What part of the environment does it belong to? Synopsis of the lesson of the world: “Wildlife

Ready-made homework assignments on the subject of the world around you will definitely come in handy, because often the assignments contain instructions to find information on the Internet. And where on the Internet are the most correct and detailed answers to questions about the world around you? Of course, we have 7 gurus! Catch the GDZ to the first part of the workbook for grade 2, the world around us, the author of the notebook Pleshakov, the Russian school program.

So, in the first part of the workbook, we will consider questions about the country in which we live, we will get to know our hometown in more detail. In the section of the surrounding world about nature, we will learn what living and inanimate nature is, how they differ and how they are interconnected. Let's drop in on a visit to autumn and winter, peer intently into the starry sky and the storerooms of the Earth. Sky, water, weather and natural phenomena will open to us. And second graders in the first part of the workbook will work on topics about plants and animals. There are tutorials for all topics!

GDZ for 7 gurus was checked by a primary school teacher and approved by excellent students who are preparing for a lesson on the world around us using our materials.

Click on the page numbers and see the complete answers to the workbook.

GDZ answers to part 1 of the workbook the world around us for grade 2

Where we live

Page 6 - 8

1. Write down where you live.

Planet Earth
Country Russia
Republic (krai, region) Moscow region
City (village) Moscow

2. Find in the picture and mark (fill in the circle) the coat of arms of the Russian Federation.

If you are interested, find out with the help of additional literature, the Internet, the coats of arms of which countries are shown in the figure. Sign.

3. Cut out strips from the Appendix and arrange them so that you get the flag of the Russian Federation. Check yourself in the textbook. After checking, stick the strips.

Stripe colors from top to bottom: white,
blue ,

4. Write down the names of the peoples whose representatives inhabit your region.

Russians, Armenians, Georgians, Kazakhs, Tatars, Jews, Ossetians, Chechens and others.

5. On p. 8 Describe the interesting traditions of one of the peoples of your region. Use your own observations, information received from adults, additional literature, the Internet. You can draw traditional household items of this people or stick a photo taken at a folk festival.

Pancake week- an ancient Slavic holiday, seeing off winter. Lasts a whole week. Every year it happens at different times - from the second half of February to the first days of March. The beginning of Shrovetide week depends on Easter - a great spring holiday. And the timing of Easter changes from year to year. To find out when Maslenitsa comes, you need to count back seven weeks from the date of Easter in the current year. Eighth week - Maslenitsa.
Be sure to bake pancakes - this is the main holiday treat for Maslenitsa. The attribute of the holiday is an effigy, which is burned on the wires of Maslenitsa.

Pancake week

Holidays of other nations:


Literally, "Sabantuy" means "Plow Holiday" (saban - plow and tui - holiday).
It used to be celebrated before the start of spring field work in April, now Sabantuy is celebrated in June - after sowing. Sabantuy starts in the morning. Women put on their most beautiful jewelry, ribbons are woven into the manes of horses, bells are hung from the arc. Everyone dresses up and gathers on the Maidan - a large meadow. There are a lot of entertainments on Sabantuy. The main thing is the national wrestling - kuresh. To win it requires strength, cunning and dexterity. There are strict rules for opponents wrapping each other with wide belts - sashes, the task is to hang the opponent on his belt in the air, and then put him on his shoulder blades. The winner (batyr) receives a live ram as a reward (according to tradition, but now they are more often replaced with other valuable gifts).

White month holiday (New Year) in Buryatia

New Year according to the old Buryat calendar also comes on the border between winter and spring, in late February - early March. It is called Sagaalgan - the holiday of the white month. "White" means "pure", "holy". In each family, they put things in order and cleanliness in the house, celebrate renovations, prepare gifts and wait for guests. Incense herbs are placed in front of the goddess with a statue of Buddha. If children live separately, they must visit their parents. The younger ones congratulate the older ones, wish them health and long life. In the old days, horse racing and sports games were always arranged. The holiday lasted fifteen days.

Hololo. Koryak holiday at the time of the autumn equinox

Since ancient times, the Koryak people have been grazing herds of deer in Kamchatka. The deer both dressed and fed the Koryaks, was a means of transportation across the vast expanses. They hunted koryaks and fish, collected roots, berries and wild herbs. For these gifts of their native land, the Koryaks thanked nature at the time of the autumn equinox. The largest of the ancient Koryak holidays was called Hololó. It lasted all day. They prepared a common meal for everyone. Boys and girls danced and sang songs.

Feast of prayer to the sky-breadwinner among the Nanais

Ancient Nanai trade - hunting for wild deer, bears, fur-bearing animals. Excellent trackers, connoisseurs of the taiga and its inhabitants, the Nanais took care of the animals. They wisely used the wealth of the taiga and did not get more animals than was required for food and clothing.
At the time of the autumn equinox, the hunters held a feast of prayer to the heaven-breadwinner. Before it began, they fasted. Then, in gratitude to the sky, treats were placed near the sacred trees - meat and porridge. Bring water and ice with you. And in gratitude to the drinking water, berries, herbs, cereals were sent along the river in boats woven from twigs.

Page 9-11. GDZ to the topic City and countryside

1. Write down the basic information about your city (village).

City (village) name: Moscow
On which river (lake, sea) does the city (village) stand: Moscow
Main street: Tverskaya
Main attractions: Kremlin, Tsar Bell, Tsar Cannon, St. Basil's Cathedral, Red Square, Moscow Zoo, monument to Peter the Great, VDNKh, Bolshoi Theater.

2. Draw the house you live in or paste a photo.

3. Ask adults about the history of your house (for example, when and by whom it was built, when your family settled in it, what has changed in the house since it was built, how the area around the house has changed). If there are photos of your house in the past in the family album, consider them. Compare with how the house looks now.
Here you can paste copies of old photos of your house or redraw them.

Using the information received, try to compose and write down a story on behalf of the house, as if he himself were talking about himself and his tenants.

I am a house, an ordinary panel house. I grew up in a large wasteland, and with me others grew up in this wasteland, exactly the same as I do at home. We can say that we are all twin brothers - we are so similar to each other. A variety of tenants live in me: young and old, cheerful and sad, well-mannered and not very well-mannered. Most of all, young families with children like to settle in me, because next to me there is a cozy kindergarten, a large school, interesting playgrounds, and quiet cozy parks. Older residents also really like the parks. True, they still always praise me for the wide corridors, large elevators, high ceilings and spacious rooms. I am glad that I am such a young and modern house. My tenants are very happy to live in me.

4. Look at photos of the same house in the past and present. Compare them. Make up a story based on these photos (orally).

Page 12-13. Answers to the topic Project "Native city (village)"

On these pages, present the main materials on the project (photos, background information, etc.). Make and write down the plan of speech at the presentation of the project. Evaluate your work on the project. Express gratitude to those who helped you or participated in the work with you.

1) City where I live
2) History of my city: year of foundation, development
3) Sights of my city
4) How does my city live now
5) I love my city

I really enjoyed working on the project. I learned a lot of new interesting facts about my city and discovered many places where I myself would like to go. The whole family helped me in my work. Dad found information on the Internet, mom helped make a presentation, grandma looked for photos, and grandpa shared his memories.

Thank you very much to my mom, dad, grandparents for their help! I also want to thank my friends Kolya and Misha. You helped me fix my mistakes in time.
And special thanks to my dog ​​Kuza. Without you, my walks around the city would not be so fun.

Page 14-15. GDZ to the topic Nature and man-made world

1. Underline the objects of nature with a green pencil, and the objects of the man-made world with red.

Car , oak , dandelion , computer , anthill , snowflake, icicle, ice cream , TV , cloud , umbrella , rain, deer , book , pencil , chocolate bar.

2. Think about how to make pairs of these drawings. Connect the paired drawings with lines.
Complete the drawings by inventing your own pair.

3. Our friend Parrot loves everything that shines, rattles, glitters, swims or flies. He invites you to complete the table.

What or who Relates to nature Created by man
Shining Firefly Lantern
Rattle Thunder Rattle
Glitter Snow Machine
Floating Fish Boat
Flying Bird Airplane

4. Give examples (write at least three in each paragraph). Do not repeat what is already written in the table!

1) Objects of nature: sea, mountains, forest.
2) Objects of the man-made world: cars, furniture, utensils.

5. Play a game-competition: who will name more objects of nature. Follow the rule: the one who makes a mistake (names the object of the man-made world) is out of the game. Group winners compete against each other following the same rule.

Page 16

As you complete the tasks in the textbook, complete the table. In the "My answer" column, fill in the circle in the color that you think corresponds to the correct answer. In the "Correct Answer" column, fill in the circles as shown on the "Self-Check Pages". Compare these two columns and fill in the third: if your answer is correct, put a "+" sign, if it's wrong - a "-" sign.

GDZ on the topic Nature

Page 17-19. Answers to the topic Inanimate and living nature

1. Underline objects of inanimate and living nature with pencils of different colors (of your choice).

Sun, spruce, frog, air, crucian carp, lily of the valley, granite, cactus, constellation, cloud, boletus, mosquito, ice floe, icicle, rose, water.

In the frame, decipher the conventions, that is, show what color objects of inanimate nature are marked with, and which ones are living beings.

Inanimate nature Live nature

2. Cut out pictures from the Application and place them in the appropriate frames. Ask a roommate to check your work. After checking the sticker pictures.

3. Correct the errors in Serezha's statements (cross out the extra word). Test yourself with the textbook.

1) The sun, stars, air, water, stones, plants are inanimate nature.
2) Plants, mushrooms, animals, man, stars - this is wildlife.

4. Complete the table (write at least three examples in each column). Try not to repeat the examples from task 2.

Objects of inanimate nature Objects of living nature
Month Animals
Pisces City
Stones Birds
Sand Plants

5. Our amazing Parrot is a riddle lover. Here are the riddles he offered you. Guess them and write the answers on the chart. Explain the diagram (orally). Tell with her help about the importance of the Sun for life on Earth.

Yegor will ascend the hillock -
Above the forest, above the mountains.
Descends from the mound -
Hiding behind the grass

What melts ice is warmth
It won’t knock, it won’t rattle, but light will enter the window

6. Discuss ways in which you can show the connections between inanimate and living nature. Which of these methods is the most obvious? Why? In the upper frame, draw a picture showing an example of the relationship between objects of inanimate and living nature (or paste a photograph). In the bottom box, show the same relationship with a diagram.

Page 20-24. Answers to the topic Natural phenomena

1. Use the textbook to complete the definitions.

A) Insects: mosquito, fly, butterfly
b) Fish: perch, pike, bream
c) Birds: sparrow, crow, eagle
d) Animals: tiger, elk, mole

5. Mom's task about plants really liked Nadya. And she came up with something similar for you, about animals. The names of four groups of animals are hidden here. Find them and fill in the cells with letters with pencils of different colors.

6. Compare the sizes of the animals shown in the picture. In the red squares, number the animals in order of increasing size. In the blue squares, number in order of decreasing size. Ask your desk mate to check you out.

7. Indicate with arrows which groups these animals belong to. Check yourself in the textbook.

Amphibians - an arrow to two frogs. Reptiles - crocodile, lizard, snake.

8. In the book "Green Pages" read the story "Similar but different." Find out how a frog and a toad are similar and how they differ. Write it down.

Comparison between frog and toad

Similarity: Appearance. Toads and frogs live both in water and on land. Most amphibians lay eggs, and frogs and toads are the same in this. The eggs hatch into small tadpoles that look more like fish than frogs.

Differences: A frog has a smaller body size and length than a toad. Toads are nocturnal animals. In frogs, the skin is usually slippery, while in toads it is dull and warty. Many frogs have teeth, but toads do not. The toad lays fewer eggs than the frog, only 4,000 to 12,000 per year, and the female bull frog 18,000 to 20,000 in one season.

Page 45-47. Answers to the topic Invisible threads

1. Carefully read the third paragraph on p. 65. What four groups of connections are named in it? Finish with the textbook.

There are links between:
a) inanimate and animate nature;
b) plants and animals
c) various animals
d) nature and man

2. Complete one of the options for tasks.

Option 1. Repeat material on p. 26 - 27 of the textbook. What group of links are we talking about? Check the box.

We are talking about the relationship between: a) inanimate and living nature

Option 2. Read the text on p. 38 textbooks. What groups of connections are we talking about? Check the box.

We are talking about the relationship between: c) different animals

Option 3. Read the third paragraph on p. 45 textbook. What group of links are we talking about? Check the box.

We are talking about the relationship between: d) nature and man

Present your work to the class, get acquainted with the work of other children. Organize peer review.

3. Determine the connections from the drawings. Cut out the drawings from the Appendix and place them in the appropriate frames. Ask your desk mate to check you out. After checking, paste the drawings.

Communication between:
a) inanimate and animate nature
b) plants and animals
c) various animals
d) nature and man

4. Give your examples of connections for each group. Show them with diagrams.

Communication between:
a) inanimate and animate nature
b) plants and animals
c) various animals
d) nature and man

Page 48 - 50. GDZ to the topic Wild and cultivated plants

1. Fill in the table. Give at least three examples in each column.

Wild plants: coltsfoot, cornflower, nettle, yarrow, clover.

Cultivated plants: raspberry, cucumber, pear, apple tree, plum.

2. Indicate with arrows which groups these cultivated plants belong to.

1) Cherry → Trees
Raspberry → Shrubs
Cucumber → Herbaceous Plants

2) Eggplant → Vegetable crops
Apricot → Fruit crops
Cotton → Spinning crops
Gladiolus → Ornamental crops
Oats → Cereals

3. Our Parrot is a fruit lover and connoisseur. Complete his task.
Many wonderful fruits are grown in hot countries. Here is some of them. Do you know their names? Number according to the list. Orally describe the taste of the fruit you have tasted.

1. Pomegranate. 2. Papaya. 3. Mango. 4. Dates.

If you are interested, find information about any of these plants in additional literature, on the Internet. Prepare a message.

4. Here you can write down a fairy tale about a wild or cultivated plant, invented on the instructions of the textbook.

A chamomile grew up in a flower bed, a rose looked at her and said to her: "You are so small, funny and nondescript, it's not for nothing that you are called a wild plant!" And Chamomile answers her: "Yes, I know that you are a cultivated plant, but although I am wild, I help people to treat diseases." The rose thought and said: "You are right, people need both of us. I am for beauty and aesthetic pleasure, and you are for health." And they began to grow side by side peacefully and amicably.

Page 50-53. GDZ on the topic Wild and domestic animals

1. Underline the names of wild animals with a green pencil, domestic ones with red.

Lion, cat, horse, crow, sheep, sparrow, cow, wolf, grasshopper, honey bee, chicken, shark.

2. Which animal is missing in each row? Circle. Explain (verbally) your decision.

1) Dog. This is a pet, the rest are wild
2) Bear. This is a wild animal, the rest are domestic

3. These riddles are offered to you by the dog Ryzhik, who has many friends among his pets. Solve riddles. Cut out the guessing pictures from the Appendix and stick them in the appropriate frames.

Seven hundred nightingales
They sit on pillows. (Bees)
scarlet hat,
The coat is ribbed. (Chicken)
white mansions,
Red supports. (Goose)
Does not spin, does not weave,
And clothes people. (Sheep)
At the feet of the box:
Who follows her
She feeds him. (Cow)

4. Fill in the table. Give at least three examples in each column. Try not to repeat the names from previous tasks!

wild animals pets
Elk, fox, wolf, hare. Rabbit, parrot, turkey, duck.

5. Who will name more wild animals (orally)

6. The wise Turtle loves to travel and knows the animals of distant lands well. Complete her task.
There are many amazing animals in the world. Here is some of them. What are their names? Sign using words for reference.

From left to right: toucan, seahorse, chameleon, koala.

If you are interested, find information about any of these animals in additional literature, the Internet. Prepare a message.

7. Here you can write down a fabulous story about a wild or domestic animal, invented on the instructions of the textbook.

Peacock Legend

Once upon a time there was an ordinary gray bird, but she was terribly boastful. She declared that she could reach the Sun and flew high into the sky. The Sun was offended by the bird and decided to teach it a lesson. It sent beams of fire at her. The bird became hot, its feathers stretched out and turned black, and on the tail they began to shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow. The bird got scared and went down. No longer flying high in the sky and boasting. Only sometimes it will come out of the forest, spread its iridescent tail and everyone admires its beauty. And people called this bird a peacock.

Page 53-55. GDZ on the topic Houseplants

1. We met these plants in the first grade. Recognize them by their silhouettes.

From left to right: sansevera, cactus, calla, hippeastrum.

2. Seryozha came up with a difficult but interesting task for you. Using the atlas-determinant "From earth to sky" pick up indoor plantswhose names begin with the first 5 letters of the alphabet (one for each letter). Write these names.

A - Autilon. B - Balsam. B - Upstart (zephyranthes). G - Gloxinia. D - Dracaena.

3. Using the atlas-determinant "From earth to sky", fill in the table.

Indoor plants of our class

Name of the plant Origin of the plant
sansevier africa
Tradescantia America
Chlorophytum Africa

4. Practical work "Learning to care for indoor plants."

Purpose of work: watering and spraying the plant.

Equipment (what plant care products did you use): watering can, spray gun.

The course of work (what actions were performed): watered the plant from a watering can with settled water, sprayed the leaves from a spray bottle.

Evaluation of the work performed (whether the goal was achieved): the plants were saturated with moisture. The goal has been reached.

Presentation: inform the class about the results of the work, listen and evaluate other messages.

3. Fill in the table. Give at least three examples in each column. To select examples, use the atlas-determinant "From earth to sky".

Large dogs: Great Dane, Newfoundland, Doberman
Medium dogs: Laika, Chow Chow, Basset Hound
Small dogs: Pekingese, Dachshund, Scotch Terrier

4. Make and write down the general outline of the story about the pet.

1) My pet.
2) The habits of a poodle.
3) Dog care.
4) The dog is my true friend.

5. With the help of additional literature, the Internet, determine the breed of this cat. Write down the name of the breed and basic information about it.

British cat.
Coat: short, thick, silky. Color: bluish grey. Round eyes and a rounded muzzle, as well as a short elastic plush coat have become the main characteristic features of this breed. Such cats are distinguished by special endurance and good health, they are excellent hunters even for large rodents (rats). Unpretentious in food.

Page 60-61. GDZ on the subject of the Red Book

1. What is the Red Book? Use your textbook to complete the definition.

The Red Book is a book that contains information about rare and endangered plants and animals.

2. Using the textbook, color the plants from the Red Book and sign their names.

3. The wise turtle asks if you know animals from the Red Book. Cut and paste the drawings from the App.

4. Draw up and write down the general outline of a story about a rare plant or animal.

1) Appearance.
2) Habitats.
3) What do they eat.
4) Causes of extinction.
5) How to save?

5. Write down what plants and animals of your region are listed in the Red Book.

Steppe polecat, gray hamster, great bittern, red heron.

According to the instructions of the textbook, prepare a message about any plant or animal from the Red Book. Use the general outline of a story about a rare plant or animal. Write down the basic information about it according to the points of the plan.

Desman is a fur-bearing animal listed in the Red Book. Lives in Russia. Lives near water bodies, in burrows. Swims well. Feeds on worms, mollusks, aquatic insects. They began to exterminate him because of the valuable fur. Now the desman is under protection. It is also bred to prevent extinction.

Page 62-63. GDZ on the topic Be a friend to nature!

1. Cut out from the Appendix and stick an eco-label on each rule.

2. Suggest 1-2 more rules of friends of nature. Formulate them and write them down. Design and draw an environmental sign for each rule.

Don't light fires. Do not trample mushrooms and plants.

3. Complete the drawing "The world through the eyes of a grasshopper."

4. In the book "The Giant in the Clearing" read the first story (it is called "The Giant in the Clearing"). Write down the lines from it that you consider the most important.

Animals and plants, stones and soil, water and air - this is all nature. Man is part of it. And if a person is handsome, kind, smart, then this is exactly how - beautiful, kind, smart - his behavior in nature should be.

Page 64-65. GDZ on the topic The project "The Red Book, or Let's Take it Under Protection"

On these pages, submit a list of plants and animals that you will include in your Red Book, or other materials for the project.

Project "Red Book, or Let's Take it Under Protection"

Plan of my speech at the presentation.

1) What is the Red Book?
2) Why do we need the Red Book?
3) Animals and plants of our region, listed in the Red Book.
4) Why should plants and animals be protected?

How do I rate my work on a project?(whether the work was interesting, easy or difficult, was it completely independent or did it require the help of adults, how did cooperation with classmates develop, was the work successful).

My work on the project was very interesting and informative. I learned a lot about rare animals and plants of the Lipetsk region. I think I have succeeded.

Thanks for your help and cooperation.

I am very grateful to my parents for their help.

Page 66

As you complete the tasks in the textbook, complete the table. In the "My answer" column, fill in the circle in the color that you think corresponds to the correct answer.

In the "Correct Answer" column, fill in the circles as shown on the "Self-Check Pages". Compare these two columns and fill in the third: if your answer is correct, put a "+" sign, if it's wrong - a "-" sign.

City and country life

Page 67-69. Answers to the topic What is the economy

1. Solve the crossword and you will find out what the economy is.

A computer
In a crossword puzzle, the word "farm" is obtained.

Use your textbook to complete the definition.

The economy is the economic activity of people.

2. Do you know the branches of the economy? Sign the drawings on your own or with the help of a textbook.

3. In addition to those listed in the textbook, there are other sectors of the economy. For example, forestry, communications, catering, housing and communal services, the banking sector, consumer services. Think about and explain (verbally) what each of these industries does.

4. Our enterprising Parrot offers a task. Collect on p. 69 small collection of coins. To do this, put different coins under the page and use a simple pencil to make their prints.

5. At home, find out from adults in which sectors of the economy they work. Write it down.

My mother is a teacher in the education industry and my father is a programmer in the computer technology industry.

6. Here you can write down the plan of your message about the money of different countries or basic information about them.

Before the advent of modern money, in almost all countries, the main instrument for exchange was some kind of commodity. That is, tea, furs, shells, stones and other items acted as "money". The first coins appeared about 2500 years ago in the country of Lydia (now part of Turkey).

In Russia, the currency is the ruble - this is the oldest monetary unit in Europe. The most common currency in the world is the US dollar. The currency of the European Union is called Euro.

Page 70-71. Answers to the topic What is made of

1. Show different production chains with arrows of different colors.

2. Think and write about what people can turn these materials into.

Clay: dishes, jug, vases
Wool: scarf, hat, mittens
Wood: chair, furniture, home, paper, fence

3. Make chains.

Iron ore - cast iron - steel
Grain - wheat - flour, bread
Wood - boards - furniture

Present your work to the class. See what chains the other guys have made. Rate their work.

4. In the atlas-determinant "From Earth to Heaven" find information about what stones jewelry is made of. Write down the names of these stones.

Malachite, turquoise, amber, pearls, corals.

If you want, think up and draw a stone decoration on a separate sheet (for home, for a gift to mom or someone else).

Page 72-73. Answers to the topic How to build a house

1. Draw what is being built in your city (village). You can paste a photo. Do not forget to sign the drawing (photo).

2. Wise Turtle asks if you know construction machines. Cut out the pictures from the Application and place them in the appropriate frames. Ask your desk mate to check you out. After checking the sticker pictures.

3. What is extra in each row? Outline with red pencil. Explain your decision (orally).

In the first row, extra logs (second picture) are building material, and the rest is construction equipment.
In the second row, there is an extra concrete mixer (third picture), this is construction equipment, and the rest is building materials.

Page 73-77. Answers to the topic What kind of transport is

1. Complete the tasks.

1) Mark (fill the circle) with different colors for land, water, air and underground transport on p. 74-75.

2) Mark on the same pages passenger, freight and special transport with the first letters of these words (write the letter in the box).
Within this framework, decipher the symbols, that is, show what color or letter each mode of transport is designated.

2. Give examples of transport that is at the same time:

A) ground, passenger, personal: a car;
b) ground, passenger, public: bus, passenger train, tram, trolleybus;
c) water, passenger, personal: boat, boat, jet ski;
d) water, passenger, public: ship, river tram.

3. Write down the phone numbers that are called:

A) firefighters 01
b) police 02
c) Ambulance 03
d) "Rescue Service" 04, 112

4. Compare the dimensions of the vehicles shown in the figure. In the red squares, number them in order of increasing size, and in the blue squares - in order of decreasing size. Ask your desk mate to check you out.

Think of a similar task for your classmates, but with different examples.

5. Make and write down the general plan of the story about the history of various modes of transport.

1) Transport in antiquity.
2) The invention of the steam engine.
3) The appearance of transport on the internal combustion engine.
4) The emergence of aviation.
5) Flights into space.
6) Electric motors are the future of transport.


The first machine was the steam engine. She laid the foundation for steam locomotives, steamboats, locomobiles. In 1852, the Frenchman Giffard suspended a steam engine from a balloon. This flying machine was called an airship.

6. Our cheerful Parrot invites you to color the balloon so that it becomes beautiful and cheerful. You can hold a competition in the class for the funniest balloon.
Have you ever seen real balloons? If yes, tell us about your impressions. In the frame on the right you can paste a photo of a hot air balloon.

I saw balloons at the ballooning festival. This is a spectacular show of the sky parade of balloons. It is very interesting to watch this bright air transport. I just want to ride it myself, climb high into the sky and look at our beautiful land from a bird's eye view.

Page 78-80. Answers to the topic Culture and education

1. Emphasize cultural institutions with one line, educational institutions with two lines. With a neighbor on the desk, conduct a mutual check of the work. School, museum, circus, gymnasium, library, theater, college, college, university, concert hall, lyceum, exhibition hall.

2. Here is the task Seryozha and Nadya came up with for you. Get to know the institution of culture in one single subject. Fill in the boxes with the names of these institutions.

3. Write what institutions of culture and education are in your region (city, village).

A) Cultural institutions: the Benefis Theater, the Luch Cinema, the Museum of Local Lore, the Museum of I. A. Bunin, the Gorky Library.

B) Educational institutions: Yelets State University named after I. A. Bunin, machine-building technical school, lyceum No. 5.

4. Write down a story about the museum you visited. Here you can stick a photo of the museum building or an interesting exhibit.

I visited the Armory. The Armory is a treasure museum and is part of the Grand Kremlin Palace complex. It is housed in a building built in 1851 by architect Konstantin Ton. Precious items kept in the royal treasury for centuries, made in the Kremlin workshops, as well as received as a gift from the embassies of foreign states, ceremonial royal clothes and coronation dress, monuments of weapon craftsmanship, a collection of carriages, items of ceremonial horse attire are presented here.

5. Find out what educational institutions the adults in your family graduated from, what profession they received. Fill in the table.

Family member Educational institution Profession
Mom MSU teacher
Father of Moscow State University programmer

Page 80-81. Answers to the topic All professions are important

1. Give examples of professions related to different sectors of the economy.

Industry - steelmaker, miner, technologist, power engineer, welder, carver, plotter, designer.
Agriculture - combine operator, milkmaid, agronomist, veterinarian, shepherd, mechanic, breeder.
Trade - seller, storekeeper, economist, merchandiser, cashier, sales floor employee (puts out and removes the delay), sales assistant, supplier manager.
Transport - driver, conductor, stewardess, pilot, mechanic, dispatcher, conductor.
Construction - crane operator, painter, bricklayer, plasterer, foreman, concrete worker.

2. Ant Question again mixed up something in his drawings. Show with arrows who needs to change places with whom.

3. A difficult task has been prepared for you by the Wise Turtle. What do people in these professions do? If you do not know, ask adults or find the answer in additional literature, the Internet. Write it down.

An oceanologist studies the world's oceans.
Speleologist explores caves.
An entomologist studies insects.
An ichthyologist studies fish.
An ornithologist studies birds.
Cynologist studies dogs.

Page 82-83. Answers to the topic Project "Professions"

On these pages, present a story about the professions of your parents (other relatives, acquaintances).

My mom and dad graduated from Moscow State University. Mom works as a mathematics teacher at a construction college. She used to work at a school but also taught math to children. I think being a teacher is a difficult job. In order to become a teacher, you need to learn a lot and know a lot. My father is a programmer. Previously, he worked at the plant as a system administrator. Now he creates websites, writes programs, consults companies in the field of computer technology.
My aunt is a kindergarten teacher. She loves children very much and enjoys her job very much. I haven't decided yet what I want to be when I'm an adult.
I like the medical profession.

Plan of my speech at the presentation.

1) My mother's profession.
2) My dad's profession.
3) My aunt's profession.
4) What I want to become.

How do I evaluate my work on the project (whether the work was interesting, easy or difficult, how was the collaboration with adults, was the work successful).

I was interested in learning about professions. my parents. Mom and dad talked very interestingly about their work, and I went to the kindergarten where my aunt works. My grandmother also helped me write the story.

Thanks for your help and cooperation.

Dad, mom, grandmother, aunt Natasha, sister Luda.

Page 84-87. Answers to the topic On a visit to winter

1. Based on the results of the tour, fill in the table.

December 1
It hasn't snowed yet, but the puddles are covered with ice.
There are no leaves on the trees, migratory birds are not visible.

2. Indicate the order of the winter months in numbers.

3. Complete tasks for group work.

Option 1

1) From the text of the textbook, write out examples of winter phenomena in inanimate nature.

Thaw, ice, snowfall, blizzard, frost.

2) Guess what these snowflakes are called. Point with arrows.

Option 2

1) Cut out from the Appendix and stick its fruits to each tree.

2) Draw the chains of tracks so that they lead to their "owners".

4. In the book "Green Pages" read the story "Belyak and Rusak". Find out how these hares are similar and how they differ. Write it down.

Comparison of a white hare and a brown hare

Similarities: Long ears, powerful hind legs, eat plant foods, in summer they have one color - gray.
Differences: The hare is larger than the white hare, it has longer ears, it runs faster. The hare is gray in both winter and summer, and the hare is white in winter with black tips of the ears.

5. Seryozha and Nadia's dad offers you a task. Admire the beauty of winter nature and, according to your observations, complete the drawing “Beauty of Winter”.

Page 88

As you complete the tasks in the textbook, complete the table.

In the "My answer" column, fill in the circle in the color that you think corresponds to the correct answer. In the "Correct Answer" column, fill in the circles as shown on the "Self-Check Pages".

Compare these two columns and fill in the third: if your answer is correct, put a "+" sign, if it's wrong - a "-" sign.

Lesson of the world aroundGrade 2Educational system "Harmony"
Topic: Man is part of nature Lesson type: lesson - research
Compiled by: Primary school teacher of the highest category MOU secondary school No. 94 Makutina Lyudmila Pavlovna

    Find out what part of nature a person belongs to, finding evidence of the similarities and differences between a person and animals, with mammals; Cultivate the ability to be creative; Cultivate a kind and polite attitude towards the world around; Development of self-valuable personality (through work in groups).
Equipment: The world. Textbook-notebook for grade 2. Author Poglazova O.T. Cards - tables for each group. A set of cards with the names of the distinguishing features and names of the actions of groups of animals. Reference schemes for weather and phenological observations. Slides for the lesson in the Microsoft Power Point program.
During the classes:
    Org. Moment Minute of the calendar.
A group of weather forecasters on duty talks about the weather using reference diagrams:

    Knowledge update.

The world that surrounds us is made up of many things. Recall into which groups all objects can be divided. (See Appendix. Slides 1-4).

Children choose an object and name a group - a product, wildlife, inanimate nature. Slides are being reviewed.

    To summarize: The world around us is divided into groups - products and nature.

(Slide 5). What is the difference between products and objects of nature? (Products are made by human hands).

Nature is both living and non-living. How are living things different from inanimate things? (Slide 6)

    Setting the goal of the lesson

Guess the rebus. (Slide 7)

What do you think the lesson will be about? (about a human)

Today we will try to determine where the person is. To which group would you classify the person? (children prove that a person is not a product, and he cannot be attributed to inanimate nature either).

    Setting the goal of the study.

Today in the lesson you will try to prove or disprove the hypothesis "Man is part of wildlife."

What wildlife groups do you know? (Slide 8) What group can a person be classified as? You will compare the distinguishing features and skills of a person with four groups of animals: fish, birds, animals, insects. (Slide 9)

    Group work.

The class is divided into groups. Each group receives tables. Then one student from each group selects the necessary cards for the table.

Task: Choose for each table cards with distinctive features and skills for each group, compare with the distinctive features and skills of a person. Record the results in a table. There are proverbs in the textbook: read them and choose one suitable for your group. Explain when we say so.

    Group reports.

Each group reports on the completed task. The results are shown on slides. The teacher, when reporting, notes the results on the slides while viewing. (Slides 10-13). Each group concludes that humans and animals have both common features and distinctive features and skills. This means that man cannot be attributed to any group of animals.

    Conclusion on the study and summing up the lesson.

Children conclude that a person cannot be attributed to any of the groups of animals, but since a person has a lot in common with the animal world, the conclusion is made: "Man is a part of wildlife." (Slide 14)

So, we have confirmed or refuted the hypothesis “Man is part of wildlife”.

    During the classes

    1. Motivation for learning activities.

    Greetings. Check readiness for the lesson. Announcement of the topic of the lesson.

    The topic of our lesson is “Wildlife. Living organisms. Human". This is the first lesson of the Homo sapiens is part of nature section.

    2. Actualization and fixation of an individual difficulty in a trial learning activity.

    Why are plants, fungi and animals called living organisms?

    Defines the signs of living organisms:




    grow up;


    Leave offspring.

    - Read the text of the textbook.

    Work in pairs.

    - Read the text of the textbook.

    - Tell your desk mate about the germination of a bean seed, and he will look at the drawing and tell you how the stork is born and develops.


    a) Are you surprised by the words: “People are also part of wildlife”?

    b) Yet man is different from plants, fungi and any other animal. What is the most important difference between a person?

    c) Look at the picture in the textbook and tell about intelligent human activity on Earth. Give your examples.

    d) How are people similar to each other?

    e) You named many features by which people are similar to each other: these are facial features, body parts, character, etc.

    f) Look at the pictures in the textbook and name the main parts of the human body.

    g) All people have the same external structure. How can you tell one person from another?


    a) (Like all other organisms, a person breathes, eats, grows, develops, he has children.)

    b) (A person differs from other creatures living on Earth in that he is a rational being! Only he can read, write, count, draw, compose poetry. Only a person can do what other people living on Earth need, even create something which nature did not create.

    c) (People build roads, breed new breeds of animals, work on computers, teach children at school.)

    e) (This is the head, neck, torso (chest, abdomen), upper limbs (arms), lower limbs (legs).

    g) (People differ from each other in height, weight, color of skin, eyes and hair, shape of nose and ears.)

    People have different physical qualities: strength, endurance, agility, flexibility. People also differ in character traits: some are more kind, honest, accurate, polite, responsive, hardworking, others less so. Some memorize poetry well, others find it difficult. And people think and fantasize in different ways.

    The game "Snowflake" (shows that everyone thinks and acts differently).

    The teacher distributes a piece of paper to the students and explains that everyone should follow his instructions:

    1. Take a piece of paper.

    2. Fold it in half.

    3. Tear off the top right corner.

    4. Fold the paper in half again.

    5. Tear off the top right corner.

    6. Fold the paper in half again.

    7. Tear off the top right corner.

    8. Fold the paper in half again.

    9. Tear off the upper right corner again.

    10. Expand a piece of paper.

    Pay attention to how the pieces of paper you get look different. Is it possible to say that someone's paper is torn incorrectly?

    - (Not.)

    Why? (Because everyone was following the teacher's instructions.)

    Why are the leaves torn so differently? (Because everyone interpreted in their own way what the upper right corner of a folded sheet of paper is.)

    There are no two people in the world, even twins, who have the same fingerprints. Most often there are three main groups of patterns - an arc, a curl and a loop. Consider the patterns of your fingers and determine which group they belong to.

    No matter how different people are from each other, they all have the same sense organs. What is their meaning?

    (A person has five sense organs: eyes - the organ of sight, ears - the organ of hearing, tongue - the organ of taste, nose - the organ of smell, skin - the organ of touch.)

    Which sense organ can you use to recognize your fingerprints? (With the help of vision.)

    Experiment with water. Tell us what you see, feel, hear when a trickle of water from a tap runs down your palm. What sense organs helped you to perform this experiment? (The organ of sight, the organ of hearing, the organ of touch, the organ of smell.)

    What else do you know about water? (Pure water has no taste or smell.)

    How else does a person know the world around him? (From books.)

    How do animals get information about the world around them? (Only with the help of the senses.)

    Physical education minute

    The eyes have a lot to do:

    Follow the chalk on the blackboard

    And in a notebook - behind the words,

    And in the window - behind the clouds.

    - You, eyes, look,

    Don't let me down.

    Remember everything

    Repeat in your notebook.

    3. Independent work with self-test according to the standard.

    Exercise. Fill in the missing words in the sentences.

    Man is a part of _____ (living) nature. Like all living things on Earth, it is born, ____ (breathes), _____ (feeds), _____ (grows), _____ (develops). The main difference between man and other mammals is that he is a _____ (reasonable) being. He can make things, write, read, _____ (compose music).


    Label the parts of the human body. (picture of a person on a card. See Appendix 1.) (Right arm, right leg, right foot, head, neck, torso, fingers, left arm, left leg, left foot.)


    Complete the diagram on the board.

    What part of the world does a person belong to?

    How are living organisms different from non-living things?

    Read Misha's reasoning. Do you agree with him?

    “Let's take a closer look at the person, and therefore, at ourselves. Man is part of living nature. All living things grow. I'm growing too, but I'm still not a plant. Since early childhood I have been wearing hats, but I am certainly not a mushroom. Apparently I'm into animals. My mother gave birth to me, fed me with milk. There are hairs on my skin. So I'm a mammal."

    What other groups of animals do you know?

    How is a person similar to different animals and how is he different from them?

    Card work.

    Exercise 1.

    - Look at the table. Note the signs and abilities of animals that humans also possess.


    animal groups


    ‰ Skeleton.

    ‰ Scales.

    ‰ Fins and tail.

    ‰ Breathe with gills


    ‰ Swim fast.

    ‰ Deep dive.

    ‰ Cleverly hide.

    ‰ "Talking" in the water

    ‰ Three parts of the body.

    ‰ Six legs.

    ‰ Sensitive antennae


    ‰ Build dwellings.

    ‰ Fly, run,

    ‰ crawling on the ceiling

    ‰ Wings.

    ‰ Plumage.

    ‰ Two legs.

    ‰ Head with beak


    ‰ They fly high.

    ‰ Far see.

    ‰ Build nests.

    ‰ Train chicks

    ‰ Wool.

    ‰ Breathe with lungs.

    ‰ Feeding children with milk


    ‰ Good vision.

    ‰ Sharp scent.

    ‰ Raising cubs.

    ‰ Some are trainable (circus performance)

    Task 2.

    - Fill in the missing words in the text.

    I don't _________, although I can swim. I'm not __________ because I don't have __________ legs. I don't ________, I don't have ________ to fly. I - ____________.

    Reference words: fish, insect, six, bird, wings, man.

    We have seen that humans are similar to animals in many ways. How is he different from them? Let's think together.

    – Can airplanes, cars and ships be invented to fly, drive and swim?

    – Do they make tools for building their dwellings?

    So it turns out that man is very different from animals. He creates what is not in nature. He makes tools to make his job easier. Invents various devices for studying nature. A person is able to express his thoughts orally and in writing.

    Task 3.

    - Solve riddles.

    Not a clock, but ticking. (Heart.)

    Five brothers: equal for years, different in height. (Five fingers.)

    White hens are sitting on the red crossbar. (Teeth.)

    All my life they go in overtaking,

    And they can't overtake each other. (Legs.)

    Red doors in my cave

    White animals sit at the door.

    And meat, and bread - all my booty -

    I gladly give to the white beasts. (Lips, teeth, mouth.)

    Eating helps a lot, the mouth is closed - it is resting. (Language.)

    One speaks, two look, two listen - what is it? (Language, eyes, ears.)

    My brother lives behind the mountain

    Can't see me. (Eyes.)

    People always have it, ships always have it. (Nose.)

    Two brothers look across the garden - they never see each other. (Eyes.)

    In one meadow, silky grass grows, but cattle do not eat this grass. (Hair.)

    Always in the mouth, not swallowed. (Language.)

    They are not sown, not planted, but they themselves grow. (Hair.)

    Neither body nor spirit, but with wings, to whom I will fly, I will just teach. (Mind.)

    Thirty-two thresh, one turns. (Teeth and tongue.)

    Two white swans - each with five children. (Arms.)

    If it wasn't for him, he wouldn't say anything. (Language.)

    Behind the white birches is a bottomless pit. (Mouth and teeth.)

    Between two luminaries I am alone in the middle. (Nose.)

    4. Reflection of educational activity in the lesson.

    – Why is it necessary to know how a person differs from other mammals, how all people are similar?

    How do you feel when you leave class? Why?

    5. Homework.

    Attachment 1.

    Download presentation for the lesson of the surrounding world: “Wildlife. Living organisms. Human".

    Final test

    around the world

    students ___ 2-___ grades

    MBOU secondary school №20


    Option 1.

    A1. What is not nature?

    a) stones, clouds, sea, mountains;

    b) animals, plants, fungi, microbes;

    c) a book, a house, an airplane, boots;

    A2. What is the most dangerous phenomenon for a person during a thunderstorm?

    a) rain

    b) lightning;

    BUT3. The sun is...

    a) a satellite

    b) the star closest to the Earth;

    c) the biggest star

    A4. What is the name of the globe model?

    b) globe;

    A5. What is not a symbol of the state?

    a) coat of arms b) flag;

    c) order; d) anthem;

    A6. The largest areas of land are...

    b) continents;

    c) plains;

    A7. A column of hot water spouting from the ground is ...

    a) a fountain

    b) a waterfall;

    c) a geyser;

    A8. Which statement is correct?

    a) The sea is a salt lake;

    b) The sea is an artificial reservoir;

    c) The sea is part of the ocean;

    a) in good light, so that vision does not deteriorate;

    b) in transport, so as not to waste time;

    c) lying down so that the back does not get tired;

    A10. Practicing good hygiene will help…

    a) become tall and slender;

    IN 1. The capital of my state is ____________________________

    B2. Green color on the map indicates - ________________________________

    B.3 Yellow color on the map indicates - ________________________________

    B4. The change of seasons occurs because - ___________________________

    a) the breath of animals;

    b) smoking;

    c) exhaust gases of cars;

    d) emissions of exhaust gases from factories;

    e) fires and burning fires;

    C2. How do you communicate with your grandmother?

    a) Grandma, close the door, something is blowing.

    b) Grandma, how can I help you?

    c) Baba, bake pies.

    d) Grandma, have a rest, I will clear the table and wash the dishes myself.

    C3. Match and connect the word and its meaning with an arrow.

    A1. What part of the world does a person belong to?

    a) inanimate nature;

    b) wildlife;

    c) products of people;

    A2. Which of the following is a body?

    b) leaf fall;

    c) snowflake;

    BUT3. Earth is ...

    a) a comet

    b) a star;

    c) a planet

    A4. Artificial bodies are...

    a) objects created by human hands;

    b) bodies of inanimate nature;

    c) bodies of living nature;

    A5. What rules must be followed?

    a) In summer you can sunbathe from morning to evening;

    b) you need to look at the sun with dark glasses;

    c) look at the sun with wide eyes;

    A6. What is not a symbol of the state?

    a) coat of arms b) flag;

    A7. Laying roads in the mountains, building ...

    a) tunnels

    c) embankments;

    A8. What is the water in the rivers?

    a) salty

    b) standing;

    c) fresh;

    A9. You need to watch TV:

    a) before going to bed

    b) at a distance of three meters;

    c) four hours a day;

    A10. To be strong and dexterous, one must ...

    c) go in for sports;

    IN 1. My motherland-_____________________________

    IN 2. Blue color on the map marked - ______________________________________

    AT 3. The brown color on the map indicates-_________________________________

    AT 4. The change of day and night occurs because - _______________________________

    C1. What causes air pollution?

    a) fires and burning bonfires;

    b) outdoor games;

    c) exhaust gases of cars;

    d) reading books;

    e) emissions of exhaust gases from plants and factories.

    C2. What words would you say if your classmates visited you during your illness?

    a) I didn't invite you.

    b) Thank you for visiting me.

    c) They came in vain, I will be at school tomorrow.

    d) I am very glad that you have come. Tell me something interesting that happened in class while I was sick.

    C3. Match and connect the word and its meaning with an arrow