Constant reflection. The concept of reflection: its essence, functions and forms



Philosophical Encyclopedic Dictionary. 2010 .


a form of theoretical activity of a socially developed person, aimed at understanding their own. actions and their laws; the activity of self-knowledge, revealing the specifics of the spiritual world of man. The content of R. is determined by object-feelings. activity: . Ultimately, there is awareness of practice, the objective world of culture. In this sense, R. is a way of defining and philosophy, and - R. reason. R. thinking about the laws of formation of socio-historical. reality, about the ultimate foundations of knowledge and human behavior constitutes the actual subject of philosophy. The change in the subject of philosophy was also expressed in a change in the interpretation of R.

The problem of R. first arose in Socrates, according to Krom, only that which has already been mastered can be the subject of knowledge; the most subject to man is the activity of his own. soul, is the most important task of man. Plato reveals the importance of self-knowledge in connection with such a virtue as, which is the knowledge of oneself (see Charmides, 164 D, 165 C, 171 E); there is some kind of knowledge, which has no other object than itself and other knowledge (see ibid., 167 C). Theoretical , philos. R. is rated as the highest. Aristotle considers R. as a deity. mind, to-ry in its pure theoretical. activity posits itself as an object and thereby reveals the unity of the object of knowledge and knowledge, thinkable and thought, theirs (see Met. XII, 7 1072 at 20; Russian translation, M.–L., 1934). In Plotinus' philosophy, self-knowledge was the method of constructing metaphysics; having distinguished in the soul and reason, he considered self-knowledge an attribute of only the latter: only the identity of oneself and the thinkable can be thought, for here the thought of thought is also one, because. the conceivable is a living and thinking activity, i.e. active thought itself (see P. P. Blonsky, Philosophy of Plotinus, Moscow, 1918, p. 189). Self-knowledge is unity. mind, R. is opposite to practice (see ibid., p. 190): "... You need to transfer the object inside the subject and contemplate it as a single thing, the process of contemplation should be similar to the process of self-contemplation" (Enneads, V, book 8; op. according to the book: Brush M., Classics of Philosophy, vol. 1, St. Petersburg, 1913, p. 479). Only plunging into the bowels of their own. spirit, can merge into one with the object of contemplation, and with "the deity approaching in silence" (ibid., p. 480).

In the Middle Ages. R.'s philosophy was considered as a way of existence of deities. reason as a form of its realization: it cognizes the truth insofar as it returns to itself. For example, Augustine believed that the most reliable knowledge is a person's knowledge of his own. being and consciousness. Delving into one's own, a person reaches the truth contained in the soul, and thereby comes to God. According to John Scotus Eriugena, the contemplation of one's essence by God is creation.

Renaissance thinkers, putting forward the idea of ​​man as a microcosm, in which all the forces of the macrocosm are expressed in a concentrated form, proceeded from the fact that the knowledge of natural forces is at the same time self-knowledge of man, and vice versa.

Changes in the interpretation of R. in modern times are associated with the prominence of the problems of substantiating knowledge. In "Metaphysical. Reflections" Descartes reasoning was based on methodical. doubt: only one thing is reliable and beyond doubt - my own. and thinking, and thus mine (see Izbr. prod., M., 1950, p. 342). Mined with the help of R. consciousness about oneself - unity. reliable position - is the basis for subsequent conclusions about the existence of God, physical. tel, etc.

Locke, rejecting the concept of Descartes' innate ideas, holds the idea of ​​the experiential origin of knowledge and, in this regard, distinguishes between two types of experience - feelings. and R. (internal experience). The latter is "... to which the mind exposes its activity and the ways of its manifestation, as a result of which the ideas of this activity arise in the mind" (Izbr. filos. proizv., v. 1, M., 1960, p. 129). Possessing independence in relation to external experience, R. nevertheless is based on it.

In Hegel's philosophy, R. actually represents the driving force behind the development of the spirit. Considering rational R. as a necessary cognition. process and criticizing the romantics in this regard, Hegel at the same time reveals its limitations: fixing abstract definitions, . reason is not able to reveal their unity, but claims to be final, abs. knowledge. In the Phenomenology of Spirit, the R. of the spirit about itself appears as a form of self-unfolding of the spirit, as a basis that allows one to move from one form of spirit to another. Here Hegel traces the specifics of R.'s movement at each of the three stages of the development of the spirit. Logic R.'s forms correspond to historical. forms of self-consciousness, to-rykh ends in "unhappy consciousness", bifurcated within itself and therefore fixing the abstract moments of reality in their isolation from each other (see Soch., vol. 4, M., 1959, pp. 112, 118–19 ). Being an objective idealist, Hegel believes that the spirit is embodied in the object, which reveals itself in it (according to Hegel, the object reflects into itself, see ibid., p. 13). This, materialistically rethought, was used by Marx to express the fact that the sides or moments of a material object that has become a commodity are mutually reflected in each other and in themselves (see "Capital", in the book: Marx K. and Engels F. , Soch., 2nd ed., vol. 23, p. 121; "Das Kapital", V., 1961, S. 116). The essence of R. in a logically generalized form is considered by Hegel in the Science of Logic in connection with the analysis of essence and visibility; in contrast to the categories of being, for which the transition from one to the other is characteristic, and from the categories of the concept, where their development is concerned, in the doctrine of essence, the relationship of paired categories is fixed, each of which is reflected - reflected, shines in the other ( see Soch., vol. 1, M.–L., 1929, p. 195). Hegel distinguishes three types of R.: suggestive, the edge corresponds to the description. sciences, external, or comparing, which reflects the method of comparison in science, and defining, which fixes the moments of essence in their independence and isolation from each other. In general, the Hegelian doctrine of R. reveals the categorical structure of that science, which fixes the identity and opposite, but does not comprehend the contradictions, sciences, which opposes the subject as its subject and does not reveal their unity given in practice.

In Marxism, the development of the problem of R. was carried out in two interconnected ways: along the line of criticism of metaphysical. R.'s understanding and along the line of analysis of philosophy. knowledge as R. about the culture of mankind, about its social history. Negative The attitude to R. as a specifically rational method of revealing the features of not an object, but ordinary consciousness, was accompanied by a study of the conditionality of R. by practice, by all human activity. Already in The Holy Family, the founders of Marxism showed what brings the real, the action together. man to self-consciousness, and his practical. deeds - to thinks. criticism of one's own consciousness (see K. Marx and F. Engels, Soch., 2nd ed., vol. 2, pp. 43, 58). In The German Ideology, Marx and Engels reveal the class calls for the intensification of R., characteristic of the bourgeois. philosophy of the 19th century: it consists in internalizing the institutional, making it a matter of conscience for each person, so that the state is supplemented by censorship of conscience; thus, active creativity is killed in a person. attitude to reality, hypochondria is kindled. self-control and inactive self-digging in the depths of one's soul. Criticizing rational R., which opposes itself to practice, Marx and Engels show that in reality reflective individuals never rise above R. (see ibid., vol. 3, p. 248). The fundamental limitations of rational R., its inability to penetrate into the essence of the subject under study, were convincingly revealed by Marx in connection with the criticism of vulgar political economy, which became stagnant in reflective definitions and therefore was unable to grasp the bourgeois. production as . Criticism by Marx and Engels of the rational understanding of R. was in fact a criticism of the principles on which it was based, using metaphysical. method. This criticism merged with the methodological study of the categorical structure of metaphysical., rational thinking, with theoretical. comprehension objectively-practical. the basis of this transformed form of thinking.

Marx and Engels associate the vices of metaphysical and rational reflection with the specifics of human development in the conditions of division of labor and alienation, when a person turns into a partial person, and the one-sided development of his abilities leads to the fact that a partial social function becomes his life calling. It is under such conditions that R. thinking about oneself becomes the vocation of the philosopher and is opposed to practice. This limitation is overcome by the development of universally practical. attitude to the world, as a result of which the mind appears as a R. practice in its universality and integrity. There are different levels of philosophy. R.: 1) R. the content of knowledge given in various forms of culture (language, science, etc.), and 2) R. about the process of thinking - analysis of ways to form ethical. normal, logical bases and methods of formation of the categorical apparatus of science. By its very nature, R. is critical, because, by forming new values, it "breaks" the established norms of behavior and knowledge.

The positive meaning of R. lies in the fact that with its help the development of the world of culture, the productive abilities of a person is achieved. Thinking can make itself the subject of a theoretical analysis only if it is objectified in real, objective forms, i.e. taken outward and can relate to itself indirectly. Rejecting R.'s reduction to the clarification of the prejudices of everyday consciousness, dialectic. sees in philosophy self-knowledge of the world-historical. practices of mankind, in a swarm translucent univers. characteristics of the natural world. Marxist philosophy is dialectical. R. about thinking, which is objectively embodied not only in language, but also in the products of labor, in the achievements of science, in the entire culture of mankind.

R. becomes the center. concept in bourgeois. philosophy of the 19th–20th centuries, expressing the originality of the subject of philosophy in the system of sciences and the specifics of philosophy. method. Since philosophy has always been interpreted as R. about knowledge, as thinking about thinking, the emphasis on the problem of R. in modern. philosophers expresses the desire to defend the isolation of philosophy from objective feelings. activity, to limit its subject to the self-consciousness of knowledge. This line is drawn in its purest form in neo-Kantianism (Cohen, Natorp, Nelson, and others). At the same time, Nelson specifically highlights the psychological R. as awareness of direct knowledge (a variety of this R. - - was the main method of introspective psychology).

Husserl specifically distinguishes R. among the universal essential features of the pure sphere of experience (see "Ideen zu einer reinen Phänomenologie und phänomenologischen Philosophie", Bd 1, Haag, 1950, S. 177). He gives R. universal methodological. function. Phenomenology itself is substantiated with the help of R.: phenomenology relies on the "productive ability" of R. (see ibid.). R. is for Husserl "for acts in which the flow of experience with all its various events ... becomes clearly comprehended and analyzed" (ibid., . 181). In other words, R. is the name of the method for the knowledge of consciousness. Phenomenology is designed to dissect the various types of R. and analyze them in a different order. In accordance with the general division of phenomenology, Husserl distinguishes three forms of R., considering them to be an attribute of only the transcendental, and not the empirical. subject. The first form is the individual's awareness of the content of perceptions, figurative representations, comprehension of the very act of perception; rising to pure consciousness, transcendental experience, the individual flow of experiences passes to the second form of reflection - R. about R.; The highest form of R. is transcendental-eidetic, which substantiates phenomenology in its purity, allows you to discover things.

Appeal of a person to his own. existence is one of Ch. slogans of existentialism. The existence of a person can be revealed only when he is left alone with the silent voice of his conscience, in fear of. Demanding to intensify R., draws the main. on the inquisition of conscience, leaving not a single corner in the soul that is not poisoned by R. T., here we are not talking about epistemological. R., as in neo-Kantianism and phenomenology, but about ethical. R., which should awaken guilt in a person, determine his morals. position in the world (see, for example, G. Marcel, Homo Viator, P., 1944, p. 224, and Heidegger M., Sein und Zeit, Halle, 1927, S. 273). This interpretation of R. is extremely close to the idea of ​​human sinfulness preached by Christianity and the constant reminder of this.

Neo-Thomism in the understanding of R. returns to pre-Kantian philosophy. Substantiating the possibility of metaphysics, neo-Thomists and Catholic. philosophers distinguish psychological. and transcendental R. The first (area of ​​aspirations and feelings) determines the possibility of anthropology and psychology. The second, in turn, is subdivided into logical (abstract-discursive cognition) and ontological (focus on ), with the help of which the possibility of philosophy proper, expounded according to all the canons of pre-Kantian metaphysics, is substantiated.

But with experience comes the understanding that reflection helps the teacher to control the class, already during the lesson to see what was understood and what was left for revision, that is, "keep abreast". We should not forget that reflection is something new that modern pedagogy is striving for: not to teach science, but to teach to learn. Reflection helps the child not only to realize the path traveled, but also to build a logical chain, systematize the experience gained, compare their successes with the successes of other students.

In the structure of a lesson that meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, reflection is compulsory lesson stage. Particular emphasis is placed on the reflection of activities, it is proposed to carry out this stage at the end of the lesson. In this case, the teacher plays the role of the organizer, and the main actors are the students.

What is reflection?

The dictionaries give a clear definition: reflection is introspection, self-assessment, "a look inside oneself." With regard to lessons, reflection is a stage of the lesson during which students independently evaluate their state, their emotions, and the results of their activities.

What is reflection for?

If the child understands:

  • why he is studying this topic, how it will be useful to him in the future;
  • what goals should be achieved in this lesson;
  • what contribution to the common cause he can make;
  • whether he can adequately evaluate his work and the work of his classmates,

… then the learning process becomes much more interesting and easier for both the student and the teacher.

When to conduct?

Reflection can be carried out at any stage of the lesson, as well as on the basis of the study of the topic, the whole section of the material.


There are several classifications of reflection as a stage of the lesson. Knowing the classification, it is more convenient for the teacher to vary and combine techniques, including reflection in the lesson plan.

I . By content : symbolic, oral and written.

Symbolic - when the student simply grades using symbols (cards, tokens, gestures, etc.). Oral involves the child's ability to coherently express their thoughts and describe their emotions. Writing is the most difficult and takes the most time. The latter is appropriate at the final stage of studying an entire section of educational material or a large topic.

II . According to the form of activity : collective, group, frontal, individual.

It is in this order that it is more convenient to accustom children to this type of work. First - with the whole class, then - in separate groups, then - selectively interview students. This will prepare students for independent work on themselves.

III . By purpose :

  • emotional

She evaluates the mood, emotional perception of educational material. This is a reflection from the category "liked / disliked", "interesting / boring", "it was fun / sad".

This type of reflection helps the teacher assess the general mood of the class. The more positive, the better the topic is understood. And vice versa, if there are more conditional "clouds", then the lesson seemed boring, difficult, there were difficulties with the perception of the topic. Agree, we are bored and sad when we do not understand something.

How and when to carry out?

Reflection of mood and emotionality is easy to carry out even with first graders. There are a lot of options: handout cards with emoticons or iconic pictures, thumbs up (up / down), raising hands, signal cards, etc. It is more convenient to carry out at the end of the next stage of the lesson: after explaining a new topic, after the stage of fixing the topic, etc.

At the beginning of the lesson, emotional reflection is carried out in order to establish contact with the class. You can put on music (selecting a motive that is consistent with the theme), quote a classic, read an emotional poem. After that, you should definitely ask 3-4 students: "What do you feel now? What mood are you in? Etc. Firstly, students (even the smallest ones) get used to assessing their condition, their emotions, In addition, such reflection will help students tune in to the perception of the topic.

  • Reflection of activity

This type of reflection is more convenient to use when checking homework, at the stage of consolidating the material, and when defending projects. It helps students to comprehend the types and methods of work, analyze their activity and, of course, identify gaps.

How to conduct (examples of work organization):

  • ladder of success. Each step is one of the types of work. The more tasks are completed, the higher the drawn man rises.
  • Tree of Success. Each leaf has its own specific color: green - did everything right, yellow - there were difficulties, red - many mistakes. Each student decorates his tree with the appropriate leaves. In the same way, you can decorate the Christmas tree with toys, decorate the meadow with flowers, etc.
  • Trailers. Each trailer corresponds to a specific task. For example, let's say you're planning to have a consolidation phase that consists of three mini-games and one creative challenge. You have 4 wagons. Invite your students to put little men (animals, leave a token) in that trailer, the task of which was completed easily, quickly and correctly.
  • "Signs"(Convenient when teaching calligraphy). Ask students to circle/underline the most beautifully written letter, word.

Thanks to such techniques, the teacher will always have a clear picture: what was understood and realized, and what still needs to be worked on.

  • Reflection of the content of the material

This type of reflection is more convenient to carry out at the end of the lesson or at the stage of debriefing. It enables children to understand the content of what they have learned, to evaluate the effectiveness of their own work in the lesson.

How to conduct:

  • Invite the children Tag Cloud", which need to be supplemented. For example, on an interactive whiteboard, you can display a slide that shows the options:
    • today I found out...
    • it was difficult…
    • I realized that...
    • I learned…
    • I was able...
    • It was interesting to know that...
    • surprised me...
    • I felt like…etc.

Each student chooses 1-2 sentences and completes them. Such reflection can be carried out orally, or in writing (on leaflets or directly in a notebook).

  • Graphic: on the board a table with signs

In the table, the objectives of the lesson can be written down by the teacher himself (for elementary school students). With seniors, you can set goals together. At the end of the lesson, students add a plus in front of each goal and in the column that they consider more appropriate.

  • Questionnaire

  • "Three M"

Students are asked to name three things they did well during the lesson and suggest one action that will improve their performance in the next lesson.

The following examples of reflection will fit perfectly into the concept of humanitarian subjects:

  • Akroslovo

For example, give a description of Woland, the hero of M. Bulgakov's novel "The Master and Margarita":

B - all-powerful

O - personifies justice

L - moon, black poodle and "devilry"

A is the antipode of Yeshua

N is not absolute evil

D is the devil

  • Phraseologism or proverb

Choose an expression that matches your perception of the lesson: heard out of the corner of your ear, flapped your ears, moved your brains, counted the raven, etc.

A few comments on the topic, or wishes from students

  • Techniques such as insert, cinquain, cluster, diamond, POPS do not need explanation and have proven to be very effective. With one "but"! If the teacher uses them constantly so that the children can get used to such work. Otherwise, the creation of the same syncwine will turn into hard work, and not a positive and effective completion of the topic.
  • It is advisable to adapt the form of the conduct to the age of the children. Naturally, you won’t go to the 10th grade with gnomes and bunnies. But even in the lower grades, you should not get too carried away with colorful pictures. Choose one option so that students get used to it and do not have to explain the meaning of pictures or gestures each time.
  • A remark from a child was heard on one of the forums: “One teacher has a red leaflet meaning “understood everything”, another teacher has “understood nothing”, a third teacher has some asterisks-clouds instead of leaflets. And how should I remember all this? " This is already a trick question. It seems that within the framework of at least the method of association, it makes sense to agree on a single meaning of the symbols / colors / signs used for reflection.

The full development of the personality requires the constant acquisition of new information, as well as the ability to realize, "process" the knowledge gained.

Reflection in psychology is the ability of a person to understand the degree of his uniqueness, to know his purpose, to correctly formulate thoughts and interact with the outside world.

In simple terms, reflection is the ability to look into your inner world, the actions taken, the knowledge gained and future undertakings.

To reflect means to focus on one's own consciousness. A person begins to think about his inner world, tries to compare himself with others and tries to look at himself from the outside.

Reflection, after all, is not literally thinking, it is a mistake to identify these concepts. Reflection is to thinking about the same as bodybuilding is to weight training, that is, as free leisure is to sports.
Maxim Kantor. drawing tutorial


The word "reflection" is of Latin origin. Literally, it means "look back." In psychology, reflection is called introspection or introspection. They can be called synonyms.

The definition of reflection is a set of reflections of a person about his life and actions, as well as the subsequent assessment of himself. A person is able to evaluate himself with the help of communication mechanisms. For this reason, the existence of such a concept as reflection is impossible without communication.

Self-observation can be different:

  • Ordinary reflection- a person thinks about his actions, notices his mistakes, but does not get hung up on this.
  • deep reflection- a person is engaged in self-digging, analyzes his actions and the response of society. This includes reflections on the universe and moral standards.
Any human action can become reflexive. For example, feelings, actions, words, impulses, emotions. They become reflexive if a person turns to his consciousness and tries to carry out introspection.

Thanks to reflection, a person thinks and fantasizes, goes into the world of dreams and begins to feel part of reality. Creating a picture of an ideal world in his head, he begins to feel like a certain person and acts in society, according to his settings.

Types of reflection

Reflection is a complex and multifaceted concept. It has many definitions, depending on the situation.

There are several main types of reflection:

  • personal character- a person cognizes his inner world, thinks about the inner "I".
  • Communicative- a person analyzes his relationship with the outside world, other people, relatives and friends.
  • cooperative nature- a person thinks and analyzes the possibility of achieving a certain goal, acting together with someone.
  • Intellectual character- reflections on certain knowledge and the possibility of applying it in real life.
  • Existential character- a person plunges into deep and very personal reflections.
  • Sanogenic character- attempts to control a stressful situation, get rid of negative emotions, experiences and suffering.
There are also several other types of reflection, depending on the situation in which the person finds himself.

Forms of reflection

There are several forms of introspection, depending on the situation in which a person’s thoughts begin:
  • situational form- a person reacts to the situation that he is facing at the moment.
  • retrospective form- analysis of events that occurred in the past.
  • perspective form- a person makes plans for the future, dreams and sets certain goals.

What our time lacks is not reflection, but passion.
Because our time is too tenacious to die, because dying is one of the most amazing leaps.
Soren Kierkegaard. Fear and trembling

social reflection

In social life, reflection is a kind of awareness of a person who he is for other individuals. In other words, social reflection in psychology is not only a person's awareness of himself, but also an understanding of how other people treat him.

This includes the characteristics of a person's personality, reactions to various events, emotional impulses, mood and character. When joint activity arises between members of society, social reflection turns into subject-reflexive relations.

Reflection in the psychology of communication

Reflection occupies a special place in psychology, as it is a form of self-knowledge. It plays a major role in communication with society, allows you to be aware of your actions, to understand other people. Self-analysis allows a person to build relationships with other people.

Reflection in the psychology of communication helps to see everything that happens from the outside. An example is the unacceptable behavior of a particular person or their own mistakes. Through self-analysis, a person will realize that he should not interact with a certain person, or he realizes that he behaved incorrectly. Thus, reflection will help to delete unnecessary people from your life and resolve conflicts.

Reflection is a search for answers to all existing questions related to a person's personality. With its help, all personal problems of a person are solved. The individual does not even realize what role reflection plays in his life. Periodically pondering his attitude to life and people, he conducts introspection, sees his own shortcomings and tries to correct them, depending on moral values.

What is the use of reflection?

Reflective activity opens up new possibilities for a person.

Thinking over his actions and deeds, he learns to live correctly:

  • It gives you the ability to control your thinking. A person tries to think in the right direction.
  • Reflection contributes to the emergence of self-criticism, which allows you to see your own disadvantages, analyze them and work on mistakes.
  • Self-analysis allows you to get rid of negative and oppressive thoughts that poison human existence.
  • The analysis of experienced life situations begins, with subsequent conclusions.
  • Aware of past mistakes, the individual develops a stable personality and acquires his own position.
In the process of reflection, personal growth is observed. A person changes and learns from his mistakes, not repeating them in the future. But if a person lacks reflection, then he repeats similar mistakes and does not understand the cause of the distress.

What is reflection?

A certain category of people is prone to constant introspection. But most of the population does not think about their actions.

There are several ways to develop reflection in yourself and look at the world differently.

  • Try to analyze your day. Analysis must be done down to the smallest detail, up to chance meetings, individual dialogues, unpleasant situations and joyful events.
  • Read relevant literature.
  • Take some time to think.
  • Write some important questions that need to be addressed. Try to think of a possible way out.

The main way to develop reflection is communication. Contacting with the outside world, experiencing positive and negative moments, a person learns introspection. After a long and eventful day, you should think a little about the experience and try to get some benefit out of it.

Other types of reflection

As mentioned above, there are many types of reflection.

There are three main types, depending on the direction of human thinking:

  • elemental type. Such a reflection is characteristic of almost every person. The appearance of difficult situations in life forces one to turn to introspection and try to understand what led to a sad outcome. Reflecting on the perfect actions, a person can find answers to all questions for himself.
  • scientific kind. Reflection is also used in various studies and experiments. With its help, it is possible to confirm or refute certain theories, from a scientific point of view.
  • philosophical kind. Philosophical reflection is devoted to lofty questions. We are talking about questions of being and the universe, the true meaning of life and the purpose of man. If a person is able to think so deeply and periodically think about serious issues, this shows a high level of his intelligence.

Examples of reflection from life

The modern rhythm of life does not allow you to think about important and serious issues. In fact, in the world around you there are many opportunities to develop reflection in yourself and look at life in a different way.

try to think

Social networks of the Internet provide a person with so much information that there is not even time left to think about it. People no longer have to put in effort or introspection, it's enough to enter a query on the Internet to get an answer. For this reason, reflection is not developed in most of the population.

Experts say that a large amount of various information harms a person. A large stream is not absorbed by the brain, as a result, only fragmentary pictures and phrases remain, from which there will be no benefit. The brain is designed to think about a certain topic.

Without getting out of the rhythm of life, you can develop reflection in yourself. An example from life can be a common action. It is enough to choose one case, for example, a book you read, a movie you saw, or a trip to a museum, and then answer yourself the following questions:

  • Was there any benefit from this?
  • Have I received new information?
  • How can I use the experience gained?
  • Did I like the character (place)?
  • What did I get out of this?
This will allow you to relax and focus at the same time. While a person will answer questions of interest to him, the brain will actively act and develop reflection.

Get a special notebook

The tendency to introspection is developed by a special attitude towards life. It is important to pay attention to all the details and try to think even about what can cause negative emotions. Only in this way can a person realize his mistakes.

Reflection develops from an early age, but starting to think about all the actions taken, you can do it even in adulthood. A person should think about the most important and pressing issues in his life, even if they can hurt him. There should be many questions, because they cover the whole life.

After that it's all should be written in a special notebook by dividing the questions into the following categories:

  • Questions about life and death. Philosophical reasoning, the meaning of life and purpose.
  • main goal in life. Did you manage to achieve it? If not, then for what reasons.
  • Relationships with others. Not only well-wishers should be included, but also those with whom relations are damaged. Answer the question “why did this happen and how could it have been avoided”.
  • About the spiritual world, religion and God.
  • About past mistakes and actions. Answer the question “what did I do wrong and how could I fix it”.
  • About plans and cherished dreams. Answer the question “how can I achieve this”.
  • About material values. Answer the question “what is most important to me in my life”.

Most of these questions can cause serious difficulties for a person, because it is necessary to answer honestly. Reflection involves introspection. A person should be able to recognize not only his positive aspects, but also his shortcomings. By answering all the questions honestly and analyzing them, a person can learn a lot about himself.

Reflection as a way of life

Reflection in psychology is a craving for new knowledge, the ability to learn about the world, work on mistakes, easily make contact with people and protect yourself from sources of negativity. By reflecting, a person stops blaming himself for all the problems or vice versa, shifting all the responsibility onto others. There is a clear and correct position in life.

The main positive quality of reflection is that with its help a person stops living on autopilot. If in the past all problems were associated with certain circumstances, then by developing reflection in oneself, a person analyzes his actions in advance and does not take wrong steps. There is a habit to think over all your actions and analyze their possible consequences. A person begins to take life more seriously, because a wrong step can cause disastrous consequences.

It is easy to develop reflection in yourself - just be honest and frank with yourself. Thoughtful actions and balanced decisions will bring fruitful results. By periodically engaging in introspection, but without delving into endless reflections, a person can make his life easier and happier.

What do you think about the ability to analyze your actions and work on mistakes? Is it difficult for you to admit your guilt even to yourself, or are you always aware of your actions?