Agree on an opinion or in an opinion. Elon Musk and the RAND Research Center agreed that unmanned vehicles should be implemented as soon as possible

Luxury is the time you spend with your loved ones. Home is the best place on earth. Both the house and the family give me a powerful charge of positive and energy, which helps me recover from hard business trips.

Sonu Shivdasani, founder of Soneva Resorts

Residents of cities became hostages of their own ambitions. They lost their freedom, moving from one box to another: from a luxury apartment-box, to an elevator-box, then to a car-box, then to an office-box. And so in a circle. There is no time for impressions. Today, luxury is emotions.

Guglielmo Miani, President of the Via Montenapoleone Association

Luxury is something rare, exclusive, not available to everyone. It can be an object, an impression, a moment in time, but definitely something unique.

Alain Ducasse, Chef

The luxury now is fresh, seasonal produce. Laugh at me, but I'm not kidding. In 10 years, this issue will become even more acute. We live in the era of globalization, when fruits and vegetables are available in every corner of the world, regardless of the season. This is the wrong concept.

Ronit Raphael, Founder l.Raphael

I travel a lot and I know that luxury is the time you spend on yourself and your loved ones. Don't think about money - it won't make you happier. Surround yourself with the people you love and then you will be happy.

Iselor Sharp, Founder of Four Seasons Hotels & Resorts

The needs of travelers have not changed. Expectations have changed. People want warmth and personal service. This is what true luxury is.

Sandip Walia, Vice President, Ritz Carlton Hotels

Previously, a product was considered a luxury - a watch, a car, a bag, shoes, Chinese vases. Now luxury is experience. For a birthday, they used to ask for things, but now they say: I want to go to the mountains, ride horses, visit Moscow. I'm not saying things don't make sense, but now people are talking about the experience as a luxury.

Armando Kreitzlin, Regional Director of Four Seasons Hotels & Resorts in the Indian Ocean Basin

We all strive to achieve luxury, but everyone understands it in their own way. For me, luxury lies in the authenticity of sensations that cannot be bought for money: these are simple, but at the same time memorable meetings, and amazing sincerity service at the hotel, and a glass of wine with friends. This is everything that excites and inspires, leaves a mark on the memory.

According to Tesla CEO Elon Musk, the company's autopilot system is already at least as good as a human driver. The only question is how much better than a person drones need to become in order to get permission to go on the roads. The authorities may require that drones not only know how to drive like people, but also surpass them to a certain extent, otherwise they simply will not be released on the tracks. This was stated by Musk at a meeting of shareholders of the company.

“They may demand that the technology be 50% safer, 100% safer, 1000% safer, I don’t know. I'm sure they don't know that either," he said.

Musk's words relate to the so-called autonomy of the fifth, highest and most difficult level, when the car can move without any human intervention, and the steering wheel performs decorative and calming functions or is completely absent.

Level 5 autonomy has long been a goal of Tesla and other companies working on autonomous driving technology. Musk previously promised that one of the Tesla models would make a self-driving trip from coast to coast in the United States. This promise is still one of the main symbolic goals of the company.

“Now that the core of the Tesla Visual Neural Network is well-formed (which was a huge challenge as we had to fit it into much less processing power than we normally do), we look forward to adding more functionality quickly in the next few months,” it says. Musk's message, and fast forward towards our goal of coast-to-coast driving without touching the steering wheel."

Creating artificial intelligence equal to a human is already no easy task, but, as Musk points out, the authorities will almost certainly force drones to achieve higher standards than just be at human level. But it's worth it: after all, 1.3 million people die every year in road crashes.

"I'm confident that we can achieve human driving even with our current hardware," Musk added. “And, yes, we'll have some more hardware coming soon, we just can't say more at the moment. I will only add that I am very optimistic in this matter.

Note that today a key part of the hardware of Tesla cars is an Nvidia chip that processes data from the autopilot system. Journalists suggest that, based on Musk's statement, it is quite possible that Tesla may soon introduce a chip of its own design.

In any case, according to the head of Tesla, the company is completely satisfied with its position.

“If it turns out that we need to make hardware upgrades to meet regulatory requirements in this area, we will replace existing computers with something more powerful. Musk said. — We are confident in the competitiveness of our hardware strategy. I would say our hardware strategy is superior to any other competing offering."

Report of the RAND Corporation

It is interesting that experts of the American strategic research center RAND Corporation adhere to a similar opinion about autopilot systems. According to them, almost 37,500 people die in car accidents in the United States every year. In 94% of cases, accidents occur due to the fault of drivers who failed to react in time, were drunk or distracted by instant messengers. It is believed that unmanned vehicles will be able to solve this problem: according to experts, robotic vehicles, even being only 10% safer than the average driver, will be able to save the lives of 3,000 people annually.

Thus, they conclude, from a safety point of view, it is better to release imperfect drones capable of self-learning on the roads than to bring them to perfection on isolated highways for years, while thousands of people die due to drunk drivers. In short, according to RAND, in the case of autonomous vehicles, the best can be the enemy of the good.

At the same time, experts added a small portion of tar to their forecasts. Firstly, autonomous vehicles have not yet really been tested on urban highways. Yes, pilot projects have been launched in San Francisco, Tampa, Michigan, Pittsburgh and a former military base in California. But it is not clear how soon they can be released on the roads along with conventional cars.

Secondly, although it is obvious to many that, since 37,462 people die in car accidents annually, even when 37,461 people die due to drones, they will still be considered less dangerous, however, and the counterargument in this case sounds very reasonable: people will always treat robots stricter. We are used to the mistakes of drivers, but the press immediately replicates and demonizes the only death due to the fault of the car. And no one will remember how many lives drones have saved before.

“Society is used to human error on the road,” says Gil Pratt, head of the Toyota Research Institute. “We are all human, after all. On the other hand, we expect almost perfect behavior from machines.”

Thirdly, autonomous transport is still far from perfect. Drivers who sit in emergency vehicles during testing often have to take control. So, Waymo robotic vehicles managed to drive 8.25 km without human intervention, but Mercedes-Benz's numbers are not so impressive - only 2.9 km. We can say that today drones are on par with very bad drivers. That is, driving an autonomous car today is just as dangerous as driving a 16-year-old or 90-year-old driver. So far, robotic vehicles are no match for experienced drivers who have good eyesight and quick reactions. However, in the future the situation, of course, has every chance to change radically.

Is there a stylistic error in the sentence "Citizens are being relocated to houses with great imperfections"? I disagreed with my colleagues: I see “citizens with imperfections”, but they don’t have such a picture - after all, imperfections are associated with the word “at home”, which is closest in meaning.

There is no ambiguity in this sentence, the definition with big flaws refers to the nearest word Houses.

Question #292913

How to explain why a preposition is written in France, but in Sweden?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Pretext in used:

1) before word forms beginning with the combinations “v, f + consonant”: in the eye, in power, in France(but: in Finland),in Vladimir(but: in Venice), in everything, on Tuesday, in a phrase;

2) before the forms of the prepositional case of words lion, ice, flax, forehead, lie, moss, moat, rye, mouth: in a lie, in a moat;

3) before the form me: in me;

4) before word forms many, many, many, multiple: in many cases, in many cases; in plural;

5) before the form what: What has our park become?

Pretext in used in the meaning of "somewhere, somewhere" with word forms yard (in the yard, in the yard), castle (in the palace, in the palace), haze (in the mist, in the mist),darkness (in the dark, in the dark), dark (in the dark, in the dark), as well as with word forms in a dream,in the womb.

Pretext in used in the meaning "for the sake of something" in combinations for good (to do something), for evil (to use something), to avoid (what), in the name of (whom, what), in fulfillment (of what), for the glory (of someone), for salvation (lie for salvation). But: in commemoration.

Also a preposition in used in stable combinations: in all (support, spirit, voice, growth); tradesman in the nobility, in opinion (converge, disperse), how many (times), so many (times), a hundred times, in the prime of life, brothers (sisters) in Christ, at the head of the corner(but: in the chapter of the novel)like chickens in cabbage soup.

Question No. 285114

Hello! Please help me resolve the dispute. Teachers disagree. At school, the child is told one thing, in the courses - another. It seems to be a simple phrase "under ... listen to the bushes." The child and I decided that, since the word bushes is used in the plural, it is correct to write A, that is, "trim the bushes" (make all the bushes the same). The school teacher agreed with us. And in the courses they say that it is right to "trim the bushes" (to make the bushes even). So how is it right?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Letter a equal"same". Letter about written in words related in meaning to the adjective smooth"smooth, straight, without irregularities." Therefore, the spelling depends on the meaning. In the case of bushes, a double interpretation is possible: they are made the same / they are made even, smooth, straight. Therefore, two spellings are also possible. The decision in such cases is made by the author of the text.

Question #284534

Tell me, please, the stress of the word MANTY. Dictionaries disagree, while they don’t call it variable, what to stick to?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

It is impossible to give a definite answer now. Different variants of stress are recorded in different normative academic dictionaries. On the side of impact manta s - "Russian Spelling Dictionary" of the Russian Academy of Sciences, ed. V. V. Lopatina, O. E. Ivanova, “Explanatory Dictionary of Foreign Words” by L. P. Krysin and the dictionary by M. V. Zarva “Russian Word Stress”, addressed to the workers of the ether. stress m a nts fix the "Big Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language" ed. S. A. Kuznetsova and the Big Academic Dictionary of the Russian Language published since 2004 (see the ninth volume of the dictionary). Interestingly, both editions, where the emphasis is given m a nts, prepared by St. Petersburg lexicographers - employees of the Institute for Linguistic Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Apparently, the discrepancy in the dictionary recommendations is due to the fact that this dish is called differently by different peoples, so its sound can also be conveyed as m a nts, And How manta s – depending on the source language.

Question #265730
Good afternoon!

Another burning question: if “fried with herbs”, “stewed with sour cream” is correct, then is “stewed under the lid” correct, or should there still be one H? We can’t solve this issue in any way, even the proofreaders disagree, the only hope is for you!

Thank you!

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

In this case languid- participle (since there is a dependent word), so two H should be written: simmered under a lid.

Question #253760
Good afternoon. The question is: when did the term Russian language appear? What does it historically go back to? What came first, Cyrillic or Glagolitic? and where did the Glagolitic go to today? Thank you. Kostya

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

1. Unfortunately, there is no exact date of fixing the expression "Russian language". The Russian language is a descendant of Old Russian, the common ancestor of the modern Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian languages.

2. Most scholars agree that Glagolitic is an earlier script than Cyrillic.

Question #249510
Please explain the meaning of the expression "to fill one's worth"

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Filling one's own worth is not good. elevate yourself in the opinion of others.

Question #243621
Tell me, how to agree on an opinion? or agree IN opinion?
Thank you.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Correct with a suggestion in (in): to agree, to agree with someone on something.

Question #235898
Please tell me if commas are needed in the indicated places: 1. Such non-core activities - you need to find a rule explaining the separation of this turnover by commas! as the cleaning of the internal premises and the adjacent territory of the plant, will be handled by KorpusGroup North-West, a division of the parent company. 2. The leaders of APPM and KG agree that the efficiency of the work of the company's regional divisions directly depends not only on production, but also on emotional comfort and positive attitude, and here too - is a comma needed for both an individual employee and the whole the team as a whole.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

1. Separation of comparative turnover. 2. A comma is not placed before the word HOW, a comma before SO is needed.
Question No. 222117
Hello Grammar! I'm confused about the cases. Which is correct: "All more than one hundred spectators who watched this performance subsequently agreed..." "All more than one hundred spectators who watched this performance subsequently agreed..." Or is the phrase itself constructed incorrectly?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Both options are correct.

People born under this zodiac sign constantly seek wisdom, always speak their mind and prefer to tell the truth even to their own detriment.

People born under this zodiac sign constantly seek wisdom, always speak their mind and prefer to tell the truth even to their own detriment. They are objective in their statements and do not allow emotions to interfere with their actions.

So this sign is Aquarius

Aquarius is an independent person, and every attempt to limit his freedom is a provocation to break off relations with him. Only freedom, only independence, only independence from everyone - these are the main conditions for their happiness.

Outwardly, they may appear to be cold and heartless people, but on the inside they are friendly and will always try to help those they consider to be their friends. They love it when people around them are happy and will always try to make them feel even better without expecting anything in return. The only thing that is really important for them is that no one restricts their freedom, and they can live without any obligations.

Aquarius always strives to do something useful in life, not to live it in vain. They make excellent social workers and psychologists, they communicate a lot and actively with others. Aquarians are progressive thinkers of their time, they often influence the formation of new ideas and theories both around themselves and globally.

As already mentioned, telling the truth for Aquarius is a matter of exceptional importance. They never fail to say what they think, and at times it can be shocking and painful for others to hear the truth about themselves. Aquarians often suffer from this, but they will never change their behavior. And sometimes because of this desire to tell the truth, they are considered the most wise sign.

Aquarius is a symbol of non-conformism and intellectual independence among other signs of the zodiac. They always strive for intellectual stimulation of consciousness and constantly discover something new and bright.

People born under the sign of Aquarius are full of paradoxes - both in their behavior with other people and in their outlook on life. They are interested in completely opposite things: they love loneliness, but often prefer communication in the company to him.