Why are biopolymers considered only in the cell. What came first: nucleic acid or protein

  1. What period of Ukrainian life is the story dedicated to? How does the writer characterize the creation of this work?
  2. N.V. Gogol was very interested in the history of his native Ukraine, he admired the folk heroes - the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks, who in the 16th-17th centuries selflessly fought against the oppressors of the Ukrainian and Russian peoples - the Polish gentry. The writer looked in the past for great deeds and heroic characters, opposing them to the petty worries and petty characters of his contemporaries. The creation of the story characterizes N.V. Gogol as a patriot who was proud of the glory of the Cossacks, the heroic history of his homeland.

  3. Do you find the beginning of the story a good one? Why?
  4. The beginning of the story seems to us, its readers, not just successful, but the only possible one: literally from the first lines, the color of the era is recreated, tragic in its essence, but with comic situations in the life and behavior of the characters. The author introduces the reader to the family of an old Cossack, acquaints him with unique manners, customs, relationships, combining heroics and humor in the characters and behavior of his heroes.

  5. What thoughts and feelings of Gogol are expressed in the words: “But are there such fires, torments and such a force in the world that would overpower the Russian force!”? How do they relate to the content of the whole story?
  6. Gogol's story is dedicated to the events of the liberation movement in Ukraine, the struggle of the Cossacks against the Polish invaders, the Turks and the Tatar hordes. These words express the writer's admiration for the courage and greatness of people who fought for the freedom and happiness of their fatherland and gave their lives for it.

  7. What qualities of Taras Bulba as a folk hero are embodied in the story? Make a plan to characterize Taras Bulba (include in it a definition of the main character traits of the hero and episodes that confirm these traits).
  8. Taras is a wise Cossack and an experienced warrior, who is respected by his comrades and elected as their chief chieftain; a brave, courageous and stern man who gave his life to the defense of the fatherland.

    Performance plan

    1. Taras - father and husband (arrival of sons and decision to take them to the Sich; relationship with his wife).
    2. Bulba is a man of the Sich (freedom and unrestraint of nature and at the same time sternness and asceticism, devotion to the common cause). The main values ​​of his life are the struggle for the Christian faith and fellowship, the highest rating for him is “a good Cossack”.
    3. Taras Bulba - warrior (battle near Dubno, the last battle of Taras).
    4. Attitude towards partnership (talking about partnership, attitude towards the Cossacks Se-chi).
    5. A character born of time. Greatness and tragedy of Taras.
  9. Why, when reading the story, "... you are surprised at him (Taras. - Author), and horrified, and laugh at him" (V. G. Belinsky)?
  10. The character of the protagonist of the story is very multifaceted. Taras is surprised by the impetuousness and rudeness of his nature, combined with devotion and tenderness, we laugh at his spontaneity, simplicity and cheerfulness, we are horrified by his cruelty and mercilessness.

  11. Make a comparative description of Ostap and Andriy, paying attention to the following questions: what impression does the first acquaintance with the brothers leave? What made them different during their studies at the bursa? What is the difference between the behavior of Ostap and Andriy in the Zaporozhian Sich, in battle? How did the brothers die? Using the material of the previous answers and recommendations for comparative characteristics, compare the brothers Osta-pa and Andriy.
  12. Sample Plan

    1. Similarities between Ostap and Andriy:
    2. a) one family

      b) education;

      c) training in the bursa;

      d) encirclement in the Sich.

    3. Brothers difference:
    4. a) appearance, character;

      b) attitude towards people;

      c) perception of nature and beauty;

      d) attitude towards war, behavior in battle;

      e) death of brothers.

  13. Find lyrical digressions in the text. How are they related to the main narrative and why are they introduced into the story?
  14. Gogol introduces a number of lyrical digressions into the narrative (a description of the steppe, the Dnieper, etc.), creating an emotional and artistic subtext of the story, expressing the author's feeling for the depicted, correlating the pictures of nature with the fate of the characters.

  15. Can Taras Bulba be called a historical story? Are there genuine historical persons, facts, correlation with a specific historical time in this work?
  16. In "Taras Bulba" there is no depiction of true historical facts, real historical figures. The time depicted in the story can only be determined with approximate accuracy: XV-XVII centuries. There is not a single definite historical fact in the story, that is, Gogol did not set himself the goal of accurately telling about specific historical events, he was not going to recreate a picture of the historical past. The historical background in the story is rather conditional. Gogol set himself tasks not so much historical as epic, therefore Taras Bulba is not a historical story, but a heroic epic. Jacques in folklore works reflect the life ideals born in the people's consciousness, and ideal human characters are recreated in Gogol's story.

  17. At what moments did the greatness of the spirit of Taras Bulba especially manifest itself? What was his last feat?material from the site

    The greatness of the spirit of Taras Bulba manifested itself in the most dramatic moments of his life and the life of the Cossacks: here he reminds his comrades-in-arms of what partnership is, and finds the words that were needed, poured new courage into the Cossacks; here he is executing a traitor son; here, risking his life, he supports his second son, the hero Ostap, before the death; now, when the fire has already licked his feet, he thinks not about himself, not about how to save himself, but about how to save his comrades from certain death.

  18. How does the author characterize Taras Bulba and his sons? How does he express his attitude towards them?
  19. What role does the description of the Ukrainian steppe play in the story? Why is this description interesting?
  20. How is the life and customs of the Zaporozhian Sich shown?
  21. Why are the images of the Cossacks attractive?
  22. Why did the Cossacks choose Taras Bulba as the chief ataman? Do you consider them a good choice?
  23. How did the sons of Taras perceive the life and customs of the Zaporozhian Sich? Why did Ostap immediately find his place among the Cossacks, while it was more difficult for Andriy to get close to them?
  24. How and why did Andriy become a traitor? Do you admit that such a fate could befall Ostap?
  25. How is the heroism of the Cossacks shown in the battles near the city of Dubno? Is the author's voice heard here?
  26. How did the second battle near Dubno end for Taras and his sons? What feelings did the story about the death of Andriy at the hands of his father evoke in you? Did this episode change your previous opinion about them?
  27. How did Ostap die? Why does he call his father before he dies?
  28. What lines of the story express its main idea?

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On this page, material on the topics:

  • episode from Taras Bulba under Dubno
  • appearance of andrii from taras bulba
  • questions for chapters 5-7 on the story of Taras Bulba
  • taras bulba main characters and interesting episodes
  • questions and answers geography gogol

Taras Bulba became a symbol of courage and love for the motherland. The character, born from the pen of Nikolai Gogol, has successfully taken root in cinema and even in music - opera performances based on Gogol's story have been staged in theaters around the world since the end of the 19th century.

History of creation

The story "Taras Bulba" gave 10 years of his life. The idea of ​​an epic work was born in the 1830s and already in the middle of the decade adorned the Mirgorod collection. However, the literary creation did not satisfy the author. As a result, it survived eight edits, and cardinal ones.

Nikolai Vasilyevich rewrote the original version right up to changing the storylines and introducing new characters. Over the years, the story grew fat by three chapters, the battle scenes filled with colors, and the Zaporizhzhya Sich acquired small details from the life of the Cossacks. They say that the writer verified every word so that it more accurately conveyed the atmosphere and characters of the characters, while striving to preserve the flavor of the Ukrainian mentality. In 1842, the work was published in a new edition, but it was still corrected until 1851.

Gathering material for work, Gogol went to extreme measures - from the pages of the newspaper he asked readers to help put together a mosaic of the historical facts of Ukraine. Everything was valuable, from information from personal archives and unpublished information to the memoirs of contemporaries from the outback. The classic relied on the Ukrainian chronicles, the book of Levasseur de Beauplan "Description d" Ukraine "and the work of Semyon Myshetsky" The History of the Zaporizhian Cossacks.

But the historical facts that intertwined in the new work of the classic lacked sincerity and emotions. Gogol solved this problem brilliantly, diluting the dry details of the past with the folk art of his native country. From it the writer drew vivid epithets. Folklore even served as the basis for creating images and characters: for example, the son of Bulba Andriy resembles the heroes of the songs Teterenka and Savva Chaly.

From fairy tales to the pages of the book, the method of trinity migrated, when the characters go through tests three times before getting what they want. The rhetorical questions characteristic of fairy tales were woven into the monologues:

“Am I not worthy of eternal regrets? ... Didn’t the bitter share fall on me?

So the language of the narrative acquired melodiousness and lyricism. A contradictory and complex story should not be taken as a reliable confirmation of history, because even the exact time of events is not clear. The literary brainchild of Gogol has more artistic value.

Biography and short story

The scene takes place in Ukraine between 1569 and 1654, when Kyiv was part of the Commonwealth. Graduates of the Kyiv Bursa Ostap and Andriy returned to their home. Taras Bulba, an old Cossack who rose to the rank of colonel, having met his sons, could not restrain his irony. The subject of his ridicule was the seminary outfits of the offspring, which caused a fight between the head of the family and the eldest son Ostap. However, Taras was pleased with the sports form of the heir.

On the same day, at a meeting with his comrades-in-arms, Bulba announced the decision to send his sons to the Zaporizhzhya Sich in order to teach young people military science. But he himself, bursting with pride for the offspring, went with them to personally introduce them to the regimental comrades. On the way, the aged father is nostalgic for a young turbulent life, Ostap’s heart bleeds because of his mother (the woman said goodbye to her children hard, not wanting to let her go to the Sich), and Andriy is absorbed in thoughts about the beautiful Polish woman whom he met in Kyiv.

In the Sich, the Cossacks led a wild life - they drank, fooled around, did everything except improve their combat skills. This was preferred to do in real battles. The young newcomers happily plunged into the general fun, but such a turn did not suit Taras Bulba, and he encouraged his comrades to go to war with Poland in order to avenge the oppression of the Ukrainian people.

In battles, the heirs of the protagonist matured, the father admires the article and the exploits of his sons, who made it to the front ranks of the Cossack army. Having besieged the city of Dubno, the warriors plundered defenseless settlements and mocked the local population. One night, Andriy received the news that his beloved Polish woman was also in the city and was dying of hunger. The young man, taking bags of bread, went to the meeting.

Andriy's love turned out to be so comprehensive that it forced the young man to renounce his homeland and family. At this time, in the camp of his former comrades, reinforced by fresh forces, the enemies killed some of the drunken Cossacks and marched to Dubno, and the terrible news of the betrayal of his son fell upon Taras. The Sich is also defeated - the Tatars attacked the Cossacks left without a "head".

The inhabitants of the besieged city became bolder and went to battle with the Cossacks, and Andriy was in the ranks of the Poles. Bulba punished his son for treason by luring him into the forest. Andria Gogol described the terrible episode of death in detail, putting into the mouth of the protagonist a phrase that later became a catch phrase:

The Cossacks failed in the battle, in which Taras Bulba also lost his second son - Ostap was captured. The young man was executed in the town square. Taras was present at the torture of the heir and even answered his call:

"Father! Where are you? Do you hear?

120 thousand Cossacks went on a campaign against the Poles. In battle, Taras, driven by revenge for his lost son, surprised his comrades-in-arms with unprecedented cruelty and anger. The opponents were defeated, promising the Cossack army to forget the grievances, but Bulba did not believe the oath of the Hetman "Polyakhs" Nikolai Pototsky. And he turned out to be right - the Poles reinforced their forces and defeated the Cossacks left by Taras.

But the Poles overtook the main character. In a four-day battle, the army of Taras Bulba fell, the old chieftain was chained to a century-old oak and burned at the stake. Before his death, the brave Cossack prophesied the unification of the lands of Russia and the victory of the Orthodox faith.

Image and main idea

Nikolai Gogol created a collective image of the Zaporozhye Cossacks, making Taras Bulba a defender of freedom and national independence. Courage, love for the Motherland and the Christian faith, freedom-lovingness - the author melted such qualities in the character of the protagonist, and the result was an ideal textbook Cossack.

In the context of the struggle for the autonomy of Ukraine, Gogol raised questions of the boundaries between courage and cowardice, loyalty and betrayal.

Screen adaptations

The first adaptations of "Taras Bulba" started in the era of silent films. In 1909, Alexander Drankov, the pioneer of Russian cinema, tried to transfer the character of the Cossack to the screens. Anisim Suslov starred in the short film.

In the future, the Germans, French, British and even Americans took up the imperishable work of the Ukrainian writer. The list of films includes:

  • "Taras Bulba" (1924)
  • "Taras Bulba" (1936)
  • "Taras Bulba" (1962)
  • "Taras Bulba, il cosacco" (1963)
  • "Taras Bulba" (1987)
  • "Thought about Taras Bulba" (2009)
  • "Taras Bulba" (2009)

The most interesting performances by critics and viewers are called the 1962 picture, staged in America, where the image of the ataman was embodied. "Taras Bulba" in 1936 is curious in that, although the tape was created in France, the Russian Alexei Granovsky acted as its director. Reincarnated as a Cossack Harry Bor.

But the most iconic film based on Gogol's book was presented. In the spring of 2009, crowds of lovers of classical literature rushed to the cinemas and were not disappointed - in the role of Bulba he turned out to be irresistible. Emotions were added by realistic battle scenes - the authors included five fights in the script. The geography of filming sites covered Russia, Ukraine and Poland.

Together with Bogdan Stupka, movie stars (Andriy), (Ostap), (Mosiy Shilo), (Stepan Guska), Les Serdyuk (caesaul Dmytro Tovkach) shine in the frames. Women's images in the tape were embodied (pannochka, Andria's beloved) and (Taras's wife). Hollywood producer Nick Powell, who has worked on the film Braveheart, was involved in the creation of the picture. He supervised the staging of battle scenes.

Stupka admitted to reporters in an interview that he survived the worst film of his career:

“Seven months of filming, and everything is very hard. For a long time there was a 40-degree heat, artists in costumes, in chain mail, armor, with weapons. We must run and fight. And so many times. Even young people got sick. A fur hat saved me - at least my head didn’t get warm under it. ”
As a result, Bortko's production collected nine prizes and awards.
  • In 1941, the Ukrainian nationalist Vasily Borovets, who formed the armed department of the UPA, took the pseudonym Taras Bulba. The members of the organization were called so - "bulbovtsy".
  • Vladimir Bortko planned to land a "movie landing" near the ancient castle of the city of Dubno, but it turned out that the building was rebuilt in the 18th century, depriving it of its medieval flavor. Then the film crew moved to the Khotyn Castle, built in the 15th century.

  • Combat suits are as close as possible to the original uniforms of the times described in the story: real leather belts, velvet trim, and forged metal rivets.
  • A thousand people, including local residents, were involved in the extras of the picture. The tricks were performed by 100 stuntmen, and the Cossacks and Poles were carried by 150 horses.
  • The director of "Taras Bulba" said at one of the film festivals that during the filming he lost 20 kg - the work turned out to be so exhausting. Each take had to be shot 10-15 times.
  • Bortko's film cost $15.7 million. Nick Powell made his calculations and stated that if the film was shot according to Hollywood standards, the authors would have spent at least $100 million.


"Turn around, son!"
"I gave birth to you, I will kill you!"
"There is life in the old dog yet?!"
“Be patient, Cossack, you will be an ataman!”
"There is no bond more holy than fellowship!"
“What, son, did your Poles help you?”
“Even though you are my father, but if you laugh, then, by God, I will beat you!”
“No, brothers, love like the Russian soul - not only to love with the mind or anything else, but with everything that God has given, whatever is in you, but ... No, no one can love like that!”
“The future is unknown, and it stands before man like an autumn mist that has risen from the marshes.”
“If a person falls in love, then he is like a sole, which, if you soak it in water, bend it, and it will bend.”
"Great is the power of a weak woman, that she destroyed many strong ones."
“Only one person can be related to kinship by soul, and not by blood.”
“Not that good warrior who has not lost his spirit in an important matter, but that good warrior who does not get bored even in idleness, who will endure everything, and even if you want him, he will still put his own way.”

What period of Ukrainian life is the story dedicated to? How does the writer characterize the creation of this work?

N.V. Gogol was very interested in the history of his native Ukraine, he admired the folk heroes - the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks, who in the 16th-17th centuries selflessly fought against the oppressors of the Ukrainian and Russian peoples - the Polish gentry. The writer looked in the past for great deeds and heroic characters, opposing them to the petty worries and petty characters of his contemporaries. The creation of the story characterizes N.V. Gogol as a patriot who was proud of the glory of the Cossacks, the heroic history of his homeland.

Do you find the beginning of the story a good one? Why?

The beginning of the story seems to us, its readers, not just successful, but the only possible one: literally from the first lines, the color of the era is recreated, tragic in its essence, but with comic situations in the life and behavior of the characters. The author introduces the reader to the family of an old Cossack, acquaints him with unique manners, customs, relationships, combining heroics and humor in the characters and behavior of his heroes.

What thoughts and feelings of Gogol are expressed in the words: "But are there such fires, torments and such a force in the world that would overpower the Russian force!"? How do they relate to the content of the story?

Gogol's story is dedicated to the events of the liberation movement in Ukraine, the struggle of the Cossacks with the Polish invaders, the Turks and the Tatar hordes. These words express the writer's admiration for the courage and greatness of the people who fought for the freedom and happiness of their fatherland and gave their lives for it.

What qualities of Taras Bulba as a folk hero are embodied in the story? Make a plan for the characterization of Taras Bulba (including the definition of the main character traits of the hero and episodes that confirm these traits).

Taras is a wise Cossack and an experienced warrior who is respected by his comrades and elected as their chief chieftain; a brave, courageous and stern man who gave his life to the defense of the fatherland.

Performance plan

Taras - father and husband (arrival of sons and decision to take them to the Sich; relationship with his wife). Bulba is a man of the Sich (liberty and unrestraint of nature and at the same time severity and asceticism, devotion to the common cause). The main values ​​of his life are the struggle for the Christian faith and fellowship, the highest rating for him is "a good Cossack." Taras Bulba - warrior (battle near Dubno, Taras' last fight). Attitude to partnership (speech about partnership, attitude to the Cossacks of the Sich). A character born of time. Greatness and tragedy of Taras. Why, when reading the story, "... you are surprised at him (Taras. - Author), and horrified, and laugh at him" (V. G. Belinsky)?

The character of the protagonist of the story is very multifaceted. Taras is surprised by the unrestraint and rudeness of his nature, combined with devotion and tenderness, we laugh at his spontaneity, simplicity and cheerfulness, we are horrified by his cruelty and ruthlessness.

Make a comparative description of Ostap and Andriy, paying attention to the following questions: what impression does the first acquaintance with the brothers leave? What made them different during their studies at the bursa? What is the difference between the behavior of Ostap and Andriy in the Zaporozhian Sich, in battle? How did the brothers die? Using the material of previous answers and recommendations for comparative characteristics, compare the brothers Ostap and Andriy.

Sample Plan

Similarities between Ostap and Andriy:

A) one family

B) education;

C) training in the bursa;

D) the environment in the Sich.

Brothers difference:

A) appearance, character;

B) attitude towards people;

C) perception of nature and beauty;

D) attitude towards war, behavior in battle;

D) the death of brothers.

Find lyrical digressions in the text. How are they related to the main narrative and why are they introduced into the story?

Gogol introduces a number of lyrical digressions into the narrative (a description of the steppe, the Dnieper, etc.), creating an emotional and artistic subtext of the story, expressing the author's feeling for the depicted, correlating the pictures of nature with the fate of the characters.

Can Taras Bulba be called a historical story? Are there genuine historical figures, facts, correlation with a specific historical time in this work?

In "Taras Bulba" there is no depiction of true historical facts, real historical figures. The time depicted in the story can only be determined with approximate accuracy: XV-XVII centuries. There is not a single definite historical fact in the story, that is, Gogol did not set himself the goal of reliably telling about specific historical events, he was not going to recreate a picture of the historical past. The historical background in the story is rather arbitrary. Gogol set himself tasks not so much historical as epic, therefore "Taras Bulba" is not a historical story, but a heroic epic. Jacques in folklore works reflect the ideals of life born in the minds of the people, and ideal human characters are recreated in Gogol's story.

At what moments did the greatness of the spirit of Taras Bulba especially manifest itself? What was his last feat?

The greatness of the spirit of Taras Bulba manifested itself in the most dramatic moments of his life and the life of the Cossacks: here he reminds his comrades-in-arms of what partnership is, and finds the words that were needed, poured new courage into the Cossacks; here he is executing a traitor son; here, risking his life, he supports his second son, the hero Ostap, before the death; now, when the fire has already licked his feet, he thinks not about himself, not about how to save himself, but about how to save his comrades from certain death.

How does the author characterize Taras Bulba and his sons? How does he express his attitude towards them? What role does the description of the Ukrainian steppe play in the story? Why is this description interesting? How is the life and customs of the Zaporozhian Sich shown? Why are the images of the Cossacks attractive? Why did the Cossacks choose Taras Bulba as the chief ataman? Do you consider them a good choice? How did the sons of Taras perceive the life and customs of the Zaporozhian Sich? Why did Ostap immediately find his place among the Cossacks, while it was more difficult for Andriy to get close to them? How and why did Andriy become a traitor? Do you admit that such a fate could befall Ostap? How is the heroism of the Cossacks shown in the battles near the city of Dubno? Is the author's voice heard here? How did the second battle near Dubno end for Taras and his sons? What feelings did the story about the death of Andriy at the hands of his father evoke in you? Did this episode change your previous opinion about them? How did Ostap die? Why does he call his father before he dies? What lines of the story express its main idea?