Preparation for the English language test. Get ready for intense work with a minimum of days off

English language tests designed to determine the level of language proficiency. There are not many internationally recognized English language tests. Among these tests - TOEFL, TOEIC, IELTS, FCE ... Variants of these tests in English are presented in this section. These tests determine the development of the tested four skills: listening, speaking, writing and reading. English language tests from this section can be used both to check the readiness to perform a real test, and to determine the level of knowledge of the language. Each of the tests has an evaluation scale, using which you can determine the level of preparedness of the tested. Each of the English language tests is distinguished by its specific focus and task format.

To prepare for the delivery of the real English language test in addition to the materials in this section, you can use numerous preparatory manuals. In any of them there is a lot of additional information on passing the test: the order of delivery, duration, strategy for preparing for the test. As a rule, the manuals provide one or more complete versions of the English language test, as well as preparatory exercises. Preparatory exercises, or mini-tests, are designed to prepare for one specific part of the English test (reading, listening, etc.). Most of the manuals come with CD-ROMs with listening materials. These materials will help the student to feel the pace of speech, develop an optimal strategy for completing this part of the test, and simply practice listening to English speech.

Due to certain circumstances, both when preparing for the English language test using a printed manual, and using materials on the Internet, the testee does not have the opportunity to check the results of such parts of the English test as writing and speaking. For these parts English language tests it is recommended to prepare under the guidance of an experienced teacher who has extensive experience in preparing for this type of test and will be able to objectively evaluate the results.

I would like to note that an important place in the system of preparation for passing tests in English is occupied. This element, although it is not included in a separate part of most tests, plays an important role in passing tests in English. Indirectly, it is checked both in oral speech and in writing. Doing it will help you train the application of grammar rules.

When preparing for passing tests in English, it is advisable to use not one, but several sources. It will be useful to use the English language learning forums, where people who have passed the test in English share their personal experience of preparing and passing the test.

Preparation for English language tests should be comprehensive. This means that you must be competent in each part of the test. Knowing that you may have trouble writing an essay, for example, spend more time preparing for that particular skill. Many educational institutions, when applying for study, organizations when hiring, pay attention not only to the overall result of the English language test, but also to individual parts of the test. So with an overall good result, a large imbalance in the development of different skills, you may not achieve the desired goal.

You can study English for as long as you like: a month, six months, a year, or devote a significant part of your life to this. However, the result of your perseverance will not entirely depend on this factor. You can learn English for two years, and still know very little. How diligently you go through this process will ultimately determine your level of English proficiency. To the question "Do you know English?" A simple “Yes” or “No” answer is not enough. Information about the level of your knowledge will sound more serious and meaningful. Knowing what you are capable of in English at the moment will help you realize your plans for the future. If you want to continue studying it, you will have to go through English language testing. Based on the results, you will be able to choose the course that suits you. When applying to a university for some specialties, you will also need to pass an English language test. And its results can have a significant impact on your future studies. If you are going to get a job where English is welcome or required, you also need testing. In this case, you will be able to present your future boss with an objective assessment of your knowledge. Our courses will help you prepare for testing of any complexity.

What is an English language test?

The word testing itself comes from English test denoting a test or test. In this case, we consider the English language test as a test in which you test the level of your knowledge in this area. English testing can cover any section of the language:

  • () and dictionary combinations
  • tests for knowledge of set phrases (phraseological units, idioms)
  • English speech comprehension tests ()
  • spelling tests and more

As we can see, you can test anything in English (any field of knowledge). The most common are the first two items. There is a separate article on our blog.

Testing in English can be written and oral. To test knowledge of grammar and vocabulary, a written version is used. Everything related to spoken language and its listening comprehension refers to oral testing in English (as a rule, this is a conversation or listening).

We conduct English language testing ourselves

If you have a specific goal for which you need to determine your level of English, or you are just curious to test yourself and your knowledge, use a computer and the World Wide Web. At the moment, the Internet is simply replete with sites where you can take online testing in English. Firstly, almost any site dedicated to learning English has tests to determine the level of your knowledge. Our website is no exception. The following is a list of leveling tests, in order from easy to hard.

  1. A comprehensive test to determine the level of English knowledge on the website of our school

In difficult times, many begin to think about emigration. But one desire to change the country is not enough. Abroad, they are mainly waiting for people who have good professional skills and, moreover, who know a foreign language well.

To pass an interview at the embassy, ​​the applicant for a residence permit must pass special language tests that confirm the degree of language proficiency. To successfully pass the tests, almost every applicant must undergo special training at an English language school that has the appropriate certificate.

For many years, British Skylines has been preparing graduates who intend to continue their studies abroad and adults who plan to live and work abroad for the TOEFL and IELTS language tests.

On the basis of many years of practice, methodologists have worked out special educational systems that allow in a fairly short time (taking into account the starting level of knowledge) to get the highest possible result according to the results of testing. The test preparation program is designed for students whose knowledge level is not lower than Pre-Intermediate and is designed for approximately five months.

Passing the exam and preparing for the IELTS test in English includes two major blocks:
- systematization of knowledge, filling in gaps in education, increasing vocabulary and mastering special vocabulary;
- development of the test execution system. As you know, one must not only have knowledge, but also be able to use it, understand how the written part of the test is filled out and what examiners expect during an oral interview.

The tests include four blocks of tasks: understanding of spoken English, checking reading, writing and speaking skills. A feature of the TOEFL and IELTS tests is the need for special vocabulary. Therefore, during the preparation, students are also encouraged to watch news and educational programs of the BBC news and Discovery channels in English, and read scientific journals.

To successfully pass the test, it is important to be able to analyze the text and clearly formulate your thoughts in order to give the correct answer to the questions.

The oral part of the test can be especially difficult, since the applicant is required to have a high level of language proficiency, the ability to formulate complex sentences and a willingness to discuss any topic. Not only dialogue skills are important, but also the ability to speak on a given topic, to pronounce a monologue until the examiner stops.

As the teachers note, you can prepare for the tests on your own, but this is a rather difficult task that does not protect against mistakes. Certified English teachers of “British Skylines” are proficient in methods that allow you to quickly assimilate educational material, work out ways of self-presentation, dialogue, presentation of projects, help you learn how to analyze English texts of different styles.

Meanwhile, it should be remembered that the maximum learning effect is achieved through high personal motivation. Any teacher acts solely as a coach. Each student is required not only desire, but also certain efforts to master the material, including doing homework and practicing in conversation clubs.

There are more than 20 international exams in the world that test knowledge of the English language. Have you decided to get an objective assessment of your knowledge, but do not know which English exam is better to pass? Among the variety of exams, we will help you choose the one that suits your goals.

The day has come when you seriously think about passing an international exam. There are several main reasons why you might need a certificate:

  • want to get a new prestigious job;
  • Do you dream of moving up the career ladder?
  • firmly decided to go abroad for permanent residence;
  • intend to go to university abroad;
  • a certificate is needed to get an objective assessment of your knowledge of the English language.

Over 15,000 universities, companies and government agencies around the world recognize international exam certificates. In employment, having an international certificate in English is a significant competitive advantage that will help you get a position in one of the large companies: Hewlett-Packard (HP), IBM, Sony, Bosch, DHL, Credit Suisse, Motorola, Siemens AG, American Express, Procter & Gamble etc.

Testing checks the knowledge of the examinees in the following skills:

  • Reading - Reading.
  • Listening - Listening.
  • Writing - Letter.
  • Speaking - Speaking.

In addition, the exams test how well the candidate has mastered such aspects of the language as grammar (Grammar), vocabulary (Vocabulary) and pronunciation (Pronunciation).

In recent years, the structure of many exams has changed. Some of them have changed their name, but they are still searched on the Internet under their old names and abbreviations. We decided to collect the old and current exam names in a table.

old nameCurrent name
YLE StartersPre A1 Starters
YLE MoversA1 Movers
YLE FlyersA2 Flyers
KET for SchoolsA2 Key for Schools
PET for SchoolsB1 Preliminary for Schools
Cambridge English: First for SchoolsB2 First for Schools
Cambridge English: First (FCE)B2 First
Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE)C1 Advanced
Cambridge English: Proficiency (CPE)C2 Proficiency
Business English Certificate Preliminary (BEC Preliminary)B1 Business Preliminary
Business English Certificate Vantage (BEC Vantage)B2 Business Vantage
Business English Certificate Higher (BEC Higher)C1 Business Higher

Everyone dreaming of a certificate asks the question: “Which English exam should I take?” And here the choice is very large (the sky is the limit)! So that you do not get confused, we have compiled an author's infographic of all international English exams (click on the image to enlarge).

Choose an exam depending on your goals and help .

Exams for studying abroad

How many tempting prospects are opened up for us by studying abroad! Have you already chosen where to apply for a master's degree? It remains only to pass the exam. European countries and the UK most often require a certificate from the University of Cambridge in the list of documents upon admission. If you are applying to a US or Canadian university, then most likely you will have to present an American exam certificate. You can read more about choosing an exam in our article ""

In many ways, these exams are similar. They validate your current level of knowledge and do not require any passing score. The question is, will a certificate that specifies the Pre-Intermediate level suit you? Most likely not, because universities require Upper-Intermediate and above. TOEFL and IELTS certificates are considered valid for two years after passing. And this is logical. First, the level of knowledge of the language changes. Secondly, such a certificate helps to solve the problem here and now: go to university, get a job, etc.

There are two types of IELTS exam: General and Academic. To study, you will need Academic. It is more difficult than General: the tasks in the writing part and the reading section are based on complex texts with thematic vocabulary and advanced grammar. And General will come in handy for any purpose other than education (immigration, work).

Exams for emigration and self-development

Have you been studying English for a long time and would like to prove that you have a decent level of knowledge? Then choose an exam among , .

The main advantage is that the certificates of these exams are considered valid for life. Just not everyone gets it. Unfortunately, if the examinee fails to score a passing score, then he will be given a certificate at a lower level. It's simple: if you passed the CAE and did not score the required minimum points, you will receive a document with the Upper-Intermediate level. Strict but fair.

Exams for work

Have you been offered an interesting job in an international company? Great news! One thing: you need a certificate that will confirm your high level of English proficiency. What is the best English exam to take for work? Choose: TOEIC, IELTS (General), B2 First (FCE), C1 Advanced (CAE), C2 Proficiency (CPE).

Business English exams

If you need to confirm your knowledge of business English vocabulary, pay attention to: B1 Business Preliminary (BEC Preliminary) corresponds to the Intermediate level, B2 Business Vantage (BEC Vantage) - Upper-Intermediate, C1 Business Higher (BEC Higher) - Advanced. Want to impress potential employers when applying for a job? Choose BEC. Are you going to study business disciplines in a foreign language? Also BEC. Do you plan to conduct seminars and trainings on business topics yourself? BEC again.

Business English exams comprehensively test students' skills. The BEC series is distinguished by stingy vocabulary, advanced grammar, long texts and audio recordings, graphics and presentations, topics from the fields of marketing and management.

English teacher exams

Recently, English teachers are increasingly thinking about certificates confirming their qualifications - this is a strong competitive advantage in the labor market. They will fit TKT, CELTA or DELTA.

The TKT (Teaching Knowledge Test) certificate confirms that its holder has mastered the methodology and theory of teaching a foreign language. The exam consists of three theoretical modules, each of which can be taken separately.

CELTA (Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) and DELTA (Diploma in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) are needed to show that the teacher is able to apply his knowledge in practice. The CELTA exam is chosen by novice teachers, while the DELTA exam is chosen by more experienced teachers.

Exams for children

The youngest English lovers need to start somewhere. What is the best English test for a child? The University of Cambridge offers three exams for children aged 7-12: Pre A1 Starters (YLE Starters) , A1 Movers (YLE Movers) , A2 Flyers (YLE Flyers) . These are the simplest exams, but they are very important for the child.

A great start for a high school student is the A2 Key for Schools (KET for Schools) exam. Key, like other exams, tests knowledge in four skills - listening, speaking, reading and writing. The exam is quite easy, but your child will be very pleased with himself, because not many peers can boast such a confident start in English!

Upon successful completion of the B1 Preliminary for Schools (PET for Schools) exam, the child will receive an Intermediate level certificate, and B2 First for Schools (FCE for Schools) - Upper-Intermediate.

In conclusion, I would like to say that for every taste and color there will definitely be an exam. We hope that after reading our article you will know exactly which English test is better to take. Whatever you choose, the main thing is to reach the end, get the coveted international certificate and prove to yourself that you speak English at a decent level.

Features of preparation for testing in English

Testing in foreign languages ​​is, as a rule, passed by applicants before applying to a foreign university, applicants for a particular position in companies related to international relations, etc. Today there are a considerable number of types and testing programs, but the most popular and in demand in universities and foreign companies are ielts and TOEFL.

In order to prepare for any foreign language proficiency test, it is not enough just to study it. It is advisable to enroll in English courses , study with a tutor, directing the main efforts to prepare for a specific test.

As a rule, any test is aimed at developing and determining the level of proficiency in the four basic skills - these are oral speech, listening (listening comprehension), reading and writing. Each test has its own rating scale, thanks to which it is possible to determine the level of language proficiency of the one who is being tested. It is also important to remember that each of the tests has its own specific focus, the format of knowledge that must be taken into account when preparing.

When preparing for testing, first of all, you need to find examples of tasks that can be downloaded from specialized sites on the Internet. After carefully reviewing the tasks, you need to make sure that everything is clear in them, nothing raises questions. As a rule, on average, the number of different tasks within one testing system does not exceed ten. Even if there are several hundred questions, the tasks will be of the same type, differing only in content. Therefore, you need to focus on the types of tasks compiled for the test.

It is advisable to find examples of tasks with answers, which will make it possible to see in what format the testing is being carried out, what knowledge will be needed in the first place, and what is not emphasized. You can try to take the test in an online format - the questions, of course, will be different on a real test, but in general, the online option will help not only to try your hand, but also to see what knowledge should be improved, what to pay special attention to.

It is very important to practice listening to English in advance. Moreover, it is best to find tasks for listening to exactly the test that is supposed to be taken, since the peculiarities of the pronunciation of words and phrases can be confusing and make the perception of simple and understandable words impossible.

Good knowledge of English grammar is of great importance. Many tasks relate specifically to grammatical rules, the features of certain tenses, their use, the construction of correct forms, etc. It is also worth paying attention to expanding vocabulary - any test necessarily includes tasks for translation, the correct use of synonyms, antonyms, etc. Moreover, the words relate to the field of activity for which the test was prepared. If we are talking about tests that future students pass, then commonly used vocabulary is used in the tasks. When it comes to tests for sailors, financiers, etc., then knowledge of special vocabulary and terms will be checked here.