The beginning of the mummification process. In the new laboratory

The mausoleum is a weapon for killing the people of Russia
The Lenin Mausoleum was built under the leadership of the power departments of the Cheka-OGPU according to all the rules of the "ziggurat" - the ritual structure of the ancient Sumerians and the ancient Mayans. The main feature of these cults is the regular ritual killing of people, sacrificing them to a flying snake - a dragon (or Satan). That is, the ziggurat-mausoleum is a ritual building of a satanic cult. The Sumerians called their ziggurats - "the throne of Satan", a temple for human sacrifice. In the columned temple at the top of the stepped pyramid, the priests tore out the heart from the victim and solemnly ate it. By this they pleased their god - Satan, who had the appearance of a snake. From archaeological finds - clay tablets of the Sumerians - it is known that the Sumerians worshiped the Annunaki - alien aliens from the planet Nibiru. They also had a serpentine appearance: images of dragon-rulers were found, figurines of reptoid aliens in huge numbers. The Maya were worshiped as the god Kukulkan - a flying snake (or in Russian - a dragon).
This is a historical fact, not a fairy tale. This is where the biblical legend about the serpent - Satan, the enemy of the human race - comes from the history of our planet, and not from fairy tales!
The meaning of the ziggurat is in the radiation of "rays of death" by it, the existence of which has been proven by scientists. The rays of death are the energy of death that destroys all living things, which rotting corpses radiate, even buried in the ground. This stepped pyramid of the Maya and the Sumerians is an ancient psycho-generator that irradiates the people of the country to submit to its rulers - the priests who rule on behalf of the dragon.
How does a ziggurat work? The Sumerians had a teraph in a ziggurat - the mummy of a red-haired man with a metal plate in his head. The population had to wear the same plates. The metal plate in the teraphim's head, therefore, was a transmitter, and the plates in humans were antennas, that is, receivers through which the energy of death, lack of will, depression, and humility was transmitted to them. The deity of the Sumerians was called Wil.
Just think: now on Red Square there is a satanic ritual building for sacrifices, in which lies the mummy of a red-haired man with the initials VIL (Vladimir Ilyich Lenin). Lenin's brain, as is known, was removed from the skull and transferred to the brain institute. That is, there may well be a metal plate inside the skull. Every inhabitant of the USSR from childhood wore a metal star with the image of Lenin's head: first October, then pioneer, Komsomol ... Members of the CPSU also wore a badge with the image of Lenin's head. Metal stars served as insignia on shoulder straps. Why not Sumerian receiver plates? There is information that Stalin spoke about the creation of a new religion, in which Lenin (VIL) would be a god, and Stalin would be the main priest.
So, in the center of Moscow there is still an analogue of the ancient ritual pyramids with a mummy inside. Behind the mausoleum there is a cemetery with the graves of political figures, a columbarium in the Kremlin wall (115 urns with ashes), under the Kremlin wall in the very first days after the revolution they began to dig mass graves - as a result, there were as many as 18 of them, in which more than 300 bodies were buried. In the Kremlin itself there are necropolises in two cathedrals with more than a hundred graves. That is, the Kremlin and Red Square are a real cemetery. With the help of a teraph in the ziggurat (that is, the body of Lenin in the mausoleum), the "rays of death" - that is, the cemetery energy from Red Square and the Kremlin walls - were broadcast to the entire Soviet people. This is the reason why the freedom-loving and truth-loving spirit of the invincible Russian people suddenly disappeared somewhere, and with the advent of the mausoleum, the people suddenly became submissive, literally cowardly and apathetic. There are versions that a certain artifact was also placed in the mausoleum, that is, an object symbolizing the “Russian spirit”. This is most likely some kind of shrine from ancient Hyperborea, where our ancestors lived. It is known that a separate expedition of the Cheka (the predecessor of the OGPU-NKVD-KGB-FSB) under the leadership of Yakov Blumkin was equipped for this artifact on the Kola Peninsula.
Yakov Blyumkin is a mysterious person, a connoisseur of esotericism, Tibetan dialects, and martial arts. Another name of his was Lama Singh. There is a version that under this name he entered the expedition of the Roerich family in Tibet. Blumkin organized an expedition to search for the mysterious Shambhala. His main goal was to search for magical ways to influence human consciousness and secret knowledge about power over the world. It is not clear where the young man who came from a poor Jewish family (how he positioned himself) surprised those around him by the fact that at the age of 18 he already gave advice and almost instructions to the main persons of the revolution, for example, Trotsky. He knew martial arts, which are usually learned from the age of 3-4 years (no later). And the structure he created (VChK, OGPU, etc.) at all times carried out mass repressions of the inhabitants of the country, that is, mass sacrifices necessary to rule the people. And it was the Cheka-OGPU, Dzerzhinsky personally, and not the architectural department, who supervised the construction of the mausoleum. It is logical to assume that the mysterious Hyperborean artifact mined by the Cheka expedition (and with it the whole people) is sent the energy of suppression, apathy, death. There are versions that the mausoleum also contains something related to the royal family, who was killed according to a particularly brutal ritual. There is evidence that the blood of Yesenin, the Russian poet himself, was also used. The facts confirm that he did not end his life by hanging, but was brutally murdered by people from the OGPU.
All this, to put it in simple village language, is an induced "damage" to the Russian people - the heirs of the great Hyperborean civilization. Our life, society, its fate and health were deliberately spoiled by applying the methods of energy informatics and ancient magic. Even village sorcerers have been known to use graveyard magic, fusing the energy of the living with graveyard energy. According to the same principle, the rays of death from the cemetery on Red Square are broadcast to our people. In 1941, during the war, there was an unprecedented rise in the morale of the Russian people, due to which the Jewish Communists managed to turn the tide of the war and defeat the Nazis. This became possible because the mummy of Lenin was taken out of the mausoleum and taken to Tyumen. When the mummy was returned to its place, the Russian people again plunged into humility and apathy. Information appears that Stalin was a student of Gurdjieff, an expert in the magic of sacrifice. Under both Lenin and Stalin, people were killed by the thousands for no apparent purpose. Concentration camps - what is it, if not sacrifices? Numerous massacres, which have recently become the norm, and which for some reason are called "acts of terrorism", in which no one puts forward any conditions; inexplicable catastrophes and accidents in which people die en masse - what is this, if not sacrifices hidden from the eyes? In Krymsk, the authorities, who knew about the danger, did not even try to warn people about the flood, dooming them to death. So, again and again, someone needs human sacrifices?
The mausoleum has not been used as a tribune for a long time, there are no queues for it for a long time. Polls show that the majority of citizens are in favor of removing Lenin's body from the mausoleum. And yet, for some reason, the ritual building continues to exist, several million rubles a year are spent on its maintenance, and now huge budget funds have been allocated for its overhaul.
That is, for our own money, an infernal machine that kills us is being repaired!
Why was the mausoleum hidden under the dome under the guise of reconstruction? Why, during parades, is it shielded from the eyes of the public? Maybe so that we don't see what's going on there? Recall that among the ancient Maya, the ritual of sacrifice took place at the top of the ziggurat. Is this structure still being used for its intended purpose? After all, the people began to wake up from witchcraft and began to understand their position, and there are those for whom this is very dangerous. Nowadays, stars or coins are not needed to broadcast destructive energies to the people. It is easy to solder a metal plate, for example, in mobile phones, which are used by absolutely everyone and which themselves are arranged as a receiver-transmitter. More and more devices in our life with chips, magnetic stripes, etc. - bank and transport cards, keys to the entrance and now even passports. And we use all these "benefits of civilization" everywhere and absolutely voluntarily - it's convenient ... And thus we give the right to those who kill us to do it with impunity: after all, we ourselves agreed to this, which means that the responsibility is on us.
Our society is increasingly reminiscent of an analogue of the Sumerian civilization, in which people were considered to be created from clay mixed with the blood of reptoid gods. These people were in absolute submission to the priests. The set of Sumerian rules "Me" in the first place put the power of the priests, and only then the truth, the power of kings and the law. The law of the Sumerians was not powerful over the priests and rulers, but only over the subject people. Sumerian ideology now permeates our entire lives. We work most of the time, and wealth is available only to rulers and the financial elite. We are limited to the limit by the law, and the law has no power over rulers. We are dying out at the rate of 2 million a year and we do not resist it, we do not want to free ourselves from the system that is killing us. Does this mean that the "throne of Satan" in the center of our capital works, as in the ancient states?
We must demand not to reconstruct the mausoleum, which has fallen into disrepair, but to dismantle it. To cremate the mummy (it is pointless to bury it - the embalmed body will no longer decompose), the cemetery from Red Square - to be removed!
And, having freed ourselves from the energy of suppression, we must perk up with a mighty Russian spirit, directing energy towards the reorganization of society according to the laws of justice and ethics, and finally put honest people working for the good of the people in the power. This way of salvation is the only one. A free people will be able to elect a worthy ruler from among its members. And this choice should be open! Honest people have nothing to hide!
Vladimir Istarkhov

Is it true that the Mausoleum was built according to the plans of the Babylonian ziggurats? And did scientists work on embalming Lenin's body using the occult sciences? Endless secrets, riddles and conjectures surround this symbol of the Soviet era throughout its existence.

Many are surprised that militant atheists from the CPSU (b) decided not to bury Vladimir Lenin, but to put it on public display. But in general, their actions are understandable. Taking away the people's faith in Christ, they wanted to give them a new god. Nikolai Bukharin wrote in a private letter: "We ... instead of icons hung leaders, and we will try to open the relics of Ilyich under communist sauce for Pakhom and the "lower classes."

And the idea with the mausoleum and mummification may have come under the influence of the hype from the main archaeological sensation of that time. In 1923, the world press excitedly described the found tomb of Tutankhamun and the countless treasures recovered from it. Everyone, young and old, discussed the mystery of the pharaoh's mummy, which had not decayed for 3 millennia. So the analogies between the embalming of the pharaohs and Lenin suggest themselves.

The project in the form of a pyramid really existed. It was proposed by the outstanding architect Fyodor Shekhtel. But in the end, instead of the Egyptian pyramid, a Mausoleum was erected, similar to the Babylonian ziggurat or the step pyramid of South America.

Ziggurat of Ur

sacred body

The funeral of Lenin, his associates began to discuss even before the death of their leader. People's elder Kalinin told them: “This terrible event should not take us by surprise. If we bury Vladimir Ilyich, the funeral must be as majestic as the world has never seen before.” Stalin agreed with him and said: “Some comrades believe that modern science has the ability to preserve the body of the deceased with the help of embalming in order to allow our consciousness to get used to the idea that Lenin is not among us after all.”

And after the death of Vladimir Ilyich, letters and telegrams from workers from all over the country rained down on the Central Committee with an appeal to save the body of dear Ilyich and place it in a sarcophagus. By that time, the decision had already been made by a narrow circle. And although the wife of the leader Nadezhda Krupskaya, his sisters Anna and Maria, and brother Dmitry did not agree with this idea, the “opinion of the people” turned out to be more important. Ilyich's body became the property of the party, and a real embalming experiment was carried out on him.

Six days after the death of the leader, already by the day of Lenin's funeral - January 27, 1924 - the first wooden mausoleum was erected on Red Square according to the project of Alexei Shchusev. It was built in the form of a cube topped with a three-stage pyramid. A few months later, the mausoleum was rebuilt, and stands were erected on its sides. It was also a temporary wooden version of the structure.

In 1930, finally, the familiar and now familiar Mausoleum appeared, finished with marble, labrador and crimson quartzite. Inside the building there is a vestibule and a funeral hall. There are also some office space. The administration of the Mausoleum works in them. One of the secret rooms is called "government" - from it the members of the Politburo went up to the podium of the Mausoleum during public holidays.

Spirit of Ilyich

One of the main initiators of the construction of a majestic tomb for Lenin was Joseph Stalin. And when in 1953 he himself left the mortal world, the “communist god” was already dual, it was no coincidence that the party was called the names of Lenin and Stalin. It is natural that together they found rest in the Mausoleum.

It became known as the "Mausoleum of V.I. Lenin and I.V. Stalin." Moreover, Stalin continued to lie there even after his cult was debunked at the XX Congress of the CPSU. A paradoxical situation has arisen. At the ideological level, Stalin was taken out of the host of "gods", equated to mere mortals and declared almost a heretic. And crowds of people continued to worship his tomb every day.

In 1961, at the XXII Congress of the CPSU, the people were first promised that soon the Soviet people would live under communism. And then they decided that the first thing to do was to get rid of the “rudiment of the past”. On the last day of the congress, the old Bolshevik Dora Lazurkina spoke. Moreover, she spoke in a completely mystical vein: “Yesterday I consulted with Ilyich, as if he stood in front of me as if alive and said: it’s unpleasant for me to be next to Stalin, who brought so many troubles to the party.”

After that, a stormy, prolonged applause followed, and the floor was given to the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine, Nikolai Podgorny, who made a proposal to take a decision on the removal of Stalin's body from the Mausoleum. As usual, no one dared to raise a hand against.

Under the cover of night

The implementation of the decision of the congress was not shelved, and the very next day, as it got dark, Red Square was blocked for the rehearsal of the parade. Two companies of submachine gunners were posted near the Mausoleum and got down to business.

For the burial of Stalin, by decision of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPSU, a special commission of five people was created, headed by the chairman of the Party Control Committee under the Central Committee of the CPSU, Nikolai Shvernik. The work was led by General Nikolai Zakharov, who headed the 9th Directorate of the KGB, and the commandant of the Kremlin Andrei Vedenin. Only 30 people participated in the operation, but by morning everything was ready.

Layout pyramid

Eight officers carried the coffin with Stalin's body out of the Mausoleum through the back door, brought it to the grave near the Kremlin wall, at the bottom of which a kind of sarcophagus was made of eight slabs, and placed it on wooden stands. There were no military salutes, no funeral speeches. The next day, a slab was installed over the grave with the date of Stalin's birth and death. Only in 1970 was it replaced with a bust by the sculptor Nikolai Tomsky.

On the morning of November 1, 1961, a traditional queue lined up in front of the Mausoleum. At first, people were surprised to find that only one surname flaunts on the slab above the Mausoleum - Lenin. And then they noted with amazement that instead of two bodies, only one rested in the Mausoleum.

The most striking thing is that there was no protest reaction in society. The people took the secret reburial of the former leader, with whose name he went on the attack at the front, surprisingly calmly. The party said "it is necessary" - so be it.

Mystic or science?

Supporters of mysticism believe that the Mausoleum is a ziggurat not only in form, but also in essence. In their opinion, each Babylonian ziggurat kept a teraphim - a mummified human head with magical properties. The functions of a teraphim in the case of the Mausoleum are performed by the body of Vladimir Lenin.

And everything is started in order to irradiate people with some invisible rays that inspire respect for the socialist system. The antenna transmitting this radiation is allegedly a niche to the right of the entrance. Parades pass by it during public holidays, but here in Soviet times there was a long line of people who wanted to get to the Soviet shrine.

To the disappointment of the apologists of the mysterious versions, the radiation of the Mausoleum is not fixed by any ultra-precise physical devices. As for "teraphim", the term is not Babylonian, but ancient Jewish. Even before believing in one God, the Jews kept tribal idols in their homes - rough figurines that looked like a person. In fact - the same as the ancient lares and penates. This concept has nothing to do with the Babylonian ziggurats. As with the Moscow Mausoleum.

No less amazing assumptions are caused by the mummified body of the leader of the world revolution himself. More precisely, not mummified, but embalmed. The unique operation began only in March 1924, that is, two months after Lenin's death. By that time, the body was no longer in the best condition. Responsible work was entrusted to the outstanding chemist Boris Zbarsky and his colleague Vladimir Vorobyov.

Scientists had to not only embalm the body, but also to begin to develop the technique itself, since before that there was nothing like it in the world. It is clear that the price of a mistake was extremely high. As a result, the success of the team of embalmers was declared "a scientific achievement of world significance." However, many are sure that science alone was not enough here. Allegedly, Zbarsky used in his work the works of the Austrian zoologist Paul Kammerer, who, in addition to biology, was no stranger to the occult.

Kammerer is even credited with familiarity with the secrets of the magicians of ancient Egypt. It was this mystical knowledge of the Austrian that allegedly helped Soviet scientists save Lenin's body. Alas, but Kammerer does not pull on a figure endowed with power and involvement in secrets. His scientific biography is quite

inglorious and tragic - in 1926 he committed suicide, having been convicted of gross falsification of experiments. Trying to prove that salamanders change colors depending on the color of the soil on which they live, he injected ink under the skin of poor amphibians. In the USSR, however, he was really welcomed, since he adhered to atheism and anti-racism, for which he was even persecuted in conservative Europe.

The embalmed body of Lenin did not always rest peacefully in the sarcophagus. At the beginning of the war, he was evacuated to Tyumen in a special sealed coffin soaked in paraffin. But the details of how the leader's body was stored from July 1941 to April 1945 are still carefully hidden. Meanwhile, according to unverified information, they did not follow him properly. Up to the point that they even dropped it into boiling water when trying to wash it.

The strict regime established by Academician Zbarsky required that the embalmed body be lowered into a bath with a special solution once every 18 months. Whether this was done in Tyumen is unknown. Therefore, many are sure that now in the Mausoleum it is not Lenin at all, but a wax doll. Others argue that no more than 10-15% of the body of the real Ilyich survived.

War with the past

Over the years of the existence of the Mausoleum, more than a dozen different incidents have occurred in and around it. Those dissatisfied with the Soviet system sought to vent their emotions on the most sacred - on the embalmed body of the leader. The first mausoleum terrorist in March 1934 was Mitrofan Nikitin, an employee of one of the state farms, who decided to take revenge on the dead Lenin for all the horrors of dispossession and collectivization.

Nikitin fired twice at Ilyich with a revolver, but missed. He aimed the third shot at his heart. A note was found in his pocket, criticizing the current situation in the country.

After this incident, it became impossible to bring weapons into the Mausoleum. But this did not stop those who wanted to vent their anger. In 1957, a certain Romanov threw a bottle of ink into the sarcophagi of two leaders. In 1959, the glass of one of the sarcophagi was broken with a hammer. And in 1960, one of the visitors jumped on the barrier and broke the glass with his feet. Shards of glass damaged the skin of Lenin's body, and the Mausoleum was then closed for a month. In 1961 and 1962, stones were thrown at Lenin.

The first event that led to human casualties occurred in September 1967. A resident of Kaunas by the name of Krysanov appeared on Red Square in a belt filled with explosives. Unable to get inside, he blew himself up in front of the Mausoleum. The terrorist himself and several people died. In 1973, another criminal followed in his footsteps, who managed to enter the funeral hall with an improvised explosive device under his coat.

As a result of the explosion, the attacker himself, as well as a married couple who arrived from Astrakhan, died. Several children were injured. But the sarcophagus, covered with armored glass after the previous incident, was not injured, although it was in it, according to the conclusion of the examination, that the main force of the explosion was directed. The identity of the terrorist has remained unidentified. Only fragments of documents were found, from which it followed that he had previously been sentenced to 10 years in prison.


This is the only thing left of the USSR

Ten years after the fall of the Soviet Union, Lenin's mummy continues to be in the Mausoleum. She survived numerous assassination attempts and those who wanted to bury her, although now the legions of loyal followers do not go to her. Nevertheless, the symbol of the revolution is out of danger. Zbarsky, the only embalmer of the leader alive today, tells MAGAZINE the amazing story of the mummy. And clarifies: "Nothing lasts forever"

When, at the end of March 1924, professors Vorobyov and Zbarsky first loaded body Lenin into a viscous mixture of glycerin and potassium acetate, few would have imagined that that flesh-and-blood mummy would survive intact the decay of the regime it created, which ended on December 25, 1991, exactly a decade ago. After 78 years since the death of the founder of the Soviet Union, only a small group of nostalgic and pathological tourists today feed the cult that for half a century acquired truly pharaonic proportions and turned the Mausoleum on Red Square into the Mecca of communism with more than one million visitors a year ( about 3,000 people a day), according to Soviet press reports in 1940. "I remember that when I first touched the body Lenin, I felt somewhat disgusted. I wasn't just standing in front of a corpse. It was a sacred figure and idolized by all," says the academician Ilya Zbarsky.

Shoulder to shoulder with his father and professor Vorobyov, Zbarsky with his own hands performed operations on the corpse Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin), for 18 years periodically smeared him from head to toe with a secret balm and was next to him in the Siberian evacuation during the Nazi occupation.

The only living member of that team of embalmers today, 88-year-old Zbarsky continues to be in the service of science, being a member of the scientific council at the Institute of Developmental Biology named after Koltsov, where he travels twice a week by metro from the other end of Moscow. Closed in my gloomy laboratory Zbarsky recalls those years spent next to the mummy, the hard times when the most insignificant oversight could pay with life. "I entered the mausoleum as an assistant in 1934, when I was 21 years old, a year before I completed my degree in physiology. This meant a huge responsibility, although over time it turned into a routine."

Revealing your past Zbarsky squeezes the strong fingers of his right hand, which seem to be infected with the eternal youth with which he filled the mummy. "In 1924 my father made sure that Dzerzhinsky received it in my office," he says. Felix Dzerzhinsky, founder of the fearsome Soviet secret services and head of the funeral commission, spoke to Boris Zbarsky, hoping for nothing. "What shall we do with Lenin?" he asked skeptically. Despite the opposition Trotsky, Bukharin and Kamenev, Stalin set himself the goal of preserving the body of the ideologue. However, more than three months have passed since his death and the usual method of embalming used by the professor Apricot to temporarily preserve the body (an injection of six liters of alcohol, formaldehyde and glycerin was carried out through the aorta), no longer worked. Face Lenin was covered with cracks in front of thousands of Soviet citizens who daily came to the Hall of Columns to say goodbye to the one who led the uprising that brought the Bolsheviks to power six years ago, and in 1922, after a bloody civil war, the victory in which he could not even enjoy, founded the Soviet Union.

Dark basement.

Despite the danger threatening him in case of failure, the father Ilya Zbarsky declared his willingness to work with the body. He assured Dzerzhinsky that the reagents invented by his friend, the professor Vorobyov, head of the Department of Medicine at Kharkov University (Ukraine), will be able to stop the decomposition of tissues. The idea to freeze the body of the leader, similar to how the carcasses of mammoths were frozen at one time, proposed by the Bolshevik figure Krasin, flattered from the start Dzerzhinsky.

However, the German factory that was supposed to supply the refrigeration equipment was hopelessly delaying the task. The atheistic god decayed like a mere mortal, and Dzerzhinsky was forced to accept the offer Zbarsky and Vorobiev who devoted themselves body and soul to the work against time to embalm the father of the revolution in a gloomy basement located under a temporary mausoleum. During the first sessions, the lungs, liver and spleen were removed, after which the chest was completely washed out. "Having received the party's permission, incisions were made all over the body, on the stomach, on the shoulders, legs, back and palms of the hands, so that the balm penetrates and saturates the whole body well," explains Zbarsky. Only then did they load Lenin in a rubber bath filled with a secret elixir. "The composition of the solution included glycerin, potassium acetate, water and chlorine-quinine," says Zbarsky just as naturally, as if telling a recipe for making borscht, so popular in Russian families. "This formula was proposed in the 19th century by the scientist Melnikov-Razvedenkov, who used the solution for anatomical preparation," he clarifies simply.

It seems that time has stopped in his inhospitable laboratory. Wooden filing cabinets, old telephones, and a rattling refrigerator lined up near the window. It's snowing heavily outside. A black-and-white photograph of the cell nucleus hangs on the wall between cardboard-bound books and graduated flasks that now seem to measure only the dust that settles inside them. In front of a rusty shell, a computer screen flashes, unexpectedly returning us to the 21st century.

In the laboratory, attached in 1939 to the Mausoleum of red granite (replacing in 1929 the wooden one erected four years earlier), Zbarsky conducted experiments with balm on nameless corpses and worked with the mummy, being under the vigilant control of NKVD (later KGB) informants. That atmosphere could not in any way arouse the envy of the mad scientists from the films that were filmed at that time at the American film studio Universal, with Belaya Lugosi (Bela Lugosi) and Boris Karloff.“Three or four times a week we applied the liquid to the face and hands, and once a year the Mausoleum was closed for a month and a half so that we could immerse the body in the solution and saturate it with a chemical preparation,” he continues, hiding his eyes behind the glasses of his massive glasses.

Although the method remains virtually unchanged today, it has evolved from a "state secret" into a "commercial secret." In 1992, then President Boris Yeltsin turned off the glycerin tap, which forced the current group of embalmers to look for new sources of financial income. Over the past decade, scientists from the Mausoleum have not only trained foreign specialists, but also founded the Ritual company, which is engaged in the restoration and embalming of the mutilated corpses of new Russians, charging for this a fee of 12.020 euros per week of work.

The usual clientele of this particular afterlife aesthetic surgery clinic, which was very fashionable in the nineties, were mafiosi who were killed during bloody showdowns. In 1995, the laboratory received 1141922 euros from the government of North Korea for embalming the body of the leader of this country. Kim Il Sung (Kim II Sung). Except Lenin through the hands Ilya Zbarsky in the forties passed the mummies George Dimitrov (Gueorgui Dimitrov), leader of the Bulgarian communists and Choybalsan (Choybalsan), head of the socialist republic of Mongolia.


However, in 1952, the embalmer's brilliant career came to a sudden halt. That year, his father was arrested by the KGB on the startling charge of being a "German spy" and a "Jewish nationalist." Ilya was forced to leave work in the Mausoleum. Since that time, having closed of his own accord in his crypt laboratory at the Koltsov Institute, the academician devoted himself to molecular biology, he published more than 400 papers on this topic. Since he parted with the mummy of the Soviet leader, Zbarsky several times he came to the Mausoleum and assures that her appearance has not changed. "Although nothing is eternal," he notes.

At the end of the saga Zbarsky, the mummy outlived all of its keepers, who succeeded each other at the head of the laboratory. "After Mordashova was Uskov, and then Debov who was under my care. Valery Bokov, former minister of medical industry and current director of the Institute of Medicinal Plants, appointed himself to the post of head of the laboratory after his death Debova", - says Zbarsky with some envy of those working today. Pointing in the photograph with a pencil sharpened with a knife, Zbarsky remembers how the mummy made them feel intense fear. “One day black spots appeared on the corpse. We knew how to deal with green and white mold, but that mold was black and we didn’t know what to do with it,” he says. "Without disclosing their origin, we sent samples to the Institute of Microbiology. We were told that the only way to get rid of the mold was to burn it or treat it with sulfuric acid. As a result, we were able to destroy the black spots with our own disinfection methods."

The visitor, who first entered the dark Mausoleum, is surprised by the blush on the cheeks of Lenin, a brilliance that contrasts with the haggard appearance of the main Bolshevik in the last photographs taken in 1923, when progressive paralysis already fettered his right leg and arm (this is precisely what explains that one hand of the mummy is clenched into a fist). "To deal with extreme thinness, we filled up the fabrics and bleached the skin," says Zbarsky, which explains how the "yellowish pallor" was eliminated by using two red filters placed on light sources that even today are still aimed at the hands and face Lenin. "In this way, it seems as if he is sleeping," says the scientist. Replacing the eyes with glass beads so that empty eye sockets were not noticeable helped to preserve the external identity from the day the leader died. Lenin whose lips were sewn under a mustache. The passage of time and the subsequent evolution in fashion led in 1961 to decisive changes in his appearance, when the familiar military jacket was replaced by a black suit, updated every two years in the Kremlin's sewing workshop. In the same year the body Stalin who shared for eight years an alcove with Lenin, was taken out of the Mausoleum and buried near the Kremlin wall.

Safe from the Nazis.

June 22, 1941 Hitler launched Operation Barbarossa, and Stalin decided to place the body of a comrade in a safe shelter, on the other side of the Ural ridge, in the Siberian city of Tyumen. For 17 years Zbarsky protected the sleeping handsome man (bello durmiente) from worms, now they had to protect him from the Nazis. Vorobyov died under mysterious circumstances in 1937, after undergoing unnecessary kidney surgery, so that on the train that went to Tyumen on July 3, 1941, there was a mummy in a wooden box and a pair of embalmers guarding her day and night. In that God-forgotten village, technical difficulties were not long in coming. "When we needed distilled water, it turned out that it was not available, and they had to bring it to us on a special plane from Omsk," he says, chuckling. Zbarsky. In order not to arouse suspicion, the laboratory was located in the city school for the training of agricultural workers. While thousands of Soviet soldiers remained unburied on the fields of war, the body Lenin it was kept with all conveniences until 1945, under the protection of forty soldiers, headed by the commandant of the Moscow Mausoleum. For those merit Zbarsky were awarded.

Despite eighteen years of closeness to the body, the embalmer never had access to the brain of the Soviet leader, because since 1928, the brain, divided into lobes and covered with paraffin, was stored in a solution of alcohol and formaldehyde in the safe of the USSR Brain Institute. Within its walls, the famous German scientist Oscar Voht tried to find at least some clue that connected the structure of the brain of a revolutionary with his prolific thinking. After five years of studying histological samples (total number of them - 30.963), the professor did not come to any conclusion. "At one of the conferences Focht declared that he had found one gyrus larger than usual, and determined Lenin as an athlete of associations, but with only one single goal - to please the Politburo, "says Dr. Jordi Cervos-Navarro, head of the Department of Neuropathology at the Open University of Berlin and had access to the brain in 1974. "It's not true that he had syphilis. There was nothing like that," he assures. Currently the rector of the International University of Catalonia, the professor has access to the brain every time he is in Moscow. He has worked with him seven times already. "We can distinguish a small trace from a wound that affected the carotid artery, when in 1918 he was assassinated Fanny Kaplan", he says.

In addition to the assassination attempt, which is a possible cause of the paralysis that smashed him, and eternal sleep also Lenin repeatedly violated. In 1934, a peasant named Mitrofan Nikitin wanted to kill him again by firing a pistol. The soldiers on guard were able to prevent this attempt, but Nikitin committed suicide on the same spot by shooting himself in the head. In 1959, one man asked for a hammer into a glass sarcophagus and pierced it, this heroic deed was repeated a year later by a certain Mikhailov, with a kick that broke the glass coffin, after which, with the permission of the upset communists, the sarcophagus was made of more solid material.

Bolsheviks with soul.

Today, that hatred and passion has given way to absolute indifference, lack of interest. Vladimir Putin was able to settle the question of the burial of the mummy, calm the communists and put an end to the bitter debate of the era Yeltsin. "I believe that the preservation of this symbol of communism is not part of either our tradition or the tradition of any other civilized people," he says. Zbarsky, who, without hesitation, distances himself from the atheistic worldview instilled in him since childhood, and says that he believes in the existence of a "higher mind". Do we have a soul? "I guess so," he replies quickly. And at Lenin too? "Perhaps," he replies, taking a deep breath in and out.

Influential Patriarch of the Orthodox Church, Alexy II also believes in it. Moreover, he even said that if the mummy is not buried, "her evil soul will continue to soar over the country." In response to the crying voice thrown by the orthodox, Valery Bykov, the current director of the laboratory, assures that mummification "does not go beyond the Christian canons", since the crypt is located in the basement of the Mausoleum, "below ground level".

If Lenin raised his head, he would have been dumbfounded, blinded by the neon discos, fashionable boutiques and foreign restaurants that light up Moscow nights with their relentless winking. Only the old communists keep the memory of Lenin. The opening of the secret archives of the KGB covered the biography of the leader of the Communist International crowned with laurel wreaths with indelible stains. Shrouded until now by treachery that knows no bounds Stalin, Lenin was able to avoid attacks. However, recent research, such as those carried out by the historian Helene Carrere D "Encausse", reveal in Lenin the mentality of the Jacobin, who without hesitation could destroy the masses of his compatriots, this happened when the leader gave the order to suppress, with fire and blood, the uprising of the Kronstadt sailors in 1921.

Beginning in October, crowds of young people passed by the bleak Mausoleum (there has been no guard of honor since 1993) on their way to the Rossiya Hotel. There they stood in a long line to take part in a performance more carnal than the cult of the mummy that their grandparents professed: to look at the ordeals of the participants in the game Behind the Glass, which can be seen through transparent walls. Perhaps only the hypothetical cloning of the body of a revolutionary, an issue discussed in the 90s, will help Lenin win back their positions in such a fickle popularity rating.


The imprint left by 74 years of communism still remains intact on some buildings in Moscow. Starting from the red stars that still crown some towers of the Kremlin to this day, and ending with the Palace of Congresses of the CPSU (today - a concert hall), not to mention the decorations in the form of crossed sickle and hammer on the balustrades of bridges across the Moscow River - traces of the USSR are graves of the recent past, which has already become History. The magnificent metro is a shrine for the nostalgic: mosaics, frescoes, images and bas-reliefs, containing a hint of the labors of the Soviet people, at each station lead the traveler into a tunnel of time. The only large-scale statue rises on October Square Lenin left untouched. Not far from it, in the so-called "cemetery of statues", opposite the park. Gorky, busts rest as witnesses of a bygone era Lenin, Brezhnev and Marx noseless red marble statue Stalin and a huge statue of the founder of the awesome KGB Felix Dzerzhinsky, overthrown from its pedestal in front of the building on Lubyanka in 1991. Majestic Yuri Gagarin on Leninsky Prospekt or a dynamic composition of a peasant woman with a sickle and a worker with a hammer, towering in front of the entrance to VDNKh - today these are dumb iron mummies of greatness long covered with rust.

The materials of InoSMI contain only assessments of foreign media and do not reflect the position of the editors of InoSMI.

This text is one of them. What kind of body lies in the mausoleum? Is it Lenin's real body, a doll, or a combination of both? Anthropologist, professor at the University of California at Berkeley (USA) Aleksey Yurchak spoke about how, at the suggestion of the party leadership, the Soviet leader led a double life after death. publishes fragments of his speech.

Rumors that Lenin's body was not real began to circulate already in the first days after the death of the leader. A few months later, at the end of the summer of 1924, the Mausoleum opened to the first visitors, and Moscow again began to say that there was a wax mummy lying there. The rumors did not stop even in the late 1930s, when their repetition was especially dangerous. In a written denunciation to the GPU, a young Muscovite claimed that her acquaintance had stated in a private conversation that there was only a wax doll in the Mausoleum.

In the early years, this was repeated in the foreign press. To dispel the rumors, in the mid-1930s, the party leadership invited representatives of the Western media to the mausoleum. The American journalist Louis Fisher wrote how, in their presence, Boris Zbarsky, who, together with Vladimir Vorobyov, was the first to embalm Lenin's body, opened a hermetically sealed glass sarcophagus, took the leader by the nose and turned his head left and right to show that this was not a wax figure.

23 percent

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, rumors that Lenin's body was an artificial copy resumed. In response to them, Ilya Zbarsky, the son of the first embalmer, wrote: “I worked in the mausoleum for 18 years, and I know for sure that Lenin’s body is preserved in excellent condition. All sorts of rumors and fictions about an artificial doll and that only the face and hands were preserved from the body have nothing to do with reality.

However, Zbarsky's statement did not stop the rumors from spreading. In the late 90s, versions of the existence of several bodies of Lenin's doubles appeared in the newspapers, which from time to time replace the body of the leader. In response to this, Professor Yury Romakov, the leading expert of the laboratory, explained in an interview with Ekho Moskvy that the body in the mausoleum is the real body of Lenin, is in excellent shape and does not need to be replaced.

In 2008, Vladimir Medinsky, then a member of the State Duma, said that the body of the leader cannot be considered real, but for a different reason: “Do not be deceived by the illusion that what lies in the mausoleum is Lenin. Only 10 percent of his real body remained there.” Vlast weekly decided to check this figure. During the autopsy of Lenin's body and subsequent embalming, internal organs and fluids were removed, which were replaced with embalming solutions. Having calculated the amount of removed material, Vlast came to the conclusion that Deputy Medinsky was somewhat mistaken. In the Mausoleum lies not 10 percent of Lenin's body, but 23.

two bodies

If you take a closer look at the material composition of Lenin's body, it turns out that statements about his inauthenticity have a real basis. It all depends on how you define it. For scientists of the Lenin Laboratory, who have been supporting this body for 92 years, it has always been important to maintain its dynamic shape - that is, physical appearance, weight, color, skin elasticity, joint flexibility. Even today, the joints in Lenin's body bend, the torso and neck twist. It did not harden, did not turn into a dried-up mummy, so calling it a mummy, as it is constantly done in the media, is wrong.

In order to maintain this body in a flexible state, it has been subjected for many years to unique procedures, as a result of which biological materials are replaced with artificial ones. This process is slow, gradual. On the one hand, at the level of a dynamic form, the body is certainly real, on the other hand, at the level of the biomaterials it consists of, it is rather a copy - it all depends on the point of view.

In the Soviet years, a special commission, consisting of party leaders, doctors and biologists, periodically checked the condition of Lenin's body. They studied spots and wrinkles on its surface, the water balance of internal tissues, the elasticity of the skin, the chemical composition of fluids, and joint flexion. The tissues were processed, the fluids were replaced with new ones, wrinkles were smoothed out, the calcium content in the bones was replenished.

From the point of view of these commissions, the condition of Lenin's body even gradually improved. But ordinary visitors always saw him motionless, frozen for centuries, in a glass sarcophagus, dressed in a dark suit. From open areas, visitors see only the hands and head. No one, except for the party leadership and a small group of scientists, saw other parts of Lenin's body, never heard of their condition or the scientific procedures to which the body was subjected.

It exists, as it were, in two modes of vision. The political leadership and close experts have always seen one body, and ordinary citizens - another. The political role played by the body in Soviet history probably goes far beyond a mere propaganda symbol supposedly needed to mobilize the masses in support of the party and government.

Lenin and Leninism

It seems to me that over the years, Lenin's body began to fulfill another political task. To understand this, let's go back to the early 1920s. In the spring of 1922, Lenin felt sick and tired; at the insistence of the party leadership, he left for several months in Gorki near Moscow.

Living there under the supervision of doctors, he continued to lead the party and come to meetings in Moscow. But in May 1922, he had a stroke, as a result of which he temporarily lost the ability to speak, read and write. The party leadership established strict control over information about the political situation in the country, which could reach Lenin.

The new rules reflected not only a real concern for the health of the leader, but also a desire to neutralize a strong political rival. In June 1922, Central Committee Secretary Leonid Serebryakov complained in a letter to a friend that Dzerzhinsky and Smidovich “guarded Lenin like two bulldogs,” preventing anyone from getting close to him or even entering the house where he lives.

Over the next year and a half, Lenin's condition worsened, improved briefly, and worsened again. In the spring of 1923, after the third blow, he almost completely lost the ability to communicate with others. Meanwhile, political rivalry within the party leadership increased dramatically.

In this context, the leader has not disappeared from the political arena of the country, his image has changed, acquiring a completely new shade. The real Lenin, who continued to live in Gorki and write texts, was isolated from political life. At the same time, a new canonical image was created in the political language. Most of the mythological images of Lenin, which are well known to us from the Soviet era, were created precisely during that period of his illness, a few years before his death.

In early 1923, the term "Leninism" was introduced into the country's public language. Soon, rituals of swearing allegiance to Leninism appeared in party practice. In March 1923, the Institute of Leninism was established in Moscow. In the spring of 1923, Pravda called for any piece of paper on which something was written in Lenin's hand to be handed over to this institution.

At the same time, what the leader thought, said and wrote in reality in 1922-1923 was completely separated from his canonical image. Lenin as a political figure in the last years of his life was divided into two: one part of him was excluded from the political life of the country, and the second part was canonized. It was as a result of these two processes of expulsion and canonization that the new doctrine of Leninism was created in the early 1920s.

Since then, every Soviet leader, from Stalin to Gorbachev, has been adjusting this doctrine, inventing his own version, introducing previously unknown Leninist works and deducing others, reinterpreting known materials, quoting Lenin out of the original context, changing the meaning of his statements and facts of life.

In 1990, less than a year before the collapse of the Soviet state, the Central Committee of the CPSU admitted that all previous versions of Leninism contained a distortion of the real Leninist thought. In December of the same year, a professor at the Department of Marxism-Leninism wrote in the Rabochaya Tribuna newspaper: “Our tragedy lies in the fact that we do not know Lenin. We have never read his work in the past and we do not do so now. For decades, we perceived Lenin through intermediaries, interpreters, popularizers and other distorters.

The historian complained that the Institute of Marxism-Leninism, the main authority on Lenin's heritage, had a special function for 70 years, giving the green light to the publication of those Lenin's texts that corresponded to the currently accepted canons, no matter how far they were from reality. words of the leader, changing or shortening other texts that did not correspond to these canons.

In a speech marking the 120th anniversary of Lenin's birth in April 1990, Gorbachev declared: "Lenin remains with us as the greatest thinker of the 20th century." Then he added that it was necessary to rethink the theoretical and political heritage of Lenin, to get rid of the distortion and canonization of Lenin's conclusions, and suggested that the term "Leninism" be abandoned.


Lenin died on January 21, 1924. At first, there was no plan to preserve his body for centuries. Immediately after the death of the leader, Professor of Medicine Alexei Ivanovich Abrikosov performed an autopsy, and then a temporary embalming procedure in order to save the body for 20 days, while the public farewell was going on.

In the process of autopsy and temporary embalming, Abrikosov cut many arteries and large vessels. Subsequently, the professor said that if plans for the long-term preservation of Lenin existed at the time of death, he would not have done this, since when embalming the body for a long time, these vessels are used to deliver embalming fluid to all parts of the body.

Then the body was exhibited for public farewell in the Hall of Columns. Despite the exceptionally cold winter, when the temperature was below minus 28 for several months in a row, crowds of citizens flocked to the capital from all over the country to pay their last tribute to the leader.

Lenin's funeral was scheduled for January 27th. Six days after his death, a wooden mausoleum was built on Red Square next to the graves of the revolutionaries, in which the leader was to be buried. On January 27, Lenin's body was transferred there, but it was decided not to close the sarcophagus for some time - in connection with the ongoing procession of those wishing to say goodbye to the leader.

Every three days, a commission for organizing a funeral, consisting of party leaders and close doctors, checked the condition of the body. Due to the low temperature and thanks to the high-quality temporary embalming by Abrikosov, no signs of decomposition appeared on the body - it could be left open.

The first clear signs of decomposition appeared only two months later, in March. Thanks to the unexpectedly long period during which they were absent, the party leadership had the opportunity to delay the burial and at the same time discuss its possible fate.

Lenin will live

At the endless meetings of commissions to perpetuate the memory of Lenin, there were heated debates, it was then that the proposal to preserve the body for a longer period won. At first, many in the party leadership considered this idea not only utopian from the point of view of science, but also counter-revolutionary. For example, Trotsky, Bukharin and Voroshilov believed that the long-term preservation and public display of Lenin's body turns it into a kind of religious relics and directly contradicts the materialistic principles of Marxism. Bonch-Bruevich agreed that "it is not the body that is important, but the memorial": Lenin should be buried in a mausoleum that fulfills this task.

But other members of the country's leadership - for example, Leonid Krasin - argued that if it was possible to save the body for some more period, even if not permanently, this makes sense. At the very least, this will enable the working people of the whole world to take part in a long farewell to the leader of the world proletariat.

Decisive in the fate of Lenin was the meeting of the commission for organizing the funeral on March 5, 1924. After another long discussion of options with medical scientists, most of whom expressed skepticism about the possibility of long-term preservation, members of the party leadership asked them to leave the hall. The opinions of the participants in the discussion differed, and nothing was decided that day. More precisely, the decision was half-hearted: we will try to save it, but without confidence that this is possible and necessary, and without promises that it will last forever.

At the end of March, it was decided to try the experimental method of embalming the body, proposed by Professor Vladimir Vorobyov from Kharkov and biochemist Boris Zbarsky. The procedure had no analogues, and neither Vorobyov nor Zbarsky were sure of its success. They worked for four months in a special laboratory set up right inside the temporary mausoleum. They had to invent and adjust many procedures on the go.

Lenin is alive

By the end of July 1924, they reported to the party leadership about the completion of work. If the body was treated and embalmed according to their method, they said, there was a high chance that it would last for quite some time. When the members of the commission asked how long it should be calculated, Vorobyov said: "I will allow myself not to answer this question."

On July 24, an official statement appeared in the Soviet press, stating: “Of course, neither we nor our comrades wanted to create any relics from the remains of Vladimir Ilyich, through which we could popularize or preserve the memory of him. We attached and continue to attach the greatest importance to preserving the image of this remarkable leader for the younger generation and future generations.”

Photo: Keystone Pictures USA / ZUMA /

In this statement of the commission, the same paradoxical attitude towards the body of Lenin was manifested, which was in numerous disputes about his fate. The way party leaders and close scientists spoke about him when it became known that it would not decay for some time is reminiscent of how the party leadership treated Lenin in the last months of his life. Then the still living leader was excluded from political life and hidden in Gorki near Moscow, and another, canonized Lenin appeared in the public language of the party press and speeches. In the discussions of the funeral commission, we are faced with a similar ambivalent attitude, when plans for the burial of the leader were discussed, and at the same time - plans for keeping him unburied, closed the crypt and public display.

This duality was also reflected in the fact that for months the disputes and discussions of Lenin's body were conducted simultaneously in two different commissions. The first was called the commission for the organization of the funeral, and the second - the commission for the preservation of the body. Many party leaders took part in the work of both. The perception of Lenin among the party leadership was strange: as if there were two bodies in the mausoleum - an ordinary, gradually decomposing corpse of a person, and a bodily embodiment of something larger, grandiose, different from Lenin and superior to him.

Although at the time of embalming the two bodies still consisted of the same biological matter, this state of affairs, as we already know, did not last long. The ambivalent attitude towards the body of Lenin among the party leadership was reproduced in subsequent years.

Grand legitimator

In Soviet times, a political model arose that linked the principle of the reproduction of sovereign power with the principle of doubling the body of the leader. It arose unexpectedly and unplanned - several conditions simply coincided: a long period of illness, when Lenin was simultaneously isolated from political life and canonized in the image of Leninism. Due to the cold of that winter, the body did not decompose, which made it possible to discuss its fate. It is also important to take into account the peculiarities of the social and cultural organization of the Leninist party of a new type - a unique political institution.

In the Soviet political system, the culture of sovereign power resembled a mixture of two models: absolute monarchy and liberal democracy, where absolute truth plays the role of the body. Unlike a sovereign monarchy, no leader of the party and state after Lenin could take his place, which was outside the political space. The truth in this system was expressed in the language of Leninism.

Any leader of the USSR, including Stalin, was obliged to appeal to Leninism in order to legitimize his power and could not question this doctrine or replace it with another truth. Each of them could lose the reins of government if it turned out that he was distorting Leninism. This thesis is illustrated by the two most important phenomena of power in the Soviet system: the emergence of an exclusive personality cult of Stalin and his complete debunking after death.

Now it becomes clear what role Lenin's body played in the political system of the USSR. It functioned as the material embodiment of the heroic depersonalized subject, the Soviet sovereign. It was doubled, being the combination of mortal and immortal bodies. The way Lenin's body was maintained over the decades reflected the combination of these two themes. The mortal body of the sovereign was the corpse of a specific person, while the immortal body was a funeral doll, which was reproduced through special procedures and rituals.

The persistent rumors that Lenin's body is just a copy are to some extent erroneous and to some extent true. It is real, but it is constantly changing. His biological materials are replaced with new ones, but as a result, his form remains unchanged. This project arose gradually - as part of a complex cosmology, the meaning of which for the party system, including its leadership, was never completely clear.

Work on the body of Lenin has always been carried out in an atmosphere of the strictest secrecy, behind closed doors. The same thing happened with Lenin's texts, statements and biographical facts. Thanks to this approach, Leninism has always looked like something fundamental, unchanging and eternal, while in reality it has imperceptibly changed, adjusted by the party leadership to the needs of the current moment. This doctrine, in this approach, looked like a source of party action, and not a product of party manipulation, and the same applied not only to the texts, but also to the body of Lenin.

Photo: CHROMORANGE / Bilderbox /

With the collapse of the Soviet system in 1991, Lenin's body was turned off from it. The post-Soviet Russian state did not close the mausoleum, but drastically reduced its funding. Over the past 25 years, no clear decision on the fate of Lenin's body has been made. Today it remains in the mausoleum in the public domain, and the laboratory continues to work. The end of the Soviet system did not lead to the automatic destruction of this body, did not turn it into a frozen, decaying corpse, but at the same time did not turn it into an artificial doll.

If you have no enemies, it means that happiness has turned its back on you. (c) T. Fuller

In The Testament, David, in one of his conversations with Walter, remembering how he had rooted out the entire colony of Engineers, began to read a poem that seemed strangely familiar to me. It turned out it didn't seem to be Shelley's sonnet "Ozymandias", but in such a translation that made the text almost unrecognizable. Although I assumed that this is it, and climbed to rummage through the net. I dug up 4 more options, in addition to the well-known translation of Balmont, including the spontaneous one, which turned out to be very good and even closer in meaning to the original source.

Percy Bysshe Shelley


I met a traveler from an antique land
Who said:-Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
stand in the desert. near them on the sand,
Half sunk, a shatter'd visage lies, whose frown
And wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamp "d on these lifeless things,
The hand that mock "d them and the heart that fed.
And on the pedestal these words appear:
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look at my works, ye mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains: round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare,
The lone and level sands stretch far away.

I met a traveler; he came from distant countries
And he said to me: Away, where eternity guards
Desert silence, among the deep sands
A fragment of a broken statue lies.
5 From the half-erased features, an arrogant flame shines through, -
The desire to force the whole world to serve itself;
An experienced sculptor invested in a soulless stone
Those passions that could survive centuries.
And the fragment of the statue kept the words:
10 “I am Ozymandias, I am the mighty king of kings!
Look at my great deeds
Masters of all times, all countries and all seas!”
There is nothing around... Deep silence...
The desert is dead... And the skies above it...

A wanderer told me that in the desert,
In the sands, two stone feet stand
Without a body for a long time until now.
At the feet - a broken face, whose imperious gaze
Filled with such mocking pride,
What can be admired for the craftsmanship,
Which read in such hearts,
Capturing the living in the inanimate.
And the writings cry out from the pedestal;
"I am Ozymandias. I am the king of kings.
There is not enough place for my power in the world.
Everything is falling apart. There is nothing faster
Sands that didn't seem to fit
Around the ruins to slow down in the run of days.

Translation by V. Mikushevich

A traveler came towards me from the ancient land
And he said: among the sands - the ruins of bygone days -
There are two stone legs from a giant,
Lies a broken face in the dust not far away.

A sternly compressed mouth, a smile of proud power,
He repeats how deeply the sculptor understood passions,
What could the language that lied to them survive,
The hand and heart that served them is their spring.

And around the foot of the word are visible in granite:
“I am Ozymandias, the great king of kings.
Look at my deeds and tremble!”

There is nothing around. Decayed mausoleum
Surrounded by desert. The wind is free
And the sands spread, boundless and barren.

From that mysterious, ancient land,
Which is imprisoned for centuries
An old traveler told me a parable
About two feet standing in the middle of the sands.

And there, not far away, in the lowland,
Under the yoke of the ancient twin brothers -
Space, Eternal Void, Ages
The proud face languishes until now.

And through space and centuries
On the wind rush his words:
"Kneel, servants, before me!
I am Ozymandias, king and god of the human land!"

Around only darkness .... and silence.
Desert eternal without life and warmth.

I met a traveler who was in a forgotten country.
In the desert, he said, two stone feet
They stand without a skeleton; near them lies, broken,
The face of a statue buried in the sands.

The forehead and the fold of the mouth, curved haughtily,
They say that their creator knew the depth of passions and thoughts
And he managed to convey to centuries in the chest of perishable
The thought that moved them and the mind that nourished them.

But the pedestal still keeps the words: "Kneel!
To me, Ozymandias, the name is the king of kings.
My deeds, kings, behold - and despair!

There is nothing more. around big rocks
Vastness, emptiness, and stretch far
Barren sands wherever the eye can see.