Violent women in history. The most brutal female killers in the history of mankind

In the United States between 1980 and 2008, ninety percent of all homicides were committed by men. The media regularly describe the exploits and atrocities of men around the world. Indeed, the most notorious cases of genocide and brutal regimes were led by men - the Communists: Mao Zedong (60 million victims) and Joseph Stalin (40 million), the Nazis: Hitler (30 million) and King Leopold of Belgium (8 million Congolese).

But author Patricia Pearson writes in her book, When She Was Bad: How and Why Women Get Away with Murder, that even though people tend to view women as nonaggressive, there is very clear and credible evidence of their acts of evil. "Women perpetrate the majority of child homicide in the United States, a large proportion of physical child abuse, an equal amount of violence and assault on the elderly, about a quarter of child molestation, an overwhelming proportion of newborn homicide, and a moderate predominance in spousal assault."

Here they are, the most brutal female killers in history. Their names were never taught in history class, but their actions are so horrifying that not even the best lawyers could save them from the gallows.

Leonarda Cianciulli (1894 - 1970)

Known as the "soapmaker of Correggio," Cianciulli was an Italian woman who murdered three women between 1939 and 1940. While 3 murders don't usually make our list, what Cianciulli did to her victims' organs secured her place in the top lines of the most brutal female killers.

Convinced that human sacrifice would protect her son from participation in World War II, Cianciulli killed all three women in the same way - drugging them in wine before killing them with an axe. She then uses their remains to make soap, which she distributes to friends and neighbors. Even worse, she "dried [their blood] in the oven, ground it and mixed it with flour, sugar, chocolate, milk and eggs, added some margarine, kneaded all the ingredients together." Then she "made many crispy cakes for tea and served them to us who came to visit, and here Giuseppe [my son] and I also ate them." She died in prison.

Irma Grese (1923 - 1945)

Grese was the youngest woman to be executed legally under British law in the 20th century. What for? As an SS guard for the Nazi concentration camps Ravensbrück and Auschwitz, she tortured and killed women for pleasure, or for being beautiful in the past. To further show the degradation of the prisoners, she was fond of her own styles of clothing, strong perfume and meticulous personal care - all this was intended to develop a sense of subhuman in the prisoners. She apparently dreamed of a film career once the war was over, but was instead hanged for her crimes. Her last word when the noose was put around her neck? "Schnell" - "Quickly".

Bella Gunness (1859 - 1908)

A menacing 6ft tall, 200lb Norwegian-born woman, Gunness, killed two of her daughters, many suitors and boyfriends, and is suspected of killing three husbands and possibly all of her children. And all for money. After receiving an insurance premium for her daughter's death, her husband accidentally died on the same day, which covered his two life insurance policies. Over the years, she met and remarried several times, killing and robbing most suitors, driven by her desire to continue collecting insurance payments.

Bilyana Plavsic (1930 - present)

Plavsic is the former president of Republika Srpska (one of two entities in Bosnia and Herzegovina). Convicted as a war criminal, she was charged with organizing the Serbian genocide in the 1990s. An accomplished scientist, she traveled extensively to conferences and published more than 100 scientific papers and articles. Unfortunately, this woman also believes that the ethnic cleansing was "natural", and as a result, she led her republic to commit genocide - more than six million dead Serbs. This brutal female killer pleadingly bargained at the trial, and received only 8 years in prison, and was released in 2009.

Mary Ann Cotton (1832-1873)

Mary Ann Cotton is suspected of killing at least 21 people using a typical (at the time) method of arsenic poisoning. Everyone said that she got rid of three husbands, a dozen children, a lover and a friend - all of them died from a diagnosis of stomach fever. Motives? Money. The life insurance policies of her victims played a sinister role in their fate. Her murderous exploits, and death by hanging, were so horrific that they inspired a nursery rhyme of the time:

Mary Ann Cotton, she's dead and she's rotten, lying in bed with her eyes wide open
Sing, sing. What song should I sing? Mary Ann Cotton is tied up with string
Where? Where? She's up in the air, and they're selling puddings for a penny pair

Mary Ann Cotton, she's dead and she's rotten, laying in her grave with her eyes wide open
Sing, sing. What song should I sing? Mary Ann Cotton tied with a noose
Where? Where? She's in the air and they sell puddings for a couple of pennies

Queen Mary I (1516 - 1558)

Known as Bloody Mary, Catholic Queen Mary I burned more than 280 religious dissenters at the stake. The reign of the most brutal female murderer forced hundreds of thousands of Protestants to flee England until her death in 1558.

Katherine Mary Knight (1955 - present)

Katherine Mary Knight is the first Australian woman ever sentenced to life imprisonment without parole. Her crimes? She tried to strangle her first husband on their wedding night when he "just" fell asleep after the 3rd round of intercourse. She cut the puppy's throat. She did this in front of her next boyfriend as an example of what could happen if he ever cheated on her, then knocked him unconscious with a frying pan. She stabbed another boyfriend in the stomach with scissors after hitting him in the face with an iron. Lastly, she stabbed her last lover to death by stabbing him 37 times, after which she skinned him, hung the skin on a hook, and boiled his head with an assortment of vegetables. She left this "soup" on the kitchen table - planning to feed it to her own children.

Elizabeth Bathory (1560 - 1640)

A Hungarian countess named Bathory became synonymous with the villain of the most brutal female killers. It is widely believed that she was the most prolific female serial killer in history. Bathory and her accomplices killed hundreds of young girls. Using her political influence as a defense, she killed mostly young peasant girls who were lured to her castle with the promise of good pay and secure employment. She is accused of "brutal beatings, burning or mutilating hands, biting flesh from the face, hands and other parts of the body, freezing or starving to death."

Dorothea Binz (1920 - 1947)

Binz was the leader of the SS in the Ravensbrück concentration camp during World War II. Known to have gone on romantic dates with her boyfriend to watch the inmates get beaten up, Binz patrolled the camp with a whip in one hand and her German Shepherd in the other. Her temperament and anger were so well known that the prisoners fell silent when she approached. She was known for her preference to kick prisoners to death or have them killed for even the most trivial reasons. She was found guilty of war crimes and hanged on the gallows.

Enriqueta Marty Ripoles (1868 - 1913)

As a young woman, Enriqueta in Barcelona worked part-time in a Spanish brothel. Tired of trafficking herself, she developed a much more profitable business model - to kidnap and prostitute young children. Focusing on homeless children, she targeted upper class, pedophile clients and marketed her services in her brothel, which specialized in children aged 3 to 14.

This most cruel female killer also tried her hand at the craft of witches, as a result of which she sold many of her potions with ingredients made from the children she purchased for sex. After killing them, she butchered their bodies for use in ointments, balms, and other treatments, as a "cure" for the common ailments of the day. the number of her victims is unknown, but she was active for many decades, and at the time of her arrest, the police found parts of the bodies of at least 12 dead children from her. So terrible were her crimes that she was hanged in prison by her cellmates, never having lived to see the trial.

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17. Vera Renzi. 1903 - 1948

16. Sisters González

15. Eileen Wuornos. 1956 - ...

14. Rosemary West

12. Bella Sorenson Guinness

7. Beverly Ellit, 1968-…

6. Bell Gunnes, 1859-1931

5. Mary Ann Cotton, 1832-1873

4. Elsa Koch, 1906-1967

3. Irma Grise, 1923-1945

2. Katherine Knight, 1956-…

20. Antonina Makarovna Makarova. 1921 - 1979

Antonina Makarovna Makarova, nicknamed "Tonka the machine gunner" - the executioner of the Lokotsky district during the Great Patriotic War, who shot more than 1,500 people in the service of the German occupation authorities and Russian collaborators.

In 1941, during the Great Patriotic War, being a nurse, she was surrounded and ended up in the occupied territory. She voluntarily entered the service of the auxiliary police of the Lokotsky district, where she executed death sentences, executing about 1,500 people (according to official figures). For executions, she used the Maxim machine gun, issued to her by the police at her request.

At the end of the war, Makarova got a fake nurse's ID and got a job in a hospital, married veteran V. S. Ginzburg, and changed her last name.

For a long time, the KGB authorities could not find her due to the fact that she was born Parfenova, but was mistakenly recorded as Makarova. She was arrested in the summer of 1978 in Lepel (Belarus), convicted as a war criminal and, by the verdict of the Bryansk Regional Court of November 20, 1978, sentenced to capital punishment - the death penalty (becoming the only woman sentenced to capital punishment in the USSR after the period of Stalinist repressions ). On August 11, 1979, the sentence was carried out.

19. Marquise de Brainvilliers. 1630 - 1676

She poisoned her father, husband, children, two brothers and sisters with the help of her lover, cavalry captain Gaudin de Sainte-Croix, who was fond of alchemy. There were rumors of her other poisonings - in particular, her servants and many of the poor whom she visited in Parisian hospitals. Godin de Sainte-Croix betrayed the poisoner, but he died unexpectedly in 1672 for unknown reasons. The marquise fled, hiding in London, Holland and Flanders, but was found in a Liege monastery and escorted to France in 1676.

Her attempt to commit suicide failed, and after a long trial (April 29 - July 16, 1676), during which the criminal first completely denied her guilt, and then, out of fear of torture, confessed to all atrocities, the Marquise de Brainvilliers was tortured by drinking , beheaded and burned.

18. Petrova Maria Alexandrovna. 1978 - ...

Petrova, Maria Alexandrovna ("Zyuzinskaya maniac") - Russian serial killer who hunted in Moscow.

Maria Petrova has been swimming since childhood. She was unsociable, closed. Once she was raped. The rapist was a young man. After Petrova was harassed at work by an elderly colleague, she hated all men.

On March 1, 2002, Petrova killed a 20-year-old boy with two knife blows. Subsequently, she explained this by harassment on his part, but the witnesses did not see this. The murder took place at the Shalom Theater bus stop near Varshavskaya metro station.

Subsequently, Petrova made 4 more attacks with intent to kill, but all of her victims survived. All attacks were carried out with the same handwriting - stab wounds in the peritoneum and neck.

Petrova was absolutely not afraid of being caught. She committed crimes in front of dozens of people and in the same area. The arrest was made on the night of April 23, 2002.

Petrova soon confessed everything. She was charged with 2 murders and 4 attempted murders. The forensic psychiatric examination found Petrova insane, and sent her to compulsory treatment.

17. Vera Renzi. 1903 - 1948

Vera was born into a wealthy family, descended from the Hungarian nobility. She was an uncontrollable child, already at the age of fifteen she often ran away from home with her friends, many of whom were much older than her. She had an obsessive desire to be friends with men. By nature, Vera was very jealous and suspicious. The first time she married a rich businessman from Bucharest, many years older than her. They had a son, Lorenzo. Vera began to suspect her husband of infidelity and one day, in anger, she poured arsenic into his wine. She told family and friends that her husband had abandoned her son. A year later, she announced that she had heard rumors that her estranged husband had died in a car accident. She soon remarried. This time, her chosen one was a man close in age. However, they often quarreled, and Vera tormented herself with suspicions about her husband's infidelity. A month later, her husband disappeared, and she again told family and friends that he had left her. A year later, Vera stated that she had received a letter from him, where he said that he would never return home.

Vera did not marry again, but entered into relationships with men, including married ones. Her lovers were people of different strata and different social status. And they all disappeared without a trace months, weeks, or even days after the start of the novel. Vera always made up stories that men were unfaithful and left her. One day, the deceived wife of one of her lovers followed her unfaithful husband. When the man disappeared, she called the police, Vera's house was searched and 32 zinc coffins were found in the wine cellar, each of which contained a male corpse in different stages of decomposition. Vera was arrested and admitted to poisoning the 32 men with arsenic when they cheated on her or lost interest in her. She also said that she liked to sit in a chair among the coffins with her former admirers. Vera also confessed to the murder of two husbands and a son. She said that somehow her son came to visit her and accidentally saw coffins in the basement. He began to blackmail her, and she poisoned him and disposed of the body.

16. Sisters González

The Gonzalez sisters are Mexican serial killers.

Sisters Delphine and Maria ran a brothel. The sisters hired prostitutes through advertisements. When they fell ill or ceased to please the clients, they killed them. The sisters also killed clients if they saw that they had large sums of money with them. In total, the police found 80 female and 11 male bodies. In 1964, the Gonzalez sisters were sentenced to forty years in prison. In prison, Delphine died due to an accident. Maria disappeared from sight after her release.

The Gonzalez family had several sisters. Carmen and Maria Luisa helped Maria and Delphine to commit crimes. Carmen died in prison of cancer; Marie Louise went mad for fear of revenge.

15. Eileen Wuornos. 1956 - ...

Many experts call her "the first woman maniac in the United States"

The psyche of Eileen Vuornos was disfigured as a child: her parents were teenagers who very soon dispersed, her mother disappeared in an unknown direction, and her father went to prison for child molestation, where he hanged himself. Baby Eileen was placed in the care of her father's parent.

She lived with her grandparents until the age of 13. According to her own statements, she was raped by her grandfather, although later psychiatrists questioned this fact. At the age of 14 she was kicked out of the house, and at the age of 15 she was already a wanderer and engaged in prostitution.

Over the years, her anger and anger towards men grew.

She had all the signs of antisocial personality disorder, Eileen broke the law, robbed gun stores, and even married a 70-year-old man whom she physically raped. As a result, her elderly husband left her.

Shortly after the divorce, Eileen met a woman named Tyra, with whom she began a torrid affair. To feed herself and her friend, Eileen went to work on the panel. Working on the roads selling your body was a dangerous business. And one day she killed a man. Eileen stated that she was brutally raped and killed the rapist in self-defense. However, she soon killed seven more people in Florida.

14. Rosemary West

Rosemary (also known as Rose) was the very embodiment of evil and soullessness. Rosemary and her husband Fred met young girls (most often students) on the street and invited them to visit, promising food, housing and compassion. The fate that awaited these unfortunate girls and young women was indeed terrible.

Rosemary, a mother of eight, was a prostitute and sexual sadist who took pleasure in hurting others. Along with her husband, she committed ten brutal murders, including the murder of her own child, a daughter named Heather. Rosemary was also convicted of the murder of her stepdaughter Michelle. Many other victims may also have suffered and been tortured and killed by the couple, as Fred made it clear that as many as 20 more missing girls could have been killed by him.

"To kill as many people as possible - helpless people, than any other man or woman who has ever lived ..." - this is how she explained the motives for her crimes.

Jane Toppan is a nurse, maniac, and sociopath who has suffered from obesity all her life.

In 1885, Toppan began training as a nurse. During the training, one of the professors noticed an unhealthy interest in the student in looking at autopsy photographs, but no one attached much importance to this, and Jane Toppan graduated with honors from her studies and began to care for patients who found her pleasant and nicknamed "Joy Jane".

And Merry Jane, in turn, used her patients as guinea pigs in experiments with morphine and atropine, changing the prescribed dosages of drugs and observing how this affects their nervous system. She touched unconscious patients and received sexual satisfaction from this. In 1899, Jane killed her adopted sister Elizabeth with a dose of strychnine.

In 1901, Jane cared for the elderly Alden Davis after the death of his wife (whom she herself killed). Within weeks, she killed Davis himself and two of his daughters. After that, she, with a sense of accomplishment, returned to her hometown and began to look after the husband of her late adopted sister. By this time, surviving members of the Davis family had requested a toxicological examination for Alden Davie's youngest deceased daughter. It was determined that she had been poisoned.

On October 26, 1901, Jane Toppan was arrested for the murder of Alden Davy's daughter. But at the very first interrogation, “Very Jane” pouted and declared that she had killed 31 people.

The court found her innocent due to insanity and sentenced her to be placed in an insane asylum, where she was until her death.

12. Bella Sorenson Guinness

Bella Sorenson Guinness is a female serial killer who kills for pleasure and greed. For the sake of profit, she killed 42 people.

Guinness was born in Norway, at the age of 21 she moved to the USA, where she married a businessman from Chicago and bore him two daughters, whom, a few years later, she poisoned herself to get insurance. Later, her husband died under strange circumstances from the drugs he was treated with and again, for the death of her husband, Guinness received money from the insurance company. With the proceeds, Bella bought a farm.

Her husband's relatives suspected something was wrong and accused her of her husband's untimely death. Soon "Black Widow" put the case on stream. Her scheme was extremely simple: seduce a man, marry him, persuade the chosen one to insure his life, and then poison him and get insurance money. She easily managed to lure men into her bed and they did not even imagine that a cold-blooded killer was hiding behind the mask of a pretty woman. It became known that she buried 42 husbands and saved up more than a quarter of a million dollars. The Black Widow also ended her life tragically, her body was found decapitated and burned in the forest. However, evil tongues claim that the found body does not belong to the Black Widow.

11. Daria Nikolaevna Saltykova (“Saltychikha”), 1730-1801

A Russian landowner who went down in history as the most sophisticated sadist and murderer of 139 serfs subject to her, mostly women and girls.

10. Queen Mary I, 1516-1558

The daughter of the English king Henry VIII and his first wife went down in history as a monarch who tried to return the country to the bosom of the Roman Catholic Church after her father, having quarreled with the Pope, declared himself the head of the new Anglican Church. The "restoration" of the country took place against the backdrop of brutal executions of Protestants, persecution and murder of innocent people, for which the people nicknamed the Queen Bloody Mary.

A serial killer who committed her atrocities along with her accomplice Ian Brian. They got the nickname "English Bonnie and Clyde".
For several years, criminals kidnapped, abused and tortured to death five minor children aged 10 to 17 years.

8. Isabella of Castile, 1451-1504

Isabella of Castile became famous for her cruelty towards non-Catholics: a passionate and devout Catholic, she appointed Thomas Torquemada as the first Grand Inquisitor and marked the beginning of an era of religious purges. Under Isabella of Castile, most of the Jews and Arabs left Spain - more than 200 thousand people, and the rest were forced to accept Christianity, which, however, rarely saved the converts from death at the stake.

7. Beverly Ellit, 1968-…

An English nurse, nicknamed the "angel of death", killed four young hospital patients in 1991 and seriously harmed the health of five more. She injected children with insulin or potassium to induce severe heart attacks and simulate natural death. Motives for the crime are still unknown.

6. Bell Gunnes, 1859-1931

This American woman became the most famous female killer in US history after she killed both her husbands, her own daughters, several admirers and lovers. The main goal is to receive payments for life insurance. In total, she killed 30 people.

5. Mary Ann Cotton, 1832-1873

Poisoned about 20 people with arsenic. Throughout her life, the criminal killed several husbands, her children and even her own mother. For this she was sentenced to death by hanging. The executioner, who led her execution, deliberately prolonged her torment, “forgetting” to knock out a stool from under the condemned woman’s feet.

4. Elsa Koch, 1906-1967

Else Koch, the "Witch of Buchenwald", was the wife of a concentration camp commandant. She tortured prisoners, beat them with a whip, mocked and killed them. She committed suicide in prison in 1967.

3. Irma Grise, 1923-1945

One of the most cruel guards of the women's death camps Ravensbrück, Auschwitz and Bergen-Belsen in Nazi Germany. The prisoners gave her a nickname - the Blonde Devil. While torturing prisoners, she resorted to both physical and psychological violence, beat women to death, and amused herself by shooting prisoners. She starved her dogs, then to set them on the victims.

2. Katherine Knight, 1956-…

First woman in Australian history to be sentenced to life in prison without the right to pardon. In October 2001, during a family quarrel, she killed her 44-year-old partner. She inflicted about 30 blows on him with a meat knife, fought over the body of her former friend, and then removed the skin from the corpse.

To top it off, Katherine Knight dismembered the corpse and stewed the severed head along with the vegetables. The motive for the crime is a banal insult. As the investigators found out, Knight's roommate decided to break up with her, kick her out of the house and disinherit her.

1. Elizabeth Batory, 1560-1614

Hungarian Countess, better known as the "Bloody Lady". She tortured and killed servants and peasant women: she brutally beat them, burned their arms, breasts, genitals, faces and other parts of the body with a red-hot iron, skinned still living victims, starved, mocked and raped. In 1610, she was placed under house arrest on charges of murder, heresy, and witchcraft. During the process, the servants of the castle could not name the exact number of victims of the sadist: the approximate countesses, who found themselves in the dock, spoke of four to five dozen killed, the rest of the servants assured that they carried out hundreds of corpses. Bathory died a natural death in 1614.

Who would have thought that women could be so cruel: to kill people while having fun, or to assert themselves by taking the lives of their victims. In the world of male criminals, women do not lag behind in ruthless treatment of those they killed. Despite the fact that a woman is a weak creature, she can still kill with particular cruelty. The most brutal female killers went down in history, made them famous for the whole world.

Among the large number of female maniacs, it is still possible to single out the 10 most cruel female killers. Studying the information about them, the investigators were perplexed: where did these ladies have so much hatred and heartlessness in order to commit such bloody crimes, what were their motives that even their own children did not stop them?

So who are these 10 most brutal female killers?

Marquise de Brainvilliers

Legends have been circulating about this lady for a long time, her cruelty is shocking. She was born in 1630, and for 46 years of her life she managed to "glorify" her name as one of the bloodiest female killers in history. This noble lady began her bloody path by taking the life of her father, then her brothers, sisters, husband and even her own children.

In the biography of the Marquise, information slips about her extramarital affair with a certain captain of St. Croix, perhaps because of him she wanted to get rid of everything that could interfere with their relationship, but this still does not justify the fact that she took the lives of her children. Undoubtedly, the cruelty of this woman knew no bounds, and she had not heard of morality at all.

Bloody Sisters Gonzalez

Most female killers act alone, constantly hiding in anticipation of a new victim, but there are still cases when maniacs acted in pairs, for example, serial killers who were closely related to each other - the bloody Gonzalez sisters from Mexico. The activities of these sisters consisted in the fact that they were engaged in the affairs of the brothel, looking for suitable girls to work in the brothel, sending out announcements. Prostitutes who, for one reason or another, did not satisfy the brothel hostesses, from whom clients left and did not receive earnings from them, Maria and Delphine were easily killed.

But not only girls of easy virtue died at the hands of sisters: if someone went into a brothel, Gonzalez also fell into the number of victims.

Not only prostitutes were killed: a woman of easy virtue Rosa was among the female killers. A married prostitute, who was also the mother of eight children, committed murders not alone, but with her husband, and they killed for pleasure, the victims were also selected according to special criteria. Rose and Fred chose only young girls as victims, often students, those who did not do well. At first glance, a benevolent married couple kindly offered this or that girl, getting to know them just on the street, shelter and food, care from the bottom of their hearts without any payment for it.

Rosa, being a sexual sadist, tortured girls to death. The victims of this woman included not only the unfortunate girls who believed her kindness, but also the stepdaughter and even the daughter of Rosa.

The witch of the Third Reich, the warden of one of the concentration camps, Ilse Koch, went down in history as a ruthless tormentor of prisoners. She took great pleasure in the fact that the prisoners suffered from her bullying. The horror of the Third Reich, Koch, often starved so that they attacked the prisoners of the concentration camp with even more viciousness. The whip never slipped out of the hands of the killer woman, she beat many prisoners to death. Koch chose the victims for the gas chambers and watched with pleasure as they died in agony.

Another killer-guard in the concentration camps was Irma Grese. The bloody daughter of the Third Reich inflicted inhuman torment on the prisoners of Auschwitz, for her cruelty she received the nickname "Devil with blond hair."

Some women who began to kill innocent people, whether they were relatives or not, had no reason for this - perhaps they did it because of some kind of abnormality in their psyche. But some female killers have grown hatred for their offenders since childhood, especially if they were men. Growing up, such girls began to take revenge on everyone who belonged to the stronger sex - one of these women was Eileen Wuornos. It all started with the fact that, while still a little girl, she was raped by her own grandfather - this is the reason for Eileen's subsequent hatred of men.

Having received early sexual experience, the girl gave birth by the age of 13, after which her grandfather drove the young girl out of the house. Wuornos not only killed, but also robbed, earned a living by trading her body. In the end, the woman who committed more than one crime was recognized as mentally ill, but still she managed to take more than one life.

Many women who embarked on the path of violence and cruelty were either prostitutes, or thieves, or experienced psychological disorders, but some of them, being mentally unbalanced, occupied fairly respected positions in society. No one even thought that such a good and responsible nurse as Beverly Ellit was capable of such terrible things that she did and did not repent of it at all, because she received from it.

Beverly took the lives of several young children by injecting them with insulin. At first it was difficult to make out the true one, because a heart attack caused by insulin looked like a natural death. Why or why this woman did this is still not known.

Belle Sorences Guinness

In the history of America there is a place for Bella Guinness, but her fame was brought by completely unkind deeds, and her cruelty and exorbitant desire to kill. The woman did not experience any childhood psychological trauma, she did not defend herself from anyone, she did not enjoy killing, she simply pursued one single goal -.

She saw the path to wealth in the fact that, having killed, to get the money for which the victims insured their lives. Guinness, pursuing her own selfish goals, took the lives of her own daughters, husbands (she had two of them), a dozen lovers. The woman wanted to get the money, despite the fact that they were in the blood of the people she killed.

Women killed in different ways, but still the poison was often used by them in order to kill quietly and for sure. Anne Cotton is the arsenic queen who poisoned more than twenty people with this poison. The woman repeatedly married, and each new husband died at her hands. Cotton took the lives of not only her husbands, but also her own mother and her own children. Why Ann committed these murders remains a mystery.

The true reason why a woman becomes a murderer is still unknown. Among prostitutes, thieves, nurses, marquis, there are those who have done terrible things. One of the most dangerous women known for their cruelty was Daria Saltykova. What did the wealthy lady lack in life, that she did not stop taking the lives of her serfs in the most cruel ways? Saltychikha - as the bloody landowner was called - as her victims determined the most defenseless of her subjects, namely, women and little girls, killing them in the most terrible ways.

It is regrettable to talk about it, but still not all women are gentle and kind, not all are afraid of the sight of blood and are ready to pity a small child. Among the representatives of the weaker sex, there are still maniacs, women without pity - those who do not care about human life, who like to mock the weaker ones. Women can be cruel, the names of the most ruthless have gone down in history.

When we hear about serial killers, male images immediately appear in our minds. Few people think about women at this moment. And in vain. History knows such women who, in their cruelty, surpassed many of the most terrible male killers. We present you the most cruel women in the history of mankind.

At first glance, she was an ordinary woman, a decent wife and mother. She did a favor and took on the upbringing of two sisters. But neither they nor their parents could even imagine what kind of life awaited one of the sisters - Sylvia.

As soon as the girl appeared in the house of Gertrud Baniszewski, the whole family literally hated her. The woman herself cruelly mocked the girl, beat her, came up with sophisticated punishments. One day, little Sylvia was forced to bathe in a bath of boiling water, while the whole family stood and looked at this spectacle cheerfully. They forced to mock the girl and her own sister. Little Sylvia did not get bruises, abrasions, scratches from her body. And one day the child's body could not stand it. Sylvia is dead.

The Baniszewski family hurriedly covered up the traces of the crime, but they never managed to get away from Themis. More precisely, mothers - the head of the family. Despite the fact that the American public, amazed by her actions, demanded the death penalty for the torturer, the judge sentenced her to life imprisonment. But 19 years later, Gertrude was released. And her children, who took part in the bullying of Sylvia, did not suffer any punishment. They grew up and started families.

Mary I Tudor (Bloody Mary)

The future ruler of Medieval Britain was born in the midst of an epidemic of English sweat. She did not have a special mind, and all her knowledge consisted only in books about Christianity, although Mary herself was a Catholic. At court, they called her that: Mary the Catholic. She got the reins of power by chance and coincidence. That's when her evil deeds began. First, she sent her 16-year-old relative Jane to the executioner. Her husband and father-in-law followed her.

Maria spared no one. All those who refused to accept Catholicism were executed. Very soon, bonfires were burning all over Britain, on which objections were burned. At the same time, Mary was nicknamed Bloody. Today's view of historians is far from agreeing that a woman was so bloodthirsty. Many agree that she was a puppet of the people behind and above her.

Another bloody woman in the history of mankind. Countess Elizabeth Bathory lived in Hungary in the castle of Cheyde. Its walls kept the gloomy actions of the countess: she, along with her three faithful servants (who, by the way, were also women), kidnapped young peasant girls and tortured them. There were even rumors among local residents that Elizabeth herself took baths from the blood of tortured and tormented girls.

When the actions of Elizabeth with her servants were revealed, the countess was settled in her own castle, in a tightly walled tower. There was an opening just for serving food. The guards, on pain of death, did not dare to talk to the bloody countess. In the same tower, she lived the rest of her days.

Irma Grese worked as a senior warden in the Wirkenau concentration camp. The prisoners called her the Angel of Death, the Beautiful Beast, and the Blonde Devil. This woman combined angelic beauty and devilish insides. She took pleasure in torturing prisoners. Even the most hardened Nazis could not think of such atrocities that she did. For example, she unleashed a hundred starving dogs on a crowd of prisoners. And her favorite thing was to sit on a chair, hum a song and shoot female prisoners walking in a crowd.

Of course, all these acts did not go unpunished for Irma. She was sentenced to death by hanging. By the way, the woman herself dreamed of getting on television and becoming a movie star. But the dream of this cruel person was not destined to come true. Her life ended on the gallows. By the way, the whole evening before her execution, she had fun, sang songs and enjoyed herself with her friend, the same torturer.

It's hard to imagine, but this woman is the first serial killer in England. She spared no one - neither husbands nor children. All her surroundings, becoming unusable, immediately died from the mysterious "gastric fever."

Mary Ann was born into a miner's family. When she was 16 years old, her father died and the girl had to spin, to survive. She, without thinking twice, married a miner older than her. In marriage, she gave birth to five children. But she did not want to drag out a poor existence, raising eternally screaming, sick children. Therefore, her children began to die one after another. Their father followed them.

But the woman did not even think to mourn, on the contrary, she was very happy with the insurance that she was paid after the death of her husband. She bought herself a new dress and had fun and danced right in the cemetery.

She then had several other husbands who also died mysteriously. Their children, whom Mary Ann hated, also left with them. And it is unlikely that her secret would have been revealed if it were not for meticulous journalists. They linked all the mysterious deaths around the woman, and soon an autopsy of the bodies showed that arsenic was present in a huge amount in the tissues.

The woman was sentenced to hang. It is believed that the elderly executioner deliberately tied the rope incorrectly so that the black widow would suffer before her death.