Aviation Institute at Elektrozavodskaya. Civil aviation institutes in Russia

Information about the university

At the beginning of the twentieth century, there was an intensive development of aviation science and technology. This has led to an increased demand for specialists with relevant qualifications in this industry. The initiator of the creation of special centers for research and training of engineering personnel was Professor N. E. Zhukovsky. Understanding the importance of this issue, in 1930, on the basis of the aeromechanical faculty of the Moscow Higher Technical University, VAMU (Higher Aeromechanical School) was organized with an aeronautics, engine-building and aircraft-building department. In August 1930, this institution was renamed the Moscow Aviation Institute.

In the memorable year of 1930, the first graduation of a large number of aviation engineers took place at MAI, many of whom joined the teaching staff of the educational institution. During the same period, graduate school appeared, which enrolled designers and scientists who later became widely known.

The structure of the educational institution was constantly improved, adapting to new requirements and discoveries in the aviation industry. That is why, in 1933, the institute established a faculty of engineering and economics, which trained specialists in such areas as economics and organization of the aviation industry. And in 1935, the Faculty of Aircraft Weapons appeared, where students were trained to handle aircraft combat installations, as well as navigation and radio equipment.

By 1940, the institute consisted of 5 faculties, 38 departments, 24 specialized classrooms, 22 laboratories, equipped training workshops, and a flight training squad. After the war, specialized lecture courses and experimental installations on rocket and jet engines began to be developed at MAI to train specialists, taking into account new discoveries in science. In the 50s, departments for designing and designing rockets were opened, and in the 80s, the MAI-89 ultralight aircraft was developed, which subsequently set a record for the speed of ascent to a height of three thousand meters. In 1998, the Moscow Aviation Institute received a certificate confirming the right to develop light civil aircraft.

Today the university is recruiting students for the following faculties:

  • Aviation technology;
  • Aerospace;
  • Aircraft engines;
  • Applied mathematics and physics;
  • Radiovtuz MAI;
  • Foreign languages;
  • Robotic and intelligent systems;
  • Social engineering;
  • Pre-university training;
  • Aircraft radio electronics;
  • Applied mechanics;
  • Control systems, computer science and electrical power engineering.

In addition, the Military Institute of MAI, the Engineering and Economic Institute of MAI, and the Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of MAI are involved as faculties.

The Moscow Aviation Institute offers full-time, part-time and part-time (evening) forms of education, which makes training as convenient as possible. Thanks to multi-level training in various specialties, applicants can receive:

  • elementary education;
  • general;
  • secondary vocational;
  • higher education;
  • second degree;
  • postgraduate education;
  • preparatory courses for working specialties;
  • training;
  • professional retraining.

For visiting applicants, a dormitory is provided, which is located on the campus. There are seven dormitory buildings in total, where the number of places is 4805. All questions about accommodation are resolved in the dean's offices of the faculties. Recruitment of applicants is carried out for budgetary and paid places in specialty, bachelor's and master's programs, and in branches there is also a recruitment of those wishing to receive secondary vocational education. All students studying full-time on a budgetary basis can apply for personal and state scholarships. The scholarship (type and amount) depends on academic performance and the presence of special merits in research, scientific, social, sports and cultural activities.

The educational institution offers postgraduate and doctoral studies.

Postgraduate courses provide training in 54 specialties of chemical, technical and physical and mathematical sciences, and 6 specialties of philosophical, political, historical and economic sciences. Doctoral studies include more than 10 scientific areas in the field of mechanical engineering, mechanics, and control processes. There are also special Councils for those wishing to defend a doctoral or candidate's dissertation.

At the Moscow Aviation Institute, 25 departments have been created (or reorganized), where educational activities are carried out on the basis of various scientific organizations. It is possible to obtain a second higher education, both after graduating from a university, and in parallel with training. Training takes place at the faculties: Engineering and Economic Institute MAI, Aviation Engineering, Applied Mathematics, Physics, Applied Mechanics, Foreign Languages, Aerospace.

This higher education institution offers distance learning:

  1. Educational and Methodological Center for Distance Learning of the MAI Engineering and Economic Institute;
  2. Distance learning system for mathematical disciplines;
  3. Resource Center for Scientific Research and Innovative Technologies.

The branches of the university, where specialists are trained, are located in important centers of the rocket, space and aviation industry - in the city of Zhukovsky, Khimki, Baikonur and Akhtubinsk. At the institute itself, more than 2,300 teachers teach students, including about 450 doctors of science and professors, more than 1,100 candidates of science and associate professors. About 70% of the teaching staff have a title or academic degree, which significantly improves the quality of education provided. The rector of the university is Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences Anatoly Nikolaevich Gerashchenko.

The institute also has an external program, thanks to which you can qualitatively prepare for admission and passing the necessary exams. The university's rating (among Russian universities) is not particularly high, but numerous positive reviews, a relatively low passing score and a sufficient number of budget places attract many applicants. In addition, to facilitate employment upon graduation, the MAI Employment Center was created, the database of which contains more than 200 companies interested in graduates.

The Institute has its own airfield, where students of the Faculty of Aviation Engineering undergo practical training, training specialists for the defense and aerospace industries, carried out on various types of aviation equipment. MAI has a high-quality educational and laboratory base and highly qualified teaching staff, which makes it possible to provide high-quality training for students.

It is possible to postpone this proposal for later analysis as a worthy alternative to those mentioned on this resource. Ufa State Aviation Technical University (Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Ufa State Aviation Technical University") is discussed in much more detail among other materials on the current website. Probably, like the state universities of Ufa, this option trains masters of their craft of the “aviation” type.

Irkutsk branch of the Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation (MSTU GA)

The Irkutsk branch of the Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation (MSTU GA) (Irkutsk branch of the Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation" (MSTU GA)) has been reviewed in detail by us in announcements and articles on our resource. It is possible to postpone this option for later analysis as a worthy alternative to similar ones on the topic in Russia. Like many other state universities in Irkutsk, this proposal trains good workers in the field of aviation.

Branch of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Ufa State Aviation Technical University" in Kumertau

We strongly recommend accepting this university as a replacement for similar ones on the list. The branch of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Ufa State Aviation Technical University" in Kumertau () is described in much more detail and is formalized in the section on this list of universities. Like other state universities in Kumertau, this educational institution trains and graduates top-class specialists with a specialty in aviation.

St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation

Without any hesitation, look at this option as a worthy alternative to similar ones, often in the catalog. The St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation () is very sparsely provided for information, and is presented in a section on our resource. The same as the state universities of St. Petersburg, this option trains and graduates masters of their craft in the field of aviation.

The Chelyabinsk Higher Military Aviation School of Navigators (military institute) () is reviewed in more detail by us, and is presented in a section on the current portal. Unlike other state schools, Chelyabinsk-15 provides training for leaders on the topic of “aviation.” It is possible to study and adopt this offer as a replacement for similar ones in the catalog.

Branch "Take Off" of the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI) (national research university) in Akhtubinsk (Branch "Take Off" of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university)" in Akhtubinsk) in more detail reviewed by us in one of the notes on the current portal. Like many other state institutions in Akhtubinsk, this educational institution provides training for managers on the topic of “aviation”. We propose to consider this option and other state institutions of Akhtubinsk as an alternative to similar ones mentioned here.

Branch of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Ufa State Aviation Technical University" in Ishimbay

Like many other state universities in Ishimbay, this educational institution provides training for managers in the aviation field. The branch of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Ufa State Aviation Technical University" in the city of Ishimbay () is described in much more detail for you in one of the notes, under the heading "state universities of Ishimbay", on the list of universities. One can quite seriously take this university into consideration as a replacement for many others mentioned here.

The Tutaevsky branch of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Rybinsk State Aviation Technological Academy named after P.A. Solovyov" () is very sparsely listed in one of the notes on a specific website. Reminiscent of other Tutaev state academies, this educational institution trains and graduates excellent specialists in the specialty "aviation". Without any hesitation, study and adopt this proposal and other Tutaev state academies, as an alternative to those similar in topic on the list.

Gavrilov-Yamsky branch of the Rybinsk State Aviation Technological Academy named after P.A. Solovyova

Gavrilov-Yamsky branch of the Rybinsk State Aviation Technological Academy named after P.A. Solovyov (Gavrilov-Yamsky branch of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Rybinsk State Aviation Technological Academy named after P.A. Solovyov") has been very poorly reviewed by us among other materials on a specific site. We propose to study and adopt this university as a replacement for similar ones that are often mentioned here. Like other state academies of Gavrilov-Yam, this option accepts and prepares masters of their craft in the field of aviation.

Probably, like the Yeisk-1 state schools, this option trains masters of their craft in the field of aviation. This option can be seriously studied and adopted by other public schools Yeisk-1, as an alternative to many others in Russia. Yeisk Higher Military Aviation School (military institute) named after twice Hero of the Soviet Union, pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR V.M. Komarov (branch) of the Air Force Academy named after Professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin (Yeisk Higher Military Aviation School (military institute) named after twice Hero of the Soviet Union, pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR V.M. Komarov (branch) of the federal state military educational institution of higher professional education Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Air Force "Air Force Academy named after Professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin") is given in detail and formalized in the section at the current meeting.

Military Aviation Engineering University (Voronezh)

We suggest that other state universities in Voronezh consider this option as an alternative to similar ones that are often mentioned here. Military Aviation Engineering University (Voronezh) (Federal State Military Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Military Aviation Engineering University (Voronezh)" of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation) is very sparsely described in announcements and articles on a specific resource. Reminiscent of other state universities in Voronezh, this option trains managers in the aviation field.

Branch of the Ufa State Aviation Technical University in Sterlitamak (UGATU)

This option, unlike other state universities in Sterlitamak, produces top-class specialists in the aviation profile. It is possible to accept this option at other state universities in Sterlitamak as an alternative to those mentioned on this resource. The branch of the Ufa State Aviation Technical University in Sterlitamak (UGATU) (Branch of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Ufa State Aviation Technical University" in Sterlitamak) was very poorly considered by us among other materials, the heading "State Universities of Sterlitamak", on the portal.

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Latest MAI reviews

Kirill Laptev 11:32 07/11/2013

I entered MAI in 2009.

In our specialty “systems engineering” there were two groups, a total of 35 people. I failed the first session, losing my scholarship, but then everything went as it should, and I never made such a terrible mistake again. The teachers are mostly young, 30-40 years old. Regarding their attitude towards students - mostly positive (if the students treat them well), but there were a couple of rare freaks for whom no one could pass the laboratory and constantly...

Denis Nikopolsky 17:12 07/08/2013

It was interesting to go to college. Lots of new experiences, new relationships. I graduated from school with a physics and mathematics specialization. Therefore, the process and content of the entrance exams did not pose any particular difficulties. But this does not mean that everything was simple. The competition was four people per place; it was higher only at Moscow State University (5). And, of course, excitement, not knowing what’s next.

This was the heyday of the Soviet era. And, engineers, designers (aviation and space) are the most respected specialists. ...

MAI Gallery

general information

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)"

University Reviews

The best financial universities in Russia according to the magazine "FINANCE". The rating is based on data on the education of financial directors of large enterprises.

TOP-10 largest universities in Moscow by the number of students from monitoring the effectiveness of educational organizations of higher education by the Ministry of Education and Science in 2016.

About MAI

The Moscow Aviation Institute was founded back in 1930. Its goal was to train the most highly qualified specialists who could work in the Russian aviation industry. In 2009, MAI became the winner among 12 universities of the Russian Federation that participated in the competition for university development programs and, by order of the Russian government, it was awarded the honorary category “National Research University.”

Education at MAI

At the moment, at MAI you can get a higher education as a designer and designer of the widest profile for enterprises in the rocket, space, defense and aviation industries. Enterprises in the aerospace and defense industries are now in dire need of highly qualified specialists, so MAI graduates will always be in demand and can count on a successful career.

Now at MAI and its four branches - “Vzlyot” in the city of Akhtubinsk, Astrakhan region, “Rocket and space technology” in the city of Khimki, Moscow region, “Strela” in the city of Zhukovsky, Moscow region and “Voskhod” in the city of Baikonur, Republic of Kazakhstan - students study about 20,000 students in various forms of education.

At the institute you can get education in 33 areas of bachelor's training, 12 master's areas and 9 specialties that are in demand in the modern labor market. In addition, at MAI you can receive postgraduate education in 50 specialties in order to broaden your horizons and keep abreast of the latest technical developments in the field of aviation and the defense industry.

MAI also offers the opportunity to obtain a second higher education. Students can receive a second education either after graduation or simultaneously with their first education. Thus, upon graduation from MAI, students receive two diplomas at a time, which significantly increases their competitiveness in the labor market.

MAI graduates

Since the founding of the institute, about 160 thousand specialists for both the rocketry and aviation industries have graduated from MAI with higher education. Among the graduates of the institute:

  • 250 chief and general designers, as well as several heads of research programs and design organizations in the field of aviation;
  • 50 academicians and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
  • 21 pilot-cosmonauts, each of whom has been in outer space;
  • Elena Serova, a graduate of the Moscow Aviation Institute, is included in the crew of the International Space Station, whose departure is scheduled to take place in the second half of 2014;
  • 100 pilots who test aircraft equipment;
  • many Heroes of Russia and the USSR and honored test pilots.

Thanks to the active development of sports at the institute, about 60 European and world Olympic champions in a variety of sports were trained at MAI.

Employment of MAI graduates

In order to employ its graduates and adapt them to the modern labor market, in 1996 an Employment Center was created on the territory of Moscow Aviation Institute, which is part of the Association of Employment Centers of Moscow Universities. The center's database is constantly updated by employers who are interested in MAI graduates, and at the moment there are already more than 200 such enterprises.

For university students, every year an “Aerospace Forum” is held, which includes a “Job Fair”, where students can see what specialties are now in demand and what qualities are especially valued by employers. MAI also conducts seminars on successful employment and career building, where students are told in detail about how best to present their best qualities to a future employer in order to get the desired job, and then how to prove themselves in order to quickly make a brilliant career.

After graduating its students, the MAI Employment Center conducts research on their demand in the labor market. This monitoring showed that about 10,000 university graduates successfully work at enterprises of Roscosmos, the Ministry of Industry and Trade and other state corporations, which indicates that they received excellent knowledge at the institute and were able to use it in their practical activities.

Scientific activities at MAI

At the moment, the institute is implementing the “Scientific and Pedagogical Youth” program. As part of this program, 42 graduate students were accepted into the MAI graduate school, who must write and defend a dissertation before graduating from graduate school, and after that work at the institute for 3 years as teachers. If at the end of this period they do not want to leave MAI, they can continue to work there.

About 3,000 students are engaged in research activities at MAI, who participate in:

  • student design bureau of aviation modeling;
  • student design bureau of experimental aircraft, where the creation of sports and very light aircraft is being developed;
  • student helicopter design bureau, where remotely piloted small-sized aircraft are developed.

By participating in such research, students can communicate more closely with the professors and teaching staff of the institute, and therefore delve deeper into the essence of their future profession. Moreover, students who successfully engage in science receive personalized scholarships and prizes, and for participation in competitions and exhibitions - medals and diplomas, which will then increase their competitiveness in the labor market.

Higher education provides an opportunity to get a decent job. This is explained to schoolchildren long before the time comes for them to decide how their future life should develop. Therefore, many applicants are extremely responsible about where to continue their studies. Such future students carefully research information about their future university. This article is intended to make this process somewhat easier. It will describe the Moscow Aviation Institute (departments, faculties, admission conditions). This information will allow you to make an informed decision: is it worth choosing the educational institution in question?

About the university

Over the years of its existence, MAI has grown from a small aeromechanical school to one of the largest national research universities. Today, 1,800 experienced, competent teachers teach more than 20,000 future specialists at 12 faculties in 42 areas of training. Graduates of the institute in question are extremely in demand. Thus, employment for students is guaranteed.

Positive reviews

Is it worth going to MAI? Reviews and people's opinions vary. Often in the most dramatic way. However, the majority of responses are positive. Students and graduates talk about competent, experienced teachers and high-quality knowledge received at the university. Many share that they were able to get a good job after completing their studies. Most graduates do not regret the years they spent at this institute.

Negative reviews

However, not everyone speaks with such tenderness and gratitude about studying at MAI. Some claim that many teachers do not provide knowledge properly. Such students talk about constant tardiness of professors, lack of meaningful classes, problems with the admissions committee, and lack of up-to-date educational materials.

It is not easy to choose which responses to believe. Most likely, they all partly have a certain basis. As a rule, it all depends on the specific people with whom you will have to collaborate. Conscientious teachers will provide quality knowledge, others will waste your time.

passing score

Applicants must take into account many nuances. So, what else is important to know for those who are planning to enter MAI on their own this year? Reviews recommend paying attention to what passing scores the educational institution has set for the Unified State Examination results. They are relevant both for those who plan to enroll in a budget-funded place, and for those who have chosen the option of paid education.

Thus, the minimum score in computer science (or information and communication technologies), as well as in social studies, is 50, in Russian - 48, in mathematics - 39, in physics, foreign language, history and geography - 40.

Reviews recommend that every applicant be sure to take these requirements into account when applying to MAI. This will help you objectively assess your chances.

Areas of training

Before choosing a specialty for which you will apply to the Moscow Aviation Institute, reviews recommend that you familiarize yourself with the list of exams required to pass.

So, there are several blocks of subjects, test results for which should be provided upon admission. First block: Russian language, physics, mathematics. These disciplines are relevant for the following areas of study: applied mathematics and computer science, fundamental computer science and information technology, physics, computer science and information systems and technologies, radio engineering, instrument engineering, biotechnical systems and technologies, laser technology and laser technologies, electrical power engineering and electrical engineering, applied mechanics, automation of technological processes and production, technosphere safety, metallurgy, standardization and metrology, motion control systems and navigation, missile systems and astronautics, aircraft engines, aircraft construction, control of technical systems, innovation, nanotechnology and microsystem technology.

The second block of disciplines: mathematics, history, Russian language. It is relevant for those who plan to study as a linguist.

Third block: Russian language, computer science and These exams will have to be passed by those who intend to enroll in the following areas of training: applied mathematics, applied computer science, software engineering, information security, information technology and communication systems, design and technology of electronic means, quality management, system analysis and management.

Mathematics, Russian language and geography will have to be taken by those who want to study ecology and environmental management.

In turn, social studies, Russian language and mathematics will be needed for those who want to continue their studies in the following specialties: economics, personnel management, management, business informatics, advertising and public relations, organization of work with youth, service.

This information will help you reconsider your plans and evaluate your options.


The main thing you need to decide on in advance is this. To do this, it is important to carefully study the list of available faculties at a given institute. These include the following:

  • "Radiovtuz".
  • "Aviation technology".
  • "Foreign languages".
  • "Aircraft engines".
  • "Aerospace".
  • "Applied mathematics and physics".
  • "Radio electronics of aircraft".
  • "Applied mechanics".
  • "Control systems, computer science and electrical power engineering."
  • "Social Engineering".
  • "Robotics and intelligent systems."
  • "Pre-university preparation."

The Moscow Military Aviation Institute is also quite popular among applicants. It is important to carefully familiarize yourself with all the features of the chosen specialty before submitting documents. This will facilitate the process of adaptation to new conditions during training.

Special rights and benefits for applicants

Some applicants have the right to enter the Moscow Aviation Institute without any entrance exams. Student reviews report that this happens quite often. Among these applicants:

  • Those who participated in the All-Russian Olympiad or won it.
  • Those who participated in the All-Ukrainian Olympiad or won it.

Others can study at the expense of budget funds within a certain quota. Disabled people can take advantage of this opportunity; orphans; those who were left without parental care; combat veterans.

The higher education institution in question may change some conditions at its discretion. Therefore, it is recommended to check regularly for current requirements.

How are individual achievements taken into account?

As reviews from 2016 report about MAI, when applying for training, they can declare their special achievements, which will certainly be taken into account when enrolling. Points are awarded for significant results (from 1 to 10).

The following individual achievements play a role:

  • Sports victories (world champion, European champion, medalist or champion of the Olympic, Deaflympic and Paralympic games).
  • Certificate of secondary general education (with honors or with the condition of receiving a silver or gold medal).
  • Status of laureate, prize-winner, winner of Olympiads corresponding to the chosen specialty).
  • Diploma of higher education (with honors).
  • Diploma of secondary vocational education (with honors).

    A maximum of 10 points can be awarded.

Admission of foreigners

Can foreign citizens become MAI students? Student feedback shows that they can. However, this group of applicants has its own special conditions for admission.

For example, such citizens can study at the Moscow Aviation Institute (reviews about the training of foreigners confirm this fact) both through financial support from the budget and through funding, the source of which is any legal entity or individual. In the second case, as is usually the case, a contract for the provision of services is concluded.

In the higher educational institution in question, there is a strictly defined quota for the education of foreigners, which is established in accordance with current legislation. It may vary depending on the chosen specialty, as well as over time. Otherwise, foreign applicants are treated in the same way as Russian ones.

Such applicants are not required to take a Russian language exam for admission. For neither, the list of mandatory examination disciplines is adjusted in a certain way.

There is a certain quota of foreign citizens who can study in those specialties whose educational programs involve the disclosure of information that relates to state secrets. This mechanism is governed by relevant law.

The need for a medical examination

A number of specialties require the provision of some additional documents. We are talking about results in accordance with the requirements based on the current legislation of the Russian Federation. This condition applies to the following specialties:

  • "Radio-electronic systems and complexes."
  • "Testing of aircraft."
  • "Electrical power engineering and electrical engineering".

Take this into account if you plan to enroll in one of these specialties at the Moscow Aviation Institute. Feedback from students confirms that knowledge of this kind of features greatly facilitates the process. Parents of applicants are encouraged to monitor how their child prepares the necessary documents.

Features of document acceptance

What do you need to prepare before entering MAI? Reviews recommend studying this point in advance to avoid any unpleasant surprises during the document submission process. So what do you need to know?

Along with the application for admission to this higher education institution, you must provide:

  • Any document that allows you to identify the applicant.
  • Two photographs (black and white) four by six centimeters in size.
  • Original document confirming previous education (a photocopy would also be appropriate).
  • If an applicant has any special rights upon admission, additional documents confirming this fact must be provided.

If a potential student considers it necessary to present something else to the admissions committee, he has the right to do so.


The Moscow Aviation Institute is an educational institution that has provided many thousands of students with high-quality knowledge and the opportunity to get a well-paid, prestigious job.

Be extremely careful when choosing a university and specialty. This choice will have a significant impact on the rest of your life. Take it seriously. And then the coming years of study will bring you only the most positive emotions.

The Moscow Aviation Institute is a state higher educational institution that occupies one of the leading positions in the training of elite (leading) engineering personnel of global significance using innovative approaches at all stages of the educational process in aviation, space and rocket technology.

The prerequisite for the emergence of the Moscow Aviation Institute was the rapidly developing science of aeronautics, headed by N. E. Zhukovsky, and in 1930 it was created as part of the Faculty of Aeromechanics of the Moscow Higher Technical University. Its main and strategic mission was to graduate from the walls of the educational institution specialists of the highest class, who would subsequently begin to apply innovative approaches in the development of the aviation industry of their homeland.

The institute provides budget places for applicants with a sufficient passing score, as well as its own for training officers and a student dormitory. All this will be discussed in this article.


The Moscow Aviation Institute is located at the address: city highway, building No. 4, next to the Voikovskaya metro station.

The admissions office is located in the main academic building on the 4th floor.

Opening hours: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday - from 10:00 to 16:00; Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 14:00 to 18:00.

Distinctive features

According to research conducted by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI) has a high rating and is one of the ten best universities in Moscow with a specialization in engineering and technology. The employment rate and salary level among graduates of these educational institutions is the highest (more than 60 thousand rubles)

MAI has broad connections with the industrial complex and is positioned as one of the leaders in training personnel for the defense industry. The training of specialized specialists is carried out in the main centers of the rocket, space and aviation industries.

Teaching activities at MAI are carried out by the heads of the country's strategic enterprises.


The institute is headed by Rector M. A. Pogosyan, who is a member of the Public Chamber by special decree of President V. V. Putin.
A wide selection of specialties and faculties of the Moscow Aviation Institute allows students to graduate bachelors, specialists and masters.

Faculties of the Moscow Aviation Institute:

  1. Aircraft engines.
  2. Applied mathematics and physics.
  3. Control systems, computer science and electrical power engineering.
  4. Social engineering.
  5. Aerospace.
  6. Robotic and intelligent systems.
  7. Applied mechanics.
  8. Foreign languages.
  9. Pre-institutional preparation.
  10. Radioelectronics of aircraft.

In total, the program of the Moscow Aviation Institute includes about 97 specialties and areas that are simply impossible to list. It should be noted that the educational process is impeccably organized at all levels and provides training in full-time, part-time and distance learning forms.

Among the main specialties of the Moscow Aviation Institute, the most popular are aircraft engineering, financial and economic areas, management, project management, rocket and space technology, modeling and research in aerospace systems, etc.

International specialization

The institute enrolls applicants from both neighboring countries and beyond. Most students come from Southeast Asian countries, but the institute is gaining increasing popularity in countries such as India, China, and Angola.
For its international students, the institute has specially created a curriculum in English as part of its international loyalty.

The main strategic directions of international activities were highlighted. They included the unification of scientific and innovative projects, the organization of international Olympiads and special competitions.

Most graduates who come from abroad to study return home already employed in leading positions in large enterprises in their country.

student life

MAI is interesting and exciting. Many different programs created to stimulate the development of students allow you to spend your free time not only with pleasure, but also with benefit. The latest laboratories and design bureaus, our own airfield, and testing bases allow us to widely develop our scientific imagination.

The institute widely encourages initiative and a creative approach to scientific and research work. Such loyalty to students only increases his status and wide popularity.

In the future, the most talented applicants receive an offer to stay within the walls of their native institute and conduct teaching activities.

Also at MAI, a lot of sports sections, creative groups have been created for students, and student associations work.

Priorities in the development of MAI

In the process of continuous development and improvement, the leadership of the educational titan highlights the following priorities:

  • search for innovative solutions in organizing all learning processes;
  • close cooperation with the country's leading industrial complexes in training highly qualified and productive employees;
  • The institute prepares future students in Moscow from school for further strategic development already in the process of studying at the institute.

But the most important thing, undoubtedly, remains scientific activity, for which more and more new and innovative laboratories, development centers, and constant encouragement of gifted students are constantly being created.

Continuous scientific research

Having the most powerful complexes available for conducting a wide range of research, the Moscow Aviation Institute strongly supports and develops this industry. And it should be noted that the achievements of such work are important - since 2009, the institute received its well-deserved title - National Research University.

More than 2,500 applicants are involved in such projects and take part in various focused events.

Huge scientific and design centers located on large territories allow you not to limit yourself in the process of work.

All tests are carried out by applicants and supervisors “hand in hand”. This encourages young testers to work more painstakingly and responsibly on conducting experiments and envisioning themselves in the future. It is especially pleasant for young people to receive pleasant bonuses in the form of additional scholarships at the end of their work. It is safe to say that MAI is one of the largest think tanks in Russia.

Innovations in the work of MAI

Today, innovations occupy one of the leading positions among the performance indicators of any enterprise. And since the majority of students of the educational institution undergo internships at leading enterprises of national importance, applying innovative solutions is a matter of honor for them. Such qualities are instilled in them even at their alma mater, since the Moscow Aviation Institute never lags behind in its development and actively develops innovative projects by participating in innovative development programs (IDP).

The constant renewal of scientific bases, which are already equipped with exceptional and innovative devices, does not allow them to stagnate and gives them the opportunity to take part in many state and international projects.

There is also a widespread trend towards entrepreneurship among young people in MAI. And this area did not go unnoticed by the business environment, which financed the most successful projects.

Having drawn conclusions from all of the above, we can say for sure that admission to the Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) is one of the most promising and profitable investments for the future.