How are college tuition paid? Paid university education: how to save money

The law “On the Education of the Russian Federation” states that there is no free education in Russia, except for budget revenues. However, there are benefits for which an applicant can get a higher education for free.

Tuition is paid by both the students themselves and organizations that send an employee to study in order to improve his qualifications.

The payment amount depends on:

Individual training plan. To get a second higher education, a student retakes some disciplines. If the number of exams is high, then a fixed amount is paid, which is initially indicated in the contract, regardless of the number of disciplines. Also, depending on the number of hours (how many hours the student studied, paid so much). Such rules are also prescribed in the contract.

The proposed form of education. It can be: daytime; correspondence and evening.

All of the above factors have different tuition costs. For many applicants, the payment process is important, since you can pay the entire amount at once, by semesters or for each month of study.

Citizens who:

  • received their first diploma in a military educational institution. Then you can enter the university on a budgetary basis, and this is stated in the law "On the status of military personnel."
  • signed a contract and served in the army for at least 15 years. Such citizens have the right to a second higher education, and it does not matter what profession or specialty they had before.

In addition, many preferential categories have the right to write an application for a reduction in fees for a second higher education. These may be combatants (in hot spots); citizens who took part in the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident (ChNPP); some people who have received a red diploma.

Important! Citizens who have benefits for free education do not have the right to reduce the period of study. A diploma can be obtained only when a full course of study has been completed.

How to get a second higher education for free without benefits

If you do not belong to the beneficiaries mentioned in the law, do not despair, as there are other ways to get a free second higher education. To do this, consider two guaranteed ways:

Method one: payment by the employer. Often the company lacks valuable personnel, and therefore, if an employee has shown himself to be a highly qualified specialist in a certain area, he is sent for additional training. After all, then the bosses will be able to offer the employee a more promising job with appropriate pay. In this case, the employer fully assumes the funding for training. However, the employee must have worked for the company for at least 5 years.

Important! It is worth considering the fact that if the employer pays for the training for the employee himself, an agreement is concluded that states how many years after receiving a diploma a person must work in the company. If a student left the university on his own initiative or was expelled from the university, the student is obliged to pay compensation to the authorities in the amount that was paid for the education.

Method two: getting a grant. There are many foundations where you can get a study grant, regardless of the number of diplomas a student already has. However, you will need to prove that you are worthy of the grant.

Admission to the magistracy on a budgetary basis

A master's degree is a stage of higher professional education that comes after a bachelor's degree, that is, the level of qualification increases on the basis of the first education. The student has the right to enter the master's program on a budgetary basis.

If a student has an incomplete higher education (only three courses have been completed), then you can enter another specialty for free, but study begins from the first year.

Fallback options for getting a second higher education

If for some reason the above methods do not suit you, then you can “cheat” a little. There are two options for this:

The first: her to show the admission committee a diploma of first education, but simply submit the documents that are required from schoolchildren, this also includes a certificate. Now you can enter the budget on a par with other applicants.

Second: receive two educations at the same time. At one university, study on a full-time basis, and at the other, on a correspondence course. Thus, almost at the same time, the student will receive two diplomas.

Second higher education at half price

If you still can’t study for free, at least try to reduce the amount. There are the following options for this:

  1. Payment for training in half with the employer. If an enterprise really needs such specialists, the bosses will make concessions and help them get a specialty in a certain direction.
  2. Part-time education, since its cost is much cheaper than full-time education.
  3. Education in another city. As a rule, in each city or region, the amount of tuition fees for the same specialty differs significantly.


As can be seen from the article, it is quite possible to get a second higher education for free. It is not necessary to have special benefits or seek a grant. It all depends on the student himself, his desires and capabilities.

Free second higher education - benefits and opportunities for Russian students updated: October 29, 2019 by: Scientific Articles.Ru

How to pay for tuition at a university for a graduate who did not pass on the budget? It is clear that the parents of a future student have to prepare in advance for the possibility of paid education. However, the amount set aside for education can be partially saved by using benefits and subsidies, realizing tax deductions and finding internal reserves of the family budget. Experts from the Financial Health project tell you how to do it.

This goal only in the first approximation seems unbearable. Consider what parents can do.

Bank account. Suppose we need 1.75 million rubles. to study at Moscow State University. If admission to a university is planned as early as next summer, then yes, the amount looks daunting.

But if the child just went to school, then you have 11 years left. In this case, a suitable set of moderately conservative instruments (13% per year) and 13,200 rubles. monthly contributions will ensure the achievement of the goal of "a decent education for the child."

An important point: we take into account not the current cost of education - 1.75 million rubles, but the future cost of 3.2 million rubles, because the price of education, like other goods and services on the market, is affected by inflation by an average of 6 % in year.

And if the child has just been born, it is enough to set aside 400,000 rubles for his future education. all at the same 13% per year, in order to receive the required amount of 3.2 million rubles by the 18th anniversary.

If there is not much time left before the start of studies at the university - say, a few years, you can consider other ways to make savings for the child's education

Cumulative life insurance. This tool, under any circumstances, guarantees the receipt of the planned amount by the required date, and moreover, no plans for misuse of funds will work here.

Apartment for rent. Rent payments are quite capable of covering the cost of education, and this is true for almost any city in the world. And if parents have a goal to form a pension reserve for themselves, then buying an apartment can be an excellent solution for both of these goals at once: to provide for a child during the period of study, and for parents in retirement.

The cost of one year of study at financial faculties varies as follows:

  • from 40 to 100 thousand rubles - in the leading universities of regional cities;
  • 350-360 thousand rubles - at Moscow State University. Lomonosov and St. Petersburg State University;
  • 1.26 million rubles - in Oxford (about 20,000 pounds).
Humanitarian specialties are one and a half to two times cheaper, and narrower advanced specialties, such as cybernetics, virology, and the like, are 20-40% more expensive.

Tuition fees: additional options

Maternal capital. If the parents have not yet used it - for example, to buy real estate or pay off a mortgage - then it is quite possible to send the money to study in Russia.

13% of the amount spent on paying for educational services can be returned as a tax deduction.

There is a huge amount charitable foundations which provide both full tuition and small scholarships for students wishing to study abroad, such as the Ford Foundation International Scholarship Program.

15,600 rubles of tax can be returned to the personal budget annually through a social tax deduction (according to Article 219 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation), provided that you have spent 120,000 rubles or more on education, treatment, financing a future pension or charity, provided that in the current the tax period you paid such amount of tax.

If the amount of expenses is less than 120,000 rubles, then the deduction will be proportionally reduced. But if the amount of expenses is more than 120,000 rubles, then the amount of tax that can be returned cannot be more than 15,600 rubles.

The maximum amount for the tax deduction is 120,000 rubles, however, the cost of educating children is no more than 50,000 rubles for each child in the total amount for both parents.

For example, if a person spent 70,000 rubles on the education of a child in a year, then the amount of the social tax deduction will be 50,000 rubles. (* 13% = 6,500 rubles - the amount of tax to be returned). If both parents spent 100,000 rubles on the education of a child, then their total deduction will also be equal to only 50,000 rubles. If a parent paid 50,000 rubles for the education of two children. for each, then the amount of the deduction will be 100,000 rubles (* 13% = 13,000 rubles - the amount of tax to be returned), and if for three, then no more than 120,000 (* 13% = 15,600 rubles - the amount of tax to be returned ).

At the same time, an important condition for paying for a child is his age - up to 24 years, as well as mandatory full-time education and the availability of a license from an educational institution - this is the only requirement that applies to paying for education for himself (age and form of education in this case, the role do not play).

When determining the amount of the social tax deduction, only the costs associated with paying for the education itself can be taken into account. Expenses incurred during the period of study, but not directly related to the educational process (accommodation, meals) are not included in the cost of education. Therefore, when determining the size of the social tax deduction, they cannot be taken into account.

Deductions can be obtained for studying in a kindergarten, a general education private or public school, English language courses, a music or art school, a sports section, a university (including a foreign one), but on one condition: a license for educational activities.

How to get a tax deduction

Deductions can only be received at the tax office at the place of residence, while it is necessary to file a personal income tax return for the year in which the expenses listed below were made.

Social tax deductions are provided at the end of the calendar year when submitting a tax return to the tax authority and submitting documents confirming the taxpayer's expenses. Such documents include contracts for training, treatment, and other payment documents (KKM check, cash receipt order, payment order, etc.).

When receiving a social deduction, it is not the period of study that is decisive, but the date of payment, i.e. when paying for several years of study, it is necessary to apply for a deduction in the current tax period.

The social tax deduction does not apply if the payment of tuition costs is made at the expense of funds.

A social tax deduction can only be granted on the basis of documents confirming the taxpayer's actual expenses for education, including an agreement with an educational institution.

If the contract is drawn up for the child, and tuition is paid on his behalf, that is, the parent is not indicated in the documents as a taxpayer, then a power of attorney (or a contract of agency) must be provided from the document for reimbursement of the deduction, according to which the parent trusts his son ( daughters) to pay for tuition. According to Art. 29 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the taxpayer may have an authorized representative.

If in one tax period social tax deductions cannot be used, then the balance of deductions is not transferred to the next tax periods. Those. if you paid for tuition in 2016, then you must file a declaration for a tax deduction strictly in 2017. Also, if for 2016 the amount of tax paid was less than the amount of the tax deduction, its balance is not transferred and will not be returned.

Study abroad and tax deduction

If you are a citizen of the Russian Federation, then all the rights provided for by the Constitution and tax laws apply to you without restrictions, including the right to a tax deduction. A person who has spent money on education at an educational institution (educational organization) can receive a social tax deduction. In this case, the deduction is provided regardless of where the institution is located (letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated March 18, 2010 No. 03-04-05 / 7-109, paragraph 3 of the letter of the Ministry of Taxes of Russia dated January 30, 2004 No. ChD-6-27 /100). The only condition: an educational institution (educational organization) must have a license or other document that confirms the status of an educational institution. For example, to clarify the status of an educational institution located abroad, you can get a certificate from its administration and translate it into Russian.

Grants and scholarships: where to apply

You can apply for a study grant at the representative office of the country in which you wish to study. As a rule, grants and scholarships are referred to the department of culture/education, which can provide all the necessary information.

You can also contact specialized agencies, such as the British Council. Such organizations represent the interests of various foundations. All the necessary information about scholarships and grants is on their websites, where you can apply online or ask about programs, terms, education system, etc.

Another way to get a study grant is to send information about yourself to the colleges or universities you are interested in. They probably have something worthwhile to offer, if, of course, you can beat the competition by making sure you're the right person for the grant.

Comment on the article "Paid education at the university: how to save and save"

Good afternoon! The topic is relevant. In fact, there are options for creating a financial reserve, including for the education of children. The fact is that the most stable thing in our life is change. It's great that there is an opportunity to get information, well, the conclusion and everyone makes their own decision.

09.07.2017 16:46:50, Elizabeth Rakova

Advice for which country?
Probably didn’t come across the denomination personally ...
our mothers were already saving, saving ... and then the money depreciated by our 18th birthday ...

03.07.2017 23:01:11,

Just great advice: as soon as the baby is born, put 400 thousand at 13%% per annum (where?) Or buy an apartment so that you can later teach the child with the money from renting it out.

03.07.2017 21:28:41,

Total 3 messages .

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More on the topic "Paid education at the university: how to save and save":

Section: Education, development. Is it paid at the "dream university" or is the budget at the university simpler? Are you considering paid tuition? If possible, of course. The son was planning one university, but most likely he will only go to a paid one.

Paid education at the university. My son is taking the Unified State Exam... and I'm rushing about, calculating different scenarios. He wants the economy. The economy will be in demand sooner after graduating from a good TOP university.

Girls, you all know, so again to you)) Is there a competition for paid in these universities or will they accept it in any way? I don’t hope at all, I don’t have my head in the clouds and I understand that paid training does not give any guarantees.

If the university ONLY paid education at the desired faculty. Do you submit the original there at stage 1 and that's it? Automatically lost the opportunity to get into another budget??

The fact that competitive entrance examinations are designed to select the best is known to everyone. But not everyone knows that the previous entrance exams to the university performed another function: they set the applicant the level of requirements that was necessary for further education. With the preparation for these exams for the future student, the university educational process actually began. The entrance examinations could well be called the first session, the successful passing of which meant that the applicant ...

By law, children can receive compulsory general education both in schools and in the form of family education. In the case of home schooling, the responsibility for its quality rests with the parents or their substitutes. They have the right to give the child primary general, basic general and secondary general education. And the school to which the home student is attached is obliged to provide him with the necessary textbooks and conduct intermediate and final assessments for the transition to the next grade. Any time...

SCHOOL WITHOUT MATHEMATICS Livanov suggested taking the basic exam in mathematics after the tenth grade. Behind this "innocent" proposal (see [link-1]) is an indirect recognition of the failure of the experiment with the division of the Unified State Examination in mathematics into two levels. Teachers of "ordinary" schools, focusing on preparing graduates for the basic USE, "forgot" about the profile exam, which led to a landslide decrease in its average scores (see [link-2]). It looks like the Ministry of Education has taken care to release the teachers...

Then sit, choke on tea and think that I saved money. It is now a common occurrence - to choose paid education at the desired faculty or at the desired university, even if you go on a budget elsewhere.

about paid. - get-togethers. Teenagers. Education and relationships with adolescent children: transitional age, problems at school, career guidance, exams, olympiads, the Unified State Examination, preparation for a university.

And a paid university. With a reduction in pay for successful students. loans for education, and endowment insurance for parents. At the same time, I doubt my ability to pay for education at a prestigious university.

It seems that there is no competition for paid education - whoever passed the money and exams in the profile passes? And yet, the opportunity to apply to 5 universities is about the budget, but if you apply only for paid education, then this rule does not work?

If the child passes the first session well (ideally - all fives), then in many universities there is an option to change the category of education from paid to budget. Although if there is a goal - to save my mother's budget, then I think she could even get five ...

During this time, it is quite realistic to save up for a fee without superhuman efforts and without prejudice to what would it threaten? In pluses - the large sum saved by me for 6 years. Only I think that in 10-15 years, the prices for 5 years of study at a decent university will be comparable to ...

The phrase "free education" has long been turned into a humorous expression. In the new socio-economic conditions in which our country has been living since 1991, the right to study exists, but no one guarantees that such services will be provided completely free of charge.

Consider the question of the right to such education at the university.

So, is there any hope for today's high school graduates?

Of course, there is such hope. Many of the graduates of this year and next years will study at state-funded places and receive long-awaited scholarships. Many, but not all.

After all, completely free education in the Russian Federation is provided only in schools, and even then there are paid additional educational services. In colleges and universities, it is also possible to study for free, but not everyone who wants to find themselves in such places.

If you have a benefit (you are a disabled person, an orphan, the son or daughter of a Hero of Russia), then it is easier for you to get a university place on a budget place, but if you are not among the beneficiaries, everything becomes much more difficult, and you enter on a general basis.

And it is very, very difficult to enter a university for a budget place on a general basis.

But more about everything.

All about budget places in universities

Every year the Ministry of Education determines the number of budget places in our country. As you know, such places assume that an applicant who enters a university will receive his education completely free of charge (that is, without investing his personal funds in it), and the state itself will pay him a small financial incentive (in other words, a scholarship) .

However, if the applicant does not score enough points to enter a state-funded place, he can study at a paid department, paying a certain fee for his studies at the university every semester (naturally, he will not receive any scholarship).

Here, it would seem, budgetary places in universities - this is a real free education. However, everything is not as simple as it seems at first glance.

After all, then our education system would be just perfect, but this is far from being the case.

Number of budget places

The number of budget places is calculated according to the number of school graduates. It is equal to about half of all the country's eleventh graders who leave the walls of high school.

At the same time, not every second school graduate eventually enters a state-funded place in a university, because in addition to yesterday's schoolchildren, there are also college graduates, as well as graduates of past years. As a result, the competition for state-funded places throughout the country averages 4-5 people per place. For some specialties, the competition is less, for others it is many times more and reaches 20-30 people per one budget place.

It all depends on the prestige of a particular specialty.

Therefore, with such “arithmetic”, it becomes much more difficult to get a free education at a university.

The number of budget places in full-time and part-time departments

It should be noted that the number of budget places in full-time and part-time departments, as a rule, differs. Universities allocate more places for full-time departments, and less for correspondence departments.

It also happens that it is generally impossible to get a correspondence education for free. There are specialties in universities, but they are completely transferred to a paid basis.

The only thing that can be advised to the applicant is to collect as much useful information as possible. Already in the spring, the exact number of budget places is always known. All universities have their own websites, where you can always find a page for applicants. The admission plan is always posted on this page.

Hence the advice - if you want to get a free education, make every effort to achieve your goal. Find out in advance the number of budget places for a particular educational profile and calculate your strength.

What majors can you enroll in for free?

There are a fairly large number of specialties in universities that are considered non-prestigious, so the competition for them is small.

Trends, of course, change over time, but in general, such professions always exist.

For example, in every fifth or sixth major university there are teaching specialties, which involve training with the qualification of a "teacher of the Russian language." And there is another department, after graduating from which you can get a diploma not of a teacher, but of a philologist or journalist. Of course, the last two professions are considered more prestigious, so there is more competition for the budget for them.

The same can be said about other professions: livestock specialist, sociocultural specialist, librarian, and so on. Here it will not be difficult for a school graduate with an average USE score to enter a state-funded place.

But, for example, it will be much more difficult to become a lawyer or an economist for free. And as a specialist in international law - and even more so ...

What is a target location?

However, there is another option for free. It is connected with admission to the so-called "target" place.

What is this about? The fact that an agreement is concluded between the employer of a potential applicant and the university, according to which the employer pays for the education of a young student, and then he has the right to demand that the specialist work for him for a certain number of years. Often such an employer is the state itself, represented by ministries and departments that need specialists of a certain kind of training.

For example, doctors are needed for the subject of the federation (there is an acute shortage of them now). A quota of 30-70 target places is allocated for this subject. and studies on an equal basis with other students, however, after receiving a diploma, he is obliged to work for several years in public medical institutions of the subject, thanks to which he received his target position.

Otherwise, the student is obliged to reimburse the state for his education in full.

Is it possible to get professional retraining for free?

Some young people who already have higher education eventually realize that the profession does not suit them.

But they have already received higher education for free once in their lives. They have a need to undergo professional retraining with a new type of professional activity.

Is it possible? Yes, it is possible, however, if state-funded places in universities are still preserved, then additional professional education is offered exclusively as a paid type of educational service. Therefore, such a person, in fact, has two ways to solve his problem.

The first solution is to pay for your own education.

Second solution: try to get the employer to pay.

In fact, there are cases when employers are interested in raising the level of professional skills of their employees and even giving them the opportunity to get the right to engage in a new type of professional activity.

This can be used to get a diploma of vocational retraining for free.

Is it possible to get a second higher education without paying?

Unfortunately, according to the law on education in our country, it is impossible to get a second free education at a university. The state guarantees only one education. Let's make a reservation right away that we are not talking about continuing education, for example, in a magistracy or graduate school.

But, alas, it will not work to study for free twice at a bachelor's degree or stay twice in a master's program. This applies even to those cases where the receipt of the first higher education was also paid.

Is it possible to switch from a paid branch to a free one?

Many students who enter the paid departments of universities, sparing their material resources, and sometimes simply not having enough of them, tend to transfer from a paid department to a free one.

Thus, they want to get higher education for free, only starting not from the 1st year, but a little higher.

Is it possible?

In general, this is possible, but there are certain nuances that you need to know.

Firstly, a paying student can get a budget place only if there are vacant budget places at the university. Simply put, if one of the state students was expelled. Further, it is necessary that its translation be agreed with the curator of the group, the dean of the faculty. Many universities prescribe the rules for transferring from a paid department to a budgetary one, indicating that such a student candidate for a budgetary place must be an excellent student or a good student, must show his best side, his teachers must speak positively about him, etc.

If secondary education was received free of charge, is it possible to enter a university on a budget?

Yes, this procedure is possible. Secondary special and secondary vocational education will not prevent a young person from continuing his studies in a higher educational institution. Moreover, college graduates today have an opportunity that school graduates are deprived of: they can enter universities without the exam, passing only entrance exams.

Moreover, practice shows that such applicants get higher scores in entrance exams than school graduates, so they are more likely to get a state-funded place.

What can help an applicant get a budget place?

Well, firstly, good knowledge in the field of those sciences that he will have to study. A high USE for a modern school graduate is a “real ticket” not only to a budget place, but also to a prestigious university.

Secondly, the applicant needs to show real ingenuity, carefully study all the specialties that are offered in universities, find out what competition is in these specialties, etc.

Thirdly, the applicant must know his rights well. Now often, members of admissions committees, at the suggestion of heads of universities, refuse to accept documents for budgetary education for far-fetched reasons. This is done in order to prevent “people from the street” from participating in budget education. Therefore, the applicant himself and his parents must firmly know all their rights and be able to defend them.

Are there other ways to get a budget place?

Basically, all the ways to the budget place were listed above by us. There are, however, several other ways. For example, there are free competitions of the Ministry of Education. The prize for winning them often becomes the right to a budget place in a particular university. Also, in rare cases, a university may accept a promising student not for a state-funded place, but for a place that he himself will finance from his own internal funds.

Thus, in general, everything depends on the will of the heads of universities themselves and the responsible secretary of the selection committee.

What conclusions can be drawn?

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that it is possible to get an education for free in modern conditions. However, this requires a lot of effort. You also need to have high academic performance, be able to navigate the modern labor market, correctly choose the right specialty and the right university.

In fact, today, despite significant progress, it is also difficult for a person who dreams of knowledge and an academic degree to prove his worth, as in the days of M.V. Lomonosov. What the Russian genius just did not survive in order to get the proper degree of education: and deprivation, and hunger, and cold. Meanwhile, he also studied at public expense, that is, in modern terms, he occupied a budget place.

His example proves that those who want to learn can get higher education for free. Therefore, everything is in our hands: our successes and our defeats. You just need to boldly go forward and not be afraid of anything.

Today, many employers understand that in order to succeed in business, highly professional personnel are needed. Therefore, companies are increasingly paying for the higher education of their specialists. Understanding how to do this correctly should be done even before the start of employee training. Otherwise, the accountant may subsequently face serious difficulties.

Labor legislation reserves the right for the employer to independently determine the need for professional training of employees working for him. In particular, the firm can train an employee in a higher educational institution. This is stated in article 196 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The forms and methods of obtaining higher education that exist today are very diverse. So, it can be obtained at daytime and evening departments of universities, in absentia, studying both in Russian universities and in branches of foreign universities. The Master of Business Administration (MBA) programs are gaining more and more popularity.

In this regard, the question arises: is all of the above higher education? The answer to it will be positive if the employee is studying at a higher educational institution that has a license. This conclusion follows from paragraph 2 of Article 24 of the Law of the Russian Federation of July 10, 1992 No. 3266-1 "On Education" (hereinafter - Law No. 3266-1) and paragraph 1 of Article 8 of the Federal Law of August 22, 1996 No. 125-FZ "On Higher and postgraduate vocational education” (hereinafter - Law No. 125-FZ).

It is known that a company that has decided to send its employee to study at a university always takes risks. After all, its costs may simply not pay off. For example, an employee may never graduate from an educational institution or, having received an education, quit the organization.

But such risks can be easily avoided. To do this, the employer must include additional conditions in the employment contractconcluded with the employee. Such an opportunity is directly provided for by law (Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). As a result, the firm can enter into the employment contract conditions on the obligation of the employee to work for a certain period after training. A similar obligation can be established in an employee training agreement.

And if the employee nevertheless quit without good reason during the period specified in the contract? In this case, he will have to reimburse the costs incurred by the company when sending an employee to training. This procedure is established by Article 249 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. At the same time, it is better to provide for the conditions for such liability also in the employment contract. This will make it easier for the company to recover the money spent from the employee.

Note that the current legislation does not provide for the liability of an employee in the event that education was interrupted through his fault. For example, if an employee is expelled for academic failure. At the same time, the inclusion in the employment contract of a clause on the responsibility of the employee, if such a situation arises, does not contradict labor legislation. Thus, the employer can insure himself against possible losses when providing higher education to his employees.

In practice, there are various ways to finance employee training. The following two are the most widely used:

  • the organization enters into an agreement with an educational institution for the training of its employees;
  • the organization enters into a target loan agreement with the employee. The employee uses the funds received to pay for education.

We also note that some organizations, in order to finance the education of an employee, increase his salary for the period of training. At the same time, the company, on the order of the employee, withholds from it amounts to pay for education.

Let's consider each of these options in detail.

If the training is paid by the organization ...

In this case, the company enters into an agreement with the university. An employee can also participate in the contract as a third party. From the point of view of calculating taxes, it is important that in the situation under consideration, the costs of education are borne directly by the company.

As you know, the cost of paying for the training of employees in universities is not recognized for the purposes of calculating income tax. This is stated in paragraph 3 of Article 264 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. In this regard, there are no grounds for including such expenses in the UST tax base. Recall that if payments are not related to expenses that reduce the tax base for income tax, then they are not subject to UST. This is established in paragraph 3 of Article 236 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

It should not be forgotten that the employer's payment for the education of an employee is the latter's income received in kind. These incomes increase the tax base for personal income tax and are taxed at a rate of 13% (clause 1, article 211, clause 1, article 224 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). At the same time, taxpayers have a lot of questions about the provision of subparagraph 2 of paragraph 2 of Article 211 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. It states that in-kind income, in particular, includes payment for employee training in his interests. Since the concept of "employee interest" is vague, there is uncertainty about the presence or absence of such an interest in cases where an employee receives higher education at the expense of the firm.

In this regard, it is necessary to distinguish between the concept of raising the professional level and the concept of raising the level of education. Raising the professional level, as a rule, is directly related to the official duties of the employee. Thus, it can be carried out solely in the interests of the employer, and not the employee. If we talk about raising the level of education, then the employee himself is primarily interested in this. It follows from Law No. 3266-1 that studying at a university is always aimed at raising the level of education. The result of studying at a university is the acquisition of a new specialty. Thus, the training of an employee at a university in all cases is carried out in his own interests. A similar approach is generally supported by the courts.

Thus, if a company pays for educational services for employees, it has an obligation to calculate and withhold personal income tax. That is, in this case, she is a tax agent. You can withhold tax when paying an employee a salary or other income in cash. At the same time, keep in mind: the total amount of tax that the organization withholds cannot exceed 50% of the amount of wages paid or other monetary income. This procedure is enshrined in paragraph 4 of Article 226 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

The organization is obliged to transfer tax to the budget on the day that follows the day the tax amount is actually withheld (clause 6, article 226 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Not so obvious is the procedure for determining the date when an employee receives income when paying for educational services. As stated in subparagraph 2 of paragraph 1 of Article 223 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the date of actual receipt of income in kind is the day of transfer of such income. In the analyzed situation, income in kind is the receipt of educational services by the employee. It is clear that it is impossible to set a specific date for the transfer of educational services. Thus, it makes sense to recognize income received by an employee in the form of educational services evenly as they are consumed. For example, monthly during the training period.

With regard to the accounting of the company's expenses for education, then pay attention to the following. Often, payment for educational services is carried out by semesters. That is, the training of an employee during the semester is paid before it begins. Such amounts should be taken into account as advances paid and written off as expenses evenly throughout the semester.

Sometimes, before an employee graduates, an accountant includes the cost of education as a deferred expense. This is wrong, because the educational services paid by the company are not directly related to future periods. The diploma only confirms that the employee has successfully completed the course of study, and is not directly related to the process of providing services by the educational institution.

If a loan agreement has been entered into...

Civil law provides for the possibility of concluding a target loan agreement (Article 814 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). This agreement allows you to use the money received by the borrower only for certain purposes. In turn, the organization that provided such a loan has the right to control how the employee spends the funds issued.

Thus, a company can enter into a loan agreement with its employee on the condition that the money will go exclusively to pay for education. Recall that such an agreement must be concluded in writing (clause 1, article 808 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

As for the amount of interest under this agreement, it makes sense to set it equal to 3/4 of the refinancing rate that was in effect on the day the employee received the funds. Today it corresponds to 12% per year. This is due to the fact that when rates are set at a lower level, the employee will receive income in the form of material benefits. Moreover, it will be taxed at a rate of 35% (clause 2, article 224 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). The organization will also have the obligation of a tax agent to calculate and withhold personal income tax.

When concluding a loan agreement, the costs of education will be borne directly by the employee of the company. As a result, he is entitled to receive a social tax deduction in the amount of the education expenses incurred for the year. Please note: starting from January 1, 2003, the maximum amount of such a deduction has been increased to 38,000 rubles. To take advantage of this deduction, the employee must submit a declaration and an application with a request for a deduction to the tax office. You should also attach documents that confirm the payment for educational services, and a copy of the university license. This procedure is established in subparagraph 2 of paragraph 1 of Article 219 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

With this form of financing the education of an employee, the organization will only have an object of taxation for income tax. The interest on the loan paid by the employee will increase the company's non-operating income (clause 6, article 250 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Such income is recognized at the end of each reporting period (clause 6, article 271 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). In accounting, the organization’s settlements on loans issued to employees should be reflected in account 73 “Settlements with personnel on other operations”, subaccount 73-1 “Settlements on loans granted”.

If an organization raises salaries...

Organizations sometimes fund an employee's training by increasing his salary while deducting tuition fees from it. Such deductions can only be made at the request of the employee and are actually one of the ways he spends his wages. After all, the organization does not have the ability to either control the use of wages by the employee, or make a requirement to send part of the salary to training. As a result, as in the previous case, the employee pays for the training directly.

Thus, the employee is entitled to receive a social deduction. At the same time, due to the increase in salary, his taxable income will also increase.

However, one should be careful when using the analyzed variant of training financing. If it turns out that the organization first paid for educational services for the employee, and withheld these amounts only after a certain time, these relations will be considered as issuing an interest-free loan to the employee. As a result, the employee will have taxable income in the form of material benefits on borrowed funds.

As for the tax liabilities of the organization, it is necessary to consider income tax and UST. Obviously, with an increase in the salary of an employee, the tax base for the UST will increase. Contributions for mandatory pension insurance will also increase. However, these amounts will reduce income tax liabilities. In addition, for the purposes of calculating income tax, additional labor costs will be taken into account in connection with the increase in wages.

Thus, we can conclude that using the considered method of financing is beneficial for organizations that use the regressive scale for the UST.

At the same time, companies that use the described financing option should be prepared to answer a number of questions from the tax office. First, they will have to justify the "unexpected" increase in the employee's salary. Secondly, it will be necessary to prove that when transferring money for an employee, services are not provided to the latter. Also, the firm must be sure that it is able to document the permission received from the employee to spend part of his income on education.

Table. Taxation when using various options for financing education
Education funding options income tax UST personal income tax>
Payment for education directly by the organization Expenses do not reduce the tax base (clause 3 of article 264 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation) Expenses are not included in the tax base (clause 3 of article 236 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation) The organization is obliged to withhold income tax in the form of the paid cost of educational services
Issuance of a target loan for education to an employee Loan interest is included in non-operating income (clause 6, article 250 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation) Does not affect the tax base, as training is paid directly by the employee If the loan rate is below 3/4 of the refinancing retirement, the employee has income in the form of material benefits
Increasing the employee's salary and paying for training at the expense of these funds Labor costs are increasing (Article 255 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation) Increasing wages increases the tax base

Benefits for student employees

When combining work with studying at a university, an employee is entitled to a number of benefits, which are established by Article 173 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, as well as Article 17 of Law No. 125-FZ. However, to receive them, the employee should not have problems with academic performance. Among the benefits are:

  • additional paid vacations for taking exams during the session (40 or 50 calendar days per year, depending on the course);
  • payment once a year for travel to the place of study and back for students in absentia;
  • shortened working week during the preparation of the graduation project.

Also, the company is obliged to provide the employee with unpaid leave of 15 calendar days to pass the entrance exams to the university. However, keep in mind: all of the above guarantees and compensations can only be provided when receiving higher education for the first time (Article 177 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In this regard, if an employee receives an education under the Master of Business Administration (MBA) programs, the listed benefits are not provided. The fact is that only specialists who already have a diploma of higher education in the relevant specialty can study under this program.

Please note: if an educational institution does not have state accreditation, guarantees and compensation must be specified directly in the labor (collective) agreement. This follows from the provisions of the last paragraph of Article 173 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

All expenses of the employer for the provision of the guarantees and compensations listed above reduce the tax base for income tax. They are included in labor costs (Article 255 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). This is due to the fact that they are directly provided for by the provisions of the law or the employment contract. At the same time, be careful about documenting such expenses. For example, when granting additional vacations, it is necessary to require the employee to issue a certificate-call and a certificate-confirmation at the university. The forms of these documents were approved by the order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated May 13, 2003 No. 2057. Note that until July 28, 2003, the forms approved by the order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated January 20, 97 No. 91 were used.

The amounts that the company pays to the employee during the period of study holidays, as well as payment for his travel to the place of study and back are included in the tax base for the UST. Also, do not forget to deduct personal income tax from these incomes.

Overview of the latest changes in taxes, contributions and wages

You have to restructure your work due to numerous amendments to the Tax Code. They affected all major taxes, including income tax, VAT and personal income tax.