Levels of secondary vocational education. See what "Secondary vocational education" is in other dictionaries

On September 1, 2013, a new law “On Education” came into force in Russia (the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” was adopted by the State Duma on December 21, 2012, approved by the Federation Council on December 26, 2012). According to this law, new levels of education are established in Russia. The level of education is understood as a complete cycle of education, characterized by a certain unified set of requirements.

Since September 1, 2013, the following levels of general education have been established in the Russian Federation:

  1. preschool education;
  2. primary general education;
  3. basic general education;
  4. secondary general education.

Vocational education is divided into the following levels:

  1. secondary vocational education;
  2. higher education - bachelor's degree;
  3. higher education - specialty, magistracy;
  4. higher education - training of highly qualified personnel.

Let us dwell in more detail on the characteristics of each of the levels.

Levels of general education

Preschool education is aimed at the formation of a common culture, the development of physical, intellectual, moral, aesthetic and personal qualities, the formation of the prerequisites for educational activities, the preservation and strengthening of the health of preschool children. Educational programs of preschool education are aimed at the versatile development of preschool children, taking into account their age and individual characteristics, including the achievement by children of preschool age of the level of development necessary and sufficient for their successful mastering of educational programs of primary general education, based on an individual approach to children of preschool age and activities specific to preschool children. The development of educational programs of preschool education is not accompanied by intermediate certification and final certification of students.

Primary general education is aimed at shaping the personality of the student, developing his individual abilities, positive motivation and skills in educational activities (mastery of reading, writing, counting, basic skills of educational activities, elements of theoretical thinking, the simplest skills of self-control, a culture of behavior and speech, the basics of personal hygiene and a healthy image life). Getting preschool education in educational organizations can begin when children reach the age of two months. Obtaining primary general education in educational institutions begins when children reach the age of six years and six months in the absence of contraindications for health reasons, but no later than when they reach the age of eight years.

Basic general education is aimed at the formation and formation of the personality of the student (the formation of moral convictions, aesthetic taste and a healthy lifestyle, a high culture of interpersonal and interethnic communication, mastering the basics of science, the Russian language, skills of mental and physical labor, the development of inclinations, interests, the ability to social self-determination).

Secondary general education is aimed at the further formation and formation of the student's personality, the development of interest in learning and the student's creative abilities, the formation of skills for independent learning activities based on the individualization and professional orientation of the content of secondary general education, preparing the student for life in society, independent life choice, continuing education and starting a professional career. activities.

Primary general education, basic general education, secondary general education are compulsory levels of education. Children who have not coped with the programs of one of these levels are not allowed to study at the next levels of general education.

Levels of vocational education

Secondary vocational education is aimed at solving the problems of intellectual, cultural and professional development of a person and has the goal of training qualified workers or employees and mid-level specialists in all main areas of socially useful activity in accordance with the needs of society and the state, as well as meeting the needs of the individual in deepening and expanding education. Persons with an education not lower than basic general or secondary general education are allowed to receive secondary vocational education. If a student under the program of secondary vocational education has only a basic general education, then simultaneously with the profession, he masters the program of secondary general education in the process of learning.

Secondary vocational education can be obtained in technical schools and colleges. The model regulation “On an educational institution of secondary vocational education (secondary specialized educational institution)” gives the following definitions: a) a technical school is a secondary specialized educational institution that implements basic professional educational programs of secondary vocational education of basic training; b) college - a secondary specialized educational institution that implements the main professional educational programs of secondary vocational education of basic training and programs of secondary vocational education of advanced training.

Higher education aims to ensure the training of highly qualified personnel in all major areas of socially useful activities in accordance with the needs of society and the state, meeting the needs of the individual in intellectual, cultural and moral development, deepening and expanding education, scientific and pedagogical qualifications. Persons with a secondary general education are allowed to study undergraduate or specialist programs. Persons with higher education of any level are allowed to master the master's programs.

Persons with an education of at least higher education (specialist or master's degree) are allowed to master the training programs for highly qualified personnel (postgraduate (adjuncture), residency programs, assistantship-internship programs). Persons with a higher medical education or a higher pharmaceutical education are allowed to master the residency programs. Persons with higher education in the field of arts are allowed to master the programs of assistantship-internship.

Admission to study in educational programs of higher education is carried out separately for bachelor's programs, specialist's programs, master's programs, training programs for scientific and pedagogical personnel of the highest qualification is carried out on a competitive basis.

Admission to study under master's programs, programs for training highly qualified personnel is carried out according to the results of entrance examinations conducted by the educational organization independently.

Undergraduate- This is the level of basic higher education, which lasts 4 years and has a practice-oriented character. Upon completion of this program, the graduate of the university is issued a diploma of higher professional education with a bachelor's degree. Accordingly, a bachelor is a university graduate who has received fundamental training without any narrow specialization, he has the right to occupy all those positions for which their qualification requirements provide for higher education. Examinations are provided as qualification tests for obtaining a bachelor's degree.

Master's degree- this is a higher level of higher education, which is acquired in 2 additional years after graduating from a bachelor's degree and involves a deeper development of the theoretical aspects of the field of study, orients the student to research activities in this area. Upon completion of this program, the graduate is awarded a diploma of higher professional education with a master's degree. The main objective of the Master's program is to prepare professionals for a successful career in international and Russian companies, as well as analytical, consulting and research activities. To obtain a master's degree in the chosen specialty, it is not necessary to have a bachelor's degree in the same specialty. In this case, obtaining a master's degree is considered as a second higher education. As qualification tests for obtaining a master's degree, examinations and the defense of the final qualifying work - a master's thesis are provided.

Along with the new levels of higher education, there is a traditional type - specialty, the program of which provides for a 5-year study at a university, after which the graduate is issued a diploma of higher professional education and is awarded the degree of a certified specialist. The list of specialties for which specialists are trained was approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1136 dated December 30, 2009.


Document as amended by:
(comes into force on September 1, 2003).

On the basis of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" as amended by the Federal Law of 13.01.1996 N 12-FZ, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 03.03.2001 N 160 "On Approval of the Model Regulations on an Educational Institution of Secondary Vocational Education (Secondary Specialized Educational Institution)" , Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 02.07.2001 N 2574 "On approval of the Regulations on state accreditation of an educational institution of secondary vocational education (secondary specialized educational institution" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on 04.09.2001 for N 2921) and in accordance with the decision of the Accreditation Board of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 11.04 .2000 N 3-2001

I order:

1. Approve the List of the main indicators of state accreditation of an educational institution of secondary vocational education (Appendix N 1).

2. Approve the criterion values ​​of the main indicators of state accreditation used in establishing the type of educational institution of secondary vocational education (Appendix N 2).

4. To impose control over the execution of this order on the Deputy Minister V.D. Shadrikova


Annex N 1. List of main indicators of state accreditation of an educational institution of secondary vocational education

Appendix No. 1

dated 01.10.2001 N 3251

1. Indicators of state accreditation that determine the accreditation status by type "educational institution of secondary vocational education"

Indicator 1.1. The content of training (compliance of curricula and programs of academic disciplines with the requirements of state educational standards).

Indicator 1.2. Quality of preparation:

organization of the educational process;

compliance of the level of training of students with the requirements of state educational standards;

management and quality control system in an educational institution;

demand for graduates.

Indicator 1.3. Information and methodological support of the educational process:

state of the library fund;

the state of the educational and information fund.

Indicator 1.4. Logistics of the educational process:

availability of educational and laboratory facilities, specialized classrooms, production equipment and technical means necessary for the implementation of a professional educational program in accordance with the requirements of the state educational standard;

availability and equipment of practice bases, communication with enterprises and organizations.

Indicator 1.5. Educational activities of an educational institution

1.5.1. The presence in the educational institution of conditions for extracurricular work with students:

the existence of a concept of educational work in an educational institution [program, plan, local acts regulating educational activities (reports of the council of an educational institution, departments, development of instructions, guidelines, seminars, etc.)];

the presence of an administrative structure functionally responsible for educational work in an educational institution (management, department responsible for educational work, supervision);

the presence of student self-government bodies (trade union committee, clubs, associations, employment services, student construction teams, order services, etc.);

the availability and efficiency of the use of the material and technical base for extracurricular work with students (assembly halls, rehearsal rooms, sports and gyms, premises for clubs, studios, circles, etc.);

financial security of extracurricular activities (targeted funding of scientific, creative, sports activities of students, the availability of incentive mechanisms).

1.5.2. Organization of educational work with students and the formation of incentives for personal development:

use for the purpose of educating the possibilities of the educational process (the presence in the working curricula of moral, psychological and pedagogical aspects of the professional activity of future specialists, the development of specialized courses, the presence of a cultural and regional component);

the presence in the educational institution of assessing the state of educational work with students (surveys of students, teachers, reports);

the presence of elements of the system of educational work:

civil, patriotic, spiritual and moral education;

research and career guidance work in an educational institution (student scientific society, olympiads, competitions, organization of secondary employment, employment assistance);

work on the formation of the traditions of an educational institution (a large-circulation newspaper, a museum of the history of an educational institution, holding festive events, etc.);

mass cultural and creative activities of students (a system of creative associations, reviews, competitions, festivals, exhibitions, etc.);

sports and recreational work, promotion and implementation of physical culture and a healthy lifestyle;

organization of psychological counseling and preventive work (adaptation of first-year students, problems of a young family, prevention of delinquency, drug addiction and HIV infections);

forms of encouragement for achievements in studies and extracurricular activities of students (diplomas, awards, nominal scholarships, titles, etc.).

This indicator is evaluated on a ten-point scale:

Indicator score


Information not provided

Unsatisfactory condition. No work in progress

Very low rating. Not enough work being done

Low grade. The work is carried out at a very low level. Lots of major flaws

Satisfactory rating. Significant shortcomings in work

Average rating. The work is being carried out at a relatively acceptable level. There are some shortcomings

Average rating. The work is being carried out at a fairly good level. Disadvantages are insignificant

Good mark. The work is being carried out at a fairly good level. Deficiencies are few, insignificant and easily corrected

Quite high. Almost fully complies with the requirements

High. Fully meets the requirements

Very high. Fully complies with the requirements. It is recommended to use for dissemination of experience

(Indicator 1.5. as amended, put into effect on September 1, 2003 by order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated December 27, 2002 N 4669

2. Indicators of state accreditation used to determine the type of educational institution of secondary vocational education (technical school / college /, college)

Indicator 2.1. Implemented professional educational programs.

Indicator 2.2. Informatization of an educational institution.

Indicator 2.3. The quality of the teaching staff.

Indicator 2.4. Educational and educational-methodical work.

Appendix N 2. List of main indicators of state accreditation of an educational institution of secondary vocational education

Appendix No. 2
to the order of the Ministry of Education of Russia
dated 01.10.2001 N 3249

Criteria values ​​of the main indicators of state accreditation,
used in establishing the type of educational institution of secondary
vocational education

State accreditation indicator


Implemented professional educational programs

For colleges -

and the availability of certified in-depth professional programs that provide students with an increased level of qualification

Informatization of an educational institution

The number of computers per 100 students of the contingent reduced to full-time education:
for a technical school - 4.0
for college - 5.0

Qualitative composition of teaching staff

Percentage of teachers with higher education:
for a technical school - 90
for college - 95

Percentage of teachers with qualification categories:
for a technical school - 48.0
for college - 54.0

The percentage of teachers with the highest category, academic degrees and titles:
for a technical school - 10.0
for college - 18.0

Educational and educational-methodical work

The volume (in printed sheets) of educational, educational and methodological developments that have a review of regional or sectoral teaching materials, NMK, per unit of the given PS staff:
for a technical school - 0, 1
for college - 0.25

Revision of the document, taking into account
changes and additions
prepared by legal
Bureau "KODEKS"

There are two types of secondary vocational education programs in Russia:

  • basic level program
  • advanced level program

It is possible to master training programs at both levels in colleges. In technical schools, specialties of secondary vocational education are realized only at the basic level.

Basic level program

It involves learning the necessary minimum knowledge in a particular specialty in accordance with established standards.

The term of study under the basic level program full-time on the basis of 11 classes ranges from 10 months to 2 years 10 months, depending on the profile of training. By part-time and extramural forms on the basis of 11 classes the duration of training is increased by 1 year. Based on 9 classes the term of study is from 2 years 10 months to 3 years 10 months, depending on the specialty.

Advanced Level Program

Studying in the specialties of secondary vocational education at an advanced level provides broader knowledge compared to the basic level in the same specialty. This program trains mid-level specialists, as well as the basic level program, but the graduate is awarded a higher qualification (“senior technician”) at the end, or the phrase “with advanced training” is added to the basic qualification.

A graduate who has completed advanced training receives a higher qualification or qualification with additional training in other areas. For example, a graduate in the specialty with basic training is awarded the qualification "Designer", and with in-depth training - "Designer, teacher".

The term of study under the advanced level program SVE increases by 1 year compared to the period of study in the basic level program.

In addition, the level of preparation may affect the period of study of an applicant with an SVE diploma at a university. As you know, graduates of colleges and technical schools can study at universities on reduced (accelerated) training programs. If you have a diploma of secondary vocational education at a basic level, the period of study will be reduced by a year, if you have a diploma of an advanced level of secondary vocational education - by two years.

The structure of secondary vocational education today plays a crucial role in the preparation of highly qualified workers.

The need for practitioners is increasing day by day. At the same time, with the development of the economy and production, the requirements for their professionalism and skill level are regularly increased.

The shortage of personnel increases interest in specialists of secondary vocational education. Positions that were previously considered non-prestigious are now increasingly in demand in the labor market. The issue of training personnel in these areas is becoming relevant. In this regard, specialized educational institutions that train middle-level personnel (colleges) still occupy a strong place in the Russian education system.

State institutions of secondary vocational education currently provide training in 280 different specialties. With the development and modification of production, this list is regularly growing and replenished.

Types of collaterals

Secondary vocational education can be implemented at two levels. There are beginner and advanced levels.

Today in the Russian Federation there are two types of educational institutions involved in the training of specialists in the field of vocational education of the second stage:

  • technical school - the main type where students have the opportunity to receive a secondary vocational basic education;
  • college - an institution of an advanced level where teaching is conducted according to in-depth programs (it can be a subordinate unit of a university or institute, or an independent structure).

Primary vocational education, in turn, can be obtained in lyceums and vocational schools (vocational schools). These educational institutions have different educational base.

A vocational lyceum differs from a college by a higher level of student preparation.

Upon graduation from an educational institution with in-depth teaching, the graduate is awarded the qualification "specialist", students of lyceums and schools - "entry-level specialist".

Secondary vocational education at the initial level

Secondary vocational institutions in the field of primary training include specialized lyceums and colleges.

The number of institutions with basic education in our country is about 4 thousand today. They are visited by more than 1.5 million teenagers.

Citizens who have received a vocational primary education have the right to continue their educational career in higher-level colleges under reduced programs.

Also, if necessary, students can obtain a certificate of general secondary education. To do this, you must pass the state exam, on the basis of which the corresponding document is issued.

Graduates who have received an entry-level secondary vocational education have the right to continue their educational career in technical schools, colleges, as well as in higher educational institutions.

Secondary vocational education of an advanced level

Those wishing to receive an advanced secondary education should choose not a lyceum, not a vocational school, but a college or technical school for admission.

In Russia, there are more than 2.5 thousand colleges with in-depth study, which are attended by about 2.3 million students.

Secondary specialized educational institutions receive an increased level due to the introduction of additional programs into the educational standards:

  • professional practice;
  • in-depth study of individual subjects and disciplines;
  • obtaining an additional specialty in parallel with the main one.

Education in high-level colleges is as close as possible to university education. Students here have more classroom hours than in primary education institutions, pass exams and tests, write term papers and theses.

For example, students who have chosen a construction college, along with university graduates of the same direction, must submit and defend qualifying graduation projects related to specialized topics. The only difference is in the lower requirements for college students. Therefore, secondary educational institutions of an advanced level can be considered the lowest level of higher professional education.

Often colleges are a structural subdivision of the university and are under the authority of this educational institution. Students planning to continue their education in institutions of higher professional education should pay attention to this fact. Having a diploma from such a college, graduates have the right to receive specialized education at the university under reduced programs. This is a great advantage, as it makes it possible to shorten the term of study at the university, as well as to combine work and study.

Admission conditions

Persons who have received a basic general or secondary general education can enter colleges. This item is one of the main requirements.

Applicants of educational institutions of primary vocational education are exempted from passing mandatory entrance exams. For enrollment, you must submit the following documents:

  • the original document on school education (grades 9 or 11);
  • 4 photos (3 x 4);
  • medical certificate;
  • copies of passport and birth certificate;
  • application addressed to the director for enrollment.

In some cases, upon admission to certain specialties of secondary vocational education, if necessary, an interview with the candidate is conducted at the discretion of the educational institution. The applicant may be asked to pass the written and the level of knowledge in school subjects. Similar requirements may also be imposed if the number of those wishing to study in this specialty exceeds the number of state-funded places. In such a situation, the competition is based on the average score of the certificate and the results of the tests passed.

Admission to institutions of secondary vocational education of an advanced level is carried out on a competitive basis on the basis of entrance examinations.

One of the main requirements for colleges is the availability of a license. Therefore, before submitting documents to both a public and a commercial institution, you should make sure that the institution has the appropriate document with the current validity period.

Students who need housing for the period of study are provided with a hostel.

Out of competition, the following categories of citizens are enrolled in colleges:

  • orphans and children left without parental care;
  • disabled children;
  • persons of other categories, preferential admission of which is provided by the state.

With the development of modern information technologies, the process of submitting documents to secondary vocational schools is being modified and simplified. Many institutions are actively using Internet technologies to receive applications. Application forms are posted on the official website of the educational institution.

This method is convenient for both the applicant and the members of the selection committee. In order to apply, you must fill out a form on the website of the educational institution. The decision to participate in the competition is made remotely. The applicant submits the original documents after receiving a positive decision. Up to this point, his personal presence is optional.

Forms and duration of training

Secondary vocational education can be obtained in the following forms of education:

  • full-time;
  • part-time (evening);
  • correspondence.

The term for obtaining initial vocational education is two to three years on the basis of nine grades and one to two years after eleven grades. Terms directly depend on the educational institution and the chosen specialty.

The duration of obtaining secondary advanced professional education is also determined by the level of training of students. For those who entered after the ninth grade, it ranges from three to four years. On the basis of eleven classes - from two to three years.

Document submission deadlines

Educational institutions have the right to set their own deadlines for the start of acceptance of documents. Usually the commission starts working in June, after the end of the final exams (but no later than the 20th), and accepts applications until the end of August (but no later than the 26th).

It should be borne in mind that the deadlines for applying for full-time and part-time, budgetary and contract forms of education may vary.

Educational standards

As a rule, the standards of secondary vocational education consist of two parts. The first is a federal program approved by the Ministry of Education. This document may be updated every year. General standards and requirements adopted in relation to secondary vocational schools are required to comply with all institutions of secondary vocational education.

The second is a program approved at the regional level. Therefore, people studying in the same type of educational institutions may study different subjects and have a different number of classroom hours.

Programs of secondary vocational education of an advanced level allow obtaining additional specialties on a budgetary or paid basis.

At the end of the training, students are required to pass. After successful completion, graduates are awarded a qualification. In case of a negative result, the student receives a certificate of completion of a course of study in this institution, indicating the period and number of classroom hours.

Persons who have not passed the final attestation are entitled to pass it the next year.


Students receiving secondary vocational education have the right to study at an educational institution free of charge.

Institutional graduates who have obtained an entry-level diploma and choose to continue their educational career at colleges or technical schools may also qualify for government funding.

Obtaining a second education in a secondary school of the same level is only paid.

In addition, lyceums and vocational schools in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities of Russia offer the possibility of contract training on a commercial basis.

Students studying on a budget receive a scholarship in the prescribed manner.

Specialties of secondary vocational education

For those who decide to get a humanitarian or technical education, the specialties, the list of which is approved for educational institutions by the Ministry of Education, provide an opportunity to master a worthy profession.

Secondary vocational educational institutions provide training in the following areas:

  • agriculture and fisheries;
  • medicine and health care;
  • fuel and energy sector;
  • production of food, beverages and tobacco products;
  • production of textile products;
  • manufacture of leather goods and footwear;
  • woodworking;
  • pulp and paper production;
  • publishing and printing production, production of printed materials;
  • production of oil products, gas and nuclear industry;
  • chemical production;
  • production of electrical equipment and optical equipment;
  • machine production;
  • production of rubber and plastic products;
  • metallurgy;
  • transport production;
  • furniture manufacturing;
  • jewelry;
  • production of musical instruments;
  • production of sporting goods;
  • recycling;
  • other productions;
  • hotel and restaurant service;
  • trade (wholesale and retail);
  • logistics;
  • construction;
  • educational and pedagogical activity;
  • medicine and health care;
  • financial activities;
  • Social sciencies;
  • real estate;
  • natural Sciences;
  • humanitarian sciences;
  • Culture and art;
  • economics and Management;
  • Information Security;
  • service;
  • land management and geodesy;
  • geology and minerals;
  • aviation and rocket and space technology;
  • marine technology;
  • radio engineering;
  • automation and control;
  • informatics and computer engineering;
  • timber processing;
  • environmental protection and life safety.

The specialization of educational institutions is often associated with regional characteristics, the specifics of the economy and production in a particular region. In order to train qualified personnel, professional orientation of educational institutions is carried out.

Vocational school, technical school or college - what to give preference to?

The choice of an educational institution directly depends on your plans.

If after graduating from an educational institution you want to become a university student, a college with training in this specialty is most suitable (for example, for subsequent admission to a civil engineering university, you should choose a civil engineering college; in order to further master the profession of a doctor, a medical college, and so on).

You will receive a highly qualified working specialty in a specialized technical school.

In higher-level colleges, they also train middle-class intellectual workers - accountants, teachers of primary and secondary grades, auditors, as well as specialists in many other areas.

If you want to get a specialty in a short time, the secondary vocational education of the initial stage will be the best choice.

Secondary vocational education (SVE) is an important part of Russian education. It provides training for practitioners, middle-level workers, raising the educational and cultural level of the individual.

According to the UNESCO International Standard Classification of Education, secondary vocational education is equated with practice-oriented higher education or pre-university higher education.

In the Institute of Modern Management, Film and Television, secondary vocational education is implemented according to two main educational programs - the basic level (code 51) and the advanced level (code 52). After mastering the basic level program, the graduate is awarded a qualification in the chosen direction. The advanced vocational education level provides an enhanced level of training compared to the basic level, while the duration of study is increased by one year. A graduate with in-depth training is awarded a qualification - “in the chosen direction with additional training in the field of psychology, management, design, etc.

Secondary vocational education is implemented in various forms of education - full-time, part-time (evening) on ​​the basis of basic general education (9 grades of a general education school) or secondary (complete) general education (11 grades of a general education school).

Admission to the Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education of the ISOU Kit is carried out according to the results of the State Final Attestation (after grade 9) and the Unified State Exam (after grade 11).

The term of study in the programs of secondary vocational education of the basic level in full-time on the basis of secondary (complete) general education (after grade 11) is from 10 months (externship) to 2 years 10 months. The term of study in part-time and part-time forms is increased by one year compared to the period of study in full-time form. When implementing secondary vocational education on the basis of basic general education (after grade 9), the training period ranges from 2 years 10 months, depending on the chosen profession, to 3 years 10 months.

Persons with secondary vocational education of the relevant profile may receive higher vocational education (HPE) under reduced accelerated programs. At the same time, the reduction in the period of study will be one year in the presence of a diploma of secondary vocational education of a basic level and two years in the presence of a diploma of secondary vocational education of an advanced level.