Bgau department. From the history of the creation of the Bryansk State Agrarian University

It would seem that agricultural specialties are not popular, but every year the universities of this direction graduate professional farmers. Ufa is especially famous for this, the agricultural university works at full capacity here, thanks to it the Ural region is provided with specialists for years to come.

It is one of the leading Russian universities in the agricultural industry. It was founded in 1930 and has grown to a large scale for almost a century of existence. Today, more than 450 teachers work here, who annually teach about 13-14 thousand students.

Faculties of BSAU

The city where the agricultural university is located is Ufa. The faculties of 2014 did not change in any way compared to previous years. Students continue to study in the specialties: "Agrotechnology and Forestry", "Mechanics", "Food Technologies", "Information Technology and Construction", "Biotechnology and Veterinary Medicine", "Environmental Management and Construction", "Economics", "Energy".

There are also intra-university departments, whose teachers deal with absolutely all students of the university. We are talking about the departments of physical education and foreign languages. The latter department is quite actively involved in the life of the university, thanks to which foreign specialists in the field of agriculture often come to Ufa.

In parallel with this, students can gain additional knowledge in specialties that are remotely related to the agricultural sector. The Faculty of Additional Education also accepts those who wish to undergo retraining in their specialty and refresh their own knowledge.

BSAU and the difficulties of admission

Ufa and its government are trying in every possible way to correct the internal formations that the agricultural university is proud of - the faculties. University workers do not allow officials to reduce the number of faculties and constantly take the initiative to open new educational specialties and programs.

In 2014, Ufa, whose agricultural university became the best university in the Republic of Bashkortostan, allocated additional subsidies to it, thanks to which it became possible to create new research grants. University teachers note that agriculture is at the stage of active development, so the number of students will only increase every year.

Specialties of the Agricultural University

The Agrarian University (Ufa), whose specialties are popular, annually graduates 6,000 full-time graduates and 6,000 part-time graduates. The vast majority of students study at the Faculty of Food Technology, where you can get one of eight specialties related to the development and further storage of products.

Some professions can be mastered in addition to the main specialty. You can enter the second faculty after the first year of study, while for the second profession you will need to pay a certain amount annually. The exact amount of payment for the second education can be found in the university administration.

How does the admission committee work?

Before an applicant enters, he offers him to participate in a career guidance program in order to determine which profession he is most inclined to. Participation in it is paid, but the program can help those who have not yet decided on their future profession.

It is in the admission committee that you can get complete information about exactly how students will be recruited, how many budget places are available at a particular faculty, and also find out the cost of education on a paid basis. Unfortunately, the number of budget places at the university is reduced every year, priority is given to paid education.

The cost of paid education also increases annually, it can be clarified by contacting the Agricultural University (Ufa), faculties of 2014 and information on them can be found on the official website of BSAU. There you can also find a list of all specialties that are currently open.

How to proceed?

After graduation, you must wait until you receive a certificate, and then immediately apply to the Agricultural University (Ufa), the admission committee of which will immediately accept all the necessary documents. You will need to come to the university with the following documents: the original certificate of education (or its duplicate if you are going to go somewhere else), the original certificates of passing the exam (or duplicates), a photocopy of your passport, a medical certificate (you can get it at school) and 6 photos 3x4.

If you are applying for a targeted selection, you will also need to provide an agreement between the university and the state body that is ready to hire you after graduation. It should be borne in mind that after training you will have to work for some time in this organization, otherwise you will need to pay compensation in the amount that was spent on your studies.

When visiting the admissions office, you will need to write an appropriate application for admission. If you have any diplomas that testify to your active life position and talent, it is recommended to present their originals or copies to the commission. Persons liable for military service must present a military ID or registration certificate.

passing scores

Many residents of the Ural region strive to get into the Agrarian University (Ufa), the passing scores in which change annually, following the general trend. In all Russian universities, the score falls annually due to the low level of school education of potential students, a similar situation is developing in BSAU.

The average passing score is calculated by the university on its own, this usually happens at the end of July, then the rating of all enrolled students is published, which indicates the amount of points scored as a result of the Unified State Examination and The admissions committee recommends that when preparing for admission, focus on last year's indicators, but be prepared for change them up or down.

At some faculties, for admission, it is necessary to pass additional exams; the results of the Unified State Examination alone are not enough here. Visit the university admissions office in advance and check the list of additional exams to understand what exactly you will need to take and in what time frame. In the spring, BSAU usually organizes an open day so that applicants can get all the information they need for admission.

Paid education and its features

If the student failed to get a budget place, he can enter on a paid basis. Payment terms are general, but exceptions can be made if necessary. Ufa, whose agricultural university is one of the leading universities in the country, annually sends instructions to the institution to reduce a certain number of budget places.

The specialists of the university are confident that in the near future it will completely switch to a paid form of education. For the 2014/2015 academic year, the cost of full-time education at BSAU ranges from 40 to 69 thousand rubles, the correspondence department will cost a little cheaper - from 20 to 33 thousand rubles per year.

If you cannot study full-time, but you still need to get an education, the Agricultural University (Ufa), whose correspondence department is fully operational, may be a good option for you. The flow of students is much lower, in addition, with a large amount of knowledge, it is even possible to get a free place.

How to prepare?

To enter BSAU, you need to start preparing a year before passing the exam and entrance exams. But if the time for preparation was missed, and you want to enter this year, you can use the preparatory courses organized by the Agricultural University (Ufa), specialties do not play a role here, training is carried out according to general methods of the standard type.

Registration for preparatory courses is required in advance, they usually begin in March, and registration is announced a month in advance. You can check the exact start date of the preparation with the admission committee of the university or with representatives of the faculty where you plan to study in the future.

Preparation for admission for residents of the region

If you live outside the capital, you will have to clarify where Ufa is located, the agricultural university meets the needs of the provincials, there are part-time preparatory courses especially for them. Preparation is carried out during the holidays, all disciplines necessary for admission to BSAU are taken into account.

Standard courses for preparing applicants for admission last exactly three months, after passing them, students are completely ready to pass the Unified State Exam. There are also courses of different types, designed for different audiences and time. The minimum number of hours in each preparatory course is 30 (subject to intensive study of the material).

BSAU and its international activities

Ufa, whose agrarian university is already known outside of Russia, actively advocates the formation of international relations between the city and foreign organizations. That is why the employees of the university constantly coordinate the work of all units of the agricultural type of various international projects. Interaction with foreign organizations and universities is an important step in strengthening international ties.

In parallel with all this, BSAU is forming a personnel reserve capable of taking part in international projects. University staff, teachers and students undergo thorough language training for successful communication with participants in international projects. Also, the university organized foreign internships, with the help of which everyone who is related to the university can improve their skills.

How to find an agricultural university?

Now you know the city in which the agricultural university is located - Ufa, the address of the educational institution is as follows: st. 50 years of October, house 34/1. It is at this address that the admission committee of BSAU works, and there you can get answers to all your questions. It is advisable to visit the commission 5-6 months before graduation in order to obtain all the necessary information in advance.

You can get to the university using public transport, you only need to get to the stop "Agrarian University" (Ufa). 2014 was a good year for city highways (a number of repairs were carried out), so check in advance if public transport routes have changed.

Bus, trolleybus and tram routes pass near the Belarusian State Agrarian University, and fixed-route taxis also run. Transport hours are from 6:00 am to 24:00 pm. If necessary, you can use the services of a taxi, the drivers know perfectly well how to get to the university faster.

The Republic of Bashkortostan is a subject of our country. Its economy is characterized by a diversified structure. One of its constituent elements is agriculture. Specialists for this industry are trained by a university located in this republic. It is called the Bashkir State Agrarian University (BSAU).

Beginning of work

July, 1930 It was at this time that a decision was made to establish an agricultural institute. The school was supposed to open in October. There was not so much time for preparation, but the specialists who took care of it successfully coped with all the tasks. Over the summer, they prepared the building in which it was planned to open a university, purchased the necessary teaching aids, equipment, and inventory.

Training sessions at the university began on October 1, 1930. The Agricultural Institute on that day opened its doors to 99 people who entered the animal husbandry and plant growing faculties. The next admission of students was carried out in the same academic year - in April. During it, the university staff enrolled 45 people.

BSAU during the war years

By the end of the 30s of the last century, the university gradually turned into a scientific and educational center for agriculture. This means that over the 10 years of its existence, it has developed significantly. In 1938-1939, a new educational building was built, and an educational and experimental farm was created. However, further development was suddenly interrupted by the Great Patriotic War.

In the early days, a considerable part of teachers and students went to the front. The remaining people continued to work and study. In autumn they had to move to the village of Milovka, located in the suburbs of Ufa. The fact is that the educational buildings had to be transferred to factories evacuated from other cities. In the village, the university was located in the buildings of the agricultural technical school, where it continued its educational activities, despite all the difficulties that were inherent in wartime.

Post-war years and modernity

The end of the war in 1945 was good news for the employees and students of the Agricultural Institute, as well as for all the inhabitants of the country. Finally, it was possible to start a new life without fear of tomorrow. This contributed to the development of the university. In the post-war years, the number of departments increased in it, and the interest of applicants in agricultural education increased.

With small steps forward, the educational institution reached the status of a university. This event took place in 1993. Currently, the Bashkir State Agrarian University is considered one of the leading agricultural universities in our country. It is a large scientific, educational and training center. He actively introduces innovations in the educational process, uses distance learning, and develops international relations.

Address and structure of the university

The higher educational institution of agricultural profile is located in Ufa. The address of the Bashkir State Agrarian University is 34, 50th Anniversary of October Street. The university has 7 educational and laboratory buildings at its disposal. They house both ordinary lecture rooms and specialized laboratories for research and experiments.

In the structure of the university, there are 7 departments offering educational programs in full-time education. These are the following faculties:

  • forestry and agrotechnologies;
  • veterinary medicine and biotechnology;
  • mechanical;
  • energy;
  • food technologies;
  • construction and nature management;
  • economic.

Correspondence education at the Bashkir State Agrarian University is carried out by a specially created faculty. It offers applicants a part of the available areas of training at the university. Studying at this faculty is different in that students independently study the prescribed subjects during each semester. For some state socio-economic disciplines, training is provided using distance learning technologies.

Overview of some faculties with full-time programs

The main thing at the university is the Faculty of Forestry and Agrotechnologies, because the history of the university is connected with it. The creation of a structural unit was planned at the time of the opening of the institute. At first it was called crop production. In subsequent years, the faculty was called grain, field cultivation, agronomy. In 2014, it received its current name. Once the faculty produced only agronomists. Today he trains personnel in several areas:

  • agronomy;
  • agrosoil science and agrochemistry;
  • landscape architecture;
  • forest business.

An important subdivision in the organizational structure of the Bashkir State Agrarian University is the Faculty of Mechanics. Its history began in 1950, when agriculture needed engineering personnel. At the time of formation, the structural unit was called the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization. And now about the most important thing - about the directions of preparation. At the undergraduate level, applicants are offered several educational programs. These are agricultural engineering, and the operation of transport and technological complexes and machines, and ground transport and technological complexes.

Faculty of Economics

Probably, everyone noticed that there are many faculties in the structure of the Bashkir State Agrarian University. This is a definite plus, because each applicant is given the opportunity to choose. However, the attention of many applicants is attracted by the Faculty of Economics, because it offers an education that is applicable not only in agriculture, but also in other areas of modern life.

The faculty has interesting and prestigious areas of training. These include: "economics", "management", "municipal and state administration", "business informatics". In some areas there are different profiles that determine future work. For example, in "economics" you can get a specialization related to taxes, accounting, finance and credit, economics of organizations and enterprises.

About the leaders of the university

BSAU in Ufa has developed and reached excellent heights in its activities thanks to its leaders. The very first person to head the university was Asadullin Abdurakhman Giniyatullovich. It was he who was able to create an educational institution in Ufa in a short time, to acquire everything necessary for high-quality education of students.

After Asadullin, many people led the university. Each of them made a certain contribution. For example, Alexander Petrovich Sokolov, who served as director of the institute since 1954, completed the construction of the main educational building, a veterinary clinic and a student hostel on Ayskaya Street.

Now the rector of the Bashkir State Agrarian University is Gabitov Ildar Ismagilovich. He has held this position since 2008. Gabitov also made an important contribution. Thanks to his work and the activities of his predecessors, the university became one of the 15 leading agricultural higher educational institutions in our country.

Creation of a branch of the university

In 2005, the Trans-Ural branch of the Bashkir State Agrarian University began to conduct educational activities in Sibay. The purpose of opening the educational institution was to ensure the availability of higher agricultural education. The branch had an educational building, a canteen, a sports complex, and a hostel.

Education in the established educational institution in Sibay was carried out in the following areas: agronomy, veterinary medicine, zootechnics, agricultural mechanization, electrification and automation of agriculture, economics and enterprise management, accounting, analysis and audit.

Branch closure

At the end of April 2015, a meeting of the Academic Council was held at the Agrarian University. Several important issues were put on the agenda. One of them was devoted to the expediency of further activities of the Zauralsk branch. The result of the discussion is the liquidation of the educational institution.

This decision was made due to the fact that the university was not able to support the branch. Thus, in 2015, the educational institution in Sibay ceased its activities. For the new academic year, documents for admission from applicants were no longer accepted.

FSBEI HPE "Bashkir State Agrarian University" is a university offering quality education. From the foregoing, we can conclude that there are not only faculties and specialties related to agriculture. There are also such structural divisions and directions that relate to economics and management. That is why applicants should not refuse to consider BSAU (Ufa) as a place for higher education.

(12+) In 2015, one of the largest universities in the Bryansk region, the Bryansk State Agrarian University, celebrated its 35th anniversary. It all started back in 1930, when the Kokinsky technical school was organized. Back in the 1920s, in the newspapers Bednota and Pravda, village correspondent Pyotr Rylko raised questions of the formation and improvement of agricultural education in the country. From 1927 to 1930 he led the first school of peasant youth in the Bryansk region in the village of Myakishevo, Vygonichsky district. In 1930 he organized the Kokinsky technical school.

In 1930, the technical school had the following material base: an educational building - a former landowner's house, in which 3 offices were equipped, a hostel (60 wooden trestle beds and 10 kerosene lamps), a dining room and administrative premises, 5 residential buildings, a laundry, a bakery, a carpentry workshop. In 1933, the technical school bought the first horse. In 1934, the first tractor appeared and an educational farm was organized, the land of which was 715 hectares. At that time, there were only eight teachers in the college. Before the start of the Great Patriotic War, 450 specialists were trained. The war caused enormous damage to the technical school, but by 1947 it had been rebuilt from scratch.

In 1963, the technical school received the status of "Sovkhoz-technical school" and at the same time the training of specialists for the countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America began. In 1967, the technical school was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor. After 10 years, a complex of educational buildings for 1600 places was put into operation, the total area of ​​​​which was 15 thousand square meters. m. with 20 classrooms, 19 laboratories equipped with equipment and visual aids. A wide network of green laboratories was created: nurseries, greenhouses, experimental fields. A well-maintained campus has been formed: 4 dormitories, a club, a canteen, two residential buildings, 29 cottages, a service house, a laundry, a shop, a post office, a kindergarten, a stadium, a lake, a water supply system, a gas pipeline, a sewage treatment plant, a gas boiler house, a highway with a bus connection to Bryansk.

The production base of the training was a large farm with a land area of ​​5900 hectares and diversified animal husbandry: dairy cows of black-motley breed, young cattle, pigs, breeding sheep farm, apiary. The farm was equipped with agricultural machinery and implements that ensured the comprehensive mechanization of all production processes. It had workshops, garages, warehouses, greenhouses, a vegetable store, etc. A complex of irrigation system for land reclamation was built. The basis for the production training of the fruit and vegetable department was the Stronghold of the Research Institute of Zonal Production of the Non-Chernozem Zone, opened in 1962, headed by Candidate of Agricultural Sciences A.A. Vysotsky, under whose leadership 120 hectares of strawberry plantations and a fruit nursery were laid.

Kokinsky Order of the Red Banner of Labor state farm-technical school was widely known in the country and abroad. Petr Dmitrievich Rylko worked as its permanent director for 50 years. His rich experience in leadership and teaching activities was duly appreciated by the state and society. In 1970, he was awarded the title of Honored School Teacher of the RSFSR, was twice awarded the Order of Lenin, was a holder of the orders of the October Revolution, the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, and in 1980 he was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor.

In 1980, the technical school had the following departments: agronomic, zootechnical, fruit and vegetable, accounting, and from 1946 to 1958. There was also a building department. By 1980, 74 highly qualified teachers worked at the technical school, who, along with teaching, were engaged in research and experimental work. The teachers made a great contribution to landscaping and the cultivation of flowers, the seeds of which were sent to many regions of the country. 150 thousand trees were planted. The students learned how to grow flowers, plant trees and shrubs in villages, and Kokino turned into a beautiful park town. Teachers assigned to the production branches of the state farm, together with specialists, taught students to grow grain, potatoes, and vegetables. At the same time, students were trained in working professions: tractor drivers, drivers, technicians.

1 issue of agronomists of the Kokinsky agricultural technical school. 1930-1933

Many specialists and workers of the state farm had high government awards. The state farm - technical school was awarded the Transitional Red Banner of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the RSFSR, the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions, the Central Committee of the Komsomol three times. District and regional conferences and seminars for agricultural workers gathered at the technical school, and teachers regularly gave lectures at collective farms and state farms. Methodical seminars, exhibitions, reviews were held in the technical school.

In total, the college has trained more than 10,000 specialists. About 2,000 agricultural workers of the region and the RSFSR underwent advanced training at the technical school. 342 specialists were trained for foreign countries.

In April 1980, on the basis of the Kokinsky state farm-technical school, the Bryansk Agricultural Institute was created with three faculties: agronomy and zooengineering, mechanization and agricultural economics, and the technical school was transformed into the faculty of secondary agricultural education, which ceased to exist in 1992. At the same time, the educational and experimental farm "Kokino" was organized. In the 1980s, residential buildings, a canteen, a sanatorium, dormitories, training and production workshops were built, and a faculty of distance learning was organized. In 1984, the first graduation of specialists with higher education took place. In 1986, the faculty of advanced training began to work. In 1989, the formation of a training auto-tractor park with garages, workshops, and an autodrome was completed. There were more than 2,100 full-time and 1,250 part-time students in five faculties.

For educational and scientific purposes, 50 laboratories have been created, including the analysis of soil, water, biological materials, physics, etc. Ulyanova, Trubchevsky district and "Testaments of Ilyich" Vygonichsky district, state farm named after. 60th anniversary of the USSR in the Bryansk region. 7 branches of departments were created in collective farms and state farms.

Postgraduate studies were opened in 1990. In the 1990s, the construction of residential buildings continued, a small-family hostel was introduced, a publishing house and a printing house were opened, and a new educational building was put into operation. In 1995, the Bryansk Agricultural Institute was renamed the Bryansk State Agricultural Academy.

By 1990, 250 teachers worked at the institute, including 9 doctors of sciences, professors and 140 candidates of sciences, associate professors. Training of scientific and pedagogical personnel was carried out through postgraduate studies in 7 specialties. The Institute trained specialists with higher education in agronomy, zootechnics, agricultural mechanization, economics, accounting, hydromelioration, mechanization of hydroreclamation works.

Over the years of its existence, this Bryansk university has produced 25 graduations. In total, more than 15 thousand highly qualified specialists were trained. In 1997, the educational institution was renamed into the state educational institution of higher professional education, the Bryansk State Agricultural Academy.

In 2014, the Bryansk State Agricultural Academy was renamed into Bryansk State Agrarian University.

Currently, the classrooms of the university are equipped with modern technical teaching aids, instruments, simulators and equipment. About 100 specialized laboratories, an information technology center, an experimental field, an autodrome, a training ground for agricultural machinery training, an equestrian sports complex, a gym, a stadium have been created.

Bryansk State Agrarian University is one of the centers of agricultural education, science and culture in the Southwestern region of the Non-Chernozem zone of Russia, where boys and girls from Bryansk, Smolensk, Kaluga and other regions of Russia, as well as the states of the former Soviet Union study.

Chief Specialist
Anna Kolotovskaya

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