Binary double double double doubled doubled paronyms. double - double - double

The answers to tasks 1–24 are a word, a phrase, a number or a sequence of words, numbers. Write your answer to the right of the task number without spaces, commas or other additional characters.

Read the text and do tasks 1-3.

(1) Mentions of the sea, completely covered with a carpet of algae, are found among European geographers since the 5th century AD. (2) But the real discoverer of the Sargasso Sea was still Christopher Columbus - during the first trip across the Atlantic, the ships of the brave Genoese were among such a dense mass of algae that they could hardly move for several days. (3) ______ The Spanish sailors from the crew of Columbus gave the name to the algae, and at the same time to the sea.


Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the MAIN information contained in the text?

1. The Sargasso Sea, known since the 5th century AD, was discovered by Christopher Columbus and was named so by the Spanish sailors.

2. During the first trip across the Atlantic, the ships of Christopher Columbus were among such a dense mass of algae that they could hardly move for several days.

3. The Spanish sailors from the Columbus team gave the name to the algae that covers the sea with a continuous carpet.

4. Mentions of the sea, completely covered with a carpet of algae, are found among European geographers since the 5th century AD.

5. Spanish sailors led by Christopher Columbus discovered the Sargasso Sea and gave it a name.


Which of the following words (combinations of words) should be in place of the gap in the third (3) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words).

2. Just then

4. Of course

5. Therefore,


Read the fragment of the dictionary entry, which gives the meanings of the word MASS. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the second (2) sentence of the text. Write down the number. corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

MASS, -s. and,

1. One of the main physical characteristics of matter, which determines its inert and gravitational properties (special). Mass unit.

2. Pasty, shapeless substance, thick mixture. Wood m. (semi-finished paper for dressing). Molten cast iron m. Syrkovaya m.

3. The totality of something .. as well as sth. large, concentrated in one place. Air masses. Dark m. of the building.

4. unit. whom (what). Many, many, many things. (colloquial). M. people. Waste a lot of energy.

5. pl. broad strata of the working population. The will of the masses Break away from the masses (lose contact with the people).


In one of the words below, a mistake was made in the formulation of stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel is highlighted INCORRECTLY. Write out this word.





In one of the sentences below, the underlined word is WRONGLY used. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

1. DOUBLE code is a form of recording information in the form of ones and zeros.

2. I liked her romantic image - huge blue eyes and a cute INNOCENT look.

3. The sagging canvas and the lost COLOR layer in places testified to the venerable age of the painting.

4. We lived in an airport hotel room under the UNBEARABLE roar of aircraft turbines.

5. They brought us bread and salt - a NOURISHING, odorous, weighty loaf with a ruddy top crust.


In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

delicious CAKES

looked MORE Strictly


don't drive fast

FOUR students


Establish a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical errors made in them: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

A) violation of the construction of a sentence with participial turnover 1) When boiling potatoes, dip the tubers into already boiling water.
B) violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate 2) Oven-baked walnut kernels can be served with fish.
C) an error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members 3) The last thing I would like to dwell on is the behavior of the participants in the competition.
D) incorrect construction of a sentence with a participial turnover 4) No one alive can say for sure how long beautiful Venice will remain.
E) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition 5) Applying iodine to the skin, local irritation occurs, which is accompanied by a rush of blood.
6) Like sailors, millers catch the wind with the help of sails stretched over the wings of the mills.
7) A hundred years later, doubts about the strength of the bridge structure were finally removed.
8) Nicholas never neglected or doubted his brother's support.
9) Due to the long neck, many dinosaurs could get food at high altitude.

Write your answer in numbers without spaces or other characters.


Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter


set fire to ...




Determine the row in which the same letter is missing in both words in the prefix. Write these words out with the missing letter.

n ... reprimand, pr ... mortar

in...frantic, ra...ghosting

pr ... raised, pr ... imagine

in...anxious, nor...cast

pr ... language, not ... grasping


Write down the word in which the letter I is written in place of the gap.

almond ... vy


swing ... walt

hate... l



Write down the word in which the letter E is written in place of the gap.

adopt ... my

fry ... sh


Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

1. We (NOT) ALWAYS get what we want.

2. The list of books turned out to be far (NOT) COMPLETE.

3. Most of the grass in the meadow is (NOT) MOWED.

4. The new book turned out to be very (UN)SUCCESSFUL.

5. Time is always catastrophically (NOT) ENOUGH.


Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are written SEPARATELY. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

1. The rain (B) MIG stopped, AS (IF) somewhere at the top they closed the tap.

2. IT IS HARD TO hope that the situation will change (IN) DURING the next week.

3. (WHAT) EVERYTHING they tell me, I (SAME) want to see the match with my own eyes.

4. (NOT) LOOKING at numerous warnings, the same (SAME) students violate discipline.

5. (B) CONSEQUENCE of heavy snow the roads were closed, so (B) THE PLACE of the planned trip had to stay at home.


Indicate all the numbers in the place of which one letter H is written.

Everything was prepared (1) in advance: grease (2) seams of high leather (3) boots, check (4) tents, pack (5) backpacks and hunting equipment.


Set up punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

1. For the holiday, they decorated houses with birch branches with green meadow flowers.

2. Pupils of the military school were thoroughly taught not only mathematics but also dancing.

3. Crocuses and tulips, lilies and chrysanthemums, daffodils and roses were planted in the garden.

4. Figurative images adorn texts and margins of manuscripts and, together with the text, form a colorful and delicate decorative whole.

5. Between the gray patches of clouds, high mountains appeared and disappeared.


He managed to turn on his side (1) with a frantic movement at the same moment pulling his legs to his stomach (2) and (3) turning (4) he saw the face of a woman-car driver completely white with horror and her scarlet bandage rushing at him with uncontrollable force.


Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in the place of which commas should be in the sentences.

Winds (1) winds (2) o (3) snowy winds (4)

Notice my past life.

I want to be a youth of light (5)

Or a flower from the meadow border.


Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in the place of which commas should be in the sentence.

The stairs will remind you (1) that you are human (2) that you should have a sense of dignity (3) and (4) that it is not at all worthy for an adult to run up the stairs.


Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in the place of which commas should be in the sentence.

And the old woman kept talking and talking about her happiness (1) and (2) although her words were familiar (3) but their grandson suddenly had a sweet heartache from them (4) as if he imagined himself in her place (5) and (6) as if everything he heard happened to him.


Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by replacing the incorrectly used word. Write down the chosen word, observing the norms of the modern Russian literary language.

Now we have different types of toothbrushes in our hands.

Read the text and complete tasks 21-26.

(1) Recently I visited the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. (2) I wandered through the numerous rooms of the museum, without enthusiasm looked at the endless crowns, yes chasubles, and all sorts of clothing decorations, and at their owners, who were immediately framed. (Z) This museum is very rich, and maybe that's why they let us in as a group, locked the door with a huge iron bolt and put a policeman outside.

(4) So I walked between gold on the one hand and silver on the other, not knowing where to turn away from the unnatural brilliance, which, perhaps, would be enough to play and overflow the whole Lake Seliger.

(5) And then I came across the original entry posted on the wall. (6) It was an inventory of 1641 about weapons installed on the fortress wall of the monastery. (7) It was written there: “On the red tower opposite the holy gates, a one-and-a-half, copper squeaker. (8) Another squeaker on wheels, the gunner at that squeaker First Fedorov.

(9) And it was as if everything came to life at once, I even heard how the brocade rustled, thrown off the noble shoulders, and rolled, clinking, a golden button, and the nobles in frames looked sideways out the window - was the watchman in place, were the gunners in the post, and then God forbid ... (10) And Pervushka Fedorov, here he is, sitting at a one-and-a-half squeak, which is on wheels, and looks from the fortress wall with a calm eye. (11) Pervushka's eyes are large, deep, with blue, her hands are large, in knots, because before the house a chopped and laid stoves. (12) And the shirt is the most homespun, bleached in the first snows, no one will save this shirt and put it under glass.

(13) I then happily experienced the joy that time outwitted all this - stainless and eternal, and conveyed to me a living, strangely exciting image of a Russian gunner. (14) I carried such a mood through all the rooms of the museum, until a polite policeman counted us twice and opened the bolt.

(15) - Oh, you, First Fedorov, - I said to myself.

(16) - Oh, you, my dear ancestor, First! (17) I don’t know even now, right, your face. (18) On old wooden icons, where gloomy princes with cruel autocratic faces and their beloved horses perched imperiously in the foreground, almost on the frames, I only supposedly find you, my dear ancestor. (19) 3a with the voluminous shoulders of the prince, where a hundred helmets in a row were written out by the quick hand of an apprentice boy or just sickles of hair with yellow ocher, you are standing there, ancestor First Fedorov. (20) And earlier, and then, and many times later, this unfair picture will be created, and the Russian people will be shown as a common background behind the shoulders of a single person-icon with cruel motionless features. (21) And many times I will guess you, gunner Pervushka Fedorov, only because you did not leave your pishchal either in 1641 or three hundred years later. (22) In 1941!

The word is used in
USE 2016

Dictionary of paronyms

Double- 1) consisting of two homogeneous or similar parts, 2) twice as much, 3) dual.
Usage examples: double frames, double mirror, double salary, double salary, double play.


Binary- based on the score in deuces (pairs), based on the combination of two components.
Usage examples: binary digit, binary number system, binary fractions, binary code.

Dual- 1) contradictory, 2) two-faced, 3) indefinite, different.
Usage examples: dual position, dual policy, dual interpretation.

twofold- double, manifesting itself in two forms.
Usage examples: double meaning, double benefit.

double- merged into one.
Usage examples: double thread, double wire.

doubled- doubled.
Usage examples: double strength, double reserve, double reserve, double attention.

Bilateral - pertaining to two parties, signed by two parties, extending the effect to two parties.

Usage examples: bilateral negotiations, bilateral agreement.

Info-lesson on the topic PARONYMS DOUBLE - DUAL - BINARY - DOUBLE

Info Lesson Plan:

1. Lexical meaning of paronyms double - dual - binary - dual

2. Examples of phrases with a paronym double

3. Examples of sentences with a paronym double

4. Examples of phrases with a paronym dual

5. Examples of sentences with a paronym dual

6. Examples of phrases with a paronym binary

7. Examples of sentences with a paronym binary

8. Examples of phrases with a paronym double

9. Examples of sentences with a paronym double



1. Consisting of two homogeneous or similar parts, objects; having homogeneous or similar parts.

2. Twice as large, doubled.

3. Two-faced, insincere, hypocritical.


1. One that contains two different qualities, often contradictory; contradictory.

2. Two-faced, insincere, hypocritical.

3. (outdated.) Concerning two, two.

BINARY- based on the score in deuces (pairs), based on the combination of two components.

DOUBLE- manifested in two senses, types, forms, containing two sides.


1)double frames

2)double doors
3)double mirror

4)double bottom

5) double salary

6)double board

8) double salary

9)double play

10) double fertilization

11)double strike

12) double stars

13) double seam

14) double check

15) double anniversary

16) double bond

17)double track

18) double surname

19) double meaning

20) double joy

21) double role

22) double fertilization

23) double standards

24) double bottom suitcase

25) double chin

26) double action machine

27) double cast


1) Gorlov, feeling the powerful radiation of light, ... turning air into a colorless plasma, experienced double feeling. (A. Prokhanov. And then the wind comes)

2) Through double one could hear the rustling of the rooks in the garden and the singing of the starlings. (A.P. Chekhov. Bishop)

3) In Yelets, my hometown, all the old merchant families were double. (M.M. Prishvin. Kurymushka)

4) In the distance, where the chains went, the lunar haze trembled from double strikes - this is the golden train of the ruler, who was ambushed, fought off the partisans. (A.N. Tolstoy. In the snow)

5) Then [at the age of seven] I still did not know, of course, double the meaning of Andersen's fairy tales. (K.G. Paustovsky. Storyteller)

6) Invention and recollection go hand in hand in poetry, to remember is also to invent, remembering the same inventor. The root disease of the literary taste of Moscow is the oblivion of this double truth. (O.E. Mandelstam. Prose)

7) My joy was double. Firstly, the experiment was brilliantly resolved, and secondly, the student gave me a bicycle. (Yu.K.Olesha. Envy)

8) It was he [the teacher] who first thought of planting the entire large school plot double lime trees nearby. (M.M. Prishvin. Ship Grove)

9) Due to the lack of comfortable houses, the premises of a small rural hospital carried double load. (Yu. Dold-Mikhailik. And one warrior in the field)

10) Dymchenko's words about double spring in the depths of the Black Sea was confirmed by biologists. The change of seasons in the Black Sea goes like this - winter, spring, summer, the second spring (in September and October) and again winter. There is no autumn. (K.G. Paustovsky. Black Sea)

11) It could have been a clever trick, calculated on the fact that she [Mata Hari] will enter into the confidence of the French and start double game. (S. Milin. Mata Hari: the mystery of the queen of espionage)

12) The students studied double the role of vowels E, Yo, Yu, Ya.

13) At the lesson of literary reading, students analyzed the work of M.M. Prishvin “ Double track".

14) At the technology lesson, the students learned about double flat knot.

15)Process double fertilization was discovered by the Russian botanist, academician Sergei Gavrilovich Navashin in 1898.

16)Double fertilization is the process of fusion of the first sperm with the egg and the second sperm with a large cell of the embryo sac.

17) Double salts can be considered as a product of substitution of hydrogen atoms of a polybasic acid for atoms of different metals or as a product of substitution of hydroxyl groups of a polyacid base for acidic residues of various acids.

18) Unsaturated hydrocarbons are called in molecules that have carbon atoms bonded to each other double or triple bond.

19) At the lesson of mathematics, students got acquainted with the formulas double angle.

20) In a physics lesson, students examined the image of an object located on double focal length.

21) Based on the considered structure double connection, we can assume the high reactivity of aldehydes.

22) Students characterized the chemical properties of substances due to double connection.

23) The simplest unsaturated hydrocarbons are compounds with one double connection.

24) Components double unions are in different parts of a complex sentence: the 1st component is in the subordinate part, the 2nd component is in the main part.

25) Approximately half of all the stars in our Galaxy belong to double systems.

26) Double a star is two stars that are close to each other in space and make up a physical system, the components of which are connected by mutual gravitational forces.

27) User double clicked to open the sound file.

28) User double click to open a text file.

29) Our team celebrates double anniversary.

30) The term " double sheepskin coat" refers to figure skating.

31) - She is married and has double surname. (V.A. Kaverin. Two captains)

32) Room performed double purpose - living room and dining room. (Golubov. Creation of the world)

33) - It will be double work, Prokop! And double waste of time. (Nikandrov. Red fish)

34) For one of the dinners, Chapelle bought for some reason double portion of wine. (M.A. Bulgakov. Life of Mr. de Molière)

35) Shvaika gained confidence in the Glukhov commandant. This game went on all winter. But someone reported double game Schweik. (P.P. Vershigora. People with a clear conscience)

36) [Krylovich]: Our mission is just beginning. And, apparently, we will have to live until the end of the war double life ... Conduct a radio game, misinform the enemy. (Salynsky. Pebbles in the palm of your hand)


1) dual position

2) dual policy

3) dual agreement

4) dual interpretation

5) dual nature

6) dual attitude

7) ambivalent opinion

8) dual feeling

9) dual behavior


1)dual the number in Russian disappeared about 600 years ago.

2) In modern Russian, there are reminders of dual number.

3) In later periods, the loss dual numbers as different parts of speech, the destruction of the connection with nouns and adjectives led to the separation of numerals into an independent part of speech.

4) To form dual the numbers included the names of paired objects, for example, horns, eyes, shores.

5) To reveal dual the character of Svidrigailov, the hero of the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment", and to understand his complex, contradictory inner world, students analyzed his dying dreams.

6) Glucose has dual character. It is characterized by reactions to aldehydes and polyhydric alcohols.

7)Dual concepts are widely used in philosophy, physics, mathematics, chemistry, etc.

8) The discovery of the principle of duality facilitated the study of sections of geometry. Since, when considering dual concepts became clearer and more economical, attempts to transfer this principle to elementary geometry began to appear.

9) The idea of ​​duality is a very old idea that has come down to us in various myths of ancient peoples. Geb and Nut for the Egyptians, Yin and Yang for the Chinese, Ki and An for the Sumerians, and so on. These are the names of gods, or active dual principles, the interaction of which, according to the ancients, sets the world in motion.

10) The name of the novel by L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" is dual character.

11) The city of Petersburg from the very beginning called to itself dual relation.

12) The task of any subject teacher is to teach children to see dual the nature of existing facilities.

13) The teacher stressed dual the nature of these chemical elements.

14)Dual properties exhibited by each of these substances.

15) The students analyzed deeply dual, the controversial nature of Pechorin.

16) The peasant reform of 1861 wore dual character.


1) binary digit

2) binary number system

3) binary fractions

4) binary numbers

5) binary code

6) binary encoding of information

7) binary theory


1) Bit - a unit of the amount of information in binary number system corresponding to the information obtained during the implementation of one of two equally probable events.

2) The modem allows you to establish communication between computers using the telephone network. It converts the digital signals used by the computer into an analog signal that travels over the telephone line. The analog signal is then converted back to digital using binary code, which is read by the receiving computer.

3) Digital codes are presented in the main. in binary, binary- decimal or decimal number systems.

4) Binary theory - a theory, now universally accepted, that postulates that there are two separate receptor mechanisms in the retina: cones, which are color-sensitive and used in bright light (photopic vision), and rods, which are achromatic and used in low light (scotopic vision) .

5) Code - a system of conventional signs (symbols) for the transmission, processing and storage (memorization) of various information. The final sequence of code characters is called a word. The number of different characters that are used in the words of a given code is called its base; for example, a base 2 code is called binary.

6) In the mid-1950s. mechanical calculators have given way to electronic ones. In some of them for the record binary numbers, groups of electromagnetic switches, or relays, were used.

7) Binary codes are used in computing because they can easily represent each digit.


1) double meaning

2) double benefit

3)double meaning

4) double understanding

5)double way

6) double benefit

7) double outcome

8)two kinds

9) double nomenclature


1) The problem can be solved doubly.

2) His words should be understood doubly.

3) Ambiguous - having double meaning, double meaning.

4) [Fonk]: In my opinion, there are duties double kind: duties to others and duties to oneself. (I.S. Turgenev. Bachelor)

5) It was born to Miron double feeling: envious enmity and involuntary respect. (Wanderer. The forest flared up)

6) twofold understanding of anthropology - understanding the content of anthropological science: 1) as a general science of man, combining knowledge of various natural sciences and humanities; 2) as a science that studies the biological diversity of man (biological anthropology).

7) twofold stress - 1) fluctuating stress, which in word forms can be fixed; 2) valid options, stress alternatives.

8) Not all people know about valid options double accents, tend to consider their usual variant double accents are the only correct ones.

9) twofold the accent should not be confused with the really vulgar, illiterate accent.

Sources used

1.S.I. Ozhegov. Dictionary of the Russian language. M. "Russian language" 1990

2.E.D. Golovina. Distinguish words: Difficult cases of modern Russian word usage. Express Directory. - Kirov: Kirov Regional Printing House. 1997.

3. Yu.A. Belchikov, M.S. Panyusheva. Dictionary of paronyms of the Russian language. Moscow: AST Publishing House LLC; LLC Astrel Publishing House, 2004.

5. K.S. Gorbachevich. Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. - M.: Eksmo Publishing House, 2005.

The paronyms under consideration have existed in the Russian language since ancient times and were first recorded in explanatory dictionaries in the 18th century. The most common of these is the adjective double.

For more than two hundred years, there have naturally been very significant changes in its semantics and the circle of its lexical compatibility with nouns has expanded many times over. Modern explanatory dictionaries, as a rule, distinguish three meanings from it, while noting some lexical shades. It seems to us more appropriate to single out the following four meanings:

1. Twice as large, doubled; doubled.

2. Consisting of two homogeneous or similar parts, objects.

3. Manifested in two forms, forms; double.

4. Insincere, two-faced, hypocritical.

The circle of abstract nouns that combine with this paronym in the first sense includes, first of all, such words: work, price, pay, fee, salary, rate(in taxation, as well as in gambling), size, norm, portion of smth., dose of smth., fine, responsibility, burden, taxation, cheating(colloquial), kill, fracture, jump, turn, somersault, somersault etc. Together with the adjective and the corresponding verbs, they form, in particular, the following widely used verb-nominal phrases: do double work, pay double the price, receive double wages, eat double portion of smth., take double dose of smth., pay double fine, bear for smth. double responsibility, deal with a double load, avoid double taxation, double kill, get a double fracture, perform a double somersault, double jump etc.

The Moscow government will receive a tax from one liter of fuel to the budget in double size(Izvestia. 1997. December 27); Woman carries double load– at home and at work (often unloved). (Household. 1999. May); The agreements provide for the release of citizens from double taxation. (Izvestia. 1994. May 28); double kill was committed yesterday in the Ramensky district of the Moscow region (Metro. 2002. March 2); Denis broke his leg, he had some kind of difficult double fracture. (P. Dashkova. no one will cry) Over time, he [Nikolai] began to invest free money in a hot commodity, which he slowly sold with double winding through retail M.Anisov. unfortunate legacy).

In the second sense, the adjective double combines mainly with specific nouns: doors, frames, walls, curtains, drapes, sheathing(ship hull), film, number, fence, barrier, lock, knot, seam, mirror, name, surname etc. For example:

Through double frames one could hear how the rooks rustled in the garden and the starlings sang ( A. Chekhov. Bishop); No leaks due to double skinned ship hull and viscous bottom (Today. 1994. June 23); Katya is married and has double surname (V.Kaverin. Two captains).

Applied to the third meaning with an adjective double The following abstract nouns are used: meaning, goal, task, benefit, benefit, joy, grief, victory, defeat, punishment, obstacle, assessment, holiday, anniversary, citizenship, appointment(when using smth.), action(about machines, mechanisms), principle and some others. These nouns together with the adjective double are part of a number of typical verb-nominal phrases: have a double meaning, set a double task, pursue a double goal, receive a double benefit, bring a double benefit, experience a double joy, experience a double grief, gain a double victory, suffer a double defeat, overcome a double obstacle, celebrate a double holiday, celebrate a double anniversary, have a double citizenship etc.

Nastya pursued double purpose (A.Marinina. Coincidence); So from April, Moldovans will receive double benefit(World for a week. 1999. December 25); Looked at Louis with a double sense- admiration and pity: he was leaving towards death ( I. Erenburg. Storm); I didn't know then, of course. double meaning fairy tales by Andersen K.Paustovsky. Storyteller); For the first time, a candidate, if he is a citizen of another state, that is, has dual citizenship, is obliged to report it (Mir for a week. 1999. October 9); And now measures are being taken to prevent the leakage of technology, especially technology dual purpose(Izvestia. 1994. June 9).

As for the fourth meaning of the adjective double(“insincere, two-faced, hypocritical”), then in this sense a very limited circle of abstract nouns is combined with it: life, game, morality, standard, score, campaign. Together with the adjective under consideration and some verbs, these nouns form such commonly used verb-nominal phrases: to live a double life

Double life does not contribute to peace of mind (Rabotnitsa. 1998. October); Now that we know who NN is, the probability double play seemed insignificant ( B. Akunin. Death of Achilles) Sizov is a strong man, deprived double morality (E. Ryazanov. behind the screen).

Let's move on to adjectives. dual. BAS-2, MAC and BTS (with some variations) distinguish two meanings of this word: 1. One in which two different qualities are combined, often contradicting each other. 2. Two-faced (MAS and BTS); hypocritical, insincere; duplicitous (BAS-2).

However, the legitimacy of highlighting the second meaning in these dictionaries is not supported by any quotations from fiction and journalism (probably due to their absence). Our card index also does not contain examples with a paronym dual meaning "hypocritical, insincere, two-faced." All this calls into question the expediency of singling out this second meaning. Therefore, it is quite reasonable, in our opinion, the one-volume explanatory dictionaries of S.I. Ozhegova and N.Yu. Shvedova, as well as V.V. and L.E. Lopatin are limited to only one meaning of the adjective dual: “Bending to one side and the other; contradictory". Such a wording (originally contained in Ushakov's Dictionary) actually does not differ in meaning from the above interpretation of the first meaning of this word in the IAC, SAAC-2 and BTS, ed. S.A. Kuznetsova.

Thus, in the circle of nouns combined with a paronym dual includes the following words: feeling, sensation, impression, decision, policy, position, behavior, attitude towards someone, something, approach to someone, something, character of something, nature of something, image of someone ., nature, personality and some others. These abstract nouns, together with the adjective dual are included in the corresponding verb-nominal phrases: to have an ambivalent feeling, to make an ambivalent impression on someone, to make an ambivalent decision, to pursue an ambivalent policy towards someone, something, to take an ambivalent position towards someone, something, to observe the dual nature of something. etc.

The adopted boy called from him [Nikolai] ambivalent feeling: pity and hate ( M.Anisov. ill-fated inheritance); This first meeting made me ambivalent impression: I was proud that I saw Tolstoy, but his conversation with me was like an exam ( M. Gorky. Lev Tolstoy); Paulie developed a stately, but somewhat dual image Alexander Yakovlevich Gratsiansky ( L.Leonov. Russian forest).

As for the paronym double, then all explanatory dictionaries give him one meaning: “Manifested in two forms, forms; double”, coinciding with the third meaning of the paronym double. However, the range of nouns used with an adjective double, only partially coincides with the circle of nouns combined with an adjective double in the specified value. Only the following nouns are common to both paronyms: meaning, benefit, usefulness, purpose. In addition, with a paronym double the following abstract nouns are also combined: fate, process, outcome, system, method and some others . Listed nouns along with a paronym double and the corresponding verbs form the following verb-nominal phrases: to have a double meaning, to receive a double benefit, to bring a double benefit, to pursue a double goal, to have a double outcome, to achieve smth. in two ways, manifest in two ways.

It may be another political campaign pursuing dual purpose(General newspaper. 1999. No. 2); Borrowed words in the Russian literary language waited double fate(Russian speech. 1998. No. 3); Confusion shows up in two ways: either we behave quieter than water, lower than the grass, or, on the contrary, we behave defiantly (Profile. 1999. No. 3); Of course, you can enter dual system legal proceedings - for "ours" and for "them" (Izvestia. 1999. April 5).

It is interesting to note that sometimes there are cases of erroneous use of the adjective double instead of his paronym dual in the phrase Make an impression. For example: Overall, the women's tournament produced double impression(World for a week. 1999. October 30). Here, of course, it means that there were both positive and negative moments in the conduct of the tournament, i.e. there was a certain contradiction, which is typical for the semantics of the adjective dual, but not double.

Summarizing the above, it can be stated that the considered paronyms, despite the partial coincidence of meanings, have a fairly clear tendency to distinguish between their compatibility with nouns, which significantly limits the possibility of forming synonymous constructions.

double impression

Ambiguity or ambivalence

In the Linguistics section, to the question What is the difference between the concepts of "double", "binary", "dual" and "two"? given by the DIAMOND author, the best answer is "double" - consisting of two similar parts. Double appetizer. Double star system.

"binary" - practically, it is only binary code and binary SS. Special mathematical term.

"dual" and "double" - not having a single interpretation, not credible. The dual nature of the photon gives me a dual feeling.

Double chin, binary code, double impression, double meaning.

Do not look in the explanatory dictionary?

means "double code" is that correct? no error? please tell me to remember once and for all. 🙂

Dual Meaning or Dual Meaning?

I know that you can definitely say two things. Is it possible to be dual?

Very important! This is for the exam in Russian for the task with paronyms!

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Mama666 05/06/2016

Answers and explanations

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Double - double - double.

These words are paronyms.

Dual - contradictory, for example: dual impression, dual policy.

Double - possible in two forms, options, having two meanings, for example: a double outcome, a double benefit.

These paronyms should be used in speech or in the text according to the context, they are similar in pronunciation, but different in lexical meaning, which means that they should not be confused.


Dictionary of paronyms

Usage examples: double meaning, double benefit.


Usage examples: binary digit, binary number system, binary fractions, binary code.

Double - 1) consisting of two homogeneous or similar parts, 2) twice as much, 3) dual.

Examples of use: double frames, double mirror, double salary, double salary, double game.

Dual - 1) contradictory, 2) two-faced, 3) indefinite, different.

Usage examples: dual position, dual policy, dual interpretation.

Usage examples: double thread, double wire.

Usage examples: double strength, double reserve, double reserve, double attention.

Bilateral - pertaining to two parties, signed by two parties, extending the effect to two parties.

Usage examples: bilateral negotiations, bilateral agreement.

Dictionary of paronyms (USE)

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5-11 CLASS



The beginning of info-lessons on the topic of PARONYMS is here.


1. Lexical meaning of paronyms double - dual - binary - double

2. Examples of phrases with a double paronym

3. Examples of sentences with double paronym

4. Examples of phrases with a dual paronym

5. Examples of sentences with a paronym dual

6. Examples of phrases with the paronym binary

7. Examples of sentences with the paronym binary

8. Examples of phrases with a double paronym

9. Examples of sentences with a double paronym


1. Consisting of two homogeneous or similar parts, objects; having homogeneous or similar parts.

2. Twice as large, doubled.

3. Two-faced, insincere, hypocritical.

1. One that contains two different qualities, often contradictory; contradictory.

2. Two-faced, insincere, hypocritical.

3. (outdated.) Concerning two, two.

BINARY - based on counting in twos (pairs), based on a combination of two components.

DUAL - manifested in two senses, types, forms, containing two sides.


24) double bottom suitcase

25) double chin

26) double action machine

27) double cast


1) Gorlov, feeling the powerful radiation of light, ... turning the air into a colorless plasma, experienced a double feeling. (A. Prokhanov. And then the wind comes)

2) Through the double windows one could hear how the rooks rustled in the garden and the starlings sang. (A.P. Chekhov. Bishop)

3) In Yelets, my hometown, all the old merchant surnames were double. (M.M. Prishvin. Kurymushka)

4) In the distance, where the chains went, the lunar haze trembled from double blows - this is the golden train of the ruler, ambushed, fighting off the partisans. (A.N. Tolstoy. In the snow)

5) Then [at the age of seven] I still did not know, of course, the double meaning of Andersen's fairy tales. (K.G. Paustovsky. Storyteller)

6) Invention and recollection go hand in hand in poetry, to remember is also to invent, remembering the same inventor. The root disease of Moscow's literary taste is the oblivion of this double truth. (O.E. Mandelstam. Prose)

7) My joy was double. Firstly, the experiment was brilliantly resolved, and secondly, the student gave me a bicycle. (Yu.K.Olesha. Envy)

8) It was he [the teacher] who first thought of planting a double row of lindens in the entire large school plot. (M.M. Prishvin. Ship Grove)

9) Due to the lack of comfortable houses, the premises of a small rural hospital carried a double load. (Yu. Dold-Mikhailik. And one warrior in the field)

10) Dymchenko's words about the double spring in the sea depths of the Black Sea were confirmed by biologists. The change of seasons in the Black Sea goes like this - winter, spring, summer, the second spring (in September and October) and again winter. There is no autumn. (K.G. Paustovsky. Black Sea)

11) It could have been a clever trick, calculated on the fact that she [Mata Hari] will enter into the confidence of the French and start a double game. (S. Milin. Mata Hari: the mystery of the queen of espionage)

12) The students studied the dual role of the vowels E, Yo, Yu, Ya.

13) At the lesson of literary reading, students analyzed the work of M.M. Prishvin “Double Track”.

14) At the technology lesson, the students learned about the double flat knot.

15) The process of double fertilization was discovered by the Russian botanist, academician Sergei Gavrilovich Navashin in 1898.

16) Double fertilization is the process of fusion of the first sperm with the egg and the second sperm with a large cell of the embryo sac.

17) Double salts can be considered as a product of substitution of hydrogen atoms of a polybasic acid for atoms of different metals or as a product of substitution of hydroxyl groups of a polyacid base for acidic residues of different acids.

18) Unsaturated hydrocarbons are called in molecules that have carbon atoms linked by a double or triple bond.

19) At the lesson of mathematics, students got acquainted with the formulas of the double angle.

20) In a physics lesson, students looked at an image of an object at double the focal length.

21) Based on the considered structure of the double bond, it can be assumed that aldehydes are highly reactive.

22) The students characterized the chemical properties of substances due to the double bond.

23) The simplest unsaturated hydrocarbons are compounds with one double bond.

24) The components of a double union are in different parts of a complex sentence: the 1st component is in the subordinate part, the 2nd component is in the main part.

25) Approximately half of all the stars in our Galaxy belong to binary systems.

26) A double star is two stars that are close to each other in space and make up a physical system, the components of which are connected by mutual gravitational forces.

27) The user double-clicked to open the sound file.

28) The user double-clicked opened a text file.

29) Our team is celebrating a double anniversary.

30) The term "double toe loop" refers to figure skating.

31) - She is married and has a double surname. (V.A. Kaverin. Two captains)

32) The room served a dual purpose - a living room and a dining room. (Golubov. Creation of the world)

33) - It will be double work, Prokop! And a double waste of time. (Nikandrov. Red fish)

34) For one of the dinners, Chapelle bought for some reason a double portion of wine. (M.A. Bulgakov. Life of Mr. de Molière)

35) Shvaika gained confidence in the Glukhov commandant. This game went on all winter. But someone reported on Schweika's double game. (P.P. Vershigora. People with a clear conscience)

36) [Krylovich]: Our mission is just beginning. And, apparently, we will have to live a double life until the end of the war ... Conduct a radio game, misinform the enemy. (Salynsky. Pebbles in the palm of your hand)



1) The dual number in Russian disappeared about 600 years ago.

2) In modern Russian, there are reminders of the dual number.

3) In later periods, the loss of the dual number by various parts of speech, the destruction of the connection with nouns and adjectives led to the separation of numerals into an independent part of speech.

4) The form of the dual number included the names of paired objects, for example, horns, eyes, shores.

5) To reveal the dual nature of Svidrigailov, the hero of the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment", and to understand his complex, contradictory inner world, students analyzed his dying dreams.

6) Glucose has a dual character. It is characterized by reactions to aldehydes and polyhydric alcohols.

7) Dual concepts are widely used in philosophy, physics, mathematics, chemistry, etc.

8) The discovery of the principle of duality facilitated the study of sections of geometry. Since the presentation became clearer and more economical with the simultaneous consideration of dual concepts, attempts began to appear to transfer this principle to elementary geometry.

9) The idea of ​​duality is a very old idea that has come down to us in various myths of ancient peoples. Geb and Nut for the Egyptians, Yin and Yang for the Chinese, Ki and An for the Sumerians, and so on. These are the names of the gods, or active dual principles, the interaction of which, according to the ancients, sets the world in motion.

10) The title of Leo Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace" is ambiguous.

11) The city of Petersburg from the very beginning aroused an ambivalent attitude towards itself.

12) The task of any subject teacher is to teach children to see the dual nature of existing objects.

13) The teacher emphasized the dual nature of these chemical elements.

14) Each of these substances exhibits dual properties.

15) The students deeply analyzed the dual, contradictory nature of Pechorin.

16) The peasant reform of 1861 had a dual character.


2) binary number system

6) binary encoding of information


1) Bit - a unit of the amount of information in the binary number system, corresponding to the information obtained during the implementation of one of two equally probable events.

2) The modem allows you to establish communication between computers using the telephone network. It converts the digital signals used by the computer into an analog signal that travels over the telephone line. Then the analog signal is again converted to digital using a binary code, which is read by the receiving computer.

3) Digital codes are presented in the main. in binary, binary-decimal or decimal number systems.

4) Binary Theory - A theory, now universally accepted, that postulates that there are two separate receptor mechanisms in the retina: cones, which are color-sensitive and used in bright light (photopic vision), and rods, which are achromatic and used in low light ( scotopic vision).

5) Code - a system of conventional signs (symbols) for the transmission, processing and storage (memorization) of various information. The final sequence of code characters is called a word. The number of different characters that are used in the words of a given code is called its base; for example, a code with base 2 is called binary.

6) In the mid-1950s. mechanical calculators have given way to electronic ones. In some of them, groups of electromagnetic switches, or relays, were used to write binary numbers.

7) Binary codes are used in computing because they can be used to easily represent each digit.


6) double benefit


1) The problem can be solved in two ways.

2) His words should be understood in two ways.

3) Ambiguous - having a double meaning, a double meaning.

4) [Fonck]: In my opinion, duties are of two kinds: duties to others and duties to oneself. (I.S. Turgenev. Bachelor)

5) He had a double feeling for Miron: envious enmity and involuntary respect. (Wanderer. The forest flared up)

6) A dual understanding of anthropology - an understanding of the content of anthropological science: 1) as a general science of man, combining knowledge of various natural sciences and the humanities; 2) as a science that studies the biological diversity of man (biological anthropology).

7) Double stress - 1) fluctuating stress, which in word forms can be fixed; 2) valid options, stress alternatives.

8) Not all people know about the acceptable options for double stress, they tend to consider the double stress option they are used to as the only true one.

9) Double stress should not be confused with really vulgar, illiterate stress.

1.S.I. Ozhegov. Dictionary of the Russian language. M. "Russian language" 1990

2.E.D. Golovina. Distinguish words: Difficult cases of modern Russian word usage. Express Directory. - Kirov: Kirov Regional Printing House. 1997.

3. Yu.A. Belchikov, M.S. Panyusheva. Dictionary of paronyms of the Russian language. Moscow: AST Publishing House LLC; LLC Astrel Publishing House, 2004.

5. K.S. Gorbachevich. Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. - M .: Eksmo Publishing House, 2005.

Double or ambivalent feeling

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from school 162 of the Kirovsky district of St. Petersburg;

In one of the sentences below, the underlined word is WRONGLY used. Correct the lexical error by choosing a paronym for the highlighted word. Write down the chosen word.

On the shelves of the shops of the city are SELECTED vegetables and fruits.

Rhythmic gymnastics is one of the most EFFICIENT and beautiful sports.

It is necessary to develop the skills of DIPLOMATIC behavior.

After watching the movie, I had a DOUBLE impression.

PRODUCTIVE was the work of young masters who worked under the guidance of a well-known graphic designer.

Explanation (see also Rule below).

Error in the sentence "After watching the movie, I had a TWICE impression."

The impression can only be ambivalent.

Paronyms are words that are similar in sound, but differ (partially or completely) in meaning.

Sometimes in our speech there are words that are similar in sound, but differ in shades of meaning or completely different in semantics. Among the lexical errors caused by ignorance of the exact meaning of the word, the most common errors are those associated with non-distinction, or confusion of paronyms.

Greek in origin, the linguistic term "paronym" literally means "the same name": Greek. para- the same onyma- name.

Paronyms can be called both single-root and similar-sounding words, which, for all their similarity, still differ in shades of meaning or denote different realities of reality.

"Analysis of the performance of task 5 showed that the difficulty for 40% of the examinees is not only the recognition of an error made when using paronyms, but also the selection of a paronym appropriate to the context for editing an example with an error, which reveals the narrowness of the vocabulary of the examinees." To help students in the selection of words-paronyms, the Dictionary of Paronyms is published annually. It is not for nothing that it is called the “dictionary”, since the “Dictionaries” contain thousands of paronymic words. The minimum included in the dictionary will be used in KIMs, but learning paronyms for task 5 is not an end in itself. This knowledge will help to avoid numerous speech errors in written works.

Please note that the RESHUEGE tasks contain tasks from previous years, and they contain words not from this list.

Write down the word in the form that is required in the sentence. This requirement is based on the fact that the rules for filling out the forms indicate: if the short answer should be a word missing in some sentence, then this word must be written in that form (gender, number, case etc.) in which it should appear in the sentence.

Dictionary of paronyms USE. Russian language. 2016 FIPI.

fill up - fill up - fill up - fill up - overflow - fill up

Issuance - return - transfer - distribution

payout - pay - pay - pay

pay - pay - pay - pay - pay

grow - grow - grow

Growing - growing - growing

annual - annual - annual

humanistic - humanitarian - humane

Binary - double - double - double - double - double

Valid - Valid - Valid

businesslike - businesslike - businesslike - businesslike

friendly - friendly - friendly

to fence off - to fence off - to fence off - to fence off - to fence off

lower - lower - lower

Fill - fill - fill

Filled - filled - full

Informative - informational - information - awareness

Chunky - Root - Root

colorful - coloring - dyed

Ice cream - freezer - frosty

intolerable - impatient - intolerant

limit - limit - limit

Buying - buying - buying

venerable - venerable - venerable

productive - productive - productivity

What is the difference between double and double and double and double?

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I find it difficult to understand even short answers in this language.

I can ask simple questions and understand simple answers.

I can formulate all kinds of general questions. I understand answers of medium length and complexity.

I understand answers of any length and complexity.

Answers posted within an hour after the question was posted are marked with this icon.

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102 groups of paronyms. 245 words. Explain meanings and give examples of usage.

Subscriber - subscriber, subscriber, user of services.

subscriber of the Moscow telephone network, complaints from subscribers, the response of the subscriber.

Subscription - the right to use something, as well as a document confirming this right.

interlibrary loan; a subscription to the pool, to the museum, to the conservatory; concert subscription.

Addresser - the one who addresses the postal item: a letter, a telegram.

the addresser is unknown, the name of the addresser is indicated at the top left, the addressee is the sender.

The addressee is the one who receives the postal item.

the addressee is the recipient, the addressee dropped out, the place of the addressee's signature in the receipt.

reckless - reckless - reckless - reckless - reckless

Reckless - 1) boundless (obsolete), 2) committed without looking back.

reckless daring, reckless extravagance.

Beloved - beloved, the one whom it is impossible to look at enough, who is impossible to stop admiring.

my darling, darling beauty, darling granddaughter.

boundless view, vastness, boundless skies, boundless sea, boundless distance.

Unsightly - plain, unattractive in appearance, unseemly.

unsightly house, outfit, unsightly act, unsightly behavior, past.

Impenetrable - dark, thick, such that nothing can be seen through.

impenetrable darkness, fog; impenetrable darkness, darkness.

Grateful - feeling gratitude, expressing gratitude.

grateful look, appearance, person; grateful patients, spectators, buyers, students.

Grateful - expressing gratitude.

thanksgiving prayer, thank you letter, appeal; thank you telegram thank you.

Weekday - not a holiday, not a weekend, but a workday (days from Monday to Friday).

weekday, weekday evening.

Everyday - everyday, ordinary, ordinary.

everyday mood; everyday environment, clothes; everyday facial expression; everyday voice.

Experienced - 1) familiar, 2) knowledgeable, experienced.

seasoned traveler, warrior, seasoned tourists.

Former - 1) previously existing, 2) ceased to hold a position, position.

former club, former school, former doctor, director.

Past - past, past, former:

old years, old fear; former strength, sadness, glory; former happiness, respect.

take a deep breath, take a deep breath.

Sigh - forced inhalation and exhalation, usually when expressing feelings.

a heavy sigh, a sigh of terror, he said with a sigh.

Age-old - existing for a long time, many years, centuries.

age-old oaks, age-old grove, age-old forest; age-old traditions, customs.

Eternal - endless, without beginning or end, permanent.

eternal human values; eternal problems, complaints; eternal shawl on the shoulders, permafrost, eternal rest, eternal fire.

Great - 1) very large, huge, exceeding the usual measure, 2) outstanding, important in value.

great responsibility, great contribution; great writer, composer, artist, performer, thinker; great happiness, great abundance.

Majestic - 1) majestic, solemn, 2) full of dignity, importance.

majestic panorama, majestic architectural ensemble, majestic building, majestic ruins, majestic posture.

Clay - containing clay, abounding in clay.

clay soils, clay shale, clay soil.

Clay - made of clay.

clay dishes; clay shard, pot; clay hearth; a colossus with feet of clay.

annual - annual - annual

Annual - 1) continuing throughout the year, referring to the whole year, 2) tree rings.

annual expenses, annual absence, annual subscription to a monthly magazine.

One year old - at the age of one year.

one-year-old baby child, one-year-old daughter, for one-year-old children.

Annual - 1) relating to the whole year, 2) resulting by the end of the year, as a result for the year:

annual income, annual assessment, annual report, annual subscription to the annual publication, annual bonus.

Proud - full of pride, importance, a sense of superiority.

proud posture, proud posture, proud look.

Proud - 1) having pride, dignity, self-respect, 2) having a sense of superiority over others, considering himself superior, better than others, treating others with disdain.

a proud person, a proud soul, a proud look, a proud look, too proud.

Binary - double - dual - double - double - doubled

Binary - based on counting in twos (pairs), based on a combination of two components.

binary digit, binary number system, binary fractions, binary code

Double - 1) consisting of two homogeneous or similar parts, 2) twice as much, 3) dual.

double frames, double mirror, double salary, double salary, double play.

Dual - 1) contradictory, 2) two-faced, 3) concerning two sides, two participants.

dual position, dual policy, dual agreement (bilateral agreement), dual interpretation.

Double - double, manifesting itself in two forms.

double meaning, double benefit.

Dual - combined into one.

double thread, double wire.

Doubled - doubled.

double strength, double reserve, double reserve, double attention.

1. In one of the sentences below, the underlined word is WRONGLY used. Correct the lexical error by choosing

The most ARTESTIC participant wins this competition.

Grandfather Yermolai was not SCARY when he was born: he went to bear in winter with one horn.

IRRITATION is the most common absorber of human psychic energy.

He tied the handkerchief with a DOUBLE knot.

When she talked about her mother, there was an IRONIC tone in her words.

2. In one of the sentences below, the underlined word is WRONGLY used. Correct the lexical error by choosing a paronym for the highlighted word. Write down the chosen word.

His POPULAR views were well known and did not enjoy the support of colleagues.

It was not possible to pay for treatment.

With me in the hotel there lived a diploma winner of the competition for young performers.

HUMANITARIAN aid was delivered to disaster areas.

The special fund was called CHARITABLE, and it lived up to its name.

3. In one of the sentences below, the underlined word is WRONGLY used. Correct the lexical error by choosing a paronym for the highlighted word. Write down the chosen word.

It is not difficult to understand the DIFFERENCE between a novel and a short story.

A RECOGNIZED artist, whose paintings are known, spoke before the guys.

One of the branches of state power is EXECUTIVE.

Our production has undergone some transformation.

We always collected RAIN water, and then watered potted flowers with it.

4. One of the sentences below is WRONGLY used

to the highlighted word paronym. Write down the chosen word.

A THANK YOU letter was presented to parents at a schoolwide meeting.

The ANNUAL report was almost ready.

From the meeting I had a DOUBLE feeling: mentally I took both one and the other side.

With such arrogance you would reign, my dear!

In my opinion, it was a complete dictation; but, it seems, except for me, no one else thought so.

5. One of the sentences below is WRONGLY used

highlighted word. Correct the lexical error by choosing

to the highlighted word paronym. Write down the chosen word.

His clothes were new, GOOD.

The grain on the current was envy: large, poured, SELECTED.

The Russian language is a tremendous wealth that PRESENTS us extraordinary opportunities.

And one May day, when the sky turned green from the cold, the GREAT news came that we had won and the war was over.

6. One of the sentences below is WRONGLY used

highlighted word. Correct the lexical error by choosing

to the highlighted word paronym. Write down the chosen word.

SWAMP silt is an excellent fertilizer.

His report was INFORMATIVE and educational.

THE WOODED mount attracted the attention of tourists.

ARTISTIC in nature, he copied the behavior of other people with unusual accuracy.

He didn't want to study, that's why he grew up as an ignoramus.

7. One of the sentences below is WRONGLY used

highlighted word. Correct the lexical error by choosing

to the highlighted word paronym. Write down the chosen word.

Provide RESISTANCE to the enemy.

Children's laughter will soon sound in the new RESIDENTIAL quarters.

It was a very unfortunate move.

Some man, REPRESENTATIVE, charming, gave her a hand.

Anastasia opened the window, and the room was filled with the life-giving breath of the pine forest.

8. One of the sentences below is WRONGLY used

highlighted word. Correct the lexical error by choosing

to the highlighted word paronym. Write down the chosen word.

Changes in the layout of the apartment must be approved by the RESIDENTIAL commission.

Cells are almost always MICROSCOPIC.

ONE-YEAR-OLD Masha stomped around the kitchen with strong legs, hunting for the cat Vaska.

Many modern football teams prefer a too pragmatic and sometimes BUSINESS approach to the game.

And suddenly a silvery laugh was heard, quiet as the rustle of the wind, and SOUND, like the murmur of a river.

9. One of the sentences below is WRONGLY used

highlighted word. Correct the lexical error by choosing

to the highlighted word paronym. Write down the chosen word.

Settlers in these parts had a very hard time: STONE soil was difficult to cultivate.

No job posed great difficulties for this brilliantly educated and highly organized person.

In the night, the silhouette of the Admiralty was barely visible.

The WARRANTY service is valid for 12 months.

We sell domestic and industrial FREEZERS produced by different companies

10. One of the sentences below is WRONGLY used

highlighted word. Correct the lexical error by choosing a paronym for the highlighted word. Write down the chosen word.

The winning team demonstrated an ORGANIC combination of dance and music.

A. N. Radishchev in prose and poetry refers to the treasury of folk art and folk language, so he can be considered the INITIATOR of the process that found its completion in the works of A. S. Pushkin.

The new aesthetics that arose in the work of avant-garde artists radically changed the old Greco-Roman ideas about the artistic value of art.

The leader must be a charming, bright, WHOLE personality.

Children's doctors recommend transferring the child to ARTIFICIAL nutrition from the age of ten months.

11. One of the sentences below is WRONGLY used

highlighted word. Correct the lexical error by choosing

to the highlighted word paronym. Write down the chosen word.

Only a heartless person can offend an UNRESPONSIBLE animal.

Biologically active substances contained in celery have
BENEFICIAL influence on a metabolism in an organism.

I involuntarily let out a SIGH of relief.

Only by assuming the presence of Darwinian selection, one can be convinced of the BENEFIT of some characteristics acquired by a person.

In modern world history, HUMANISM has become the most important line in the development of culture, one of its dominants.

12. One of the sentences below is WRONGLY used

highlighted word. Correct the lexical error by choosing

to the highlighted word paronym. Write down the chosen word.

The information service of the city telephone network has published the results of SUBSCRIBERS' transition to new tariff plans.

Tokyo has strict water restrictions.

The argument ended with the fact that in the end we returned to the ORIGINAL position.

The operation is necessary for the patient according to vital indications.

A DOUBLE code is a form of writing information in the form of ones and zeros.




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