How to draw up a structural logical diagram. Technology of drawing up structural-logical diagrams: from theory to practice


The article substantiates the expediency of the teacher's presentation of educational information both in a symbolic, conceptual, and generalized, structured form, in the form of informational, structural-logical schemes (SLS). These schemes briefly and clearly reflect the content of the main topics, sections of the discipline, its logic as a whole and the presentation methodology. At the same time, those who are inclined to analyze information and who have a dominant mental type of personality (dominance of the left hemisphere) see the information as a whole by elements, and those who are inclined to synthesize information and with the dominance of the right hemisphere (artistic, artistic-thinking types of personality), see educational information as a whole and effectively analyze its elements. The effectiveness of the use of SLS as a didactic basis for information technology, electronic textbooks, complexes in various disciplines - general professional, special, humanitarian - has been experimentally confirmed in the studies of the author and his graduate students.

structural logic diagrams

didactic basis

Information Technology

electronic textbooks


1. Golubeva E.A. Ability and personality. - M, 1993. - 306 p.

2. Granovskaya R.M. Elements of practical psychology. - L., 1988. - 560 p.

3. Sokolova I.Yu. Pedagogical psychology. Textbook with structural and logical diagrams. - Tomsk: Publishing House of TPU, 2011. - 332 p.

5. Bogdanova O.V. Theoretical substantiation and technology of economic training of students of a technical university / Avtoref. dis. ... cand.ped. Sciences. Tomsk: TSPU, 2005. - 19 p.

6. Pavlenko L.V. Optimization of foreign language training of law students / Abstract of the thesis. dis. … cand. ped. Sciences. - Tomsk: TSPU, 2010. - 22 p.

7. Sokolova I.Yu. Pumps, Fans, Compressors: Textbook with block diagrams. - Tomsk: TPU Publishing House, 1992. - 100 s.

8. Sokolova I.Yu. Hydromechanics: a teaching aid with structural and logical diagrams. - Tomsk, 1994. - 90 p.

10. Tarbokova T.V. Didactic system for activating the cognitive independence of students as a means of increasing the effectiveness of their mathematical training / Abstract of the thesis. dis. … cand. ped. Sciences. – Novokuznetsk, 2008.-24 p.

12. Tishchenko N.F. Comparative analysis of the effectiveness of the educational process in the conceptual and figurative-conceptual presentation of educational information: dis. … cand. psychol. Sciences / N.F. Tishchenko L., 1981.- 181 p.

The level of development of modern society, as you know, is determined by its intellectual resources, informatization and humanization, which is associated with the computerization of education, the creation of electronic textbooks and complexes, information technologies for teaching the younger generation.

The quality of computer textbooks, teaching aids and technologies largely depends on how educational information is constructed and presented.

The effectiveness of the perception of information, as established by psychophysiologists, depends on the properties of the human nervous system and is associated with the conditions identified by psychologists for the formation of an adequate image of perception, which requires a sufficient amount of information, its structure and activity of perception. In our opinion, the systematization of information on one basis or another is also very important, since the latter affects the establishment of links between information elements, increasing or decreasing their number, as shown in. This is consistent with the theory of systems, when, with a smaller number of elements in the system, the connections between them are better seen and the more elements in the system, the fewer connections are established between the elements.

Analyzing the results of research by psychophysiologists, according to which:

· owners of a strong and inert nervous system not only perceive information visually well, but also capture and remember it;

Weakness, lability and inactivation of the nervous system contribute to better memorization in the semantic coding (processing) of information;

Individuals with a low level of anxiety (emotionally stable and balanced nervous system) are characterized by a global synthetic nature of information processing, and with high anxiety (emotionally unstable nervous system) - analytical, we come to the following conclusions.

1. Students with different properties of the nervous system (temperaments) need to present educational information, first of all, visually, since the owners of 3 temperaments (choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic) have a strong nervous system, and 2 have an inert ( phlegmatic, melancholic).

2. Educational information should be presented both in a logical sequence, in a sign-symbolic form, and in a generalized way, in the form of informational, structural-logical diagrams (SLS), and also mainly according to the deductive principle - from the general to the particular and, if necessary , from particular to general - inductively.

3. The information presented on the SLS is effectively perceived by the owners of different properties of the nervous system, since those who are inclined to analyze information and who have a dominant thinking type of personality (dominance of the left hemisphere) by elements see the information as a whole, and those who are prone to synthesizing information and with the dominance of the right hemisphere (artistic, artistic-thinking type of personality), they see educational information as a whole and effectively analyze its elements.

Taking into account the above, let us dwell on the features of constructing educational information in the form of structural-logical diagrams (SLS).

Structural-logical diagrams briefly and clearly reflect the content of the main topics, sections of the academic discipline, the logic of the course as a whole and the methodology for its presentation. On each of these schemes, the studied material is presented in a specific and structured form, reflecting the content of individual issues of the topic or section, in the form of diagrams, graphs, drawings, formulas, equations. Each scheme has a reference signal - a symbol - a generalized image of perception that combines the questions presented on the SLS, and also helps the student to see the features of individual questions, topics, sections of the discipline being studied.

The conducted analysis shows that the use of SLS when working with students allows the teacher to:

· implement the principle of large-block representation of theoretical knowledge, reduce the time for presenting theoretical material;

· to intensify the cognitive activity of students, to establish closer contacts with the audience, to apply monitoring of the quality of knowledge.

The use of SLS by students in the study of the theoretical sections of the discipline, solving problems, performing tasks provides:

systematization of knowledge, the ability to see the logical connections between issues, topics and sections of the discipline being studied;

development of thinking, including creative, activation and effectiveness of independent cognitive activity in general;

· reduction of time for mastering the theoretical part of the academic discipline and, consequently, the possibility of individual independent work of students with in-depth study of individual topics of the course being studied, the performance of tasks focused on future professional activity;

The conducted studies have shown that the use of SLS in the educational process contributes to the activation of independent cognitive activity of schoolchildren, students, and significantly increases its effectiveness. So, for example, reading lectures using SLS in the form of slides allows the teacher, explaining the material, to conduct a dialogue with students, involving them in a discussion, encouraging reasoning, joint evidence and conclusions. The teacher can explain or prove the most difficult questions, and instruct students to draw simpler conclusions on their own.

Computer learning technologies developed using SLS and taking into account the individual psychological characteristics of schoolchildren and students make it possible to ensure optimal compliance of the teaching methodology with the characteristics of the individual cognitive activity of each student, and, consequently, its effectiveness and success, all this contributes to improving the quality of education, the quality of training of specialists in systems of general and vocational education.

Our analysis showed that the construction of educational information in the form of SLS contributes to the activation and development of mental cognitive processes of perception, attention, memory, thinking, imagination, speech, which ensures the activation and effectiveness of the cognitive activity of schoolchildren and students in general.

Let us analyze how the presentation of information in the form of structural-logical schemes affects the perception and processing of information by students with different styles of cognitive activity - cognitive styles: impulsiveness - reflexivity, analyticity - synthesis, field dependence - field independence, high - low differentiation, etc.

1. Observations and analysis have established that the owners of the "reflexive" style of cognitive activity of SLS are helped to quickly comprehend and master the information depicted on them. For "impulsive" it is advisable to "voice" this information - to verbalize, which "reduces" the level of impulsivity and contributes to better understanding

educational information.

2. Naturally, the information presented on the SLS is better perceived and assimilated by the owners of the "field-independent" cognitive style, but it also turns out to be accessible to the "field-dependent" one, because the diagram highlights individual blocks and discloses the relationship between them. Teachers for the development of "field independence" should offer "field dependent" special tasks to single out individual elements from the whole, find and establish relationships between these elements, etc.

3. A large amount of information structured and simultaneously presented on the SLS contributes, in our opinion, to the development of the cognitive style "high - low differentiation". This is due to the fact that on a large amount of visually presented information it is more convenient to establish differences, find common and distinctive features of certain objects, phenomena, make comparisons, etc.

The foregoing leads to the conclusion and expediency of using structural-logical schemes in the educational process in various disciplines when creating textbooks, incl. computer, information technology training.

Educational information, when presented in the form of SLS, is significantly generalized, structured and links are clearly revealed both between questions of a certain topic and between this topic with the previous and subsequent ones. This is achieved by encoding information (for example, in each diagram, questions related to pumps are marked with the letter H, fans - B, compressors - K). In addition, sometimes the links between the "generalized image of perception" (reference signal, symbol) and its specific manifestation are shown by arrows.

In the presence of SLS, cognitive activity can be organized in different ways, which depends on the quantitative and qualitative composition of the group of students, the psychological characteristics of the educational material, the discipline taught, etc.

1. For a large and accustomed audience (3-4 study groups) with an insufficient level of learning, the information-receptive method of teaching is the most suitable, when the teacher, before explaining in detail, proving any theoretical issue, first briefly explains the content of the entire topic , visualized on the SLS. This contributes to attracting the attention of students to educational information, a preliminary brief acquaintance with its content, establishing links between the issues of the topic under consideration, its holistic perception, which is absolutely necessary for students with dominance of the right, equal severity of the functions of the hemispheres of the brain and synthetics who perceive information in general. Left-brain students and analysts will first see a chain of interrelated elements, which then helps them to get a holistic view of information on each topic and the discipline as a whole.

The development and consolidation of theoretical material is carried out when answering questions and solving problems, performing tasks of different levels of complexity, focused on future professional activities, both independent using SLS, and joint in practical classes.

2. For 1-2 study groups of students with an average and high level of learning and learning, as our experience shows, it is advisable to organize cognitive activity in the following way. After the teacher explains the content of the next topic of the course presented at the SLS, draws a conclusion of one equation, dependencies, students independently derive all other equations, and then use them when solving problems, completing assignments, etc. Thus, heuristic and research teaching methods are implemented in the educational process. At the same time, a teacher, a teacher, can give tasks of a research nature as individual schoolchildren, students, taking into account the level of development of their intellectual abilities, or offer one or another task to a group of two people - a dyad, including students with the same or different degrees of learning and learning, but psychologically compatible. . The joint cognitive activity of schoolchildren and students often, as is known, turns out to be more effective and developing than individual.

3. Conducting classes, lectures in the form of a dialogue is a means of facilitating the activation of the mental and cognitive activity of schoolchildren and students. This form of lectures is well received by students, as evidenced by the results of the survey. At the same time, the teacher, first briefly explaining the content of the topic under consideration on the SLS, begins to conduct joint reasoning with students, gradually moving from one question of the topic to another, asking questions, receiving answers, clarifying them, sometimes explaining in detail or proving what is more difficult for students to perceive, draws their attention to the connection between the individual issues of the topic and the connection with previously studied material. Such a method of conducting lectures is most appropriate with 1-2 student groups, even with an average level of their training, it certainly increases the level of students' learning, and in terms of time it is the same as a traditional monologue lecture.

4. Such a form of organization of cognitive activity is possible, in which the teacher, having explained the content of the topic using SLS, highlighting individual questions, suggests that students first (focusing on SLS) complete an illustration to the issue under consideration (drawing, graph, diagram), and then find to it explanation in a training or methodological manual and reflect this explanation in the abstract. This is both a heuristic method of cognition, and the development of abilities for self-learning, self-education.

5. The information presented on the SLS can be considered as a clearly expressed problem with separate questions, tasks, which makes it possible to apply the problem-based teaching method based on structural and logical schemes. Moreover, the generalization and structuring of educational information, the visual disclosure of connections contribute to the effective solution of problematic tasks and situations, the implementation of complex tasks-tasks related to the future profession in the independent cognitive activity of students, as evidenced by the opinions of distance learning students.

In general, the presentation of educational information in the form of structural-logical schemes contributes to a change in the functions of participants in the educational process, when the teacher is not a translator of educational information, but directs the independent cognitive activity of schoolchildren, students, who turn from passive listeners into active information converters and researchers.

In addition, the use of SLS makes it possible to diversify the teaching methods of various disciplines, which contributes to the effectiveness of students' cognitive activity. This is evidenced by the results of a survey of students, which confirm the expediency of using SLS, developed by the author and his graduate students, in teaching such disciplines as “Inorganic Chemistry”, “Pumps, fans, compressors”, “Hydromechanics”, “Economics and management of mining", "Foreign language", "Mathematics", "Biology and chemistry", "Theoretical foundations of electrical engineering".

In conclusion, we present the rationale for the effectiveness of the method of teaching various disciplines based on structural logic diagrams (SLS).

The influence of the method of teaching based on SLS on the activation and improvement of the efficiency of the cognitive activity of students in various disciplines is substantiated by us theoretically and confirmed by the results of the experiment and the questioning of students.

As an example, Table 1 shows the results of ascertaining and forming experiments on the development of students in control (65 people) and experimental (68 people) groups of intellectual skills - differentiation, finding similarities and comparisons when they master the discipline "Pumps, fans, compressors" . At the same time, after the first lecture, at which the students of the experimental and control groups got acquainted with the classification and principle of operation of machines that move liquids and gases, they were given tasks to identify differences, find similarities and compare in general any three types of machines using different literature. The results were evaluated on a 10-point scale and as a percentage, according to the ratio of 10 points - 100%.

Table 1

Development of thinking among students of experimental and control groups

Experimental groups

Control groups

Number of students

At the end of the course (after 4 months), students of the same groups (experimental - studying the subject using SLS and control - studying according to the traditional method) were given tasks to establish differences, find similarities and make comparisons on various theoretical, practical issues and topics studied discipline. The assessment was made in points (see table 1).

The results of the experiment indicate the following. In 2 out of 3 experimental groups, the initial level of performing mental operations of differentiation, finding similarities and comparisons was (0.47) 9% lower than that of the control groups (0.56). After training with the use of SLS, the level of performance of these operations increased by 24-37%, compared with the initial one, and in the control groups only by 12-17%.

In addition, the feasibility of using SLS is confirmed by the fact that:

students become able to solve problems of a higher class (than ordinary educational problems) - complex tasks-tasks that correspond to their inclinations towards engineering (designer, technologist, developer-researcher of problems, programmer, etc.) or engineering and humanitarian (manager, economist, ecologist, teacher, sociologist, psychologist) professional activity;

Reduced training time with the same quality of knowledge;

the quality of knowledge increases with the same training time;

the amount of studied information increases with the same level of knowledge and the same time costs;

· strong students master the compulsory program material three times faster than without SLS.

These results are understandable, because the teacher spent time and energy on generalization,

structuring, systematization of information, and if this generalization and the connections between the elements of knowledge are clear to students, then the process of assimilation of information is accelerated, which is confirmed by our observations, experiment and is consistent with the results of research by N.V. Tishchenko.

Thus, the conducted studies have confirmed the expediency of using SLS when studying by schoolchildren, students of various disciplines, since this contributes to the effectiveness of the perception of educational information by students with different psychophysiological characteristics, the activation of mental cognitive processes, the development of intellectual skills, thinking in general, the activation and effectiveness of educational and cognitive activity of students compared to traditional teaching methods. Below are presented as examples of structural-logical diagrams - SLS, developed by the author in the disciplines "Pumps, fans, compressors" (Fig. 1., 2), "Hydromechanics, hydraulics" (Fig. 3., 4) and "Pedagogical psychology" (Fig. 5, 6). In color and black and white versions (Fig. 7, 8), (Fig. 9.10), (Fig. 11, 12).

Fig.1. (SLS 9) - Joint operation of machines (pumps, fans) on the network

Rice. 2. Turbochargers - centrifugal and axial

Fig 3. (SLS 5.b) - Laws of motion of a one-dimensional flow

Rice. 4. (SLS 9) Modes of fluid motion

Rice. 5. Educational activity as an activity of interaction between participants in the educational process, its structure

Fig.6. Personal abilities, their structure and classification

Rice. 7. (SLS 9) Joint operation of machines (pumps, fans) on the network

Rice. 8 (SLS 16) Turbochargers - centrifugal and axial

Rice. 9. (SLS 5b) Laws of motion of a one-dimensional flow

Fig.10 (SLS 7) Similarity laws and criteria

Fig.11. The concept of quality training of specialists


Skribko Zoya Alekseevna, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of General Physics, Tomsk State Pedagogical University, Tomsk.

Karaush Sergey Aleksandrovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head. Department of Occupational Safety and Environment, Tomsk University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Tomsk.

Bibliographic link

URL: (date of access: 04/06/2019). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"

Microeconomics structural-logical schemes. Teaching aid. M., 1996.

At the third stage, a general structural and logical scheme of the system under study is developed. Graphically, it is usually represented as a block drawing, where each element corresponds to a specific block. Separate blocks are interconnected by arrows that show the presence and direction of internal and external connections of the system. Immediately, the indicators selected at the previous stage are distributed among the elements and connections of the system, their list is specified (those that duplicate each other are excluded, insufficient information is replaced, etc.).

Results for table. 9.2 are obtained by calculating the factorial model by the method of chain substitution based on the structural-logical scheme of fig. 9.1. The calculation procedure is as follows


Structural and logical schemes

What is the structural and logical scheme of the relationship between anti-crisis regulation and anti-crisis management

How to draw up a structural-logical scheme of anti-crisis management

The structural and logical scheme of the three-level factorial model of the average annual turnover of inventories is shown in fig. 8.3.


Scheme 2. Structural and logical scheme of marketing (p. 16-17).

Draw a structural-logical diagram of the main act of a comprehensive audit.

The general structural and logical scheme of the analysis of profitability of own capital is presented in fig. 22.3.

An educational complex is presented, including theoretical material in structural-logical diagrams and a workshop consisting of situational tasks, methodological instructions for their solution, tasks in a test form, grouped by topics and main issues of the Accounting Theory discipline. Verification, consolidation and assimilation of knowledge are achieved with the help of final testing and solving a cross-cutting generalizing problem.

The book brought to your attention is devoted to the problems of investment in the Russian economy, the development of the oil and gas industry and the peculiarities of subsoil use based on production sharing agreements (hereinafter referred to as Agreements or PSA), and also sums up the first results of their implementation in Russia. The reader is given the opportunity to familiarize himself with the binding norms enshrined in legal acts relating to PSA issues, use legal and economic comments and explanations, provided with structural and logical diagrams for clarity.

Fig. 22 Structural and logical diagram of the analysis of competitiveness of products

The analysis of the structure of the connection of the studied indicators in the AHD is carried out using the construction of a structural-logical block diagram, which allows you to establish the presence and direction of the connection not only between the studied factors and the effective indicator, but also between the factors themselves. Having built a block diagram, you can see that among the studied factors there are those that more or less directly affect the performance indicator, and those that affect not so much the performance indicator as each other.

The stage of structural planning begins with the division of the task (project) under study into clearly defined steps (work packages) necessary to achieve the goal of the task (project). Then a logical diagram of the links between the works or a sequence of works in the logical sequence of their execution is drawn up. Based on the logical sequence of work, a graph or network model is built.

The second stage involves the development of technical proposals. Getting to it, the designer calls the program for searching for options for technical solutions. It accesses an array of information represented by an AND-OR technical decision tree or a semantic model. Both of them accumulate knowledge about technical systems of a certain class, including information on already created objects contained in projects, copyright certificates and patents. When searching for options using the AND-OR tree, descriptions of the options for the object will be programmatically compiled in accordance with the algorithm described in clause 4.4. Using graphic display programs, the description can be presented in the form of a layout of the elements included in it on the screen of a video terminal or on a graph plotter. When using semantic modeling, the designer needs to draw up a functional description based on the conceptual description, including the design goals and features of the object, and, based on it, a diagram of logical connectives in accordance with the recommendations of clause 4.4. According to the logical scheme of connections, a block diagram will be selected from the database, which will constitute a variant of the design object. Here, as in the first case, the description of the option can be presented in the form of a graphical display indicating the names of the constituent elements.

Classical design methods. The end of the 70s - the beginning of the 80s is the time of the formation of integrated database technology as one of the leading technologies in IS design. A large set of theoretically based methods for designing conceptual and logical database schemas, organizing a physical data storage environment, planning data access paths, etc. was developed and put into practice. Methods for designing functions were developed from methods of formal specification of functions to structural programming and the first non-procedural generation (4GL). Analysis of the functions (tasks) of the enterprise also served as the basis for the design of the database. ASE-systems appeared, focused on formalizing the information and functional requirements for IS and designed for formal description and team development of large software systems.

IGO Lecture 4

Lecture 4 Methodology for the analysis of educational information


    Selection of educational material.

    Structural-logical analysis.

    Educational elements.

    Specification of educational material.

    Graph of educational information.

    Structural-logical scheme.

4.1. Selection of educational material

The greatest time expenditures require analysis, selection of the content of educational material on the subject, methodological and didactic processing of it for the lesson. The complexity of the selection of educational material is explained by the following circumstances:

    Lack of high-quality textbooks and teaching aids in many educational disciplines of the information technology profile;

    Insufficient completeness of educational information on certain topics in the recommended literature;

    The absence of a single textbook for educational institutions of professional and additional education in a number of disciplines of the information technology profile.

The educational material selected by the teacher from various sources (textbooks, teaching aids, scientific and technical literature) requires processing, structuring, logical construction and compiling an outline of the content of educational information.

4.2. Structural-logical analysis

The stage of preparing educational material for the lesson is a structural-logical analysis. Structural-logical analysis is understood as singling out educational elements (concepts) in the content of the educational material, their classification and establishing links or relationships between them. Structural-logical analysis can be subjected to both a part of the educational material, the explanation and reasoning of the teacher, the solution of a certain problem, and the entire selected educational material of the lesson or topic of the program.

4.3. Learning elements

The structure of educational information is made up of educational elements or concepts. concept - a form of scientific knowledge that reflects the objectively essential in things, phenomena, processes, fixed by a special term. educational element (UE) name any object to be studied (subject, process, phenomenon, method of action).

Concepts (UE) are characterized by:

Volume (the number of objects covered by this concept);

Connections and relations of this concept with other concepts.

The structure of the UE description creates a cognitive image of the studied objects.

For methodological purposes, it is convenient to classify concepts on the following grounds:

Formation time;

The level of absorption.

When planning the process of forming technical concepts, the teacher always determines the moment of their formation. By the time of formation of the concept are divided:

To new concepts (formed for the first time in this lesson);

Supporting concepts (formed in the process of studying the considered academic discipline or related subjects).

The concepts formed in the lesson differ according to the levels of assimilation. One of the possible classifications of concepts proposed by V.P. Bespalko, suggests the following levels:

I level - "recognition" (characterized by performing actions with a hint). At this level, concepts of a secondary nature are formed, which students must know, define, classify.

II level - "reproduction" (characterized by the performance of actions from memory). At this level, concepts are formed that are used to explain the characteristics and design of technical objects, solve problems, the algorithm for solving which follows from known formulas, etc.

III level - "skill" (implies the performance of productive activities based on similar algorithms). The concepts formed at this level are used in solving practical problems, the algorithm of which is not given in finished form.

IV level - “transformation” (implies productive activity in a new area). This is the level of formation of concepts used in solving creative problems, studying related disciplines, etc.

The results of structural-logical analysis can be presented in the form of a specification or a graph.

4.4. Specification of educational elements (concepts)

Specification - tabular form of presentation of structural-logical analysis (Table 7). The specification contains the names of the UEs (concepts) of the educational material, their classification on various grounds and the symbols denoting the concepts.

In table. 7, the concepts that are part of the educational material of the lesson are entered. Each educational concept (element) is assigned a serial number. Further, concepts are classified according to various grounds and are marked with a “+” sign. As a rule, the first number is assigned to the concept that is leading in this topic of the lesson. Usually this concept coincides with the name of the topic.

Table 7

UE specification

4.5. Training Information Graph

Count called a set of points (vertices) connected by edges (arcs).

Training Information Graph - a way to identify and visualize the connections or relationships between educational elements (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Graph of training information

For structural and logical analysis, the most convenient is a flat graph - a "tree". Each vertex should be considered as a symbol depicting information corresponding only to this UE. Therefore, one UE should not be considered as part of the information of another element or the sum of the information of several UEs. Each educational element of the graph, regardless of position and connections, has its own information, only contained in it.

Concepts are located on horizontal lines (orders) that form a certain generality. A brief definition of this generality is called the concept-complex. Orders are usually denoted by Roman numerals, and concepts (UE) by Arabic.

When building a graph, keep the following in mind:

1) the number of orders should fully cover all the educational elements of the topic;

2) the number of educational elements included in one order is not limited;

3) do not single out an educational element, if only it alone has a connection with an element of a higher order;

4) edges can intersect order horizontals, but must not intersect with each other.

4.6. Structural and logical scheme

When preparing educational material for a lesson, it becomes necessary to build a model that reflects in a visual form the structure of educational material, the sequence, subordination and subordination of concepts, logical connections.

The construction of a graph of educational information gives only a clear picture of the logical connections between concepts. It does not reflect the dynamics of concept formation, the sequence of inclusion of concepts in the process of explanation in a visual form. Therefore, the most acceptable way of presenting educational information is a structural-logical scheme.

Structural-logical scheme a graph is called, the edges of which are presented in the form of vectors indicating the logical connection between concepts and the sequence of their introduction into the educational process. When constructing a structural-logical diagram, the following rules must be observed:

1) only one concept should be placed at each vertex of the scheme;

2) the vectors connecting the vertices should not intersect (if the intersection is unavoidable, then one should find in the material such a concept that refers to the intersection point);

3) the relationship of subordination between concepts is indicated by the direction of the arrow of the vector connecting the concepts;

4) equivalent vertices of the scheme containing subordinate concepts should be placed on the same line, and the subordinates should be lowered one step lower.

The structural-logical scheme does not include all the concepts identified in the structural-logical analysis and included in the specification. Their composition almost entirely depends on the initial level of knowledge of the students. If for students any initial concepts are simple enough, then they can not be introduced into the scheme.

The construction of structural-logical schemes is advisable only for small fragments of educational material. For a material with a large volume, the structural-logical diagram, as a rule, contains a significant number of vertices-concepts, edges and closed contours. This makes it difficult to read and characterizes the complexity of studying this piece of material.

In order to simplify the structural-logical scheme, a number of nodes-concepts included in it can be omitted. First of all, detailed concepts are not introduced into the scheme. In more complex cases, the educational material is divided into a number of logically complete fragments, for each of which they make up their own scheme.

When constructing all the private structural-logical schemes following the first one, it is assumed that the concepts included in the previous material have been mastered by students to the required level. Therefore, they can be omitted from subsequent partial structural-logical schemes, if this does not violate the logic of constructing schemes.

The construction of structural and logical schemes is one of the methods for selecting and systematizing educational material that implements the principles of scientific, systematic and consistent learning, accessibility, visibility.

Sviridenko M.I.


teacher of the highest category

Gorlovsky College of Industrial Technologies and Economics



The modern learning process is a complex multifaceted organization of interaction between a teacher and a student. The main goal of training is to obtain a certain result, expressed in the relevant competencies acquired by the student. StudentXXI century - this is a person who requires the teacher to apply new forms and methods of teaching at such a level that the future specialist has the opportunity not only to demonstrate his knowledge, but alsomasteredknowledge and skills and was able to develop them in the future. The teacher's task is to maximize the student's cognitive activity and develop a creative attitude to the discipline being studied.

One of the landmarks in cognitive activity serves as a structural logic diagram (SLS). It is designed to reveal the basic conceptual composition of a module of educational material (or an element of a module) and the logic of its study and serve as a complete indicative basis for mental actions.

This technology of using SLS contributes to the formation of a culture of scientific knowledge, activates logical thinking, serves to develop students' ability to observe cause-and-effect relationships, make judgments and establish a relationship between them in the form of inferences.

The most important feature of the organization of educational - educational process in secondary vocational educational institutions is that in the first year of study, students must learn a two-year school curriculum, that is, learn in a year what they study at school for two years - the tenth and eleventh grades. And as a result, there is a problem of finding new and improving old, time-tested, original and effective methods of teaching the history of the Fatherland, world history, philosophy and law, which would allow filling gaps in students' knowledge in a short time and moving further along the path of mastering educational material.

The purpose of our work is to find the optimal use of modern teaching methods, the best developments from the treasury of pedagogical skills, in particular the role of structural-logical schemes in the educational process.

On this way, one of the ways to intensify the educational process is the use of structural and logical schemes in the system of interdisciplinary connections, which contributes to improving the quality of knowledge, the systematic study of educational material, the multi-vector knowledge of socio-economic students.

Schemes and tables help to highlight the defining events of the historical process that students must master in the process of studying the course of social disciplines, to highlight the essence of the problem, to better understand complex theoretical issues, main ideas. In such a scheme, important information on the topic being studied is encoded in a concise form. In addition, the system of structural and logical schemes makes it possible to consider the historical processes in the country on a much larger scale against the backdrop of world events. The addition of legal issues related to history, at first glance, somewhat complicates the assimilation of educational material, but it helps to understand, especially for gifted youth, the relationship between socio-political processes and the state of the legal system of a particular country. An example is the tragic events of the 1930s. in the USSR and the basic principles of the "Stalinist" Constitution of 1936. Only by improving innovative teaching technologies, it is possible to raise the overall quality level of future specialists, to expand their worldview baggage.

"Better to see once than hear a hundred times". This folk wisdom is the best way to confirm the need for the widespread introduction of structural-logical schemes in the educational process using various types of visualization. But the visualization used should not be blurry, entirely presentational. When compiling SLS, it is necessary to put structural clarity at the forefront. And here we need a certain system of application of these schemes. Analysis of scientific and pedagogical sources, as well as our many years of experience in using SLS in the educational process, allow us to highlight several principles of this system:

1. Multivariance.

2. Parallelism as a form when using interdisciplinary connections.

3. Multi-level, depending on the degree of preparedness of the audience.

4. The combination of simplicity and a certain complexity, accessibility and logical sequence.

Let us dwell on the above principles in more detail.

Multivariance [ 1] :

    the teacher offers the student audience a ready-made scheme;

    the training group is given reference signals of the structural-logical scheme. Students insert missing links as they study the educational material, whether it be a lecture or independent work;

    the teacher offers a construction algorithm during the lecture;

    the scheme is built when performing independent work;

    construction of a structural-logical scheme by the students themselves as the final chord of a lecture or practical work.

Example: construction of SLS on the topic "The First Russian Revolution of 1905-1907." in the form of an equilateral triangle, where the beginning is "Bloody Sunday", the peak is the peak of the revolution - armed uprisings in Moscow and Gorlovka, and the end - the dispersal of the Second State Duma in 1907.

Parallelism (2) is especially necessary for intersubject communications.

Example: structural and logical schemes for the sections "World War II" (the discipline "World History") and "The Great Patriotic War" (the discipline "History of the Fatherland").

Multilevel (3) is associated with the potential of the group, the degree of its readiness for classes. Here it is necessary to use different variants of SLS. From the simplest - a ready-made circuit, to the most complex - building a SLS on your own. This system is excellent when using brigade or cooperative teaching methods.

It allows you to vary the work of each team, makes it possible to quickly change the types of tasks, share experience in performing the best samples with other teams as they are completed.

Simplicity and complexity combine the fact that a student can portray something the most important, the most memorable, and in some cases students need to start from the simplest, from the most important links of the scheme, but only at an early stage. And the difficulty lies in the fact that it is possible to explain the SLS or build it only when the student audience has a sufficient stock of knowledge on a given topic or section. But even this is not enough. The student must predict, or better, understand the logic of events well. The ability of students to think abstractly is very important. Working on SLS contributes to the development of this type of thinking.

It should be noted that visibility in the study of history and other social disciplines plays a special role in the study of past events. With the help of various visual teaching aids, the teacher reproduces the uniqueness of historical events, creates possible images of the historical past. Without visualization it is impossible to use SLS. The simplest form of visualization is chalkboard drawing. Of the three groups of visual teaching aids - subject, pictorial and conditional-graphic - we are mainly suitable for conditional-graphic and pictorial. This visual system was created by Jan Amos Comenius. It is described in detail in the work of M.V. Korotkova and M.T. Studenikina.

The conventional graphic group of visual aids includes various types of historical maps, historical atlases, graphs, diagrams, structural logic diagrams, and pedagogical drawing. This type of visualization, using the language of conventional signs, allows you to display the essence of historical phenomena, to show the dynamics and interconnection of historical events. The simplest form of visualization is drawing on the board. In the availability of material - room for creativity. There are no frozen forms. The disadvantage is a certain asceticism of the image and insufficient aesthetics.

To other types of visibilityrelateillustrations, educationalpaintings, screenmanuals, computer graphics.

Among the screen aids, it is better to use an interactive whiteboard. It helps both in the construction of SLS using computer graphics and in their demonstration - in color, dynamics and quick final conclusions. Those who own the Compass drawing system can use it for modern diagramming. This is a good example of interdisciplinary connections between social and technical disciplines.

Thus, visual teaching aids make it possible to create not only visual images, but also specify the facts, reveal the essential aspects of historical events, and contribute to the formation of concepts and patterns. The use of visualization provides a deeper assimilation of historical material.

Maps belong to the number of conditionally graphic visual aids. Historical maps are of different types: general, overview, thematic. A variety of maps are contour maps and circuit maps. Most often, young teachers use the map only to localize historical events. However, the functions of historical maps are much wider. It, like a clear diagram, will help to clearly explain the causes of ancient cities and states. The map helps to identify the connection between historical events, to show their dynamics. The map should be used by the teacher not only when explaining new material, but also by students in the process of preparing answers to questions. With the help of the map, students should organize independent work. The map systematically helps in the implementation of interdisciplinary connections: world history - the history of the Fatherland. The map should be used to organize independent work of students. In order for the work with the map to be fruitful, it is important to teach students how to read a historical map. Each teacher must learn and follow the guidelines for working with the map.

At the same time, the teacher should remember that it is impossible to oversaturate the lesson with different types of visualization, otherwise it will lose its effectiveness.

When studying military events, in addition to the map, it is advisable to use the schemes of military battles. Schematic plans drawn on a blackboard or on paper will make the teacher's story more concrete, persuasive, and help to better understand the key points of military historical events.

Interdisciplinary connections are the most important principle of teaching. It provides the interconnection not only of the disciplines of the cycle, but also of the natural-science and social-humanitarian cycles, as well as their connection with the professional education of students. Interdisciplinary connections activate the cognitive activity of students, encourage mental activity in the process of transfer,synthesisand generalization of knowledge from various disciplines. The use of SLS at the same time increases the accessibility of assimilation of connections both between the concepts of one discipline and between different disciplines. For example, the system of intersubject communications of social disciplines will be helped by the compilation of a register of SLS on topics and sections of world history and the history of the Fatherland, a list of the parallel use of historical maps. SLS can be supplemented with references to literary works. The section “World War II” can serve as an example, where references to literature on military topics should be added to the signal signs of the scheme.

The optimality and advantages of structural-logical schemes are undeniable: 1. Visual perception of structural-logical schemes is much more effective due to the clear structure of the semantic content of the topic, which is presented taking into account the laws of logic: analysis, synthesis, comparison, judgment.

2. The structural-logical scheme in the student's imagination creates a complete picture of the studied material with the help of a visual-figurative systematization of the material based on associative and logical connections of concepts, judgments, and conclusions.

3. Structural-logical schemes provide concentration of attention due to the structured semantic segments on which concepts, judgments, and conclusions are based.

4. Structural-logical scheme, activating various types of thinking, provides meaningful assimilation of the required content of the material.

5. Structural and logical schemes demonstrate the content of the topic with optimal semantic and informational load: the information is presented in a form that is convenient for perception, the logic of presenting information does not give an ambiguous interpretation.

6. Structural-logical diagrams help the student to restore a complete picture from semantic fragments.

7. Structural and logical schemes take into account the way of thinking of modern students who prefer non-textual, visual-figurative information, and contribute to the formation of a culture of scientific knowledge, which is based on the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships.

Thus, in the structural-logical scheme, in a clear generalized form, important information on the problems of the topics and sections under study is encoded. When using structural-logical schemes in the classroom, all the basic didactic principles “work”: consciousness and cognitive activity; visibility; consistency and consistency; scientific and accessible; connection of theory with practice, and as a result - the strength of the knowledge gained by the student.

Summarizing all of the above, it must be emphasized that work in this direction needs to be continued. Next in line is the systematization of structural-logical schemes through the compilation of a register of schemes, adaptation and differentiation by groups and directions. This will intensify the learning process and help achieve the main principle of learning - the result.


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Sviridenko M.I. The use of structural-logical schemes in the educational process.

The search for the optimal use of modern teaching methods, the best developments from the treasury of pedagogical skills led the author to highlight the role of structural-logical schemes in the educational process, advantages of using structural-logical schemes in teaching history, in interdisciplinary communications.

Keywords: structural and logical scheme in history, visibility, interdisciplinary connections.


(in English)

Annotation text.

key words: