Behavioral personality types. General characteristics of DISC types

Author about himself : "I have been working for SLG Thomas International with the Thomas System HR tool for more than 5 years. I am engaged in technical support for clients, as well as translating program components into Russian. My articles are based on practical experience and real problems that are faced daily our clients."

Have you faced similar situations? An employee whose salary is above the industry average again asks for a raise, another leaves the company where he worked for several years and mastered his job “from scratch” to competitors who offered a slightly higher salary, the third is offended when he accidentally learns about the size of the colleague’s annual bonus, and picturesquely talks about the advantages of another company. Financial motivation - in our relatively young labor market, it is still the dominant species. And often the only one, because, as one well-known aphorism says, - "... but you always want to eat."

The need for material motivation is undeniable. You can talk as much as you like about the loyalty of the company's employees, inspire them with non-material rewards (such as the title "best employee of the month", Honor Boards, etc.). If people get too little, it will all be ineffective. But if the salary of your employees corresponds to the industry average, and there are no other motivating factors, a wide springboard is created for the situations from the first paragraph to arise. What to do? What measures to take to not only retain your employees, but also motivate them to achieve maximum results? There are no universal answers here, just as there are no two identical people. One will be happy if his work is celebrated at a general meeting of employees, while the other will only experience embarrassment (especially if we are talking about a large team and some kind of return speech is required from him). Someone will save the image of the Hall of Honor with his name “for history”, the other will bypass it, because he does not like to be photographed at all.

An individual approach to motivation undoubtedly gives the best result. But how much time will have to be spent thinking about the top motivating factors for each employee. At the same time, it’s good if your company’s staff does not even reach 10 people, then when developing individual motivational programs, the game is worth the candle. And if more? It is not known how many employees you will lose while you are looking for the best individual approach through trial and error.

For more effective motivational work, you can use any of the existing psychological typologies. After all, by planning motivation options for each of the types, you will reduce the amount of work by several times. The motivational options below are based on the DISC typology.

Reference: The founder of the DISC theory is Dr. Marston, who published the book “Emotions of Normal People” in 1928, in which he described the theory of behavioral (personal) evaluation. He placed the behavior of people on two scales, dividing their actions into active and passive, depending on the individual perception of the environment, which can be antagonistic and friendly.

Placing these axes perpendicular, Marston received four squares, each of which described a behavioral model (personality):

DOMINANCE (Dominance)- active positive behavior in an antagonistic environment. The desire to achieve goals in spite of the opposition of the environment.

INFLUENCE (Influence)- active positive behavior in a favorable environment. Influencing others to get a positive response.

STEADINESS (Stability)- passive understanding behavior in a favorable environment. Stability in performing tasks to maintain the "status quo".

COMPLIANCE (Adaptiveness)- passive adaptive behavior in an antagonistic environment. Actions to high standards to avoid problems or mistakes.

It would be reasonable to remark that all people at some point in their lives exhibit all of the four qualities mentioned, and also that each individual develops his own way of life, preferring certain forms of behavior and giving less attention to other forms.

How to recognize these types in life? And how can this knowledge be used to motivate employees? Let's use simpler formulations.

Factor D- always strives to be the first, assertive leader, results-oriented, not afraid and does not avoid conflicts. He likes to do everything quickly, sharp, aggressive if necessary. If his work involves achieving a specific result (and he will be hopelessly bored on another), then, as a rule, he really has something to praise for. Noting his results in the presence of colleagues, you will be able to significantly increase the efficiency of his work. Factor D is very fond of superlatives - the first, the best, the most, the fastest, etc. However, motivating it, it is necessary to operate with specific achievements. Praise not him himself, but his work in the key of “best sales performance”, “first to complete KPI”, etc.

This person also has a desire for competition. That is, if you mention him among the best employees, you will kindle in him the desire to “catch up and overtake”, to become the best of the best, for which he is ready to redouble his efforts, no matter how difficult it may seem. Factor D generally loves complexity. A task that at first glance seems impossible will serve as the best motivator for him. It is also important for this person to feel their career progression. Even if, while maintaining existing responsibilities, you designate his career growth with the prefix "senior specialist", he will perceive this as a powerful impetus for further development.

Factor I- a speaker, very fond of public speaking, knows how to convince, influence people, ignite them, lead them. This person is often referred to as the "soul of society", he is, as a rule, very popular in the team, he always has his own informal group around him, and he is its ideological inspirer. This person is an idea generator. Need to find a ton of snow in July? You already know who to go to. If you celebrate his success during the meeting, then it is better to do it in the vein of "tell us how you did it." Let him speak - he will appreciate it. True, be prepared that the story of how he achieved success can be very long.

If your company has a Hall of Honor or you can post a photo of this employee on the company's page on a social network, do not neglect this. The more you talk about his success in every possible way, the more he strives to achieve more.

S factor- stability, this is a person who often literally keeps your company. He usually does not achieve outstanding results in negotiations, does not bring you millions of transactions, but at the same time provides your company with administrative support, allowing others to achieve their goals.

You may find it difficult to motivate him by voicing the numbers he has achieved, as they are often within the normal range, but not higher. If, noting his successes, you try to give him a response, he is also unlikely to approach this with enthusiasm. The S Factor usually dislikes public speaking. It is better to motivate such an employee in a private setting, one on one. At the same time, it is not necessary to operate on the results in numbers, you can note how responsive he is, how his work helps clients, how his colleagues value him. Such an employee will also appreciate the company's concern for him. Ask more often if he has everything for work, how you can help him, what prevents him from achieving his goals. And most importantly, give him time to speak. It is necessary to listen to him, because he rarely addresses you himself.

You can take care of him in other ways. For example, to make his workplace as comfortable as possible. The S factor is tied to things and personal space more than anyone else, so it is very important that he is happy to come to work in the morning.

Factor C- neat, organized, clear, pedantic, methodical. If you don't know where to find any document, ask him. This person feels himself in the world, papers, documents, instructions, orders, etc. like a fish in water. He is a born analyst, loves and knows how to operate with facts and figures. Factor C likes to be indispensable and it is extremely important to constantly celebrate this quality in him. If you periodically say that without him, you would never have figured it out, you would not have prepared, you would not have coped, he will appreciate it much more than an official speech in the style of "NN is an excellent worker and just a good person." With a minimum of specifics and a maximum of words, this person will talk something like Winnie the Pooh about bees: “This is no accident!” and try to find out what purpose you are pursuing with such generous praise. Be more specific: if you celebrate the success of factor C, talk about something specific, for example, how he managed to achieve high KPIs, close a deal on extremely favorable terms for the company, successfully solve a problem in any area. If this employee is confident in his professionalism, an excellent result will not be long in coming.

By adhering to these simple principles, you can motivate employees much more effectively. But only if we are talking about pronounced D, I, S and C. It often happens that a person has two factors equally expressed and then it is not possible to determine the preferred type of his behavior “by eye”.

In this case, psychometric tests based on the DISC typology can help you. Using these tests, you can avoid mistakes in determining the type of personality, and detailed text reports will help you find out which motivation option is right for this employee. In addition, you get the opportunity to immediately determine the behavioral model of a new employee, and this saves time, helps to avoid mistakes and fruitless efforts when using standard motivation.

personality typologies


Roots of DISC

In 1928, the American psychologist William Marston published The Emotions of Normal People. In it, on the basis of his research conducted since 1920, he describes four variants of behavioral reactions, which he first (previously used other terms) named so that the first letters of the names subsequently formed the abbreviation DISC: Dominance (dominance), Compliance (consent ), Inducement (motivation) and Submission (submission). Over 400 pages, he explores these reactions in depth, as well as the relationships between them.

So many "DISC specialists" refer to this book. But, judging by the fact that they “quote” from it what is not written in it, few people read it. And, in fact, reading Marston's book requires good thoughtfulness and a certain culture of thinking, in particular, because of the rather specific and even specially invented terms he uses.

Speaking in a more understandable language, but without losing too much accuracy, then:

D is the reaction of the stronger to a hostile stimulus,
I - stronger for a friendly stimulus,
S - weaker to a friendly stimulus and
C - weaker to hostile stimulus.

D: ego - emotions; aggressiveness; rage; rabies...
I: persuasiveness; attractiveness; the charm; seduction...
S: readiness; obedience; pleasantness; good nature...
C: fear; fear of expressing one's will; fear of some more powerful force, person or object; timidity...
On the other hand, unity with nature; joys of nature; look at the hills from where help will come to me; setting to infinity...

Basic reactions according to Marston (inner circle)

Original drawing from the book Emotions of Normal People.

Various questionnaires were developed based on Marston's ideas, but it was the American psychologists John Geier and Dorothy Downey who in 1970 proposed the already classic questionnaire for determining a person's profile using DISC and the Personal Profile System report form. And, having received a measurement tool, DISC walked around the planet.

Now, more than 1 million people are tested annually using the most common Wiley DiSC questionnaires in the world alone.

What's wrong with the original DISC?

As a researcher, Marston did not think about creating a commercial product.

Therefore, he could afford to be “politically incorrect”. Well, how could one of the reactions be called “submission” (S)! What business customer would be willing to pay for their DISC report with a high “submission” score! Therefore, a set of names, as in the book - Dominance, Inducement, Submission and Complience - now you will not find a single provider of DISC questionnaires (although there are several decoding options). Submission (submission) is changed, for example, to Steadiness - stability. True, for some reason they mislead customers, claiming that Marston had already used this term in 1928.
With translations into Russian, even more inconsistency. For example, I use my own names:

Another moment. To speak of a person, as Marston did in The Emotions of Normal People, as "stronger" or "weaker" can offend him. But, thank God, in 1931, in his next book "Integrative Psychology" (Integrative Psychology), written with co-authors, Marston already talks about activity: reactions D and I - with an increase in activity, and S and C - with a decrease. Almost everyone uses the term "activity" now. True, the misconception that it was introduced in the first book is widespread. With the new book, the DISC model has become even more focused on human behavior.

The word "DISC" cannot be registered as a trademark due to its general usage. Therefore, anyone can refer to "The Emotions of Normal People" and claim that he offers training and questionnaires on "DISC".

True, there are businessmen of a different kind. They take the DISC model as a basis, but come up with other names and pass off as their original designs. Who classifies by colors: red, blue, etc. someone for animals: a lion, an owl, etc., who else will come up with some names: Motor, Analyst ... The third option is when the author offers something very specific (like, for example, Ichak Adizes (Ichak Adizes) PAEI classification of functional roles in management) , but still describes reactions according to DISC. This is understandable: you can describe using DISC much more, and much more exciting.

DISC as a management tool

It has long been known that the saying, "Do unto others as you would be done unto yourself," which is sometimes presented as Kant's categorical imperative, is categorically wrong. If in a work situation you want to achieve something from another, then you need to treat him as is he wants it. (The case when in a work situation you are a cannibal leader with absolute power over fellow tribesmen is not considered.)
In fact, this is what you need

determine what kind of person is in front of you and how to behave with him.
And here it is extremely important that in his book Marston describes reactions by DISC, that is, external
That is, the "definition of a person" according to DISC situationally. DISC is not a typology, that is, it does not assign a person tightly to any “type”. I'll explain with an example. Perhaps the most famous division into personality types is extrovert and introvert. It occurs in a variety of typologies and is carried out in different ways.
For simplicity, we will assume that the "extrovert" talks a lot and

communicates with people, and the "introvert" spends time in silent solitude. But there are no normal people who either only communicate, or are only silent. Therefore, it turns out that an “extrovert” is one who communicates more often than is silent. Now suppose that I have an employee whom I want to motivate to complete a complex task, or a client to whom I want to sell some complex service. And I know he's an extrovert. That is, in most life situations, it must be listened to and brought to the opinion I need in a lively and not very structured dialogue.

But I see that in this particular situation, my interlocutor is in no hurry to speak out, asks me clarifying questions, makes long pauses, thinking over my words and carefully preparing his answers. That is, he behaves like an "introvert". What should I do, arrange “dances with a tambourine” for him, as for an “extrovert”? God forbid! I don't care what exactly is happening to him now. Maybe something happened to him at home, maybe this particular task/purchase is especially difficult or significant for him….

In order to establish contact with him, in order to be convincing to him, I must adapt to him as he is here and now, and not to his “type”. For example, slow down speech, provide more information in writing. And if after some time he "as usual" becomes an "extrovert", then I will change my behavior.

After all, typologies are good for career guidance, when I have a choice of what I should do better. If, for example, I'm an "introvert" type, then I probably shouldn't go to the bartenders. But in a managerial situation, there is not often much choice about which employee to assign a particular task to. This is usually determined by their functional responsibilities. And in sales, I don't usually think about whether I'd be better off selling a particular service to an "introvert" or "extrovert." I work with a specific employee, and I work with a specific client in a specific situation here and now. Therefore, I do not need to bother with who he is by "type". I need to understand where he is now style and choose the appropriate style way of influencing it.

And again, it is crucial that in his book Marston describes reactions by DISC, that is, external manifestations at a particular moment in time, not feelings, thoughts, inclinations ...

It is known that it is impossible to manage what cannot be measured. Style by DISC is determined precisely by behavior man - by what and how he does and says. In some typologies, for example, they are guided by the "preferences" or "inclinations" of a person. But let's go back to the example of an employee or client that I want to influence in a particular situation. Why should I know, for example, that he has a tendency to be more silent than to speak, or that he would prefer to spend more time in solitude, if I see that he easily and naturally comes into contact with everyone around him, appropriately jokes, shares advice? I will also adapt to his style of communication. And what do I care about where he realizes his "inclination-preference" to retire

and be silent? Whether at home with his wife or once a year on a fishing trip!
Again. If I need to understand something about a person in the long term (for example, I want to marry a person, have children), then, of course, I will be actively interested in both his “type” and “inclinations-preferences”. I will be interested in all this even if he behaves somehow out of hand inappropriately, and I can’t part with him quickly (for example, an employee who has information unique to the business began to incapacitate with his emotional attacks colleagues and subordinates). But, I'm afraid, no typology will help me here either - we need a normal human dialogue and, perhaps, with the support of a good psychologist, or even a psychotherapist.

But in the vast majority of managerial and business situations, it is enough classification of behavioral styles, which is DISC.

Any person at different times can be in different DISC styles. Yes, some more often, some less. But I'm interested in what style he is in right now - and I adapt to it. His style will change - I will adapt to the next one.

You can reproach DISC for a small number of styles - only 4. But from my experience of practice: both managers and salespeople rarely learn and actually use classifications for more than 4-5 elements.

DISC is a basic tool for any practitioner that will effectively (and sometimes effectively) take into account the human component of any business interaction and achieve the desired result. Whoever wants something more complex can easily make the necessary “add-on” on DISC.

Questionnaire quality by DISC
The original Guyer-Dorothy questionnaire, developed in 1970, asked each of 24 quadruples of adjectives to choose the one that fit you the most and the one that fit you least. Based on the positive, negative and total choices of a person, three variants of the profile of style combinations according to DISC are built. The stronger a style is expressed in a profile, the more often a person uses it. Also, the authors of the questionnaire identified 15 basic profiles as combinations of the severity of various styles, which made the test results more visual and practical.

As a commercial product, the Personal Profile System was first published in 1977 by Guyer's Performax Systems International. Thanks to the overwhelming success of the tool, more and more new entrepreneurs were ready to invest in its development. He (together with the business) was consistently bought out by the Carlson Company (Carlson Learning Center), The Riverside Company (Inscape Publishing), and, finally, in 2012 - by the largest international educational holding Wiley
It is important to understand that all these investments help to keep the DiSC â questionnaire (this way, by a small "i" you can distinguish the original questionnaire from all other versions) at the highest

level of accuracy, reliability and validity. In particular, back in the mid-1990s, the number of fours evaluated in the questionnaire was increased from 24 to 28.
After all, as I said, neither the name nor the DISC model itself is protected by copyright. Therefore, it is easy to make a “DISC questionnaire” on your knee. For example, you take 10 adjectives related to D: strong-willed, decisive, courageous, going ahead, result-oriented... and 10 each related to other styles. Next, ask the client to choose those that describe him. If he chose 8 D style ( Achieving) and only 6 related to C ( constructor), does this mean that the style Achieving(D) he uses more than style constructing(C)?

It turns out not. First, you also need to check what words you included in your questionnaire. On the one hand, it is bad if all the words on some scale are very close in meaning. Then clients will choose either all of them or none. The scale will be extremely miserable - you will not learn anything about the severity of the corresponding style. On the other hand, it is bad if all the words are far from each other in meaning. Then there is no guarantee that on this scale you measure exactly the severity Achieving(D) style, and not, for example, also aggressiveness, and self-confidence, and much more in one bottle.

All these possible errors are caught not by the “method of careful scrutiny” and “serious reflection”, but by special “stupid” methods of statistical data processing, when on a large sample of subjects it is calculated which words they choose from the proposed ones and in correlation with which ones. And then the test results are discussed with each other and compared with the results of his assessment according to already proven methods and with his real behavior.

Secondly, it still depends on the cultural environment in which a person lives. For example, in the United States, characteristics describing Achieving(D) style, socially desired and encouraged. And not always in Russia. Therefore, it is quite possible that a Russian who has chosen 6 characteristics of style D will have it much more pronounced than an American who has chosen 9 characteristics. Therefore, for each language, the questionnaire should be specially calibrated on the appropriate national sample using statistical data processing methods.
The same applies to temporary changes. Say, in Soviet times, the style constructing(C) was over

Attention! The results are not saved, copy them to a text file or take a screenshot as a picture

D ominance: 0

I influence: 0

S tediness: 0

C compliance: 0

It was not possible to determine reliably the leading style of behavior. A possible reason for this is that the respondent is now in a state of stress, extreme tension or a transitional period in his life, when roles change very significantly. Or the answers were given "at random". It is recommended that you return to this testing at a later date, or to order commercially updated testing from us.

You are the Organizer (D-high)

Persuasive, demanding and determined, this personality type tends to be independent. The organizers are far-sighted, progressive and confidently moving towards their goals. In most cases, they have a huge number of very diverse interests, are logical and insightful in solving problems. They often offer fantastic and unusual ideas. However, they often have trouble communicating with people and are often mistaken for cold, harsh, and arrogant people. They tend to be self-centered and have little sympathy, while being very self-critical if they fall short of the set bar. Sometimes they can do the impossible, surpass themselves, but routine work makes them impatient and dissatisfied. They do not tolerate control and are reluctant to perform secondary work. They prefer ever-changing environments, love anything unusual and adventurous. They want their authority to be recognized and like to settle primary, important tasks. They love new challenging tasks and move further towards their intended goals. They do not like slowness and to be considered too patronizing supportive people.

You are Mastermind (mixed D+I high)

Inspirers place a high value on results and interpersonal relationships. By nature, they are sympathetic individuals who perform tasks along with the rest of the employees. They do not like to work with details, but nevertheless they do such work well in order to achieve the intended goal. For inspirers, contacts and respect for other people are equally important. They are good where you need to make a decision, even if it is not particularly popular among the rest of the team. Appreciate public recognition and popularity. Sometimes they are too optimistic about the success of other people. Inspirers are positive, they are good interlocutors. What distinguishes them from other personality types is their dynamism and enthusiasm, some may find them too reckless and careless. Inspirers need a variety of activities and teamwork. They love tasks that require mobility and give them the opportunity to travel. They can easily become workaholics.

You are the Promoter (I-high)

Promoters are extroverted, sociable and seek friendly environments where they can make and maintain contacts. They are able to inspire another person to complete a task. They communicate with a huge number of people, which is fundamental for the successful conduct of their activities. Easily end friendships, but rarely quarrel with anyone seriously. Optimistically inclined, they are often prone to erroneous assessment of their own and other people's abilities. They usually see the good in any person and in any situation. Often promoters jump to conclusions and make hasty decisions without gathering all the necessary information. To other people, they often seem fickle. Strict adherence to the planned can be a very difficult task for them.

You are a Messenger (mixed I+S high)

Messengers are in most cases kind, sympathetic and accommodating people who, both in their profession and in private life, strive for positive relationships with their fellow men. They are demanding and solve problems in collective work with other people. They work well in a team, however, they are very susceptible to criticism, which they painfully experience. It is difficult for them to prove their authority if necessary. They find it difficult to make decisions without first discussing with others. By their nature, they are constant, which is often seen by others as slowness. They do not like stressful situations, they need time to get used to the changed circumstances. They value a stable environment where they can organize their work at their own pace.

You are a Companion (S-high)

Companions in most cases are helpful, nice and constant people who easily find a common language with others. Because of their reserved, controlled demeanor, they are considerate, patient, and always ready to help people they consider their friends. In their work team, they establish close ties with a small group of people. Their efforts are aimed at maintaining trust and stability. In their specialty they are the most efficient and successfully perform their work with remarkable consistency. They slowly get used to innovations, first they have to "digest" new information. Colleagues need help when it comes to meeting deadlines for completing work. They often put off work for a long time before completing it. If pressured, they can become stubborn and intractable, thereby disappointing superiors and colleagues.

You are the Coordinator (mixed S+C high)

Coordinators are addictive, objective, and have strict evaluation criteria. They are conscientious and meticulous people, act diplomatically and sincerely. They are precise and disciplined, self-critical and demand a lot from themselves. It is difficult for them to make decisions if they do not have information about all the facts and details. Some consider the facilitator to be a critical thinker who is reserved about innovation and innovation. They rarely say what they think or feel. They would like to work in an established, familiar team. Coordinators do not like either stressful situations or chaos; they are family oriented. They surround themselves with people who are like them. Adhere to the system and instructions. Characteristics are patience and perseverance. They work systematically. Loyal. It is important for them that they are not used.

You are an Analyst (C-high)

Analysts are precise, careful and disciplined. Often they have good analytical skills, objective information is of great importance for them, which they use to make decisions. They think objectively, combining the facts they have with their intuition. They prefer people who, like themselves, work effectively in a peaceful and calm environment and do not show their feelings too much. Analysts are always looking for the right solution and often avoid making decisions on their own. It can be difficult for them to admit they are wrong. It is difficult to part with the past. They analyze the situation well and act both practical and intuitive at the same time. Often they are seen as impregnable, cold and indifferent people.

Performer (mixed C+D high)

Performers can have both an analytical mindset and a creative nature or abstract thinking. Their competitive drive to get things done is often hindered by excessive perfectionism. Naturally quick-thinking, quick-witted, they often procrastinate because they want to try every possible solution to a problem. They need a boss who is understanding and with whom they can compare themselves. Performers need free space for research and the opportunity to check their results. They enjoy solving problems. They tend to get angry if they are wrong and stubbornly continue to fight over the problem until a solution comes to their mind. Others may consider them closed and cold. They may react authoritatively if their hard work is not appreciated. Their tendency to be self-centered may seem presumptuous.

Considers 4 main behavioral types of people and their combinations. It allows you to diagnose the behavioral type of a person during the first 10-15 minutes of communication, and then select the tools of communication and influence that are most suitable for this type of people. DISC is relatively easy to learn and can be used effectively by people without special psychological education.

In simplified terms, the DISC model is based on two main criteria:
how a person perceives the environment in which he acts (as favorable or as hostile);
how a person acts or reacts in specific situations (actively or reactively).
Accordingly, characterizing a person according to two criteria - Environment(hostile and favorable) and behavior(active and reactive), - we get four behavioral types:

On the upper half of the diagram, the behavioral types of those people who treat the world around them as unfavorable, unfriendly and resisting - "Man is an enemy to man." These are the types D With(Compliance) - compliance. Other people, on the contrary, perceive the world around them as favorable, friendly and "helping" - "The universe is favorable to me." These are behavioral types. I(Induction) - influence and S(Steadiness) - constancy, which are conditionally located on the lower half of the scheme.

Some people (their behavioral type is shown on the left half of the figure) tend to believe that they weaker their environment. Therefore, they are more likely to demonstrate reactive behavior, to adapt to what is happening, rather than trying to control events or try to remake them. They are characterized by reflection and slowness - "Measure seven times, cut one." These are the types S(Steadyness) - constancy and With(Compliance) - compliance. Other people (their behavioral type is reflected, respectively, in the right half of the figure) feel stronger their environment - "To be afraid of wolves - do not go into the forest." Therefore, their behavior will be more active and persistent. They tend to have more control over circumstances and influence them. These are the types D(Dominance) - dominance and I(Induction) - influence.

So, we got four options for people's behavior. For convenience, let's color these types in different colors: D - red, I - yellow, S - green, C - blue.

Let's consider each behavioral type separately:

"D" (Dominance, that is, superiority), Red:

  • Description:
    • "D" behave confidently and energetically, it is very important for them to demonstrate their status.
    • Decisive, strong-willed and purposeful people. The key motivator is victory, the demotivator is defeat.
  • Strengths:
    • Strong will, efficiency, perseverance.
    • They like to take on difficult tasks, they feel comfortable in difficult, changeable conditions, they love outdoor activities.
    • Quickly make decisions, quickly navigate the situation.
    • Very passionate, competitive.
  • Weak sides:
    • Short temper, harsh, rude manner of communication. "D" can assign himself a penalty for each time he flared up in a conversation. With fine money, you can buy cakes for your team, for those on whom he, in fact, broke down.
    • Inattention to details. "D" is very useful to cross-check his reports and the information on which he acts.
    • Haste, haste. Quick response is D's strength, but it also has a downside. "D" often does not listen to the interlocutor, ignores written instructions and, as a result, gets into trouble. "D" would be useful to count to three before making a decision or starting to do something.
    • "D" lacks patience, diplomacy, it is difficult for them to get along with people.
    • Under stress, "D" prone to aggression.
  • Characteristic representatives: classic images of Peter the Great and Catherine the Great, Timur from "Timur and his team", Experienced (Morgunov's hero) from the famous trinity "Vitsin-Nikulin-Morgunov", Zhukov performed by Menshov in the series "Liquidation", D'Artagnan.

"I" (Influential, that is, "influencing"), Yellow:

  • Description:
    • Representatives of the behavioral type "I" strive to stand out among others due to bright and unusual accessories, original clothes, they have rich facial expressions and gestures.
    • The main motivator of "I" is recognition. They need the attention and approval of other people.
  • Strengths:
    • Enthusiasm, optimism.
    • Persuasion and communication skills.
    • They like to be among people, they are good storytellers, the soul of the team.
    • Positive and friendly.
    • They have unconventional thinking, they are creative, they love everything new.
  • Key WeaknessesI":
    • Emotionality, prone to exploitation and opposition.
    • Late, lack of punctuality. "I" should challenge myself to arrive at each meeting half an hour early. This will increase the likelihood of arriving on time.
    • Impulsiveness. "I" is an addictive nature. Sometimes this can take the "I" very far from the task at hand. Self-control is something that "I" must constantly learn.
    • Disorganization. "I" is very useful to keep a diary, regularly clean your workplace.
    • Dislike for written communication, inability to work with papers and numbers. "I" should always double-check your written reports at least twice. It will still be faster and more useful than fixing them when the boss returns them for revision.
    • Under stress, "I" become obsessive.
  • Tigra from the fairy tale about Winnie the Pooh, Prince Florizel from the film of the same name, Mironov's hero from the film "The Diamond Arm", Aramis.

"S" (Steadyness, that is, "permanent, stabilizing"), Green:

  • Description:
    • Representatives of the behavioral type "S" behave modestly, dress comfortably and conservatively, love order and comfort.
    • The main motivator of "S" is predictability, the demotivator is change.
  • Strengths:
    • Reliability, warmth.
    • They are very attentive and sensitive to people, they are natural psychologists.
    • They keep their affairs and belongings in perfect order.
    • Enjoy doing routine work.
    • "S" is very difficult to say "no" to another person, in stress they are characterized by conciliation, a tendency to cooperate.
    • "S" is quite difficult to diagnose, as they tend to adapt to the interlocutor.
  • Key weaknesses of "S":
    • Compliance, dependence, humility.
    • Fear of change, everything new. The world is inevitably constantly changing, whether these changes will be for the worse or better - it depends only on us. "S" should often remember the positive changes in your life.
    • Touchiness. Sensitivity and natural psychologism "S" have a downside - they are very sensitive to the negative behavior of other people. "S" must understand that not all people are as attentive to the feelings of other people as they are, and make allowances for this.
    • Secrecy, unwillingness to pronounce problems. “S” can set themselves the task of once a month to initiate a meeting with their boss to discuss the results of their work: tell the boss about their successes, about needs, suggest ways to improve work.
    • The inability to say "no". "S" would be useful to write down how many times they didn't say "no" when they should have, and try to keep such cases as few as possible.
  • Characteristic representatives of this behavioral type: Semyon Semenych from "The Diamond Hand", Basilashvili's hero from the film "Autumn Marathon", Piglet from the fairy tale about Winnie the Pooh, Porthos.

"C" (Cautious - "cautious", and Сonscientious - "conscientious"), Blue:

  • Description:
    • Representatives of the behavioral type "C" choose things for themselves on the basis of the "price-quality" ratio, they have very restrained facial expressions and gestures.
    • The main motivator of C is the desire to be right. Most of all, they are afraid of making mistakes.
  • Strengths:
    • Problem solving oriented. Accuracy, methodical, organized.
    • They have a gift for noticing and analyzing details and facts.
    • "S" is hard to fool, they don't trust anyone.
    • Cautious and accurate, often overly scrupulous.
  • Key weaknesses "C":
    • Critical, judgmental.
    • Closure, preference for written communication over oral communication. “C” is useful to force yourself to speak at meetings, participate in public events.
    • Intolerance to one's own and others' mistakes. C needs to constantly remind himself that people make mistakes and that only those who do nothing do not make mistakes.
    • Perfectionism to the detriment of deadlines. “C” should not try to do the job perfectly, you just need to turn it in on time or as soon as possible if the deadline is not specified. The quality of the work of the "C" due to their consistency and accuracy in the use of numbers and details is in any case quite high. “C” should be concerned not with quality, but with whether this work will be needed at all if it is delivered very late.
    • Lack of flexibility, unwillingness to compromise. Much to the regret of "S", they do not live on a desert island, around them are people who must be reckoned with. "C" should often put himself in the place of his opponents, look at the problem through their eyes.
    • “C” react to stress by withdrawing into themselves, becoming isolated.
  • Characteristic representatives of this behavioral type: Vladimir Putin, Stirlitz, Sherlock Holmes, Owl from Winnie the Pooh, Athos.

In real life, in addition to people in whom one dominant behavioral type manifests itself very clearly, there are those in whose behavior two behavioral types of DISC are manifested almost equally clearly. Each of the behavioral types can manifest itself in a person equally or one of them a little more, but the main thing is that they are both noticeable in the behavior of a given person and determine his values ​​and basic motivation. As a rule, "bordering" colors are combined in a person. Let's look at these types in more detail.

"DI-ID", Red-Yellow and Yellow-Red, Mastermind:

  • Such people seek to charm people, to influence them. It is very important for them to lead through personal charisma and/or persistent persuasion. They know how to achieve results in negotiations, to convince other people of their point of view. They are very comfortable in a highly competitive work environment. However, they have a tendency to manipulate other people, putting pressure on them, especially when they are under stress. Most of all, they are afraid of losing control of the situation. Their aggressive style of behavior often causes hidden resistance in people.

"IS-SI", Yellow-Green and Green-Yellow, Messenger:

  • These people are easy to communicate with. They treat others with great consideration, warmth and understanding. They are hospitable and devoted to friends. Although they are most comfortable working in a stable environment, they can be quite flexible. Their weak point is excessive gullibility and forgiveness. Maintaining peace and harmony in the team is their top priority. With an "S" dominant, they will seek to avoid conflict at all costs.

"SC-CS", Green-Blue and Blue-Green, Coordinator:

  • Such people are usually reliable and diligent when performing tasks. They think for a long time before making a decision or agreeing, but then they can be relied upon. They combine the ability to critically analyze and the ability to cooperate with other people. They feel most comfortable in a stable, predictable environment. Most of all, they are motivated by the desire to do everything right and maintain a harmonious atmosphere. They are afraid of surprises and irrational thinking. They are not very flexible and not very ambitious. In stressful situations, they withdraw into themselves and suffer from the question "What if ...".

"DC-CD", Red-blue and Blue-red, Artist:

  • These people tend to be aggressive when they strive to achieve excellence in everything they do. They feel most comfortable in rapidly changing, unstable and unpredictable conditions. They have a talent for critically evaluating existing systems and finding ways to improve them. They are always at the forefront in the development of new concepts, the implementation of innovations. The danger is that sometimes they start fixing things that haven't broken yet. They are characterized by excessive criticality and exactingness in relation to other people. In stressful situations, these qualities grow to unreasonable pickiness.

"IC-CI", Yellow-blue and Blue-yellow:

"DS-SD", Red-Green and Green-Red:

  • This is the most complex and controversial behavioral type. Such people are very rare. People with this behavioral type tend to develop violent activity. They are enterprising, stubborn and persistent in any task, so they often succeed. They strive to achieve results in everything they do. They focus too much on their personal tasks rather than on the tasks facing the team, but at the same time they have a deep attachment to the people with whom they work. When stressed, they are irritable and take the lead. In general, these are people with uneven behavior, sharp mood swings.

3. Diagnostics of behavioral types:

What can be paid attention to in order to determine the behavioral type of a person? Here are some simple examples:

    • Clothes and accessories:
      • "D" may look different. After all, the main thing for him is victory at any cost. The main thing is the goal that must be achieved, and he can change his appearance depending on the conditions set by the struggle. But unchanged for "D" is the desire to show their status. At the beginning of his career, "D" tries to look cooler than he really is, spends more money on clothes and accessories than he can afford. But having risen to the very top, in order to stand out, he can, on the contrary, change into ordinary clothes, such as jeans, a T-shirt, etc.
      • "I" dress fashionably. If it doesn’t turn out fashionable, then catchy! Others will definitely pay attention to his orange tie with green cucumbers, a "gold" watch the size of Big Ben or a sports car, albeit not a new one, but still eye-catching.
      • "S" does not stand out externally. Wears discreet unobtrusive tones of clothes. It seems to fit into the environment and does not stand out from it, becoming one with it, and does not violate harmony.
      • "WITH" very afraid of making a mistake. From this point of view, he can wear clothes of very famous, “right” brands, because this allows him to be sure of the right choice. Looking at "C", we see a belt exactly matched to the color of the shoes, pressed trousers and always clean shoes.
    • Office or workplace:
      • Office or workplace "D" first of all emphasizes his status: a large table, a high "director's" chair, a portrait of the president on the wall. On the walls you can often see weapons, diplomas.
      • At work "I" you will definitely see something that should emphasize its uniqueness. Also, the “I” office will be distinguished by a rather serious mess, stickers will be pasted everywhere, papers can lie on the windows, on the floor. There can be a lot of cool but useless knick-knacks on your desktop.
      • On desktop "S" we see a photo of the wife, separate photos of children and a dog. There is a flower nearby, and various pleasant little things around. The workplace is well organized, and there is a feeling that everything is in its place and somehow at home.
      • At work "WITH" order reigns. Each thing performs its function. We will not see photos of friends, relatives and relatives on the wall. Most often, there will be the necessary working information: graphs, diagrams. Personal information is hidden from the eyes of strangers.
    • Facial expressions, gestures, gait, look of a person:
      • Meeting with "D" you will feel a firm handshake, see a direct look, hear a loud voice. "D" often gives the impression of hurrying somewhere. It is typical for him to talk to several people at once, unceremoniously cut off the conversation or interrupt the interlocutor. Therefore, sometimes he can be perceived by others as a daring, rude or reckless person. "D" has a constant readiness for competition. He seeks to dominate and can provoke conflict.
      • "I" is distinguished by violent gestures, emotional speech, saturated with original slang words, bright facial expressions.
      • "S" usually calm, friendly and gentle.
      • "WITH" in communication, he carefully shows feelings - after all, the world is hostile! This is expressed in his gestures, which are restrained and functional. The "C" handshake will be "sparse and brief", or he will try to avoid tactile contact altogether.
    • Communication, behavior:
      • When expressing your opinion "D" usually open and straight. He says what he thinks, harsh and even sarcastic, but not vindictive. May "explode" and disagree with colleagues, managers and subordinates.
      • in behavior "I" He is very friendly and looks interested in communication. He quickly reduces the distance, sometimes, by telling his stories and jokes, he can reduce the distance to an uncomfortable one. These are the type of people whose appearance enlivens those around them - stories, stories gather the audience necessary to satisfy their need for recognition.
      • Communicating with "S", you will meet calm attention and goodwill. May appear to agree. Sometimes "S" gives the impression of a person who has his own opinion, but did not voice it. By making an "S" new unexpected offer, you may feel some resistance. He will ask questions in order to probe the situation and will defend the already established order of things.
      • When interacting with "C" you will feel their accuracy and punctuality. Working with such a person, you will see that the plans for him are not only on paper - they are his life. He strictly adheres to established rules, standards and procedures. If you see him walk by and offer to discuss your new idea, expect him to invite you to meet later after finding out how long the discussion will take. Then the day and time will be agreed. But be prepared for a serious conversation - it needs calculations, numbers, arguments.
    • Summary:
      • Representatives of the behavioral type "D" behave confidently and energetically, it is very important for them to demonstrate their status.
      • Representatives of the behavioral type "I" strive to stand out among others due to bright and unusual accessories, original clothes, they have rich facial expressions and gestures.
      • Representatives of the behavioral type "S" behave modestly, dress comfortably and conservatively, love order and comfort.
      • Representatives of the behavioral type "WITH" they choose things for themselves on the basis of the “price-quality” ratio, they have very restrained facial expressions and gestures.

4. Interactions with people of various behavioral types

So, we learned what behavioral types of people exist, learned how to diagnose them. Now let's see how to most effectively interact in life and at work with representatives of each of the considered behavioral types.

  • Significance of the meeting arrangement:
    • "D" they value their time very much, strive to organize it, again, a preliminary arrangement for a meeting raises their status. True, because of their high dynamism, they are not always punctual.
    • Concerning "I", then these are the same people with whom it is useless to negotiate a time frame. Punctuality is their weakest point. In addition to the fact that you will be annoyed by their lateness, they themselves may be upset because they were late for a meeting with you, start to complex about this, which will derail all negotiations. It is best to call them just before the visit with the words: “Will you be there in fifteen minutes? When can you? I will call you before leaving and specify the time of the meeting"
    • On the one hand, an agreement to meet with "S" reduces the overall level of uncertainty that scares them. On the other hand, people are very important to them. They are ready to listen to other people at any time.
    • "WITH" very much appreciate orderliness, preparation, actions according to a plan. If they are forced to discuss any issue with a swoop, taking them by surprise, the result is guaranteed not to be achieved. This "C" can only anger and unbalance.
  • Establishing and developing contact:
    • Be careful when composing compliments for "D". Not having time to start a conversation, you can immediately lose their trust and interest in you. Lady "D", like the man "D", does not really trust people, so she is unlikely to believe in the sincerity of your compliment. Being direct and sharp people, they are intolerant of platitudes and insincerity. If you want to praise "D", then find something that is really worthy of praise. "D" - people motivated for a career, achieving a certain status. They are enterprising and acumen in business. Therefore, it is best to praise some of their business achievement, especially since most often there is a real reason for this. Quoting “D” will be perceived positively, as this strengthens his status in this business communication, but it is also important not to overdo it here, because “D” respects a worthy opponent who is able to confront him on equal terms, and not a sycophant and a compromiser. Useful information "D" will also perceive favorably, as well as an anecdote told to the point. In this case, "D" will evaluate the joke "on the verge of a foul", politically risky or obscene.
    • All the banal compliments you can save for "I". Firstly, they most often really monitor their appearance, and secondly, they tend to have bright eye-catching accessories. Both they consider worthy of praise. And, frankly, their ability to stand out from the crowd, while remaining natural and harmonious, is worthy of sincere approval. At the same time, “I” is nice when they are talked about, they are praised. So don't be afraid to overdo it. Quote "I", as well as everything that others have said about "I", to the maximum. But to provide useful information or tell an interesting story, you, most likely, simply will not have the opportunity, because the “I” themselves are very good at it and love to do it very much. Again, do not interrupt "I" or intercept the laurels of an interesting storyteller from them.

    • "S" it will be very nice to hear a question about their family, friends, team. Praise the comfort and order in their workplace, in the house or the well-groomed car. Most likely, in this case, you are not being disingenuous. "S" are very sensitive to falsehood and slyness. Don't even try to be insincere when giving a compliment. "S" will definitely mark it. But, unlike "D", they will not besiege you with a caustic remark. It's just that everything else that you said at the beginning will be passed through the prism of distrust and devaluation. And you will not know at what point you lost contact with them. An interesting story will also work, because the "S" are great listeners, and at the same time they are not very fond of "pulling the blanket over themselves", telling jokes themselves.
    • The most difficult, of course, is the establishment of the first contact and in general contact with "WITH". These people are very distrustful and withdrawn. Any compliment will be taken with skepticism by them. Any praise "C" should be woven into the fabric of communication very imperceptibly and naturally. You can praise his report or plan, but only in the context of the conversation. Perhaps, in communication with “C”, it is worth skipping this part altogether and immediately proceeding to discuss the rules of the meeting. Quoting "C" is also not easy, because if you allow even the slightest inaccuracy in quoting them, you will annoy them. Most likely, they will positively evaluate useful information.
  • Offer presentation:
    • Presentation for "D" should be clear, dynamic, confident. If the "D" feel that the interlocutor doubts, is not sure what he is saying, they will never accept such an offer. Even if it is obviously beneficial, they will suspect a trick. No need to prepare a lot of figures and evidence. "D" do not like to delve into the details. It is better to concentrate on the minimum number of the strongest arguments. They make decisions pretty quickly. The main rule is the main arguments at the beginning of the presentation.
    • Presentation for "I" should be visually rich, bright and figurative. The context, the atmosphere in which the presentation is held, is very important. It is also important to emphasize the role and meaning of the "I" in connection with your proposal. For example, how "I" would look like if he bought what you offer. Or what a prominent role is assigned to "I" in the implementation of the proposed project. Avoid excessive numbers and calculations. It is more effective to “paint a picture of the future”, where “I” with your product is already gaining “universal acceptance”.
    • Presentation for "S" should be clear, logical and calm. Just tell them what you have to offer in layman's terms, show slides or documents to support your presentation. Remember that “S” is convinced by precedents, that is, what has already been implemented and the effectiveness of which has already been confirmed. Also pay special attention to the sequence of actions that should be taken in connection with your proposal, the procedure for its implementation. Take your time and do not press, pause, ask if there are questions, if there is anything in doubt.
    • Presentation for "WITH" requires very careful preparation. Recheck all numbers and calculations. Collect as much material as possible to support your proposal, prepare it all in writing in several copies without typographical errors, with neat design.
  • Work with objections:
    • "D"– may raise objections to test your position. First of all, in no case do not succumb to the provocation of "D". They also like to conflict and provoke others to conflict. "D" are sure that a "good quarrel" is better than a "bad peace" contrary to the well-known saying. As we have said many times, the optimal form of communication with "D" is calm, but tough. One good thing is that they won't "hide" their objections.
    • "I" the world learns not through books and product manuals, but through people. He may raise objections not because he is not satisfied with something in your product, but to draw attention to his person. For the same reason, he may begin to drag you into discussion of minor and, in fact, unimportant details of the agreement for him. Therefore, when dealing with the "I" objections, do not try to return to the numbers and calculations again, if you did so at the beginning of the presentation, but refer to the potential buyer's personality and emotions.
    • "S". Objections to begin with still have to draw from them. Not wanting to cause tension in the relationship, "S" prefer to remain silent. After all, the world is so good, and there is no need to waste energy to change it! They will most likely voice their objections in a soft interrogative form. But this does not mean that these objections can be easily overcome or simply ignored.
    • "WITH" as well as "D", focused on the result, not people. Therefore, working with them can be quite difficult, and at the same time terribly boring. "S" are very corrosive, they will bring a thousand objections on the most insignificant issues. The main thing in dealing with them, as in dealing with "D", is to control yourself, not to let "C" piss you off.
  • Motivation:
    • Motivation "D"- to achieve results, for career growth. "D" must himself list the mistakes made in the work. He is aware of them only if he is sure that he himself thought of them. It is useless to teach "D". It is necessary to use the natural tolerance of "D" to change, his ability to take action in new conditions.
    • Motivate "I" can be in their desire for active communication, to influence people, their need for recognition from other people.
    • Use the persuasiveness of precedents to "S". Through slow, unhurried analysis, bring "S" to the idea that he often resists any changes in life. Recall times when it hurt him in life. Show that it harmed not only him, but also those around him.
    • Motivate "WITH" that he did everything right. Recall all the times in life when he made the right decisions. To push "C" to implement his plan, to accelerate his actions.
  • Written communication:
    • Written communication with "D" important for securing verbal agreements.
    • Written communication with "I" should be kept to a minimum.
    • Written communication with "S" may slow down the issue.
    • For "WITH" Written communication is the priority and most comfortable form of communication.

Let's now see what are the characteristics of communication with representatives of mixed behavioral types, keeping in mind communication, support and preferred partnership:


  • How to communicate: These mixed personality types should be approached in a friendly manner, focusing on the actions that need to be taken within the framework of the work. Communication should be short. You should be prepared in advance for the fact that representatives of this behavioral type can behave emotionally, jump from topic to topic. Better not to stand in the way of these people.
  • How to provide support: First, listen to them and help them sort out the problem. Such people need to be made clear that they do not have to win every argument, sometimes they just need to relax and let go of the situation. They are very encouraged by a reminder of their social status, of what they have achieved.
  • Preferred partners: SC, SCD, SI, CS.


  • How to communicate: Such people should not be rushed, they should not be pressured. Be rational and logical, patiently answer questions. Useful non-verbal displays of friendliness.
  • How to provide support: Respect their desire to be alone, to think things through. They are more receptive to non-verbal, silent support. You should be very careful and without pressure to inspire them with faith in their strength.
  • Preferred partners: I, IC, DI, IS, ISC, SC.


  • How to communicate: Talk to them should be open, logical, clearly to the point, laconic. You should prepare well for the meeting and master the material flawlessly.
  • How to provide support: Don't interfere, leave them alone.
    Preferred partners: ID, IS, ISC, SI, SC.


  • How to communicate: Communicating with these people should be as friendly and informal as possible, avoiding aggression against them. It is necessary to prepare for a long and not very structured communication. You should not put pressure on them, they should be given time to make a decision. This is especially important for SI.
  • How to provide support: They need friendly attention, they need to be listened to. And then help to strengthen self-esteem, emphasize their position in the team.
  • Preferred partners: for SI: D, DI, DI, ID, DC; for IS: S, SC, SD, SCI.


  • How to communicate: With these people you need to speak clearly and to the point, patiently answer their questions. But at the same time, they should be allowed to express their thoughts and feelings, not interrupt or restrain them. They should be allowed to take the initiative of communication into their own hands.
  • How to provide support: Let them have their say if they want to. Or give them the opportunity to be alone with themselves, if at that moment “another ancestor woke up” in them.
  • Preferred partners: SC, SC/D, CS, IS.


  • How to communicate: In dealing with such people, one should not show aggression or pressure, one should behave in a friendly manner and be logical and laconic, focusing on discussing actions.
  • How to be supportive: Don't push or get in the way, be friendly, be flexible.
  • Preferred partners: ID, DI, I, 1C, IS, CS, CSD.

5. Links to online tests

Working on oneself requires a clear understanding of one's character, one's behavioral type DISC. But it's very easy to make a mistake here. The fact is that the effectiveness of self-diagnosis is much lower than the effectiveness of diagnosing other people. It is difficult for a person to treat himself objectively and perceive himself as he is. Therefore, to accurately determine your DISC behavioral type, it is best to take a computer test or ask other people who are familiar with DISC to evaluate you.

Most tests to determine your behavioral type according to DISC are paid. But you can also find free online tests:

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