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Preparatory courses for admission to Lyceum 1580
Preparatory courses for admission to Lyceum 1580
Students from 4th to 10th grades are accepted for courses. For students in grades 8-10, the sum of grades must be at least 16 points in the subjects: algebra, geometry, physics, Russian language for...
Forms of distance learning
Forms of distance learning
Distance education Moscow todayDistance learning is an increasingly popular form of higher education. It involves remote interaction between the student and...
A, B, C – vertices of the triangle
A, B, C – vertices of the triangle
To use presentation previews, create a Google account and log in to it: https://accounts.google.com Slide captions: Lesson topic: “Sum of angles...
Training dolphins for military fist purposes
Training dolphins for military fist purposes
Which sounds like this: “I want to know about combat dolphins. About how the military uses and trains dolphins for their own purposes.” Interesting? Me too, let’s find out the details! It is believed that...
Lesson topic:
Lesson topic: "Spelling prefixes pre- and pre-"
LESSON SUMMARY IN THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE IN 6TH CLASS (IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FSES) Topic: “Spelling of the prefixes -PRE and -PRI.” Lesson type: learning new knowledge. Type: combined. Teacher: Elena Vorobyova...
Message about the 4th labor of Hercules
Message about the 4th labor of Hercules
The myth of Hercules begins with his unusual birth. The thunder god Zeus had a penchant for earthly women. He liked the beautiful Alcmene, the wife of the king of Mycenae. Zeus tried with gentle speeches...
Dolgorukov Ivan Mikhailovich - Vladimir - history - catalog of articles - unconditional love
Dolgorukov Ivan Mikhailovich - Vladimir - history - catalog of articles - unconditional love
The Dolgorukies are an old boyar family, older than the Romanovs. Many of its representatives were commanders, governors, politicians and always stood at the helm of the Russian state. Their descendant is Prince Yuri...
Odessa universities: list, ranking
Odessa universities: list, ranking
Odessa is the regional center of Ukraine. The city is located on the shores of the Black Sea Bay. The state's Navy is stationed here, and the largest commercial seaport is also located here. In this...
Ionic equations At the anode, anions are oxidized
Ionic equations At the anode, anions are oxidized
Instructions Before you begin ionic equations, you need to understand some rules. Insoluble in water, gaseous and poorly dissociating substances (for example, water) do not disintegrate into ions,...
Farewell to Matera (story)
Farewell to Matera (story)
Rasputin first published the story “Farewell to Matera” in 1976. The story takes place in the 1960s. In the story, the author reveals the themes of relationships between fathers and children,...