Gennady Malakhov healing powers volume 1. Fifth healing power - immunity

Malakhov G P

Biosynthesis and Bioenergetics (Healing Forces, Volume 2)

Malakhov G.P.

healing powers

Biosynthesis and bioenergetics

BASIC KNOWLEDGE ABOUT LIFE AND HEALTH Chapter I. The device of the "human machine"

Chapter II. individual constitution

Constitution "Wind"

Constitution "Bile"

Slime Constitution

Mixed types of constitutions

Chapter III. Age-related changes in the human body

Life from conception to birth

Life from birth to puberty

mature period of life

Change of life principles (doshas) during life

Chapter IV. Crises and the healing process

Cleansing crises

Wellness crises

Energy crises

Chapter V. Human bioenergetics - the secret behind the "seven seals"

Features of the intake, transfer and distribution of energy in the body

Explanation of a number of features related to the energy of the body

Chapter VI. Biosynthesis is the basis of life, health and longevity

Transformation of biosynthesis in the process of human life

Stimulation of biosynthetic processes


General provisions

Running and the rebirth of the heart

Gymnastic exercises, athletic training

Prevention and treatment of diseases of the spinal column

Abdominal Care

Chapter II. Starvation

Fasting as an ideal, natural method of healing from human ailments

What physiological mechanisms are activated during fasting and what does it lead to?

Rules for fasting

System of posts and rescues


Chapter III. Breath

Cellular respiration

qi and prana

spiritual energy

Breathing and brain function

Techniques for recruiting food prana

Method Buteyko

Breathing through a tube.

"Breath of the fetus".

Techniques for recruiting respiratory prana

Yogic breath "Sat-nam".

"Bhastrika Pranayama".

Techniques for recruiting "spiritual energy"

"Breaths of Life"

Chapter IV. Water procedures

The main mechanisms of the influence of water on the human body

Pre-developing water procedures

Water treatments that dissolve and remove harmful deposits

Water procedures that normalize blood circulation

Warming and moisturizing effect of water procedures

Energizing and stimulating effect of water procedures

Therapeutic effect of water procedures

Steam treatments

How to bathe with a broom?


This is the second book in the "Healing Forces" series. It continues to develop the topic of healing, so in part 1 general recommendations are given on the individualization of the healing process, as well as information related to bioenergetics and biosynthesis - the basis of life and health

Part II describes in detail the means (movement, fasting, breathing, water procedures), with the help of which a person can activate the processes of bioenergetics and biosynthesis

The book is primarily intended for people who care about their health and want to independently maintain it at a high level, as well as for readers who are interested in non-traditional means of healing.

Basic knowledge about life and health

The device of the "human machine"

For readers who first encounter the concept of "hologram", I will explain. For example, you have a pitcher. Then this jug was broken into many tiny pieces. So, by removing a hologram from the smallest piece, we can get a complete, three-dimensional image of a jug, woven from rays of light. Therefore, the multidimensional holographic code, with the help of microlasers, builds a holographic copy of our entire body: gender, the relative position of internal organs, their shape and functions, as well as each cell of the body separately and its functions.

In turn, the radiation reflected from the shape of our body, the shape of each organ and its functions, the cell and its functions, comes back as a reflection and is compared with the reference. If there is a difference (and it is constantly present, fluctuating around a certain average “line”), then various corrective mechanisms are activated: hormonal, humoral, and so on. Almost all cells of the body, in addition to their specific function, also perform a non-specific one, the same for all: the synthesis of the most important substances for general regulatory purposes - prostaglandins, kalons, etc. Holographic display of information and its reverse correction underlie homeostasis (maintaining a constancy of the internal environment of the body), homeoresis (the correct rate of physiological reactions in the body) and homeomorphosis (maintaining the shape, relative position and mass of organs within the required limits). Now, knowing how the formation of the human body takes place, it is easier to understand the principle of "nesting dolls" - the gradual transition of a holographic picture from "thin" - radiant to "dense" - material. To this end, we will begin to consider matryoshka bodies, as in Buddhist psychology, from dense to subtle.

I - physical body. It is made up of bones, tendons, meat, liquid, skin, and so on. These are all material tissues that you can not only see, but also feel. According to the Buddhist classification, this body is called the "sheath built with nourishment" (an-na-maya-kosha).

II - plasma body. The name itself indicates what it consists of. He has been photographed for a long time

Kirlian method. It has its own structure: chakras, energy channels, which together represent the main "power plant" of our body. The plasma body permeates the physical body and, depending on its power, protrudes beyond the limits of the body shell, covering it like an egg. How powerful this body is, so strong is the person.

According to the Buddhist classification, this body is called "pranic" ("prana" means energy) and in Hindu terms it sounds like "prana-maya-kosha". It is supported and nourished mainly by human breath.

III - holographic body. This is a radiant body. It is the basis for building the physical body and governs the pranic. It is also well fixed when photographing in a high-frequency field using the "Kirlian method". According to the Buddhist classification, it is called the "thought body" (mano-maya-kosha).

Naturally, the holographic body has its own structure and consists of a much finer substance than the two previous ones. We know from the most recent works of scientists * that our own thoughts, depending on the emotional coloring, are capable of causing colossal disturbances in it. Therefore, the holographic body constantly fluctuates in time with our thoughts, changing its structure and configuration. This fact has long been noticed by Buddhists, which gave rise to the name of this body - "the body of thought."

* The Byelorussian scientist A. I. Veynik elucidated these questions especially well.

IV - the body of consciousness, which underlies the formation of chromosomes, being the "assembly points" of one or another

information on them. In Buddhist psychology, it is called the "body of consciousness" (vijnana-maya-kosha). The essence of this concept is well explained by Lama Anagarika Govinda**. The thought bodies, pranic and physical, are "permeated and set in motion by an even deeper consciousness of past experience, in which is stored the infinite material from which our thoughts and

imagination. Choosing a better term, we will call it our subconscious, or deep consciousness.

** Excerpts taken from the book Fundamentals of Tibetan Mysticism by Lama Anagarika Govinda.

V - Soul, that is, some "unchanging" basis, lying in the region of the unmanifested, from where it consistently reveals itself to the material plane. Consciousness is formed from it, which is "built" by chromosomes; chromosomes build a three-dimensional hologram, the holographic body serves as a "template" for building the physical body and directs the pranic body. As a result of these successive steps

a living, thinking being is formed.

Anagarika Govinda explains this body (anavda-maya-kosha) as follows: "According to Buddhist psychology, this center represents an unchanging point of relationship at which all our internal forces converge, but which itself is devoid of qualities and is beyond all definitions." Further, he still tries to explain what is devoid of "all definitions":

"The last and thinnest shell, penetrating all the previous ones, is the body of higher, universal consciousness, nourished and supported by sublime joy. It is experienced only in the state of enlightenment, or in the highest states of meditation. It corresponds in Mahayana terminology to the "Body of Inspiration" or "Body of the Divine" ".

Malakhov G P

Cleansing the body and proper nutrition (Healing forces, Volume 1)

Malakhov G.P.

healing powers

Cleansing the body and proper nutrition


In 1989, the first volume of "Healing Forces" ("Cleansing the Body and Nutrition") was written. I wrote this book for myself when I was recovering my own health. I had no doubt that the book should interest readers, but the fact that it would be highly appreciated by specialists in the natural healing of the body was a surprise to me. Here are excerpts from a review of this book by Galina Sergeevna Shatalova: "... I accidentally opened your book and did not tear myself away from it until I read everything to the last letter. You

clever, and understood everything as the Universal Mind tells us. Undoubtedly, you are initiated into the Mysteries of Heaven."

In 1992, after the accumulation and generalization of health-improving experience in other areas, II volume was written under the title "Bioenergetics and Biosynthesis". Working on it was difficult, but also exciting. I had to study a large amount of information on my own, to reach everything on my own. But on the other hand, for the first time I understood what creative ecstasy is - when, after boring work on generalization, understanding of the material, its practical use, a fusion of knowledge and practice suddenly arises inside you.

Information turns into knowledge, and knowledge into skill. Now you can and do. Already as a result of this process alone, a qualitative restructuring of the body occurs, self-confidence appears, you become stronger not by someone else's experience, but by your own. The feeling of this process in oneself, "quiet burning" is an intellectual and physical experience of incredible power, which allows you to access the world bank of information, from where you not only draw it, but also bring in something new, unprecedented, now you are a creator, an active builder of the universe.

Judging by your letters, dear readers, many of them, under the influence of reading and empathy, enter this state with me and admire - the act of creativity is now happening to them too. This is nothing less than a miracle of "intellectual resonance".

Dear readers! My books contain knowledge about the health and life of a person, obtained by me independently, through constant work, both in theoretical and practical terms.

However, I do not in any way claim to be complete in the presentation of the issue of health and I believe that everyone

should have its own vision of this issue.

My books are "food for thought" and I sincerely hope that after reading them, you will be able to creatively use the data presented in them to improve your own health. Genesha

Preface to the third edition



colon anatomy

functions of the large intestine

the role of microflora in the large intestine

heat generation in the large intestine

energy-producing function of the large intestine

colon stimulating system

Body cleansing system and large intestine

Cleansing and restoring the function of the large intestine

preparing the body for cleansing

cleansing with enemas


restoration of the walls and nerves of the large intestine

Swami Sivananda's set of exercises

14 Health Tips

about the dangers of laxatives

get rid of polyps

restoration of normal microflora in the large intestine

Symptoms of pathology, regulation and signs of normal functioning of the large intestine

pathology symptoms

function regulation

signs of normal operation

liver anatomy

blood circulation and lymphatic formation of the liver

liver function

bile formation

Liver pathology

gallstone formation and inflammation of the bile ducts

portal hypertension and its consequences

symptoms suggestive of liver and gallbladder disease

diagnosis of gallstone disease

diagnosis of chronic hepatitis

biliary dyskinesia

inflammation of the gallbladder and bile ducts

Liver cleansing

physiological mechanisms used in liver cleansing

the simplest and most effective liver cleanse

how many times and when to clean the liver

nutrition after liver cleansing and prevention

other means to strengthen liver function

asanas that cure diseases of the liver

afterword to the two main cleansing procedures

Secondary cleansing of the body

kidney cleansing

what can be used for kidney disease

kidney cleansing techniques

prevention of kidney disease

The basic principles of cleansing the body and maintaining purity in it

Purification practice

purification of colloidal solutions of the body

combined purification of cell colloids and internal environments of the body

cleansing the body of toxins and salts

salt cleansing with bay leaf

analysis of traditional medicine in the fight against rheumatism

cleansing the body of tumors

cleansing the frontal and maxillary sinuses of the head from mucus

cleansing the human body of pathogenic energy

cleansing the body by sucking vegetable oil

Questions and answers about cleansing the body

Proper nutrition Digestive physiology


salivary glands

Small intestine


small intestine

intestinal hormonal system

intestinal wall device

digestion in the small intestine


In previous issues, the famous folk healer Gennady MALAKHOV told our readers in detail about how you can strengthen and restore your health without drugs with the help of four healing forces - consciousness, breathing, nutrition and hardening. Immunity plays an equally important role in its wellness program.
A person's susceptibility to various diseases depends on the state of the immune system.
The higher the immunity, the less the person gets sick. Thanks to the immune system, alien cells that are not characteristic of a healthy human body are destroyed. The weakening of the immune system leads to a weakening of the whole organism as a whole, to diseases and a deterioration in well-being.
Today, Gennady Malakhov gives recommendations on how to increase immunity using the reserve capabilities of the human body.

Fifth Healing Power - Immunity

P The parameters of high immunity are the absence of any (primarily chronic) diseases, the rapid healing of wounds, cuts, burns, immunity to diseases until old age. The extinction of immunity causes the processes of aging and disease, and its complete exhaustion leads to death. The causes that weaken the immune system include stress, malnutrition, the active use of antibiotics and various chemicals, geopathic and man-made impacts, severe injuries and surgical operations. How can a person protect himself and his immune system from these harmful influences?

Entrance gate for diseases

stress . Unfortunately, modern man cannot escape from stress. In order to give them a worthy counteraction, one must force oneself to calmly respond to any stressful situation.

For example, if you are rude, do not rush to immediately engage in a verbal skirmish. Assess the situation. If this is elementary rudeness, then skip the offensive words past your ears. If you deserve rudeness in your address, take it for granted and in the future try not to give reasons for scandals. Learn to look at yourself from the outside and be critical of your words, actions, deeds. This will protect you from stress and will benefit your health.

Improper nutrition. A particularly strong blow to the immune system is caused by excess nutrition and eating food that is not characteristic of a person. Food should be small in volume. At one meal, a person should take as much food as fits in his palms folded together.

The use of food that is not characteristic of a person also contributes to the accumulation of foreign bacteria and fungi in the gastrointestinal tract and leads to the development of dysbacteriosis. In the first place in terms of harmfulness, I put products that contain yeast (bread and bakery products) and promote fermentation (sugar). The food characteristic of the human body is natural products: fruits, vegetables, freshly squeezed juices, nuts, wild and cultivated herbs, cereals and cereals, honey and bee products, as well as small amounts of eggs, dairy and sour-milk products.

Antibiotics . The harmfulness of their use lies in the fact that they disrupt the normal functioning of the immune system. The immune system, as it were, feels that there is no need for it to fight viruses and bacteria, since antibiotics do it for it, and it “decides” to take a break, relax. Gradually, with each new intake of antibiotics, the body produces fewer and fewer immune cells, the function of the immune system first weakens, and then completely collapses, atrophies. The body completely switches to fighting the disease only with the help of drugs. In order not to become dependent on antibiotics, it is advisable to use them only in the most urgent cases.

Chemical substancesalso suppress immune function. Various types of insecticides, detergents and washing powders, cosmetics and deodorants, fuels and lubricants and many other fruits of modern civilization that have firmly entered our lives enter the body through the lungs and skin and accumulate in it. After some time, these accumulations begin to give one or another type of allergic, gastric and other disorders. Therefore, try to reduce the use of chemicals in everyday life as much as possible and approach their choice with extreme caution.

Geopathic and technogenic zonesprovoke the modification of cells and weaken the body.
One piece of advice - do not visit them unless absolutely necessary.

As for surgical operations, they should be agreed only in case of emergency.
In no case do not agree to the removal of the spleen and thymus. Without them, the body is doomed to terrible torment and certain death, the danger of the appearance of malignant tumors increases sharply. Organ transplants are even more dangerous.
In such people, the risk of malignant tumors increases compared with an ordinary person by 10-1000 times!
I also advise you to remove all amalgam fillings, which contain mercury and slowly poison the body. Remember, any treatment and recovery should be carried out with the help of the natural forces of the body and nature.

How to strengthen the line of defense

At Immunity will be strengthened by:

- colon cleansing with enemas;
– purification of blood and lymph with the help of a steam room and fresh juices;
– cleansing of connective tissue with the help of fasting, fresh juices and a steam room;
- cleansing the oral cavity by regularly sucking vegetable oil and then chewing garlic;
- cleansing the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract from pathogenic microorganisms using saline solutions.

If you add a mobile lifestyle and hardening in the form of contrasting douches and baths, preferably in the fresh air, to these mandatory procedures, this will create and maintain a powerful own immunity. These recommendations are especially useful for children under 7-10 years old and the elderly, as their immunity is not as strong as in adulthood.

What is the benefit of fasting

I would like to dwell in more detail on such an effective way to increase immunity as fasting. The term "fasting" means a voluntary refusal of a person to take any food for a certain period of time in order to restore biological processes disturbed for some reason. What is happening?

During fasting, a person works with his mind, suppressing his bad thoughts and habits. As a result of such work, there is an active purification not only of the physical body, but also of the field form of life - the biofield, which leads to training and building up the vitality of the body.

Digestion is almost completely switched off. Those processes that were previously performed in the digestive system are absent during fasting. The digestive system rests, and the entire digestive process is transferred to the cellular level - to the bloodstream and body fluids.

The liquid media of the body carry to the cells what was previously unused, what they have and what can now be used as food. At the same time, conditions are created in the liquid media of the body that activate intracellular mechanisms. Cells become unusually active and eat everything alien, weak around them.
The healing effect of fasting will increase if good preparation is carried out the day before for 2-3 months. It comes down to carrying out various cleansing procedures and changing the diet.
Cleansing procedures include, first of all, enemas, steam and juice therapy. In nutrition, the main emphasis should be on the use of plant foods. Refuse artificial (cakes, pastries, sweets, chocolate) and mixed foods (sandwiches, pizza, potatoes with meat, shawarma, hamburgers and hot dogs). Make it a rule not to eat at night and not to drink during meals and immediately after.

Simultaneously with the cells, the physiological functions of the body are activated: vision is sharpened, memory improves, and lost sexual desire appears. In addition, the slags and other harmful substances accumulated in the cells begin to move, move out of place and enter the bloodstream. Further, with the blood flow, they are brought to the excretory organs and thrown out.

With the help of prolonged fasting, you can get rid of those deposits of harmful chemicals that have accumulated in the body over many years of antibiotic treatment. It is known, for example, that many drugs cause, in addition to side effects, an increase in the content of mercury in the urine by 3-4 times. Mercury is firmly stuck in the body and is excreted from it extremely slowly. Medical scientists from Odessa found that in the process of fasting, the removal of mercury from the body is accelerated by 10 times, and without any complications.

On hunger, many organs and systems of the body receive physiological rest, which allows them to restore their damaged structures and functions. The body becomes much more resistant to many internal and external factors of adverse effects.

All extraneous inclusions begin to be destroyed, which leads to the resorption of tissues that are not characteristic of a healthy body. It was found that the first "victims" of starvation are weakened and painfully altered tissues, adhesions, tumors, hematomas, edema, pathogenic microorganisms. That is why painful formations - wen, cysts, tumors, abscesses - with strict and prolonged fasting, quickly decrease or completely disappear.

During fasting, the intestinal microflora changes. Harmful, putrefactive dies, and the beneficial microflora of lactic acid fermentation is preserved and healed.
As a result, biologically active substances are more actively synthesized in the intestines, which contribute to the improvement of digestive processes.

As a rule, short fasting for 1-3 days is preventive in nature. Longer fasting for a period of 10 to 40 days has a strong therapeutic effect. They allow you to get rid of some disease not for 2-3 years, but forever, to uproot the disease. True, if short-term fasting is not contraindicated for most people in principle, then before deciding on a long-term fast, you must, firstly, prepare for it accordingly, and secondly, consult with a specialist in conducting fasting and getting out of it.

It is very useful to fast regularly for 24 hours a week, for 36 or 42 hours every 2 weeks and for 7-14 days every 3-4 months.
If during fasting you begin to take possession of negative emotions, displace them with others - positive ones. Try to rejoice in the fact that, by starving, you cleanse your body and activate its defenses. High morale can support your thoughts that during a famine you create an ageless body devoid of disease and fatigue. Do not feel sorry for yourself, but, on the contrary, admire yourself. Every day while fasting, repeat something like these phrases:
– hour after hour I strengthen my body;
– my body is gradually cleansed and renewed;
– youth and health return to me;
- no false feeling of hunger and discomfort will make me stop fasting;
- I will successfully complete my fast and get rid of diseases.
Do not follow the lead of those who incline you to a premature exit from hunger. Do not discuss your fasting program with anyone.
Fasting is a purely personal matter. Be firm and consistent in your intentions.
Think of the miraculous results that you will achieve in the process of fasting.

Fasting stages

Fasting is a rather complex process consisting of several stages.

1st stage is called "food arousal". It usually lasts 2-3 days. During this period, a person is annoyed by any signals of food: its sight and smell, talking about food, the sound of tableware. These signals cause increased salivation, rumbling in the stomach, a feeling of sucking in the stomach, sleep and mood worsen, and irritability increases. In those suffering from some kind of disease, an exacerbation of symptoms is sometimes observed. Body weight drops rapidly (sometimes weight loss is up to 1 kg per day).

From this period, work begins to restore order in one's own mind. A person consciously endures and thereby disciplines, puts under control the feeling of hunger. Regular hunger every 1-2 months for 2-3 days radically changes a person's habits, tunes his consciousness to a healing wave, creates a qualitatively different personality.

The stage of "food arousal" is a kind of test that detects "garbage" in the mind of a person. By removing it, a person becomes more whole and energetically powerful, which means that he more successfully resists adverse conditions that give rise to diseases. It is especially useful to starve those who abuse alcohol, drugs, tobacco. Having reshaped their consciousness during the fasting period, people finally get rid of these harmful addictions.

At this stage, excess sodium is actively excreted from the body through the urinary tract, skin, intestines, and then excess water leaves the body. At the same time, protein metabolism is normalized, which in total leads to a decrease in edema of various origins.

2nd stage is called "progressive acidosis" (acidosis is a shift in pH to the acid side). On the 3-5th day of abstinence from food, the feeling of hunger usually decreases, and sometimes completely disappears, but thirst appears. If the feeling of hunger does not disappear, it is necessary to switch to a distracting topic by a conscious effort of will. For example, imagine that every moment of your hunger saves a person close to you from inevitable death.

At this stage, the majority of starving people have an increasing general lethargy. Sometimes, especially in the morning, some complain of headaches, dizziness, nausea, and a feeling of weakness. These phenomena are largely reduced or completely disappear after a walk or drinking alkaline water (for example, Borjomi). A white or gray coating appears on the tongue, dryness of the tongue and lips, mucus on the teeth, the smell of acetone from the mouth, dryness and pallor of the skin. All these signs appear in a fasting person with equal intensity until the 6-10th day of fasting, after which the process passes to the next stage.

The action includes intracellular mechanisms of good nutrition, so the stress that raged in the first days of hunger is replaced by inhibition, relaxation of the nervous system. A person becomes less irritable, his sleep and mood improve, general relaxation is a good preparation for high-quality cleansing of tissues and cells.

Often in the 2nd stage, many patients experience an exacerbation of the symptoms of a particular disease, which indicates the beginning of the destruction of the cause of the disease. Rejoice - you are on the right track, and continue to starve until you get the desired result!

3rd stage is called "compensation" or "adaptation". It starts on the 6th-10th day of hunger, and ends on the 40th-70th day, when the tongue is completely cleared and a strong feeling of hunger appears. The duration of this stage depends on the reserves of fat in the body. The more of them, the longer this stage.

This stage is divided into 2 parts. The first part goes like this. On the 6-10th day of fasting for one day or even several hours in the state of a starving person, a sharp turning point occurs - an acidological crisis. The state of health improves significantly, the feeling of weakness decreases or completely disappears, cheerfulness appears, mood improves, various unpleasant sensations in the body stop, the symptoms of various diseases that have become aggravated in the previous stage disappear. The plaque on the tongue decreases, the smell of acetone from the mouth decreases, the complexion improves, it seems to be enlightened, the eyes begin to shine. The mental state also improves: anxiety disappears, tension and depression decrease.

This continues until the second acidological crisis begins, during which there is a deterioration in well-being, activation of chronic diseases. After the end of the second acidological crisis, we can assume that the human body is almost completely restored and further starvation is aimed at energy pumping of the field life form. A person sees various flashes, shootings that occur during this period of fasting in his outer, invisible shell. Due to conscious patience, the field form of life is cleared of emotional-sensory "garbage": anger, envy, resentment, feelings of superiority, pride.

If the first acidological crisis eliminates the "stem" of the disease, then the second destroys the "root".

It is during this period of famine that the hidden possibilities of a person often begin to appear. For example, after a long fast, some people are able to read other people's thoughts, others open their "third eye", others develop intuition, others are able to receive information from space, and others develop the ability to heal. The longer a person is in conditions of compensated acidosis, the more time healing-restorative-rejuvenating processes take place in him. It happens that at the calendar age of 40-60 years, a person feels 20-25 years old. The duration of this part of fasting for each starving person is individual.

It is important not only to enter, but also to exit

H In order for the work done by you and your body during fasting not to go down the drain, it is important to get out of hunger correctly. In no case should you immediately pounce on food. If this is neglected, then one can not only cross out all the healing, healing effect of hunger, but also harm oneself or even die from indigestion.

The exit from hunger can be divided into 3 stages.

1st, "asthenic", the stage depends on the timing of fasting. If a person has been hungry for 2-3 days, then there are no problems with digestion when eating is resumed: you can eat the same food as before hunger.

If a person has starved for 6-10 days, then during the first 3-4 days after fasting, food should be mostly liquid (freshly squeezed vegetable juices, decoctions of herbs in protium water with the addition of honey) and fresh vegetables (fruits, vegetables, you can stew vegetables on water until half done). Beware of overeating. Starting from the 3-4th day and up to the 6-10th, in addition to the indicated products, bread from germinated wheat, whole porridges on water with the addition of seaweed instead of salt can be introduced into the diet. Only after such preparation can you switch to a normal diet.

If a person has gone hungry for 23-25 ​​days, having overcome the second acidological crisis, the exit from hunger should be carried out very carefully and competently. It is advisable to start nutrition with freshly squeezed juices diluted with protium water. The first 2 days after the fast, it is recommended to dilute the juices with water by half, the second 2 days - by one third, and the next 2 days to drink the juices already undiluted. From the same time, you can introduce fresh vegetable or lightly stewed food, and in the following days - a small amount of bread from germinated wheat, porridge on the water. If it is not possible to make freshly squeezed juices, drink herbal decoctions or eat heavily soaked dried fruits.

When carrying out a complete (completed) starvation, usually after the first intake of a small portion of food (100-200 g of juice), a person feels extreme saturation, but after 30-40 minutes there is a strong hunger. At this time, weakness may increase, as part of the energy is now spent on the processing of digested food. When weakness appears, go to bed.

2nd stage out of hunger is called "intensive recovery". It occurs when the body starts the digestive system. If a person has been starving for only 2-3 days, then this stage occurs immediately; if 6-10 days, then on the 3-4th day; if 20-30 days, then on the 5-7th day, if the hunger is complete, then on the 4-6th day.

During this period, the appetite increases rapidly. Now, enough food is required to saturate. At the same time, physical strength also increases. The state of health quickly improves, mood rises, painful symptoms basically disappear, blood pressure returns to normal, stool normalizes. The most common mistake of this period is the inability to control hunger. It is necessary to influence consciousness with new force. Eat moderately and sparingly in the morning and afternoon, without turning your body into a constant chewing mechanism.

3rd stage- "normalization". The appetite of a starving person becomes moderate, digestion is fully restored, the mood becomes even, calm. During this stage, I do not advise you to get too carried away with fresh plant foods rich in dietary fiber (cabbage, carrots, leafy vegetables), and unsoaked dried fruits. Enrich your diet with a sufficient amount of cereals, fruits and vegetables containing less dietary fiber or undergoing minimal heat treatment. Do not eat heavily chilled food.

What were they fighting for?

AT from what results a person with a height of 160-180 cm and a weight of 60-85 kg can get.

- Fasting for 1-3 days activates the central nervous system, unloads the digestive system, gives it a rest, cleanses the blood and a little intercellular fluid from toxins.

– Fasting for 3-7 days cleanses the intercellular fluid well, acidifies the body, which allows you to get rid of pyogenic microorganisms, restores the epithelial tissue of the small intestine and stomach.

- Fasting from 7 to 14 days will completely cleanse and restore the epithelium of the gastrointestinal tract, partially cleanse the liver and connective tissue. The body will become more flexible, the work of the cardiovascular system will improve, all the cells of the body will be well unloaded from toxins. Some tumors, polyps can resolve.

- Fasting from 14 to 21 days will completely cleanse and renew the cells of the liver and kidneys, as well as most of the endocrine glands, and can remove stones from the gallbladder and bladder. Most of the deposits of salts and compressed mucus, as well as tumors of various types, will resolve. Connective tissue and skin will be perfectly cleansed and renewed, bone tissue will be partially cleansed.

- Fasting from 21 to 28-30 days will destroy all types of tumors and infections, dissolve compressed clots of mucus in the maxillary and other cavities, remove all not too neglected salt deposits. The cells of the soft tissues of the body, almost all skin cells, will be restored and renewed. The adipose tissue will be replaced and normalized (the layer of fat will become normal). A third of the bone tissue will be replaced and cleaned.

Rules for the starving

D To achieve the expected effect during classical fasting, the following rules should be observed.

1st rule. For a better entry into hunger, it is advisable to take a large dose of a laxative (magnesia or Barbara salt in an amount of at least 60 g per 300-400 ml of water), which is drunk in one go. Instead, you can do 2-3 cleansing 2-liter enemas.

2nd rule. It is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of water during the day. You can drink boiled, distilled, melted, protium, hot or cold water. At the same time, even persistent edema disappears.

3rd rule. During fasting, you need to walk an average of 15-20 km per day in the fresh air. Most preferable are country walks in the forest, in the mountains, near water bodies. In the city, it is best to walk in parks, squares, recreation areas. People with low weight (42-50 kg) can reduce the length of their walking route to 5-10 km per day.

4th rule. For better deslagging of the body, it is necessary to take a shower at least once a day (a contrast shower is especially useful) or a bath, and take a bath or sauna once every 5-7 days.

5th rule. Regularly do a cleansing enema with a volume of at least 1.5 liters with the addition of 2-3 crystals of potassium permanganate. If a starving person has hemorrhoids, erosions, polyps or intestinal ulcers, instead of potassium permanganate, it is advisable to add a solution of chamomile, mint or St. John's wort to the enema. Decide on the release of the contents whether to do an enema the next day or not. If a lot of toxins leave, then do an enema twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. If there are few of them, then every other day, but not less than 1 time in 2-3 days.

6th rule. In the morning and evening for 30 minutes, conduct a vascular massage, rubbing alternately various parts of the upper and lower extremities. Then perform a circular massage of the abdomen. It’s good if someone close to you daily gives you a pressure massage of the chest for 15-20 minutes and rubs the back area between the shoulder blades.

7th rule. Within 6-7 days from the beginning of fasting, an outflow of pus through the oral cavity from the maxillary or frontal sinuses, from caries-affected teeth, and from the tonsils may begin. To remove these toxins, it is recommended to rinse the mouth with cold water, decoctions of herbs and soda solution, alternating them. Rinsing should be done at least 6-7 times a day before each water intake.

8th rule. During fasting, you will feel much better if you replace synthetic clothing with cotton or wool (in the cold season).

9th rule. Do not contact with food. Violation of this rule reduces the therapeutic and prophylactic effect of fasting by 50%. A person is fed from food, from their wave radiation. >Warm, humid weather is best for fasting. It contributes to better deslagging of the body and the destruction of various neoplasms. In summer, it is more difficult to starve due to the relaxing effect of solar heat, although the purification processes are most active. In winter, it is easier to starve, because the coolness and gravitational energy tone the body, although the purification is weaker. The most favorable periods for fasting are Petrov fast, spring and autumn equinoxes.

Work on bugs

O Errors when entering hunger are most often associated with a person's reluctance to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract with laxatives or enemas. This leads to the fact that at the initial stage of fasting a person becomes weak, his head hurts, gases are separated.

If in the process of fasting a person does not adhere to the above rules, then he is very difficult to endure fasting. He has headaches, insomnia, irritability, weakness, palpitations, depression.

Most mistakes during the exit from hunger are due to the fact that a person either eats something wrong or overeats. One of the mistakes when restoring nutrition after fasting is the intake of salted foods. In this case, edema may develop, which should not be eliminated with diuretics. It is better to cleanse the intestines and refrain from food or increase physical activity for 1-2 days.

A big mistake is made by people who think that only one, albeit long-term, fasting can achieve healing from a particular disease. The best results, the most persistent and significant, are those who fast regularly and at the same time eat right, lead an active lifestyle, part with their bad habits (including taste) or at least control them. You may ask how long to stick to all this? All life!

Contraindications to the treatment of hunger are:
- the second half of pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding;
- advanced forms of tuberculosis with immobility;
- advanced forms of malignant tumors with immobility;
- advanced forms of diffuse connective tissue diseases with immobility;
- a number of psycho-neurological diseases in an advanced stage with immobility or dementia of a person;
- extensive suppurative processes of internal organs (abscesses, gangrene).
In the case when all methods and means have been exhausted in the treatment of some serious illness, it is advisable to fast even in the immobilized state of a sick person. It is possible that a positive therapeutic effect will be obtained in this case.

The sixth healing force is movement

Today we are completing a series of publications in which the famous folk healer Gennady MALAKHOV told how you can restore, maintain and strengthen your health by improving consciousness, breathing training, proper nutrition, cleansing the skin, and increasing immunity.
The final chord of his healing system is movement.
Without this sixth healing force, according to Malakhov, the previous five will not be able to gain the required amount of momentum, as a result of which a person who has embarked on the path of recovery will not become healthy.

The great Russian physiologist I. P. Pavlov said: “Movement can replace almost all medicines, but no medicine can replace movement.” Here are a few examples that clearly confirm his words.
- Doctors from the Swedish city of Malmo for six months of sports training without the use of any other means managed to remove 100 people who were predisposed to diabetes mellitus from the risk zone. Physical exercise has proven to be an excellent way to normalize carbohydrate metabolism.
- Oncologist Evan Aaken followed 500 older runners and 500 non-runners of the same age for 6 years. During this time, 29 non-runners developed cancer and most of them died. Among the runners, only four developed cancer.
- Everyone knows the feat of Valentin Dikul. With the help of physical exercises, work with weights, he restored the injured spine and turned into a miracle hero, demonstrating unique power tricks.

Movement is life

And It is known that the cause of many diseases, including cardiovascular diseases, is physical inactivity - a sedentary lifestyle, manifested in insufficient muscular effort.
It is muscular efforts that serve as the catalyst that activates the work of both individual internal organs and systems, and the whole organism as a whole.

Movement (manifestation of muscular efforts) makes the consciousness and feelings work, since during movement it is necessary to calculate the trajectory and direction of movement, to carry out the movement itself and constantly control this process. When moving, breathing becomes fuller.
During muscular effort, energy consumption increases, and in order to restore it, the body tunes in to better processing and assimilation of the nutrient reserves contained in it, which leads to the activation of digestion.

When moving, the body temperature rises. In order to prevent overheating of the body, the skin is included in the work, providing thermoregulation. With an increase in temperature, immunity increases, metabolic processes go better, blood flow increases, and blood supply improves. Thus, through the movement there is an increase in vitality.

The lack of muscular effort (movement) leads not only to weakening of the muscles, but also causes general weakness. And vice versa, excessive efforts without proper recovery lead to overstrain of the body, depletion of its reserves. The condition of the muscles indicates sufficient muscle effort. If they are elastic, hardy, moderately strong, proportionally developed, and all ligaments and joints are flexible and supple, then a person makes as many movements as necessary, giving the body an optimal load.

People who lead a sedentary lifestyle seem to be healthy, but they get tired very quickly from simple physical and mental work. Having worked a little, they are already resting, taking a nap. And at this time, all cleansing processes are inhibited in the body, the so-called fatigue toxins imperceptibly accumulate in it, causing a predisposition to infectious, degenerative and cancerous diseases. To avoid this, you need to move regularly, give the muscles a certain load.

All ages are submissive to walking

E This is the most simple and affordable remedy, acceptable for people of all ages. I am often asked how to walk - slowly, strolling or fast. From my own experience, I was convinced that walking is beneficial only when it is intense enough, but at the same time, it is not a burden for a person.
As a rule, after a long run for more than 30 minutes, there is a feeling of happiness (euphoria).
This is the result of increased work of the pituitary gland, which produces special hormones of happiness - endorphins. At different doses, they are 200 times more effective than morphine! Endorphins cause a natural feeling of bliss, have an analgesic effect and continue their action for 0.5-1 hour after running.
Therefore, running can serve as an excellent remedy for depression.

It is advisable to walk at such a pace in order to achieve light perspiration and maintain this state in the process of walking. Light perspiration is the first sign that you have entered the mode of effective energy gain. An hour of such walking will give better results than 15 minutes of running.
Not without reason, Paul Bragg considered walking the "queen" among physical exercises and advised, starting small, to walk 5 to 8 km daily and be able to double this distance.

During intensive walking, in addition to muscle contractions that have a beneficial effect on cardiac activity, inertial efforts arise that contribute to shaking food in the stomach and intestines, bile in the gallbladder, preventing it from thickening and precipitating. The rhythmic pressure of food and feces on the walls of the intestine excites them and causes contraction, as a result of which there is an intensive movement of food and feces.

The internal organs - the liver, kidneys, bladder, gallbladder, pancreas - in short, all the contents of the abdominal cavity during intensive walking are shaken, washed with blood and saturated with energy. Fatigue toxins are intensively removed, and a person after a good walk feels health and peace in the whole body.

Inertial efforts play a huge role in the massage of the intervertebral discs, ligaments and all connective tissue, which, with a lack of movement from slagging and poor nutrition, become stiff, cease to fully fulfill their functions, shrink and tighten. Hence - radiculitis pain, stiffness of the joints.

People who find it difficult to walk at a fast pace at first can do vibro-gymnastics. To do this, you need to rise on your toes so that the heels come off the floor by 1 cm, and sharply fall to the floor. You will feel a shock, a concussion. Body shaking should occur no more than once per second. It is necessary to do vibro-gymnastics 3-5 times a day for 1 minute, doing 60 concussions daily. Weak or sick people after 30 shocks need to rest for 5-10 minutes, and then perform the remaining 30 shocks. Vibro-gymnastics is especially useful for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle. It helps to prevent many diseases - from thrombophlebitis to a heart attack.

Running with variations

O Ordinary running has an even greater effect on our body than walking. There is a significant increase in blood flow (and with it the energy intake from the environment), respiration (at the same time, intensive removal of toxins occurs, the whole body is thoroughly washed with pure blood), and inertial forces reach much greater values ​​than when walking.

The healing effect, which was noticed a long time ago, increases many times over. From Ancient Hellas, the words carved on stone have come down to us: “If you want to be strong, run; if you want to be beautiful, run; if you want to be smart, run.”

Due to the fact that with a long rhythmic run, the pulse becomes 120-130 beats per minute and the peripheral blood vessels expand, a decrease in blood pressure is observed. With reduced pressure, it rises during the run, on the contrary. Thus, running contributes to the normalization of blood pressure.

Running is especially effective for hypertension and hypotension, vegetovascular dystonia, coronary heart disease, rheumatism, mitral valve insufficiency, osteochondrosis, stomach ulcers. In addition, running slows down the aging process, normalizes the activity of the central nervous system, activates and regulates the activity of the endocrine glands, strengthens the immune system and perfectly helps to fight excessive uncontrolled food intake. If, for example, you have an appetite in the evening, you can easily curb it by doing a light jog for 20-40 minutes.

You can run at any time. In the morning, when there is an increased amount of hormones in the blood, running will be a natural remedy for this imbalance. If you run in the evening, then by doing this you will relieve stress, relax, recharge your batteries, suppress excessive appetite and ensure yourself a wonderful sleep.

So that running does not bother you and you do it with pleasure, try to use different running options. Which? There are a lot of them. For example, Porfiry Ivanov often ran with his head thrown back and with his arms behind his back in the form of wings, with full tension of his whole body. He recommended such a run to strengthen the back and cervical vertebrae. He also had a soothing, unhurried run, as if in slow motion, with hovering in the air and smooth, but wide waves of his arms back and forth, like the wings of a bird.

A good return gives a run of power. To do this, the back should be flat, and the torso slightly tilted forward, knees bent. While running, the knees should rise almost to the chest. With such a run, the step is small, cautious, which allows you to run even in the dark at high speed and not be afraid of falls. As a result, a person works like a dynamo: strongly generating energy and shaking the entire body.

Meditation run is very effective. It has several varieties. Here are some of them.

Running "Pumping energy." To do this, imagine that when you inhale, you absorb healing energy from the air through some part of the body (crown, nose, palms, soles of your feet), which, when you exhale, must be directed to a sore or weak spot. With a deep entry into the image, you can bring yourself to such a state that you physically feel how the energy enters the body and then rushes to the chosen place with a powerful stream. In this place, heat begins to spread and blood pulsation is felt.

Run "Pumping out metabolites". If some organ is not in order, imagine while running that when you inhale, you suck out all the toxins, toxins, pathogenic energy from the diseased organ in the form of black smoke, and while exhaling, you throw it all out in the form of a black cloud from the body together with air. When you feel that you have cleansed the diseased organ well enough, do the opposite: while inhaling, imagine that you are filled with dazzling white or yellowish energy, and as you exhale, condense it and send it to the diseased organ.

Running "Flying Arrow". At the end of jogging, you can run about 2-2.5 km at maximum speed, imagining yourself as an arrow shot from a bow. This is very useful for creating a positive mood and an increased set of endorphins - hormones that cause a feeling of bliss and have an analgesic effect.

After any fast run, you need to run another 1-1.5 km at a slow pace. At the same time, relax your body, let your arms dangle like whips.

Running with installation. While running, you can repeat various settings such as "I am healthy", "I am full of strength", "My running is easy and brings me joy." For example, while running, I repeat: “And I am so young, the Lord is in my chest, the Lord is with me” - and at the same time I mentally imagine the face of the Lord in the region of the heart. Such formulations are pronounced to oneself in a singsong voice.

Many people at the beginning of running classes have a strong tightness, stiffness. You can fight this if, while running, you make sure that only the spinal column is tense, even, like a stick, and everything else is “put on” to it, dangles easily and freely. You can follow the relaxation of the fingers, then the hands, then the forearms. This will relax your hands. Then go to the muscles of the face and after that relax the buttocks and legs from the thigh to the lower leg.

The look is of great importance while running. If you look slightly above the horizon, then gradually there is a feeling that you are floating in the air, slowly rising up. If you look at the ground in front of you, it will be harder to run. The gaze either brings the energy of your body down or up – that's where these effects come from. If you look straight ahead, there is an effect of being drawn into the pipe.

There are circumstances when there is nowhere to run. Don't despair - run in place. Running on toes is very effective. At the same time, the torso is slightly tilted forward, and with your heels slap yourself on the buttocks. From such a run, strong inertial forces arise in the whole body, but especially strong ones in the rectum. If you find it difficult to go to the toilet, then this run will help you a lot. If during this run you hold your breath on a small exhalation, the effect will be even stronger. It is necessary to start practicing such a run gradually - from 15 seconds to 10-15 minutes or more.

Another variation of running in place is running with the knees high. In terms of efficiency, it is equivalent to the previous one. You can create your own run. The main thing is to be creative about running.

To the rhythm of the dance

In ANCIENT Greece, physical exercise was elevated to a cult. With their help, they improved their body, making it proportional, flexible, fast and strong. Modern aerobics is the child of dance and gymnastic exercises. A set of specially selected exercises allows you to combine the beneficial effects of cyclic endurance exercises with exercises for flexibility, coordination and strength. The influence of musical rhythm, emotions makes such training more exciting. A person involved in aerobics combines the pleasant with the useful.

For those who do not want to do aerobics in a group (and aerobics, as a rule, group), the technique of spontaneous (spontaneous) movements to your favorite music is suitable. The essence of the technique is as follows. When a person likes this or that rhythm, melody, this means that the energy of his body resonates well with this music. Listening to it, a person wants to move to the rhythm of the melody. You need to follow this desire and start moving, as your body tells you. These spontaneous movements will cause the activation of energy flows in your biofield, eliminate negative energy plugs stuck there and produce a healing, emotional and healing effect on the body.

This technique is carried out as follows. Turn on your favorite tune and start moving to it as you like. It is advisable to move as naked as possible so that the skin breathes. Start small - 5-10 minutes. Within 1-2 months, the duration of spontaneous movements is gradually increased to 30-40 minutes.

Begin the lesson to the main melody. Further, the rhythm should be such that you feel energy impulses inside yourself and the desire to move more intensively. Finish the movement to a slow, calm melody. After the end of classes, lie down calmly - rest and feel how the energy continues to circulate in your body. Despite the seeming simplicity and accessibility, this is a very strong healing and health-improving technique. The effect increases many times if you work in pairs (for example, a husband and wife).

Hard to learn, easy to fight

O athletic training will also help you to keep the victory over the disease. These are various exercises performed with external weights. With strong muscle tension that occurs during these trainings, the exchange of extracellular fluid with blood improves, blood flow in working muscles increases very much, which allows you to quickly restore injured ligaments and muscles. No other method compares to athletic training in terms of increased blood flow. Moreover, a powerful blood flow can be created in isolation in various muscle groups, achieving a targeted healing effect.

A US study of 90,000 women has shown that external resistance exercise is an effective treatment for diabetes. It turned out that those women who intensively engage in athletic training at least once a week are 2-3 times less likely to suffer from insulin-dependent diabetes than those who do not perform such exercises.

Very good athletic exercises combined with proper nutrition restore injured joints. To do this, select exercises that allow in isolation, purposefully to give a load on the damaged joint. At the very beginning of classes, just special movements are used, and then small weights are given. Such exercises are performed repeatedly with a 15-20-second rest, which contributes to a rather long-term maintenance of intense blood flow in the injured joint.

In the future, the weight of the weights gradually increases, the number of exercises and their repetitions is added. As a result of such loads, the muscles in the damaged area literally swell with blood, even a burning sensation occurs. All this leads to the fact that the damaged joint is very hot. And this, in turn, contributes to the activation of enzymatic reactions aimed at restoring damaged tissue. These mechanisms make it possible to restore (and there are many examples of this) seemingly hopelessly damaged ligaments, muscles, and joints.

A variety of athletic training are isometric exercises - arbitrary muscle tension, as a result of which no external movement occurs. Such training also has a great effect on the body and serves as an excellent tool for improving the neuromuscular mechanism. As a result of isometric exercises, the person performing them, without hypertrophied muscles, will be very strong. These exercises can be successfully used both for healing and for rejuvenation, as well as for increasing life expectancy.

Neither bend nor unbend

E There is a saying: "A person is as young and healthy as his spine is young and healthy." According to statistics, after 35 years, every fifth of us becomes the owner of sciatica - one of the many syndromes of osteochondrosis. In general, diseases of the spine (namely, osteochondrosis belongs to this category) are a source of suffering that, to one degree or another, falls to the lot of almost every modern person.

All the insidiousness of osteochondrosis is that the changes occur imperceptibly and gradually. A person feels healthy, performs normal work, and with a sharp turn, lifting weights, as a result of which the load on the intervertebral discs increases many times, they do not withstand, sag and pinch the nerve. At this moment, a person feels a sharp pain, cannot turn or unbend. About 100 thousand people annually in our country are sent for disability, and 25 million people annually go to the hospital for treatment of osteochondrosis.

Depending on in which department the compression occurred, the corresponding functions of the body are affected. If this happens in the cervical region, then there may be severe pain in the head, neck, the neck loses mobility, a pronounced meteorological dependence is formed, dizziness, pain in the arms, shoulder and elbow joints appear.

If the thoracic region is affected, phantom pains appear when either the heart, or the stomach, or the intestines allegedly hurts. Such patients can be treated for decades for non-existent diseases, seeking more and more examinations, spending money on expensive drugs, and everything is useless. But it is worth applying exercises to the spine, making the necessary correction, as imaginary pains instantly disappear.

If a lesion occurs in the lumbar region, then the clinical manifestations can be very diverse - the pain is sometimes concentrated in the lumbar region and does not allow to bend or straighten, then it permeates the entire leg from the gluteal muscles to the calcaneus, then it occurs during movement, it may appear at night, then suddenly the anterior surface of the thigh begins to hurt unbearably, then the pain migrates to the calf muscle and manifests itself as a pain cramp. In general, severe lumbar osteochondrosis can deprive a person of many of the joys of life. In general, due to such lesions of the spine, there may be impaired coordination of movements, a feeling of crawling all over the body, causeless chills, or excessive sweating.

Special studies have shown that one-time sessions per week already have a positive effect on the spine. If you practice 3 or more times a week, you can achieve a pronounced, lasting effect. I hope that these exercises will help you get your spine in order.

Exercises aimed at decompression of various parts of the spine:

1. Hanging on the bar. Focus on stretching your lower back. Perform this exercise 2-3 times during the day for 10-15 seconds.

2. Half-hanging (legs on the floor) on the crossbar or gymnastic wall. Relax, feel how the thoracic spine is stretched.

3. Hanging on the gymnastic wall. Take your legs back, slowly swing your legs to the left and right, do circular rotations.

4. Emphasis on the desk with brushes, rest your elbows on the hypochondrium, do not tear your legs off the floor. Lean your body towards the table.

5. Lying on your stomach, arms forward, stretch, as if stretching the thoracic region. Hold the tension for 5 seconds. Five times.

6. Lying on your back on the floor, hands behind your head. Stretch, trying to stretch the lumbar region. Hold voltage for 5 seconds. Five times.

Exercises aimed at increasing the mobility of a blocked segment of the spine:

1. Standing, hands on the belt. Tilts to the side. 10 times.

2. Hands on the belt. Tilt forward, touch the floor with your palms, straighten up.

3. Hands hang relaxed. Rotation of the body to the sides. Feel the tension in the muscles in your lower back.

4. Hands along the hips. Raise the leg bent at the knee joint, take the thigh to the side and rest the foot of the bent leg against the thigh of the leg standing on the support. The muscles of the thigh, buttocks and lower back should be in tension for 5 seconds. Then change legs.

5. Hands along the hips, bend the leg at the knee joint, grab the lower leg with both hands and pull the thigh to the stomach. The muscles of the lower back are tense.

6. Hands on the belt. Movement of the pelvis back and forth.

7. Standing, lateral tilt to the left, the right hand is raised, the left is lowered. The same is on the right side.

8. Hands on a support. Mahi with a straight leg forward and backward with a gradual increase in amplitude.

9. Sitting on the floor, legs extended. Bend over and reach your toes with your palms. Feel the tension in your lower back. Each time, help yourself with your hands to bend as much as possible.

10. Sitting on your heels. Bend in the lumbar region, stretch your arms forward, touch the floor with your palms, do not tear your buttocks from your heels, feel the tension in your lower back.

11. Lying on your back, arms along the body. Slowly bend your left leg and gently but firmly press both hands to your chest. The same with the other leg.

12. Lying on your back, arms along the body. Gently bend both legs at the knee joints and press the hips to the chest with force. Hold the lower back in a taut state for 5-10 seconds.

13. Lying on your back, legs bent, hands resting on your knees. Try to bend your legs harder, overcoming the resistance of your hands. Hold the voltage for 5-10 seconds. Repeat 2-5 times.

14. Kneeling, torso straight, arms forward. Turn to the heels, touch the left foot with the right hand, then return to the starting position and vice versa. Increase the amplitude of the turn each time.

15. Lying on your back, legs bent, arms to the sides. Tilt both hips to the right, then to the left. At the same time, do not tear your head and hands off the floor. Try each time to bring your undivided knees closer to the floor.

16. Standing sideways to the support, one leg on the support, lateral tilt to the leg that is on the support. Gradually increase the amplitude of the slope. The same - with the other leg, turning to the support with the other side.

The number of repetitions of each exercise depends on how you feel.

Exercises that strengthen the spine:

1. Lying on your back, arms to the sides. Tighten the muscles of the neck, raise the head, at the same time pull the toes of the feet towards you. Hold the voltage for 5-10 seconds. Repeat 3-5 times.

2. Sitting on your heels, grasp the ankle joint with your hands. Slowly lean forward, touching the floor with your forehead. Shift some of your body weight onto your head. Stay in this position for 10-30 seconds, gradually increasing the load.

3. Sitting on a chair, hands behind your head, bend over, hold the tension for 3-5 seconds. Repeat 3-5 times.

4. Standing, put your hands behind your back and make a lock, straining your arms. Relax and tighten your arms again. Repeat 5-10 times.

5. "Goldfish" - one of the most effective for the spinal column. Lying on your stomach, hands in front of you, palms down. Bend over while raising your head, arms and legs 10-15 cm from the floor. Hold this pose for 3-10 seconds. Repeat no more than 7 times.

6. "Snake". Lying on your back, take a slow long breath, only at the expense of the muscles of the back rise, hands only slightly support the body. Bend as much as you can and hold your breath. Do not bend your legs or take them off the floor.

7. Standing on all fours, hands on the gymnastic wall, back straight. Bend in the lower back, hold the deflection for 5-10 seconds.

8. "Bow". Lie on your stomach, grab your ankles with your hands and, bending strongly in your back, pull your head towards your legs so that the body assumes the position of a bow for shooting. Hold the pose for a few seconds. Relax as you exhale.

9. Lying on your back, legs bent at the knees. Raise your torso off the floor (stretch your stomach up), bending as much as possible in the lower back, and hold the pose for 5-10 seconds. Repeat 5-10 times.

10. Lying on your back, legs bent at the knees. Bend in the thoracic region of the lower back, arms straight, emphasis on the shoulders and head. Hold the pose for 5-8 seconds. Repeat 5 times.

Press on press

IN CONCLUSION, be sure to do exercises to strengthen the abdominals. Without it, your workout will be incomplete. Strong abdominal muscles create a pneumatic pillow for the spine, which does not allow the vertebrae to move from their "familiar" places, protects the intervertebral discs from cracks and ruptures.

Exercises aimed at developing the abdominal muscles:

1. Standing, hands on the belt, alternate lifting of straight legs. For each count, try to reach the toe of the raised leg with the palm of the opposite hand.

2. "Bicycle". Lying on your back, "pedal" for 20-120 seconds, simulating cycling.

3. Lying on your back, arms along the body, legs straight. Raise your legs to a height of 40 cm above the floor, alternately change the height of the legs: one moves up, the other moves down and vice versa. 15-30 lifts. In a more complicated version, this exercise is performed with the head raised above the floor.

4. "Scissors". Lying on your back, legs straight, arms along the body. Raise your legs. Perform cross-leg movements for 20-30 seconds.

5. Lying on your back, legs straight, arms along the body. Raise your legs 20-30 cm from the floor and fix them in this position for 10-30 seconds. In a more complicated version, the exercise is performed with the head raised above the floor.

6. Lying on your back, legs straight, arms along the body. Raising your legs to a height of 30-40 cm from the floor, try to simultaneously reach your ankle joints with your hands. 10-25 times.

7. From a prone position, raise and slowly bring your legs behind your head, touching the floor with your toes 5-15 times.

8. Sitting on a chair, clasp the legs of the chair with your feet, hands behind your head (or on your belt - a lightweight version). Slowly lower and raise your torso, increasing the amplitude of the slope. 10-15 times.

9. Hanging on the bar. Raising straight legs to a right angle. 5-15 times. As a complicated option - hold the raised legs for 5-10 seconds.

10. Jumps. During the jump, try to pull your knees to your stomach as much as possible. > From each section of the above exercises, you can select 2-3 that you most enjoy doing. You will get a complex that allows you to comprehensively strengthen the spine and correct its condition. As you train, complicate the exercises and increase the load by increasing the number of exercises performed. Periodically review your complex, replacing one exercise with another. The total duration of the complex should be at least 10 and not more than 30-40 minutes. And remember: there are no drugs that will make the intervertebral discs, ligaments and muscles of your spine strong, hardy and elastic. All this can only be achieved through exercise. = Natalia ROSTOV =

Gennady Petrovich Malakhov

Part one

Cleansing the body


Body cleansing system and large intestine

Cleansing and restoring the function of the large intestine

Exercises that give health, strength, long life and make people happy

Symptoms of pathology, adjustment and signs of normal operation

Secondary cleansing of the body

What can be used for kidney disease

Kidney cleansing technique

Prevention of kidney disease

cleaning calendar

Part two

Food and nutrition

Physiology of digestion


Small intestine


Separation of digestive juices and some features associated with it

Symbiotic digestion

Other characteristics of the digestive system


How food is created

Food composition

Harm of artificial vitamins

mineral elements

food destruction

The right food combination

The transition to proper nutrition

Part Three

Food and nutrition. Practice

Yin. Jan. Doshas. Tastes. Ojas

Principles of nutrition according to yin and yang

Seasonality of food

Great Synthesis

Examples of successful selection of individual nutrition

juice therapy

Mistakes in the transition to the practice of natural nutrition

Nutrition and longevity

Food Additives and Cooking Methods

Diet meals by M. Bircher-Benner

Brewer's yeast

bee products

Vi some old recipes for rejuvenation

Vii Ayurvedic dishes and recipes

viii macrobiotic meals


Reviews of doctors


Part four

Urinotherapy. ancient methods. Interpretation. Practice

Chapter i. Ancient methods of urine therapy

Chapter II. Interpretation of the ancient methods of urine therapy

Chapter iii. The practice of urine therapy

Chapter iv. Specific examples of the use of urine therapy


Many people want to be cured by others or to be

done with some tool without recognizing

his guilt and not trying to find his mistake, which is

the cause of their misfortune.

J. Osawa

Not receiving help from other people, I began to look for the reasons for the deterioration of my health. At first I read popular literature on health improvement, and then special - scientific. Gradually, the magnificent world of Healing Forces opened up to me. In the chaos of fragmentary information and confusion, order was revealed, laws that must be strictly followed and that mercilessly punish those who do not comply.

Sweeping away all unnecessary and false, I began to follow these laws, recommend them to other people, and also began to notice how other people do it, who have achieved amazing results in improving their body.

In the course of my research, I came across a wealth of unique scientific developments and studies that explained the phenomenon of healing through nutrition. Unfortunately, all of them are the property of special scientific publications, and it is not known when they will come to the masses.

Over the past 100 years, nutrition has changed most significantly in our lives. A lot of refined and artificial products appeared that turned out to be not adapted to the evolutionarily formed mechanisms for processing and assimilation of food. The gastrointestinal tract deteriorates and wears out in the first place, and from it the pathology spreads further. Therefore, the greatest rarity is real health. But in most cases, it is enough to change the diet, and the body quickly begins to heal itself.

Remember the ancient commandment - if you get sick, change your lifestyle. If that doesn't help, change your diet. If this does not help, then resort to medicines and doctors.

In this work, I have attempted to generalize and explain from a scientific point of view on what “levers” our health depends. Knowing them, we can purposefully put "levers" in action and heal ourselves.

This volume is devoted to revealing the mechanisms of healing through nutrition and cleansing of the body.


At present, there is a need to revise and supplement this book.

Firstly, the high cost and lack of a number of food products used in cleansing procedures have made them inaccessible to the vast majority of people, for whom this book is designed.

Thirdly, during the very first edition (I do not mean the excellent edition of Komplekt JSC), the book was severely mutilated, shortened by typographical workers, who carelessly, irresponsibly treated its typesetting and editing. They didn't even bother to make edits made by the author to the original set. The chapter on vitamins was completely thrown out, due to the fact that the printing house did not have the necessary stitching equipment.

Fourthly, the incredible high cost of medicines and medical care makes qualified treatment the lot of a few - rich people. But by and large, know that no one will be able to restore your lost health if you yourself do not learn to periodically cleanse your body and eat right. You can be healed, put on your feet, but your former way of life, which gave rise to these diseases, the dirt accumulated in every cell of your body, will once again plunge you into the abyss of endless diseases, even more cruel than the previous ones. Only you can break this vicious circle.

And fifth, understand the simple truth that the human body is a self-healing system. To do this, you need to create favorable conditions - to cleanse and eat right. Only from this will the majority of ailments disappear quietly and imperceptibly.

Jesus Christ tells us about this in the fourth, inaccessible Gospel of John, - you must live according to the Laws of Mother Earth, and then you will revive yourself anew YOURSELF. He points out that for this it is necessary to observe moral laws, periodically cleanse

and eat right and naturally.

We, as true disciples, should only fulfill His commandments and enjoy a healthy, fruitful and long life.

Cleansing the body



The science of the structure of the human body is the most worthy field of knowledge for man and deserves extraordinary approval.

A. Vesalius

Only a few of the many millions of people really know about the role of the large intestine in maintaining good, stable health. Ancient sages, yogis, Tibetan and Egyptian healers have long known the truth that the large intestine should

Here are the statements of the Greatest Healer of all peoples and times, Jesus Christ, recorded by his disciple John in the manuscript "The Gospel of Peace of Jesus Christ", dating back to the 1st century AD.

“... Internal dirt is even worse than external dirt. Therefore, one who is cleansed only on the outside remains impure on the inside, like a tomb decorated with brilliant paintings, but inside filled with vileness.”

Jesus Christ also gives a simple remedy for cleansing the large intestine - an enema.

“...Take a large pumpkin, equipped with a stem descending down the length of a man; clean the gourd from its insides and fill it with river water warmed by the sun. Hang a pumpkin on a tree branch, kneel before the Angel of Water and be that water penetrates all your intestines...Ask the Angel of Water to free your body from all impurities and diseases that fill it. Then let the water out of your body, so that with it everything ... impure and fetid rushes out of the body. And you will see with your own eyes and feel with your nose all the abominations and impurities that defile the Temple of your body. And you will also understand how many sins lived in you and tormented you with countless diseases.

It is said very strongly. Let's take a closer look at the role of the colon based on modern scientific achievements.

1. Anatomy of the large intestine

The large intestine is the final part of the human digestive tract. Its beginning is considered to be the caecum, on the border of which with the ascending section, the small intestine flows into the large intestine. The large intestine ends with the external opening of the anus. The total length of the large intestine in humans is about 2 meters. The large intestine is divided into two parts: the colon and the rectum.

Look at fig. one.

The diameter of the various sections of the colon is not the same. In the caecum and ascending section, it reaches 7-8 centimeters, and in the sigmoid colon, only 3-4 centimeters.

The wall of the colon is made up of four layers. The inside of the intestine is covered with a mucous membrane. It produces and secretes mucus, which itself protects the intestinal wall and promotes the contents.

Under the mucous membrane is a layer of fatty tissue (submucosa), in which the blood and lymphatic vessels pass.

Then comes the muscle layer. It consists of two layers: inner circular and outer longitudinal. Due to these muscle layers, mixing and promotion of intestinal contents towards the exit occurs.

Current page: 1 (total book has 23 pages) [available reading excerpt: 13 pages]

Malakhov G P
Cleansing the body and proper nutrition (Healing forces, Volume 1)

Malakhov G.P.

healing powers

Cleansing the body and proper nutrition


In 1989, the first volume of "Healing Forces" ("Cleansing the Body and Nutrition") was written. I wrote this book for myself when I was recovering my own health. I had no doubt that the book should interest readers, but the fact that it would be highly appreciated by specialists in the natural healing of the body was a surprise to me. Here are excerpts from a review of this book by Galina Sergeevna Shatalova: "... I accidentally opened your book and did not tear myself away from it until I read everything to the last letter. You

clever, and understood everything as the Universal Mind tells us. Undoubtedly, you are initiated into the Mysteries of Heaven."

In 1992, after the accumulation and generalization of health-improving experience in other areas, II volume was written under the title "Bioenergetics and Biosynthesis". Working on it was difficult, but also exciting. I had to study a large amount of information on my own, to reach everything on my own. But on the other hand, for the first time I understood what creative ecstasy is - when, after boring work on generalization, understanding of the material, its practical use, a fusion of knowledge and practice suddenly arises inside you.

Information turns into knowledge, and knowledge into skill. Now you can and do. Already as a result of this process alone, a qualitative restructuring of the body occurs, self-confidence appears, you become stronger not by someone else's experience, but by your own. The feeling of this process in oneself, “quiet burning” is an intellectual and physical experience of incredible power, which allows you to access the world bank of information, from where you not only draw it, but also bring in something new, unprecedented, now you are a creator, an active builder of the universe.

Judging by your letters, dear readers, many people, together with me, under the influence of reading and empathy, enter this state and admire - the act of creativity is now happening to them too. This is nothing less than a miracle of "intellectual resonance".

Dear readers! My books contain knowledge about the health and life of a person, obtained by me independently, through constant work, both in theoretical and practical terms.

However, I do not in any way claim to be complete in the presentation of the issue of health and I believe that everyone

should have its own vision of this issue.

My books are food for thought, and I sincerely hope that after reading them, you will be able to creatively use the data presented in them to improve your own health. Genesha

Preface to the third edition



colon anatomy

functions of the large intestine

the role of microflora in the large intestine

heat generation in the large intestine

energy-producing function of the large intestine

colon stimulating system

Body cleansing system and large intestine

Cleansing and restoring the function of the large intestine

preparing the body for cleansing

cleansing with enemas


restoration of the walls and nerves of the large intestine

Swami Sivananda's set of exercises

14 Health Tips

about the dangers of laxatives

get rid of polyps

restoration of normal microflora in the large intestine

Symptoms of pathology, regulation and signs of normal functioning of the large intestine

pathology symptoms

function regulation

signs of normal operation

liver anatomy

blood circulation and lymphatic formation of the liver

liver function

bile formation

Liver pathology

gallstone formation and inflammation of the bile ducts

portal hypertension and its consequences

symptoms suggestive of liver and gallbladder disease

diagnosis of gallstone disease

diagnosis of chronic hepatitis

biliary dyskinesia

inflammation of the gallbladder and bile ducts

Liver cleansing

physiological mechanisms used in liver cleansing

the simplest and most effective liver cleanse

how many times and when to clean the liver

nutrition after liver cleansing and prevention

other means to strengthen liver function

asanas that cure diseases of the liver

afterword to the two main cleansing procedures

Secondary cleansing of the body

kidney cleansing

what can be used for kidney disease

kidney cleansing techniques

prevention of kidney disease

The basic principles of cleansing the body and maintaining purity in it

Purification practice

purification of colloidal solutions of the body

combined purification of cell colloids and internal environments of the body

cleansing the body of toxins and salts

salt cleansing with bay leaf

analysis of traditional medicine in the fight against rheumatism

cleansing the body of tumors

cleansing the frontal and maxillary sinuses of the head from mucus

cleansing the human body of pathogenic energy

cleansing the body by sucking vegetable oil

Questions and answers about cleansing the body

Proper nutrition Digestive physiology


salivary glands

Small intestine


small intestine

intestinal hormonal system

intestinal wall device

digestion in the small intestine


Isolation of digestive juices and some features associated with it

Symbiotic digestion

Other characteristics of the digestive system

negative impact of microflora

positive influence of microflora

How food is created

Food composition



vitamin A

vitamin D

vitamin E

vitamin K

vitamin B1

vitamin B2

vitamin PP

vitamin B3

vitamin B6

vitamin H

vitamin bc

vitamin B12

vitamin C

vitamin N

Vitamin-like substances

Harm of artificial vitamins


mineral elements

potassium and sodium

trace elements

aromatic substances


organic acids


food destruction

Harmful effects of cooked and improperly consumed food

The right food combination

food classification

combination of acids with starches

combination of proteins and starches

combination of protein with protein

combination of acids with protein

combination of fats and proteins

combining sugars with proteins

combining sugars with starches

Eating during the day

The transition to proper nutrition



Periodic adjustment of digestion

Reader's Warning


Annex No. 1 Examples of successful selection of an individual

Annex No. 2 Determination of the predominant doshas and their regulation

Annex No. 3 Mistakes in the transition to the practice of natural nutrition

Appendix #4 Nutrition and longevity

Appendix #5 Food Additives and Cooking Methods







Feedback on this work

Many people want to be healed by others, or by some instrument, without admitting their guilt and without trying to find their fault, which is the cause of their trouble. J. Osawa

Not receiving help from other people, I began to look for the reasons for the deterioration of my health. At first I read popular literature on health improvement, and then special - scientific. Gradually, the magnificent world of Healing Forces opened up to me. In the chaos of fragmentary information and confusion, order was revealed, laws that must be strictly followed and which mercilessly punish those who do not comply.

Sweeping away all unnecessary and false, I began to follow these laws, recommend them to other people, and also began to notice how other people do it, who have achieved amazing results in improving their body.

In the course of my research, I came across a wealth of unique scientific developments and studies that explained the phenomenon of healing through nutrition. Unfortunately, all of them are the property of special scientific publications and it is not known when they will come to the masses.

Over the past 100 years, nutrition has changed most significantly in our lives. A lot of refined and artificial products appeared that turned out to be not adapted to the evolutionarily formed mechanisms for processing and assimilation of food. The gastrointestinal tract deteriorates and wears out in the first place, and from it the pathology spreads further. Therefore, the greatest rarity is real health. But in most cases, it is enough to change the diet, and the body quickly begins to heal itself.

Remember the ancient commandment - if you get sick, change your lifestyle. If this does not help, change your diet. If this does not help, then resort to medicines and doctors.

In this work, I have attempted to generalize and explain from a scientific point of view on what "levers" our health depends. Knowing them, we can purposefully put "levers" in action and heal ourselves.

This volume is devoted to revealing the mechanisms of healing through nutrition and cleansing of the body.


At present, there is a need to revise and supplement this book.

Firstly, the high cost and lack of a number of food products used in cleansing procedures

made them inaccessible to the overwhelming mass of people for whom this book is intended.

Thirdly, at the very first edition (I don’t mean the excellent edition of Komplekt JSC), the book was

severely mutilated and abbreviated by typographic workers who carelessly, irresponsibly reacted to its typesetting and editing. They didn't even bother to make the edits made by the author to the original set. The chapter on vitamins was completely thrown out for the reason that the printing house did not have the necessary stitching equipment.

Fourthly, the incredible high cost of medicines and medical care makes qualified treatment the lot of a few - rich people. But, by and large, know that no one will be able to restore your lost health if you yourself do not learn to periodically cleanse your body and eat right. You can be healed, put on your feet, but your former way of life, which gave rise to these diseases, the dirt accumulated in every cell of your body, will once again plunge you into the abyss of endless diseases, even more cruel than the previous ones. Only you can break this vicious circle.

And fifth, understand the simple truth that the human body is a self-healing system. For this, it is necessary to create favorable conditions - to cleanse and eat right. Only from this will the majority of ailments disappear quietly and imperceptibly.

Jesus Christ tells us about this in the fourth, inaccessible, Gospel of John - you must live according to the Laws of Mother Earth, and then you will revive yourself anew YOURSELF. He points out that for this it is necessary to observe moral laws, periodically purify and eat properly, naturally.

We, as true disciples, should only fulfill His commandments and enjoy a healthy, fruitful and long life.




The science of the structure of the human body is the most worthy field of knowledge for man and deserves extraordinary approval. A. Vesalius

Only a few of the many millions of people really know about the role of the large intestine in maintaining good, stable health. Ancient sages, yogis, Tibetan and Egyptian healers have long known the truth that the large intestine must be kept in perfect order if a person wants to be healthy.

Here are the statements of the Greatest Healer of all peoples and times, Jesus Christ, recorded by his disciple John in the manuscript "The Gospel of Peace of Jesus Christ", dating back to the 1st century AD.

"... Internal dirt is even more terrible than external dirt. Therefore, one who is cleansed only on the outside remains unclean inside, like a tomb decorated with brilliant paintings, but filled with vileness inside."

Jesus Christ also gives a simple remedy for cleansing the large intestine - an enema.

"... Take a large gourd, equipped with a stem descending down the length of a man; clean the gourd from its insides and fill it with river water heated by the sun. Hang the gourd on a tree branch, kneel before the Angel of Water and be patient ... so that the water penetrates through to all your intestines... Ask the Angel of Water to free your body from all the impurities and diseases that fill it. all the abominations and impurities that defile the Temple of your body, and you will also understand how many sins dwelt in you and tormented you with countless diseases."

It is said very strongly. Let's take a closer look at the role of the colon based on modern scientific achievements.


The large intestine is the final part of the human digestive tract and consists of several sections (Fig. 1). Its beginning is the caecum, on the border of which the small intestine flows into the large intestine with the ascending section. The large intestine ends with the external opening of the anus. The total length of the large intestine in humans is about 2 meters.

Rice. 1. Departments of the large intestine

/ - cecum; 2 - ascending colon, 3 - right flexure of the colon, 4 - transverse colon, 5 - left flexure of the colon; b - descending colon; 7 - sigmoid colon; 8 rectum; 9 - appendix, 10 - small intestine

The diameter of the various sections of the colon is not the same. In the caecum and ascending section, it reaches 7-8 centimeters, and in the sigmoid colon, only 3-4 centimeters.

The wall of the colon is made up of four layers. The inside of the intestine is covered with a mucous membrane. It produces and secretes mucus, which itself protects the intestinal wall and promotes the contents.

Under the mucous membrane is a layer of fatty tissue (submucosa), in which the blood and lymphatic vessels pass.

Then comes the muscle layer. It consists of two layers: inner circular and outer longitudinal.

Fig 2 Location of the large intestine in the abdominal cavity 1 - liver, 2 stomach, 3 - gallbladder, 4 - pancreas, 5 - kidneys, b - large intestine, 7 - bladder

Due to these muscle layers, mixing and promotion of intestinal contents towards the exit occurs. The serous membrane covers the large intestine from the outside. The thickness of the walls of the colon in its various sections is not the same, in the right half it is only 1-2 millimeters, and in the sigmoid colon - 5 millimeters. Look at fig. 2. It clearly shows that the large intestine is located in the abdominal cavity and is in contact

with all abdominal organs or located in close proximity to them.

The rectum in men lies in front of the bladder, seminal vesicles, prostate gland, in women - to the uterus and to the back wall of the vagina. Inflammatory processes from these organs can pass to the rectum and vice versa.


The functions of the large intestine are diverse, but we will highlight the main ones and analyze them in order.


Readsorption processes predominate in the large intestine. Glucose, vitamins and amino acids produced by the bacteria of the intestinal cavity, up to 95% of water and electrolytes are absorbed here. So, about 2000 grams of food gruel (chyme) passes from the small intestine to the large intestine daily, of which 200-300 grams of feces remain after absorption.


The large intestine accumulates and retains feces until they are excreted.

Although the feces move slowly through the large intestine: the intestinal contents pass through the small intestine (5 meters) in 4-5 hours, in the large intestine (2 meters) in 12-18 hours, but nevertheless they should not linger anywhere.

Before discussing other functions of the large intestine, we will analyze the case of delayed evacuation function. Lack of stool for 24-32 hours should be considered as CONSTIPATION. Coated tongue, bad breath, sudden headaches, dizziness, lethargy, drowsiness, heaviness in the lower abdomen, bloating, pain and rumbling in the abdomen, decreased appetite, withdrawal, irritability , gloomy thoughts, violent, insufficient stools are signs of constipation.

One of the most common causes of constipation is eating small, high-calorie foods. The bad habit of satisfying hunger with a sandwich with tea or coffee leads to the fact that little fecal mass is formed in the intestines, it does not cause a reflex to stool, as a result of which there is no bowel movement for several days. This is a clear case of constipation. But even with regular stools, most people suffer from a latent form of constipation.

As a result of malnutrition, mainly starchy and boiled food, devoid of vitamins and mineral elements (potatoes, flour products from finely ground flour, richly flavored with butter, sugar), and mixed with protein foods (meat, sausage, cheese, eggs, milk) , each such food passes through the large intestine and leaves a film of feces on the walls - "scale". Accumulating in the folds-pockets (diverticula) of the large intestine, fecal stones are formed from this "scale" during dehydration (after all, up to 95% of water is absorbed there) (Fig. 3).

Both in the first and in the second case, processes of putrefaction and fermentation take place in the large intestine. The toxic products of these processes, together with water, enter the bloodstream and cause a phenomenon called "intestinal autointoxication".

Rice. 3 Pathological large intestine Shaded - deposits of fecal stones

Explanations for this picture were taken by me from Kurennov's "Russian Folk Medicine" and the book "The Art of Healing Yourself with Natural Remedies" by Mantovani Romolo. Read them carefully.

From the wrong diet, unacceptable mixtures in food, clogging and deformation of the colon occurs. Figure I. shows the colon as it should be. But in 99 cases out of 100, it more resembles the one shown in Figure 3. Pay attention to the section of the colon intestines. On it in the center you can see a gap in the feces, which has been there for 20 or more years! An outstanding German surgeon performed 280 post-mortem autopsies and in 240 cases found approximately the same picture as in Fig. 3. Another doctor from London, having cut open the large intestine of one deceased, removed 25 pounds (10 kg) of old "petrified" feces from it, and to this day keeps this exhibit in a large jar of alcohol.

Some surgeons claim that up to 70 percent of the colons they excise contain foreign material, worms, and fecal, stone-hard masses that have been years old. The inner walls of the intestines are therefore covered with material that has long been there, often petrified. They are like the roof of an oven in need of a complete cleaning. Dr. Lamour states: "We can say with all confidence that the main cause of 90% of the serious diseases that mankind suffers from is constipation and retention of fecal matter that should have been excreted from the body." Dr. Ilya Mechnikov in the book "The study of human nature" gives data according to which of the 1148 cases of bowel cancer examined by him, 1022, i.e. 89 percent, originated in the large intestine. Here is what Prof. writes. K. Petrovsky in the article "Once again about nutrition, its theories and recommendations" (magazine "Science

and Life", 1980, No. 5-8): "Even I. I. Mechnikov argued that intestinal autointoxication is the main obstacle to achieving longevity. In experiments, he introduced putrefactive products from the human intestine to animals and got severe aortic sclerosis in them.

Severe autointoxication can develop in the presence of three conditions: a sedentary lifestyle; eating refined, mostly oily foods with a sharp lack of vegetables, herbs and fruits in it; neuro-emotional overload, frequent stresses.

The next important point is that the thickness of the walls of the large intestine is mainly 1-2 millimeters. Therefore, through this thin wall, toxic effusions easily penetrate into the abdominal cavity, poisoning nearby organs: the liver, kidneys, genitals, and so on.

Take 1-3 tablespoons of freshly squeezed beetroot juice. If after that your urine turns brown, it means that your mucous membranes have ceased to perform their functions qualitatively. And if beetroot juice stains urine, then toxins also easily penetrate through these walls, circulating throughout the body.

Usually, by the age of forty, the large intestine is heavily clogged with fecal stones. It stretches, deforms, squeezes and displaces other organs of the abdominal cavity from their places. These organs are, as it were, immersed in a fecal sac. There can be no question of any normal operation of these organs. Look carefully at Fig. 3 and read the explanations for it.

Compression of the walls of the large intestine, as well as prolonged contact of feces with the intestinal wall (and there are fecal stones that have “sticked” to one place for decades) lead to poor nutrition of this area, poor blood supply to it, cause blood stasis and poisoning with toxins from fecal stones . As a result, various diseases develop. Due to damage to the mucous wall - various types of colitis; from clamping and stagnation of blood in the wall of the colon itself - hemorrhoids and varicose veins; from prolonged exposure to toxins in one place - polyps and cancer.

The mass nature of the above picture can be judged from the statistics given by the doctor of medical sciences, professor V.P. Petrov in the brochure "Faculty of Health", 1986, No. 9. During preventive examinations of practically healthy people, proctological diseases are detected in 306 out of 1000!

Here is an excerpt from a lecture by the folk healer N. A. Semenova:

"Every second poisoning of the body with poisons through the intestinal barrier creates a certain concentration of toxins in the blood. One half of humanity is able to retain waste solvents in the body - these are fat and water. People swell, greatly increase in size. The second half, probably due to the properties of their intestines and of a certain order in metabolism, does not retain solvents of slags - these dry up. The concentration of slags in the blood of the latter, the unfortunate, should be greater than that of the thick. Folk wisdom in its own way assessed this natural phenomenon: "While the fat one dries, the dry one dies." Both type suffer from constipation, from blockages, from poisoning with their own fecal stones.Poisoning is slow, people get used to it

since childhood, foaming at the mouth, defending their eating habits, their favorite dumplings, cheesecakes, meat pies, milk porridge, cottage cheese with sugar in the morning. Still would! Strength and tribute to habits. But everything goes on like this until the disease hits the wall, when the doctor, according to Dr. Amosov, will issue you a bill, which, alas, no one can pay.

Just as slowly, from childhood, atony of the large intestine develops. Due to the poisoning of the colon wall, as well as its stretching with fecal stones, the nerves and muscles of the colon wall are so paralyzed that they cease to respond to the normal reflex, there is no peristalsis. Hence there is no urge to defecate for a long time.

Constipation is facilitated by ignoring, again from childhood, the urge to defecate. Here is a typical example taken by me from Mantovani Romolo's The Art of Healing Yourself with Natural Remedies.

“When a student feels needy a few minutes before the break, but restrains himself, not daring to ask, because he is afraid that he may be denied this, that he will draw attention to himself, etc., the antiperistaltic movement pushes the material to the iliac region, where it accumulates. The urge subsides or even disappears completely.But then the bell rings for a break, the child begins to play with enthusiasm, and the urge again makes itself felt, but he again suppresses it, thinking that he will have enough time after the game to go to the bathroom.But now quite unexpectedly for him, it is time to return to class again, and the need again makes itself felt.This time, fearing comments, he does not dare to ask to go out and makes every effort to endure.Moreover, if such a delay is repeated repeatedly, then soon it causes a decrease in the activity and sensitivity of the nerves responsible for this function.Reflexes do not give the necessary excitation, and the feeling of need is dulled, as if receding into the second oh plan, and the child does not even notice, despite poor digestion, heaviness in the head, reduced academic performance, that for 4-5 days in a row he does not go to the toilet. And in adulthood: morning rush, uncomfortable toilet, frequent business trips, etc. lead to constipation.

The above applies especially to women. Out of 100 treated women, 95 suffer from constipation. Pregnancy, especially in the second half, also contributes to constipation.

I will not yet summarize the consequences of constipation and contamination of the large intestine with fecal stones. A more complete picture will become clear when describing other functions of the large intestine.


The large intestine has the ability to secrete digestive juices with a small amount of enzymes into the lumen. Salts, alcohol and other substances can be released from the blood into the intestinal lumen, which sometimes cause irritation of the mucous membrane and the development of diseases associated with it. This is the same mechanism of irritating action on the mucous membrane of the colon salty and spicy food. As a rule, hemorrhoids are always aggravated after eating herring, smoking, dishes with vinegar.


Let's take a closer look at the activities of microorganisms that live in the large intestine. More than 400-500 different types of bacteria live here. According to scientists, there are on average 30-40 billion of them in 1 gram of feces. According to Coandi, a person excretes about 17 trillion microbes with feces per day! This begs the question, why are there so many of them?

It turns out that the normal microflora of the large intestine not only participates in the final link of the digestive processes and has a protective function in the intestine, but also produces a number of important vitamins, amino acids, enzymes, hormones and other nutrients from dietary fiber. This shows that the activity of microflora gives us a significant increase in our nutrition, makes it stable and less dependent on the environment. Under conditions of a normally functioning intestine, they are able to suppress and destroy a wide variety of pathogenic and putrefactive microbes.

For example, E. coli synthesize 9 different vitamins: B1, B3, B6, biotin, pantothenic, nicotinic and folic acids, B12 and vitamin K. They and other microbes also have enzymatic properties, decomposing food substances in the same way as digestive enzymes that synthesize acetylcholine, promote the absorption of iron by the body; microbial waste products have a regulating effect on the autonomic nervous system, and also stimulate our immune system.

For the normal functioning of microorganisms, a certain environment is necessary - a slightly acidic environment and dietary fiber (Dietary fiber is plant material that is indigestible by the body: cellulose, pectin, lingin, etc., see the part on nutrition for more details). In most of the intestines of normally eating people, conditions in the large intestine are far from desirable. Rotting feces create an alkaline environment. And this environment already contributes to the growth of pathogenic microflora.

As we already know, E. coli synthesize B vitamins, which, in particular, play the role of technical supervision, preventing uncontrolled tissue growth, supporting immunity, i.e., providing anti-cancer protection. In 1982, a brief report was published in the newspaper Pravda that a scheme for violating anti-cancer protection had been opened in the Latvian Academy of Sciences.

It turns out that when protein rots in the large intestine, methane is formed, which destroys B vitamins.

Dr. Gerzon turned out to be right when he said that cancer is Nature's revenge for improperly eaten food. In his book Cancer Treatment, he says that out of 10,000 cases of cancer, 9,999 are the result of poisoning with one's own feces, and only one case is really irreversible changes in the body of a degenerative nature.

The mold formed during the decay of food products contributes to the development of serious pathology in the body. Here is what the theorist and practitioner on the issues of rejuvenation of the body, Ph. - the world-famous repository of ancient Armenian manuscripts - there are works of medieval healers, for example, Mkhitar Heratsi, where mold is recognized as the cause of tumors. As you know, the cause of cancer in humans, animals and birds has not yet been established. But it is known that feeding birds with raw , moldy potatoes dramatically increase the number of diseased birds .... By the way, the main cause of most cardiovascular diseases, in my opinion, is not the deposition of cholesterol (it is much less than they think), but mold.