Moral and material satisfaction. How to find a business that brings both moral and material satisfaction? Material vs moral satisfaction


Y*""*47 5 M.Yu. SEMENOV

E. G. Efremov


The article provides a meaningful analysis of the concept of "material satisfaction" from the point of view of a psychologist. It is proposed to determine material satisfaction. In addition, the factors that determine material satisfaction are identified, including the level of exact well-being, the level of maternal needs, the orientation of the individual, the experience of previous satisfaction of material needs, a positive high assessment of the probability of meeting material needs in the future.

The results of K. Rubinstein's research made it possible to classify people into two significantly different groups: "materially satisfied" and "materially dissatisfied". The former control their finances, while the latter allow money to control their behavior. So, if there is a desire to buy something too expensive, then the representatives of the first group will either try to accumulate enough money, or forget about this thing. Those who are dissatisfied will most often try to borrow money. In the second group, the frequency of emotional disorders and psychosomatic illnesses is also significantly higher. We set ourselves the task of conducting a psychological analysis of the phenomenon of material satisfaction-dissatisfaction.

Previously, we considered the factors that determine human satisfaction. It has been shown that satisfaction depends on the strength of the need, the type of need, the value of the ratio of the desired and the good, the experience of meeting the need in the past and the assessment of the probability of meeting the needs in the future. This corresponds to the formula proposed by S. V. Magun, but the relationships are not single-valued, as presented in the formula, but more complex. This article will attempt to highlight the factors that determine material satisfaction.

What is "material satisfaction" and the realm of the material? Usually, it includes monetary wealth, provision with things (for example, clothes or an apartment), services (for example, education).

vanation or tourist vouchers). Most of the goods and services a modern person receives for money. "According to estimates, in the modern world, on average, 85% of the satisfaction of a person's needs in wheat, 90% in clothing, 80% in housing, 60% (in the USA, in Russia this percentage is almost 95) in transport services is carried out through money. Total moneyization is a characteristic feature of the new stage of civilizational development, which human society entered at the end of the second, beginning of the third millennium. Therefore, in the minds of people, material security is associated primarily with money. It is the attitude towards money that is an indicator of material satisfaction / dissatisfaction in the work of V. D. Rubinshtein.

One of the objectives of our study was to determine material satisfaction. Based on the above statements, based on the definition of the concept of "satisfaction", proposed by E. P. Ilyin, we can give the following working definition. Material satisfaction is a disposition that expresses a positive attitude towards material wealth as a factor in life, the material conditions of life as a result of satisfaction repeatedly experienced and guaranteed, from the point of view of the subject, to receive this satisfaction in the future. Material satisfaction is a long-term evaluation function of material support. Material satisfaction is a positive evaluative attitude, and material dissatisfaction is a negative one. Material satisfaction depends on the strength of material needs, on the magnitude of the desired and available material wealth.

Material satisfaction is an emotional state that arises as a result of the realization of the motive of material support. Another thing is satisfaction, understood as an attitude to material security, material prosperity.

Thus, material satisfaction is determined by:

Previous experience of successfully satisfying material needs,

A positive assessment by the subject of the probability of meeting material needs in the future,

The forces of material needs.

The amount of desired and available material wealth.

This definition is close to the position of K. Levin, who understood satisfaction as an emotional assessment of the relationship between the valence of the goal (the strength of the need, objectified in the goal) and the possibility (or result) of achieving it. Also, this definition is consistent with the position of behaviorists, which is expressed in the following thought: "... the main mechanism of the functioning of motivation ... is the body's desire to remove, reduce the tension caused by the need. If one or another form of behavior led to the removal of tension, to satisfaction some need, then the probability of reproducing this form of behavior in the future (when a corresponding need arises) increases (the law of effect). (4, p. 347] Behavior is fixed, which means that the emotional reaction is also fixed, becomes stable, passing from satisfaction to satisfaction.

Material satisfaction and material well-being

Consider the relationship between material satisfaction and material well-being. These relations can be represented as a function (1).

U MP \u003d G (MO)

where Ump - the level of satisfaction of material needs, MO - the level of material security.

Thus, the level of satisfaction with the financial situation is a function of the level of material security. But this definition requires clarification.

As a first approximation, it can be argued that the higher the level of material security, the higher the level of satisfaction with the financial situation. In order to study the relationship between material satisfaction and well-being in more detail, we examine the above function (1). Consider the limits of this function.

1. If welfare tends to a minimum, then the following levels of material satisfaction are possible:

a) material satisfaction - a bum, a saint, i.e. a person who has a low level of material needs and who is satisfied with the chosen "beggarly" lifestyle (high indicators on the ordinate axis). He may even be weighed down by material goods;

b) material dissatisfaction - poor, unsecured, a refugee, dissatisfied with his position, but by the will of fate found himself without a material resource (low indicators on the ordinate axis). He is burdened by material insecurity (chart 1).

The level of material satisfaction a

Graph 1. Dependence of the level of material satisfaction on the level of material well-being, if well-being tends to a minimum.

Thus, when describing the factors that determine material satisfaction, along with material well-being (available), we single out the internal state - the need for material goods - as the desired level of well-being. Let's build a table.

A similar scheme is used by E. B. Fantalova [b] when assessing an internal conflict, which in our terms can be designated as material dissatisfaction.

Based on this, it is possible to express material satisfaction as a function of two variables:

= ((MO, MP),

The ratio of the level of well-being, the strength of need and satisfaction

The ratio of the level of well-being and strength required™ Condition

Have = Desirable Satisfied

Received "Desirable Unsatisfied

Available » Wishlist

where Ump - the level of satisfaction of material needs, MO - the level of material security, MP - the level of material needs.

2. If well-being tends to infinity (of course, relative to needs) and a person is completely financially secure, it is possible, based on life experience and observations, to distinguish the following types of behavior:

a) a person continues to increase material wealth in the form of capital. He evaluates his level of material security not in comparison with the needs of his life, but in comparison, for example, with the wealth of other people, even richer (an insatiable person, "... there Tsar Koschey languishes over gold ..."). Then we can talk about satisfaction with the help of well-being not material, but other needs, for example, the need for social recognition. But due to the fact that these types of satisfaction are associated with material satisfaction, a person may experience material dissatisfaction, even with full material support. This means that the orientation of the personality is important, its main landmark, to which various resources are tied;

b) a person continues to do business, but the increase in capital and profit is not the goal for such an entrepreneur. He either gets satisfaction from the very process of making money, or sets for himself some goal outside the material sphere, and wealth acts as a condition or means to achieve this goal (perhaps J. Soros). If he separates for himself the spheres of the material and other things, such as the spiritual, he can be materially satisfied and spiritually unsatisfied. If it does not share, then option (a) is obtained, when a person associates material satisfaction with other dissatisfaction, which ultimately gives material dissatisfaction;

c) a person retires and devotes his time to activities "for the soul": travels, engages in art, etc. e. Then we can talk about material satisfaction;

d) a person does not use his financial situation or is burdened by it. There are quite a lot of examples when teenagers or young people from wealthy families break ties with family and material wealth, as was customary, for example, among hippies. A similar situation develops with missionaries or monks when they renounce material goods for the sake of serving the faith. They have other, spiritual needs that come first.

e) A person has organized his life in such a way that, while working, he provides himself financially to the necessary extent. The main purpose of the work of such a person is outside the material sphere. A similar type of people is described in detail by A. Maslow as self-actualizing

emerging personalities. "Self-actualizing people, without exception, are involved in some business, in something outside of themselves. They are devoted to this cause, it is something very valuable to them - this is a kind of vocation, in the old, preaching sense of the word They are engaged in something that is for them the calling of fate and that they love so much that for them the division "work - joy" disappears. One devotes his life to the law, the other to justice, someone else to beauty or truth ". These people have material satisfaction.

These types of behavior and the corresponding relationship between material satisfaction are presented in Chart 2.

Level of satisfaction with well-being

The level of personal well-being

Graph 2. Dependence of the level of material satisfaction on the level of material well-being, if a person is fully financially secure.

The situation when a person is fully financially secure reveals the importance of orientation and interests for the analysis of the relationship between material satisfaction and well-being.

Thus, it can be assumed that satisfaction with the financial situation depends on:

The level of personal well-being

The ability of a person to distinguish between material and non-material needs,

The level of material needs,

Orientation and interests of the individual.

Combining functions 1 and 2, we can conclude that the level of satisfaction of material needs is a function of the following factors:

Ump \u003d G (MO, MP, N-I), (3)

where Ump - the level of material satisfaction, MO - the level of material security, MP - the level of material needs, H - the orientation of the individual, I - the interests of the individual.

Personal factors determining material satisfaction

The orientation and interests of the individual can be considered in this context as priority, dominant objects or phenomena, to which the activity of the subject is directed, what a person lives for: 2-a: social recognition; 2-6, view: self-realization; 2d: service.

The level of material needs - the desired - can be regarded as the strength of the need (see E. B. Fantalova) and as the level of claims in this area. It depends on the existing system of matter

social expenses, those norms of material life that a person has formed under the influence of the reference and immediate social environment, the media, the parental family, etc.

The level of material security, perhaps, should be considered in terms of the part of the income that a person receives from the family budget in absolute terms. Then, to determine it, one should take the total family budget and separate the share of the family budget attributable to this person.

Thus, in this article, we proposed a definition of material satisfaction, identified the factors that determine material satisfaction, which included the level of personal well-being, the level of material needs, the orientation of the individual, the previous satisfaction of material needs, a positive high assessment of the probability of meeting material needs in the future.


1. Zhirinovsky V. V., Yurovitsky V. M. New money for Russia and the world. - M.: Graal Publishing House. -1998. - 511 p.

2. Ilyin E. P. Motivation and motives. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house "Piter", 2000. - 512 p.: ill.

3. MagunS. V. On the relationship between the significance of various needs of the individual and their satisfaction // Questions of Psychology. - 1978. - No. 6. - S. 86-93.

4. Modern psychology: a reference guide. - M.: INFRA-M, 1999. - 688 p.

5. Semenov M. Yu. Satisfaction and satisfaction // Omsk Scientific Bulletin. - December, 2000, no. 13, - S. 154 - 156.

6. Fantalova E. B. Diagnosis of internal conflict. Appendix No. 2 to the Journal of a Practical Psychologist. - M.: Folium, 1997.48 p.

7. FenkoA. B. The problem of money in foreign psychological research // Psychological Journal, No. 1,2000. pp. 50 - 62.

8. Maslow A Self-actualizing and Beyond. // Challenges of Humanistic Psychology. N.Y., 1967.

9. Rubinstein C. Money & self-esteem, relationships, secrecy, envy, satisfaction. // Psychology Today. 1981. No. 5. P. 24-44.

SEMENOV Mikhail Yurievich, lecturer of the Department of General Psychology, Omsk State University.

YEFREMOV Evgeniy Georgievich, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Head of the Department of Labor Psychology and Organizational Psychology. OmSTU.

UDC 159.947.5 V. S. KUBAREV


Omsk State Technical University

Omsk State University



In the article, a meaningful analysis of stock exchange activity as a special type of gaming activity of adults is carried out. Most modern foreign psychologists consider adult games from the point of view of psychoanalysis. The authors identified constructive and destructive motives in adult games. The unpredictability of the behavior of the stock exchange, the high degree and cost of risk give rise to irrational ways of behaving and the use of unconscious motives through the projection mechanism. The authors identified three main factors that determine the effectiveness of the stock trader's activity: the personal factor, which involves the analysis of unconscious motives and constant emotional self-regulation; a social factor that assumes the independence of the decisions taken from the influence of the stock exchange crowd; a thinking factor suggesting regional decision-making.

Modern psychology is increasingly spreading to various spheres of human economic activity. The so-called "human factor" in the modern economy acquires a leading role. Exchange trading as a special economic phenomenon should be considered, including from the point of view of psychology. So, A. Edder points to three main psychological factors of the stock trader's efficiency:

a) "reasonable psychology", which implies control over one's emotional state;

b) taking into account the influence of the stock exchange crowd on the consciousness of the individual;

c) capital control, which involves the reasonable investment of their money.

In Elder's work, from the point of view of a psychoanalytic concept, stock exchange activity is viewed as a game of chance, where "the bet is placed on

The article provides a meaningful analysis of the concept of "material satisfaction" from a psychological point of view. The definition of material satisfaction is proposed. In addition, factors that determine material satisfaction are identified, which include the level of personal well-being, the level of material needs, the orientation of the individual, the experience of previous satisfaction of material needs, a positive high assessment of the probability of meeting material needs in the future.

Material Satisfaction.pdf This article is devoted to the description of the phenomenon of material satisfaction. Research results of V.D. Rubinstein made it possible to classify people into two significantly different groups: "materially satisfied" and "materially dissatisfied". The former control their finances, while the latter allow money to control their behavior. So, if there is a desire to buy something too expensive, then the representatives of the first group will either try to accumulate enough money, or forget about this thing. Those who are dissatisfied will most often try to borrow money. In the second group, the frequency of emotional disorders and psychosomatic illnesses is also significantly higher. We set ourselves the task of conducting a psychological analysis of the phenomenon of material satisfaction-dissatisfaction. Previously, we considered the factors that determine human satisfaction. It has been shown that satisfaction depends on the strength of the need, the type of need, the value of the ratio of the desired and the good, the experience of meeting the need in the past and the assessment of the probability of meeting the needs in the future. This corresponds to the one proposed by S.V. Magun formula, but the relationship is not unambiguous, as it is presented in the formula, but more complex. This article attempts to highlight the factors that determine material satisfaction. What is "material satisfaction" and the sphere of the material? Usually, it includes monetary wealth, security with things (for example, clothes or an apartment), services (for example, education or travel packages). Most of the goods and services a modern person receives for money. “According to estimates, in the modern world, on average, 85% of the satisfaction of a person’s needs for food, 90% for clothing, 80% for housing, 60% (in the USA, in Russia this percentage is almost 95%) in transport services is carried out through money. Total moneyization is a characteristic feature of the new stage of civilizational development, which human society entered at the end of the second, beginning of the third millennium. Therefore, in the minds of people, material security is associated, first of all, with money. It is the attitude towards money that is an indicator of material satisfaction-dissatisfaction in the work of V.D. Rubinstein. One of the objectives of our study was to determine material satisfaction. Based on the above statements. Based on the definition of the concept of "satisfaction" proposed by E. P. Ilyin, we can give the following working definition: material satisfaction is a disposition that expresses a positive attitude towards material wealth as a factor in life, the material conditions of life as a result of satisfaction repeatedly experienced and guaranteed, from the point of view of the subject, to receive this satisfaction in the future. Material satisfaction is a long-term evaluation function of material support, it is a positive evaluation ratio, and material dissatisfaction is negative. Material satisfaction is an emotional state that arises as a result of the realization of the motive of material support. Another thing is satisfaction, understood as an attitude to material security, material prosperity. Thus, material satisfaction is determined by: previous experience of successfully satisfying material needs, a positive assessment by the subject of the probability of meeting material needs in the future, the strength of material needs, the type of need, the amount of desired and available material wealth. This definition is close to the position of K. Levin, who understood satisfaction as an emotional assessment of the relationship between the valence of the goal (the strength of the need, objectified in the goal) and the possibility (or result) of achieving it. Also, this definition is consistent with the position of behaviorists: “the main mechanism for the functioning of motivation ... is the desire of the body to remove, reduce the tension caused by the need. If this or that form of behavior led to the removal of tension, to the satisfaction of some need, then the probability of reproducing this form of behavior in the future (when a corresponding need arises) increases (the law of effect). Behavior is fixed, which means that the emotional reaction is also fixed, becomes stable, moving from satisfaction to satisfaction. Material satisfaction and material well-being. Consider the relationship between material satisfaction and material well-being. These relations can be represented as a function (1). U silt =f(MO), (1) where Ush - the level of satisfaction of material needs, MO - the level of material security. Thus, the level of satisfaction with the financial situation is a function of the level of material security. In the first approximation, it can be argued that the higher the level of material security, the higher the level of satisfaction with the financial situation. In order to study the relationship between material satisfaction and well-being in more detail, we examine the above function (1). Consider the limits of this function. 1. If well-being tends to a minimum, then the following levels of material satisfaction are possible: a) material satisfaction - homeless, saint, i.е. a person who has a low level of material needs and who is satisfied with the chosen “beggarly” lifestyle (high indicators on the y-axis). He may even be weighed down by material goods; b) material dissatisfaction - poor, unsecured, a refugee, dissatisfied with his position, but by the will of fate found himself without a material resource (low indicators on the ordinate axis). He is burdened by material insecurity (Figure 1). Thus, when describing the factors that determine material satisfaction, along with material well-being (have-mine), we single out the internal state - the need for material goods - as the desired level of well-being (Table 1). Level of material satisfaction Level of personal well-being Figure 1. Dependence of the level of material satisfaction on the level of material well-being, if well-being tends to a minimum. Table 1. The ratio of the level of well-being, the strength of the need and satisfaction The ratio of the level of well-being and the strength of the need Fantalov howl in assessing the internal conflict, which in our terms can be designated as material dissatisfaction. Proceeding from this, it is possible to express material satisfaction as a function of two variables: Vsh ~f(MO, MP), (2) where Umn is the level of satisfaction of material needs, MO is the level of material security, MP is the level of material needs. 2. If well-being tends to infinity (naturally, relative to needs) and a person is completely financially secure, it is possible, based on life experience and observations, to distinguish the following types of behavior: a) A person continues to increase material wealth in the form of capital. He evaluates his level of material well-being not in comparison with the needs of his life, but in comparison, for example, with the wealth of other people, even richer (an insatiable person, “...there King Koschey languishes over gold. .."). Then we can talk about satisfaction with the help of well-being not material, but other needs, for example, the need for social recognition. But due to the fact that these types of satisfaction are associated with material satisfaction, a person may experience material dissatisfaction, even with full material support. This means that the orientation of the personality is important, its main landmark, to which various resources are tied. b) The person continues to do business, but the increase in capital and profit is not the goal for such an entrepreneur. He either gets satisfaction from the very process of making money, or sets for himself some goal outside the material sphere, and wealth acts as a condition or means to achieve this goal (perhaps George Soros). If he separates for himself the spheres of the material and other things, such as the spiritual, he can be materially satisfied and spiritually unsatisfied. If it does not share, then option (a) is obtained, when a person associates material satisfaction with dissatisfaction, which ultimately gives material dissatisfaction. c) A person retires and devotes his time to activities “for the soul”: traveling, doing art, etc. Then we can talk about material satisfaction. d) A person does not use his financial position or is burdened by it. There are quite a lot of examples when teenagers or young people from wealthy families break ties with family and material wealth, as was customary, for example, among hippies. A similar situation develops with missionaries or monks when they renounce material goods for the sake of serving the faith. They have other, spiritual needs that come first. e) A person has organized his life in such a way that, while working, he provides himself financially to the necessary extent. The main purpose of the work of such a person is outside the material sphere. A similar type of people is described in detail by A. Maslow as self-actualizing personalities. “Self-actualizing people, without exception, are involved in some business, in something outside of themselves. They are devoted to this cause, it is something very valuable for them - it is a kind of calling, in the old, preaching sense of the word. They are engaged in something that is a calling of fate for them and that they love so much that the division "work - joy" disappears for them. One dedicates his life to the law, the other to justice, someone else to beauty or truth. These people have material satisfaction. These types of behavior and the corresponding relationship between material satisfaction are represented by well-being in Figure 2. Level of satisfaction with well-being Figure 2. Dependence of the level of material satisfaction on the level of material well-being, if a person is completely financially secure. The situation when a person is fully financially secure reveals the importance of orientation and interests for the analysis of the relationship between material satisfaction and well-being. Combining functions 1 and 2, we can conclude that the level of satisfaction of material needs is a function of the following factors: security, MP - the level of material needs, B - the ability of a person to distinguish between material and non-material needs, N-I - the orientation and interests of the individual.In this context, the orientation and interests of the individual can be considered as priority, dominant objects or phenomena that the subject's activity is directed to, what a person lives for. To classify the orientation, you can use the hierarchical structure of motives proposed by A. Maslow. The level of material needs - the desired one - can be considered as the power of need (see E. B. Fantalova) and as the level of claims in this area. It is determined by experience and upbringing: the established system of material costs, those norms of material life, to which were formed in a person under the influence of the reference and immediate social environment, the media, the parental family, etc. The level of material security, perhaps, should be considered in terms of the part of the income that a person receives from the family budget in absolute terms. Then, to determine it, one should take the total family budget and separate the share of the family budget attributable to this person. What, based on the previous analysis, are the psychological characteristics of materially satisfied and materially dissatisfied people? From the above table, it can be seen that many factors do not unambiguously determine material satisfaction, i.e. have a non-linear relationship with material satisfaction. This suggests that the mechanisms of the emergence and functioning of material satisfaction are quite complex. Then the next step in the study of material satisfaction is the construction of a typology of materially satisfied / dissatisfied people. In addition, in the future, it is possible to compare motivational theories and factors that determine material satisfaction. Table 2. Characteristics of materially satisfied and materially dissatisfied people* Characteristics Materially satisfied Materially unsatisfied Experience in meeting material needs Successful Unsuccessful Estimation of the probability of obtaining the desired level of material well-being High positive Low positive or negative burden) IL (available as a burden) The level of material security Any, at a minimum, providing needs Any The value of material well-being in comparison with other needs May be different May be different The strength of material needs Any Any Leading type of needs (according to A. Maslow) Any, except for physiological Any Opportunities to distinguish between material and non-material needs May be different May be different x and materially dissatisfied people.

Semenov M.Yu., Efremov E.G. Material satisfaction // Omsk scientific bulletin (The Omsk scientific bulletin).-2003. - Issue . 23. No. 2. - S. 207-210.


Semenov Mikhail Yurievich, Omsk State University

Efremov Evgeny Georgievich, Omsk State Technical University

Annotation: The article provides a meaningful analysis of the concept of "material satisfaction" from the point of view of a psychologist. The definition of material satisfaction is proposed. In addition, factors that determine material satisfaction are identified, which include the level of personal well-being, the level of material needs, the orientation of the individual, the experience of previous satisfaction of material needs, a positive high assessment of the probability of meeting material needs in the future.

Key words: material satisfaction, satisfaction, disposition, orientation, well-being, experience of satisfaction, probability of satisfaction in the future.

This article is devoted to the description of the phenomenon of material satisfaction. The results of K. Rubinstein's research made it possible to classify people into two significantly different groups: "materially satisfied" and "materially dissatisfied". The former control their finances, while the latter allow money to control their behavior. So, if there is a desire to buy something too expensive, then the representatives of the first group will either try to accumulate enough money, or forget about this thing. Those who are dissatisfied will most often try to borrow money. In the second group, the frequency of emotional disorders and psychosomatic illnesses is also significantly higher. We set ourselves the task of conducting a psychological analysis of the phenomenon of material satisfaction-dissatisfaction.

Previously, we considered the factors that determine human satisfaction. It has been shown that satisfaction depends on the strength of the need, the type of need, the value of the ratio of the desired and the good, the experience of meeting the need in the past and the assessment of the probability of meeting the needs in the future. This corresponds to the formula proposed by S. V. Magun, but the relationships are not single-valued, as presented in the formula, but more complex. This article will attempt to highlight the factors that determine material satisfaction.

What is "material satisfaction" and the sphere of the material? Usually, it includes monetary wealth, security with things (for example, clothes or an apartment), services (for example, education or travel packages). Most of the goods and services a modern person receives for money. "According to estimates, on average, through money in the modern world, 85% of the satisfaction of a person's needs for food, 90% for clothing, 80% for housing, 60% (in the USA, in Russia this percentage is almost 95) in transport services is carried out. Total moneyization is a characteristic feature of the new stage civilizational development, which human society entered at the end of the second, beginning of the third millennium. " Therefore, in the minds of people, material security is associated primarily with money. It is the attitude towards money that is an indicator of material satisfaction / dissatisfaction in the work of V. D. Rubinshtein.

One of the objectives of our study was to determine material satisfaction. Based on the above statements, based on the definition of the concept of "satisfaction" proposed by E. P. Ilyin, the following working definition can be given: material satisfaction- this is a disposition expressing a positive attitude towards material wealth as a factor in life, the material conditions of life as a result of repeatedly experienced satisfaction and guaranteed, from the point of view of the subject, receiving this satisfaction in the future. Material satisfaction is a long-term evaluation function of material support. Material satisfaction is a positive evaluative attitude, and material dissatisfaction is a negative one. Material satisfaction depends on the strength of material needs, on the magnitude of the desired and available material wealth.

Material satisfaction is an emotional state that arises as a result of the realization of the motive of material support. Another thing is satisfaction, understood as an attitude to material security, material prosperity.

Thus, material satisfaction is determined by:

  • previous experience of successfully meeting material needs,
  • a positive assessment by the subject of the probability of meeting material needs in the future,
  • the power of material needs,
  • the amount of desired and available material wealth.

This definition is close to the position of K. Levin, who understood satisfaction as an emotional assessment of the relationship between the valence of the goal (the strength of the need, objectified in the goal) and the possibility (or result) of achieving it. Also, this definition is consistent with the position of behaviorists. "... the main mechanism for the functioning of motivation ... is the body's desire to relieve, reduce the tension caused by the need. If one or another form of behavior led to the removal of tension, to the satisfaction of some need, then the probability of reproducing this form of behavior in the future (when an appropriate need arises) grows (law of effect)". Behavior is fixed, which means that the emotional reaction is fixed and becomes stable, moving from satisfaction to satisfaction.

Material satisfaction and material well-being

Consider the relationship between material satisfaction and material well-being. These relations can be represented as a function (1).

U MP \u003d f (MO) (1)

MO - the level of material security.

Thus, the level of satisfaction with the financial situation is a function of the level of material security

As a first approximation, it can be argued that the higher the level of material security, the higher the level of satisfaction with the financial situation. In order to study the relationship between material satisfaction and well-being in more detail, we examine the above function (1). Consider the limits of this function.

1. If welfare tends to a minimum, then the following levels of material satisfaction are possible:

a) material satisfaction - a bum, a saint, i.e. a person who has a low level of material needs and who is satisfied with the chosen "beggarly" lifestyle (high indicators on the ordinate axis). He may even be weighed down by material goods;

b) material dissatisfaction - poor, unsecured, a refugee, dissatisfied with his position, but by the will of fate found himself without a material resource (low indicators on the ordinate axis). He is weighed down by material insecurity (see Chart 1).

Graph 1. Dependence of the level of material satisfaction on the level of material well-being, if well-being tends to a minimum.

That. when describing the factors that determine material satisfaction, along with material well-being (available), we single out the internal state - the need for material goods - as the desired level of well-being. Let's build a table.

Table 1. The ratio of the level of well-being, the strength of the need and satisfaction.

A similar scheme is used by E. B. Fantalova when assessing an internal conflict, which in our terms can be designated as material dissatisfaction. Based on this, it is possible to express material satisfaction as a function of two variables:

У MP = f(MO, MP), (2)

where Y MP is the level of satisfaction of material needs,

MP - the level of material needs.

2. If well-being tends to infinity (of course, relative to needs) and a person is completely financially secure, it is possible, based on life experience and observations, to distinguish the following types of behavior:

a) A person continues to increase material wealth in the form of capital. He assesses his level of material well-being not in comparison with the needs of his life, but in comparison, for example, with the wealth of other people, even richer (an insatiable person, "... there King Koschei languishes over gold ..."). Then we can talk about satisfaction with the help of well-being not material, but other needs, for example, the need for social recognition. But due to the fact that these types of satisfaction are associated with material satisfaction, a person may experience material dissatisfaction, even with full material support. This means that the orientation of the personality is important, its main landmark, to which various resources are tied.

b) The person continues to do business, but the increase in capital and profit is not the goal for such an entrepreneur. He either gets satisfaction from the very process of making money, or sets for himself some goal outside the material sphere, and wealth acts as a condition or means to achieve this goal (perhaps J. Soros). If he separates for himself the spheres of the material and other things, such as the spiritual, he can be materially satisfied and spiritually unsatisfied. If it does not share, then option (a) is obtained, when a person associates material satisfaction with other dissatisfaction, which ultimately gives material dissatisfaction.

c) A person retires and devotes his time to activities “for the soul”: travels, engages in art, etc. Then we can talk about material satisfaction.

d) A person does not use his financial position or is burdened by it. There are quite a lot of examples when teenagers or young people from wealthy families break ties with family and material wealth, as was customary, for example, among hippies. A similar situation develops with missionaries or monks when they renounce material goods for the sake of serving the faith. They have other, spiritual needs that come first.

e) A person has organized his life in such a way that, while working, he financially provides himself to the necessary extent. The main purpose of the work of such a person is outside the material sphere. A similar type of people is described in detail by A. Maslow as self-actualizing personality. " Self-actualizing people, without exception, are involved in some business, in something outside of themselves. They are devoted to this cause, it is something very valuable to them - it is a kind of calling, in the old, preaching sense of the word. They are engaged in something that is for them the calling of fate and that they love so much that the division "work - joy" disappears for them. One dedicates his life to law, another to justice, another to beauty or truth.” These people have material contentment.

These types of behavior and the corresponding relationship between material satisfaction are presented in Chart 2.

Graph 2. Dependence of the level of material satisfaction on the level of material well-being, if a person is fully financially secure.

The situation when a person is fully financially secure reveals the importance of orientation and interests for the analysis of the relationship between material satisfaction and well-being. Thus, it can be assumed that satisfaction with the financial situation depends on:

  • level of personal well-being
  • human ability to distinguish between material and non-material needs,
  • level of material needs,
  • orientation and interests of the individual.

Combining functions 1 and 2, we can conclude that the level of satisfaction of material needs is a function of the following factors:

U MP \u003d f (MO, MP, N-I), (3)

where Y MP is the level of material satisfaction,

MO - the level of material security,

MP - the level of material needs,

H - orientation of the personality,

And - the interests of the individual ..

Factors that determine material satisfaction

The orientation and interests of the individual can be considered in this context as priority, dominant objects or phenomena, to which the activity of the subject is directed, what a person lives for: 2-a: social recognition; 2-b, c and d: self-realization; 2d: service.

The level of material needs - the desired - can be considered as the strength of the need (see E. B. Fantalova) and as the level of claims in this area. It depends on the existing system of material expenses, those norms of material life that a person has formed under the influence of the reference and immediate social environment, the media, the parental family, etc.

The level of material security, perhaps, should be considered in terms of the part of the income that a person receives from the family budget in absolute terms. Then, to determine it, one should take the total family budget and separate the share of the family budget attributable to this person.

Thus, in this article, we proposed a definition of material satisfaction, identified the factors that determine material satisfaction, which included the level of personal well-being, the level of material needs, the orientation of the individual, the previous satisfaction of material needs, a positive high assessment of the probability of meeting material needs in the future.


1. Zhirinovsky V. V., Yurovitsky V. M. New money for Russia and the world. - M.: Graal Publishing House. - 1998. - 511 p.

2. Ilyin E. P. Motivation and motives. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house "Piter", 2000. - 512 p.: ill.

3. Magun S. V. On the relationship between the significance of various needs of the individual and their satisfaction // Questions of Psychology. - 1978. - No. 6. - S. 86-93.

4. Modern psychology: a reference guide. - M.: INFRA-M, 1999. - 688 p.

5. Semenov M. Yu. Satisfaction and satisfaction // Omsk Scientific Bulletin. - December, 2000, no. 13. - S. 154 - 156.

6. Fantalova E. B. Diagnosis of internal conflict. Appendix No. 2 to the Journal of a Practical Psychologist. - M.: Folium, 1997, 48 p.

7. Fenko A. B. The problem of money in foreign psychological research // Psychological Journal, No. 1, 2000. P. 50 - 62.

8. Maslow A. Self-actualizing and Beyond. // Challenges of Humanistic Psychology. N.Y., 1967. 9. Rubinstein C. Money & self-esteem, relationships, secrecy, envy, satisfaction. // Psychology Today. 1981. No. 5. P. 24-44.


M. Yu. Semenov Omsk state university E.G. Efremov Omsk state university In the article the informative analysis of the concept "material satisfaction" from a point of view of the psychologist is carried out. The definition of material satisfaction is offered. Besides the factors, defining material satisfaction are chosen, where have come a level of personal well-being, level of material needs, bearings of the person, previous sufficing of material needs, positive high evaluation of probability of sufficing of material needs in the future . Key word: material satisfaction, sufficing, disposition, bearings, well-being, experience of sufficing, probability of sufficing in the future.

3. Favorite business that brings moral and material satisfaction

A person should have a favorite thing! Perhaps not even one! For if he (or they) do not exist, then this is the right path to depression, unwillingness to live in this world, alcoholism, drug addiction, and so on (actually, I have now listed 3 symptoms - alcoholism, drug addiction and depression - of one disease: unwillingness to live). If a person does not have an occupation, at the thought of which his eyes would light up, his soul would rush into battle, and his mind would enthusiastically consider options for creative solutions and the implementation of his plans, then such an individual would be bored with life! He does not have moments of creativity, joy, inspiration.

It must be something that is really interesting to do. Any time of the year and any time of the day! It is interesting to engage not because of the material component or the desire to please someone, but because you are unconsciously drawn to this business!

A profession should initially be an act of love. And not an arranged marriage.

Haruki Murakami

Love this business! Get high when you are in the process! In ecstasy, when it turned out as planned! These are feelings that cannot be expressed in words. At this moment, you are closer to yourself, Nature and God than when you pray in church: for the main thing is what you believe in yourself, and not how many times a week / month / year you visit the temple.

What you love gives you the strength to flutter along the path of life! This is a kind of inexhaustible source of joy, drive, youth, well-being, happiness!

Some people are so caught up in the social conventions they once took to be the only "true" rules of the game of life that they can't figure out what they really enjoy doing.

If you still do not know what your favorite activity is, or you are in pursuit of goals, but it seems to you that they are false, then I suggest you take the following test. I got acquainted with this test at the training by I. L. Naumenko “A New Level of Thinking”.

Test "Prison"

Please answer the following questions and write your answers on a piece of paper. Spend no more than five minutes answering, writing down what immediately comes to mind. For each question, 3-5 points should be given in the answer (if there are more than five answers, write down how much goes, if less, then there will be less).

1. What are your goals for the coming calendar year?

2. Why do you need these goals? What will their achievement give you? What is the continuation of these goals? What follows from them?

3. Three activities that you enjoy doing?

4. How do you feel when you are engaged in those activities that you wrote in paragraph 3? What does it give you?

5. Name three people whom you admire, whose opinion you trust, listen to them.

(These may be people alive or dead; you may be familiar with them or have never seen or communicated “live”; people whom you have never seen or whom you see every day. They can be anyone, as long as you respected, trusted their opinion, shared their views, even if not for life, but for some aspects of life.)

And also write why you admire them, why you respect them, why you trust their opinion and listen to them.

6. Your attending physician from the clinic invited you to his office and said: “I looked at your tests. I have two news: good and bad. Bad: You have 15 years to live. Good: in these 15 years you will not have health problems, nothing will hurt you, bother you, you will be full of strength, energy, enthusiasm. But in 15 years you will lie down and die.” Divide a sheet of paper into 2 columns and answer the following questions: in the left column - what would you like to do in the remaining 15 years?; on the right - what do you have to do in the remaining 15 years?

What do you want to do in the remaining 15 years? What do you have to do in the remaining 15 years?

7. The head doctor of the polyclinic where you took the tests called, said: “Sorry, we made a mistake, you will not die in 15 years. You will die in 10 years. Sorry again for our mistake." Answer two questions: what do you want to do in the remaining 10 years and what should you do in the remaining 10 years?

What do you want to do in the remaining 10 years? What do you have to do in the remaining 10 years?

8. The Minister of Health of the region where you live called you and said the following: “I apologize, something is wrong in that clinic. In general, everything they told you was a mistake. You will die in 5 years. But, the truth is, these last 5 years nothing will hurt you. The Ministry guarantees!

Answer two questions: what do you want to do in the remaining 5 years and what do you need to do in the remaining 5 years?

What do you want to do in the remaining 5 years? What do you have to do in the remaining 5 years?

9. Your phone hasn't stopped ringing lately. You are being called by high-ranking individuals. This time, the country's health minister himself is on the other end of the line: “Good afternoon! Everything you've been told so far is a blatant lie! People made a mistake, with whom it does not happen. We will take action and those responsible will be punished. Goodbye. Ah, yes, the most important thing for you: you will not die in 5 years. Everything is fine! You will die in… a year. Hm. All the best, goodbye."

So, answer two questions: what do you want to do for the remaining year and what do you need to do for the remaining year?

What do you want to do for the rest of the year? What do you have to do for the rest of the year?

10. You've been put in jail. You didn't do anything, just concocted a case, convicted for nothing and put you in jail. Nothing can be done anymore. You've been sentenced to 25 life terms. The prison is unusual: it is in the ocean, it is an island. You have everything you need for life there (food, water, shelter), but there is a condition: you have to do something there. That is, you are provided with everything necessary for life, but you have to do something. You can't just lie on the couch. You can do anything: you will be provided with everything for your occupation. For example, if you want a house for yourself: you will be provided with materials and tools. Build a house. If you want a car, they'll give you the details. Pick up the car. If you want to participate in races: please find like-minded fellow prisoners, you will be provided with cars and you will compete. Do you want to fly into space: no problem! You will be given a spacecraft, you will train and fly into space. The leg will be chained to the prison, but you will still fly!

But everything that you will do and that you will create will not go beyond the walls of this prison. All the fruits of your activities will remain within the framework of this world. As for the family: you can create a family there or invite an existing one to your permanent place of residence. You can have children there. In general, do what you want!

Question: what would you do in this prison?

11. Remember those people from question 5 of this test whom you respect and whose opinion on this or that issue is important to you. Write what advice each of these people would give you when they knew what you were doing in prison.

After taking the test, sit for 5-10 minutes in silence and think about your answers. Do your goals for the year align with the activities you would do in prison? What is stopping you now from doing what brings you joy, delight, pleasure? And where is the prison really: there, in the ocean, where you can do whatever you want, or here, in society, where you are free, but continue to put off your favorite things for later?

The main conclusion of this test: do what you like to do.

The purpose of the test is to find out what you like to do.

There are two great days in a person's life - the day when he was born, and the day when he understood why.

William Barclay

As soon as you have a favorite thing, you are transformed, there is a natural stimulus to life. This activity begins to bring you moral satisfaction! If you do everything from the heart, without thinking about anything other than interest, inspiration, implementation and creativity, there will definitely be people who will like your work and who will be willing to pay money for it.

What is money? You're successful if you get up in the morning, go to bed at night, and do whatever you want in between.

Bob Dylan

And the more professional and inspired you do it, the more people will pay more money. Therefore, you should not worry that, doing what you love, you will be in poverty, living from bread to water. A favorite thing that is done with love, soul, joy, sooner or later will be in demand.

The activity in which a piece of your soul is invested is doomed to success! Love and create!

The best way to success is to fall in love with what you do.

Jackie Chan

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Practice "Favorite activity" This practice will help you determine the scope of your interests, which you can use to make money.1. Right now, write down at least a few activities that bring you real pleasure. If it's hard

How to make work bring both material and moral satisfaction? It seems to many that these are incompatible things, and most people choose either money or work for the soul, some do not find satisfaction in anything.

Every success starts with love
Yes, yes, from herself, love for your work, for your work, for your business, for the product (services) that you offer to people, for the organization (company, company) in which you work. Everything starts with love. For success, good luck in any field, love is also necessary. If your business, which you don’t like, brings you money, love it, find pluses in it, understand why and why you ended up in this place (as you know, nothing happens by chance), and this business will bring you moral satisfaction and more income.
A person who does not love his job is always a bad specialist, and a bad specialist will never be able to achieve success (material, including) in his field.
Under socialism, we were taught to do what is right, because we have to, and not because we want and like it, not because I like it. In Soviet society, there was an imitation of work: a huge number of pseudo-specialists came to work, senselessly sat at the workplace for 8 hours (“the pants sat out”) and received a fixed salary. Their life was scheduled for many years ahead until retirement. In Soviet society, both with money and with the soul, everything was clear and thought out for us. A huge number of Soviet universities produced armies of specialists of various kinds, this process continues to this day. How many such doctors, engineers, teachers we have, stamped in packs in our universities, those who studied only for a diploma, those who were disappointed in the profession, but do not want to go anywhere! And what to do with such a number of mediocre lawyers, managers, artists? Every fourth doctor in the world is a Russian (Soviet doctor). And, despite this, the most paid profession now is any. We lack any qualified specialists.

If you like your work, but you do not have enough money, increase your level of professionalism, become a master of your craft. Professionals are always in short supply, so any professional is expensive. A nanny in a kindergarten earns little (costs little), but it is difficult to find a professional nanny, there is a shortage, and therefore a professional nanny is expensive. I know a secretary (well, how much can a secretary cost?), who was literally "fighted" by two large banks (so much they wanted to get her in the place of a secretary). She chose the bank that gave her an interest-free loan to get a 3-room apartment in Moscow, in addition to the one she has, and a salary of 3 thousand dollars a month. And this is not surprising, since after she went on maternity leave, the company in which she worked was forced to take her place in two secretaries and two managers, and still they could not do her job better.
If your boss (state) pays you money, then you are either not a professional, or you do not know how to sell yourself. Any professional lives at the expense of his flock (the people who use his services pay him money, although he may also receive some kind of salary). True, in some cases the "flock" is the leader himself. So, the director uses the services of a secretary.
Professional revolutionaries are those who lived on the money of their party. Professional yogis are those who live on the money of those who meditate. A professional lover lives off his mistresses.
What to do with bad specialists? Become a master in your field or find the one in which you will be a master! Often, when it comes to changing jobs (and professions in general), a person begins to balk: "I can't do anything" (which means I don't want to be able to). In fact, we can do a lot, but we don’t appreciate it in ourselves, and therefore we don’t suspect that it can be of such value to someone that he will pay money for it.
If you are not paid a salary (or obviously not paid extra), then you are not needed there. And if you are not needed there, then do not work there. Look for a new job or a new form of the same job.
Money is the measure of labor. How much you get paid is how much you are worth. This means that you yourself have rated yourself this way, or you are afraid to change jobs (your psychological safety is more important to you), or work is a way of entertainment for you (for pleasure, for the soul, communication, running away from boredom).
We do not know how to sell ourselves, but we want to get good money for our work.
First you need to realize how much you are worth. How much does a day, hour, week, year of your work cost. In the West, work is valued this way: $8 an hour, $20,000 a year. Then you need to understand how much you would like to cost (but evaluate yourself objectively and realistically, give a price for which you can be bought as an employee, a professional). That is, if you receive 3,000 rubles a month with an 8-hour working day, then it is 750 rubles a week, 150 rubles a day, and about 20 rubles an hour. So you (your labor, your services) cost 20 rubles per hour. Then you need to understand how much you would like to cost (but evaluate yourself objectively and realistically). That is, if you are now costing 20 rubles per hour, it makes sense to raise this figure to 25 rubles per hour (it will be realistic for you), but there is no point in raising it to 8 dollars per hour. (Raising the price is always better gradually). Then it is important to make a decision and agree with yourself that "I am worth so much and below this value I will not sell myself to anyone" and promise myself this.
Our problem is that we do not know how to negotiate with ourselves. Therefore, it is difficult for us to negotiate with others. It is interesting that as soon as we agree with ourselves about our own cost (our subconscious receives a program for action, and we begin to attract situations corresponding to this program), we are offered to pay this amount for work. Of course, you still need to believe that you are worth this price, and not accept a job if you are offered a lower price. Even if you really need money, you can’t betray, deceive yourself, your loved one. Your promises to yourself must be kept, otherwise such promises are worthless.
Here it is important to say that you can become a Master in the issue that no university will teach you. Therefore, it is not always a matter of education and specialization received. It is possible to be uneducated, but masterful at making money, masterfully managing others, making the right connections and acquaintances, masterfully negotiating, resolving conflicts, masterfully making tea or coffee, masterfully telling jokes, or playing poker. And get paid for it! So, one of my acquaintances raised the salary of his secretary just because she makes great coffee. The other will never fire his employee (although he is of no use as a sales manager), since he plays tennis with him on weekends.
You can’t sell yourself dearly without learning how to present yourself. To expand sales, goods and services need advertising, presentations, just as we, as professionals, need advertising and presentations. It is better if someone advertises you, but you need to be able to present (present) yourself and yourself. If you were not noticed somewhere, this is your problem (and not those who did not notice), which means that you did not manage to present yourself. Self-presentation is a demonstration, showing yourself, and for this you need to open up. If you are closed, self-presentation will not work. You need self-confidence based on three beliefs: faith in yourself, faith in the product or services that you offer, faith in the company that produces this product, or the company where you work (especially if you are the owner of this firms).

manager or administrator
It is very important for yourself to determine which system you gravitate towards: administrative-command or market.
The administrative-command system is a rational system with strictly hierarchical connections (you - to me, I - to you), in which the order from above must be immediately executed, discipline, order, the principle: "I am the boss, you are the fool", clear planning . There is no money in such an organization (or rather, only the authorities have it, subordinates are not given the opportunity to earn money here). In this system, the employee is a tool to achieve the overall goal of the company, in which the plan, the idea must be fulfilled. This is the "administrator" - the executor of instructions, decrees.
The manager is a fan of the spontaneous or controlled market system. Management is a natural, flexible, self-developing system (not at all times and not convenient for everyone), in which the main thing is money at any cost. Employees here are encouraged to be creative and give them the opportunity to earn.
It often happens that a person considers himself an entrepreneur, he has his own business, but in fact he is a fan of the administrative-command system. In any area, you can be a manager or administrator (executor of instructions, decrees). But if you do not work in "your" system, for example, being a "manager" by nature - in an administrative-command system, then this leads to excessive energy consumption and, as a result, illnesses.