Causes of workaholism. Workaholism is a disease

And if we omit the description of the cockroaches that danced round dances in my head all week on the eve of the broadcast and sang in unison: “who are you to teach people”, “there are a lot of more experienced people around, and where are you climbing ...”. If we omit the stories about the body that protested, then with rashes on the face (“don’t show your face and don’t glow”), hoarseness in your throat (“be quiet, you’ll pass for a smart one”), a cold (“lie down and lie at home - don’t stick your head out”). Fears and fears from “what if I forget everything” to “what if I don’t have time to say something important.” So, if you omit the story with my personal cockroaches, there will remain a summary on the causes of workaholism, supplemented by my comments, quotes from books and the Internet, carefully passed through the prism of personal experience. And also a sobering video of the broadcast on Utube, which shook my idea of ​​\u200b\u200bmyself and forced me in a new way.

What is workaholism?

In general, workaholism is a kind of psychological dependence, when work becomes the center of a person’s whole life. One of the most popular and at the same time SOCIALLY APPROVED addictions!

And this is very important, because if gambling or alcohol is punished, hard work is encouraged in every way in society and in many individual companies.

Features of a workaholic or "I recognize you in makeup"

  • Perfectionism and the desire to be the best in everything;
  • Control with or without;
  • Low self-esteem and, as a result, the desire to earn praise and approval;

It is clear that a kind word is also pleasant for a cat, but “when others create a reputation for you as an excellent specialist who will cope with all problems best of all, they can pursue their goals and do not take it to heart.”

Ekaterina Mikhailova"I'm alone or Vasilisa's spindle"

  • Scrupulousness, getting stuck on details;
  • Inability to accept and analyze;
  • Problems of an intimate-personal nature.

External causes of workaholism:

  • Excessive competitive struggle in the team;
  • The system of constant monitoring of the performance of work, external pressure.

At the same time, a person without injury, even if he gets into such a team, will calmly get out of the situation or leave such work. For workaholics, things are more difficult.

"Workaholics are successful"

Work is not always on the upswing. Due to physical fatigue, doing several things at once, the desire to be the best in everything, a person is exhausted, makes mistakes, and causes dissatisfaction with his superiors. This throws him into shock, and he tries to work to the limit. The result is an emotional breakdown or exacerbation of chronic diseases. An adequate person in such a situation should understand that it is time to change something in life (found on the Internet)

Recycling as the norm

It is clear that in our unstable time, when crisis-crisis and horror-horror, we have to make concessions in some way. Treasure your place. Sometimes on weekends, sometimes outside of business hours. Yes, and in the usual, pre-crisis time, then he hesitated, here he did not have time to finish the report and now you find yourself at home at ten o'clock in the evening. Alas, it happens. But what is an exception or a forced necessity for the average worker is the norm for a workaholic.

How to identify workaholism and when is it time to start treatment?

A few of my personal markers that do not pretend to be the ultimate truth, but help to restore the balance of work and personal:

  • Happiness is when you go to work with pleasure and return home with pleasure.
  • If “everything is fine” (“apartment, car, world fame”), but it doesn’t feel very good. If there is no joy in life. If there is no strength, there is no desire to get up in the morning. If breakdowns, depression, apathy occur regularly. Fatigue, and chronic. If any of this is, then it is not good at all.
  • If it’s good only in one area - work, but in terms of personal life, in the field of hobbies, health, friends, failure, this is a reason to seriously think about it.
  • If they become aggravated, and then chronic diseases do not go away for a long time.

Causes of workaholism and what does childhood have to do with it, in fact?

Sometimes it seems to us that the situations that happen to us at work, in our personal lives, etc. happened by themselves. "That just happened." No luck with the boss. Colleagues let us down. The company is not like that. All this is true, but not entirely.

If you think about it, we don't have many choices in our lives. We do not choose, for example, parents, or the country where we are born. But we choose a profession and work. These are themselves. And a large part of our responsibility is that we choose whom and how. And in the case of workaholics, this choice may be from the traumatized part of the child. And even if we sit still and do not change anything in our professional life, it is still our choice: not to change anything and not to choose anything.

If we are not in tune with our emotions, with our own desires, if we are not aware of the possible hidden benefits of being in this or that situation, we will choose from our traumatized part. Out of a desire to earn love and approval in the person of the boss (and subconsciously, most likely, mom or dad); gain greater status through ownership of the company's brand; find a second family at work without building the first one; get the buzz and drive that is missing in everyday life, etc.

And then there are generic scenarios that are passed down through generations, parental attitudes (“You can only rely on yourself”, “The main thing is stable work”, etc.) Patterns from previous generations (“Survive at all costs”, “Without work is death. We are conditioned by our scenarios, and when working with the topic of workaholism, its causes, it is very important to be aware of this. Understand what we are guided by when making this or that choice. Psychotherapy is very helpful in this regard.

Why doesn't good workaholism treatment advice make you feel good?

For example, here are some of them:

  • Clearly observe the daily routine, be sure to rest during the lunch break;
  • Turn off your mobile phone after 19:00;
  • In free time and on weekends, most of the time is devoted to family and friends;
  • Engage in hobbies that are not related to professional activities;
  • Monitor your health, take a sick leave in case of illness and be treated at home;
  • Go in for sports or at least do exercises during the day;
  • Redistribute work responsibilities, perform only your own.

Tell me about it five years ago, when I myself was a workaholic, I would have said: “uh-huh” and would have moved on. To work. Because, despite all the smart advice, internal discord still remains. He doesn't leave. And if there is no permission, 100% internal installation that I have every right not to work on weekends, even if you turn off the phone, little will change. The anxiety won't go away. Fear for the fate of the world will only grow. And so on, depending on the specific situation. Each individual workaholic will have his own cause for concern.

What questions should be asked to shed light on the situation?

To begin with, it would be good to pay attention to yourself, honestly ask yourself and honestly answer: “I, in general, how is it? Is this the whole situation right now? At the level of the mind, emotions, body? If it's bad, understand, why am I still here? "Why?". The last question clarifies our hidden benefits.

For example, then, to prove something to yourself. Prove to mom/dad that I'm worth something. Then, in order to survive, because without work I will disappear and go around the world. Then, that "no one but me" and only "I keep the entire domestic industry."

Perhaps then, in order to fulfill the parental “precepts of Ilyich”: to become a lawyer, an economist, a ballerina. How is mom or dad? What for? With a probability of 99.9% to be loved ...

If you ask yourself the question “Why?” five times in writing, and answer it five times, even the most inveterate workaholics have insights. The reasons for workaholism and in general everything that happens to us are becoming a little clearer. I checked.

But remote work or downshifting… Is it a treatment for workaholism or just another extreme?

If you look at downshifting as a human philosophy of “living for yourself” and “refusal of other people's goals”, but as a search for your own rhythm of life, then for someone it may be a good alternative. Provided that there is an understanding of which goals are mine and which are others. But it would also be good to figure out what motives encourage you to go downshifting, and possibly avoid life's challenges.

And often it may not be the choice of a realized person. Fears, doubts, shame, guilt, complexes, traumas. All this undeveloped “legacy” is frightening and a person habitually avoids difficult situations and circumstances for him, not caring about whether he does not take steps towards himself, does not receive lessons, does not develop, but, on the contrary, avoids, ignores himself.

Workaholism: treatment

So what if I'm a workaholic?

  • Put yourself first in your life;
  • Raise your self-esteem;
  • Learn to refuse;
  • Start a “success diary”, where you can praise yourself, celebrate achievements, set new goals that relate to all areas of life (work, family, self-development, friendship, etc.);
  • You can draw to clearly see which area is suffering;
  • Recognize your emotions and your desires (is this desire really mine or am I now implementing someone's scenario, or, conversely, I don’t implement it on the contrary, so as not to be like mom / dad?)
  • Work on the topic of control (what I can control and what I no longer have);
  • Understand (what I am still responsible for, and what I am no longer responsible for);
  • Do not take a piece larger than what you can swallow (in other words, do not take on an exorbitant burden from a pile of business projects);
  • Clearly define the boundaries of work and personal time and take care of them;
  • Give maximum at work, but never sacrifice yourself and other areas of your life.

And a little more about the treatment of workaholism

I am very impressed with the quote by Ekaterina Mikhailova “I am alone at home or Vasilisa's spindle!”. She spoke like this:

“What to do, we all “come from childhood”. Another thing is that even under the most unfavorable circumstances of the beginning of life, it is never too late to at least try to understand them, to “sort out” their family heritage, make new decisions, abandon that part of their “script” that was once “swallowed” and tied up. with the problems of the previous generation, and even with the more distant past of the family. Sometimes this work is done, sometimes in solitary contemplation, independently. Fortunately, we have a huge potential for self-healing: life not only inflicts, but also heals wounds, you just need to help it.”

Almost every person is familiar with the state of such enthusiasm for their work that all thoughts are only about it, and in general there is a desire to bring a cot to the workplace and live there. But for the majority, this state passes quickly - when they manage to realize their plans or, conversely, enthusiasm passes. But there are people who live in this state all the time and consider work their life - workaholics.

What is the word, right? Almost like an alcoholic. Although it would seem that it’s bad, well, a person likes his work, and to health ...

That's just sad statistics show that those who "burn" at work are much more at risk of cardiovascular disease, and all because of body overload and constant stress. Well, how can it be stress-free, if you are worried about work, but then the brick was not delivered, then the partners let you down.

About workaholism in a scientific way

For the first time the term "workaholism" was introduced by the American psychologist W. Outson back in 1971. He gave this concept the following definition: "passionate craving for work; a strong, uncontrollable need to work continuously.”

Modern psychologists add that in order to be called workaholism, our love for our work must be chronic and interfere with the realization of a person in other areas of life.

Well, many of us have a favorite way to escape from reality, and for workaholics it is to over-fixate on work, which becomes not a means of self-realization and not an economic necessity, but "the only outlet."

The manifestation and development of workaholism is influenced by both internal and external factors. Which?

Causes of workaholism:

  1. Personal qualities. Workaholics have some common character traits that allow us to talk about some patterns. These are perfectionism, compulsiveness (an attraction to certain actions), organization, diligence, perseverance, orientation towards achievements and success, as well as super-responsibility, because of which a person will never dare to delegate his duties and will do everything he can on his own.
  2. National features, culture, social attitudes. Everyone knows that in Japan, as well as in many Asian countries, workaholism has become an integral feature of every inhabitant: such a national tradition is to “sew up” at work. In our culture, frankly, this is not accepted, but in certain sections of society it is also considered a prerequisite for professional and social success.
  3. Corporate culture. Honestly, I don’t know where this cult of workaholism came from in large Western corporations. There is a suspicion that this is the work of cunning top managers who came up with such a way of non-financial motivation of employees: just impress everyone that constant rush work and deadlines are a normal working regime, and if you want to achieve something, you will almost have to live in the office. So do the first persons of companies, and then their subordinates begin to follow the same role models. Another incentive for workaholism is fierce internal competition.
  4. General tendency to addictions. Job addiction is also an addiction, and a socially approved one at that. If a person is prone to addictive behavior (that is, the use of habitual stimuli to obtain positive emotions), then he will find a source of pleasure for himself - if not work, then games, sex or something else. What's the point of hard work? Many hours of intensive work in the presence of stimulation (expectation of financial reward or praise from the management, high interest in the task being performed, etc.) contributes to the release of adrenaline, and then to a state of euphoria.

So it turns out that workaholism, despite the obvious adverse consequences (fatigue, stress, troubles in the family), from a psychological point of view, has its own benefits: a sense of self-worth, career success, financial independence. Well, among other things, going headlong into work is a great way to distract yourself from some unpleasant moments in your own life.

How does it develop?

Stages of development of workaholism:

  1. Mobilization stage (heroic). Rise of strength, surge of energy: a person faces new tasks for which some kind of reward is promised: encouragement or, conversely, a negative incentive - the possibility of dismissal, for example. (By the way, money at the same stage plays just a non-decisive role). The body in such a situation is so mobilized that it ceases to be susceptible to negative factors: in this state, a person can calmly resist diseases and sleep for 5 hours a day. Subjectively, such a moment is perceived by the employee as a period of the highest realization of one's own potential. Of course, it's nice: who doesn't want to feel like a hero? A positive attitude during this period concerns not only one's own person, but also those around them: colleagues seem competent, clients are pleasant, bosses are fair. However, the higher the euphoria, the more oppressive will be the state of recession after it - and this state will definitely come when stress hormones begin to be removed from the blood to lower the tone. Recommendations: at the stage of mobilization, it is extremely important not to forget about rest - no matter how much you want to forget about sleep and rush at full sail to achieve your goal. And one more thing: get ready for the fact that this fantastic ability to work will soon leave you, and you will not be able not only to turn the world around, but to complete the report. This is not a reason to consider yourself a worthless loser, all these are the results of psychophysiological processes.
  2. Holding stage (sthenic). In the event that at the previous stage a person did not find time to rest and recuperate, the stage of endurance begins: it becomes difficult to complete the tasks, fatigue and disappointment accumulate. Now the employee begins to wait for the end of the working day, weekends, holidays, which simply did not exist at the heroic stage. Enthusiasm becomes less: the attitude of employees and customers becomes indifferent. Diseases and colds return, the tone drops. This fatigue is still reversible: after sleep and days off, strength is still being restored. The sthenic stage can drag on for a very long time, and there are two ways out of it: success or illness. Upon reaching success, the person, perked up, returns to the first, heroic stage, but if everything ends with an illness or some kind of breakdown, the employee goes to the third stage.
  3. asthenic stage. At this stage, the forces end, there is weakness, irritability, despair, apathy, emptiness. The rest regime is completely violated: in the morning a person feels the worst, during the day there is an interest in work, in the evening - excitement and insomnia. Now you have to resort to active stimulation: in the morning - coffee, in the evenings - sleeping pills or alcohol. This stage corresponds to a state of chronic distress (chronic tension resulting from prolonged stress). This state is impossible not to notice: work efficiency is greatly reduced, memory and attention deteriorate, serious “punctures” appear in work. Attitude towards others becomes sharply negative: a person cannot even see clients, communication with colleagues is greatly deteriorating. The bad thing is that at this stage a lot of problems arise with self-relationship: the employee feels like a good-for-nothing worthless person. There are two ways out: rest or protracted illness - if you do not listen to your body, it will force you to draw attention to yourself. Experienced HR specialists know that after a change in the corporate policy of the company and tougher requirements for employees, the number of sick days during the year increases dramatically. It is undesirable to stay at this stage for a long time, and outside support and good rest are especially important for a workaholic.
  4. Stage of professional deformation. Are you ignoring stage 3? Get a kind of "working mechanism", a person who has displaced all feelings and left only working options. He will look at colleagues and clients as an object, a unit: he performs his functions, but does not enter into personal relationships. You have probably seen such people: a tired doctor in a district clinic or a cashier who looks at customers as part of the interior. It is interesting that physically a person can feel normal, but interest in work and life in general at this stage has already been lost. It is very difficult to get out of the deformation stage - the workaholic believes that he is “just doing his job”, and there is no problem. Recommendations: as we have already said, it is very difficult to get out of this stage, so the issue of prevention is relevant. Well, for the prevention of burnout, aspects such as awareness and motivation are very important. Periodically ask yourself 2 questions: “Does what I do make sense?” and “Does my job bring me joy?” We all look at the world soberly and are aware that even our favorite work sometimes gets boring, but still a sense of satisfaction should prevail. If “everything is wrong and everything is wrong” - perhaps you are busy with something wrong?
  1. Listen to yourself. It is very important to independently regulate your own physical and emotional state - pay attention to well-being, balance between good work and good rest, and also objectively assess your own capabilities and limits.
  2. Don't forget about vacation. It is not for nothing that mandatory leave is stipulated by the Labor Code: you should not neglect it, and remember - 2 weeks of continuous leave are required for all, even extremely important, irreplaceable employees.
  3. Look for ways to rejuvenate. Communicate with loved ones, do not give up hobbies, find time for leisure: the whole life cannot be reduced to one job, no matter how wonderful, beloved and prestigious it may be.
  4. Sometimes it's good to change jobs. Perhaps in another company in a similar position, you will feel much more comfortable simply because the company's management adheres to a softer policy towards its employees. Again, it is better to learn about such things “from the inside”, from the employees themselves.

Needless to say, any enterprise and any field of activity rests on a handful of workaholic enthusiasts. The only question is: how does this “bunch” feel? A dilemma arises: aren't great achievements and discoveries worth dedicating yourself to them? From the point of view of psychology, they are not worth it: psychologists are always most worried about the safety of the psychological health and well-being of each individual, and not for the good of all mankind.

Practicing psychologist

What is workaholism?

Workaholism is a sign of psychological distress: a person “hides behind work” due to the loss of the ability to fully communicate with others and to avoid their own unresolved, often psychological, problems.

At the heart of this disorder is a feeling of inferiority and a desire to compensate for this in some way. As a result - deep depression, turning into chronic.

Depression is based on a feeling of grief at the loss of an object (mother), which, accordingly, indicates violations of the mother/child interaction in early childhood, in the period from 1 to 3 years. A hallmark of workaholism is the presence of "Beyond Idea". Due to the "emotionally absent" or "functional mother" in early childhood, the child begins to turn on the protection, namely the compensation mechanism and the search for the missing object outside.

The child has the illusion that he can find a substitute for motherly love and support in "business" relationships, for example, at school or in the sports section. The teenager begins to concentrate his life energy at one point, to receive attention due to "outstanding" achievements.

Usually, these are children who are not distinguished by a special “gift”, but achieve results by “cramming”. As a result, when receiving tangible success in their "professional" activities, this way of behavior is successfully consolidated and is leading in all areas of life.

Despite the fact that, even having entered into such a long-awaited love relationship, with his “object of adoration” (and the way to achieve the result remains the same - perseverance), the main focus of attention remains directed to the object that “replaced” the mother, namely career.

Therefore, workaholics have family relationships, as a rule, do not add up.

When achieving “outstanding” results in the chosen professional field, or, conversely, the collapse of a career (military, athletes, representatives of show business), a person is not ready for the fact that an excess of vital energy appears, since having reached a certain level, work is already does not require such large energy investments. As a result, the individual again feels the loss of the "object".

A person feels the meaninglessness of everything that he did, devalues ​​the results obtained and tries to find a new "idea fix" in order to feel loved and needed.

There is also such an option, in which there is no depreciation of one's "Over the idea", but then there is a complete emotional burnout, leading to complete mental and physical exhaustion or death at the "workplace".

The risk group, in my opinion, includes such professions: rescuers, military, intelligence officers, athletes, representatives of show business and many other professions associated with a risk to life!

Consequences of workaholism

The main consequence of workaholism is addiction! Since the work in this case is a "crutch" that supports and gives a fulcrum.

It is akin to alcohol and drug addiction, when a person can no longer exist without stimulants. Also, as mentioned above, the consequence is a chronic depressive state with somatic manifestations. In the most severe cases, suicidal thoughts and suicide attempts are possible, often successfully implemented!

The workaholic himself is able to admit that he is sick, but this does not happen immediately. Rather, he understands that he is suffering and cannot understand the reason. Then the search for causes and self-knowledge begin. It is in this process that the underlying causes are realized. This is commonly referred to as a midlife crisis.

Treatment of workaholism

Treatment, in my opinion, long enough. Psychoanalysis, Jungian analysis, all types of long-term psychotherapy are suitable here. This is due, firstly, to the fact that the main reason lies in distant childhood, about which the patient may not have any memories due to infantile amnesia and repression, and secondly, with his sense of his own inferiority.

The task of the therapist is to strengthen the patient's own "I", to show his successful and self-sufficient facets of personality, which are often not recognized and denied, to support the client in his search for new interests and meanings in life.

How to cure workaholism yourself?

In my opinion, addiction cannot be cured on its own, since an individual, for many years, has in his arsenal only one way to cope with addiction - to create a new one!

An example here is the numerous cases when an alcoholic stops drinking abruptly and goes headlong into faith. It’s good if a person falls into the bosom of a church or some other official confessions, but there is a big risk of joining the ranks of some sectarian doctrine, which, accordingly, will only increase dependence! In any case, outside support is needed.

Prevention of workaholism

Prevention of workaholism should be carried out even before the birth of a child among future parents, consisting in training and explaining the parental role.

For those who are now an adult, reading this article and feeling that “everything is at stake”, I can advise you to undergo personal psychotherapy or analysis, in the modality that suits their tastes and worldview.

Trying to cope with the situation on your own can lead to more stable addictions and the emergence of chronic depression, with all the ensuing consequences!

The main thing is to remember that the world is diverse and abundant, and you are not alone, even in the most difficult and hopeless situation. There will always be those who can support and help in difficult times!

You should not close yourself inside, you need to talk about your problems! After all, a person has many different ways of obtaining information, and liberation from this information is possible only with the help of words! Therefore, do not be silent about your problems and may everything be fine with you!

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Workaholism is a kind of psychological dependence, when work becomes the center of a person’s whole life.

Another term immediately pops up in my memory, associated with increased attention to work - careerism. True, there is a significant difference between careerism and workaholism.

With careerism, the main goal of a person is to achieve certain heights at work in order to realize their dreams and plans (earn more, climb the social ladder). Work is just a way to achieve the goal, an intermediate stage.

With workaholism, work is the basis of everything. A person is practically not interested in the final result. He is completely concentrated on the implementation of specific tasks, pays excessive attention to detail, tries to “polish” everything, to make it perfect. At the heart of workaholism there is no goal to achieve the final result, the most important thing is the process of doing the work.

With workaholism, an addicted person is not interested in family, rest, life, or friends. Even if such a person has some kind of hobby, it is directly related to work.

If we talk about who more often becomes a workaholic, then the number of men who have such an addiction is many times higher than the number of women. True, this disease gradually captures the female half of the population, because recently many women, along with men, are immersed in work.

Causes of workaholism

We all come from childhood. And most of our problems and complexes come from there.

If a child has been instilled with the idea from childhood that work is the most important thing in life, and that one should try to fulfill his duties as best as possible, then over time he risks growing up as a workaholic.

Another option for the development of a workaholic is a child who has an alcoholic father. Seeing the constant conflicts in the family, the problems of the father at work, his son may try his best to become completely different from his father. This is where workaholism comes into play.

When a person has practically no bright moments in life, his personal life does not develop, but some successes appear at work, he tries to direct all his efforts to what he does best - to work. Well, why waste time building some kind of relationship if it is unlikely to work out? It is better to feel successful at work, giving all of yourself to some kind of occupation. Thus, workaholism develops as a way of escaping from solving life's problems.

Signs of workaholism

  • systematic thinking;
  • stubbornness;
  • fear of failure;
  • excessive attention to detail;
  • lack of interest in anything other than work;
  • constant thoughts about work;
  • difficulties in making a specific decision, careful and lengthy weighing of all the pros and cons;
  • the appearance of irritation, anxiety, if such a person is not at work, or when a certain task comes to an end;
  • when a certain task is completed, thoughts about the next task immediately arise;
  • there is no feeling of joy, satisfaction after some work is done;
  • increased demands on oneself and on the work performed;
  • rest by such a person is perceived only as a sign of laziness.

Classification of workaholics

Workaholic for myself- such a person does not look for excuses for his excessive love of work.
Workaholic for others- a person explains his constant employment at work by the fact that he is trying to improve the financial situation in the family, help the company, etc.
Successful workaholic- a person who, in the presence of workaholism, achieves certain career heights.
Workaholic loser- a person who performs absolutely unnecessary, unclaimed work; some workaholics try to do all the little things as accurately as possible, and because of this they do not cope with the task as a whole.
Hidden Workaholic- such a person realizes that his workaholism is too pronounced, that work is the meaning of his life, therefore, in front of others, he demonstrates a lack of interest in work, says that he hates his work.

Consequences of workaholism

  1. Workaholism, like any addiction, negatively affects a person’s life, because a workaholic perceives only a small “piece” of the world associated with work. The joys of family or personal life, recreation, travel, human communication are incomprehensible to him.
  2. Workaholism affects health: constant overwork, worries associated with work can lead to the development of chronic fatigue, the occurrence of diseases of the cardiovascular and digestive systems.
  3. With the appearance of problems at work, the development of mental disorders is possible - depression, insomnia.
  4. Workaholism can lead to serious conflicts in the family (even to divorce), because it is very difficult to live with a person who absolutely does not fulfill his role as a husband, father.

Treatment of workaholism

Many people try to justify workaholism by calling it a disease. The search for "magic pills" that can overcome this ailment begins. And this option is initially a dead end. It is impossible to get rid of workaholism in one day.

In fact, workaholism is an addiction, a variant of escape from life. In order to eliminate this dependence, or at least reduce its severity, it is necessary to understand the reasons that led to its occurrence. The best option for help is to work with a psychologist. However, until a person recognizes the presence of workaholism, it is unlikely that it will be possible to change the situation.

In addition, it is necessary to "retrain" the workaholic, to show him that there is an interesting life outside of work - family joys, travel, recreation.

You can change a workaholic only with the help of love, understanding. Ultimatums and scandals will not help in this matter.

It must be remembered that workaholism is a peculiar way of life, therefore, everything cannot be changed in one moment. It is necessary to stock up on patience and faith that after some time the situation will improve, and your loved one will change.