Hexagram 10 interpretation. Outer and Inner worlds

The key word of the Lee hexagram is Caution. This is the most important thing to think about now, because a lot depends on how attentive and reasonable you are, and especially health and business.

Note that being careful does not in any way mean that you have to be on the defensive all the time. On the contrary, such a strategy will make you an even more vulnerable person. Protection implies the dominance of fear over all other qualities necessary for successful progress in life. Therefore, now it is necessary to learn that caution is a combination of responsibility, attentiveness and reasonableness. It is these three points that will allow you to control the situation, but at the same time actively move on, step by step approaching your success.

Another important point that should be implemented in the situation symbolized by the Lee hexagram is tactical planning of actions. By itself, the Li hexagram has the semantic name "Offensive", and within the framework of the worldview of the ancient Chinese, this implies a well-thought-out and well-calculated action. Not some kind of emotional outburst, not a whim and not a hope for "maybe", but a well-thought-out plan, implemented in stages, with reasonable adjustments due to changing events.

In order for you to be able to work through this situation effectively, you should be alone for a while and be in silence. It could be an hour, a day, it doesn't matter. It all depends on what topic the fortune-telling is being conducted on. The main thing is that such a moment should be a starting point and a line after which you no longer decide on the go what to do, but act according to a well-developed plan that takes into account your individual characteristics and the unique nature of the events in which you have become a participant.

And finally, the last thing to keep in mind when going through the situation personified by the Lee hexagram is to avoid stereotypical behavior. From the point of view of any strategy, it obviously predicts failure, because it is too predictable. The opponent (problem) is defeated only by the one who is able to surprise even himself, and then he has every chance to take the enemy by surprise and win. Those who act according to a pattern always fall into typical traps.

Li (Offensive): walk, walk; path, path, road; shoes; advance, follow in the footsteps, follow..., act, practice, accomplish; behavior, manners; salary, livelihood; happiness, luck; the paths of the stars and planets. The hieroglyph depicts the legs of a walking person.

figurative row

This is the time to move forward, to go beyond the familiar and the familiar. You have accumulated enough strength to take the first step. Make new connections, meet people and introduce them to each other. Your efforts will bear generous fruit. Be like an experienced military leader who can personally make decisions and organize his subordinates to follow him. The path is open if knowledge is accompanied by action. But you must move carefully and prudently so as not to lose what you have achieved even in adverse circumstances. Stay focused and don't lose sight of your goal. Awareness of the right path will help to avoid danger.

Outer and Inner worlds

Sky and Pond

Internal joy and stimulation alternate with external struggle, marking the stages of the path traveled.

Determining your path in the world contains a hidden possibility of determining the circle of acquaintances and affections.


The small accumulates and becomes great. Awareness of this allows you to use the offensive.


Onset means no waiting.


Sky above, water below. Offensive.

A noble person distinguishes between upper and lower.

Hexagram lines

Nine first

Primary offensive.
If you go ahead, there will be no blasphemy.

You start moving forward. Let your thoughts be pure, then the future will not bring repentance.

Nine second

Walk straight along the path.
For the hermit, stamina is fortunate.

You pave the way, expanding and leveling it. This requires a lot of effort, but should not discourage you. Your mind, like a hermit in solitude, does not need recognition from other people.

Six third

One-eyed can see.
Lame may come.
But if you step on the tiger's tail so that it bites, -
A warrior acts like a great sovereign.
In the offensive, one must value not only knowledge, but also action; without this, the offensive will be incomplete and one-sided. Right now you don't have enough knowledge or strength. The path is closed (misfortune). If you continue what you started, then you will become like a simple soldier acting in the place of a military leader.

Nine fourth

If you step on a tiger's tail, you will scream in fear, but
In the end there will be happiness.

You have met the source of power. It can be a great person or a favorable set of circumstances. Be courteous and discreet, but state your point of view vigorously and with conviction. Your goal is achievable. The way is open (happiness).

Nine fifth

Decisive attack.
Be steadfast in danger.

Be determined and move forward, even if you have to part with something. You will meet with danger, the roots of which are in the past. To overcome it, you need endurance.

Top nine

Consider past actions, explore the best in them.
When they are repeated - the original happiness.

Look back at the path you have traveled. Basically, everything has already been achieved, and now you can recall your actions in memory to find out which ones led to success. You have reached the pinnacle of your situation. Your efforts will bear generous fruit.

General interpretation according to Y. Shutsky

The reaction to the beginning of limitation from outside is the next moment - when the most insignificant forces of newly acquired significance begin their positive advance. All the past - and in this sense, the external - is opposed in its usual and therefore destructive for the new knowledge of persuasiveness. Therefore, the latter, in his coming forward, is in danger of being defeated. To avoid it, it is necessary here to support the new idea from the moral side, from the side of meek friendliness - the quality symbolized in the lower, inner trigram "permission" - only then is it possible for new knowledge to attack the external intense forces. And this attack can and must always be so careful and gentle that the one who launches it in the most terrible circumstances will not suffer. At the same time, the cognitive ability is directed to the ultimate truth, from which all random shades arising from a negligent attitude towards it, which should lead to the next hexagram Flourishing, must be discarded. Therefore, such activity should be paradoxically cautious, as indicated in the image of the text: Step on the tiger's tail so that it does not bite you yourself. Development.

At the first stage of development, the process exists only as an idealiter, and therefore it is only in possibility, and not in reality. But only the transition into reality imparts pragmatism to the process, concretizing and thus individualizing it. Prior to this, the process is conceivable only as the possibility of a given action, and differs from every other idea of ​​the process only in the specificity of this, and not another action. This specificity exists so far, of course, only in general concepts, and not in material concreteness. However, it, as a plan for the future, indicates the possibility of a comfortable development of the process. In the text we read: In the beginning, a strong trait. The simplest attack. If you go ahead, there will be no blasphemy.

The main reason for the onset is dissatisfaction with what a person has. From striving for it, a person passes to overcoming obstacles and to a real offensive. At the same time, at this stage, the simplest offensive as such, which is still devoid of any individual coloring, is no longer enough. Here it is already concretized by a certain object of attack. However, such individualization plays only a relative role, because excessive individualization threatens to be separated from the environment and, therefore, to perish. On the contrary, balance, expressed already in the (second - central) position itself - the balance between old and newly acquired knowledge - this is what is especially needed here. The achievement of such tranquility should give a person complete satisfaction; and he does not need evaluation and recognition of his activities from the outside, by other people. It, like a hermit in solitude, continues its attack on the newly acquired knowledge, in the text we see the following: A strong trait is in second place. The path we are walking on is completely straight. Hidden man stamina - fortunately.

In the offensive, more than anywhere else, a harmonious combination of knowledge and action is necessary. It is not enough to know the essence of the offensive, one must also know its method. It is not enough to appreciate knowledge alone, but its implementation must be even more appreciated. Without the latter, a certain inferiority and one-sidedness is obtained. It is exactly what is expressed in the images of the text. But it often happens that in such a period of crisis, people vainly talk about what truly exists, without correcting their actions with this knowledge. Because of this, even their limited knowledge is completely coarsened and becomes a dead scheme. But it is precisely such hardened people who act unsuccessfully during a crisis. In the text, this is dressed up in the following images: Weak trait in third place. And the one-eyed one can see; and one-legged may come. But if you step on the tail of a tiger like that, then he will bite this person. Misfortune. The warrior acts instead of the great sovereign.

The experience of the previous crisis has as its positive result the fact that in it the inferiority of one-sided development is recognized and the desire to overcome it appears, which is carried out here. Of course, this is not done simply, and at this stage a person is still not fully aware of the correct path of his action, and therefore he is still full of fear. Exclamations of horror still escape from him, but if he completes the process of harmonization he has begun, then happiness awaits him. In this case, he will already move forward without retreating. This is expressed in the text as follows: Strong trait in fourth place. Step on a tiger's tail: oh-oh! In the end - happiness.

All the offensive experience accumulated in the previous period turns into such a force that an offensive already becomes necessary. You need to decide on it. Otherwise, a person will stop at that moment, at which conditions are especially favorable for the offensive, for cognition in practice of the true being. Therefore, the text here succinctly, without distracting images, says directly: Strong trait in fifth place. Decisive attack. Be steadfast in danger.

In view of the danger of overdevelopment inherent in the last position, it would be unfavorable here to look for new ways. Basically, after all, everything related to the offensive has already been achieved, and, based on the acquired knowledge and skill, it is necessary to act again and again, having before your eyes your previous experience and paying attention to what led to the most favorable outcome. In addition to this main idea, all other arguments are superfluous here, therefore the text only says: Above is a strong trait. Consider the offensive and delve into what is happy in it. When it returns - the original happiness.

Commentary by A.V. Shvetsa

Creativity in the outer, joy in the inner. In the external everything is uncertain, but a person experiences joy from the fact that, after some hesitation, a definite decision has finally been made. This state is typical for the offensive. But the offensive of an insignificant man means little, and the lame may advance. If the consciousness is not strengthened, then it is better to act not for your own sake, but for the sake of the great sovereign.

The inner trigram ends with Yin. This means that after a random start and an unpredictable course, the processes end in a very definite way. And if you find that some good events and actions in your life are repeated, despite the complete uncertainty in the external, then this indicates that you have good Yin.

Haislip interpretation

You should now try to withdraw into yourself, retire and think about yourself, about your situation. Let your behavior be emphatically polite, restrained and friendly. It would do you a lot of good if in any way you show your respect for your superiors. Great joy will bring you an unexpected event that will happen soon. For love affairs, the time is not quite right. Women, be careful in choosing new acquaintances! Try not to make big demands on life right now.

Description of external and hidden hexagrams

In the manifested world, the sun shines brightly in the endless blue sky. The invaluable treasure obtained by creativity has already been revealed.

The sky is reflected on the surface of a clear lake. Here and now, the maximum vibration of the Highest, the vibration of God, is reflected, manifested.

The sun illuminated the lake to the very bottom. Ingots of gold at the bottom of the lake sparkled in the sun. A valuable treasure of gold will be obtained by a joyful accomplishment on the inner plane.

The wonderful golden glow of precious ingots will outshine the sky itself! All attention will be focused on the extracted valuable treasure of gold, and the strong sky (God) will be pushed into the background.

On the SUBCONSCIOUS the wind shakes the lush crown of the tree. Life is full of daily hustle and bustle.

The tree deeply penetrated the earth with its roots, and with thin branches rushed into the blue sky. Along with spiritual aspirations, concern for material well-being is also strongly shown.

A fire is burning right under the tree. In this worldly bustle, the flame of real deep passion flares up.

The flame will cover the entire tree and illuminate everything around. There will be complete clarity and cohesion with the situation. The entire subconscious will be engulfed in the fire of emotions and passions.

Where a powerful tree used to grow, tomorrow flames will rush into the sky. Where there used to be a calm life, tomorrow passions will boil so that everything else will recede into the background.

General interpretation of hexagram No. 10

God is revealed in the manifested world. God is supplanted by a small valuable treasure obtained by a joyful accomplishment. So, PLEASURE takes all our attention to itself, making us forget about the rest of the world. On the subtle plane, fire rages, devouring its environment (tree). The wind inflates the flame of passions. The properties of fire increase - clarity and cohesion (fire tenaciously clings to firewood). The connection becomes very strong, very close. There is complete clarity in the relationship. PLEASURE.

The situation is at the same time the most beautiful - this is the manifest level and extremely dangerous - this is the subconscious level. At the slightest negligence, the flame of fire from the subconscious level will spread into the manifested reality, changing it in the most radical way. And then God (heaven) will completely leave the manifested reality. Passion will oust the Highest completely. Only a very strong person can cope with such a situation, that is, he can truly ENJOY and at the same time keep in touch with the Highest.




ASCETISM is the conscious rejection of earthly joys for the sake of spiritual quests. ASCETISM gives rise to PLEASURE, because only a very hungry person will truly enjoy a piece of black bread, a sip of hot tea.




Pleasure - a feeling of comfort, euphoria, energy fullness. Any pleasure is dangerous, like a tiger. If it is fatal to enjoy food, it is easy to get fat and lose health. If you really enjoy sex, you can lose health and so on. Only a truly strong person will be able to cope with pleasure (the tiger will not bite him).

Positions for awareness:

1. Pleasure is evidence of harmonious, correct, useful actions that correspond to the flow of events and your destiny. Pleasure is the guiding thread.

2. Passion for enjoying something quickly leads to disharmony and to a fall. We meet confirmation in various fields at every step. For example: enjoying the taste of food leads to corpulence, immobility and disease. Pleasures are fleeting, but sufferings because of them are permanent. One should not succumb to pleasure, since this is a sure path to disharmony and self-destruction. A wise man will not step on a tiger's tail, but will reject strong pleasure.

3. If we consider only one separate facet of the whole, common pleasure, then the conclusion about the dangers of pleasure is correct. Because of such narrow thinking, it is easy to lose such a valuable guiding thread as pleasure. Pleasure should always be considered as the whole complex of human emotions and states. Such truly common enjoyment is the path of harmony, the path of joy. So, if food harms the joy of movement, reduces the pleasure from one's strong and energetic body, then it is excessive. In this case, food has reduced the measure of general enjoyment and therefore it is disharmonic and harmful. Focusing on shared enjoyment is a guarantee that you will never get bitten by a tiger. General enjoyment is never excessive, but requires the strictest sense of proportion in individual, private pleasures. It is from the standpoint of universal enjoyment, when a person has identified himself with everything living, that service and even sacrifice can be the highest form of enjoyment.

4. Real pleasure is not dangerous and does not look like a tiger at all. Real enjoyment is the enjoyment of divine unconditional love. Seeing this love everywhere in everything around! Unfortunately, selfish, conditional love reigns in the world, and it is always a tiger. How many bitten around!

5. “What we call pleasure or delight is, in fact, one of the forms of suffering. This delight is not true happiness. He is like boiling water. In what we call pleasure there is no peace and no peace, no clarity.” - René Fezi

6. "The hope of enjoyment is almost as pleasant as enjoyment itself" - William Shakespeare.

7. "Sacrifice is sweeter than pleasure" - Sathya Sai Baba.

8. “There is no way to happiness; happiness is the way.” – Gautama Buddha

9. “The only criterion for life is bliss. If you do not feel that life is bliss, then know that you are going in the wrong direction.” – Osho Rajneesh

10. “What difference does it make who is stronger, who is smarter, who is prettier, who is richer? After all, in the end, it only matters whether you are a happy person or not, ”- Osho Rajneesh.

11. “Love is a flower so delicate that it cannot be forcibly made eternal” - Osho Rajneesh.

12. “Remind yourself more often that the purpose of life is not at all to fulfill everything planned, but to enjoy every step taken on the path of life, to fill life with love,” Richard Carlson.


You have to develop in an atmosphere of increased pressure and high "temperature" of relationships. However, it cannot be said that these conditions are absolutely hostile. Act with extreme caution, showing sensitivity and discretion. Try to establish control over at least a part, do not think about the whole yet.

The original text is clear without comment: "Step on the tiger's tail so that it does not bite you."


Circumstances force you to take the Action. Which one is clear even to the uninitiated. So go ahead!

"Rejuvenated" hexagram

Perfection can be achieved in any business. In yours, perfect caution and sensitivity are needed.

bottom line.

Do not doubt the expediency of your intentions. You haven't done anything yet. But "if you go ahead, there will be no blasphemy."

Second line.

You clearly imagine the immediate future. "The path you walk on is perfectly level." Do not seek support and approval from people close to you. You are now more to face independence and self-sufficiency.

Third line.

You have acted out of courage rather than wisdom. It cannot be called erroneous, but it will not bring happiness either.

Fourth line.

The experience of the crisis has given you the strength to overcome it. Despite this, you are a little scared. Make up your mind.

Fifth line.

Experience is turned into energy, and it makes you act. Individuality and independence are absolutely necessary, but courage and determination will not hurt. Forward!

Top line.

The experience of solving this problem can rightfully be given the title of academic. Do not forget about it, and you will avoid many troubles in the future.

Your behavior now should be more than ever polite, friendly, restrained, balanced. You should think very carefully about your position. We must act with the utmost care and caution. Try to please the authorities, now it will surely bear fruit. An unexpected, but very joyful event awaits you ahead. This time is hardly suitable for love interests. A woman should now be especially careful in dealing with unfamiliar men.

your wish

Moderate your claims and ambitions to the limit, the ultimate goal will not be achieved very soon.

Explanation of the hexagram

complete explanation of the 10th hexagram → Li: Offensive

Explanation of each trait

explanation of the features of the hexagram from bottom to top

The reaction to the beginning of limitation from outside is the next moment - when the most insignificant forces of newly acquired significance begin their positive advance. All the past - and in this sense, the external - is opposed in its usual and therefore destructive for the new knowledge of persuasiveness. Therefore, the latter, in his coming forward, is in danger of being defeated. To avoid it, it is necessary here to support the new idea from the moral side, from the side of meek friendliness - the quality symbolized in the lower, inner trigram "permission" - only then is it possible for a new cognition to attack the external intense forces. And this attack can and must always be so careful and gentle that the one who launches it in the most terrible circumstances will not suffer. At the same time, the cognitive ability is directed to the ultimate truth, from which all random shades arising from a negligent attitude towards it, which should lead to the next hexagram Flourishing, must be discarded. Therefore, such activity should be paradoxically cautious, as indicated in the image of the text: Step on the tiger's tail so that it does not bite you yourself. Development.

At the first stage of development, the process exists only as an idealiter, and therefore it is only in possibility, and not in reality. But only the transition into reality imparts pragmatism to the process, concretizing and thus individualizing it. Prior to this, the process is conceivable only as the possibility of a given action, and differs from every other idea of ​​the process only in the specificity of this, and not another action. This specificity exists so far, of course, only in general concepts, and not in material concreteness. However, it, as a plan for the future, indicates the possibility of a comfortable development of the process. In the text we read: In the beginning, a strong trait. The simplest attack. If you go ahead, there will be no blasphemy.

The main reason for the onset is dissatisfaction with what a person has. From striving for it, a person passes to overcoming obstacles and to a real offensive. At the same time, at this stage, the simplest offensive as such, which is still devoid of any individual coloring, is no longer enough. Here it is already concretized by a certain object of attack. However, such individualization plays only a relative role, because excessive individualization threatens to be separated from the environment and, therefore, to perish. On the contrary, balance, expressed already in the (second - central) position itself - the balance between old and newly acquired knowledge - this is what is especially needed here. The achievement of such tranquility should give a person complete satisfaction; and he does not need evaluation and recognition of his activities from the outside, by other people. It, like a hermit in solitude, continues its attack on the newly acquired knowledge, in the text we see the following: A strong trait is in second place. The path we are walking on is completely straight. Hidden man stamina - fortunately.

In the offensive, more than anywhere else, a harmonious combination of knowledge and action is necessary. It is not enough to know the essence of the offensive, one must also know its method. It is not enough to appreciate knowledge alone, but its implementation must be even more appreciated. Without the latter, a certain inferiority and one-sidedness is obtained. It is exactly what is expressed in the images of the text. But it often happens that in such a period of crisis, people vainly talk about what truly exists, without correcting their actions with this knowledge. Because of this, even their limited knowledge is completely coarsened and becomes a dead scheme. But it is precisely such hardened people who act unsuccessfully during a crisis. In the text, this is dressed up in the following images: Weak trait in third place. And the one-eyed one can see; and one-legged may come. But if you step on the tail of a tiger like that, then he will bite this person. Misfortune. The warrior acts instead of the great sovereign.

The experience of the previous crisis has as its positive result the fact that in it the inferiority of one-sided development is recognized and the desire to overcome it appears, which is carried out here. Of course, this is not done simply, and at this stage a person is still not fully aware of the correct path of his action, and therefore he is still full of fear. Exclamations of horror still escape from him, but if he completes the process of harmonization he has begun, then happiness awaits him. In this case, he will already move forward without retreating. This is expressed in the text as follows: Strong trait in fourth place. Step on a tiger's tail: oh-oh! In the end - happiness.

All the offensive experience accumulated in the previous period turns into such a force that an offensive already becomes necessary. You need to decide on it. Otherwise, a person will stop at that moment, at which conditions are especially favorable for the offensive, for cognition in practice of the true being. Therefore, the text here succinctly, without distracting images, says directly: Strong trait in fifth place. Decisive attack. Be steadfast in danger.

In view of the danger of overdevelopment inherent in the last position, it would be unfavorable here to look for new ways. Basically, after all, everything related to the offensive has already been achieved, and, based on the acquired knowledge and skill, it is necessary to act again and again, having before your eyes your previous experience and paying attention to what led to the most favorable outcome. In addition to this main idea, all other arguments are superfluous here, therefore the text only says: Above is a strong trait. Consider the offensive and delve into what is happy in it. When it returns - the original happiness.

At present, your behavior should be emphatically polite, friendly, restrained. Go inside yourself and think about your situation properly. In any way, show respect for the authorities, now it will do you good. An unexpected event will happen that will bring you great joy. It's not the right time for flirting. Ladies, communicating with men who are not well known, should be especially careful. This is the period when claims to life should be reduced to a minimum.

The reaction to the beginning of limitation from outside is the next moment, when the most insignificant forces of newly acquired significance begin their positive advance. The whole past—and, in this sense, external—opposes itself in its habitual, and therefore destructive for new cognition, persuasiveness. Therefore, the latter, in his coming forward, is in danger of being defeated. To avoid it, it is necessary here to support the new idea from the moral side, from the side of meek friendliness - the quality symbolized in the lower, inner trigram "permission" - only then is it possible for a new cognition to attack the external intense forces.

And this attack can and must always be so careful and gentle that the one who launches it in the most terrible circumstances will not suffer. At the same time, the cognitive ability is directed to the ultimate truth, from which all random shades arising from a negligent attitude towards it, which should lead to the next hexagram Flourishing, must be discarded. Therefore, such activity must be cautious to the point of paradox, as indicated in the image of the text:

Step on the tiger's tail so that it does not bite you. Development.

At the first stage of development, the process exists only as an idealiter, and therefore it is only in possibility, and not in reality. But only the transition into reality imparts pragmatism to the process, concretizing and thus individualizing it. Prior to this, the process is conceivable only as the possibility of a given action, and differs from every other idea of ​​the process only in the specificity of this, and not another action. This specificity exists so far, of course, only in general concepts, and not in material concreteness. However, it, as a plan for the future, indicates the possibility of a comfortable development of the process. In the text we read:

Strong in the beginning. The simplest attack. If you go ahead, there will be no blasphemy.

The main reason for the onset is dissatisfaction with what a person has. From striving for it, a person passes to overcoming obstacles and to a real offensive. At the same time, at this stage, the simplest offensive as such, which is still devoid of any individual coloring, is no longer enough. Here it is already concretized by a certain object of attack. However, such individualization plays only a relative role, because excessive individualization threatens to be separated from the environment and, therefore, to perish. On the contrary, balance, expressed already in the (second - central) position itself - the balance between old and newly acquired knowledge - this is what is especially needed here. The achievement of such tranquility should give a person complete satisfaction; and he does not need evaluation and recognition of his activities from the outside, by other people. It, like a hermit in solitude, continues its attack on the newly acquired knowledge, in the text we see the following:

Strong trait in second place. The path we are walking on is completely straight. For a hidden person, steadfastness is fortunate.

In the offensive, more than anywhere else, a harmonious combination of knowledge and action is necessary. It is not enough to know the essence of the offensive, one must also know its method. It is not enough to appreciate knowledge alone, but its implementation must be even more appreciated. Without the latter, a certain inferiority and one-sidedness is obtained. It is exactly what is expressed in the images of the text. But it often happens that in such a period of crisis, people vainly talk about what truly exists, without correcting their actions with this knowledge. Because of this, even their limited knowledge is completely coarsened and becomes a dead scheme. But it is precisely such hardened people who act unsuccessfully during a crisis. In the text, this is couched in the following images:

Weak trait in third place. And the one-eyed one can see; and one-legged may come. But if you step on the tail of a tiger like that, then he will bite this person. Misfortune. The warrior acts instead of the great sovereign.

The experience of the previous crisis has as its positive result the fact that in it the inferiority of one-sided development is recognized and the desire to overcome it appears, which is carried out here. Of course, this is not done simply, and at this stage a person is still not fully aware of the correct path of his action, and therefore he is still full of fear. Exclamations of horror still escape from him, but if he completes the process of harmonization he has begun, then happiness awaits him. In this case, he will already move forward without retreating. This is expressed in the text as follows:

Strong feature in fourth place. Step on a tiger's tail... oh-oh! Ultimately, happiness.

All the offensive experience accumulated in the previous period turns into such a force that an offensive already becomes necessary. You need to decide on it. Otherwise, a person will stop at that moment, at which conditions are especially favorable for the offensive, for cognition in practice of the true being. Therefore, the text here succinctly, without distracting images, says directly:

Strong trait in fifth place. Decisive attack. Be steadfast in danger

In view of the danger of overdevelopment inherent in the last position, it would be unfavorable here to look for new ways. Basically, after all, everything related to the offensive has already been achieved, and, based on the acquired knowledge and skill, it is necessary to act again and again, having before your eyes your previous experience and paying attention to what led to the most favorable outcome. In addition to this main idea, all other arguments are superfluous here, therefore the text only says:

Above is a strong feature. Consider the offensive and delve into what is happy in it. When it returns - the original happiness.