I don't want to clean the house. How to force yourself to clean in the absence of strength and desire

Despite the abundance of household appliances, modern women are not exempt from the need to clean the house. And if some of them hire assistants for this, then the rest have to do everything themselves, and for many of them one thought about the future is unbearable. Women do not know how to force themselves to clean at home, they are ready to work in the office all day long, draw up marketing strategies and business plans, but they are not at all accustomed to fixing a life. Is cleaning the last thing you love to do? We will tell you how to quickly clean the house if you are too lazy.

Possible causes of laziness

There are several reasons why a person does not like to clean up. The most frequent of them are:

  • not enough time;
  • not enough strength;
  • not in that emotional state.

It is difficult to force yourself not to be lazy and take time to clean up. After all, work takes up most of the time. And in those minutes or hours that it takes to clean up the room, you really want to chat with your soulmate, relax with friends. In fact, these are the excuses of those people who do not like to clean the house. It is enough to clearly plan your affairs and responsibilities in order to manage to put your house in order and relax with your loved ones.

Some can't start cleaning because they can't find the physical strength. This is not surprising, given how much effort is spent on work, going to the gym, and working with children. In this case, there is only one advice: review your load and distribute it, taking into account the need to clean up.

If, due to laziness or fatigue, it is better not to postpone cleaning, then the lack of emotional strength is another matter. A disturbed psycho-emotional state is dangerous for a person, although it is often cleaning to your favorite music that allows you to cope with stress and worries faster.


So, how to clean the room if lazy? Do not rush to enroll in the society of "anonymous lazybones", it is better to use the following instructions:

  1. Tune in to the right wave. Create the right environment for this. Turn on your favorite music and relax.
  2. Determine the scope of action.
  3. Before you start cleaning, mentally divide the apartment into separate zones, each of which will need to be consistently cleaned.
  4. Get to work.

The most difficult thing of all of the above is to set yourself up correctly, to force you to clean up. Feng Shui can help you with this. Surely you have noticed that after a general cleaning you feel more calm and contented. Feng Shui masters assure that the matter here is in the changed energy of housing. In a dusty room with scattered things, smart thoughts cannot be born, because old energy interferes with them. Only the one who cleans the apartment and cleanses it of negative energy can create order not only in the room, but also in his own head. Here is an incentive for you to overcome laziness. Treat cleaning not as a tedious task, but as a psychological relief: at first it’s hard, but in the end - order in the house and peace in the soul.

If you are indifferent to feng shui, then remember that even a quick cleaning is a free fitness load. Just imagine: just by cleaning the room, you can burn up to 350 kcal - almost a whole piece of cake, or two cans of soda, or a standard serving of french fries! In general, if on Friday evening they allowed themselves to relax in the sense of maintaining a figure, then on Saturday it's time to tidy up the house and get rid of the excess of what was eaten the day before.

There is also a cardinal way to cope with laziness: invite friends to visit you. No excuses will help here, and calling Mr. Proper is useless. You have to get up from the sofa to make the room look more or less decent. At the same time, show your guests what a good hostess you are and relax with friends.

There are little tricks that help overcome laziness to do the cleaning. These are the recommendations of psychologists and folk advice, of which we have selected the most effective:

  • It’s worth starting cleaning the apartment when you have such an idea. Do not postpone the procedure until later. The more you think, the less you want to do.
  • It is better to clean strictly on a certain day of the week, for example, on Saturday. With regular repetition of the procedure, a habit is developed - you see, and the need for cleaning will begin to be perceived more easily.
  • Get your family members involved in cleaning. A common activity will make the family more united, and you will be able to clean up the apartment more quickly.
  • Wear clothes that will not cause discomfort. Long hair is best kept in a ponytail.
  • Start cleaning from the dirtiest places in the house. When the result is obtained quickly and expressed clearly, it cheers up and gives strength, which is enough to bring the matter to the end.
  • Take a strictly defined time for cleaning, for example, 1 hour. This allows you to concentrate on one task, because it’s hard for a person to continue doing an unloved thing after a break.
  • Promise yourself a reward for your work. “If you are too lazy to clean the apartment, then there will be no reward!” - you can put yourself such a setting. Let such a reward be an evening with your loved one, a trip to the cinema, anything that you really want.

And remember: a woman is not a cook and a scrubber, but a hostess. It depends on you whether the house will turn into a place from which all family members want to quickly escape, or will be filled with light, care and beauty in every corner.

Cleaning is such a long and laborious process, for which there is not enough time or energy. But more often than not, a person is simply too lazy to put things in order, because this is a rather boring procedure. However, it is wrong to live in disorder. Therefore, you need to know how to clean the room if you are too lazy?

Preparing for cleaning

In order for putting things in order to be effective, you must first stock up on all the necessary equipment - sponges, rags, a mop, and various detergents. If everything you need is at hand, then cleaning will be much faster and better.

To clean up, you should choose a specific day of the week, for which nothing else is planned. It is better if it is Saturday, namely the morning time. Then after a week of work and cleaning there will be an opportunity to have a good rest.

If the apartment requires global cleaning, then family members should be involved in it. After all, this process is not a purely female responsibility, you do not always need to do it alone. You need to warn relatives in advance so that on a certain day they have no other plans.

How to force yourself to start cleaning?

There are a huge number of tips that help a person to facilitate cleaning in the apartment. Sometimes it’s enough just to force yourself to start cleaning up, as a woman imperceptibly gets involved and brings the matter to the end, not noticing the time. But it happens that because of laziness it is difficult even to take the first step. What to do if too lazy to get out? How to do it quickly?

Psychological setting

A person should set such an attitude for himself: “I don’t need it, but I want it,” “I’ll get out because I like to do it.” That is, instead of forcing yourself to forcibly clean up, you need to do it with pleasure. After all, first of all, they clean up for themselves. It is much nicer and more comfortable to be in an apartment that looks neat, where everything is located in its place. It is unlikely that anyone wants to breathe dust, look for the necessary things for a long time.

Defining Small Goals

This method involves cleaning in parts. When a person has to clean the whole apartment, he often gives up, because it takes a lot of time. But you can look at it from the other side. You can simply draw up an action plan in which you need to achieve specific goals. For example, a kitchen cleaning plan might look like this:

  • To wash the dishes;
  • Wipe windows;
  • Dismantle refrigerator;
  • Clean the stove.

This list goes on. This approach to cleaning will help a person not be afraid of a large front of work. Psychologically, a person relaxes when he sees a task for 10 minutes. Therefore, he can fulfill many such goals. As a result, the whole apartment will be put in order.

Game cleaning

If you are too lazy to clean up, then no one is forbidden to have a little fun. To do this, apply the following game. You will need to make a few pieces of paper on which you need to write tasks, both entertaining and labor. For example, “watch an interesting video”, “wash the dishes”, “dance”, “wipe the dust”, and so on. This will help make cleaning more fun and faster.

An island of purity

You can also use this method of facilitating labor, the essence of which is to select a small area in the house and start cleaning from it. It is better to give preference to the dirtiest place in the apartment. After it is washed, you will want to tidy up other parts of the living space.

Waiting for guests

This is the fastest way to clean your home. No one wants to look sloppy in front of other people. Therefore, you should just invite someone to visit. Only it should be such a person whose opinion is important. Then it will not be difficult to put the house in order.

Usually married girls carefully clean up the house when the mother-in-law is to visit. After all, her opinion is often important for women who are trying to maintain good relations with the parents of their beloved husband.

Facilitating work with household appliances and cleaners

If a person does not like to clean the apartment at all, then household appliances can help him with this. If the budget allows, then you should buy yourself a dishwasher, a robot vacuum cleaner and other devices that will do all the work themselves. You can also hire a cleaning lady who will quickly and professionally make a standard of cleanliness out of a living space. Although, on the other hand, it is worth considering, why spend money when you can do it all yourself?

Getting rid of unnecessary things

When there is a huge amount of unnecessary things in the apartment, there will always be a mess in it. It will be impossible to get rid of it. Even if everything is thoroughly washed and folded everywhere, the clutter will make the house uncomfortable. As soon as a person frees the room from trash, it will become much easier to breathe and clean up in the future.

How to force yourself to clean the apartment if you are too lazy? Everything is simple. You need to follow the following step by step instructions:

  • Create a good mood and environment. This is a very important point. To do this, you can simply turn on your favorite music, TV show.
  • Make a clear action plan. To do this, you will need to dilute the apartment into separate parts, which will need to be cleaned sequentially.
  • Get straight to work.
  • Do not immediately try to clean the entire living space. It is better to start first by eliminating a clearly visible mess, and then in detail and thoroughly clean every part of the house.

How to avoid clutter?

In order not to spend a lot of time and effort cleaning the house, it is best not to make a mess at all. The following recommendations will help with this:

  • All things must have their place. This is the basic rule that allows you to maintain order in the house. In addition, a person does not have to look for any objects for a long time, since he always knows where they are.
  • Return the taken things to their place. This rule follows smoothly from the previous one. If the woman took off the jewelry, then you need to return it to its place, even if it is planned to put it on again tomorrow. Also with all other items. It is worth teaching the child to fold his toys to where he took them. This habit is very simple and useful.
  • Dishes should be washed immediately after eating. Do not accumulate a mountain of dirty plates and cups, as it will take a long time to get rid of it later. It will also soon turn into a good habit and make it easier to clean the apartment.
  • The bed should be made immediately after sleep. This is a very simple rule that will make the room neat. Children should also be taught the same.

Order always brings satisfaction. After all, being in a clean apartment is already much more comfortable and pleasant. Therefore, when you need to clean, you should think first of all about your comfort.


Useful advice

Set aside 15-20 minutes a day for one type of cleaning in your room. During this short time, you will have time to dismantle the shelf in the closet, rub mirrors or vacuum. If you do this every day, you will eventually have a permanent order.

Most people like to live clean and tidy, but they find it difficult to force themselves to clean up. home. It is understandable, because cleaning is a labor-intensive process that requires both strength and time, and the right attitude. How to learn to motivate yourself for this not so pleasant, but extremely necessary action?


Nothing motivates you to put things in order on a regular basis, like the appearance in home or a furry four-legged creature. Get yourself a pet or from time to time take pets into your home from your own or relatives for the duration of their vacation or. The same applies to . If you do not have your own baby, do not refuse to sometimes sit with your nephews and nieces, cousins, godchildren and children of your friends. In all cases, you will have to do a thorough general cleaning, but this will be easy.

Invite family, friends or neighbors more often. Surely you do not want to pass for the whole neighborhood as an untidy lazy person living in complete chaos, so you will begin to maintain order and cleanliness in your or home. And, perhaps, you will improve the design and interior by buying some useful and beautiful gizmos to meet the need for coziness and comfort.

Cleaning alone while the rest of the family rest and cool off is morally difficult. Therefore, elevate to the rank of a family tradition the joint restoration of order. Not only will it be more fun and interesting for you to disassemble the rubble and clean up the garbage, but the time spent will be significantly reduced due to a fair distribution of labor.

Regularity is the basis of correct and fast. Teach yourself to put things in their places, wash dirty clothes in a timely manner, and not accumulate dishes in the sink. Be sure to dust and vacuum once a week. Then you will not get bogged down in the mud, and you will not have to spend a lot of time on the next cleanup.

Remind yourself often that cleanliness is a pledge. Fall in love with high-quality cleaning because this event will not allow you to get sick, waste time and. Take care also of strong immunity and good mood of your neighbors. This is perhaps the main motivation that is worth adopting.

Cleaning the house is an important part of our life that requires constant intervention and time. Washing dishes, damp cleaning floors and furniture, washing clothes - all this is necessary to feel comfortable.

Unfortunately, the modern pace of life requires a lot of effort, so cleaning the house is presented as something terrible and is constantly postponed. If you often face the problem of how to force yourself to clean the apartment, read our article. We tried to pick up only useful tips that have helped many housewives.

How to force yourself to quit

Psychologists say that the right mental attitude is 50 percent of the success of any business. This also applies to house cleaning. First of all, you need:

  • To relax.
  • Turn on some uplifting music.
  • Set yourself up for the positive.
  • Divide the house into zones.
  • Write a step by step cleaning plan.
  • Get to work.

After doing this, you will realize that cleaning is no longer so scary and will not take much time. Following the developed plan, you will not be distracted by trifles, starting several things at the same time. Favorite music will support a positive attitude and work will bring only pleasure.

After reading a lot of women's forums, we tried to collect tips from ordinary people who have successfully overcome laziness to clean:

  1. Start cleaning as soon as the thought hits you. Turn off the movie, log out of social media, put down your book or gadget, and get to work right away.
  2. How to force yourself and not quit this occupation? If you are not sure that you can finish everything, start with the most contaminated areas. Each of your actions will have a visible result and this will give you strength for a complete cleaning of the entire house.
  3. If you don't know how to force yourself to do spring cleaning, invite guests to dinner. You will immediately want to surprise them not only with delicious dishes, but also with the perfect cleanliness of your home.
  4. Get the whole family involved in this activity. Firstly, it will be faster, and secondly, a common activity will unite your loved ones.
  5. How to force yourself to do the cleaning if there is not enough free time? In this case, choose one day among the week and devote it to putting things in order. Firstly, this way you systematize your schedule, secondly, you will develop a good habit, and thirdly, the house will always be clean.
  6. Cleanliness is a great reason to emphasize the dignity of the design of your home.
  7. Another effective motivation is the understanding that cleanliness is the key to health. Dust and dirt are first-class carriers of germs and infections that can severely damage human health. Therefore, their timely elimination is important not only from the aesthetic side.

Now you know a few tips that will help you solve the problem of how to force yourself to do the cleaning. It will be useful to learn how to quickly restore order in the house.

Restoring order according to the principle of "fly lady"

The “fly lady” technique will help you quickly clean the house. Its principles are very simple and effective:

  • Spend 15-20 minutes every day cleaning one room. Do not try to do everything perfectly, it is better to thoroughly wash the most contaminated areas.
  • Spend a few minutes daily on trouble spots throughout your home.
  • Throw unwanted items in the trash immediately.
  • immediately put in a special box.

Using this technique, you will less and less face the problem of how to force yourself to start cleaning.

The ancient Chinese teaching of Feng Shui also has some tips to help you force yourself:

  • Perform general cleaning when the moon is in its waning phase. This has a beneficial effect on energy, gives a person strength and patience to carry out things.
  • Take out the trash regularly, but only before sunset.
  • Solve all sewer problems and change rusty pipes. Corroded objects not only spoil the appearance of the room, but also negatively affect the financial and emotional well-being of the inhabitants of the house.

Feng Shui teaches that cleaning is a cleansing not only of the house, but also of the human soul. A clean room is calm, it is easier to breathe and it is easier to concentrate on important points.

Now you know a lot of how to force yourself to clean the house. To make the process as enjoyable as possible, remember:

  • Start this event in the morning, having a good night's sleep before that. This will give you strength and desire to finish everything as soon as possible.
  • Wear comfortable clothing. It will not restrict your movements.
  • Promise yourself rewards for your work.
  • Use new accessories for cleaning: rags, washcloths, etc.
  • Use household chemicals with a pleasant smell. This will fill the house with freshness and aroma.
  • Do not get distracted by other things, because then it will be difficult to continue.
  • Cleaning is good exercise. Scientists have proven that it takes over 400 kcal, and this is equivalent to a ten-minute run.
  • Do not hurry. It's better to spend more time than to redo everything later.
  • Come up with a room cleaning system and don't deviate from it.
  • Work to music.
  • You can set a time frame for yourself. This will give the cleaning a sense of excitement, and you will be very pleased if everything is done on time.

To keep the order as long as possible, do the following:

  • Wipe down the stove after every cooking.
  • Remove dirt as soon as you see it.
  • Hide shoes and clothes that you don't use temporarily.

And, finally, the most important thing - try to immediately wash the dishes, put things in place and do not scatter garbage. After all, it’s not clean where they clean it, but where they don’t litter.

We hope our tips will help you keep your home neat and tidy.

Or how to force yourself to “clean up the apartment” and have fun?

One of the most popular queries in the search: "how to clean the house with pleasure." Nobody wants to clean up - everyone dreams that the dishes are washed, the linen is ironed, and the housekeeper comes to clean the apartment.
But there are people in the world who say: you can do the cleaning with a smile. Who are these superheroes?
The creator of the blog about minimalism and productivity zenhabits, Leo Babauta lives in San Francisco, enjoys self-discovery and running, writes books and raises six children. Much of the blogger's thinking is about putting things in order. In particular, Leo recommends cleaning up on the go: ate - washed the plate, saw the dirt - swept, etc. In such a system, cleaning becomes a matter that you do not notice. In addition, Babauta believes that you need to do less in order not to do unnecessary work. For example, to put things in order not in the whole room, but in the territory that you can hug, wrap your arms around. And so move - from point to point, spending 10 minutes on each.
When parsing the trash, Leo suggests sorting all things into three piles: “leave”, “throw away” and “maybe”. Thinking for a long time is forbidden. Things in the “maybe” pile are put away in a closed drawer for six months. If you do not use them, the box is thrown away. The blogger allocates one evening for the analysis of each cabinet.
It is desirable that half of the cabinet is left unoccupied, then it is easier to keep it clean. The blogger also advises leaving gaps between things and grouping them by color - this way the space seems less cluttered. Leo recommends treating cleaning as a release, smiling and breathing evenly - then the process will be a joy. The main thing is not to fall asleep.
One of the first to try to enjoy cleaning was the Jet Housewives. The Flylady system was invented by American housewife Marla Seeley in 1999. Today, there are about a million people in the reactive community. Marla's main suggestion was to forget about the nightmare that devoured Saturday - the weekly cleaning. Instead, the American offered to devote only 15 minutes to clean the house every weekday, and leave the weekend for herself. To succeed, you need to act as quickly as possible. For this, a timer is started: it rang - we stop work.
During the week, cleaning is done in only one of five areas in a clear sequence: entrance and dining room, kitchen / laundry / pantry, bathroom / children's / workshop, bedroom / bathroom / toilet, living room. In addition, there are obligatory "routines" and five minutes to analyze "hot spots" - hot spots where a mess is made in a particular room (shelves, boxes, etc.). On one of the days, an hour of weekly cleaning is planned - the Hour of Blessing the House. At this time, for example, all floors are vacuumed. There are other methods - you can get acquainted with them on the website of the movement.
Flylady has a particularly reverent feeling for washing - it should always be perfectly clean. Among other principles, there are those that are good to take note of for any person. For example, do not let yourself sit at the computer, do two things at the same time and do not forget to laugh.
Tip: A mechanical timer, thanks to its rhythmic ticking, stimulates you to work better than an electronic one.
Alison Hodgson, the author of a series of materials on the relaxation of the mind, published on American Houzz, also adheres to minimalist principles. In 2010, her family's house burned down. The couple managed to push the children out into the street, and only a camera and a laptop were saved from the things. Clothes, diaries, books, children's drawings, memorabilia and numerous boxes of toys were burned - in general, everything that occupied the corners, but was considered priceless. This story inspired Alison to reconsider her views on the organization of space. “Ask yourself what you will grab in the fire,” is one of the exercises that Alison suggests doing to everyone who is busy sorting trash. Leave what you love, but what does not prevent you from keeping clean and tidy. This practice works especially well right after a vacation. Firstly, the picture before your eyes changes, and hot spots are immediately visible. Secondly, breaking away from the usual life, we lose attachment to many things. There are a couple of days until she returned.
In terms of popularity, Flylady is rapidly catching up with the KonMari system. It was invented by the Japanese Marie Kondo, the author of the book “Magical Cleaning” and three other bestsellers about organizing home life. Marie is sure that proper cleaning has a tremendous therapeutic effect: with its help, you can put in order not only things, but also thoughts.
Every item in the apartment affects the mood of the tenants. The task of the owners is to leave only things that carry positive energy. One of KonMari's rules is to pick up a thing when clearing rubble and ask yourself if it causes joy ("do I love it?"). If not, thank you and throw it away. Dialogue with things - a Japanese tradition - is the basis of cleaning according to the Marie Kondo technique.
In addition, Marie suggests cleaning not by zone, but by category: clothes, books, documents, etc. First, all things in each category are collected from all rooms into one pile. This gives an idea of ​​the scale of the disaster. Then we cut out the unnecessary. A person conducts the selection alone, without consulting anyone.
All things of one function should be stored in one place. The KonMari method promotes vertical storage, not only for documents and books, but also for clothes. It is folded into neat rectangles or rolled up like sushi. It is proposed to hang things from dark and warm to light and light. Disliked clothes are forbidden to be transferred to the home.

Japanese blogger Fumio Sasaki is an ardent adherent of minimalism and the author of the popular book We Don't Need Stuff Anymore. He is sure that the habit of dragging everything into the house is the habit of previous generations, stunned by material abundance. It only prevents modern man from being liberated. Fumio offers a radical way to clean up the apartment: just do not buy things that you can not buy.
The life of the blogger himself is extremely ascetic. According to him, if an earthquake happens, he can easily leave the house with all his belongings, since they fit in a small bag. This theory - "have as much as you can carry" - is also popular in the West. For some reason, the number 15 is significant - so many large things should a person have, and no more.


An interesting way to organize cleaning "for the lazy" can be found on the Internet. It is only known about its author that this is “a woman whose strength is limited for health reasons.” First, all cases are entered into three lists or circles of cases. In a small circle, obligatory daily tasks (up to 10), on average - obligatory weekly tasks (up to 21), in a large circle - all the rest (up to 60). After the tasks from the small circle assigned for today are completed, you can move on to the middle one, and then to the big one. Did not have time with the second and third circles - it's okay. The next day, you start again with “small” things, and then move along the list of “medium” ones. That is, if you did not have time to wash the bath yesterday, do it today. With this approach, you always do the necessary minimum, and the rest of the cases - according to the circumstances.

This system has another name: "Sluts Anonymous." Its author, American Sandra Felton, put up with her disorganization in everyday life for a long time, until she lost her dissertation in the rubble. The analytical mind helped to come up with a system in which you can maintain cleanliness without much effort. The basic principles are to find the right place for every thing and always return it there. And not sometime, but immediately. And in general, any task that takes less than 30 seconds should be done without delay. It would seem - a simple principle, but it takes not a single month to develop a habit. But then the general cleaning time is reduced significantly.
There are three decluttering methods in the system: Mount Vermont, Vesuvius, and Rushmore. The first one is reminiscent of Leo Babauta's technique - you need to take three boxes (“leave”, “throw away” and “think”) and sort all the things in the apartment according to them. With these boxes, "anonymous lazybones" go around the whole apartment. "Vesuvius" - all the same, but for a limited time. "Rushmore" involves the division of responsibilities among several family members. The system is not limited to decluttering, it has its own cleaning calendar. And most importantly - an active support group, which can be contacted at any time for advice and sympathy. Therefore, lazy and anonymous, like a well-known community of alcoholics.

The cleaning method described by Nancy Mitchell is one of the most controversial in terms of health care. Let's end the moralizing here. Nancy has always hated ironing. She was also cool with alcohol. Therefore, when a colleague said that he always buys a couple of cans of beer for ironing, she was very surprised. And in the evening I tried this method on washing dishes. According to the girl, she felt like in a bar - it was fun. Relaxation starts a process akin to meditation, while the hands perform mechanical actions. The main thing here is not to overdo it, so Nancy is always limited to one or two drinks. And then you can get into the insole.