Interesting class hour for high school students. Cool clock for high school students

Class hour for high school students on the topic:

"Love is a mysterious word"

I. Brainstorming.

II. Motivational conversation on the topic “Do I need to learn to distinguish love from fakes?”.

III. Working with concepts in micro groups.

IV. Problem situation "Diagnosis - love".

V. Incomplete sentence "Signs of true love are...".

VI. Interactive conversation on the topic "To be or to have".

VII. Final word.

Class hour progress

I. Brainstorming

Classroom teacher. The topic of today's class hour is "Love with the letter "C"". What associations do you have in connection with this topic?

(Children name the words, the teacher writes them on the board.)

Sample answers:

Sex, sympathy, passion, endure, fall in love, marriage, stronger than death, sports, at first sight, etc.

Targets and goals:

    Discuss the concepts of "love" and "falling in love" with students.

    To acquaint with the regularities of their manifestation in the personality of a person and in the surrounding life.

    Show students the need to purposefully educate themselves in a sense of love, encourage them to do so.

    To educate students in goodwill, responsiveness, kindness and tolerance.

Conduct form: discussion.


    Epigraph for class.

    Recording of the song "Do good" (Shura).

    Fragment of the cartoon "Just like that."

    Computer presentation "When good does evil."

Members: 10th grade students.

Preparatory work:

    Work has been done on the processing of material published in newspapers and magazines.

    Selection of proverbs, sayings and parables corresponding to the theme of the class hour.

    Creating a presentation.

Preparatory work:

    Greetings. Goal setting.

    The concepts of love and infatuation.

    Folk wisdom.

    Proverbs are not in vain they say ...

    Conclusion. Summarizing.

moveclass hour:

    Greetings. Goal setting.(sl. 1)

    Introductory speech by the class teacher

Good afternoon. Today our class hour will be held in the form of a debate, and we will discuss the eternal topic about love.

The topic of our lesson is "Love is a mysterious word"

How to keep love from change

To shine, no matter how long you live?

There are separations in life, there are betrayals,

And then there are the days of love.

In the bustle with cabbage, kerosene

It's easy to get confused sometimes...

And completely forget that the eyes are blue

And that the eyebrows are black - an arc.

Bread is not bought, porridge smells like smoke -

Don't notice, forgive and forget.

We'll fix a lot of things,

And the love of the past cannot be returned.

L. Oshanin

It is no coincidence that my adult children began our conversation with a poem about love by L. Oshanin.

In a series of human properties and manifestations, love is probably the greatest and most attractive mystery. For centuries, poets and artists, actors and sculptors have sung about it in their works.

You have come to the age when you seriously begin to think about love and falling in love, about your future life, and maybe about creating your own family.


What associations do you have in connection with our topic? (listen to the opinions of high school students)

3. Motivational conversation on the topic “Is it possible to distinguish love from falling in love?”

Classroom teacher

You know, guys, all people are looking for the one, true love for life. Today we will talk about how to distinguish true love from falling in love.

    Problem situation “I am sick. I love."

Have you ever heard such a statement? (listen to guys)

Classroom teacher

Guys, some of the meanings of love have indeed become a medical diagnosis. Recently, a sensation appeared in the media: the World Health Organization entered love into the register of diseases, assigning it the number F 63. The author claims that there really is no love, but there is only a powerful instinct for procreation, supported by a number of physiological reactions, when a person is looking for a beautiful , sometimes smart, rich ...

So, what happens, there are certain signs: selfishness, love for something, ardor of feelings. Like any illness, love has its own duration, its own prognosis, and so on.

Think, please, and tell me, what can you say about this? What is the sign of recovery from this disease? (listen to guys)

Classroom teacher

There are medical errors that can lead to terrible consequences. But lovers can also make a mistake, mistaking ordinary falling in love for love. Such mistakes can lead to a hasty marriage that will soon fall apart, to suicide, to mental illness.

Crazy love, passion, sex - these are bright, strong, sharp feelings. But psychologists do not consider them true love, but associate them with falling in love and even call it a disease, damage to consciousness. Why?

(listen to the opinions of the guys).

Yes, falling in love often passes, leaving a void in the soul. Lovers do a lot of stupid things. Sometimes falling in love is like a drug addiction...

Classroom teacher

We can say that love is the opposite of falling in love.

In fact, love is based on friendship. A true friend will never betray, will not let you down, cherishes the moments of meetings, takes care of his beloved.

So how do you find that true love? (listen to guys)

    "Traps of Love"

Classroom teacher

I want to tell you that there are many "traps".

- "Trap of wounded pride"

Let's say there is a boy in the class who gets a lot of attention from the girls. He knows and feels it. And suddenly a girl appears in his environment who is indifferent to him. This is what makes her interested in the young man. And suddenly it seems to him that he is in love. He starts wooing her. But after the girl shows feelings for him, he loses all interest in her. There are many couples whose relationships are supported by the fact that they constantly have to win each other.

"Luck Trap" Suppose a young man has a bad experience in love. All the girls he met left him in favor of others. And now he meets a girl with whom everything goes well. It is with her that he can feel like a real man. Or maybe not to meet such a girl. This trap can be thought of as the "inferiority trap".

"Common Interest Trap"

He and she are fond of poetry, they like the same musical groups ... And it seems to them that they are kindred spirits.

"Pity Trap"

Mostly girls get into it. We can say that this is a special kind of female vanity: "He will disappear without me, die." And if such a girl analyzes her relationships with young people, it turns out that she falls in love only with “unfavorable” or “vicious” young people, when you can feel like a savior, a teacher. Boys also often use this aspiration of girls, shifting responsibility for their behavior onto them: Only you can save me”, “If you leave me, then I will get drunk!

"The Vanity Trap"

It is found in the case when falling in love flares up to some "prestigious" or famous person. It is known that actresses, singers, participants in beauty contests have many fans. As for young men, their level of prestige is determined by their position in society, fame, honor. So, all prominent political figures were objects of passionate female love.

Therefore, analyzing your feelings, try to understand: is this a trap? Or maybe someone will say: “I don’t want to analyze anything. I like the feeling of falling in love, even if it's a "trap". Remember Pushkin's lines:

But pretend! This look

Everything can be expressed so wonderfully!

Ah, it's hard for me to deceive.

I'm glad to be deceived!

In the end, the choice is yours to cheat or not. But then get ready for the retribution for self-deception: disappointment, tears, unfulfilled hopes, and maybe broken lives.

    Lessons in cardiac tactics (tips)

Many young people and girls are interested in how to win the heart of a chosen one or a chosen one. Granovskaya's book "Elements of Practical Psychology" gives lessons in cardiac tactics for boys and girls.

For girl:

Do not tell your chosen one that you miss him.

Do not repeat endlessly: "You no longer love me."

Do not make reproaches in a tearful tone, do not try to show that you are unhappy because of him.

Don't treat your loved one as your property.

Do not demand from the chosen one actions that are contrary to his nature. Women tend to love with a guarantee, and men do not understand this well.

Don't be too suspicious

Do not show panic if the beloved does not intend to marry (it means that you have not yet become necessary for him).

Try to praise a man, appreciate his qualities (especially intelligence, strength, masculinity).

For a young man:

A girl in a young man likes spiritual maturity, serious plans for the future, a sense of responsibility.

Once you've met a girl, don't ask if he's dating anyone else.

Do not often criticize your girlfriend.

Compliment her more often.

Don't torture her with jealousy.

If you happen to leave, call her regularly.

If a girl gives a photo, do not show it to a friend.

Give her more attention than others.

Do not arrange any test to test her feelings.

R. Rolland once said:“The beneficence of love is not only that it inspires us with faith in another person, but also that we gain faith in ourselves.”

If love is real, it will be with you all your life.

I asked at the top, overgrown with dogwood:

What is the measure of manhood?

attitude towards a woman! - said the sky in response.

How to measure, - I asked the ancient epic, -

Real courage in a man's heart?

Attitude towards a woman! -

She answered me.

How is love measured in a man's heart?

Attitude towards a woman!

There is no other measure, - the keepers of measures and weights answered.

And yet, my dear, remember the common truth: “ If you're going to love someone, learn to forgive first."

Resources used:

1. Love.

2.Practical psychology. Talk about love._

Development of a class hour for high school students

on moral education

"How to behave among people"

Prepared by Vartanyan R.G.

class teacher grade 10

Development of a class hour for high school students on moral education "How to behave among people"

Target: Moral education of high school students.

The form: Communication workshop.

Members: Class teacher, students.

Class hour progress

Introductory speech of the teacher

In our time, many young people, as well as quite mature ones, are completely unaware of the rules of behavior in society.

But is it really necessary to know them? What is good manners all about?

Teacher (summarizes after listening to the students' answers): It is necessary to know and follow the basic rules of etiquette, first of all, in order to be able to communicate, establish contact with an interlocutor or partner; not cause avoidable disturbance to others; show yourself as a civilized, well-mannered person, leave the most pleasant impression about yourself. In every culture, in every community of people, there is a kind of code of mutual expectations, models and rules of communication. It is he who forms the basis of etiquette, which permeates all types of official (official, public, civil), ci as well as informal (family, domestic, friendly) communication. The rules included in this code are neither new nor complicated. Their essence is simple: do as you would like to be treated! You smiled and received a smile in return. Showed attention, interest in the interlocutor - he will remember you with warmth and gratitude. Isn't that nice? There is no need to pretend that you do not care what they think of you: every person is more or less concerned about the opinion of others about himself, the impression that he makes. And in order for this impression to be favorable, one must first of all learn a few rules of behavior in public places, which under no circumstances should a well-mannered person violate.

First of all, of course, no man (except the very elderly and disabled) should sit in the presence of a standing woman and sit down uninvited. In addition, it is unacceptable to start a conversation with a woman or bow to her before she recognizes you. True, in this case there is a small exception. For example, when you pass a good friend on the street or in a service corridor and see that she has not noticed you, you can stop her and gently touch her hand or call her name quietly. In no case should you address a lady by her last name in a public place. If your companion (fellow traveler) turned out to be an elderly person, it is unacceptable for him to hold heavy luggage. If you cannot give him a seat, then you should at least take a heavy bag or suitcase from him. Unless, of course, he doesn't mind.

Of course, it is not permissible to talk about unpleasant things at the table, to criticize someone's religious beliefs, to humiliate or belittle any nationality or country, to laugh at the mistakes or mistakes of other people.

A well-mannered man will never walk into a room ahead of a woman. But this rule should be violated in the case when the room is dark and the light must be turned on there so that the lady does not accidentally stumble upon the furniture standing in the room. Being with a woman on the stairs, a man must follow these rules: when ascending, be behind her, and when descending, in front. Thus, a man will save his fellow traveler from a possible fall.

Any communication begins with a greeting. Who should say hello first? Is it necessary to say hello to a stranger if he is in the room?

You should say hello in any case, it will never humiliate your dignity, but will only show your respect for a stranger, which is always nice. And no need to puzzle over the question of who will be the first to say “hello”. After all, the rules of etiquette are based on all understandable norms of behavior: respect for elders in age, in position, for women ... Naturally, the younger one is supposed to greet the elder, the man - the lady. But shaking hands is not necessary, a handshake implies a fairly long or close acquaintance. At the same time, the younger one should not be the first to extend his hand, here the initiative is for the older one or for the lady who is greeted. When shaking hands, always look into each other's eyes, do not shake the outstretched hand too tightly, but never hold your palm limply, motionless: it is always unpleasant.

Is it possible to give a hand in a glove or is it necessary to remove it?

A man is a must. A woman can give a hand without removing her gloves. If she does, take it as a sign of special respect. In any case, when greeting, take your hands out of your pockets, get rid of the cigarette. If you are sitting, it is better to get up, greeting the person entering the room, unless, of course, he is older than you or if this is a lady. A woman, on the other hand, can behave more freely: she may not take her hands out of her pocket, she may not take out her muff, she may not extend her hands at all, but limit herself to a nod, this is her right.

Are there situations in which a woman or an elderly person should still greet a young man first?

Yes, if you overtake him or if you join his company.

What are compliments and how to do them correctly?

Making compliments is a special art, because not everyone can naturally and subtly speak beautiful and pleasant words to others, especially since an ineptly made compliment can be perceived as flattery or insincerity. Do not think that only men give women compliments - this is an erroneous opinion. Of course, women are always pleased to hear kind words addressed to them, but men also need to pay attention. How it's done? If external beauty is especially valued in a woman, then in a man, first of all, intelligence, masculinity. It is these qualities that you can celebrate if you want to show attention, win friendship, or just make a nice person pleasant to you.

Try to compliment not only when the situation requires it, but also when admiration flares up inside you. These will be the most successful compliments and the most successful praise. Very often, young people and girls feel awkward when they need to say nice words. The ability to speak beautifully and to the place comes with experience. This can be learned, so do not refuse when you are offered to say congratulatory or welcoming words at any event, try, it will come in handy in life.

How to properly communicate with other people?

We live among people, and we alone of all living beings have a unique opportunity to speak, listen, share impressions, argue, express our thoughts, joke, i.e. communicate with each other through speech. You have probably already encountered such situations when the interlocutor did not understand you or misunderstood you. It is quite possible that this happened because you did not know about the rules of communication. With the interlocutor you need to behave politely, benevolently, attentively. The topic for the conversation should be chosen interesting for all those participating in the conversation. It's indecent to talk about yourself all the time. You can not interrupt the interlocutor.

The ability to hear, and not just listen, is the most important factor in effective communication. A young man came to Athens from afar to the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates, eager to master the art of eloquence. After talking with him for a few minutes, Socrates demanded double payment for teaching oratory. "Why?" the student was surprised. - "Because, - answered the famous philosopher, - that I will have to teach you not only to speak, but also to be silent and listen."

These words, spoken more than two thousand years ago, echo the opinion of the 20th-century writer L. Feuchtwanger, who argued that “a person needs two years to learn to speak, and sixty years to learn to keep his mouth shut.” During the conversation, you should show your interest in the person with whom you are talking. The listener must not only perceive information, but also understand the emotions, feelings and experiences of the interlocutor. Sometimes it is better to remain silent than to say too much. For example, if you know that the word you uttered may offend the interlocutor.

Information for the teacher. Amateur psychological tests used in class hours for the purpose of self-knowledge, self-analysis by students of certain personal qualities, encouraging them to self-development and self-improvement can become effective means of moral stimulation of the personality of students. Without pretending to absolute objectivity, they give a person information that helps him think about himself, determine the prospects for his personal growth.

Test "Are you a kind person?"

1. You have money. Could you spend everything you have on gifts for friends?

2. A friend tells you about his troubles. Will you let him know that this is of little interest to you, even if it is?

3. If your partner is bad at chess or another game, will you sometimes give in to him to please him?

4. Do you often say nice things to people just to cheer them up?

5. Do you like bad jokes?

6. Are you vindictive?

7. Can you patiently listen even to something that does not interest you at all?

8. Can you selflessly help a person?

9. Do you quit the game when you start losing?

10. If you are sure that you are right, do you refuse to listen to your opponent's arguments?

11. Are you willing to comply with requests?

12. Would you tease someone to make others laugh?

Now give yourself 1 point for answering “Yes” to questions 1, 3, 4, 7, 11 and for answering “No” to questions 2, 5, b, 8, 9, 10, 12.

If you scored more than 8 points. You are kind, like others, know how to communicate with people. You probably have many friends, you are considered a good friend.

From 4 to 8 points - your kindness is a matter of chance. For some, you can do anything, but communication with you is more than unpleasant for those who do not like you. Try to be equal with everyone so that people do not take offense at you.

Less than 4 points - communication with you, I must admit, is sometimes a torment even for the people closest to you. You need to reconsider your attitude towards others.

Test "Are you well brought up?"

This can be verified (but without taking the results too seriously) by answering "Yes" or "No" to the following questions:

1. Do you always greet people in a friendly way, despite your mood?

2. When leaving a building, do you hold heavy doors so that they don't hit the person following you?

3. When moving on the tram to the exit, do you politely address passengers: “Please allow me to pass”?

4. Do you say hello everywhere you go, even in the elevator and in the store?

5. In the theater, do you walk to your seat facing the people who are already seated?

6. Do you think that the index finger is named so in order to point them in the direction?

7. You came to the cinema. Should a woman take off her headdress?

8. Can a left-hander hold out his left hand for a handshake?

9. In the event of a mechanical break in telephone communication, if the conversation has not yet ended, should the person who called again dial the phone number?

If you answered yes to most of the questions, then you can consider yourself a well-mannered person. The main thing is that you always remember the rules of courtesy.

Etiquette quiz

At the table

1. When pouring tea into cups, should they be filled to the brim? (No, the tea level should be 1-1.5cm below the rim of the cup.)

2. Is it possible to eat jam from a common vase? (No. Jam is placed in a special outlet and eaten from it.)

3. How is it customary to eat a lemon? (A slice of lemon is placed in a cup of tea, juice is squeezed out with a spoon, the remains are removed and placed on the edge of the saucer.)

4. How should you eat cakes? (The cakes are taken with a special fork or a teaspoon. Hard cakes that crumble easily can be taken by hand.)

5. Is it possible to take bread from a common plate with a fork? (Bread is always taken from a common plate by hand, trying not to touch other slices, and, putting it on your plate, break off pieces.)

On the street, in transport

1. You were accidentally pushed and apologized. Your reply?

2. On which side of the woman should the man go? (To the left of the woman, the military is to the right.)

3. Is it possible to introduce two people by simply bringing them to each other and without naming names, invite them to introduce themselves? (No. The person introducing them to each other is obliged to introduce each.)

4. Who greets you first if the younger and older meet? (Jr.)

5. You are walking down the street with a friend. He greeted a stranger to you, paused. Do you need to say hello too? (Yes.)

6. You entered the bus from the back platform and saw that your friends were standing at the front door. Do I need to say hello to them, and if necessary, how to do it? (Yes, you can just nod.)

7. It probably happens to you: you meet a person often, for example, in a public garden through which you go to school, but you don’t know him. Is it necessary to say hello in such cases? (Yes.)

8. Can a young man, getting acquainted with a girl, keep his free hand in his pocket? (No, he must take his hand out of his pocket.)

9. Do I need to smile when greeting a person? (A friendly smile is always desirable.)

10. Who greets you first: incoming or present? (The incoming person greets first.)

Communication rules to help you be a pleasant conversationalist

1. In a conversation, try not to talk about things that can hurt the interlocutor unpleasantly.

2. Do not humiliate others, do not hurt the feelings of your interlocutor, do not try to "pin", offend, rise at his expense.

3. Don't gossip. It is indecent to speak ill of those who are absent.

4. Watch your speech. You should not speak too loudly, attracting the attention of others, but you should also not speak too quietly, as the interlocutor will have to strain his hearing with all his might in order to understand you.

5. If you misunderstood or misheard something, ask to repeat: “Sorry, I misheard.”

6. It is very impolite to answer a question with a question.

7. If a third person has joined your conversation, find a topic that will be of interest to all three.

8. In a dispute, do not strive to be right, do not show your offense if your point of view is not accepted by everyone. Take note of the arguments of others. It doesn't mean you have to give up

from your opinion, but the form of disagreement must be correct.

9. Do not litter your speech with swear words. Remember that by using obscene language, you not only cause the disgust of others, but also commit an offense.

Reflection:"Today I realized that..."

High school is a time of growing up and defining yourself as a person. Children at this age tend to get out of the custody of not only parents, but also teachers. However, the ways of their self-expression and ostentatious growing up do not always lead to positive results. are designed to direct the energy of schoolchildren in the right direction, to help determine their desires and capabilities.

Classroom Topics for High School Students

Often, senior students claim that they no longer need a classroom hour as a form of extracurricular educational work. In most cases, this happens because the event is poorly prepared or is held in the form of a lecture, which does not add to its entertainment.

Getting ready class hour you should be creative and use extraordinary solutions ... First of all, you need to decide on a topic. What will it be interesting to talk about and think about for grown-up children?

The first thing that comes to mind is this. In order not to hit the sky with your finger, you can conduct a light survey and find out what profession students are thinking about. This is where the themes come from:

  • Dentist (lawyer, military, designer, accountant) is my future profession!
  • Journey to the land of professions.
  • Road to tomorrow.

In order not to be unfounded, you can go on a tour of an enterprise or arrange it right in the school office. Use appropriate costumes and surroundings so that students are fully immersed in the working atmosphere.

The development of horizons and a variety of interests will help class hours timed to coincide with an event or holiday. There, students will be able to show themselves and their talents in various fields. The main thing is to be smart and involve as many students as possible in the preparation.

  • World of Museums (dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the opening of the Russian Museum in St. Petersburg).
  • (2015 is declared the year of literature in Russia).
  • International Day of Peace (Celebrated on September 21, starting in 2002. Can be timed to coincide with the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II).

Do not forget about the interests of high school students. In order for the class hour to pass harmoniously and please the children, a lot of preparation is needed. The choice of topics can be huge, it is necessary to proceed from the interests and hobbies of schoolchildren.

At such thematic class hours, students themselves can become guides and talk about what their hobby is, conduct master classes.

Social aspects are the most important link in the formation of personality. Therefore, emphasis on this side of life is also necessary in extracurricular activities.

  • October 1 is International Day of the Elderly.

Here the project activity of schoolchildren can come into force. They can present their research papers or presentations.

The main thing in human life is love. It has been sung by singers since ancient times. So, this topic cannot be ignored. Cool clock for high school students about love can take any form.

  • The first love.
  • To everyone who is in love - Valentine's Day.
  • Love at first sight.
  • Day of love, family and fidelity.

At such extracurricular activities, themes of the value of this eternal feeling, the importance and preciousness of the family, should be raised. Class hour about love can take place in the form of a playful game, known in the 90s, when a couple of “lovers” were chosen according to their interests. Or it can become a real poetic evening, where poems and songs about love will sound. In addition, students will be able to act as creators and write themselves a letter to their first or yet failed love.

Classroom development is a time-consuming process that requires a lot of knowledge and time. To facilitate the task, look at the development of class hours on our website.

The activity of the class teacher in the senior classes of the school is especially responsible. In order for the teacher to be effective, he must take into account many factors. First of all, the features of senior school age. Senior school age, or early youth, covers the period of development of children from 15 to 17 years old, which corresponds to the age of students in grades 9-11 of secondary school.

The period of youth is a period of self-determination: social, personal, professional, spiritual and moral. The process of self-determination is based on the choice of the future field of activity. However, professional self-determination is associated with the tasks of social and personal self-determination, with the search for answers to the questions: who to be and what to be, with the definition of life prospects, with the design of the future. The personality of a boy and a girl is formed under the influence of a completely new position that they begin to occupy in comparison with a teenager in society, in a team. By the end of high school age, boys and girls usually reach a certain degree of physical maturity. The period of rapid growth and development of the body, characteristic of adolescence, ends, and a relatively calm period of physical development begins. However, full physical and mental maturity occurs in boys and girls a little later.

Under these conditions, the importance of informal, confidential communication between adults - teachers and high school students - is especially obvious. The class hour, or, as it is sometimes called, the hour of communication, can help the children in answering their questions. The class hour is held for various educational purposes. Its forms can also be different (communication workshop, Socratic conversation, debate, intellectual game, defense of creative projects, etc.). The main thing is that problems that concern the children are discussed at the classroom, a joint search for answers to their questions takes place, purposeful business communication between the class teacher and students is ensured, and a healthy moral atmosphere is created when the children are not afraid to make mistakes or be misunderstood.

The practice of education shows that the effect of a class hour is much higher when it is held regularly, at a specially allotted time.

The successful conduct of the class hour is facilitated by its thorough preparation, which, as a rule, includes the following steps:

Definition of the topic and form of the class hour.

Choosing a place for the class hour, its design.

Creation of an initiative group of students.

Distribution of tasks between creative groups and individual participants.

Invitation of guests and experts.

It is not always advisable to adhere to a clear class hour structure (introduction, main part, final part). It all depends on the specific content and form of the class hour. As a rule, the class teacher conducts the class hour, but in the senior classes, a prepared student may well act as the leader. An important key to the success of the class hour is the active participation of all students in it. In order for the class hour to be truly “cool”, it is important for the teacher to diversify its forms as often as possible, to show creativity, to strive so that each subsequent class hour is not like the previous one.

Below are class hours on issues of interest to high school students. The developments will help the class teacher organize effective communication with high school students, make every class hour memorable and useful for the children.

Development of class hours for grades 9-11

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5 Class hour for high school students "The main thing is to get along with yourself"

The main thing is to get along with yourself

(class hour in the form of psychological training for high school students)

The main thing is to get along with yourself.

F.-M. Voltaire

Target:development of self-awareness of senior students, skills and abilities of introspection, reflection, activity, overcoming psychological barriers that prevent full self-expression.

Preliminary preparation: development of a synopsis, preparation of visual demonstration and handout materials, audio tools.

Visual demonstration and handout materials: a list of roles, sheets of A4 paper, a board, markers, pencils, pastels, paints, a sponge for erasing notes on the board, audio aids, self-adhesive sheets, a silhouette of a jug cut out of a piece of drawing paper, which is toned in yellow.

Number of participants: up to 20 people.

Course of the training:

1st part. Acquaintance, warm-up.

Exercise "Name and image". (slide 2)

The facilitator invites the participants of the lesson to get acquainted, but in a not quite usual way, it is necessary to give their name and the image with which it is associated with the participant himself. For example: Natalya is a cloud.

Exercise "I am corporal". (slide 3)

The facilitator suggests continuing the acquaintance by defining themselves at the level of corporality, that is, the participants are invited to draw a parallel between themselves and their body, some part of it and justify their answer. For example: Igor - shoulder. You can rely on me, I am reliable, I can always lend a shoulder.

Exercise "Ladder of my roles." (slide 4)

The facilitator invites each participant of the training to track who he is, what roles he “plays” in life. To do this, you need to look at the hint list, select the appropriate roles and determine for yourself which of them are most comfortable for him, and which ones cause some confusion, a feeling of discomfort. Then, within 3 minutes, it is necessary to think over how each participant will be able to present with the help of pantomime the role in which he is most comfortable at the moment.

Hint list: person, man, woman, daughter, son, student, student, friend, girlfriend, friend, acquaintance, nephew, niece, lover, beloved, leader, tyrant, victim, observer, passerby ...

Then the participants present their most comfortable roles.

Reflectionper exercise (at the request of the participants).

Voicing by the leader of the rules of work in the group: (slide 5)

Confidential communication style;

Communication on the principle of "here and now";

Personification of the utterance (from own person);

Confidentiality of everything that happens in the group;

The inadmissibility of any assessments addressed to another: “I don’t like what I said ... I think that ... I didn’t work in class ...”;

Active participation in all exercises;

Respect for the speaker, the principle of active listening.

Discussing the rules and adopting them for the duration of the training.

2nd part. Main.

Leading. So we have decided on what roles we play in life, but what prevents us from being successful and feeling comfortable in other roles? It is possible that one of the parables will tell us the answer to this question. (slide 6)

Open Opportunities


One night, an angel visited one man and told him about the great things that lie ahead of him: he will have the opportunity to acquire wealth, earn a worthy position in society and marry a beautiful woman.

All his life, the man waited for the promised miracles, but nothing happened, and, in the end, he died alone and in poverty, and he never gained respect. When he got to heaven, at the gates of paradise, he met that angel and told him: “You deceived me, promised wealth, respect for people and a beautiful wife. I waited all my life, but this never happened ... ".

The angel was surprised: “Did I promise you all this? I talked about the opportunities that you had, but you did not take advantage of them.

The man furrowed his brows and gritted his teeth, “You are a liar! I didn't have any options!"

Then the angel showed him episodes from his life.

“Do you remember once you had a risky idea, but you were afraid that it would not work, and that you could not carry it out. You didn’t take action, but a few years later another person had the same idea, and now he is rich.”

“And there was another case when a big earthquake shook the city, many houses were destroyed, thousands of people lay under the rubble, and you could help them get out of the rubble, but you were afraid of looters, and then you thought that there are others who will do it's better than you, more professional. If you had no doubts, then people would respect you for your help, because you could save human lives.

“Well, the last one. You remember that beautiful red-haired woman that you really liked, and even more, because she was not like any other woman you had seen in the past years. However, even here you thought that such a woman would never want to marry you, an ordinary person, you said to yourself: “Stop dreaming about what she and what I am, beauty and the beast.”

The man remembered everything, nodded, and tears appeared in his eyes.

The angel continued: “Yes, my friend, this woman did not love you for your appearance, she would become your wife, with her you would be lucky to have many wonderful children, with her you would be truly happy all your life.”

Reflectionfeelings of the training participants to the heard metaphor.

The facilitator pays special attention to why the person could not achieve what was possible.

Leading. Indeed, we often doubt our abilities, missing a chance, but psychologists say that a person is prevented from achieving what he wants by his complexes. What are “complexes”, where do they come from in a person and how can he overcome them, this is what we will talk about in the next part of our training.

Association exercise. (slide 7)

The facilitator invites the participants of the training to express their thoughts about what “discomfort” is. (All statements are recorded on the board.) Then the facilitator summarizes the statements of the group.

Leading. Today we will talk about how the external influence of the environment affects our internal state, how the internal state of a person can influence the external environment, that is, how the external and internal are interconnected. Please raise your hand, those who do not know the feeling of discomfort, who have never doubted themselves, their behavior? As you can see, there are very few of us. What is the reason for the state of discomfort in a person? (Answer options for group members.)

Then the facilitator invites the training participants to divide into 3 subgroups and discuss by listening to audio recordings of their peers who experience a feeling of discomfort for one reason or another. Each group must determine what in this situation relates to the external environment, what to internal sensations, establish a relationship between them and try to offer their own options for resolving the problem. (If the audience does not have the experience of collectively analyzing problem situations, then the whole group can work out one of the situations together. It happens that the group has worked together quite well, a space of trust has been built within the group, and one of the participants is ready to offer their own situation. However, in this case, the facilitator it is necessary to warn others that they need to be tactful when formulating questions, not to give value judgments to the complainant of the problem, build statements from the position: “I would do in such a situation ... Maybe it would help ..., it helps me”, and the facilitator needs to provide support to the participant who has stated their problem.)

Possible situations.

1. Hello, my name is Irina, I am 16 years old.

I study in a small rural school where everyone knows about everyone and, as they say, you can't hide a sewing in a bag. In the class we have a group of guys who are fond of such a youth direction as punk rock. There is one guy among them, I really like him, but I don’t know how to tell him about it, well, so that he understands. Girlfriends say that you need to be more relaxed, more courageous and make a date with him yourself. But my mother, with whom I am very close, says that it is indecent for a girl to take the initiative herself. However, I would tell him, but I'm afraid that he will only laugh at me, because I'm not fond of punk rock, and my outfit is simple.

2. Hello, my name is Philip, I am 17 years old.

The fact is that I am not tall and I am very worried about this. In our company, I am the shortest, even friends let go of jokes about this, tease me. My father says that small stature in life is not a hindrance, but he himself is tall, and I am like a grandfather. After school, I plan to enter the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as I would like to become a military man, but will my growth cause failures in the profession, since it obviously does not help me personally.

3. Hello, my name is Angelina, I am 16 years old.

I'm tired of the dullness that surrounds me. In our class, everyone is just stupid, they are interested in rags, cosmetics, discos. I have no one to communicate with, but all I want is to find a soul mate. Our class teacher says that I have high self-esteem, pride will destroy me. Although I do not consider myself special, I also have my own interests, hobbies, I write poetry, I am fond of psychology, medicine, but I am not interested in them, I want to leave school and go to medical school, maybe I will find friends there.

(Each subgroup presents its own vision of the situation: problems and solutions.)

Reflectionto work with problem situations at the request of the participants.

The facilitator summarizes this part of the training, leading the audience to the fact that situations can be both external, related to the people around us that arise during interaction, and internal, which are associated with an inadequate way of perceiving oneself.

Exercise "Pitcher of my inner world." (slide 8)

Leading. The inner world of a person can be represented as a jug. (On the reverse side of the board, a jug cut out of a sheet of Whatman paper is already attached in advance, which is toned in yellow.) What is in this jug: a person's attitude to himself; attitude to the world around, to others, as well as those feelings and emotions that a person experiences in a given situation. All this is in constant interaction, and if a failure occurs at one of the levels, then this is reflected in all its other levels. I propose to fill this jar with what helps a person to be in harmony with himself and others, not to get hung up on difficulties, to be able to resolve them, and helps to enjoy life. Take a few self-adhesive pieces of paper and write what you think is necessary, perhaps it will be feelings, emotions, values, needs, whatever you yourself want. Once you have filled out the sheets, then go to the board and stick them on the jug. (The time for the exercise is 5-7 minutes.)

Then the host announces the contents of the jug.

3rd part. Final.

Exercise "Flower fantasies". (slide 9)

Leading. Well, now sit comfortably, try not to cross your arms and legs, put your hands on your knees or lower them along the body. Pass through your body mentally with your inner eye, feel how it relaxes, heaviness appears in your legs, arms, gradually this heaviness is replaced by pleasant fatigue, your body is filled with energy, you feel lightness in your legs, arms, head. Your breathing is calm, even, deep. Imagine yourself in a clearing among flowers. Here you can see any flowers nearby: from the most exotic and, perhaps, very fastidious care, to the most ordinary, field, pleasing to the eye of a person and not requiring excessive care from him. Take a closer look and choose the flower that you like the most. Take a closer look at it: what petals does it have, what kind of stem does it have, does it have one flower or is it an inflorescence. Feel its aroma. Pay attention to what surrounds him. Try to remember this so that you can later display it on a piece of paper ... Take a deep breath, exhale. On the count of three, you will open your eyes and be back in this room. One two Three. Do not make sudden movements, you can move your neck, fingers, toes, stretch.

Then the participants receive a sheet of A4 paper, paints, pencils, pastels to draw the image of a flower that they saw in the meadow. Drawing takes place under calm, smooth music. (Time to work - 15 minutes.) Then all participants put their drawings in the center of the circle and, if desired, talk about their feelings while visualizing and drawing.


The facilitator invites the participants of the training to conclude by expressing their feelings from today, what they liked and remembered. It is possible that today's interaction helped someone discover something new in themselves and learn for themselves. Then he thanks the participants of the training for their activity and trust.

My world

My world is wonderful, full of colors,

Spring, fun, beauty,

And the smell here is pleasantly sweet,

Flowers are fragrant in it.

And the clouds are flying in the sky

Shining bright under the sun

And like a haze, they quickly melt,

Moving in a light wind.

Walking a little way,

Hear how the water gurgles

And you go out the narrow path,

There is a river in front of you.

She runs, murmurs, plays

And everything shines in the sun

and washes away stones on the way,

Nobody can resist her!

And at night the power is different:

In place of the sun - the moon,

Quietly bending around the stars,

She swims relentlessly.

Silence comes,

Everyone has gone to sleep for a long time

The earth becomes deaf

And everything around is black-black.

The whole world fell asleep and fast asleep,

But there is one hope

That the river will run fast

That the wind will fly miraculously,