General Colonel Andrei Serdyukov biography. Media: Commander-in-Chief of the Airborne Forces broke his spine in an accident in the Murmansk region

Andrey Nikolaevich Serdyukov(born March 4, 1962, Uglegorsky settlement, Tatsinsky district, Rostov region, RSFSR, USSR) - Russian military leader, commander of the Airborne Forces since October 4, 2016, Colonel General (2015).

Serdyukov Andrey Nikolaevich(03/04/1962 Uglegorsky Tatsinsky district of Rostovobl) RVVDKU im. Lenkom (1979-1983), VA im. Frunze (1990-1993), VAGSH angry. (2007-2009). C-r reconnaissance platoon (1983-1985), deputy. c-ra, c-r company (1985-1986), NSH, c-r bat (1986-1990), deputy. to-ra (1993-1995), to-r (1995-06.1997) of the 237th Guards. Torun PDP, 104th Guards. dshp (1997-1999), deputy. to-ra 76th Guards. Chernihiv Airborne Division (1999-2002), 138th department guards Krasnoselskaya MSBR LVO (03.2002-06.2004), 106th Guards. VDD (06.2004-08.2007), deputy. com. 5th A DVO (07.2009-01.2011), com. 5th A BBO (01.2011-02.2013), deputy. com. (02.-10.2013), NSH (10.2013-12.2015) Southern Military District, com. 12th teams. reserve (12.2015-10.2016) Southern Military District, com. Airborne Forces (since 10.2016). Gen.-Regiment. (2015). Ord. "For Service to the Motherland in the USSR Armed Forces" III Art., "For Honored. before the Father." III st., IV st., A. Nevsky, Husband, Poch., “For the military. meritorious". Zaslvoenspets.


In 1983 he graduated from the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School named after Lenin Komsomol (7th company). After graduating from college, he was appointed platoon commander of the regimental reconnaissance company of the 104th Guards Airborne Division (Kirovabad, AzSSR) from 1983 to 1985. He successively held the positions of deputy commander and company commander (1985-1986), chief of staff and battalion commander (1986-1990).

In 1993 he graduated from the Military Academy named after M. V. Frunze.

After graduating from the academy, he was appointed deputy commander of the 237th Guards Airborne Torun Regiment, in 1995-1997 - regiment commander, in 1997-1999 - commander of the 104th Guards Airborne Regiment, in 1999-2002 - deputy commander 76th Guards Airborne Division Chernigov (Pskov). Later he held the following positions: commander of the 138th separate guards motorized rifle brigade Krasnoselskaya in the Leningrad military district (Kamenka) from March 2002 to June 2004, commander of the 106th guards airborne division (Tula) from 2004 to 2007.

In 2009 he graduated with a gold medal from the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Forces of the Russian Federation. Appointed Deputy Commander of the 5th Red Banner Army of the Far Eastern Military District (since 2010 - the Eastern Military District). From February to October 2013 - Deputy Commander of the Southern Military District, from October 2013 to December 2015 - Chief of Staff - First Deputy Commander of the Southern Military District, from December 2015 to October 2016 - Commander of the 12th Command of the Southern Military District military district.

By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 4, 2016, he was appointed Commander of the Airborne Troops. On October 10, 2016, the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, General of the Army Sergei Shoigu, presented Colonel General Andrei Serdyukov with the standard of the commander of the Airborne Forces and presented it to the command of the Airborne Forces.

Member of the First and Second Chechen wars, forced march of the combined airborne battalion to Pristina. He has over 200 parachute jumps. Honored Military Specialist of the Russian Federation.


  • Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" III degree,
  • Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" IV degree,
  • Order of Alexander Nevsky,
  • Order of Courage
  • Order of Honor,
  • Order of Military Merit,
  • Order For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR, 3rd class.
  • Medals

The commander of the airborne troops (VDV) of the Russian Federation, Colonel-General Andrey Serdyukov, who was returning from a military exercise, had an accident in the Murmansk region. The car with the general collided with a passenger car, the driver of which, according to the Russian Ministry of Defense, lost control and drove into the oncoming lane. The life of the general, who received head and spinal injuries, is not in danger. The driver of the car died.

The incident involving a car in which Colonel General Serdyukov, his deputy Major General Vladimir Kochetkov, assistant Colonel Oleg Smykovsky and adjutant foreman Andrey Batarev were moving, occurred on September 15 in the Murmansk region. On that day, the Volkswagen Caravelle service minibus assigned to the Northern Fleet was in a cortege with an escort heading to the airport along the R-21 Kola highway: the day before, some units of the Airborne Forces began to perform tasks in the exercise, which General Serdyukov personally supervised. At the 1420th km of the road, the car with the commander (he was third in the cortege) lagged behind a little and tried to catch up with the car that was driving in front in the oncoming lane. However, a few seconds later, Volkswagen at full speed collided tangentially with a Chevrolet Lanos, which was thrown into another car moving in the same direction. From the impact, the car with General Serdyukov turned over several times and fell into a ditch.

With severe injuries, the commander was taken to the neurosurgical department of the 1469th Naval Clinical Hospital: there he was diagnosed with combined and bruised head and spinal injuries (closed fracture of some vertebrae).

As Kommersant was assured in the Ministry of Defense, now his condition is assessed as satisfactory, nothing threatens his health.

The servicemen who were with Andrey Serdyukov also had injuries - for example, General Kochetkov had a closed fracture of the first metacarpal bone, numerous bruises (of the head, chest and limbs), and foreman Batarev had a bruise of the cervical spine. Chevrolet Lanos driver Oleg Karmazin, who was traveling with his family, died in an ambulance (it was he who suffered the brunt of the collision). His wife Natalya received a closed craniocerebral injury, and the children born in 2000 and 2001 who were in the cabin were not injured: they were examined on an outpatient basis in local medical institutions.

The Ministry of Defense believes that it was the deceased who was to blame for the tragedy: the department’s report states that the driver of a private car “lost control and, having driven into the oncoming lane, collided with a minibus moving as part of a military convoy.”

Note that the predecessor of Andrei Serdyukov, Colonel-General Vladimir Shamanov (now a State Duma deputy), also got into a serious accident. In 2010, a MAZ truck carrying two citizens of Tajikistan rammed the general's official BMW at the 1st km of the Moscow Highway at the entrance to Tula. The general's driver died on the spot, and he himself needed an operation. The then Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov said that "Shamanov is a strong man": "He will recover and continue to command the Airborne Forces." According to a Kommersant source in the current leadership of the Ministry of Defense, there is no doubt that General Serdyukov will continue to command the Airborne Forces: "As soon as he recovers, he will immediately begin his service."

Defense Minister General of the Army Sergei Shoigu presented on Monday the standard to the new commander of the Russian Airborne Forces, Colonel General Andrei Serdyukov, and presented it to the personnel.

“By decree of the President of Russia dated October 4, Colonel General Serdyukov was appointed commander of the Airborne Forces. Andrei Nikolaevich is a competent leader and a skilled organizer. Gained service experience in the Far East, South and West regions. He passed all the main command and staff positions - from the commander of a reconnaissance platoon to the commander of the 12th reserve of the Southern Military District, ”TASS reports the words of the minister.

As Shoigu noted, the association headed by Serdyukov effectively carried out responsible tasks in the southwestern strategic direction, invariably showed good results during exercises and sudden checks, RIA Novosti reports.

“I think that the versatile knowledge and business qualities of Colonel General Serdyukov will be a good help in solving important issues of maintaining the combat readiness of the Airborne Forces at the required level. I congratulate you on your appointment, I wish you success in serving for the benefit of the Fatherland, ”Shoigu said at the ceremony of presenting the standard to the commander.

In turn, Serdyukov promised to maintain the glorious traditions of the Airborne Forces, "permeated with patriotism, selfless devotion, unbending will."

According to the new commander, the high level that the troops have achieved under the leadership of Colonel-General Vladimir Shamanov will serve as a “starting point” for him in his work.

“For me, the troops are dear. I know the problems and difficulties, and I am ready to work on them. In my official activity, I consider high professionalism, efficiency and consistency in work to achieve high results as the main thing. I will make every effort to justify the high trust placed in me, and I will strive to use my knowledge and experience for the further development of the troops, ”said Serdyukov.

Last week, a source in the Defense Ministry said that First Deputy Commander of the Southern Military District Serdyukov was appointed commander of the Russian Airborne Troops (VDV) instead of Vladimir Shamanov.

Recall, at the end of September, sources that the candidacy of the new commander of the Airborne Forces had already been determined. They should be the chief of staff - the first deputy commander of the troops of the Southern Military District, Colonel-General Andrey Serdyukov.

Until now, Colonel-General Vladimir Shamanov, who headed the Airborne Forces, was a State Duma deputy and took over as head of the defense committee.

Newspaper VIEW about how experts assess the candidacy of Andrey Serdyukov for this position and what tasks he will have to solve.

Andrey Serdyukov was born in 1962 in the Rostov region. Graduated from the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School. During his service, he rose from platoon commander to commander of an airborne division.

In 1993 he graduated from the Military Academy. Frunze, in 2009 - the Academy of the General Staff.

He commanded a combined arms army in the Eastern Military District. He was transferred to the Southern Military District in February 2013, in October of the same year he was appointed to his current position in the district.

In 2014, he took part in ensuring security during the referendum in Crimea.

On September 30, the media reported on the upcoming appointment. The main candidate for this high position is Lieutenant General Andrei Serdyukov. The current commander, Colonel-General Vladimir Shamanov, will head the defense committee in the State Duma of the new convocation.

At the end of 2012, information was already published about a possible change in the leadership of the Airborne Forces. With reference to the candidacy of General Andrei Serdyukov (then commander of the 5th Army of the Eastern Military District). And many more are haunted by the surname, but there is no family connection with Anatoly Serdyukov, who previously served as Minister of Defense. And yet: what kind of person is Lieutenant General Andrei Serdyukov?

If you collect all the available information, Andrey Serdyukov is a man of an analytical mindset, tested and tempered by three decades of officer service in a difficult time for the country. A supporter of a professional army and consistent reform of the armed forces. His team experience was reflected in the decisions and actions in the Crimean direction in the spring of 2014.

In 2009 he graduated from the Military Academy of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces. This is the highest level of military education in our country. He commanded the 5th Combined Arms Army in the Far East. In October 2013, he was appointed chief of staff of the Southern Military District, six months remained before the return of Crimea to the Russian Federation.

Please note that the chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces Valery Gerasimov and the head of the Military Academy of the General Staff Sergei Makarov passed the responsible post of chief of staff of the Southern Military District (formerly the North Caucasus).

Return of Crimea

According to information leaked to the media, Lieutenant General Andrei Serdyukov led a special operation in Crimea in the spring of 2014, that is, he ensured the peaceful return of Crimea to Russia.

Perhaps that is why the Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Oleksandr Turchynov noted with fear in his article on the departmental website: “During the summer of 2015, cardinal changes took place in the nature of Russian participation in hostilities in eastern Ukraine. The Armed Forces of Ukraine are now opposed by ... structured military units of the regular army of the Russian Federation ... The staffing of two corps is up to 35 thousand people ... The command of the entire grouping of the occupying Russian troops is carried out by Colonel General Andrei Nikolaevich Serdyukov.

It is clear that the National Security and Defense Council and the leadership of Ukraine need to somehow explain to fellow citizens and American sponsors the military failures in the Donbass. And yet, Andrei Serdyukov is still a lieutenant general, and no one has been able to prove "Russian aggression".

Meanwhile, on September 16, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko proposed to the National Security and Defense Council a bill on the state budget for 2017, providing for 5% of GDP for the security and defense sector and 1.1 billion hryvnias (about $42.4 million) to repay defense loans.

Five percent of GDP is 2.5 more than NATO countries spend on defense. The vector of efforts is obvious. And it is possible that Lieutenant General Andrei Serdyukov will still arrive in Ukraine with a peacekeeping mission. In the meantime, the paratroopers are routinely engaged in combat training at home, near Ryazan.

Lots of work ahead

The airborne troops include four divisions, five brigades and other formations. The number of airborne forces after the reorganization will reach 60 thousand military personnel. More than 52% of the personnel serve under the contract, that is, professionally.

The Airborne Forces were perhaps the first in the armed forces to master the components of a unified command and control system at the tactical level (ESU TZ), the Andromeda-D complex specially developed for paratroopers.

Airborne units are armed with modern tanks, airborne combat vehicles (BMD-2 and BMD-4), armored personnel carriers (BTR-MDM "Rakushka"), anti-aircraft missile system "Strela-10", self-propelled guns (120-mm 2S9 "Nona- S" and 125-mm 2S25 "Sprut-SD"), unmanned aerial vehicles. Ahead is further rearmament and technical re-equipment, increased troop mobility.

The Airborne Forces are a mobile branch of the armed forces designed to perform combat missions behind enemy lines, as well as to act as a reserve of the Supreme High Command. The Airborne Forces can be used to seize administrative and political centers, industrial facilities, enemy aviation and naval base areas, to seize and hold crossings on water barriers, mountain passes, transport hubs and communications, to destroy nuclear attack weapons, power plants and other important objects.

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Biography, life story of Andrey Nikolaevich Serdyukov

Andrey Nikolaevich Serdyukov - Russian military leader, first deputy commander of the Southern Military District.

Pursuing the dream of becoming a military man

Andrei was born on March 4, 1962 in the village of Uglegorsky, in the Rostov region. Long before graduating from high school, he firmly decided to take the path of the defender of the motherland. Get a military profession and join the army, but not by anyone, but by all means as a paratrooper. It was with the landing troops that the teenager associated a real male profession.

Therefore, immediately after graduation, without hesitation, he submitted documents to the Ryazan VVDKU, where he was enrolled in the same year. The exams were successful, the members of the medical commission had no objections. It could not be otherwise, because Andrei not only cherished the dream of joining the ranks of the brave fighters of the “cool” unit, but also tried in every possible way to bring it closer. He carefully studied those school disciplines that he later needed in the process of studying at a military university, paid great attention to physical training. Often to the detriment of free time, which many young men spend frivolously and cheerfully. Andrei managed to resist the temptations that lie in wait for young people at every turn. Still, after all, a potential paratrooper should not relax on a “civilian”.

First steps in the army

In 1983, brand new officer epaulettes shone with gold on the shoulders of the former cadet of the school. Upon arrival at the duty station in the Pskov region, he took command of the reconnaissance platoon of the 76th Airborne Division. The efforts of the young officer, his ability to find an approach to the personnel allowed him to soon become a company commander.

Serdyukov's ambitious plans extended to further command positions, but his military career included additional education. In 1993, Andrei Serdyukov graduated from the Military Academy named after. In 2009, an entry appeared in his personal file about graduating from the General Staff Academy, where, according to his colleagues, he was a foreman of the course. The officers are well aware that such duties could only be performed by a person with an impeccable military reputation, moreover, with combat experience.


Now Serdyukov could move further up the command ladder. He was entrusted with a combined arms army stationed in the Eastern Military District. Then they were transferred to the Southern District (formerly North Caucasian), parts of which were deployed in an important southwestern direction. The district included the Black Sea and Caspian flotillas, not to mention two combined arms armies, as well as the Air Force and Air Defense.

Rumors about actions on the territory of Ukraine

In 2015, the secretary of the Ukrainian Security Council publicly announced that General Serdyukov was in command of the Russian contingent, which “occupied” part of the territory of a neighboring state. It was about the Donbass, in which, according to official Kyiv, foreign troops were quartered.

For its part, the leadership of the Russian defense department denied the participation of Russian military personnel in military clashes in eastern Ukraine.

At the same time, some journalists published information that Serdyukov directly led the military group that landed in Crimea in 2014. As you know, then unknown soldiers appeared on the peninsula in ammunition without identification marks, later nicknamed "polite people."

It is possible that it was their presence that kept the Ukrainian command from taking decisive action on the territory of the republic. As a result, a referendum was held there on the issue of joining Russia, in which the majority of Crimeans voted positively.

However, there is no official information about Serdyukov's participation in military operations in eastern Ukraine and Crimea. But it is known that during the Chechen campaign Andrei Nikolaevich, then still a colonel, performed combat missions as a deputy commander of an airborne regiment.

He was part of the Russian peacekeeping unit in Serbian Kosovo.

Awarded the Order of Courage and medals.