Kulbachevsky Anton Olegovich biography. Cabinets: Here people decide

According to childhood friends, Anton wanted to become a military man at school. Reasonable parents decided: the desire is commendable, but first try to see if you can handle military service. After school, Anton joined the army (1984), and after demobilization, he entered the Higher Naval School named after M.V. Frunze, from which he graduated with honors in 1989. However, the ambitious young man did not have time to gain fame in the military field: along with the collapse of the USSR, the army began to fall apart, so in the memorable 1991, Kulbachevsky considered it better to go into business.

Five years later, he changes his business career to a scientific one: in 1996-2003. works as a researcher at the Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry named after V.I. Vernadsky, and from there he goes to public service. In 2003, he became an adviser to the chairman of the State Fisheries Committee of the Russian Federation.

The next round is also not easy to explain: in 2005-2006. he holds the position of an economic security specialist at OAO Irkutskgazprom. And here again his career took an unexpected turn: Kulbachevsky switched from economic security to environmental security, moving to the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources (Rosprirodnadzor), the department responsible for the Central Federal District (CFD).

Kulbachevsky's career in this department was more than successful: from the chief specialist (2006) to the head of the department for state control and supervision of forests and specially protected natural areas, then the deputy head of the Rosprirodnadzor department for the Central Federal District (2007) and a year later - his chapter.

Then everything is according to Chekhov: to Moscow, to Moscow! In November 2010, Kulbachevsky headed the Department of Nature Management and Environmental Protection of the Moscow Government. Many scandals of varying degrees of brightness and intensity are associated with Kulbachevsky’s activities in this post, primarily concerning the so-called green areas of the capital, which have the status of protected areas, and at the same time are of particular interest to business, such as the long-suffering Bitsevsky Park and the Losiny Ostrov National Park ".

City garbage is another sore problem of the department headed by Kulbachevsky. He is an ardent supporter of a very difficult to implement plan to create ecotechnoparks within a radius of 200 km from Moscow, where the capital's waste should be transported by rail.

According to some information, he is currently a student of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation with a degree in State and Municipal Administration, deepening his knowledge in the specialization Ecology and Environmental Management.

State Councilor of the Russian Federation, 3rd class.

He was awarded the badge of honor of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation "For Distinction in Service", a certificate of honor from Rosprirodnadzor, a commemorative badge "100 years since the birth of Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union N.G. Kuznetsov."

Head of the Department of Nature Management and Environmental Protection of the City of Moscow


Born in 1967 in Moscow. In 1989 he graduated with honors from the Higher Naval School. M.V. Frunze. In 2013, he received his second higher education at the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation with a degree in State and Municipal Administration, specializing in Ecology and Environmental Management. Class rank: State Councilor of the Russian Federation, 3rd class, Acting State Councilor of the City of Moscow, 1st class.


Gas stations with low-quality gasoline will be marked with stickers

Activists of youth social movements will start sticking warning stickers at gas stations that sell low-quality fuel. “This is a public initiative. It is mainly, let’s say, students, young people, people who are not indifferent to the city’s ecology, which are engaged in it, ”said Anton Kulbachevsky, head of the Moscow Department of Nature Management and Environmental Protection, in an interview with the M24 TV channel.
link: http://www.autonews.ru/automarket_news/news/1760703/

"Dirty business" businessman Galchev sponsors "EdRo"

Anton Kulbachevsky, the head of the capital's environmental department, came out to the residents of Pechatniki, accepted their petition, listened to their complaints and promised to take action. One can only hope that the new city government will be more principled in relation to violators of environmental safety in the capital.
link: http://ru-compromat. livejournal.com/380005.html

Two billion rubles against the bark beetle

How to protect the green shield of the capital from bark beetle and other misfortunes? Anton Kulbachevsky, Head of the Department of Nature Management and Environmental Protection of Moscow, answered this question at the "Business Breakfast" at RG.

Anton Kulbachevsky, head of the Moscow Department of Natural Resources: “It is planned to attract 180 billion rubles for the improvement of nature protection zones.”

The five-year program "Recreation Industry" should attract business not only to parks of culture and recreation, but also to specially protected natural areas (SPNA) of the capital. In order to lure investors, the city is ready to allocate 60 billion rubles. for communications and transport entrances. The Department of Nature Management and Environmental Protection of Moscow plans to receive 120 billion rubles. from business to the development of recreation areas in protected areas. Anton Kulbachevsky, head of the department, told Marker about what this money will be used for.
link: http://marker.ru/news/4280

Anton Kulbachevsky: Ecology requires additional revision

This decision was made today at a meeting of the Moscow government. Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin explained this by the fact that the legal registration of the transfer of a 40,000-hectare forest protection belt to the capital is underway, and therefore it is not yet clear how much money will be needed to maintain and put it in order. It is only clear that this “belt” will cost Moscow dearly, because, according to the head of the Department of Nature Management and Environmental Protection Anton Kulbachevsky, the conifers there are 30-40 percent affected by the bark beetle, and the deciduous forests are half overripe and require serious sanitary cleaning. He noted that there is still no clarity about the state of forests in the territories annexed to Moscow, and this is another 60,000 hectares. They also require examination, and only after that the necessary costs can become clear.
link: http://www.rg.ru/2011/10/11/ekologia-site-anons.html

Moscow will dissolve the belt

The program "Environmental Protection" for 2012-2016 caused the most controversy and proposals. And this is understandable, because it is about the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the earth we walk on. What are the goals of this document? What do citizens support in it, and what do they oppose? This was discussed at the "Business Breakfast" in "RG" with the head of the department of nature management and environmental protection Anton Kulbachevsky.
link: http://www.rg.ru/2011/10/03/zavtrak.html

Kulbachevsky demolishes the last ski base in Moscow

At a time when the country's leadership is confused about finding ways to develop sports, in the bowels of the state itself there are officials who are more important than something completely different. Tens of thousands of Muscovites who go in for sports in the Bitsa recreation area are of no importance to them. Dozens of sports events held by the Alfa-Bitsa sports club, including charity races to help sick children and in memory of fallen soldiers, the most massive marathon in the Moscow region "Bitsevsky Marathon" were not needed by Mr. Kulbachevsky - the main "fighter" for nature, head of the Department of Nature Management and environmental protection.
link: http://www.xcsport.ru/modules/news/article.php?storyid=1340

Kulbachevsky: tiles in Moscow will not interfere with roller skating

MOSCOW, June 8 - RIA Novosti. Replacing asphalt with paving slabs in Moscow will not create inconvenience for roller skating, Anton Kulbachevsky, head of the Moscow Department of Nature Management and Environmental Protection, told reporters on Wednesday.
link: http://news.mail.ru/inregions/moscow/90/6080257/

Anton Kulbachevsky did not call for closing the Moscow Zoo

Anton Kulbachevsky, head of the Moscow Department of Nature Management, did not propose to close the Moscow Zoo on Krasnaya Presnya, but only suggested the possibility of opening a new, more spacious zoo outside the city, the department's press service said.
link: http://gliffer.ru/news/anton-kulbachevskiy-ne-prizival-zakrivat-moskovskiy-zoopark/

Anton Kulbachevsky, stop slandering the name of SC Alfa-Bitsa.

This is exactly what I want to shout in the face of the head of the Moscow Department of Natural Resources, Anton Olegovich Kulbachevsky, after his last speeches to the press. “Captured”, “littered”, “homeless type” - such epithets are used by Mr. Kulbachevsky to the Alfa-Bitsa sports club, which holds the most massive ski racing competitions in Moscow and prepares the only normal ski track. And how he has the audacity to say such things about the people thanks to whom the Bitts recreation area still exists.
Link: http://danblackmore.com/ livejournal.com/1383.html

An action was held in Yasenevo against the construction of a metro line through a forest park

According to Anton Kulbachevsky, head of the Department of Nature Management and Environmental Protection of Moscow, the project of laying the metro through the Bitsevsky forest park is still being worked out. “There have been no public hearings yet, and residents who are protesting can attend these hearings and express their opinion. After the hearings, a federal-level environmental review will be carried out, which will conclude whether it is harmful to the green spaces of the park or not, ”the head of the department told RIA Novosti.
link: http://www.mosecofed.ru/ 1301243782.php

The Department of Environmental Protection will take over the cement elevator in Pechatniki

Anton Kulbachevsky, head of the Department of Natural Resources Management and Environmental Protection of Moscow, will take care of the cement elevator in the Moscow district of Pechatniki. He intends to initiate an inspection of hazardous production by Rosprirodnadzor and monitor the environmental situation in the region.
link: http://www.yabloko.ru/regnews/Moscow/2011/05/12_0

Anton Kulbachevsky: It is impossible to protect trees from freezing rain

Ecologists from the capital do not rule out the possibility of a repeat of the natural scenario of last year in the region, when at the end of December the “ice rain” occurred in the region, causing serious damage to the green fund of Moscow. However, specialists cannot prevent the fall of trees as a result of the disaster, said Anton Kulbachevsky, head of the Moscow Department of Nature Management.

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Reception of the population:

according to the schedule of the reception of the Government of Moscow

Executive Blog:

General information:

Born in 1967 in Moscow. In 1989 he graduated with honors from the Higher Naval School. M.V. Frunze. In 2013, he received his second higher education at the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation with a degree in State and Municipal Administration, specialization in Ecology and Environmental Management. Class rank: State Councilor of the Russian Federation, 3rd class, Acting State Councilor of the City of Moscow, 1st class.

Labor activity: 1984-1991 - Service in the Armed Forces of the USSR, 1991-1996. – Work in commercial structures, 1996-2003. – Researcher at the Laboratory of Chemical Sensors and Determination of Gas-Forming Impurities at the Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry. V.I. Vernadsky, 2003-2005 - Advisor to the Chairman of the State Committee of the Russian Federation on Fisheries, 2005-2006. - Specialist in economic security of OAO Irkutskgazprom, 2006-2007. - Chief Specialist of the Department of State Control and Supervision of Forests and Protected Natural Areas of the Regional Directorate of Rosprirodnadzor for the Central Federal District, 2007-2008. - Head of the Department of State Control and Supervision of Forests and Specially Protected Natural Areas of the Department of Rosprirodnadzor for the Central Federal District, Deputy Head of the Department of Rosprirodnadzor for the Central Federal District, 2008-2010. – Head of the Department of Rosprirodnadzor for the Central Federal District, November 10, 2010 was appointed Head of the Department of Nature Management and Environmental Protection of the city of Moscow.

He was awarded the badge of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation "Honorary worker of nature conservation", the badge of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation "Excellent worker of nature conservation", the badge of honor of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation "For distinction in service", the gratitude of the Mayor of Moscow, the medal of the Order "For Services to the Fatherland" II degree.

Swimming, playing football, singing, reading fiction

Favorite place in Moscow

“I love Moscow in all its diversity. But I especially like to walk in natural parks when I have free time. It’s so nice to listen to the birds singing, admire the flowers, communication with nature helps to restore strength.”

+7(495) 695-84-74

E-mail address:

[email protected]

Reception of the population:

according to the schedule of the reception of the Government of Moscow

Executive Blog:

General information:

Born in 1967 in Moscow. In 1989 he graduated with honors from the Higher Naval School. M.V. Frunze. In 2013, he received his second higher education at the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation with a degree in State and Municipal Administration, specialization in Ecology and Environmental Management. Class rank: State Councilor of the Russian Federation, 3rd class, Acting State Councilor of the City of Moscow, 1st class.

Labor activity: 1984-1991 - Service in the Armed Forces of the USSR, 1991-1996. – Work in commercial structures, 1996-2003. – Researcher at the Laboratory of Chemical Sensors and Determination of Gas-Forming Impurities at the Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry. V.I. Vernadsky, 2003-2005 - Advisor to the Chairman of the State Committee of the Russian Federation on Fisheries, 2005-2006. - Specialist in economic security of OAO Irkutskgazprom, 2006-2007. - Chief Specialist of the Department of State Control and Supervision of Forests and Protected Natural Areas of the Regional Directorate of Rosprirodnadzor for the Central Federal District, 2007-2008. - Head of the Department of State Control and Supervision of Forests and Specially Protected Natural Areas of the Department of Rosprirodnadzor for the Central Federal District, Deputy Head of the Department of Rosprirodnadzor for the Central Federal District, 2008-2010. – Head of the Department of Rosprirodnadzor for the Central Federal District, November 10, 2010 was appointed Head of the Department of Nature Management and Environmental Protection of the city of Moscow.

He was awarded the badge of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation "Honorary worker of nature conservation", the badge of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation "Excellent worker of nature conservation", the badge of honor of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation "For distinction in service", the gratitude of the Mayor of Moscow, the medal of the Order "For Services to the Fatherland" II degree.

Swimming, playing football, singing, reading fiction

Favorite place in Moscow

“I love Moscow in all its diversity. But I especially like to walk in natural parks when I have free time. It’s so nice to listen to the birds singing, admire the flowers, communication with nature helps to restore strength.”

Good afternoon. Today, the Information Center of the Government of Moscow is holding a press conference of Anton Olegovich Kulbachevsky, Head of the Department of Nature Management and Environmental Protection of the City of Moscow, on the topic: "Results of the Department's work in 2018. Plans for 2019."


I see familiar faces in the hall. We have been working with you for 8 years now. Thank you for writing about ecology.

2018 is a very busy year. In 2018, the Million Trees campaign continued for the 5th year. Over the entire period, more than 100,000 trees and 2,200,000 shrubs were planted as part of this action, more than 18,000 Moscow courtyards were additionally landscaped. The campaign started in August 2013. There was a serious social demand from Muscovites for additional landscaping of their yards. This procedure was very bureaucratic. But we have simplified everything and planted greenery in 18,000 courtyards in a simplified manner. In 2018 alone, more than 350,000 trees and shrubs were planted as part of the campaign. 3,304 trees were planted to replace those lost in 2018 due to abnormal weather conditions. This program will continue in 2019. We plan to plant about 330,000 trees and shrubs. There will be a start of a new action "Our Tree" - when parents of Muscovite families whose children are born in Moscow will be given a place to plant their family tree. We plan that in the future about 30,000 families will take part in it every year. But we cannot yet say how many families will respond in 2019.

The department landscaped 15 urban areas with a total area of ​​169 hectares. These are activities of the compensatory landscaping program. 6,600 trees and 54,000 shrubs were planted there, lawns were arranged on an area of ​​10 hectares.

You know that we have positive trends in the field of atmospheric air from 2010 to 2018. Common phrases that 90% are vehicles, 10% are industry - this ratio does not change. Pollution levels continued to decrease near highways, incl. reduction in the concentration of carbon monoxide by 2.2, nitrogen oxide by 1.9 and sulfur dioxide by 2.3 times. The concentration of nitrogen dioxide decreased by 5% compared to 2017. In relation to 2010, the decrease was 2.1 times carbon monoxide, 2.3 nitrogen oxide, 1.7 sulfur dioxide, suspended particles pm 10 - 1.6 times. All of these substances have an impact on the health of our citizens. 30% of health impacts are non-medical factors, but the environment. In this sense, we continue to actively cooperate with physicians, Rospotrebnadzor, with whom we have had many joint successes, including in the field of atmospheric air monitoring.

In general, the amount of emissions from motor transport decreased by 150,000 tons. If in 2010 it was 1 million tons, then at the end of 2018 it was 850,000 tons. All this has been achieved thanks to the achievements of transport policy (new interchanges, new modes of transport, new options for passengers, the number of car trips is decreasing). We continue to monitor motor fuel. Moscow, as you know, was the first in the Russian Federation to switch to the sale of motor fuels of the Euro 5 class only, which also gave a positive result.

If we talk about 10% of emissions from industrial enterprises, then over the 8 years of modernization, which is still ongoing, the Moscow Oil Refinery, Kuryanovsk and Lyubertsy treatment facilities have been subjected. Over the past 5 years, we have reduced emissions from stationary sources by 12%. These are, first of all, the pipes of enterprises.

Last year, the monitoring system for water bodies was organized on 24 main watercourses and reservoirs, in more than 60 observation sites with the determination of up to 40 indicators. The efficiency of cleaning surface runoff from oil products and suspended solids from the territories of large roads at deep cleaning facilities was 90-95%. In other words, almost all wastewater from highways in the city center is cleaned, and quite well. In 2018, the content of ammonium nitrogen in the Moskva River was below the discharge of the Kuryanovsky treatment plant - it decreased by 50% compared to 2014. Over the past 10 years, the content of oil products in the Moscow River in the central part of the city has decreased by 20%.

In 2018, there was a trend towards improvement in the field of soils. Compared to 2005, when we started making observations, the level of oil products decreased by 2 times, and compared to 2017 - by 10%.

92% of the territory of Moscow belongs to the category of low pollution. This is a good indicator. During 2018, 93 facilities were identified where work was carried out with violations of the established noise standards. Administrative cases have been initiated for 79 objects, and documents for initiating administrative cases are being prepared for 14 objects. Our environmental monitoring service is actively working, mainly on construction sites that are carried out at night and are noisy. We brought 79 such objects to responsibility last year.

We continue to develop and upgrade our environmental monitoring system. In 2018, on the basis of the State Budgetary Institution, a round-the-clock operational control service was created, designed to continuously monitor the environmental situation in the city, timely detection and prevention of environmental incidents, threats to the occurrence of natural and man-made emergencies, also associated with an extremely high level of air pollution and operational response to environmental incidents. The creation of this service allowed us to double the number of raids of a mobile laboratory in order to study the level of air pollution based on complaints from residents at night. At the end of 2017, in December, we had an emergency - the smell of sour cabbage. In 2018, these episodes continued. We understand at the expense of what objects this happened. Now the problem is still in the process of being solved. We actively monitor and notify concerned residents of the East Administrative District, South East Administrative District and other areas exposed to unpleasant odors.

In 2018, some environmentalists tried to create some kind of intrigue when, at the request of residents and media representatives who write about the state of atmospheric air, we carried out the first stage of upgrading the Mosecomonitoring website and updated the data. Now it has become more friendly and accessible.

In 2018, we actively participated in the preparations for the 2018 World Cup and in holding. We participated in certification according to international green standards of facilities, stadiums that hosted the World Cup. Near the Spartak and Luzhniki stadiums, our two automatic atmospheric air monitoring stations provided relevant data on the area where the 2018 World Cup matches were to be held.

Our main task is educational function. In 2018, we continued to develop and multiply this theme. We took part in large-scale actions "Earth Hour". So, in 2011, 60 buildings turned off the backlight, in 2016 - 1000 buildings, and last year 1938, including the ensemble of the Moscow Kremlin, Red Square, St. Basil's Cathedral. We carried out the Share and Use campaign - more than 37 tons of waste were collected by the participants of the campaign in 2018 (more than 20,000 people), and in 2014 - only 2 tons, when there were 5,000 participants. Interest in separate collection is growing - more than 30% of Muscovites, according to our surveys, would like to take part in separate collection campaigns, and as the problem with waste is resolved, an industry for recycling will be created, under the requests of which separate collection will be included to increase the amount of waste received for processing.

Ecologist's Day was held in Skazka park. In 2019, we are going to celebrate it on June 8 in the recreation area on the Stroginskaya floodplain.

For the first time in 2018, we launched campaigns such as Art for the Environment. This is a large-scale project to inform the population about the practice of separate collection of household waste. From November 12 to 15, Muscovites exchanged paper, glass, plastic and aluminum for tickets to theaters, museums, cinemas, children's centers and concert venues in the capital. The project was supported by dozens of the best cultural institutions of the city, famous artists and Russian pop stars. This is a completely new format of environmental education, which caused a wave of keen interest among Muscovites. During the action, more than 10 tons of household waste were collected and more than 4.5 thousand tickets for cultural events were issued.

We have launched a new campaign "Ecomanifesto or 10 Ways to Love Moscow". These are videos on the Internet, in which famous media people took part (I. Bezrukova, G. Kutsenko, A. Mikheeva, D. Malikov, E. Varnava, A. Mikheeva, M. Butyrskaya, Yu. Karaulova, S. Kazanova, Glucose , Tutta Larsen). I want to thank everyone for their participation, both artists and Muscovites who watched the videos. The artists recorded stories about how simple actions can save our nature and how you can love your city from an environmental point of view.

They offered the "Green Office" campaign, which took place from April to June. 103 companies took part in it. Every year the number of participants is growing.

Traditionally, together with the Department of Transport, we took part in the environmental awareness campaign "World Car Free Day", "Earth Day", "Biking to Work" and many other campaigns and forms of activity.

We continue to interact with civil society: volunteers, public organizations, activists. We have already held the fifth eco-residency and the event has become a tradition, giving good results for the life of the city. Launched the mechanism of public inspectors. This topic came from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology, together with the ONF and other organizations. We have created mechanisms for training these inspectors and have already handed certificates to the first inspectors. They actively interact with us.

For the second year we carried out the action "Christmas tree cycle". Last year, we did it mainly with the help of the Department: there were 18 points for receiving Christmas trees in the protected areas. We then collected about 7,000 firs and processed them. This year it was decided by the mayor to expand this action. This year there were 460 Christmas tree reception points, in almost every district, within walking distance. We have collected over 26,000 Christmas trees and recycled them. Muscovites actively respond to these actions.

In 2019, the Department announced a competition for the development of the concept of scientific and educational leisure and family centers - "Ecopark of the Future" and "Museum of the Laws of Nature". In the "Ecopark of the Future" it is planned to create 4 pavilions with thematic names "Atmosphere", "Water", "Soil", "Light". The exposition will be devoted to the development of environmental professions in the future. The exhibition is planned to be made accessible to people with disabilities. The exhibits will be adapted by a psychologist for children with special needs.

The "Museum of the Laws of Nature" will be divided into zones "Water", "Forest", "Atmosphere" and "Light", the laboratory "Soil and Roots". These are the formats demanded by Muscovites. All our eco-centers, their working hours are scheduled six months in advance. The capacity can be increased indefinitely, because the interest is colossal.

In 2019, we plan to open an exposition and exhibition space at VDNKh on the basis of Pavilion No. 29 Floriculture. Various new technologies in landscaping will be presented there. It will be an exhibition-garden where you can get acquainted with exotic plants. There will be an "Ant Museum" - a whole ant population inhabited in a city - a model of a metropolis, and it will be possible to watch in real time how this civilization develops. There will be webcams, and through the Internet it will be possible to watch what changes are taking place in the ant's life. "Beekeeping" we have recently done.

"White Book of Moscow" is a project that we want to do in 2019. A unique edition designed for children with visual impairments, typed in Braille. She will tell Moscow schoolchildren from specialized schools about specially protected natural areas, the Red Book. The books will be distributed among the educational institutions where these children study.

The Department of Environmental Control worked at full capacity, provided with a laboratory, forces and means for environmental control and supervision. We carried out 12,000 control measures in 2018. They imposed fines in the amount of more than 150 million rubles, collected penalties for 256 million rubles, and also calculated damages in the amount of about 200 million rubles. Part recovered, part still in the courts.

We continue to work on motor fuels. We held 21 events, 10 - at the request of residents. 79 samples were taken at 29 filling stations. In 5% of cases, a discrepancy between the fuel quality and the requirements in Moscow was found. We have an unspoken "black" list. Based on the results of verification activities, in 2018, at the end of 28 gas stations were still on this list. These are the stations where we found violations in previous years, and we inform Muscovites about this.

Activity, including in the environmental sphere, is increasing. In 2018, 41,500 citizens' appeals on environmental issues were considered. This is a very large volume, with which we coped and answered everyone.

We continued the fight against illegal trade in wild animals. We actively discussed this topic, even wrote the text of the law, held a crowdsourcing project on the territory of the city on the topic of protecting and protecting animals that got into the urban environment. It is a great success that the State Duma of the Russian Federation at the end of the year adopted a corresponding law at the federal level, which included almost all of our proposals. Now we will continue to work with the Moscow City Duma, in 2019, to develop a by-law, rules that apply only to federal cities.

In this area, we have carried out more than 60 control measures, filed 9 cases. 33 illegally kept objects of the animal world were identified, we seized 17 animals, and individuals were fined about 500,000 rubles. This year we have to develop at the Moscow level the rules for keeping and a list of animals that can be kept in apartments. Another main task is to prescribe the rules of the game for the objects where animals are either exhibited or placed. These are petting zoos, which excite, there are a lot of requests from Muscovites. Based on the principles of humanity, we are trying to resolve all these issues.

Protected areas are a serious block of our responsibility - more than 17,000 hectares on the territory of Old Moscow. We have not curtailed our plans to create new protected areas and last year we created two new protected areas - a landscape reserve in the valley of the Ramenka River and in January the Brateevskaya floodplain fauna reserve was created. In the buffer zones of protected areas, we continue to develop conditions for leisure and sports, realizing that the capacity of these territories is still limited. Now Muscovites are given the opportunity to practice 22 sports on our territories: football, tennis, cross-country skiing, hockey, athletics, a skate park and others. In total, we have more than 180 playgrounds, more than 180 sports grounds, sports fields, training grounds, cycling routes with a length of more than 69 km, 14 ecological trails with a length of more than 32 km. For summer holidays, we have organized 31 zones, including 6 zones with swimming. If we take the winter history, then 8 skating rinks, 7 ice slides, 2 slopes, 50 ski slopes with a length of about 153 km.

As part of the Moscow Longevity program, which was launched in 2018 for the elderly, our territories are also very popular. The pensioners are involved in Nordic walking and other activities that we have organized together with the concerned departments.

For the second year in a row, we held the Climate Forum of Russian Cities - this is a platform for international and domestic exchange in the field of sustainable development of urban ecosystems. This year the forum was held at VDNKh in the Worker and Collective Farm Woman pavilion. There were 200 speakers from 23 countries, including the UK, Korea, France, Sweden, the Netherlands, Japan and Germany. In 2019, we also plan to hold this forum in Zaryadye on September 4-5. We will discuss climate change and the problems of adapting urban infrastructure to them.

In 2018, the International Expert Council on Ecology was created under the Mayor. The first meeting was held on March 13, and the second meeting took place during the Climate Forum. International experts actively participate in this council, express opinions, exchange experience and give us recommendations.

We continue to issue awards and grants from the Department. Since 2018, we have started to hold a competition for the best project in the field of environmental education and awareness to receive grants. Last year, awards were given to all the winners. 97 applications were submitted - we awarded all those who distinguished themselves with cash prizes, commemorative statuettes and certificates.

In 2018, we created the Youth Council after studying the work of similar councils in other departments. The Council has already begun to work and is giving us and the Muscovites some help. For example, when it was necessary to accommodate dogs and cats from a shelter that was closing, members of our council took part in this. It was headed by the head of the Moseko movement, Mikhail Antonov. Let's hope that in 2019 the Council will begin to work actively.

I have already announced about public inspectors. We have such a mechanism, and everyone who wants to must go through the training that we organized and pass something like a qualifying exam.

After the May Decrees were announced, our Department actively joined the work together with other subjects of the Russian Federation, with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology, with the Presidential Administration, and all interested executive authorities. We are also actively participating in the Ecology national project. Moscow entered 3 projects: a subproject of the Ecology project to improve the Volga River, preserve unique water bodies in the city, and an integrated municipal solid waste management system.

Ready to answer your questions.

V.F. spoke before you. Zhidkin also talked about the TiNAO, about the transformations there. How do you interact with TINAO?


Protected areas located on the territory of Old Moscow are under the jurisdiction of our Department. There are no such territories in the TiNAO; there are no protected areas. There is a protected area there - this is practically the entire state forest fund, which was in the existence of the Moscow region. It is administered by the prefecture. There is a state budgetary institution under the prefecture, which maintains it and takes care of it as if it were a forest fund. These are mainly sanitary cuttings, reforestation, afforestation, fire safety and everything arising from this event. We only control - they coordinate certain actions with us. We provide guidance and advice. We created an inspection department for the TiNAO in 2012, when the territory joined. This is the largest department that has both drones and all-terrain vehicles. A lot of work has been done to improve the infrastructure. On the balance of "Mosvodokanal", "Mosvodostok" were accepted local treatment facilities, which were previously scattered. The quality of runoff has improved markedly since 2012. Naturally, since 2012, a network of environmental monitoring has been present in this area. If I name data, then I mean all of Moscow, not just Old Moscow. Naturally, we respond to all complaints from residents. There is a problem with unauthorized dumping of soil. Recently, the prosecutor of the TiNAO was fired in connection with this. The work is being carried out successfully.

If we take urban development, then the PZZ TiNAO has already been adopted. There were public hearings and discussions in 2017. All city planning plans are understandable and supported by residents. No event or project goes beyond these rules. Everything else is local things that we inherited. We work on all of them.

S.V. KOZLOV - "Construction Orbit"

But when you talked about planted trees, did you mean TinaO too?


No, this is only Old Moscow. I only report on the activities of my Department. In fact, landings in the TiNAO are also carried out under compensatory landscaping programs, as part of the Improvement After Construction project, as part of the improvement of public spaces. But the main thing is the control over the OZT. There, within the framework of reforestation, of course, not large-sized trees are planted, as we plant within the framework of “Million Trees” or “My Street”. There, 2-3-year-old seedlings are sown where, for example, there are bark beetle forests. Some arrays are cut down, stumps are uprooted, the soil is cultivated and then green spaces are planted in it. Everything is like in forestry.

A. PEREPECHKO - "Ecocity"

What does 2019 have in store for dog lovers?


The topic is under close attention of the Moscow Government. I think that certain spaces will now be rethought so that all “dog lovers” have a dog walking area within walking distance. We continue to work and offer cleaning packages to people in some protected areas. It is clear that educational events are underway. We draw your attention to the fact that the coexistence of man and animal in a metropolis is quite possible, but one must have certain skills and follow certain rules. We tell the people about this. Now a new law has come out that has protected: it has banned baiting stations, cruel treatment (which was already prohibited by the Criminal Code, but now the composition of offenses is described in more detail). Many humane norms were enshrined in the new Federal Law. It is clear that it is still "fresh", and that we, environmentalists, will have to apply it in Moscow in 2019 - this will be an experimental application of this law.

E. PETROVA - "Evening Moscow"

When will the "Our Tree" campaign start? Where will the first landings begin?


We will have several places. The program will be formed for decades. Most likely, it will start in the summer, and the first landings will take place in the fall. The places were selected mainly in the protected areas, where in the future we planned activities for planting or replacing green spaces. Such places have already been formed. The capacity is now under 100,000 trees. We have enough for 5 years, and then we will think.

In 2018, we had a gross number of duck death reports. Two problems are singled out: pollution of water bodies and the fact that ducklings could not climb the granite landscaped slopes from the water and died from this. How will these two problems be solved?


Already decided. This problem is under the tireless control of our Department. Over 30,000 waterfowl winter in the city alone. For us, this is a global challenge. According to the facts that took place in the summer, it was on the eve of the mayoral elections, Rospotrebnadzor, veterinary control, our environmental monitoring service, leaving on complaints of mass mortality, made conclusions about the pollution of water bodies not with chemicals, but with sanitary and epidemiological ones. Those. the temperature rises, algae begin to bloom, pathogenic microbes appear. For the same reasons, often in July Rospotrebnadzor closes many bathing points. The problem is, it is with heat and water temperature. But, naturally, birds are not overfed with what they should eat, and this food is supplied in very large quantities. Following the results of 2018, I have already instructed to organize certain explanatory stands on how to feed them near almost all water bodies where we have waterfowl and provide citizens with access to this food so that they can subdue the birds. The food must be of good quality. These are special foods. In 2019, we will try this experimentally. Let's try to organize it in subordinate protected areas.

We help wintering birds. On October 4, many journalists travel with us to the TiNAO, where we release our foundlings, foundlings, including a lot of birds, and waterfowl, who come to us either wounded, sick, or already exhausted, in overexposure centers. We adapt them and release them on the territory of the ornithological reserve in TiNAO. We are trying to somehow systematize this work. We carry out work with balance-holders of reservoirs, give recommendations, including on organizing wintering, so that there are convenient exits from the water. But we all understand that waterfowl winter only where there is a polynya. In the summer we will be ready for this topic. Let's make some kind of scientific and educational essay with your newspaper, we will continue to analyze this topic. To blame everything on water pollution - animals have an instinct for self-preservation, and it simply will not settle in dirty water. So, there are some other reasons that need to be analyzed and eliminated.

E. STEPANOVA - "Moskovsky Komsomolets"

You said that you are planning to launch a White Paper. Is it planned to revise and update the Red Book of Moscow before the release of this book?


According to the legislation, we have an obligation to revise the Red Book in a certain historical period. It will be ready for release in 2019. We are doing this work. It's just not a one year job. We have already started it. Naturally, the new edition will be either in 2019 or 2020. According to our analyzes, we have a certain number of positive changes: the number of species that are on the verge of extinction has decreased. There are positive trends in this area.


You mentioned the Museum of Nature and the Ecopark of the Future. But tenders for the concept were announced in September-October. Maybe the concept you have chosen is already clear? Where is it supposed to be created and when is it supposed to start construction and creation of a park and a museum?


It was written in the press release. Izmailovo, Main Alley, 11 - this is the Museum of the Laws of Nature. Landscape reserve "Teply Stan" - "Ecopark of the future".


A.V. Gordeev recently said that as part of the creation of a separate waste collection system in Russia in 2019, it is planned, first of all, to transfer million-plus cities to the North Ossetia. You said that the comprehensive creation of waste management infrastructure is one of the parts of the national projects in which Moscow participates. In this regard, what events will be held in Moscow?

If some individual Muscovite would like to have a container for collecting dry garbage in his yard, what would you advise him to do?


Already identified in almost every council, within walking distance, points of reception of secondary material resources. This work has already been done. There is a map with addresses on the website of the Department of Housing and Public Utilities. Everyone can separate waste at home and go, hand it over, and even receive a monetary reward for some of its types. Another issue is the question of taxes. It turns out that if you receive a reward for a plastic bottle, you sort of sell it, and this is subject to VAT, income tax, etc. It is necessary that changes be made to the Tax Code at the federal level. Now, it seems to me, they have already been formulated by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology. These tax breaks will be accepted. Points around the city have been identified, there are about 500 of them, these are public places, mainly where there are containers for separate collection. The Department of Housing and Public Utilities deals with this, as well as waste issues in general. We deal with legislation and give recommendations. Control, mainly, over federal structures. We don't even have control. But methodically, we are actively engaged in and discussing this topic with colleagues. If now even 30% of Muscovites start separating waste, we will simply have nowhere to recycle it. Here, the main thing is not to deceive people. The recycling industry is starting to emerge, small businesses are moving in. This is a gradual process and gradually we will connect. In the national projects there are annual parameters in percentage terms, how much we have to share. We don't fall into a niche. On the contrary, we take on increased obligations somewhere, exceeding federal indicators. In any case, we will develop this topic. This will be done by the regional operator, which will be selected in 3 years, the contractor companies that are currently working with us - they have an obligation to develop separate waste collection, which they also do. There are also various retail chains, facilities where this is done like this: packaging, cardboard. All this is already being done under our control and the control of the Department of Housing and Public Utilities - 800,000 tons of separated waste is handed over for processing in Moscow. Basically, this is the contribution of manufacturing enterprises and retail chains. It cannot be said that the topic is in its infancy. There will be a need in the industry, and we will include these mechanisms in response to this need.

Regarding the container in the yard, this is a question for the management company that serves your home, the operator with whom it has entered into an agreement for the entire waste disposal chain. The city doesn't mind at all. We have secured items within walking distance. Then there is the question of development. Not the entire territory of the city, and not everyone in the future will take part in this. This is clear. But those 30% that we are talking about, I think this is quite real.

I. PANARIN - "Ecocity"

Today, a list of instructions for the implementation of the Address of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly has been approved, which contains 5 "green" episodes, one of which is related to ecological tourism in protected areas. There are a lot of protected areas in Moscow. Are there any plans for ecological tourism?


We are part of a working group established under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology. This is not a new message that the President gives to society, the Government, executive authorities in the field of ecology that this topic needs to be developed. We have a colossal natural heritage in the Russian Federation, more than a million hectares of protected areas. The tourist potential of these territories has not been worked out. There is an interest among the inhabitants of the country. The development of this tourist component is a very important thing to do. But there are no economic mechanisms to attract an investor who could do, after working out all the parameters, what is possible and what is not - again, such standards. These standards should be developed at the federal level for all protected areas. Precisely sparing technologies, not in all zones, but only where it is possible, just as we have buffer zones in protected areas in which we detain people. In Moscow, we have recreational zones, buffer zones, there is a core of protected areas, a protected area, where there is only an eco-trail and a route for quiet rest, so that there is a synergy of urban and natural life. We will share our experience, we have already been invited to all working groups. Every year we visit national parks in different parts of the world to understand how it is organized in other countries.

I. PANARIN - "Ecocity"

What will the Third Climate Conference to be held in Zaryadye be dedicated to?


The theoretical climate agenda, I believe, has already been worked out. We issued methodological recommendations, summarizing international experience, and told our colleagues from other cities about it, providing direct contact with international experts. At the second forum, we talked with professionals and discussed practices and technologies that can help achieve results. At the third forum, I think we will discuss how we can apply these technologies in the Russian Federation and look for practical solutions from an economic point of view. Because even the waste reform shows that there are still no clear economic parameters and results. Everything is still in its infancy. We must clearly understand with what funds, financial instruments we will finance certain financial measures. This climate forum will focus specifically on models for the economic implementation of these technologies.


Yesterday Moskomarkhitektura proposed to create green areas on the site of demolished buildings and old courtyards. An example is Zaryadye Park. How do you rate this proposal?


Zaryadye is not the first case, but it is a global case when, instead of an expensive hotel complex near the Kremlin, it was decided to create a landscaped area of ​​such a high level. There is a cultural heritage, and a very well developed natural component. Since 2012, from 10 to 15 such decisions of the SLC have been made, when landscaping took place on the site of demolished garages or houses. This trend has been around for a long time and will continue. Another issue is that we now have a colossal potential for the reorganization of industrial zones. If you take ZIL, several beautiful parks have already been created there. This is where our potential lies. Even in our Environmental Strategy until 2030, we see the potential for increasing green areas through the reorganization of industrial zones. If now they are 54.5%, then by 2030 in Old Moscow we want to bring them up to 60%. This potential is also buried in these industrial zones.


There was an initiative from public figures to create a separate special shelter for cats in Moscow, because they do not live very well in a shelter with dogs. Is there a rational idea behind this initiative? Do you support her or not?


I support. Good idea. We must share. Ready to discuss it. Let's take it to the Moscow City Duma for a commission. Maybe they will come up with some legislative innovations to separate our abandoned dogs and our abandoned cats.

I would suggest it for foxes, because now there are a lot of them in the city, and raccoons. And beavers settled in the SEAD.

Thank you. This concludes the press conference.