Why was Khrushchev erected a black and white monument. Celebrity graves at the Novodevichy cemetery

Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev was the most controversial politician in the Soviet Union. His political activities under Stalin did not differ in their cruelty from the activities of the leader he adored. However, Khrushchev's actions after the death of the leader and the debunking of his cult were accepted by society in two ways.

All his life Khrushchev fought against Stalinism with his own methods, removed the "iron" curtain and criticized what he saw. A bright political career turned into seven years of imprisonment. Even Khrushchev's grave is not in the Kremlin wall, like all iconic political leaders, but at the Novodevichy Cemetery.

Khrushchev's biography

Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev was born into a poor peasant family. From childhood, he worked, first as a simple miner in the Donbass, then as a mechanic, and later as a deputy director of a plant. His ability to work, love of life and active life position did not go unnoticed.

He came to power rather late, at the age of 35 he went to study at the Industrial Academy in Moscow. The leader of the peoples liked the ambitious simple man, friendship with Stalin's wife, Nadezhda, became a kind of political lift for him. Khrushchev was a loyal communist, with unconditional determination he went for everything that was offered in those years by Stalin's policy.

In the role of a simple Soviet hard worker, he unexpectedly turned out to be very close to unlimited power. After Stalin's death, he also unexpectedly became the new leader of the Land of Soviets. The stupid Khrushchev turned out to be a strong political opponent, a bold manipulator and a cunning politician.

Contradictory personality

The policy of the new party chairman was controversial. He tried to build communism, but not by communist methods. He released the repressed, but continued to arrest the innocent. He fought for agriculture, planting corn in places unsuitable for cultivation. He tried to provide the entire population with apartments by starting a large-scale construction project, but did not calculate the financial costs for the quality of these apartments. He got involved in the fight with America, recognizing its strength. He built the "Berlin Wall", and in politics he tore down the walls between Russia and the West. He despised the capitalists and sought to give his people the opportunity to live like them. He was evil and merciful, a jester and a cunning manipulator. No one took him seriously, but he took it and for 11 years became the unlimited leader of a vast country.

Gravestone over the grave of N.S. Khrushchev very accurately expresses this contradictory nature of its owner.

The funeral

Like his life after the reign, it was shrouded in mystery. He died on September 11, 1971 in the Kuntsevo hospital. In two days he will be secretly buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery. Khrushchev's grave will be surrounded by soldiers who won't let anyone "extra" in to say goodbye to the former leader. No official will be at the funeral, only relatives and close friends. There will also be no rally in Moscow, which was previously awarded to all Soviet and party leaders. A small obituary in the newspaper, without a photograph and extra words, without the signatures of members of the Politburo, few will notice.

Khrushchev's grave

The former leader of the Soviet Union was buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery by order of Brezhnev. The organization of the funeral was undertaken by a special commission in the Kremlin. Despite the fact that they tried not to advertise the death and funeral of the former Secretary General, and the cemetery was cordoned off by soldiers, there were many who wanted to get to the event.

Khrushchev's grave was desecrated more than once. There were many opponents of his political decisions. After the cemetery was closed. Then, former victims of Stalinist repressions, whom he released as soon as he received a high post, carried flowers to Khrushchev's grave. He will never be forgotten by his many relatives. Nikita Sergeevich left four children.

Monument to E. Neizvestny

The monument on Khrushchev's grave was erected only in 1975. Although the sketch of the memorial, at the request of his son, was made by the Soviet sculptor Ernst Neizvestny much earlier. The authorities did not allow it to be installed. And only after numerous requests and calls to high-ranking officials, relatives finally managed to obtain permission for its construction.

The monument itself is made of two irregularly shaped marble slabs. Slabs of white and black marble on Khrushchev's grave stand opposite each other. They personify the black Stalinist time and the bright future of the Khrushchev thaw. But the composition can also be considered as two sides of the contradictory personality of Nikita Sergeevich. In the center, the good-natured bronze head of Khrushchev is looking at us.

Next to Khrushchev's grave is also the grave of his son, who died during the Great Patriotic War.


Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev lived a long and generally happy life. He went through a difficult political path and saw life from different angles. Growing up in poverty and having tasted all the fruits of unlimited power, he remained true to his ideals and always tried to help a simple Russian peasant. Experiencing the black Stalinist time, he believed that he could create a bright communist future, where all people would be fed, there would always be plenty of food on the table, and each family would have its own home.

Monument on the grave of N.S. Khrushchev fully reflects these two sides of the controversial leader. E. Neizvestny, like no one else, managed to discern in the violent opponent of the modern avant-garde a real innovator of bold ideas. Having once smashed the exhibition of E. Neizvestny to smithereens, Khrushchev did not even imagine that it was he who would be able to capture his ambiguous offender in marble and bronze so accurately forever.

The history of the capital's cemeteries has hundreds of secrets and legends. Reburials, during which the heads of the dead disappeared, encrypted inscriptions on the monuments, Scandinavian marks and bulletproof caps for tombstones...

The network publication m24.ru is launching a new project, in which you will learn about the history, legends and current state of the capital's cemeteries. In the first article, we will talk about the Novodevichy Cemetery, where 57 tombstones of famous figures of art, science and technology have recently been restored.

Gogol and Chekhov, Stanislavsky and Vakhtangov, Shostakovich and Prokofiev found their last refuge at the Novodevichy Cemetery. Yeltsin, Khrushchev, Stalin's wife Nadezhda Alliluyeva and even the head of the Chinese Communist Party Wang Ming are buried here.

Burials on the territory of the Novodevichy Convent arose in the 16th century. By the beginning of the 20th century, there was practically no free space left in the monastery necropolis, and graves began to appear near the southern wall of the monastery.

The territory of the Novodevichy cemetery was repeatedly expanded. The total area of ​​all plots is now more than 7.5 hectares. About 26 thousand people are buried in the cemetery, the territory of which is divided into old, new and new. On the monastery territory, the graves of mainly Decembrists and heroes of the war of 1812, as well as famous professors and public figures, survived.

Chekhov's mark

The body of Anton Chekhov, who died in Germany from tuberculosis, was transported to Moscow in a wagon designed to transport oysters. The writer is buried next to the grave of his own father. At the foot of the monument, a Scandinavian mark has been preserved - an ancient graphic image of a Christian cross.

Stone "Golgotha"

The tombstone on the grave of Mikhail Bulgakov is the stone "Golgotha" (it was named so due to the shape resembling the mountain where Jesus Christ was crucified) from the former burial place of Nikolai Gogol in the Danilov Monastery. This porous Black Sea granite, according to legend, was brought by Konstantin Aksakov from the Crimea. Bulgakov's widow Elena Sergeevna discovered Calvary, according to one version, in the workshops of the Novodevichy cemetery, according to another, in a pit where the craftsmen dumped production waste.

Since Bulgakov considered Gogol his teacher and even looked for inspiration at his monument in Moscow, there was no doubt about the fate of the stone: it was bought and installed on the grave of the author of The Master and Margarita.

Photo: m24.ru/Alexander Avilov

four notes

The gravestone of the composer Dmitry Shostakovich depicts four notes: D, E-flat, C and B. If you write them in Latin notation, you get DSCH - the initials of the composer. The theme of these four notes is considered his hallmark.

Photo: m24.ru/Alexander Avilov

Buried twice

It is believed that Maria Yermolova has two graves. Initially, the actress was buried on the territory of the temple in the former village of Vladykino. Shortly before the war, Yermolova's ashes were transferred to the Novodevichy cemetery, but no documents confirming this have been preserved.

Photo: m24.ru/Alexander Avilov

Posthumous dialogue

Vera Mukhina, the author of The Worker and the Collective Farm Girl, and her husband, the surgeon Zamkov, are buried in the old territory of the cemetery. On the monument to Zamkov, there is an inscription: "I gave everything to people," and on the monument to Mukhina, who died 11 years after the death of her husband, - "... And I, too."

Photo: m24.ru/Alexander Avilov

By the way, Mukhina considered her best creation not "Worker and Collective Farm Woman", but a memorial sculpture in the form of a dying swan, made for the grave of an opera singer Leonida Sobinova. He is also buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery.

Photo: m24.ru/Alexander Avilov

Chinese communist leader

Novodevichy Cemetery is one of the most popular attractions among Chinese tourists. This is because one of the former leaders of the Communist Party of China Wang Ming, who fell into disgrace after the formation of the PRC and spent the last years of his life in the USSR, is buried here.

Photo: m24.ru/Alexander Avilov

Gogol without a head

During the reburial of Nikolai Gogol, who was originally buried in the Danilov Monastery, experts discovered that the skull of the author of Dead Souls was missing. In addition, the writer's head and body were turned to one side. After that, rumors spread that Gogol was buried alive during a lethargic sleep.

Photo: m24.ru/Alexander Avilov

Galina Ulanova

Galina Ulanova gave people the impression of an unprotected and touchingly weak woman, but she had an extremely persistent character. The fragile figure of the great ballerina, carved on a rough white stone, reflects this contrast.

Yury Nikulin

Yuri Nikulin on the monument is depicted at the age of a little over 40 years - the way his fans remembered and loved him. The composition of the monument depicts Nikulin's favorite - a dog of the Giant Schnauzer breed, which the artist brought from abroad.

Boris Yeltsin

Boris Yeltsin was interred in the central alley of the Novodevichy cemetery. The grave of the first Russian president is located in such a way that it does not coexist with other graves.

Konstantin Stanislavsky

The monument to Konstantin Stanislavsky was created by the famous sculptor Salavat Shcherbakov. The headstone is a monument with a snow-white cross, under which the legendary Moscow Art Theater "seagull" and flowing curtains are depicted.

Evgeny Vakhtangov

Evgeny Vakhtangov died of stomach cancer at the age of 39. An abstract figure in a raincoat without a face under a hood - this is how the sculptor Oleg Komov presented the famous theatrical figure.

Nadezhda Alliluyeva

In the mid-70s, vandals threw the monument to Stalin's wife Nadezhda Alliluyeva from the pedestal, after which two cast-iron roses disappeared from it. The nose of the monument itself was chipped off. After the restoration, the bust was placed in a plastic cube, about the "bulletproof" which was legendary.

Vladimir Mayakovsky

Initially, the ashes of Vladimir Mayakovsky, who died under mysterious circumstances, were in the columbarium of the New Donskoy cemetery. Later, as a result of the persistent actions of Lily Brik and the elder sister of the poet Lyudmila, the urn with the ashes of Mayakovsky was moved and buried at the Novodevichy cemetery.

Vasily Shukshin

The sculptors made the monument to Vasily Shukshin in the form of a cube and an arrow without a tip passing through it - a symbol of a cut short life. At first, they wanted to bury the writer and film director at home in Siberia, but a whole galaxy of famous people insisted that Shukshin's body should rest in the Novodevichy cemetery.

Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya

The ashes of Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya were transferred to the Novodevichy Cemetery in May 1942. The current monument, unlike its Soviet ideologically sustained "predecessor", reflects the tragic fate of the first female hero of the Soviet Union during the war years and the pain she had to endure.

Vladimir Vernadsky

Initially, it was planned to use his quote as an epitaph for the monument to Academician Vladimir Vernadsky: "There is nothing in the world stronger than free scientific thought." However, this statement did not receive the approval of the Soviet censorship and was replaced by a more "politically correct" one.

Yuri Levitan

During the Great Patriotic War, Yuri Levitan voiced about 2 thousand reports of the Sovinformburo and over 120 emergency messages. On the monument, the main announcer of the USSR is depicted speaking, next to him is his constant companion - a microphone.

Vyacheslav Tikhonov

The long-awaited monument to Vyacheslav Tikhonov was unveiled to the accompaniment of the melody from the film "Seventeen Moments of Spring". The bronze figure "Stirlitz", cast in Italy, rises against the background of a bas-relief based on the gospel story "The Adoration of the Magi".

The author of the monument to Nikita Khrushchev is the sculptor Ernst Neizvestny, one of the participants in the exhibition of young Moscow artists "destroyed" by the Secretary General in 1962. With the help of black and white and broken lines, the sculptor wanted to emphasize the complexity and ambiguity of Khrushchev's nature.

Andrey Tupolev

It is easy to recognize the monument to the outstanding Soviet aircraft designer Andrei Tupolev. It depicts the engineer's life's work - an airplane and three stars of the Hero of Socialist Labor. On the machines created by Tupolev, 78 world records were set, about 30 outstanding flights were made.

Raisa Gorbacheva

Mikhail Gorbachev insisted that his wife be buried on the site of a former flower garden opposite the columbarium. They say that at first the relatives of those buried in the wall were against the destruction of the flower bed, but when they saw the work of the architect Friedrich Sogoyan, who depicted the "first lady" of the USSR as young and sad, they agreed.

In July, a monument is erected on the grave of Nikita Khrushchev at the Novodevichy Cemetery. Because of this, the country's main civilian necropolis is closed to the public.

Former prime minister and first secretary of the Central Committee Nikita Khrushchev, who ruled the Soviet Union for ten years, was removed from his posts eleven years ago. Since then, the previously glorified "our dear Nikita Sergeevich" was not heard. Only once did his apparently forced short statement appear: Khrushchev refused his memoirs published in the West. Moreover, the former leader of the country ceased to officially exist not only in the present, but also in the past - as if after the death of Stalin, the USSR had no leader. Four years ago, the newspapers announced Khrushchev's death in one sentence. The “personal pensioner of allied significance” was allowed to be buried at the Novodevichy cemetery, the most prestigious in Moscow.

The family of the deceased unexpectedly ordered a tombstone from the sculptor Ernst Neizvestny, one of those whom Khrushchev vilified at his meetings with artists. The monument turned out to be dramatic: black and white marble bars, between them lies a bronze head, very recognizable - strong, bald, with a large wart. The allegory is interpreted either as Khrushchev between hell and good in general, or between Stalin's evil and the good of the Khrushchev thaw in particular. In any case, the first monument to the former first street, erected on a private initiative, is very confusing.

The authorities decide to close Novodevichy for free entry, issuing passes to the relatives of the buried. Previously, the public went to this cemetery as the second most important (after the burials near the Kremlin wall) national pantheon. Here are the graves of many heroes and cultural figures - including pre-revolutionary ones. It turns out, for example, that no one can come to Gogol at all, since the author of Dead Souls has left no offspring. In addition, the rumor still makes the easily “retold” monument to Khrushchev the most famous Soviet tomb sculpture.

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