What does stylistic mean. Figurative units of style

Stylistics as a science. Stylistic diversity of the Russian language

1. What is style

Stylistics is the study of how society uses language. Stylistics is a science that studies the language at its different levels and the expressive means that the language has. Stylistics is one of the philological sciences (linguistics, linguistics and literary criticism). The elements of stylistics as a science were laid down in ancient theories of language.

Rhetoric is the forerunner of modern stylistics, its goal is to teach oratory. The main development as a science takes place at the beginning of the 20th century. In Europe, the founders were Charles Balli, who developed the doctrine of the expressive means of language. In Russia, the formation of stylistics begins with the works of Lomonosov, in particular his theory of 3 calms. (He divided the words of the Russian language into 3 groups - high, medium and low vocabulary).

Stylistics as a science by its nature is a purely functional, theoretical science.

It has its own object of study, a special subject of study. It has a special conceptual and terminological apparatus, research methods. She has her own problem. The object of study of stylistics is the language fixed in the texts. The subject of the study of stylistics is the expressive possibilities and means of different levels of the language system, their stylistic meanings and colors (connotations), the patterns of language use in different areas and situations of communication, and as a result of this, a peculiar organization of speech specific to each area. Stylistics has a range of specific concepts and categories: style, functional style, stylistic coloring, stylistic means, style feature, stylistic norm, speech system of style, style-forming factors.

Stylistics is the final course in the cycle of linguistic disciplines of philological education. Stylistics as a section of linguistics is a branched and multifaceted science.

The area of ​​its theory and practical application covers all the speech activity of modern society, in the diversity of the life of society and the individual: everyday communication, speeches at meetings, public lectures, communication through mass media, the Internet, scientific and fiction literature, office documents, a computer, international contacts . A modern person reads a lot, writes, listens, perceives oral and written information. In all these areas, a person enters into communicative relations through the word, its combination with other words, i.e. through speech activity. In order for written and oral speech to be well perceived and understood, it, first of all, must comply with the norms of orthoepy and spelling, word usage.

Some scientists call stylistics the science of the expressive means of language, the art of verbal art, others call it the science of synonyms in a broad sense at all levels of the language, and still others call it the highest level of speech culture.

The basis of the correct approach to solving the issue of the subject of stylistics is the works of Academician V.V. Vinogradov. He wrote: “In that very extensive, little studied and not clearly limited from other linguistic or even wider - philological disciplines, the field of studying the language in general and the language of fiction in particular, which is now called stylistics, one should distinguish at least three different a range of studies that are closely related, often mutually intersecting and always correlative, but endowed with their own problems, their own tasks, their own criteria and categories. This is, firstly, the stylistics of language as "systems of systems", or structural stylistics; secondly, the style of speech, i.e. different types and acts of public use of the language; thirdly, the style of fiction”.

The stylistics of a language studies the facts of the stylistic coloring of language means, the functional styles of the language, their interconnection and interdependence.

The stylistics of speech studies the variety of genre-situational styles, in Vinogradov's terminology, styles of speech.

The stylistics of fiction is devoted to the study of the specifics of the speech of works of art, the individual author's styles of writers, the peculiarities of the style of literary schools and trends.

Artistic speech is characterized by its own special features, which can be identified and understood only on the basis of a literary analysis of texts. Thus, if the stylistics of language and the stylistics of speech together constitute linguistic stylistics, then the stylistics of fiction is the field of knowledge of linguistic and literary research.

Stylistics is closely connected with other sections of linguistics. Unlike other linguistic sciences, which have their own units of study, stylistics has no special units of study. The carriers of stylistic meanings are the same units of phonetics, vocabulary, phraseology, morphology, syntax, i.e. should talk about phonetic style, grammatical, etc.

Stylistics is connected with the course of the history of Russian literature of the language and the theory of literature, which introduce students in detail to the visual and expressive means of the language. But most of all, stylistics is connected with the culture of speech, the science of the norms of pronunciation and word usage. In the style and culture of speech, we are talking about assessments of the qualitative side and the possibility of using words and forms in speech. However, the culture of speech evaluates their compliance with the modern literary norm, rule, and style - the appropriateness and expediency of their use, the degree of expressiveness. To some extent, the criteria for stylistic assessments are thinner and more delicate, requiring linguistic taste, rather than cultural and speech assessments.

Stylistics studies linguistic units and means of all levels of the language, but from its own, stylistic point of view. A stylistic approach to a morpheme, phoneme, word, phrase, sentence is manifested in additional meanings, which determine: 1. the sphere of life in which communication takes place, functional and stylistic meaning; 2. type of situation in which these units are usually used, expressive-stylistic meaning, 3. public assessment of the phenomena indicated by these units of language, evaluative-stylistic meaning. These stylistic meanings in each era are assigned to the units of the language as a trace, as an imprint of their predominant definition in certain situations and contexts. Although in the social speech practice of people, words are enriched with new stylistic shades, in each given era there are stylistic norms in the language that determine the use of the language. These norms, although less rigid and strict than the norms in grammar, exist objectively and are felt by speakers, especially in cases where they are violated. The concept of "norm" is fundamentally important for the language.

Stylistics as a linguistic science studies the stable stylistic meanings of language units assigned to them in accordance with existing stylistic norms - those lexical, morphological, syntactic and phonetic phenomena, as well as emotional and expressive means that are used in various spheres of human activity and in situations of various elevations .

Russian language style colloquial

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is a discipline that studies the principles of choice and ways of organizing language units into a single semantic and compositional whole - a text, as well as varieties of language use (styles) and their system. In other words, the task of stylistics is the study of the most suitable conditions for the implementation of a particular text (task of the text, purpose, language, etc.).

The main concept of Russian stylistics is the concept of style. Style as a whole is a set of techniques for using language means: remember the expression style of a writer. Most often in the school curriculum, we are faced with the concept of style of speech. Under the style of speech, we mean the type of speech for communication, taking into account the speech situation (who said? What did he say? To whom did he say? For what purpose did he say?, etc.).

Traditionally, in the style of the Russian language, two large groups of styles are distinguished - colloquial and book. Book style, in turn, is divided into artistic, journalistic, scientific and official business. All book styles of speech have a common scope - the scope of social activity. All these styles are characterized by strict observance of the norms of the literary language. Moreover, each style has a certain set of characteristics that make the style recognizable.

So, colloquial style is distinguished by informality and ease of communication, unpreparedness of speech and its automatism, emotionality and evaluativeness. In the colloquial style, specific language units are used - colloquial words ( blurt out) and forms ( on vacation), expressions with a touch of disdain, joke or irony ( sneak, trickster), as well as words with subjective evaluation suffixes ( pencil, big) and etc.

scientific style characterized by abstraction, generalization and logic, dryness. It does not have figurativeness and emotionality. Scientific style units are terms, abstract nouns, present tense verbs, etc.

Documentation style is formal business style. The idea is stated in the form of a statement: the style of business papers does not tolerate descriptions and reasoning. This style is characterized by stereotypedness, an abundance of terms, clericalism, clichés - ready-made turns (I hereby inform you), etc.

Journalistic style- this is polemic, imagery, brightness. The scope of this style is the media, statements on socio-political and economic topics, hence the abundance of socio-political terms, emotional and evaluative words, inversions, repetitions, rhetorical questions, appeals, etc.

And finally art style. It serves to emotionally influence the thoughts and feelings of the reader or listener. The main stylistic features of the style are figurativeness, emotionality, expressiveness, concreteness.

It must be remembered that each style of speech has its own - more specific - scope. Thus, the artistic style is used in stories, lyrical poems, odes, etc., scientific - in scientific articles, annotations, abstracts, etc.

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Stylistics - there are resources of linguistics that have the main subject of style in all its linguistic meanings of this term, i.e. the use of speech acts as a functional Stylistics is the science of language and speech, which studies the language means of all levels from the v. sp. their expressive capabilities and the most expedient and socially accepted use of them, depending on the goals, conditions and characteristics of communication, as well as the stylistic differentiation of the modern literary language and the stylistic design of various genres of speech. Linguistic stylistics: - functional stylistics, - resource stylistics, - practical stylistics.

We understand stylistics as a section of the science of language, the doctrine of available styles of speech (the concept of style of speech is used here conditionally, in a sense different from the literary term "style", and denotes here only various types, types of speech, determined by the conditions, situation and purpose of the message and differing in the language means used in them or in the degree of their use). The task of stylistics is, therefore, to distinguish between these styles and to establish the linguistic specificity of each of them.

V.V. Vinogradov wrote that stylistics includes three circles of studies that are mutually contiguous and intersect:

Language stylistics (studies the facts of stylistic emphasis and stylistic belonging of words, phraseological units, a special stylistic function of grammatical forms, syntactic constructions, as well as functional styles of the language, their interaction and coexistence in the language);

Stylistics of speech (studies the variety of genre-situational styles);

Stylistics of fiction, or individual stylistics (studies the specifics of the speech of works of art, individual author's styles of individual writers and poets (idiostyles), features of the style of literary movements).

One of the founders of stylistics as a science, Balli also spoke of three stylistics, but in a completely different way: he singled out

General style (explores the stylistic problems of speech activity in general);

Private stylistics (explores the stylistics of a particular national language);

Individual style (explores the expressive features of the speech of individual individuals).

As we can see, any stylistics is engaged in integral speech formations and goes to the level of the text, thus becoming the stylistics of the text and merging with the linguistics (theory) of the text.

If there is a stylistics of a certain national language, then it can be compared with the stylistics of another language. Thus, we can talk about comparative stylistics, which has practical and theoretical aspects. Practical stylistics studies the choices, preferences that a speaker must make when moving from one language to another when teaching or translating. Observations on the choice of individual forms lead to generalizations, which are formulated as rules of stylistics: they are studied by theoretical stylistics.

Recently, they have begun to talk about gender stylistics, that is, the presence of trends in the use of certain forms depending on the gender of the native speaker. Thus, feminist theorists say that they use language to construct themselves as women, to create their femininity.

Stylistics- a branch of the science of language that studies the styles of language and styles of speech, as well as figurative and expressive means.

Style(from the Greek stylos - writing stick) - a way of verbal expression of thoughts, a syllable. The style is characterized by features in the selection, combination and organization of language means in connection with the tasks of communication.

functional style- this is a subsystem (variety) of the literary language, which has a certain sphere of functioning and has stylistically significant (marked) linguistic means.

The following functional styles are distinguished:

- conversational style;

- scientific style;

- official business style;

- journalistic style;

- the style of fiction.

scientific style

Scientific style is the language of science. The most common specific feature of this style of speech is consistency of presentation. A scientific text is distinguished by its emphasized, strict logic: all parts in it are rigidly connected in meaning and are arranged strictly sequentially; conclusions follow from the facts presented in the text.

Another typical feature of the scientific style of speech is accuracy. Semantic accuracy (unambiguity) is achieved by careful selection of words, the use of words in their direct meaning, the wide use of terms and special vocabulary.

abstraction and generalization certainly permeate every scientific text. Therefore, abstract concepts are widely used here, which are difficult to imagine, see, feel. In such texts, there are often words with an abstract meaning, for example: emptiness, speed, time, strength, quantity, quality, law, number, limit; formulas, symbols, symbols, graphs, tables, diagrams, diagrams, drawings are often used.

The scientific style is predominantly written, but oral forms (report, message, lecture) are also possible. The main genres of scientific style are monograph, article, theses, lecture, etc.

Journalistic style

The purpose of the journalistic style of speech is informing, the transfer of socially significant information with a simultaneous impact on the reader, listener, convincing him of something, instilling in him certain ideas, views, inducing him to certain actions, actions.

The scope of the journalistic style of speech is socio-economic, political, cultural relations.

Genres of journalism- an article in a newspaper, magazine, essay, reportage, interview, feuilleton, oratorical speech, judicial speech, speech on radio, television, at a meeting, report.
The journalistic style of speech is characterized by logicality, figurativeness, emotionality, appraisal, appeal and their corresponding language tools. It widely uses socio-political vocabulary, various types of syntactic constructions.

Formal business style

The official business style of speech is used in the field of legal relations, service, production.

The main style features of the official business style are:

a) accuracy, not allowing any other interpretation;
b) non-personal character;
c) standardization, stereotyping of the construction of the text;
d) obligatory-prescriptive character.

Accuracy formulations for legislative texts is manifested primarily in the use of special terminology, in the unambiguity of non-terminological vocabulary. A typical feature of business speech is the limited possibilities of synonymous replacement; repetition of the same words, mostly terms.

impersonal character business speech is expressed in the fact that it lacks the forms of verbs of the 1st and 2nd person and personal pronouns of the 1st and 2nd person, and the forms of the 3rd person of the verb and pronoun are often used in an indefinite personal meaning .

In official documents, due to the peculiarity of the wording, there is almost no narration and description.

All documents are devoid of emotionality, expressiveness, so we will not find pictorial means of language in them.

Conversational style

Conversational speech is the basis of conversational style. The main function of the conversational style is communication ( communication), and its main form is oral.

As part of the colloquial style, a literary and colloquial style is distinguished, using generally accepted words that correspond to the norms of the literary language, and a colloquial vernacular variety, which is characterized by words and phrases that deviate from literary norms, having a tinge of stylistic reduction.

The written form of the conversational style is realized in the epistolary genre (private letters, personal correspondence, as well as diary entries).

Art style

Artistic style is a tool of artistic creativity and combines the language means of all other styles of speech. However, in the artistic style, these visual means play a special role: the purpose of their use is aesthetic and emotional impact on the reader.

Fiction allows the use of colloquial, dialectal words and expressions, and even vulgarisms. The language of fiction uses the whole variety of figurative and expressive means (metaphor, epithet, antithesis, hyperbole, etc.).

The choice of language means depends on the individuality of the author, theme, idea of ​​the work, genre. A word in a literary text can acquire new shades of meaning.

plays an important role in literary text ambiguity.

The main goal of the artistic style is to create artistic images by means of language, therefore, pictorial, emotionally colored turns of speech are widely used in fiction.

The desire for vivid imagery makes the authors avoid speech stencils, patterns, look for new options and forms to express thoughts.

The artistic style is characterized by a variety of genres, stylistic means and techniques.

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See also:

Preparation for exams in Russian:

Essentials from theory:

Stylistics is the study of how society uses language. Stylistics is a science that studies the language at its different levels and the expressive means that the language has. Stylistics is one of the philological sciences (linguistics, linguistics and literary criticism). The elements of stylistics as a science were laid down in ancient theories of language.

Rhetoric is the forerunner of modern stylistics, its goal is to teach oratory. The main development as a science takes place at the beginning of the 20th century. In Europe, the founders were Charles Balli, who developed the doctrine of the expressive means of language. In Russia, the formation of stylistics begins with the works of Lomonosov, in particular his theory of 3 calms. (He divided the words of the Russian language into 3 groups - high, medium and low vocabulary).

Stylistics as a science by its nature is a purely functional, theoretical science.

It has its own object of study, a special subject of study. It has a special conceptual and terminological apparatus, research methods. She has her own problem. The object of study of stylistics is the language fixed in the texts. The subject of the study of stylistics is the expressive possibilities and means of different levels of the language system, their stylistic meanings and colors (connotations), the patterns of language use in different areas and situations of communication, and as a result of this, a peculiar organization of speech specific to each area. Stylistics has a range of specific concepts and categories: style, functional style, stylistic coloring, stylistic means, style feature, stylistic norm, speech system of style, style-forming factors.

Stylistics is the final course in the cycle of linguistic disciplines of philological education. Stylistics as a section of linguistics is a branched and multifaceted science.

The area of ​​its theory and practical application covers all the speech activity of modern society, in the diversity of the life of society and the individual: everyday communication, speeches at meetings, public lectures, communication through mass media, the Internet, scientific and fiction literature, office documents, a computer, international contacts . A modern person reads a lot, writes, listens, perceives oral and written information. In all these areas, a person enters into communicative relations through the word, its combination with other words, i.e. through speech activity. In order for written and oral speech to be well perceived and understood, it, first of all, must comply with the norms of orthoepy and spelling, word usage.

Some scientists call stylistics the science of the expressive means of language, the art of verbal art, others call it the science of synonyms in a broad sense at all levels of the language, and still others call it the highest level of speech culture.

The basis of the correct approach to solving the issue of the subject of stylistics is the works of Academician V.V. Vinogradov. He wrote: “In that very extensive, little studied and not clearly limited from other linguistic or even wider - philological disciplines, the field of studying the language in general and the language of fiction in particular, which is now called stylistics, one should distinguish at least three different a range of studies that are closely related, often mutually intersecting and always correlative, but endowed with their own problems, their own tasks, their own criteria and categories. This is, firstly, the stylistics of language as "systems of systems", or structural stylistics; secondly, the style of speech, i.e. different types and acts of public use of the language; thirdly, the style of fiction”.

The stylistics of a language studies the facts of the stylistic coloring of language means, the functional styles of the language, their interconnection and interdependence.

The stylistics of speech studies the variety of genre-situational styles, in Vinogradov's terminology, styles of speech.

The stylistics of fiction is devoted to the study of the specifics of the speech of works of art, the individual author's styles of writers, the peculiarities of the style of literary schools and trends.

Artistic speech is characterized by its own special features, which can be identified and understood only on the basis of a literary analysis of texts. Thus, if the stylistics of language and the stylistics of speech together constitute linguistic stylistics, then the stylistics of fiction is the field of knowledge of linguistic and literary research.

Stylistics is closely connected with other sections of linguistics. Unlike other linguistic sciences, which have their own units of study, stylistics has no special units of study. The carriers of stylistic meanings are the same units of phonetics, vocabulary, phraseology, morphology, syntax, i.e. should talk about phonetic style, grammatical, etc.

Stylistics is connected with the course of the history of Russian literature of the language and the theory of literature, which introduce students in detail to the visual and expressive means of the language. But most of all, stylistics is connected with the culture of speech, the science of the norms of pronunciation and word usage. In the style and culture of speech, we are talking about assessments of the qualitative side and the possibility of using words and forms in speech. However, the culture of speech evaluates their compliance with the modern literary norm, rule, and style - the appropriateness and expediency of their use, the degree of expressiveness. To some extent, the criteria for stylistic assessments are thinner and more delicate, requiring linguistic taste, rather than cultural and speech assessments.

Stylistics studies linguistic units and means of all levels of the language, but from its own, stylistic point of view. A stylistic approach to a morpheme, phoneme, word, phrase, sentence is manifested in additional meanings, which determine: 1. the sphere of life in which communication takes place, functional and stylistic meaning; 2. type of situation in which these units are usually used, expressive-stylistic meaning, 3. public assessment of the phenomena indicated by these units of language, evaluative-stylistic meaning. These stylistic meanings in each era are assigned to the units of the language as a trace, as an imprint of their predominant definition in certain situations and contexts. Although in the social speech practice of people, words are enriched with new stylistic shades, in each given era there are stylistic norms in the language that determine the use of the language. These norms, although less rigid and strict than the norms in grammar, exist objectively and are felt by speakers, especially in cases where they are violated. The concept of "norm" is fundamentally important for the language.

Stylistics as a linguistic science studies the stable stylistic meanings of language units assigned to them in accordance with existing stylistic norms - those lexical, morphological, syntactic and phonetic phenomena, as well as emotional and expressive means that are used in various spheres of human activity and in situations of various elevations .

Russian language style colloquial

1 Types of style

Practical stylistics (stylistics of language resources). A section of linguistics that studies the functioning of units and categories of all levels of language in the literary language in typical speech situations, in contexts of various semantic, expressive content, taking into account existing language norms.

Phonetic stylistics, stylistics of parts of speech (morphological stylistics).

The style is functional. A branch of linguistics that studies the differentiation of the literary language according to its historically developed varieties (functional and stylistic unities). S. f. develops general principles of typology, classification and allocation of the main functional varieties (functional styles) of the literary language; determines their extralinguistic style-forming factors, hierarchy and interaction of styles within the literary language; the use and principles of organization of speech means within a certain functional and stylistic unity.

Stylistics, text units. Structural section of stylistics, which studies the general and particular patterns of organization of language units, subject to the well-known ideological-content, functional, compositional-structural unity, which is the text as a speech work; clarifying the ways and norms of the organization of language units in texts of a certain purpose and content; investigating intra-paragraph connections and stylistic characteristics of a complex syntactic whole, primarily sentences and super-phrasal units in their relationship with a paragraph, with the overall composition and syntactic structure of the text, the correlation of the compositional parts of the text with a certain set of linguistic units, depending on the ideological content and genre-compositional features of the text , its functional and stylistic affiliation.

Stylistics, units of artistic speech. A structural section of stylistics that studies issues related to the acquisition of aesthetic significance by linguistic units in the context of an integral work of art. The problem of the stylistics of artistic speech includes: 1) the problem of the "image of the author"; 2) construction of different types of author's narration, speech of characters, dialogue; 3) selection of linguistic elements, including non-literary, non-standardized ones, their transformation in the context of a work of art, artistic speech in general; 4) the internal organization of a literary narrative from the standpoint of the author, narrator, character, the typology of the compositional and syntactic forms of narrative in a given literary text; 5) the question of the relationship between the literary language and the language of fiction.