The last dictation in the Russian language. Texts of dictations in Russian

Control dictations. 10 - 11 grades

Extraordinary days

Voropaev entered Bucharest with a wound that had not yet healed, received by him in the battle for Chisinau. The day was bright and perhaps a little windy. He flew into the city on a tank with scouts and then was left alone. As a matter of fact, he should have been in the hospital, but how can you lie down on the day you enter the blindingly white city, seething with excitement? He did not sit down until late at night, but still wandered the streets, entering into conversations, explaining something or simply hugging someone without words, and his Chisinau wound healed, as if cured by a magic potion.

And the next wound, accidentally received after Bucharest, although it was lighter than the previous one, it healed inexplicably long, almost to Sophia herself.

But when, leaning on a stick, he got off the staff bus to the square in the center of the Bulgarian capital and, not waiting to be hugged, he himself began to hug and kiss everyone who fell into his arms, something pinched in the wound, and she froze . At that time he could hardly stand on his feet, his head was spinning, and his fingers grew cold - he was so tired during the day, for he spoke for hours in the squares, in the barracks, and even from the pulpit of the church, where he was carried in his arms. He talked about Russia and the Slavs as if he was at least a thousand years old.


There was silence, all that could be heard was the snorting and chewing of the horses and the snoring of the sleeping ones. Somewhere a lapwing was crying, and occasionally there was a squeak of snipes, who flew in to see if the uninvited guests had left.

Yegorushka, out of breath from the heat, which was especially felt after eating, ran to the sedge and looked around the area from there. He saw the same thing that he had seen before noon: the plain, the hills, the sky, the purple distance. Only the hills stood closer, but there was no mill, which remained far behind. Having nothing to do, Yegorushka caught the violinist in the ravine, raised him in his fist to his ear and listened for a long time as he played his violin. When the music got tired, he chased after a crowd of yellow butterflies that flew to the sedge to drink, and did not notice himself how he found himself again near the britzka.

Suddenly, a soft hum was heard. The song, quiet, lingering and mournful, like a cry and barely audible, was heard now from the right, now from the left, now from above, now from under the ground, as if an invisible spirit was hovering over the steppe and singing. Yegorushka looked around and did not understand where this strange song came from. Later, when he listened, it began to seem to him that the grass was singing. In her song, half-dead, already dead, without words, but plaintively and sincerely, she convinced someone that she was not to blame for anything, that the sun burned her out in vain; she assured me that she passionately wanted to live, that she was still young and would be beautiful if it were not for the heat and the drought. There was no guilt, but she still asked someone for forgiveness and swore that she was unbearably hurt, sad and sorry for herself.(According to A.P. Chekhov) (241 words)


Often in autumn I would watch the falling leaves closely to catch that imperceptible split second when the leaf separates from the branch and begins to fall to the ground. I have read in old books about the sound of falling leaves, but I have never heard that sound. The rustle of leaves in the air seemed to me as unbelievable as stories about hearing the grass grow in spring.

I was, of course, wrong. Time was needed so that the ear, dulled by the rattle of the city streets, could rest and catch the very clear and precise sounds of the autumn earth.

There are autumn nights, deafened and dumb, when calmness hangs over the black wooded edge.

It was such a night. The lantern illuminated the well, the old maple tree under the fence, and the wind-torn nasturtium bush.

I looked at the maple tree and saw how a red leaf carefully and slowly separated from the branch, shuddered, stopped for a moment in the air and began to fall obliquely at my feet, slightly rustling and swaying. For the first time I heard the rustle of a falling leaf - a vague sound, like a child's whisper.

Dangerous profession

In pursuit of interesting shots, photographers and cameramen often cross the line of reasonable risk.

Not dangerous, but almost impossible in nature, shooting wolves. It is dangerous to shoot lions, very dangerous - tigers. It is impossible to say in advance how the bear will behave - this strong and, contrary to the general idea, a very mobile beast. In the Caucasus, I broke a well-known rule: I climbed a mountain where a she-bear and cubs were grazing. The calculation was that, they say, autumn and the mother no longer protects her offspring so jealously. But I was wrong... At the click of a camera that captured two babies, a mother dozing somewhere nearby rushed towards me like a torpedo. I understood: in no case should you run away - the beast will rush after you. On the spot, the remaining man puzzled the bear: she suddenly braked sharply and, looking at me intently, rushed after the baby.

When shooting animals, you must, firstly, know their habits and, secondly, do not go on the rampage. All animals, with the possible exception of connecting rod bears, tend to avoid meeting people. Analyzing all the misfortunes, you see: the carelessness of man provoked the attack of the beast.

Telephoto lenses have long been invented to shoot animals without frightening them and without risking attack, most often forced. In addition, non-scared animals that do not mean your presence behave naturally. Most of the expressive shots were obtained by knowledge and patience, by understanding the distance, breaking which is unreasonable and even dangerous.

Path to the lake

The dawn is slowly getting brighter. Soon a ray of sun will touch the bare tops of the trees in autumn and gild the shining mirror of the lake. And nearby is a smaller lake, of a bizarre shape and color: the water in it is not blue, not green, not dark, but brownish. They say that this specific shade is explained by the peculiarities of the composition of the local soil, the layer of which covers the lake bottom. Both of these lakes are united under the name of Borovoe Lakes, as the old-timers of these places dubbed them in ancient times. And to the southeast of the Borovoye Lakes, giant swamps stretch. These are also former lakes, overgrown for decades.

In this early hour of a wonderful golden autumn, we are moving towards a lake with an unpleasant name - Pogany Lake. We got up a long time ago, even before dawn, and began to equip ourselves for the journey. On the advice of the watchman who sheltered us, we took waterproof raincoats, hunting wading boots, prepared travel food so as not to waste time on kindling a fire, and set off.

For two hours we made our way to the lake, trying to find convenient approaches. At the cost of supernatural efforts, we overcame a thicket of some tenacious and thorny plant, then a half-rotted slum, and an island appeared ahead. Before reaching the wooded mound, we fell into the thickets of lily of the valley, and its regular leaves, as if aligned by an unknown master who gave them a geometrically precise shape, crackled near our faces.

In these thickets for half an hour we indulged in peace. You raise your head, and above you the tops of pine trees rustle, resting on a pale blue sky, through which not heavy, but half-air, fidget clouds move in a summery way. Having rested among the lilies of the valley, we again began to look for the mysterious lake. Located somewhere nearby, it was hidden from us by a thick overgrowth of grass.(247 words)


The supernatural efforts made by the hero to overcome various kinds of road obstacles were not in vain: the visit promised to be by no means without interest.

As soon as Chichikov, crouching down, stepped into the dark, wide passage, which had been added somehow, a cold breeze immediately blew over him, as from a cellar. From the passage he got into a room, also dark, with curtains drawn down, slightly illuminated by a light that did not descend from the ceiling, but ascended to the ceiling from under the wide crack at the bottom of the door. Throwing open this door, he finally found himself in the light and was overwhelmed by the disorder that presented itself. It seemed as if the floors were being washed in the house and all things were taken here and piled up at random. On one table there was even a broken chair and here - a clock with a stopped pendulum, to which the spider had already attached a bizarre web. Right there, leaning sideways against the wall, was a cupboard with antique silver, which had almost disappeared under a layer of dust, decanters and excellent Chinese porcelain, acquired God knows when. On the bureau, which had once been lined with a lovely mother-of-pearl mosaic, which had already fallen out in places and left only yellow grooves filled with glue, lay a great variety of all sorts of things: a pile of papers covered with small handwriting, covered with a greenish marble press with a handle in the shape of an egg at the top, some an old book bound in leather with a red edge, a lemon all shriveled up, no bigger than a hazelnut, a broken arm of a chair that had long since collapsed, a glass with some kind of unattractive liquid and three flies, covered with a letter, a piece of a rag somewhere raised and two feathers, stained with ink. To top off the strange interior, several paintings were hung very closely and stupidly on the walls.

(According to N.V. Gogol)


I recall with inexplicable joy my childhood years in an old landowner's house in central Russia.

Quiet, summer-like clear dawn. The first ray of sun through the loosely closed shutters gilds the tiled stove, freshly painted floors, freshly painted walls, hung with pictures on themes from children's fairy tales. What colors shimmering in the sun did not play here! Against a blue background, lilac princesses came to life, the pink prince took off his sword, hurrying to help his beloved, the trees shone blue in the winter hoarfrost, and spring lily of the valley bloomed nearby. And outside the window, a lovely summer day is gaining strength.

The dewy freshness of the early flowers of peonies, light and tender, bursts into the wide open old window.

The low house, hunched over, leaves, grows into the ground, and over it the late lilac is still blooming violently, as if in a hurry to cover its squalor with its white-purple luxury.

On the wooden narrow steps of the balcony, also rotten from time to time and swaying underfoot, we go down to swim to the river located near the house.

After swimming, we lie down to sunbathe near the thickets of coastal reeds. After a minute or two, touching a branch of a dense hazel growing on the right, closer to the sandy slope, a magpie scatters on a tree. What does she not talk about! A ringing chirping rushes towards her, and, growing, gradually, the many-voiced bird's hubbub fills the brightly colored summer garden.

After enjoying the swim, we return back. The glass door leading from the terrace is ajar. On the table in a simple earthenware pot is a bunch of skillfully picked, just picked, not yet blossoming flowers, and next to it, on a snow-white linen napkin, is a plate of honey, over which bright golden bee workers hover with an even buzz.

How easy it is to breathe in the early morning! How long do you remember this feeling of happiness that you experience only in childhood!

Greatest shrine

Through the care of a dear friend, I received from Russia a small box of Karelian birch, filled with earth. I belong to people who love things, are not ashamed of feelings and are not afraid of crooked smiles. In youth, this is forgivable and understandable: in youth we want to be self-confident, reasonable and cruel - rarely respond to offense, control our face, restrain our heart from trembling. But the burden of years wins, and strict restraint of feelings no longer seems to be the best and most important thing. Now I am the way I am, I am ready and able to kneel in front of a box of Russian soil and say out loud, without fear of other people's ears: "I love you, the land that gave birth to me, and I recognize you as my greatest shrine."

And no skeptical philosophy, no intelligent cosmopolitanism will make me ashamed of my sensitivity, because love guides me, and it is not subject to reason and calculation.

The earth in the box dried up and turned into lumps of brown dust. I pour it carefully and carefully so as not to scatter it on the table in vain, and I think that of all the things of a person, the earth has always been both the most beloved and close.

For dust you are, and to dust you shall return.

(According to M.A. Osorgin)


Early in the morning, as soon as dawn broke, I returned to familiar places along untrodden paths. In the distance, obscure and foggy, I already imagined a picture of my native village. Hurriedly stepping on the uncut grass, I imagined how I would approach my house, rickety from antiquity, but still friendly and expensive. I wanted to quickly see the familiar street from childhood, the old well, our front garden with jasmine and rose bushes.

Immersed in my memories, I imperceptibly approached the outskirts and, surprised, stopped at the beginning of the street. At the very edge of the village stood a dilapidated house, not changed at all since I left here. All these years, for many years, no matter where fate threw me, no matter how far from these places, I always invariably carried in my heart the image of my home, as a memory of happiness and spring ...

Our house! He, as before, is surrounded by greenery. True, the vegetation here has become more. In the center of the front garden, a large rose bush has grown, on which a delicate rose has blossomed. The flower garden is neglected, weeds are intertwined on the flowerbeds and paths that have grown into the ground, which have not been cleared by anyone and have not been sprinkled with sand for a long time. The wooden lattice, far from new, was completely peeled off, dried out and fell apart.

Nettles occupied a whole corner of the flower garden, as if serving as a backdrop for a delicate pale pink flower. But next to the nettle was a rose, and nothing else.

The rose blossomed on a fine May morning; when she opened her petals, the morning dew left a few tears on them, in which the sun played. Rose was crying. But everything around was so beautiful, so clean and clear on this spring morning ...


Behind the big house was an old garden, already wild, drowned out by weeds and bushes. I walked along the terrace, still strong and beautiful; through the glass door one could see a room with a parquet floor, probably a living room; an old piano, and engravings on the walls in wide mahogany frames - and nothing more. Only peonies and poppies survived from the former flower beds, which raised their white and bright red heads from the grass; young maples and elms, already plucked by cows, grew along the paths, stretching out, interfering with each other. It was dense, and the garden seemed impassable, but this was only near the house, where there were still poplars, pines and old lindens of the same age that had survived from the former alleys, and further behind them the garden was cleared for haymaking, and there was no longer soaring, the cobwebs did not climb into the mouth and eyes, the breeze blew; the farther inland, the more spacious, and cherries, plums, sprawling apple trees and pears were already growing in the open, so tall that it was not even believed that they were pears. This part of the garden was rented by our city merchants, and it was guarded from thieves and starlings by a foolish peasant who lived in a hut.

The garden, more and more thinned, turning into a real meadow, descended to the river, overgrown with green reeds and willows; near the mill dam there was a pool, deep and fishy, ​​a small mill with a thatched roof roared angrily, frogs croaked furiously. On the water, smooth as a mirror, circles occasionally went round, and river lilies trembled, disturbed by cheerful fish. A quiet blue stretch beckoned to itself, promising coolness and peace.


It happens that in the forest near some golden-red pine a knot will fall out of a white pine body. A year or two will pass, and a dawn will look at this hole - a small bird of exactly the same color as the bark of a pine tree. This bird will drag feathers, hay, fluff, twigs into an empty knot, build a warm nest for itself, jump onto a twig and sing. And so the bird begins spring.

After some time, or even right here, after the bird, a hunter comes and stops by a tree in anticipation of the evening dawn.

But now the song thrush, from some height on the hill, was the first to see the signs of dawn, whistled its signal. The dawn bird responded to him, flew out of the nest and, jumping from twig to twig, higher and higher, from there, from above, she also saw the dawn and answered the signal of the song thrush with her signal. The hunter, of course, heard the thrush's signal and saw how the golden robin flew out, he even noticed that the golden robin, a small bird, opened its beak, but he simply did not hear that she peeped: the voice of the small bird did not reach the ground.

The birds were already praising the dawn above, but the man below could not see the dawn. The time has come - the dawn rose over the forest, the hunter saw: high on a knot, a bird will open its beak, then close it. It is the dawn sings, the dawn praises the dawn, but the song is not heard. The hunter still understands in his own way that the bird praises the dawn, and why he doesn’t hear songs is because she sings to praise the dawn, and not to be famous herself before people.

And so we believe that as soon as a person begins to praise the dawn, and not to be famous for the dawn himself, the spring of the person himself begins. All our real amateur hunters, from the smallest and simplest person to the largest, breathe only in order to glorify spring. And how many such good people there are in the world, and none of them know anything good about themselves, and everyone will get used to him so much that no one even guesses about him, how good he is, that he exists in the world for that only. praise the dawn and begin your spring of man.


The dawn was breaking, it was getting fresh, and it was time for me to get ready for the road. Passing through dense reed thickets, making my way through a thicket of inclined willows, I went to the bank of the river and quickly found my flat-bottomed boat. Before leaving, I checked the contents of my canvas bag. Everything was in place: a can of pork stew, smoked and stewed fish, a loaf of black bread, condensed milk, a skein of strong twine and many other things needed on the road.

Having driven away from the shore, I let go of the oars, and the boat quietly drifted downstream. Three hours later, around the turn of the river, the gilded domes of the church appeared clearly visible against the background of lead clouds near the horizon, but, according to my calculations, it was still not close to the city.

After walking a few steps along the cobbled street, I decided to mend my boots, or chaebots, which had been wet for a long time. The shoemaker was a dashing man of gypsy appearance. There was something extraordinarily attractive in the precise movements of his muscular arms.

Satisfying my hunger in the nearest cafe, where I had beetroot soup, liver with stewed potatoes and borzh, I went to wander around the city. My attention was drawn to the boardwalk stage, where multi-colored flags fluttered. The juggler has already finished his speech and bowed. He was replaced by a freckled dancer with reddish bangs and a yellow silk fan in her hands. After dancing some kind of tap-dance, she gave way to a clown in a star-shaped leotard. But the poor fellow was devoid of talent and not at all funny with his antics and jumps.

Having bypassed almost the entire town in half an hour, I settled down for the night on the banks of the river, hiding in an old waterproof raincoat.

In the 11th grade, students are aimed at the unified state exam, solve tests. It would seem, why do they need dictations?

It is recommended to carry out diagnostic work at the beginning of the year; 3-4 control dictations can be carried out throughout the year. All the proposed dictations are different, there are texts with tasks. But this option is used at the request of the teacher.

Grade 11

Diagnostic dictation

There is no end to the world...

It is now the end of September, but the willows have not turned yellow yet. But from behind the houses, from the backyards, the tops of yellow and crimson-red trees peep through.

The grass that has overgrown the whole village, like the willows, would also have been completely green if the old lindens growing in the fence had not begun to shed their yellowed leaves. And since yesterday there was a strong wind, the leaves were enough to cover the whole village, and now the green grass is already visible through the fallen leaves. Among the yellow-green, a narrow road gleams brightly.

There is some strange combination of naive blueness and dark, slate clouds in the sky. From time to time a clear sun peeps through, and then the clouds become even blacker, the clear sections of the sky become even bluer, the leaves even more yellow, the grass even greener. And in the distance, an old bell tower peeps through the half-fallen lindens.

If from this bell tower, having climbed along the half-decayed beams and stairs, now look in all directions of the white world, then your horizons will immediately expand. We will take a look at the whole hill on which the village stands, we will see, perhaps, a river winding around the foot of the hill, villages standing along the river, a forest that embraces the entire landscape.

Imagination can lift us higher than the bell tower, then the horizons will again be heard, and the village that was just around us will seem as if consisting of toy houses, merged into a small flock in the middle of the earth, which has a noticeable planetary curvature.

We will see that the earth is entwined with many paths and roads. Those that are brighter, fatter, lead to the cities that can now be seen from our height. (According to V. Soloukhin.)


Clouds appeared over the mountains - at first light and airy, then gray, with torn edges. And the sea immediately changed colors - it began to get dark.

Clinging to the wooded peaks of the mountains, the clouds descended lower and lower, captured the gorges and hollows, turned into heavy, impenetrable clouds. Only the mountains seemed to hold them back now, but the mountains could not do anything either: a gray veil crawled from the mountains to the sea.

The clouds were coming from the mountains, descending lower and lower, towards the sea. They, as if reluctantly, clouded the water with a haze - from the shore and further. They crawled not only along the slopes, where the houses of the upper streets were sheltered, but also covered the lower, main street with fog. Drivers turned on their headlights and gave signals more and more often. And the trains were going now, nervously humming, with lanterns lit.

The sea darkened from the shore. Quiet, seemingly hidden, with a smooth surface and a barely audible surf, it began to go with white, then black spots, then incomprehensible stains, as if other water had been thrown into it from the air.

The wait lasted an hour. Thunder struck the mountains, and torrents of rain poured down, and the sea raged. It flooded the shore, beat against the concrete embankment, against stairs and blocks of rocks, it thundered and trembled, groaned and admired, cried and roared.

The sky above the sea became not gray and not black, but somehow unnaturally brown. Lightning cut the sky to the left, then to the right, then in front, then behind, then somewhere above the very shore. The sea swallowed them up, swallowed them along with the brown sky and the clap of thunder.

(232 words.)

For mushrooms

On Saturday early in the morning, barely perceptible behind the gray veil of wide, calm rain, I went into the forest for mushrooms. There was also a comrade, a young officer, the son-in-law of the mistress of the neighboring dacha, who called me either Volodya or Sasha, although my name is not that, and not that. His name was Valera. He provided me with a long officer's raincoat, he also covered himself with the same cape, only with a hood, and put on rubber fishing boots.

It was raining, just like yesterday, the small river Kashirka, which skirted the village, overflowed, and when we approached the ford, it turned out to be impossible for me to cross without flooding my boots. Then the companion graciously offered his backs, which I took advantage of not without secret joy: in the army I was just a soldier, and I could not even dream that I would ever be able to ride on the back of an officer. Having crossed the river, we climbed the steep wet slope of the hill and found ourselves in a birch undergrowth.

Between the trees, narrow paths, carved by cattle, twisted, intertwining and unweaving, - the village herd is usually driven through this forest. The long grass mane between the paths glistened, thickly showered with raindrops, yellow boulders stuck out in the grass, savory and slimy. There were so many Valuevs that it even became somehow unpleasant: completely harmless mushrooms, which are even salted, now evoked some kind of squeamish feeling. There were also many russula - gray, pink, deep crimson.

I felt cheerful: I already knew, had a presentiment that I would have mushrooms today. (235 words)

spring evening

Cleanly swept and still damp from the recently melted snow, the street was deserted, but beautiful with a somewhat heavy beauty. Large white houses with stucco decorations along the cornices and in the piers between the windows, painted in a delicate pinkish hue by the spring rays of the setting sun, looked at the light of God with concentration and importance. The melting snow washed away the dust from them, and they stood almost close to each other, so clean, fresh, full. And the sky shone above them just as solidly, brightly and quite.

Pavel walked and, feeling in complete harmony with those around him, lazily thought about how well one can live if one does not demand much from life, and how arrogant and stupid those people who, having pennies, demand themselves from life in rubles.

Thinking so, he did not notice how he came out onto the embankment of the street. In front of him below stood a whole sea of ​​water, coldly shining in the rays of the sun, far on the horizon, slowly sinking into it. The river, like the sky reflected in it, was solemnly calm. Neither waves nor a frequent network of ripples could be seen on its polished cold surface. Swinging widely, she, as if tired of this swing, calmly fell asleep. And on it languidly melted the purple-gold velvet stripe of sunset rays. Far away, already shrouded in the gray haze of the evening, one could see a narrow ribbon of earth, separating the water from the sky, cloudless and deserted, like the river covered by it. It would be nice to swim like a free bird between them, powerfully cutting through the blue fresh air with your wing! (223 words.)


No one knows exactly when man first mastered fire. Maybe lightning lit the tree near his primordial dwelling? Or hot lava, erupted at the dawn of mankind by a volcano, led our ancient ancestors to the first thought of fire?

But fire has long been needed by man. And it is not for nothing that one of the most beautiful and proud tales of antiquity is dedicated to the one who discovered for man the secret of fire guarded by the gods. It was, as the legend says, the fearless and independent Prometheus. He himself came from a family of celestial gods, but, contrary to their strict prohibition, he brought fire to the inhabitants of the earth - people. The angry gods cast Prometheus to the ground and doomed him to eternal torment.

From time immemorial, fire has become a constant sure sign of man. A traveler, caught on the road at night, seeing a fire in the distance, probably knew: there are people!

Man needed fire for light, for strength: he lit up and warmed the house, helped to cook food. And then man learned to use its heat to extract from the water a mighty steam that moves machines.

Since ancient times, fire has been considered a calling sign of cordiality and friendship. Fire scared the beast away from human habitation, but called man to man. And people still say, inviting guests: “Come on the light!”

But, like many other benefits that he obtained for himself by taking from nature, man, good fire became evil and misfortune for many. Greedy, predatory people took over the fire, forcing others to give them all their strength. Fire gave birth to weapons, which became known as firearms. (According to L. Kassil.)

Control dictation based on the results of the 1st half of the year

Child education

To continue oneself in one's child is a great happiness. You will look at your child as the only one in the world, a unique miracle. You will be ready to give everything, if only your son was well. But do not forget that he must be first and foremost a man. And the most important thing in a person is a sense of duty to those who do good to you. For the good that you will give to a child, he will experience a feeling of gratitude, gratitude only when he himself does good for you - father, mother, in general for people of older generations.

Remember that children's happiness is selfish in nature: he perceives the good and good created for the child by the elders as a matter of course. As long as he does not feel, does not experience from his own experience, that the source of his joys is the work and sweat of his elders, he will be convinced that his father and mother exist only to bring him happiness. It may turn out that in an honest working family, where parents love their children, giving them all the strength of their hearts, children will grow up to be heartless egoists.

How to ensure that the golden grains that you will give to your son turn into gold placers for other people? The most important thing is to teach the child to understand and feel that for every spark of his joys and blessings, someone burns his strength, his mind; every day of his serene and carefree childhood adds worries and gray hairs to someone. When you have a child, teach him to see, understand, feel people - this is the most difficult thing. (According to G. Sukhomlinsky.)

grammar task

1 option

1. From paragraph 1, write out the word(s) that(s) are formed(s): prefixed way; 2. in a complex suffix way.

2. From paragraph 1 of the 3rd sentence, write out a subordinating phrase with an adjoining connection; 2. from paragraph 1 of paragraph 6 of the proposal with a link agreement.

3. Among the sentences of paragraph 2, find one that has a separate definition; 2. isolated circumstance. Write down his number.

4. Among the sentences of paragraph 2, find a complex sentence with an explanatory clause; 2. with an attributive clause. Write down his number.

Option 2

1. Write down all possessive pronouns from paragraph 2; 2. from paragraph 3, all definitive pronouns.

2. Among the sentences of paragraph 1, find complex sentences that include a one-part impersonal; 2. from 2 paragraphs. Write the numbers of these compound sentences.

3. Among the sentences of paragraph 3, find a complex sentence with consistent subordination of subordinate clauses; 2. from 1 paragraph with parallel subordination of subordinate clauses. Write the number of this compound sentence.

4. Write down the phraseological unit from the 2nd paragraph; 2. write out contextual antonyms from paragraph 3.


Orlik in the past is a large craft settlement. Skilled shoemakers, fur coat makers, coopers, blacksmiths, tailors lived and worked here. Women and girls embroidered, crocheted, on knitting needles, bobbins, weaved carpets and paths.

Crochet is a bright, unique phenomenon of national culture. His story takes us back to the distant past. At first, knitting was an exclusively male craft, and the hook looked like an even, smooth stick. Then they made a ledge at the end so that the thread would not slip off, so it became much easier to work. Time passed, and this occupation completely passed into the hands of women. With the help of a simple tool - a hook - products of extraordinary beauty and grace are created.

From time immemorial, very beautiful things have been crocheted in Orlik and the surrounding villages: curtains for windows and tablecloths, bedspreads and pillow covers, lace for sheets, pillowcases, towels.

How many lace makers, so many patterns. They shared with each other, omitted something, added something of their own, it turned out new, individual. From under sensitive nimble hands comes a magical canvas, a thin openwork miracle. How much soul, how many feelings are invested in it!

The invariable companion of the craftswomen was the Russian song, lively and cheerful, lingering and sad. It pours freely from a cramped hut, and the cherished dream, and desire, and hope ring in it and beat.

grammar task

1 option

1. Determine the way the word past is formed (2 paragraph, 2 sentence); 2. companion (5 paragraph, 1 sentence).

2. From the 5th paragraph of the last sentence, write out a subordinating phrase with an adjoining connection; 2. from 1 paragraph 2 sentences with a link agreement.

3. Among the sentences of paragraph 5, find one that has a separate definition; 2. among sentences 1-2 paragraphs, find one that has a separate application. Write down his number.

4. Write out the grammatical basis from 1 paragraph 1 of the sentence; 2. write out the grammatical basis from paragraph 2 of sentence 1.

Option 2

1. From paragraph 4, write out all the prepositions; 2. from paragraph 2 all adverbs.

2. Among the sentences of paragraph 2, find a complex sentence, which includes a one-part impersonal; 2. among the sentences of the 2nd paragraph, find the indefinitely personal. Write the number of this compound sentence.

3. Among the sentences of 1-2 paragraphs, find one that includes a clause of purpose; 2. among the sentences of 3-4 paragraphs, find a sentence with homogeneous members and
generalizing word. Write the number of this offer.

4. determine the lexical meaning of the word "coopers" (2 sentence 1 paragraph); 2. determine the lexical meaning of the word "lace" (4 paragraph, 1 sentence).


The samovar is designed to heat water for tea. The first samovar factory opened in Tula in 1778, so the coal-fired samovars in the museum collection are probably over two hundred years old.

Inside the samovar there is a firebox where coals are placed, which burn and give off their heat to the water poured into the samovar. Charcoal is an indispensable fuel, and they stocked up in advance. If the coals in the furnace suddenly died out, then an ordinary boot came to the rescue, old, worn, already unusable. His bootleg was put on the upper part of the firebox, and the boot in the hands of a person performed the same work as the bellows in the furnace-forge.

The hostess watched all the time how the coals were burning: whether they smoldered, flared up well or barely. Sometimes he doesn’t see it - and the water in the samovar boils away. Rather, a new one should be installed: all of a sudden, inadvertently, someone will come in. Hard-working housewives cleaned their samovar so that you look into it like in a mirror. The hostess will admire herself and smile. A smile, as you know, makes everyone beautiful.

Previously, in any hut, the most prominent and honorable place was assigned to the samovar on the table. The family had to move to a new hut - first of all, the samovar was transported, and then everything else. If in late autumn or cold winter they equipped someone on a long journey, then they often put a hot samovar in the sledge. Near it, like at the stove, you can warm yourself on the road and drink boiling water if you want. The coal samovar is remarkable for the fact that until the coals in it burn out, the water remains hot.

grammar task

1 option

1. From the 3rd sentence of the 2nd paragraph, write out the word(s) that(s) are formed(s): prefixed way; 2. from 1 paragraph, 1 sentence in a suffix way.

2. From sentence 1, paragraph 4, write out a subordinating phrase with an adjoining connection; 2. from 1 sentence 3 paragraphs with a link agreement.

3. Among the sentences of paragraph 1, find one that has separate definitions; 2. Find the introductory words in the text. Write down their numbers.

4. Among the sentences of paragraph 4, find a complex sentence with consistent subordination of subordinate clauses; 2. from 2 paragraphs with consistent subordination of subordinate clauses. Write the number of this compound sentence.

Option 2

1. From paragraph 3, write out all subordinating conjunctions; 2. from paragraph 3, all coordinating conjunctions.

2. Among the sentences of paragraph 3, find complex sentences that include a single-component impersonal; 2. from 4 paragraphs. Write the numbers of these compound sentences.

3. Among the sentences of paragraph 1, find one that includes a subordinate consequence; 2. among the sentences of the 2nd paragraph, find the attributive clause. Write the number of this compound sentence.

4. Write out a colloquial word from paragraph 3; 2. Write down the term from paragraph 2.

Capercaillie song

1) In the spring, it’s good in the forest: the air is especially fresh and fragrant, the smell of rotten leaves and thawed earth spreads everywhere. 2) The impressions associated with the spring hunting for capercaillie are indelible in my memory. 3) It has not yet dawned at all, and a transparent night silence floats above the sleeping forest, in which every rustle and whisper is clearly heard. 4) A branch crunches under your foot, an ice crust cracks, covering a shallow but wide swamp, and again there is silence.

5) When you walk through the forest, then from time to time you stop and listen. 6) I want to get to the current place on time, when the capercaillie has not yet begun its song. 7) You listen carefully, and suddenly a sharp, abrupt cry is heard in the air. 8) Soon another answers him - and a ringing roll call begins in the swamp.

9) You peer intensely into the forest darkness, constantly glancing at the hands of the clock. 10) In the east, in the depths of the forest, between the tops of the trees, an almost imperceptible light dawns, and the darkness of the night begins to dissipate little by little. 11) But now, in the distance of the forest, the sounds of a capercaillie song, elusive for an inexperienced hunter, are heard. 12) A characteristic clicking, chirping is heard from a distant thicket and fills the predawn forest silence, shimmering in the air with mysterious and exciting sounds. 13) As soon as the capercaillie is silent, you freeze in place and stand motionless. 14) In the scarlet light of dawn, the capercaillie seems to be a massive, chiseled figure made of ebony. 15) Only a slightly noticeable movement of this figure indicates that this is not a dead object. (According to V. Astafiev.)


I option

IN 2. Among the sentences, find a compound compound with a clarifying circumstance. Enter his number.

AT 3. Among sentences 7-15, find a simple definite-personal. Enter his number.

AT 4. From sentence 4 write out the noun of the 3rd declension.

AT 5. Among sentences 1-3, find a compound with an allied connection. Enter his number.

AT 7. From sentence 12, write down a word that has two prefixes.

AT 8. Indicate the way the word tense is formed (sentence 9).

AT 9. Write out a verbal adjective from sentences 13-15.

II option

IN 2. Among the sentences, find a simple one with a separate definition. Enter his number.

AT 3. Among sentences 5-8, find a complex one with an impersonal part. Enter his number.

AT 4. From sentence 11 write out the noun of the 3rd declension.

AT 5. Among sentences 1-4, find a sentence with a coordinating and subordinating connection. Enter his number.

AT 6. Write out the adverb from sentence 15.

AT 7. From sentence 2, write down the word that has two prefixes.

AT 8. Indicate the way the word is formed little by little (sentence 10).

AT 9. Write out short adjectives from sentences 1-5.


1) There was an inexplicable joy, incomprehensible perhaps to an avid city dweller, to wake up as a child in his cozy bedroom in a light reed bed at dawn from a shepherd's horn. 2) The first ray of the sun gilded the tiled stove, freshly painted floors, freshly painted walls, hung with pictures on themes from children's fairy tales through the fake shutters. 3) What colors shimmering in the sun did not play here! 4) The dewy freshness of early cherry blossoms bursts into the wide open old window. 5) A low house, hunched over, goes into the ground, lilac blooms wildly above it, as if in a hurry to cover its squalor with its white-lilac luxury.

6) On the wooden steps of the balcony, also rotten from time to time and swaying underfoot, you go down to swim to the river located near the house. 7) The closed locks of a small mill raised the waters of the river, forming a narrow but deep backwater. 8) In the greenish clear water, flocks of silver fish slowly pass, and on an old dilapidated barrel, which lacks several boards, a huge green frog sits, watching the sunbeams playing on the ash-gray plank walls of the bathhouse - a favorite place for a frog pair.

9) Touching a branch of a dense hazel, a chatty magpie sits on the top of a blue-green young Christmas tree. 10) What does she just not crackle about! 11) A sonorous chirping rushes towards her, and, growing, gradually the many-voiced bird's hubbub fills the garden. 12) The glass door leading from the terrace is open. (According to D. Rosenthal.)


I option

IN 1. Find in the text a sentence that reflects the main idea of ​​the text. Enter his number.

IN 2. Among sentences 1-5, find a sentence with homogeneous additions and a separate definition. Write down his number.

AT 3. Among sentences 4-7, find the non-union compound. Enter his number.

AT 4. Write a preposition from sentence 11.

AT 5. From sentence 2, write out the noun of the 3rd declension.

AT 6. From sentence 4 write out the adverb.

AT 7. Indicate the way the word is formed by rotten (sentence 6).

AT 8. Write out a phrase (sentence 12) built on the basis of control.

AT 9. Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 1.

II option

IN 1. How else could the text be titled? Write down 2 of your headings to the text.

IN 2. Among sentences 7-12, find a simple sentence with a separate definition. Enter his number.

AT 3. Among sentences 6-8, find a complex one with different types of connection. Enter his number.

AT 4. Write out a particle from sentence 1.

AT 5. Write out the masculine noun from sentence 5.

AT 6. From sentence 8 write out the adverb.

AT 7. Indicate the way the word blue-green is formed (sentence 9).

AT 8. Write out a phrase (sentence 3) built on the basis of agreement.

AT 9. Write down the grammatical foundations of sentence 8.


1) In spring, the steppe is like a green sea. 2) And in the summer, when the white feather grass thickens, the steppe will become a white sea. 3) Humpbacked waves of mother-of-pearl will roll across the sea, pearl ripples will turn silver. 4) Feathers lean, creep, rustle. 5) And the wind, like a golden eagle, falls on spread wings, whistling wildly and dashingly. 6) And then suddenly the steppe will seem like a bare snowy plain, and as if a snowstorm sweeps over it, curls and spreads.

7) At sunrise, the feather grasses are like moon ripples on the water: the steppe trembles, crushes, gleams. 8) At noon, she is like a huge flock of curly sheep: the sheep huddle one to the other, stomp fractionally and endlessly flow and flow to the ends of the earth.

9) But a wonderful miracle - the steppe at sunset! 10) Iridescent fluffy panicles are spreading towards the setting sun, like pink tongues of cold ghostly fire. 11) And until the sun sinks behind the earth, these icy flashes will rush and sparkle all over the steppe. 12) Then the moon will rise above the gloomy steppe - just like a bubble of air from the water! - and stacks of feather-grass hay seem to be covered with hoarfrost. 13) The steppe is good both day and night! (According to N. Sladkov.)


I option

IN 1. Find in the text a sentence that reflects the main idea of ​​the text. Enter his number.

IN 2. Among sentences 1-5, find a sentence with a comparative turnover. Enter his number.

AT 3. Among sentences 3-6, find a simple uncommon. Enter his number.

AT 4. Write out the reflexive verb from sentence 8.

AT 5. Indicate the way the word will emerge (sentence 12).

AT 6. Among sentences 1-10, find a complex subordinate with a clause of time. Enter his number.

AT 7. From sentences 1-5, write out words with an alternating unstressed vowel in the root.

AT 8. Write out a phrase (sentence 6) built on the basis of adjacency.

AT 9. Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 7.

II option

IN 1. How else could the text be titled? Write down 2 of your headings to the text.

IN 2. Among sentences 9-11, find a sentence with a comparative turnover. Enter his number.

AT 3. Among sentences 7-10, find a complex sentence with a simple non-extended part. Enter his number.

AT 4. From sentences 9-13 write out a derivative preposition.

AT 5. Indicate the way the word icy is formed (sentence 11).

AT 6. Among sentences 11-13, find a complex subordinate with a clause of time. Enter his number.

AT 7. From sentences 6-8 write out words with an alternating unstressed vowel in the root.

AT 8. Write out a phrase (sentence 7) built on the basis of agreement.

AT 9. Write down the grammatical foundations of sentence 11.


1) At the end of October, when the days are still gentle in autumn, Balaklava begins to live a peculiar life. 2) The last vacationers, burdened with suitcases and trunks, are leaving, enjoying the sun and the sea during the long local summer, and immediately it becomes spacious, fresh and businesslike at home, as if after the departure of sensational uninvited guests. 3) Fishing nets are spread across the embankment, and on the polished cobblestones of the pavement they seem delicate and thin, like a cobweb.

4) The fishermen, these workers of the sea, as they are called, crawl along the spread nets, like gray-black spiders straightening the torn air veil. 5) The captains of the fishing boats sharpen stupefied beluga hooks, and at the stone wells, where water babbles in a continuous silver stream, gossiping, gathering here in their free minutes, dark-faced women are local residents.

6) Sinking across the sea, the sun sets, and soon the starry night, replacing the short evening dawn, envelops the earth. 7) The whole city falls into a deep sleep, and the hour comes when not a sound comes from anywhere. 8) Only occasionally water splashes against a coastal stone, and this lonely sound further emphasizes the unbroken silence. 9) You feel how night and silence have merged in one black embrace. 10) Nowhere, in my opinion, you will hear such perfect, such ideal silence as in the night Balaklava. (According to A. Kuprin.)


I option

IN 2. From sentences 1−3 write out a separate agreed definition.

AT 3. Among sentences 6-10 find a simple definite-personal. Enter his number.

AT 4. From sentence 7 write out all the pronouns.

AT 5. Among sentences 1-5, find a sentence with an introductory construction. Enter his number.

AT 6. From sentence 5, write out the word with an alternating vowel in the root.

AT 7. Indicate the way the word fishing is formed (sentence 5).

AT 8. Write out a phrase (sentence 3) built on the basis of adjacency.

AT 9. Among sentences 5-10, find complex subordinate clauses with attributive clauses. List their numbers.

II option

IN 1. How else could the text be titled? Write down 2 of your headings to the text.

IN 2. From sentences 4−5 write out a separate circumstance.

AT 3. Among sentences 1-3, find a complex one with a one-part impersonal part. Enter his number.

AT 4. Write out all the particles from Proposition 8.

AT 5. Among sentences 6-10, find a sentence with an introductory word. Enter his number.

AT 6. From sentences 1-3, write out the words with an alternating vowel in the root.

AT 7. Indicate the way the word coastal is formed (sentence 8).

AT 8. Write out a phrase (sentence 1) built on the basis of agreement.

B9. Among sentences 1-4, find a complex subordinate with a clause of time. Enter his number.

Pancake week

1) Shrovetide ... 2) Thaws are becoming more frequent, snow is getting oily. 3) On the sunny side, icicles hang with a glass fringe, melt, clink about ice. 4) You jump on one skate, and you feel how it gently cuts, as if on thick skin. 5) Farewell, winter!

6) This can be seen from the jackdaws: they are circling in huge “wedding” flocks, and their chattering hubbub beckons somewhere. 7) You sit on a bench, chatting with a skate and for a long time you follow their black flock in the sky. 8) They disappeared somewhere.

9) And now the stars appear. 10) The breeze is damp, soft, it smells of baked bread, delicious birch smoke, pancakes. 11) On Saturday, after pancakes, we go skiing from the mountains. 12) The zoological garden, where our mountains are arranged (they are wooden, filled with shiny ice), is littered with blue snow, only paths have been cleared in the snowdrifts. 13) Neither birds nor animals are visible. 14) Tall mountains on ponds. 15) Colorful flags flutter over the fresh plank pavilions on the mountains.

16) High sleds with velvet benches rush from the mountains along icy paths, between snow shafts with Christmas trees stuck in them. 17) We climb to the top of the mountain and slide down. 18) Christmas trees, glass, multi-colored balls, hung on wires, flash by. 19) Snow dust flies, a Christmas tree falls on us, sledges up with runners, and we are in a snowdrift. (According to I. Shmelev.)


I option

IN 1. In one or two sentences, state the main idea of ​​the text.

IN 2. Among sentences 10-16, find a sentence with a clarifying circumstance. Enter his number.

AT 3. Among sentences 7-14, find a sentence with a plug-in structure. Enter his number.

AT 4. From sentences 17-19 write out the sacrament.

AT 5. Among sentences 9-13 find a simple impersonal. Enter his number.

AT 6. From sentences 9-15 write out a word with an alternating unstressed vowel in the root.

AT 7. Indicate the way the word dampish is formed (sentence 10).

AT 8. Write out a phrase (sentence 4) built on the basis of adjacency.

AT 9. From sentence 6 write down the first grammatical basis.

II option

IN 1. How else could the text be titled? Write down 2 of your headings to the text.

IN 2. Among sentences 16-19, find a simple sentence with a separate definition. Enter his number.

AT 3. Among sentences 1-6, find an offer with an appeal. Enter his number.

AT 4. Write out a verbal adjective from sentences 9-15.

AT 5. Among sentences 6-10, find a simple definite-personal. Enter his number.

AT 6. From sentences 16 - 19 write out a word with an alternating unstressed vowel in the root.

AT 7. Indicate the way the word Maslenitsa is formed (sentence 1).

AT 8. Write out a phrase (sentence 18) built on the basis of control.

AT 9. Write down the grammatical foundations of the sentence 4.

old poplar

1) The old poplar has seen a lot in its lifetime! 2) A long time ago, a thunderstorm split the top of a poplar, but the tree did not die, coped with the disease, throwing up two trunks instead of one. 3) Spreading branches, like senile hooked fingers, stretched out to the ridge of the boarded roof, as if they were going to grab the house in an armful. 4) In summer, rope shoots of hops curled densely on the branches.

5) The poplar was majestic and huge, called the Holy Tree by the Old Believers. 6) The winds bent it, mercilessly slashed with hail, winter blizzards twisted, covering the fragile shoots of juveniles on mature branches with a crust of ice. 7) And then he, all gray-haired from hoarfrost, tapping branches like bones, stood hushed, pierced through by a fierce wind. 8) And rarely did any of the people hold their eyes on him, as if he was not even on earth. 9) Unless the crows, flying from the village to the floodplain, rested on its two-headed peak, blackening with clods.

10) But when spring came and the old man, reviving, dissolved the brown juices of sticky buds, the first to meet the southern greenhouse, and his roots, penetrating into the depths of the earth, carried life-giving juices into the powerful trunk, he somehow immediately dressed up in fragrant greens. 11) And noisy, noisy! 12) Quietly, peacefully. 13) Then everyone saw him, and everyone needed him: both the peasants who, on hot days, sat under his shadow, rubbing the difficult life in their callused palms, and random travelers, and children. 14) He met everyone with coolness and gentle trembling of foliage. (According to A. Cherkasov.)


I option

IN 1. In one or two sentences, state the main idea of ​​the text.

IN 2. Among sentences 1-5, find an offer with a comparative turnover. Enter his number.

AT 3. Among sentences 1-7, find a compound. Enter his number.

AT 4. Write out the adjective from sentence 2.

AT 5. From sentence 5 write out a word that has two roots.

AT 6. From sentences 1 - 4 write out a word with an alternating unstressed vowel in the root.

AT 7. Indicate the way the word life is formed (sentence 13).

AT 8. Write out a phrase (sentence 8) built on the basis of adjacency.

AT 9. Write down the grammatical basis of the sentence 3.

II option

IN 1. How else could the text be titled? Write down 2 of your headings to the text.

IN 2. Among sentences 6-9, find an offer with a comparative turnover. Enter his number.

AT 3. Among sentences 10-14, find a compound with a generalizing word. Enter his number.

AT 4. Write out the real participle from sentence 7.

AT 5. From sentence 9 write out a word that has two roots.

AT 6. From sentences 10-14 write out a word with an alternating unstressed vowel in the root.

AT 7. Indicate the way the word hooked is formed (sentence 3).

AT 8. Write out a phrase (sentence 14) built on the basis of agreement.

AT 9. Write down the grammatical foundations of sentence 13.

Spring in the mountains

1) Spring in the mountains sometimes makes you wait a long time, but when it appears, it goes quickly. 2) Below, in the valleys, shoots are already turning green, young trees are firmly on their feet, and the blossoming foliage begins to cast a shadow. 3) Then spring surrenders its affairs to summer, and itself, picking up a bright green, flowery hem, dragging along the ground, rushes to the mountains.

4) In the mountain zone, spring has its own laws and its own unique charms. 5) It’s snowing in the morning, the sun will peep in the afternoon, the snow will stir, float, evaporate, one-day flowers will bloom, and by the evening the earth will dry out. 6) During the night, ice will freeze in rivers and streams. 7) And the next morning you look from the top - and it takes your breath away to what a pure and unsightly spring stands in the mountains. 8) The sky is clear, blue, not a speck. 9) The earth, like a young girl in a new outfit, green, washed with dew, and, it seems, laughs shyly ... 10) And if you shout, your voice will be heard for a long time in the high-altitude distance above the mountain ranges, in the clear air it flies far -long away...

11) No snows, fogs, rains and winds are able to hold back the spring, it, like a green fire, blazes from mountain to mountain, from peak to peak, higher and higher, under the most eternal ice. (According to Ch. Aitmatov.)


I option

IN 1. In one or two sentences, state the main idea of ​​the text.

IN 2. Among sentences 1-5, find a sentence with a clarifying circumstance. Enter his number.

AT 3. Among sentences 3-7, find a simple one with homogeneous additions. Enter his number.

AT 4. Write out the participle from sentence 3.

AT 5. Among sentences 1-3, find a compound with a non-union and coordinating connection. Write the number of this offer.

AT 6. From sentences 1-4, write out the word with a prefix in -з, -с.

AT 7. Indicate the way the word will freeze (sentence 6).

AT 8. Write out a phrase (sentence 9) built on the basis of adjacency.

AT 9. Write down the grammatical foundations of sentence 7.

II option

IN 1. How else could the text be titled? Write down 2 of your headings to the text.

IN 2. Among sentences 8-11, find a sentence with a clarifying circumstance. Enter his number.

AT 3. Among sentences 6-10, find an offer with a comparative turnover. Enter his number.

AT 4. Write out all the pronouns from sentence 3.

AT 5. Among sentences 4-8, find a compound with a non-union and coordinating connection. Write the number of this offer.

AT 6. From sentences 5-10 write out the words with a prefix in -з, -с.

AT 7. Indicate the way the word far, far away is formed (sentence 10).

AT 8. Write out a phrase (sentence 11) built on the basis of adjacency.

AT 8. Write down the grammatical foundations of the sentence 2.

Control final dictation for the academic year

the swallow nest

Nikolai Sergeevich and his wife for the first time in their lives came to Abkhazia from Moscow and lived in the summer cottage of the artist Andrei Tarkilov, who rarely visited here.

Under the roofs of the peasant houses, past which they passed to the sea, swallow nests were molded. Strange, but under the roof of the dacha there was not a single nest, although the house was built more than ten years ago. An old village teacher explained it this way:

Andrey is rarely here, and the swallows build their nests under the roof of a human house, because they seek protection from him.

And the wife of Nikolai Sergeevich once said that it would be happiness for her to wake up to the chirping of swallows. And he suddenly replied that this could be arranged: he should ask the old teacher for permission to move one swallow's nest from under the roof of his house to himself. Superstitious horror flashed in the eyes of the teacher, but he was a very patriarchal person: you need to give the guest what he asks for.

The watchman guarding the store noticed Nikolai Sergeevich walking somewhere with a stepladder in the dead of night, but soon lost sight of him. When Nikolai Sergeevich removed the nest, it seemed to him that he would not keep his balance and would fall down. And each time, imagining his fall, he mentally stretched his arms up so as not to crush the swallows.

When he turned towards the house, the watchman recognized him again and also noticed that now this man without a stepladder was pressing something to himself - most likely a precious thing. Calling to him, the watchman realized that the man went faster, and was convinced that he was a criminal.

It seemed to Nikolai Sergeevich that he was falling, and he stretched his arms forward so as not to damage the nest. The swallows flew out of the nest, and the chicks crawled up to the grassy slope of the canal. With the last, dying movement, Nikolai Sergeevich threw his hand towards the swallow's nest, and she, already dead, fell on the nest. (According to F. Iskander.)

Uncle Sasha

We drove fast. Uncle Sasha, having unbuttoned his cloak, from under which a red order star flashed on his jacket, as before, detachedly continued to look at the road running towards him. With a dull roar, like a prehistoric beast, a giant truck swept past, and in its back one could see grayish-yellow beets. Twin dump trucks followed, they also carried beets: people were in a hurry to cope with the cleaning.

The plain in these Kursk fields began little by little to swell, and the height mark probably exceeded two hundred meters. In ancient times, this land could not be overcome by a glacier advancing from the north; splitting in two, he crawled on, bypassing the hills to the right and left. It means that it is no coincidence that at these heights, which the ice shell never crossed, an unprecedented battle broke out, from which, as Uncle Sasha thought, the saved peoples could begin a new reckoning. Enemies who threatened Russia with a new glaciation were stopped and thrown from the heights. You will never forget those days, you will not confuse those events with anything.

In August 1943, Sasha, then a young artillery lieutenant, dropped by for half a day in his native village, Prokhorovka. Mutilated tanks left after an unprecedented battle were brought here from the surrounding fields, and they formed a monstrous cemetery, among which it was not difficult to get lost. But even the defeated tanks seemed to still, like people, hate each other. Now this tank cemetery is gone: it has been plowed up and sown with bread, and the iron scrap of the war has long been swallowed up by open-hearth furnaces. People leveled and smoothed the trenches, and only carefully guarded mass graves remained on the Kursk land along the hills. (According to E. Nosov.)

(232 words.)


Early in the morning, when everyone was asleep, I tiptoed out of the stuffy hut and, as if I were not in the front garden, but went out into the quiet, inexplicable transparency of the water.

Tall, untouched grass raged behind the gate itself. I ran off the embankment to the left and walked along the river towards its current. There was nothing remarkable around. A car stopped at a distance, and the noisy company that arrived in it settled down to rest, pulling a linen sheet in the form of an awning.

The path rounded the sand pit and led me to a spacious meadow, along which trees grew singly and in groups.

The still air, which has not yet become sultry, pleasantly refreshes the larynx and chest. The sun, which has not entered into force, warms carefully and gently. In about half an hour, a seasoned pine forest surrounded me. Unusually well-groomed, well-marked paths stretched near the road. From time to time, here and there came across neatly laid light chocolate rugs of cuckoo flax - this indispensable inhabitant of pine forests.

Some kind of bird was darting up and down along the trunk of an aspen tree with the briskness of a mouse.

I came across a swamp with coffee-brown, but not at all muddy water. I got over it, jumping onto a slippery log, from a log to a log thrown by someone. And here is a river with such a cold, despite the hot days, water.

The gatehouse, which I wanted to find at all costs, turned out to be a log cabin. On one side it adjoined the forest, on its other side a vast meadow spread. (According to V. Soloukhin.)

Turgenev's works

The evening wind barely rustles in the dense foliage of the Turgenev oak, in the park, deserted after the daytime revival, bird voices cease. Gradually approaching light shadows of the summer night give an illusiveness, light and imperceptible, to the outlines of trees, the silhouette of a silent house peeping through between the lindens ...

So it was, probably, many, many years ago in the estate, deserted after the death of the owner: not a single light in a long row of closed windows, no one on the alleys overgrown with grass ...

It is not difficult to imagine the owner, still a young man, thinking on a bench under his favorite oak, dreams and plans swarming in his head. At that time, he had just begun to carry out the work destined for him by fate, which firmly formed the basis of the national literary heritage. A century has passed, as there is no writer, but his “Notes of a Hunter” are still fresh and fragrant, their poetry and humanity are not subject to time. And from the pages of The Noble Nest, Fathers and Sons, On the Eve, First Love, Asya, and his other novels and stories, captivating, unfading images of Russian girls, whom we call "Turgenev's", arise.

Meanwhile, we live in a world remote by an immeasurable abyss from the heroines of Turgenev and his time: ideas and assessments have shifted, sometimes the feelings and hopes that worried them seem petty and vain, naive ideas. But the incomparable artistic height of Turgenev's works made them immortal: our distant descendants will read his books, they will be used to verify the literary taste and dignity of the style and language of the works of our compatriots, as long as "our great, mighty and free Russian language" is alive! (According to O. Volkov.)

Dictations in Russian for grade 5

Dictation number 1.

Autumn in the forest.

Late autumn has come. It's bad weather. The sharp autumn wind is blowing more and more often. From the blue sky sends the sun parting rays.

How beautiful the forest is in autumn! The air is fresh. Yellow, orange, crimson leaves quietly fall from black trees and slowly sink to the cold ground.

The silence of the sleeping forest is not disturbed by the singing of birds. The alleys of the garden became empty, noiseless. But here in the summer it was so joyful, wonderful! Birds flocked here from the surrounding parks for a festive concert.

In autumn, the forest looks like a painted tower. It is good to settle down under a white-trunked birch and look at the golden colors of the forest, the purple edge of the sky for a long time.

Quiet, comfortable. The heart is light and calm.

Dictation number 2.

Hedgehogs are preparing for winter.

In late autumn, hedgehogs begin to prepare for hibernation. They have little prey, because lizards, bugs and frogs hide under snags.

A prickly hedgehog slowly crawls through black bumps, small clearings, dangerous ravines.

On autumn days, the hedgehog tries to prepare a wide warm hole for itself. Day and night he drags fragrant leaves, soft moss, dried blades of grass and twigs into the house. I want to make sure he has a comfortable bed.

A snowdrift covered the mink, and the hedgehog safely hid under such a fluffy blanket. He has wonderful dreams, and we are happy for him. With a good mood, the hedgehog wakes up, and then goes to inspect his farm.

Dictation number 3.

Winter sorceress.

In November, snow covered the frozen ground, and now the real winter has come.

A cold wind howls terribly in the field, a blizzard is walking. And the forest is quiet. You will go into the wilderness and you will not recognize familiar places, because everything is hidden under the snow. Frost covered the river with ice.

Dressed in a fur coat and a huge oak tree. Its dense crowns will last all winter, and their power cannot be broken even by an evil hurricane.

Suddenly, a squirrel ran through the branches. It appears black amid the dazzling, untouched whiteness of the light. Because of this restless bustle, a huge snow cap fell onto the path.

What air! What harmony! There are no words to describe such a miracle of nature.

Dictation number 4.

Squirrels in the forest.

From morning until late at night, cheerful, nimble squirrels are bustling about in the forest. You can't really keep track of their movements.

Mischievous squirrels will rise to the top of a huge pine tree, jump from branch to branch. Then they will go downstairs for food supplies: delicious mushrooms, selected nuts, dried berries.

In the forest pantries, these wonderful hostesses will hide what they have found.

They will make warm nests in the hollow house, and soon little squirrels will appear in new apartments. They will grow up quickly and be brought up by caring parents.

And in a fierce winter, happy families of squirrels will be saved from frost, harsh winds and snowfalls. It is safe to live in warm, cozy nests.

Dictation number 5.

Moonlight night.

Nice autumn moonlit night! On the sides of the road, young trees froze: birch, spruce, pine, aspen.

Rare snowflakes fall on the sleeping earth, and the bright yellow moon illuminates the forester's hut. The gloomy sky is full of frequent stars and looks down on the night earth.

There is an extraordinary silence all around. But suddenly a slight rustle of leaves was heard from the left. "Yes, it's a squirrel!" I shouted. Leaves rained down on me as she jumped from one branch to another.

The approach of winter is already felt. Soon the ice will forge the river, its banks will be closed with a fluffy carpet.

The beam casts light on the clearing, and the trees burn with all the colors of the rainbow: orange, gold, crimson. Hello moonlit night!

Dictation number 6.


Spring is an amazing time of the year. The sun gently warmed the awakened earth. The snow has long since fled from the fields in muddy streams. From the junction to the nearest village, winter rye turns green, and whitish clouds float across the blue sky. The dampness that usually happens in early spring is no longer felt in the air.

Life seemed to start up and be filled with some new sounds. From the surrounding groves, from arable lands and pastures, a joyful chirping of birds is heard. There was the sound of a truck at the crossing. "Egorych, open the road!" - a cheerful shout of the driver is heard.

Everything around begins to change: the smallest branch grows, the delicate stalk gathers strength and straightens towards the sun.

Nature celebrates spring renewal. Hello Spring!

Dictation number 7.


Rowan is an autumn beauty. Other trees have already given their fruits, and she is just beginning to dress up in crimson-red clusters. The cold is coming and the birds are eating the bittersweet berries.

You will meet rowan everywhere: on the outskirts, on the edges, in the clearings. It grows near houses, spreads twigs from behind the fence, settles down on the outskirts and stands happy, proud, majestic.

This plant likes privacy. Near the mountain ash, the trees feel better, because a huge number of birds flock to it, which destroy pests.

A thin trunk bends under the wind, but does not break. Rowan does not give up, and every autumn again her lovely outfit captivates us.

We expect to meet with mountain ash next fall. See you soon, wonder tree!

Dictation number 8.


Once, a mother called her son: “Yura, look who I brought!”

Mom was holding a purse, someone in a fur coat was pottering about on a bed of soft leaves.

An oblong muzzle with a smooth nose, shining eyes and small erect ears appeared from the purse. The muzzle of the animal turned out to be amusing: everything was gray above and below, in the middle wide black stripes stretched from the nose to the ears.

The baby's fur was light gray, and the legs were dark, as if he had dressed up in boots and mittens.

Mom took a bottle with a pacifier from the cupboard and poured milk into it. The kid immediately realized what was the matter. He took the whole nipple and closed his eyes. Wonderful badger, funny animal!

Dictation number 9.

Polar owl.

Snowy owls usually winter in the tundra. In the darkness of the night they fly over the snows shimmering in the starlight. They feed on mice and hares, mercilessly exterminate these helpless animals.

But still, the polar night ends. In the stone placers you will not notice the nests of an owl, because they are located almost at the very feet. The warmth in the nests is preserved in severe frosts, as they are covered with light fluff.

I found such a nest in a crevice. Suddenly, a huge white bird flew up from under my feet, and the spread wings merged with the whiteness of the snow.

"Sergei, what is there?" my friend was surprised. A frightened chick huddled in the nest, and warm eggs lay nearby.

Dictation number 10.

To the homeland.

In early spring, flocks of birds unite on the southern coasts of Europe and Africa. "Home! Hurry home!” - from everywhere rushes restless cry.

Countless migratory chains are drawn to their native places, and people are always happy to meet him. But during the journey, some of the birds remain, scatter and settle in the surrounding lakes and rivers. The most enduring fly to the White Sea. Here they are located along the sandy shores, are divided into pairs to build nests and breed chicks.

In the fall, the chicks will grow up, get stronger, and the birds begin to stray into flocks before flying to warmer climes. But you can not live long in a foreign land.

Every spring you see how tired caravans return to their homeland.

Dictation number 11.


Once Gaidar went to meet the guys in the camp and took his five-year-old daughter Zhenya with him. The surprisingly arrogant girl seemed to boast: “I am the daughter of a famous dad and will grow up soon!”

During the reading of the fairy tale "Hot Stone" everyone sat quietly, but at first Zhenya looked down on her sides, then uneasily stamped and began to run down the stairs.

Suddenly Gaidar paused, put down his notebook and said sternly: "Take the girl away, she's in the way!" Zhenya cringed, frightened, and immediately fell silent.

Gaidar read the tale to the end. The happy eyes of the guys spoke about everything: about love for the writer, about respect.

“To Gaidar for justice,” they wrote in the book they gave him.

Dictation№ 12


Chickens are the jungle cat's favorite delicacy. Once a predator went hunting, but suddenly a magpie appeared from somewhere, twitched its black and white tail and chirped. It was dangerous, and the cat decided to stop so as not to attract attention. An annoying bird perched above his head.

The village wakes up, and the cat begins to tease the cackling of chickens, but he cannot get rid of the harmful guide. He held back impotent anger and hatred for his obsessive companion. Then he began to make his way to the village. Soroka still did not set aside and still continued to guard him.

The cat had to disappear into the thickets, and the bird screamed and circled.

Today, robber, you will lie hungry, because the hunt has failed.

Dictations in the RUSSIAN LANGUAGE. 2nd class


(more than 20 words)

Dictations from this list are held with students in grade 2. The purpose of the dictation is to control the degree of students' mastery of the rules for spelling words with unstressed vowels, dictionary words, spelling of letter combinations ZhI - SHI, CHA - SCHA, CHU -SCHU, transfer rules, spelling of paired consonants, capital letters in proper names.

Dictations in complexity correspond to the level of the second half of the 2nd grade of a comprehensive school.


Yegor and Sasha ran into the grove. There is a river. Behind the river woods. In the forest, the boys began to look for mushrooms. Yegorka found a strong mushroom with a large cap. And Sasha has a funny find. He has a hedgehog in his cap.

Dictation in Russian. Grade 2


Today our class wrote a dictation. Anna Igorevna read the story, and we beautifully wrote it down in notebooks. At the end of the lesson, the teacher collected the work and began to correct the mistakes.

Dictation in Russian. Grade 2


The cat Murka had kittens. Murka loved them very much. Tanya often went to look at the kittens. The girl named one fluffy kitten Snowball. Snowball loves to sleep on a soft bed.

Dictation in Russian. Grade 2


There were warm but rainy days. Borya and Yura went to the grove for mushrooms. After the rains there are always a lot of mushrooms. Redheads appeared in the forest. At the roots of the spruce, the boys found a white mushroom and a lot of russula.

Dictation in Russian. Grade 2


Our cat is a big prankster. Once Vaska noticed a thrush's nest on a tree. Instantly Vaska climbed a tree. But the thrush noticed the villain. He pecked the cat Vaska on the forehead. The cat ran into the garden. The dinner didn't go well.

Dictation in Russian. Grade 2


The first snow fell. He covered the black earth with a white fluffy carpet. How beautiful are the trees covered in snow! There is silence in the forest. Suddenly a branch snapped. It was a hare that ran and disappeared behind a snowdrift.

Dictation in Russian. Grade 2


Behind the school is a snowy mountain. There are a lot of kids on the mountain. Misha Petrov and the dog Druzhok got into the sled. The sled is flying like an arrow. Children are funny and funny. The friend is trembling with fear.

Dictation in Russian. Grade 2


Borya and his friend Kostya often went to the pine forest. There is a big pond there. The reeds rustle on the shore. A swan swims in the reeds. The boys boarded the raft and crossed to the other side. There is a good beach.

Dictation in Russian. Grade 2


The snow began to melt. There are puddles all around, noise, streams run. The guys are having fun. They deftly jump through streams. Now it's Lisa's turn. Lisa has short boots and a long coat. Lisa jumped and fell. Girlfriends picked up the baby and took her home.

Bird food

There was a blizzard at night. Egor and Oleg go to the forest. They carry food for the birds. An angry wind blows in the face. The boys put seeds on the old stumps. They hung dry mountain ash on the branches of trees.
A flock of tits flew up. And here is the food!

Grammar tasks

1. From the fourth sentence, write out a word that cannot be transferred.

2. Underline the words in the text with a separating soft sign.

Option 2

Winter came. A fluffy carpet of snow lies on the fields and hills. The trees are quiet. All the paths in the forest were covered. You can only ski in the forest. Severe frost hit. The river is frozen. The guys made a big skating rink. Skating is always fun.

grammar task

Write out three words from the text with an unstressed checked vowel at the root of the word. Write test words next to it.



It's spring outside. The sun shines brightly. The streams murmur merrily. Young grass all around. The trees put on green dresses. The birch has golden earrings. Bird voices are heard everywhere. Birds have a lot of work in spring. They make nests. Soon chicks will chirp in every nest. Good spring!

Tasks for the dictation:

1. Highlight the stem in the second sentence.

2. Show from what words the words GRASS and BIRCH were formed: grass - .........., birch - .......... Disassemble the words GRASS and BIRCH by composition.

3. Write out the word BIRD. Find in the text and write under it a related word, putting it in the initial form. Highlight the roots. Show what sounds alternate in the root: ["] /.


The purpose of the work is to test the ability to write off the text, to detect spelling.

Option 1

glorious frost

The sun has set. The moon appeared in the blue sky, full, big, bright. The chain dog barked hoarsely. He turned around himself three times and lay down in his kennel. It was a glorious frost. The wind was biting good.
By morning, all the window panes were covered with a wonderful pattern of ice leaves. The weather was real winter.

Option 2

Snowflakes fell from the sky on the roofs of houses. Winter came. The water in the puddles froze. Ice crunched underfoot. Birch branches chimed in the wind. Their ends were covered with ice. The sun came out. The snow became pure drops of water. The droplets rolled down to the ground like beads. Nice view on the ground.