Space Currents. Opening channels of Intuition and Knowledge

Technology should make life easier. However, the capabilities of machines like smartphones, personal computers, home appliances, and IoT devices are becoming more diverse, and interfaces for people who would like to simply take advantage of all this functionality are becoming increasingly complex.

User interface designers have to make difficult decisions to place many functions on a tiny faucet or bury them at deeply nested levels in the menu tree. Ultimately, users are forced to do more and more complex tasks at the mercy of designers in order to find the desired functions, which makes learning new technology a really difficult task.

This is a fundamental limitation of the current human-machine interface. Since Samsung produces millions of devices, this problem affects the core of the company's business.

Samsung has defined a conceptually new philosophy for the problem: instead of people learning how a machine interacts with the world (this is a reflection of the ability of designers), this machine itself should learn and adapt to people. The interface should be natural and intuitive to smooth the learning curve, no matter how many features you add. In this new approach, Samsung is leveraging artificial intelligence, reinforcing deep learning concepts at the core of user interface design. The result of this effort is Bixby.

What is Bixby?

This is the new smart interface on Samsung devices. It is fundamentally different from other voice agents or assistants on the market and provides a deeper experience of interacting with applications, as it has three key properties:

1. Completeness

When an app receives Bixby support, the Samsung-designed interface will allow you to perform almost any task that the app can do with the regular interface (including commands that are given using the touch screen).

Many existing agents today only support a few specific tasks in an application and therefore confuse users into not knowing exactly what works and what doesn't work with voice commands. The Bixby completeness property will make it easier for users to learn about the agent's capabilities by making software behavior more predictable.

2. Context Awareness

Most existing agents assume the existence of interaction modes. Switching between them, you may either be faced with the need to start the task over again, losing everything already done, or with a misunderstanding of the user's intentions.

With Bixby-enabled apps, users can access the new experience at any time. Bixby will understand the current context and determine the state of the application, and then give you the opportunity to continue with the current task. Bixby allows you to connect different ways of interaction, including touch interface or voice control, in any context of using the application, depending on which option you find more comfortable and intuitive.

3. Cognitive tolerance

When the number of supported voice commands increases significantly, many users will find it difficult to remember their exact wording. Most agents require users to specify precise commands in a set of fixed forms. Bixby in the future will become smart enough to understand commands with incomplete information and execute the given command in the best way it knows. It will then prompt users to provide additional information and complete the task piece by piece. All this makes the interface more natural and easier to use.

Samsung knows that adopting new ways to interact with devices will require changes in user behavior. The inconvenience of learning a new interface can cause discomfort and cause users to revert to old habits (such as a touch interface). At the same time, Samsung believes that the key to the success of the new voice interface is the design of a circuit that reduces discomfort and makes the user experience much more useful than the current version. So, at its core, Bixby will help eliminate discomfort. This will make it easier for users to learn new voice interfaces and make the smartphone intuitive.

Difficulties with activating the voice interface is the barrier that the company has removed to make it easier and more convenient to give commands to the device. On the verge of Samsung's next flagship, there will be a dedicated physical Bixby button. It will significantly increase the efficiency of using a smartphone. For example, a few steps to make a call - turning on and unlocking your smartphone, searching for a calling app, tapping the contact bar to find the person you're trying to call, and tapping the icon to start dialing - can be replaced with a single press of the Bixby button and a simple command.

There have been many rumors that Samsung will introduce along with the new flagship smartphone Galaxy S8 at the end of March. Of particular interest were solutions related to artificial intelligence technologies. The company does not hide that it has its own vision of how to revolutionize the human-machine interface, but this vision will not be realized overnight. Ambition takes time.

Bixby is Samsung's first step towards fully unlocking new ways to interact with your smartphone. After the presentation of the Samsung Galaxy S8, the applications preinstalled on it will support Bixby. Over time, this set will be expanded. Samsung plans to eventually release a tool (in an SDK) with which third-party developers can easily and seamlessly integrate Bixby into their apps and services.

Bixby was first implemented in smartphones, but gradually the technology will be applied to all Samsung devices. In the future, you will be able to control your air conditioner or TV through Bixby. The new interface will be implemented in the cloud, so if a device has an Internet connection and a simple circuit for receiving voice data, it will be able to connect to Bixby. As the Bixby ecosystem grows, this product will evolve from a smartphone interface into a full-fledged interface for various areas of life.

Bixby is at the heart of the software and service evolution of Samsung as a company. The manufacturer is fundamentally and conceptually changing its attitude towards software and services and is seriously working on innovations in all aspects of the mobile ecosystem. Samsung's investment in engineering resources speaks for itself - the company has thousands of software developers supporting this effort.

This is something Samsung is very excited about. Innovation in software and services opens up opportunities for creativity and the ability to create new experiences from scratch. As Samsung continues to invest in AI, the possibilities for what the Bixby interface can become are endless.

We can say that we do not have purely operator phones. This is the first one, whose belonging to a certain operator is not limited to a logo patch or a rewritten name. Here, the design of the phone and part of its functionality have been almost completely redesigned for the operator, changes have been made to the interface - and this is not at all limited to preinstalled pictures and clips. And there is something more serious than purely visual signs. By the way, judging by the answers of the respondents, only the blind did not see the advertisement of Intuition, but its meaning, apparently, only the blind can understand at least the tenth time)))) Okay, we will deal with this again, but for now let's start with appearance.

Generally speaking, the appearance of this device evokes associations with soap for the majority of respondents, although the color is completely unsuitable (namely, for Intuition; and the "regular 530s" in design can easily pass for some kind of Dove, if they are carefully placed in the bathroom in soap dish display down). There is even one joke about black soap, but here, with your permission, I won’t bring it up))) The second association is already in people with mega imagination - a coffee bean. Where have you seen coffee beans of this size, and even flattened in the wrong plane? And for some, the phone in general, for some reason, resembles a bun. I would like to look at the world through their eyes)))) But this is all lyrics, of course. The shape of the device is individual - that's a fact. Color - in general, it is surprising that this folding bed is completely black: taking into account Beeline's gamut, it is more likely that it is white in the base, interspersed with black and yellow. In addition, if you go over the catalog of the company, you will notice that there are only one or two black folding beds - and there are just too many. Most of the respondents believe that this option is a cut above the standard design; even sharpening for Beeline does not cause any complaints. Everyone especially likes the fact that the case is not all glossy, but mostly matte.

The phone is very small, lies well in the hand, pleasant to the touch. Opens and closes easily. The opening angle will seem to someone a bit small: it is, perhaps, indeed "in the limit" of convenient. The “soap” shape is visually interesting, but in practice we have this: even in the closed state, the phone actively sways when it lies on a flat surface, and when it is open, it generally lies “any way and anyone” (c). They can even easily play spin the bottle by spinning the phone on the table))) However, maybe that's what it was conceived for? Like, when all the entertainment is already tired, you can twist ...))

In all other respects - the standard Samsung version of the design. A separate key for the camera, two more - volume, navigation 5-way key (4 + center), "C" button, two soft keys. The central button (it even has a name - "Beeline") here is triggered by a call to the built-in JAVA application, for which, in fact, everything was started (official information about the "Intuition" tariff and the "Intuition" phone can be found here: www.intuition. And inside the menu and applications, it works like a regular "OK".

The volume buttons when the flip is closed can be used as a switch for a flashlight (it is also a flash for the camera). The bulb is quite bright - the same (or even a little brighter) as in the latest Sonerics (K750/W800/W900). The "Camera" button also works when the flip is closed: a long press - on / off the camera, and a short press - a picture. The location of the additional microphone on the flip is interesting. We did not find any special quality of sound recording on the voice recorder (it is possible that a conversational microphone is used when the voice recorder is working), but it is he who works when the video camera is working, and when shooting it is not clamped by hand - this is convenient.

And, here's another thing: many said - it's a pity that the keyboard is not black either. But such a design can be considered successfully Beeline; if you look closely, the keyboard unit resembles something of a bee: the head is the control keys, and the body is the numeric keypad. The striped central button only adds to the similarity))) Now, if only the numeric keypad was made striped ...

For the first time, let's say: the phone is female (it will be repeated and motivated more than once). And that's why - a very nice black velvet bag with a clasp, a belt clip and a window for an external display is included. The disadvantage is that with the headset connected, the device will not fit into it. Although ... there are a lot of things that at first glance do not fit into a women's handbag, but in reality it does fit very well)) In addition to the handbag - the same velvet black strap on the arm. There is also a small snag here: either this strap is for people whose palm is no more than 4 cm wide, or the strap is not supposed to be worn on the wrist. In general, lovely ladies, I think they will figure it out themselves))

Samsung SGH-E530 "Intuition" :: Review:: "Intuitive" interface

The main difference of this device from its "usual" counterparts is the presence of a built-in JAVA application. Let's call it "Intuition", because it itself has no name at all. It starts only from the standby mode - by pressing the striped button. It is not included in the list of JAVA applications, and it does not consume memory for JAVA (4 MB) at all, so there is nothing to be afraid of here. The application works quite quickly, but occasionally protracted transitions inside the points interfere. The reason is not yet clear, but we believe that if this is necessary, we will "calculate" it))) Sometimes the "Use" menu changes, and the application offers to download an updated set of items in it. You can not load, of course, but it's better to spend five or six minutes on it.

At startup, a welcome message is displayed, which can be turned off. There is, in fact, nothing to read there, except for the last sentence, which, in fact, says: "They are accessed by GPRS and WAP services, which are paid according to your tariff plan." Actually, this is a warning: do not mindlessly poke everything and click on everything - check out the prices first. The application is designed in Beeline colors - in fact, it looks very good. Anything is an order of magnitude better than the gloomy and meager Vodafone design, for example.

Now a couple of words that can be considered among the most important. Nowhere is it initially indicated: will the device work with SIM_cards of other operators? We can easily answer this question: it will. The lock (SP Lock and its varieties) is missing. Some difficulties arose with finding out the performance of air services for other operators (not Beeline), but they were also successfully resolved, although a certain number of users were misled. Here we also answer with full responsibility: all air services will work (more precisely, they should: this is according to official statements by representatives of Beeline and Samsung). There is, of course, such a moment: the Intuition application itself is completely useless to users of other operators, but if this is considered the price for design, is it worth worrying about it? These users have their own MTS Info and so on... Of course, it's not designed in the same way, but there's nothing to be done about it. Go to B

The application menu consists of nine items: "Help", "Dating", "Use", "Play", "Listen", "Color the world", "What's new", "Surprise" and "Go out". As a matter of fact, this is a kind of set for killing time by subscribers. It is much more interesting to visit any WAP-site when there is a beautiful and fast-working control to it, and you do not need to hammer in any addresses, and jump on the links a hundred times. Inside some points there is a certain final page of the WAP site, inside others - a set of numbers, inside the third - and completely "their own" systems for displaying and downloading data. Let's consider each item separately.

The first item "Help" - access to various voice services. Voice in the sense that after selecting a section, a call occurs to the corresponding number. Some sections are provided with an additional page, which describes its purpose in more detail than in the title of the section. As a matter of fact, it is a neatly arranged and beautifully designed replacement for Beeinfo's information functions. The "Help" item includes such sections as, for example, "Tales" (for adults and children), "Where to go to study" (infa on universities), "New information" (addresses of firms, institutions, etc.), "Customer Support Center" and so on, there are 11 sections in total.

The second item is "Dating". Here, theoretically, you can meet. To do this, you will need to answer the question "Go to WAP?" answer "Yes". After that, you should choose the gender of the person you are going to meet, and the approximate age. And then - we read the questionnaire, and if we like everything - we answer. You can also emboss your own if you really want to. In general - nothing unusual.

The next item is "Use". This item is already a direct and complete replacement for the BeeInfo subscriber section. By the way, this SIM card extension item itself is not displayed on the phone (if a Beeline card is inserted). That is, if you insert a card of some other operator, then the last item in the "Applications" menu will be the extension of the SIM card: for example, MTS-Info. For Beeline cards, you should use this very "Use". There is no big difference, except that the "road" to this point takes a little more time. Here - service management: Answering machine, AntiAON, Favorite number, Call waiting and so on.

Now three points that have their own design. These are "Play", "Listen" and "Colour the World". All three are beautifully designed - with preview pictures for games and images, with a preview of downloaded tunes. There is a breakdown of information by headings, news and rating, search. Mini-descriptions are given for games. In general, it is very pleasant to use - in fact, most of the things can be arranged in WAP as well, but some interface elements are not feasible there (for example, scrolling the explanation text with a stationary picture). What is not very convenient - the process of downloading games is accompanied by an exit from the current application "Intuition", and after installing the game in "Intuition" you will again need to go.

The next three items - "What's new", "Surprise" and "Go out" - are links to the corresponding pages of the WAP site. The first is news: About everything, Beeline News, Weather, etc. The second is entertaining. Here are items such as "Aphorism of the day", "Anecdote of the day", "Quote of the day", "Picture of the day" and stuff like that. Of particular interest is the item "Surprise" (just the same surprise in a surprise): here once a week you can download a picture for free or something else - at the choice of the operator. As a matter of fact, walking through all these points, you will constantly be convinced that the phone is not only positioned as a female, but is fully supported as such. For example, in the paragraph "Surprise" they will directly tell you: "Dear ladies, here once a week you can ...". And some names speak for themselves - such as "Recipes" and "Cosmetic recipes")))

The last menu item - "Go out" - presents various "secular" things: music news, movie news, social life, posters ... It should be noted in the end that these three items are also beautifully designed, like the previous three, but have pure WAP functionality. And finally, if you decide to walk around this very (it consists of the four points already described - Dating, What's new, Surprise, Go out) with a SIM card from another operator, you won't succeed, even from another phone. This site will open only with a Beeline card. Such are the "incentives" for you to switch to Bee: a beautiful application - one, access to the sites of this application - two))))

Samsung SGH-E530 "Intuition" :: Review:: "Intuitive" Phone

In principle, this device is almost an exact copy of a phone in terms of its capabilities (with the exception of the infrared port, which is not in the 530), and differs from a quite good device in a smaller display, lack of support for memory cards and a TV cable (and even functions for little things - for example, there is no way to switch the type of menu display, there is an additional item in the "Applications" menu, etc.). It makes no sense to describe the functionality of this model in a particularly clear way - you can refer to the mentioned reviews of the D500/D600. Here we will only touch on the main, and briefly - just so that you can generally imagine what awaits you in this "Intuition".

We note a fairly high-quality display of 176x220 pixels (physical dimensions - 27.5 x 34.5 mm), for which the backlight operation time is configured (in normal mode and in economy mode), 4 color schemes, brightness, font and color of numbers when dialing a number, color and location of inscriptions in standby mode. The external display is also very good, and can display quite a lot of events: player operation, Bluetooth operation and receiving files, messages, incoming calls, alarm clocks, reminders, the player, and so on. There is also support for MP3 (both installation on a call and listening to the player), a voice recorder (with a recording limit of 1 video / 1 hour). Here the disadvantage is the “own” headphone jack: you can’t plug in third-party headphones, so you shouldn’t lose or break these ones. Another is the inability of the player to work in the background, although you can listen to it when the flip is closed, and the necessary information is displayed on the external display, and the side buttons are used to adjust the volume (rewinding and switching tracks when the flip is closed do not work).

It is also worth mentioning one of the most functional Bluetooth services (you can view the contents of shared folders on other devices with Bluetooth, as in old Soneriki). You can treat this opportunity as an unnecessary addition, you can - as an entertainment function: it’s interesting to see files and folders from your girlfriend’s phone on your phone?))) Well, you can, and how not every day you need, but useful things that , in general, she doesn’t ask, but a couple of times she helped me out very well. An interesting addition in the services: there is a "Synchronization" item, in which the type of synchronization is selected (full, update all, update phone, update server), category (all, contacts, calendar, tasks), and method - USB or Bluetooth. Moreover, you can create several synchronization profiles. Generally speaking, this is a very convenient thing - when everything can be configured in the phone itself.

This phone has a pretty good camera (1 MP - frames 1152x864 pixels). With a flash that can work like a flashlight (very bright, by the way). At work - almost no complaints. There is an "autosave" mode, multi-frame shooting (6/9/15 frames), matrix shooting (2x2 and 3x3). The viewfinder type is configured (full screen or normal), there is support for shooting with effects, 5 options for shutter sounds (you can also shoot silently if you turn on the "Silent" profile on your phone). And most importantly - it is possible to control the camera using all the keys of the phone (even a small "Help" in the pictures is adapted for this matter). Shooting video with resolutions of 128x96, 176x144, 320x240 and 352x288. The video is recorded in MPEG4 (up to 15 fps) + AMR-NB (mono, 8 kHz), and the sound is recorded quite well, there are even attempts to record low frequencies))) The quality of the videos is much higher than average. The video with the maximum resolution does not slow down at all when viewing, and there are no characteristic "squares" at all - even if you write in not very good lighting. Clips recorded by Nokia N90 are perfectly reproduced, so the phone can understand MPEG4 + AAC (stereo, 16 kHz) too. The only thing - it's a pity that there is no Landscape-mode (horizontal, full screen) view. You can see examples of photos and videos in the table below.

Tab. ?Examples of photos and videos? Samsung SGH-E530

test photos
Test videos

JAVA support - MIDP 2.0, no support for 3D applications. Application execution speed is quite modest: according to JBenchmark tests, the average result for the first one is 1082, and for the second one - 36. Memory for applications - 4 MB. The recorder is notable for the fact that it has a separate microphone (on a flip), and that it can record a conversation, although running through the menu to it is not the greatest pleasure. Alarm clocks are arranged as standard for Samsung: there are three of them, they are configured well, there is a function "call if turned off" (MP3, however, cannot be made the sound of an alarm signal).

There is an almost complete set of Organizer applications. Calendar (for 400 events) with nicely customizable events such as "anniversary", "task", "reminder" and "schedule", and with a good display of the month and week. Also Calculator, Converter of values ​​(precisely values ​​and not just currencies), Stopwatch, Timer and World clock. Actually, for the "full set" only the note service is missing, but the Samsung never could boast of it. A separate item, once again justifying the orientation of the device for use mainly by women, is the "My Diary" section, which contains such applications as "Perfume selection", "Biorhythm", "Optimal weight", "Calorie calculator", "My calendar" and "Shopping list". Perhaps, some, noticing that in the "Optimal weight" application it is proposed to choose a gender (M or F), they will say that the phone is not only female)) There are two objections to this, one of which we will omit, perhaps, and the second - some women not only do they like to "calculate" their weight))) The selection of perfumes, by the way, is very funny: we enter a cloud of parameters - clothes, place, mood, music, food, etc. - and at the output we get a picture and the main direction for the flavor. You can create and save several profiles, and then just choose the right one at the right time: for example, we go to visit Crocodile Gena - select the saved option "Visiting Gena", go to Cheburashka - the option "Visiting Cheburashka". Etc)))

The navigation key is configurable: 4 presses can be assigned to call phone applications (20 in total). One of the interesting features of the phone (this feature, apparently, is tailored specifically to "women's secrets"): you can set the password to view messages and the "Multimedia" menu. The book of contacts, which is interesting, is impossible))) Apparently, it cannot be considered a secret. True, this has a certain substitute: if you put "Wallpaper" on the protection, then without a password it will be impossible to get anywhere from the standby mode.

The phone has support for SMS (and EMS - pictures/animations/tones/attachments and text style in SMS messages) with the ability to create your own folders and move messages into them, MMS with a convenient editor, E-mail for 5 accounts (to receive mail from 5 different addresses) and a good WAP-browser, very neatly designed. And also a rather convenient file manager divided into typical sections (memory - about 80 MB, not counting 4 MB for JAVA applications, 3 MB for MMS and another 3 MB for E-mail).

The overall picture is complemented by very well-arranged call lists (one of the neatest options of those) and a notebook for 1000 contacts, for each of which you can save the First and Last Name (20 letters for each field), 5 numbers, email address, call picture (Photo ID), ringtone and note (50 characters). The inconvenience of a notebook is that numbers cannot be changed in type - for example, two mobile numbers cannot be written down. More precisely, you can write it down, but only one will have the "mobile" icon. Beautiful, though not very efficient, speed dialing is designed (which, by the way, is a price to pay for the small physical size of the display: in the same 60th series, the display is smaller in resolution, and the information in the speed dial window decreases more). The biggest drawback of the call service is the lack of customizable profiles. In fact, there are only two of them: with sound and without sound.

Samsung SGH-E530 "Intuition" :: Review:: "Intuitive" result

There are no special complaints about communication and battery life. The second battery, however, in the kit would not hurt, as well as an additional desktop charger. With active use, the device stretches the day (from morning to evening). The volume of the speaker and the sensitivity of the microphone are also within the normal range. The phone, as it should be understood, will be sold only together with the tariff of the same name. However, taking into account the fact that this device, together with the tariff, costs almost the same as a regular one without a tariff, the difference is small)) As already mentioned, there is no great need to be tied to this tariff, unless Beeline invents something like that .. So you won't have to give up your number. Fans of Beeline, especially if they like the device - a definite Must Have.

A few days remain before the announcement of the Samsung Galaxy S8. The sad (and funny, to be honest) failure of the Galaxy Note 7 did not affect the mood of the brand's fans in any way - the hype around the Galaxy S8 / S8 + is completely unthinkable. Therefore, it is not surprising that many important and interesting details leaked to the Web before the announcement. We decided to collect all the rumors in one article to make it easier for you to get an idea of ​​​​what awaits you next week.

The first thing to know is that Samsung will introduce not one, but two smartphones, the Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8+. The differences between them will be only in the screen size - apparently, in this way Samsung decided to replace the Note 7 that has gone the distance. The Galaxy Note series itself is likely to be continued, but a little later.

The displays of all Samsung's flagship smartphones were exceptionally good. Objectively - one of the best on the market. Just like previous flagships, the Samsung Galaxy S8 will feature a 5.7-inch Super AMOLED display, while the Galaxy S8+ will feature a 6.2-inch one. Most likely, there will be no differences in resolution between them. Samsung itself calls the new screen Infinity Display. But, perhaps, the most important innovation will be the new aspect ratio - 18.5:9. So , is no longer unique.

The removal of physical buttons on the front has allowed the display to take up more space on the bezel, with a display area to bezel ratio of 84.4%. But the dimensions of the case will not change much, the Galaxy S8 will lie in the hand in the same way as the Galaxy S7 edge.

The standard screen resolution is 2960 × 1440 dots (WQHD+). But the menu has the ability to change the resolution down: to FHD + (2220 × 1080 pixels) and HD + (1480 × 720 pixels). The aspect ratio is preserved. And in general, this is a rather useful functional feature, which until recently was available only to enthusiasts and lovers of alternative firmware.

Several sources at once talk about the possibility of video recording at a frequency of up to 1000 frames per second. And if all this turns out to be true, then the first (and extremely dangerous) competitor will appear. The sensor resolution will not be increased, it is still 12 megapixels, but the module itself will be different. The most fundamental difference will be a layer with DRAM-memory modules, which significantly speed up the reading speed. Actually, the recent Sony flagship could boast of the same thing, and it seems that at the moment it is impossible to achieve such a rate of fire in another way.

The dual camera - by analogy with the iPhone, as well as with the flagships of Huawei and LG - will not be in the Galaxy S8. Samsung doesn't see much point in the fancy blur effect and 2x optical zoom. And, judging by the comments on Western news resources, many users share this position. I wonder what will be better from the point of view of our readers - do not be too lazy to write in the comments what you prefer: a dual camera like in Huawei P10 or a single camera like in Galaxy S8, if we assume that the latter will shoot a little better.

The front camera has a resolution of 8 megapixels, but regarding autofocus, the sources differ. Some say it will autofocus, others say it won't. I am inclined to believe that there will be auto focus on the front camera. And there will also be an iris scanner, this has already been mentioned above. It will work in exactly the same way as in Galaxy Note 7 (Alexander Babulin about this), only a little more accurate and a little faster due to a higher resolution scanner.

As you know, Samsung Galaxy S8 was supposed to be the first smartphone based on Qualcomm Snapdragon 835. But it may be the first smartphone on sale, because the already mentioned Sony Xperia XZ Premium was the first one announced. However, this is no longer so important. Another thing is important: Samsung will again release smartphones on two platforms, and in addition to Snapdragon 835 there will be Exynos 8895. They even say that the Qualcomm version will be sold only in the US, and the rest of the world, including Europe and Russia, will be content with devices on Samsung's own platform.

RAM in all cases will be 4 GB, only in the Chinese market a model with 6 GB of RAM will be available. Most likely, it will not even be a regular Galaxy S8, but an S8 + model with an enlarged screen diagonal. The built-in storage will be 64 GB, and it will be possible to expand it with a microSD card up to 2 TB.

It is curious that Exynos 8895 has already managed to light up in some benchmarks. And it turned out that in terms of speed it even outperformed Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 a little. I will add that the characteristics of the chips are largely similar. Exynos 8895 contains 8 cores, which are divided into 2 groups: 4 cores of Samsung's own design and 4 less powerful Cortex-A53 cores. As a graphics accelerator, the processor uses ARM Mali-G71. Compared to its predecessor, the Mali-T880, which is part of the Galaxy S7's Exynos 8890 processor, performance is expected to almost double. In addition, the new graphics accelerator supports OpenGL ES 3.2, Vulkan API, RenderScript, and can also take some of the load from the CPU. The technology is called GPU Compute, if supported by the application, it will allow you to distribute the load between the CPU and GPU.

Continuing the conversation about performance, it is worth citing the recently published GeekBench results. In the single-core mode, the Exynos 8895 scores 1978 points, and in the multi-core mode it scores 6375. In turn, the Snapdragon 835-powered Galaxy S8+ scored 1929 and 6084 points respectively in the same test. However, the difference can hardly be called critical.

Galaxy S8 will receive a 3000 mAh battery, Galaxy S8 + - 3500 mAh. New algorithms for power saving modes will be added, but in general this should give a maximum of a day and a half of battery life in standard mode. For video playback, 17 hours of operation are claimed, and this is slightly higher than previous Samsung flagships. Well, I hope we will be able to conduct our own tests very soon.

Among the other “iron” features, rumors about which in one form or another surfaced on the Web, it is worth highlighting USB 3.0 support (with a USB-C connector), as well as Bluetooth 5.0, support for wireless charging and fast wired charging.

Interface and software

As a graphical shell, the novelty will receive Samsung Experience with a Clean UI user interface. The updated version looks ascetic and intuitive, modern fonts and rounded icons to match the overall design of the smartphone case look very aesthetically pleasing.

One of the most interesting features of the Galaxy S8 may be the updated Samsung Bixby voice assistant (a logical development of S Voice), which will be “hung” on a dedicated button on the side of the case. With Bixby, you can control the functions of applications, make instant recordings and notes completely with voice commands. Translation of inscriptions in different languages ​​and recognition of objects of the real world through the camera will be available, which will allow, for example, making quick purchases in online stores. This is already very intriguing, and I hope that at the presentation they will talk about this in a little more detail.

When and how much?

It is already clear that the updated flagship Galaxy S8 and S8 + will be received with a bang and will sell well. Samsung makes reference Android devices that are never compared to Chinese smartphones under the pretext of "same specs for less money".

Sales start dates are likely to be different for different regions. First of all, obviously, the devices will be sold in South Korea, as well as in the United States. This should happen by the end of April. Most sources speak of April 21, but there is information about April 28 as well. In Europe and Russia, it will most likely be possible to buy the Galaxy S8 and S8 + in May, and the price of the most affordable version of the smartphone will definitely exceed 50 thousand rubles. However, the exact Russian prices are not yet known even in Samsung itself.

That's all, the material can be updated as new confirmed details appear. And I remind you that the official presentation of the Galaxy S8 will take place on March 29, so soon we will find out all the details officially.

In this paper, we do not consider all possible types of intuition, but limit ourselves to only one of them - the one that is experimentally reproduced by us. This type of intuition has the most pronounced creative character. His study is, at the same time, the study of one of the hidden mechanisms for the emergence of conjecture associated with

descent into the realm of phenomena that are not directly displayed.

The construction of models of intuitive solutions is not limited to posing any artificial problem for the subjects. The usual means of monitoring the course of its solution, the now widespread means of fixing this move, questioning the subjects and self-observation will not give more than what has already been studied in principle and now forms part of the data for the construction of heuristic programs for the operation of electronic computers by cybernetics. In a psychological study of the intimate mechanisms of the creative process, it is necessary to model the conditions of creative activity. Actions characteristic of genuine creativity, in its model, should be systematically evoked by the subject.

The construction of psychological models of intuitive solutions involves the use of the simplest tasks in the cognitive sense, however, those that have sufficient psychological difficulty, due to which their solution (in a certain period of time, which is limited to the experiment) cannot be obtained directly by logical inference and is not regulated by any or predetermined rules. When constructing models of intuitive solutions, the researcher is not interested in the whole complex of circumstances that unfolds in the course of solving complex creative cognitive tasks (problems), but in the climax that separates the solved mental problem from the unsolved one. The principle of constructing models of intuitive solutions is to create controlled conditions that lead to such a decision in a short time.

A necessary prerequisite for this is the construction of two kinds of situations that are created by means of the corresponding tasks: 1) generating, in which the result of the action, necessary according to the plan of the experiment, is formed, and 2) revealing, in which this result is manifested.

The experiments cited in the previous chapter are essentially psychological models of creativity and reveal some conditions for the possibility of an intuitive solution. The general condition is this: an intuitive solution is possible only if the key to it is already contained in unconscious experience.

We are led to this conclusion by experiments with generating and revealing problems. The identifying task (task-indicator) cannot be solved without the mediation of the generating task. However, it becomes solvable if it is preceded by a generatrix in which the key to solving the revealing one is fixed by the subject at an unconscious level. This outwardly trivial position, as it were, rehabilitates intuition, removes from it the mystical veil, inspired by the traditions of the past.

The very fact of the possibility of such a solution is proved by experiments with "polytype" and "monotype" panels and similar experiments with a labyrinth.

At the same time, these experiments showed how unlikely such a solution is in natural conditions, what a complex of "happy accidents" should accompany it.

Let us proceed to consider other conditions favoring an intuitive solution.

When constructing psychological models of intuitive decisions in order to identify conditions that favor intuition, we most often used the task called "4 points" as a revealing task (indicator).

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The condition of this task is as follows.

“Four points are given (Fig. 13); it is required to draw three straight lines through these four points, without lifting the pencil from the paper, so that the pencil returns to the starting point.

The task was given to adult, intellectually developed subjects. The solution time was limited to 10 minutes.

For intellectually developed people who know the principle of solving this or a similar problem, its logical analysis does not present any difficulty. The four points can be thought of as the vertices of an imaginary square. The requirement to return with a pencil to the starting point means the need to draw a closed figure. Three line segments, each of which is a continuation of the other and does not overlap, form a triangle. The solution, therefore, is to describe a triangle around the square.

However, in experiments with a very large number of subjects, we did not observe a single case of such a solution. On the contrary, all subjects, without exception, after a series of unsuccessful attempts, stopped solving and recognized the problem as unsolvable. To achieve success, it was necessary to “break out” of the area of ​​the plane bounded by points, but this did not occur to anyone - everyone remained inside this area.

Convinced that the probability of independent solution of this problem by the subjects is practically excluded, we began to push the subjects to solve it by means of various kinds of prompts. The latter could be the most diverse. It was enough, for example, to advise the subject not to confine himself to a section of the plane corresponding to the imagination.

to the desired square, at the vertices of which the given points lie, and the problem was solved by it. It was possible to supplement the conditions with the indication: “Only one point lies at the top of the corner” - in this case, by simple reasoning, the subject quickly found a solution.

However, this type of clue was not of direct interest to us. We needed the subject to come to a decision based on the by-product of the action. To do this, in the generating situation, we used problems like laying out an oval (see Fig. 9, on p. 195). For example. The subject first learned the rules of the game of Halma. Then, according to the rules of this game, he had to jump one

the move of the white chip through three black ones so that the white chip returns to its original place (Fig. 14). Performing this action, the subject laid a route with his hand that coincided with the drawing of the solution to the "4 points" problem, in other words, the path of the subject's hand movement exactly corresponded to the graphical expression of the solution to this problem. After that, transparent paper with four dots applied on it, located corresponding to the centers of translucent squares, was superimposed on the same chessboard (Fig. 15). The subject had to connect these points, without lifting the pencil from the paper, with three lines so that the pencil returned to the starting point, i.e., solve the “4 points” problem under these conditions. It would seem that the decision should appear immediately, since the subject was only required to repeat what he had just done. However, this part of the result of the action was a by-product and such a hint did not help solve the problem.

By repeating the experiments with other subjects, using a series of different in form, but similar in meaning prompts 1 , we were convinced that the ego was not an exceptional case.

Having established that the prompts given in the form of a by-product, when presented before the task, do not lead to a solution, we reversed the order of presentation: first the task was given, then one of the prompts, and after that the subject was returned to the task again.

In this version of the experiment, prompts led many subjects to solve the problem.

Thus, the results of the experiments showed that if the hints we use precede the task, they turn out to be indifferent and ineffective in relation to it; if the hints follow the task, then when the subject revisits the task, they give a fairly pronounced positive effect.

In search of an answer to the question why, for the prompt to be effective, it is necessary that it be preceded by a task, it was necessary to immediately discard the idea that the solution of the problem can occur only in the case of the influence of a purely individual, specially selected "hint", i.e. that the solution task turns out to be dependent on the specific form in which the prompt is given. To do this, it was enough to take into account at least the fact that not one, but several of the tips we chose turned out to be effective. You can find thousands of different clues, thousands of different situations, the specific commonality between which will disappear more and more, but all of them will turn out to be suggestive for a given task.

This means that the specific form of the hint, those specific objects that are used in this case, are an insignificant circumstance. The idea of ​​a clue should be embodied in some specific phenomena, but in which ones - this, of course, is not the decisive reason.

Similarly, it was necessary to exclude from the number of decisive causes the factors of closeness of prompt and task presentation in time and the degree of specific similarity of the hand movement route in the generating and revealing situations.

Undoubtedly, the factor of proximity between the “prompt” and the task in the time of presentation plays a certain role in the effectiveness of the prompt. It is obvious that if we gradually increase the time intervals between the presentation of the task, the prompt, and the task again, then there will come a moment when the prompt will finally turn out to be ineffective. So the time factor

1 For details of setting up experiments and their results here and in all subsequent similar cases, see: Ponomarev Ya. A. Psychology of creative thinking. M., 1960.

is one of the necessary conditions. However, is this condition the decisive cause? If it were, then it would also show up when the prompt precedes the task. However, it has been established that no matter how much we bring together the time of their presentation in this case, the solution of the problem does not occur. Hence, proximity in time is not a decisive circumstance.

Further. A certain similarity of the drawing of the solution of the problem with the projection of the movement of the subject's hand in the "hint" situation is, of course, necessary. But this reason is not the main, decisive. Firstly, because the given route of hand movement is only a particular property of the given prompt. This property is determined by the subsequent task. Every other task will entail the transformation of a particular hint expression, while the essence of the latter lies precisely in the fact that it must be suggestive, and therefore, even under changed conditions, this essence remains the same. Secondly, because even the absolute coincidence of the movement of the hand in the “hint” situation and in solving the problem (achieved by laying transparent paper on the chessboard) does not help when the “hint” precedes the problem. In addition, thanks to the setting up of special experiments and the wealth of examples taken from everyday life, we were convinced that the similarity of the projection of the movement of the hand in the situation of a hint and the drawing of the solution of the problem, both in terms of size, shape, and in terms of the conditions for performing the action, can be very relative.

Thus, neither the proximity in time of presentation, nor the degree of similarity of the route of movement with the drawing of the solution are decisive reasons for the effectiveness of the "hint". The decisive reason lies elsewhere.

When looking for this reason, it is important to take into account that both in the case that does not lead to a solution, and when the solution of the problem takes place, the problem and the hint objectively remain completely unchanged, and only the order of their presentation changes. On this basis, we can assume that the decisive reason that makes the preliminary task either ineffective or effective lies in the subjective factor. The task presented before the prompt has a stimulating effect.

Taking into account the general condition and the cycle of experiments described by us, in which the presentation of the generating task was preceded by the stimulating one, we can formulate the second most important condition for the possibility of intuitive solutions (the basis for which is given by the experiments already described): unconscious experience, which objectively contains the key to the solution, is ineffective, if it was formed in the actions preceding attempts to solve the problem; it becomes much more efficient

reconciled against the background of the target search dominant, which arises as a result of preliminary attempts to solve the problem even before acquiring the necessary unconscious experience.

In the experimental material, this appeared as follows. If the forming task precedes the revealing one, then its efficiency is minimal. If, on the other hand, the forming task is preceded by the revealing task, which in this case acts as a stimulating function, its effectiveness increases sharply.

Attempts to solve a revealing problem up to the generatrix (ie, attempts to solve a revealing problem acting in a stimulating function) are unsuccessful, but not meaningless. Moreover, they are necessary. “Chance in science favors the prepared,” said Pasteur. All sorts of "random" guesses, in a huge number recorded in the history of science and technology and now well known to any reader, helped only those who had already stubbornly, although, it would seem, to no avail, struggled with the problem.

At the same time, it was found in the experiments that with the same order of the tasks (stimulating, forming, revealing), the solution is still not achieved in all cases, i.e., only the subjects (about half of the total number) found the solution to the problem - indicator, while others could not do this. This was due to the inhomogeneity of the experiment, which at the stage of the study described in the previous sections, we have not yet taken into account and have not eliminated. The stabilization of the conditions of the experiments led to the identification of those regularities that in some cases ensured success, while in others they hindered it.

We have established that the inherent difficulty of the "4 points" problem arises from the fact that its conditions directly reproduce in the subject's past experience extremely hardened empirically generalized methods - the union of points by the shortest distance. The subjects, as it were, are locked in a section of the area, limited by four points, while it is necessary to leave this section.

This circumstance leads to the fact that, using the “4 points” task as a stimulating one, we do not always, under any conditions, create the search dominant necessary for subsequent orientation in the situation of the preliminary task. As long as the subject has not exhausted inadequate methods of solution, his search does not go beyond the limits of the restriction he has chosen. The dominant turns out to be practically inactive, since it does not contain that soil, that certain freedom of choice, which determines success in identifying other adequate methods. The way the subject encounters in the formative task turns out to be, as it were, alien to the present dominant.

This consideration was confirmed by the facts obtained in our experiments.

The methodological technique of this series of experiments consisted in the fact that during the initial presentation of a stimulating task (“4 points”), various subjects were interrupted at different stages of the search for its solution by inadequate methods (connecting points along the shortest distance): some - already at the very beginning, others - in in the middle, the third - towards the end, and, finally, the subjects of the fourth group did not interrupt at all; they were given the opportunity to come to the conclusion that the problem was unsolvable.

Then, in the usual order, each of the subjects was given the same forming task “oval” (see p. 195), then the task was the “4 dots” indicator.

As a result of the experiments, the following facts were discovered.

1. Of those subjects who were interrupted at the very beginning of the search, no one subsequently found a solution to the problem - an indicator. These subjects continued their unsuccessful attempts to solve the "4 dots" without going beyond the area of ​​the area limited by four dots.

2. About half of the subjects, interrupted approximately in the middle of the search when referring to the task - indicator, found its solution.

3. The greatest number of solutions was found by those subjects who were interrupted in the second half of the search. Moreover, these subjects discovered the solution even before they repeatedly turned to the “4 points” task (the solution to this task was found during the execution of the generating task).

4. The subjects, who during the initial appeal to the task (stimulating - “4 points”) came to the conclusion that this task cannot have a solution, did not solve it the second time, i.e. when the same task presented as an "indicator".

The results of the first two groups of subjects show that in order to successfully solve a chain of tasks, it is necessary first of all to exhaust the possibilities of an inadequate mode of action that is directly reproduced in a situation of a stimulating task. This position is convincingly confirmed by the results of experiments with the third group of subjects, where, when creating optimal conditions for overcoming the negative effect of inadequate methods for solving the stimulating task, the positive effect of the forming task was obtained in the largest number of cases.

Thus, forming tasks give the greatest positive effect (relative to the indicator) when, as a result of unsuccessful trials, the functional systems of cortical connections corresponding to the actions that implement these trials turn out to be inhibited to some extent and, consequently,

tellio, the dominant loses its inadequate specialization, its limited focus, and the decisive one acquires the ability to select "unexpected" techniques.

The results of experiments with the fourth group of subjects show that the necessary use of the possibilities of a mode of action that is directly reproduced under the conditions of a stimulating task should not, however, be accompanied by the conclusion that the problem cannot have a solution at all.

It follows from this that favorable circumstances develop when the subject, fruitlessly searching for a solution to the stimulating problem, exhausts the wrong methods, but has not yet reached the stage at which the search dominant is extinguished, i.e., when the subject loses interest in the task, when already attempted and unsuccessful attempts are repeated when the situation of the problem ceases to change and the subject recognizes the problem as unsolvable.

Transferring this position to the conditions of genuine creativity, we can say that the success of an intuitive solution depends on how much the researcher managed to get rid of the template, to be convinced of the unsuitability of previously known paths and at the same time to remain passionate about the problem, not to recognize it as unsolvable. In the descriptions of most discoveries, it is precisely this feature of human creative activity that is seen.

In subsequent experiments, the “queen and pawns” were used as the generatrix of the problem (Fig. 16). There are three white pawns and a black queen on the chessboard. White to move (experimenter). The subject plays with black. His task is to remove three white pawns in three response moves. The game unfolds as follows: 1) с7 - с8Ф, Ф8:с8; 2) a5 - ab, Qs8: ab; 3) а7 -а8Ф, Ф6:а8. As a stimulating and indicator task - "4 points".

Recall that the direct product of the action in the situation of this generatrix of the problem - the removal of three pawns - has nothing to do with the solution of the "4 points" problem. However, when performing this task, the subject lays a route that matches the drawing of the solution of the indicator task. Having previously analyzed the representation of the subject that arises in the situation of the generating task (before the introduction of the stimulating task), we found out that the route of the hand we were interested in was not reflected in the form of a direct product and could only be reflected in the form of a by-product. After that, having introduced a stimulating situation and creating optimal conditions for overcoming the previously noted difficulties (the negative impact of using inadequate methods for solving the stimulating task), we studied the effectiveness of this forming task (in relation to the indicator) in an environment conducive to orientation based on the by-product of the action. As a result of the experiments, which are described in detail

there is no need, it was found that the majority of the subjects participating in this series of experiments solved the revealing task, i.e. this forming task revealed a fairly pronounced positive effect.

After that, the "queen and pawns" problem was modified.

The direct product resulting from its implementation was enriched with content - the problem was turned from a more than conditional one into a real chess problem - a "three-move". The board was equipped with figures. The subject had to find a combination that would lead to checkmate in three moves. At the same time, the by-product remained the same - the mating combination was realized by the same three moves of the queen (Fig. 17).

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We present the conditions of the generator of the problem in a modified form.

White: Kphl, F3, LI, JIgl, SN, Kb3, Nc2, pawns - b2, g2, h2.

Black: Kra4, Qe2, Rc3, JId2, Cb7, Cb8, Kcl, Kd5, pawns - ab, c4. Black's move. White checkmate in three moves.

The subjects who were sufficiently familiar with the game of chess took part in the experiments.

As usual, the subjects were first presented with a stimulating task ("4 dots"), then a forming task - modified "queen and pawns", after which the subjects were again turned to the "4 dots" task, which this time acted as an indicator.

When a stimulating task was presented, all the conditions that were necessary to eliminate the difficulties associated with the use by the subjects of inadequate methods for solving this task were observed.

As a result of the experiments, it was found that the forming problem "queen and pawns" (effective before the modification) after such a modification completely lost its effectiveness in relation to the problem-indicator. Under equal other conditions, none of the 10 subjects could solve the indicator task, and, consequently, identify a by-product of the action in the situation forming the task.

In control experiments conducted with a group of 5 subjects, under the same conditions, an addition stimulating the search dominant was used: “Find in the solution of this chess problem the solution of the problem (“4 points”) that you have just been given and you do not could decide." (This addition under normal conditions, i.e., when the “queen and pawns” generative problem was used in its unmodified form, led to the solution of the indicator problem for almost all subjects.) However, in this case, the modified generative problem turned out to be ineffective - None of the five subjects subsequently found a solution to the indicator problem.

Experiments showed that the richer the content of the direct product of the action in the situation of the generating task, the more interesting this content becomes for the subject, the less possible the solution of the revealing task. More favorable conditions arise when the direct product of the action in the formative situation is in itself less meaningful.

In true scientific creativity, this should mean that an intuitive solution is the more likely, the less meaningful the direct goal of the action, in which the researcher comes across a by-product that objectively contains the key to the solution.

This position seems to go against common sense. However, from the descriptions of the circumstances of most "accidental" discoveries, inventions, it is clear that the immediate content of favorable cases was very straightforward. Therefore, doubts often arise (hardly justified): could such a “mere trifle” really help a serious achievement?

Further experiments revealed a significant relationship between the efficiency of the generating task and the degree of complexity of the stimulating task.

To clarify this dependence, the following cycle of tasks was used.

Stimulating task - "16 points" or "9 points" (Fig. 18) 2.

2 The conditions of the “9 points” problem are as follows: 9 points are given (Fig. 18, a), you need to connect them with four straight lines, without lifting the pencil from the paper. For a similar solution "16 points" (Fig. 18, b) six lines are used.

The forming task is the laying out of planks on a panel with four pins, the so-called “oval” (the conditions of the task are described on p. 195).

Task-indicator - "4 points".

The experiments were set up as follows. In all cases, we adhered to the “reverse” order of presenting tasks, i.e., first a stimulating task was given, then a forming task, and, finally, an indicator task. This order, in the case when the "4 points" problem was used as a stimulating task, under conditions that exclude additional difficulties, led to the solution of almost all subjects. In these experiments, the content of stimulating tasks

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was complicated, although the general principle of these tasks remained adequate to the generating task and the task-indicator.

One group of subjects (10 people) was offered the task "16 points" as a stimulating task; another group, also consisting of 10 people, - the task "9 points". The indicator task and the generating task remained the same in both groups.

As a result of the experiments, the following results were obtained. In the group of subjects, where the “16 points” task was used as a stimulating task, none of the 10 people found a solution to the indicator task. In this group, where the stimulating task was "9 points", the solution to the indicator task was found by 2 people (out of 10 subjects).

Thus, in the group where the stimulating task had the maximum complexity, the by-product of the action in the situation of the generating task did not help to solve the indicator. However, the minimal (speaking of the maximum and minimum complication of the stimulating task, we mean, of course, this particular case) complication of the stimulating task (the second group of experiments) retained some possibility of solving the indicator problem.

Consequently, the complication of the content of the stimulating task generally leads to a sharp decrease in the efficiency of the generating task.

Therefore, in true creativity, at its first stages, one must strive for the ultimate simplification of the issue and its ultimate schematization. Is it not precisely this need that

teas all sorts of modeling so widespread now?

In the next series of experiments, all the same tasks were used, with the only difference that the complicated tasks (“9 points” and “16 points”) now acted not as stimulating tasks, but as indicators.

As in previous experiments, twenty subjects took part in the experiments, divided into two groups (10 people each). The first group of subjects was offered "9 points" as an indicator task; the second group - "16 points".

In experiments with the first group of subjects, 4 people (out of 10) found a solution to the indicator problem. However, from the analysis of the drawings of the search for a solution to the indicator problem by these subjects and from the subsequent conversation with them, it turned out that the solution to the indicator problem "9 points" was not achieved directly, but indirectly, i.e., in an intermediate way. First, the stimulating task "4 points" was solved (the subjects did this on their own initiative, "from the spot", that is, even in the course of solving the forming task), and then the principle of its solution was applied to the solution of "9 points", and after a series of tests, usual for this case, the solution of the problem-indicator was found.

Experiments with the second group of subjects, where "16 points" were used as the task-indicator, served to some extent as a control for our conclusion on the experiments with the first group of subjects. In these experiments, not one of the 10 people found a solution to the indicator problem, which fully confirmed the earlier consideration, since double mediation was, of course, an impossible task.

Discussing the results of these experiments, it is necessary to recall that in this case the absence of a solution to the indicator could not be the result of the fact that the by-product of the action in the situation of the generating problem was not revealed. Based on all previous experiments, it can be argued that under the given conditions there was such a detection (at least in some subjects). This is also evidenced by the facts of the solution of the task-indicator "9 points" by four subjects. Acting under optimally favorable conditions in the situation of the generatrix of the task under the influence of the stimulating task "4 points", the subject carried out the necessary orientation in this case according to the by-product. However, encountering additional difficulties in the situation of the task-indicator, he could not immediately implement the principle of solution “caught up” in the forming situation, due to which his relatively adequate actions were not reinforced in time and discarded. This also lost the influence of the by-product of the action,

Consequently, one of the conditions facilitating the use of a by-product of an action as a way of solving a creative problem is the adequacy of the stimulating, forming and revealing situations and their possible simplicity.

This conclusion in a practical sense requires, under the conditions of creative thinking, the maximum preliminary logical processing of the available data, their maximum preliminary simplification.

The question under consideration, like the analogous one preceding it, also has a general psychological meaning. In psychology, fundamental objections have often been raised against any kind of modeling, against the creation of artificial experimental situations, against the use of experimental problems that do not have a place in people's real practice, and demands have been put forward to study phenomena directly taken from practice. The facts we have discovered show that modeling in psychology as a method of scientific research is in most cases absolutely necessary for studying real life events; it is one of the indispensable intermediate stages in the discovery of patterns that take place in the natural practice of people.

While investigating the conditions for the efficiency of the generating problem, we came across two more groups of phenomena. First, it was noticed that the solution of the indicator task turns out to be dependent on the way in which the forming task is performed. Secondly, somewhat different circumstances were also noted in which the characteristic was not of the way in which the forming task was performed, but of the way in which the by-product of the action contained in this task was transformed in the situation of the indicator task.

In the first case, success turned out to be dependent on the degree of automation of the mode of action in which the forming task was carried out; in the second case, this success turned out to be related to the degree of abstraction of the way in which the by-product of the action was transformed in the indicator task situation.

In the first part of this series of experiments, "4 dots" were used as a stimulating task, "halma" as a generatrix (the condition is described on p. 215) and, finally, "4 dots" again as an indicator function.

As in previous experiments, two groups of subjects took part here. However, unlike previous experiments, the differences between experiments in different groups did not lie in the fact that the subjects of these groups were given different tasks (on the contrary, the tasks were exactly the same in all cases), but the categories of subjects selected for these groups were different. The subjects of the first group have long been able to

DO Play "halma" and have sufficient knowledge of its rules; the subjects of the second group, on the contrary, were selected in such a way that none of them had any idea about this game before. These subjects had to be taught the rules of the game.

It is easy to guess that for the former, the method of performing the forming task was largely automated, while for the latter, such automation could not have been in any way, since they had just mastered the knowledge of the rules of moves when playing "khalma".

The order of task presentation in all experiments was “reverse” (stimulating task - forming task - indicator task). In all cases, we tried to create identical experimental conditions for the subjects of both groups.

As a result of the experiments, it turned out that the subjects of the first group, who performed the forming task with deeply automated and highly specialized actions, gave a smaller number of solutions to the indicator task than the representatives of the second group, who had not previously been able to play "halmu" and, therefore, did not use pre-tasks automated and specialized actions.

In order to exclude a possible element of randomness in this result, we decided to repeat the experiments with the other two groups of subjects, using now different preliminary tasks.

In the second part of the experiments, "4 points" were used as a stimulating task; as a generatrix - “queen and pawns” (see p. 221) and “fictitious figure” 3 (Fig. 19); in the indicator function - again "4 points". Ceteris paribus, one group of subjects was offered the task of "queen and pawns", the other - "fictitious figure".

On the basis of special experiments, it was found that the "fictitious figure" forming the problem is twice as effective as the "queen and pawns" problem.

A piece on the d6 or d4 square (Fig. 19) must remove three (or four) pawns in three moves. The rules for moving this piece are as follows: having removed a pawn, it does not take its place, but moves on; the piece acts on the verticals and horizontals like a rook, on the diagonals - tsak elephant.

The differences in the effectiveness of these generating tasks became even more pronounced when we compared in the newly done experiments the number of solutions to the “4 points” indicator obtained with these generating tasks in different groups of subjects during the first two minutes of searching for a solution to the indicator task (experiments were set up as follows: first, the subjects turned to the stimulating task, then the subjects of the first group were given the forming task "queen and pawns", and the subjects of the second group - "fictitious figure"; after completing these tasks, the subjects of both groups turned to the task-indicator "4 points"; after two minutes after that, the experiment was stopped and the number of solutions of the task-indicator obtained by the subjects in both groups was recorded).

The results of the experiments were as follows: out of 10 subjects who used the “queen and pawns” forming the problem, only two people solved the indicator problem; out of 10 subjects who solved the “fictitious figure” forming the task, 6 people solved the indicator task. Thus, the fictitious piece problem turned out to be three times more effective than the queen and pawns problem.

Differences in the efficiency of these tasks in this case could only be explained by differences in the generating tasks themselves. The mode of action in which the “queen and pawns” task was performed was, of course, much more automated than that used by the subjects when solving the “fictitious figure” task: in the first task, we used those actions that the subjects developed over several years of playing play chess; in the second problem, we deliberately modified the rules of moves, thereby violating the established automatisms.

Consequently, the more automated and specialized was the action that performed the solution of the generating task, the less successful was the use of the by-product of the action, and vice versa.

In another series of experiments, the same task - "4 points" was used in the functions of the stimulating task and the indicator. The originality of this series consisted in the generating task: to describe a triangle near the square.

Otherwise, the experiments were carried out in exactly the same way as in the other series: first, a stimulating task was given, then a forming task, and, finally, an indicator task.

Before proceeding to trace the execution of the entire order of tasks, it is necessary to characterize the forming task.

The subject was given a square with twelve dots and a table with twelve squares; the task was to describe a triangle on the table near each square, starting the construction of a triangle from a point, number

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which corresponded to the number of the square (Fig. 20), not allowing an exact repetition of the drawing in any case. The exercises were repeated until their performance became firmly fixed and automated. The development of automatism gave the right to consider this task in this parameter leveled with the task "queen and pawns".

After that (in some cases after several days) we started the main experiments. The results were as follows: all 10 subjects found a solution to the indicator task, spending no more than 1 minute searching. The forming task “describe a triangle around a square” turned out to be the most effective of all similar tasks we used before.

As already noted, before the main experiments, in order to level the parameter of automation of the mode of action by which this task was performed, we conducted rather lengthy exercises with the subjects. It could be assumed that for a number of reasons it was these preliminary exercises that played a certain role in such a high efficiency of this generating task. To clarify the question that arose, a control series of experiments was carried out, in which, other things being equal, the subjects did not do preliminary exercises, but directly performed the usual order of solving problems (stimulating - forming - indicator). The results of the control series of experiments did not differ much from

previous ones. Thus, the version about the dependence of the high efficiency of this exercise on previous exercises was excluded, and the reason for such efficiency should be seen in the features of the task itself.

The reason for the high efficiency was, apparently, that as a result of solving the problem of “describe a triangle near the square”, the subject developed that by-product, which, in the situation of the generating task, was transformed into a geometric rule widely generalized by the social experience of people (all subjects participating in this series experiments, were quite familiar with geometry), which had already been mastered by the subjects as a deeply abstracted geometric concept.

Thus, the study of models of intuitive decisions led to the establishment of a number of patterns of such decisions: an intuitive decision is possible only if the key to it is already contained in unconscious experience; such an experience is ineffective if it was formed in the actions preceding attempts to solve a creative problem; it becomes more effective, forming against the background of the target, search dominant; its effectiveness increases when the wrong methods of solving the problem are exhausted, but the search dominant does not go out yet; the influence of the unconscious part of the action is the more effective, the less meaningful in itself its conscious part; the complication of the situation in which unconscious experience is acquired prevents its subsequent use; a similar complication of the problem itself also has a negative effect; the success of the solution is related to the degree of automation of the methods of action, during which the necessary unconscious experience is formed - the less automated this method, the more chances for success; the more general category the final solution of the creative problem can be attributed to, the more likely it is to find such a solution.

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