

Oil and gas production in the Okrug is carried out by 51 enterprises, 33 of which are part of vertically integrated oil companies, 18 are independent companies.The Okrug's share in the total Russian oil production is 43.6%. The largest volume of oil production belongs to PJSC NK Rosneft, OJSC Surgutneftegaz, PJSC NK LUKOIL. These three companies produce 78.8% of all oil in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra. 413 oil and gas fields have been discovered, of which the largest are: Samotlor, Fedorovskoye, Mamontovskoye, Priobskoye.

There are 6 oil refineries and 9 gas processing enterprises on the territory of the Okrug. The stability of the electric power complex is ensured by: OAO Surgutskaya GRES-1, OAO Surgutskaya GRES-2”, OAO Nizhnevartovskaya GRES and Nyaganskaya GRES, with a total installed capacity of more than 12.1 GW. At the end of 2016, the district's energy system generated a record 92.6 billion kilowatt-hours.

1,937.0 thousand rubles per capita

From the history of the district

The legendary Ugra is the historical homeland, first of all, of the Ob-Ugric peoples: Khanty, Mansi, Nenets and Selkups. They were engaged in hunting, fishing, cattle breeding. After the Turkic peoples pushed them from south to north, these peoples transferred their skills to more severe conditions. It was in the new place that the Ugrians began to domesticate the deer.

The most ancient human settlements on the territory of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra appeared in the Mesolithic era. During the Neolithic period, there was a settlement mainly on the left bank of the river. Obi. The Early Bronze Age is marked by a large number of settlements on the right bank of the Ob (Barsova Gora, Surgut region). In the ensuing era of the early Iron Age, the Ob region was settled. During the early Middle Ages, the decomposition of the tribal system and the formation of the most characteristic features of the Khanty and Mansi ethnic groups began.

In the first millennium of our era, on the vast expanses of the taiga right bank of the Ob, large settlements appeared - Khanty fortresses. Their inhabitants hunted fur-bearing animals, fished, defended themselves from enemies.

In the first half of the second millennium AD, the main features of the material and spiritual culture of the Khanty, Mansi and Forest Nenets developed. It is believed that since then they have not undergone major changes.

In the XII-XIII centuries. in the Irtysh and Ob regions, territorial-clan associations of the Khanty and Mansi, called principalities, developed. Each principality had its own town, which acted as an administrative, religious and economic center. From the second half of the 13th century, a new factor in the development of the territory was its entry into the Golden Horde. During this period, the Siberians (a people descended from the merger of the Ugrians and the Turks) had leaders who had military squads and transferred power by inheritance. In the XIII century. Among the Siberians rose the leader Taybuga, who founded the city of Chimgi-Tura, the center of the Tyumen Khanate.

At the end of the XIV century. the collapse of the Golden Horde led to the separation of the Tyumen Khanate with its capital in Chimgi-Tur and the ruling Taibugin dynasty. In 1495, the Siberian Khanate was formed, with the city of Kashlyk (Isker, Siberia) as its capital. It was then that the basic principles of the political-administrative and socio-economic organization of the territory were formed. At that time it was called Yugra.

The beginning of the successive annexation of Siberia to the Muscovite state was laid in 1582 by the campaign of Yermak's detachment. In the autumn of 1585, after the death of Yermak, the Cossacks, under the leadership of the voivode Ivan Mansurov, founded the first Russian fortified settlement, the Ob town, at the mouth of the Irtysh on the right bank of the Ob. Thus, the Mansi and Khanty lands became part of the Russian state, which was finally fixed in 1592 by the founding of the cities of Pelym, Berezov, and in 1594 - Surgut. The towns that appeared in the Ob North began to serve as a place of trade. In the most busy areas, special stations for changing horses - "pits" arose. In 1637, two pits were built - Demyansky and Samarovsky (now the city of Khanty-Mansiysk).

By decree of Peter I in 1708, the Siberian province was established (it included the cities of Berezov, Surgut). In 1775, by decree of Catherine II, the Tobolsk province was created. XVIII-XIX centuries distinguished by a peaceful policy towards Western Siberia. It took the form of an agrarian resettlement area for European Russia. From the middle of the XVIII century. the region becomes a place of exile for state criminals. Prince Alexander Menshikov, the family of princes Dolgoruky, Count Andrei Osterman were serving their sentences in Berezov. After the events on Senate Square, the Decembrists were exiled here.

In the 19th century, especially from the second half, the development of capitalist relations began in the region. The turnover of Yugra fairs grew: Surgut, Berezovskaya, Laryakskaya, Yuganskaya.

From the end of 1920, the collectivization of the region was carried out. Since 1930, “special settlers” began to be sent to the North from all over the country, with whose hands Khanty-Mansiysk was largely built, and many settlements were equipped. One of the leading industries was the timber industry, which supplied timber not only to Siberia, but also to the Urals. In 1934, the first steps were taken to search for and explore oil and gas in the district.

Formation of statehood

The territory on which the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug is located became part of Russia at the end of the 16th century. From the beginning of the 17th century, Pelymsky, Berezovsky, Surgutsky and Tobolsky counties were included in the Tobolsk category. In 1677, the Surgut district became part of the Tomsk category. In 1708, by decree of Peter I, the Siberian province was established, which included the cities of Berezov and Surgut. And since 1775, the territory of the district was already part of the Tobolsk province and included the Surgut district, the "Pelymsky part" of the Turinsky district, the southern part of the Berezovsky and the northern part of the Tobolsk districts. In 1822-1882, the Kondinsky and Surgut branches of the Berezovsky district, the Pelymsky branch of the Turin district and the northern part of the Tobolsk district were located on the territory of the district. At the beginning of the 20th century, the administrative-geographical area on which the territory of the modern Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug was located was called the Tobolsk North.

After the October Revolution, the administrative-territorial structure of the Yugra region changed several times, the district was part of various regions several times. April 5, 1918 Tobolsk province was renamed Tyumen. The lands of the district were located within the boundaries of Berezovsky, Surgut and partially Tobolsk counties. On November 3, 1923, the Tyumen province was abolished, the territory of the district was included in the Ural region.

On December 10, 1930, on the basis of a decree of the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the RSFSR, the Ostyako-Vogulsky National District was formed with the center in the village of Samarovo. The new region included six districts: Berezovsky, Kondinsky, Laryaksky, Samarovsky, Surgutsky, Shuryshkarsky. On January 17, 1934, the district became part of the Ob-Irtysh region. He will stay in its composition for only 11 months - already in December 1934 - the district will be transferred to the Omsk region. Since 1937, the Shuryshkarsky district has been transferred to the Yamalo-Nenets national district.

On October 23, 1940, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, the Ostyako-Vogulsky National Okrug was renamed Khanty-Mansiysk. August 14, 1944 he became part of the newly formed Tyumen region.

The territorial formation of the region began in the late 1950s. In 1957, the Mikoyanovsky district was renamed into Oktyabrsky, and 3 years later the Samarovsky district was named Khanty-Mansiysk. In 1962, the Laryaksky district became Nizhnevartovsky. On February 15, 1968, the Sovietsky district was formed. On July 23, 1980, the Nefteyugansk region appeared on the map of Ugra. Much later, in 1988, the cities of Beloyarsky and Beloyarsky districts were formed.

In accordance with the Constitution of the USSR, adopted on October 7, 1977, the Khanty-Mansiysk National Okrug received the status of an autonomous region and became known as the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug. The 1993 constitution made the region an equal subject of the Russian Federation. It has its own territory, charter, coat of arms, flag, forms the bodies of legislative, state power and local self-government, has property, the right to legislative initiative in the State Duma, representation in the Federation Council.

On July 25, 2003, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, a significant semantic clarification was introduced into the Charter of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - the Okrug was named Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra.

At present, the Autonomous Okrug includes 22 municipalities, of which 9 districts are Beloyarsky, Berezovsky, Kondinsky, Nefteyugansky, Nizhnevartovsky, Oktyabrsky, Sovetsky, Surgutsky, Khanty-Mansiysk, and 13 cities - Kogalym, Langepas, Megion, Nefteyugansk, Nizhnevartovsk, Nyagan, Pokachi, Pyt-Yakh, Rainbow, Surgut, Uray, Khanty-Mansiysk, Yugorsk.

Geography and climatic conditions

The Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra is located in the middle part of Russia and the Eurasian continent. From west to east, the territory of the region extends for 1400 km from the eastern slopes of the Northern Urals almost to the banks of the Yenisei; from north to south - 900 km from the Siberian Uvals to the Kondinsky taiga. The extreme northern point is located at the head of the river. Khulga in the Berezovsky district, the extreme south - near the urban-type settlement of Kuminsky, the extreme west - in the mountains of the Northern Urals at the head of the river. Northern Sosva, extreme eastern - at the head of the river. Wah. In the north, the district borders on the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, in the northwest - on the Republic of Komi, in the southwest - on the Sverdlovsk Region, in the south - on the Tobolsk and Uvatsky districts of the Tyumen Region, in the southeast and east - on the Tomsk Region and the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The entire territory of Ugra belongs to the regions of the Far North.

The borders of the region are determined by the Decree of the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of December 10, 1930 "On the organization of national associations in the areas of settlement of small peoples of the North." Ugra includes the territories of the cities of district significance: Beloyarsky, Kogalym, Langepas, Megion, Nefteyugansk, Nizhnevartovsk, Nyagan, Pokachi, Pyt-Yakh, Raduzhny, Surgut, Uray, Khanty-Mansiysk, Yugorsk, the territories of Beloyarsky, Berezovsky, Kondinsky, Nefteyugansky, Nizhnevartovsk, Oktyabrsky, Sovetsky, Surgut and Khanty-Mansiysk regions.

The Okrug borders simultaneously with six subjects of the Russian Federation. It is located in the zone of taiga forests and swamps. The relief of the region is diverse: on its territory there are plains, foothills and mountains. The highest points are Mount Narodnaya (1895 m) in the Subpolar Urals and Mount Pedy (1010 m) in the Northern Urals.

Two large rivers flow in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug: the Ob, 3,650 km long, and its tributary, the Irtysh, 3,580 km long. The tributaries of these rivers are also commensurate with large water arteries. For example, the Bolshoi Yugan and the Vakh (tributaries of the Ob) are compared with the Vistula and Odra. A tributary of the Irtysh, the Konda River is comparable to the Rhine. Almost all the rivers of the district have a low flow rate, are characterized by spring-summer floods and floods. One third of the territory of the district is occupied by swamps. Surrounded by swamps and forests, there are about 300 thousand lakes.

The climate of the district is temperate continental. It is distinguished by a sharp change in weather in spring and autumn, temperature changes during the day. Winters are long, snowy and cold. Frosts can be established for several weeks at air temperatures below minus 30 degrees. Summer is short and warm.

Administrative-territorial structure and population

The Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra is divided into 9 districts, 13 urban districts, 26 urban-type settlements, 58 rural settlements.

Initially, when the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug was formed in 1930 as part of the Ural Region, Ugra was divided into 6 districts: Berezovsky, Kondinsky, Laryaksky, Samarovsky, Surgutsky, Shuryshkarsky. It was also envisaged the creation of the Lumpokol district, but it was never formed. After 7 years, the Shuryshkarsky district became part of the Yamalo-Nenets national district. In 1957 Mikoyanovsky district was renamed into Oktyabrsky. Laryaksky district was named Nizhnevartovsky in 1962. And soon Samarovsky district became Khanty-Mansiysk. In the 60s-80s, new territories were formed in the Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug. During this period, Soviet, Nefteyugansk and Beloyarsk regions appeared.

The administrative-territorial division of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra is based on the principles of historical settlement, location of mining enterprises in the territories of natural resources development, efficiency of state and local self-government and maximum use of the economic potential of the region. All decisions on issues relating to changes in the boundaries of settlements are made taking into account the opinion of the population.

The preliminary estimate of the population of the Autonomous Okrug at the beginning of 2013 was 1583.9 thousand people. (3rd place in the Ural Federal District and 27th place in the Russian Federation). This is the largest region in terms of population, the territory of which is equated to the regions of the Far North.

The Autonomous Okrug is characterized by a high degree of urbanization. The share of the urban population at the beginning of 2013 was 91.8%.

District Economy Complex

The specificity of the Okrug's economy is single-industry with a raw material orientation. The most developing industries are: mining, chemical production, energy and construction.

The share of Yugra in the total Russian oil production in 2012 was 50.2%. During this period, 259.9 million tons were mined in the territory of the Autonomous Okrug. There are 10 vertically integrated oil companies and 14 independent producers in the region. The largest subsoil users are OAO NK Rosneft, OAO Surgutneftegaz, OAO NK LUKOIL, and TNK-BP. Since 1964, when fields began to be intensively developed in Yugra, 10,219.97 million tons of oil have been produced.

The share of the Autonomous Okrug in the total volume of gas production in Russia is 4.9%. In 2012, 32.3 billion cubic meters were extracted. m. is 2.4% more than in the previous one.

The resources of the Autonomous Okrug ensure the energy security of the country, create the necessary basis for the further development of the economic complex, and form the basis of its export potential.

In terms of explored and proven reserves of hydrocarbons, production opportunities, the state of the production infrastructure and the profitability of development, the Autonomous Okrug remains the main strategic resource base of hydrocarbons in Russia for the next decades.

Processing of oil and gas products in Ugra is carried out by 6 enterprises. Eight gas processing enterprises are engaged in the utilization of associated petroleum gas.

Over the past three decades, the most powerful electric power complex in the country has been created in the region. OAO Surgutskaya GRES-1, OAO Surgutskaya GRES-2 and OAO Nizhnevartovskaya GRES provide the main share of electricity generation in the Autonomous Okrug. Their total capacity is more than 10.5 thousand MW.

The volume of construction work in Ugra is growing every year. In 2012, more than 1 million square meters of housing were commissioned. This has been achieved for the first time since 1990. Mortgage lending is actively developing: in the rating of regions of the Russian Federation, the district took 2nd place in terms of the number of loans granted.

A well-developed network of modern roads, railways, waterways, intensive air communication with cities in Russia and abroad is one of the determining factors for the effective development of economic ties. Two of the 18 main road corridors of Russia pass through the territory of Yugra: the Northern Route (Perm - Serov - Ivdel - Khanty-Mansiysk - Nefteyugansk - Surgut - Nizhnevartovsk - Tomsk) and the Siberian Corridor (Tyumen - Surgut - Novy Urengoy - Nadym - Salekhard).

The Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra is an export-oriented region, and in the total volume of foreign trade turnover, exports account for 95.8%, imports - 4.2%. For export are: mineral fuel, oil and products of their distillation, bituminous substances, mineral waxes; wood, charcoal. Of the total export volume, 99.4% is crude oil. Imports of goods and services to the region decreased by 25.5% over the past year. Imported to Yugra: aircraft; boilers, equipment and mechanical devices, their parts; products from ferrous metals; electrical machines and equipment.

A special place in the Ugra economy is occupied by the development of innovations. There are 90 innovative companies operating in the region, most of which are residents of the Technopark. The Autonomous Okrug is implementing a standard for the activities of the executive bodies of state power of the Autonomous Okrug to ensure a favorable investment climate (hereinafter referred to as the Standard). The standard is designed to improve the investment climate in the Autonomous Okrug and, taking into account the best regional practices, create the necessary minimum conditions for increasing the inflow of investments into the Autonomous Okrug.

To support the subjects of innovative activity in the region, the following were created: an autonomous institution of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra “Technopark of High Technologies”; non-profit organizations: “Ugra Entrepreneurship Support Fund”; “Fund for the promotion of investment in small and medium-sized businesses in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra “Microfinance Fund of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra”. Support is also provided by the Yugra Technology Transfer Center (on the basis of URIIT) and Okruzhnoy Business Incubator LLC.

The main priority for the development of the construction industry of the Autonomous Okrug in the forecast period is the creation of new and technical re-equipment of existing production facilities for the production of building materials, which is necessary to ensure the increasing volume of construction work in subsequent years as part of the implementation of national projects.

The socio-economic policy of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug is aimed primarily at creating comfortable living conditions for the population, improving the level and quality of life of the people of Yugra.

At the end of the year, the volume of commissioned housing amounted to 1,021 thousand square meters. m.

As a result, the provision of housing for an average citizen of the Autonomous Okrug in 2012 amounted to 19.6 square meters. meters, having increased by 0.6 m compared to 2011. In the medium term, about 15 billion rubles are projected to be spent annually on housing construction, which will increase the provision of housing to the population in the Autonomous Okrug in 2015 to 20.9 sq. m. m.

Flora and fauna


The flora of the Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug includes over 800 species of higher plants. Almost the entire territory of the district is located within one natural zone - taiga forests, only in the extreme north-west in the Urals part it enters the zone of forest tundra and mountain tundra. Most of the territory is occupied by heavily swamped taiga. The vegetation is represented by communities of mixed and coniferous forests, swamps, water meadows, reservoirs, and mountain tundra. In the northern regions, the composition of vegetation is greatly influenced by permafrost. The forest cover of the territory is 52%. The zone of middle taiga dominates, which is represented by dark coniferous, light coniferous, small-leaved and mixed forests. Spruce, cedar, fir, pine, larch, birch, alder grow in them. Of particular note are the extensive light lichen forests widely distributed in the northern regions of the district, used as reindeer pastures. River floodplains and lowlands are characterized by meadow vegetation. High floodplains of large rivers are often covered with park-type willow forests, willow-birch, willow-birch-aspen grass forests. Forests and swamps are rich in berries: cranberries, lingonberries, blueberries, blueberries, currants, cloudberries, raspberries, wild roses, bird cherry, mountain ash. About 200 plant species are used in indigenous traditional medicine.


The fauna of the district is typical for the taiga zone of Russia. The vertebrate fauna includes 369 species. Mammals are represented by 60 species, 28 of which are commercial. The most common and economically valuable are: fox, arctic fox, squirrel, sable, marten, ermine, weasel, polecat, mink, weasel, otter, hare, wild reindeer, elk, etc. The wolverine and the West Siberian river beaver.

The avifauna of the Okrug is represented by 256 species of birds, including 206 sedentary and nesting species. The most numerous orders are Passeriformes, Charadriiformes and Anseriformes. The basis of the hunting fauna (48 species) is formed by geese, capercaillie, black grouse, hazel grouse, partridges, ducks, sandpipers. Of the predators, the vulture hawk, the marsh harrier, and the long-eared owl should be especially noted. There are rare species listed in the Red Book: curly pelican, black stork, common flamingo, lesser white-fronted goose, golden eagle, peregrine falcon, black crane, Siberian Crane (white crane), thin-billed curlew, white-tailed eagle, osprey, gyrfalcon, black goose, red-breasted goose. There are 42 species of fish in rivers and lakes. Of these, only 19 are commercial - sterlet, lelma, muksun, peled (cheese), broad whitefish (shokur), whitefish (pyzhyan), Sosva herring (tugun), burbot, pike, ide, roach, bream, dace, perch, ruff , golden and silver carp, and carp are grown in the cooling ponds of the Surgut and Nizhnevartovskaya state district power stations. The species listed in the Red Book is the sturgeon.

The county is infamous for the abundance of mosquitoes and midges. A huge number of blood-sucking insects is a significant hindrance to pets and people working in the open air. So, for example, the average number of adult mosquitoes in the forest area in the Ob and its tributaries is from 4 to 12 specimens per 1 sq.m of territory. Mosquitoes appear in late May - mid-June, and their mass departure occurs in early July. By the end of August, the number and activity of mosquitoes are significantly reduced. The period of the greatest activity of midges, when they attack people, falls on the second half of summer.

Khanty-Mansiysk is an unusual city. Being the capital of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, or Yugra, in terms of the number of inhabitants, it “does not reach” even hundreds of thousands. But the main thing, as you know, is not quantity, but quality. Half of the country's oil and gas is produced here, so in recent years
Khanty-Mansiysk has become more like a European capital than a small town in the Russian outback.

Khanty-Mansiysk is spread over seven picturesque hills on the banks of the Irtysh River, 20 kilometers from the confluence with the Ob River. Due to the remoteness of this city and the abundance of interesting sights, you will need to spend at least a few days in the Ugra capital. You can stay at any of the hotels, but the prices in luxurious Khanty-Mansiysk are no less luxurious ... Therefore, renting an apartment in any district of the city would be a more profitable option. You can choose your own housing to your taste and color.

Despite the luxurious modern buildings of Khanty-Mansiysk, some of which were designed by foreign architects, there are no huge skyscrapers here. In the city center there are nice houses no higher than five floors - clean, comfortable and beautiful.

A huge Orthodox complex "In the name of the Resurrection of Christ" surrounds the central square. This temple with five domes is the largest in the city. Its height reaches 59 meters, and located near the bell tower - 62 meters. Near the temple, you can take a walk in the first Slavic literature and culture park in Russia. There are sculptures symbolizing the ten biblical commandments, monuments to Cyril and Methodius, as well as to the first churchmen of Ugra - Metropolitans of Tobolsk Philotheus and John.

A photo:

About 400 sculptures have been installed on the streets and squares of the city, symbolizing the most diverse aspects of the life of the city and citizens. One of the significant differences between Khanty-Mansiysk and other Russian cities is that there is not a single monument to Lenin here!

The most interesting of the sculptures is the monument to "The Pioneers of the Yugra Land". This is a trihedral pyramid, located on the highest hill of the city - 80 meters. The height of the pyramid itself is 62 meters. Each of the facets of the monument symbolizes a separate era - ancient Yugra, the time of the conquest of Siberia by Ermak and the development of Siberian oil and gas fields. You can even go inside the three-story pyramid. There, a restaurant, a museum and an observation deck are open for tourists, from which a stunning view of the confluence of the Ob and Irtysh rivers opens. Be sure to admire the pyramid at night - the unique beautiful illumination will amaze your imagination, a special computer program is used for it, which has no analogues in our country.

It is also worth seeing the monument "The Bronze Symbol of Yugra", which was opened in 2005. This is a 12-meter figure of a woman, symbolizing Yugra - the maternal principle that unites the indigenous peoples of the North. The sculpture “Assol Ship”, installed at the river station, looks very touching. This is a young girl with a handkerchief clutched in her hand, looking into the river distance.

A photo: Administration of Khanty-Mansiysk

The city is decorated with original modern fountains, each of which has its own name. The most beautiful rotunda fountain is located on the main square of Khanty-Mansiysk. In the composition of the fountain "Ob and Irtysh" sculptures of birds, deer, wolves, elks and other animals that are found on the territory of Yugra are used. The Faberge Egg fountain, located in front of the Center for the Arts of Gifted Children of the North, is a precious Faberge egg.

One of the favorite places for tourists in Khanty-Mansiysk is, of course, the Archeopark. This is a huge park with sculptures depicting animals of the Pleistocene time and Paleolithic people. There are such sculptures as "Mammoths", "Wolf Pack", "Big Horned Deer", "Primitive Bison", "Cave Bears" and others. The largest mammoth reaches 8 meters in height.

A photo: TRIP2RUS

Right in the city there is a real taiga - the Samarovsky Chugas natural park. Delightful northern nature appears before you in all its glory. It is pleasant to walk here in any weather - fresh air, cedars, firs, picturesque hills, streams with a mineral spring. You can spend the whole day in the park and not notice how it flew by.

On the hills of this complex there is an ethnographic park-museum "Torum-maa". More than 6,000 exhibits are presented here, telling about the life and culture of the Ob Ugrians. Their small houses, religious buildings and the famous outdoor oven are built in the park-museum. You can also visit the Museum of Nature and Man. The compositions of the museum clearly show the life of the indigenous population of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug from the beginning of the 15th century to the present day. The most unique exhibit of the museum is the skeleton of a trogontherian elephant - the predecessor of a mammoth that lived on Earth three million years ago. In the Museum of Geology, Oil and Gas, you can see a rich collection of minerals and rocks, get acquainted with the technology of gas and oil production. And the museum building itself is one of the ten most original buildings in the world.

In the art gallery of Khanty-Mansiysk you can see original paintings by such famous artists as Aivazovsky, Levitan, Repin, Surikov and others. Also interesting for tourists is the world's only national theater of the indigenous peoples of the North - Khanty and Mansi. In Khanty-Mansiysk there are exhibition-workshops. For example, the Raishev Gallery or the house-museum of the People's Artist of the USSR Igoshev, which looks like an old Russian tower. You can buy in this town original products made by local craftsmen from wood, leather, beads, birch bark and fur.

Today Khanty-Mansiysk is also a sports capital. Here is the world's largest biathlon track. In March 2011, the Biathlon World Championship was held in Khanty-Mansiysk. In addition, the city has an Ice Palace, a water park, a tennis complex, a ski slope - decide what interests you and go ice skating, go down water slides or play tennis.

A modern, luxurious, clean and beautiful city, immersed in the greenery of fabulous northern nature... A city that will not leave anyone indifferent, a city that is definitely worth a visit...

KHANTY-MANSIYSKY AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT - YUGRA. Post formed. All-Russian Central Executive Committee of December 10. 1930 as the Ostyako-Vogulsky nat. env. (cm. National administrative-territorial entities) in the composition Ural region Jan 17 1934 entered the educated Ob-Irtysh region centered on Tyumen, which was abolished in December. 1934, after which he became part of Omsk region. Oct. 1940 renamed Khanty-Mansiysk. Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of August 14. 1944 included in the educated Tyumen region. In 1977 he was transformed into a ed. district. According to the Federal Treaty of 1992, confirmed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993, he received the status of a subject of the Federation, while remaining in the adm.-ter. relation to the part of the Tyumen region. acc. with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 25, 2003 Khanty-Mansiysk Aut. env. renamed Khanty-Mansiysk Aut. env. - Yugra. Since 2000 included in Ural Federal District. Adm. Centre - Khanty-Mansiysk.

HM. a. about. located in the middle of the West. Siberia. In the north it borders on Yamalo-Nenets avt. env., in the north-west - from the Rep. Komi, in the southwest - from the Sverdlovsk region, in the south - with the Tobolsk and Uvat districts of the Tyumen region, in the southeast and east - with Tomsk region and Krasnoyarsk region. Area 523.1 thousand sq. km. In 2005, the district included 9 districts, 70 villages. administrations.

Number population (thousand people): 1931 - 49.9, 1939 - 93 1959 - 123.9, 1970 - 271.2, 1979 - 569.2, 1989 - 1268.4, 2002 - 1432.8, 2005 - 1469. Wed settlement density (2005) - 2.8 people. per 1 sq. km. National composition: in 1959 - Russians 72.5%, Khanty 9.2, Mansi 4.6, Ukrainians 3.5, Tatars 2.4, Komi and Komi-Permyaks 2.3, Germans 1.7, Belarusians 1.0, Nenets 0.7, Moldovans 0.5, etc. 1.6%; in 1989 - Russians 66.3%, Ukrainians 11.6, Tatars 7.6, Bashkirs 2.4, Belarusians 2.2, Chuvashs 1.1, Azerbaijanis 1.0, Khanty 0.9, Moldovans 0.8, Germans 0.7, Mansi 0.5, Mordovians 0.5, Mari 0.5, Nenets 0.1, etc. 3.7%; in 2002 - Russians 66.1%, Ukrainians 8.6, Tatars 7.5, Bashkirs 2.5, Azerbaijanis 1.8, Belarusians 1.4, Khanty 1.2, Moldovans 0.8, Mansi 0.7, Kumyks 0.7, Lezgins 0.6, Germans 0.6, Mari 0.5, Mordovians 0.4, Uzbeks 0.4, Kazakhs 0.3, etc. 5.9%.

HM. a. about. - highly urbanized region of Russia: share of mountains. population in 2002 - 90.9% (in 1959 - 27.0). Over the years intensive oil and gas. construction (1960–2002) num. mountains The population has increased almost 40 times. The first city, Khanty-Mansiysk, appeared in the Okrug in 1950. In 1986, 10 cities and 27 seasonal f.g., in 2005, 16 cities and 24 f.g. t. The largest city of Kh.-M. a. about. (2006) - Surgut(290.6 thousand people). Dr. croup. cities: Nizhnevartovsk(240.8 thousand), Nefteyugansk(113 thousand), Khanty-Mansiysk (59.6 thousand), Kogalym(57.8 thousand people).

The system of state bodies. authorities: legislator. power - Duma H.-M. a. about. - Ugra, performer. - Government auth. districts headed by the President. On 1 Sept. 2005 seats self-management was carried out in 22 municipalities. formations.

Coat of arms H.-M. a. about. approved 20 Sept. 1995, revised 10 Feb. 1998: in the field of a figurative dissected azure and green shield, the contour of which is outlined in gold, silver is placed. an emblem that reproduces the stylized symbol "Kat uhup howl" (two-headed bird). The figured shield is inscribed in a straight red shield, lower. the part to-rogo has figured sharpening. The lining of 2 shields is crowned with a white element, made in the ornamental style of the Ob Ugrians, and surrounded by a wreath of green cedar branches. The motto "Yugra" is inscribed in silver. letters on an azure ribbon located under the shield.

Flag H.-M. a. about. approved 20 Sept. 1995, revised 10 Feb. 1998. Represents a rectangular panel, divided horizontally into 2 equal blue-blue and green stripes, supplemented at the free edge with a vertical white stripe. In the lion top. part of the canvas is a white element from the coat of arms of H.-M. a. about. The ratio of the width of the cloth to the length is 1:2; the ratio of the width of the white stripe to the total length is 1:20; the ratio of the distance from the shaft to the geometric. the center of the white element to the total length 1:4; ratio of distance from edge top. the edges of the panel up to the geometric. the center of the white element to the total length of 1:10; width and height of the white element to the total length resp. 1:4 and 1:10; the ratio of the thickness of the constituent parts of the white element to the total length is 1:40.

The most ancient parking lots of people on the territory. modern HM. a. about. belong to the era Mesolithic. Mesolithic. finds and settlements are open along the entire course of the river. Kondy, on the rivers of the North. Sosva, Vasyugan, Nizh. Ob and on the watershed of the Pur and Nadym rivers. In the era Neolithic there was a settlement in the main. left bank of the river Obi. The Early Bronze Age is marked by a large number of settlements on the right bank of the Ob (Barsova Gora). During the Late Bronze Age. century, the culture of cross ceramics was formed. The ancestors of the Samoyedic-Ugric hunted and fished. fishing, dominated by stone. tools, but new, more advanced tools made of bronze also spread. In the era of the early Iron Age that followed, the Ob region was settled, and the bronze foundry was replaced by iron. The monuments of this time are the settlements Kulay(VI-IV centuries BC), Beloyarskaya (VI-III centuries BC) and Kalinka (VI-III centuries BC) cultures. In the era of the early Middle Ages, the Nizhneobskaya culture takes shape, which has gone through several years of development in its development. stages (Karymsky, Orontursky, Kintusovsky). It was at this time that the decomposition of the tribal system and the formation of Khantysk began. and Mansiysk. ethnic groups.

In the 1st millennium AD e. to the vast spaces of the taiga. croup appeared on the right bank of the Ob. settlements. Their inhabitants hunted fur-bearing animals, fished, defended themselves from enemies. At this time ironworks developed. production, the foundation of Ugric spirits was laid. culture (animistic representations, pantheon of totemic characters), as evidenced by numerous. finds of cult casting. Information about the Lower Ob Ugric principality with its capital in the town of Emder is contained in the heroic. epic south. Khanty and in Russian. letters. sources of the XVI-XVII centuries. Broad crops. connections of the population of the north Zap. Siberia with a population of southern. territories also reflect detected imports. silver and angry. products of Iranian and Central Asian. origin. In the 1st floor. II millennium AD e. formed the main features mat. and spirits. Khanty, Mansi and forest cultures. Nenets.

In Russian Chronicles 1st mention of Ugra are found in the middle. 11th century In the 1st quarter 12th century Residents of Veliky Novgorod have already repeatedly visited Yugra. In the 2nd floor. 12th century Yugra land, where most of the Khanty and Mansi lived, became a volost of Novgorod land; population, base the occupation of which was fishing, hunting, gathering, paid tribute to the Novgorodians in furs. From 1364 began directly. the development of the Russian east. slopes of the Urals. Novgorod. warriors, passing through the ancient. sowing way, reached the lower reaches of the river. Obi. By this time, the construction of the 1st Rus. towns such as Lyapin on the river. Sosve (see Campaigns of Novgorodians in the Northern Trans-Urals in12th-15th centuries). From the 15th century as the Grand Duchy of Moscow grew stronger, mosks began to appear more and more often on the Yugra land. squads. In 1465 Moscow. governor V. Skryaba for the first time collected tribute in favor of Moscow. grand duke. After the annexation of Novgorod to the Moscow state in 1478, the Yugra land became part of the Russian. state-va (see Campaigns of Moscow governors in the Northern Trans-Urals inXV–16th century).

In the beginning. 16th century the lands of the Khanty and Mansi are forcibly annexed to Siberian Khanate, which arose on the remains of the Tyumen kingdom. At this time places. residents along the rivers Pelym, Konda and Tavda united in one of the largest state. unions of Siberia - the Pelym principality, which became part of Sib. khanates. Since 1555, after Khan Ediger recognized himself as a vassal of Moscow and undertook to pay tribute annually, the relationship between the Ob and Kondin. Ugrian with Russians have become fairly regular. In 1563 power in Sib. khanate passed to Kuchum, which in 1575 broke the vassal. relations with Moscow and dealt a blow to the Urals. In response, the Stroganov salt merchants formed a detachment of Cossacks under the leadership of the ataman Yermak, which returned the lands lost by Moscow. After Yermak's victory over Kuchum in 1582, part of the Khanty and Mansi living in the Irtysh region voluntarily came under the patronage of Muscovites. king and took upon herself the duty of tribute.

In 1584 at the mouth of the river. Irtysh, a detachment of Cossacks led by Mansurov delivered the 1st Rus. settlement in the West. Siberia - Obskoy town. The Khanty-Mansiysk tribes brought yasak Mansurov, and representatives of 6 towns on the bottom. the course of the river. Both on the trail. year went to Moscow with a request for Russian. allegiance. In con. 16th century Moscow pr-in moved to the implementation of the plan for the construction of strengthened. cities on new lands, in order to rely on them, gradually move on. Surgut arose in 1593, then Pelym and Berezov. In con. 16th century Yugra land is finally attached to the Moscow state-woo. However, this region was not settled by Russians for a long time - until the middle. 17th century Russian visits to the Yugra land became more frequent in con. 17th century Lit. also belongs to this time. description of Voguls, 1st image of Konda on geogr. map compiled around 1696–97 S.U. Remezov. Since the 17th century the capture of the best lands of the Khanty and Mansi Rus intensified. merchants and wealthy peasants. Places the population responded to the oppression with a number of uprisings - 1609, 1663, which were suppressed by the troops.

Starting from the XVIII century. pr-in Peter I set the task of asset. Christianization of the population of the North-West. Siberia. Archim. Philotheus (Leshchinsky). Despite the active attempts to draw seats. the population to Christianity, it continued to worship their gods, giving them new names of Christians. saints. In the XVIII century. Berezov became a place of royal exile for eminent nobles: HELL. Menshikov- in 1728, princes Dolgoruky - in 1729, count A.I. Osterman- in 1742. In the XIX century. a number of Decembrists.

From 1822 adm. upr-tion and fulfillment of destinies. functions among the peoples of the North was carried out on the basis of the developed MM. Speransky Charter "On the management of aliens in Siberia". In the XVIII-XIX centuries. activation relocated. movement led to an increase in the number. Russian population in the region. Contacts of places became more frequent. population from Russian settlers. Together with put. moments - the development of trade, exchange, the spread of new tools among the natives - appeared and denied. trends: gradual degradation of crops. and religious life of the Khanty and Mansi, the spread of new diseases among them, alcoholism.

From Ser. 19th century intensively develop capitalist. relations. In 1844, the first steamship came to Samarovo, and from the 1850s. established regularly. steamer. communication along the Irtysh and Ob rivers. In 1844-1917 in the Ob-Irtysh bass. 251 steamers sailed. The turnover of Yugra fairs: Surgut, Berezovskaya, Laryakskaya, Yuganskaya. Characteristics of the economy of the Ob-Irtysh North at the turn of the 19th–20th centuries. was defined as the features of the natural climate. conditions and relatively low population density. Prom-Th was presented several. semi-handicraft. canned fish establishments. S.-x. production in sowing. conditions reduced to vegetable growing and live-wu. Ch. the occupation of the northerners were fish. catching, hunting, collecting pine nuts, mushrooms and berries. S. Samarovo, which has become the center of fish. crafts in the 19th century. turned into cereal. bargain. transit. paragraph. In 1870–80, at the expense of the merchant V.T. Zemtsov, a pier was built in Samarovo, a pharmacy was opened, and loans were saved. comrade, paramedic. item, 1st in Tobolsk lips. practical fishery. school, hotel for traveling scientists, equipped with special equipment. ship for n.-i. works. In 1909 a telegraph was laid in Samarovo. line, in 1913 it reached Berezov and Surgut. In the beginning. 20th century on ter. district worked 7 early. schools.

After Feb. revolution, power in the Ob North passed to the localities. authorities of the Provisional Prospect. Feb. 1918 in the north of the Tobolsk region, and in April. in Surgut owl was installed. power, which lasted until the end. June 1918. Again owls. power in the region was established in March 1920. A county was created on the ground. and ox. revolutionary committees. Feb. 1921 in the Tyumen province. anti-Bolshevik began. an uprising that spread to the North (cf. West Siberian rebellion). March-April 1921 the rebels captured Surgut, Berezov, Samarovo. In May-June 1921 cross. the uprising was suppressed by parts of Kr. army. The region started new economic policy. Private was allowed. entrepreneurship. Developed cooperation. All R. 1920s on the basis of cooperation industry. households-in hunters, fishermen, reindeer herders were created integral. cooperatives, performing production., marketing. and credit. functions.

In the 1920s there was an energetic search for the optimum. forms and methods of upr-niya sowing. ter. Russia. In March 1922, under the People's Commissariat for Nationalities of the RSFSR, a Polar sub-department was created for the administration of the native peoples of the North, nat. and native. subdivisions are established at places. authorities. In June 1922, a conference of representatives of the small peoples of the North was held in Samarovo, at which a proposal was made "to recognize the right of the native population to be allocated to an administrative unit on the basis of establishing a national apparatus on the scale of the regional native executive committee ...". In 1924, the Committee for Assistance to the Peoples of the North was organized under the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee. outskirts. In 1925, the Tobolsk Okrug was created. committee of the North. In 1926, an administrative-legal structure was introduced in the form of natives. councils and district. executive committees. The result of the national-state. construction in the region was education in Dec. 1930 Ostyako-Vogulsky national. env.

In con. 1920s - 1930s radical changes took place in the county's economy. changes. In 1929, the construction of the 1st prom. enterprises - Samarovsky fish cannery. plant, which was put into operation in 1930. In the same years, the Surgut cannery was built. f-ka, a number of fish factories and timber enterprises. and woodworker. industry: Samarovsky sawmill, Ostyako-Vogulsky industrial complex. In 1934, the first attempt was made to search and reconnaissance on the territory. oil and gas districts. In 1929 the process began collectivization. By 1932, its level reached 42%, by 1940 - 94%. All R. 1930s main collective farm form. constructions were the simplest productions. associations (PPO), in con. 1930s they began to be transferred to the charter of the agricultural artel. In 1938, there were 100 agricultural artels and 132 PPOs in the district, in 1940 - respectively. 285 and 62. In the same period, the construction of settlements was launched, which contributed to the transition of the Khanty and Mansi to a settled way of life. Along with the traditional new crafts (fishing, hunting, reindeer husbandry) developed - livestock, agriculture, fur farming. Since 1930, they began to arrive in the district special settlers, hands to-rykh in the main. the future Khanty-Mansiysk was being built, many were being equipped. us. points, the Samarovsky fish cannery was erected. plant and other enterprises.

A social cult developed. sphere. Since the 1920s illiteracy was being eradicated. First hospital. nat. schools appeared in 1924–25. In 1930, the first primer was created in Khanty, and later in Mansi and other languages. root. inhabitants of the Ob North, written language was created by the root. peoples. By 1933 there were 126 schools in the district. By 1940 cult. The area of ​​the district consisted of 70 reading huts, 14 mass libraries, 40 film installations, and the 6th district. houses of culture, 6 newspapers were published in Russian. and national lang. The preparation of the national staff was carried out by the Ostyako-Vogulsky ped. technical school and midwife. school. Medicine developed: in 1930 a hospital was opened, in 1934 - anti-tuberculosis. dispensary. Since 1938, the encirclement has been working in Ostyako-Vogulsk. local historian. museum.

From the beginning Great Patriotic War the economy of the district is reoriented to the military. needs. Kondinsky and Khanty-Mansiysk timber enterprises switched to the production of special. wood for the production of air plywood, butts for rifles, skis. The output of fish production has increased. prom. During the war years, a number of new enterprises were built in the district - a match factory and a felting workshop in Khanty-Mansiysk. The workers of the district transferred to the fund Kr. army more than 9 million rubles, state bonds for almost 20 million rubles, warm clothes almost 60 thousand pieces. More than 4 thousand residents of the district were awarded orders and medals, 9 were awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union, 1 became a cavalier Order of Glory 3 degrees.

In the postwar years of foundation changes in the life of the district are primarily associated with the exploration and development of oil and gas fields. 21 Sept. 1953 Berezovskaya geol.-exploration. party for the first time in Zap. Siberia received nature. gas. On June 23, 1960, oil was found in the Shaim region. This was followed by the discovery of the Megionskoye, Zap.-Surgutskoye, Pokurskoye, Mamontovskoye and other deposits. In 1967, the operation of the oil fields of Ust-Balyk and Surgut began. From the 2nd floor. 1970s main districts of prom. oil development is concentrated in the Samotlor, Ust-Balyk, Mamontovskoe and other fields. Max. the volume of oil production was reached in 1987 - 354.8 million tons. In parallel with oil, natural resources are being extracted. and companion. gas, for the processing of which 2 plants were built in Nizhnevartovsk. On the basis of oil and gas production, a powerful electric power industry has grown. In 1975, the Surgut State District Power Plant was put into operation, operating on a passing line. gas.

The forest continued to develop. and fish. prom. In the district, new timber industry enterprises were opened, and cereals were functioning. Kondinsky timber industry. plant. The construction of new cities stimulated the acceleration. building up production. materials. In the postwar period H.-M. a. about. - croup. fur supplier. part of the swarm was the products of the animal breeder. farms. The suburbs grew. vegetable growing. The rapid development of the fuel and energy complex had a negative impact on the traditions. rural industries. and industry. household In 1985, the fish catch in the district amounted to 69% of the catch in 1980. The number of deer in 1985 decreased by 21% compared to 1970.

In the 1960s–80s. construction gets a big swing. etc. and pipelines. In the 1960s the 1st railroad was built. lines Ivdel-Ob, Tavda-Mezhdurechensk, in 1976 the construction of the railroad was completed. Tyumen-Surgut-Nizhnevartovsk. According to ter. HM. a. about. a network of oil and gas pipelines was built, etc. The social-cult was further developed. sphere. Us. items contact phone. lines, from 1967 television began to work in the district, the print media became widespread, including on the nat. lang. It was intensive. lived. building, social-cult objects were erected. destination.

In the 1st floor. 1990s the radical started. reforming the people. household H.-M. a. o., which was accompanied by a decline in production. Oil and gas. condensate in 1995 was extracted 1.8 times, gas - 1.6 times less than in 1990. The number of deer from 1989 to 1999 decreased by 38%. In con. 1990s the situation in the economy, including in the fuel and energy complex, has stabilized. In the 1st years of the XXI century. prom started. growth. In 2004, oil and gas on the territory. district produced 1.5 times more than in 1995.

Oud. weight of industry in the industry. structure of the gross region. product H.-M. a. about. in 2003 was 58.1%, p. X. - 0.3, construction - 9.3, transport - 6.1, communications - 0.6, trade and commercial. activities for the sale of goods and services - 3.9%. Number economically active. population in 2004 - 827 thousand people. (56.2% of the total). The economy employs 873.5 thousand people, incl. working on a rotational basis. The level of officially registered unemployment is 9.7%. The structure of the prom. production: fuel industry - 89.9%, electric power industry - 6.6, mechanical engineering and metalworking - 2.6, construction industry. materials - 0.3, timber., woodworking. industry - 0.3, food industry - 0.2%. Oil is the backbone of the Okrug's economy. and gas. industry industries. More than half is mined in the region. all grew. oil. The district occupies the 4th place in the extraction of nature. gas. The largest enterprises are Surgutneftegaz JSC (Surgut), Yuganskneftegaz JSC (Nefteyugansk), Lukoil-Kogalym-neftegaz JSC ( Kogalym), JSC Langepas-neftegaz ( Langepas), JSC "Kond-petroleum" ( Nyagan). Oil and gas refineries operate in the district. Chem. The industry is represented by enterprises in Surgut and Nyagan, which produce propylene, liquefied gas, and people's goods. plastic consumption. Forest enterprises. and woodworker. prom-ti are engaged in the manufacture of lumber, window and door blocks, container premises. type, furniture, etc. Food industry in the main. manufactures canned fish. products. The capacity of enterprises is building. The complex is aimed at the production of prefabricated reinforced concrete. structures and products, builds. bricks, porous aggregates. Mechanical engineering is represented by enterprises for the repair of oil and gas fields. equipment, vehicles, building. technology. In terms of electricity production, the district ranks second in the country after Irkutsk region Surgutskaya and Nizhnevartovskaya GRES, the largest in Russia, operate on a by-pass. gas.

Sat. and traditional industries hoz-va, despite their insignificant. beats weight in the overall structure of the economy, play an important role, because they provide employment to the indigenous. population. These industries produce unique. products. The most valuable species of fish with high taste qualities are caught in the district. The basis for the development of reindeer husbandry is reindeer pastures, which make up 21.6% of the total land. area The number of reindeer in 2003 was 28.8 thousand.

Transport. complex H.-M. a. about. formed in the 2nd half. 20th century to meet the needs of oil and gas production. prom. According to ter. district passes Sverdlovsk (Yekaterinburg) railway. D.: in the directions of Tyumen-Pyt-Yakh-Surgut-Kogalym-Novy Urengoy with a branch to Nizhnevartovsk, Yekaterinburg-Ivdel-Sovetsky-Nyagan-Priobye with a branch to Agirish, Yekaterinburg-Tavda-Mezhdurechensky. Naib. croup. railroad nodes: Surgut, Nizhnevartovsk, Pyt-Yakh, Kogalym, Nyagan. Operational length w. d. 2,454 km. For the share of cars transport accounts for 10% of cargo turnover and approx. floor. district passenger traffic. Length 17 thousand km of paved roads. Main car highway connecting the district with other territories. Russia, passes through Nefteyugansk, Tobolsk and Tyumen. Feder highway crosses the district from south to north. values ​​Tyumen-Surgut-Novy Urengoy, from west to east - the highways Khanty-Mansiysk-Nefteyugansk, Nizhnevartovsk-Surgut. Navigation on the rivers Ob, Irtysh, Konda, Sev. Sosva, Vakh, and others. Croup. airports in Kogalym, Rainbow, Surgut, Nizhnevartovsk. In H.-M. a. about. - the largest. pipeline network in Russia. On ter. the district originates most of the highways. oil pipelines: Shaim-Tyumen, Ust-Balyk-Omsk, Samotlor-Ufa-Almetyevsk; through the Nizhnevartovsk-Anzhero-Sudzhensk oil pipeline, oil exits to the east. districts of the country. With the commissioning of the Samotlor-Samara oil pipeline, it became possible to supply Khanty-Mans. oil for export. Most of the gas pipelines passing through the Ter. HM. a. o., - transit, originating with gas. Yamal fields.

On horseback 2005 on ter. ed. district scientific research and development was carried out by 17 organizations, among which the Ob-Taz Department of the Siberian Research and Design Institute of Fisheries, Institute of Advanced Training and Development of Regional Education, Scientific Research Experimental Institute -t problems of the Ob North, Khanty-Mansiysk center region. subsoil use, the Surgut Scientific Research and Design Institute of the Oil Industry, etc. Since 1991, the Research Institute for the Revival of the Ob-Ugric Peoples has been operating.

Educated. system H.-M. a. about. makes up means. part of the social complex and consists of preschools., general, additional. and prof. education. In 2005 preschool. educate. network on ter. The district included 420 institutions, they were attended by 63.8 thousand (or 61.8%) children aged 1–6 years. In 2005/06 on ter. district in 413 general education. 196.4 thousand students studied in institutions. There were 24 institutions at the beginning. prof. and 24 Wed. specialist. education with num. students 12.2 thousand and 20.9 thousand respectively. Training of specialists with higher 8 universities and a network of branches were engaged in education, where 53.8 thousand students studied.

The education system of the root. few peoples of the North (Khanty, Mansi, Nenets) covers all types of education. At 33 preschools. educate. institutions located on the traditional indigenous residence. peoples, teaching their native language is carried out. There are 44 schools with Russian. (non-native) lang. education, in which St. 6 thousand people Percentage of indigenous children. peoples of the total number of students is 61%, of which 44% study their native language. Prof. system education is adapted to the needs of the indigenous. residents: on the basis of the Khanty-Mansiysk ped. College, Ugra and Surgut Universities are functioning preparatory. courses for applicants from among the roots. peoples of the North. The Institute of Language, Culture and Art of the Peoples of Yugra was created at Yugra University.

In 2005 honey. Assistance to the population of the district was provided by 92 hospitals. institutions, 223 outpatient clinics. institutions, 93 feldsher-obstetrician. item. An important element of the health care system ed. county, providing accessibility spetsializir. honey. assistance to residents of remote and hard-to-reach villages. settlements, is a subdivision of the district clinic. hospitals - mobile consultative-diagnostician. polyclinic on water transport.

For many years of history on ter. HM. a. about. there was a mutual enrichment of Russian. culture with the culture of representatives of the indigenous. population of the district - Khanty, Mansi. In the owls time, much attention was paid to the education of the aborigines. population, club business, radio and cinema. On horseback In 2005, there were 102 cinema installations, 224 cultural and leisure institutions, 6 prof. theaters and 39 museums, including the Kazym ethnogr. Museum-Park, Beloyarsk local historian. museum, ca. ethnogr. open-air museum "Torum Maa" and others. More than 250 public libraries with books worked. a fund of 4.2 million books and magazines. Operated Center prikl. creativity and crafts of the peoples of the North in Khanty-Mansiysk, Center for nat. cultures of the peoples of the North in the Oktyabrsky district, the Center for the Arts for Gifted Children of the North, the House of Writers, Scientific and Production. center for the protection and use of historical and cultural monuments (Khanty-Mansiysk), Khud. museum, theater (Surgut), branch env. Applied Center creativity and crafts "School-workshop of national folk crafts" (Uray), House of people. creativity; there were new for the culture of the district creative. societies. associations, such as "Artists of Ugra" and "Masters of arts and crafts of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug." Annually in anticipation of the queue. anniversary of H.-M. a. about. held internationally. festival of TV programs and TV films "Golden Tambourine". They are reborn in the district of old. rite. indigenous holidays. peoples, such as "Bear Games". On ter. district revealed St. 4 thousand monuments and objects of historical cultures. heritage.

Lit.: revived People: On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the formation of the Khanty-Mansiysk National Okrug. Omsk, 1941; peoples Siberia: Essays. M.; L., 1956; Updated Yugra. Sverdlovsk, 1970; Geography Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. M., 1996; Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous region. Khanty-Mansiysk, 1999; Khanty-Mansiysk: 1637–1999: City in Persons, Dates and Facts. Tyumen 2000; Yugoria: Encyclopedia of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug: In 3 volumes. Khanty-Mansiysk, 2000; Information and analytical collection on the socio-economic situation of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug in 1990–2001. Khanty-Mansiysk, 2002; Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug: Yugra from A to Z. Tyumen, 2004; Regions Russia: Main characteristics of the subjects of the Russian Federation. 2005: Stat. Sat. M., 2006.