What to do if the stomach hurts on a nervous basis? Can a person have a stomach ache on a nervous basis.

The well-known phrase “all diseases are from the nerves” is not at all unfounded. Quite often a situation arises when the stomach hurts badly from the nerves, but a person with these symptoms usually does not associate them with stressful tension. According to statistics, about a third of cases of pain in the abdomen is associated with instability of the nervous system.


Experts say that stress provokes a deterioration in the blood supply to the mucous membrane of the digestive canal, which leads to a violation of its integrity. This is manifested by pain, the cause of which could be the development of such pathologies as gastritis, ulcers, diseases of the hepato-biliary system.

Even if all dietary recommendations, the principles of a healthy lifestyle are followed, he is not immune from stress. This leads to the loss of the protective functions of the mucous barrier of the stomach, which can be considered a trigger for diseases of the digestive system.

A sick stomach from nerves can cause the following symptoms:

  • Pain in the abdomen;
  • Dyspeptic phenomena;
  • Bloating
  • Spasmodic sensations;
  • Lump in the throat.

It is important to understand that the psychological component of health is very closely related to the physiological one, so the emotional state may well play a fundamental role in the overall state of human health.

It is necessary to correctly differentiate gastritis on a nervous basis from a habitual disease. Nervous gastritis can be called inflammation of the gastric mucosa, which arose as a result of frequent stress. It affects over 4/5 of the world's population. Such a disease can serve as the first step towards the development of ulcerative defects, oncological processes.

At the same time, ordinary gastritis is often the result of an unhealthy lifestyle or the presence of a Helicobacter pylori infection. If during the examination it was not detected, then the psychological aspects of the problem should be looked for. It should be noted that nerve gastritis often develops in residents of large cities.

The following symptoms develop:

  • Feeling of a lump in the throat;
  • Pronounced gag reflex;
  • Periodic fainting, tachycardia;
  • Pain in the stomach.

If you have at least one of these symptoms, you should contact a gastroenterologist. He will conduct diagnostic measures, find out the cause of the condition. In the presence of a neurological component, the gastroenterologist will give a referral to a neuropathologist and a psychotherapist. Self-treatment of such a problem will significantly aggravate the clinical picture, can cause various complications, which in itself will make you even more nervous.

Can heaviness in the abdomen, belching, pain in the stomach occur not only due to physiological disorders? After all, most of us, with the development of these symptoms, think that, most likely, we ate something wrong. The usual tactic is to self-medicate by taking some kind of pill. After all, we usually do not find time to go to the doctor, so we consider ourselves completely healthy.

This is not quite the right approach. If you experience the above symptoms, you need to see a specialist. This step is necessary for making the correct diagnosis, prescribing the medications we need.

At its core, gastric neurosis is considered functional dyspepsia. It can occur against the background of stressful situations, excessive nervous, mental and even physical overstrain. A triggering factor can also be an unhealthy diet, smoking, drinking alcohol.

Symptoms of neurosis of the stomach are usually pain, a burning sensation between the costal arches. There is discomfort in the epigastric region, the stomach becomes as if crowded. There are cases when acidity changes, usually it decreases. This leads to the accumulation of mucus in the cavity of the stomach, which is accompanied by such phenomena as increased pain, belching, a pronounced decrease in appetite up to its complete absence, the presence of a coma in the throat.

Stress contributes to adrenaline entering the bloodstream, which leads to the so-called combat activity of the nervous system and the body as a whole. The stomach stops digesting food. Excitement does not recede even when the stressful situation is eliminated due to the influence of hormones. In order to eliminate these phenomena, it is necessary, in addition to the gastroenterologist, to visit a psychotherapist.

Ulcerative defects

Psychosomatic pathologies have long been known to doctors. They imply such situations in which stress factors serve as a trigger for the development of diseases, and do not appear on the psychological aspects of people. From here originate such processes as ulcerative defects, vascular accidents.

A stressful situation leads to the production of enzymes in the stomach cavity, an increase in the production of hydrochloric acid. If this situation is not resolved in a timely manner, then the stomach tissue undergoes self-digestion, an ulcer develops.

Most often, this pathology develops in people who are marked by mental instability, engage in self-eating, stress greatly unsettles them. The work of the stomach has a very close connection with the emotional background, since anger accelerates the digestion of food, while fear, negativity, stress lead to a slowdown in its activity, which is manifested by spasms.

Also, an ulcer may appear in those people who have a job with increased responsibility, require the same attitude to their duties from other people. Suspiciousness, lack of attention, love, a feeling of insufficient self-realization are just a few of the reasons for the development of this disease.

Like gastritis, an ulcer can develop not only on a nervous basis. The causes of this condition are considered to be such factors as an irrational diet, the use of harmful foods, and Helicobacter pylori infection. After the examination and treatment, the patient's condition usually improves significantly, if we are not talking about severe forms of the disease.

An ulcer that has arisen on a nervous basis is manifested by very pronounced pain sensations. It escalates with stress. Concomitant manifestations may be sweating, fussiness, anxiety. Medicines are bad for the problem. Such patients should also be consulted and, if necessary, treated by a psychotherapist.


Treatment of neurological gastric problems is carried out in the same way as stress therapy. Patients are shown:

  • Rest, sometimes up to bed rest.
  • Compliance with fairly strict dietary recommendations in the first few days. This allows the internal organs to recover somewhat.
  • Experts recommend meditation or light physical activity.
  • It is important to eliminate the stress factor that served as the onset of the disease.
  • It is possible to use traditional medicine with sedative properties.
  • Yoga also helps to eliminate the manifestations of the disease.

It is important to consider that only a doctor can establish the real etiological factor of abdominal pain, even if such symptoms developed against the background of a nervous shock. Only through a comprehensive examination can you decide how to treat the problem that has arisen. Self-medication is always fraught with extremely dangerous or undesirable complications, which are then much more difficult to cure.

Nerves hurt the stomach in most people, but many of them do not understand that their problems are to blame. Such patients try to cope with pain by using various drugs, but such therapy usually does not bring relief. It is necessary to consider the influence of stress on the development of soreness in the human stomach and what could cause this condition.

Cause of pain in the stomach

Can the stomach hurt from nerves? Scientists have found that under stress in any, even a healthy person, circulatory disorders occur in the mucous membranes of the gastric tract. The lining of the stomach cannot function normally under stress, which leads to the development of pains of varying intensity in the abdomen.

Stress provokes the appearance and development of pathologies such as ulcers, pancreatitis or gastritis. Every person is subject to stress. If it is due to work or domestic troubles, then the stomach begins to hurt due to the fact that negative changes occur in the stomach. This body gradually loses its functional qualities.

The following symptoms may appear from stress in a patient:

  • stomach ache;
  • nausea develops, which can turn into vomiting;
  • some people have stomach cramps;
  • if a person had to be nervous a lot, then such a condition can cause bloating, the accumulation of gases in it;
  • Another sign of a negative nervous shaking is the appearance of a coma in the throat.

All of these symptoms are caused by the emotional state of a person. When the brain reacts to, then the stomach and gastrointestinal tract immediately respond to the impact, which in a certain situation can lead to the development of the disease. There are such illnesses as nervous gastritis, neurosis of the gastric tract, ulcers.

Development of nervous gastritis and gastric neurosis

If a person solves most problems by the occurrence of strong stress shocks, then he usually gets sick with nervous gastritis. Up to 78% of all patients with gastritis suffer from this disease. Pathology acquired by upset nerves often provokes the development of various oncological lesions or ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract.

The main symptoms of this disease are as follows:

  • a person feels the appearance of a coma in the throat and suffocation;
  • the patient has severe and fairly frequent vomiting;
  • the patient often faints;
  • an increase in heart rate is recorded;
  • severe pain in the lower part of the stomach.

If a person has felt at least one of the above symptoms, he should seek help from a gastroenterologist. It is strictly forbidden to engage in self-medication, as this can lead to sad consequences.

If a person experiences heaviness in the abdomen, symptoms of heartburn appear, then usually people take some kind of drug, and then forget about the problem. But if this happens, it is better to immediately consult a doctor, since these signs are characteristic of functional dyspepsia, which is often called gastric neurosis.

Almost all people who have suffered or mental stress can get sick with this disease. Often the disease develops against the background of mental trauma or an unhealthy lifestyle. A glass of alcohol taken on an empty stomach, a cup of strong coffee can provoke the symptoms of the disease.

The following happens to the stomach: under the influence of any of these factors, a burning sensation develops in it with severe spasmodic pains. The patient feels organ overcrowding and discomfort. Sometimes acidity decreases, and mucus begins to accumulate in the gastrointestinal tract.

If a person has pain in the gastric region, belching occurs, he has lost his appetite, and a lump is felt in his throat, then it is better to immediately consult a doctor. Due to a stressful situation in such a patient, adrenaline enters the bloodstream, the stomach stops digesting food. This situation does not disappear even after the elimination of the cause of the excitement. And if a person constantly expects problems and worries, then the digestion process may temporarily stop. For the treatment of such diseases, a psychotherapist is needed.

Ulcer of the gastrointestinal tract

A psychosomatic disorder caused by strong stressful influences often turns into various painful states. Such a patient develops a heart attack or stroke, but most often the digestive system is affected, in which an ulcer can occur.

In some people, when they are very excited, the stomach synthesizes an enzyme that increases acidity. If a person’s excitement lasts a sufficiently long period, then the stomach begins to process its own tissues with excess acid. This causes an ulcer to develop.

Such a defeat is typical for unbalanced people, having an explosive character, nervous for any, even the most trifling reason. Since the work of the digestive tract depends on the emotional state of the patient, malice and aggressiveness accelerate the processes of food processing, and fear and negative thoughts provoke spasms due to a slowdown in the process of digesting food.

Ulcerative disease can develop in people who take full responsibility for themselves, and then demand the same behavior from other individuals. An ulcer can cause suspiciousness, suffering from a lack of love, self-flagellation. Such patients have a constant craving for stimulants, for example, they like strong coffee, smoke a lot, and are fond of alcoholic beverages.

Unlike the usual ulcer caused by excessive abuse of coffee, alcohol or constant smoking, the nervous type of the disease leads to the fact that the patient after stress cannot accurately determine the source of pain. Drugs for the treatment of the digestive tract do not work on such a patient, but medicines designed to calm the nerves can help him. A nerve ulcer is jointly treated by psychotherapists and gastroenterologists.

Treatment methods for these diseases

The following methods are used for treatment:

  1. The patient is prescribed bed rest and rest.
  2. The first 2-4 days of such a patient are transferred to a special diet. Some people choose to fast because the process relieves irritation and inflammation in the tissues of the gastrointestinal tract.

Treatment continues with the help of traditional medicine recipes. Infusions of meadowsweet, decoctions of flaxseed or chamomile, cumin and yarrow are used. The use of various is possible only with the permission of the attending physician. Sometimes therapy requires special drugs that can be used correctly only under the supervision of a specialist.

The patient can consult with a psychologist. Some doctors advise patients to do yoga. Since pain in the gastric tract, in addition to psychological causes, can also be provoked by other pathologies, it is necessary to conduct a complete examination of the patient before treatment. Any attempts at self-therapy should be stopped, otherwise a serious deterioration in the patient's condition may occur.

When the stomach hurts on a nervous basis, this condition cannot be classified according to any particular disease.

Typically, doctors use the term "gastric neurosis" for a range of stomach conditions, such as indigestion (functional dyspepsia), bloating, or even changes in bowel habits.

The diagnosis is usually made by a doctor after tests and tests can find any specific cause of the stomach condition and understand why it hurts from the nerves.

In most cases, the stomach can hurt as a result of problems with the nervous system or the presence of anxiety. Let's find out what to do in such a situation.

Possible causative factors and symptoms

Many factors can lead to nausea or pain that affects the stomach (when it hurts regularly and the pain does not stop for a long time).

Viruses and bacteria are the main physical causes of pain, nausea and vomiting.

However, it is emotions, especially anxiety, stress and excitement, that can contribute to a decrease in immunity, weaken the body and lead to negative consequences in the form of infectious diseases and frequent pain that radiates to the stomach.

Among the causative factors of this type, it is worth highlighting:

  1. social anxiety. Each person may experience it in certain situations. Whether it's going to a party where people you don't know, or the first day of school or a new job that makes people nervous.
  2. stress or fear. Banal things can be attributed to this factor: making another mortgage payment for an apartment, entering a university, or a bully who met on the street.
  3. Overexcitation. This is the most common factor for indigestion. Thinking about a grand big wedding, graduation day, or a long-awaited vacation can cause increased levels of arousal and, as a result, this leads to abdominal pain (and the stomach can hurt for a long period).

The human digestive system and the processes within it can be greatly affected by changes in emotions and condition, such as stress, anxiety, depression, and other nervous disorders.

The mental state also affects the physiological state.

Some doctors believe that when a person receives a “portion” of stress, excess acid released in the stomach causes irritation of its mucous membrane, leading to the appearance of symptoms that mimic heartburn.

A condition known as irritable bowel syndrome, combined with stress and anxiety, as well as a cranky nervous system, can additionally cause nerve pain in the stomach.

In children, it often appears as a result of bullying from peers and pressure from teachers during the learning process and passing tests.

Chronic nerve strain can also cause and exacerbate stomach ulcers and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

According to recent studies, people tend to worry about issues such as health, money or career all the time (that is, on an ongoing basis), which leads to irritable bowel syndrome over time, while the condition becomes chronic and worsens.

Common symptoms of gastric neurosis consist of:

  • diarrhea;
  • constipation
  • diarrhea alternating with constipation;
  • mucus or blood in the stool;
  • chronic abdominal pain (the stomach may ache in waves).

Other symptoms include:

  • vomiting;
  • nausea;
  • regurgitation (acid reflux, irritating stomach);
  • heartburn;
  • abdominal fullness;
  • bloating after eating;
  • discomfort or pain in the stomach, when the latter often and intensely hurts;
  • belching and flatulence.

At times, overeating or eating any foods that cause additional allergies can also lead to the above symptoms.

Most symptoms last for a few days, however, once they become common, they can cause a range of complications that can easily disrupt a person's normal life.

Prevention and treatment

Stomach pain due to nerves and stress can be treated with medication and some lifestyle changes.

Depending on the diagnosis and severity of the leak, your doctor may prescribe psychotropic drugs, antiemetics, or medications for diarrhea or constipation.

For those who suffer from nervous anxiety and a "nervous stomach" (when it hurts a lot due to stress), certain types of antidepressants are specifically prescribed.

Antacids may also be prescribed to help relieve stomach pain by reducing bloating, acid secretion, and gas.

Apart from these drugs, herbal remedies also help in reducing indigestion problems.

Herbs such as peppermint, ginger, chamomile, etc. have carminative properties that prevent gas from forming in the digestive tract. They can help relieve common gastrointestinal problems.

Valerian, catnip, tarragon, angelica, fennel, anise, etc., are herbs that can not only relax a person with overexertion, but also relieve him of indigestion.

Regular exercise and proper nutrition can also keep your mind and body healthy.

The practice of meditation and deep breathing techniques such as pranayama have healing properties if used on a regular basis.

Stress, anxiety and depression definitely contribute to the appearance of stomach pain (it often hurts and bothers a person).

In most cases, abdominal pain is temporary, however, when it becomes chronic, this suggests that you need to urgently contact a medical institution to a specialist.

People who experience pain in the abdomen due to nerves tend to observe its manifestations in one part of the abdomen (left or right side).

The pain tends to be so severe that it is sometimes difficult for the person to walk.

In case the patient suffers from stomach pain due to nerves, he should take appropriate measures to rest and learn to enjoy life without nerves.

There are some very simple methods that can be used to get rid of nerve problems that lead to stomach pain.

Ginger (or ginger root) is very popular for soothing the stomach and reducing the chance of stomach irritation. It is excellent for helping with digestive problems and for relieving cramps.

It is also anti-viral, which means it can help fight a cold or flu.

If a person does not like the strong taste of ginger, you can eat it raw or add some sugar to it.

It is also possible to turn ginger into tea: you just need to add a small amount of grated ginger to hot water, it must be infused in it for several minutes, then you can drink it.

Peppermint is also a good stress reliever and the main factor in stomach pain, i.e. weak nerves. It has been used for thousands of years to improve the digestive process and fight indigestion.

You can use both fresh mint leaves, and put them in water for a while and then drink this tincture.

Alternatively, it is possible to make tea from mint leaves. If the leaves of this plant are not on hand, you can buy mint tea bags at any grocery store.

This is a very popular type of tea and is very easy to find. It is enough just to boil water and pour mint leaves with boiling water for 3-5 minutes, and then drink.

In addition, almost everyone has baking soda in their home: it's a popular product with hundreds of uses.

Instead of buying dubious drugs to treat stomach cramps, you can just use the baking soda that everyone has on hand.

Baking soda is just plain sodium bicarbonate and works like an antacid pill that reduces the symptoms of many common ailments such as indigestion, heartburn, nausea, and post-stress stomach pain.

You need to mix a teaspoon of baking soda with warm water and drink that mixture to relieve the condition.

Rice is also wonderful in curing upset and stomach pains, especially if the stomach pains are accompanied by diarrhea and were caused by nervousness.

Rice is a light and tender food that is high in fiber.

It's also perfect for absorbing fluids, so it can help cure diarrhea and firm up stools. This product absorbs any toxins in the stomach that cause pain in it.

It is also advisable to practice certain breathing exercises to help calm the nerves. This can be done by closing your eyes and slowing down your breath.

You need to hold your breath, mentally counting to five, and then slowly exhale the air. This exercise can be done about ten times to help slow down the rapid beating of the heart.

In addition, it will help to calm down any person after a chaotic and stressful day. You can do these breathing exercises anywhere and at any time to calm down and quickly relieve stress.

In any case, as soon as there are symptoms of pain due to nerves, you should not panic and take all the medicines in a row, you need to consult a doctor who will tell you why there are pains in the stomach and how to deal with them.

It is also necessary to practice a healthy lifestyle and, if necessary, make certain changes to it. You don't need to live on nervous grounds, you need to be an optimist!

It has been scientifically proven that stressful situations are detrimental to health. The negative impact on the body is not immediately felt, this process is slow. Not only the state of mind, but also the physical health of a person suffers from stress factors. First of all, the gastrointestinal system is affected. As a result, gastritis is formed on a nervous basis.

Could this be gastritis?

This pathology of the stomach is diagnosed in more than 50% of the population, which is caused by nervous breakdowns, depression, stress. Such shocks negatively affect the functions of the human vegetative system, which controls the work of internal organs and blood vessels.

Part of the autonomic nervous system is the enteric nervous system (ENS), it regulates the smooth muscles of the internal organs, which have contractile activity, plays an important role in the physical and mental state of a person. ENS are bundles of nerve fibers (neurons), they are located in two layers of intestinal tissue, under the influence of stress they become more vulnerable. The enteric nervous system is also located in the walls of the stomach, so digestion is disturbed.

When a person experiences stress in the gastric mucosa, blood circulation is disturbed, salivation changes. Failures in the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract are explained by pathologies of the secretion of digestive juice and a violation of the contraction of the intestinal walls.

Characteristic symptoms

Stressful situations greatly affect the physiological state of a person. When a person is nervous, an excess of acid is released in the stomach, causing irritation of the mucous membrane, which leads to the appearance of symptoms that mimic heartburn. This condition, along with stress, causes nerve pain in the stomach.

Gastritis of the stomach on a nervous basis can begin suddenly, and the disease can also develop slowly. It damages the mucous membrane, the ability to produce acid is lost, which leads to indigestion and indigestion. Common symptoms of gastritis of the stomach against the background of a stressful situation:

  • burning in the stomach, especially immediately after eating;
  • feeling of nausea;
  • lump in the throat;
  • feeling of suffocation;
  • vomit;
  • flatulence and bloating;
  • loss of appetite;
  • weight change;
  • hiccups and belching;
  • rumbling;
  • heaviness in the stomach;
  • bad breath;
  • change in stool (constipation or diarrhea);
  • the stool may be mucus or bloody.

Gastritis of the gastric mucosa from the nerves, in addition to the main symptoms, is accompanied by drowsiness, apathy, pain in the heart, heart rhythm disturbances, and a decrease in blood pressure. If the stomach hurts on a nervous basis, measures should be taken immediately, acute attacks of pain can lead to fainting. Lack of treatment leads to vitamin B12 deficiency, which eventually leads to pernicious anemia, ulcers.

Diagnostic methods

To diagnose gastritis of the stomach, the doctor conducts a physical examination, collects an anamnesis. History taking includes information about:

  • previous problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • lifestyle (use of tobacco, alcohol);
  • the use of medicines, herbal supplements and vitamins.

When examining a patient, body temperature, tension in the muscles of the stomach, and the type of vomit are taken into account. After collecting the history, instrumental types of diagnostics are carried out:

  • gastroscopy (fibrogastroduodenoendoscopy, FGDS);
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity;
  • x-ray.

Some patients are prescribed a biopsy, donation of blood and urine, pH-metry. Gastroscopy is always carried out, other methods for diagnosing gastritis on a nervous basis are carried out if the doctor considers them necessary. EGD is a study of the upper gastrointestinal tract (esophagus, stomach, duodenum). Gastroscopy for gastritis allows you to evaluate the gastric mucosa.

How is the treatment carried out

The goal of therapy for gastritis of the stomach on a nervous basis is to eliminate the causes. In addition to the gastroenterologist, the patient should visit a psychotherapist. With gastritis on a nervous basis, the doctor will prescribe sedatives. Psychotropic medications to help relieve anxiety and depression. With nervous gastritis, calming herbs help relieve stress:

  • angelica;
  • fennel;
  • anise;
  • tarragon;
  • valerian;
  • catnip.

Chamomile, peppermint and ginger prevent gas. Stress and gastritis are interrelated, you will need to learn how to relax in order to prevent exacerbation. Yoga and meditation will help with this.

Antibacterial agents are prescribed if gastritis in the patient's stomach was already present, was caused by bacteria and was complicated by nervous disorders. You can take medication only in certain cases. Antibiotics are prescribed to patients with gastritis in the stomach on the nerve kidney, who have found the bacterium Helicobacter pylori.


  • Tetracycline;
  • Amoxicillin;
  • Clarithromycin.

The duration of therapy for nervous gastritis in the stomach is 2 weeks. Antacids are prescribed for heartburn, belching, and abdominal pain. Patients with gastritis on a nervous basis are prescribed the use of Gevixon, Vikair, Maalox, Rennie. For pain, antispasmodic drugs and anticholinergics are taken:

  • No-shpa;
  • Papaverine;
  • Buscopan.

In addition to medicines and soothing herbs, nutrition should be observed. Irregular eating leads to the production of gastric juice. If too much of it is released, the mucous membrane of the organ is burned, which leads to a worsening of the course of gastritis on a nervous basis.

If gastric juice is secreted in small quantities, fermentation processes begin, while food with sharp edges scratches the mucous membrane. Contact with a scratch of gastric juice leads to the progression of the disease.

To avoid worsening gastric nerve gastritis, avoid eating:

  • citrus;
  • tomatoes;
  • milk and other dairy products;
  • alcohol;
  • coffee;
  • spicy food;
  • refined and processed foods.

With nervous gastritis, you should eat 4-6 times a day in small portions. The menu is selected by a nutritionist or attending physician. Products, the use of which will help overcome gastritis due to nerves:

  • artichoke, leafy greens, asparagus, celery;
  • garlic;
  • licorice, fennel;
  • legumes, nuts (almonds), flaxseed, buckwheat.

Be sure to eat healthy fats and proteins for nervous gastritis, they are found in eggs, fish, poultry. Fish, such as salmon or sardine, are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Everyone knows that “on a nervous basis” various unpleasant sensations in the stomach are possible. This is where the expression "heart in the heels" came from. In fact, this means that the unpleasant sensation that began in the region of the heart gradually moves to the abdominal cavity, causing a feeling of "fading" there.

Pain due to nerves

But can there really be pain in the abdomen due to nerves? It turns out it can.

Should we be surprised at the existence of "phantom" pains? A man's leg has long been amputated to the knee, but he clearly feels pain in his little finger. In science, the appearance of stigmata on the palms and feet of religious ascetics of the past, who sincerely empathize with the religious plot of the crucifixion, is known. Therefore, functional abdominal pain is possible. The main thing is the ability to distinguish it in time from a catastrophe in the abdominal cavity, in which an urgent operation is needed.

Features of neurological abdominal pain

It is known that the internal organs are innervated by the autonomic nervous system. It has significant differences from the somatic system: it does not obey our will, but works autonomously. And this system generates pain sensations not so bright and specific, but dull, spilled and poorly localized.

Autonomic nervous system - scheme

For example, if you hurt your finger or leg, then you can definitely show the place where the pain is the most. And if there is pain from the passage of a stone through the ureter, then, despite the clear position of the stone at each moment of time, the pain will be spilled. Vague localization is what distinguishes autonomic pain.

Causes of nerve pain in the abdomen

Pain in the abdomen "from the nerves" primarily occurs from a violation of the function of this very autonomic nervous system. After all, there can be no tunnel syndromes and infringement of nerves in the abdominal cavity: there are no dense cartilage and bone formations, powerful ligaments in which long nerves can undergo compression. On the contrary, everything in the abdominal cavity is perfectly “lubricated”, and the intestines are suspended on the mesentery.

Perhaps the only exception in which the nerves of the abdominal cavity are infringed are hernias, but the mesentery is rarely infringed by the hernial ring. The second situation is the torsion of the mesentery with the occurrence of gangrene of the intestinal loop, intestinal obstruction and the development of peritonitis.

But in this situation, torsion of the mesentery with impaired circulation was the immediate cause, and the corresponding neurological disorders were a secondary consequence of acute ischemia, and they should not be considered.

The most common cause of abdominal pain from nerves is vegetovascular dystonia. An imbalance between the sympathetic (stress) and parasympathetic (trophic) parts of the autonomic nervous system leads to various conditions. For example, to hyperhidrosis, increased blood pressure, lethargy, feeling hot.

Sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system

One of these abdominal (abdominal) manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia is irritable bowel syndrome, which is manifested by an attack of diarrhea. In this case, the appearance of pain in the abdomen of a functional or nervous nature is possible.

It is known that every fifth person suffers from such a disorder in his life, in cities this figure is much higher. The reason, in addition to vegetative disorders, lies in the acceleration of the passage of food through the intestines, as well as a functional violation of the nervous regulation of peristalsis, which is reversible.

Symptoms of "irritable bowel"

Most often, with this condition, pain and discomfort occur, which are expressed unsharply, and are more reminiscent of unpleasant sensations than actual pain. These sensations can be everywhere where the small intestine exists: for example, pains in the lower abdomen are nervous, or in the navel. In addition to discomfort, there are:

  • violation of the stool, most have diarrhea, but in some it alternates with constipation and a violation of the discharge of gases;
  • there is an imperative urge to defecate. This means that the desire to empty the intestines is so strong that "there is no limit to the torment." As a rule, there is no logical explanation for this: there is no stool retention for many days before this;
  • these pains and the desire to go to the toilet often occur during meals, or immediately after it. This happens most often after breakfast.

This is due to the emergence of conditioned reflex connections between the upper gastrointestinal tract and the large intestine. Overstretching of the "full stomach" receptors is mistaken for a full intestine.

Fortunately, this process does not take long. Similar errors of the nervous system occur, for example, during recovery from pneumonia, severe infectious diseases. At this time, the body is still weakened. The nervous system is also weakened. This condition is called asthenovegetative syndrome. Soon after the body gets stronger, these unpleasant symptoms first weaken, and then stop. Therefore, in the event that you are tormented by such pains, then you need to pay special attention to a diet that should not include coarse food, and consult a doctor.